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City Council Committees - Human Services Commission - 02/22/1996
CITX OF:... .. ..... . . . .:.: ..:- . ... .. -. . . .- : . % .. .: i�;.��:�.��.6�:.- �..-.77 � ...�T. . ......... %: ::�.%::.� .. .:..:. . . .. - - . :; AGENDA 3' 111� p�719� 5P� K ,NT H THAN �FRUTCF� CflMMT��T�N Jlm Whlte, lVlayOr :: Scheduled Meeting for February 22, 1996 2 :30 - 4 s 30 PM Kent Youth & Familr Services: 232 2nd Avenue South, Suite 201 wi� onference Room on Second Floor PL.:.i"1.�':_-.�.1�.1..:%.'-...�%.....-.�.�..Zi.:.'..��1.�..:".'.-..l,....-'.,.::1.%�_1',...,�:��-:.�.i�.I.I',l..l'�-�......:'...s�.-itIt:�%....:.-:'.l:�."'.:..�,.:I�-..�.��:-...-�...i:.�..,.%,.,t.t.':..EASE NQE CIANG I1 MEETING LOCA'rTONl;! Commission Members .. -7aner ;W Iford Chair.,• • . ...: ...::•.:::.:..::...:..:::..:::..: .,.. . .........::...::::: .:.... ..... .:,:::..::.....:,., ,..:. Nelv3n ;:Tate Vice Chap r;; : ;: r L'ou' `':ec' ate;` . .':: ? ;' Ma Y > B v Niac D. Culver Dee ,Mosclel d Saxf .. Itucyle Wooden` Judy Woods, Council President Agenda OLD BUSINESS 1 . Approval of January 25, 1995 Minutes ACTION ITEM 2:30 2 . Evaluation of 1996 Commission Retreat INFORMATION ITEM 2:35 NEW BUSINESS 1 . 1996 Human Services Action Calendar INFORMATION ITEM 2:5:. ,. 2 . Review 1;995 Genetal Fund Xear End Reports INFORMATI N ITEM 3 :05 .. ..... ... .......... . . . ............ :.:: . 3 :: , Disc s T3melsne , & •;Pro osed.: han es.. for the :. I` TFORM TIQN 3;, 20 ` .. u:...s, . P : : .. , . ,: 3. .. .. .. . . . ... `:. 1997.: Agency Appl .cat�:on ,. . n Zee INVO�2i �TION ITEM . 3 35. 4;:.. Di:scu..ss.zon::.'on: I-Iuman:.:•.Sery :ce.s: :.Fundy .4 .r .:......,y.,..,1. . .. .. .. .,........................:......:.:..::.....:........:.:..........:.. REPORTS ... ....... . . .... . ...::. .., ... ....................... . ... . .. ..... ..:..:.....:....:.. ...: ..... . ........ . ... Human Services:;'Roundtable • .;; :: : I1�IFORMA'I' Q1�T ;ITEM . .. ... .. ... . ... ... . .... ....... ...... . . . .. . ....:......... ...... .:::............ ...... . .. .. 2.:`::.::...`:South K :n: Count l::.'::of..::Human. S:0.rv. Ces.. .....,. .:..;::; ::::.::: g . A: HSAGEN96FEB . - .: ::::. . . . .. � 1-11 220 4th AVE.SO., /DENT�VASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELFPIIONE (206)859-3300!FAX#359-3334 KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 25. 1996 Commission Members Present Planning Staff Present Janer Wilford, Chair Lin Houston Mary Lou Becvar Carolyn Sundvall Mac D. Culver Dee Moschel Melvin Tate Judy Wocds Cossion l�Iembers ExcusedlAbsent Lueyle wooden ELLE TO1�tE_ETE DIRECTOR OF KII COUhTTY SEXUAL AUK 6 ULT RE WkCE CEI�ITER Mary Ellen Stone, Executive Director of King County Sexual Assault Resource Center gave an overview of agency services which include 24 hour crisis line,medical evaluations for child victims, legal advocacy,consultations and education. They recently published three pamphlets on sexual harassment for elementary,junior and senior high schools. Mary Ellen stated that their services are designed to inform people about sexual assault,provide them with some support,and help them find other resources. Mary Ellen stated that staffproviding advocacy services go into the courtroom with the children that are testifying. A summary of services for Kent in 1994 showed that they served 142 clients with 80 being children. Legal Advocacy toes the most hours of services(297 5) followed by Child Therapy(1"75....... and the,;Medical Evaluations & Parental Support (135 5) ;for a total of 608 5 hours of,,,..ervices: A comparison chart of South King County Cities and KCSARC case loads and contract amounts slto�vs that althvu the number of cases is about the same the C cf Kent's dollars ark a rc rr atel t3' pP; Y half of what;the cities of Aubuir `Rerito'`'aridFederal'VVa rtivde ` Ellen statedtltths was n, Y p Mari' a major concern to her agency and that with reducedurid�ng at state and federal levels,they cannot continue their current level 4 f service to Dent residents without an increase�n funding `OLD BUS` .. SS : ... ........................... APPROVAL OF N6VEMAJ416 1996 MINUTES The minutes were approved as written. % -. - - --.. . . .. . ... % .: %.:.::.:�.�.::�i��: .�%.i:�i.1 1...:..� ::i:.%.��.... ..%: ��:...: . ... ..:%�:::.%�.. - .. . . %�.::.��!:.::%�� � .. ... : %.I.. .�. ���� . .. .. %. ... .. . . . . . : . � % ... ...... �� �. . . .. . . : : :i ..... . ::�::.�.��::� ...1 ��� � � 1. � ��!� �!.�% .. . f-:...... .. . �:��.. ....... .::.. .. .... ... . . - ...ii.%....%.� . ..... . .. ... .i. :. .. . . i� -..� - ..�.. .i . .�:�� ��!��:�:�. .%. i.-1� ..1.. . ..%:::-� Human Services Commission Minutesi. January 25, 1996 Page 2 501 (C) (3) CHRONOLOGY11 i�i�l���i:�� ���::�:i MEW Lin stated that the Commission approved the 501j(C) (3)as they had discussed in Se11 11 11 11 am - ptember. The Commission reviewed the summary prepared by Lin which outlined the Commission's process in arriving at its decision regarding 501 (C)(3). Lin wanted to amend the word"policies"to"issue" .��:�.�..-.1�.:i��..i�i�.:. � ,� ..:��.::�:� which is in the second to last.paragr... ph of the summary. The Commission agreed that the..... summary accurately authnes what occurred. �;:�i)��� ��.��:%.: . - . W.... , RETREAT PLANNING UPDATE Carolyn Banded out the'agenda for the Human Services retreat: `The Retreat will be held at the West H11 r St ion n 2 Ther : 1 ,be a o t nental bre t , ar n.Pow 11,' "th . . . .. .... ..., . F .e at o Feb . .. , e w 1. c n akfa I e. e....xs. ...e. .. .... . ' 3' . . . . . . . . . % I .... ,. . . . 1Vlc tivati rlal S; palter: .V Sal1z Co-D rectt�x of the Vaslun ton 5#ate,Cluldren:s:Justice:Center 1�1P g % wi11.s eak on khe eifare Refor, The anel disc scion on vclfare reform wall 111"-fallow:Jean Soli% z ::. %P P The Panel will b represented by:Lynn Roberts,WA Women's....0 loan&Employment;A ITser of Services; Jean So11 WA State Children's Justice Center;Billie Hartline,'Kent I)SHS,and Cathy Garland, United Way. The Work Session's topics requested by the Commission are going to be: Review of the Mission Statement and Discussion on Human Service funding levels. The Work `� Session will take u . .0 p most of the afternoon, There was discussion and approval to pay Mary Eckfeldt $100.00 for facilitating at the Retreat. Dee Moschel asked if the Commission could have a discussion on the history of the Human Service funding. illNEW BUSINESS CCS - i�95 I Th[F,XPENDE�IJ FUNDS There is n unexpended amount of$9%4%15,66 of 9.95 �ollarsji,CCS Emergency Seve%re Wei.%ather ::: . ., . . ..... . .. . : : ,:.... .. . Sh`lter Pr ;CC has re u te' . . ese:dollaxs be:ttansferred':to',the;:J.. CCS... enc . .. ..... . .. . q ..aa.. 5... .. . es d tl�. ... . ...I. ... . . .... ....... .... :. . . . . % .. .. . .. .. . 1 . ... : ... ... . . ..... .... .... . . g. Y . . . . . ... . . .. ..:.Assistance Pro am: ; Iac Culver;made a motion t© a'; rope the transfer of the funds`>arid'Dee .. % Maschel SEC�?I�TDEI)the mQU o The%motion CARRIED. APPOINT REPP.ESE-NTktV.E TO SOUTH DING COUNCIL'OF WAN SERVICES. :... Judy Sarff nominated 11�Ie1 Tate to be the Comrnussion s representative to the South Oi. ng Council 11, . of Human Services. Janer Wilford SECQ1*1DEI3 the motion and the motion was PASSED. HOUSING RESOURCE GUIDE Lin presented a draft of the Housing Resource Guide. The Housing,Resource Guide will give our �, residents a one source guide for all the different housing resources in the area. The draft includes . ...... ... . .: .�. . . . . � . .....��.i.i.. .i ��.. ; �.:�. � ..... ... : . i :: �: : i. . .. . ... . . .. .. � . I �, N-�-�� -:-. ..: ...-.�...-�-.-...i.� . . Human Services Commission Minutes January 25, 1996 Page 3 a message from the Human Services Commission, written by,staff. The message was adopted by' the`Commission as is with no changes 1995 YEAR END EVALUATION . i:i ,; : ..lie Human cervices on rim ss on'went obi a tour;`last ea r;of ao i e o..7.Vie. '.cnc es'. ar.hin d` . ... . .. y th ano er to wo d; f o a e;f r ;199 ; Th r e ommsson;stated . at th ur ul be av r b1 � . .Ei, a was a successful ..:. ;.. ... . ;,> : , %. .... .. .....:..... .. .... .. ...... . ..:.:... : ..... . .;:. .. . :: > .. :. ..:.. .:.......::. . .... .. rriari`8:eruxce Month`on D viers ` �llse>Cha`et`'Seatt.1 Ki Couri'' P l c`Health"De`t`Arid .. .. . ..... .... . .... . . aric < 'dei`of ri vcrs t`'of asl. "`ori'both`were';' gist's: ewers at the' S Commission` y �' p ,,,.." is . : : • me i er a d n a c do srevi e et n s. Th e w re 29 fun i 1� a n .. ew dj. .... . .. . g . ... . P E ITEMS . . . .. ... ... ` . . :' .. . Janer informed the Commission that she will be gone from April 29 to May 9i:..1.1 ! ....%.1? Janer reported to the Commission that Jason Hong resigned from the Commission. The Commission stated its desire to have the Chair send a letter of appreciation from the Commission;they would also like to 11:1-see a letter of appreciation from the Mayor. ST ..������� �����������,������ �:���,������:��l,,,,,,, ,,�,,,, ��. .�%..:�:!�.....� . � . :.....&.... .... . ... ATUS iOF 1996 AGENCY CONTRACTS The contracts have been mailed to the agencies and most of them have been returned. The Mayor has them for his final signature REPORTS .. ... % . . . . .. . UMAN::SERVI' ES.'ROUNDTABLE`::`` Carolyn u formed the commission lhat there was not a meeting in December. The next meeting... ;1 . . % e, b. Febru` 8 " ``; th, . i.::1-11 �-�� ,:�,��11111, -:,:��::: - %.:.. % . .. . . 7W . .. :. . .. .. SOUTH'K1NG COUNCIL OF HUMAN SERVICES Carolyn Sundvall gave an overview of the last South King Council'of Human Services Meeting They had a panel presentation on Outcome Based Program Evaluations, Agencies currently report ! to funders focusing on activities. There is a trend for agencies to also report on the results of funded. . ..:. . . ........ .... ..:. ..::::.........,. ....... : :.......:. .. .. .. - � .�..�� � . . ... .. . . . . .. .. .. . .... ... ....% ..�:� ....%.�:. . :. ..�%%::.:.- - :.� �. %-%.. . % . . ��: .:... ...%:. ... .%:. �� .. ...... ... �... .. ..... ...�.........�. :i.:.��.::.:% .�i:.�:.:t-��:��.%:��-��.. :�..� : . .... :.� ... ......... . i . . .11 ...-�..�-:�. ...�%�. . ..:. ...%.. . :... . .�.-�... �: . .�. �� "'.- :: :: �.. . .....�:. .�.:. ...... .§.. ............ .%:.%.%.� Human Services Commission Minutes:` January 25, 1996 Page 4 programs such as,looking at what has changed in the lives of families and individuals as a result of funding a program. Funders will be able to tract the effectiveness of a program. Bellevue has done a pilot program involving several large agencies. The key is working with agencies to determine what outcomes will be used. Also training and technical assistance for agencies is crucial for success. Agencies reported that it took alot of staff time and money to do outcome based program evaluations However,they can use the data collected to validate their progr nns 1Vlore information will be coming soon as South County Cities work together to explore this new area .�..:....:....%.�......--........:......(.-: �%��,���,-�—,,-.�I'-.�,I 1,::�,%'�"���..I���I�,-"�.I��,":_������1.�,.t�;,.:�I.��1-..,,,',�.�I-�', .�%�... REGIONS JUSTICE CEl�+1TE iJPDA'I'E Lin stated that there is an RFP that will go out Ibis summer to dezelop a framework'fora±data . ;; ;: collect�on;process to determine ux�pacts t. agencies The mitigation fees of$38,440 m�riimum and .:: :, ;, .; .:; : . :: . ;: rn of 0 1, e l 00 ax�mum $75 Q wil .be divided Amon .all. ion a enc . s. 'There.I l be a ca of$10 U ... . . .. g g g P y per;agency. The money will'not be'avatlal.l until one year after the Justice Center opens. Meeting was adjourned at 4:30 PM Respectively submitted, 4 Lin Hou n, Secretary ... c HSMiN.Jan96 . CITY %OF r Y.., dIIC�Qa J1ITi 9Y�lit>�'yd '®r CITY OF KENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT (206j $59-3390 MEMORANDUM February 1, 1996 ........ - �.�!�.:. . � .:�.:. ...:.:% :.�:%�.��I�.:.. ........ .... ... M ..:�-%�,� ..�%!. �.-...��,�,��:�. ��.�::%�.::�... .. .. . . ...... .. .. %..... . - MEMfl, T:O; HUMAN... SERVICES COMMISSION FRgM; I,:IN HOUSTON, HUMAN SERVICE$ MANAGER`: i. . .....SUBJEc3'; i996 ACTION OALENDAR Attached for your review is a draft `1996: Action Calexdar for..I.the Human Services Commission. This gives you an outline and overview of the various tasks and items to come before the Commission during the year. It is always revised somewhat throughout the year as unanticipated items come before the Commission. .. Please review this draft and we will discuss it at, your meeting on February 22nd Please note that the meeting location has changed for this month, due to refinishing of floors at the Senior Center. We will be meeting in the KenIt,t Youth and Family Services conference room located at :2�It32 ::2nd A,ve..` S , Suite 2Q1. This is on the northeast corner 'of Titus and ;%2nd Ave. (immed!ate y south of the Post Offioe) . . . .. ..... . h. . . . he e is am le ark�n in the ;1rea nc ud n t e. mun c .. %P ... . .. . . . h : b 1l iri' .` If ou iree a ..r: . .. lot immediately ,>south of t o u d g Y . . . direct ons ; call me%at 850-�787. . % . . .... .. . ........ .. . .. V . e ou on the 22 �: .` : .: . Looking::forward ;to s e ng y .. . : . . . .. . . :a.:Action .' :...:.: :.. ...'.:. .`,..`.. % % .` •.`:::'.: 220 4th AVE.SO., /KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859-3300/FAX 1#859-3334 .a:.�.i�:���,�.��iw�i.���������j�...����.:-t.,�.:�:;._:.::.:�:.�j.:�..:!,,:.��1.::�:1���;�I..��....:":.:...i,!�...%j_:...II�--..i.1�l,..!%.::t1.::�:.!�I.��...�.�_�..I,.�.:'�.�.i:..�:1:.";��1..l_�:�.:.I1.:1���.:I.�!.�:..�.Il..�.,��:..;.:�(�.�!�_::...,:�;,,:.%1�.-..,�.�t..,�A�i.:"j%..::..-:,t...I.��1:,,_....I:..�.���i�.(_i�.-�_:l.�.I:....,.��_.�...-i.1..:��..�:..:��:�.:%�::.I1::!�_�.:.1i���I��...�!r,:,:�.,�.�,.�."�%,,�:%i_�1 1...,.::.�'�":..,..I��1—.1��:��..�.��:..11,:e:�:��:.,.,,::.:"I.��_..Ie.,"�.:",,�%_,V:.:'"�.1.t.,.:�...:,:�--�.1...!"%�:��.,;-�.:,�.�::-�.i....::.".:��.:.:1:�:.,.:�_�..1.1;�.�.._t.1���t�:.,�,�,�!,.:�.I1���:%�'�-.�1:.1.I�__:..:.��:�1.�,:,i:::.��...1.,_.:,��:!.:�,.:.,,�.��.-Ii 1�::.'��:_�:�:::...,.�:,..::_.:,,t�..�:���.!II��.�:..�..._i:,i.1..�:...1I��!%:�:�I'1!,:t...��,.�..1�.t.,_1_,,..�.:l,_:..�.�.I.,,:�.:.:,.:��,..1�.�..:...�1:.��,._,�t._�..����:�.�,..�I��I...,��:�I:.:.:;::�..I"..,:���._���_�.�1.6.I:,I:.�;�.,���.%::�,.:.,'��:::..l:��,���._�..1:.�'�...-..�.�.���.���_!�I.:,.:.11-�,�...�I��...-;�:.:,!.—�i�_.,.�:�...):;i��t�:.�I.,'�:,��_���%.",:..���.�::�:�i�:......�.,:,:�:.�..::!..I..�:-�:1,��:I��%.::-1�,�,�..._:�!%:�.t._:�.,l��.:��,:%...�:�.,�-1��l:�!�i�.%�:..��.,�!.:%��.�i�_�.:�.,�,�__�...�.I,!�t�J-::�::�—.�.:,��:.�%-.,���.,:�_.1:.:_.,,i��:::_��.-�_I:�.�..�:,:_..:�1i.._���..�,�.��:...�',�:�.�_�.:%.'I-1:..�-�.���:.,,�...,,:��:::��.%,_,_..�t.I::.%�%�",�_�.:�1�..�;�:�:,�,t..�I.��..i:.1�..,,..�..:I.��,�::.�%.�:,.�.'!�����.,"�:�._:.�t.�_:i':_...'::�:�%.�I��:...l_1:��:.�,,�:..,::-.I:�.,":�..!�-��.._..1���%�.�,,._._:�.:.",l�-.-�:�"":::,�__�:'1�I:� .�'���,.,:��I_-.,,':���._:I!�_t,,��:l:.,','I_�:'�-_:��.:�-;�����%:��.I.��,,—����,,_;;:.I I,-:_����.��'t-",��:�-�,_!:��'_�.�,�'�,�-�:..,_��I'1��,,-,�I..�::��_��,,�:.._!�_%.,- _I��:,..l�,::..,Il,,��:�_���:.�:1"_�,���.,�,'�I':.,,����_'��:_��.%I.,,�:,�t!�.�-��II,, ..,:":.:.I.�I',�'II I�:'i,, ,..:,I�.:...-1:.,-','�,.,,::"���..1:.:.�..,�:.:..',��"-,�,!��.,..,,t.:,,:'_.:.��%.:I1,.,_:.1:.%�..,�I�..I.-.,,',�_�::::-,-.I�::�,"Z:%�%'�_:":.��:�:�..�.:.-:t.�.�_,�'"�,..... ,� nr D'aw�assiall Pub .1.,��.,"..l I:..�I�!.I:.-.�_�.,:..�::I.,-%l::,:�_I�,-�,,��:.,__.�l"...%�_..�.1.�:j.:��..,,_��.�.:,:�;1.�-,_....,�,.�-1.:%,-�":�t:�:.��.:,:::_,:.�'���'.,,.�!.�,�-.-,I-..1�:_��.:.:":-.�:I:,.I�.:."��.�...'_1,�,1.�,��_,__�:�:,�"�1_����-�..I�_���I�_:��.�I I�:,:�:�'1��:_:�....�_�":�..�,!:_:,.�..�:��:t��.I�I,���_�_:,t:��.1:,I.:,:t:�.",���_,���.�t'������-�I�.!���:"1.1i,�l:_'_�:�.���:,�,-_,.�.,�:_��,.%.'�:_'��. ,����,.l'�,����,, �,�,.�:_��,1���,:i,,1 I'_J.���,:��,t�..:I��:,����.�:��I,��.��l_'7�..�,:,,..��,�":1���_'�,_��!��,.Z1�Z'�_�I,I. �%:�;:��:,�.',,��:_...:_�..".,'.:_�—��'.,:�:�!�I.i�I'_i,:..,!,.-,:,I%',��,:,�......!l,..:.���:I.,_,:�..:''.,:,:....',.!�,:...'�.:.:..I:��.�,-..,1.l�:�.��"...:�..,�...:,,��_:..:'�l:..I�',:l�!-:._:!,.I,�!.-,..t1%.�.�,'��:...,,�..��,::::.:.':�,',..,I,�_::it.��'.!..:..1:%�:,...�,,�,..-.'��....1,,I�,�.:i�l::�:.:,.:,:I..��:,.,:�:�:I'.�-:l�.....,:,I.�....�!,�:':-..'!�!:%......,,.�.��'�::'�%.:.I�:..1.b_..:�.%-1:�....-1,,,�.'�,,�I..�1,�,1:.-,�.-1',,_..:.1,�!....:,I�.l.,t,1.�i.,,,:..',��,��.::.:.',i..��'.:.,I;.!,,_-%.,"�.�,._.:.I1�...�.-:t...,�,I.:':.:::1,1��.�.%..l,.:%�'I._:.'t:,,:�;,,-:..%1,�:.I,:...'1.,...�,,�.,_-_.':..-,'...�1_%�%.'"�...��,,...'�t..:.�_,.%.�I�1,l_].�..'_,:.,_:.,..1.,:...i,,:�."'..:..��:1:,:.�.',_,...::,..i.1l,..1',..,..�:.,,�:I l,,,�"'�..::.�_..:.I�....�:,.�",.II�_�I1I.__:%:.':.���.:.,..'�t�,....�'�,I�-1i_..:.:..',:.._�t....1_,!:..,1.:tI..�;,I:,.-'1,�,',,.�:.t..1 :.,�-,.:..�'.,.:�,.,�:.,,..:�..,�...1'�_,,.%l:t��",i::%.I1..-.�..',,:��:.:.11t...-1'�..",..'�t":��.....I':":%l.I�,�:'.-I��,,.._...I1:,:..,,...,�.'�::.%�,1I,�.,��.':..._...I�...I���,-,,..::.1.�,�:...11%%,,..:,::;�.I.1...,.l,,.-......I.�:_,%�,:.I1I:.'�..'I 1...! 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At1UntalMar Kent Human Servi.c e,z d RIO i40n Januax^y 1. Evaluate previous year's activity. ` 2:. Status of 1996 contracts. ' 3. Appoint representative. to South King Council of Human. Services, , Finalize plans for Commission retreat. 5., interview 1996 funded agency, 6 New member orientation Fe. ruor 1`. Annual Retrea C, 2. 1996 Action C;alen ar 3 , tevEw year end reports from agencies funded previous year:. 4. Discuss chang: s to 1997 applications. �.............!...:..�..:�.....�.. �:...._.I...:..:.-.....�..:....%s%%:�......�%.:.......-.:.::�.�............-.�....i:... _.:�....::�!e%.:......i.!..�.....�....%%.:%%.%..:. ....I:.....:.....-.........:....�.:..:.%.%..!..:%.....:....�....:: -:--.%..:.i.:�::.%�........-:i....i.:..����.......,:.....:. 1.:..��. .:..�::... ..:�...%�....�.I....:.:..% ..% ::�.1:... 5 Timer ne 'for `1997' ap....Rdat ots'; process.: .. ....:.......::��I:�..--.,.�.i..�..:.�.%.:.........�...........�1.....�.�:...���..............�.....�.:.........1......Ij.�...-.�......%..._..:�....�..._1.........%:��%...:.:...: %.:......�.�.:�.�.....::..:.�...-�.�.....:.:..:. %..�.%.... .....-..........�.:�.......:.....:.. ........:%:..:..�. ._....1!..:.........:.:..-.� A.%.1 F Plannngfgr Application Workshop. 1:: Interv�eza 1996 funded agency. +lahi1, Notice of funds available to newspaper . ews a er ` P p 2 . Hold 1997 Application 'Workshop. 30 Confirm meeting dates for 1997 Application Review Process. City Council Planning Committee - acceptance of CDBG pass-through funds and human services dollars. Make funding applications available to agencies:. 6. Interview 199'6 fundedagency. April i Funding applications due to City. j `: 2 , applications to Comm!s . ners for eview and . . .: .. .. ..... ...... evaluation. h, uh'' f rvew;' t ... . ..... .. :... : . 3:..: ; ,Aec1de :eI ed e . pr rnte . . gxan applicants. . . : . . .. ..........:.. Update on CDBG process; . ty. Council acceptance of pass .. rs,rough <funda and human services dolla j 6. . Pr k m nar l ns :for Human 'iServices:'Month ,i`n . . e,,: Y. p !.. ... :...: ,:. . .: . .. .. . . . . . pvEmber . 7 . Applications to Cpmm V. for ers for `review and . . . .. . . .. . . !.: . , . . . . . . . . ...: . .. . . .. .ua aon, .. . . . . - :: ; . ...: . . : .. . 8 In:terv�ew 1996: funded a enc:• . . .. .: .. , .. ....... . . . .. . ......... .. ...: y i May i Review 1st quarter reports from agencies 2, Schedule meetings for agency interviews I 3, Work group meetings to review applications, 4. Work Session Review' 1997 general fund and Block Grant human services applications. . ... ,June 1 , Continue 'review o funding applications 2. Work sessions - interview agencies 3. Final decision on funding allocations, 4 Consider omitting;' July or August meeting. 5. South King Council of Human Services annual meeting, ! July 1'. Present funding recommendations to 'Mayor, 2, Prepare narratives describing services provdedby agencies recommended for funding. 3 W ncies of furding recommendations andNovember publiehearng on budget;.."i��..1�.;:W1,:��%.�:.:-:�,'��-:�%:...i�-:.�..:1,.1��:.....,.;:..:_i%.:.f;�i."t..�....:.%�.-j:�.f.i.,�":..l.�...�..i...:.i,,.�11.i���%:.....��:��%�.�1�il.�.�.�.:..:.:%..:-',t�_......�::..'.�..,:..::.�:.::%,;1:....i....:i-_.%..::�.%..:.%.1:"�,.I:.:.%.:,:� ...:....,I!.,l.�.,.��:.....�.:,......'.:.......�"�:."...�.:-:,,._..!:.�%.,-.j�-��.i�-.:1....,,��.I1...��.,,��.�.-.�:..%1...._.%..-.%.f.-�t��.,.:A...":��_..1:....I�..1�..%.�.::,'..,:..-�..:-...1i.:.....-.:::,.:%...,%.;:.�..::..II%'��..�i�1...,�::.�.f1,,%..I�:,i�.II..%,�..','_,,�..�',.�,,.i:..,%:1�,:.:_,,.,...I.!�t::.I!:�..,I..1%.n...,-.%::I%:..1'.:�,_�...:,.:.%P.�,:,iII.',�:�I�,..�1�...z%-t-.1,.,1.'1�.:t..i',..,I..�....�l...::,i.:II..:.,.:.�,:%.I.�I�.-i....1IIII...:��..,.,1i�...-lI'I.�,l,-..:'1...�,..I.�.�1...'..�,":!�._.:I1-i�%,��',:1....,::.'j.����..f 1,�.—,I.'ll.1.1:..,:-..,...:�,.::1_:1....A,.:i1.%..�,�.I�.l,',:....::.i.",l..:.Ii�.I:t..�1'.I1!.1."...�,...:I�%..l,::..:I:.1,,...,��..��,..'lI..:� .�.l,l.:1....1:.:l.:1_1 i�i...:-,1..I�,l.1_1�.�..:,,.1I 11�..��1...��1�.�..,,1-...�,�.1..:'�..i:�.:.1,::..-.:,_.:�-..I.�...%II..:..�....'I.%.....�,�-.�:_':i...%.�:,zI...�,_:%.:.i...Iit1,I.:%I:.f,...i:.,..111 1.�.�'..%,f.,.f:,...._.-,:._:.I�.'...:...i,,�..i.'....:'_l.:o-.,..!:.�,�:....:_...',.f 1II.!"ll,11..,..'..,..."...:......1.:..I''.:.I:".II..,-..!I 1I"1..,!:.....,��.�,....'.:z,-.I.."1.%.I,...1.,,..iI.1I,��:�',.:"..:...�'�:I......_.:�.:,,-....�1.."!_�1 I�:1..�.II:.:,:.%�,.�I1....�II�.:...,1�..i-�%..I���"I..-:...'-...,...I.�l.,:1__,....'I1�.�,:...-i�:.'I.-..-.,I�:,�..1"-1..-:.�I.....';:,�..� 4'. il budget meetings, as ser , i : **or Human Services Mouth in Nvembx, ugust 1 , Review 2x' quartet reports from. agency es. . . 2.. . .,C :t1 u laxity n for Huma ; :Services, I�Qnth, .:., - ran n e.. � . .: .. . . .. : 3. ntervl ew 199;6 funzded agency. 4., CDBG 1997` Program.; to .Planriing Committee. Sep:embp.r 1':, CDBG 199- Prog.. ._ to City Council. 2 . Comrriission terms :and appointments for up-�coining`' year, 3. Continue planning for >Human Services Month. ` � 4. Establish date for Commission retreat. 5, Interview 1996 funded agency. 6. Field trip to visit agencies. (Either September or October) October 14 Request agency reps . to be present at November public hearing on budget. 2 . Inform Mayor of Commission appointments -- reappolntments 3, ;Continue ii fox Human Services Month .P , : ....::.:.. ... ..:.�........:!..:..�.�.....ffi.. . . • b date ;on :bud et ; rotes: . : P. . . . . � :. p ... :::. .;. .. .:`. ' Y, Regrew ;and discuss posibl e ,contract cki nges and re ortin re urements. p . . q ......... . . . 6.. `. : ry ew,;r1;996 fu . ed a' eno' ::. `.;: .. te.. 7,. Piaining session for Commssion Retread. 8 , Field trip tp visit agencies (Eithex September or Od . .. . .. . . sober 3•.: . : . .. . . . Novem�.er% I, ;Review 3rd •�uartex reports ,from agencies 2 Support Comm%s don recommendatI 40,:: at Gity ';Council hearing.:` Agency directors present and letters in packets 3. Budget adoption. 4. Human 5er�vices Month. 5, Elect Chair and Vice-Chair for 1997 . 6, Interview 1996 funded agency. 7 Consider omitting December meeting, ... .: ...........:........ .....: ........:..:........ .:.. :.::.:::::..::::::::.:.:.:::.....:.....:.:......: .::.::::.::.:::.:::.:.......:................................:..::.::::::...:..::...::::..:::.::.:::.::.:.:::::::::::.;.::.:.:::.::.:.:.::.:...........,....:::.:.:.:..:.;:::....:....:..:..:..:.:..::::...............:::: .:::;:.......:::::..:.:::;.:: .. ::.::.::::.::......::.:::.:::; .�i.:1,.�.�,-..%..:,:.:.,%.,--.,.I...�.��,z..,:.:i:,�..:,..:�1.!'�..:.�I-.!-�.-,:%.1.%..:%�.II�..%:I,,..:.,,...I.:....��..1I".I.%�.%:,.-..-:.%�,I�..��,�.':.�,,'I,,:,"-,,..":..�%II"�"'.-",I�,,...""%",�..%"'.%-..��z.!�.i.--::,'-�.�.�.".%.;I��,�.�".�%..:1�.,:�,.�:""..,',",J.,:.��..%-.",�"I.,.,':...".,,..�.:,,.,i.,.%.I iI.�:...-.:'.:""1..F,l,�l:Z,�.,1-:'.:���,..�.I--I Il.%:.�:��:,..%,II %,'-I-.�--��.I:%:-�1'.,,..�..::,.I::,..,�.�.�.:.'7%ZN�.-l:.-.�...�..-��..:l,1.,-.,.,�%.%.:.,.,,��.J%��-.,.,.,:i-;Z::,.�:I:.,.,..'.-�-,1I.�1:�:.�.,.:�.IS'1:,I,..:..,-,....%.,1i:.-%�,,�J.�.I':,,-�;�1��,,,.'':-:-....��..%—...,..'�...I.-,��,.l I.%...�.:... ....�...�....:.:�..:�1..�.......:..:.....I.l.:..:....-%.�-�:.%.�..�...:.:%.�-::.%�%�.:.-:.�:..�%..��:......�.%-:1:.%�:.:-..:.:�%�%.I.....:�.........:..:%:..��:.�%:......��..���.].....�.....��.-:.:�.%.�.�.�%.�:�%.:�....�:...�...%%..,..�:%.�..�:...:-.%.....%%..:.�..�:..�..�....�:...��.::.:.:.�:':�,:..I�!�-',..',��.-..I��.�..-I z1..-..%.I.��z..1�.�%....,,��-..:...-..;.%.�%�.,�.....I.:...�:.,%%.�:�:�.%-��..:..�..:.:...��.1:.�.�:..%...1�.�.I 1%.�.,I%.:.�..1�.....%.I:.......:..��.-�.��1.%I...,.�%.::%:1::.��...:��...:����;�.:I�:��.�..:�..:��.�..i.�-......I...,.:I..��..!..%-..�:.�....:�.�..��..�.,.�%.I,�:.:..%:��.:.�.-:.�..-..:.....:..��:.�..-.:..�.i�.-..:...-�..�.��...::�.,:,:.�;-...:...!..�:....1...!...%,�.1.:1..,.::..�:�..�.��...�.:...�,�:..�.::�:'�.......,...'�...%�:.%�..-:..�...%.�..%::.:,.:..�...�%.:.:�:%%��..�.%,��.,.-.!...�.:.-,._.-...-:...:..:�...�.....%::::�%..'.��.....%.�...!,.:.-...,:....1 .,".!::%.:.,.,.",.�.1..:.:-:.:.�........;.:..:..-:,.�.�...::.-:..�:.:..1%.%.............%:..... .....:.:.�...%..�...%:.:..�...............:%...�...�-:�......%..-..�...:�....:�..�......-...:--....:%.%:..:..�.:...�-..�..:..�..%.�:...�!.:..... %.;.....:.::%::%.1.....-.:.�%%%.......�.......%:..:�.� ...I,... .. .................:. ... . ..... ... . . .. .. .. ....... . . i .. AGENDA HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION RETREAT February 2, 1996 �%!,:�1�� :%:�-: w Facilitator: Marvin Eckfeldt,Pastor,First Christian Church j; I Continental$reaicfast:����...�..I�%.:-.....:�.1�.%.:..::�,.,..1%.�......%��::".:-:�::,��.%%:�-...:..�.t�:....�...I.%.I%...-�::��..:.. AivI Welcome: Lin Houston Community Building: 1Vlarv}n Eckfe7clt $.45 AM Karen Powell,Motivational Speaker ',.%...,-.�,i::..%,:,:�.-..-...'1����,:_�:,.1.�,,��_...�::!:...,,.....,.�:.�.-.,,-.,�� 9 4'S All .Break 10 00 AiVI Presentation. Welfare Reform. Jean Soliz;`Co-Director of the; m.�.::::��.�.....�...�:...).%...�. `Washington State Children's Justice Center 10:25 AM Welfare Reform: Panel Discussion, Commission Questions &Comments Lynn Roberts,WA Women's Education&Employment %.:I%.:.:%....-...::.....:..:....-..I-.�...l.:...:%...-.....-i-�....:%.....:...%...,-.%::...%...;��:.:.......:..........%...........:�......�%...�:..%:%-%..� Pam Dunn,A User of Services Jean Soliz, WA State Children's Justic& nter Billie Hartline,Kent DSHS Cathy Garland,United Way 11:3 0 AM Lunch ... . 2:30 P ork S ssion 1,,, : : ;M V. .. . . . .. Discussion`on Human S- ... ' uiiding levels . . . :Review of Mis . ......, . . . . . sion Statemen .. -00 P Br` `:`'; lVI .,. . . eak .. . : .: . . .. . .. .. . 2:15'PM `` ork Se Sion.Co hued ..... W: : : . s ..ntn. . .. . gR ..ar Marvin%Eckfeldt :.....�I,:.....�.M.-......:: Janer Wilford, Chair 3:45 PM Retreat Ends ({ . J z . . .. 2 :.....,.....•...::::.:: 1 :�:��: ��4 : ... ......... . .. .%�..:.:....�.:..:..%: ..%. . . . . . �� �� ���., �� �,�-�, : .... ......�. .. .�� .. .�.. . . . . QUESTIONS FOR PANEL DISCUSSION 1, , , --, '''""'', 11 I I SM , , I -::,::� , �. . .. - l. What do you see as the worst problem in the curxent system? What needs fixing ���t��:�� ��� - iMIMMMEM ...%- 2. With the problems that have been reported in the press recently about DSHS,how do you see restrttc#uring DSIS as a rreaxis to improv�tg services to ciuldren and#heir parents What are sim . . - . ome other solutions. % 3. If the proposed changes-in the welfare system become law;give us'a "picture" of what will happen tq our lew income citizens that need services How will people cope, especially the king4pqoK - MMM,:::.%.. .,:-: J ,�: -� ...�...�.��.�.�.�. :. ..::: . . :.. . : 4, **As a user of services,how would you be impacted by proposed cuts 'w. , 5. Basic needs such as food stamps, school lunches, shelter programs,and health care are targeted. How do you see the community coming together to fill the gaps and what should be the role of local government 6. .Many of the programs may be funded tl rough;l lock rants to the states. What are.some.. g of the roblems with this p form of ci stab. . . .....-......... .....:...::.:.. ...:... . 7. How will human services agencies survive the loss and/or reduc#ior of federal and state funds: `', .. ... .. . .....: . . a ... . . Wh t are the c . . . un a ts. **Question#4 pertains to the"user of services" on the panel. .: FUNDING STATUS OF SOUTH COUNTY CITIES:(1996). {- l. CITY OF AUBURN MANDATORY ALLOCATION NO 1996 FUNDING AMOUNT $243,840 . POPULATION 35230 2 : :t� w: �t % :: .. . CITY OF DES MOINES MANDATORY ALLOCATION:` YES; 1%of Parks &Public Works budget 1996 FUNDING Al\lOUNT $s ,aaa POpt-LA TION: 2aaa 3, CITY 4F FEDERAL WAY NMDATORY ALLOCATION: NO 1996 FUNDJN. AMOUNT: $3k b66. POPULATIOI...: 75 OOa ...' : 4, CITY:OF:KENT* .: . MANDATO Y tt: OCATION: YES; 1% of City's+General Fund 1996 FUNDING AMOUNT: $349,406' POPULATION: 59169 (includes Meridian Annexation) 5, ! CITY OF RENTON MANDATORY ALLOCATION: NO 1996 FUNDING AMOUNT: $165,554 POPULATION 43,970 6. ; CITY OF SEATAC It� MANDATORY ALLOCATION YES; 1%'of City's General Fund 1996 FUNDING AMOUNT: $..73,000 POPULATI0I�T; 22`910 ; .' :. . :.. % % % U LA``` ` . ...: ` :` .. % % % :7, ` CITY 4F;T KV��. MANDATORY AL%LO1.CA'I'ION; NO . . .. . . 1996;FLT D,I'G A M %OUNT; ` : $276 31$ POPULATION: 15000 *PRE ANNEXATIOI�T POPULATI IN AS OF 1995: 44,620 -1995 GENERAL FUND ALLOCATION: $338,548 -1995 PER CAPITA; $7,6 -1996 PER CAPITA: $5.9 scit,sta � m�.�.i.����.�.......��..:....����..���...�:....��..;.�,.�.�......��i��:�Mmip . . .: . . . . . . I . .. .. , , - I �1:: . . . %. . .. . . ...i�.. .. .... ... . ... . .. . %.... :. . % %:.........:.. .. -. :.- . -- . - - - . . .... .. . .% .� . ��.:. �...: ..... ......... ...... ... . .1 .:.�1%. ::..�.%. .. . , . ..... ..%. -1:�.:.�.::%:. ...%!.���. . % 1 . ��:: :. ..�� :.�.%....: � . .. .. .. . .: . ... .. --: I - .. .-:�..�::�%!.:-: I 11:� . �,,:�:,�:�1,,�:,1 I�1�,I-�1:I�-�-1':-11-'�,,�-:1:,'1�-�.:,':�'��.1�I�-�,'��1,��,l-,,-�,�O-�:��,,����:�,-�I-.,�-�.��_,--1:,-,—�-,�1!-:,".��1�,�-:'",-..,:,.-,,,.."�.....,....�.11.,..�1.....'�.�'.�..'.:-:�.. :,I-�:..,�:--.��I SOUTH COUNTY!CITIES I996 PER:1-�:��-,.��-,.�,,-,��.,1,,.,�.�_�.,:�1,-V,��.-,.:,,- RATING FOR .` GENERAL FUND HUMAN SERIVICES 1 City of Tukwila $18.4 2. City of SeaTac $' 7.S 3. City of Auburn $ 6.9 ::�:�-��,:��,��:���::�tt�::�: 1�:,:_- �1-:1-�,::,:,%..%.. . .l..: :....:-� .:...:% .: %:%.�...::.�...%�.:�..%::�%%:.:..::.:!:�..:%.--% . i . ..::.:.... .........%..... ..--. ...�. m -........;....%.......%.%.%. :.........%..... . % 4, City of Kent % $ 5,9 5, City of Federal Way $ S,U ...6. City bf Des Moines $ 3.8 '. 7 . ... �:...-......-..... ...�� : : m . City of Renton 3 7 f ; .%.::: : � .�.... ... .......'... .:.: . .:�.%. .....%. ......�:�:�1:�j�.::�:.�%.%�.�.:- . , .. CITY OF KENT ,° HUM N SERVICES CO�SSION MISSION STATEMENT �:��,�J�:�,��:��: � �� :�_�::: ...- = :�. .. . : .. . ......::.. The Human Services Commission exists as part of the conscience of the City of . Kent in its recognition of the value of all citizens and its desire that their basic: % needs be`met I ''1,. M. ..:::!::.:.:... :.....�%:........ I "'I'l,''""t . %.�:%%,:..�.%.... ... ..%.. . : ..,.. .. . . .. .. .In order;to fuifill its mission the Kent Human Services t%% n soon: Identifies and responds; t. needs of individuals and families in the lent community. :.N.........M::%......:.... Encourages an atmosphere of community caring through educational programs FU.. Provides leadership to develop and manage the variety of community resources. .' Reviews applications and recommends human services all11 ocations to the Kent City . %Council. Provides leadership �n seeking loyal and .. :... . .. . .... ........ : :.':...:....:...:... �p..... 1, . . . . . . e jonal :solutions`to Duman services n e s : . r g . . . . . .. . . . ... : . . . . . . . . % ;Rev%sed 292`: r ;• ,r ctTY;oF ���V Jim White, Mayor February 7. 1996 D Sharon Osborne, Executive Director Children' s Home Society of Washington P.'0. Box 15190 : Seattle, WA 98115 RE: MONITORING �IISIT AMPS it AVE V� Dear Ms. Osborne re rin : for: is anruaY ;revi.e w of human The City of Kents p pa, g services agencies ;that received General Fund and/or Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding in 1.995. We plan to review .. _, . : F or March. urn : an• on:,. to v sat in ebruar your 1995 ,performance d , 3 Y A ;`Plarining Department staff member will meet with `you During the one-hour uisit 'we Wou3.d like to review information regarding your recordkeeping and financial' management system. We may also 'ask ': . questions regarding staffing and program management . It is not " necessary for your finance administrator to attend the meeting. However, in lieu of his or her presence, please have available MAP -" copies of canceled cheeks, payment invoices or staff time sheets (if City funds paid staff salaries) . During the review we would like to receive your feedback, regarding. the City, s human services process . This visit presents an, opportunity for both Planning and Qym AV agency staff to learn more about each other' s needs and concerns. We will contact you soon to schedule an appointment . ; If you have questions, please call Rachel Johnston at 850-4789 or Carolyn Sundvall at 859 6100 Sianti r f ArL ' Rachel ,Y, c2 ston Planner RYJ/bb:a:monvis.95 cc Peg Mazen Families First Director :. Pat D..n , Board Chair J'aner' Wi�.ford Human Services Commission Chair. . '. James P. Harris, Planning Director Kw Lin Houston, Human Services ManagerAgogy Carolyn Sundvall, Planner TM 404 220 4M AVE SO I KENT WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859-3300/FAX#859-3334 ........................................ ............................................................................................................ .............................................. 'Robert Guile Dave Daniels Margo Fleshman, Eke Dr Board President Housing Director Washington Women's 4007 SW 317th 1200 S. 336th SANTO Employment & Education ^feral Way, Wa 98023 Federal Way, WA 98003 3516 S 47 ST #205 QQ Tacoma, WA 98409 Lin Roberts; Prog Mgr ` Katherine Salvog Marilyn LaCelle W.W.E.E. X 0 Career Floral Design Valley Cities ` 1209 Central AV N; #205 14350 NE 21st St SyNtIf Counseling/Consultation Kent,AA ! 98032 Bellevue, WA 98007 2704 3 Street NE Auburn, WA 98002 HSAGENCY.LBL Dee Lorenz l/23/96 2002 E. Main 'St' Auburn, WA 98.002 Arthur Lee, Exec Dir. Emergency Feeding Prog; of Seattle/King `County P.O. Box . 8145.. Seattle, 4JA 981$8 Rev. Otis J. Moore Rita Ryder, ;' Exec. Dir. Sally Jewe11 Board President YWCA of Seattle/Ring Co Board President 7230 Beacon Ave.S . 1118 Fifth Avenue YWCA of Seattle/King Co Seattle, WA 98108 Seattle, WA 98101 1118 Fifth Avenue mys"nonSeattle, WA 98101 Mariah Ybarra, Director Jayne Leet, Exec Dir John Campion YWCA of South King Co Community Health 9641 S. 246 PL 1025 '3 AV S, Suite A 1514 Centers of King County Kent, WA 98031 Renton, WA 98055 1025 3 AV S, Suite A Renton, WA 98055WAS BLOCK GRANT ` 6/8/9.4 �7��Gi rr fry Josephine Tamayo Murray Tony Mladineo Cathy Peters .Executive Director Board President Regional Director 'Catholic Community Svcs 16044 160th PL SE PO Box 398 Box398 Renton, WA 98058 Kent, WA 98035 cent WA 98035 Nina Auerbach, Exec Dir Richard Mockler Rita Hagen Child Care Resources Clegg & Associates So County Coordinator 15015 Main Street, #206 811 First AV, Suite: `200 841 Central Ave N, #126 Bellevue,; WA 98007 Seattle, WA 98104 Kent, WA 98032 Pat Dunn, Chair D S..hrne: eg Heller,Ehrman, Whi aron Osbo P Mazen te & .... .:. . S c et McAul 'fe Ex c tzve Director : Children s Home, Q � , �: : 701 F;a 'th Ave; Ste 67 DQ. Children s Home ::Soviet P,. - Bob 1997 .. . .. y ....".....................".................".:..:..::.:":...............,.,......:...:...:..-..:...:..:......,.:..-:..:.".....:.,.:.:,......,. ..-................................::......::: Seattle' Auburn WA : 95071 , P.O. :.:.Box .::15 90 �:.. : SeattJ e ::WA 98115 .Di.. r o ,7ayne , Leet< Exec, r Steve R. Andes n Executve Director Che'ry1 FrasOr CommunityHeal.th Ctrs Ch3lctren' s Therapy Ctr Kent Resource Center of King County . 10811 Kent : Kan le : Rd 3315 E Meeker St• 1025 S, 3rd St. , Ste. A g Y Kent; WA 98031' Kent, TnT 98031 Renton, WA 98055 Susan as gar Exe Dir John Campion Crisis `Clinic of Tad Van Der :Weele 9641`S. 246 PL Sea/King Co' Board President Kent, WA ' 98031 1515 Dexter Ave N 1831-31st Avenue Ste 300 Seattle, WA 98122 - " Seattle, WA 98109 Carol, Davis Jackie Grimesey Jackie .Kinunen Co-Director Executive Director 13722 SE 200 ST Des Moines Food Bank Ie-nt, A.W.N. Kent, WA 98042 PO Box 98746 .O. Box '1521 Des Moines, WA 98198 WA 98032 Bob ;Sheckler Mary Lou Becvar Wesley Martin: Board .Chairman Executve, Director ;BQard` President ] 9816 5th Avenue S. Kent Commun�,ty Svc Ctr 26859. 8th Ave: is Seattle, WA 9$14 52 4th Ave` N Kent%, WA 98032 t :.:;:WA :::`` 98.0.3:2; ;::. Ken.. . ...............:.......................... ... ,.""_. . ". ". . ... . . ., d �.n Mary ;Eden ;Stone Peter Mouser :; , • D,r;. Lyn, a R:- .g, : , :. : i e t: Kirk Count Sexua Executive Director Board Prey n g Y• ;Kent Youth & `Family Suc Suburban Cities ;Assoc. Assault Resource 61 SE 36thStreet ;: 304 Maid; Avei'S,;; #200 232... 2nd...:Avenue..:S.:.#.2..O. :.•.::.:..:.....:....:9::,:....:,:,1,:.::::..., Kent, WA 98032 Mercer 'Is. , WA 9$040 Renton, WA 9$055 Candace Ismael, Pres Judy Peterson, Exec Dir : Geraldine Battles 18213 132ndPL SE Pregnancy Aid of Kent Board President Renton, WA 98058 P.O. Box 1775 21031 142nd AV SE Kent, WA 98035-1775 Kent, WA ` 98042 Patricia McInturff %cutive Director C. Mike Berry Din Duclos, Exec Dir �. ..nior Services of 2125 First Avenue, South King County `. Seattle/King :County Suite 1603 Multi-Service Center 1601 2nd AV #800 Seattle,. WA 9812172119 1200 S. 33.6th, deral Way, WA 98033 Seattle, WA 98101-1579 Fe .. ... �.:::. . �. �. 1 . .. . ...... . . . . .. . y,% �.::� :% . ..... .... ....-2 .. .. ..- ....%. . . :.. .... ........ .. . . 1 : � , % .: .. 1 .. .. : -. - .. . . . . . - . . .�... : :..� . . % . :..% . ... . , -L ...... .... ..... . . ..... � .i ..%... : .. . . . .;- . .. . .%.�� . : ---- ---- .. . i ,-,lI--...,,:�',.�..,":,�t::I:..,.I,,��,..,��l�,�,��:�._:.I��,�,�.:II�.:�,:.:.�-,�t.�:t�..z,:"�%1�..�:�:���'..�II,..�,I..::,.III.�:t�...:"�.�I.:�..,%:,:I:'-.�]:��,::..���::.Z�t,".�,-1..-I��-�...%I,,,'�..:.:::,",:.,I�",,1"1-::,�%::::..:1.1,:.....",:.I-�,:-,.��!:,:... :..%.�......:.....:...%%%%%%.:..�....%%...�!�i��..:.�..�.:.�.�.%......:..i....:-�.........:�.�%.%.......�:%..:�:m......��.,:.:.......:..%.:...�...:...:.-:...:..:....,%....:..�.�..-:.:.�.!.�:.....:....:.��:-1:.�..:....:.�.�...�..;..:..%.::........�.:�.���:..I.%..��.�.�.�.,.....: ::�.%1.�..:.:..��...I.:�...�:.%�-�.-�..-%..�%-..:�:.....�...�..;..i....i..:�!....�...%:�.�:...:.%..!j.!.:�...:-:...:-..:..��..:;.%..:;...:.:.!..:%....:..%-.-..:.....�....:....%..j�..;:..::%...�....%i-.�1-..::��.�..-..�.:.....%....%::..��..1....:.�.....�:.-.......%...:.�....:..�..�;.:..9%..%�:..;�....�.�................:1.".�..�...i..-..-....��.�:.%.-!..�:...:%.!...:...::.�.%.:.........�..!.:.�,..,1..�.�..��..%.......:.i..%:.....�......i.� ,.-.-..11���:i:..��,�,���1:i%,,,,:::�'��.....�.1,%%�:.:,�L..:I�,,:,i�-I-�-%.:. :....-�,I��.��-.1.I:"..!-..%i,�.:.'..,,:-.,.':1��,�...��I-:II:-l,--,��.."�.:-,".�,..:�%:,":-.:%A!.,..:.�-.:-:,:._'.%...,�,���I�.�.:.'�',.:1�I�..:,-�.�.��I:.I�:�.�:....l�..�,,,.�,��.��.�I,%%�..,%::.%�.,.�,I,�.I-.��%,�,.j-..i.,,k.,.....:-�,."�..--.,:�:�...,,.'".11�,:.,':..%..�.....,�.1.�:,;...1��..��..I'.'"..i %....�.-.-I:...��,:...�.I�..,,..:'"..�%I-.-i�,..-%�,.....I1.,�:...I...��.,�..%..,I,, -.�.i zm-,..:--...,.%.....�..1,�,......%%I�....."...%�%I..i,iI.��..,.,,%.'":%�1....%,��,..�.-,"....zI.,,..I:-%.i%z.",�.�..I.-,.�-�..I.,,..",j-.�"...:%I.,.%.....I,��:...1.�.%%,,.%....,�,.1.�..:..-'.1.,�..''�"I,,�..%,,%.,.,1..,%.,1I.-,��.. 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Mr. Bell is a lifelong Kent resident and has his own business in Kent.Brad Bell and Associates. He currently serves as President of the Kent Community Foundation, is a member of the Kent Chamber of Commerce, . . and is a Past Distinguished President of Meridian Kiwanis. He will represent the business category of the Commission. Mr. Bell is looking forward to serving on the Human Services Commission and is particularly interested in children at risk. He will replace Jason Hong;who resigned, and his appointment will continue to 1/1/98. I submit this for your confirmation. . JW;'b . J : . . .. C1iY;:6.F: : .. �� Jim White,Mayor February 12, 1996 � ��-��: no Dini 'Duclos, Executive Director South King County Mutt, Service Center 12OO .S. 336th ..P�-�-.�.---1:..-�::..--.-t.'.�:�...�,���....�..�:-��-:�.!..:-:....�..-:.....,--..,.��::...:%..�......t:--..j.:�..:�.1_:��%:.w.1.-�...::I..i—.._�--�:...,..�.,:..:..:.�: Federal Way, W 9.' 03 ... Dear Ms. Qs: _ Enclosed s your original coP ' of the 1996 Human Services `Contract . between your agency and tkie City of Kent. . . . City also has on , .. .. .: . ... ..: . .. , . f� e.. a r. al co of the Contract: azel` '',a`; :'u our ... . . . ... . .. .. n o n .. ........... ..... . .. :.. : . . g , . ...,P�. :. .. . . .. . : : . ... .. . . ....... .. , .... ..certificate o insurance. Per paragraphs three . and .f, of the 1996 Contract, cesmust be submitted on Exhibit B (billing voucher) be accompanied by an Exhibit C {Monthly Service Report form) if your agency reports monthly. Agencies that report quarterly should attach an Exhibit D (Quarterly Service Report form) to the Exhibit B . All agencies must submit an Exhibit: D and E after the completion of each quarter. For your convenience, we have enclosed a copy of the Human 'Services ``. Contract Agency Reporting Requirements list . This form provdes _< the deadlines for the City receiving `requred reporting information which is also stipulated in paragraphs three and four of the contract . : We 'look forward to working with your agency during 1'996.: If you . have ``any questions, please call Rachel. Johnston ' . 85. . 4. 89 or Carolyn Sundvail at 85`9 6100 .... . . ....5'`nae . .. . y . .. .. . ..,:.. Lim "o, st,o . : . .. . n '` :: "' ............. ..:..:. .. .. ... . .. : .: : .. . . . .: ..:..... .........:...................:.......:...:.:.:.:H. . ..... . .........: :::.,::, Uiil :..:.. rV ::CeS.. anager. ZH/RYJ/bb96age.ltr cc: Robert Guile, President Dave 'Danels, ' Housing Director Janet Wilford, Human Services Commission Chair James P. Harris, Planning ,Director .Rachel Y. Johnston, Planner Carolyn Sundvall, Planner 0-- �� I I 1:: I . . .....I . I--- - 1, � I �� �1�1: I I ":,,,� : . . . : . . . .: 220 4th AVE.`SO.. /KENT.WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE f206i859:3300/FAX#859.333= .....,.:..:,... ....:.:....... . . ........ ..... ...:..... : February 20, 1996 POLICE complete review, recommends the proposal received from Occupational Health Services. ZONING CODE {OTHER BUSINESS ITEM 4A) AMENDMENT Modifications to Parking Stacking Space ZCA-96-1. The Land Use and Planning Board has recommended- approval of the proposed Zoning Code Amendment to Kent City Code Section 15.;f�5 Q4 oA. :.c. Th�,s amendment would:; modify the currant parking. stacking space requirement that mandates an ;18-foot driveway 'for garages. ORR o bode AmendYttont ,ZCA-96 1. MOVED to approve: � n�.r�g ti di rela ,.ng to Parks rig ,Stacks ng-Spacer and .to rect the; City Attorney to; prepare the necessary or. J.ohns:on....::seconded.:''-.and:...;:the.....Yno.ton:..::;.:c...arre.d, .. ..::.:.. .:...:. : SURPLUS.. CONSENT.:...:CA LEND AR..'::.-:.:::.-I'I'EM...::3:M.):::.:::: :.:.>::..:.:::....:::......::.::.:.:.:.''.::::..::.:..:..:..:.,..............:..... .... .: ...::.......:.: ...... ... { EQUIPMENT Saie of `Surplus Egl}ipment. IUTHORiZATION to declare certa�n ;Egapment Rental vehicles; no lon er needed b , the Cit , as sur lus and author- g Y' Y p ize that they be' so1 at the State of Washington auction, as recommended by the Public Works Committee, APPOINTMENTS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3C) r. Drinking Driver Task Force.: CONFIRMATION of the hex_ Mayor's appointment of Peter Mourer to serve as -a member of ;the Drinking 'Driver Task Force. Mr. Mourer is the Director of Kent Youth and Family Services in Kent: He has worked in Kent for the past eight years And previously served as a member of the Kent. Human Services Commission. M. Mourer wall replace Mark ;Shaw, whose term ex pired. This appointmentswil3 continue to' 1/1/99. (CONSENT CALENDAR Human ServacB s Con ission. ON..... TION of the Mayor's appointment of Brad Beal to serve as member of the Kent Human Services Commission. ` Mr. Bell is a la fel+�ng Kent resident and `has his own' .business in Kent`, !'Brad Bell and Associates. rm tly serVes as President of the Kent Foundation) .s a r of the Kent f :Commee, and is a Past Distinguishedof Meridian Kiwanis. He will reprebusiness category of the Commission,.is `looking forward to serving on thevices Commission and is particularly interested in children at risk. He will replace Jason Hong, who resigned, and his appointment lwl will continue to 1/1/98. 11 �:I�i�.-�i�Z��..... �I I i 1, , - .1. - .% .. .... .. %.: . .. .% . - -- . ... . ... . . . . .. ....... - �� "��: % 1 ��::��.�.:�..1�%�..... .. ........... .. �...:�:....... ...!.: :I.:i {J .�:: .%.. 1 .. ........ .. ... .... ..:�...., :� - . . .... CITY OF �LS 1 t{ / F d7ffC � Jim White, Mayor I. 1. February 22, 1996 Jason Hong 6704 S 239th PI,B-105 Kent,WA 98dk Dear Jason On;behalf of tho Corriimissio , I would like to say "tkank yqu" for serving on the Kent Human Services Commission. Your dedication of time and energy helped to enhance the lives of Kent residents who receive City- funded human services. The Commission will miss you and wishes you the best in your future endeavors-both personal and professional incerely, aner Wilford Human Services Commission Chair cw:thanks:jas cc: Kent Human Services Commission Members James P. Hams;Planning Director 1. Lin Houston,Human Services 1Vlariager .....�.-:....P�..:�...:..%.......�.�:..I.I;..�.� i .... . .. .. /ICPVI : CI T WAQI4tNr TN oQl11 { G/TT:�_ QQT PPUrIAIC VMAIQcO I'Inn/en v 4 Q——I