HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Human Services Commission - 10/27/1994 .. . . % .. . . �... . : ... :. . . . ....:.... . ..:::: .::.:`: .: :::::: `: .;.��!���.��:�...�� ... ............ I 11 i.. . ... �,. : - 7 ... , i , 1 , :-� :- - i .. .... ..% . .. ...... %..�. . .....% AGE' A --: 1-1-1-1, �, , No �, I , , �,�,� ,�:����:�,���,���������z,,���z�l,�:��,�,,��'',:�,,:,�I'll�'':...... .... ...........:.....: !:.:.. �.....%i:. I��,�� KENT [UMAN SERVICES COMMISSION � �:�- �:,t:� �� ,- 111- 11 ----: :� � �:: ::: - 77 �i�����i,,,,,:,,,,,,, ,,,,,'',",�,:", : .......:.�.�:.��:..��!�.�.��..Il��..�l:.:� � � %; :�:-�,���� Scheduled Meeting for October 27, 1994 2:30 - 4:30 PM Kent Senior Center (Arts Room) 600 East Smith - Kent Commission Members Incyie Wooden, Vice Chair ..�..!...�i..:i.-1...:...........i.::.�,�:-�.::.::�i.-.......%�.....::..�..�...��E�.�.%...��.V.�.��.,.%�:.7:.%..%�....ii....1..�:%-.:..m.......1.....7...�%.........:...�...........................�.....,........�......-..:..-:.7-..1..1.................�-t�:����!��:�������i���_��:�:�,��-�������----,��-�-���-%��:-:-!:�-�-�:�----!!-��-�i!�:-�1��,:i-��-�-�-�-t-t--:I-:-��-�-:�:::j�-:-t-:!i�:�-:t::-���:��-!�',�...�:..�: Dee Moschel Mary Zou Becvar 11�Ielvin Tate Mar.Mean Heutmaker Janet Wilford Mark Moiler Judy Woods,'Council President' Agenda 4-�-il1�-i- IAL`; LTS:Rasmus , Executirry Wilkerson, Counselor 2:30Youth and'Family Services Kent`Jr High School Family Counseling Program. (Update for Commission's one;year review of program) T D'BUSINESS 1. Approval of September 22, i994 Minutes ACTION ITE 3 1.:..:­ 0 2. Update on 1994 Human Services Month '- November INFORMATION ITEM. 3:15 3. Plans for 1995 Human Services Commission Retreat INFORMATION ITEM 3:25 4. Commission Terms and A ointments for 1095 INFORMATION ITEM 3 40 PP NEW BUSINESS • I ROIt1VIAT. ..ITEM: ;3 i. 19 S.:Cit Bud et .. date . I .... .. . ..�. :. y. g . .....P..: . . . : M I+0 : E . 3:SU. hel r U ate. : NFQRMAT .N IT 2. Se.vere Weather S .te ..... c ... . ... . . .. .,. .. ; : :.:. . .... . .. P 355 '' ; :' . % % . . ITEM % sm For.All Il'.FORMA ... ......... Hou... .g ....... .. : :. :: ............. ......... ... . .::. ...:..: . 4. November Meeting Date: INFORMA TION ITEM ; : :: .: ... . .. .. . , . REPORTS ... ; . ` ' ', .. ::' 1. Human Services Roundtable 4:10 2. South King Council of Human Services 3. Regional Justice Center Update wAGEN94.00T ..... ... :. . .: •. ... .'. . .': : . :.':.: :::KENT. HUMAN..:'SERVI:GES'`,`COMMISSZON : :.,,.: •;::::.`'::: :'::.'.::; :'.;.':'' •: ::;:.:.:'':'`: ,', :r::.,.; `:..:.,. '::;` WAIN 2 :30 WPM. Commission Members Present Planning Staff Presentstimuli Mary Lou Becvar Lin Ball Marijean Heutmaker Sally Gilpin Mark Moder Dee Moschel 401, Mervin Tate Janer Wilford Lucyle Wooden, Vice Chair Judy Woods, 'Council President Commission Members Excused/Absent None RAN Lucyle ;Wooden convened the meeting on September 22, 994 at 2s30 PM. She announced that Susan Ramos has resigned Ms Wooden wi13 be Act1 air until a Chair erson is elected in November. Chair g P Qo'den :handed out certificates t4, �iarl� Moiler and Mar Lou �ecvar, y ChairnTooden introduced the guest speaker; Peg Mazen. GUEST S1?'EAKER PEG MAVEN CHILDREN.'...S.. HOME SOCIETY Ms .' Maz'en gave a brief speech describing the various South County BY programs offered by the Children's Home Society and where they are located. One of the programs she described was the Healthy Families Program in Auburn. Currently the program is in Auburn but it is being looked at to be started around the state. She spoke in detail 'about the Families First Program which is funded in part ;by the City of' Kent. OLD BUSINESS APPROVAL OF: JUNE 23 AND AUGUST 25 1994 MINUTES Chair Wooden called. for a brief break so everyone 'could look over the August 25 minutes 3.n order; to 'have,; them approved at this meeting. A .;motin was made to apprpve the June 23, `1994 and,August any rsttenwas:'::se.Conded`And`:.;.:a '.: ".r.dve:d nut s a w PP: PLANS FOR .NOVEMBER 1994 HUMAN SERVICES MONTH .:..... .:...,.: Sa] ly Gilpin commented ghat there will be some type of mural placed on the wal in the Kerit library depicting the various programs .. serving families. Some information that ;will be used in November will a�`so .be used for at the Caty`' s open House, Ms. Glpin'passed out the brochure that will be available for the Cty' s! Qper� House as well as :for the No�rember's Human' Service Month, Further,'< a brief article will be in the Valley Daily News regarding Human Services Month. In addition there will be 'a short article prepared: to be sent out to the various radio stations, 16 SAY Human; Serv3ees commission : Minutes September 22, 994 KING COUNTY SEXUAL ASSAULT RESOURCE CENTER'S (KCSARC) RESPONSE The Commission received a letter from Susan Ramos to Mary Ellen Stone, Executive Director of KCSARC. The letter was ajanygmt response to Ms. Stone' s July, 20, 1994 letter regarding her agency' s wwonw recommended 1995 City of Kent funding, 1995 BUDGET UPDATE Ms . Ball commented the next public hearing will be November 1 She has asked all the agencies to be represented at the; hearing as well as to send a letter to be included izn the City Council packet Lucyle Wooden and Marijcan Heutmaker <w�ll' be present to introduce the agency representatives. 1994 COMMUNITY IJEVEZOPMETT BLOC#{ :GRANT .. . ......:.:.. ...... .....::.....:..:...............:.... :.. .... ...........:..:..............:.:.:....:................. Gra `e;' Fello ; a .; w 'thdrawn it` fig,,' ue 't' fsor;`'adin` l or a van c wsh h .s s . g : . .... . ... P 11 cite. the extra move``;: td th' salt 3` 'hid` T:hus.;...::::::C�t: .:...:.Council.:...:a......o...................d...........................................................:........... .......:..................e...:H............. ......h .C................................ . ........ .. • Y .. ........... ............... ,. ' ., . ..... .,. .. ..,.... . : : . d th ::YWCA er the Commission; s .:corzt3rz enc ]an,: The • remndex an.. p. Y, P one ent ;to A. Niki Roof Re lac' ment fund:of thy zn W e . Y P NEW BUSINESS ESTABLISH DATE FOR 1995 'COMMISSION RETREAT The retreat date has been scheduled for Friday, February 3 . The retreat will be held at the West Hill Fire Station from approximately, 8 to 3 :45 with a break for lunch.' Commission members and staff suggested the following potential topics for the retreat 1) domestic abuse; family restructuring; violence and youth violence; health care reform;. and affordable housing. In addition there could be something on handling stress and self-care. OTHER MEETINGS October 4 is the Domestic 'Vjib,ience seminar for the religious co nit So th in Count ;: Hous3n Corifereriee';'wll` be: in`` pes` mmu Y u K 5 Y g. Mones 'on Saturday, 'October 1. COMMISSION TERMS AND APPOINTMENTS FOR 1995 Mar� jean Heutmaker and Janer Wilford terms expire in January 1995 . Ms: Ball commented that a memo needs to be sent to the Mayor from Vic be re-a opted. �Taner stated VMS expiring members requesting pp she would like to be reappointed. Marijean will make a decision NO by next month' s meeting. There willalso need to be someone appointed to fill Susan Ramos term, which expires in 1997. ' Also, an ;election will need to take place to elect a new chairperson. 2 Human: `Services :'Comics on ;; • Minut Se Member ,22 '"1994 ( ACTION 'ITEM As Ms Ball stated that the Catholic Community, Services, in their: application for funding,: had stated that they;will take a portion of the money and offer it to the churches that Are helping to shelter people. They offered to give $5000 of their' $21500 toWool QTW the churches. This cannot be done now that Grace Community Shelter ` has stated they don't want any City funding for their program and CCS is asking that the money be kept by them as part of their funding request for hotel/motel vouchering. : ECOID at de Jn: urthe sdoh-If NOW 00 . . 1 . in the CCS appl�catiox' remain in CCS' cold weather program .. : fund,in NlOT1ON carried g : . REPORTS HUMAN SERVICES ROUNDTABLiE Ms Ba' 1 has requested information on the network 'boundaries. Woo >c mmented that Kin Count has s'erit letter askn that there ::not be more than three or four networks`; SOUTH KING COUNCIL C HUMAN SERVICES ' South King Council has not met . There will be a meeting next week REGIONAL JUSTICE CENTER UPDATE The technical committee has met' once. ` There are two meetings; scheduled for next week. At that time, negotiations will be starting regarding some of the unresolved human services issues . Ms. Woods felt a letter should be sent from the: Human Services Commission than ing the ;Human Services Ad ;Hoc Task ,Force for their efforts Ms. Woods commentecy that the surroundingcommunites are . . ..ziso concerned ,about the impacts the Reg .onal ,justice `Cntr will have on their human :service programs Meeting closed at 4 :30 PM. . . .... .:... . ul' submitted' Respect , Li 11, Secre 7.`ary c hsmin9 22 3 . �.:.:.: . : - .... .. . . .� .%% . %: :.: . . . :.1 .�1%��%%��.� ..:%%%. :.......... ::-::%:.. .. . . . . . .. . .... . .:.,: : ,::.:...:.......... .. . .:.. . . . . . . . .. ... . . . . . .- .. ..:. %.� -- . . .. . - . . .... .. . .. .. . . .. .. %... . . . . �ii. . .... .%.. %:-. -­..:.%% .. . . ...:.... .. . % ... . .. :. . ... . .. . .. .... .. F CITY OF 11" s',- CITY OF KENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT {206) $59-3390 . 11 n��r� MEMORANDUM October 20, 1994 TO�� � ,- '"' , - .... . --,----, v -- -� � , . :!�� . . RECIPIENT OF KENT'S 1993'NEEDS ASSESSMENT .:.:.. I ,,--t--,�,,%... ...% .. .�..���...�....�........!i�:�. .. . .........:%.....:�..�:������:;��..::��;���.;�:��.�i.��:�.���:�..........::.......I�,�,�����t��i������:��,��I ����:���������,���:��,,,:��,�:t��,�����:'',��,�:����,:,����� �% %.;"...............,..��.�:.%:�... .. ...... B.....�::.:�.::.i. FROM: BETS3� CZK, PLANNER . SUBJECT: CORRECTIONS TQ THE HUMAN SERVICES I�TEEDS;ASSESSMENT Attached are six corrections to the 1993 I�.mq Service Needs Assessment. The errors give a mistaken perception of the irlcome levels of Kent's population The attached page contains the corrections and explains hQw these'errors occurred. I apologize for any trouble and misperceptions this error has caused. If you have any questions, please call me at 850-4784. .........:.... .. .. . i � #5 . ` BC/cw:a:nacorect.gen ERROR$ IN THIS DOCUMENT please make the following six changes to this report, 1993 Human Services Needs Assessment: A Caring )mmunity. These errors were made due to changes in how the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) defines the terms that describe various income ranges. Depending upon the Federal program, HUD is using;one of two different sets of terms or labels for the same income ranges. The Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 defined the most commonly used labels for income ranges. This ` Act defines low-income households as earning up to 50 percent of median income and moderate-income households as earning between 50 and 80 percent. However, in 1990 the National Affordable Housing Act(NAHA)defined these income groups differently. The big change between the two Act's terminology is that in the 1974 Act households earning up to 80 percent of median income are termed moderate-income, but m the 1990 Act households;earning up to 80`percent of median are,def ned as low-tncame, ;HUD contuiues to.use:the 1974 income terminology for its + omm Development Block Grant (CDB. program The errors`in Kent's Needs Assessment come from its occasional use of HUM 1'990 special U,S. Census report that used th&VAHA#ern�inoio ,;.;The s ec al:re ort never defines its income terminolo Since>the,xe ort gY P P 9Y P is used by the CDBG program; it was assumed that its income group labels reflected the 1974 Act's definitions, This error was oily discovered after extensively examining and comparing the report's specialised data to other more generalized reports. This difference in defiiutions has resulted in the Needs Assessment engendering a very different perception of the income levels of Kent residents. For instance, the Needs Assessment.in some cases refers to those earning up to$0 percent of median income as "low-income instead of its more commonly used 'term of "low- and moderate-income". To correct any misunderstandings and to have the document --)nsistently use the 1974 Act's definition,;the following changes need to be made. 1) Page 1, under the heading, INCOME. On the first line change "low-income or very low-income" to "low- and moderate-income" The first line should read: "Over 40 percent of Kent's households are low- and moderate-income, of which 20 percent are low-income." 2) Page 2, under the heading, HOUSING. On the last line change "41" to "20". The clause should read "not to the 20 percenuof our households that are lower.income," 3) Page 21 in the third paragraph, first sentence. In the first sentence change "Over half" to "Just over 40 percent , then change 3ust over 40 percent to half , and . number evenly to number almost ...... .... Fo =on ercen of ent s households'are'moderate-%ncome an.... . event "; ;The sentence should read. e t y rty P . . , below :with half bf that number;almost evem divide etween' ow-;an ve ow-income ouse ,o s. �, t, t, Th 4 Pa e 27 iin<the fourth ara rah 5:th:line.. :Chan e wer;40 to Twee e,sentemce should'read: g P g P g t3' "Twenty percent of our households cannot be ignored " 5) Page 28 under item number 3. Change "41 to ''20". The parenthetical clause should read: "(which now comprise 20 percent of the population)" ` tit Page 52 in the second paragraph, first line. Change "41 to "20". The sentence should read: : "As mentioned previously :in this report, 20 percent of Kent's households are low-income or very low- income. BC/cw:xcorrecti.ons CITY OF ,-:.j:�::%.1,�i���.,:���.�.��......-��1,....I�1�...,;:"-:'t:..i:::...1�-.1.,,:...%.,,,,-%:��-:...�11��.:�:%.�1.,.....:....�.�1:�-..-,....I:�%..:.,1::�1�,,..,%...—.,::�:-,..1�",­�..:����..;.1"�:��..%...C�-:i1...,:.:.��-�...�,-,!...�:�-%.�I 1..:.:���-1�%�.:�:-�.�t�:�.:,I........��.1,��..%�-..:::.::.:..�...%'�....(..�:.�-�.1�:..,:�...,':..:...­��i-�....,(:11�..,,��,��.::%I�..���-!...,�,.-�-l.,..��:A�.�-,,:.:.....�!:-��,,­�:.-�.�....I--1.-,�:...�.-�..I:����..,.i,,I.1:-�,,.��..1:�."�..,�::1I:..":.�:I.I 1:,�..�,-�..���.��I I�:��.�,.,:.::­,-�.�,��,�t� rr. CITY OF KENT ,,�.-:�,.I..',"t�.'..,.."..,1..w,.�I.,:.I,-....I-,:,,�'..�..,..' �..�.�.,.�,��%:.�-:�.:.-;%��-_.!.��-...%.�.!.:1..�-,:i.�.:�.-,-.....%"��%1.��.�....:.��-:��.!�%�%��::-.!�:..:-.��..�...:..�.-::.��.��.:...:�!:W.�.:-:"::-.:.%..1-�.�....%i�i.',�.-:�.�%:�,.--..-:���%�..�1,��.::.::.�"��..%�..7�-�..�...:.:�.!..�-.;.:-:��:.-.�..:....,�.-,..:.:�"��!�i..�..�..i--�...........%�...%...::.-.�.�.l:�!:,..�:�.:..:.�:..�..:......,.�l.:%;,.�,...,�!.,,:..�.�.�;��I:.....�.,:.�%��....::��..�:�:..��...,......:��.�-�..-:.!::;�-:���.:�.i�.%�..:..':j:.....;.......:.I:..�.:.'.:..�.�..�-_,:...:��!.:....'%..�.�%:..:....:,�I�.��.1.i:�..l.:'��.j:..'..:.�.�%:.�.'-...-..�.:..::���.-�:.:�...:...I.�:......�.:,��.�..--:-!.. PLANNING DEPARTMENT {206) 859-3390 "�.",,-.:.-='':..,,��:,1-..,1-:"-.:'�:1,:.l',...-�.�:.,I:-�,.-%.-,,���".I I:�''.,�-�--,,....-�,'�..t-..;�,1",�...,—It,:..�,",,'-":...��:�:-�.I,-��..�:1,.�I���-',:.,-, pwISnIIcv MEMORANDUM October 20, 1994 T0, MAYOR JIM WHITE AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM BETSY CARK, PLAITNER SUBJECT CORRECTIONS TO THE IIUMAN'SERVICES NEEDS ASSESSMENT Attached are six corrections to the 1�93 Human Service 1Veeds Assessrrtent. The errors give a mistaken perception of the income levels of Kent's population, The attached page contains the `. corrections and-expldms how these errors occurred. I apologize for any trouble and misperceptions this error has caused. If you have any questions, please call me at 850-4784. ,.. BC/cw:a:nacorect.cc . . . : Judy Parker Municipal Research & Linda Golden Kent`: School 'District Services Center of WA. United Mehoelst Church 12033 SE 256th ATTN. Lynne De Merritt : of Kent ,,ent, WA 98031 10517 NE 38th PL PO Box 5003 Kirkland, WA 98033 Kent, WA 98064 Pastor Kevin Kibble City of Des ` Moines City of Federal Way Kent Seventh Day Senior Center City Hall 3advenist Church Karen Marshall Nita Richardson 25213 116th Ave SE 22030 Cliff Avenue South. 33530 1st Way South Kent, WA 98031 Des Moines, WA 98198 Federal Way, WA 98003- 6210 City of Renton City of SeaTac City of Tukwilia Carolyn Sundvall ATTN: Lydia Assefa: Evelyn Boykan 200 Mill Avenue South:. Davison':::: 6200 Southcen. er B...LVD Renton, WA 98`055 I. 9.215 28th avenue South Tukw�. la, .....W 9,8188' 'W1�`:'<9'83"88 :: : ;• ;: ;: ; ; • ` - ;; ; ; ,: : ; ,. t of Auburn;; C ;t of Buren I)ebb BeCkYiar ;erson Y y p x . Al 3 k h ; , , H c s Senior Planner Gre Do rn S 0 c: a 1` C o ricer n s , ; .... .... 25 West Main St 3V1 1st Avenue South Committee ub WA 98001 Burien, WA ,981b tivty Lutheran Church cJo 32271 ;194th Ave SE, :.... .. ...Ken :Jerry Degrieck South East Public health POLICE PUBLIC WORKS :Center : 3001 NE 4th Renton, WA 98058 AliMINISTRATION FIRE SPECIAL POPULATIONS. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE COMMISSION MEMBERS (7) r� : ra HaXJosephzne, Tamayo Mur yExecutiveDirector Boent Regio drectorCatholic Community Svcs 13st PO Bo 98 P Box 398 Ke42 Kent WA 8035 K�__�, WA 98035 Nina Auerbach,: Exec Dir Richa d Mod er Rita Hagen Child Care Resources Clegg As ociates So C my ordinator 15015 Main Street, #206 811 Fir AV, Suite 200 841 C al Ave N, #126 Bellevue, 'WA 98007 Seattl 98104 Kent, 98032 D. Sharon Osborne„ Pres Peg zen Cher. , ews Children's Home Society Chrldr Home `Society 810 st $t SE .::.;A. b u .. ........n `':::' P;` ::: 8.0'fl:2;':'. P.,.O, Box 151�Q.: .. ; P 0.:, Bo,.. 9�7 ;.; r W :.. Seattle, WA 9811%5 Auburn WA �8073 Steve ;R. Anderson Cher 1 'ra r Ja ne Leet; Exec, Dir. Y Y Ekecut v'e Direotor Kent so ce Center ; ... Health of K; n Coun. Children: s Thera Ctr;: 31i5 E.• : ker :St,, y Pl' g 26461 104 ..AV .SE Kent, A 3� 1t�.25 5:;, 3rc7 St Ste. A, Kent, inTA 9803,1 Renton', WA 98055 Susan Eastgard, Exe Dir Ta —�'!!�e�le John ampi n Crisis Cynic of Board ident 9641 46 PL SeafKing Co 1831- t Avenue Kent, ' 98031 1515 Dexter Ave N S ' tle, A 98122 ' Ste ` 300 Seattle, WA ' 98109 �r Carol, Davis Linda Rasmussen Co-Director Executive Director ; Jackie K unen Des Moines Food Bank D.A.WN. 13722 SE 2 0 PO Box 98746 P.O. Box 1521 Kent, WA 9 42 Des Moines, WA 98198 Kent, WA 98032 Bob Sheckler Mary Lou Becvar Wesl Mar in Boar Ch " ma Executive Director Board 'Pr ident` 19816 h::..Ave ue D..: Kent Community Svc Ctr 26859 h Awe S Sea le, A 9.8148 525 . 4th 'Ave N K... , 98032 nt WA.. 9803.2 Ke , : ton Mar Ellen Stone :Hans Rasmussen Rev, W 1�.�. :Caxle : : : Y: : Executive Director 102.01 S 7Q; PL King County Sexual Kent Youth & Family Svc Kent, 98031 Assault Resource Center. 232 2nd Avenue S #201 304 MAve S #200 : : : `: : 'Renton ;'in1A 980,55....': ' ,, • : Kent> WA 98032 : : Paula. Jell o Judy Peterson, Exec Dir Geraldine at es 2040 33 AU 21 Pregnancy Aid of Kent Board Pres nt Seattle, A 9 199-2757 P.O. Box 1775 21031 ;142 V SE Kent, WA 98035-1775 Kent, WA 98 42 Patricia McInturff E _ ^utive Director Jean Ve d Kary Hyre, Acting Dir. . for Services of 5500 Ra ier AV S South King County Seattle/King County Seat e WA 98118 Multi-Service Center 1601 2nd AV #800 1200 S. 336th Seattle, WA 98101-15.79 Federal Way, WA 98033 .: .: . % % . . : ..:.:-�-...%,%. . % .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . :..�.... % :.: .::I::.. Barbara Heavey Dave n els Margo 'Fleshman Exe Dir Board' President Housin D. or Washington Women s . g r7429 E 238 ST 1200 6th Employment & Education K/' , 'W 980 Fede 1 'Wa , A 98003 3516 S 47 ST #�205 Tacoma, WA 98409 Lind oberts, og Mgr Dia a Cary Marilyn LaCelle W.W.E. Kar T tle, Campbell Valley Cities 841 Cen ral AV N ##232 1201 d AV, Suite 2900 Counseling/Consultation Kent, 'WA 803 Seat e, A 98101 2704 I Street NE Auburn, WA 98002 .:. Dee Lo nz Jac Robins 2002 E. n t . Vall Cites Auburn, W 9 002 Counse in /Consultation 270 I eet NE ' HSAGENY.LBL Auburn A 8002 6/8/94 Arthur. Lee, Exec. D�r• Rev:` O J.' Moore Rita Ryder; Exec Dir. Emergency Feeding Prog ' 723;Q Be con 'AV YWCA o;f Seattle/King Co of Seattle/King County Seattle, A " 81 8 1118 Fifth Avenue P:O. Box 18145 Seattle, WA 98101 Se-ttle, WA 98188 k Kathie Goertz Marah Ybar a, D' ector Jayne Le t Exec Dir Board ' Pr si ent YWCA of Sout ng Co Communt Healt YWCA of S the/King Co 1025 3 Al S, uite A Centers o Ki County 1118 If h Avenue Renton, WA 9 055 1025 3 AV , Suite P, Seattl WA 98101' Renton 98055 BLOCK GRANT John Campion 6/8/94 9641 S . 246 PL Kent, WA 980.31 .