HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Human Services Commission - 08/24/1995 .: .� :.. i::� :.. . . .. -.... . % ... .. %%%! . . ......... .. .� ::�.�:...I: , . �i..�:�.��i��-...� : %:.. %.-..1 .:... %. - . . . %.�: : .11� ..: ... ... .... .. -...-: ..-.. -i. .%�...� %.:.:. . .:. :.: �. - %.:.. . . . .. .. %%.. CITY Of=1 ir'T. . ! . .�. .�...::.. ..... ..... " I,,I I,I I I I I .. . .: ! - -�� . � -. .. . �:�,�,�I I : I �� , ���, ,i:: �i ::i i � i ...�..��. . . I . .. ..... . .. . . , - . . ... i I I I .:.::� ... . . '''' ' ' ' ' '' , .. . - . . ... I I, ,I I I I I I, ,, :. .............%.i....::... :.I..;1 . : �: � ���:�:, ':��� i:: . :i�....-.�..�. ��.��...-.:;�� ...::��. . ....1....... .%..i -. 1. AGENDA ': KENT HUMAN' SERVICES COMMISSION Scheduled Meeting for August 24, 1995 2 :30 `- 4 :30 PM Kent Senior' Center ('Arts: Roott-m) 600 East Smith - Kent commission Members Lucyle Wooden, Chair saner Wilford, Vice Chair .i�..::.:..�.....:..........1..:........%--....�.:.;i.-.......�.!...:....�.....���:.......:..�.,f....:i.I.:..�i...:.:...-.%;...:.:...:1:.%:i�.:�.�.I1 I!.�.-..�:.i...%..�,..:...-I...:..��.........�....i.i:.:;�..�:..�.!..:...:.....:..�.�.!%.:.!�....�!.1.::...-,.:.::.%��.......:..:�.....�.-�.....�..�.:...1.......�%..........BI%.:....::........�..!.:.�.:.....�..f�.�.....-:T.�.....:�.:....�_.�.��.....�..%i.���%���l�_��::�:�����t�:��t���:-�i-������-���--�-:���!���.��-�-�,.:-lj:��:����.-.t:���-��.�1�.���.�.-:-:���i-..�-�.���::�,:-.�-����:��:-�--�.�-�.�:.�--��.-��-�����-1�����-:-��-����%����-��-���,����:-�--����:��-:��i:��-�:��i:%:�.--��-.-,-.�l!�­�_-.�-.:-��.:��.���1I��,�-.i��:-,:--:-��-::-�-�:�.��:�i:�-�:�.��.i.��.--.���.....tl.�.,��!-.-.��..,t-�:­:��:.�.��-..%,:�..l_�-�.::,�.��%��I�..-!��,:1,,:��::.i,�,:,,:��:'1l�::'-:�'-:�-:i-i,,:�i:,,,:t,�-i-1-;-t�,:,,:,,::.�-,.,_�.,_�.,.�:,,:�,.i:�.��,-,.':,,,.,i:,:-�t�I,,.-,�.,:.�:-:,,��ii:l:i�,i:���:i��'�,,i�]:,,�,���,:,,�:,-,-�t�','�:�,,�:,,:,,��,,�-i��,'i�,:,t-,'�?,':'-�I,�"'t'"-,-"I-,��,':11II-�"tl 1�"',l I::,1i�:,-,�,"-�:�,I 1t,,,-,:-;i-'1,-�,,'�-t It11-:,:I I::1�,,-,:�:�:-I':I-:";�t,-1,1-,,�l:'1,�-,ttI,II,�:1:1i:::.....�....-.;%..:........:..-...:...�......:.%%..::..i.�.:..%.....i..-:�.....:.....:..:...............i.:.-...:...�......::�.........:..%.....:........�.......:.:.:........�:......�...:-..1�..........�..-............ Mary Lou ;Becuar Jason Ho rg Mark M®der Dee Nloschel Judie Sarff Melvin Tate 7udy `Woods, Council President Agenda Welcome new member Jason Hong i' ,'.. -.cial Guest: :,. :. *Marvin Eckfeldt, 'First Christian Church *Peter Mourer of United Way of South King County Discussion of 501 {C)`;(3) 2';:30 OLD BUSINESS . 1 . Approval of June 221 1995 Minutes ACTION ITEM . 3:00 2 Discussion of 501 (C)` (3) Status ACTION ITEM 3 p.5 .. Discussion of Human Services i ontY "INFOFNlATIGN ITEM 3:2.. 4 : :U da e: on .General:::...Fund....:&:.'.GDB...G::::B....ud et:....Process:s:..:, INFORMATI.qN.:..:I.TEM:.......;'. ...3.i;35... , .`i. p t g STEW BUSINESS . i. .I:.....:�...'....:..I 1 I..1.-...-i''.-,..-.....I1.....'..I.�...,1:._...l.:,...il....�.... .:....%.-.:..%-%.�i:%.:.:..�. Dtscussi`on on B -laws. Amen;%....-....:.::i... dm,.:.%�...�...:�-�.ent .:.Il.�'i::1:.:.�41IiI, �-..It.-I'..:-.......:....::-,'.,:-.,..-':..: ...::�Il.',.:::�l,�i:I..�,�-�,..ijZ:l..i,....,:�z:,...:,.:,�:�..:�.,:,�.,�:�...%,..�:.�_,: I�GTION ITEM ` 3...%....%. :45 2 . Review Agencies Second Quarter' Reports INFORMATZON ITEM . 4:00 :'.:i,-..--1%'-:1..,-,.. :�.. .,.,,.. ._1�i...��...:..,i.:.., ...".::��.1.�..:.....!,%..-....j%...:.:�:.:..1.-....i.....�.-:-....%..:�I1...:--i...:-.;..�...�.i...­�-­....i.i:��1.i'.I.i'..":1�I.._.:::--'-.-.�:l_.,� :.I...,.'..I.....�..1�I.1......�,%�'.%..1.�I.-..ii.,I....�:..i,,:..I:�liIt.1I,.�.1.l.I. ...I I�1.:...%�..�...-:'��:�.i.l-�_._..�-,�.tl�1..-1._...�...-.j�-..�...i:.:�1...�1.'.',..:���i:.:':,,.�1.,-:�.I.1I..Iz-:..�',.��-%..,�,I %..1:...%.:..�...,.::%:... .:.1...-'.:--:' ,:..1%I1 i i,..-,..,...II�-.I�..i,.%1.:..%:.-. ....... 3 . Housing .Workshop :Debrief & Housing Finance Task Force Report INFORMATION ITEM 4; 0 .. 4 . November. Meeting Date. ACTION ITEM 4:20 REPORTS INFORMATION ITEM 4 25 . , I. :Human Services Roundtable 12 ;South King Council of Human Services 3 . Regional, Justice Center Update `� HSAGEN95 .AUG C/ OF KENT 4FF/CE OF;HOUS//VG AND HUMAN SFRU/CfS: 2ND QUARTER REPORT (APR/L I-JUNE 30, 1995) CHILD CARE RESOURCES Performance Measure Annua/ Goal this New Units Cumulative Goa Quarter this Quarter Units 1994 Unduplicated City of Kent Clients 1,500 375' 869 2,436 Served /nformetion and Referra!Sbmces ;260 151 (!ow income clien#s) ': Technical Asss#ante Hours' 95 2 205 84.75 South County Tra/ning Workshops. 50 12 28 45 lKent clients) Resource Referral Contacts 1,050 262 335 1169 SubsFd lnfarmation'to Parents 50 12 35 39 Comments; Program exceeded six mon#h gaa/s In a//categories. CATHOLIC COMMUNITY SERV/CES' COUNSELING PROGRAM Performance Measure Annua/ Goal this New Units Cumulative Goa/ Quarter th/s Quarter Units 1994 Unduplicated City of Kent Clients 165 42 26 104 Served Provide Mental Health Counseling 1,200 300 143 201 Hours Pravide;Support Graup Hours 90 Comments; Program exceeded the s/x,month goal for the.number of unduplicated City of Kent clients served However, the program is 399, hort.:`•af the six month target foi mental health counseing hears and':29 short of six month`target for suppor# g...... hours. The shortages are attributed to the Agency starting a new computer.program whicTA.h an/y;caunted individuals antl no:t the .. total family and:'the osb.T clients were nvt counted, as anticipated.`: The Pragram is confident:that the numbers..:will.increase..m;the.fa//:;..... . . j' . OFFICE OF HOUSING & HUMAN SERV/CES 1ST QUARTER REPOR PAGE 2 11, ''''; ,� �� , - .... . 1 ME— 1:1 :- ': -, - 1�� - .::� �;:.%-::_.:::�:�:--.� .. ............. CATHOLIC COMMUNITY SERVICES EMERGENCY SEVERE WEATHER SHELTER PROGRAM Per1-1 formance Measure Annual Goal this New Units 11- 111 Cumulative Goa/ Quarter this Quarter Units 1994 Unduplicated City of Kent Cien#s 178 10 0 192 . Served . Provide Bednihts $94 ` 10 0 494 . /'rov1de:Emergency Picks 67 22 0 48 Provide Laundry Tokens S$ 17 0 34 Comments Program di no#serve clients during Znd quarter ecause;of mild vireafher CA1'H4L/C COMMUNITY SERVJCES fMERGENCY,SFRV/CES. Performance Measure Annual Goa/this New Units Cumulative Goa/ Quarter this Quarter Units 1994 Undue/icated City of Kent Clients000 250 382 959 Served Food/Food Vouchers 250 63 87 205 She/ter/Rent/Housing Advocacy! 250 63 77 180 Legal Assistance Utilities/Bus/Gas/Transportation 200 50 267 577 Medical/Laundry. Repair 50... 15 77I 140 ... .: /n...-Kind Contributions.:.. SO 15! 187, . 324 Referral Services 300 75 194 378 .. . ... . ..... :. ....... :. .. .... .. .. Senlor/D...isableI Services fi0 15 �6;s 39 Comments Program exceeded six mon#h goals m al/.ca#egories. f .. .. . .. OFF/CE OF HOUS/NG $t hIUMAN SERI/CES SST QUARTER REPORT` ,. , PAGE 3 COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTERS OF KING COUNTY KENT PRIMARY HEALTH CARE Performance Measure Annual Goa/ this New Units Cumu/a#rve Goa/ Quarter thin Quarter Units 1994 Unduplicated City of Kent Clients 2,915 790 636 1,837 $saved Provide Prunary Medics/ Visits 7%,fl00 1,5fl0 2,3:It69 4;630 I I1,:'1:.:.%,66::-.�I-66..-,�6��...%6.:i I 6.�:I11--�6-.:�-:�..-..�J��..�.:-I��.%.�'�-�.��6...:II�666...�:�...,I I-�%�6:.:..,I�6.:.%.:..%.%�...I,.�6%..;::-�6:::..I�I,6.1%..�.�.,�I 6......%-..:�-.:%.%�-I:6..�66%..-.:..i.,:.�I.....,66.:6.%..,6......,:6...�-..:.��,I(%I-%,6 6..��..�..%.g,.�6.:,I:.�,�:1��6..,--%.�6:'..-6.....,�..:-..:.,i..�,K�I�..I:I 16:-.�.1�%-I'I 66�....:-:I..16.%-�.:I��.6..6:..����.:,I1:...%%. Women;Receiving Pre-Na#aL Care .....�...:.-�:.... 55 16 %�,...,-�,I..:"1'.I,:,:.7 z!:--l.,���I:'..�!-.:.:�:,,%:.'",'-.l,�..'.,,,z,�1'.-i'�t d�:,�!�,.7..��1:,....%.I��]��,,:�]�,,:.�:'",,..�.��:-�-1,.�.�1�:�.�:..z.,..!�t,.-1�'�:�,��1:'�..����:..-,.�,� ,:-1I,-���1�:1��---!._���-,l-,,�,�,t:z 1�,,t�.�'I.�-:-�-,,z,,,�1:-..:.;,'-�,1::I,�',�1::,�:,.��,:It,�-,�,�-'.-,:��:.�,��.,1,-��-:,:--,..,1,:,1�-',,"I,:�%.�:�:,1,--:..',1,�7,I��:1�.:�:t'-��:.:1:�-:,�.�,�..',:,-,:�.::',-����1,I:,�j4 ,,�-,:.�.-:z-%�t'�,.�I:-.�z-�,-"%.l!,.:l��.1 1:,:1, �,-....%�:�%-.�'�-.%%"�.....,�'��.,,%.�':�.:.,-,1-�.11-'�,�..:..,,,.,:.,�,.-.��,::.;-1z:..:,"-,:-..I,,1t:.,,�,�:��.-I...��:...-:.�.:.-:,-1�..�''-.,� 43 .I�:.....1�.1.�...,61.1:,—....,6�...�...:��t,�6.I1:.-�1..:�..-.�-.:..1 I�,6%-...'�:.I...%-..�I�..1�-1�..:,.%.�-..%I,.-I666.-1.�1:.��...,�.-��6-..I,.%q.:6:-1-..6�--6%.�.�,I.:..,:..�I,�%..1-.-16�1�.:.;.�.I,.�,1.%:�_,6..,�6.,.%,I-66-..,1%-.....�.:..66.:.i.:,,..:%�..1�..6.,�6:.,,��:%1'I1�-1%..�..���6....I'l-.66.-.I���6..l-1-,%I,.,,.:,�.�..:�V6.�-��l�-:%%��...�::6...,1I 6...1-.;::6.-:,�-��I:--:66%.,.,11::6.%.%1:�66j.:.�--�-�..,�,6%:�,.I6..�,...�1.i..1.6�-...-I.-.I6�-::-�-:!6...!��.---��.-:-6��:-.I-�%:-��.:I.�:��6.....-'"I666%�-�::::.-..�-6%.:%�:�-.:.%�.1�:6�.�.,,l 6�...,,,:6.I"�t,'66...1':.,��i_.l..�-.:%�.,��%,,�6.�:�;:I-:..-,I.-,:.%..:�6..��:,-66.:..:�-I,���:6.:1�6..:.�,�6.,-�1I���6.%:' -_�'I6.:..,j.:1666.....,,,�...�:.�6:,,I,_-6�.l,-%���t.����,:�.1,�_-�..�,:I:-'..�:1,�1 66...:�6...I6��..�..:._�..-1l.,:�-.%.��.�66.%:.�11,,�I-�.,-,�6::����-...,',,I 66...,��..-:�l...,:I:..-:6i.%..:-.1 I�6!..II�,t.�:��.%.':1-,�-:.%...I'..�'-666�...I1�-,-,6�..��1:...',,.6%:.%...,:...1��:,6:%."6..�!,-�6:..�I�:_:..�.::,"�1.,1-:...,:6:.!.6.:",.��-..1,��"��6.�.--1,l.,:.:.�-,.., .:�..:..":%�.:....:....-.i�..�......:..�:.%........-..,%.%..�.�..:..1%.�.1�.:...:.....-.1....11.:.%.....!..��%.1. Comments Program exceeded six month goa/s In a1/categories. i '-..��,.....:i��,.,:"%�%.:,��,.-...,,..�..%�..i....�;�:,..�,z:":.,�-�.,...��,"�..-�..:,..�,,..--�...,-.:.z�"".1..,I.�;:...,�.I I.,.'.%...z�.'-,�...%:,..:.::,,.::...:..:,�.."���..�.:...],-..�,.�;l,%%.�:....��-.�.,..�.,..:.1,,.,...,.:,...%.:�,,.��l�,.-...�z.-.,.%..%.,,.,....�,.,,:.,.-..�,.,%...,�.,,,.:,...,I�.,..%......%_,..�-....,,-.".....,:.',,%.�....,..%-'.'...!:,.%..'",-�%:%.�.�.:...:..,...t:-......%:'':...-...,..:..-..�....,...1..'...........;............,%....!I .....:..­............%..-...%....:...........l%.....:....".........:....%...............1l.%._.......�..- ..�............:...:.,..,i....II...-:..�......I.�......�......1%:........I�........1.... ..�.1..�:......::-.�.��....%...:�..1-..-.......-1..%.-...-��.-:..�.%:.,....�.:.�.;:.:.....-.�--.....:�...:%:...:......::��::�.�...I..�..��..;..........:.:1..!...::...::..,...�.�........�.1..-�......%.��......�.....:.-..%-.....%�..:.I..-.......%:.�....:...:.:.-%�:.�.�.�:.....�..-....:..:.�....%...:...�.�..-�...�....:�.....�.....:..�:........�.....I.......�..........-.�..%.:..%.%.%...:...,�..-�..%1..,.....:.�...,..............�....:........�....�.7....,..�%:..:.....,......��....-�...%1 --l-�,--,��.�,-�1:,i.:,,�l�.�-.:.���".-,:.�.��-,:�-:,.':.��-�.��:1-1.1:�"�,-.�7,�..,:-:.-1-..�-"��-i'.���,,.1�.:�,:.:..l,.Iz',���:.]-lz:t�,-17.-:��,l:�:,.:,,zl�.--��'"�--��,1�,1-��:.��::,,i,.--,�,'..�"::..��l--����-7��.711,�1 ..--1t�..-�:�-...',.�....1��-.�-..,,�1 I 1...,I�.�'�:."%�;'i....�,.'�'.l�.1'.......;::�,...,,,'..'z.:,.��...,�:1�.:��. ..:.%-��,...%.::..:....-...-..........�....I..�...........�%..�...:.:...�%�..:,,.�.:......%%......-�..:. CH/LDREN'S HOME S . ' "' �,%....%...%.�.�.1.:..........i-.....-..%.�.%%%:%%..:...�-....,..%-....%..-...:.:.............�..:..%.�.:..:..%:.%...�- .....�..%...%...:.:1..:...%'.��..�1:...��%....I.....:......::..­.-��..:.:.:. ......,.......:%....-:%...:.�..........--%:........:...-....�.�1.....I.%....�:...:-j�..:�%��' fAM/L/ES F/RST Performance Measure Annual i Goa/ this New Units Cumu/atwe .: Goa/ Quarter this Qtr Units 1994 .:!..�....,...:1.%...�.....�..%......:..�. . ...%% Undup/icated City of Kent Clients 90 0 8 87 Developmental and Health 100 25 28 58 Screenings Chi/d Abuse Intervention Services 1,800 500 870 1 535 Specialized Intervention Skills 250 350 523 971 Training For Adults . Commen(s: Program exceeded six month goals in all categories. COMMON/TV SERVICE.CENTER rF(30D BAIVK) i. FOOD/CLOTH/NG PR4GR.. : 4 .. %I............:..%..�..�:..:..:..........�.%......... Performance.:Measure Annual Goal this New Units. Cuanu/atve G 08l Quarter this Quarter Units 1994. . . ... .. ....... , . ... . .: Unduplicated Ci#y of.Kent Clients , 6,00 0. . Served Food Assistance 30,200 7,©00 E,9.53 14,542 Clothing Assistance 19,000 4,000 4,379 9,300 Comments: Program exceeded the annual goal for "unduplicated" City of Kent clients served However, Program missed the six month goals for Food Assistance by 558 and Clothing Assistance by 200. Program staff is confident that Program will be on target as the holiday season approaches because more clients will seek assistance during the holiday season. ..: ... .... . .. cOIEOFH�U /IGS UMINRVH URRT PA GE 4 CH/LDREN'S THERAPY CENTER Performance Measure Annual Goal this New Units Cumulative . Goal Quarter this Quarter Units 1994 Unduplicated City of Kent Clients 50 6 11 I 35 Served Prescribed Therapy and Early 340 85 102 195 Education Hours Comments Program exceeded the six mon#h.goals for bo#h categories, . CR/S/S C %IN/C-z4 hf .:CRIB/$..L/NE . Performance.Measure. . r r 999999999�999:�9..�.....���::�...�....... AnnOe/Goal Goa! Thls Mew :;Units ;Th/s Cumulative Quarter .1% . Quarter (!nits`1995, Duplicate Kent Clients Served 800 200 529 1,156 Public Awareness Campaign 4 1 1 2 . Comments: Program exceeded the annual goal for the number of duplicated City of Kent Clients•. served and met the six month goal for the Public Awareness Compaign. DES MOINES AREA FOOD BANK .. Performance Measure Annua/Goal Goal This New Units Cwm... .... , .. Quarter th a Quarter ::: Units . .. % Unduplicated City of;Clients % 447.:::. 74 69: 3.00 Shut:In Fam/Iy Deliveries (dup) 1$0 45 ...% 49 8 11 ,11, 1 .. . Comments Program..exc4F.W. the annual. ... I or the number of undue/�cated City of Kent clients .. . .::. : . % . ':. .. (; ....: ..:. .. . ......... ... .. . ....., .. .: . , . .. :...:%.,.. .. ..............%...........:............ ...... ....... ... . .. ...:......... ...... .: . .: : .... ... ... .. : . ... .. .......... ....:. % OFFICE OF HQUS/NG:& HUMAN SERVICES ..... . .. �5T QUARTER REPORT PAGE 5 ...., DOMESTIC ABUSE WOMEN-S NETWORK GENER.4i DOMESTIC VIOLENCE SERVICES Performance Measure Annua/ ? Goal this New Units Cumu/a#ive Goa/ Quarter this Quarter Units 1994 Unduplicated City of Kent Clients 140 20ffi 31 103 Seared 24-Hour Crisis Line.9ssistance 500 ! 125 3/2 692 ... ... .. Provide.2 Wsek/y Support Groups00 ' 50 94:., �39 . Aovide Legal Advocacy 75 19 25 43 Provide Legal Clinics 8 2 3 6 Provide Free Consu/#a�tfons.with 7 S 9 14 .4ttorne. s..:......, Y Comments; Program exceeded the six month goal in a//categories. DOMESTIC ABUSE WOMEN S NETWORK CONFIDENT/A `Performance Measure Annual Goa/this New Units Cumu/ative Goa/ Quarter this Quarter Units 1994 Unduplicated City of Kent Families 10 3 5 10 Served.' . . .. .. Bed Nights Prov/ded 280 70 . 271 405 Counseling Sessions Provided 20 5 2 woman 7;women 4 session. 13 session Kent Shelter Referral 65 106 Comme #s: Program metannua/goal for number of uns/up/icated City of Kent fami//es served, ::.:. .. ;.. exceeded the annual: oa/for number•;of:ked:ni h#s. rov dad iand:axceegad:thee.;s x+month.:: oa/.:for: he..: d 9 . P 9 number of counseling sessions provided :`:Additionally, .please. note .that the She/#er has.made.:106 . .. . ... . ......... ... . ..... .. ....... .. ...... % . .....:..... ... re errs s..year-o- a e. 7777 OFFICE OF HOUSING.& HUMAN SERVICES ... .:.. .. . . SST QUARTER REPORT ..AGE KING COUNTY SEXUAL ASSAULT RESOURCE CENTER Performance Measure Annual Goa/this New Units Cumulative Goa/ Quarter this Quarter Units 1994 Unduplicated City of Kent Clients 45 12 .' 36' 66 Served Information snri Referral Crisis 19 8 14.'. 35 Interventfon &Peer Counseling ;Short Term and Long Term 75 19 51 90 "''ChUdren's Services Lega//Med�ca/Advocacy 3 1 2 3 Comments Program met or exceedetl the annual goals in al/categories. KENT YOUTH$e.FA MIL Y SERVICES FAMILY/SEXUAL ABUSE COUNSELING Performance Measure Annual Goa/this New Units Cumulative Goa/ Quarter this Quar#er Units 1994 Undue/rested City of Kent Clients 112 23 45 132 Served Provide Counseling Hours 798 205 234 564 Comments: Program exceeded the annual goal in number of unduplicated City of Kent Clients served and exceeded the the six month goal for number:of counseling hours provided . , . .. ,..KENT..;YOU:TI'�:$C;:FAIVI/�.:Y:;:::;;::-,::::::;:,.:>::::::.:.:.:..::.:.......:.:..... .. : ::::::.......:...:... ... L D OPtsk IN C:.O.O ,,.. :R CENTER;:`: . KENT JI,T ........ S;:H ; .,; -. ; ,;: Performances.Measm.re Annual Goal::this New Units +Comm./at ve Goa/ Quarter this: Quarter Units 1994 132 Undo..iicated...Cty.of..lien#:.Glen.,;s.:..' ....:.. .:.:..100:.......: 2..:...............:. :. A .. Fro:vide.:Direct';S#aff Hom.rs.:.: .... ... .. 6,8....;::.. .... .....: .`.27`' . 77 .77 Individual Counseling Sessions 175 35159 Comments: Program exceeded the annual goal for number of unduplicated City of Kent Clients served and exceeded the six month goals for the number of direct staff hours and individual counseling. sessions. ...:. . . . . ... ... OFF/CE;OF IyOUS/lUG & HUM�IN SER1//CES .. . . 1ST Q[/ARTER REPORT PAGE 7 I I I :� .... I , , � �1!��:,:::,!%�:.�% ,i�: ,i I I I ,A 0 1�� , ... �, . .�:�.I%%� �:� :...%�..%%....... . % KENT YOUTH&FAM/CY SERV/CES TEEN PARENT TRANSITIONAL HOUSING PROGRAM Performance Measure Annua/ Goa/this New Units Cumulative Goa! Quarter this Quarter Units 1994 Unduplicated City of Kent Clients 11 2 3 17 Served Provide Educat/ona!/Voca%.,:%,..,...�....�%.-,1:...-1%....I.!:-�.:.1M...i1.%...:...%.:.'..�..-.�:..%I.:��..1..,....%,..,,.%..�...:.�i tiona/ .;:1 2 3 17 Services Provide independent living'Skills 11 2 3 17 Tram%:% Comments: Program exceeded the annual goals in a//aategor�es PREGNANCY A/D Performance Measure Annual Goa/this New Units Cumulative Goa/ Quarter this Quarter Units 1994 Unduplcated,City of Kent Clients 8 2 2 7 Served Number of Bednights Provided 300 75 37s 133 Comments: Program met six month goal for number of unduplicated City of Kent Clients served and was 77 short of six month target for the number of bed nights provided Bed nights were short ..: because it took a fong.a�me#o c%an.the apartment and it was emptyi several weeks rn Apr./ SENIOR SERV/CES OFSEATTLE/K/NG COUNTY . Perfor: mance Measure Annual Goal this Nes+v i/ni#s Cumulative Goa/ Quarter this:Quarter units 1994 . Unduplicated Cit of Kent Clients 60 76 9 :` 44 y Served. .. To#a/Mileage.Provided by VTS 11,645 2,975 5,537 8 10,662>7 Number of One-Way Trips Provided 602 153 316 582 Comments: Program met six month goals in al/categories. U .. .: .. . .... . .:. OFFICE:�F. iIO.US/N�a.:.'$c:HUMAN SER.V/CES .. ....... . .. ... . T QU,9 EPORT' . . S ... RTER R PAGE 8 SOUTH KING C11 OUNTY MU-TI-SERU/CE CENTER EMERGENCY SERVICES PROGRAM11 Performance Measure Annual Goal this : New Units Cumulative .�---.....9........w......%� - Goal Quarter this Quarter Units 1994 Dup/icated City of Kent Clients 380 86 164 334 Served Provide Transi#iona/Housing . 0 8 2E Pro vide Emergency Housing`. 239 5$ 108 1 S4 ilndiv/dualsJ: . m:-�--��I.1.1..1 1:I:.::�:.,.::.�],-4.�.:.�I�..--�...�-:-� PrQv�de;Smg/e Residency Occupancy 29" 4 42 1. Hous/ng::(Individuals) ,'-�..��,--:.I�-....%.I��'-..,,i:1:.�.,��:...,l....,',�.,1..I:..:....II:j,-�.�:,:',�-.,�:�,..::--,.Il�:-...--����l:!�-,�,iI--.,�...I.,�,,..�..�I.,--,���:.i.:,�"..:.:I,-l.��t.-:.II�..I..I I-��I�1,.-,:,l1..::..I,�1 I.:.1--,,.:.,,I�:,,"1­i...�%.9%:.:.�,�.Provideinanca/Assistance: 1...........,......%�.V...:1:.�.........1...I�........:..T:...:...1....!.�...:-....�.10 20.-��,�.:11.-.j.:�1-11:.�,�.-.�,,�.:,I�:t�:.%.�:-:�-`�:-,1I�:....-t:.�.:,:.,:-�...��-�-1�.:.-..-�:..,,,�-1�:�:...�.l�.:-:�--�����,,�,.::.-..:,.....II-:� :..1...I...1�..:.,:1 1:::I,.:.--.1-_..,.-:1..-1..--�1I.....I.,t.1�:-:.I:.1.,-...�.,-:..,.-A.....�'�.....--..I.o,I�I...,.�.1.�..I..:1-%:'l...��,'".:�1�.....-,!�:�-1:l....�:1:1%:: 4 123 :.�.-1I I-,.I IJI�-..�II.-�...I.:�t-.:.����..I,��....��...I�..,�I,.-��..�..I��....%i..:-.i�1:��%I��..%:��,�,....,��..%.I�1--�(­.��...�.....-..i.�":�...I%i:i.:,�.....,.,,(.....�..�.;..,..�..�...�.:..%.�,,...1.I-.....-.:�I!�­.-.1!�:...,�.��-..-­���.i.I...I.:��...1...%I1I;- �7...1.��....�..,�1.--%��.....-;..%.I.I....-.....�.. �....,l-.II—:..�,-..l:�I 1:.�.:1 l...-.�..%�,,...,,-�,.����--..l�­..1..,i���..-:..:I.�..I.:......l�,:...�I.:.,..:..�-.��...�.�.'.�.-%.,��.II;�,i�-.-.I--.::.:1�i....-:.�.:�����....,�I-.II-.-:.���.1:-...�%..-.I%.I-,1..1.:-..1:...'I...,�..-��..-,:..I�-�.:.�..�-.�-..,I.��.I.-.���I-.i..-'.:.:.',:.%.I,:::......:...,�.I,��'�..'�-.,�.�-%.,�.�-...�---,.-.....�.�.%,I1.,-:.�.:II...:--�..:...',.-..!.-.,.....,I,.�:..I.I"-.-��-.:%.!.-t:.-%.-...%.!:.,'...�.-.....,1.�....'-.��-:...,-11,..-.�:.:.l.:�:!.,�,'..:-,�..�..-I-I--.:.....��-.:.%'.........Il1i.��...I i��1:...:..I--'�%.--..�"I-.:-....ii.:.�.::�.I','....-:,.%.._.��1-�J-....-..:.�.�:-�.:I-:-�:-....��,.j.,Ii-�,,�-�..t...:,l-.-.% .�,.:.%.�.:-.......:'..i:....:.".....-...�..I.-..'.......�:%�-:..�I....-...:...:..�-.......i 1'I.....- Ii.:..%.I 4::......,.:%:I-.:7..�,.%.:..:.-.�-....�...I-.:-:,: .�..:�.:I..,;......-4�'��-...:.:m....,..1....-..:�i.:1-.:1:....i..::1 .:-..z�i.:1.'.-.�4..��:�:.4..:.-..:.-.�:....,:.�%�.-.":...,�..�...it.-%..:-,.i .-.�'.-.�...��.,..%,:,�%..-:...,..-:...4�..%�...�%..��.�.......�..1..�1 ..,.1...­:�.:I,......�.i I,....:-,��.-..�....�...,...t%.%.�,-:.-....:.......,:...:�......l::.::-�..i..:�........!...i!�.,..,......:"�..........:.....::....--."�.:...-.......:I...I..�1,.-.-.....I..I�.,%....:....::-...."...�.%.:..�....-..:.:....%....:...%�..:.�............-�..i....1%,..!...i:%::.......%......;..-..:.�...%...........:....:..�...!..=-!::.I.....:�-....:...I.�.-....%...i.I...,1..I..�..I....i�I.........!...1....:.........�.:..........-...�...................,..�...i..:1..%:...:.......��.,..I:...i 1.-..I1.%;.....�...1I....,..:.,.%:....%!.�.%::.I.,...I..:.:....-.::.I..1..I.%.::..�...::.I....�=.�...:...�-%-.�I�..�.....1.....-...::%....-�.%.I......!.%..%:..:..%;.:.�...�.:...1.1......i.1.%�.-.%...:.,.....l:�1,.....-.�..-........%:...:- (/ndwidualsJ %-..:��.i�:..II.����.II:� :...�....:.7�...%:.�-,..I:..I�:1.�%...%,.t�.., .I-...—��I:%-.......:..%.....-.I.....�.I......I�.,�...-1�j.I.:.�.:-��.:I1..�.-....:7.::.,1..:.I:..%1.......�..-..:.�.�,!....�.....%:........,-:.:...!1.-..:..,....­.�:.....:...-....:��::.�..­.-...1:1.�1.,1-%-_1.;I�.�:.:.:1-.:I 1�.-:�..,--1,-.,,I1�.-.:,-�..I:,�.:1.:-_.�..:�_--:.�,::�:�-,:..I�.::��,,..­..�I....,�.:III_�.�...��.:.II I:.,�..�-..��....�j I.::�7T:l-...��..1.�.:.:I�...1:��....:...i::.:I..-�-.�:.�:::...�..1..:�,�.!.��..1-.I,�:-I!II:�1��.:�...%t-:!I�.�,--��.�'.1::.���:.I.�..�:�..1-:,. �,.I.-.l-�.%l-�I:."1:��....,,.-:I�.li-:.,.,�,I�.,:,.,�.:....��.:I-..�:...:-,I�%,.%.,�..,,Ij::.....�-�t....I�I1.:i1%.. �.:.,:. .I,:�-...:�...�:,. I. .-, I_i-I.�,...�:.:�.,..%I1�.,:.:��..,,:"..1.:,..:.. .-1,�., ..-�.I:-..i':-�.�..,��.I%":,!:�.�.::..%.I�,.%::":! ..,1-�...:-.I...�:-..�1.:ip -:,�:�..z...:.".1I,.1�..I.%,.:I�.�1�l�.�.l..,-.�-,�,...---.,I..:,�I:..I--.::I'..�l'.�'�,-I-%.�,�..1�.,I.-1,"._�.: '.I.��-.-.71-..,I'�I....�,:.,�...�-"..,��I�.:�.,1��,:�....,%I..',�.,.,I1�..�-II-1,1-.."�.I"..,,--�I:.%"�..�I,,�:.,".".:-�I,�.I-:-I-11:�.1..I�'�,,I,.z ...1...:...i..::..i.....:..:Ii.....1-... Comments: Program exceeded the annua/goal for individua/s receiving transitional hou..:...-�...::.:..:...'.�.:.....:...% s%,....:.:.-..:.1�.1�:.:,�..�.-......!�....:�..:%:..�.:,,%...-.,1..::.-....:%.,.-..I..:....in :.�.�.%,�:,.1:.�.....%1..:I!..:.......�..-..g:an....1%�:.'..:..-..�..%.:..:-:�l..-..::...I.'.1'.::..�;.:..�.%:.I1:.I.:.�.-:...-.:.1,..-.':.!..',......-.'..1.�I,...:..:..!::....i....�...",.-i�.%: %1..:....I....,�...:..%.:%-. :-:%:.%...:.1.....,..:._. .i..%i..%..:..�U....-: .......:...... .I.%........-:...-....�...:.......�..%...!......I. financial assistance. Program met six month goa/s in other categories. VALLEY CITIES COUNSELING AND CONSULTAT/O/1/ - Performance Measure Annual Goal this New Units Cumulat ve Goal Quarter this Quarter Units 1994 Unduplicated City of Kent Clients 30 5 13 37 Served Mental Health Counseling Sessions 600 150 425 596 Comments: Program exceetled.ahe annua/goa/for;untlupiicated City of Ken t...Chents'served and : ex ceeded tha six month goal for Mental Hea/th Counseling sessions .. . :%: �%.:��....:.%...�......:1....�.:......-::.:: .�.......:.1-.�.:.:�:.:i.:.:i..�. .:...::.�..�.��-:..'%;.1....!.�.1-....:.�....%........:...:.....-....�.. ....1:.:.:.. !....%...: ..:.. ..: ::..:WASHINGTON.WOMEN'S.fMPLOYMENT&:EDUCAT/ON:..:.::.` .. ......... .... . ..:...:..:.....:::........................ . .::.::....:.:....:::: ..:.:...........:.::........:::..,.:.:........,.. :........ .......�.....�.......:....:......!...I..%.�1..1�i....-..%.� ..'-.... ..�i.......:.. .:.i...:.1%...:::......:...... Performance Measure Annua/ Goal this New Uni#s Cumu/atve Goa/ Quac#er #his Quarter Units 1994 Undup/icated City of Kent C/rents 12 3 3 ` 10 Served...:. Job Reading Training;C/ass 12 3 3 10 Enter Skills/Education rraining 7 1 6 6 Program Enter Employment 3 0 1 1 -..: :-.:..:..�i...%...�%�.:.11....i!:...1�.: ....:..:....%: �...: ..:....,.:.......... .......::-:...-.......�....... ....%....-....... :...�.I:1�:.:��..:.......::......�.:..�....-.: :..........%i.� :. ..-... Comments: Program met six month goa/in a//categories except the Enter Employment short (5. . individuals). .%%.�...: hs l gtr94.rpt.: . TM OFFICE OF HODS/NG & HUMAN S�ERV/CE3 T U RTE RE O T . .: P. . . . 11 . -.. : � : I , 11 I - , , I ,�,�', --- -- �� A SOUTH KING COUNTY MULTI-SERVICE CENTER EMERGENCY SERVICES PROGRAM - --- --:-, , 11:111, I tl,'= -��,��-��-,, --��1�1�i!..i��..i. :: .��..�. .% ..... Performance Measure Annua/ Goa/ this ' New Units Cumulative ........: Goa/ Quarter this:Quarter Units 1994 Duplicated City of Kent Clients 380 869i .... 164 334 Served �...-iI.%::I I-I�I I-:,--.�.;--1:...�t:...I1�LL.�.I�....'--�L%.!-�.I:L..%.--1..::i.�%l-...i..--L.�.-%..��..:�-��:.I.,���,-:LL:%�.::.,t.i�lI,:..�--,L...(.::..-���.%.:..LL....�%.i.I-:....,-:p�%,l��L.....L.�..-:.-:.:.��:.,-..%.�1.��:1(...::,.�.,:-...,,��..i...,�..;..�L.�L.�........1L.1 LL.�...�',:�..1L.�.:L.,,.�.....L..1.....',1:.—���L....:%..%-,IL�...:I:...%��..--:�..%,...1�-LI--..-.�:I-...1L-��L....-:L..�...!.-L.:LL��L..L....�-.I,:��:1.I�:L-..--��...I-:.......�1;..�:;...1 L...:.,-L.,-.I1 L..L_..,:....L...I-:L%.-..,.�-.IL�.%�t�..1L.-..%:...--�..�j-�,.�L.%.:,L�,�-;:�-�L L�.-�I..-.--.....�L..%:,�.�..:L..i.,,-:�....�1-�.�,:.,L�--:..-:..-,�LI1�,,.,-,.�...�...."I...:,�-......�"--.,L�1-L.:,..L::%�-..�",..,,..-t:...I-Y..:��.1,L-.�,:..%.LL..:-,�:L...�...L.�-IL.1:.-:�L.:.�,,�,I�.:1�,:....,-L.:L.­.%-�%.�,,--.:..,.��:L%..-L.%..:,--%�L..!�:..-.-�:�.:�L,�---LL,LL'�L..:�J�:.,L..%%-,':��.,t:..IL,,.�.�..,-�,l-.�.1,L..�LL..%-:LL�'.. Provide;Transitional/ilous/ng 13 0 8 25 %I...��-�I:-,l.._�L�%-%!'.';L-.�.-�t..,..-..,IL.L..�.��I-�..1 IL..,,:.,L.:�,.1,,L.1..-�..LL L.-�'-L....-tI LL.�,.:�..:,.-:-LL..�.::_�.�.1..1-L.��....-L,!,:..,-�:...L��.��.'�',..L.I--I...'—.L%-.-L II L,,:,,,-�.:..L.�-_..�..�.�-...,-���..I...�'..,�...'I�..:,...,-:..1��LL.�1�jL...,..:....-,-,...I..�..�-�L..�:-,_t..:.,.l.....,.-�,.-:.1..�L L��'---.....,-....�1!..L�,',1­��.I IL.:.��:.1 L:,..-1-�.%.:I.-.-�.-...1I....�..�L.:I.I I.�,tL%.I .�:�%.�'-,.:..,--.%.��.:.:..1�-.1:..,��-...�I:':-L.%1.I.�-�tL...�.-,.,L.�:,.%��%%.�I L:''..�"1 L-L...L.--.I1.,...-::.....,�,�...�::�L.1L-.-...1_..:-l'!1�...�.."-�.I:.!.I.���,. -.:-.L:�,1�l��L...���,..�',�.%..,-L':.L.--�....,,L.,%.,I,I�L-...,�L:I::--�l�L....,L-�:-.,�L...%'I...'LL.�,:�..,L.L.-��I-�L..�..L:.-�L L�.�L..I L%.,�1:I...�.-�I%�L7 7��.�—...���l.�..�'l',�..1._I:,,'-I-,�%�..-'%��-,I1z�l:..::.,.��..I-I'1.-..-I1.:....,:.1..�."1%.,.-1..7.-I..::.�.,..:....%..��..:..1.:.1.-...1'..".i%..-:..ii..1-.1-1..",.7I:!%..�...:..1�....-.--%1�:...;:"..�.-%.:]..1.:.1..1�.7f.�.",..i".1..,�.%...�...�.-V.--...,,.I:.%::..l.�:..:..7--...i.?t-�.I,..,_�-1..-"-.,..�':..:...7�...--:-1.....:.I.:-�.:�..l�i.��.,.,....-.......,:�i..;-.....:%.--.�:.:.%..�1�.....:....%:.-�,.e,7:-.,.i...:�..�-.�.:..1,,.%,..:..�:_...."..-..,-i....,,%....:�.......'..,7Z..: ._:.i.....:,-....::.-.�.:I'...�.......!....:...%..:.....�:.:I�,........%.....-.....:...:...��.I%..I:.,..-.,.:..�-..:...%..:.�,%...:...�...........-:7�......:....1........�...:.:I.:%.�-...%....%..,...I.:..'1%..,...%.%.....,.1::......::......%...::�%.�::�....:-...-.....:.:�:.-:........,..:���I�%....,....::........,:.....-......%%�..:......:..:....%.�..-.-..,I....�.:........%.%...%.%MI:.......�:,.��....:........%�...i.......:t............�,::%-.......,.-.........,;.:,�..1.:...�.'i:...�......-.-...�...%......n.�......%...�I........:..-:.......-.:....,..1�....�.........:.......�....I.:...-�.%.�....1--.....-....:...1.:!�..........11..;.,�I..%.....%..:..:..-1.-..i....�...I�.....:...1...:...I:.....:1..�...�........�'.....II....I1............�:...�.....:%.:...........:.......%:L.I.....%...�...:...%...-��.%..:..:................,..:-;...%......%....�....:.....L.........-...-.1.�....�:..........:...:.%...%:-..:.......:......:�.:..-....-L............!...�....�......,....:.-..L�..%..%%.-;%.............�L.....%:.-......:..�....-.....:L-..%�::..........�...�%�-......:...�.....:...1...................I...;.�-:.........:::��....-....L...:Z.1.I...............:-.-.-...I,L.....L..�..:..�....�.-..�.... Proy�de finergency Housing::, . 239 58 1fl8` 1¢4 ( dividua/sl Provide.Sing/e ResidePcy Occupancy 29 4 4 Z2 Housing;(/ndivduals� Provide Financial Assistance. 10 20 4 23 (/ndividualsl Comments. Program exceeded the annual goal for intlividua/s receiving,transitions/1.9... g.and financial assistance. Program met six month goa/s in other categories. VALLEY CITIES COUNSELING AND CONSUL TAT/ON �� Performance Measure Annual Goa/this New Units Cumulative Goal Quarter this Quarter Units 1994 Unduplicated City of Kent Clients 30 5 3 31 Served Mental Health Counseling Sessions:. 600 150 425 596 Comments: Program exceeded;the annual ggal for undue/icated City of Kent C/ientsaerved and exceeded.the six month goa/::for Mental Heal#h Counseling sessions. WASH/NGTON.WOMEN'S EMPLOYMENT&EDUCATION .. .., Perrformance.,Measure..:....,. Annual..:.::....:::::..Goal:#his.:.,......:.:.%[ew,;Unts.. .:,:::C.. .I t.ve:... .,:`. Goal ¢carter this Quarter Units 194 Undue/icated Ci#y of Kent Clients 12 : 3 3 10 Served Job Reading Training Mass !12 3: 3 . 10 Enter Skills/Education Training J 1 6 6 Program Enter Employment 3 0 1 1 ....,.:..%..:...- -;....%.......%:.%...%i..-:.........�:. .-...%......:.... i. Comments: Program met six month goal in all categories except the Enter Employment (short 5 Ind/vidua/s). .I..: hs 1 gtr94,rpt CITY OF CITY OF KENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT (206) 8590390 MEMORANDUM August 10, 1995 ' i MEMO TO: HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION FROM: 'LIN BALL, HUMAN SERVICES MANAGER SUBJECT PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO HUMAN `SERVICES;: COMMISSION BYLAWS . ..i.. , .. :....:' ,.. . Durgin this ear s a lcata on reVw rocess, •;the;:`` 'slue was-raised g Y Pp P regarding conflict of interest ' for Commission members Specifically there was discussion around whet07-7-7 her or ` noWORMS Ohlmember who has some personal interest/connection with a articular:';: rant a: location: : should; leave : Ye room ur: ng P g PP discussion bb this appl cat�;on The current by`-laws contains a' sect An addressing "C6nf3i6t NO `` of Interest" . This Section restricts a member from participating in Q. the discussion and decision-making process, ;but 'doesn't require leave the room. The current wording is that the member physically 11, Conflict of Interest If any Commissioner concludes that he or she has a conflict of interest regarding an issue pending before the Commission, that Commissioner shall disqualify himself or herself from participating in the discussion and decision-making process regarding such issue; however, ; this does not preclude such Commissioner from presenting information on behalf of such an issue ,before the Commission. The Commission voice its desire to `bring this up for discussion :•:: . 1s Wed ;: If ;the . Commission after the `applXPAR .on process was comp t. decides ;that at wants : to have members physically leave the room during discussion, I would suggest the following wording be added: ... C. torest 11. Conf] ct; :Why Zn If any Commissioner concludBSA ,that he or she ,has a conflict of '. interest regarding an 'issue pending before the `Commission, u 3if himself or; herself: ;from .: that Commissioner .shall disq a, y participating 'in the discussion and decision making process regarding such issue and shaii leave the room ;'during this discussion; however, this does not preclude such Commissioner '. from presenting information on behalf of such an issue orgy Qo,qj the Commission 77 If the Commission decides that it is not necessary for a member to tag physically eave the room during discussion, I would suggest that the last sentence be revised to read as follows: "however, this does not preclude such Commissioner from be nct present during discuss one nor from presenting information on behalf of such an issue before the Commission. " a:bylaws . . CITY OF � r3, . .... r. CITY OF KENT I.II-,�z'..,....II,:..1,':,,-�....:.:V...,I..,I,1.,'I....���I.I.. PLANNING DEPARTMENT �..�.��.�:��:.,:�­::,��....­...:,-,,�.I�:���1�_i­i..�.'...���.�1l:i.1�..�.i._.._­,�,i�I:_�i7�1� (2Q6W 859-3.390 IVE00 MEMORANDUM August 10, 1995 MEMO TO: HUMAN SERVICES C©MMISSIONi ' FROM: LIN BALL,` HUMAN SERVICES MANAGER SUBJECT; PROPOSED : AMENDMENT TO IIIMAN ' SERVICES.: COMMISSION 'BYLAtnTS . , .. D ,r n the s< ear's a la Cation.;review . rocess = the,%; ssu...was;;;,ra sed. u. i .g y PP P regarding conflict of interest :. :fob Commisson . ..�nernbers Specifically there was discussion; around whether'; or not; a . • , , : ... . : : , , er on `nteres't coriri'eat' n with' a .. : .•Commission>membex. who: has:::so..me ........s ..ai.. .... ...... .:..:..... : .. .... . . . .. . P... .: .. ... . . articular : xant a la.caton should cue he room '` durn . ..: .... . ........: : g.. PP : : .... .. g P. .. . .. : discussion ;on this a l cation. PP The current by'-laws contains a section ' ad dressing IConfliat" of Interest" . This Section restricts a 'member from participating in the discussion and decision-making process, `but doesn't require that the member physically leave the room. The current wording is ,. 11 . Conflict of Interest If any Commissioner concludes that he or she has a conflict of interest regarding an issue pending before the Commission, that Commissioner shall disqualify himself or herself from participating in the discussion and decision-making process regarding such issue; however, ' this does not preclude such Commissioner from presenting information on behalf of such an issue before the Comma ion• The Commission `voiced its desire to •.bring this up for discussion . ..... . :•......, . ...... ., o et cl If the commission .after the a location roeess was. .;e...mp ..e . . PP P. decides that 1t. wants o have members physically leave the room during discussion, Z world suggest tiie following wording be added: . . . .. 11 Conflict of Interest Tf .any Commissioner concludes that he or she: has a 60rif11et of interest regarding 'issue pending before `the Commission, that commissioner shall disqualify himself or herself from participating In the dlsCussloTt and decision malting process regarding such issue and shall leave the room 'durina th28 discussion; however, this does not preclude such Commissioner ` from presenting information on behalf of such an issue before ` the Commission:. i. If the Commission decides that it is not necessary for a member to physically leave the room during discussion, I would suggest that the last sentence be revised to read as follows. "however, this does not preclude such Commissioner from benrr present during discussion, nor from presenting information on behalf of such an issue before the Commission. " a.b laws X .....:. ............. ;:,.. . ..... ........:....:......:.: .:..::,....::. .....1. : .....:.. y:O.p:. ... '.. ;`;;:;;':;::CITY .. . . MEMORANDUM August 17, 1995 d I TO HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSIONERS FROM: RACHEL JOHNSTON, PLANNER RE: 501 {C) (3) STATUS During, the Commission' s review 'of the 1996 general `Fund agency .. . a l catigns the uestion arose as t.o whether, the C t of : Dent .: ``: . : 1.'....._...:,...%­.­..%1i..i.1�..7:%I'!1..it.1:..!... PP Y could. `fund a .non-profit agency which did not have ; 501; (C) (3) status;:. S.pecifIeally, the question emerged when staff, inquiring about the-Kent :'School District' s Futures Club, re nformat`ion ceived i that the Kent School Distract was not a 591 ( ) (3) entity. Consequently, staff researched human services documents and discovered that there was no written City policy requiring that applicants have 503 (`C) (3) status, Although there is no written policy; the Commission has made i`t a consistent practice to ;require proof of 501 (C) (3) status in order to receive General Fund dollars. Absent written policy, the Commission could look to the purpose of the 501 (C) (3) to determine if it - . a necessary condition for funding, Similarly, the Commission can` look to' its intent for requiring the 501 (C) (3) status . Staff conducted further research and discovered that the Kent School District is a 501 (C)';(3) organization. The following information -may assist you in determining the utility' of the 501 (C) {3) . Organizations are called 501 (C) (3) organizations because they are described >n Section 51 (C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, There are two types - private foundations and public charities. . .: .. . .. ew bons are: funded::£rom one<source:;or• ver f: sources: % . 1. i. Fr3vate founds Y.. ,. (usually one �.ndiva.dual,; family or .corporation) and. often rece3 ves funding from investment income rather than contributions . u ..for.' rivat:e . foundation us. all='; ;' makes rants ... . A 1'''' onall a. .. ..... . ......%. :...... ..:...... ....... . ...... ... .. . Y. ........ ...... ...... . . Y .. .. .P .... ,. .. .:.....: . . .... .. . , ... .. . le ur o e to other;entities instead...:o;. conduct: n ;;its own. charitab P p s sg . ro ram Historicall r.. .. . `; . oun . ions ans have not a 1>,ed `for p, g Y� P. PP City ,of Kent General Fund dollars. By contrast, public charities have abroad base o.. public financial support and conduct their 'own :;programs. The Internal ' Revenue divides public `:charities into four categories: (7 ) organizations such as churches, schools, hospitals and medical research `` organizations; (2) publicly supported charities; (3)` support`ing organizations (ie. tax-exempt organizations created by or in ;; connection with specific public `charities) ; and (4) organizations. . i that test for public safety. The City of Kent has primarily funded publicly supported charities. . .. The Commission has ;stated its desire to establish written policy requiring that all General Fund applicants have 501. (C) (3) ;status. There are some advantages to requiring this status . The 501 (C) (3)' `. will assure the Commission that the applicant has the followingMOM (1) provision of service to the public rather than private individuals, (2) fiscal responsibility, (3) board of directors, (4) by=laws, and (5) Articles of Incorporation or Association. Tom i: MARTS The Commission voiced its desire to discuss this matter further and devise 'written policy stipulating which entities can apply for City of Kent human services dolars. We will discuss hi.s matter further during your August meeting. 501 . INF CC: Lin Ball, Human Services Manager ... C %J . .: MEM0RA. I�TD �TM Tfl XJ WOODS, .. TY COUNCIL PRESIDEI:IT C,iTY flU .0 MEMBERS F.RbM iIM WHITE,MAY R DATE; AUGUST 2$, 1995 11 SU.% :. APPOII�TTMENT T KEi T HUlVIAN SERVICES% �flMNUSSIO I have recently appointed Mac D, Culver„PhD to serve as a member of the Kent Human Services Commission. Dr.Culver is an ordained minister and currently serves as Superintendent of Rainier Christian Schools. He is Chairman of the North West Regional Accreditation Commission of Christian Schools International and formerly served as a member of the Human Services Commission in the Municipality of Anchorage, Alaska. Dr. Culver will replace Mark Moder, who resigned, and:his term will continue to i/1/96. I submit this for your confirmation:' iWjb U I 57 � IUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION # CITY APPT. NAME : ADDRESS ; REPRESENT ; LIMITS ; PHONE ; EXPIR. Dee Moschel 425 Scenic Way Service Clubs Yes 852-70$1 (h) 1/1/96 Kent,WA 98031 ` 77 Mac D. Culver,PhD 1209 South Central Ave. Religious Yes 852-6393 (w) 1/1/96 Suite 114 854-8786 fax Kent,WA 98063 7777777 Lucyle Wooden' 12920 SE 273rd,Bldg 9 User of hTo.. . 859 3603 (h) i/1197 Kent;WA 98031 Services Jaaer Wilford 19512 S 26ist Religious No 852-4100 • Kent;WA 98042 631-892$(h). Judie Sarff 504 West Meeker ; Busnness Yes $52-7400 (w) 1I1/97 Kent;WA 9$032 Jason Hong 6704 S,239th Pl B-i05 Business Yes 839-6002(h) 1/1/98 Kent;WA 98032 Melvin Tate 12033 SE 256th Regional No 859-7214(w) 1/1/96 Kent;WA 98031 Agency 271-4265 (h) { Mary Lou Becvar 11617 SE 258th Non-voting Yes 852-2011 (h) i/1/96 Kent;WA 98031 Agency Rep, 859-343$(w) Judy Woods 220-4th Ave S Non-voting Yes 852-1727(h) 1/1/96 Kent,WA 98032-5895 Council Rep. CONTACT. Lin Ball 859-3390 REGUTAR},MEETING DATES; Fo... ..T . .... urth hursda of each month y 2:30 p m. P. . ... .. ... . . •'BERMS: : :; .. .......... .. :.. IVlembers.'are:a.. .ointed.for three.year terms. . pp . • Y /95,HUM$ERU.WPF-jb i x. l -- eat G'1Zi�i tiarL r�'er,tes'' Assemblies of God Mayor Jim White 220 4th:Ave S �> " ' Ti •` Kent,WA 98032 iJ., August 17, IM. . .. . Dear Jim:.:: Hi! This is to let you know that I've accepted another:position as Youth Minister at New Life Comtuuni Church near Coeur d'Alene;;Idha;effective;S tember. Ist.;Unfortunately this :.. : vur. mov...e:.me.:.ou... i.::,e`::......e;.ci 1m1.s':an..... m..:.:.;e:.1::ra.,.:e ; 1,cu:...::. q;:':a, en ' q:..my'.. ::t� :::..an; .ervice::: Commission ctntiesf .:Seriously though, I;have thoroughly end©yed my tone;serving the pity on' ,: = .... this Commission, as; well ;as the;Youth/Teen .:Center: CommitCee and others Its been my. :privilege and honor to work:with some very quality people in this city who sincerely care about': the needs of others. I haver appreciated;your steadfastness and your commitment to principles over my tenure here. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to give back some of my time and talents in service to the citizens ofKent.My replacement at the church, Chris Knobel, is a good man and stands ready to serve in any capacity should you need him. "The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace."(Mum.6:24-26). I look forward to serving with you again in the city that is yet to come. Sincerely, ... .... .:::.. ... ... ...... Rev.Mark t:Moder::..... ........ .. ...:... ... ex-Youth Pasfor,of Kent Christian Center:, cc.Lin.Ball irllv- Ile n aw 9" C nyora Dr. • ` Kent, WA 98031 (206)' 852-5373, Fax (206) 852-96 S George Wason, Pastor. .... ..... . . . :. . ..... .,,:-:.:�.,��,.1.:.�.].V.,-..�i.%.��...��...:.-�,....,�-::�.��...:��.-:i..­-�...-.....�..1.,-,�..-...:..-..:%;1:,,:,��....��.:�-...):�,�.:��,..-..1��:�..���..,:....:....,:�..:--..�..!..'',����1........,��%.,,�..,..-:_..%;-!-�I�,,:;�-�.:�.�%-�:�...�%::.::-'�I-%, .. . ...... . . ....:. . . .. ......: ... ... . . -�..I�.�-...Y1%..,I...:.-1�.!,....��.�..:1�I-.-::.....�I..::I�..i.t........%1.-.-%:....-,..��...::.--,...._I-I:.:.�:-...1.��..�,.%......t1.:.....,:....I,�II.::......,1..,....%I..�.�.%�.:...'t..�%.�I�'..-::.:.�,..I�::.:-II,...�:...-iI.%-,%%...:,�1.,11-.....:�-.:....��,,I..:­..:1"...':!...�I1.:,..I�....­,,..:l_:...,��........�;..1�.�:�..::...I::...�:I.::,I......I:-....1�.l,-.........,......,.%..':I-...,.:%1-,:.�%..,::.%.11.1.�..-...��.!.,i...-�,%.-..�.,-'......%.-,.....,,......-:....�::..,..,-­:�1,-...-.%..:,i:�.......,:..I.�-'!.:...i%�... ,.�...���%.,i..'--.I.::.�;:,...%.....:.�...��.��..,.�..:...�:...-....:...'....:!..:�..'.V�...:...�.�..��".%�,:�..-....�..:.:...�.::.�...-�...��...,1..�...-.�.:..1:.::......'...".::.��..�.��.:.�.��...�.:.�....�:1]:.......�.:%:... .. POSSIBLE THEMES/IDEAS FOR 1995 HUMAN SERVICES MONTH: . . 1) . Celebrate Diversity in Kent: *Borrow school `display materials on diversity (from Mel Tate} .. 2)`: Invite` speaker`Nand Amidei's *Invite agency staff and Board members R . ...... . .Fa a i ate in Thanks ivsn Food Drives 3) •. ... ..r . .. i 1 .. : g .., ..-..-. ..... . . , ... . . .....::.:::. .::::::..:::..:::.:.::.:. .....:....::...:.......::: .. .,.,... ...a .......:... :.... . Place boxes in lobby of City Hall for food contr�.butions:: . 4) F].ace :Hu�onari Services Display in'Lobby of. City Hall ., ... , Feature currently ,,funded agencies . , *F0=8 on Human Sery .ce's Cate gories Issues 5) Collaborate with Down tOwn Merchants:: .:. Place: brochures .. .n stores *Coordinat'e with th ent Community Foundat ion'regarding their display of agencies it funds *Consider a portable display that can be_ transported to various business sites.; 6) Commissioners speak at Groups in Which They are Members *Place notices in bulletins 7) '. Create tee' shirts for commissioners 84 Feature Human Services Article in Vailey; Daily News ' * !Judy Sarf f will arrange I. hsmon.tas