HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Human Services Commission - 11/21/1996 .. y� ciry of ?� r) d7IIC1Vk Jim White,Mayor AGENDA KENT f[17MAN SERVICES COMMISSION Scheduled Meeting for November 21, 1996 2:30 -4:3©PM Kent Senior Center(Arts Room) 600 East Smith Commission iVlernbers Janer Wilford, Chair . . ..:R 1Vlelvu Tate,Vice Chair M lou Becvar ..aty..:...... Brad Bell .. Iee Mtschel Judie S% ff L. . . Wooden Judy Woods,;City Council!President .;y .. Agenda OLD BUSINESS 1'. Approval of`September 26, 1996 ACTION:ITEM ` ..N.....,,..--...........-., 2:30 And October 24 Minutes 2 update on Response to 1996 Human Services Display INFORMATION ITEM 2:35 3. Discuss 1997 Human Services Retreat INFORMATION ITEM 2:40 4. 1996 Budget Update INFORMATION ITEM 3:00 . = NEW BUSINESS . . ., . ..... . .. ....... ..... ... .. ... .. .... ... ...... :.:......:.. .. 1 ;. ' ;Elect. `: l a r ci V ce r` : . .. :: `. t TIQN:ITEM . :: 3 10 2 Review of Third Quarter Agency Reports INFflRMATiflN iTE1VI 3 25 RESORTS . :`' ' ` '.. ..:; ``` .` .` .. '` ,` :,; ` . .%.%:-...�:.�.0 ... . Hu rian`Services'l ouncl#able INFORM TION ITEM 3 45 2. South'King council of Human Servrces 3, RJC Update SPECIAL GUEST: TAMARA BROWN,CATHOLIC COMMUNITY SERVICES - :: 4:00 " HOMELESS MEN SHELTER" h. riSAGEN96nov 220 4th AVE.SO.,`/KENT WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859-3300/FAX#859-3334 .. . - Ins M . .. �� .: cirY o� d���� to JZI�1`w�llt�' Ms�yDP HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION MEETING'MINUTES OCTOBER 24 1996 - . . �%. ,:, .. 1 ... ....... i.m.. ��:�:� �:�� . :�: ......... . ... Commission Members Plannuig_ taff Members . .. .. ,,�,1I���1':::!��,�:�:�:,�:...,-:1�.�..:,�.III 1..,I:1-�:�:�.....�1��.i..���--..�0�i�,��:%:��..:��1���.��-.�,I::�-..:.,"�-:1..,�I�-......,.:..:Z.:::��:1...i��.:,�...:�.:,-:::.�..-:.��-.:..I:..:..�:..'..;.:�-:-...%..���:,:...�.�.,,�....1.:�-......-.:��.-.I:��:�--.....:l:.-....:�,��;..�..::I.%�...I%.�:..-�I.I.�....:�..%.,-.,.-::.:..,�1.....�1 i�.,_...�.-1:..�-....:1....,�--..!-:.��::I.!.�%.�.,��...�.-11�..:�....��-..�.�-l1�.��:�­--.-:::��i-.....�­..���....:::�...�:I�.%_,��,...�.��.';�-�-...II:.%,::1...�,-�:�..-.%�,--:,...�.��.....%.-...I.:.,�.:.-I,-..I�..i%��...����..-,.-:..lI.i.:i��,I.:�-...:%.1�....:..:'..%-:!:�.�.I.I��.-�.1.�..i:.%.;,...�..�:�:-..:����;�..%.:..,.::..'i-.:%._�,,�:.I-.....�.-..�I..--...'%..:,t..�.�..:-l....:�:.��-.-....���...��-_�.-�,�:�:.1�i:��-::�:.-..�...:.:.�..:..--...-I�..�.�%:.._-..-:l...-.:.:I,�..�...1-:,�..-.-��...�-...::..��-t�..,.�...�...��::.,,�.�;��,�.:._....�.:�­..-:...�--,,%-.-:.�..i-.,--­�.:-��....�-j�­.�,%l.�-.:..1.:����.:1I.���...�1-::..:-I-..�..;.--:.:;I..:1,:.�.�.�II�.:.!:1t,.�­........:-.1.�:....::�..1I.-:.:1....�I.�.!:�-:,�.::1-!%-.I:,,I.;...�--..I..,.�:�1 I,.�.��....,%..:-��,..:...:..:;--��.��i�..I-I::.�%:�..-��.:%�:II...-,�....�1,::.:,��--.1��.::.I.%..I'..,�.�I-.:.,�I.:l,i.�1.1��-....�.:.....-1--�-...:,,­-,:.,,��..I.�.1::�..��,-�.::...:,.:.�.:--.�:.:1�I�....�...-�1..1�.��,li�..I...I-.�I.�.I 1.:,..�.!.,,:�.:...1:1.I:.,.%....-�....��:II 1:....����II,-.I1..I�-%..�.1..:i.'1.!....l..-,-I�.....%::.:.I�.I:�.:.1!�,�...:,_��.,���.:,-1.Il�.I....%�..::.�:.'...I,�.���.---.�...1.:-::-�....�....I....I...:-1,.I.�.�..1-....:...�.:..I���:��.:�....���,II�.:.I:I1-;.l:,,�..��!-..%-j:....,�...:�.�.-i%..:�...'��� Melvin Tate,Vtce Chair Lin Houston ' Mary Lou$ecvar ' Iathenn Johnson Dee Moschel Bernadette Bit! d I Brad Bell; Christi Housex, Council President Commission Members Excused/Absent Judy S arff Lucyle Wooden' Japer Wilford, Chair NEW BUSINESS MAC CULUER RESIGNED Ma Culver has resigned from the Human Services Commission. SPECIAL GUEST LORi KELLER CITY OF KENT POLICE DEPART1yiENT` . . i on omm " . ob-I- o ,P o' t:: i Lori Keller s oke to'the.Comixuss nn the C u u M at, n r.. ec which s#ar etn p tY 3 g g the. .prever tion of problem behaviors in juYen.. The project is.9 1. ing the Communities That Care model Lon discussed the three clustexs the proleet committee has identified to focus ori. . . . : .: . .. Tle risk factors were;'` rioritized'boirurit ''me3bers anti lie:;leaders: Thc.Cotrirui 'sk ...:.1..-R..�..... .p . y: .. :.. ... Y : . .... .% Y ' Assessment:Re oA was` r4v ded;to each:Co lmss pr er ;'The committee'is c rrentl the.' P Y . . . roc.ss.;of do ri a resourc asseM.M.A.wl�c 'vv li.,a . . vul�c ;a eric es.anel' r.. a .s in Kerit P.. .... f.. �., � are`currently engaged in activities which address the risk factors. Upon completion of the resource assessment the committee will identify the gaps in service in Kent. i ._ 220 4th AVE.`SO.,7 KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE''(206)859-3300/FAX#859-3334 ... . �� � ...- ...... %�:�..���.: ..�..�:�.���.J.- ........� . :. ��.�i��..:.�:. : . �; . I % .. ., ... . . .�1�.�.I. . ... . . .. . .. ... .. .%. ..... . .. .... . ... I '::, ,�, ... : .. . . ...:.i . ... - I I I I ,I I I I I 11 11- . . . . ...... : .. - I I - I I� I , ,!,% :: , : %.��:� - - . .. �: . l. Human Services Minutes September 26, 199b Page 2 OLD BUSINESS APPROVAL OF SEPTEMBER 25 1996 MINUTES The meeting m�nules for the September 26, 1%9�6 were .. .:..%.%.%....... ......i.....-:-:........:.....:......1 -: .not approved because the��������������'ll""I'll""I'll",'ll't,�'ll""IlI..... - re were not ........................... - - ---...t�,---�:.;�I ­. ..:.::.:: % ................................. . 1 �:���:���i�:��������i�����������:i�:����:t��, "' ' ,:, '' ' ' ' ' I..... �:.:�:.;!!%.%: .�.::.. :. . .i M so enough members tv ha..............:ke a gporum ,,�.....�..-.��:�.......%�.�i:%�: .. .i�� ..:::...%:.�:.� -% !::�.:%.:�i.��:�!:!:i�:: -- - -- , --. ..�: . . .. . . .. .. ....:... ..::�%l��l.%..%...::%:.::�l .%��..- , - - %... ...- . .. . .- . .�:��:��t�:���,���, � ��:���:,����t�,,��''::,t,��,:"�:,''''":........ ...::. ..........:.:.....: ....!.%:.�:..... . .. . ... ............. �.;��..:�%�...%::.-.......::::.-:;i: :!��.. � - , - , , --:�:,.........�::-i.!- . ....... .....-:... . . .... . . . .ji�::.% .�.�.V.. � : � --- ' ''' .....I. ... ........ .% - %. .. 1.�.�.�%:1.-:%.:.: - . ��:�:-����:�j� �,��:�,�i,���������� ��t�:,j'':"",:,����:::'':,��:,:��' ':"t'','"'.....................�%����:: i �� :.:...... . ... :..:.%:... .. .�. : � , ---- . .- .�: �! - ........ .��..�.I ::%.. .�. �i�::���,����i��t��ll�,�����::���,,',t,'',, %�:_ --..: -::. ... ... -.. . ��� � .:-:�:� ...i.����.:.������.��i.�������l..%.;!:���:�.:��.�.��������;�.�. ::�i� ',:,:I:,tt--- .-... . ....::.... ... ....... .. . ., ....... ......... .DISCUS ............. - �������::��������t�t���:����,,���:����,�,�'', ,,,,,,,, ,, .. ..:�:.... :.:. .. ..- . :.. . . . . . -----:t�- i�-:,t-- . . .... ...:�.:..:. .:.::.........% - :- S 1996 HT,JMAN SERVIC.. . . .. .. . -- ....... ��.�.:..����................%....... : ::�:��tj��!��������,,�� ����,����� ::,: :��,:,�" ":tl'''',:,�:..:...i:%:;:::...%...:�%:%.:%....�..:.....! %..%...%. :.�...���.:..;�.. .....:%. . , ... - - . . ... . . ......::...%. :-.:...... . 1''"" . . i..�l..���i��i...::.::�����:���::��.��...�:.:. - , - . ..... .. .. .... . -... .... ...�: , . %-.. . %�i�i��:��i..��.. --t,�-� --- :- :.:... .. .. ....:... . .. �­% . ......��.,::���:t�t�:�t����'',:��,:,��:lt���]"t::,�t��:i.l��.���::.::..�l:.%.-.�l.::��l%%�:%.:.:... .. ES1 . ... . �����,,:���,:''�:.�:::.;:���.;��:11: . . . M ONTI � - - .. ...... . . .. . . . Katherm stated that staff had received great photos of volunteers which are part of the disp%lays in : . .. . .. .. . .. ...: . ....:. .: ::;; : the;libar and there ill'b'e a=small;d s la;' zi Ci :>Ha11: Tlie`foo b' yes 1 bo deli' e e .. d o wl v r.d to all 3' : A Y3' .. . ... .. .... .. .. . . ... .: %. ;: . ::: ..:. .. the C% u l' n' s 1VI Lou re oirted that'due'to'the welfare cut m food''st...... ............h' ` .. :: ; : .. .. ch s .. ...am se..food t3' g 3' p ..P bang is already seeingE.an r:. r se in demand for food. Mary Lou stated that the Benson Rehabilitation Center will have a fIi:ood drive from the end of Qctober through the end of the year Mary Lou stated that dishes were donated and the proceeds will go to the Food Bank, Lin ,�WHouston reported that at the November 5 City Council meeting, Brad Bell will receive the l�, proclamation from the Mayor. All the agencies will be there and Steve Anderson of Children's Therapy Center will speak on behalf of all the agencies. DEBRIEF FROM 1996 HUMAN SERVICES AGENCY TOUR Dee commented that when she visited the YWCA Anita Vista she was very impressed,but she felt;that the bare;stark rooms at 6he`;Mult�',SeMte.Center's SRO units in Tat.0 lle Station %were . ve :de resin `,M :.:L%ou: es ed hat service cl `b%s:co 'd ado 't these rooms d'`. e`` .. . : . ..... . ... .. . rt ul an fig h m . . % u Br..:. 1`su ested that e'contact the'South Kin Count `Multi`Se 'ee'Ce`ter d`h e ,' . . .. .. .. : . ....: g . : ...... ...... .rv... n an . av. .p . . � —. . :.: : '::; . .. . .. . . the%mcontact the'serviceelubs`and ask'for hel`:'ui the furnisluri' 'of;these robin%s: . . ... . .::.:.::,, p %%. .. .%.............: , :; ; Brad Bell;was very impressed with the Cluldren;s Therapy Center Staf7.f wrli contact the Multr- Servr%ce Center and pass on the Commrssron s suggestvn about con#actsng th%e service clubs De%e . :; stressed`th%at'tlus is riot a`entic�sm'of:the Rro a ::: ':` 1996 BUDGET UPDATE Lin reported that at the November 5th City Council meeting Brad will represent the Commission and receive the proclamation from the Mayor. Steve Anderson will be there to.:... ` speak for all the agencies. All the agencies will be represented. I I ,,I I I 1, I 11 ...... !�.�,-�%,%� :�,:-�::_�_­�, -I , , ,� �� �.%%. -��:; ��%�...��.�..:�.�!��.. ..... . %.. ..-.. %.% .:. ,, , :,,,,,,,- I 11 I I I, 1, 11 I �,����-J�:�:.�..����... :. .,:�,"'':::�::1 .%�.: , , - �, � �,,� , :� ,, � ,, ��-�-- , " �, .:.! : : 1 Human Services Minutes September 26, 1996 Page 3 DISCUSSION OF 1997 COMMISSION RETREAT February 7 is the date for the retreat. The fire station on the West Hill is reserved. The topic for i the retreat is Outcome Based Performance Measures. Katherin suggested that there be a panel discussiop the morrxing: %The Commission wants to ask arvincl�feidt t1.o be the facilitatpi` It vvas decided that the morning would be'the Outcome Based Performance Measures;the motivational speaker would be after lunch and some time would be%left in`the afternoon for Commiss.Commission.. Dee 1Vlo%schel su gested.that the otiyat*1.speaker'have a sense,of hurrror, g , I ON��:�,,�:��� , .. -.: .�..-.:%�%%�;:��:�l��:�::����:�:j���.�.����.���................������..:��.:%..�������%���:.�::�%�l��l���j - .��.....!.;................%.�-.%..,,"!". ....: . .1�.. : .: :.� iff ... ....... .. . . .��. . .. .. ..: . .� . . DISCUSSI'llION COMMISSION TERMS AND APPOINTMENTS Judie Saaff and I;ucyle Wooden are getting%their letters into the Mayor for reappointment. Lin 11 reported that Mary Lou's term will not be ending this year but runs through December 1997. Mac Culver has resigned and his position needs to be filled. The Mayor has someone in mind to fill that position 11 , I ��-- -�,�-� ...� ', �,�,�_­­ ,%,�--Vvw : - �11 I , - I--�:-��'-:,%%-%-.. .. . ... . .. DISCUSS NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER MEETING DATES November 21 will be the meeting date for November because Thanksgiving falls on the fourth Thursday this month. Mary Lou will have the December celebration at her home. The celebration will be on Thursday December 19 from 4.00 - 6:00 PM It was suggested that former Commission 1Vlembers,% Ji% m; arras,Fred`Satterstrom,the Council and the Mayor be Jnvited.. CCS1. < ` : , ..,:::. , . . .. .. % Staff reported meeting w%ith Catholic Communiity Services Counseling staff and the E% ecutiye % Te ................. .... ..... .. .... rf ce a ores: h `i'couriseI' staff w%as . Director re and n the Course n Pxo ram e .otman as ..::. :>....: g .. .%% . . . . g.... .... :... ..::. ....�......... g...... ..P. ... . : ..:.. .. . :... .%: . .: . .. ....:. .. :. .. .. e s .. .. . ... . , . a . e %ram has` one throe hover the. ast;cou le`of: : ar able to ex .lain the;char es th t r g. g , ..: . : :g 1� P Y...... .. . ... p. .:. . g P...... . ... ......... . .: .:.:. : .... . . .. .... . ;; ; - ....... . . . ... .. ...h t ch es Mara ed Care,. Staff resented a break down o ;.. a the a e66ies w o ;;: tnclud�n an xn .. g , :: ....... . . . g...:: .. ,.g. : .:. . .g . .. .P . ... . ... . ... .... .... ... .. . % % prvide counseling services`;currently charge the City. Staff will be meeting with Valley Cities to discuss their performance'measures as well. Staff feels the City has received more than adequate service for its dollars even though CCS will not meet their annual goals. To date,City of Kent residents have received over$22000 worth of service, and the City is only funding the program at$t0000. The Commissioners agreed that CCS should be paid the entire contract amount. %. . ..... .... .. : ....... � - .... . - �:� i:1� . . �� ,....�... ....... .:.­. . .. � 1 1-.1. %. � : i. . . .. . . . :i: . . .. .. .. ....... .. . .. . .... . %%.%.. -�:���.�:�::�!:�:::..::.:i�i.. .. ..%. �..�-� - ...... ...i. �:.i. ......... ��... � .:.. ....:�-%-.. . ... .. .-... .... ... ....: .% :��.:-��.�i� ;�::.�- - - . ... ....� .. . . ... . .1. .. :.: .%. .. ... . .. ....... . - ...i. .. �.. . - . . . . : :�:.% ..%.I. . .% .. �. ... . . .:. � �� ���...... . . . : .%.:i%. .....���.�.:!�. � �.-.!....-. .:...... ::�� . . . .. .. . ....... . . . . � . . �.-.�.. .- . . .. ... . . . . . . .. : .. . . . . ..� .�.!-�11��.�1��::..�: 1...�1 : %�-: :.:- �. -- .:%�:. . . --. i: . ... . ..: . . . . . .:. . . .. .. . � . . ..!��.. Human Services Minutes September 26, 1996 Page 4 HUMAN+SERVICES ROUNDTABLE OW -�,''........ ... . ... �:i�:!�..�.�:��.�:��! . -�:��:�� Wii I I, ,, ,- , I-, ,,"I"I'll,'- . ....I., .... .:...... . Staff reported on the Permanent Staff retreat. The Roundtable members will have their retreat on November 14. Suggestions for work projects for 1997 included a county wide assessment, .. regional fnanee%governance,welfare refp eto. SOUTH MNNG COUI CTL OF HUM- SERVICES C% o 11- ss oners were given a flyer for Outcoxne Wasure Tra ung sponsored by'the Council, .:::.... ..':!...:.... ..::..::.'.:: :..........:::::.....f....:..A.:: .. ....... :...............:.................: .....�.. ......:::::::.� ..:!... :: ....:.... .... ..:..:...::.;...:..:.:...:..:::::::..:......,:::.:'..:.:...........::.'.......::....: ec c t d she;=h d tt% V tr ; : n info e the IuI.... Liu B far end a e ad Area. ..a nde the any L '-form. d . . ar3'. 3': . .:.:... : .: . . .: ..:::.:::....:::.::::...:...'....:'......:. .. ... k.. ......... .:.:.:.... .. e s e 1 : on a 1abi : of•set. e cost f the n C0%MInissioners that th re s ho arsln m e a e f th o tray _in �f an . .. . . ... : .. .: y.:: : . 3': .. .. ..p g. of them wish to attend; -.%-.� . ... .: ..%!.:�::.�.:�.��..��..:;�.��������.!;:��i�:::�:��il�.:�;�::�.��.��������l�I�.�:������. .. -=a- ��.�� .......... VALLEY CITIES .-:::..—.N::.....:.:.:...-.....:.%-.::.........:.i..�..I.....:..:.:.....i. .....:.i...............i......:.�...::..�..I�!..-.-:.,.,,.�.,::,...::..-%..�..:.�.......,�..�...:..:%....,.:.%:..:%....:.�.�i..,....::.�I.-.�::.:.�I:1�:-,� :1:1,,�:,!:�,'''', , - R...1%.EM�...:%-...�...!... ��..�:....�.:;�..�.i..i-::.-�:.;:....�......�.i...... ,. Valley Cities is©peeing an office in the Centennial Bldg. on December 1, 1996. The meeting wa11:1s adjourned at 4:30 PM` Respectively submitted; . . tbn,Secretary Lin Hous .. . .. . .. . . % % Z%H:bb:a l s inoct96 ' .': '``: % % . `` '.. f l.OF CITY .. , �, .,., R WoW, ',,-,-11,11,�,I M'�I'I I I 11,:, ,:,�,,�,�,!11�:I��I I, Jim white,Mayor CITY OF "ENT PLA,NNIhTG DEPARTMENT (206) 859-3390 MEMORANDUM November 1, 1996 MEMO TO: ALL CITY DPARTMEI�TTS .......:��:t�,1�,:j-:���:�,i���1�1� -,�A.....in.... ,-�,,,,,,,... ..!......i-... .�........�.....-...��............ .........I..�..... �-. : , :: ::- :. %ERA CE 1IAN GEI TO%1�T` A % ;` F %R1VI; LIN HODS ][UMN :: : % ... . SUBJECT: SERVICES MpNTH . % N+Q�EI IBE k Is H r�rN rr�SERVICE I INN illH The City is celebrating 22 years of caring about the human services needs of its citizens through funding of local agencies to provide services to Kent residents in need. Each November,the Human'Services Commission and the Office of Housing&;Human Services CELEBRATES the City's role in addressing the human service needs in the community. We would like to invite you to visit our Human Service Display which will be exhibited throughout November in the lobby of the Kent Library located at 212 2nd Ave.N. There will also be a small display in the lobby of City Hall. The theme this year is Volunteers: The Heart of the Community. The Commission is honoring the vital role that volunteers play in addressing the human service needs of our res dents ':by re+cogmzrng volunteerism in the cornmumty and irl City of Kerit programs. The . .. :: .: ; of'Kent':`. . . .. . . ... . . 0 %os.ofvolunte% .atwor broth res`ofs ercies;Mded`b % th-C ': ........... % . dis la ,w�.0 Include. h t . ... .. g y t3' . p. Y. . . . . . % and listings of vplunteer act�vrtres available at the agencies aid in city programs; You I even fmd . ...:;.. : .:.;:: .,: e teerrrr th cornruuriit. `` .... . . ..`. . . ... icture's;of c%ity employees.at work.yolun:: . . '.•, %P . . .... . .. . . .... ... .. ..; : .. , , ......... . 1 yr e : ou;#o is.. ate in our FOOD DRIB; Tho...H.ari'Ser. s We want to especial y ur t y p pi. K ..... . : .; .. . . Comrnr szon;rs s onsorrn a food drive durin Novemt eir;to;su oil the erit'Faod Batik: There;will s, : p g %g . . ;: . C : H Centennial Qcli % Kent Coi%n oris:;..be boxes'available:m the follow n x b uldin s. ali, .... . ...-...: .:.. .....g, .... .: .� . . ... : . �': . .: :. 5' .: ... .. : . ..... .:. . . .. .. .. e o [. e t r Public Works'Slio ...arid Parks IVlairiteriarice'Sh: s ; :% : : % . : S eclat Po s:;Resowrce,Center, ..r...n.d> . p p p. p %Ir Police Department; East Hill`Fire S#a#ion;West Hili Fire Station. The City' of Kent can be proud that it has consistently demonstrated a strong commitment to responding to the human services needs of its residents,and has been`a leader in South King County in the human service arena111i . Please tape a moment to.help us celebrateby vrsrtrng our display in the Library and City Hall and `: . 220 4th AVE SO /KENT`WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859-3300/FAX#859-3334 , I I I I I I I I . � �: , I ,�I . ::%:. .. .... I-���, 1, I I ... . . . I - , , ,��, . - . . . . ;: All City DepartmentsII November 1, 1996 Page 2 . � - , t:�� I" I : "''I'll wiiwwiffim,�,�:t I ...:%l��i�.-. ���.I:�!.���:1-�:1;.%-,�.I-�.!.%�:���,-..��.�,.��.�.,,.���..�i.:�.:..�%::�.���:.:i!.�%-�j:,�.�:.�%,:�.�-�:.�,��..�%..��-.:,��.�.��-i��l:�:I-�1�%-�:%':��i�"�:�%-�'�.�-�.��:.:��.-�����:'����:.1�l!".:I,,�1.-.:.:��.:���.:�-:i��:.,:�:�.:�:.'��t�;:.�'���l�...1�:�:..l:�.��.:��.�:.'l:i.���.,�i.:.�,.',����:-�.�:;��,�.:���.::�l.:��1..-:-�%:��..�.:I���:�.:-:�i.�.��::.,,_��.%�.��...:i�.-�-��:��::.-�,���..�:�..i-:%�.��::l.l��..��:-.�-�.��_�1l��.�:�j�%.��:�...�.,��..,--�:%i���:�,������:.�.::%-�.-��.i..%..�:��.::�l.-������.:.�..:�%..l�.��:;:�'��:,i!..:-�;��...�:���..�..%.�%.,���:,-�.:�..�..%.%,���.��.....-�.l�...:.�.:i:���..%.�.�.:-�i�%�.����.�%�i�::����;.���l�,��.�:���������:.��.;-.!l-:.:-��.�!:��.������:�::.i..l::.l.�.ii...�-i�.�,�.��!�.�..:.:::�:-%�::.�����.��%-��!t.�..il�.:.��:�j��;.�"�-.�,�%:��:-�:��,::�:��..,:�--���...-�:��.!:,l��:�-�.��:�����:�������:�-,�.:.'��,�.���,�:i�-�:��:-�-,�-�:,'-��::�.�,�,-:��;l"�.%�'..,..­-�,:,:�%­.�,,���:�l��,�.,.���,.,l--..l:��:����.;,�:�.,:- by dropping off your food d,..�.�.-i..�.��l:,—:.,i%�.':.:i..-.!,%...i.��%�.:.�.-�.�-.:.... onations Tl.:.�.!....:...�..1��.�.:,..�.%.l-�...%.:�.��..;..%�....:....-..:!:,.%%:i:.1.:...,.......-.:.�ii:.�.-j.�.......i...:..!.%.:..�....!.'.�%:���.�.�.�.:..:i:..HE�:.%�...:.,......:,:�.�.;.�..NE..�%...�.��..%:.%il.;..1�...l���.�..��%:l..:��.,%..:.�.:�:����l...%.....:..�.�::��l......�..%,:..i...:.��..:;..:...:-l.�:�....�i�E�..%..�.:!l-......�.:...�.....�..%.�.....:.,.......:::-.....��.�-.......�.-�.�i:�..�.:�-�.�.�.%..;..��.�.:��.l:..:.�.l::-:�-.D IS ESPECIALLY�,%:,:-.�.%%, GREA::�.-....:.�--�..�.�,...,�...,..;.:...%::��..:.�..1,�...1,'.:,,:�.�....::-..:.,,��.l:...%..:.�:..���%....%:%..,��,�-1..,.....;:-....�'1�.%:,l�..-�i..:�.:��..,..�...�I,.��,��i�l T,"..��l.,�,,11�.-��..�1:,..:.�:�.-:%,,..�l..%.1,A,,:,-�,z�,.1�,�,,::�,.z�-��;,T�l,:t:-.i���:1-:'�,-�,,",j z��:iI�,�,�::,-I'�I.,::,I,:,, ,�::,��,;,�-,-:������tI�'�,],;THIS TIME DUE TO THE RECENT FEDERAL CUTS IN FOOD STAMPS. "!l�,,-.,�,�,.��_,���ll�-i�":�l�-"��,',�,'!,�z:'-�"':,-:��-:1,I��-:_��1-,-:'�i�..,�-�.'�;,,-�-�.�,l-.,-�,:.:'.-�._�',.�i:..�l,-"�:,.,�.�I 1:,.,1..:�,.I I,..��, ..1-..:I",�::,�.--i�:�,.%.:..,l.�::,1 i...:,1�:-.-I�.�,:�l...1-,.%':.:l,-�..:_1 .I 1��i�.%:1:...�...l.�.::�..,1I%,..!tl�:�.---.I.1-:1�.lz�.­:..%.- ..:���.,,..:.l.::�.�.,��.�..�%..,�.''�. ..:1-.,��-%--1::.I1,....':...:�:,��%1,%.-,%.,::..�.::%..i...I.1.� ..,%.%1,.�I.,�:.,.%-::.-_��..-,..,--::.�Z�.i�!l���.��..%,l:..I:....-:-,I:�%..-�'.--..�: l'z z��-�%�:i...:.....!.�.Z..:.�i.:..,.:. ..�......����::%.��.....:.:::�I�.%� ����.:�.:-.:�:�.Zi-�i:.�:l.. :.l:�::� .���..:�!::�:%: :.,.,�.....%.�.:..,�.....�:i:�..�..�..,.::..: ....i%%....�!..�..::l.��..7...�.:..t...�..i..,:....:.:;.:,...-.-%....-�:.,:.-%..�.:i: !;,..:.....�:��...:-..�I�.%:%.%:.�..-�....::...:%. .%..l..�:.:�:%.::..i�. :-:.....:%..�.....::..I�.�..�..-��.....�...�.-�.� ..A..:.�.....,�:.:�.�.�.:�.%��.%.l�.�%:�.:%�:.�l.:.�...' ..:....�%..��'l.:-.%:........i:..:.j,.i..�.�-i....:,......:..�..:�1.:.'.....:....�..�%.:�.-..�..�.i-.-.�.:....��...I �...%,......�........."..�.�:..�..;.....��.,,....�.�..��:%.�.%�-.�..�:.,...�.,. �.:...�I..%..�..�����%...�.',.....:,-...�...--�...-..�.:l,�,..-.�l.�:...��..��-..-......�,.� �.l.�l......�.....-l�..��l...��.....�.:..!�....��:i�::��.�.l�!..�..�-.�,..�--%:��%.�...�...-�.��.:�..l�:.:�..�...,�..�..l....%�::-...�...:�...�.�..%... %!�,-.�...�...�:%.i.....-�����:��...i�..��...,,.�.i.�.�.�j.!��:�!,l�.�....I�..%:.l.-...�%-1�..,:.".-..�.:..:%%..�.-i,.%....�..:i;%.�..l:.:�%..-.%:-...,..��.%�.:.I: -.��..;.....%::�.:!.�.���:.�:%...:.:.!...%..�%�.�::�.....�:�.,%....:..�...�...i.....:.....-�.�.%.i.�-:.-�...;�.�...-�.'lI.:...:%.-..'�....��.!.,..-.:.�:..!�..�.. .:::�.�;l',.��.�.-.''.­:1:.,'�,�:...f�l ��,'�����1�i�l:�i-�-��i'"i��_',,�I,-�����'l%:­�,,:�,.�,l-�-,�t�� .;�'''����.-�,;"��-::,:,�-�,,!�,:,�,i��:��,:":�,,�l,�-::-:����":-,�-�-:�:�����-lt:,��":::-��!,�:,:t�-�1�,��:�,%t::-�-,,��-�-: l�:�,I�:'�.,1-l�:������,:�-..l�:i�-.,-�-:�,:-l:I:..,:���.:����,.�-�,..�:�"�l���-:�:�l.:'�l�',�.,�:: -::�t�_,.-.,;l;­l�.,--����:,�,����J-..�l-�����:::-l:�,��l:-,1:-,,,,:���:i�.�li:�,�:-,�-,�:����,�j��l��, ,:��,�,,,,.,;:�.I,:,�-:���-��:�:::�,­1�..,-'"-����:�:--:!��1�.7!�l:,: �:"�.��-��,��-�_.1�,it:�,,��-%����'��-�"��:t,—�,:��Z,--�-­:,:.�'��1�-��.1���,,-,'l,�.t��.,�l,1���.-�::,,,-��...� -;-��.��,���::�-'.1.,�.:-1��,�t:�,��,.�-�:,�.:-���-,,i�'1,.,-,, ,��:.-1'.i�'�-,,t�,,��,,:���:-�.:��-1:��:-1.II..,�.I,,',:-�'I.,,���,����:.1�7.,'.l�::..��:t��.,�l��,....,,l:-_ .�',.:�...!,:.�:l����.I::.,1�.1,.:��--,.�,,:�.-_��.:,�l"�!..:.�..�,:,j�",::-.-":­�...-.,:,:%�.j,.."..��- .�,�c�....l,l....:%�l�.!I.�II�l�:,.:�....,��..,...��...;..��:%.....�..%�..%:�:!i...�.i...��.��...�7-���.-....�%��.::. .:-�.:��.'...%�",��..l--:,%..;�,�..,--..%�,�:..�.l!!�I�:�-..�'.��....�it�'.��-.i.,�.:,�...��.::�.l�..:,...-..,�1I-...I:�l,,��.:.�1I.%:.�, I�:%..- -::.:.:,��1I�.%1..:. Thanks4 #- --- - ur; tion. If you want to know mare,please feel free to call�.i�:�:-�..�,�.me. .�....:.��:.�.���;.....,......�:'��..:l...:.�..1....����....:.;.II.%��i..�....� .�...I�::...%.-..�....�I.�:.of.�.:%.�� :.:.. .% m�.::: staff in nrt 's (Office of Housing and Hainan Services: �.�:.%.�."�.-.I�.��l%..i::...��..�l.�.::...�i�'.:�I!....,:.;%�i.�.-�...�:�'%.�.:��"%�:�.�.:.�:.�:..�.....:��. ���.�:...�.���i.,.��l:-�:'.��,:.:���.-.�.�.��.�...!..%,:....:.%l.'.�..����,'.....�.....-...I,.!:...:....-�'...-�"�.:V ..�...,.l.:.l�....�.�..%:-�..�..:..l;.-%.�:..%.i1..�.�-..i.�.. ....�!.:..:.....�-.-::..:%,.-..�.;:�.:.:..-....%:.!..�.�:...:�:�-%.�.�.l.�...�.-�.!��..�.:�.�%:i.:! -......�.�.�...�...:�...�.��.�..l:.1:. ..�.....:...�%.:.i.. .%%...:.-:'....�..�...- 1�:�I....�....l�:.%.�..�:�....�.....i.1.'..:i%.!�......I:.........:..11......:.....1�....i.:�.:..:i..��.. LH bb:!.. I onth.96 cc:Jim Harris,Plannirg Director Rache146bfiso O Tlanncr Kathern Johnson,Planner; %:. 1 1% .... .. : . � � %. �..::...:. %:. . �.�.:%.%:!%�1 -..... ...: � � . . . . . . .. ... . . :.:. .. � .. : : ..% . .. : 1:.. :..: ..�... ..�..-. -.. .... . . -.%. %-%. ::�% . .%�..1..�::�:.:�� ....-�..���. .-.-.. ...1.%.1.1. ...i . . . . . .. . .. .. . . .. . . .... . ... .. :. CI YOf.`: ........... ...:..: �: ... I ...� , 7 %. ... ... �, j White, lVMayor ` R 7gol MEMORANDUM November 14, 1996 TO; HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION FROM: MCHEL JflI NST . PLANNER RE DATES TO REMEMBER, Dinin%g your October 24th meeting,% the Gomrnission i.. .- ed`that the November meeting will be held on November 21 instead o. . foi tli Thursday(l*Tov. 2$}wh�eh is Thanksgrvang. Also; the Cornuissioit decided to have a'"holiday celebration" in lieu of a Deeetn%ber rmeeting The: celebration will 6::held on Deeember 19th between 4:00-6:00 P.M. at Mary Lou Becvar's home I will send you information regarding Mary Lows address and food ideas. So,please mark your calendars`with these important dates! : W ­ I .... .. The Commissioners in attendance requested that staff invite Mayor White,Council members; and past Commission members to the celebration. Staff will be glad to accommodate this request. As you may recall,our past celebrations have been potluck style. Also,the Commission decided that it would like to have a speaker who could spear on;a "light and humorous" topic. If you know of such a speaker, please call staff or bring your ideas to the November list imeetug, . .. .11 . . ...... .. . . .. . :. . . . . . . .... . .. .. ..... .. .. . . . %. . . If ou have uest ons, lease call meat 8.L...1 9 ox`Katl er.j%h �ori'at 850-4784 : I look . .. .. . .. .: . forward`to;seeiri ;,you at the celebration, %y Jame P H ` is 'Pl; iri Director ,' . cc: s arr ann g Lin Houston,Human Services Manager party.96 220 4th AVE.SO. /KENT WASHINGTON 48032-5895/TELEPHONE'(206)859-3300/FAX#859-3334 % � i6i� � %: i . . . . . .� :. ­... �1%.%�:�.. � ..... . - .. . ... . % CITY flF.:.. .:::::. ...:::.. ::.:. ;:.. :..: ..`:: .::: .:..::::.; % d�Vne Jim White, Mayor November 18, 1996 Judy Clegg,'Presiders# Clegg&lAS3©..ales 1932 First A .. nue,Suite 403 Seattle, VUA 98101 Dear Judy; . I want to thank you for'your submittal of w proposal to conduct the Human services study for the Regional Justice Center located in Kent. Although we:did not select your firm to`conduct the study,we were impressed with your;prop sah The selection process was difficult because of the high caliper of the proposals and staff of those we interviewed. We feel we have selected the consultant who best meets our needs for this study. Again, thank you for your proposal, and I look forward to our'continued working;relationship through the Human Services Roundtable. Si ly . Lin Hous on, Mana er ........... g . . . . .. ... Office; fHousiri & an e 0 g H um rvice LH:bb•a•R C c J o n: . .. cc: Jim Harris,Planning Director . Carolyn Sundvall,Planning 220 4th AVE.SO., J KENT.WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859-3300/FAX I1859-3334 . 1 . �... .� . fti�:��.��..�. �.�% . . . . . . � � .. .. . .... .��!:�%%.. .. . ��...��..:�: �%.��:. ..� . .. %. .. . . . . . . . . . . :. .. -............��... . -- :. % . . . . . . . . : . . . . .. . i. ���:�...........� %� . i.:. %. . . . % .. . .:. . .. ... %..% � ... . i i i. .. .­.:. .:%% � . . . .� . .. . I I :. ..:. �. ..:..�:::.:. . .. . . .: �.. % i. : .:.. . ..:.::. . _: .. . . . . . : i ill��I: - �:�:.� , i I .. . . . . . . . . ... .- - - . . . � - I . . . . .. . . . . . . � %: . . .. .:�.%% . . . .%....- ...%.. . . . .. .. . - .. .........� ... :. . . . % .. ..%: . . .; . .. . ..�. .... . ....:.�. . . . . . . . .. : ����.�.:.:�..:i ::%�� . . . . � . . .. . W. . .� ...% .. :.�... :. ..... .. . %. ... % . . . . . .. ..: November 5, 1996. .. ,,�, ,, '' I 1, '' .: . . A.: ''', �:,��!,: �, ::� , '' I '' .... ... , , - HEALTH '& (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3H) SANITATION Newman Short Plat, ACCEPTANCE of the bill' of sale for the Newman Short' Plat submitted by Newman Construction for continuous operation and maintenance of 28 feet of storm sewer and 71 feet of sanitary sewer improvements, and release of bonds after the expiration period, as recommended by the Public Works Director;°` This project is ocated at S: 224th and 9z.� ` Avenue South. I Eli':::'::: :: `:`:;:;::.:.:.:: STREET HLTC HEAI IN S.: T. : .: . : . . . . :. ..: . . :.. .. ......:............. ...............................................................:.:.. ....:.:..:..................:::.........:.:......:.......-:.:.....:............................: .:.......:.::.:...........::............::... ....:......:...........:..::...................:..:....:..:...:.......................:. UAC.ATIOl� Sa$ St eet '.Rn lroad = v ue;St eet vaca ion . 3'v 5-.6. This ubl 3 c earn has been set to .,. P c on si er an appl.a�cat n to vacate vortion of •.. ... :. . a r teat 1> n a t'o .S, Ra .l.. d. Avenue ' as S .a... .. . .. Y . refren ;ed �M Reno t n No 4 3 Planning Xrcto Harris pointed out the location : . . tad; t staff recommends . •;' :• ,:i. on the;;;:ma He . o ha . . :II vacating ,te f et rather... khan; twelve feet 'as :xe nested b e a licant and that a 25-foot: q Y PP r radius be pr` ided at each end of the vacation. He pointed tthat the staff report also ant- lines coed' ions regarding retaining utility easements nd being compensated as per City ordinance �. . Mayor W to opened th°e public hearing. There '. were n comments from thesaudence and HOUSER MOOED o claw the publ'i\c hearing. Orr seconded and t e motion carried. `\ ; ORR OUED to approve he PlanningDirector's ' • . rec mmendation of approva] of"',,aan applioatipn to va to a'; portion of Saar tract ly ng east of . .. . ;Ra lroad Avenue, as referenced iia Resolution N. . 148 3;. and to `direct the. C ty orney to . p e are, the nece sar ,ordinan. . upon receipt of mpensa Ion; and rat tnment of the ut �l�ty. ..... .. e tt' o ed d •t e mot ........... rZselllEen :;•.: :.::::B::....:nZ1e::..-::...,'.. 5.?.G.:::.:.:Yl,:,:,.:•:::.:.:.........:d 1...::,...:.:,...,..:..:...'.'.'..:....:..::':•,'.:'on.... .'.. .... ..: . i d: : : :. . . art e . PUBLIC ;WORKS (CONSENT` CALENDAR ITEM 3E) ISTEA Fun+dinct ..... .., , ... ..... AUTHOR ATZ 1;.for. . . :Mayor t'o.. sign the ISTEA Grant 'Fund Agreement for Citywide : Pedestrian & Bicycle 'Facility Improvement8, and Pacific Highway South HOU Lanes and direct staff to accept the grant and establish a budget in 'the amount of $1336000,` as recommended by the : Public Works` Committee. (, 2