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City Council Committees - Human Services Commission - 02/27/1997
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A ts,Ro.1% ..... ... 60 Q East Smit-h .........-Aommission Members ... om Niel Tale, Chair MaryLou Becvar,V,-�....,.%..,....:....%'..m..%.....::��i....i I...z-,..,%.-...%......:�.%-%.�.i:i.::..:.:�'-.I�-...'.f..-....:l..1.�.�..�..,......I...�-,.�...1:..:�....,.1�..%I.:....A..:.':%..��l,,...�-.i�,..!.-...%.1,....�.!.-.:.�,.�:1 I-.�.I.�i,.�i...,.--..��..i...,.:fI,..--...�.I:%�-.:I:.�..%.-�.,.�....%....,.�%1.�...oe-Chair �I:,��,�f!:.:..j,�1%'",.�.�,����:-1...:i-�:-:%%i..,--�..ii�.%.....:'��:.l�..II�.��.......-::�-..:....'�i%��..-_i....-'i�-��.......,-...I.:�...%.I-%�-�...I--.-�-�...I�1:..�,-�:..::-..,.,l(-..:��,�I�.:�..--�-.:�.:.:.�.'-:i:�'1��-..i.t....I..f::.:.::...:..-:�:..-%�,..i.'��.,�-%...�%.:%-�%.I,.,,.:...:.�.,--�-.:..I.,��:.%���%..—1_::.�i..�:....,�..1i.�,;.::.:...�...-,---:,:..I%�-..�.l..�.,;��;...��,,�....:.1�:,�:�%:....���...��%%..II-�:���.l"�:-.,I.���,�:�-...,t�:.%I..1�t%.:.1:%-:...�I..%...,�,f..i.:;!�-.�'%:��..%:..i,��,:::.�..�-:%....,-.-�t....I-:,����.1 i�,,�...:%i-:....-,,:�-%..�_i�i,,,.-:�,f:�.....:�%,-1i....\%....:'.,��:..:.1_:_�.:I,�i..,��-...,�....:,:;:�:.'-�-i:..1..-.,::��.-:1�_...:f�t.��,;..:1��::-�:.�:�i1-�:%.-%%.%-.:,',�-,,,.�:,.1f�.%...%��t�....,-..%,:-�-�'�-I:�!..,::,....:.�%.---1��-...-:.%,-,-:.�.:tf.:..:�%:..-..,I%:���.,:,.;,!.�-,-.:,t�-,,.:,.�.1,%:�%%:I�%�,�...i�.:���:..%-.�.-,,..�..�"��-...�;�.--.�%.,�,,�-�..-.�.,!�..1l:��.j��:%..i,:�...:.,..,��;.�..%1�,..%.:,.%:.,I:�����,�.:,-..:!.,:��-�,�---,...,%�:j..,��.....--..t�.%�-:.�:-1Il:��%..:_�...I:.,...:,:.i,:-�..:..........�.--,--,,�t...:%,,,...-�:%�:�.':%::-j.%:"I.j i...I1..--I,-.-..:%�%,"-.-%:.-J.�%....,,-��._,,�-l.:,,,..�-....':f�.:::���.f1i.�.���-.-.1i:...'-,,.%�,�..,��--��..1�1..�..'�:.-I-...,,:�,:.Ii:!:..�.:%...---:......-.,�.-�..%:--:�..,,:-.,--.,:.�.�....',:�;%...1.:,t:%.I.-�..:,%%�.%:.,�%,i...1I:..�-.,:.....-�..1-..'���:.�.11-.I�..,.., �:.I..-:..�.I�....:�..,:�.%...,-%.��.I..t-'..I.'�':-.1f.�:.:..i.:11:.�:,'.:�-� Brad Bell :..�....�:.:.:.'..%..:..."1...�..�I.;.I,-,..%;l..��..-.%�...%.1I�.;%:.1%.%..-� �-.�..%%..::..i...��..:-�........�..% .%.����..I:.l."......�%..%.....: Rose Galaz Christi Houser; City Council President Ray Morrison Dee Moschel Judie Sarff "",'.,,-1"�.-,1-��.-..,1,-�'....-,-:,1%.1 I-.I::,-�iI�,,,,��.-,%'�1,%�.:'�.-'��..���-.1i,:�."�,,%��:.�'.:�.:.���,.��i:I:1��:"1-'���'�.-:t:�%�.�,�,,,:f:��-..,-'-��.. Jailer Wilford AGENDA ��_%7,::.�,,"-:'.�...i:;.:.�,-.,���.�:-..,,1I.�,.:-'�!:'',,-..1':-.�.�-.,I%�.',,:�::l�':,'�1�,t..�',.�"..�,.".'-,,..-I,1":.'-- ,t.'���.,"�.:�!�,t�:���t:-1:�;-,,:i.%.'-�I.�1.."--f.�".�:%�-1":7:--':�,�.-.,1�t,��-,:�..l::-:�.�,��:.�,.:..,,:'i ',,:�::��',:.��:%:�:I.:,,-1�...-,tN�1���1-f.���11 I,f,:�:�..-I1--..�---,:I�-1:. ......�..:.i..:...%...�..--.�...�.�...:....-..:.......-...:..�.....:.::.%...%�...,.....::..:...:.........-....�.....-�..�'....%......:.�....1..�.::.....:%..I...!�..I..-%�.......,�....%.....:-.-...,:.,...:.:...:....�.�;.:..%...........I....%...-....-....%.....::�...-..%:%...�.%..1-...:%..:...:1�-.:.:�.:...�.....-.�.�.-..1.....:.:%...:..%.1:��.......:%.......-.:....�:..%:...�.j..I.....��:..::.....:::.�:.-...f::.f�.-. ..........:.........-..%.%.......:.......:..%.�..%.-..;.....%.:.. OLD BUSINESS I. Approval of January 23, 1997'Minutes ..::�,,.....-�-,:..-:f'-!�..:.t%:1I:..,''-��� ACTION ITEM 2:�1. . 2.` Evaluation .f 1997 Commission.Retreat INFORIVIATION ITEM 2:3 .:...,.:,.I-i...,".,-.�.l'�..:1�-�:�.7-::,,��':..�.',�I,.�l..--':.,1,,1.,': ...-:.%..%.;..I.��.�%.%:....:......��:%......�...%.:-...,�.:.1%.::.�'.�........I...%.....�...%.%!-.:...:�.;..,�.:.%�":;..:.1.-....:..--%%.......� .�..%:.-.::%..%.:1...i...........:...�..�...::...:..�-i..:.....:%......%..1 .'...:.-...-......Z.�.......�........%1.�.....:.�.%'%i%.-....:...;.�....:-..�.��....:;%....:.�...:....%:....:..:.......:!:�......:...-........:.....%.--....�.....-..:.�......:1I�...%.%..:.......�.%-.:.�...........-f:.�..1.:-..%.:%........:..::.:-.i.:.....�...-:. ..:....%.... . NEW BUSINESS . . . Review 1996A enc Year.End Re orts INFORMATION ITEM 2:55 . g Y .. :: . . .. . . (General Fund&'B1ocic......j . . .. . . .. . : ; :,.: . . .-.%.%.:.:....:.�.:�.%..%.:%.-�%...�1..%:.�%-.....:�.%:.:. Dis u s Tnn in Pro osed Chan es.€or,the : :: NFOAMkTION ITEM ;3;i 5 2, c s .:::: e ,,e.&: : .: g . .. . ... . ... . . ..; 1998 Agency App ication . . . . ...: :.: .. . .... .. :> ... . T M . c on INFORMATION I E ` .: 3 55: : ;i. ... .. ... ....:. 3, Discuss the Comm ss��n;meet�v ;lo ata, . REPORTS 1. Human Services Roundtable INFORMATION ITEM 4;05 2. South King Council of Human Services J. RJC Update ;` A: HSAGEN97FEB . ..... 220 4th AVE.SO.,/KENT WASHINGTON 98032-5895 1 TELEPHONE (206)859-3300/FAX#859-3334 . . .. .. . .. . . . . ... . . ... .. . .1 . . � % . ... .. . ... .i.. ... . .. . . - � .... . ..%%:.%- . .:%.% ��%:%!.::..:�:�:�...1 ..�... . . ........... .. ..... . . i . ... . .. 1.�%.� ...% :�1.%.:.%... ... . . ... .. . ; . ........%. .. ..... . . .1.%.�....I—.%.. j .. . .. . . �.� . i .�-... . . .. . . : ......:.. . .. % .i ... . . . . . . I : � I I .. ............. . .:..- .. . � : I I I I ... ...... .. . . .. . % � , -:.. . ..% 11, .%: ...... ... ........ :. .-I::.��. :_ �,,�;: ...I.:�:.. :i %� : .. .. . . . . %. -... .. .... . .. . . !:%��!:��. � �� . % . 1 .%.: . w ... . .. .... . ........ . 1 . . . .. ..;�:�.: . � :..:..�..%.�-%.1 %%.% %: .: . . . %�. CITY OF .:� ..: ... ......- ...�.........:... . . . . . ...:� .:1 %.%��:1�.��::�-::i�. �:I - - ;�:.:!:.: :1. . � � Jim White, Mayor . p YB6�W Planning Department (206)859-3390/FAX(206)850-2544 James P.Harris,Planning Director FI[JMAIV SERVICES COMMISSION 1VIEE'I'ING MINUTES January 23, 1997 ;; ,. % ...:................... :.........:...........::.:.:...... . The rneetin of e j t u riari`S`ervices: :omm ss on was calleel to:`.....b Cha r`11I 1 ate;at ' ':'` ;'': g .% 2 30 .m `,on Janu. . .>23 ,1997 im:t%he;Kent.��eniQx Center.: ... .. . . . HLTIYIANRICES COM1VISSIOIERS PRESEITT 1V1e1 Tate, Chair .; . . .. . Mar Lou Beevar zce�CI=. . .. Y Brad Bell . .: R©fie;Gal�z:; .; ;;' ;:; . >.: '.` ; % d.irist Houser;City Council President Ray Morn on Dee Moschel Judie Sarff Y Janer Wilford HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSIONERS EXCUSED/ABSENT: None PLANNING STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT. Lii Houston,Human Services Manager Katherin Johnson,Human Services Planner Teresa Beener,Administrative Secretary OlV1E :` : .' 1 ...' : '' : : ....:....... Chair 1VIe1 Tate welcomed the nevu Connusszon members Rose Galan and Rey. Ray Morrison. .: .. .:.. . . . .. . : ... . ... . . , : :: din` Nis. Galan�s a recent zesiden#;of Kent,relocating from ri pp S e just comp eted a jo rea ess . ..... . . r. ro am and is;skilled''as'a S anish/ n li'sh Trite `refer; i1ev: 1Vlorrisori is the`senior astor`at;the P ...... P g . kent'Nazare e.:Church;'':::.•`:'. `: ::' ": ::` :'. ;`:'.:::';.':''.: j:'. `'.` ;::::':'., :' '::.: `:;; :. SPECIAL GUEST: ALLE CITIES COUI�TELIN AND C{)NSULTATI{JI�T fVCCCZ Chair Mel Tate explained that the Commission was interested in more details regarding the agency's. new empII owering model and the range of clinical salaries. U:\D O C\HiJ MS V C SDI ISIVIIN977AN . . .. . 220 4th AVE SO /KENT WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859-3300/FAX#859-3334 " " Human Services Commission Minutes January 23, 1997 Page 2 Valley Cities Counseling and Consultation {VCCC) Chief Executive Director'Mariiyn Lavelle, ," z� 01 I I . announced that they will be opening a Dent office in the Centennial Building next to City Hall. The anticipated opening date was set for Monday(January 27th). However,they have encountered a few` i setbacks and should be opening in Dent within two weeps. Marilyn explained that the new location will allow VCCC to better serve Kent residents. .. . : % . ................: ..........:. Cori tss o er. Jariex;`Wilford °uestioned' how` roan ca rri u t es ark' :serviced ' ;CCC`::: : : '' �l Y Y :..: . . : . ..:.. ... ;;:Ms ;Isaeelle'stated that the :'sexve all a 'solzth` tt` Cnt:it` 51 e `1areci'ta#the`'``have staff Y- g X p Y, : .. . .. :: . . .. . .. . .:: , .... : , l©ca't iri'Ma`le Valle;:`';'En cl`avv''two;offices J. burn'a d N d: `tea and;co a ti s00A; he' :. ,: :; l ; .. . ... : :;'; , . nqw:ee%n office: :She remarked`that st ' s 'ousel< moan :o 'the sc oo d s#ruts and ri'tl ubl c' : Y p heath offices. . ConurussionerDeeM4schel;asked vhen, CCCo:eyed.'Lacell :rem4"dtlt t; t as;a :roximatey.. . ; . Pp Y s`; i;28" 'ears l x;`la 'that tl a or% al'o ce was `' ub r `aril-. Federal Vida': offcce Y g Y opened about five years ago:;; Director of Adult Outpatient Services Steve Herndon explained that VCCC uses the word "empowering"to describe a model where they try to return people to the corrununity with enhanced functioning and reduced symptoms as expediently as possible. The empowering model includes a multidisciplinary staff and comprehensive treatment planning. Clinically the historical treatment for post traumatic stress syndrome used to be several years of intensive treatment. 1V1r. Herndon explained that this could possibly leave patients feeling worse than when they started. VCCC has engaged an empowering model to get patients through treatment as quickly as possibly with additional care provided only as needed. VCCC intention is to see ` clients pr©mptly, see them as efficiently as possible, and to move the through treatment using mterdiscip.. . _y care. Commissioner Rose G l uestioried if the'tre tmerlt; ro am was based :I the need of'tlie .... ..:; . ... ridivi mar'.. ' `uestioried how`Elie clients were`a alu red''1Mr` lerridori<a ;lamed[&% each `.`: .,`: .. . ...: .. . . ::< : . . . , tie trne l - d alined ased:on the clients;needs avid the chenf` s corit�mall evaluated: :.. a nt is. W1.1U h .. ... . .. . ..... . : p e . .: . . .. : ... ... .... .. .. ::: . .... . . . . . ... ., .: . .. : . .... . . : Commissi©nex Dec Mt�schel: ti estioned#lie Ion` term:results:::;She'asl ed f. rrivdel irico .orat d . . . q g th l bl . `' a uicl� fix rather than;dealu with a neater' on term xo .`;'Steve;vx la tied the client ': `;': q g ;g g P p ::. : . satsfaetioi results'<froncltent stiirve s (" U:�D O C\HU M S V C S1HSMiN97:JAN . . ����.� ... . ........ ...... . . ... . .. . ... .... %%...% �� -. �!:..%. .- ...... .%%:.� %i.. . ..: :!:%% : ... � ..%.::%.. .. . .��%.:.1.. . . � . . .. . . .. . :. .i .: : .�:�.��%:��...� . .. -.... �... . . .� . . . ...,..,.. ..,.,.%.,., ,,. %. .,.. . %.:.. ....:., � .:�::: :�1 ...1.. ..... .. .. I. 1 . : .�.�:��::..:.�:��%:�:.%:� . . .... . . . .: .. Human Services Commission Minutes January 23, 1997 Page 3 Marilyn explained that this is called brief and solution focused. She explained that long term psychotherapy is not always the correct solution. She stated that it can create long term dependent relationships. Marilyn explained that they have found a lot of people do not need a long term intensive relationship with their therapist to get better. The long term therapy can prolong the issues and make the client feel worse She also explained that the'use of new improved psychoactive medications help withchemical based mood swings. .. : . . . :-.. a:tone �f ata' . .S. ewecl;%:,St e"stated >. Co mi si net J er.... d u s d i :d wa. ; k ... . ev : that`'dat :is spewed :' 7. . xn s an - . .: because riot all clients reveal that they are abuse stuvivors during the initial intake or they don t . .. . .. e : : li : . .. e. :: : know the :are a:s u�v vor unt :b . ii n theta r<aft r a a mem er; reforms th ri : . ` ; `` Y g ; g PY Y - .. Commissioner Judie Sarff questioned if medication was precribedfor a long term period. Steve ,; sc ibe >o ; trig• :; ` s r; mo s: F.or;m e lamed that�nedicattons are f rst xe x d u a ast . s uth an there is ; P . no need to continue medication after six months, while other clients need to continue #along a�I: medication forever Mr Herndon presented the Commission with the results of 1996 client surveys. He highlighted _` some of the accomplishments and explained that the most encouraging is that nearly every client would recommend a friend. The goal of psychotherapy today is positive change. Steve presented the Commission with a graph which represented clients responses to positive changes. VCCC does provide long tern care when client needs the care. Conunissioner Moschel questioned the assessment process. She wanted to lcnow whatwas being done to eRPWe Ahat a patient is being treated for the right symptoms Steve explained'the intake "process and that the patient is continually'evaluated tbroughou.... tieatrnent process. . . . . .. . . .: . : :, : :;: h.: :,. n : .`.% : .: e l .. . . Bell:aslced �f the agency,; m o: :s staff:;'s ch%atr sts and ho e. the were` akin' ' Marxl .. . g . Y .P Y p Y Y.. Y ... .. b ex lamed that.the'staff s :ch atr.:is x ig a ont' fi5'-$ per hots wh c `l's:a outhalf of wl at':a' .. . p Y p:: . - ers le. 1` er .fists;earn 25 00O a e ; s clu..... gin; rvate xactiee:earns $120 $lb0 , 11!last ve. th a : .:. ..$ Y.. P , ' P . P ) p e`s` o``1 . d:o " %b6 eferre' e . , .............. . . .. .o. e o `;: e'stud; ; .Commissioner .lViornson;; uest n d'h w th Brits w old x d tt. .th ch o .. . . . . : . .:. t;;: eral b h h . . . thexapzsts. Marilyn explained that the studen s are gen ly referred y t e sc aoi counselor: Director of Operations Chris Coleman explained that research shows that medication used in conjunction with therapy can be more effcient. ,. IJ:\D0C\IUMSUCS\HSIVIIN97:JAN :.... :�. �.�� !��� .:.� .� . .� :. . . . ..-....��..�� � �� ��......�... . :..� . ........:............ .. ..��... . :: .:..: �1 � I I . 1.. -%:. . . % I ... . ... .... .. . . ... . - 1 ..i......%,....... ..%. . `- Human Services Commission Minutes _ January 23, 1997 Page 4 Chair Tate thanked VCCC for the additional information. He stated that the information was very helpful to their understanding. OLD BUSINESS APPROVAL.-Q.-MIl U.....'E Co in ssiozier.Bxad>.... ED'arid' o iss oxte ;rud e Sax�f; E 11DEIj a rnot'ori to a rove the 3�hovember 21, 1996 mi%n%utes. 11�Iotion;carxMed. WAAy BACK IITN ::; ',: :.:l 1VI q r Lines uston resented theosson;wtha Geirtifica#e of A reciaton;from:.P anun an . e o . .. . . . g g P .. . .. ..... ....... ..... . ... . pP o ` t . the>Wa Back inn B the'r:continued su . I�: ex:lamed; _a the C .. .r0!. the a Back ... ... p ..... . .. :p . . . .y ' ,: ; ' . .. . . 0 0 , om` e s lie : . Inri with free use of a hpuse tv x vde;sleltex f.r ei s £arnrni s Chair Mel Tate aslzed for the Certifica#e to be filed in the Jiurnan Services'Office. 1997 HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION RETREAT y' 'Planner Katherine Johnson discussed the upcoming Hurnan Services Retreat scheduled for Friday, '11, February 7, 1997. Ms. Johnson briefly went over the agenda and gave the Commissioners some: background information on the guests � � � , I 11 I ,- ,- �:�: �%,�:� W�-:,�--' % . : ... Ms Johnson asked if any of the Commissioners could come early to help setup. Chair Mel Tate and Brad Bell agreed to help. Commissioner Ray Morrison'stated that he will be unavailable to attend and asked if he could get a copy of the information. CorniYussioner Dee Moschel guestzoned if there vvas any)vay to tape the Cathy Garland presentation. Human:Services';1Vlana er Ln;Houston;dscussed`;tle work session#o , cs. She suggested revisiting the missien statement and reviewing the action calendar for 1` 97. '' EWIS CATHOLIC CONIlVIi7l'+TIT..SERVICES Cold Weathex ShelterI. Humari Seivices.Wager%: n%fouston`ox lamed he:d ien ma that occurred Burin tlne`Chr stings:' ..'. ...:' storm. Catholic Connnun�ty Services was closed The police l ad been given vouchers but wex. out by Friday when Lin called. GCS's severe weather shelter money was expended`` U:\DOC\Hi1MSVGS\HSIvIIN97.JAN '" Human Services Commission Minu#es January 23, 1997 Page 5 Lill explained she got approval from the Planning Director and asked the Mayor for an emergency grant for motel vouchers. The Mayor agreed to an additional$1,000 to get through the weekend. The police department worked diligently to find hotels. The City was able to shelter 21 individuals .%I.C_'�,.:V,...�..I�l%:I':I I.,.I...:i.., over the weekend and spent a total of$544. > . .. . Lin stated that t vvas a:woridez ul edam: e of:a a triersb' tl e;lVla",or lie 'ol ce a a erie and . p P p Y p the;Office of Housing and Human Services worlang together to help people_n a desperate time of need. Al'3'OI1�1T REl'R ;$.. . AA VETO SOUTH KIND COT1NCI OE T SERVICES ixn ;; r`to a o t a'deli e t ` e;..�:....ffl........�.�.�.:-.�::.i...::.� H S rvices Mana er Li Houston ex �a�ned that xt rs t e a a� � at o th ..Oman .e ... . . ... . g .. . ... P g .. ... ...... PP.. .. .. . .. . ... ..: : ; ::;: . : South IG6g Council of Human Services. Lin remarked that the Council meets the fourth Tuesday le lyT:< 1C, `:<: ter ':`' :`' ```:.' ;' .:` ;` ' of the month a# Y. :30 at Val y �.d al en Commissioner Saner Wilford explained that there is a'fornlal presentation at each ineetsng She explained that they have been working on"Outcome-Based Measures." Chair Mel Tate questioned what the Commissioners could gain from attending the Council meetings. Lin explained that it is an opportunity to network and to get information on human services issues in the coinmunity. She encouraged all of the Commissioners to attend if they had the opportunity. Commissioner Rose Galaz questioned what would be expected of the`representative. Lin explained that the Commissioner would be available to share information with the Commission. Chair Mel Tate agreed``to attend the next Council meeting(1/28/97) 1996 YEAR El.. E ALUATiOI T . ..m 6 Services Mana er L ri Houston;e ca ned that at;the be nnu of each far.the Comm ss on g . xP . Y . ... ... :. h ` C . h ac. b tints: of:tlie ast; `ear;:; u asked t e ' `ci ssioA to'`review"the. reflects on t e m hm .: P . . .. :..:. ...........:.. . .. .. . , :.. < • :;;.• ;tl ` ,: c . t e d d omnient ori'1 :that ma: have been trussed 'ari e. : .: aceorn l�shn�ents that s.aff had r are.. .... ... . . . . Y Y . . p . . P 3' . would hke to add . ... :... .. ... .. h Corn nissioners'discussed the oss bi t otsta�tt] a Hume Services sera boolc,to maintain .. . T. e .. Y . . g ... <. p . .. .. er L�n:Houston asked if;Comnissoner:Dee 1vIo'sehel:v:ould historical;data. Duman Services Manag . .... ... ..... . . . .... :.. . . . . . .sso `e be available to help to gather some of the h�stoncal;data for the; oission, Comm n r . :. ...... . ...... .......... . .: . .. ...::. .... . 1Vloschel,stated that she could be available to help. LT:\DOC\HUMSVCS\HSMiN97:7AN 11 .I.I.:.::....%:.......:.......%.1�.1..%%:.:.:..%%.%...I.-...,:I,�i,-,����,-�-�I�I:�1,, I,,,�-,,�I�I I,I�I,II�I�I:I I:I�,I I I I:,I1 I 1 I,��,,:-,1",-,:�,,�:I%I I,:,,,,,,,:,,,,'-,,,1�--:,',,%'::,:,�,��,::........�.��........�.:.:::-..%....�.:...:...�..........:.......:.......i........ Human Services Commission Minutes January 23, 1997 Page 6 Chair Mel Tate suggested that the new agencies that are being funded and the decision to include ���i������::������:������l,�����;:��iI�����;��i��:�t���������������,�i���!�i����������,�tt��������,���:����������t11:��t!11:�� o�������:�!t�::::���:ii��-�-�,���� utcome based measures be added to the list of ac--,�-co�-��-,m---�plish�--�����m���-��,��-���-�e:��-�-��n�-,i���ts. �:%:!� ,-,":":,t",,"-"-,"''-:�,"'"!-,�',�',"�1---''",,-,,I,,I:���.t..�.�.I..�...�t1.11�1I1 1�i1"--,1�,,---,,�-,,,�-,,,--��:I,I )�,�,.��... ����....i......����..�.����:�.���:�....�!.��......��..�......�...�..��.j..�::.:�.:::.�..�.���.��.�.:�%.��.�;�....�...�1.�1.��...-.....-..�:,�� ::��.:�,�� ��. �-��. .:.��-�.�.:%��...�..�: ��.--.: ...-.. �:.!%-�:��.�.��l.%-.�!!... ..�.�:%%! �.�-�-.�:�;-.�..� - --l", ............. ��:���������:������i���������������������:����� - . - .... . : � ": :t ��-��, .: � � � , - � -- - � � - STATUS'OF 1997 AGENCY CONTRACTS Human Services Planner Katherine Johnson explained that all the Human Services 1997 contracts' have been sent aut with th%e a cept;on of Qne The Community Health Center c ntrac..is penelmg documentation from the agency. Human Se%r%vices PlanniI. ng Manager Lin'Houston ekplained that she had just connected with . . enter: rior to the start of;the Commission:meet n ; Lime "la ned.that tl- ommtx a .. .. .- . . . ... . : :. : . .. . . ... ... :.. l h:.. .. . o ce rn s ;; rr r n me sores;are o; ue#o a;` were some uest}ons on them.. o. rxnan... asure e. eat a . wn ... . .. . .. .. .. . q p. ... p y . ,, . ,% .. . : .:. .....:: h ri to:re er: clients:,t ;< er'` ro r {e:;Aubura , ; ; ; : ;;'; relocation of their buxldn and then a Q oth ams . ... ... g g .. p. g .: ,.... . .. . Federala ete Y . The actual Arena#al n17zumbers;were 48 in 1996 versus the 12S that vUere protected The prenatal measure for 1997 is proposed 1. as 40,and the agency is concerned with meeting that objective ective because of a physician leaving in June. The agency is already looking for a replacement physician. There lr` is a problem that they will not be able to receive any new clients because they don't want a client 111 . to have a lag in service: The Kent residents will still be served but they maybe serviced by Auburn11, or Renton. The agency is asking for a reduced number of 40 for 1997 and keep the primary medical visits at the same level. � � -�-�::t:�--,t�:-- �:t�......;-:,��:::�� :::�:._:----:�� .�:.:%�::::%Room sw�l ,I . ..� � .: Lin asked how the Commission felt about reducing the prenatal measurement. Lin explained that prenatal can be tough when you can only serve as many women who come that are pregnant. Lin said in monitoring the performance measures it will be important to make sure the physician is replaced in a tunely %manner I.0 said#hat it is very difficult to replace a non profit physician 'Th%e Commission agreed wit1%1.h reducing the prenatal performance measure to 40 . . .DISCUSS,IRS$E 1995 A��N-CY APPLI A ION,D"T ` . Commissioner Brad Bell stated that as a new Commission member l% ast year he vas overwhelmed : b. tlle.amount of a:e�rvvoxlc that 69s sul m tte�% ,for the a li t on f eoss, He estioned yvhether Y P p pp p q . `. there% is same way the staff can look at possible ways#o reduce the paperwork Brad explamed that as a Com mission merr�ber he is u3#erested n a brief presentation Qf w, the apphcahon�s'.: 64 a little .... . %% .. . ... ... ... .. . % bmt about the agexicy,and the planTu. s staff evaluation of the valid ty. H% e asked�f there ms a way .......: . . ..... ....... ... .. .... . . to'streainline the` rotes ;.; U:\DOC�I3JMSVCS\HSMIN97.JAN . . .. .. : . .. . �:� �::I� .... . .. :�!I::.: ..�:.� .. � .i II: %.. � . . : . . . .... . .. .. .. � � � ���:. . :: :.:�%..... . . . . . .1. .. .:....:......... . . . .. . 1 I�:�.��.::�::�:::%I.�::.�..%:....% .. ..... �i.-.. ............� �:I�:�-.���.:I. .�� . . .. ..%.. . ... ... . ( Human Services Commission Minutes January 23, 1997 Page 7 City Council President Christie Houser explained that as a member of the'King County Advisory Board you receive forty to sixty applications, and members do not have time to read all of the applications. Christie explained that they have reduced the application to six pages Lin explained that staff is looking at different ways to minimize the application review process. She explained that the analysis that s#aff prepared last year vv. seventy;pa%ges ';'' i `r A ` ; 'se` `out is sip`;;: a`':;s%';;o Lin explained that the 19 8 application th .. lea ie pas d teen p ge ng s % .:.; .... ..... ., a lication is a common a liea. .vv th`the oche ;5 u ° Couri Cities: a e lamed that`t` s`too p. pp t3' p . .:: . . .. : . .:.. : . . .; %late at this tune to cut the length o : %6.. pl cah�n. Lm s#ated tha#%she appreciates the Coxrimiss an s .,,: . :.. . . . ; .. . ; comments<and the staff'cari look at theirs est oris in' re r,. , the 1`99:9 earit. t She'asked the' :.: g p ... ....... . . . . ' ;:< son :c s;: a` the fox at% n t is r ose crdcial' d sloe v 11 br .eir'co en s to ; '' . rnmis :t o o id r g . . the So th C Cities`# a' '`e th` ri'; ;nevy a`' t at for 1` 99 ' ` `'` ...` ' pp Brad s:1111tated that'38 contracts times sixteen pages is too much. They can't possibly c©nsider the entire application. 11 .;/ 11 Commissioner Dee Moschel questioned whether the agency could provide a summary page that the Commissioners could consider and look at the bulk of the application if they have any questions on the summaries. � , -:��,::, ,:, 0 9 "... Janer suggested that instead of everyone reading all of the applications the Commissioners could split the process and each of them only read half. Brad suggested taking that further and only reading a ifew applications each and report back to the Commission.' Mel stat%ed that he is unable to read eery word i every application; Commissioner D%ee Moschel . . .:: Best oned f the a licatlons could be;aua lab e„bgt,only..have...tl�e �omxruss offers review.the . . . . . . . . q . pP. ee % ree` ,th.;;t .. summ of:each:a lication: D a dr :a>:'there is`a'need to coriderse the zocess '` Brad''': 3', pP g % p %. : s t . t. s , s ested:havin rsta.::rove a e a'wa:`; ii cQnden a e' recess: :`%: . . . g g .... g ..... Y .... p: .: . : :. % :: . . : :Lin:ex lai ed th t;the Ci Council de ends on;the Uoininission s:therou% hness it ev�l'uat n` 'the `:. ........ :. .... n .. :.....g. .... .ty..:. :: .. . g : gI ..:: p .... . :.. P .: .:. .:: .::::. : :.: .::, ::;;: : :: .:: .. :.:.. .: .. ... . . . . r e e hum ,se; ices; . ..... .. . . . v i of a lic tions when the a rev .th an v fundin ; t3' pp a y pP g . . . h % Commissioner Ray Morrison questioned ow many agencies are subrnithiig the same information year af#er year with little or no change He suggested requiring previously funded age%ncies to submit only an update on their status(i.e. f nancial changes, new or continued programs etc.): U:\DOC\HUMSVCS\HSM1N97.JAN :` ......................................................................I'll,...."I'l""Il""I'll"'ll""I'll""I'll",ll,",;",""""""'ll""'ll'.1lI.............�...................................... ................... . . .....-, .. ....... . . .. .. .. . . .. ,.-................:............�........�......�....:......... ......................................................................................�...........�...�...%..............�.......�.................................A'AA.-........................................................ , .. . .... . . . . . . .f unan Services,C:...omm::1.,§.�s��i 6h A. .h...u� t%6.:s. .� ....%..... ... .....�......I... .-.. � January 23, 3,� 1997 997 Page 8 ..:% :.....-,:.�.-.. :. %...�:.- I:...I , � Planner Katherine Johnson discussed the current changes to the application. She explained that most � f the chanizes were made to eliminate redundancies and simplify confusing questions 0- 7 -. .�!:. .�..�.-..-....... -t�....-..-.... - � simplify . . � , I - - ::,":,�:,............... 1, ....... -- . ....... �;:.!.:��. .:-:. .. . I I . 1.11 I . ... - :..��6.. . . .. .., ... . .. , - � , ........ ........ , , .:!.. .. .� �, 11 ..... ... .. ,:-...i� � ......... .... Lin highlighted the addition to the General Fund lication sting informatio&6i:i the application requesting ----- - , - � funding sources� 1 number of Kent residents served for all f . ..I-, I ,��������:�������l���l:::������,����i��:�������:����,�����,:t,::������:,���,;���,���, �. . ..1 ... .. .�.��.�:�.]--��� I ,-- i"'...%..:.%......%............ ...:..��. , . - . . . 0 ....i....::.%..:.�:.... ...I�...:.�.. ..����.ii.�:.::�. ............. ..... .......... . .. . .......... � ...��:�.:.:�.�i:. - . ,- . .. .... - .... . ...: . . 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A. : . .. .. . .ft hid .i�::�. .. ft 6 16 : - ... . . ... . .. �..i - .�. ... ... ... . . 4 1.%an ..:.qi:...conduct. . ii4 &�� ...s:a t W � h::�:�% i �16 6. ��: � .: . . .:..h . 6 . h I : -.%-..... .. ........ ...... ......... 06 ........;� U.. q.h A ... .k..... J.�...q.�.:��i.. .. ::: qsl�sen A .... .. . % � .. .. .. . : .:.%�......:.. �....!:.- -%�..-::.!.� -:�..:. .. ...... �11 .......................................�. .%%��i:! K: . agencies%��:: ...... . :��:�. .... ... ................... .. . -�:�::;.-..: .. .. ... . - .. . --. . to; -. . .6.�.s stated:;. a -:: ey.l. ��..��.M.. i�.. .... ........... ..i..... - . - e 1 orl e...A.W. . �...... . ... . , %th 41 11 1 t6tbllddf. . .. .... :��l ..:!�::�!c�!::�::. §�. . . , . ..6:i:��.:��%�.��� ��.:.:%�!�::4:.� . ..!. . .. ...... .. ` : .�.�:.�:. .. . . . . . . ...t :...... :.�. .. .....;;�� ....,...;. :�i��.�iti.......�o . . .... . .: %--.. .. .. .�� ....:%:�M..---��:,...... that A 7 . 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Ap A . .1% .%..� . ... ... . .......... - ..... �i:..., -..... .... .... . ... . . :.... �.�.�-.....! . -.. ..... . . .. .. .................. .... ...... .1.. ........ .... ............: �:�... .. ...� . .. . . 0the,ll f survey ! : .... ....-. .......... .. ...'' - onsp-ans eboundary .. . ......, 11 6 It t 1i � e sent.: i�g t igencies�:=(I:d�ehin�:e::��d:'diege6"g:rapliicaI b . . "........ � I ''...... ...... ..e�sy.qy.: �� .%....:. .....�.:;. I.......... 1% �� %%:� meeting. , - . %...... ....I: �...- .;. ..% :.:- 1 ea% 1 6 at the South Council meeting.that there Q n minute - "i", ........... , I I I I --1 -. . . .:.. :��- '-'--:-- - --- -- I I L�� Odate - ,, � , I, I I ... I , . .... - .-%Commissioner Judie Sarff explained that she was at a regional justice center meeting and asked what I. . . .:I...... . .. . . ....... . ., :11 .. .. - . the impact would be on Kent human services. The response she received was that there would be : . I - ..i. .... .:1 , . :%. I 1, . .. . I'll, I no impact. , I, , I 11 I - 11 . ii---%i ---, ------tmethodology�:-- i i . .- �� Lin explained that the consultants are developing a to measure the impact of the regional justice center to allow agencies access to County funds. ,�, ......� . .. . .... . . : ... .... .. . - , � ADJOURNMENT � � - ��-- t 1�i..::..� :�%..:.:.:I�.�I.��..................:I.. ....�......� .%:.� .: ...:.....%...�..���:.:..... .:.�...-...%...:. ��.�.!.�I:��.��..%, %%.�-I�.: ...:�t- :...�;I�.t. ... .. :. ..- - � : . I . .. . . . . . . .. ... - � , .. - . . . .-..- % .:%:.! .. .... .1 . ...... . ... . . . :- . . ....... .. . 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February 7, 1997 Facilitator Marvin Eckfeldt Pastor,First;.Christian Church $:00. Continerl#al Breakfast . 8;15 AM Welcorie; Lin Houston Conunun Building; . arvin Eckfeldt ;,I-"..,,�1,.,�'%.1,�,.:��.%,�:�I'..��,t1,-�:�,'..1-.�-''%.1:..'�.--:-::1��'-.t,,'.:,�,:,,�:,-��:..�"�I...�-1''-.%-,1tt,�.!'..�1,.!,z�:�.-.''.t,;-''.-�,:-%.-,,;,.,:.��11I:,..1,,��1'�.�����:,'-.�I1,.�:,-..,-.,��:,-",�:��-..-,1�-�.1I,j�'!��:,i��..�01,:,.,-��,���� 8:45 AM Panel Discussion: "Outcome-Based Measures" Panelists: Cathy Garland, ;United Way of South Kug County,urine Guenther . C dfederal Via ` and Pe Mayen of C&-bn's Homy oc e . Y. g 9:45 AM Break 10:00 AM "An Introduction to Outcome-Based Measures" -Cathy Garland i 1:3 0 AM Lunch 12;30 PM Outcome-Based Measures continued 1:3.0 PM Break . 1;45 PM Karen,Powell;'11�Iotyat+�na1 S Baker : . P : 3:00 PM ; `` ` Work Se s o s . .R.%.�.�..:..........'..��.l:...::..::�..%....�..........:��...:��.:..�%.�-..�.:. n ` 4 0 PM Cl iri Re` ks . . . :`: : :` 0 . .. os g mar E lcfeldt``'`` .` ` ``; .. Marvin c .. . . . . .. .. . ::, . . . . .: : I IeI'T'ste;Hu ari'Sery ces Co rn ssiori Chair.: : ..` . . . . . 4:15 PM Retreat End 87retre.age . 220 4th AVE SO 7 KENT`WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE'(206)859-3300/FAX#859-3334 . .. �- %.�� .�:....:: ....:1.� . ....::!: :::. ... :. - ::: i..:.i.:.: . .. i..i....:%.III . . .... ... . :1. �.--.1.-�::.%..: : .. ..- � 1� - . ��!.%;..:�....i��.�.-.... .... .��.��.:;�.. i..%:.�:� . .. ... ..... %�. . .:.a- % ..�: ...%.%::�.� ... �.. �....�:�.--.. .. ..... . . .. . . . . . .. . ..: .. 1. -. .1. . . .. i - :.1:.. % . %.-. . . . . : :: :.:.:... : . %:..i ...%.. . .. : :1..:1.�::.��...:: i.%�::.�. :..%.... . . : : ....117 . . ,.... . . : . .�., . . . :. �% % . % .. ... . . .�: :.%.� . . :: �:. .: ...:��:�%.�:1. !�.Y...�.. %....:. ... . .R��.-.��.�. ..:... :��-�- .-.. ��. ---...��.. .. ...�. .. ..- ;......::: .% -� ::�:.��.:�� .��:�_;:!: .,�.�:..��::.�% , . .. ................... ......,......1% �.�..,.%.... . ...�......:..,, : , :.. .I-.11.. .:.: . �:.. .... :. .... ..... ....%I ... .... �. . .. . :�1.�-.�?..:�.!�.1% ..�:���.. . DIRECTIONS TO THE RETREAT WEST HILL FIRE `STATION 265i2 MILITARY ROAD S. Southbound on Interstate 5 . t.......�...�:.:I..;....�.:.�......%�t::�...:...%..:!..:..��...�..-...:.!.:.:N.1-..::....�t.!....�..,:.:%..���,�-t�.�.�.:.l.���:__.����� Take the Kent-Des Mo nes Exit •from I 5 . Turn left at the traffic > , light onto Kent-Des Moines Road.` Turn right at the next traffic { light onto Mil�.tar.. Road. Go south on Nei aaary 'Road past 264th (about 1/2 b o. ... and th'e fire station is 'on the .left hand side of M�.litary Road, .. i. Northbound ;on Interstate 5 Take the 272nd Street exit from I ;5. Turn ;right onto 272nd Street, Go to t2e next traff o light and turn left onto Military Road end go north past 268th {about 2' blocks) and ;Glen Nelson Park;' Look for `the fare; station' on the right hand side of Military Road. From Kent City Hall :, 'I,::�, 1, 1, �,:,:, I I I ___��ffi �:;;__�_,��__ .. : I. . When leaving City Hail, go south on Fourth to Willis. Turn right on Willis (which becomes SR 516) . Go west on 516 to the Meeker/Reith Road traffic light and turn left onto Reith Road ' Continue west on' Reith Road o Military Road and turn left onto Military Road. Go south on Military Road 1/2 block past 264th Look for the- fire station on he left hand side of Military Road a:FIRESTAT:DIR iT�l S PL S T 6TH. 15TH AY S ��� • -'��rl `13 167N'a'^j'Y ` ` y 15TH� A" -'lr� .c Z r- Py)L M = AV 1T "268D0 N.'..' F 1 AY 3•... : 3�1ck1- S d qIn,17TH AV iSTH Iry ti ti `^lbTR 24600 rn Mh 7TH rFj�.r S ►nx Av yTTx cr s �µu� yr u�N Ls � t v AV S t d <C y 17TH PL S S Icy LN S 18TH PL S :N w f'>�y p 19TH AV S ro .ti m h` c 18TH PL S CD =Po S �. 2 Av s 20TH AV S ry ^19TN AV s 19iN PL s 20TH AV `-U w `20TH $ 'AU ��' w. ''20TH AV S ,.y 20TH PL S ?6g0 WWY -Ni rn sn ry bb `�' N p ti N.N w 2iST AV S �Ov 1ST AV 's _ 21ST N• aN to DAY S �" : ZZND AV'' .p p n C/) 22ND A wN S L t4 1110 Al S b a 2 3RD- AY S" o q� 24TH' V; S 9 s H P< s 5TH AV 5iy -�'i �a vy v 25TH N 2s4p IFj'C � 2aeoo -� 1 PL a 26TH AV S o H S^ O 26TH AV 5 Z a, J z y N ro k/Y vi; m' 26TH PL S ro n m ® i s 27TH NPL N �27TH AV"' S $ 2 `a q� _ 2 TH AV ' S '. y t o 248pp W 28TH 2 AV,S S Ol yN N AV .5 I�3ozx m w 3STAY S s N A?s.: yx TH A S� AV 5- H pWY $ 32ND AV S D 33 P yy AV toP( N ro S:2f r 33R0 PL 5 A $.� 3r r S .. 33RD AV S ugroi 5...Ilk �'� N J` :'�m� ,4<•; W 0 i 35M 15TH AV �, i N o 34TH AV S.y 347H w n, . 367H Ah ti H P INCET 13 �P y ro to P $ O� Fo$;. AV H1 ay N ,+ -'��' H yj F'A ✓9 Hl9£ 35 Hl5£ Grp 36TH y V �• A .. ...36TH PL S AV s ( ItI ARY RD S N 24000 0 E 3li ` CT Ng AN 3 a g 7T1N N N y. $� 39TH iC m `•� ]315 r A q o A y s K eA S a15r c4v's N H wT 42NDS AV y S.N °b 41S AV S ti ! 23700. I. m cn S PL s -yt p A 39TH PL MN N DOWNING a (s -I %} 4 AV 42ND w N fir, N N' -- AV 2 P< 43R0- -42ND yG pNLr -n 43M AY CARDIF AV zP .A (� y $„+ a3R0 pl S3R0 r Ol son, fog `( j '^PaRD Nv Y AV S ti i 4!i.. ro - _HLSb' Avoy wrp °�nSAv s _ AP S I T g S s 1ND rAnl CT N 46TH AV S _n . v stti Al a i 45TH PL S s fT! 47TH AV S , . 48TH AV,S 47TN PL E T .:Cf : £ -_N S PL- ..� 5 S• � S ' g' a i 0H Y31K'AN 3r R S N3IMN33 LI� — S ^a v pNzs aZ�2 S /td 52NDN S s �jtMN3i d c j f �s AV anE 1 ..Op (.�, m a ..«..,,':`�'si. N N 6N T AY 5 51 N VVI�, O� 'f m C.I 62NU AY w 1 2NO PL S ! y o 630 AV5y �: 64TH AV S 64TH A aD )L- it s S N fRA 24500 ` ` 24000 " ' u N 6678 AV S � LLEY f HWY o !%^ti o a� N N WEST 122 , r 1� ' _ w 26600 w H`\� - — -- /y y< N �y� AIDrEvrn OR 7TH PL S V ALLEY A, HWY " Io F� \ WA A .. w 70TH AV s VALLEY \��1�+� s N {68TIJI V S) m ADM AV FRWY aH SON AV Z c� m HDNROE N AV N ONZL -i 7 , I rol / f 74TH AV S NAnEH AV 00 LI COLN AV y SON �z3 9 ti TIMELII EOM 198 APPLICATION PROCESS MARCH 14, 1997 APPLICATION AVAILABLE TO AGENCIES CH 17, I997: SOUTH COUNTY JOINT�APPIICATION WORKSIOP MAR APRIL 4 1997• 1998 APPLICATIONS DUE BACK APRIL 24, 1997: APPLICATION;I'ACKETS T(Q COMMISSIONERS MAY, 1991. COlVIMiSSiON'(SUBGROUP) REVIEW OF APPLICATIONS MAY 22, 1997; REGULARMEETING& 1ST WORK SESSION(12:30-4,30 PM) JUNE 11, 1997: WORK SESSION (12:30 4:30 P.M.) - WEST HILL FIRE STATION DUNE 18, 1997. WORK SESSION (8:30 A.M. P.M.) - WEST HILL FIRE STATION DUNE 26, 1997: REGULAR MEETING WORK SESSION (1;:30-430 PM) JULY 1997; NOTIFICATION OF'FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS . (TO APPLICANTS) NOVEMBER 1997: . 1998 BUDGET HEARINGS 98 1,pro ,.. ..,..:!.- ;..:. .:.... ....:: . . Il' TIMELINE TOR 1998 APPLICATION PROCESS 1VIARCH 14;`;1997;' APPLICATION AVAILABL' TO AGENCIES . .. : ... ... .. ... : .. 70II�3 MARCH 17 1997;; SOUTH COUNTY 'I•APPLiCATIO. WORKSHOP APRIL 4,`1997: 1998 APPLICATIONS DUE BACK APRIL 24;1997 APPLICATION PACKETS TO COMMISSIONERS MAY, 1997: COMMISSION(SUBGROUP)REVIEW OF APPLICATIONS MAY 22 i997: REGULAR:MEETING& 1ST WORK SESSION(12:30 4:30 PM) DUNE 1997: 1 (2) APPLICATION WORK SESSIONS; DATES WILL BE SCHEDULED BY COMMISSION .:. . : . . .. ... • . . .. ... . % % . .. . . .. . JU1�TE 26;`1997: : REGULAR MEETING&WORK::SESSQI�T(1:30 -'4:30 PM) . . F G RE 'ONIIYIE RATIONS ...JiJLY 1997 I -...: A`TION.OF'FUNDING .... T. , . .. 1 . TO APPLICANTS . G NOVEMBER 1997; i998 BUDGET HEARIN S 98appl.pro � ��.. �... ... ..�� :1 �:1 1 . . . . . .. . : .. ...��-. ..... .. . .. :% :....�..%. ...- . . . . . . .. . . . .. : %.: ..: % � . . � ::. .% . . .. .. . : . .1 .. . .� . . . . .. . . .. . .. .. . . . - . .: . .: :�:.��. .i . . : . �i.i- ; , , , I I, ,I , ,I I . . . % ............ 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May 23, 1996: Regular Meeting and first work session(i2:30 P.M.'- 4:30'P.M.) ..M.:.�...:��.�..i...��.i%���:-�t:����%..I�.-:1....�1�:.....-...:�...:-�%-.:i....�:,,-��::......��1�...ii.-I��i%...�:...:I��....::..�I�....���....:..�%.:..:���..-..�,i...%..:�.:.:..�..,,�t%....-i%..�-...:.�.,':..,I-�......%%%,(,�.....0.-�:......:!-.:..%I...:.��-.:.....i......:I�....���l..M..:.........:.1:...%..,..:�,,..:.:-....-�..I.::�:..:..�,���....:�..�.,..,......:...%-.:�-:..:....:.:�i%.�..I.!-�-.I.:-..�-���.....I.,-%.I%-.....�;..,�..��:�,...:...-.....,...,�..�..I:.:%.��:.I..-1�.:..�,�..-�...:.)I:��:...�.-..,,�.....:.��i.,::...-:,-..7:.......;.:%-�,,.�;-,-....�::.�:-��.-..��...,..I:.%:JI-��t.�..II-:.%�:..-...�.,,:-.!.-%.I�,...�.:...�.!..��.�:�..,!�--:��.i-�..:.:�...--�...��-�..--�...::�1��.�,�!.!,�_��:.':��,��...I.:--...�.-�..I�-�:...�.:.%��L�:_-::.:,--.,....j�t%.%%.�.-..�.:�...I�:::%.-.����.,�.;,�:�...,:-.-I�..�%��.1:.����.:..._��:j.�:-....�i::.�.���I::,!.:.:%�1,.1-....1��.��:�,�.II-:,�!:::.!:�.:�,-,���..��1�.::-�..j,-%.!..:,I1-.,�-.�:-::...�:�:I,:���.,,-:�..i.�J,�.!�-:�.i����.1,:...��'�-.1.l:.���....%-.,�,.1.1I!�.!:��.,,:.:1.�,::..�-:-.-�,��..�::�.�-.::.1I-::!��1.:1I,.-::1..��-.-,���:.,--�...,-.-l.::-.�--1.:.1��,"1:.:.:'-����,::.%:.::...1-.:.��.!.�-�:..��--:....I,�.����.1.:.."-...-..��.�-�-.��,,.II�...�:�i�-.._�..:�:��:..-:�.%t.�..,��...:..,-�.:..11...�.:--..::�-.%.�,I,!��:-I�.%..-::::.�,�.:.��1..-��:.�.�.�..�.I-.'�-I..,1,�-%.-,�..:.'��-.i��::-,--%�.��..�.,,.��...�--�t�.:I.�.�.:...�:�..!..1,,�'...�..,..!�- June S, ] 96 V�Qrk Session{12;30 4:30 P.M.) Interviewed 3 agencies . June 18, 1996; Work Session{8:30;A,M. 4:30 P M.);nterviewed agencies. i June 28, 1996: IegularMeeting and V�ork Session{1 30 4 30 P M) . .. . . .. 97work.ses , ,:I�1�, ,:,� �� , ,, % .. �:��:��:.%%�.��::��.�� .... :..%. , ,,I I � _�:,,%:,�,�,,,�:,�: "I �:.�.:��-.�Y.��...�i...:��.1: ..:. -i;.%�.:. .. .......:!I.:%%. "NEXT STEPS REGARDING OUTCOME-BASED MEASURES" � ,�,:�t�: 't, R tffi .. 1). Get agencies with"similar"services together to'talk about outcomes 2). ' Provide training for agencies, commissioners and�ttstaff. 3) L11� ook at"long range"priori1.tieslgoals fo%r%the City of Kent. 4). ? Work with%othejr groups that fund human;services to see what they are funding and ways we can work togeth%er; 5). ; Look to see how we o help define service are% as(ie.;'KeI.nt Food%Bank serves Kent School District;boundaries,but no#all Kent residents); 6).. Do Public reli.ations -;strive to change perceptions: *inform City Council' *educate community *South County Times *Kent Connections Newsletter *City's TV channel 7). Share the experiences of clients-try to know someone on welfare. 8). Hold a joint work session of City Council and Human`Services Commission outcom.ste . . . .. ...... % .::. .. ..:: :: CITY:OF KENT 19...97 GENERAL FUND % HUM ll�t SERVICE AGENCIES . �" , 1. Catholic Community Services -Counseling $10,fl00 -Emergency Assistance $24,000 i�.,z.I-i:,��-,,I,",,I::%�.,,_, -Kent Cold Weather $20,500 2. Child Care R 11 esources : $S,fl00 3. Children's Home Society -Families First $12,000 4 Chldren's Therapy Center of Kent Scholarship Assistance;. $15,000 51 Community Health Centers ofKing County -Kent Community Health Services �.............�.........��.�.........:...%....:.-.........�.�'..�.:..:,...�M.�i.%:�,,:�,:.-.,..,..�.,.-.�-.,—.,..-.:,�,,-,,,,��:�::-,::��,�.�1:,,.1,-�.,:-���1--':-: $52,028 -:Kent Primary Dental $10,262 b Crisis Clinic of Seattle.King County 24 hr.Crisis Line $3,090 7 Domestic.Abuse Women's Network .AW1�T . . ... ..-.:.Con den'a.,Sh`It r.......%...... .. . .. % 10'000.:.. .:::. ... . . .i ::.:t� l ..:e a ... ,...... -Domestic Violence Se ices % $47,000 8. Kent Community Service Center -Food Bank $21,600 9, Kent Youth and Family Services -Family Counselining $37,972 School Based Counseling $15,000 -Teen Parent Transitional Housing Program $ 5,000 10. Kent School District,Futures Club $ 5,000 10..: King County Sexual Assault Resource Center : Comprehensive::SexualAssault.Services $15,000 ......... .: :.. ...: ::......... .. . % li Pre anc Aid af.i�ent: . ... %::.:. .:.: Y:.....: ::.. .. . ... % Shelter.::; $. 5 500..: . ... . ...... % .:.::.:...:.::.:::....::.:.......• ..............: ..:. .. ... .... . . . ... .:.....:,.............. . . . ... . :..12. `: emor:Services:o .:Se a=IKm ::C.oun ..... ... . :.,,..:: : :: S f attl g ty -Volunteer Transportation for%:Seniors : % $7,733 .:.:. .:.:.:. 1 ... o ` Co u1SerVi a Center. ::. ........ ..: :. ..... . ..% . .....:. .. 3. :':::..SQ::..:King.: tY:M::,. ..:,: ..:.:.............:...:.. . : % .. . ..... . ... . ..... ... . . .... ..:.....:. .... 3 .:.F S b tion .: . ......... .. $..0 Q0:0:':`::. amrly m tliza ....::..:.:. % .... .... . . .. . :. -H RT..:•..::::.::%..::.:.:....... .: : . . .:;.$.:5.000.::.;...;•.: : ..:....:.:..::::: . E.A.... .::..:.:....::....:.:........ .. . 14. ` Valley Cities Counseling and ConII sultation $13,000 15. Washington Women's Employment and Education(WWEE) -Job Readiness Training $15,000 -Computer Applications 5,000 TOTAL $389,685 ... . .....:. . . .%. -. .. . .:�:_.:i:.i��... .: ..�.��:..- ........ ..% �.�.. 1_%%.�..�.. ..F...:.�. 1 - % ... ..:%.:%.�� ..: ................ .... .. �:�i�� . -�.:��-��.::��::%�: 1;�-I�1.��:��.....�::�. �11 - - . I _��,� ........!......!..-:.. % . ...... � ,::,� :, � ,,��.......:��...�, �i .-........�.... M ,I ,, .�....-...-......�-�-....... COA�IlYIUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT,'{CDBG) CCS; Springwood Food Bank $10,000 11 Community Health Centers of King County $18,555 Connection Adult Day Care $; 5,000 Emergency Feeding Program of Seattle/King County $10,132 YWCA of Seattle-King County 30,562 TOTAL $74,249 CRIMINAL,.. .... CE DOLLARS 1. DAWN Community Advocate Program $46,865 2. : Project Lighthouse Damestia Violence Youth Program(KY#�S) $2 TOTAL 76, 86. : . . .� ___��, - �t�:�_ ,�, � t_� ,: : . .��.. ;�:�..:��:�.:�:�-:.��:.. ....,.. ��__ ���_ , _ 1, '"'" ._ ...-::�:.� .: . .� V ... . % ,..: : . . .� %.�. . . . .�;�:::� :��.��:.. . .9: :..�..�..�......... -�.. ...... .. . .. ... . . .-..'..�%I.: . . . . .. MR .................. i Uc:hsgenfund.96 Revised 2/19/97 i CiTY..OF �� � . . , . .. . .. ! . p �� � Jim White,Mayor CITY OF KETtT PLANI,IING DEPARTMENT (2fl6) 859-3390 .��.-%-.I...-%-:.-.I���.iI�:..���--.%�...!:��,:.���:.....�.,,��::...:�I....i...,1I�%.-1I-:--..:::....�'�i.�J�i-�.%.1%...��:,�-��..i..�.���t-.-.-.:�....!�.,:�t��.....%�I�....-:�...,1,...�I%.:(1-�1.:...�.::I:-..%.,....�:..:%1��....�I�,.-...:.!:,�..I.-,��:-:.i-.-..�.--�..�....:!-�..-1.%.:%%%:..:--.-1:..I.�I.'-.�..:I..,-...!:,���:..'%%.:.�--:.:.II:-"-..:.�_--�...I�.�....�..�-�!�......,�.�..�.�1�-:,�.�.�-.%���.%I.I,It.,.�.:1....'.-!.,.:�:�t..,-t-�:!:.�.I.�-.l�.I%'--......_��I�..:-.�-.;-�.I%,.:.:-�-:::....:I:-:�:.���:�:I..:I-..-.�.���-%...'I:..-i��...I�.4.:.�--:�.I�--�-....:.1.!.l:,'��.I:,�.I�-:..�.-.I,:..�:...i, MEMORANDUM February 3, 1997 I:�.�..-..'�,,�..-:..!�1�-:�!-:.1-.!�-.....:�-%.:-I"::;.%.%.-II,'..���1l-i.!.._,�,%,.!...1l-,1-��..-%�.-:-,.-I!-:',.:�-:�,l-.....I 7�:::%I1.-:I:1:..,���':.:..,::.,.:�:�_.:.��-��%'I�,.--1--....1!.....-:,,::..:�.Ii%,:..Il1�%.1..:-�--�.�.�-.�-�1�....-��...�i._���.:..-�.-__:.t,.�..I,..�.1:-��-..-,�-,:...,-,:,-....%..::-�:..,,�...,..-..--,,��.l.:%:,l..:1::-:.I.:,��.;'�t.I,...-:.I:.���I t�.....���-%._�:....-.,.._..�-..�,.-I-%I�--:.��.I��.-..�11..I-�..-�..l.�:i..j:l��..I::.�1�..%.-�-..I,..-:�...�...!- .�..,�.%-.,,�t:I-.I-...I�..-_I�:.1--....I.-,�......-l-:�.....i�I.%%.:,�.-%:�...:...��..I:.!�:�.....�:-I..-..-..I.,I.�..-�i.-%.........������.....�_�..I�,�..I........II:.II:....:.�..II�..i��..;�:...�:..�..�..:-...�...�.:...........--��.-..:......,-..:--�..�... ...,��:�...�.:,,.�I-��-�.1:..Ii..7�....-.:-�,::'.I...,:.I:��II..�,......I...-�..'....1�...I-....�....1�:.'.%:,.1-..'%,.'...%%1t..z-I.I-,.-%.:.-%:1...:I-. 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MEMO T(): Ii13MN SEI .ICES COINIISSION EOM; LIl�HOITTUN,F[UMAl�+fi SERIES;lYIANAGER ..%.:.i�....1....t...1'I%.:.�....��...... SUBJECT i 97 A&,C v CALEI�TDAR -��..�".,,�,�....,...,:....:�-,-..�-,.,:.�:i:: :-�:,l-.:�::I�.l�,,�l!.�%.-�.i-��I.-���I;�..��::,,�..,���.:�-j,�.�-,:,:-.I��.,.���-�..%.�:�...--,-.�Q--�:'-�.:�I-1,��:I.�.,.j..:::!�l�:�.::j..�.:�-�-�.t��.;��::,�:�l.��'��.-i-:�,:!.:,:.,:� Enclosed for your review is a draft i997 Action Calendar for theiHuman�'��:I�._��-.:..�t"�.�o..:.:..,,'.1:��..-'.�i;..�,.,.',-�.�..�I]..l'..:-::�,�1,%..�':,'.,;�Services Commission. This ;' gives you an outline and overview of the various tasks and items to come before the Commission .:%:,.%,.,�,�::_.i.':I.��:::1,'..,'-::,1�.,.%.,],:�:�t:-,..'::..�-�1.I,:.m�,�,...�I..,:.,,,z:"1,�,-,�I I.�1.%z:!��"-�-,,-�...'�': ....:.....��-.%-�-.....I......��...�..,�:..�,":..�:...v.��.:..... :...�.1.�..�...�..!�I:....1...:%:,::.....:-...-..��..-��:%...%:�....-..!.�.:�..:�..:.....i:..::.. during the year. It is always revised somewhat throughout the year as unanticipated items come before the Commission: .�..1.-..�I....�.i.....-�:..-%.:.��...........:...%..:.-...:-....�:!.:�.�......�.�%�....-......-:�....:!�...........i..�:I:.�.%....%.:.... Also enclosed is a copy of the Commission's existing Mission Statement. Please review the Mission Statement and`the draft Action Calendar and bring your input to the. February 7th Conimiss on Retreat ; . v0 be discussing them du M. the work session portion of .... .. . .. . . . t e retreat;' :you are<not a; e;to`att n; t e retreat an . vt u': a e;< t u n ut c e t er . .. ..: .. . . ......... :. . .: : : . . . .. ::.... ,:S. 3' : P ... . . .. m self'at 94.1r 6 r -" ,: , : y 2 2 0 :Kathie (850 4784)or Rachel(85� 4' 89)prior to the retreat Looking forward to seeing you on the 7th, LHAction me'' .. . .�...:�........�......:...:...1�.i1%.�..1......�.:..........,...i.:.�:.!:.%.�:..i..1�..":-I...%�......��.. ..:... ..... .. .. ............::.......................:..:,...11...:: .. `:'.` `' i ;;:''. .:..�....:..'-...:....�:..-.�;...:�....�.�.:....i:........:��.�:..!%��...%:...-1.I I..�......-.'.%j.-..: Enclosure` . cc; Jim Harris, Planning Director Rachel Johnston,Planner ........i..:....%:;�... �.%.,..:�I.%1::�....!�..i.�.....:�......i.�.:%��!I- ....:�..::!.,.-:....�..:.�........:...:.!.:.!.:...,�%...::;:�.- �.:..:... ::�%�..:%.%'.:-.:: ....-..%...........:... .: .:�-!. �: ........ Katherin Johnson,Planner ....�..... .. 220 4th AVE.SO.;/KENT;�VASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE`(206)859-3300/FAX It854-3334 .:.%..:�........:.:-.�i....�-.�.:.......................................'-...'..-.�..........1.......1......%........�..�-:��:9.�..�%�.......:..�...��.%::�1.�......�..%: 1997 Action'Calendar Kent Human Services Comisso January 1. Evaluate previous year's activity. 2. Status of 1997 contracts I. 3. Ai�tppoint representative to South King Council of Human Services : 4. Finalize plans for Commission retreat. 5. Interview 1997 funded agency. 6. New member orientation .M�i�:���:t%:.��-:..%�..%��:��.%..�....�1......�.-�1�t�..�.�.:.:.�I-...:..:..%1t-:..���1:..���II:��..1..-:%..(1�..%.�I..i..�.1i��::"..��.(......I..�i..:�:�i%:..���....-�:�-.1...�.:1:i..1::-V:..:.,�-.....�..��.,t�..1�.�...�.�..II::..,,,%:-,...�,�-:,.-..l�!.1�.:.:�,�..:.�-,-�..-%.-:...��.::;�,�...::-.-:%�-,,�.1-.l...:��...�-.%.1j..i.:....�.:.'��-...11�:::�1�.-.1.!���-:.�i....!.,...-.�1...I!-...%.:��-�%..:%.1��...,::i��..I...�'��...1�1-....:-�,.:..:�.:.%......l..�:..�,!��t.,::.,-'�.,.:,,.:.1,.'tI.%�.-%,,-.�:..��:�..1�'!....,�..:�1%.%..:'-��....l.%.��-.-.,e..�.!-"..,:�����.:1::�-:i"..:.-.:I.':i.�:I::'t....:.t.;.�:.���1.�'-...�%i,�%..,,%�:..,,�-��.%�...,:...,1..��:;...%J�.."..,��..1.��.:.:.-,�.,',!��N,��%...�.I��..%��"�.'.%,,:��....:1,-:�.�..,:�,�.��,,:.�-:-����"-...I1,���..-�.:-;:,.1;..,�,,..1�:.,�-�..-.-_..:.1:..�..:�1�...:I..,��..,�'..���:..�11-...�:...,1��1I.��I��...I!��-�-..��...:%�..,_�.:'�:::.,':�.1�:�-:..-::,,�..i.'1�i�::�..�I.�-,:.:.,..���:�t...,1:,::�..:�-..:-:.�.:,'�..i.��-���.�:,�:-."��%�..%.:�,'.:;�.,%%.l,,�...1'1%.::���:..-�..�-��..t.......:�.�..�i.�..�-�i%.-.%.:�......�:�...l-%.:�:%:!�..�..."�.,.:��..:.--...�.,.�....%.-.:�..'�.,..i-:-�..-1-�.�,-:..:11t.�%.-::�"�i,��:.l,.�.�.:,��.:.��:.��,�--.��..�.:�....:.::.�..I.�.�'�-....,.:,�..;..�..:.�.�:�..-,I_..:.,���-..:�:..-1%.�.� 7i Discuss changes to 1998 applications. ebrua Annual-Retreat,13' 1997 Action.Calendar 3, Review year end reports from agencies funded p..%m�....-.�.:.-'.:1..:,�...I.....:%'.......��%..revious year 4, Streamline a licatron review, rocess. g pp P 5, Timeline for 1998 a lira#ions rocess, Pp P 6, Planning for Application Workshop. March l, Notice fIt nds mailable to newspaper. 2. Holel 1998,Apphcation Workshop. 3. Confirm meeting dates`for 1998 Application Review Process...10,.�,�,.:II:t1�,. 4, : City Council Planning Committee- acceptance of CDBGpass-through funds and '1,:7�..%�I�0.. setting human services funding level. 5. Make funding applications available to agencies. 6. Interview 1997 funded agency. April 'A. Funding applications due to City. 2. Applications to Commissioners for review and evaluation 3. Decide on schedule for interviewing grant applicants. 4. City Council acceptance of CDBG pass-through funds and setting human seivice funding levels . f;` .. .. . .. .. . . . . . . . .. i. . .. 5:` ';; ''Prel iu ri`' laris or.. ... Sexv es I Ion li in No e :ex . .. . : .. :. . C , : ... . :. . .. . .. : :. 6' A l cat.xi o ss oners for review; . pP .. .... .. . . ........... ... ... titer e V e a end eri' `s:` Y Ma 1. Review 1st quarter reports om ag c e . 2: Sche'dule noetin s for a enc interviews, . . g g 3' . 3 ` 'S .. Work' xou imeetln stt©rev w;a l cati6ns,: . g P g Pp 4 Work Session-Review4 98 46i6ral fund CDBG human services applications. June 1. Continue review of V and. applications; 2. Work sessions-interview agencies. 3. Final decision on funding allocations, 4. : Consider omitting July and/or August meeting. 5. So. King Council of Human Services annual meeting. 6. Plan for field trip to agencies in Sept./Oct. .,.,....;I...�._.:.......,.�.....:....�......:,......:...:.i..:..1-..�.�."...,�..,.......1.I..�.�:..:l......�...:......:.!-..%,.��.,..%.-.��...%.,,.�.:'..:.:.1:.....:'1!:�..:..-:1.l.-.' .....,'.,.'.�.. ..-:.,I.-�.._l,,:.ii..l,�-I1. I..'....�.-.�.�I.....:1�11..%..:...,.1..I,..:.."%......-.i.....i..::1................:.i.�....%.....%....1.........%.................%.....�...%:..................:....:��.�.�........�......�.....%�............!......�.....:.:.......,..:..............:......�.:.............�..I...........:.�....�.%.........�...�.......%...,.�............::....,.....:...:...�...............-......:.......:......................-...%..:..-..:......%........-.:............::".::.I.�....:.:..%....................%.%...%...%..........%.....:...................%......................�....%.....-.........-...........:................................%.....l......%...........:..............:...:.......-....... ......................-......%�..........�........ ..�...I...........I.......:..............:..%.�....-.�....................%...........%..............%......i.............%.:.i.....I.:.�.......:.�..:I...%..:....�.....�.:...................:%_............. ............:.....�.........�.t�..%.:,..�..,.....:..�:I...�....:..:..'....!.�....1....:....1...%....�..........1..�.1:.........'......"..�.......�.......:....,.,�...�.%,'. .�.........:.�...'.......�I......'.....,......l.%.....,.%�...._l.:......%.... .i.....�.........i.......,..%..:... ..............:.�....:.�.......�..............�.�.....%.....-.i.�......�....::.....1........!.. ...... .... ..............�..�..� .�: . ...��. . .:..��%�..... I i. Present ffinding recom enq pos to Mayor. 2. Prepare narratives describing services provided by agencies feconmen ed tOT (4 funding. J. Notify agencies of funding recommendations and inviteto November pub1c hearing on budget. ...... 1..�..% ....�.....�..i........-..�:....�..::....:�..�......�...�....�.....% ..%...�..! %�...�..:...:..::�....!�..:....��....1.....%..� '.....:..:...%.......: . :...:....1::.,.%.:. ..'....,.. .11. .�%::.....: .. .. ...:�...:.:1:. �:1�....!.....�. : .�I..... : .�. ..:�..... .. ... ;. :. , , 1I . - 4, ��_�]!� City Council budget meetings, as scheduled.** ty:- .�i, ,:i"� , , "'"it,:",,"11","', Planning for Human Services Month in November. - � , ,�,���,�������:,�,�,i��:��,���, ... . . � , : : � . ....: .... ... .. ... ....... � t%�:t1.%-.. ...�,.:��J- �i� 1 .!.:%�........... .....:_...... � August' u_V�:�����:�::�_��-��:1���,:�1 $tI 1. 'I Review 2nd, q, uarter reports from --age�jn_ici!e�Js. 2. Continue planning for Human Services Month. ..��....�......:.�.�.-...:...:.�.,.:A.:....��.:.:�:.%...!..:.-:.-..!.�.:...�....�....�....:.�.....�..�.. ...:..:........:....�......�..�.......�.........%..�.........:........i�..�i.�.........%;....�..................�........... .....��...........�.....�.....�...::.........%. �............ �.... :...� 1.. ..�"...:.�........�..� ! .�-�:..........� ....%.::I ......�..�......�.-:..:... .I.�.:.I:.. ..:.. �.... .�I , , - ,i�_,:__ ... . . ..............I.......: ...:1..........-..:.... 3. ::� :�: Interview 1997 funded agency. �: � tt:� . :.%.%.%..%...................... . . : : , , 1- : .1. �.... .. 11, I ��.J....... %.%..... . . .. t, , .... ........ , . .%...'��'' ,�""I�,,I��:,:.��.��.P.J.. If 1 ' .t . September: . - . �. e 1p: O%f .--.... ...... % 4 .' i&tio 4� i: ��:.. :, .� %........ . R Idt . .... . . t..... ...... ...... .r .. . .. ...........................:�..:.:%.....::. .� . . �_. .. ........ . ... . ..... : :�... . .�.� I . . . .. ... .11 . 7N.�:�. ...: .. , ..%...:...�::::�:� �:�.:��.%:.�.�:��i ...... .�... . . . . ... . . .... . .%....i. . ����. . .::. . t%:, . :. ,�;, . ..:.��. . ..,.: . .. . , .... .... ... . .. . ....... . ..,� .1 I ."I�...... �%:.�;.:.:.�.�..�.�.:%..���.� . .�;%..... . .. :..... .. 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Oba. .6e P 4....= for Human:Se Services � . Establish 6h- h dAte for Coin mi sloif6 � , interview 997 funded agencY.7. Fieid trip to visit. gencles9 ..�..:%.........:..%....�..i...:.�.i............:::..�.......--.......%.%...��.:�.....%�...�.......:.�.�%.........i..:........��..:....!...%�......�.�.i.%.:......�%:.......l.::.�:....�..:!.:..... .I:I:.�:%.�...:....�%..�........�...%...:.%:.......%..:....�:...��..�!..:.�....:.�.:�:I:..�.:.��.:......-%..Ii..�%..��.:.....;.�.�....�. ...... ....%....�.......:�..� :..%...- �.:....%.�.%....�.%:.1..��....: .. ....:::.:.....��..;�......l....:.:..�:.� .1.�....:-:...�......-�.......���:. .�.......:.-....�.-%...�...I..%.�:....I...!.�:..I.......;�.%.....:�:%�..-..�.�..:.:...%.I.::.!...%..:...�.:..%�:...%..::.-: :...�j:.................:....:....�.%....:.:...I_ ...:�.�......:.-�:....:.�...%.:-����.:.:..�.....�...�.:.:�...�.1.:�...-:.:..%:.. ..�...%.:.��.� :... ..::..-....:.-.�..-�.::....�..!-�.......:.-.%....� ........%.!....�1...i�. .....:.%1%�.::::%...i!......�. .��.%.�..,.:..::......'...%:�....:..��.�:: ..-:.:..I%... �%::...�:.:..... ;........ .:�.%.... .:I.. ... : ...�..%i 1. :.�..�.:..� ..�%:�.!.�..�.�.... :.. : :..�...:.....: ...:::.....:%%...:. ...�. : ...:.:�..:��: .% :.....�� :�... .i: ...%.� : .�% :. :.. .. .. ........... . .. .-�%%...%.... . - ... %:1..%I.. ... .... .% %....:..%.::........�.......I..:%..::�..:..% % ........- 11 I ... .:....�..�......%..,.".::'''"',...:�::... . . � . :.....�13.1,...:....:........:%...,,,,,,,�, . ...- .. . ...�. . ......I.. :...I........... 11 I 1, 11 I ..... . .....I.. cI�, i o��1,,,e:�,.l":,,, r l_1 I1'. Requez�s..t ag.%.e.�ncyl.:rep(s) ep(s)..�to%.i:b. .e�.�:pr. sent at November ovember I�!lp,�I ub! li"c 1eari',, n,:� g o. .��.n..�. :.:.�b_.��.. ,u.: ..�.d�.. ..%:.,�...�.�..g.�.....%...:........:I.e.%..... %t�...�...,..�%. a. �n�; d to provide material for Council packets. 2. Inform Mayor of Commission appointments --reappointments. .:-..:...%:j....�%......�:.�....%..%%..........%.... :......-.A..!.....�.. -. %�..�..�.!:.......:..:... .: .- ...i..: :..:.! .. :. .. .. , �I3. 1 Continue planning for Human: S� er1:v� i1-ic_I1e1s M1on ti�h: ; 4. Update on budget process. 5. Review and discuss possible contract changes and nd rz,:�'_,1�_e�',,,p o�tr�,, in�g r_e:_q�, u!:..�_..,:.i�-%...-r e�i.1_,-.'1-...�_m::. e.%.:..._..........t.n. .... .-........t..s.i%l11�..�%......11.�...,.....:..,.......I. 6. Interview 1997 funded agency 7. Planning session for Commission Retreat. ..:...:.....:..:..�..::......�.-...�..:...,-....-..�.... ...%......._�.......�.,...:,....�......�-%�..:.;.:�...i.. .� ....�.%� . :.�.:.....�t% .!�..�:.�.:....�%-;......i..��. �......�..-.�_......... .;... ::.:...� .�:.:�%....:. ..:-�..-.:. ... -%.... ��.��:.......--.!��..............i..:-�...�.:.......i:..._...................�..::.%.:.%.%�.:.........:-.%......::.............%.�...%.I..:..%..-............�..%...%.:...:-..i:_.....%...-....:...�.............N.:.........�........-%..:::.%%...�..%.....:�..:..........�:..�...�.........�...t.�..:...�.-..%11..........�........0..�...�.�.......�....%o.....�.�....:.:.....�...:.....�.....::...�...:�.....%%�.-..%.......�I.......:..%....:..%...�.�..j.t�.�.....�..:..!..%....::..%...%%.:..,.....,-:.�_%-I%.....:.........�..-:.%��.....,,...�.:.. .�..1-.....%.:1...: 1.1_..�%,...�: .R..:_:..-... ...:..e:1...,....�. 1v.,..%.......;....i..........e.....%%...:....w.....�..........1.,.....%......:.3...-...:.....%r:...-..:d::.:..%%..::.:..:.-....�q.%..........:�u.......:�..........�kfrom ..:..."..:.-.....I........�o�.:.%:1....f :.:.:.._..:!...:...!i...-.....!.:l.o..%..._.:4...I.:..:I1..,p:.......-::....%...%..::.I:...:.......��.:.!....�:.....%...:...:.1.....s,...,. ....-..:..:....f............%.............�.:..1....-o..%.....%.:..m%..%!.....:..,,.........�..:.a....�..ge:...:..:�..I.....i:n...�g....�.....:..:.%�.%.c i.e.�s.i .. ..2 Support Cbj � recommendations ioi .;..�.-.%.4.� %�.�.:-l�.:�:�:..:.,:..,......i..�...t........t......l .....:%..%.......y�..:�..�.:. � ..�.:..,.,....%'1� ...1....'.. 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AgDoqpmbermeetom . .. .:. .. : � �.. ... .. .%1�1.. ..... .:.�-.�.�: % . .. . .. . . . .. .%. ...�.�.-.%:1�.�......�......::1..-.:�..%-�..................�:..:...-...........-...-........-. . l ! ............ ..�-� ......i�.!...:.: -...�..%.1.....:......%.�1........................�.%..........%.�...:.........i.... .......i;.. ..�... ....�.:....%;.. :.... .:...::....:......1..... .. ...�. �... ..... . . % :.6 FFn�. . 1 �! .� �prepg.e.1998 A �Td a �S. . P. g . . 2 Celebrate! . : � I 1**1 1998 budget meetings and hearing dates ivil1hP,qet1Prmin_e,d at a later date.: I I I I I I I 11, � I . . . I I I i,- , , Action97.ca1 I .�.... .. ...:::.::. I I ............. CITY M� fi' p��II� � Jim White,Mayor Planning Department (206)859-339O/FAX(206)850-2544 Jame$P.Harris,Planning Director February 10, 1997 Mary 1.Lotz`Becvar,Executive Director Kent Community Service Center --.��..�%.�.:-:a�...%:..�.i:. ::..%.:..%%.:.I.:.. I. .I - ...'...�-i�.:%��%.���,��������� �,������� ����., -t-Ow :.:. . . . 525 Fourth Ave Tlorth Keri#, WA' 98032 Dear Mary Lou: Enclosed is your original copy of#he997 IIumari Services Contract between your agency and the City of Kent -he City also has. file an original copy of the Contract and a copy ofyour'certxficate of insurance. P�11er paragraphs three and four:of the 1997 Contract, all invoices must be submitted on Exhibit B (billing voucher)and must be accompanied by an Exhibit C (monthly Service Report form) if your agency reports monthly. Agencies that report quarterly should attach an Exhibit D (Quarterly Service Report form) to the Exhibit B. All agencies must submit an Exhibit D and E after the completion of each quarter. For your conven� � - � � 11 I ..... , - , , ,,:,,I I I :� � � :1 ::: == -��-R , ,�' I :-- 11 I I ... . . . . ..%- ience, we have enclosed another copy of the Human Services Contract Agency ReportiI'lng;Requirements list. This form provides the deadlines for the City receiving required . reporting information which is also stipulated in paragraphs three and four of the contract A We l%ook forward to working with your agency during 1997. If you have any questions,please call me 1.at 850-4789`or Katherin Johnson at 850-4784 . . % S' cerel` . ... . zn : ;. Y, . . .. .. G. ache-'.'..�1.:.1,�.�1".���,.:-..l Joizris on R t . Pi annex, .%1��.::;..:sI 1-::"II�,:1I...I_.,-..,"-::�4....,�:'-.I.I 1I..1,:..�I��.-.:1 I�,-11V�-�:�,:.I.I..:1:1;.'%1 I1I�,.�,Ie..��%�11,.,�:,�.�I,.1:.,,I1:,,".�"I.!,�.''%'1,,I�,,I'-1.-:.�.,,.I,I'1!1-,".',.��:,---:III 1,1:�.,-��II,z'�II-,'.II,I I:-1II 1',�.I I I I4..�.%1.1II''I.:,�'.I:t-:I..�I'1I,1-��.1I.''',,1 I l%. . RJ/tb:97age.itr cc: Wesley Martin,:Board President Melvin Tate,Human Services Commission Chair James P.Harris,Planning Director 1. Lin Houston,Human Services Manager Katherin Johnson,Planner _. 220 4th AVE.SO., /KENT WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE`(206)859-3300/FAX#859-3334 . CI lY:.'..:::.f .' ...�....... . ....... .......� � . ` ,.: i II �• Jim White,Mayor Planning Department (206)859-339O/FAX(206)850-2544 James P.Harris,Planning Director February%14, 1997 Patricia Mclnturff,Exe utive Director Senior Services of SeattlelKi%ng County 16O.12nd`AV# 40 Seattle, WA 98TO1-1579 Dear Ms. McTnturff; . . Enclosed;%s ` our on final co o t%.19%7: u a e v ces Con::act et een' o r a end :;'arid;;the `'' g pY .. g Y .. 11, Cit11 y of Dent The City als%o has on file an original copy of the Contract and a copy of your`cextificate of insurance. Per paragraphs three and four of the 1997`Contract, all invoices must be submitted on Exhibit B (billing voucher)and must be accompanied by an Exhibit C (monthly Service Report form)if your agency reports monthly. Agencies that report ort quarterly should attach an Exhibit D (Quarterly g Y p Y g P q YQ Y . ` Service Report form) to the Exhibit B. All agencies must submit an Exhibit D and E after the completion of each quarter For your convenience,;we have enclosed another copy of the Human Services Contract Agency Reporting Requirements list. This form provides the deadlines for the City receiving required reporting information which is also stipulated in paragraphs three and four of the contract . We look forwarcl'to workin twitl our a enc du 19.97. 11' ou have an uestians,%please,call g Y g Y g Y Yq .. me at 850-4789:or Katherin J`ohrison:at 8 0 47 4 ;;`; % .` .`.. eS%rc rlY . . . '. .. . . :. . ..... A U:. ;; , . e J : sto Rah o 1 hn n i er''P ann % . RYtb:97age.ltr cc: Cindy Zwart,Board President I :�:I:Ik C. Milce Berry Melvin Tate,Human Services.Commission Chair . James P. Harris,Planning Director' Lin Houston, Human Services Manager Katherin Johnson,:Planner .. 220 4th AVE.SO. /KENT WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (200859-3300/FAX 859-3334 MaNTC..IT:Y;Of..: `. ._.„ ii 17�7CWIIC�P� J)lm ���..Mayor:.. Planning Deparhnent (206)%59-3390/FAX(2a6)850-2544 James P.Harris,Planning Director PLANNING DEPARTMENT 206-859-3390 MEMORANDUM February1, 1997 . .ff. ... ..... - .... .....������.;:���:.���I�:l��;�.�.�I�.�:l������� ...�....�� � "", - "It'' . i: ll a 11 MEMO TO: 1. Ail.City of Kent Funded %::-, - —�i:- -�� --��,��1100. : . Agencies FROM Iatherin Johnson,Planner RE 1997 Metro Human Services Reduced Fare Bus Ticket Program Attached is the application for the 1997 Metro Human Services Reduced Fare Bus Ticket Program. It is due February 28, 1997. I apologize for the short turn around time but the information was received in flur office yesterday. 'y11 There are contact numbers in the document if you need assistance in completing the application P:I H UMA NSER I KATHER IN I B USTOKEN,WPDl c h cc: James P.'Harris,Planning Director Lin Houston,Human Services Manager .�ZGyY�l1 / � �o 220 4th AVE.SO., /KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859-3300/FAX#859-3334 Elm a:Foer Nina Auerbach Pe 1Vlazen Catholic Community Services Child.Care Resources Ch ldren's Home Society P. O.Box 398 15015 Main Street, Suite 206 P. O. Box 15190 K -* WA 98035 Bellevue,WA 98007 Seattle, WA 98115 . Steve Anderson - Jayne Leet : Susan Eastgard Children's Therapy Center Community Health Centers of King Crisis Clinic of Seattle King County 10811 Kent-Kangley Rd. County 1515 Dexter Ave.N., Suite 300 Kent, WA 98301 1025 S. 3rd St., Suite A Seattle,WA 98109 Renton,WA 98055 Jackie Grimesey __ _ _, . Arthur Lee ____-._ Bev Chaney DA.W.N. Emergency Feeding Program Kent School District P.'O. Box 1521 P O Box 18145 12033 SE 256th St Kent,WA 98035 Seattle,WA 98118 Kent, WA 98032 .. ........... ... ...... Mary Lou Becvar Peter'lYloureir Mary Ellen Stone Kent Commutu#y Service Center- Kent Youth and Family Services King Count%y Sexual Assault F.0d Bank :;232 2nd Ave: S;#201 Reso .urce C n#er e SAS Fourth Ave.N. Kent,OVA 98032 364 Ma�n;Ave. S #200 Kent, W A032 Renton,WA 98055 Judy Peterson Patricia Mcnturff Dirii Ductos Pre naric Aid%of Kent g y Senior Services of;Seattle-Kug South Kmg Co 1VIu1#i-Service Center P. O. B©x 1775 County 1200 S. 336th Kent, WA 98032 1601 2nd Ave., Suite 800 Federal Way, WA 98003 Seattle,WA' 98101 N yn Lacelle Margo Fieshman Rita Ryder,Executive Director Valley Cities Counseling and Washington Women Employment YWCA Consultation and Education 1118 Sth Avenue 2704 I Street N.E. 3516 S.47th St.#205 Seattle, WA 98101 ` Auburn, WA 98002 Tacoma, WA 98409 Nor Gibson ElderHealth Northwest 800 Jefferson St. Seattle, WA 98104 ........ .......:..:. .......... ...: ....::.. . ....... .. . ... %. . . . . . . . . : - ... . . % . .. .... . � . . . � . . .- .. . 1 . . . %.... . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . - - ... .. . . . . . . .:.�.... . . . . . .. . . .1 - - ..%:..:.. —....:.. . .:.. . : :!.:... :. : - ... .. ...:..... . .. . .:.i :.. �... ..%.i... . . . - I 1... :�� ;.:�.:.:.....�% �: 1% .:.1% -�%:. � .!.;.::.::t�::��..::�����-:::::�%� �-. ... .� . . . ......�i..i � � .:��.:111.��.:..-...�.�-.. . ... . :� :��.:�:�.�.�.�i��.l���:��:.�.���....��.!..�!.. 1 . . .. . .. : . . . : -.- . . - . : �... . - -. ..... . . . .. .: . .... . % .. . . ... . . . . % . . .: .......�...�.�......................................................... . . -�, . . . . . .. . . . . .:......... . .. ... . . . .. . . i �.� .. ��....... .- � .:. .. ... ..1 .�i� .��i : . ::. %.%:.:�-:.:..�:..:..1.�:% .. . . .. ... -- ... .. .... . . . ... .. . . .. � .�1. . .i.. . . . .. . . .... . ..... ...�..�.. . �: �. .. , i:..%...:::-..:::.: .�:.! 1:i.........%.. ... ...... ..: .. .. .. .,I..� . .. .. ...%... . ... .. .:�:.��.. ���...�.. ..:.�.....�.. . . �:�;�:��-�::.��::.��:.� - .�. . . :. - ..:.... . . .. . . .. . . ��! ��:!�::� � �%t� �I ��� , .......�,I,,I,, ,, . : . J- ::i?�j: ��:� �� I ]�,,�,,, , , ..-..:.: ... .% � � � - ,,,,: -: . :.1:�t � e.. � � I-- �� �11 I , �,�,,:.... 1 . .1� !:..:�. � ,,-,�..........:�,,,, ,,:,��:�:..�....�,�.�I... 11�:�:�::�� :-� :,:�lj��:��������,:1���:������j���1:.���� %������:- -� �� : � �:���,�t����,,:��:�,�, :,,,,���.�����, .. :I-:i:-.. .���.�...�..%..�.:.��..� I,I I.. , .�I . .I...:.....�����i���,�:t�:�!�:�t�i�,:,�I�tl� ��1 I I�t��O � I ,, , , %: .%.::.. . . �t� ���� � ����������� � �;��:���� �,��,I,I , ,, , , , ��:,,���!.�.:...�.:.1!.:.�-%.� .: . . :. - a � -- . �,�:,,,,��:,,,�:,:�,�,�t,� :,--�:��i�,�,:�� �%:�%�!.�%.:- . ... : �%- . � �� = .�.. � 199"7 MEiko HUI�lEi�1 SEIIVI ES SEDUCED FARE BUS T1CI0E Pi DGDA --, - �---�, ,�,,,,i���, , ,=�M=vow Reg=., : . % I Seattle Department of Housing and Human Services V11 � 11 , , - -,,,�-�zl�:� �z�,1:�Z--I'', I -- ..::: . . Kin Coun De artment of Communi and Hu g t3' P tY man Services . a i. : .. ..: : ...;: . r •.::....:.:::::. ::.:.:.;::.:::.:..:..:::.:::.::.:.:::.:....::::.. . . . '1997 REDUCED I=ARE BUS TICKET PROGRAM APPLICATION KING COUNTY/SEATTLE A. APPLICANT INFORMATION 1) Total $value of tickets requested $ 2) Agency Cost 25% of amount!n A.1, $ Agency Name : : . ...Fro ram.,lalatr�e . es • ... Phone.l+Ilirr�bet Number A' end TP e, 9 y y: --: <: Non-Prpfit For Profit, Other Describe Agency's Mission: Describe the services to low-income persons provided by your agency (specifically discuss your service to; homeless persons): ! you re I a applying for tickets through.the process, please list the cities or communities you are servl�g. What was your actual agency budget in 1996? $ What is your total 1997 agency budget? $ p91ge 1 .... . . ..:. :........:.......... ....... ....... : . ... {. ::.:..... . .. . :..::::...... :::......... 1. r„ ^, TRANSIT INFORMATION What was your Agency's actual expenditure for Metro bus tickets in 1996? Amount spent in Reduced Fare Bus Ticket Program $ 11 Agencies are required to contribute 25% of the total dollar value of Metro bus tickets before receiving the bus tickets from Metro. Metro will,contdbute the remaining;75% of the total ticket value. Agency cost for 1997 Metro bus tickets (25% of the total ticket value)will be$ (these answers should match those on p,1) Tono ,��,�:���::�,,���:,�,�:��:�:.:�:� ... . . tal Ticket Value will be: {Agency$Cost x 4 = Total% $Ticket Value) 1. .n..IcOt how Metro bus tickets wiQ be used by client#o travel to the foilowlng services; (You may check more than one) . Shelter Clothing 1=ood banks; Permanent housing search Em io P Yment Health care Job training' Day care Transitional housing. Shower/hygiene facilities' Rent payment assistance Dental care Public assistance/Social Security etc. Mental health services Alcohol/drug treatment Other(Specify) Utility assistance What percentage of these tickets will be used for homeless clients? {see definition of"homeless"on page 2j 9/° What percentage of these tickets will be used for low income(not iN�l 11 ,�, I , 1"... .'' �11 % ncluding homeless) clients(see definition of"low income"on page 2) Total % 9 DO% Please describe the system you use to document use of the bus tickets: ::.:.;:::; % .. i hereb certif that the information resented in`fhi.a 1, tion is true and com lets to the'best;of'm knowted a and Y Y P PP P Y that any tickets purchased by the agency will only be dispensed to;homeless anchor low`income clientele who reside in: King County(outside the City of Seattle limits). or : Inside the fit of Seattle iimps . . By: Title: .gnature� Date: :.. ""'Name of.Agency Directo1.r, if not signer above: . . .. page 3 �j . CITY`OF&�I::.1I,I:,�Q..-II.�.i-,.�I;i�.---�,.,'-;.`-'..II.�."I I,�-....--:-,�11,1" , ; ¢ T& Jim White,Mayor :,11Planning Department (206)859-33901FAX(206)850-2544 JamesP.Harris,Planning Director PLANNING DEPARTMENT (206) 859-3390 MEMORANDUM Febru 21 1997 MEMO TO.; . Rose GAU.Md Ra. Morrison, Y. FROM: .% t erin Johnson,Planne RE; Human Services Commission Retreat Enclosed ou v 11 find,the handoutift&n the;Hurnan Services Commission Retreat; .:One;o .:: ..: : . Y .%.1I.:...:-I:-�..iJi:-'-:.%�.:0:�.,...�..��.�t%.�..... . topics on your Commission Agenda is to debrief from the retreat. I hope the information in the packet will be helpful to you. We still need to review the tape to determine if it will be usable If the tape is good,copies will be made for you. At the Retreat,the Commissioners scheduled time on the March agenda to discuss next steps in the outcome process. If I can be of further assistance, please call me at 850-4784i P:IHUMANSERIKATHERIMMEM22197.WPDIch cc: James P. Harris,Planning Director Lin Houston,Human services Manager .. : Rachel Johnston;PUnner . . . . i. .: ......... 11. 4, . .a%.. 220 4th AVE.SO.. /KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859-3300/FAX; 859-3334 CITY OF IEL22 � afF t Jim White,Mayor Planning Department (206)859-3390/FAX(206)850 2544 James P.Harris,Planning Director February 24, 1997, Mary Lou Becvar,Executive Duector Kent Food Bank Kent Community....Service Center 525 Fourth Avenue North Kent, WA`98032 RE; MONITORING VISIT Dear Ms. Becvar The City of Kent is preparing for its annual review of human services agencies that received General Fund and/or Community Development Block Grant(CDBG) funding in 1996. We plan to review your 1996 program year during an on-site visit in March. A Planning Department staff member will meet with you. It will be necessary for your Financial Officer and the person responsible for your program demographics to attend the meeting. Please have available copies of canceled checks,payment invoices, or staff time sheets (if City funds paid staff salaries). During the one-hour visit we would like to review'information regarding your recordkeeping and financial management system. We may also ask questions;regarding staffing and program management. Also, during the review we would like to receive your feedback regarding the City's human services process, This visit presents an'opportunity for both Planning and agency staff to learn more,..a out each other's needs and concerns We will contact you soon to schedule an appointment. If you have questions,please:call me at'850. 4789 or Katherin Johnson at 850-4784 Sincerely;' Rachel Y. Johitlston Planner RYJ/tb:mosvis.97 ( cc: Wesley B.Martin,Board President Melvin Tate,Human Services.Commission Chair...... James P. Harris,Planning Director Lin Houston,HousuigAand Human Services Manager Katherin Johnson,,Planner 2204th AVE.SO.. /KENT.WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859.3300/FAX k 859.3334 CIiY ©F TF� T CTZ Jim White, May©r .1..,I1I:�.:...1.1 I-.1.�I-:%.,Il�..,,��..:.:�_.%:......',I,l:...(,��.....��.:...lI:..�..%I1:.�..%....�:,:�:...,..:..I�:�.(l:l:...-�%�I%..:.:.1...��t�,......!1�..'�%:...��,,I��....%.-",1,.�,..:.I'�..�:..,�_�����%..�:!%.-�'��.�....�..%�.I:..,,:�.��..1'"'..J_.......,-1..-�-._.1.�.:-�1%.,�..:..;_�...:%l....�._..1,'�1�...":t.....,'�t..%.%�t:�.!.,,1..::.....-"' Planning Department (206)859-3390/FAX(206)850-2349 �1%.I'�,1,I1 1:I,!:.I:,�:_I,-l:.I:'�].11.�.I I,.:�,II,_:,�.1,��_l�",,�!"'III.I"�,,I�,..1,:".�.%.I II,:,I�i1%—1M:..I�;,.z.I%.I:�,-.l:I-.I I�.1:;..;-',..:Il��.,1-.,�t,..,�...1����,��I-%'�'��,"_�,.,%_,.'..:�_:.I-,I,�I.,�.,.:���%�'.%I:'�].:�I:11:1:�I�I.:1.��",.,'"...:.,�:�":i't,I�:�.v:l.�..1:i..A,.�:".'_41:�1'1%.l,...I.,,_�._.%.1,'.,I:.:,,,,.1-��..':t��:�''-:.,I11:%I Z,�:_�.,:,.:.t..�:%.,.�.�t..�..-:�jX;:I.%.%.%;.�..:-'..::1..���._%.-Z�..::::-.....:..:..z:I....%1�:.��:......"'.�...1...%,:.....�I1....'.:..%:-.,A..��:..��..%�...�,....:l..�."�:I..��.%.i�,:.:.�.�...1......:I�.I.�.:.%:,-%�:%.�....:��.%%:�...-.,....,%.�:...�Il.,:.%..-.�_...%.�..��.::;:.��....�.�:....:....:,......%..�...1.�,.�:.��:....�.,"..�.....��.�%.]..%:...1��..�,.:.'�..�.,._.1:'":.....i..._.,........�,�......:%....-..�..�....:�.%�%.........'.,..:..:.;..%,:%��%�..!...;...%':..:....:,.:�..-,�.:.%.�1-..:..1,�.�.%�.�...'�..:�..%:..:..!��,":-...'......%...I..�:..._.�..-.�.�.%�.:�.�:.:.�..�..—.:'._�6]1,:..1..:..�.%.,.,..�.:%:.%.��:%...�.t...:�...%I,....�.... ....�..:..''-.::::��.:.:.��...�..::":1..i�%...�z..,A,...:..:.-%.,..%...�,:.-...�.:..:z.,%.:...%..%...:::%'...�.':::...�:.:.:�%,'.�..%.%.,%-..:....-:..............�,...�"..�...�.....,...%:1.�...�:�.'.:'_.I..�:..:.."::..�....1...::%':�:.:.....-.�.,I...:�.....,.:�:......%::.%.��....1,:.%%.t.::..%..-:.,0."���.'%..:..%%:.�...:'..:..'....:-�.��,....l:I��:.,:.'—.��.t%.......%.I.%.....�.—.I...��,l;..':.;...�%'.��!�...%,..�-.�..�....l.�..%.t...%.l._.....1,..1�..-�..%.....::',.:.,..]�..!l%�...,��..%.�.�..:%,�.:�...,..:�.�..�%.....,�,.i...-.....�.....%.......:...:.%..:.:..�,..I.._....�%:.���......!:.�%::...:...,-.�...:�....I1.,..%:....;�......:..�....:�.%.......�.,.�...:,%%::..I%.%..�.;.-.:�..�::.:..Z......:.t...�..�..�%..::.:...,..�:....�%.::j...:�!�...i.�......�.,��:...�:�..�.......:..1:.......::..:.....%%...�.:.!.�'j:...�.�.%%...:I.....:....i-...%...:.�..�:.%�:%..,-:_.,..:�....!::...,..:..:......:..I�:...��.,%7..%..�'�...z,�..:..........j..%..:......:.:�,%.!%.;.:I:::..,�..��...:.%.�%.�........-.,...%_.:..%%���.%..!�..,.�.:�:.%....::.........�...�.%.:...�:,::..:��.%:.::..:..:%.�...i.-.-...�..%�:.�:..%:i.%:...::.......���I.,...�...t:�:��.�..�...I.�...�..!....�...-:...%.�-..�...�%.:.:��.�I.�%�:.�,�:�....;.%........�:....�.%!:..:l.::...%..I...l�..�:.I:.l....:.......�:%�:�:.:..:.�..:�.I%..;�...%I:.�....�i..::%�%....%......:..,.�,�.....III..�.:....��%�..._�.�.....�...�:.%.%..%.�:.:..'.�_..�...;.....I.�%��.�%......_...1�.::.t.......�..�..:�.�.i�..%I�.����..:�:%.�%%..:..�.�.:�......:.��.l_..%..%�.�...::�.:..:% ..-:...,.��%..�..-%...����:.:...�..:�.-�...%:_t.�.�--�....:.....,.....:...���."t.........�:..;,:�_..%.�%..�..��:��.....-%..;�..-�.:...�-.....:�l..%�:,�-..:-��...%.....;...,:I�.:........%..,�t%..,.._.�.:.��......��.":.:�....-�..-..:.:%�.%..:.:�%%�.�.����.�:.-_..%�.%.;:.�.._...%..�.,��...�-..�....:1_�..�:.-.%...���_.:,�......:;.�.�.�....�-._.%�_:�.:�:.%.-.�!..:..:...%..�..:�;.�.t�....i.:--:%..:�!.�.-.%...J..........!-..��........�:.......:.,::%��...-.:�....%%.�..,�:�...:.%.N..-.�%.�!-.:.�..��..:�......��:..."....�:...:.%.....:%..:,..�.�!�..%:.:.::.�,..:%..��.�....,.-.�.I-.�.�....�..����%.�.......�..I:..-��....:.....1:�.:.!..!-.:..:.::..%.t...:....�..,�..-._..�._....,�:..;:.:...-:%.%...-���......%I:.�_...:-�-.:..�,.._%�..........-��.-..:1.�....t..�-..:!��t��..�.:::..,�-..-�.I.�.�:��.:-.:.i.:..-...%,.:.!:.:..-.%_......:...-.....:...'l.::.:�-�...�..-_.%.,��,-....:......��.:�-%..:,.::....:...I,,��..%...,,....i.I....,.�.....II�:....,�-j:I%�%.:.:!..IIII:-..%...�._.._�...�,.I.-..;%.I��,.��.1:��...:�......�1...-....�%..�,:-�.�...._�,.I-.�.:.�I��_�..%_..�..%�..�I.�....--..:......�..::,.:�...�..'..:..:-��,:.:.....::...:�.:�...%;.���:......_Il.-.�.%�.%�,.......I.....�:-�..��-......-.....�Il�-�::..:.�I�.._�:._��!:..%.,....1..-%;_,!:.._....(��1...:..., James'P.Harris,Planning Director February 24, 1997 Mary Ellen Stone,Executive Director King County Sexual Assault Resource Center P. 0. Box 300 Renton, WA 98457 RE: MONITORINQ VIS T Dear Ms. Stone: The City of Kent is preparing fox its annual review of human services agencies that received General Fund and/or Community Development Block Grant(CDBG) funding in 1996. We plan to review . your 1996 program year during an on-site visit in March. A Planning Department staff member will meet with you. It will be necessary for your Financial Officer and the person responsible for your program demographics to attend the meeting. Please have available copies of canceled checks,payment invoices, or staff time sheets (if City funds paid staff salaries). During the one-hour visit we would like to review'information`regarding your recordkeeping and fn� ancial management system. We may also ask questions regarding staffmg and program management, Also, during the review we would like to receive your feedback regarding the City'shuman services i. : process. This visit presents an opportunity for both Planning and agency staff to learn snore about each other's needs and concerns We will contact you soon to schedule an appointment. If you have questions,please call me at 550- 478.9 or Katherin Johnson at 8.50-4784. . Si cerely; ���W Rachel Y.Johnston . Planner RYJ/tb:mosvis.9 7 lu cc: Candace Ismael,Board President Melvin Tate,Human Services Commission Chair James P. Harris,Planning Director Lin Houston,Housing and'Humari Services Manager Katherin Johnson :Planner -- ...r --- - ,.. u . . ,. .. . "2204th AVE.SO.. /KENT.WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE't206)859-3300/FAX 0 359-3334 CITY:t3F I : . -.� :��...�� � � � : . .�i��.��. .��. . . . �... �I� : ,:�,�-I, I I:I I �,"��,�i �� -.. . ...- . ....... .I. :, I ,., , ..... ..�,, - ..-...... �..-..�1... "f Jim White,Mayor ......:.�,...:..�.�,.-.�.:.%�.�.%-.....:.-.-.�....�.:.%...I.:.�-.1.:.�.%1�...�..�.:...��..�......�.%......�..:.:....1I.:.:i�..l...I:-�.%..�..i:..�..�...:%....%..;...-..��.,....-..-��%%,.-..;..,...1,.,�...I..:.:..���::.!�.......!��:..:..:-.....,.-..-.%..j1�...:..;.�..I..�..%.I.��..t.�..l..�.!::.�-�..i.%....,��.....1-.:........-.:.����.�.....I.�.l,�:...I,:�.;%.iI..%j�%�.....�:-..:...��.�:...:.%.:..::�.:�.�.�:...:......�....�,..1....:..��::�.:....�.....-,I.,!.-..��.�t.!..!:.�I..��..:�.%.I.�%.�:..�...�...%1��..�..:�.:�-..,�I�......%:.�.....-.!...I..1.l....�:.�...�:.,........-�:.�.....':1...�...�.....,.�.:............�.!..�..�-..:—....%.�.�.:.,::.;..,...i.%.�%...I.:..-...-.:..'..l%:.::..�....:.:-..:.AI��..:...��.:�i%..."..:.��.,II.:.!.�.�.,.��....::.....%.�'.!.%�.%%.�,:�.1��.-�,:.1...:% �����%�.-::....,1��:..-1!%..-.�-.�.....:�..::..:.%:.-...::,.�..�.%...�...I..%.t.--:.:.::.l�.,...-�:-....."�..�.......i..:%.:.....�..��..�.:-%..-��.�.%..:%......I�...����,�.�..�.:,.:�..:�.�-�.��.::.���:I::.::.......%...�1I�.�.:....i!�:::..I!.:...I:�.;...�..�..�.%�..�.���.%.1.....:�..:...I.�:�%�:--,:!..�%..,�.-�.�,...;:..1.-...i...1 1...:�.�..%�.:.�1�:..%%.1.II.�..%..I-.:.�I�....�.......��...:..%....:.%�.',,.I.�...11:.I.l:.�.:..�.:%.:.�..�:I1..%.-:....::.I...:..:.!.:.-��%.-�-��..,...:.1.....-I..%.�......:..�:..�%...:.%.�:....-1.��I...:......�.%.�:.!..,�%...�:...::.�.�:.i.....'I�.....�.%....-....�.-.`...I..:.�.�..:..�.1:�...�I�..%..:":1%....!..�....%..�.j-..I,�:-..�:........-I:.....�.:1..1....:.%.%�';..:..:.'':....-.�..,:..:�..:!%...-.�..,..�..�.:i.::..:.i...:.:.:..�"......,!.:�1..�*..�I..-.�..I�.:�...:-.!%...%...�....--..�.:....:....�.:�...�-.'�-.. Planning Department (206)859-3390/FAX(206)850-2544 JamesiP.Harris,Planning Director :: ` February 24, 1997 Jackie Grimesey Executive Director` DW 1�T P. Q, Box . . Kent, WA 98035 RE: MOI�ITQRII�T! VISIT Dear Ms. Grimesey: The:' ity o£Kent is preparing for its annual review of human services agencies that received General Fund and/or Community Development Block Grant(CDBG) funding in 1996. We plan to review your 1996 program year during an on-site visit in IVlarch. l A Planning Department staff member will meet with you. It will be necessary for your Financial Officer and the person responsible for your program demographics to attend the meeting. Please have available copies of canceled checks,payment invoices, or staff time sheets (if;City funds paid staff salaries). During the one-hour visit we would like to review information regarding your recordkeeping and financial management system. We may also ask questions regarding staffing and program management. Also, during the reviewve would like to receive your feedback regarding the City's human services .. , . rocess. This visit resents an o ortun for:both P1:1% 'and`a enc; staff to learn triore about.P P PP tY : g g Y each other's needs and concerns. . .:. . . . . . . . . We u Ul contact; ou;soon`to.schedule aria ointment:`If ou`;have uestions : 1 at 35.0- :. Y. PP ' .. pease call me .. 4789 or Kather- Johnson at.850-4784. . . e ` ' .Sincer ly, Rachel Y.`Johnston Planner R.YJ/tbmosvis.97 cc: : Dorothy Bosteder,Board President ( Melvin Tate,Human Services Commission Chair . James P. Harris,Planning Director ,... . Lin Houston,Housing and'Human Services Manager Katherin Johnson,Planner _ .. .. 220 dth AVE.SO.. I;KEN T.`WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859-330U/FAX p 859.3334 C�TY'flP�� � 1 - ,:�...,..`-'-�._%-l����%....1�:,���:,..1'.-1�,%-����-�.�:.�.�:.-.�-,:��-.a:�l�--.��:�:.�.:!-��%,..�,:�,:.�:��-.-.�,.:.,:.::.-����.1��-..`�:...��::�,::�-�,....�,1-.:-:���_..1���:I:��:�:.�:.'i��..-..�1�-��".-:....��:..-�:�-.;.1::�-:,,�..,..:�:..:1:,;�-..:�..��-����..��..��,,%�1I���_.,%�..,��:��..�:._.:,-:.,:-............-�..,..,���-�-.:-�-...."-i-i�:�.�,.�:-,-.-....l::".!:.,:,.I��-:::1�.!.�-��j..�..-:-.�,...,-...'�:�,,:_.I:�.-:�t�--.1..�:��%�.%,:1.,��,%......-,..�-��j I:.�..%�':,.:..-�,��..1,-:��-:�Ii�����tj:..,�:.��:,�...�,-,-:::�---l�.1,1:�.��:����,,-...j�l.�.,N.i:j����%-�,��,.�..��--l-�::.�.":-,.:,,,,��-�%.....::����1i..%:�,,'-,-:..�,,����.,:;���.�:�:-�.%1-—�-�,..::�:_�:�..1��,�:.:�:....��.,:,�.�--:.�i.���-�..,i�::�:�%�1.:....,.,.i�:,,�-��,-.-,���:%-:I-,�'�.-.%:.�,�,.-:��,',�..—�....-�."...�--,.���,..:,:]:-�i..%.,-�-,,�."...,�-..1:�,.,,�:..V�...���l:;,-�-,l..:l���:�II.�.�-�.�i"-���,,j��I..��..--:--�.�...�!��".'.,�-,.-..�;--"�--�"::�'�-���i,�..::..,�:���.I�'-.,;'.,:I..�!"��..��--..�.�...�,,�-.���",...::,:,l�."��-':,,...;��:..r'�-:�:.I��-%!......:-,--�:�--l..�,.-�:-"..-"�-,...--i.:,1:.I,-.7,:-�..,I��..�����:..:I.,.:1.��-�.:.�-,����I�'�...-.,,--'�%:,..-",.,-����'!.:,.t�:�.�:1-1,i,%..-��'��.-.-,�':II:...:,,:�,,,�.,1-�-j-,�,:�-.....��-.,-..t�It.I.'�l�!,:j 1i.,.�.--%:..,"��-,,":!��,,:,...--:.'�-...-�..-1��'-,'-�"--��i.:.,.,.,-'-i"1.,'�t:j�.:... Jim White,Mayor . �.J��-�!..i�j..:�,.:,....�:%..:-:1...�t�.:.%.t��...:.��-�..��N.-1�:.��:..�.%.,1....It..%�I�i...�-1:�.�.:��-...I��.1I 1�.%:..I...-.%.—I:::..'1--..%.:�.%...I-.-,..�.�-:::%-��...:l.%-�....1,�1..%1--..�-%%.I�.I-�:-�...I�....�..%..1.�..:1�:.:.-%':%%���...1�...1.�.l�...�I.1.....�-1 J�::,..�t.!.1:I,..1�..,�:..�:(1��%.1�:%�..I-..l...I�. �...--::%..�."--�:�-�:..:,--�.%:%1���:..(-.1:�:...�:,...-�,:�..1,-i;.:�I::�.1�....,l���....��.:..��..:�...1--..�t.:.:J���.-.�,:�1...�..I%�-..:%1�..:�..:-:,-,1:I�.%�.:..-�:.I!��..��-:..-::....:�%....1,I�......:�,.�:;.,1....1�:..-%-.,�...,,.i.:.,�:..,..�,��..I,.:�;..�:.��.,...�:::.-..,:�..-�.%:I.1I��.�-.�!�.1�.1��,��.�:1.1-�.�.......,::.,,���-..-1 1:�-I..�......,I��.....'I.--....V-�...:��.:.-1"-�!�..I..-:I',-��:�.�..1I----.-�.:..�..-t�....::��:1�.:.t�I%.....%,,:...�-.1:...-�..r::.::..I;�..-.......-�--:.-.:-J,,t%l�...:..".--�...:--......%.:.....-�.-.,��!-��......II���,..:.:..�,,:�..�.I:%_::.%:��,,��..,I,:...���;-...�...:�.--:-.:-: �,,�-,..,Ik:..-1x:.L,I%�.'.'..I,1-�I'1,..%'I.-.,-1..I.I�,I,%I,.'l.I...":,,,- ...:�.=......%J::.�.:.�:..��:�..%....-.��:�....�:1:..�.......%�...:.%.:.....�",%.....%.:.�.%..::i:..�...�......�:.�....-...%..%�,....%�-..�-..�.......-...�...�.........%._::.%-.......;.�..:....%.�..:...%.:%.........-.....:.:: ...i-....:.%.%�.V.,..:..%.%..�..:,i��:�......:...%-...%....:.��..:.���.:...::.........�..�%.�.�.-...:�..-.�:.:.�...�..%..�:.�..�..%...-:.L�....�:%....��..tA.�.:.::.'.......;..i..-!%.....%.%.�...%�.....:.i-.%..1�-%�.:�%........%..:.........%...:.�,.�.,�..:.-.�...�.�.....%-:�....:.%......-..�.;,,::......�..%..-:��:..-.��..�......N.-.—...:.....-....�..".-:....:.��-:....:.I::..---....�:..-......%.:...!....'-..%.-.:.:.�.:..:%..!i..-.�...:...%.....-l..--....:...�.:.....:�-..:.......:.�:...�%-..:�.....-..%.....�.....%..--.--...:......i..��.�.�...:l.!...-..-%:�--.....:..1....�,......��.,::....I.��---...-.;....-.�..:..�._..!..:..7..:�...1-O�-:-.�....%..........-..--..',�.�.:...:.....�.:..:....--..�..%:-..�:..i:.:�.......4�I.-.;..:....:.:..:.I-.:.%�:.--',�...�..:�.�"-.--%...�.%-...��:.0-.--�..:....-.--...�-:...���..._�.�j.......::::�.---..%:.-...�..�.-.���.�.....%...::�..-�l.....:...7-....�:...-%�.-.:..-�-.1:-:..:.-..%.�...-..:-��:...:...-�..,..---.�..iI,_.1.i���..%!�.�%...,�:....%�..�..-�.:�._....�-....�l:-..:I�:I..-.*--..�:-�.::%..-.:,�..:...',..--.*-...%...-:,�..%..-._�-...:.-.::,:;�_.-.�::_.�I:....:�.:,,%%1..�..�'--.�.�..:..�.�....%.�,--.....--..,.:�.::%-..��:...1..,-,-�.:%�.�.%.:.,.%......:-..1.-.%��.-,:�..:.._--...:.:f.:.�...%.:��.:..�...].-....:.%..�,�.:....,.�..",".� -.-.l�.,,,....,-:."-�..%..-::.,:���.,:�...�.1�I�:.:,.��,I..:...,���:...1--���:...�,1IEI....J.��..�,�..:�..I�,j�.�,:I"�-.%�-..�I�'�.�i�:.%..,-.,-..1���.�-*,-.:1-1...�--�-.I,�%��.%-�'���!:�..����:t-.,..,'.-�.��,�l-'�...-��l�.��.:��.�!�:-..I.I..,�w..-. �'.-:-:..I,�,-.���..1'-�,-����''..�,,l:1.I,,z,:,'.-�1%.��I,-1.,1-::.�1,.,-,,�,.....1 l,z-11-.,:,:.�.,,.':��",�l:.���:..1,.":���.:,,.,���'�.1-II%1�.I�:::1...II',:�:1�,,:-,-,�,..,.I�:�t.�:�,:%�::���,I..,�:.:1-i,-.-;1:1i%.I-�..,�,t�,1.,,:�..:�'%-.,,:.-%,,�z,-,.,-Iz..-�:�,.',:.I:�.�,1i.�.�-:.�_�"'I l,��:I..,���,=�'.1,�II I':�::'z!�,..1::�%,�:.�,...�:'�,,:.I.1,�_..I::.��.,l.:....,�i,�."�1.���:,�:,,,,,.�%..,�:,�..-I,::,,%:�,.I,,�II.,:,,�..l"iZ�,,:..:�,..�.:�,��,�I,::.,.-��I 1!,.I,�.�,:,�..I,:.,:-.��,,�.z1,,,,,�.�:,:..l.%�:"�.-:�,':,:*,�1,'.1�,,�:,�-.,:-Z%.I1��1��1-;.,,I,�-.�I.�I,I�I11--:�,-"�,,:�',�I:!,.II',�-,,'...-�,l:,.:1I1,,�t%.�::1-���:�I z,..--..,,%.,,'::,I.,.-,1,I.-,1:1,,:,1-,�.".1.:1'.��,�",,��-.1:-,.I,1�,Zi:I.I,,.-,,��I....:1:.."-...,�,,:-%1II:�:.%-I1�:1,��..-".II:%-.I,:�:..,�:,,..1.�l1".-��...t:,-.1��j�.,-�-,I-I�:�..,:..�:1,:-',_:�.%—.,,.--�.l.-I,�,......�'�:,,--..,."-�-,..���� Planning Department (206)"859-3390/FAX(206)850 2544 James P.Harris,Planning Director February 24, 1997 Beverly Chaney Futures Club Kent School District 12033 SE 256th Street Kent, WA 98031 RE; MONITORINGISI'T Dear Ms. Chaney: The City of Kent is preparing for its annual review of human services agencies that received General Fund and/or Community Development Block Grant(CDBG) funding in 1996. We plan to review your 1996 program year during an on-site visit in March. A Planning Department staff member will meet with you. It will be necessary for your Financial Officer and the person responsible for your program demographics to attend the meeting. Please have available copies of canceled checks,payment invoices, or staff time sheets (if City funds paid staff salaries). During the one-hour visit we would like to review:information regarding your recordkeeping and financial management system. We may also ask questions regarding staffing and program management. Also, during the review we would like to receive your feedback regarding the City's:human services process. This visit presents an:opportunity for bath Planning and agency staff to learn more about each other's needs and concerns We will contact you soon to schedule an appointment. If you have questions,please call: : at 850- 4789 or Katherin`Johnson at 850 47$4. . : Suncezel ``: : : � U Rachel Y.Johnston Planner RYJ/tb:mosvis.97 cc: James L. Hager,Superintendent of Education Melvin Tate,Human Services Commission Chair .: . James P. Harris,'Planning 9jrector Lin Houston,Housing;and lfiuman:Services Manager Katherin Johnson,_Planner % . .. - .._. .i. 2304th AVE:SO.. /KENT.WASH(NGTON 98032.5895/TECEPHONE't?06)859-3300/FAX k 859-3334 .. % CITY OF� . ���� Jim White,Mayor Planning Department (206)859-3390/FAX(206)850 2544 James P.Harris,Planning Director February 24, 1997 �� -I I :�,:Itz�'W t:��-:�:� -�- t "--::-:--,t��:t % . ....::.��:.. :: %...:��%:.�%;�%-.:: Margo Fleshman Executive Director ,iJashington Women's Employment and Education . .. 3516 South 47thStxeet #203'' Tacoma, WA 9$ 09 . RE; MOh ITORING,'US§.. e e , D az 1vls F sh%mari ''';' l The City of Kent is preparing for its annual reviewf human services agencies that received General Fund and/or Community Devglopment Block Grant(CDBG) funding in 1996. We plan'to review your 1996 program year during an on-site visit in March. .. A Planning Department staff member will meet with you. It will be necessary for your Financial ..,. Officer and the person responsible for your program demographics to attend the meeting. Please have'available copies of canceled checks,payment invoices, or staff time sheets (if City funds paid staff salaries). During;the one-hour visit we would like to review information regarding your :�:�����-.-..%.�..:�..��-...�.���-..,.,��:......�1:..�.�.-��%t..-..-..,�.��:��.�..:.�..t��:.�,�.�....:��.....-..t:-�..%:i��-��....:%%�,.i-...,%..:-.::��.�-..�--�.���,�..-%�...���t:��...%��.-�%:�....��-.�!.��. r.-,-.�..�-.��.ecordkeep,I,:,:ing and financ...�'.%...1�I-.�II.1 ial m.,�.��...,�...:.....:......:...�.,.-. �...I...%1:.::�...a...�...:...:I i:.�:�:�.�.�.n�.'I�.....%:::�.�.:..�'�1i..,..-�%�.�.:agem�.�-...�I::.�:...,..::.:...:��....::-,�.t....en�..�.,.�--..-��:I;.....:�:.�:%t s-.-%.:..�..ystem.�..!...�.�%....�.:j....:.:..t:�........ We may�.t.����.�,.��..��:.also ask questions regarding staffin..�........�1.%-.�%,........ g a%�.I::..%...-�I..�.I- I.:..,,:1.I�nd program management. .�!.:�-�-.-�.-�.:.�-���.���..�::....-.��,i���;::..,t--:..%�:�:� .1-..�.1� :..1..�:�'. %...�l%:...........��.��..... .m.-....... _I.I 1� .........—..........�.1. -�...I�:.:.....�.:.I%...�.....:......�...�.....:-...%�.....!.......I-..�..1.I�......1..I:.�....,..I.. Also,during the rev>ew we would lilce to receive your feedback regarding the City's,humaa services ......:.,.:....!....�...�...:...::%.....1....% ...�....::...%.....%..,..%�.....:...:..%%....::.... ..�...�..:.....:.. ......:..%...%...:...:.... -.......:%:..%..... !. ....�.�.� process. Thus visit presents an oppv1. : for both P1anlung and agency staff to learn more about each other's needs and concerns, .. ................. ..-....%........ .... �%..%.�..��;..%�...-��.:.1-::1 1.-.....��.%�..%�...- ;We will contact pu soon;to schedule an a ointment.;If you have` uestons lease call icne at$50 Y PP q p 4789 or Kathenn Johnson at 850 4784. : i` `'ere S n hy, /� L ��� Rachel Y.Jo ton . Planner RYJ/tb;mosvis.97 cc: Lynn Roberts ProgramManager ( Katherine Salvog,Board President Melvin Tate,Human Services Commission Chair :.:. James P. Harris, Punning I3i"rector Lin Houston,Housing.and Himarr Serv>ces..Manager . Katherin Johnson,Planrxer . "'1204th AYE.`SO.:'/KENT,WASHINGTON 98032.5895/TELEPHONE (206)859-33001 FAX rF 859-3334 CITY OF � � � % Jim.White, Mayor Planning Department (206)859-3390/FAX(206)850-2544 .,_...:�tj:.%:IIj.:..1 t..%..I i�..-:...:�:.:I.��..,,..���:.........',�I�.1_.��..�.:.:...I-,.I�'�:i.1��:,ii�.��.__� ..�..l,.cI::,t._�I.�,,i1....�'�-�.!%��!�I�1����-,�...�-::.".I��',..!.�..��::�!,..:,�.:-:__.�._��.J_:�:�,-I:1,;��..-�:._,:-�::-�..%,,—j.�1'%:,i�:,�I�t.:�I:.-._!_..'�_�:��.1.:I_:--:I_,:t:_���J�.�_.,�!�,%,1.iI-:��.:��,1�:I,_,,��t:"�-:_��'.:�::��.�%:�I�i��I,���!''.i��%_%I,�:I_.�-,;�)�%�,���t!,,:�,t��::!�_._"��,:.�',,�_-._:k;:I,:-_�:�,�j��:_,��t�_�-1,�L t�_��:':,_I._:,,I�.l_1��,�I��:1����:�::�,�,:�-_��'�,,_:�:��I_:II,,:�,:_.I I!i��I�,�:��_,�_-1�-ii::��_:���:,�::��..�_:,I-_,��"�,�;:��I,�����,1�:�__.t:%::-��.9�::��_��:��:,:.�_���j�,,::,,��_�:,:7�:�:.,��-_:�,��%:��,��:��,��1,!:,�,�":I���_�-.,::�:�I,.��_":�:,::�t�,,��",��_�.,t�'1.1,i-_:��,.:��,_.,-.:_:,:�:�,i��-I�1�'���:,:..,--�',�._:-_�,:..I�_��.�_I�;�:'.�:�-l,_":t��!%��t,.-:�:�:'.:,��t_�:_��_��I�-�'-:�":��._�:,-�,.��..:':.-�l:�t...-�:��.��%�!,:.�I:��:'..:ii:��.�t:�,�:I,�...._:1������t�:�:-����Il:.�,.:,�.�l:�_�,_":�����.:�,-.�i���_.%I_�',,,:���_,�.-:_.:l�-!-.:�1 l,��.�.:�.::,:-.�.�����:;.,:_�_-.,��:.:I�::�:�,.:�-�1��%'I,�,�:,:_:"tI_�,;:�.�,��.,..'��.�.I�-���_1�'��.�::::,�l,:-,--I<:��,_�I,,.I.t�.:,,_�,,,l::��_��%�'I�,����.'��1���I��:.�t:��,.,'�iI���"I,:_!��t-.,,��.-:-.''���%�.::I-":�,�t.:I1—�::�:,�-.:�:�-�_,�!,,��:l,_�.'I��'%l1���-�:�..�,:!�---1,�1'N...,��.1!���,���,.'I�i�,I��i...,��'�'.',:�:��.�.!.l,�:��:.�,'__�.l��:.�.I';��_�,��-,..I,,:1�:,�%.:'���%:��,�:i..�,-.��:,..,��::��,��%.:—,�:��I'��".�,.%.�...��1�:�.%,���.,,.���,_..,:�:..�.::����.��:�_:::,,.I:�..�:!�!�..��,,�:,!�!:--...��:�:!_ ��,Y',,,:,1',-��.::,�:'��'''�I11'.-,,1,�.I�:�,l��-1.�,"�''_�..II:,":,l�,_�.,',..:,,..%�,:..t�,._,:,-lQI,I�,,:,'",-�-,.I,:�.,I.�I.���_:�It,�,IE IIl�"1....,��,�_,:�!.,_��:�,I'.111-,t.��.I�::::..I I1,�_::_.�,..l:I,�,II��I11��1,:,iI,�"�,...l��"t:I�,�,.,�.1,_,I;,_��,..I::_�z�:�,'�::.1I.,I1:_''--,.I��:��I.'t:,:,'�'_,_,Z:,::tl,1.i���,,',%%1-1:�;II����__':-..1�1�,-%'"�t�l':�_,,,,�%�,::.I,,�'II�V�,..,t-:,,'�,,,�,:�'��.�.:�:,1.%:�_:":., James P.Harris,Planning Director February 24, 1997, Nina Auerbach,Executive Director Child Care Resources 1501'5 Main Stree# Suite 204 Bellevue, WA 98007 RE: MONITORING ISIT Dear Ms. Auerbach: The City oKent is preparing for ats annual review of human services agencies that received General Fund and/or Community Development Block Grant(CDBG) funding'in 1996. We plan to review your 1996 program year during an on-site visit in March. A Planning Department staff member will meet with you. It will be necessary for your Financial Officer and the person responsible for your program demographics to attend the meeting. Please have available copies of canceled checks,payment invoices, or staff time sheets (if City funds paid staff salaries). During the one-hour visit we would like to review`information regarding your recordkeeping and financial management system. We may also ask questions regarding staffing and program management. Also,during the review we would like to receive your feedback regarding the City's human services process. This visit presents an opportunity fi both Planning and agency staff to team more about each other's needs and concerns? We will contact you soon to schedule an appointment. If you have questions,.please call me at 850- . 4789 or Kather' Johnson at 850-4784. . Si cerel , G Rachel Y:'Johnston Planner RYJ/tb:m6svis.97 ec: Susan Bennet,Board President t" Laura Wells, South County Coordinator . . Melvin Tate,Human Services_Commission Chair James P. Harris,Planning Director _ ' Lin Houston,Housing-and I3uman Services Manager ;r <: Katherin Johnsori,,Flanne ,:.: 220 4th AVE.SO.. /'KENT,WASHINGTON 98032.5895/TELEPHONE (206)859-3300/FAX#859.3334 CITY of (r 9?fto-Z Jim White, Mayor Planning Department (206)859-3390/FAX(206)850-2544 James P.Harris,Planning Director February 24, 1997 Elmira Forner,Interim Director Catholic Communty Servrces P,O. Box 398 Kent, WA 98035 RE: MONZTORI1�tG VISIT Dear Ms, Forner: The City of Kent is preparing for its annual review of human services agencies that received General Fund and/or Community Development Block Grant(CDBG) funding in 1996, We plan to review . your 1996 program year during an on-site visit in March. A Planning Department staff member will meet with you. It will be necessary for your Financial Officer and the person responsible for your program demographics to attend the meeting. Please have available copies of canceled checks,payment invoices, or staff time sheets (if City funds paid : staff salaries). During the one-hour visit we would like to review information regarding your recordkeeping and financial management system. We may also ask questions regarding staffing and program management. Also, during the review we would like to receive your feedback regarding the City's human services process. This visit presents an opportunity for both Planning and agency staff to learn more about each other's needs and concern . We will contact you soon to schedule an appointment. If you have questions,please;call me at 850- 4789 or Katherin Johnson at 850-4784. Si erely, Rachel Y. Johnston Planner RYJ/tb:mosvis.97 cc: Tony Miadineo,Board President Josephine Tamayo Murray,Executive Director Melvin Tate,Human Services.-Commission ChX. air James P. Harris,Planning Director Lin Houston,Housnxng as uman ervnoes Manager .:. Katherin Johnson Planner 220 4th AVE:SO.. /KENT.'WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859-3300/FAX'#859.3334 . . ,, .. ....z ...........�z....:........%,....... : ;, " *�:....:::.:,.%:.:..IL:::�:::,:::_:, : . ..:.. %.... : . . � . . . . �%:�.�I�I.. . . . I % � .. .. . .. . ... . . . . ... . . .... I .... .... .I I:���� :� , , . I.I.: . .... . I:. %�%..-. � : : . . .. .. .... .. . . . . .. . ��. . ...-. .-. .... . . . ...I, I . . I... . . � . ... . . .%I. . .......I ,,, I .- I �:I_:1��.I I�.:���I.�.%.::.:I I.%:: . . . %%.%I!! %! .... . .... . :.. I : :::: ... . ... .... .. . 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%...:.I.....:...�....%.......:....%..�......%..�..-.1..:..%:......�l..%....1..:........�_....I:..L%..�.�..:.I..:..�........:..�..�..�...�1..�......-�-......�.�.........%..�..�............I:.�..:%..� ..I.I!... .....�.%:. ..�.....:.:�.::i...-i..�I..:; James'P.Harris,Planning Director February 24, 1997 Dini Duclos,Executive Director South King County Multi S� �4200 ceenter S. 336th Federal Way, WA.98003 RE: MONITORINGIISI'T Dear Ms. Duclos: 'The'City of Kent is preparing for its annual review of human services agencies that received General Fund and/or Community Development Block:Grant(CDBG) funding in 1996. We plan to review your 1996 program year during an on-site visit in March. A Planning Department staff member will meet with you. It will be necessary for your Financial` Officer and the person responsible for your program demographics to attend the meeting. Please have available copies of canceled checks,payment invoices, or staff time sheets (if City funds paid staff salaries). During;the one-hour visit we would like to review information regarding your recordkeeping and financial management system. We may also ask questions regarding staffing and program management. `` Also, during the review we would like to.xeceiv your feedback regarding the City's human services process. This visa presents an opportumty for both Planning and agency staff to learn more about each other's needs and concerns : We will contact you soon to schedule;an appointment. If you have questions,please call me at`850- 4789 or Katherin'Johnson at 8,30-47$4, Sincerely,; . u r' .. . Rachel Y.'Johns n Planner RYJ/tb:mosvis.97 �....%..:!:.......�..%..:�.:i.�.!,.�..I......�........:._:�:�.:.%:I....�j.�:..:....:�..�...-I;:�.�...:.!�...i....��..%:�....:....-.�:I..........I.:.I........:...... .::..:...I..:.�.:��...%..%-.�...........:.:.:I....-�-:�%� .....,:.:.:......: I.::..II........�%%. ..�....�:... .:.........�.:%.........:I..%%%... .-....-..�:...I.: .%.%.—. ..:.._.. ..: cc: Kathy Myers,Board President Dave Daniels,Housing Director .I�.�!%..... Melvin Tate,Human Services-Commission Chair ".1 James P. Harris,Plannin Director g Lin Houston,Housing--". Human Services Manager .. 1. I. Katherin Johnso4PI"' .. .. 1204th AVE.SO.. /KENT.WASHINGTON 98032-5895 1 TELEPHONE (206)859.3300/FAX#859-3334 .. .: ... .. . .. ::.:::...:.::.... ....:. . :::.CITY.O.F.,.':.. . i . ..:. •: :. . ....: :.::..:..:..::.. ..:.... ..... :.....:: ....:,. `:.::.. ..`:: ' ::..,,' `... ..:......: .. Jim White, Mayor 11 , Planning Department (206)859-3390/FAX(206)850-2544 James P.Harris,Planning Director February 24, 1997 Marilyn Lacelle,Executive Director W... E. ... Valley Cities Counseling and Consultation 2704 I Street NE W �2, A �ZE:. MQI`TIT�RTI�TCT VISI' ' Dear.Ms. Iacelle .%. .. � N I.."� 1:-......: The:City of Kent is preparing for its annual review;of human services agen,I-:-�:..,I cies t,I-i�.I:.,I:�I,'.1 I.�.I:-1 II,,�::-.,,.I�1-I,.�I-,.1.:�:I.:1-�-..:.:-�.l:�1:.II�1-1�:.:--.%.I:,%.,!%.:,.�"-�l�I�.-.z 1�..:�hat rece'...I...... ived General Fund and/or Community Development Block Grant(CDBG) funding in 1996. We plan to review "II1.i.i..-II%�.::I��,'II-�:—�:-�:I1 I�:.-���.�:i....I��..1-�i.-.:..l�.'......1I0',.:...l-%. �1 i%1 I"-1..-I,-�:.��.�-:�.�-.1:..:-...i.--:�,i,.,1�-�..I1-��.1,'-I I I.�.--':.:-.,.1:Ij-:...-��,, -�,:..l-�.1,�...I� .,i.lt.I1 I�..I,...1%..,....i..,,,.,,.i.I...I:.I......,.�..,,.1...,�...I:%.. ....,,.:-�.....�..�,�-.;��.:��.:1.:.I�1.-�.-..�..;.:�:...I,.,:1�...1,�:.:..._I-, �,.....,t%.��..�-�.I�.':I,,....%,'�....%i1,I--...�:��,-�l.-....,,,.....-,-%.......��:�:. �.:��...'._..%....:1,l..,1,.-"�....,--::..,-'�-.......:...—...:......:.-,-��.:1I--�:I�%:,-�.,,.._-,.:::...�:.�, �...-.,�.,�t.-,.�!:.-:�..�..:-..i,.�:-..:..�.. ...%%_::.1;...'.I,�...�.:....,:-........'':"..:���:l"...��-1..-%:':.,,....':�'.�-.:1,I"�,ll..7% ':.:i"...Ii,:.-1'-"%:z...�:.",.:',.�::.:.,i:.�.,i-.�:��,-':�.-....' .%I.....�I...%-Il l..:::::....-..!...1`l..,I...;..� ,.....,,:l,%.% ...1.1Z1 1.,..1-.��...:,..I-...-.�1,...,..i�.%......1�-..:...:,_1.-�.,....i .%.:I����.��..I--..-:.:....-..::.II-..1 i,-.,:.��,.���:.'�...��1.�-i-....:.-..,I�.,1,........�.:-II�!...�.... �.--.:!�'.�..-,Z,..%"--..-,.I.,�,...�,;..1��..-:.�:I':�..1�1!.�......::,.,....%�%..�.....z...'1z%:.-..!I�. ::�-,,-.:..,-�:i�:,:%��i.1:�zi..-.:�,i..�..:�,,-....1 :l.l,i..:�.�.:�..�i.i..::1��.I...1.i,-];I...�:�l.''I:1-.,-,:1l-.-�. :�..1 Il.-1-...-1.%,.%��I:-,:Z-.�.:.:,-11::,...,I....�....,-��.1I�:...:.1II11-,. %....�..:-.,..�..:!�1i.:.I...%..�:%.-............:�....l..-7�..�::�.! '.%.� �..:. ...,..:.....-..::...�.:.�......I-:...%-..��:....1%....�..::..I.:. your 1996 program year during an on-site visit in March. A Planning Department staffmember will meet with you. It will be necessary for your Financial Officer and the person responsible for your program demographics to attend the meeting. Please `. have available copies of canceled checks,payment invoices, or staff time sheets (if City funds paid staff salaries). During the one-hour visit we would like to review information regarding your recordkeeping and financial management system. We may also ask questions regarding staffmg and program management. Alsa, during the review we would like to receive your feedback regarding the City's human services . . ...:...:i....:..i:..�.......:..:.......%....�.' .............i.O::.......:..:....-� :."%%�....:.:.......%.%..�.... . process. . .s'v>si.; ,resents;an.o or .uu for.both'Plann n' and a ene ;staff to learn more:abaut ........% . . .. PP , %...::...1..:.%....!-�...:.-.:.�..:%.........%..:....:.:�............:..I..:..1.......... V.�...�..I..�......-%:.:�........-.....�:%.!...%...-:.%i%%: %.....1.�.%.......:... . . . .: ,: Y . : each others needs and concerns. e will co ct` W nta ynu soon to schedule an apppmtment If you have questions,please call ine at 85�- 4789,or Katherifi Johnson at 850=4784, S' cerely, ' . 5 Raehel Y. Jo s n Planner RYJ/tb:mosv1s.97 ...: 1. cc: Dee Lorenz,Board President ( Melvin Tate,Human Services Commission Chair James P. Harris,Planning Director Lin Houston,Housing and Duman Services Manager :> Katherin Johnson,Plannerx : :, ". . ,. - � :..... 220 4th AVE.SO.. /KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895 1 TELEPHONE 3206?859-3300/FAX'#859-3334 .........:..,......:.::.:;..::.:.:....::.- .:::.: .......:..:::....:..:...................:.:.:...:;....:.......:..:.:,:...:...-::....::.:::; ,:.::::.::::...::..::::.:...... % . .. ... . . . . .. ... . . � . �. i - - . I . . % . .. ... . .. . CITY`4F1: .. .1.... ..I. ...% . . .. ... �.% . . - ..... .. ...... .. .. . -: .. .. - . . :_ .. - - i � ... : I , . . . . .. ...... ... . . . : :� , . :::.�j .. ....... �... ..�.. . . � � � , . �� . . ... . � , ''. _� : .�� . . .... ,�:��, 11 I I I . :. .. ..... I I 11 , - , . . . . . ... ....... . .. . I , I I � ,I , .%.: . . � . . .. .�.�� .��. ,:: :,,�::,�� :, ��,,,, ,:�, �,� � I � ..:.. .. . ... .. %� . .... . Jim White,Mayor Planning Deparhnent (206)859-3390/FAX(206)850-2544 James P.Harris,Planning Director February 24, 1997 Judy Peterson,Eecutie Director Pregnancy Aid of Kent i % i. . ........ ... M.: :.:... P. 0 Box 1775 . :.. E..........................................................- .. .....:. . .:%.. Kent, WA 11"98032 %. RE: MONITQ4W::VISIT Dear Ms. Peterson: The City of Kent is preparing fo%r its annual review`of human services agencies that receiv%ed Ge%neral Fund and/or Community Development Block Grant(CDBG) funding in 1996. We plan to review your 1996 program year during an on-site visit in March. M A Planning Department staff member will meet with you. It will be necessary for your Financial Officer and the person'responsibie for your program demographics to attend the meeting. Please have available copies of canceled checks,payment invoices, or staff time sheets (if City funds paid staff salaries). During the one-hour visit we would like to review information regarding your . recordkeeping and financial management system. We may also ask questions regarding staffing and program management. Also, during the review we would like to receive your feedback regarding the City's human services process. This visit presents an opportumty' or both Planning and agency staff to learn mo%re about eac%h other's needs and concerns. We will contact you soon to schedule an appomtirient. If you have questions,please call me at 850- 47$9 or Katherin'Johnson at 850-4784. S AILifi;-n-C,,,, LI I 11 incerely,. !.�:. l... . . . .. - . % ..... . .� ...� ..%::!.�%.� � ��� .... -:A % �:�!�.Pl , 41�� . . . : . .:. � %:. .... 1: .. . .. % . . .. .�... .:. . ki...:.4v: "I 1 ::. .�.� � . %j... . ._.% .. . :.. .. . ..... % . . ... . . . . ME= Rachel Y.;Johns n Planner RYJ/tb:mosvis.97 Cc: Geraldine A. Battles,Board President ( Melvin Tate,Human Services Commission Chair James P. Harris,Planning Director. . Lin Houston,Housing and Humanfgervices Manager Katherin Johnson;Planner > k ._ .... .. 2204th'AVE.'SO., /KENT.WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE'(200859-3300 7 FAX N 859.3334 . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... : . % % % %. . . ... . . .... ... . . . .. . .. . .. Y.:: . . . .. I I % . . . ........ .% %.i -. :�;�%:;�!�:�:-.�..�:.1: . . . ... :.� :- :.�. :CIT . .. .% .. .... . . i ..I. . .%:%% .... ..: .:. . ... �. ::.... ... -...%... . i . .%.�.:� %. .. . . ....... . . .. . . .;. .. . ..� .. ...`.;.. .. . .%.. . . � :.�.%� . .. % .. :--::��,"" :1,,, M -- Jim White, Mayor Planning Department (206)859-3390/FAX(206)$50-2544 James P.Harris,Planning Director ' February 24, 1997 Jayne Leet,Executive Duector Cozrimuru Health Centers of King:County 1025 South 7I.. tl Street, Suite A Renton, WA 98455 ,��M--�,�."�:--:,�::-�:-:��,'��::,�"::"��I'��']��,I�t�,":��,:1,�,�:,:,-,I:�t,I":,�:1,:�,1,�,:,�.:.1�:.......%..�%.:.�%..%..1E�:... RE:: MQNiT{fl,. . . VISIT Dear Ms. Leet The Gity of Kent is preparing for its annual xeview of human services agencies that received General Fund and/or Community Development Block Grant(CDBG) funding in 1996. We pl. ... review your 1996 program year during an on-site visit in March. Y A Planning Department staff member will meet with you. It will be necessary for your Financial Officer and the person responsible for your program demographics to attend the meeting. Please have available copies of canceled checks,payment invoices, or staff time sheets (if City funds paid .' staff salaries). During the one-hour visit we would like to review information regarding your recordkeeping and financial management system. We may also ask questions regarding staffing and program management. : Also,during the review we wo.W.d like to receive your feedback regarding the City's human services . .: . :. : . . ........ , . . .... .. rocess.p .... is vts t:ptesents.an o ofh..y;for;bothiPlanrun and a enc ;staff to learni more about PP...., g g.. ...Y : . . : . each ther e . . .. ... . :%. . . . .. .. . o . . n e s an. ooncerns; :: .. . . We will contact you soon to schedule an appointment if have questions,'pleas call me at 850- 47$9 or Kather n Johnson at;8�U-4784, . . . ce e rn r 1 . Ya.. ::. . . v' .' ... .. Rachel Y. ohnston Planner RYJ/tb:mosvis.97 cc; Jim Rauch,Board President Melvin Tate,Human Services Commission Chair James P. Harris,Planning Director ` Lin Houston,Housing and Human Services Mana er g Katherin Johnson,Plannex .:<: k . . . 220 4th AVE,SO., 7 KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859.3300/FAX'N 859-3334 ..... - _ _ - ..,..... . .......::: etiX QP �rvutc � _11 Ji121 W�lllte� Mayor Planning Department (206)859-3390/FAX(206)850-2544 James P.Harris,Planning Director February 24, 1997 Steve R. Anderson,Executive Duector % Children s;Therapy tenter Obi a e`` ``, 1 1 K nt Kangl y Road ...........:......................- . ...... ; . ............ ............... .......:............ ........ ............................... ....... Kent, WA 98031 % RE: ON.I'I. TORII�t+ VISIT ' ` e . '.no :.'e :D r A %n` s. % .. 1. The City flf Kentis preparictg for its annual review of human services agencies that received General Fund and/or Cornmnnity Development Block Grant(CDBG) funding in 1996. We plan'to review your 1996 program year during anon-site visit in March. ,. A Planning Department staff member will meet with you. It will be`necessary for your Financial Officer and the person responsible for your program demographics to attend the meeting. Please have available copies of canceled checks,payment invoices, or staff time sheets (if City funds paid staff salaries). During the one-hour visit we would like to review information regardiI'llng your recordkeeping and financial management system. We may also ask questions regarding staffing and program management, Also, during tIi he review we would like to receive your feedback re ardin the Ci 's human services g g process. 'Plus visit presents an opportunity for both Planning and agency staff to'.earn more about each other's needs an: concerns,. . . .. . We will contact you soon to schedule an appointment. If you have questions,please call rzie a, .is% . . .. 4789 or Kathenn Johnson at 850-478 . i. .... Sineerel y � Rachel Jo ston Planner RYJ/tb:mosvis.9T cc: Kim Adams-Pratt,Board President: :.,». Melvin Tate,Human Serviices Commission Chair James P. Harris,Planning Director' .. _ :Lin Houston,Housing and l*Iumacr services IVlanager Katherin Johnson,Planner n .. 220 4th AVE.SO. /KENT WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE't206)859-3300/FAX#359.333 t 7. , CITY p� ' Jim White,Mayor MIT February 25, 1997 . ............ . . . ..... ..... Cvmtnunity Deelo xient Dc artment P p Cityof Federal Wa ;-, �' 35530`AWa`;South Y, Fede ia y Wa ,DNA 980.03 r Dear Ms,; enther: �� Oitbehalf of the Kent Human Services Commission I would like to thank you for participating in the Commission's 1997 Annual Retreat. The information you presented on outcomes was : informative and thought provoking. The topic of outcomes is very complex and the Commission appreciated your willingness to share your expertise and experience. As we begin looking at outcomes in the 1998 application cycle I am sure we will ftnd the training we,received,useful' Sincerely, in Houst.n Human S rvices'Manager PAHUMANSER\.CONVWISS\tHANKS.WPD., cc: Melvin Tate;Human Services Commission Chair James P. Harris,Planning Director Rachel1a. 2207th AVE.SO /KENT WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859-3300!FAX#859-3334 %:��:.� -.%.:�1.1.. ��;.:.. . 4 ��� . .. . . : � ...... ..�.%�.. ...I.... .%.. ......:..: .. ::.;. .%.:.1�..:�..:�� - :��..�...:.%.:.%�% ....:�:.�I.:% % .. .. .,.M .%.... . : .�.�.:�.�.. .'.777 :��'..... ... ... . . -.....%... .. .. %. 7,;�Z.77` ... %. ... � .. . ... .. ... . . ��:. : ::%�: % .. . . : % . . . . .. .. ... . . .... ::�:- :.�. . . . . . � .. .. %.%..::.....% - . . : . �.... . ....... %.�:!.�.%:.: ... . .. . . . -......... . . . .. ..: . .. : :.�.-.. .. . .... . --%. ,::- .1'.-.... . . . . ... ...: % . �. . . .%. . . � ��%;� .%�.��-.!�:.!�-. ..! �. : : - �.� . . . I . . � ::�. . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 .1 %.� % . . . .. .. . . . . . ... Ili 11'', � .. .. . .. . ... . ... . . . . . . 1:1�%� .:. .�..... ... %... . .��. . .. . .... .. :.: . . . . ... . . %.. ....-.:.....%,� : �::. .:. . % % :::. .- � . . .�� %% % -..::�.�:.%:.�.�:..%.:� : :% :.. Iii �-:,:i% .�::� �:.��:::. .- % . % . . .%-:::..�:.....� ...�. %.. .. !.� .. % . ....%::- 1: � :. . . . % . . . .. .. . . . . :%. :. % . . ... ��. ....:.�: . -.....:.. . .. . . - . . % . . - . . .. . . : %% . . . :.: % . . . � : . .:.:...%.: ..z . %-%:� . . .. .� .. .. ... ... . .. .. . . . .. ....:.: . . %i .. :%::%.... .... : ... %: . .. . . . ... ... : . . .::. . .. .. -! : .�:. . -:.�:. : . . % -: .. .. . . . %-: - % % : � % % . . :� :���:��%��.���:.��%1..����..;�.�. .ii.:.%%% �- 1. �.�. .-:.:..% .. . %.. . �il: : ....: % : :. .l. :1 %.�% .. :% :%: .... . .. . . . I 1, l. . . %.% :: .: .%. : :%. . .... . . : .. - .-.- : .. . ... % .. - CITY"PV ... . . . .. . .. . - �� � � %::.� . . . . .:. . .. - IIAI�l :�I�,-1,::-1-::A��1�,,, l,iZ1l�%: i,�I,"�1,�,I,:'-lI�l,:'1,-I I I��I I,,:,::.�..,..�:.,.�.:.�..:...I:%%I,:,.�:,�.-.I.:_�.��%,....-.�1.1:�I%.II.....:...-%.. �,�--�-,,,-1,,I , -,-�, , "'"' �', ''''1:1:11::-�,-�,�,:��-1,!��I,-!:,:----1--,�1,:�lIZ� -.1,-''ZI�,,,�:1 1-',�1�1':-,:1�1,:�I :"I I Jim:�� i White, Mayor ��1:I:11:,:�:: p i�7IIC�2 AGENDA HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION RETREAT' . ���:�����-��,J����:���t������������������t�:�����::�j-:l���_��I�:�:���,������:,���:��:t��,�����--�I-�-�t-�-�:��-�1�I'11-:I,--�1t1,1,�",,:'�,1,,',I 1�I--�-',�I l�l-I�,,---I,-'�:--::-�:1-l-I 1-,1--l:---,::,-1,�,I�I�-, �- ,:1,-t Il II l 1I-��,-I�-.�..O:%I.�. :..�W%..!.�.._.-.�.IN-�-'.�:-'t�,:�]t:lt.:%..:..%.t%:-..,:....im.-February 7, 1997 Facilitator: Marvin Eckfeldt Pastor,First Christian Church 8:40 Ammm Continental Brcak ast 8:15 AM Welcome: Lin Houston Cornmunity Building: Marvin Eciceldt 8 45 AM Panl�iel Discussion: ''outcome-Based Measures" Panelists: Cathy Oarland, ;United Way.. South King County,Anne Guenther . .. .. . Ci of Fede al; : d Pe Mare o ,. l : r a an n iu dren Home Soce t3' .:.%. . y� g .t3' 9:45 AM Break -�,�:I:j - I -l—, 1, - w ,,- :... ..�.:��j % ..:��:.... .�.:��.:�. .�,, :. :%.:: -' 1000I1,1 AM "An Introduction to Outcome-Based Measures" - Cathy Garland � : , i 1:30 AM Lunch 12:30 PlV-Ill1 Outcome-Based Measures continued - � , I I I is 1:30 PM Break . . .. 1 5 4 M : ` ork` e: ion ..` . ;; _ W S ss , %:..�.�%.�.:..,.%.......A.:�. 3 00 P K e `P ell'1VI i E : :fir ;` ``` ' :' . . . M : ar n ow of yational Sp ak . . . . . .: . ... ....... ......:.%:. :& 4;00 PM Closli*Remarks lYl%rvin EckbE Mot Tate,Human services Commission Chair . . . 4:1.5.PM : Retrea# nds. . 97retre.age . . 220 4th AVE.SO. /KENT WASHINOTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859-3300/FAX#854-3334 `