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City Council Committees - Human Services Commission - 11/16/1995
CIiY:O.F.',.. ... .... ... ...... ..:. ... .... :::: . :.. .:.. .:::. .. :.... ...:. . :. . . .. .... .... . ,..:.... ..,. ..: ......:,.:.,. ::.. % -. AGENDA �llII y... . pkPWIICllG� ... . . KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION Scheduled Meeting for November 16, 1995i. 2 :30 - 4 ;30 PM Kent Senior Center (Arts Room) 600 East Smith - Kent Commission i.Me erg . . Luc lc W 'oden air :.:: . . ..: : .: : , . Ch. . ... . % ... . . Oaner Wilford : Vice;•Chaff . . '' `.. % :. ..... r ry Lou Becvar % . . .:: : . ..:. :.. ::.Mi;c.:`'D.'.., a Cu %leer `:`: .. , ' ;`1. .:`. son Ho%ng e. Mo c c s hel % " :`'` u1.i. r l in Tate Judy ;Woods, Council President. Agenda {-`, BUSINESS 1. Approval of October 26, 1995 Minutes AIi CTION ITEM ' 2:30 . 2 . Discussion of Human Services Month INFORMATION ITEM 2:35 3 . 1996 Budget Update INFORMATION ITEM . 2:50 _ Discussion on 1996 Commission 'Retreat INFORMATION ITEM : 3:00 5 . Discussion 501 (C) (3) INFORMATION ITEM 3 :15 NEW BUSINESS 1. Discussion of By-laws Amendment ACTION IT %EM% 3 :2 2 . E1ec.t 1996 Chair :and : T�ce-Chai,:rI. %i. ..ACTION .I,TEM . 3.;.3.a..... .:. Disc ..:..:...:...:...:.... .. ................ . IT : 3.::: `5:.:`:.;'.: .......... ...... ussiQn on ;,December:;M6bt II l; da Celc%%.a nINFQRM �;'I':ION EM . .. .............:.:.::: .:: % •. .........:::: ..c . . . . 4 . Revue w of Third Quarter A enc Re orts: % INFORMATION: ITEM 3::.,�%. . EP..OR:..IT. .. ... . . ... : . . ... .... .. . . .R T : .... ..:....: .:.: .::::.::...: ..... . :::....:.:: ........ % ......:.:...:.::..:..:..0 ; ..:. .............. .. .. ... ... .. .. ... .....:...::::....:.,:,:;:,.:.. ... ......::.. . .:..., ..,.... :.......:. INF :A.;20:.':':`` .::.:.... .::...... i. .. ORMATI ':N ITEM I . ' .`Human : m . Serves Roundtable .. . . . . ..:. . . . . . . .2..:. . .. .. . ... .. ...... .. .. Sough King ,Council of Human Serve ces . : 3 . Regional Justice Center Update A: HSAGEN95 .NOV 220 4th AVE.SO. /KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859-3300/FAX#859-3334 .. :....,....-�....��]::...,:,....:::.. !.�.��:. :.��.�: � :!: .��::. .�.::�.� .:.:: �.�.:�.�:%:.�: . .�....�. ...� :.%.::1:. ..%: . !.%. .. .::.1!:���. .� . .� .�:.�.� ..... . ��....�......��. . � ....� .%.�:...:����� . .... .. ... 1''.. . .. .. ..... ::%.:%- . . .... � : ..�%.%%..:...�:. . :.. . ..% ..... ... .... . . . ..... ........ ....�.!%::�.�-���%.�.:��. KENT HUlViAN SERVICES COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 27.1995 Commission Members Present Planning:Staff Present Lucyle Wooden, Chair Lin Houston Janer Wilford,Vice Chair ` Betsy Czark Mary Lou Beevar Carolyn Sun dvall Jason Hong Bernie Bilodeau Dee Moschel Debbie Maestaz Melvin Tate CoinmiSS on Td.tubers Excused/Ab'sent Mac Culver Judie Sarff Judy Woods,C©until Pres. SPECIAL;GUESTS MICHAEL 1VIASTEN�REGION COl II1�T[J1 ITY SERVICES :..:- ' N. DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AND HEALTH SERVICES, WELFARE OFFICES.ED HIDANO COMMUNITY RELATIONS FOR ALL OF SEATTLE/KING COUNTY AND BILLIE HARTLINE MANAGER/ADMINISTRATOR OF LOCAL KENT COMMUNITY K�.�:�. ;.. SERVICE OFFICE AND FEDERAL WAY OFFICE ....��.i�..:.: Mike Masten attended a meeting with employers and they made a strong statement that they can not hire good people. The employers have difficulty with people that can read well,write well, shake hands,make eye contact,and be self starting. The Seattle/King County region has approximately 25,000 welfare families that are ready and willing to go to work. The problem is to match them up with good jobs and cover child care. Mike also stated that the employers said that mere are not people with basic skills or computer or machinists skills available to be hired Lucyle stated that people on welfare or of`color have a stxike already against them when they are ,, ;. lookrt fora: ob: Mikecomnerite #hat the Velfare Office h s e lo: ed a number of a le d a. ... . . o g: .. J: : Y . . ; P P , that have come%throug%IJh the welfa%re system, Lui commented that#heC�#y of Ke%rit has lured a r ,; . erson that w on welf a and he ex lle% t e to e. Va s'' d child c 'e % real as ........ .......ar . .....s s an . ce . n m e e .an. ax are . :: p ... . . . . . ....... ... . . .... . . p X $ % % % problems in the system,. Dee eo�xurien#ed that the W. is ,,n ton Worrien's Ernpl0-M. . and ` dncation a ene ;is ve suocessU u he1 woYnen make:the transf&fro 'welfare to:the ob g y :D' l� J .. :. .... .. . % arketc :WWEE`hei s wo�xien wzth'lvv self asteern an lmuted;skills snake the transition into a % ....... ...... .. : yen` ; <e `re I `' ;' ; '`:' marketable employee. VWEE also%provides %tra.nsit1onal su% pport for these wom : wlul #h y ar getting their feet one g%round. Bi1:1llie Hartline reported%that the Kent Office is the largest and fastest growing in the state. The Federal Way and Kent offices manage about 20,000 cases. There are 100 applications processed 11 everyday in Kent and 11,000 to 13,000 people are seen every month. If a person arrives before 2:00 PM you will be seen that day. A non-medical application will be processed in 14.2 days. Last year 655 people were placed on unemployment and they hope to place 1250 people this year. The Kent Office is growing from 1.5 percent to 2.5 percent per month. Billie stated that he X. . .:: � �� � . . . . ....... %. .. .%....C... � . . . . ... . .� .�......�. . .:: . ... �: ,,��':,":,� I I.. .... .� . ..,...:�:., 1: i I ,%,�i:1, %,,�:: ,:� :,�, �� . ...... . .. . - . �: �� �. .. Human Services Commission Minutes t October 26, 1995 Page 2 � � �,����������,i���,�""����,,,,��,,,���,,�, = i :,,���:;,�,,:�%,:,��:.�.:���l������..���..��� gu .. ""I, :.= . . essed that the reason for the growth was the Kent area has the most affordable housing, The Kent and Federal Way offices employ 17Q people. Eight#o ten percent of the people hired are ` people that were on assistance. The reasons that people are an assistance are one of five reasons ox combration`of: i)Family .... : .. ;:; : ,: :., :; . : ;;: : .: : . problems 2) School problems{have not gotten education), )marriage ox partnership problems, . . .....: . , :: : : : ,:. : . .:: . .. : .:: . .. . . . : : ,:. .. . . .. . : re ulte in divo e. �;. : ob: don t;ha. e c e: re l: .:: : s d rc 1. st a ....... v are m.om an . . 6 5 Ynenta or mcdacal . . ...... ), ) { .. .. ) ... . . . : . . . .: . .:....., ,..... .. ;; : .;.,:; ;.... ob. s ted e`r et erso b k", o e ```r . . px e 1Vlichael sta ih goal sand tog the p, n ,ac ant th la%o market., In more , tl au ene`case welfare has been able tQ'fi d' e;'er on`a'`'ob' 'efore`the 'ha e`been ottnd``el" b1... % P 3 Y $ ... fox assistance Michael stated that both the House and;Senate passed the Welfare xeform bill Both ve.1�715.xsons hive a five()`:year lifetime lnnt Its called"temporar%y asses#ance to needy .......................... families. ; r o e s to;b i ork:eo o ent o r ;Eac: & e.A.ftc tvv . .ar cu ha .en a m_ unurn wn n r am h at ' p . p g . ..: , ; . . w ill c e it s;;o r e ll> fe n f 1 reat wn prog am and th xe wi be nQ more derai regulatxo around aid to amp yes with children: Eighty($�)percent of the current funding will go#o yvelfare which is a substancial decrease to what is going there now.' The House bill repeals the Jobs Program and allows the States to create their own. The Senate bill requires that the State's Welfare Work Program go through the Casenbau Bill. 'The Casenbaum bill combines all work programs and reduces the funding,then sends it to the State. The Senate bill requires that every recipient sign a contract on parenting skills and a personal responsibility contract which is their contract to getting off welfare. Michael stated that one third of their case load just need temporary help, another third need to get help to get more training and schooling. The last third are not going to survive and need help. Mike reported that he really did not know what was going to happen regarding the health care insurance. Mike stated that people that are disabled will continue on SSI. APPROVAL 4F SEPTEMBER28 i9�5 MI1 [J�'ES . Ci. There was a correction to the minutes. Peter M.... er`s name was misspelled A motion was . .. . .. : . riade.... ave':the in tes'a roved'as corrected: :`... ` Thou Becvar S CQi TDED tl a of on' d` ::`. P %�...:��.%.!.I::.����i::������l��:.:��.: . .... . . .. . . : �.... .!...�..::��.. .. .. . . t. - , ,he motion CARRIED: .� . . . . . .. ... . ....... .! .%. ..:: ..%%.!.....::.�:;.���.�%�%:.��i.::�:.�.% .��:::,::.:. ....;. . -�.. ...!- .......�..... ... : . DI ":"�����i:,�;��% .:..!::�.:�i.11.������:�.:.�.�.��.:�::I��.�.:� :..:.�.�:�..........: ... %.. :.�..:i...... � ..:::...% .%...:..�.:..- ... . .... - -. ... . . CiTSSIOI�T OEHSJ �j'SER�IICES IUIOI�TT'H .:: . ....,,,,,,,,,,"' . .�.11.�..%. . i ..�:.:.%... .�:......:..... .. .... ... :.. .: . ..!... . . . . ... .�.:...i.:.... ..:�.%�: ..11 :�%.% %.. .....:�%.: %. . %.! ;�.% . . . . . . .. : : .. ...% : : ..: The theme for the Human Services 1Vlonth was simplified to "Celebrate Our Diversity." %Staff prepared a large`heart with pictures`;depictng diversity'for a display at the library. This display will be on a table in the lobby of the library, along with a brochure stand with the agency brochures. There will be a smaller display in the lobby of the City Hall. Melvin Tate wanted to share pictures that he has of children,adults,elderly, and people celebrating diversity for a display. Melvin stated that he will put together a display on the diversity theme for the lobby of City Hall. There are also going to be boxes in all the City buildings for the food drive. An E- ��-�%�.% . .1 :.: . .... ..:�. .� .�.... ..... I..�.... : . .::;% �:�..::�!!:. � � . % . Human Services Commission Minutes October 26, 1995 Page 3 ma,"'�,�� :!, , ,, ,- :,�': %:,��0 ,:� I I �-,�--_�,,_--,...........��-�N��,�:��,:_:��, il message will be sent to all city employees about the food drive. Lin contacted John Perry at the Valley Daily News and his response to the Human Services article was not very positive. When Lin mentioned the food drive though he responded more positively because the Food Bank is out of food. 1�96 BUDGET DATE :1 :%:-;% - ... . ... .. .......... Lin reported that November 7 is tl.e date for the Public Hearing on the budget The budget* is a o d;ob t Anne t e ado ted tha n� ht. 11�e1 and Judie Sarff a eed to re resent the Csio. .... :p ....... . .. . .. .. . .... ..: . ..... . .. . . ..... ....... . ... omm . I. P g: p % :.'.'.::'.'.:'..:............::::::::'..:•: .. .: .:. .:. . .. ... .: ::. .. . . ... .. ... .. . ... ... .. .. ..:... at a Tree set e.. . . .. tin an. re n th a enctes to Cher Council. The a envies will all be; res nt so :, g 1? g tY g p :, e. ...... .. ....... t11e :e e r Co ed b 1:: - .. . . : .:. .. . ... . . . : . . .. . . y an b e gnu y the Councx . COIVIMI SIOI�T`TERS.AND AFPOIN'I'1VIEiTS Melvin Tate,Mary Lou Becvar and`Dee 1Vloschel all stated their desire to be reappointed. They need to get their letters to the Mayor. Lin going to send an Email to the`Mayor stating the desire of the three commissioners and Mac Culver to be reappointed. H©USING FINANCE TASK FORE REGIONAL ACTION PLAN At the last meeting,the Commission wanted to discuss the Housing proposal further. Betsy did a memo answering some of the questions concerning affordable housing. There was a memo from Judy Woods strongly encouraging the Commission to endorse theTask Force's report. Melvin stated that with Betsy's and Judy Wood's memos he has a better understanding of the affordable housing issues J%aner .Wilford moved that the Commission endorse the Housing . Finance Task Force recommendation for county iw-de funding source%s for affordable housing. Jaspn H % $EC+ONDED and the oti©n was matt%e that the Duman Services%Commission . g rs h i.. . end. e t e Hous n Finance Task Force recommendation for coon wide fi�ridin <so ces:for ...... ... ............ ....................:..:......:....................................:.:.:......: .........::.....:....:..:.:.....................:........:.......:................:..:....:....:..:.....:...:..:...........................:.:...................:.......:..:..:... .. .. . . .. . . ...g . ... ... .. g :. :. ..; ..... .. .. . . .. .. .:... .. . . . . a ordable;ho si :Mel a&Wllce..hat'each;c t will et the r'own'share'of affordable'%. g y g . . . .:::: , . .. -. .::..-, . .: . : . :: . ..... : ... .. ..: .......:........ . ... ho ;; a Co s iQ h' a dor the a :o a Ho Fi an e. k Force L1Sln T'h :. . inns n -as. n sed d a f_#h l s n n c Tas ..... . .. .. g recommendation but has not endorsed the money to imple %ment it, DICIdSSION ON 16 C+OISSiON REST The retreat is set for February 2 at the West Hill Fire Station from 830 to 4:00 P1VI, Karen Powell is the Motivational Speakers It was decided that Marvin Eckfeldt be asked if he would facilitate at the Retreat. Janer suggested that the theme be "How Welfare Reform will impact agencies in Kent." It was decided to take Welfare reform as the theme for the Retreat. It was suggested that aportion of the retreat be set aside for a work session time for the ( Commission. I�ee Moschel stated she would like to discuss pursuing an increase in general fund .... :.......... . .. . . ... .. ...... :.................... .... .......... . .. #:. %...: ..:. ... ..... ........... . .. .:: % % : ,,, ,""�':',, - ,''''��'�' , , '' '' , . ... ....... ;. . ... Human Services Commission Minutes October 26, 1995 Page 4 �������t��it��:,�:�::���::�����,,�l' 1, N i������������,����,���,,���,������� � i-, : ::::::� ,�, " i:,t''�%� I 1:�.%. . allocation from 1%to .5 %. Lin mentioned the Commission may want to review its mission statementto see if it needs updating XOVEMBEi MEETING ����..��-1.�.�...�.��::��::�..............- . .... . . . . Jl��;�!::i��:�I:��- M I , :.. .:. �i . .. . . .... . . . The NoveYnber meeting will beheld on November - ' . smee Thanksgiving;s on the 23rd. .;1.1�.::..!��I-!:� . . . ::....% ............. . . E .. . . . . . "" , - ..... . .. ... . . . FIELD'TRIP TO THE AGENCIES %' 'he fie d;tr s;to beheld No w <1 at:1;00> 1VI and eve; tine s x meet;at=the entenni l ; ; P . % .%. Bldg, There will be a... . rAns ort eve one, If ou cannot make tat 1 00 FM ou cah p rY Y >Y. connect with the group later at one of the agencies. Carolyn passed uut a schedule of whdn.t be at the different agI'llencies. DISCUSSION 501 (C)(3)AND BY-LAWS AMENDMENT The discussion on the 501 (3)(C) and By-Laws Amendment will be tabled until next meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 PM Respectfully submitted, . .. .: . .. . . ... . . % Lnou n,Secretary e;HSMIN,OCT95 . % . ... . .::.:.:::..::....::.:::::.::.::::::: .:::::.:::::: :::::::;::;:::::::;.:: :....::::;:.::::;:::::. . . . . : .:...: .� :i:� :%....i:-.: � :��i .:.�.....�........ . . ��.�i�:�:��.:��::�:�����!:�..��:...1: . . � �� � .. % .. . ... . .. .. ... . . .. .: : . . �i. �..����: �;�1 . . . .. ... . . . % : - 1 I.: .:.i.%.;....... ... .. . .�.� .�. � ::�� } .. ...i��,�1%I��-"i��.��-���..�,-��I:t-��-I�--.I I.I-��-..-1..:,:::.:,II,�:�.--,I��..:i�,�...-,,.,:�..-�N--:I�.,:��....I���',---�-..,1�.��::....�:.-:%..I��,��I-�..�lI..II'll,".:,:��i.l.:-...?1l.�I,-,l...��.:-������:-�.,:,,�.%:-,.-,�.%I::..:1-,,,,....-.....1,�:%�;�;;'��-.i...lJ-V l. CITY 4F ,...��,':.:1"0,��.�,,�-:-.:i:...!-:,:.i�....-.:%..��-:.�,,.�II.::�I���m..-"....,�:..,:.1 ...%-.,�,:..�:�,..'-,,I,1,,�.,,,...I 1 1.,,�.�II�..I-...i1�-..�:..,.��li-�,..I..l,I-...-�..,,�.I-,-1...1,..�1-�:.II,�..--.:,..-,..,-..,�t�..,....1I,..�I I:1.1 i,��.,..!..1,�:.:,:,I�-1..%--.;i..�.:%i..-:11-�"I.:I11�1.�,.:..".Iz,,"-,-,,..'......-.�:l,..II�.,,..I,..,,..%l l,,..,.,��..%...:1:.�.I-1...�-1,:11�-..:�..:���:"t-.�.,��.,--'....��.,-I.�It:.%!,:�II1I1..%.�.�-�,.1�...-:1 I,,.-.'�'�...�.,,�:I��-�i.'�%..�"��..:�!-'�,..:.�..�'-I,��..-.l,"�,1:,.�-,i.I,:I,-%.:.,:II,:%.--,�::.,,%:.,...--..:1,�..l'.,�,.::]��,-1.:�...,..�',,,..�.�1I,�-.:�I-,".:11�:.:I,--.:-..�,..::,��..':I.l-'.�.���:�.�-l--.:...I�.��"���II,t...l,'...',:.-,':.I:�.iI:."i�-:��I-''�:.I-.1�:.%.,I",,�.�..-..�,,.!.1-,..,,I.:,l,,'-..j...%,--.-.�I':,�:-.:':��.�..l,,,��. � �A � Jim White, Mayor AGENDA .',%�1�'..�,..,-.:.1�,,�.....i.-..:.I,.,.-I.�,-1.�.-.%.%',.���,.:,...1...i..�.�:%,,-.1:...,,:.'�1'1,.1I.I...�:,,,�.:...II��,-...,�,.1�%1-%11�,..::..,:I..,,,��..,I,-.%���..I I�%...�,I,I-�...1.,I,�:...:,,�.��l,-.�I..:�.'I1-....,"..1,:.%.Ij�...I III,,,.,I:,,�I�,..1:...1:�.,.I',-,....l�.,,.��,I.�I..-1�...�.I�-.'1,:.I�'-.!..,�..II.i���.,-�I...%]1-...",���...I..I...-,�,.%.,,I�:.."1I�,'�z..,%.:.I I�1,-,t.%:1�:1 I...%:',z�.....I,,,,.j'I-.�,-:1,.1,..%1I-,..:-.i,:�.'1.:�,.1.I,l,:%l.I I,.%.:�,,.—...�,.1i�.1,,I'��,.I�....,:%l.�.,1�,I.:I-,....��...%I1,.%:'�..-'�,:I�i-�.�"I:,I�,%-...%1,���l.,,..�:.1-�1�,�,I,��;I1,'....,,II IiI:,"-...-�.I�I��,,,..z,-._-,.:.11 I,,..,�,.. !.:,�L:':�...,-,J��:i::...,I:�-.��..-�:,,,:�����.,1-��.�.....-I1.�"'-.�--�:�,,-:l;::�--.1��::��1:.�..���:��::�..::�,�,,,����!����,:,-:..:..�:,��::I�_��-1:'�:�:�I�1�'�..-�.,-��..�::�.�,-,:1:.,��.�:�--,:.1-::_:�1%:.I�-��.1,I�.:�:1�t���:I',���l....,��,�,,::.-!��-�-�,-�:.���:.-,-,%�....,,,���.:-�-��:-:-�....�%�::...1.1,:�����.�..'�_-���-%-l����",-�l�,�:t�.�:.%.I�:�,�:�..:.:��:..I�-1,,�i����,-,�..�.�I��.,-..:���.1 l-:��,-�:t�.:��:,---.-.%��i�,...:I.-:,,,::��:...���-,:�%-��1i.',...-t.!�1��..I�,,�..:�:��:.,�-:���.,I.-�:,�:,�:.....,.,:,:1��,-:�,,:..�I��:-�.l�t:.:-��,-�:�-,l����.�,:���I..�i�",:1:....�1::,'�-....-�7.,---..I��t�....`��,,��-�.1�:�-��t�:-:-�.,���t,-�.l��,,!.1�:a:�,--�,�%��-..,�:�,��-:.�%�-��:....-,������1--..:i..-1I�::.��,�:%,�:"-!�...�_I,�,.�.-!I-::.:�:-.t�"�....�.�::t-%�..�;�,,��':,::,��.�:�:j'-�.1,!-'�I---..�..���-��,��.-:.�.�---.'.��,--.�.1�,�-�j,-:���.�:���--:��.:.:,:. .:�1,-,..-��',t.-%!',:.,�-��,',,,-l'�,,I,,,-.�::�.��,,:t-''�--.:._1,�,.,I,z":.%..I�',.,'',�.�:�:I�,l,z,:�.�,��,',�:',�.:���".�.%�,,�,l,�,m�.:l..:,I It:,�,1 i'�%"II:1��-z'..:�,I",-:....:,',,,' �.%-�.:,'�....:�..1.%..........-.�.�...�.--...�..:...:..,:....j..�...l.�%1�.l,�-...�.:.....-:..��!.:..:....%.:..�i.��.....�..:.........:�...�,...�:�--..:.%..:....-:..:.i:..z,��...�.�.......:.1....i,%:-..:..�:�.....,��.:...%.�....%�..%�.�.�%..%.�...:.:. .'�:.!��:�--W.�...!-,I-%.�1..:..::.:..�.�....'.�..�%%.�.........:.I-.��.;..��.�:..:%..%...11�..�....:�...��..%.-�..:'.-..:%.-....I-..�...��,-:�1...:!.:.....:..��....::..%.%.-,,..:.%�:.-:i...1....._:..-..�..%-.%.'....�....,%.i.�.!:.�:.-..-��...-....-.�..��..%....,_....-.�.�..-.......-:....-.:....--�:���...:.....1....�.�...��-,..%...:%�%�.....�..�.......�...1.-..-.:.�.:- AGENCY MEETING ON IMPACTS OF ANNEXATION NOVEMBER 20,; 1995 * Intrcductons . . Discussion on ` input from Agency Responses to questions (refer to; the attached 1is ? *.. Discussion of <timeline for `.proj`ect meri cl.age . .�-��.......%.--�.�...�..-....�.- ... . .... 220 4th AVE.SO. /KENT.WASHINGTON 98032-5. !TELEPHONE (206)859-3300/FAX#859-3334 1 ... � 11 I I I i. . I ::,:� : I 1, I � : � . I I 1, I I ,: � ,�: , :, . - . - .. ..............�. : I:, I:I�, - I I,I 1, I , �,,I I I - . �, 1, :, -I,��I���:,,,: �I, i I I I ,:: I I �1:�:::�,�!, :I I . � . . . . . .. . .. ..i..... %:%.:.% DENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 16 1995 Commission Members Present Planning Staff Present Lucyle Wooden, Chair Lin Houston -Jan Wilford, Vice Char Betsy Czarlc Mary Lou Becvar Carolyn Sundvall Mac D. Culver Bernie Bilodeau Jason Hong Rachel Johnston Dee Moschel MelvinTate . . .... . ...... . ..... . . . . .... ........� � ::��� �-�� -- ,-�--�,�--��.... .. . .=!...I.. :..: Judy Woods,Council Pres. Conunission Members Excused/Absent Judie Sarff OLD BUSINESS DISCUSSION OF HU �����:���%..�.���.��. ,�������,�:�,::�::�1, ..-..M-.. .......�!:�� � �..... MAN SERVICES MONTH Carolyn reported that there is a Human Services display sand agency brochures in the library. Mel Tate put together a display of pictures that is displayed in City Hall. The subject of these pictures are diversity in the school district and the City of Dent. There are Food Boxes at nine city locations. Lin Houston sent an E-mail to the city employees telling them about Human Services Month and asking them to participate in the food drive 1996 BUDGET UPDATE Lin xeported that the Budget was adopte... .th all the recommendations of the'Human Services Commission. Agency representatives were at the budget hearing. Mel Tate+was there to`introduce the xepresentatives,receive the proclamation and thank the Mayor and the Council for their ongoing support. Peg Mason was the spokespexson for the agencies Lin%suggested that next yea%r th%e a%gency representatives stand in %a rowin front of the camera DISCUSSION ON 199E COMMISSION RETREAT Carolyn reported that the Commission retreat will be on February 2 at the West Hill Fire Station. The topic will be Welfare Reform. Carolyn stated that a panel'of speakers has worked well in the past. The suggestions of panel speakers are: a representative from the WWEE program (Lynn Roberts), a DSHS representative,(regional office or Kent office), a United Way representative and a user of services. There will be a speaker in the morning and then the panel. The afternoon will be a Commission Work Session. The Mission Statement and funding level will be discussed,as Human Services Commission Minutes November 16, 1995 Page 2 requested by the Commission. Marvin Eckfeldt will facilitate. Karen Powell will be the motivational speaker. Janer and Dee suggested that a letter be written to DSHS to let someone know that a lot of the recipients are not getting through to their case workers. Janer,Mary Lou and Lucyle will prepare a letter to DSHS under the Chair's signature. APPROVAL OF OCTOBER`26. 1995 MINUTES The date on te heminuehrt huold have been October 26th instead Dee Moseliel made a motion to have the minutes approved as corrected. Janes Wil777. ford SONDED the motion and the motion CARRIED. DISCUSSION OF 501k Lin referred to her October 1§th memo and attachment. At Mel's request for more time to review the information,the Commission deferred this item until the January meeting. NEW BUSINESS DISCUSSION OF BY-LAWS AMENDMENT (#11 CONFLICT OF INTERESTI The issue that is on the table is whether or not a member of the Commission should leave the room during discussion when they have a personal interest in the issue. Mac questioned whether the Commission might be in violation of any RCW by excluding someone from the discussion,since we are a public Commission, Mac made a motion that the Commission should adopt the last paragraph ofLin's Menlo, This revises the last sentence of#z1 of the By-laws to read "however, this does not preclude such Commissioner from being present during discussion,nor from presenting information on behalf of such an issue before the Commission." Dee Moschel SECONDED the motion. There was much discussion coneenung the motion. The motion was PASSED. ELECTION 1996 CHMI% R%AND VICE CHAIR Lucyie nominated Janes Wilford as;:Chair for the Human Services Commission and Mel Tate for Vice Chair. Mac Culver moved to close the nominations. Jason Hong SECONDED the motion to close the nominations for Chair and Vice Chair. Mac Culver moved that the Commission elect by; acclamation. It was MOVED and SECONDED that Janer Wilford be nominated Chair and Mel Tate be nominated Vice Chair. Lucyle thanked everyone for her good year as Chair of the Commission Human Services Commission Minutes November 16, 1995 Page 3 REAPPOINTED COMMISSION MEMBERS Lin's stated that the Mayor's office had informed her that the Mayor is reappointing Mary Lou Becvar, Mac Culver,Dee Moschel and Mel Tate to serve on the Commission. . . , .. .. ....:.:................... ..... ... .... ..... .....:........... .......... DIUSI+fJN'' T'`%DE ', ; EMBER MEETING/HOLIDAY CELEBRATION The Comiziiss%iori decided that th%ere would not be a December rrieetiiig. The omi ission'did decide . .. .: to Have:a 1). ` e b. .: :,: :<. :.,.. :; ;;; > ec er celebration Dee Mos�hel volunteered to have the% celebration W. her house on December 2{lth: The time othe celebration% will be fri�m 4 00 to 6 00 PM Everyone'can bring either drinks or favorite finger foods. JANER�ILFRD'S NEW ADD%RESS Janer Wilford gave her address for the record which is 3330 S. 253rd Street, Kent, WA 98032 Janer's home phone is 946-2866. 1, REVIEW OF THIRD D, —�,��,;"�:1:1,''"', ---:�- ",--�'"',�%�'::'- = �,-]�,z,��11 -:� I-.... .:%-.�:1..;.%... ..% % . ..", ARTER AGENCY REPORTS Carolyn Sundvall reviewed the third quarter agency reports. The report showed that GCS Counseling is down on program goals. Several changes impacted the;goals: 1) The agency restructured its EPSTD program and counseling staff was reduced 50%. 2) During the summer months counseling is down due to day camps and full-time daycare. 3)There are no support gr©ups because families arenot motivated to attend 4) S#atistics are now complied by a computer and;the actual:. Lb. uinb I. . .cli%ents se1.ine is: e e, d a tru r flection of onl i :, : , y indiv duals living in the ac%tua1.l boundari4.es of the City of Kent. .....:.:..%:%.: :::.::::: :::.:::. .::.:.;:;...,,...:.:.: . . ..... . . . .. . . ....... . .....,.. .... ... . .. ... ............ .........: % nlTllili Seivice Center ood B Pro ..:..... ank am Hasse . . CY. . . (F.:: . .. .... d the third carter Dale for Fo Assis .. %% .. . .. .. ) . q g od... . tance . . . . .:............... . 05 d ;; .. . . .- .. y ue in part because supplies and donations were down Clothing Assistance missed the target b %312 becaus e the e ar at c a i for the ... ... . . . c ace available. Y t3' p PR'I S HUMAN" . . %..---. %.M � , - ...:. :.%... . SERVICES ROUNDTABLE Judy Woods reported on the November Roundtable meeting. The Roundtable is a regional group that is trying to address certain issues such as domestic violence so they can be more effective regionally. Judy stated that the Roundtable wants to change people's perception of what poor people € are like, Judy stated that we will not feel the full impact of the changes in federal:and state Human Services'Commission Minutes November 16, 1995 Page 4 legislation until 1997.' Lin Houston passed out a paper entitled Human Services and Health' Spending Priorities Among Roundtable Members. Lin stated that this is preliminary r SOUTH KING COUNCIL OF HUMAN SERVICES The last South King Council meeting was focused on.�--t..::-�,:1.�::.�...:�-�.:,i--;...--:....I%-�,..;,.�:...�..%.,-_I�-,"-.:.�:%..�.�E�,t-1...��:�,.,.-,--�....t""-,.':: youth issues. The South Brig County =.�..:..%:....:::�.%..��.%..,.:...���I...1....1...-.I.................:l...._�.:..:%::....�......����%.�.....�.R....�:..�l�.;�..�.. Coxnrnuni. Network xecentl ` awarded$8s5 0011 dollars to fourteen `o th ro atns. .%�!-..!,:!.W.....,,..,..%.:...%"�:,.1..,! .....���m.��-1--�:.".-%_,:-�..1!,_,,.%:.�1-.,:.I.�..I,.1..:-:i%%11 . y � . ,.. .. .. ... u... y P .. The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 PM Respectively submitted„ Lin Houston, Secretary c:HSMINNov95 !w � --� -�- �- 777. 1. i . ........ ... ........ KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES F NOVEMBER 16 1995 Commission Members Present Planning Staff Present Lucyle Wooden, Chair Lin Houston Janer Wilford,Vice Char Betsy Czark Mary Lou Becvar Carolyn SundvalI Mac D. Culver Bernie Bilodeau Jason Hong Rachel Johnston Dee Moschel Melvin Tate Judy Woods, Council Pres. �ommisso Me ers ExcusedlAbsent Judie Saaff ,LLD BUSINESS DISCUSSION OF HUMAN SERVICES MONTH Carolyn reported that there is a Human Services display and agency brochures in the library. Mel Tate put together a display of pictures that is displayed in City Hall, The subject of these pictures are diversity in the school district and the City of Kent. There are Food Boxes at nine city locations, Lin Houston sent an E-mail to the city employees telling them about Human Services Month and asking them to participate in the food drive 19 6 BUD, GET;VPD TE Lin reported that the Budget was adopted with all the recommendations of the Human Services Commission, Agency representatives were at the budget hearing, Mel Tate was there to introduce the representatives,receive the proclamation and thank the Mayor and the Council;fox their ongoing support. Peg Mason was the spokesperson for the agencies Lin suggested that next year the agency representatives stand in a row in front of the camera. DI C� J ION ON 1996 COMMISSION RETREAT Carolyn reported that the Commission retreat will be on February 2 at the West Hill Fire S#anon The topic will be Welfare Reform. Carolyn stated that a panel of speakers has worked well in the : past. The suggestions of panel speakers are: a representative from the WWEE program (Lynn Roberts),a DSHS representative,(regional office or Kent office), a United Way representative and a user of services. There will be a:speaker in the morning and then the panel. The afternoon will be a Commission Work Session, The Mission Statement and funding level will be discussed, as Human Services Commission Minutes` November 16, 1995 Page 2 requested by the Commission. Marvin Eckfeldt will facilitate.' Karen Powell will be the :. motivational speaker. Janer and Dee suggested that a letter be written to DSHS to let someone know that a lot of the recipients are not getting through to their case workers. Janer,Mary Lou and Lucyle will prepare a letter to DSHS under the Chair's signature. OVAL OF OCTOBER 161 1995 MINUTES ; The date.. the first a B Qf the minutes should hake ire n Octobex 2Sth instead of()ct:; 7. . ` pg .. .... . % .. I. Dee Maschel;madea;rnohon to have;the minutes a roved as eoxrected: Janes Ilford SECONDED:` ': P P the'motion and"the motion CARRIED. DISC. ... .iT. . (Cl t31 : Lin referred to her October 19th memo and attachment. At Mel's request for more time to review the information,the Commission deferred this item until the January meeting. NEW BUSINESS DISCUSSION OF BY-LAWS AMENDMENT (#11 CONFLICT OF INTEREST The issue that is on the table is whether or not a member of the Commission should leave the room `I during discussion when they have a personal interest in the issue. Mac questioned whether the Commission might be in violation of any RCW by excluding'someone from the discussion,since `. we;are a public Commission Mac made a motion that the Commission should adopt thelast paragraph of Liri's Memoy This revises tho lastentenee of#1 l oftle By-laws to read: "however, . . this does n©t seclude such Commissioner-O being xe ent d- n J.--sc... nox..frozn rescn�ng p.:! .. . ., p P information on behalf of such an; slue before the Co m ss nn . ;fee 1Vloschcl SE ON.DED the motion, Where was much discussion concerning the motion The xnoton was PASSED. ... , ''' '' 'a ���:.�;.:.�;��::..�::���.::�� . l.�....�.�...%.... i..:�.�l.:�..� :�i:..%.�:..:..�.:��:,,�,,,,.,..". ,% ......i.:i�- . �:�� �� . . :. . . .. .. . . .. .� .. .. ELECTION 11�1996 CHAR AND VICE CHAIR . . :..:.. , , , I .:: ..... .....%..- . .. , ..:. ..�:% . %.......... . . .1 on Lucyle nominated Janes Wilford as Chain for the Human ServicesI. Commission and Mel Tall.te for Vice Chair. Mac Culver moved to close the nominations. Jason Hong SECONDED the motion to 11 close the nominations for Chair and Vice Chair. Mac Culver moved that the Commission elect by acclamation. It was MOVED and SECONDED that Janer Wilford be nominated Chair and Mel Tate be nominated Vice Chair. Lucyle thanked everyone for her good year as Chair of the Commission .. i. Human Services Commission Minutes November 16, 1995 Page 3 REAPPOINTED COMMISSION MEMBERS ��:��--�i � ....., , ,i: i::��� , - -�--2,�...............�-: iia ,�,%,::�;�i�,�%1 . Lin's stated that the Mayor's office had informed her that the Mayor is reappointing Mary Lou Becvar, Mac Culver,Dee Moschel and Mel Tate to serve on the Commission. 11 DIS ON DN DCEMBER MEETII�+TGlH()LiDAY C 11:1ELEBRATION :N.i ::.::..:.. : . ... .. ��.. . . ..... .... . .. ......... . . ��. .�.�.. ;;. .. Tlie % e r ; r .. ; e. : '%': Commissu�n d ceded that the e would dot be a Decembe meeting The omm�ssion c. dec d .•.::..:.:....:'.:.........:.. e% to have D.ecemb r celebxa on. Dee:Mo chel volunteered o have the celebr ton at her h%ouse on a t s t a . December�Qth'r:; The ime df he<celebration will be from: UQ to 5 00 1Vh :Eve :one can bx ri % .. `:'. ry g eithex drinks or favortto finger foods. JANER WnXORD'S NEW ADDRESS . , . - = ............. Janer Wilford gave her address for the record which is 3330 S. 253rd Street, Kent, WA 98032. Janer's home phone is 946=2866Y RE�IIEW OF THIRD QUARTER AGENCY REPO� , - -� I I.......... ,", " '"' '"' M IN= � I . . .. RTS � - i�_ �.... .i.:.:,%:.----� ���,,�,�tt,��::��,�,�::��,:�:�,�,�:,�����,:I .. .. - ... ......%. .. ..%] Carolyn Sundvall reviewed the third quarter agency reports. The report showed that CCS Counseling is down on program goals. Several changes impacted the goals: 1) The agency restructured its EPSTD program and counseling staff was reduced 50%. 2) During the summer months counseling is down due to day camps and full-time day care. 3)There are no support groups because fatmhes are not mottyated#o attend 4)Statistics are now complied by a computer and the actual number of clients sei.rved is a true reflection of only indiwiduals living in the actual boundaries I the City of Dent. :. . Commune Service Center trod Bank Pro% am missed the third.carter gals for Food Assistance t3. (F ) gr q g by SOS due in park because supplies and d©nations were down. Clothing As$.....�%ce`mtssed the target by 3 2 because thbY ar%e at capaci: ..J.. the space ayai able. HUMAN SERVICES ROUNDTABLE11 Judy Woods reported on the November Roundtable meeti11 ng. The Roundtable is a regional group that is trying to address certain issues such as domestic violence so they can be more effective regionally. Judy stated that the Roundtable wants to change people's perception of what poor people . t, are like. Judy stated that we will not feel the full impact of the changes in federal and state . ":..... � 1 .1 . � 1 �- .... .. . . . .:.1.�. . ..._:,�: .,�% 1. . .. .. ,.. .. .. :.�:�%!:.�:.,.��. �� � � %�.:.�- :: ... -:i% :, ':-:, I I �-''�,1�:,�,�, :,,,:::,,::I ,1,� ,�:� -:,-, 11 :, :... -11 1,I:� . . ..%......:%: .%.,�:::,- 11�1, ... .. .... .. I , I ,� : �j I 11 i 11,�1,�, . - I 11 I I I �!�-�i:�:�� , ��,� ,,, - ... ... ... .... . .. ...�. . .:%..% Human Services Commission Minutes November 16, 1995 Page 4 I. legislation until 1997 Lin Houston passed out a paper entitled Human Services and Health Spending Priorities Among Roundtable Members. Lin stated that this is preliminary SOUTH DING COUNCIL OF HUMAN SERVICE e, } la oath King council meeting was focused on youth issues The South Ing County i�.,:�-��.��.�,i%..�%..�:...:���..::.��t,-��.���1�i�..%��!���i.�::-��..%.���.::..:��,:1��.1:�-,l.�.�%i..:%�::i:I�!�.�.�..::-:,:,1,,�.....:'.1-(��.(..,�:.:�.:1�.,%,..:,-..��,��..:I�.�i:I.:...:I..I.:%,..':.i'I�..�%�-.�.,."-:�.�.....-��.�.:..".�.I.t.�..:...-o.,..�.�:I,�t:.��...�..-.-'I�:.:.%..�..�,....I-:��...,.���..i I 11...i.�:....--.i:::.-:%�.�,:�-...��%.�.�..�-�::.-.::-.�.-:.I�11�.--..�.....�:.,-7��i�.��.":..I,�,�....���.::..,..,�.:,i%t�..:�:�.:..��.,::�;���-:-.:���.:...:.�,�:,--%..I..�.',A1:1..-%...:...,�t:%.-:���:,:-..,..:1�.��'-!..:i;,�.�..��.I I`-...-..:�'--�i,..-:�:.1��.,��..�%-%�::-._,%%I.�.:,��.�..��!�.'::,�..1,:�:..-��i.,1.,�:-..-:�:-:�:-�-.:-���-.I:.:t..-',�.�i::.�I��:�:I.,�!;::�%.�....,I1:�:.�:,:%�I,-�1�.�....-:,,.:I 1:%�.%���-..��.-',.�.,;�,--�-:.�-�..�!::....-��;ii��t:i..-I.�...::�,.�.-.��.��.�...!iv�..���:��:..�1",1:�,i�l...:�:%,...�.��-!�,:1:.-�:��.�1..��..-,:��:.i�...:,-�:�-:�..,-��,..%..Ii...,��.:.��,--�.�.-;�;-..�:%�I,_!-i_E..�,...�II-I�.,--�:.�--...�.�!,.-,,I.:,�:.:-�.��,1:�-�.-���x%..,::�:...�:I����.�.��--�..1-,�.:�,�:�..��.�'�.:%,-,.:I:��-:1,..:��:,-..���,..%-l.:.�i,'"�V-,,:..,I_��!.j..'--��,,--.:..�:�:-�"�..���..�-�.�.I�.�:.'�-.%,,:.::-.—:�:�I:.�:.�...1.,-1.!:::,..I�%,,�:1.:,-�i..�.:�1�!.%.,:�I..�.:�%:.�.�:��.I1,�-':��.i�..-�;—,�,,,�:::�%�-_..�-�:�-i�.:.�-'��.�1,.",�I�.:.1.l:.:���...::.:�-�.,�i%..�::-...-:,,�.�..I:.".-,!��,��-.�...1_-:%,�:I!��:.:��.��.."t.�1:.,'��..1:�.1,I i.-.,,...�,....'..:!.:.1',:.�1�...�I..,I...I"-..:���i.��'lj�.�":�,�-.�.I:.:��.1I:�.;...,...I��.1::�...�.�1,%..�.:.�.i.�,�i%�-,:-1l-..-��.......�,t..�.%.,%:-,�...�:1:%..I't:�I,�.�..:.1.��.�...I.�.-�-:1.:�:l%:.,,..:-.�..:...!I,--.,�.1�.�.-.,�..i.:,%.:!,��.i-..:-�.�,�.....':.�I:..��-1.I,,�:....�...,...:�I..%.,I..1:��:..:..-�...,.�,.-:111I�..,1,..�:�.!--�.�,��:.�:,i�,._..1-:.,.,�-..I.,I,,:.!,..�..:..-,t,t....,!!�:I,,'...l 1.:1%.I�I.I-:��:,I....:.,:�.�,..I1%,,�.,�I,,,1..:....,�.::..:lI,�,'I.':..II-:....I1,1-:�..1.,,,,...:..._1�.�,�.%:1-I�,I..:..l..:,�I....,,�'�.1:.��:.�,,..,...._,,...1I":i,,,..I,I....i%:..:It1%.��,I,i�1,�.�,,II I...I 1�.-.;.,.,:...,..-:.:%,t,..l,-:.:�.,'.�I,t1.�%:.:"��,..!--1-:-�:.-11.I�.I��,,'...., Co muu Net ork zecentl awarded$ .. dollars#o fourteen oath o Mg.. . I�:....I:%......I�,.....�,''�..%- . . . . . y. . .: .. x . . : . . The meeting was adjourned at 4t30 PM Res eotive.. submI.d, P y - Lin Housto , Secretary ..:-..-�-..�:��..�:...-..�:,.%:%.......1�-,�:.�.!. -...i.�.1,t��!.-�:��.-I...,i..II�...%'..,,'�,�%.;.1 I��1.,��J.1.. -_' c:HSMIN.Nov05 . i. I ........:.::::.....:.:.::...:::::::: :_... ...............::...........................:.. :...:.....::.:................:::..:: ... .. : ...:......: ...%:::..•. : ... : . .:...:...::.:::....::...:...::.:..: . ..... ::. . ..........:............:...........:........:.:.::..:.... ..-,.. . ......:. . . .................... .. ..... ... ..... .. . .. . . % . 1.. - . . % . ..: .. . ... .:.. .. . . . :...... N 0 . .. . .... ;. .G ...................... ....:....:....:.. .... ..:..... . . .. . . :. . HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION .._ AGENCY SITE VISITS November 1, 1995 SCHEDULE s in ton omens Educ�tori F,i Em lo �ment? 1:15' 1:45 I..�.I�.,--%.....::.�.:��..%�,,:-�.-.�.....7:,�.I%%,,.:-...'�,�.�.�.I�...-.%..%.:....�I:.-I..�.:,:--..,.�--.�.�I�,�.1.,�t:..-,.�"..I.:.�:-...�.;1�::-,,:�....I,,.......,,--1::�;%:I..%..�._..�1.-.,�...��.-�,I....�..:..�....�.:.1.:.,-�.?:-��I,...-.�.:%P�.,�:.-:II�%,:.�II,...:....�,.:.�,:�:...:��:�.:..%.��'���I.�-�:.:.�,.�,....:%�,%�,,.._�%�.��i�:�1�-..:.-�...�,�..:�.::...�,::..%�i....�:.:1....��:�.�%.:.,'.%.�......�_,.�.�...-:.,�.1:-..-..��1..�.�-.::1�.�:��::,...:.......I.:!;;-,..-�.:.-...�.1,I-..�:!-�...,.:�,'-:�.:.::.',,�:%:,:��-..�,,::....,,�.���m:-.....,.-:.:�:�.-,�..:��:,.�.:.:.%.:,:.:,i..,,.::.I.�.��,.:..-�j.-I.':�...,:I,"�.1I.�.�-�...��%..�.�.,,.:�:,,.-����.,�....�,...,���::..��:�:..-::�.,,.�..-�_::�.i....,,;:.�,--�:%--.,J�.�:-.�;:�%��.�,:�.��:..�1I.:.::�::-:..���.��,�..::--�,.��.I,.:�!.�,:��...::::.�!::,��:���;%�11.:..:,:.:...:.�,:�.�;.�����:��1.��.-..:�.;���:.��:%.:�%j�..�--..�%:.�:�..!�:'.--:.�.�,-�;:.,:.,����..-�!:�.-..�,:..---��-.,:�-::.�:,.:.-..::-.�:.,-,�.�_J,,%.-....�.�1�.....�:�:-�j���-.:::...:1.-��..1�:!..._��,:-...::1��--..���t-!.�..����.��::��:,i!1.;.'�-��.,�.��.I.,�,::,t-�.��..:,��:1:,,:...--��:��.:�,_,.�-I..:%%.'�;:�-.�,:-'.,�:...,-',..,:�,�.-,���.'�::..1�..1,.-.�:..j�;-��,::,�-���:�:�:....����..:..,-�::-��.':,�1�..:-:�I�.:-����:�..:1__:.�,:,�..,-I��-,,'.....�-I.. a h g P .... fC ter ite a •;120 eritr mite 1'09 <; ;:, ,: : .. . Tour-o vm u S t .5. C al S . ::: .: . .. ... ... .. : : ., : ,. ::..%:.:. :2.0 i e ce 0: 2 34 :'_. :' _' Dent Area Youth&F m ly S,M s Tour:af Watson Manor at 739 3rd AVe, S.. ; 45 3; .. ";' . ; Childrens Home So a 21 `F�uxkh.South' :.. Z..:. ....:.....1 Pregnancy Aid- 110 Second ?:25-3:55` sw � Please plan to meet at 1:00 in the;Planning Department, Centennial Building, 400 Gowe. A City Van will be waiting to transport us 1. t, ..._:.::....-....:...:...:.:.................:.:.... _....- .. : . 3.'.: .. : . Kent, Washington E November 7, ;'1995 f Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7: 00 p.m. by Mayor White. Present: Councilmembers Bennett - Clark, 'Houser, Johnson, Mann, Orr and Woods, Operations DirectorJ` Chief of Staff McFall, City Attorney Lubovich Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director Wickstrom, Fire Chief Angelo, Police Chief -Crawford, - and Parks Director Hodgson. ...,, Approximately 45 'people were at the meeting. " PUBLIC Empldye� of: th+e Month, Mayor White announced h Pol,�ce COMMUNICATIONS : that Sgt. Brun Done„ f Department has been, selected as Employee of er. 'The Mayor noted that th , ................ e Moritl fox Novemb e: nt rid Emer enc c a a r e . : ...... y 9 Response Team leader and is an ex+ eptional employee wio gives 11t1 to every task he under=- tak s,, ,: 1?o i+ce ha of Cxa iforc` e 3 ained that J fi f ones has been a�n charxe of the Tra c nforceiment Una t fear eight years, and that the unit has written 80,�00 citations. 'The Chief noted that Sgt Jones and h'is �unitrare very polite, kind and helpful and stated that Sgt-. Jones is a respected employee. Human Services Month. Mayor White read a `pro- clamation° noting that the City has taken a leadership role 'in addressing human service needs, and that, the City Council has established that l% of the General Revenue budget from the previous year will be used for funding human service needs in the next year. He proclaimed the month of November 1995 as Human Services Month and urged all citizens to support its obs:ervace. The p roclamation was preoented to Mel 'fate, who thanked :the' Mayor and Council for ..-.. . ......... .. . .. ... ... . ;; .e ce ; . T t ten their support ort :of human serV�,, s . ..a - •. - Ply . . : se tat ves :from ff'teen human • : ;a:ntrodueed re r� .n .: , . p ............. ........... . aze .Ch�.ldr+en: a ,Home services . .r+vvdere. .: P.e. M. n, . SQsiety, thanked the; Mayor and Council for heir support on behalf cf' al theaencies, and eommened the Duman ServicesV Commission. `Natrona Bible Week. The Mayor read a proclama :. tion noting `that for' fifty=five years, women and men= o :all faiths have banded ..toether the Laymen's National Bible Association to sponsor. National Bible Week as a time to remind their fellow Americans of the Bible's unique place in American life. He declared the week of November 19-26, 1995, as National Bible Week .in i the City of Kent and encouraged those who so choose to participate in its observance. .�..%.�.-�......�,.��.:-.-....:�......%..�.....::...�.%�.:;............:-..................::..................�......:.:.........%...........:1...................�.�.............�............. %-',-,.:�X.-.....-.�1........::..-�:.:....�-...�.�.-:.;.�.:�%�..��...�.......�..�...�.......�..�....-.�.:.�..%...�:.,:.�..:1,%�......- Ci.iY::O.F:.: .:,`:.... .... % .:... . .. ..I:..:I 1::�I0,.�.-.�-%%%:-�,,I�.%..:%�:-�%i%I%,I..I�..�II I%I:,.�iI..I I�Ii I.,.�.I..%,.I:I..�.II II,,�.::.II I..I i.�"I%I.:,I,II�:1,.:.�1,,i.,�.�:,,I,1.�:II-,I,,,:%,.i..,:�,,%,:,..%�:,,�.,...".I�,,�..%...:..,.1..,�.%..,I�,�,..:� ...�%..�.!.., % .,1.-,I-�,1-I...-,i,I".,.��I."�I,��.�:.I..I l.,I",::II�1.�:".::...,�1.��I%,�,.,.-,�1�%,.,.--.,�,�.,:,:�,-.�%--��1.,�1:-.--.�'��.,I��,1.I,�.�%�:-,.�1�,:,,:,.�.�,�.:,��,-.-,�I J�,�1 I,...�,1....�.,.,,.�:.1,.�:,.,-..1,...,...,,......�,-,��.,:....... .:%.,%..,:.,:-1.,.. .,.. ...-.�.... I...-i-%:.... .:::�. .. . .. .. . .. % . %... %.%%. %.:.-: . .... . . .. . .... .. .. ...... . .. .. . .%..... . %... .. . ... .. . ...i. . ....�.%. %:...%..�i: �.�� . ��%�.�..� .............�.. ,.--.�,1,1.,-,I-:,: ..,.,...�.,.,,:.,..-.II.,��..�....,�.II,I I.�,I-.!.,.II 1..I I.�I�..I..1.III...�,I.1.. :,.I.-...,,..:�.I-�:%..:.I..�:.....:�.�:I..�..-,..�I I.:...I�..-%�:.,.1.:�,...I.�z�%:i.,:.,%:z�,. ..1I..,I,,::.1��.i..:.�...I...,.%::-�. .I.::..,-�..I.....I...:,.�.��...I.,,.....:.�.:.�:,-....:,.�I.:I,�.,..,.%I-,I-.�:..�.�.:.:,.�:.�.:�.":I�%,I�I..�..�,:I.I,I,:.��I.1.�I;..���II I,..�.I II,I.I�:.,�.%,%,:I�II�I,I,.,1,�:.,.I%.i.,:,�'..,..�,',,;..,%�,,.,%.,,:��.!.,�.�.1%.�,�:..:. ......1".�..:. �...::- �.-:-�.::..�..I.-%..::. I-:..I�:::.%�,I I..,: .x Jiro White, Mayor P'II(% . . . . . ..� ..... . . . %. . . . .. .. . . %.. .. . ..... . . . . % .: 1. .:..:. November 22 , 1995 Cathy Peters Catholic Community Services Po Box 398 Kent, .WA 98035 RE.: Emergency .Sevore Weather Sheltex. Program 199 Funding Level : ��%.i:.�...,..,�':,.�1:,..I:",:��:......�..�.,1 N�..:,,,,.:�,,I.'I1-,,-.��-�.1 I..I.1�...%�.�....�I,�1II...:,�.... Dear Cathy;. As we discussed recently, the 199 fuda ng for` the Emergency Severe Weather Sl'eltex Program has been. increased by; $6,©29. ' This additional money : s a carryover of unspent dollars ,in your 1.. Program. With 'these .additional :dollars the 1995 Emergency Severe Weather Shelter Program now as has a total of $27,5 %- in 'City of Kent funds. I have verbally passed this information on to Tamara Brown. ` Please give her a copy of this letter so she has the exact dollar amount. Also, pass >this on to the person who 'does; your billing; you should reflect this new dollar figure in ' your November and December invoices to the City. Please make a: note on 'the November invoice' `. indicating the extra dollars have been added, so that both your' books and ours can reflect the change. If you, have any questions please call me' at 850-4784 if you have an uest�ons. Kee u the ooel work and ha holidays "' Y q P P' g pPY Sncerel , ` Lin :us�,on, Manag :r ;-. . �.ce. of Housing & Human Services ... .::...:.:..:::..:.:. ; cc J ` i`' iarrs Plann 'n Direct .. .... . . ,: .:.: ..:.!.::.:::..::::::::::::. ..:,:::.::..,, ..::::.:...:.:.::.,:...:..:::.:%: ....:...::.... :: ..: .. . ., . . .... ... .. .... . ....... ... ...:....:........ . ..... . ... . ... ........ .:.. .. ... . . ..: .. Ragh.el'; `Johns n> Planner;; ;: " . .:... Carolyn Sandvall, Planner 2204th AVE.SO.. /KENT.WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE ('_06)859-3300/FAX#859-3 33-1. November 28, 1995 Jim White, Mayor Cathy Peters, Executive Director Catholic Community Services So. King County PO Box 398 Kent, WA 98035 RE City of Kent 1995 Contract for Counseling Service Dear Cathy We have been in commun�caton;wth; ou re ardn the er#ormance measures: y . g p Counseling Program which the city of Kent funds It is apparent from the statistics and our: conversations that you may not be able to meet Pe.riormar�ce Measure #2 (counseling hours) and poss7b1y #3 (support group our This is due to a nurber of circumstances that ,have occur:red subsequent to your contracting with the City of Kent: 1. The EPSDT clients served by your agency were included in your projected contract numbers, because at the time of contracting with the City they, were being served by the counseling program. Subsequent to signing the contract, CCS was granted Title 19 dollars for these clients. As 'a result of this grant, these clients were transferred to another department within CCS, so even though your agency is still serving these clients they can no longer be counted as part of the counseling program funded by the City of Kent. This also impacted your staffing which has been cut by 50%. This transfer of clients results in a significant decrease in City of Kent performance measures 2 Another reason for the reduction in numbers is that 'CCS is now using a c c program.omputer program to comple tstis for resulting in more accurate numbers. In past years the'ciients and client hours were hand ' calculated and included all individuals with Kent �cddt sses. These are the numbers on which the contract was ba%sed. Now that your satisttcs are compiled by computer, the number of c Tents . ti to served a s a: true reflect on of onl :those .rsans. 'l i v 'ng w . .h n . h b©undara es of `Kent;: 3. There i a reduction in the :number of support group hours partly because CCS did not receive the grant money needed to supplement the Kent dollars. in order to provide this service. The City of Kent dollars do not begin . to cover the total cost to provide the service, and CCS relies heavily on ,:. the other grant dollars in order to provide the support group hours.`.- '220 41h AVE SO /KEN-f WASHINUMN 98032-589 5 7 111, EPI ZONE (206)859-3300/FAX N.t159-3334 . , i ,: . ... ... : ..... - I .... .. ......... .,I:...�� ..�:.:%:..::_,........�., ........... ....: ......................... I . , - - ' . .. . ...... I . . % . ...:. :: .%%: :. ...: %: %:.: . ..:.i ..:.�.:%-. . ...:... . . . . ... .. ..:.:...:. .... .. % .... ... . ... : . : ...�... . ..... . . . : : . .... :. ........ : .� .:..:. . .:.:% .% - :.i.: : . % : . �... 1 . i. :. .: .��.�� �!�:!.: :.:.::��... �...�%.. ...%.%, ..i . .. . . . .. . ..... .. ....�.�������::..�%.....��......�...� . �-.� . .. ... . ..�; I '' i � � ,::1i I �:: �� , : :�� ,,, , �%::.�.: % ��, 1 � .. .. .. .: : . I am also aware that it costs CCS $5000 to provide one hour of counseling I:.,., Through October, 1995 you have provided 895 hours of counseling service to Kent` residents. At a cost of $50.00 per hour, City residents have benefitted by $44.',750 worth `of services.. Our total contract with your agency for the entire year for this Program is only $10,000. This shows me that CCS heavily subsidizes the`services provided to our City residents; it also makes me confident that we : have already received more than adequate return in services for the contacted dollars Gwen these circumstances and facts I .. . confident that CCS has made a good faith effort :to achieve the :%contract oaks;: Even; if:the;: ro ram ;fa11s ;short of . . E�l9 . .e er: Qr%mance measure :num ers out'1 ned i n the.:contract;.i. fe%el :as%sured that the . : .. .. ..... . % Ct', `of ICert h% s eee ; : ade ate;se v ;` s y a r fed qu r cen return for our contracted Ci%ty dollars. We recognl z. tl e .hanger that.;hake sera...tad l:n, �.h s as :.out)�ned above and . don't see thjs as a breach of ;contract We will take these reduced . numbers i nto-:cons% :derati on: when: deve%i o n : the. 199.6 coneracts..... o. that the per ormance measuresi. more accurate y reflect actual ser��ces I appreciate your commitment to do ;more outreach specjfically to Kent residents I order'to get your numbers increased. I am encouraged to hear that you have three new supports groups scheduled, and may be able to meet Performance Measure #3 if these groups are filled to capacity. Thank you for your continued dedication to addressing the needs of our residents, and finding so]utions� to the problems faced by those in our community who are in need. If you have any questions call me at 850-4784. Sincerel , L 111:: 1. t ..`.:'.::.:::..::. ` i:. : . `...:``...:`. U.,....4n............::.... % uman Services Mana er: •.. .::. .,` :' . . . ............... .............. . .... . .. . . :.... . . LH%bb:a:CCS letter . . . cc: Jj Harris, Planning Director . Laurie Du cla Assi st:ant':Ci t . Attorne r%. :: x Rachel Johnston, Planner` :Carolyn Sundvall , Planner . . . . . .. .. . :. . . . .. . .. .. :... ... . .. . . .. . % .. i i: i -- I .. . .. : .. .. . . ..: - . : . - . :.: .. . - . . . . : ... .. :: . .. . .. %.. - % .. ... . .. . CITY;OP . �7�.�:: ��%�.�.: . . . . .. . . % . ... . 11%. . . . . . % .... . .� . . __.,, MEMORANDUM November 28, 1995 p �G�p Jim White, Mayor TO: HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION MEMBERS FROM: RACI3EL Y:JOHNSTON,PLANNER SUBJECT: WINTER.C.........1E.:.. .�.LEBRATION . It is that time of ear Yes it is time for us to et to ether and Pie Y g g party ase bring your favorite hors d'oeuvre and'oin us at Iee Moschel's .. J . . home(i3iease see enclosed map.and directions),wh%ich is loc%ated at 425 Scenic Way in Kent. ......: . . ... .. .... . . . ... . . . % The partT scheduled from 4:OU 1 : to 6:!IO.. on Wednesday,Decexr ber 20. Remember, % .. .. , .. We:Vvq.11 ake a few minutes dunn the` to discuss laris`�or'vur'1996 rria.n SeFy yes. ` .. .: P�3' P ii . .. . . Commission Reirdat: I Iook forward to seeing you..!:.::: ::. . :�. .:. ... "...... ...: �! .�....:�...... . . ::� .�: . . . �.��MW�. ... . .. . . %. . . %.%.: there!!! q_,. 1.11 11-1 2204th AVE.SO., /KEW,WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859-3300/FAX#859-3334 j CITYOF � I��,.,.!�,..",.,,.,1:,:.1:�,:I...!1 I�%I��,.1.%.I�-1-�.-:.I'�.-:��I��...:I,,,—�.:%..�I,:.-.1.�1,:����..1,:,.:'-....1,�,Ii,..:.-1%�",-.:-�I ,:1"—�..�.'I,:,:�.1'-,,�,."t�...:,,�.�1,�,'.',��:�.�,1-,�..!.I,1--.�.��,,,,�,l_..-:,',�..,'I1�,.:1l,�,..:''...���":..,��,i-::.�.::...,,,'�:���..:����.,..:�l-""�:%i,��.,..',.1,..I,�'�..�..,:j-,����t:��..,:�-.�.���%,�:...���:�.�,:,,1..�'::..;....���i�%.:.....'%.9.:�..:..�.%.....%.:.:-.�..;..�,�...:..:.::.......���.:...���:.�..���%...-,��:��.��.:-...�%..�.........���%.�..�:.....�i�.....,—:!......�..�...�-.:.��....�%....:..�.:-..�..�.".��:,".��,.....��:...i.....:1.....�:...:.�:....,:.i�.....,.�:::..,,,�%�....!-...�:.;�...-.:�.�..!......:.:.�..��...�..�....�.-.,I�.:i.�.�.,�::%..�...,.���....."��.%.....�.�:%.......,,,.:.:�.,,.�....... .:.......�..�,.�...�:...�....�-�....!...�:.:..�.�!.�..�.%.%....�..f.....:.�.::�......%��%.i�-..�....�%..�:!.....-�.�l�1.:.;;..l��..:.�....�.:....:.:,..�......�....���..1!�:...-I.�.:�..�...,:��1�:..�.....:�.:.:...............:....!..:..�..,����....-.!�.��.:.:.:.��%..."....%�...i.%�...-.,...!�.�:..;.!e....-!........�..:.%.1..�.....�.I.,..���....:...�:.�..:��:��"........��.:.�.....i..-. ,,�1�,,..-.:,,—�II..��,,�,—��,--.,,:��-,-I:,I,:-...%.:,,�::::...%,.,,1"���,.,',,,z��"III II��,�,I�I��,-.�,�II,I�"..:,��I.1�_,I I�,,�,�%..1�,:t.�.I I1,I,�..,,,�,,i�l�'.-'",—�—,,.:,�,,:.�%.�I',,'-.,I;'�.:�.��t;M,"�zI�:.�,,�,I�:�I.:.�1.t��I...�,Z.,,,;�t��.�1I�i,,.:.Z:�'-�I:.�:�:l:.�1�:�����,:.:,,:�,...1�:'-:::--��:,,,..1��,�,,.I:::,i�I%:,,�,�.�,����,t���-.:]��1:�����,!.,�,:�:.,,�'II,,:".�..I,,,�:�����,-t.:-:::1-�;:�:�,,,�:,�,,.I1,,,�1,: ,�i.,.��.,��";:::ZII-'�:II,'��;:t :�:-�.�,,,1�''',.:�1"�-��1—�-::.,,,:�!:�:I�'�-11���::.�:�,,:-I�t:�"I,��1I I.,-�,,�.,,:'-':::1�,1"_.:.�I.���I:'.-'j%..',�,���l�I,�,i I:�"I:.�-II��I,,.1"1",�I,::'''-,:::.,��,,,,,,-,�:l:��1: p7=0 Jim White, Mayor .,:��1-...,,..:,I,I:.�1:...'','1l,,..,�..,.I,."-.l,I.��.:,%%,t.,�,,..1.�..�.:,..,1.�I,t:...,�',-'I:�1',1�:,:—,,.,,..:,—..:.'.I,.�It,.�:�1I1...,i II!.�,,..I 1-....1,.�1 iz"�..�.',...I.i"�,�i:�I�,.�I....,,:l.:...-'-..:,.'�,,-..'I.-..,�:,-:-t11.,�'I,Z'',,�t'.�",_,:.�I,.:,..,-I1.,I�:,1,�:,'�'t...,t-.,,.,�.-,'1:....,.I-��1:�:,"'-,I,.t,,.1-.....::::�,z.'l l�,-..��,,...1It��,,�,,t_:�.'..II,..;:I.l—��:..:..I::�..%:'l.1,�.�,I'.�,�-I II-1�,.%�i I I�','-I.�.�.-'..�:,-,,:1l%.."—..,_.,I,I1�.,�',.::t..",.�.l',c,:.I,"�:I ilII.�,'.�,'-I�.�.II�;��l'...,1.,,—"�-1.�...:,,—III1 I�,',..::,'..::':.I z.,,_I_:,::,,�--,.:I,,.�.II�1 l.,:'.—:I-,�I'I,".:,..�.",.II:�"I.,.:�,,..-�:I1�:.,,1-.:�1l-.I.,.:.!�:.,,"1..�.:�,-'...i,i'iI-,,1�,1II1::.:,—I1�I,."-.....�!—,'1:1 I�,"1I�....�...1-1...-�!,"�..I1.I.,:I,t..,...--,�'I::�,.,...111 i I1.-�%�',".,�,..I,1..I:.,:..-I,;:t.,1�Z:t,�..�'.:�..-��.'1.III,.::,�.�.:I1,..,,I..�I 1,..I�"-1.Ii:-'i�...�:I,,.�..:,,,".,-..-i::I�,.%.�"-,-1...I,I-���.��,�.1,.,l.—,!."-,,�,...-1�t,%:1,tI.:.�.I,..1.,,1...I�—,.,"..:�,:,,..,t.�:1�1�,:..,�.�.-�,...t.%-�—,..:��%:,,....,�,:,lI:,1t".,..-I,%,,:.,.�::.I,--1�-.1-',,..� :.��...!,,...:��.�...%.�1��%.:..�.�.,:.:�..::,II..�.��.-.]�:�,.:�....I.-:,����.i.:,I,,.:.:.:.,,1".....:1�....,I.��:�t—::��:����i.,'....�,::..,:��1.%.�-�..��!:—�.�.1,���.�.:�!.��:::-:,-:��:�I.I1,��!".�:;���:-,����,:,����::-��-::..�1.,���%..--,:,-.:.:,��:�W 1:�:�::"-:!�:���:�-.�,��.%��,.-:�:�-.�...1�V!�!�!�.'..:�,,��,�:.�:�:I:,��,.!-��.:�.�.:,.,,�,.�:�I-��%..-1L:�!%.;%.t:�-,.:,:�:%�."":t,%.,�l�����,,,I..�,,�.,��t,!�".-:I.�.,�:::��.%I1�:���::��..:.�.���,..;:!��%...,��.�,.���,��I:,..-�!����:.:::.,:�.�-.-.��!:._'—�.�I:,"...����t��.�...�����:�,�.-.��:—:l"...�.:.�,��-��t-..,:,��.i.�.:-...%--1I���.:::.�'I��,...,���'!:-:�:::i.�,�:...�.,�1:..�:��,�i�....%.�I,...��:�'.�'::,,....1:i��,��...;�1�%,�,..:�l�.f:.�..:"l��%.�'.!�,:��.�:-:�:;.-�:,—�.�i�:�11 a,���..��..l�-�...��,'I:.����,...�,..I1.�,.!.:.��,�'::..�!. 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Seattle Kixig County Public Health I�epartrnent l tvisio f AleDho.01tl';end S tbstanPV At. isI: del view l] Prt3io►taine P14O.. �outll„Suite 400 Seattle, A . . . .. Dear Star.. As Manager of the Office of'Hous Housing and Human Services fnr the City ofKent, I have worked with Kent Youth and Fat�ily'Services to help provide aicohol/dnig prevention, l»tenrentioil and treatmirnt programs for Kent youth and'tlieir families. The KYFS chemical dependency programs were begun in 1984, and have continued to provide important assistance to Kent residents through the years. The City of Kent contracts with Kent Youth and Family Services to provide youth and family counseling services to residents, inqluiing youth and their'families. Based on the'positiVe work Qt KYFS and its rripc�rtant role in Kent's continuum oCservices 1 am pleased to reCt mttleild i YFB`fir ah iaP contract award l �tn'the Kind'( pu3tty L��ru Abuse Setetc s. _I vote ►� eci 'urther in#ormdtion, please . i�vision of AicohoiJ th and g :.. ontaGt me at 8 5 D T 7 8 7 . .. l ` . Sincere y . . .. .. . . ... . :. . n Mana er . ..-..:., ... . in sto . . .. . L . .�:.:..1I..::..�!!:.�%.:!.�..:....�i.W:..%.�.�.l::.1-....:.:�.! i. 0�4k 6.. . Kent Ofl'i e of Housing and Au.n Servi G 220 4th AVE.SO.. /KENT•WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859-3300/FAX#859-3334. .. . II-- CITY;OF L � - . %. . : :: - . ........ ...i - { % Jim �Vhte, Mayor ` pa�?19IIC�°S�� November 29, 1995 Mary Ellen Sto11 ne,Executive Director King County Sexual,Assault Resource Center 304 Main Avenue South, Suite 200 Renton, WA 98.. ......:...:.%::�..!.,,;...:.:...%..%...�:.......m.:�..i,����_���t�:���:��:�i������I:�,�i���!�!�����-��:�����c,�:�����j-�%��:��i�t�������5i�,��t��1i�i��1�::::_�:��:_���:���i�������t��_���,����_l:�,��!��:t����:�_�:.:,:::,i.��:��:I�_�:t�I���l',�,:�:_,"��:,,�:,�__�,��,::t:":�:,,,,,]�I:"t,:tl�t,"i,,:::'I�,:,'�:",:l:l�,,�,�" :I::i.%.:�::*:...... Dear Ms: St111one: This l%etter contains information cin two matters th%at are very irportant to....... ......our agency: (i) Coat ti©n of your 1,996 General;Fund Allocat on/1996 Contract,and(2)Plan ing regarding the impacts of the TViendan annexation. 1) CONFIRMATION OF YOUR 1996 FUNDING ALLOCATION/1996 CONTRACTS. On November 7,the City Council approved the 1996 City of Kent Budget which included approval �q I --of funding for your agency as recommended by the Human Services Commission. The Commission and staff would like to congratulate you on your 1996 funding award. The funding allocation approved by the City Council is$15,000.< T% This funding will pay-for the following A portion of:staff salaries The 1996 City of Kent Contracts are being'prepared and will be issued m January .Please remember • .:..... ..:...: ....:.::..:.:.:`i :: to .submit, if you havent , early,:a curlrent copy of your insurance certificate;. Your insurance certificate should reflect the same language and liability limits that are stipulated m the 1995:City �`" of Kent`Contract (paragraph#6). All agencies are required to have com x�ercial general liability ...... . ... ..... . .... .., :. . ... . : . . ..; . , co era Re dm commercial eneral liabili covers a our:cavera a should evidence the v g11 � .,g .:. .. g::,' Y .. following language; Commercial.Ceneral Liability insurance written on an occurrence basis tyith limits no less than $1,000,000` combined single;Iimit per occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate for;person injury, bodily injury, property damage and. non-ownership automobile liability. Also, some agencies are required to carry professional liability coverage. If your agency requires such coverage,please make certain that the 1l.anguage evidences the f11 ollowing II: F=' �f >I a44-.,-�__ �!/ � '` ' � ,_tt C.: 220 4th AVE.SO. /KENT.WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859-3300/FAX#859-3334 .... l : Mary Ellen Stone November 29, 1995 .... Page 2 Professional Liability insurance with limits no less than $1,000,000'limit per occurrence Additionally,we are requesting that each agency provide us with an'updated Exhibit"A"form. A ` copy of your 1995 Exhibit"A"is enclosed for reference but needs to be revised so that it reflects your 1996 performance measures. Please refer to the performance measures outlined on page 10 of your 1996 City of Kent Genexal Fund Apphcatzan when determining the minimum. amount of . .....: ... services #ti be roiled b ; ours:a enc : Your reviscd erformance meas sho d: be , : ores ,ul ro ortionate to our a enc s 99 C o Kentfundin :allvcatvn; Furthermorc we;as th ou ktY be realistic with our ro ections because Burin 1995 man a ences;exceeded tlie'r annual' oals .: g m:the fir . si s x mon s o ; e;,eontract; ear;. ifthere are other; ry ram chap es that have occurred: Y p g . g which affect your performance measures,;thcse;should also be reflected iri your Exhibit A. (An ex land on of the:chan a should be xnalud d Ple c .. as .rturt� otcr u dated Exhibit 10acltel lj: ) y p Jhnstan in the 'lantzirrg�Depart�tte�tt no later than'Wednesday, December b. I will contact you soon to schedule a rrieetng durrng December to finalize your 1`996 performance measures and review the reporting process. I would like to meet with you and the staff mernber(s) who completes the monthly and quarterly reporting forms for all programs for which 1996 City funding has been approved. 2) PLANNING REGARDING THE MERIDIAN ANNEXATION: The Kent Planning Department has begun planning to assess the impacts of the Meridian annexation which will be effective January 1, 1996. The Planning Department intends to accomplish two goals: (1) ascertain a count of the newly-annexed,Kent residents who seek assistance from human services agencies; and (2) track the impact that the new residents will have on the funding levels of our currently-funded human services agencies After receiving agency-,input, Planning staff;will implement a process ;by which it can count the newly annexed;Kent residents who will seek , :assistance from Ci funded a ty g . ...... ... ...... . .. ... $eginning Jams l;`1996,'Planni staff will:request;that;each Kent fundea ro am submit a count of the newly-annexed Kent residents who received services during the month or quarter. Planning staff will add a question at the bottom of both Exhibits"C"and"D"asking for the number of newly-annexed residents who were served during the month(documented on Exhibit"C")'and during the quarter (documented on Exhibit "D'°j Agencies who elect tv invoice monthly will provide a count on both of the Exhibits"C"and"D" Conversely,`;agencies who elect to invoice quarterly will provide a count on the Exhibit"D only. Staff anticipates that your program will need. to collect this data fora minimum of one year, Remember, City of Kent residence is determined by ascertaining that a client actually resides within the city limits of Kent, and not just relying on the zip code. ;Kent zip codes will also encompass areas that are located in unincorporated King County. For your convenience, the Planning Department will provide your agency with a large scale City limit map which also outlines the. newly-annexed area. Josephine Tamayo, Murray Tony Mladineo Cathy Peters Executive Director Board `'President :Regional Director... Catholic Community Svcs 16044 160th PL 'SE PO Box 398 0. Box 398 Renton, WA : 98058 Kent, WA 98035 nt, WA z 98035 Nina Auerbach, Exec Dir Richard Mockler Rita Hagen Child Care Resources ' Clegg & Associates So County Coordinator 15015 Main Street, #206 : 811 First AV, Suite 200 841 Central Ave N #126 Bellevue, WA 98007 Seattle, WA 98104 Kent, WA 98032 D. Sharon Osborne, Peg Mazen Jack Fearey, Chair Executive Director Ch' ldren's >Home' Soc ety 1344``E Interlaken Blvd Children' s .Home Society P.O. Box 1997 Seattle, 'WA 98102-4035 P.O.: Box' 151.90 Auburn;. WA ;..98071 . : Seattle. '; WA.....: : . =:..Steve.:,R. Anderson : Cher Fraser Ja ;ne Leet Exec:; :Dir . Y Y Executive Director Kent Resouree - Center Community` Health Ctrs: Children' s TY erapy Ctr 315 E, 'Meek 4. Sit % of King County 8031 1025 S 3 , 86e A20811Ken , Kent WA` 98031 Renton, WA 98055 : John, Campion Susan Eastgard, Exe Dir 9641` S . 246 PL Crisis Cliri c of Tad Van Der 11Wee le Kent, WA 98031 Sea/King Co' Board President 1515 Dexter Ave' N 1831-31st Avenue Ste 300 Seattle, WA 98122 Seattle, WA 98109 ( Carol, Davis Linda Rasmussen Jackie Kinunen Co-Director Executive Director:.::., 13722 SE 200 ST: Des Moines Food Bank ' D.A.W.N. Kent, WA 98042 PO Box 98746 P.O. Box 1521 Des Moines, WA 98198 Kent, WA 98032 Bob `Sheckler t Mary Lou Becvar Wesley Martin.. Board Chairman Executive Director Board President 19816 5th Avenue :.:S . Kent Community Svc Ctr 268598th.'Ave Seattle, WA '981'48 52,5 4th Ave N Kent, WA 98032 : slack Shiermari Mike Mathews Mary Ellen Stone Interim Director Board President King 'County Sexual Kent Youth & Family Svc First Interstate Bank assault Resource Center 232 2nd Avenue S #201 22.037 7 h Avenue S, 304 Main Ave S, #200 Kent, WA 98032 Des Moines, Wa 9819;8 Renton, WA 9.8055 :. .Candace Ismael, Prey . Judy Peterson, Exec Dar : Geraldine..Battles 18213 132ndPL SE Pregnancy Aid of Kent Board President Renton, WA 98058 P.O. Box 1775 21031 142nd AV SE Kent, WA 98035-1775 Kent,: WA `:98042 Patricia McInturff Dini DuclQs, Exec Dir -ecutive Director Charles •J.: Devine South King County nior Services of 6503 :5.2nd Ave. NE Multi-Service Center Seattle/King County SeattleV WA 98115 1200 S. 336th 1601 2nd AV #800 Federal Way, WA 98033 Seattle, WA 98101-1579 ........... ....... .......... ................................................................................................................................................................................................... .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Barbara Hea Dave Daniels Margo Fleshman, Exe Dirk Board Presidentney ,' Housing Director Washington Women, s 17429 SE 23$ ST 1200 S. 336th MEmployment & Education Kent, WA 98042 ' Federal Way, WA 98003 3516 S 47 ST #205 Tacoma, WA 98409 10 Roberts,` Prog Mgr; oh" Diana Carey Marilyn LaCelle W.W.E.E. Karr, ;Tuttle, Campbell Valley Cities l Central AN N #232` 1201 3rd AV, Suite :2900' Counseling/Consultation Kent, WA#198032 Seattle, WA 98101 2704' I Street NE Auburn, WA 98002 Dee LorenzVTVIOOTA 51 HSAGENCY LBL 2002 E. ;Main St . : 12/2,8/94 : Auburn, 'WA 9BOD201 to saw Rev. Otis J.` Moose Kathie Goertzen 7230 Beacon AV S Board President Seattle,; WA 98108 YWCA` of Seattle/King Col. 1118 Fifth Avenue Seattle, WA 98101 Mariah `Ybarra, Director John Campion YWCA of ',South King Co 9641 S. 246 PL 1025 3 AV S, Suite A Kent; WA 98031 �titic Of Renton, WA 98055 BLOCK GRANT ` 6/8/94 :::....... y,.. . .. .. ,z:- -- y�5 "I" z . . .....:... .. . ... ... . . .%� . � �. -% .............. ....... .. I- ... . .� ��..%: .... ........... . .. .... ..,...,..��:%� . .. err ofL�S`! .. ... .. . %��..�:��i���...�,:.......... ..... . . ... %%.- . .. � .. . . .... . .. .. . ..... .. ... ... . . .. . :: .�.:!.. :�:��I� ,�-:�!��� ��%:��::��.�� ....... ... . ...... ..... . . .1 "", , ,��,�,�� �, .�.-:�� ,, ,, , , -� , -��: - , , . . ,- , "''--- '''' "" "- 11 ��'i:, 11 ... . I�_ - , ,, �,� �, �,:� :��:�-, , , �,��:�,,� ,, %.i..''i....... .. .. �. :I��.�!%�..�:�� ..... . .. .. �%��:�!�I:.:�%-�!:.�..��:: �%�.�.. - . - . , ,,, ' 7 : :: -'"' I � - , , - , , � � , I I , - , , , , .. .�. . . 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I I 11� 1 I i�:I���I�:::::::::::::::::::,�::,I.....�����;�-A,-j�-I I':,,,�TI, r,�,,"�',-,rr;�w,,r-,:�,"�"�',-,,"I!��-'�:��;���:�,,,,�-,,,,r,,�,,,,,9,,�:���,�,�,,-,,,��,����,,:--,;,,-�-,,,:�,��������i�:,:,,-....",�:�,,���:�-::::::::,��,,:�,,,--,.iIi-,�,1:-,�'�,,-�I,,::�;;,%"-,�:,.:::�I,:",;��,I'�-�,�.",:I:I-'�,:���,,,;-,�% I:I�,I,:,I I: �I, ,1I�,11-:1I1.".:..�.I l%,1I,l,iI -1 1I,�,,,%......:.�I,1-,:,1::1-,I,�"�,I I��,',�I, 1-1,1-1,I�II I,,���:,�I-,-:�,��::,,-,:�,, ::�,I,, �:IJ�,�--::,,:�,��,,'-�,':�"�::_���:�,: ,��1��1��1� 1 1I, , I 1I...1 1...1:. .II.:.:�I.I. ,::..::� :%:...:%.%-'.!.. :..I. -..�..�.,.�..::.Z:..,�-:I�I,-.� .�, �.I,-, 1.�1-�, .�.% �-.- .1 -�-.�- 1.:,i:-�.�-�. :-�.�.�-: .i.:��-.�. ::���-%:1 ,�%�.I II :%:�::,.:::I1-�::-�I1II.--,,':I1 -,l,11 -- I�1,- 1,:-,- �,�1, Ian,:,1�-1� ��:I,,I,,::�,I 1,I zi1:�,-1��,�!�,:I,',,,I�I II,-I"�',:��'"I-::I'�-I,��I,I 1,�1,,:,1�,I,1z l�I:;,,I:�,�I,I,,,�,�: Jim White, Mayor :-l�:1 1 November 8, i995 Ms.'Josephine Tamayo Murray,Executive Director Catholic Community Services of South King County P. O.Box 398 Kent,WA.;98935:;. Dear Ms.Murray; The Kent Planning Department has begun planning to access the impacts of the Nleridiari annexation which will be effectiveJ..an ary. 1,..19: 6.,...:5. :ec. call..: .:: a..... p.......:...........:.:..- : th:.::. %:94A n :De .artment,wa y:.:..,.: ...... ... .. . n#s t..ascert : . g.:....::..:.:P::.:.....:....:.:.::;........:.:..:..:..:.:.:....:.....:..::::................ain..infor at ..... :::: .:...:i..::.::....:.::....:. . . . tn.:..:::_on.:on;hoiv:: i. . .annexation:wil i% :...:.....................:.................the.:';`, :,',. ..;`.,'. .. . 1. ac .c t...urre Cr :.... ...:::::.:..::.::..:::..:..:::.:..:...:::..:.:....:..::.:...:::.,:::::::.;...:..:.....:::.....:.....:.::::::.:...:.::....:....:..............:...:.. . . . . . . . ...p . , . nt funded services. . .:,.. . :. .. ..... ........ ... . ... . . . .... . . .. ... . .. .; . ,,. -; , C` o se `'' '` ..... .. ... . : : :. .. .- . n......uentl .,.#he:pl...... ....,..::::: ......:.:...:..:,:: ...:.....:.::..:.: :......:.:.. q y, annng Department would lilce#o implement a process by which it can count the newly- annexed Ken#residents who will seek assistance from human service agencies. Further,the;Departnent would:like to know how these residents will impact the funding levels of the human service agencies that are currently funded by the City. Staff would like your input and assistance in helping us;implement a viable process. We are taking the necessary steps'towards accomplishing this goal. First,staff drafted a list of pertinent questions(attached)which you can ( review and answer: Second, staff would like you and/or a staff erson who works directly p ( y with performance statistics)to bring your responses to a meeting scheduled from 1:30-3:00 p,m. on Monday,November 20,at the Kent Council Chamber East in City Hall which is located at 220 Fourth Avenue South in downtown Kent.'Finally, staff envision that agency and Planning staff will create a form that agency staff can take back to their respective agencies with the intent of collecting data on newly-annexed Kent residents'. Again,Planning staffs goals are to ascertain the number of newly annexed residents who.will seek services and to.:determine what:;fundingxm .:acts,the::ricr..eased;number::of:re i p s dents;will%have on the agencies currently funded by the City. I am confident that with your help that wB'gan aceornplish our` oals haze enclosed a ma % hi g % p w ch outlines the.annexed area. Please %take hm�e tQ review the questions and bring your%responses to Our meeting. . . value your i . . . in%h%elping'us design a way for agenc1.ies to collect this necessary data '• ou:h a ve. : y questions,please call Carolyn Sundvali at% 0-610.0 or Rachel Jc 6 oil at 850-4789. I look forward to seein ou on November 20. g.Y: . Sin cerely, ..T...........................z.,...�............"..'1:...:�.....�.:....-,:.,'I''I1'%-,,,.,"'I�,-"---zi,.,:l i�-,-,�",.,�1,':,.II�V-.-II,:'---��-'�-�,"I'1"!-1,I-I1',,,I',,,:,I'��"'�-I-I',,-.�',!..I--,,.-,�I.,-"--,�.-.-I%.,..:-:.I-.-%:�.%I--..,..1%,,"......1�.I.',.:,,...,,.-.II:..-.!:-.,,.--."I,,.�-'%.--,,.'-I'"---.',--:,'�,,�,',-'.'-,,,:,,-,l,'',,�,,I-::,I,,,,,,�,I�1-,:,.�,1,,-,,,:,.,-,-,,Rachel Jo nston Planner RYJ/bb:annex.ltr enclosures(3) cc: Tony Mladineo,Board President Cathy Peters,Regional Director ,,,'�-,1;�,--,��,�:I:�-,,�,-,'"-I-�-,-:-,�,1I-�j',-I,-',�,���-I1_''--"�"II,:--''�II;I�,,I-'',,,1,',-�,'-,,-�,,�,-�,-,,�-1-��---1,,,,-,,,I 1����,-�g--,,,�-��-I�:�"",,��'I-,-1,,l,,l�1-,,,�,�",-1,,--�,",,,I,�,I-,,�1,:I1��,��,_-,"I,1:,�,� Lin Houston,Human Serv1.ices Manager Carolyn Sundvall,Planner 2204th AVE.SO. /KENTWASHINGTON 98032- 895/TLEPHONE 0689-33U0/FAX#559- 34 ... ... .%.:I . . %: .:%.: �. ... - . .. - - . .. .. . .. :. . :. .%.. : I.: ....%: ......... . ......:.:.. I . ...i%:...%. �%��::.�.��.�.�1..:.:������� - .. .. . . - %: .. .::�..- .%::. ...%.��:.%. ........ ..:. . � ... %:� . . ; . : ;. .. .. ... . -:. .:.. . � ... . . % :% :... :... . �:: ..%.: .%%�.... ....�� %�� �. .i . . .��:..� �� ���%...:�..-- ..:%. . .. . .. . . %..� .-�.��%.. . . : . . . ... :.. %.% : � . .. .�%� . . :. . ..:'. ...'. .�.�.��;...�:.�:. :���.%.% .:.... . .. . ... ...... ..�� .. .�..�.%.:.�..:% �.1 ....�� �. :1:�:.�:��.�:%%�:.�.::�:!!. %:.:1 % ... ...... ...... . ,,� , , , ... � , ,1":,::�.%.���.: 1�....%�:.....�:�..:���:�- ��.....�%��.::�.�.I...:�. .. . . . ,,, : , ; , ��;z�,�J��.. .�� �...�.. .��:: . ... �. . , , . . :�...... .. . , , �,��, :�, , � � .. � �;�:�.�.�-....�� ,:,,, . . . ..... .%..�.%%.%%�:.!�::%� ,� � , , : �� ,�', . .��.:�:.�� % %::::%:::i%�.% . ..-%�.�. . � �,�,, �, � �� i , . ...., �:�..;..1.: % ...%�.-.�-� ..,. , .�.�%. . . , . .� .� . . .... �, I I , . . ��j..: .. : �� , ,,�,���:,��� , , .. . .. . �.... , I I��,�� .. - - -%%1 1-...% �., .: � %�.:�.��.: .::.�::�.� :%%%% ,:, ... �,� ��.�.�. . , ,��,_:��,�:����:��,, , ,�'- ,� z , - . ... . I,I I, ,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, , , ... .. z . . .:. . .. ...... . . .% : , ,, . ,, .%. .. ..% . . ... . . , :!�,:,j,�� :,:::,,1�,�,� I I 1, .. . . . . .::.. �,,; ,�,, ,,, ,, , . .. .... .. I I, �!�:: ,,z�I,I, .,..I �I�::�,. ....:.%�,�:,%�::��� ,::. ,,, , ,,,,,,, ,,, ,. . .: ..:.... -%.:....:..::.%.�..1..%�:...:%1:%.%. AGENCY QUEST30NS` If you have a way of determining the following: 1) How many clients are you currently serving that reside, in ,the ... ......'.: ....... .......::........ recentl -:an ex �;: . . . . . % . . .. A ... .. 2) What funding sources currently defray the; cost of 'services to the residents ,.., :tt: - - : � =qM-1- I -!!-�%: ! !�� t .. 3) ': Please list specific ways that' your agency can track the numbers pertaining to the residents. Also, consider ways that. are viable and that will on y minimally impact your staffs` time. .. . .: 4) >; Qver;a'll; list was that our`;:a enc will 'be m acted` b the. . . g Y; P Y Merclaz� ;annexation: AGE.QUE. �99 1 � i ,yl _ t s ,cl.. _' t- �'i-•rt �•I .3'" 1� <a "\•t � a I,�u�..�... :.ti..,.t z ) srn r <aas Sr.: �,a�n-a<e., .�•-< h^,>o Y..'.: Y9UNCE ' SN"LE �� _ + 1 2 8I"��i �' � ' bl '� �>1 Yf Rn, rt• �G z u,ce s n 3 l■y i x 3 �-rl(3 c'• r . r f � .. . a s ra a , � dla[ K w•rt i' Y "� �� �wn X K'liw'n tf :: f W T �. � � •\• LAKE M1 � t'� f X g' � • � '�. �w.'�•ti �,< i 4•&i snrX t K 3 " alK� 3z3 3 '�hqn "",n • .. =s,a 7 ' } 'K'`Q.p) 'e S a n•' c A s-'.. I 3 •<%• . �• � 'ea \ V'n � K � � sl �I .� fy rt=7 `t-,q J O�i� �_ 167 •Z c i,Yln ■ "' a�.._ ,-r �.+�+a _ L P � n e /� r 1 rt _��� -j�al�d...f.J��' �� <� �`n a'� I s` i , - ;i • $ �����,-a-a- � u"" M I�' _�T�c'y: � GI , I \l ���a r -��• 1"1 =4 ' •4;, -n1 a on 1 'n3✓ x e" lb ` i � m-� - - r• i air- _ Y. a y I 3 zt9 `1761*[" e.0,� n.lzl /x !T SI �j =1 Iax s g _— . � a \\"1�V1 � ; a 1■rr'a;� j � al .,n, va:sv. r,�'•"; i crl a• ;`,�.� tl- a '• �'.� .p ,. 3 m i61aS,� �Q X' xS :n.X .an •d '�R 1;` ? 1 n _Hilt ���t• x �: al- 'k'n(ss^r'x,� s,i�..T Si �n.rt r�M1 n[ )I� 4 �_ � ' L sT•1:e � l VL�1 i FII z A "t JJq ■■ t ic3 � <L a n� [,n su!S = =i'� '•� sTq a "'� ��-■ !a''�3:TM F� _ � � rt ry" _ / -g [•3'fz?�-� �� 7>t 3 i n l a- qV '� ■ .�$1 �:'¢ a� ? n iu n'�""•` t n,,)Y_"— ;-^-^•'j •",`' MERIDIAN ANNEXATION AREA IS OUTLINED IN YELLOW ■ W J -oiloff fluQ RUN I Iu ■1 • '® i�llltNt ®w i■ ® ! e u• � flee U • I ■■/■ Upwu � � ate' a9Rue �u a �" � ■���■seas.,µ.� �� .■a as av a® ®aw a■@@■asses �_, r6i ® e tt® 'TIES=:uwrS♦,®®sEaEaaaaE `� _ � a� 8e� {� Rim r.�■ ..+case■sa9■EEEE� — - �' ,� �ta � �mJ.7E•�QlkililJ® •'w r--- 6 ate+ pn.m illlp ia�s':n•`=e • �� lam ..®i p � a�w CNEE o t o fib rr ♦ ui P� -QQu� : up ®:a4ii�11:}i{UWt1 u e.i�aeltllty 4 tE[flie iEN of Itttll 410N■.®► <aE�r®tlinta■/�tttt��'FEILCICLIti■ '.�3�� � � , '•u /�inii elan �s.ti' .► dnnnP EOIIIIF/BEFIIEt■i■(`■ !� • .�4(wwnll.. ► i ♦ • .OEItE16iIC9kYd1!®a®® ■■l lu , t• a♦ ■Itf..w e►.�o� �■�■■■e/■n■ �.'6�d5e6m a101QA ®►7��;�a�■�w!�r�p=� ®pea - -- — w� !p �PI®_ ®■ a�9 i�i`aaa�.-'''�; ��P`N V d_i��IItSgCO3�1► f 11lN n �°a. ppp� •^��•: I W ® •itlllll •`i Eeiatr 3:u 9 __ � m n wnuW7uaw w ( ® ® ■ _ �tuvW °�V°Ue�iiiuil8v e .p■o■■■a•as'0 ■aa■aQ �® °e1 ♦ �f�i dt to�C�■rA■�■ i N o■.m a�� ■sell �Myoa u r41y � N!!IBttEflEE fl■°E�f4 a�sa.�a='�+s■r � m i�a`oo oof■i■aa♦„ e�a a all■li 5 o ice„EEEEEl1i eN�":�1 ��<�LL � a• sJ s a■■r.r 69�1 6aaital���® ��•°°■.��..au aRlat !® p v s :t►O a !Q@IIEIt■ ..■+J� i4a� .ui$:ea■�J♦a9Ea■Zfaatll EEO e!►O■ulii�.`� aE IFII6IFI flaQQ4`� _ � _..r+I„lull! �w.■■■■�y:�p..�ai■s y �lplf �I�Ifl t�� -_-�®fp �...� w sr'+AB.► `oo�'� oa ♦ 14s:.si� m �p@ � p nacre.�M® s . m.uury9 so , . @�.-(flit ma fliu-` ■ ■seed o. ■■i ♦ .afi►� _ 4 E!■eEd. BQQQQQi111112�® ,■ �®EEi■■'., ■■ ■LL•FCf1:It:P■.fllt~6A� , aN��i"u ,,��qg o Q9' EEEEEEHINER _'" ®" mt� �/UE►q� Qai :::ram'&.Rp imo�k; -�v .♦� EEEEEEINEII �- 1 Id111ne s �r-i' !a.�o»«�pp�::,,11�C�Nayy7] or ��.\��y h11aR.ds':iEEI�y1a i taEn, `aa liil1��an ba:m ;l■IfmiI�fMt►1i�EElE_ ®■® _ .8i-o•.5�9��C� a ES@Ia lQ xs s: - -- - IE Ea�TSS�AAau 1SS�■w ��� NSF aa"J r� e aaasma� �Esa4 e\ t' � a=v a O � i tESS �� �1.91;1k1'l ,�Q`�� t ems ucra� t \\gyp pip �QC us se b ��gy.s+s 6 p � >a� ►�. �� SEIIti4SEl�g�j �•0�m � rew+�sf3er�d �• _ � ���� - Fial`Sll�w S■Flti�d•JEOlEIII �� Sp► i:i.��:Fi���p���� peed. IIaEBIla .sue! ® ' east �t�■i�ito`sAi� � � I ■ ---��...._ .t�tfi� .�'aa38�!•A♦�„•gfl�.+�iir14�3�� � �!��t��aly '� IS Q Mill — aMOR son , r mail m Q ` � � ti .. : ..1 ..: � ..�.�� . .!%J: �.: ..:. ...:.:. ..'..... ..., ,'... : : :. CITY OP � � :: ...... 1 N_ Jim White,Mayor p4®IIC�tP3n November 8, 1995 Ms.D. Sharon Osborne,Executive Director' Children's Home Society of Washington P. O`Box 15190 Seattle, WA 98115 Dear.Ms. Osb %orne;..: ... . . . .::.: : ; The.Kent Planning Department has begun plan%nin%g to:.access:the impacts of the 1Vleridiari annexation which will i . %......:....... ...:... be effective Janua 1;•1996.••S ecifica11 `the Pl nn1.I'll ..... �' p y, a ing Department wants to ascertain ' form ition on how the annexation vyill�rripact current City funded services .1 %.....:�.�tI....I....I'.I I..I�I.1.."I..'II...1'�:.I'7...I:1..I.1 I'1-.1.:.-I.��-�I�.-..,':�..,�,.i"����.....I..�:�_:��.:...�..II:;'�...'a..1....:1%I,�...1".1..,....�.:j,��..I,�..I't..::1_�,�....'��:iI_.:,� Consequently, the . anning Deparment would like.,.....-�.�..�%...%i..:....%.;-!...%.4..%!....�..�....�...%�...:�-:..�.,.�%.i%.;..'..%-1:..�to implement a process by which xt can count the newly- ... arar►I .Kent reside ' ..:...%:1 l...1::-I':..t.:�.%:"..,..�.�.l:�.:I�_..�I�:.:.,:l-.�1Il.:�.:-:"i..."�.��.:.I.-�11..:.1'':�l...l,:.:��.�,:.%.,..�.....t,�...I._��1l:�.::-....I�',�.:-..._��.1,���,�,,.1:.�!,_�.."."�..I�.;.:...I�.:.I:"..-.R�,_t..I1..,...l:,,�...�.....��-�....-����..I...%I_.%.,%�'I,�."�..11-_....�i-.II...,_�.I..,.�I j.I�,_.-,..1._'.1,I�.-�:._".,:I.�-.._�....��..%._:.,�...I1I..'.'�:..!,.....I1:."L�....�-�_%:,..:%...,_�,,...'...,:.�,,_�,,�..I,�:I....-.�.,�.�":�._�...,��,:.....,..!."_...,����......,_.,::.�1 ��.%..::.�I�.�.�,I��t..a_�.,:.,�1��..�.:.II.�I�::I 1�.,4��':�_� . .nts who will seek si as....stance.fro hu . . :...:... :....:..:..:...,. ....... :..:.. m inan service a ene 1 . .. ... ....:.. ... . . :::: : . : •.: :.::. .. ... . . ..... e . F .:..:: ....:............... .. :. :. ..... .. ....::.....:......:.....:.....$.... s...,......:.....er the De arkment'wou cl l k `:.. .. ..... ,�. p . ,... . . ... 1.. ,. .. ... ... o ow ow ese rest ents will impact the funding levels of the human service agencies that are currently funded by the City. Staff would like your input and assistance in helping us implement a viable process.' We are taking the necessary steps towards accomplishing this goal. First, staff drafted a list of pertinent questions(attached)whichyou can ,' r`. review and answer. Second, staff would like you and/or a staff person (who works directly with performance statistics)to bring your responses to a meeting scheduled from 1;30-3:00 m. on Monda Nov p_ y, ember 20,at the Kent Council Chamber East in City Hall which is located at 220 Fourth Avenue South in downtown Kent. Finally, staff envision that agency and Planning staff will create a form that agency staff can take back to their respective agencies with the intent of collecting data on newly-annexed Kent residents, Again,Planning staffs goals are to ascertain the number ofnewly-annexed residents who.will seek services and to deferm' what funding.impacts the increased number of residents.will have on the agencies currently funded by the.City. l am confident that with your help that we can accomplish our goals `I have;enclosed a map which outlines the annexed.area. Please take time to review the questions:and bring your responses to Qur meeting. We value your unput in helping us design a way:for agencies..to collect this necessary data. . .if you have questions,please call Carolyn Sundvall at 859-6100 or Rachel Johnston at 85Q-4789. I look forward .. seeing you.on Noyexnber 20 Si ere e.. .:: ..... :.; n 1 .. . . . . : : . .. ..c. r . .. .. ....... . ............. ....: .. ..... . .. . ..: .. . ...... . . ......:......:..:.:.......... ..:.....: .... .. . Rachel Johnston P Planner RYJ/bb:annex.ltr enclosures (3) cc: Peg Mazen,Families First Director Jack Fearey,Board Chair Lin Houston,Human Services Manager Carolyn Sundvall,Planner 220 4th AVE.SO.. /KENT.WASHINGTON 98032-S89S/TELEPHONE (206 859-3300/FAX#859-3334 1. g EA a 'r � t 1� � AtMnx L _?,,' -�R �... � •� :� n r ...r. - ��S�=(((+��� -^8 I a.if LAKE _}'r :I= F % •µeta: � t :' I s €� ;—�..a ti � el a al '�a t s s a w y r x __ —a—>---_— :t s nd �. �� C �s-•aiZdy �. Y m �' a $ °Y r� � •P e�i)il lima i x �.1 1 an a:C •�y '•a ,Is e„a�9 n\. .a -�n { r�ae' a..�• '» 1 � �..v,.l ;�� .y _aje'� ( �.._.. K- •N_--�_— aR1fi7L aeT — a,> t ssP`- Iaor� - � � a s j� a •� a e_e,A, F@- �_m.6.-. ( ,tom Lr= �� i�`,e 3 __a� �_ 00 Nrl `39 'i 1 ' `a9 - a - "� — I •' :S :1 ®�i �' ^� a � - •a:. «'1 isaw al - `�w,r :�1' ";'I xl '� clrt rn—� �:��. -� �� _�1 = � —t t i� ��F• F 6 "F A'.: � � ' � } � R•§ of .:';€� : d 3'�(—.T � Y.'Y�n 31 ���»n 1. . >» �SiM I w�1 .:'� '� . � 1. �. �:: R Yle 81a j1%' ]I Yf. � Y €, �• -s. ti'�,�': � �a a a µ9 �\� ■� €i 4twn �:� i. - i�rt�+ F •^t / i lr• Vk MERIDIAN ANNEXATION AREA IS OUTLINED IN YELLOW % . .. .. ..::...:.:......: ....:..:: .: .r �,���:!�:'�,�, 11 -� 11 I- I , �,����, �::,��::'', ,:,,,''-i ,�-1111, ,::....:.:.:", - "I,1,1,'I,I,z��:I,iw p596IIC�P Jim White, Mayor November 8, 1995 Mr. Steve R.Anderson,Executive%Director Children's Therapy Center 10811 Kent Kangley Road Kent, WA 98031 Deax%Mr;Andsrson: The... K .ent P1 ann :.:.: . .. .. ... ... .,;:`:.;. xn T)e ar#ment g h ..:..:p:::annin :to,aec::....:.....:.. ........::....:...::..:...:..:..:..::.:::::. ...... i ,: ess the im b.e.:ef acts...o f the.Me fective.1 i , .:nu . . .ri..d...ian;;anne 1 199 at ... ....... : .......................... Y.....�............6....5 . .::•.::::::::.:: ichw, ...........::.......:.... ........ :. ecificaIl ) .. ,...... :.:.......:....:;:.:x..:::ion.:wl '...........ill, ,,. .. .,. , . . .: y, . e Plannm . .:.:: .. g.De artme t ... . .. .. p, n want annexation will impact current Ci funded services s to ascertain Information on how the Consequently, the planning Dgpartnlent would like to Implement a process by which it can count annexed Kent residents vyho will seek assistance from human service agencies. Further,the Department would ly to know low these residents will impact the funding levels of the human service agencies that are currentl funded by the City. y Staff would like your input and assistance in helping us implement a viable process. We are taking the necessary steps towards accomplishing this goal: First, staff drafted a list of pertinent questions (attached]which you can review and answer. Second, staff would like you and/or a staff person (who works drectl11 with y statistics)to bring your responses to a meeting scheduled from 1:30-3:00 p.m. on Monday,November 2 at the Kent Council Chamber East in City Hall which is located at 220 Fourth Avenue South in downtown Kent. F' staff envision that agency and Planning staff will create a form that agency staff can take back to their respective:,! agencies with the intent©f collecting data on newly-annexed Kent residents. Again,Planning staffs goals are. to ascertain the number of newly annexed residents wlio w111 se%ek service to determine what.fund..�n°.lm .acts:ahe..i e. % %. . .. .::: ::.:. ....::...... 9 1' n xease • , s,and .: .:d nuniber<;ofresi. ,. , tints b. ..the... I ......:............... w::..;...ave>on::.the.;a.e.......:.......:......:...:... Y..:.:...::.G..... .. I.am..co .:..-..::...:..:..: .:%:.....:.::::::.......e.................:.....:... ,.ncies...curre .: .. 3'.... nfdent th t: ntl funded a with . oixr hel . %. . th t 3' :.. . p:: a we;can accoam lis outl ,. .:. . ..........:..:..:...:.:..::.:..:..:..:........::.....:......:...::::.........:..........:.::..:: ...:...:.:h our.. oa1s :;:I; ... ...... ........ :.. .... .:.. ..... . . . ......_fines the annexe : .......,. ...: .......,....::.,...:.......:.:.:: .... :...:..:............ .:.:... hage., nclossd..a.:.... ........ ..:.. ..........:...........:... . ... . ... ..........,d:axea..'Please::: ,. ..... ........ :....:... • ..:: ...:....,..:...::.::.............:..:......:................................ma ..which .........::•..::. :..:.:. ..........:... ..:.:.......::....:.::.. ...:.:::.::take:tinne:.to::re . p..........::............:.:..::... .:.. .:... ..... v....ew..#he. u 9 ;:,.::,,ohs and:brin. :: We value o . . .. . ... �: . . g our res on ....y..ur;im u#:ui;h 1 e. In ...., .., ..........response to our;nAee#in . . p .. us desi a P g gn wa for a e , . . .fie . . g nc es,to.collect . . . . . Is necessary data, I-i.I:'.%�.-.i....-1%%�.....I:..:%..1 1...I1.�,.'%.�....II�..1I I.I-�.!1:.I1::l-I�.II:..%:�1 I.!1:,I:I".l�I�--:�.::I.:-.�!::,-.,1�I.:�:-.%�..�:.--..:.-1,:...:,1I...�.1....I.,�..1.-1�:I:-.,-:1-!-..1 I.--:I,.-:.-..-...1:..:.!.�...."-.�!..�.�,:�l.�I..1..I....'I.:..:,�..�,�-I:.I...%..,,:1%...,�.:,..:...,.!-,'.:,:.I1-.�:!.....::..,..I 1 i�,..�:1�:....:.:.I%...--..�:'-..:1I�.�.�,...�..1���%.:.%:.1.:.-�:..,�-.T%-..��.-.%.��..�...�.!-f you have questions,please call Carolyn.%...:......::.:.......:....1.:......�..,%.:...%..........-........%�....... Sun...-..:.1:I.....�...-..:...._...:.%.%��.-.1..-..%da:...����...1�.:...�..�%..::...-�-:...:....l.....:..-.,....l a1...-.I:--.�...-.:..:...:...:.�.......�..,...�t 859�,...�..::.,.,��.:....:.,...�--:�.;:.:,.I.1:�.:��1:......,�:-;..-.:...:1.�.-..::..6.,1-.,.1..1.,...1:�.....�.1'....::�.:.10 ::..�l..'.-�..1:.,1.i%to seein !)�.;.::.or R;:.�..--..'.I1�..-....!�.:..,l..:�.:I�l-:.I..,I.I1..,,�achel..�1:,.Johnst....I...%'..,:.on at-'.,�.,..i,�I�..85U-4789 I look forwa;.. �...�..........:r..:1%..::.....:�......%.:.... %.:..::.�1.I:.'..�..,:...:.1..:.. -',,..I.,1 I.,.,1.-1,,,..:�-.:'.,."--,.....'�,�,I��i-: ,..,, .�..,1.�I...l1I'�1,...:..: .:'i.-..z1..%:-.1..',l,�:.�.I .1.-...-:-�.11����1 .I,..I.�,1 1 I1.I%,I' -,..::.--1'�:.:-� ,I-..l1..II.,.:.�,�: .�.:..,1 11,I.,,,,.. ,I,..,:1,..�,:.1.�:.�����,:.�..,.:z,.. .%..-:�:1......:!..:�.1.�.�:...% ..-....�.- �....� I..I%..1-....;�..I-..��..�II!.%..-.1%.:..�;.-:..%...1� .�....1.....:....:..�.��...�.�.1 .�.......�....:...,.!.1�...�'..�. �.-..�:..:-".��..�-..: ...�.�...�1.-.:�:%:-.:.1I..I:...-.. ......1.%.�.....�....-:.�....:...-. .......... .�..!:............:.....:..�:%.....,...%...-.i��.... .....!..�%.-....,....I I.%..,..I::..-.:.,..1. ..%....�!..1.�.::..:..-..,..!�.I.i�:,..�-.......-:..,y�.:...1..%....:..�..:....�.�...1:.:.-:......::�...: g you on November 20, . ���.,�..�.:I..-,I,.:.:1,�...::.....���:,...�.-.:�.....:..�."- -...:.....:�.....��...-:...,.��.:.�-.... ���....,-1..1�..,. ..!."1.. .:.1.:%.,�,..�...I.�-.1_:,%:.-:.-1 ,:,�:..:1-.:�..% ..��.:.%.�.I:-..:,.,z..�l....,_.:,.:l�1..1-,I..�-.1. -�...i,�.::,.�.%�..-- ..1,.,�,....'-I...,...-,. .......-,!.....-...,:....:,.... .,1.....-:..%1.�......,'.. �.-,....".:'..I::".:..,.-%.-�:'I',...--,...'.�:'1.-�...�., '...�I".:.I..,..�..�".:-...'.%.:nl �.:...,...�....-..1.:�.:.::�. ��:.:.:.-..:...��..��..:�.....-....:..I...:!..... .�%.. ..:.:.i......:..............�.........-: ..-%...:.!.....%.�..j..:... .�.�.�...�.:%.-.�.1...�.... ::..:...1................:.�..:.......��l�.......-......%........ .�....%..�.....i....1......I:.....%....:...! �.....1:._.�..:....-.�I.�:..-%......1..:.�.....-..%:.......%�..:..%..�.:�..��.......�.:.%.%.:�... %-....% $''"`` ```` ' '`` ;, m//cerely, ...... �.._,::!......:..�-..%:..--.... 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Also, consider ways that are viable and that wi11 only minimally impact your staffs time. .. . ., .: . .. . . . ... . ..... .... .. . .. ... . 4) Overall, list ;ways :that.. your agency ;. % be mpaeted by the .'..�;�%.%�:.:.,.%.;...%:...:..:..!..%.:�:..%.:.:.....-. .-�:.:....!....�. �..�.-,%...:�.�..::%...�.�:.:.:.�.-�...:1:...�-i...i�%..:....�....:.:..�%-�.%......:....i-��...........::....-.�...:....�...��.....%..%�.....�..� ..%�:%.�..............:�.%.....%...%.:....-�.....1....%...:..:%...i.;.......%..%......!...%.:... ... �.!....:�..... -...�....�.;.:...:........� ...�.:.:.�.......%....�!..1....�:..�.%i.i....:%..�:.:.1......:...%%.i..-....�..:l�......�.��.%.:%.!..%.-.%:...::......�.-...:..........�....:..: ..%.......%...:.l.......-..!...%....:..%..... ....1.:...�.�:::.-:.�.�%%. ..;:�:I:..�......:..........�.�.....:. .�...!....�.. ..�:.-%..%:..��:�.j....�-..............::.....�.:...:.:�...:�::.�%..i..-.%:I�.�... %.1.%:..%...::.......:...�.�...i. ..i-..�....::%. .......1...�:i.:..%..... ...-...:.:...%%: ...::......... .i.�N...�....�.�.�:...�%. ..�.%%-%. .�%�.%..�%..��:...%�%%-.%.�.:.Ii:..�:%:i.....�...�..�.:�:%:......::...�.I.��..%%.�..:. i.��..�.%....:. .:%:i%1��.�.::.%!.!%.::..:.:....:�.�...�.:.�-:..1: .%-.. .%..�.....: .....:�.%.:....:I.:...�.....i...;-1%%.%......:...-:.%-..- i...�......�:.�.%.I:.-....%: i..I��-. ......-�.....:.�...%: ......-...:...- .,�:�..:.:.i.....�..:.1..:.% ..-,:.....i.:.I.......��.... .....:�...:...��....i. .-%�....�..!:..-...%%%......:... -...-�... �...:...:% .;�:1.....-....-.. �..:�::�.:.....�............. .....�.%..'. ....:--�:%:i .::%�.... ....-:: .%..... ...:�.%.�.......:.%... ....:�..�%.-�%.:. ..!.: ........ ..i�.......%...--%.. ..:..%. .. .. .. . . .-..:...-...i:.%.�:.!...%.��:. .:.......:...�.:��..%...�:!.....i� Merl ian annexation. �.�.I.I.�%:-.::.%.i::!�.... :.J�.%........%.-.........:.:.:.%.-..:.I:..�.�.....i-. ......:......:...�.�...���.... �..:.... .:.......:..:.....%% ....�...:....%.i.�....%.....:....:....... ....%-�i!:.-:.:.�...:�..:....:.�.......�:.:..:. .%�..:�.:..%....:..:.... .i�%�.%..:�....!%.�.:..:......;..-...:..:.i..1....%:%.....%.-�.-... i.......-��.:�.......�::-:�-�........ 1.i.1�:..-..%.�.....�.�..%%... ...:%�..:...-!%:..�..:�:.%�..�%..!.�..�.%..V.�1,..V..%..-.:::�.�........-. .%�.j�.�.�.%...�%.......:.......:% -..i:�.. ..�.....::...: -.%.... ....�..-..%:...:.. -..�.�.:�...:.:..�...i.i �...::...% .:i-...%:�i. ..1:.:..... ... . 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R ILL,I • 167 �'..� u Ie, u j� i c e=x c, �FEF �•.�6,.-_af �„�„y _ �_ __�� ;(�{'� ��_Rr-- � cI� '_ � � - . .... !i__�� i! .I� ���� •; I" I � �- sue,) I ,.1 P.Q9 Y its _� ' s_ 1.� �.;»�' _ �. „1 cl _� � �� � 'L,• �1�'-��1,' xr-- f�7�w• rtl a _ 1 rt .aE:l s3. 71 � � � R t ,eet. RAC 'f'S 3 1 �T ,�?;� ,;:•4 1>,e R.� x� sit-a�('�' ,N :� ^ : i�=��'��c .. 4 of s w�"• •�!�if , 7"{,t,_I ' � I..R ? m M1Y c fR R 8 ^ � "° .nfr.,,,,,u.���� :'�Y �' �R `� 0. '+ 1 �` '�q 1. ?Sc.nR A!tl S"'ibi n h✓ 7ii ,n..n ° A I In.a V. (qr a . .,• a �. ; '� <,I +=�� s!_.� 1 at�i Y -ii __.� ;�•� >_ max_ �•� f,,,s" a,n.n . -, ,m s af.�•"7-i(.f.S M,s•c I ,,,,�� _ zfa cf�^.=_ �^% :M w�=/3_ y f s�} i '7fh s .1 � i e1'•1 ( �sf �.- �� k R:.., inn yl � �— �' MERIDIAN ANNEXATION AREA IS OUTLINED IN YELLOW ` %.- 1 .. .. .. .. � .. . ... ...:-..:.::.::....%%.. ....... ..............:.:::::.:........:.:.•.. ......:::.... :...... .....:............... ...:....::: i. :.. % CIFY OFm " Jim White, Mayor � 4�II�5P� 11 November 8,'1995 Ms.Linda Rasmussen,Executive Director D.A.W.N. P. O.Box 1521 Kent,WA 98032 '. 4�� ��l..:.����%�.��:.%:!��.i..�..�ii.�.!:.: .: �,j-�t:��!� : i ��%: I' Dear Ms ussen• .........::::..:..:.:....... ..:...::.:.:: ...:. .:...:... ...:. ::.:::.::.:::.-..:.:.:: . The Kent%Pl%n ';De art Gent has be un: i:, `to access them acts b #1 e'.1Vlerit.X44 annexation'which`wi11 g p g . P g P . be effective 7anua 1, 1996 Sec- Icall the Plamm� . ..::...:.:.:.::..:.::.:::: p.:.%.:...:.......:.:.:::.::.Y�.............:...:.::..................%.....:... De artment wants to ascertain information on how the g p annexa#ion will impaot current City funded ser%vices. . Con . . . sequently,,th..e„Planning„Department,would;l ke.,1.0 imp merit a;pro ess„by which it can.count,the newl Y��7..ihne . enf residents who will seek assistance from human service agencies.. Further,the Departcent would hke #o know how::these residents:will ntpact the funding levels of the human service agencies that are currently funded by the City. --- -, - - I :11:1�1 -,ME �:, ,, , �-Staff would like your input and assistance in helping us implement a viable process. We are taking the necessary i�'".".. steps towards accomplishing this goal. First,staff drafted a list of pertinent questions (attached)'which you can review and answer. Second, staff would like you and/or a staff person (who works directly with performance tatistics)to bring your responses to a meeting scheduled from 1:30-3:00 p.m. on Monday,November 20,at the Kent Council Chamber East in City Hall which is located at 220 Fourth Avenue South in downtown Kent. Finally, staff envision that agency and Planning staff will'create'a form that agency staff can take back to their respective agencies with the intent of collecting data on newly-annexed Kent residents. -:�- : � :--�� ,��, , .....:.......:.:................:�l:�t��: - ----%----- -- - ��::,::, iiEg Again,Planning staff s goals are to ascertain thenumber ofnewly-annexed residents who will seek services and to determine what funding impacts the increasednumber of residents will have on the agencies currently,funded by the City. I am confident that with your help that we can accomplish our goals, I have cnelosed a map which outlines the annexed:area. Please take time to review the gnestions and bring your responses to our meeting. .. . ........:......::.:.: ...:. ...:...::.......::::.....:::.. .....::.:..::..:....:.:.:;.::::..... .:..:........ ..::....:...........:.:...;....: .... .' :We value our im ut in hel 'in 'us desi n`a:% :fora encies to`collect this riecessa ;'data: Y p.... . g. . . Y g . ..... .......... :.:..........:.....::...::::.::.:: ;.: .:...:...:: ....,:...:.:....:...:..,. .........:: ...........: If you have questions;please call Carolyn Sundvall at 859-6100 or Rachel Johnston,at 856 4789 I look forward to seeip$,you on November:.20. Sincerely, Rachel Johnston :Planner RYJ/bb:annex.ltr enclosures(3) Cc: Jackie Kinunen,Board President (. Lin Houston,Human Services Manager Carolyn Sundvall,Planner 2204th AVE.SO..:/KENT.WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859 3300/FAX#859- 314 ` ... .. :�:�%� :. ... : .:,, ... ..�.:......%. ..... .... .. . ... :. �: i .�:::�� :�.���.�% % �::%:: � �%%:::�1.1 ..%. : .�:�:%.�. !.�.�.�.�;- %. ... ... . i: �:.:.!I...��:. ..� �..�.... . . ... % . %-.� :% �.1 .%� -. ::.1 ... .. � �� � ...%: .. ZE zi.:.%�jii:%-�I! .%%.. � .:��. . . . . .. . .%. . . .%�%. -�.�..%...%.. . . .. .......... . .. . . . .....,...... - . % % . .�... ... . . ... .. % .... . .. . .... ... ... . . CITY OF � T z%1:I:I1%.,I:.�I1.—1,:1,I��.�!I 1,.X:�I1,��—:,.1z--..,1,:��.��I.,,.�.-,�.�W�::�:-.:��.��%%:�,.�-.::...,.:,�:�...I::�.�%���:�-:.�:�.%.�..:.�:�-.�,'�.,�...%�,�.-��:�.��.�.�—.,—.,:..,,...,":-:.,%:.,�,�,..,I,I��—,:�,�:%�:I%::��N.''I,1,—",1,- - �II��% Jinn White, Mayor November 8 1995 � =11::-t:,�,�::Wl : ��:::: ,�,�:.�;.!.:.::�:�.��.. �%:�. !�:i��� �.... � � -, 1��-��': ��,��::�� . �,�Jj::.�.1.j Mr.Peter Mourer,Executive Director Kent Youth and Family Services 232 2nd Avenue South, Suite 201 Kent„WA 98032 Dear purer:. ...:.::.::.:..:.....:............:::::....:.''.:.:'.;. .::... ::.;..:':.':.:'::.:.::.::::.:':;:.;:'::.:.: % ::.:..'.- ��.%�:.....-.....�-...,�,l���.�.-��...Ci..-���-..�....��..�.i.�1...i e���..:..1:.,I��.��....-�%-..1�.-�-...:��.!..,.�%:.-:--�,...,:.1��..1....�..1....�....�...I�..,...1.%.:�1-��...:-��%..:...I..,%_..-.I���1��...:I�.�,...-.I.:.:..,-..,���..-I�:-.-.."-��.��,,-:.....�:.,1::,�,.:.l-.�....i.�....�-���-��...�,..:,.......!t"�.,��:..::�.....1�- ... . :"-..:::..-.._�...i,.�..-,��. . . e• ent anrixri a artment: as be un lemon to a cess e m ac , .......g...., ..p........:........:.......:............ ..... . ... ....... .... ..........c....,........tll,... ...... ..,...ts..ofthe.;Meridxan.ann. a ion.. .•.. g . p g .: .... : P ex t, which;will . .........:. . ... ... . >: . :.. . . .... :. .. . . .. . ...... . ....................... ..::�....ective. aw. .. .:._... ::.9:9 ..:... ecif call.:i. e.Plannm '.:De a e .::..::2... ...............:.... %.::-.....:..:.. .: ...:.....:... ..............,.......;3':......:.....::..::.::.:...,.....,:.1....:...:.:>:.>...::... y�....:.:..:.:.:.:.:......:..:................ ......... ...:rkm...:nt:.man# .:to:ascerta n; nformatx©n:on:h© the: annexation will unpact current... .funded services. A Consequently, the Planning Department would.like to implement a:.process by which it:.can count the newly- `annexed Ken ..........:.:::....:...:...,....:: ......:.:::...:.....,::::.::.::...::;::.%'...::.:::.. ;.::.:.::::.:.:::..::::..:'.:. :':::.:.:...':.:..:....,... .:::.:: t.res,.ideitts;who:wailseek::.ass>stancesfrom'h a ce....:..... ........... :.. ...............:...............................:.......:.........utnan.s..rvx...:..:.a enc�es:;;:F.urther :theDe. . ent::.. . .:..........:.... . . . . ..• ... : .. .. . .. . ..... ...... artm would like P to know how these residents will impact the funding levels of the human service agencies that are currently funded by the Gity. Staff would like your input and assistance in helping us implement a viable process. We are taking the necessary steps towards accomplishing this goal. First, staff drafted a list of pertinent questions(attached)which you can review and answer. Second, staff would like you and/or a staff person (who works directly with performance statistics)to bring your responses to a meeting scheduled from 1:30-3:00 p.m. on Monday,November 20,at the Kent Council Chamber East in City Hall which is located at 220 Fourth Avenue South in downtown Kent. Finally, staff envision that agency and Planning staff will create a form that agency staff can take back to their respective agencies with the intent of collecting data on newly-annexed Kent residents.` Again,Planning staffs goals are to ascertain the'number of newly-annexed residents who will seek services and 'to determine what funding impacts the increased number of.residents have on the agencies currently funded by the,City. I am confident that with your help thatwecan accomplish our goals, I have enclosed a map which o lines . . , .. .. . . ut the annexed are .:.....:.......::...:.:: .: .:...::. ...................::' ...%�..&--...:%....::.................-.:�. a,.P...lease:take.t><me.'.to;rev>ew:<.the:':.uest><oans.::and::brn :: oux:res onses.'to::our;meetrn q .y P >p W. value your imput n helpmg us.design a wayfor agencies to collect this necessary data; " .:,:..:. .::...:..................'..::.::. .:::'::: .'....:::.'....:... Tf you have questions,please call Carolyn Sundvall at 839-61�0 or Rachel Johnston>at 850=4789 I look forward to seeing you on November 20. Sincerely, c i �` Rachel Johnston ?1 Planner RYJ/bb:annex.ltr enclosures(3) ( cc: Mike Mathews,'Board President Lin Houston,Human Services Manager C�11arolyn Sundvall,Planner 220 4th AVE.SO., 1 KEW, VXSHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859-3300!FAX a 859-3334 `.:4.... .........1.........:.......... .... % . .. .. .. . .. .% . : . �. ..... ........ .:....:. .. ... ....... ..: .'..........:.....:....:.... .'::.'.:'.:..`..`:.:...:.....%.....,..':..'.:': :.:'. ::`: :::':.".. ......:....'::..':'.:':'..'.:.::..::':: :.':.'.:'. . :.:'.'..:.'........:.'.'::.... . % .. CITY OF I' ll _ T ;gT 1 . + 4�II6 QL9 sl l Y it l e� $��r November 8,',1995 Ms.Margo Flesh man,Executive Director Washington Women's Employment&Education 3516 S. 47th Street,;Suite 205 Tacoma, WA 98411 09 ..:: ..:........... .!;'pear Ms,'Fleshrnan:::..::.':':%,,':,:. .' .;;.::: .. ...• •'...`'...;':..:`''...::..;:.;:':-: ;%'•.: :..:.:.:.::..::.:....:.::.::.:.::.:....;:..;.;::..:::.::.::..::.::f:.1::... .:.:...:::.....;....:. % The Kent Plana n ;De artmen#;has,be uri., lanri n to;;acc1. ess the:im aets;o the Meridian:annexation;whichw*11 g p be effective January:l, 1996: Specifically,the Planning Deparhnent wants;to ascertain >t3formaton on how the annexation will impact current City funded services. , �::'::"I�-�-�.II".'��,"I�i1',::�;�I.�:_�_I�.:-'�.''_�.�'1.,�-'I:"1,,,..l,''.1,�,I�:(V:�1 11.'1:-:,.I,,,.__..�_','%,,.._�%._1.I�".�',..-1:.1�.,1-I_, Consequently, the P..I:.-�I!��,:lanning Department ..'�;_p.��.,I...%'�..: to.;implement..�..%;1-1,l.-.�1.a'�..J,".�1.�%:,1,'�I.,:process by which i# can c-�.I ount the.:newly- ,�'.g:�'...A...I..1..,'..1''.%.".::.:f1 1..I_.lJ.1�,,:1,::�I'l,�._I :l.�,,1 annexed Ken#residents whowill seek assistance from human service agencies. Further,the Deparkment would like to know how these residents wail impact the funding levels of the human service agencies that are currently funded by the City. Staff would like your input and assistance in helping us implement a viable process. We are taking the necessary 1I.1-..�.::...:—.....:,.�:.,.%:::. ...%.,.,....::..........%......:...:.:.....1 '........,,,.., :- steps towards accomplishing this goal. First,staff drafted a list of pertinent questions(attached)which you can review and answer. Second, staff would like you and/or a staff person (who works directly with performance :%% statistics)to bring your responses to a meeting scheduled from 1:30-3:00 p.m. on Monday,November 20,at the Kent Council`Chamber East in City Hall which is located at 220 Fourth'Avenue South in downtown Kent. Finally, staff envision that agency and Planning staff will create a form that agency staff can take back to their respective agencies with the intent of collecting data on newly-annexed Kent residents. Again,Planning staffs goals are to ascertain the number of newly-annexed residents who will seek services and to determine what fu%n% ding impacts:the increased:number of residents will have on the agencies currently.'funded by the..City...i am%eonf dent;that with yo%ur help#hat w%e can accomplish our goals. .have enclosed a map which ..... ... outlines,the.annexed.;area....:P:lease..t 10.l me.#o...e ew.;the ues:tions...and.:briin :.ourxes. .,onses.:#o,:.o..0 .meet n ........ ... . .. . : ..:....... % % We'value our im ut'in lief i% `is desi` ,'a. `:fora ...., . to:collect this n.... ....;` data:''..% :.. ... Y p : g . . 1 Y arY .. ;If' ou'have.:. uestions : lease`call:.Carol n Sundval.:AvS59.-61.0Q:'or.`Ra:hel:Johns: %i at.:850-:47.89.:.:T look`forward.::'.:......: ::`'; .. .. y q: p Y. to seeing you on November'20. Sincerely, . Rachel'Johnston P` ... Planner p RYJ/bb:annex.itr enclosures(3) '1 cc: Katherine Salvog,Board President Lin Roberts,Program Manager Lin Houston,Human Services Manager Carolyn Sundvall,Planner 220 4th AVE.SO. )KENT'WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (2061859-3300!FAX#859-3334 .. ...':c ITY.O.F' LSV . `...1 . .`. ..:. ...:.:::. . ..:.. ::.:`.:.`.... `.: . ..........:.. . ..:..: ..:::...:.:.......,..., ..:....:. :%.:..::...%:.... .. �:: Jim White, Mayor :' November 8, 1995 Ms.Dini Duclos,Executive Director South King County Multi-Service Center 1200 S.336th Federal Way,WA 98003 Dear%Ms.D:uclos: e T Kri h t Plannm e e ..:.:...:.::.::.... g:.::..::::..:..artrrient....as':.:.e .n': laririn' toaccess':tlie..inr�. .acts.:of:Ihe.:Mer>dian:::annexat o hich. P p $ p t n w w!11 be effective January 1, 199:6 Specifically,the Planning Department wants:to ascertain information on:how the annexation will impact current City funded servcos ....�,...1:-...1...........11..I....,..'.%..,.,::.ii...�,�......,.!.�.........:�,_.i..'...".%.I.I.�:.."-�,.':.�.�,.....::..:...:,...-I..:"..��:..'.I.....:i...,_I...,'.,.�.::'',,:.�...�.'.,...,-II.,I'�.�..,..�.I,..,,I.,iI1��.I_....:.:�:...�.j'�:.%:..�.%.-_l�,1.:.�f.11.'_,�:.i1I.-, Consequently,':',,the Planning Dopartment would like to inplem:,.�::_,�.1_%I_:o1.,:1 nt a p:I.�..!.�I�:ro-i�1�11-._z��.,.:I��cess by�.�_,�"�.:�� wh>ch >t c:�:%:i.%%�%an coon#the newly- . .. . ... .... .:... ... :: '�,',, 'iI1 %-,:,11,1:,��-1I z.1 ..:..:1I:'".,,i._.. .....z.-.%...:1!,...:.:..,.:....�.. .�.1....I.. ..1I 11:.1 �,_,- "�,�,, I ':.I� .1i I-%1 11:-I.:.%I: .,"...;_�I.,.�-:.:. .��:���1:i, i,:1z�-:i,i,�_;'�,..1:�� i,,1,%i.i,,,�i,.��i�,,;.�z,�i atuieXed'Kerit,re i' a is:.: h .:::.:.::.:::.:: :......,.::... �., .1�.:,....:%.l.: s.d....n......w...o..will.seekassistanee from:human: erviee:a enci ....................... ... . .. .................................:....:..............:...............:s.........,........... .. .......es.....Further::the.:D.e .artrnent:.w uld:li e: `:;;.. . . .: :. .. .... .. g p k -�i i,i��i.�.:'..,I%:'!,,:.�:.�'.�'.,_:..%�i:........ —: iI...:..�.i1.1I..'1%1�- 1.I..1,,l!%'I,.,:: ".:_:.,�-lII% .�.�.�:1-:..I.�.. �..�:i :�...... :!.........:� P to know how these residents will impact the funding levels of the human service agencies that are currently funded by the,City. .. ... Staff would like your input and assistance in helping us implement a viable process. We are taking the necessary ...... steps towards accomplishing this goal. First,staff drafted a list of pertinent questions (attached)which you can .I�'_�,'-, "��, . review and answer. Second, staff would like you and/or a staff person (who works directly with performance statistics)to bring your responses to a meeting scheduled from 1:30-3:00 p.m. on Monday,November 20,at the Kent Council'Chamber East in City Hall which is located at 220 Fourth Avenue South in downtown Kent. Finally, staff envision that agency and Planning staff will create a form that agency staff cantake back to their respective agencies with the intent of collecting data on newly-annexed Kent residents.'' Again;Planning staffs goals are to ascertain the'number of newly-annexed residents who will seek services and to determine what funding impacts the increased:number of residents.:wi have on the agerictes currently;funded b th . .: y ....e City, I am c©nfident:that with our hel .tha#we can accomplish.our goals....I.have..en.....psed a ma .which...... ......: ..... .. 1. Y p p out/. ips the annexed aroa. Please take time to review the+questions anti br�rig your responses to our meeting. .. . We:valuo our:im ut;' .hei .in.. us:'. .....:i.... :..... ....•:..::.::::::::•.... ..::.: .:..:....:::.:.: ..................... .:........:..:::....:..:.......... . ..: to dies n a:wa fora oncies to collect 1. .. ecessa; data.... .. .. Y ...:•P .:•::....:.. P,.g, : .g Y ,: : : ..,.. .. .. D'::, . ,..,, . :: i. ..% : .... ...- .., , .: .. . , : :; . .. . . . . .:.. .:.::.: ... ;.. ....... . :............: .: . :... .. . . . ;: . . % . ... ::. . . . ;:.::•. :.:::.:::I :ypu havo nest ons': lease.call..:Carol ::.'Sundvall at:85........ .:Rach.... nston at::850-47.89,` I look forward:..... % % . .. ....:::..... ...:...... :to seeing you on Npvember 20. % mcerely, . . . . �;...!��.�..�.......��-.��.� .... . a.........a.........""",,,,,&, (��5 i�, i:i . . .. . ... ... . ����:.���!:�..��..�.��. .. e l . .._%... ..... . . . . . .. :% . : : ::..: . . . Rachel Johnston � ,� ....: Planner RYJ/bb:annex.ltr enclosures(3) ,�'� wim cc: Robert Guile,Board President (-.`,, Dave Daniels,Housing Director Lin Houston,Human Services Manager Carolyn Sundvall,Planner 2204th AVE.SO., /KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859,3300/FAX#R59-3334 ...... ....., . . . . . . .::..:.... ...:...... . . . ..... . . ... . . . : .. . . . . . . . .. : .... .:.... ........... ...:.:: . CIi.- OF � pRcz� Jim Whig, Mayor November 8, 1995 Ms.Mary Ellen Stone,Executive Director � ItKing County Sexual Assault Resource Center 304 Main Avenue South, Suite 200 Renton, WA' 98055 Dear Ms. Stone: ....:::..:....:...:.:..:.: ......:.:::::: ;,::.:.:..:..:;::.:::::: .. . . ::: T1eKentPlaririr�' TD.e'`.artment:'lias`:be n:: lannrn o. ..:::......:::.:::..::.:...:..:.:..:.::: ......: ;. ::.:.:.: .:...:.::.::. ........:.:-...:..:.: :.. ........:.....:::g.:.:..:.,...P.::...:::::..-:....:........:::..::::.:....:..:.gu,.-... ..:..:.........:..........:g t:.....acces,s:..P:. ..acts. f.the..:Mer�d�an.:ann ti ... ...... .. ........... ... ..: p p exa on which wrll : : .. . .. . ,. . be effective January 1, i996 Specifically,the Planning Department wants to ascertain trifornnation onhow the annexation will impact current City funded services. . Consequently,:the.Plannng L?epartmen...t'::would;.:lke..to..; zn .:lexient:..a:•: rocess.::b:.:.;whch::it::.can::co. - .. P p y unt the newly annexed Kent residents who will seek assistance from human service agencies; Further,the Department would like to know how these residents wall impact the funding levels of the human service agencies that are currently funded by the City. Staff would like your input and assistance in helping us implement a viable process.:We are taking the necessary steps towards accomplishing this goal. First,staff drafted a list of pertinent questions{attached)which you can 01:i,:,�-,review and answer.' Second, staff would like you and/or a staff person who works direct/ with performance Y P statistics)to bring your responses to a meeting scheduled from 1:30-3:00 p.m. on Monday,November 20 at the Kent Council`Chamber East in City Hall which is located at 220 Fourth Avenue South in downtown Kent. Finally, staff envision that agency and Planning staff will create'a form that agency staff can take back to their respective agencies with the intent of collecting data on newly-annexed Kent residents. Again,Planning staffs goals are to ascertain the'number ofnewly-annexed residents who will seek services and to determine'what funding`impacts the inpreased.number of residents will have on the agencies currently funded by the City 3 am confident that with your help that we can accomplish our goals. I J.have enclosed a map which outli ;... .. . es th n e a ;. ...:.. .. ..... nnexe. . ea 1 ar.......,.:.......:.ease..:..take..;hntie:to.:::xeve..w:.:.:the.;. ue..stioins:. nd::br:�n :. .c►ur:.res. oases::: o:our:meetin .. gY P t g We value your irnput in helping us.design a way:for agencies tp collect this riecessaiy data: :. If1. . ...ave uesti io ns,s lease c 1 9-a aro Sun .... :. y :.::....... .....q.. ...:.............: p:::.:.:......:..::..........C.......:lyn7:1...........dyad:;at:.$:5...::.:+61.00.;or:Rachel J.ohnston:at:BS.Q=:4789;..I:look:forward..:`.: :..: . seeing you on Nov%ember.20. Ii. Sane erelY, Rachel'Johnst"on Planner I ME RYJ/bb:annex .ltr enclosures(3) ( cc: Candace Ismael,Board President Lin Houston,Human Services Manager Carolyn Sundvall,Planneri. 220 4th AVE.SO. /KENT.WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859-3300/FAX#859-3334