HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Human Services Commission - 06/22/1995 cirr OF 9 ; ,,�,,,:,,,, , ,,, ,I I 11 ... : . i i ,,z,:,'1��j�,�� ,,,... .... .. :�..��:.%1.::��.:�.�.:%.%.i�.-%;.�� . I"I, - ,, 11 .. . " ... .... 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Wooden CYiaa r Y , Jane.r Wilford, Ui'ce Chair . .. Mar ;Lou Becvar ; . ; ';'` :: Y Dee . oschel Melvin Tate Mark Moder Judie Sarff Judy Woods, :Council President . 3�aenda OLD BUSINESS. 1 . Approval of 'May 25, 1995 Minutes ACTION ITEM 2;30 2 . Discussion & Final Decisions on Human Services : Agency Funding Levels ACTION ITEM . 2:35 3 . Discuss. :199.5. Human Services Month.. November INFORMATION ITEM 3415 ;NEW BUSINESS 1. Review Agencies First Quarter.: Rep. ts ' INFORMATION LTEM .: . .25 2 . Discuss finding Business ;Representative TNFORMATI.ON ITEM 3:40 3 , Dis:cuss on on Omitting July or August INFORMAT TEM 450 Commission Meeting . ... . . . .. ............ .. ........................ .... .. . . .. . . RE PORTS 1. Human Services Roundtable INFORMAT QN JTg 4-oq 2 . South King Council of Human Services 3 . Regional Justice Center Update HSAGEN95 .DUNE ' C/TY'OF KENT OFFICE OF HOUSING AND HUMAN SERVICES " l: 1st QUARTER REPORT (January 1 - March 31, 1995J - , ��..­�.�.:... ..: ... �... ..:.-� -'�,-.-w ..:���::�..����.�.�...�%:�:�i..:��..���::::.:...�.%..�..�.%..:...�:.:..�.�l.:.�-......-..........:�.:.�:���...::�..����:. CHILD CARE RESOURCES .W..,t:".%..:::.-...-:......�.�::%..-:.....:.........%,::.�-.l'..-.-::..:.-;..-�:.6:.%......!..%..'.;.....�...:',.-...���.......��-........�l..,................�.4...I..:........-.%.....,.......::..::.-�.....I...:...1:..l�.:l::.........%.-...�..!...'1..�.�7.i.....-.....:....-..:....%%...::�.......�..w.:.,'j'-.....7l..-1..:.:..�..�.......:..1I......:.....................-:..',�......�.....�.....I..%.......%....�:"t..�......:l%. ..:......w........'..%.%.:.....�..:.,.%.:....'�.::.%..:...7�.%... Performance.Measure Annual Goal t...'..�-�I1.'i�.-:�-�.1:--.:�-.�...t.",-—..—�:-�.l-....I his New Units Cumu/a#ive Goal Quarter this Ouarfer (!nits 1995 .%..".,I.."11�..:...7..,.,I:."".,".'�..,1.1'l.�.,m%.'..�.��Z I'1 I.. fl4110. t o Ccty of Kent Clients ,500 . 375 1,567 .587 Served Inform..#ion and Referral Services 260 65 66 66 low:income �c/entsl Technical Assistance`'Hours.: 95 24 64.25 64.. . South County Training Workshops (Kent clients) _ 50 13 17 17 Resource Referral Contacts 1,050 262 834 834 Subsidy Information to Parents 50 72 24 24 ": " Comments: Program exceeded first quarter goals in all categories and exceeded its annual goal for duplicated Kent clients served Although the annual goal was exceeded, Rita`feels 1,500 is a realistic goal and reflects the number of clients Kent pays to have served. CCR does serve more clients than Kent contracts to have served. Rita Haagen will be leaving her position on June 27th, Liz Tesch, who job shares with Rita will be the contact person ;:. . ... :. ::: .. CATHOLIC..COMM ITY:SER E ... ;.....::::: U/V VIC S : . . : ......: .....::......: -:......:..::.....::..... COUNSEL../NG PROGRAM Performance Measure Annual ° Goal this New Units . Cumulative l .`.:.. . . Goa Quarter ` hi o t s Quarter Units 1995 ;: Unduplicated Gity of Ken#Clients 1.65 42 46 ; 46 Served Provide Mental.Hea/th Counseling 9,200 300 58 58 Hours Provide Support Group Hours 90 23 0 0 Comments. Program exceeded first quarter goal for unduplicated Kent Clients served, but fell short of their first quarter goals for Mental Heath Counseling and Support Group Hours. There were limited mental health counseling sessions during first quarter and no support groups because one of the therapists providing these services is no longer with CCS and they were "still in the planning stages." Currently support groups are up and running. .... . . .: . .. .... ........ .. ...: :..... . . : . ....:. .. .. .... .... . .::....... ... .. OfF/C-E.,.-D. F 1. HOUSING &II K.W N SFR�/,C 5 ist aUARTER REPORT ,.. PAGE 3 : CHILDREN S HOME SOCIETY . FAMIL/ES FIRST 1t'-:,-,':,�:,t---t:1�,"I1l 1I,It.�,:--":--.-11--.,.-..I::1.t 1.a,.:.I W 1I1I :��i:��,::...i�...-�-::���.1i1-.�.....-.�.:.-...�...���,..:!.%.l�..�---i���-:i i Performance Measure Annual Goal this New Units NCumu:�:l..��a.,.:.�,,tiJ:,v:�1�-. Goal Quarter this Qtr` Units 1995 Unduplicated C/ty of Kent Clients.... 90 75 ... -I-79 79 Developinental'Screenings & 100 25 3D ; 30 Assessments ...%.��.,-.%.-�-��..�...-:.�..,..�.:..!�.l:%--.�!i-..:.-.�..-..%.-..........%..-..�:-.%.1..%...,�.%.�:-..-.-�.: 66 .66 ... dOd Abuse: C:Earl :.Ch"O.od ...1,800 : 5p0 : : . : : Y....: Intervention Services k%/ 44` 44 Specialized Intervention S s 1,20D :350 : 8 $ Training For Adults Comrnen#s: Program exceeded first quarter goals in a//categories: COMMUNITY SERVICE CENTER (FOOD BANK) FOOD/CLOTHING PROGRAM Performance Measure Annual Goal this New Units Cumu/ative Goal Quarter this Quarter Units 1995 Unduplicated City of Kent Clients 6,000 2,000 5,797 51797 Served Food Assistance 30,200 7,500 7,5$9 7,589 Clothing Ass/stance 19,000 4,500 4,921 4 921 Comments: Program exceeded first quarter goals in all categories. ....:. . .... :............::: ......::. ...:..,........... ... .... .....:..... ... .:..:,: . . .. .. .. ......:..... .... CHILDREN:S::THER,4PY:C�YV7'ER...`: ; ;:.. Cum �v <.. .: ... ...:. . :...........:...:...:.....:. .....:.:....... ::::::.... ..,:.:. . . , P rfo mance Measure • Annual, Goa/;this New nits: :: a. e . r .. .: .:.,...... ....: : . .. .....:::. : . ... . . . . : . ..... . : Goa/ ..•Quarter: `: this Quay#er. Un#s•; .. . .. .. 24 24 24: .. ... Undu i�ca#ed;Ctt of Kent Clien#s 50 ; .. . . . .. Served Prescribed Therapy and Early 340 85 92 92 Education Hours Comments: Program met or exceeded first quarter goals in both categories. OFFICE OF HOUSING & HUMAN SERVICES : -st QUARTER REPORT PAGE 4 CRISIS CLINIC-24HR CRISIS LINE Performance Measure Annual Goal Goa/ This New Units Cumulative Quarter This Quarter Units /995 Dup. Kent Clients served 800 260 627 627 Public Awareness Campaign 4 1 1 1 Comments. Program met or exceeded first quarter goa/s�n':'bo#h:ca#egories %_0 DES MOLNES AREA.FOOD BANK Perforr►iance IV/easure Annual Goal ................................................... .................................... T. Nevy Uni#s. Cumulative Goal Quarter This Quarter Units 998 It ica#ed:Ci#y of Kent Clients 447 225 231 23ln F% amily De/iver�es fdupJ 1$0 45; 32 32 Comments: Program met first guar#er goal for'Undup/ica#ed Kent Clients Served, bu#`fell short of meeting the first quartergoa/for shut-in family deliveries. They were behind due to#wo clients dying, six High/ine Community College Students (clients)getting jobs and five clients moving DOMESTIC ABUSE WOMEN S NETWORK GENERAL DOMESTIC VIOLENCE SERVICES Performance Measure Annual Goal this New Units Cumulative Goal Quarter this Quarter Units 1995 Unduplicated City of Went Clients 140 80 72 ' 72 Served 2 -Hour Crisis Line Assistance 500 �25 300 300 Provide•2 Week/y Support Groups 200 50 49 49 Provide Legai Advocacy 75 19 98 78 Provide Legal Clinics 8 2 3 3 Provide free Consulta#ions with y2 3 5 Attorneys Comments. Program exceeded first quarter goa/s in three out of slx categories. Support Group attendance was behind by one because there is currently no coordinator, and some group facilitator changes have been made. The Support Group Coordinator position has not yet been filled, however the agency is hiring a temporary person to run the groups until a full-time person comes on board. ` Legal Advocacy,clients were behind by one because the'Kent Advocate who refers clients to the legal program was on vacation for the month of March. Robin Lyons is not worried about the unduplicated Kent client count being low because over the last two months since the report was submitted this number has increased to 97 which exceeds their six month goal. ..... . .. . . . ... . ... . %%. % .. . .. . . ..a ... ... ..... . .. :.. . .. .. .. % . {. .. OFFICE OF HOUSING &:HUMAN SERVICES Ist QUARTER REPORT PAGE 5 � �� - � � ��::,,���:��,�,,,�t���:�,��,:����,�t:����� ..I�;:.��:. .�.%.�::.... - so � ...� ��:.:� �:%:��::.. DOMESTIC ABUSE WOMEN'S NETWORK CONE/DENT/AL SHELTER Performance:.:Nleasu...re Annua! Goal this Ne;w Units Como/a'twe' Goa/ Quarter 1` #his Guar#er Units 1995 .%,�.N1..:,.i......,--.....�,.�..�.:..,�:......�.,�,.� itdupl/cafed City of Kent Fam/lies Served 10 3 5 5; ..R...%..:..-.�.- ...::.�.,..R..:.�....,.:�j Bed Nights Provided 280 TO 134 134 Counseling Sessions Provided 20 5 5 women 5;women 9 sessions 9'sessrons . ... Kent Shelter Referral 41 41 Comments: Program me#o..exceeded first gwarter goa/s in all categories. KING COUNTY SEXUAL ASSAULT RESOURCE CENTER Performance Measure Annual Goal this New Units Cumulative Goal Quar#er this Quarter Units 1995 Unduplicated City of Kent Clients 45 12 30 30, Served information/Referral/Crisis 19 5 14 14 Intervention &Peer Counseling . .. Shor# Term aid Long..Term 75 18 39 39 Ch/ldren%$ Services ...:...::.:.:...........:::..... ..... . ,. ... L . a//Medics/;Advocac 3 :: ;'' 1:' . .: 9 . ....:........... ..........:. Y... .......:..:.... .. Comments: .'; ;Program»tet:or;exceed..d'.first uarter;goa/s in al/categor es:`% .. . . . .. . ... . ... ..... . 6I. . ..,. ..::::- I...:; .1 C KFNT:Y..':.:.W7'H.;:$�:.FAIVI,%....`:.,::E....:..ES:::;:. •: :::: FAM/LY/SE1fUAL ABUS.. .... NSEI -A, Performance:Measure Annua/ ' Goal this New Units Cumulative Goa/ Quarter this Quarter Units 1995 Unduplicated City of/Cent Clients Served 112 42 87 87 Provide Counseling Hours : 798 205 240 240 1. 1. Comments: Program exceeded first guar#er goals in all categories. .. .. :. . .. .. .. . .% ..... ...i..- .: i .i. . . ...%.. . ... i % .il.. . :.::i . ��:%. � :. . , . ... . . . .. .. . . . .. . ..... : ... ..... .: ..1 - .: .. . . ....% .. . . : ...: . .. .. - .. . . .. . . . ... .i... .... . . . . .%. .:..... : .:���.i��:.��:��... . .. . ." .. . ..... .i:: 1...: %.�.-- ...1 .... .. . . . ... . ... .. :......%.: .%... . . .% .. ... . . . .. . % .. . .. . .�: . . . .- 1. .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . . ... . . . .. ..... .. :... :.: : . .. . . . ...1 .%.....:. :.%.: .i-.:: .1.....1 :.. ..%...�-%..: �: : �...: .:::.�::%. i �.. .. ....... ... . . .. .... .. . .. . .... . .... : :. .. .. . ......... .. .. :.. .............. .. .. ............ . ..: .: .. . . .. .. . . . % .. .. 1WCE.0F HOUSZN.G &.;HUMAN SERVJC%ES`; % : : ` 1st QUAiI RTER REPORT PAGE 6' KENT YOUTH&FAMILY SERVICES KENT JR HIGH SCHOOL DROP-IN CENTER Performance Measure Annual Goal this New Units Cumulative Goal �11Quarter th/s Quarter Units 1995 Undu licated City of Kent Clients 100 30 79 791.1 P Y Served ............:: ..-.� ii : � :....A...��.. ... � .i�� .......� Provide Direct S#a0/hours 368 128 134 134 Individual Counseling Sessions 175 50 . 78 . 7$ Comments: Program exceeded firsf quarter goa sn all ca#egories. KEl11T YOUTH:&FAIL/t 1r,$ERV/CES TEEN PARENT TRANSITIONAL /IOUS/NG PROGRAIN Perforrance!V/easure Annua/ G,�al this Jllev- Uni#s Cumin.:.%..�..i..:.:.%.�i-.-...:::.%'.........I..:..:.�...�:.��..,I...:..::o...�....:-...7... Gaal Quarter this:Quarter Units 1995 Unduplicated City of Kent Clients Served ' 11 5 14 1:4 . . Provide Educational/Vocational 11 5 14 14 Services Provide Independent Living Skills 11 5 14 14 Training' Comments: Program exceeded its annual goals in al/categories. . PREGNANCY.AZ D ...........::..: ..:.,:.:....:;..:::...,.....::.:.:.:::........ ........:...:... . ..... Performance Measure Annual Goal#his Nevv Units Cumulative .. . . .. . . . . ........ ::..:...... ... .:.. .. ........... ... .....:....:.. ..:::.:. Coal Quar#er thisQuarter Uni#s::1.995 Unduplicated Ci#y of'Kent Clients ' tl 2 ' S 5:. . ` . .Served .. Number of Bednigh#s:Prov/ded 300 7502 1U2 .. Comments Program exceeded its first quarter goals in both categories IN SEN/OR SERY/CES OF.::SEATlLE/K... ..G COUNTY... Performance Measure Annual Goal this New Units Cumulative Goa! Quarter this Quarter Units 1995 Unduplicated City of Kent Clients 60 19 : 35 35 Served Total Mileage Provided b y VTS ' 11,645 3,230 5,124.9 5,124.9 Number of One-Way Trips Provided 602 162 266 266 Comments: Program exceeded first quarter goals in all categories. ....- ...% .... . ... : : ... .... : .....:; :.....: fF/CE.:OF HOU /NG.$c;HUMAN:SERVICES .: U S T P: AR ER RE OR' % 7st QU . T PAGE" 111 7 ,. . SOUTH KING COUNTY MULTI-SERVICE CENTER EMERGENCY SERVICES PROGRAM Performance Measure Annual Goal#his New Units Cumulative Goal Quarter this Quarter Units 1995 Unduplicated City of Kent Clients 380 123�it 970 170 Served Provide Transi#ona/Housing. 73 13 17 17 lindwidualsJ a1,:-,�,:...%...%. ��i�:-it,�-�-�:--��.%.�.1���.:.1....-1t:.:.---...1,-,..%.I��%�I�......�!..%..��,.1:�:-�.%.--01��-..:1:�...1-::......:�:.: I'rovrde Emergency Housing 239 A 56 56 'vidu`/s �..�...�!.,1�. --II-,1 I::�..�-..1�.7%jI�.:,_.-1-��-.���,.1��..�-�:,:-�;,-��.%%�::,:...�,I..:::I,-�.�...��:-:.%�..1-.q,,�..-.�:,..1:%:1.��!11.1-.%-.��.�..I..1.-11.�...,.:%.�..1..:�,:�.1,:.�..�,�.�-%.-1 1...%.��.-.,:�......::.��:,�7�.�.1-�..:�...%.�:.l-:%��-:.:t�:.!�%...:1%%%,:..-:.%.:1I.'7.,:,"1 11:.-%...:I.,,%,',1"�..�-..'-..-.1t,�I%.:%.:�.1:'I,�.:.-:...,..:-.-.��..I.i-,;�...,�..:�...-��.�1-��,7.:,.:::...:...i.,t...�%-�.�:�.:-..'%...�..%.�.%,�:.��.%�1-i:,.--.-::I��l-.�,.7.1,.i..--.:,�.::1..,:::-tI��..1-�...::...:...:.,�...'�.l.....�....AI.:;:�.:.......:�........:'......:,.:.::�..�.::.:�,":�.:7.,�....:".-..�%.:%..,,.-:.".%:.1..7..-�....:%::-.�.%..,'...,.:.1%�.....�.�:-..:��..-�..,.' ....%I.�%..�...�%.�..::.�.....�"%�I:.�.l.:%.'...%.......:.I..::.:-...:%t...:.::�':-...T:..:.......i:...:%.i:%-.....� . ..{/n:. . a:1... Provide Single Residency Occupancy 109 18 18 HQus/ng`!lndividualsJ Provide Financial Assistance' 110 32 79 79 :...�.,:.-�%,1;%.%.......%...�... //rdividualsJ Comments: Program exceeded first:u rtergoals in al/categories except SRO Housing where they were behind by only:one person. VALLEY CITIES COUNSELING AND CONSULTAT/ON Performance Measure Annual Goal this New Units Cumulative Goa/ Quarter this Quarter Units 1995 Unduplicated City of Kent Clients 30 18 18 18 Served Mental Health Counseling Sessions 600 150 171' 171 C©mments Program met or exceeded first quar#er goals rn both categories .... . W*% .GTON:WOMEN'S..EMPL4YMENt•&EDUCATION . . Performance Measure Annual Goa/this Me jUmts Cumulative . .. 5oal Quarter this Quarter Uri#s 1995 7, `:. 7 .'..:.`::::': . Unduplicated City of,( t /11 is �2 3 . ;: . . Served . .. . . %b Readin 7'rainin Class �2 : 3 9 . ... ..... ............:.... .... .: .::7:. ;::: :7:'..::.:.::.::.;:.::': Enter Skills/Education Training 7 1 0 0. Program Enter Employment 3 0 0 0 Comments: Program met or exceeded first quarter goals in all categories except Skills/Education training program where they were behind by one person. Lynn Roberts said that this is not a concern because the program has a larger enrollment than usual and the goals. will be met by next quarter.. hslgtr.rpt `'< .'.: CITY Of — A'T `.., II d��II � AGENDA KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION Scheduled Work 'Session for June '5, 1995 12 :30- 4:30 PM Kent Senior Center (Arts Room) F>`00 East Smith; Kent .: m . .... !.. ...... .. .. Commission Members I,ucyle W . ..% %., Chair Janer..Wilford, Vice Chair Mary L'ou Becvar Dee Mo3che7 . Melvin Tate . . Mark Mod.er Judie 'Sarff Judy Woods;, Council President Work Session 12 :30 - Commission Discussion 1s30 - Kent School District .. .. .. . . u s' ri . 2. 00.: - Commission Disc s 1o..:.. .... . . . .. ....... . k Commission Brea : . . . . . .::. .... . :..: ... . . . .. .:...:..... .. ............. . . , l . h `&'`Fam . Serv 'ces :30 �........:......:Kent.....:Yout,..:...:.....,.:..:..,:....... ..y....:: ..:.....:.,. .. .:..... . .......:. .......................: .::.: ...... . . . . . . . :....... :... .. .... ...:....:::: .:.: :.....:.:.......::..: .. . ::..:... .:.:.. :.... .....:.::...... ......... .,... .:..:...::...,.....:.. ....:., ...;.::.:...:...........::... CUS S l OTl:.`. 3::15 - Commission Recap/Dis, 4`:3 0 Adjourn (R-:,�- 1 1 1 % : .: . ..%..:% �. �. : . .% . %: ... �� I 11 11 �� ''I I 1 �,�. . .. . .. . . . . . . 1, - �111- : .. i.:- .. . . . : .. . . ,:,� I . :� . 11, 111, 11, 11 ,11 , i %: . ... . . 1:1: : �: 1, � : I :-- 1 , , , � III . : % . . .. . . ... . . .:.!.I . .. . .. . ., ''I'll'' , 11 - ... . . . .: . . .. .... . . ........ i . .. 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I 11 MI.:"I'I,j'­I"�­I''I,�ll�ll�,,:_,,,',:'�,'�,:,,'_,,,��,,�z",,�,"�,�_,�'��''1,"�`'',,1,��,:�1,.�,�, ... .......:....:.:.:.%...�%..%...:...:...�.. :: CITY 4F KENT 1996 GENERAL FUND & BLOCK GRANT ...�............. I ..%.:..........-. . ..... .: .... HUMAN SERVICES APPLICATION REQUESTS HUMAN SERVICES GENERAL FUNDS AVAILABLE: $349,406 1. Catholic Community Services Counseling $10 000 Emergency Assistance $24,000 - Cold Weather Shelter $21000 2 Central Seattle Community;Health Center Refugee Health Advocacy Project .. .. . : 0 . . es . $12,000 3, Child Care Resouc...... 4. Children's Home Soeiety -'Families First $14,000 . ; :.. : 5. Children s Therapy Center; :Schola. ..... . .nee:' .._''....,..:.'.�.W...�,���:�..-,,�,�.i.R..�.%".,�,.:_.�1..:,..!,1 I....,...­O.-.......::..-­1.�...�..:�.R.�...�....�_...:..�:....:...%.:..:......%...%.:..�:...!...%%:...��%.....­.�..-...�...,... $40,000 . 6. Community Health Centers of King County - Kent Community Health Services $55,000 7. Crisis Clinic of Seattle-King County -Telephone Services $7,500: 8. Domestic Abuse Women's Network (DAWN) -'Confidential Shelter $10,000 Domestic Violence $47,000 .. . ... . . .. . n % % RE. TJ.ST WIT'I DRA VN ; 9. Des Moines Area.:Food Ba..k. : .. 1 .% Q .. . . . ...... . 10. KennCommunit Service Center Y %-%Food and Shelter %1. % $2.1,500 c . ` ` .`: ' . % . . . . .. . 1,1, Kent School;Distri t . . - Futures ?Club . 15,250 . . . . . . . . ... .. 12: Kent Youth'8c Famxl Services . " _ .. . Family Counseling $50,000 Kent Junior High Interyenhon,11 Specialist $10,000 Teen Parent Housing , : $6,000 ( 1I King County Sexual Assault Reso11 urce Center Comprehensive Sexual Assault Services $24,000. :... -- - � �:� �;� , .. .... . .... :%%::.. - - .. . ... . . . %f:. : � ��: .. ..... . ... .. . .:..:%;�:%�:%���. . . . .. . ... ..... .....% %- �. .. . . . : % � .�- i- ��� � .�.. ..:...% - ...:�...- - ��. .. ...�- :�:� ....... 14,` Pregnancy Aid - Shelter �...........:.� $5,500 11 I I,,I��...�..%.-..�.-1...%:.1.�:�� ��IA�­���..1i��­�.:���I-,­.��1:%.:::..�...­..�:..�­��;����...1���:­%%.,:��:...�­�­:..:t:...�,...�:�%1I,:.­i:...�i..�.%..%.�.,1....���..:��...�1,1..-:%.-�­:-�.��..!�:�i:­..i:.%...::�.'I:.::­i l�%:.�...:���...,:,���:.:..:­i.:...,�..�:.­%...:..'I_�..��_.%....����.�1�11:j­.:..�t�.:.�:�.:-1­%i'�%.%:..�­..�:��;..,(�­_t..i.-:II�����.%....:%...%%:��.-.,%_:%.....'�::...,....I�..-11-..��:_:.�:!,%%...:-��:��..:/�..�...l�:...�:��...-.....­,�..�::........�.,.%.!-_t��.:..:I��::�.��,.,:�.%..,1����-!...�l...­;�.:�.:�­%.�II,.��..%.......I�t.:.,:..%�:,.�...�,,.,���.:.,­­.:..'��%..�,:t:..��I...�%....:��%..­�.:.t:.:..�t:..'�-..1-_�%�t­�..,_..�...t:%:.,_­..:.1�%.....%:,,..:-,:��:��.�..:1,_:I...�­_.�..-.�:�..�.­:�.-..:.��..1,.i......,1l�:.�..­�%.::�.i.:­:�..�,­,t_....-­l.,��.%...�...,:�%..%1.�...:�.I,�..��.�.:��....�.�.-:,l.�.��.1,,.::.%.,-'�.:�.�...�-�__:..,:!:...1.��..%.l.�l��%.�...�:."­.::,t�%..,1,­....�:..l..�%��,��..1,,��::.��%,_;'­:%.l.�...,t......."��%...;�%�.%�,..a��­:..�:%t..::::�:.;,�..l....'-�::i."­�...�%%.��,­.....�!�:�..�._,��:��.,�.:.:­-:�:�!%.%��t%��...�,.�:­1.i:;��..i.:!!-��.�­,%....�.I%.�'�.,,��:.�.%��_.���..�­:�:.-�,�..���%..�,��:��..-..­!�:.­�:.%....�"­%:;._��_.,i�:.'_�,t��...��.�:..,.:.::,:.I:....--,.�..��:�.�:��1...,�.:..�­�%.;�...,-',���.,_�.::.��:..%..�:��..�,,....�._�.:.��:....�.�%..�.%.:%%.­l�.�..'��!%::..��._...�,�:�i�....:%,,..�.:!�­t���.-����..­����,t..:��t��...%%��.�.....��.%.1:.��...:..��.��,v,-..,;��:.%�,,:­..I1,�::.­_.'!�.%',­,%�..l,��:.�..:..'�_�.:..,���!.�­­%'����.1�,,,I,..1.�......,:�.�:�.:���.%.:.%II'�,�..­��.:,��.��.�.­:.:,��I.:�.1_..:._I������_.:.���:.....':�..,�:�':�-­...­:-:���%...�":..%:1-���%�,:��.�..,��.%..._'',:..."�::�.�.­�i.:.�.....�'-,�!..,:.�,�_..%.::.":.1,�.:..::.���.�...:...%%:.1:�.%���:.,,1�!-­.:��%1:.I-;��!-�,­!��.:.�!��.....�.�..__'"..�..:,!-:��...%,��.%��..�j�l�-'�,I��%..I���.�,_.::��:��.��­_...����.._..�.1.:...:�.-...­�__.%.���.�:..:'I%_:,���.�...,­,-.-%.��%��j%::��.:,�.:...�,��:%...�!:::...':_�I����.�.1,'�:%...,��..�,-...!..._���_��.��.,.:,:.�..,,__,.��..:.'..��....1'_::...:.��..l��:I.._.:�.I._��..I�t.:...�,���:..:.�,:��..".'��..%..��:�:.-����%..%:-'�%..,_....�..%.:,��:...�..:.-�..1���,�,.:I�...%.:­�.:%�''.��,.......I�­�..�,�..A:.�,..:.�:t�.­:�...��:�%.�.�I 1:%:.Ii1�.::�,,�..����..:.�", 15, Senior Services of Seattle-King County -`Meals on Wheels $7,000 i.�..�:..�.........:-%.:...%.%..�..%..:...��..�..:..�:�..�.....%.:%.�.��.1..�.:.......�..%..%.�.�:...:!..,....::�.i..:..�.��-..-...�.�%i.-...1 1!M%��...�.!�%.i�..%.�........%....�...:-��:.......%:...�..����.:.. ........:..�..�.�..:....�...:..�.:.�:.�...I��!1:.!..:%�......�:�.::..�....�­%.%..�%.��.::.%.�.:..:.....:..%.:_:�%:i�...�:.­..:�....%�.�..R..�. -:Volunteer Transportation $51016 ...­�I�...'I1��l:�.II,�,I:�-��.-.,l�::.�I:...��_...7�..�1_...'1."�...':%,i 7..:...�:_,�.�..����..-II!..:.�.-, _I'i ..:�-......­%%...,.......�...%.'..�....�­%i- 16, South King County Multi-Service Center - Energy Crisis Intervention $25:000 -;Family Stabilization & Housing Support $30,000 Literacy $9,760 : 1.7. Valley Cities Mental.Health, $18,000 18, Washington 1Vomen's Ernployme it & Educations ) y Comp'uter Applications for Career D;evelogment : $i2,500 -'7ob Readiness Training 12,000 TOTAL H.S. GENERAL 'Ul'+�DS REQUESTED $501::%% .... BLOCK GRANT HUMAN SERVICES APPLICATION REQUESTS TOTAL ESTIMATED H.S. BLOCK GRANT FLTND5 AVALIABLE: $56884 1, Community Health Centers of King County $25,000 2. Emergency Feeding Program of Seattle/King County $8,507 3 YWCA.of Seattle/King County . Anita Vista Domestic Violence Transitional Housing $29,000 . .. .. .. TOTAL $.S, BLOCK GRANT FUNDS REQUESTED $62,507 revised: 5/10/95 be/applicat.ion\hsgenfun.96 . .. .. :::...::::.:::..::::::: .: :::::.:::.:::;:::::::.:....:.::::::...;......:::- .......:::..:>%::.::.: ,... ;.::::,::::::.;::.::::;::::::;::::.:.: ::....:..:::.:::.::.::::......:.. .:. . . . .. . % .. %.......... .. .. .: . .%.::......:..::..:.... .. :. . . ... � . . . .��...���:��%�:��.�..�..�....���:: . .,I I:..�.� ...%........ . .. .. . . : .. .%I : . .. .... ��:.%..:�...%.. ... . . .. . ..... . . :%...--. . .:....:.% �: ..:� ....:..�..�:�%.%..�:. .�.�:,.�7..�.% ..... . . .. . .... ... .: -.-.% -- .. .. . ...��:�;�..: . . .: %��.�%%. . . : ... ��!�..��..:�. ... .. :..�... ::::��:..�.. % .... ��!-�:���:.:�. . .%... . .. .. . �:�%��...�:.. . .. . . .��:�;:%.�..�.��.-�� .%R............ . ....: . CITY OF;Z� .. AGENDA' , KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION Scheduled Work Session for June 16, 1995 : ' 8 :30 AM - 4:30 PM Kent Commons (Stage 'Room) 525 4th Avenue North Kent *PLEASE NOTE THE'CFiANGE IN MEETING LOCATION � . . . ... I 11 %:.- R :: % Commission' Members Lucyle` Wo%oden, `Chair Janer% ;Wilford%, .;u..ce Chair Mazy Iou Becvar Dee Mosch� Melvin Tate Mark Ntoder Judie 'Sarf Judy Woods,'; Council President %,. Work Session 8 :30 - Commission Discussion 9 :30 - Kent Youth and Family, Services - Program Managers 10 : 30 1I I II I I - :Commission Discussion .1..j.. - South King County Mu .ti-Service Center: .:...:..... ...... ...:.:: ::.....:..,...:. ..:...:..:..:......:..:.....:.::: .... . . . ....: ,..:.:... :, .. .....,:..D.. 11 :30 . Commission scuss 'on ` .... .. .1] 45 Lunch. .. , . . . .. ...:....:...:.:.......::..: : ... .. .. .... ..........:..:::..........................:.;..:.....: .:.: ... .... Kent: .oath ';and Faint Services. Managemen11:t Team. 12% :4 5 1:.4 5 Bre...e:::...: ::::.:. .::::.....::: :. :..... ... .:.....:.::.:......... .... ... .... .. ....... .....:.. :. ........., .:. :: . :... ., . ... ::.: : :.:........ :. :::. . .::. . 2 :,00 Commission; Discussion . . : ;;.. 4 ;30 11 11 1�, - A11 djourn 2aginter. 96 ..... �%��I�..:..... .... % .. .. .. . ... . . - - . . %:. . . ::��.% :::. ��. %-�.�:%-..:.�.:.�.: .. .. .. ....... �. - .. � - .%%1.. ..% .... .. ... . .%-- -:%%.::.:1: :.:: . .. .. : ..%:%.. .��.:�'..;;�%%���1%.. ..��:....%. ................... .�.�..�%�..... ..�%�i.���.:...�.. ...%.� . ..... ... ......... NN.. .. .:. ... . . . . I ... . . - . . . .... - .­%.%. . . . .: .� % � � : .�%�:�.��!: ��%�%. I . ...... .. -... ..- .:%::%.� ..: . ... .............. ........ ..., ,� ,"�_ 1, 1 - - - -.. .. ........ .%....%......... %.%.. . :%.� :% : -%: _:..............%.:.. .. .. . .. ...%... :..... .... . F :.- QUESTIONS SOUTH KING CQUNTY MULTI-SERVICE CENTER ENERGY CRISIS INTERVENTION PROGRAM l) Please describe your program's operation and scope: : ... . 2) What is your program's relationship to the South King County Multi-service Center? . 3;I Has anything been done to address improving access to your program especially during the peak season? Is your program still not taking walk-ins? 4) What is : the prospect ;for Federal LIHEAP funding? ;How will. your program react to ;any changes .in this Federal funding. .. .. ... .... . . . .... . . .. , 1. .............. .....:.....:..... ......: ...... . ... .. .. : 5 ;Please. :;e.x lain :how• . our ro ra.m we'll be.. .:'able..: to .'half its.. : . % ). p Y P g . .. expendituresn 1996 as Indicated in your application l s. pN v * Ig t x " 1 �' s '. $.5 '€ v'- r c _ > ass t -ir .a"pia••> IN- 'Ss n/,'tt ?; tlt 43C.. ,Yv.Pox t srszVIEV, t 3 3T s'a 3,'.'i}4) 3...Y,ha6 .if a ills e 35a t '01 i 06)61)1=is,12. tiClt' ?It t<'� ulll Y in s L tail � or�rt ;+ -enter.!:: pry, a� +, .9 } t t 0 outl.J,36 3l Stf��t � W :'.S" am"'L Ti7, !;ys)�a.tl 1 t ,3i.lt.; .>f !� , :; .�_� ��. g a'uur uppor�t si k ep the Carrell lialid�g 1 e1 at ,:31 ti"l i;Ili,ti t37a _. . ;,!'t,)%', ,,.. .;r "it iilie tit at i k jmg Cotinty� The cent+n is:1 HII- p hn w' , ,t a:,ubstwWll 1+Lc;6r,,t,£ tt k< a, 7 , - tarWlic-s in this oomtywlio axe in S]e,wd of�Ilt l au,,kiw-4wu,,x. An adds ut it L nuts,vill Create tt severe h rds'ttio to u �t favil31ies,the Wirr{'23`.'_g Poor ivvho aru at-125%aad be Jow c&fxjvem, thte I cat n c 0,b wg th%% s+sinter month-s m a,Y"i challenge zi—n t4-y offum xesori to f it otz tl t bilk-c't tex allwi°ztal vcs inn effort to sm enerygy_ In 1995 Tiric:"UREA2 program sxmcd 4415 fa i es in.S'mth King.County,this l-c pt's'sms uuh 218%Of ! 11 t 1ljg1' Ii ist3°ial «ii311'sIlfii3j.VviC.t£. ftill !t.' It flJ .'`i '; �h'lil"3 4f s i�ls fb'k1# '?a cyisir, Without Weral fituding3 is ris will fall on sou Y locall Iliti s and,C,oum ics who `e-not irls t e ► � 1 progr bai[izts; r.z� ll in6 1110Me CAt is ales.3s ,aspect.of shelter aartd k11 �i�ck of �rxie hosting,l:�: thrust t� l�ralth,>£efety, asxdli sit"ID '1snccime.thtniiies.: l�isrr ttiaa�60r t bok4r- sistaace live n sntiGial ul�uzn�Uf less ti it) c.Uti(+ ruiliall T,x�nsl,.ilie � c D }11 T 1.1^.'.�x trt i�:T households spend op residential energ is,ikk}at 10 614°til D1`thelt tDt81 i �Dle• Tti6 tlt s!f t!cil� ti}�u hrrr,� .laciilttllus iD riLs utility rlites cciittittu�kao tlp, l " es. Pr arse elderly, d1 nc L acer It c, le rllrit remit it tz? ti;i ll�;iifc ttii t tz,;;alf�[P44Vc M i4114mt tO VC enemy 41 I..tFff--1 1 ,37T1:"till} 3 4=,. _2 _ci 3 .,_.t�IT elvvirtt' tL.I�ZII d.r'aa '.�1 ''tliL!ti. f t.TI d k%Ith Vas.may 3r_i o-'fiL,&go 1)t,t J,i3." te=sS',,._J.,, 1 a12 _}Lv9l_I c„ i . .. . . .. . .... .. ..... .:. :::: :::% �� . . . . 1 �%...:.ii . .. .. .. :..%........... ...�% � , i .......�.:.... .i. %. . :...�� : .. -� : .-.. .�... . . . . .... . .. . .. ... ... : %.i ...1. .:%. .. .: .. . . . . ..1 1 -� . �:.%.�-::�.:.;.��. :..::,����.�. .. . . ... . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. ..� . . . %�%...... . .. ....i:..�� i.. ..�..����� . CITY QF IEW CITY OF KENT �II�si PLANNING DEPARTMENT 2©fi) 859-3390 MEMORANDtTM June 2' . 19 9 5 TQ:, RUMAN SERVI77�C77 ES AGENCY T)IRECTfl. . . :: FROM. SALLY GZLPIN, HUMoI�T SERVICES PLANNER SUBJECT. HUMAN SERVICES Mfl+IT.w The City o Ken , s Human Services Commission; is ]poking ahead to Human Services ; Month in November, i995 . ' To help celebrate Human Services Month' andsto thank agency staff fb their devotion t- human servi.ces' in our community, the Commission is considering having Nancy Amidei from the .University of T' hirigton`' s School; of Social Work, give a` presentation She is a vivacious and inspiring speaker with both practical and unique ideas on lobbying and �F,_ developing; lobbying skills 'that' can be used effectively at the . . A Federal and State level. As funding sources for human services agencies become scarce and the competition for funds becomes greater, the Commission :was wondering if you and your board members would -be interested in hearing Nancy Amidei' s thoughts on the subjec Some of you may have already heard her speak when she made a presentation for the South King Council Human Services last Winter. We:11-are writing this memo to ask for your feedback and find but' if you would: be interested in attending such a presentationiii: i November %of 1995Te really need to hearrom :you ;because the ,, Comma sc%ion, needs to know a there% is sufficient% interes %t before . e.tainin.. :....NanC: :..,.....:.Plmas:e.......:take...%::,. ::...`Ji m6nt.....:..to:..::..:Comp:e..e,........the........:attache�:::.. . . ...11 . ...... r g y information sheet and return to us ` �n the enclosed 'enve;lope no later '.than; July 10th. If ou have questions;, please: call Rachel Johnston at 850-4789 or Betsy Cark ;at 850 4784 . CC: James P. Harris, Planning Director Lin Ball, Human Services Manager Rachel Johnston, Planner : - �:, ; , , . - .:..m. - :: , , ...... ..... %.:.:%. � ,I, ''. .. ,: ,� . .. ...�� I I�I, , . Agency Name Please make a check on the line next 'to the sentence that reflects your opinion and return to the Kent Planning Department in the enclosed envelope. If you are interested in` attending the �1..1��:.%.��,1��::z���'�:�:I��..,1,-..���:�-����-�:�.:::..,��-�,,�:�.:,��..����t%��:-�..�::��t-..��.,���'�:..��I��:�:::.-:�-�.-I-:t..�����.!�%�,�,-:,.,��.I��.,f�t�:.I:�t.I��:,�.�J��,-�:�.:;,:..�:l!�-�..-����`:-��i�..����...,i��..�.�;-,..:-�,-�.�I(-,t�.�-:.�_:;...:!��-,�..�!.�����,..�.��!l�.�,����-:�,�.�:..-.-�.-���,�-.�,�:,:.!:i%..!�,,:I:I����-..���.�.—:��,.:::��::�--�,��..�::���;::��,�:�-:l::���,�.-�.'�:.%--��:�::k:..�t:�,�.,�:��-.:�:,�"�,.�-,�:�l!,-,::..1�:�,'�t�:_,�-�:��.:::,���-.-,-.,f t.t::��..�.����::,::,"�_�-.,�1.���,..%��,�:.�.i-.:.�.��:-�,t:-I��:....1�,,-.:,�,,�:��!::�",I.-.�.��t%,.:�..,�.�::�.�--��,�,:�.,�.�,!sI,�.��:,,�.�:.t��..,:-:�.�,-�.�%.:,,�tt:�'�:,:!�t��-�,:-.%l:,.�...��-:�,­t.,:,�l�:..,"-��%!�:!'�.��:�:,����-,.�.1.'I�:��.:-�t,�,��-.-II-�,%�.-�:,,.,��.%�:�,'�:.,,,;�:�..:,%�,,:�::.-,,�,,�;:�...1-�:.:-�.�.'':�::�i�:�,--�:.�1:�i��'-,�,��!-,�.,�:1..::��!:���,:--,:�::.�:-����,:�!.:-j�-:i����..I.���:�,�1.'-��-.�,�1.,-1_,::::�:..:����,.,��,j..-,:����L!.���:..,.1�%J�,�,�:-�J:,���!1�.,,��-�--���.��1�,:,'�..,:���%�:-'i���-�.:.�,�:���:�:.I�-t-.:�_��:-:,:-,�i�..­i�:.-��":���� presentation, please note the:�:�.::;.N:�.-:�...:..%:..:.:...:.:......::.:%....-..�1....:�%..-....::.:.�:...:..��.1!%��...,......�%-�::...�..::.—.%.%...;......:...�..!...i....�i.�:I�...:.�...%..�..:.%:..�:....:.-:%.:%.:.:..%�.-%�...:..�..�..c.�..%:.:.­:..:.....��....-:.:.�.:...day and time which would be best for i44nk your',,,".-��:.,,M,I�:-...."I���.II.%.....l:I 111-...,-�....�.:­,�-,%%.--,.:�_�.:,�,,..i.I..-,���...1�..�1�.%.-.:.�..'I�I%1.�I1,:..-I1j1..!.1.",,1...-l--i�:1..1..I�.1�:,:.:.,.,,-..-�.-'1.­%%,-I..":..:..��...�'-..1::1..1�,.....�.�1...�.!-1l�...�:1,1...-%:1.'��..1,:l%....-:.1,...:.i,..:�---....�I-.I�I 11I...I::..,1�...I�...:'.,1.�.�......�,..�I::.,,.1,-...1,I!...:.:......1�....�."-�:.%1.,:�:�I..1 ncy staff , and board members would be interested in a resentation b Nanc' 7�midei 1 ..Npvember P Y Y convvenient day and time for the presentation would be No, we would nct be interested in attending suck a presentation * Please return comments to Rachel Johnston by July 10th, 1995: Thank you! ...... ,.:.. . . 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MEMORANDUM .....�......:......._...:...�..:..._...%��i........_''�:.....,._...........�,.............:.:..:.......:-..:..�. ..,...........�:..,'...­�,....�............._............................".7........I...:.;.....,.,.:.�:.�...:.....1I.....:.�...�.�....:.�1........,.......:�":....�...............%.........,......:.......... ..:.......,�..:.:-�,I.......,�.;.:.,..........:!".._...��..I:I�..�.''......�:%....._­.:%::..%..1:�........I_,..%.�....:II........I. i��-...,�:,,:.�..,...�:I,::.......I..-'_.._,,�.�.,,,,�._",.,­,�.��,,�.��­...I:-.:....�.�..:',:1-I%_�._­,,".�t,._1I1",�!....,��I­.-.����.­I,�,�...%!:'��,�:­�.:,_t�­....:,��_:.�.:.�:.',;,.1�%.,....:,��%.­,­,:���,"1�,I:_:'��.�... June 30, 1995 ,'�....11,I,�,t:.1.,:,�!�.l 1...:­.-�'­.�,,1.:...,I.,'��%II,�.....�'���:.�­.�,::t,;.�:.�i�..�:.:,t.._:.:...�1�,1,....I�:.I1",,�:.�­1�,,.1,.I:1�%%.::,..­,,l�.....-,:��i''­.":"'!�1�:­-����..:!:-__..��.,��....1,,I,�:-.�,l11�,1�..'I:1:.,:.,..1.:,,,,,�.�:1_�...1:.'1.��.:.�,�'. TO: MAYOR JIM WHITE AND CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS ::'::COMM ::..','�:....':.,,::_��..I1'�:,....­ SIGN::: .,:,::..:I,�­.,:­..,,,,.:',_:�.:....,,��.-%-�_.l.�'..,.I�.,,:,�..�.J:�..:.�,'11,...,::.���,,,:,:.:,:_��.�._:_1�,:.'���.:,;::..,.�::.,:�.,:­,:.:_.:,�..:­,�,���.�.:,.,,�.''',.....,,1���I._.,I�:�%,��::�:.1�,��.:�,,,.:.'J::,:�-:_,I�i,.� ,,,�.:,',.:.'',��...',I!�l��.:.��_:i­.,,�.�.�.I',:t�:.',.�'�:���,_�..�I�.�..:..­_�,:��,�i1''1�,�.I.�;�:..,_:I,:%...,t..._­'__...�,_:�.�1,_:_�._�_�.....:,1...j���:��_...:_:,1,.-.':.,1...�'...._I��.!�'I.'_..:.�!.,,'�I-�j�i..,_1�,��.._;�%::......._,_,,i:.....1�1..:.­�..,....1,:.�1�__..��.1I'_,_��.:..,':'�_...,��..%­.I 1,1_.....­­�..:��,_�...,:1��:%'..i._:,_��-:�:.i�.....%.._-���_.%..l::1I:"1�:....'_1I:_.....i."�',I1�..._'.���:.�..�_.:.�. �i�:,_l1��1..�..:�,i%1 1 "�_1 i.k...­..:_�-::I1�:.�.'�.,'....,.._.�1 FROM: LUCYZE WOODEN', Ci�AIF, HUMAN SERVICES IS. RE. RECOMMEND,ED 1996iUMAN SERV'I:CES.::.''AiaL.. T'.... N : ` The Human :Services Commission has completed its review ...of 'the enerai Find and Community Development $lock Grant (dDBd) Qublic (human) services funding requests for 1996 Attac ed are the recommended allocations for` 21 General Fund programs and 4 CDBG . ro rams : We; are forwarding our recgmmon ions .. . for ; p g inclusion sn tYe proposed 1996 General Fund budget The review process becomes more difficult each year because of increased human services needs and limited funding. The City y ` received 26 General Fund and four CDBG application requests for 1996 human services funding. The General Fund- requests totaled $502, 056 and the amount available for 1996 is; $$349, 406 . The CDBG requests totaled $62, 507 and the amount available for 1996', is $47, 923 . As you can see, $152650 more was asked for than he $3,49, 406 General Fund amount allocated by the 1% 'ordin nce.. During the application` review process the Commission carefully evaluates the level of the program services provided to Kent residents Historically, the commission has utilized the City'7 . adopted funding priorities when determining funding ` needs ... .: .. Pro ramp .ranked a ; Prior t ' 1 and 2 are given top priority and g Priority 3. programs are given a lower priority in the decision ,n ` : roce. Real z n , make that prove ding pretrer�tatve services g p g which go hand :in hand :;with emergency responses ...s essential to addressinglong term solutions for human services., the Commission ave ,o equal status .,t,o Priority' s 1 and 2 .. In making their ;funding ... g . . . decisions, : e Commission also gook into consideration the number of low-income persons served, the number •;of City of Kent residents ..... .: . e other: ;funds . . ed and how tine xo ram;;1eve,rag s sere :: : P g { µ. The priorities are the following: Priority #1 : Service which meets basic and emergency needs ''PSAW (food, medical care, shelter,', protection from abuse and negle ) . Priority #2 : 10 Programs which are preventative in nature and promote a high degree of self dependence. ` Priority #3 :Q1 Programs which seek to enhance the quality of 1if.e zn> persons.:: whose basic human needs .::are`:: alreadymet Of, the 21 programs funded this year, one program %s not previous.77�ly furdecl : by ' the iity This program provides : crtzcally; needed services to Kezt residents that 'are not provided by any currently funded program �s you; reVlew the attached sheet please note that among the 21 recommendati%ons alb but four Qf the prograrris`' serve Priority #1 needs, f' the`. seventeen Pr or 't rogram ,: nine.. of . t;hem Y P serve Priority' #2 '•needs There are four programs;` that serve straight Priority #2, needs. This year no programs were ranked as ` a straight Priority #3 by the Commission. In addition to the 21 programs recommended for General Fund dollars, the Commission also recommends that four programs receive CDBG Public (human) services`dollars .' Three of these programs rank . as Priority #1 and' one ' ranks as Priority #2 . The CDBG 'funding recommendations includes a contingency plan in case the federal entitlement comes in at: a level that is :lower or higher than the current estimate. Some agencies may be disappointed that the Commission could not..:. recommend their full funding requests, far 1996 The Commission has ed a a enc re resentat�ves ;t� rect ue`stons`and eo mmenre MOSS. th t g y p q . to the :Human Services staff rather than "lobby" Commission members about their recommended allocati ns. We feel that 'this; will enable ...... ... :.... ... .. .. .. e '11 Th iiz ' t' es: for the . rocess to :flow ;more smoothl re;w ; be opport P:.• e ntat' ves to resent information ;on;`; the ,Commss :on and;a ene; ;re JQJr se, P eir : ro rats to el ect:ed: offcza at s ecf� c dat:es ;durn. t e. th P g. P 77. 1`996 bucl et roce,ss P cci Brent ''McFall, Director ;of Qpera ions Human 'Services'- Commission Ntembers James P. Harris, Planning DirectorA-0 9 Lin Ball, 'Human Services Manager j mayomemo . 96 : : .... . .... ... .. ..: . . . .%��: . .. . . . ... .. . .. . . ... .1 . � �.�:..:�.:. . . . . . .. : :� .��O,,,�_��___�. .. ... . .... .%: ..... . .. ..... . . i .. . �. . . .... . .......... .. 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EXPLANATION ON 1996 FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS (GENERAL FUND) �,,�..,,,I,l��,�.�1�,.-.,��,�.W-,'I..�,.�-!�,�,:�--Z.'�:,,:.:,1-',,..-',,,­,,,,::�:"I�:.��---��-�;�,��-I-:1��.-,'�..�:I'..,�:����',:l,:,:,�,���'�_,,�-,%l,,��::":.',�:_'-..�1::1 iI�-':'1�..,���,,.I,',..�,,.,l,-,,'.'�_,I:_'.,,I..::,,:....-i,:1I-..�,..",I��i�.:-...t1,I..1:.,-.:I�'....R'-�...l�'',.:%.I.��l::,1,.:,�-.-.t-.-1::I.1�:,.%-t-�."-",�.l�.�t,I�,::��.�,:"�..,-t,:-..��--�...%�",-.�-'..,,:,1,:�:,1-.:*­:t,,P.-���.,.",'-.'�,�"-,t�...-,.,:"�1.%.-���.:�;�,I:..,:Z-.�,.,I._.,,,-i...�""�,.:�-.�t-..�':'�,:..-I-, �,::..:.t1j".:.I,-�,..�-.-.%�..,.��t-�.,--..�1�'M!:.:1�!.��:�.�.:�,-���--.1..%..�.-�-:�"-.��_��1��",-.:1�--:�1..,:-..�1... 1): . Central Seattle CHC Refugee Health Advocacy Progra....�......-....�......�..:....%-.�.1.m.1�. m :: 1995 Allocation: 0 :..-��.��.-�:...'.Ia�.".....�...�..%....%.....:......-......1........�..%-.....:...:...,.�...�:.:..�..:�i..........i�....:.:.i%�:..�..:ii..... %—.:�...-..-...�..:-.............�.,.:....-c.�......-.1..%..:....%...�.-.�.�......�.:i.....:.i.:....-�...�%�........�.....%...%..:....-1.M:...-..:.%.. 1996 Funding Requested: $101000 1'996 Recommendation: 0' Explanation of denial of 1996 funding recommendation' Agency served` only 24 people (gin 1994) and It duplicates transa. . services already provided 2) Community.:Health Centex 1995 Ailo.cat'ion: $'45, 000 ..996 :Funding Requested:: . 5� . 1996 :Recommendation: $52, 028 Explanation of increase' in 1996 recommendation; Agency will serve a larger number of Kent residents . There has been a good leverage of dollars, and is serving basic tangible needs . Agency received `a $9, 871 decrease in CDBG funding due to Federal budget cuts and a $6528 'increase is recommended in General Fund dollars to help offset the $3, 343 overall decrease. 3) . Kent Community Service Center (Food Bank) 1'995 Allocation: $16, 000 1996 'Fundng Requested. $2,1, 500 1996 .::Recommendation: $:1$, 834 : ....:.:::..:....::.::.... .............. ..::: ...::::... :........:................% Explanation of; increase in 1996 'recom men dation .....:..:. ..:A enc. .:..w, :1.:..nee.d..... ncxe:a.sed. undng .. $2<.83a) to. serve Kent residents . g Y who reside in the West Hill area because `Des . . .. Food 'Bank will no longer `serve any Kent .residents effective 199E . , • . . . . 4 Sen�.or: Serv3.ces •- Meals :on ;Wheels ). . 1995 Allocation;:. . ... .>; :` • .` 1996 Fundng ..Requested: $7000 1996 Recommendation: 0> Explanation of denial of 1996 funding recommendations Agency serves low number 'of Kent residents (3 . 2%) . This iS a new program and there is limited funding for new programs. 5) . SKCMSC - Energy Assistance: 1995 Allocation: 0 1996 Funding Requested: $25, 000 1996 Recommendation: 0 Explanation of denial of 1996 funding recommendation: This is a new program and has not received Kent funding in past. : There is limited funding for new programs The program is currently funded with Federal dollars. The Commission would' like to wait and see if` accessibility concerns are resolved. 6) . StCMSC Iiteraey`;grogram 1.995 Allocation:A 0' 1996 Funding Requested: $9/.?90,, . .. , 1996 Recommendation: 0. Explanation of denial1.0f 1996 funding recommendat�.om Program is 2/3 priority: There is limited funding 7) . WWEE - Computer Applications Program Explantion If funding for a new program: This program is recommended to funding because of'', `:the ...,, f oil owing -provides necessary skills for the current job market -community college enrollments for computer training are very full -Program is preventative in that it allow women to exit the VAIN welfare system -Program includes case management, budgeting skills, resume, and goal setting. Explan.96 Ann (k