HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Human Services Commission - 09/23/1993 :.CIT. .Of.::..: . . .. . ... ..... ...•... :. ...,.. :.......,... ..,:. ... :., ...: ...... ....... . .. : :........ ...1..:....:..:...: ..:..,...1 ........... ..:..... ........ ..... ..:•.... ,. .. . . . .:, . ,: .... er,. ayor. ... ,... ..... ..ap..:%-..A.'... ).McCarktl ,Jr.;`Chief fldm nistr tive Officer:: ` ''.:..`:'..: Y .. Y ... V - . . . - . i . - -- - "'' il---�........ .��N.....�.-.% :�:::.�%%.�.�%­­:��%:::�%. �.::.. : v YROC I& AGENDA KENT HUMAN SERVICES�...-�.-.�..�,,-...:-.,�.-.....�.-,�-......��.-::...�-���.:.::..�.1...,.._.....,.:a�...I:...�-�-..1��..-��.�.:.....,�::...-....,.i.��...:--:..:':..�.,1.1,�.:—,,.-..,�.�i.���.%�....1-....I:.-..',,:.:�.11,i'�.:I��.��.....COMMISSION Scheduled Meeting for September 23 , 1993 3: 00 - 5:00 PM Kent City Hall Council Chambers East Commission Members .....:..::...::.:..........::..::....:..:........:.....:.............. ..:,:..:..:..::......:: ....,..,:,..:.:..::: Susan Ramos, Chair . . . . . . .:....... . . ... ................ . ....... .. ... ..............: .....:....... .. .. Luc ;1e tnlooden U ;c,e;;`Char ;: ;, . Tom Clark. , , Mari.]can H£:utmaker To L ,dn r' :::: n� a e P' `` e ; :' ;' . eg Maz n Con` t' �c' : '` ekton s an e S o J' aver .Wilford .. ... `: ... Jud . mood's; Counc l President . ::.::...:..::. —......................:.'...:.:....:..::,::....:..:........%I. ........,.......:...,:.....:....:..:...:,...:....:. SPECIAI, GUEST Lilda Rasmussen, Executive Director of DAWN Agenda OLD BUSINESS 1, Approval of August 26, 1993 Minutes 3 25 2 Plans for Human Services Month 3 :30 3 . , 1994 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG;) Update 3:40` NEW `B.USINE$S ' e ::: `6-ew Month 2 nd t'e . .. R / Quar r Stet stical Reports 3 45 ....::.:.::..............::.:..::..... ,........:,:..:.. ..:.:......:.... .... :::. . } .. . . .2' Info . at o o ;; Init t fl. . rm. ...... ....n ....n is iVii. 6.....1 and 602: ... 3.,5.5`' 3. Overview of 1990 and 1991 Seattle King County Public •Health 410 ... ......:.. .... . . ;..:::: Services . ...... ... : . . . . . ...... 4... D�.sCuss D.:ate for 1'9.94 Humaxl.. SerVia.eig Commission. 'R treat.. 4:;e 20. 5., Commis:pion`:. Tex'ms and AppoI.ntments for Up-coming Year . REPORTS 440 A. Human Ser� ces::Roundtable 2. South King Council of Human Services I . Regional Justice Center Update HSAGEN93 . 5EP 220 4th AVE.SO., /KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859-3300/FAX#859-3334 `....... CITY.OF:` ILt 2 2 u CITY OF KENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT (206) <859-3390'. MEMORANDUM September 15, 1993 TO LEONA ORR, : : CHAIR AND MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING COMMITTEE FROM• RACHEL Y. JOHN5TON, PLANNER SUBJECT SE. LE.=KING:;: COUN`IY: PTJBLIC.:.:.::HEALTH:':''SERVICESi::.'': : Attached :for ,our revew•`are; co es:=:of arid' Anal cis' of` Seattle_K ,n" Y p , Y g County Public Health Services far 1930 & 1991. Also attached are appendices to the city of Kentrs 1992 and 1993` Assessment for Health: Services Re ort These , a errdzces e e p pp ar (.1) K y to the GovernYiiental Unit deport, (2) Key . to personal `Health Sevi`ces Programs, ' (3) Key to Environmental Health Services Programs, and (4)- charts outlining the health services provided in 1990 and 1991 The Office of Housing and Human Services was recently assigned the task of monitoring the City's Seattle-King County Public Health Contract. The attached analysis is a summary of those public health services' provided to ;Kent residents during 1990 and 1991. (Please note that 1992 data was just made available and will be presented to you at a future time) . The purpose of this analysis is to identify the public health services and explain the cost of those services. ` In addition to utilizing the `data;` provided by the Health Department, Human Services s I.A . taff interviewed several Public Health staff and did site visits rior to fi ' rializih. . the ' analysis Kent has two Public ; Health sites - Personal Health services are located 'at 613 West Gotnie' an. el Envr©nittentaT' H'e'%altn' ;S'ervices ' are';>`'lo:cat'ecl'; at 1`40 Central` Avenue `South. : As you ,reV�ew tIi`e report, tau may;;note that the Citjr's contribution for both personal and environmental health services (basic) may riot be :proportionate to the number of:un.Its. rovded:, Also the Ci t' s .. : ....:::..... .......... io p R , %cost per unit ma ::;var. from ; 990< to: Z991;: This: ;is, attributed: p Y Y . the billing process `utilized ;by the Public Health Department. The Department receives `funding from various grants, contracts and fees which are apportioned to pay' for specific health services. These funds help defray a portion of the cost of services to local jurisdictions. Contingent on the number of service units provided, local jurisdictions ' are charged the difference not covered by the "other" funds. The more "other" funds available the less cities are charged for those services provided to their: residents. It should be noted that the City is only charged for actual services received by its residents. .... .:.... . . .. .. . .. .. . . . ...I.., ....�. .:..:..... . . % City Council Planning Committee September 15, 1993 Page 2 This analysis demonstrates that `the 'City;�s need ,.t�'t,''o:-..',:,_­1,'����,'�,�:..�,���,�_.�.���'�_'�i!t�':­1'l,.':_­�1­'II",,:�I".'''"I_�',��:,�..'_1I��,',!,_.%�,�.:��.I1,Y'I��:'-"I_�'­"�I1I�_:I1 I�:'I��'.I�1�,'.1,','�:I�"­"',,I.,'.'.�,'�''"�1''',�-for services is increasing. ` More residents were 'served and more units ofservice :..-:..:�:.:::�:�.a..�..!�����:��,...:-%.%.�..�:-i���...::_.�.%..I�.:�..��.�..:�:..�..:..%:-%�...i..:...�:.%.�:;i­�,.��:�....I::-�..�.�.:�-.��.�.....:'%.�.:..���....%:..:�.�..�:;:..%1...­.�.i!%�l��.�..::..%..::�:!.,�.%i��.%..%�-..%.�J.�,:�'.%.!'...�.:�.�;�..�%.!��....�.:.::.:.�.:..�;-�:..:��.%.'.:-.�..�:��.%��..:...�:�.'.I.:%.:..�..:�:'-.���.�­.��-..:...��.�.%�.�....:..�....:.�.�...:..'V�:.%:�.%%��...�%...:.�:....�..�:.I�:�:��.;�.:1..�.:.....��:�­.;..:�...I�..:.1.�1...��.%�.....�..�.�I'._.%�.�1::�.�,.:.:%::...::.:::.....�::j:�.�..:.1....��.:'..I1.�.%...%.�-..I%.:::...'�..�%..,.... ....:�.�-,%:.'.�:..-.l��..�...:�.�%:�::.�::..,.'.��..:�:�:...........��..i...%.i-..."'..%.':..�%�..:I�:.;::��::�i�,':i�.�.��!1"��.....I-�!�:_��:,.:..''�:��.�:'....:,�:�:_'�:�'D,'�:_- ��:�,'��..,'���';,1:,'�j:�:i:�%:i',...1�::'.%.��_�,.,��,:,':'',t!:­'_-1."i:'!��...,��'_:�����_��������,�j­�,���.�_�­.,�..',�,:','''...'"'�l��­1'�:�:,i����t�_,_,':,�_­:_�.",.����Yt::_:'�:l'��..!�:,'-.�:i,'.,I��_­":.':��m"�',.''�i:�'-,���:,:_'.­,:'':�;:��:''­­���j­�_'.�t����,"' I I,:",..i.:.­����I,��t�­,''.­_�::,�.��i�,�:'"_�_,'%-.'�'����',�:::."1�%:,­.%._��:_:�:'''�����_�';''.­���":.�t'.'­:���."����:j��"::.7,,,�:.�:�;�,��:;���,�..:�.!��­",'',.c�,'.�.1_��l�:'�"_''.,j��'..-,,:_''_,'...��:��_.:_�,:.��'","',':���'�..�:���.'':­:���:�':,'�"_,��­��.,��::���'­,",��'�,��:�_,­.����,_���.,�..�­l��_!,­'�:__'�:��:':�:�,t:f:,:­:_'��,�l:,:,'���­��:'�,��lt���.,,�.,;,�'����­��,,��,',,�'I'__.:,:�.':t�:�,-,�:�I','':'�:�j��m�.,�:::�,�,,,�!:'�:��:�­����::'_�­����':::::'_�.���:�_��:��,'�,­­����%_,,:I.����-��'��:�.�����'­_'i:�­�:��'��­�,.'��,����,��,,''�:,'���:'�_���"���1,���::''­��,,��.�'�",_�I,��:-��:��:��,_':-;:'�'��I�1���'�,,'_­_:�:�,,�:�,,:_'�: ..1%.m.I..%...:.�:....�...�.. were delivered in 1991 than in 1990. The more critical point that thus analysis reveals is` that although more health services were delivered to Kent residents, the cost per service unit has decreased. Compared to 1990 services and costs, the number of service units provided in 1991 increased at a greater percentage than the increase in the cost of the services provided in 1991 .`` So, ' aithough our assessment Yncreased' the Caty actually received mare services far its money in 1992 TFs' ari'aX ssi is' forward`e'd tQ' eu; o ':. y y f r your j niformation only and does not require action. r look .forward to �rieeting..with.. you and addressing any questions that you%' may have `regarding this information: RT/slc:pubheal.mem Attachments : cc: ' Susan Ramos', Human 5ervices 'Commission Chair James P. Harris, Planning Director . ........%...;: . . � i - .. . .. .. . . . ... . ... . . .. ... . ... ..:..... �— .... . ...%.............. .. . I� I ,,:I:.:::.�...'i..*�...%,..-i:.. CITY O Dau Kelleher,Mayor . .. Uurence A:(T6iiy)McCarthy, r.,Chief Administrative Officer: . . September 9 1993 d �7II��L 1a .. . Vern West 23206 115 AV SE Kent, WA 9803.1 '' RE: Request for City, funding for CHAP Program Dear Mr' West: The City of`; Kent, Human >Services Commi�71ssion reviewed your request . % for C fundzn at its . Au ust 26 Z:993: met�n The; %Human y . . :,..... : g . . .. g . . g . . Services .Commission; is: not ' recominerid n C t ...fundin for our .. ..':...:.:...::........ .......:::.:::::........,,......::::..:.:::..:.. .. .. ;a enc at th s';t me .; ;;, is ::: >' g. Y % . There are many reasons far this. First, since •CHAP has`no Board of .. ... ..:.....:'.:... ......:....::........,'..,:;..,:,::.::...:...::.::::.: '::.:..... .::.:.:.:::..:...:::..:.:,:: 1rectars: : or a non- rofzt status t snot ua :1; : ;gd; n p a q l f� agency far . City funding at .this time. Tn additions the Cor ..... i<an likes to see a n'ew agency have at 'least a one year track record cif finanoa.. stability and a history-of :'success before funding them. Also, there is a normal funding cycle in he Spring of each year for nonprofit agencies to apply for City of Kent human services dollars. The Commission has already 'reviewed this years funding applications for 1994 human services dollars and has forwarded its recommended funding allocations to the Mayor and City Council. The Commission feels that your agency should apply during the normal funding cycle. CHAP appears to have a good program`: We welcome your agency's application for the regular funding cycle. Tentatively, applications will be available near the end of March 1994. This is - for 1995 City funding I commend you for your efforts to:` h . homeles's individuals. in our ...:::.:.....;...:................,.... .. ..i. ''.... .. '.;: ..:...:.:..:.:'.::..;:::::>...................- .::;::......... .:....::':.:....'..::....:::.:.:•.:'::.,:.,...::.:';:::::;':..::•.:;::...:...: ::.::.....::..::.....::.......:::::.::..,.':::;,::::::.::;.,•.:::::::::.::.::',:..'.':...,;::..'::'........,.....,:': .. . ;• . co munYt and wish ou ucces �t o r:; e e . ....m y Y s s w h Y :u : fig, n y s p ogr.... .. Sincerel y. .'.....:.'.......:..:::.:......:.....:.::...:::.:...:'::.::.:•.:.....:..::.........,.:...::......:::...:. .....:.......'.... /'7 ...:....,:.::. 9�l.... -�....:...::..:.... ...:...........:....:...,... ......,'.:..:.:: :::......:....:..:....%.:..'...:..................:::....,....::.::.:...::......,.'........: .:....0 .,,...'..::.:::.':.......::.....:. .:.:...:.:.:......:.:..:......::....':.::..... ::.:::.::.•.: .:....::::::'.:.::':.;'::.::.:'.::::::.'::...::::::.::.•.,..:...:...:'..::::...::.:.,::::..:..::'. r..........:.. .' ..:..,:..:..:':...-.:::.:.:.::......'.:.:::.:.:.;..,:::::.:.;::..:'.'.,.:..:...:.....'::.:.::,::,.....:::::,;. ;..:.;..::.-:...:.•:....:::.'.<'.:.. .........::..'..:.:'..': san amos ': azr, Human Seru�ces Commission SR/BCjslc:Vdthwest. ltr cc:' Jim Harris, Planning Director Lin Ball, Human Services Manager Betsy Czark, Planner Leona Orr, Chair City Council Planning ; Committee Human Services `Commission Members 220 4th AVE.SO. /KENT,�YASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE(206)859-3300/FAX#859-3334 Kent`, Washington :':Au ust 17, <1993 g � ,��__,:!: ��%� ,�!"i :: ..... .1k Regular meeting of the Kent pity Council was called to order at 7 : 0`0 p.m. by Mayor Pro Tem Woods. Present: Councilmembers Bennett, Johnson, Mann, Orr, and White, Chief Administrative Officer' McCarthy, City Attorney Lubovich, Planning' Director Harris, ; Public Works Director Wickstrom, Fire Chief Angelo, Police Chief Crawford, and Acting Finance Director Mil er. ,' . :, Approximately 30 people were at the meeting. PUBLIC Game of Life R93 Youth Wellness .Conference Grants. COMMUNICATION Diane' Lernrs of the Drinking Driver 'Mask' Force showed a video which eplaned the •day-1ong;`Game of Life Conference. ... xlice Chief Crawford said tfi t he is very proud of the ,Game of Life, and .... .. ..`. •. . . ntro'duced J nt,...M.c.I ..ss o the,:.;I�.ent Community .... . . .. .. Foundation. M6C�.nriess' presented a check in;:the ..::. . ... ......:.:.'::: ..::::.::... :..:..: .'....::..:;:::........:::':'.::.:........:: ,,:..::::.:::::::::::.:.::::.::..::,..:.. ... amount<> of::; 1•' .... .ta' the:;rC t :;< n su ort: of ;the ;:; :: :.. ...:.:.::$..... c::..:.:...........:....:.:..........:.:.............:.........:.....:.....:....:y..:........:....,:.....: pig....................... .....t.........:............,. .....:....... .... ..... ...: •; : . . , .. .... ... Game Life Conference, and thanked the City for their contribution to ;the project. Domestic Abuse omen's Network. Dan McConnell, , T9748 S.E 316th Place, thanlced the': Council on behalf of 158 women and 152 children who received safe, confidential shelter ' at DAWN's house in the first year of ;operation. He presented Mayor Pro '' Tem Woods with a Certificate of Appreciation, and hated` that the City's support has been critical to s their success. Woods expressed appreciation to Mr. and Mrs. McConnell, who are both Boardmembers of DAWN, for their serviced EMS Provider of the Year Award. Woods announced that the Washington State Association of Emergency Medical. Profe %ssionals ,has ,presented th%e Emergency . . .. . .. ... . p o ' d'er a'f the `ear '1 war'dl'`fo Fa 'd` De artments to' % . . . the''Kent Fire; De a'r%me%nt Sh'e' n' te'd that th`e, had .. ::.:..................:.....:.. :::...... ....:: ............:..::;.:....:::.:....:.:' ;::::.:.:::::...:..., ' .:..::.:..:....:.......:... .:.> ....::;:..::......: .•....,:•.,::..':.:.. . sta :e that; the s % s:;;a c d ]��.11 nd aring %cif the members . of the Kent Fire D;e artment are a model for the ,.'..:..-.. . .. . . .: : . ... . : p .. .......... .:.. ,- ........` . . . . f %standard to which `departments should strive ;to atta%in. Eire Chief Angelo ::noted that all of: Kent's paid Iref i MT's 9'S%' a titers are E arid` o a ied v r re certif 5 . as EMT-�D '�defbril`lation} , and 'that Kent has one of the highest save rates . in King County for victims of cardiac arrest. He also noted that they have been selected by' King County EMS to participate in a study; of defibrillator calls. 1 �- August 17, 1993 PUBLIC He thanked the City and the commissioners, Fire COMMUNICATION District '37 for their support. ' The as was presented to Battalion Chief Weatherill, the oordinator of the EMS program Sarcoidosis Awareness 'Day, foods read a procla matzon al that sarcodasis; is a non contagious whi h diffi ix di g ystem... s i se, s disease c i c It to a no. and that ;ex nsr�e and on 'goy ng study and researcYr ~is necessary to de treatment and cure. she declared August9, 1.9 ; as J. Sarcoidos�s warene s Day in the City of Kent and encourage I c�tiz to help pr motd increased varene and txndersta=n ';; o , a n this disease. CONSENT BENITT MOVED tci appro�xe Go nt Calendar Ttems`.: A CALENDAR through , eCItiding Item '3 C w��ch was removed by � Councilmemler Orr: White secondedand the ;matian carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3A) Approval of Minutes. Approval of the minuteof ..., ._ . the regular Council meeting of August 3, 1993. -=F a COMMUNITY (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4A) F DEVELOPMENT' 1994 community Development Block Grant Program._ BLOCK GRANT Orr noted that the Planning Committee met at 4:00 PROGRAM o'clock today to consider setting the date for a public hearing on the 1994 Community Development Block Grant Program. SHE MOVED to set ;September 7 1993 as the date £or a public hearing °dn the 994 'Community Deeloment' Block Grant" (CDBG Program. Houser eecoried and the motion carried. ZONING ;CODE;: (OTHER BUSINESS -_ ITEM :4B); AMENDNIBN'1' Indoor Pazntball Arena Zcining code Amendment #ZCA-93-5 The Punning Comm ,sn has recom mended amWndlng the Bonin " a to4permit %ndoor pa�ntball operations a permitted use in both; M- 1 (.Industrial' R r' and M (I; mited Industrial ) honing dstr.i: . ',w Upon Or ',s, question,' Harris noted tha; e park" rg issue.,ha been resalwed. tRR 1OE : to emend the Kent honing Cody to permit in c�6r paint -all operation-s as; a permitted use in as M-1 (Industrial Park) and ,M-2 (Limited .F September 7, 1393 r ANNEXATIONS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3M) F Everson Annexation. ACCEPTANCE of the-609 annexation petition, and direction to the Public Works staff to file the Notice of Intent document for review and approval by the Bandary Review` Board, as recommended' by the Public Works Committee. :I...�:.-�..::I.:1:.....��.�-�......�...��.%%...�.....%I.�..-%...I-..�i..%:..;..,..�..!.:��.:�...�.�....1.%:.-�:�.,:......��...-:1�.i.!....�..�.�....1..�..:....,�..:.:�.:..1 1-!�.:....:..:,�...i.,.-..:�.�.�.-..-.!!:..:...�-....�-.%:�....�..%�..:�%�:,.:..�:.....,%....�.....'�:.,.�....�::%......:%�..,.�:..,....�":...-�:-��:."�.:%�.,.,%�.'�­..,�:—.���.%.:�.,.:,.%.,.'.,��.�-.�%...�..�-.'�:;,..,.,.!�.:���%.�:I.I..i. (OTHER BUSINESS ITEM 4 ` -:�...:.�,........l.;�-,...:..;.1...%..�-;%.�...�:..��::.�.,....�.;�%--�:..�.�..%...�...�.%�%:-�..�:.�.�.-.!�..:.:��.-.;:.v..:�:..!...%.,.!.1�..�:.:�.._:�..�I...:.-..�..I:..-...%.-�:..%...%........:......�....�..........:�.;..:..........�i........% ..�......l Y.�.1..%...�.....%..���.....�.�.%...�....�...�..%::�.�.�....�..%....�....�l..:�...1.%:��...::....�..:%..-%.:�j.�--:...:..�:..%%�..�....�..:-,:..:.�..:-1.-..%.:::..:....:.::i:..��....�.:.�...:....�..:�..�:..�.;..:,.��:....�...:�.:-�.!.:I.:.�%�..��:.:!-���.�...�...1�:�.l..,%..�.:�.��..i��.:.!..-.;..!�..�..�...:�..:,,...i:.�-,-�:......���.%�..-.......�..i.��.�.....,..�-........��-�..............%�:...:%.:.!%.�:�......-,..::.�..�1:....:�.....�..�..:.1:.;..�.%.1...�..��...��...�..::.�..:..:�.........-..:...�..!��%.:.�..:�:�.�:�.::.!�.........�.;.�.:.%..:...��..:�......�....I.��.��.�%:���..........�.:.:�..�..��...%.%...�%���:.%�......1....�......�%...:��%.�..,�%�..�%.�...�:.��...�....%�:-'.­%:..�.��%.......�:.�..%:�...�..:.....�..�1.!1...�:�..�...%...�.::.-.%!��..:...::.�..,...i.-�.�:!:.�:...:..�........,.�....�...-.--:%...�,.,..-:-.�.-��.,:.:.,�.�.,I.%",,.�,!.,1::.",:,,.:..'-,,t�,,�..!-�'..�,.��.���1:',I:,'.'.'�t-.��'-,�..,-.1.I',,.,,.:,'-:.",1.l.:]:',,�t:�..1:.,,,l,�,..I%,�-',I.:�'!:...-:..�.:.:.....�....::...:.......%1.......�.:�...:.....::..:....f�....-.%:..:...�...:........�%......l...�:......%�.:..........�.....%.......:.....:.:..�..........'........:.-......'%.......%..%�:...-.:. .�%...'....%............:..�.........:....'...,.....V......:........ �%..--.....�.:�...:.%.....,......1....i.,.:..!�. Chestnut R1dCfe Arinexa:ti...---.:..;.-%.....:.:.�..,.:..1.%..I.i.1..%�. �1..I.,1-.:...%..;i........-.�.::.�,..��1.. ,.%::1:.::.1�.1-.....�-:...�����. �::.:..%.�:...�%....-...�...�.%:�.:..:�� .-.,..-..,.....,%:,..........�..:...�.... %�,"1,%, �l..�.1."L:�-,.�-.�. ...1,-..!.t-...�%1%!....-.. - E...,1-:.,.-..,:I,:....-�:,,.1.%�.:..xtension of I...I.._.:...�...........-.-�1I n.....-�....,. .:.�,-.%.I.�.�.��1.'i..:�...,:.:�..�..:.%.:.,�...�..,�.I.t.:%:...�1.�......,...�..%.�.....,..."......".,1-1..ial Zoninct Time. The P14�in mmittee has recom ..,..`.:i.-..t.V..!j......�1.....!.��.,.-..1",.....-.Z........"%Z�.�.....%� ....:!�,�..-.�,-...:....�.......�.:'.:....'..-...:...%,.........-.::..�.-....�.-.......:..,......:....,..�...........:..:..;�..".......:...�...�.;�..1�:.:..�...-:-..1......%.....,..%..-., ��.i'....��..-.....%.1...-..:..���.E1.�:.. �,,.'.,� mended adoption of a, ordinance extending the compliance eriod ar' initta] zoning of the Chestnut Ri�e a exation'':. an additional 90. days. ORR MOB 'to adopt Ordinance N'o'. 3131 extending the ctpiiance period.,for in tia . zo iri to t Reel a annexatio ' rea n g' of t, Cheer u g n a an': additional 0 da1s.f. White seconded and the .�..!...-..��...!:....�.�................,.. %..:��..%..�,..�-: i............:.�..�.:..:i�...-�.%:�,:...��.%.�.:t...%.:.�:.:L�..:.��.::..... i;.%I:-::: ...... .��..%...%.%..:.... .:..--.....:1.� ��..:.1.:�.......:-�.1.�:�....i. .:...-.:.%.%... motion a reed R, .I: ZONING CODE (CON`SFs CALENDAR - ITEM 3C) .%.:�..I..�.�...�...%...-.%%��:.!.��%.:. .. ..�.:.-...�.:...:....-�,.....:...,. .�.� %.:i:..:::%.- :.%.-. AMENDMENTS ' Indoar Paintball Arena. ADOPTION `of Ordinance No. �3129 permitting indoor paintball operations iboth the M-1 ('Industrial Park) and M-2 :(Limited Industrial) zoning districts (ZCA-93-5) , ' ##as approved by the City Council on' August 17, 1993 . F (OTHER BUSINESS ITEM 4C) Zoning Code Amendment' (ZCA-93-6? Chueehes in CM-2 Zone. The Planning Commission has recom- mended amending the Zoning Code to; permit ..��.0��1:::::::::::..i,�.:.­-.'..�iiiiiiiiiii,.I.�-:1 i1.-,t-:_������������.:�:t..!,...'1-�-I.�����������. :;churches` in the CM-22 ;(,Commercial Manuufactur..ric zoning district as a ...pec3.al, ,perrnit uses' bRR MO�FEI7 to adopt .Ordinance No. 3i32 amending the' Kent Zoning Code to permit churches as' a special ;permit uee in the CM=2 "zdne. White second and the motion carried. era. .. 6:ii iUNITY (PI3BI;IC HEAR%...:. : I`I'EM 28 UEFlELOPMENT 1994 Community Development Block Grant: Program. BLOCK GRANT This, public nearing has been set to cannier ' ; PROGRAM ;adopt`iori of the proposed 1994 'Community Ievelog- ment Block Grant (CDBG) progrem, %ncluding the contingency plan for estimated entitlement change, as recommended by the Planning Committee 5 . . September. 7, 1993 `. COMMU11,NITY Betsy Czark of the Planning Department, noted that DEVELOPMENT this; program has been approved by ;the Human BLOCK GRANT Services; Commission and the Planning Department, PROGRAM and that the program totals $359, 845. She out- lined the projects as follows: Capital Recommended Atat lications Received Amount Reau estecl Fund nq Level` . ..::.:: ..... ... ........ ..:,:::. ':::.: . . catholi Community Sery ces... $4 r:66Q . ., Community facility renovation = ;';: . . . % % .. . .. ...... .. . .... .. .. . .... .. .. . . t; To e. Re air, % 1% ;72 3:73'..; ;' $1,7Q' ;1g2 ' City of Ken m p $ ► Servicos Program City of Kent Parks & Reo. 30%, 000 $3d,000 .. ..........:.......:.....:.:....... :'.:.:.'•...... ..,...h . . Lc t. Rea :% ;' : K�c�anis Tat, #1 City of Kent Public'Works2 $ 4 "'' ,5 $20;, 000; ADA wheelchair ramps City of Kent Planning & $31, 011 $31, 011 Administration •. . 1_1 Easter Seal of Washington "y27 , 728 $12, 500 Access Modification Rehab South King County Multi-Service' 19 815 17 200 rehab transitional housing &' sidewalk addition TOTAL $366, 582 $310:,F3.93 Planning Committee recommendation .......:... :.`::'.......... '..'::':..:..;::.:::.'.....`.:':.: ::.::.::..:.::..::'::..:::..:::.::.::..:..:.:.::.::;'::::::..:....::':::.:::'::.:.:::::`,::..:.:.:.:.::::....:.;:::..:.::::::::':::'.:..:.�....'::::.'.:.�::.:.: .. I::'':::'..:.:.:::::..:::.'...: :::.............:I::.•.: :.':.,...:..:.. .:..::.....:..::..,:. .:..:::.........,.....:':..'...:... ':.. z Zf the City receives 'an increased entitlement, City of Kent Public Works shall be `increased ac`cordngl;y. 9 . : :. . : f. ..the::C . receives, a:;:decreased. entitlement South ;K�.n . I y ► g County Multi-Service •center shall be decreased accordingly. ; '.` 6 September 7, 1993 C©MMUNITY She listed the public' service agencies ' DEVELOPMENT recommended for funding as follows: BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM Public ; (Human Service: Recommended Applications Received Amount Requested Funding Level4 Community Health Centers of $16, 300 $1F,300' , .. Kng. �ounty, Kant Clinic • >Emer ena ; <F' � r m ; • :: 7:' ;7�� : •, Z 734 ,' - ` ` `:; TOTAL IMF 4 Planning ; Committee and Human Services Cammssian Recommendations s If the City receives a decreased entitlement, the Emergency Feeding Program's funding will be decreased up to $1,321 (see footnote 6 If the City receives a decrease in entitlement which causes a decrease of more than; $1,321 in Public Service dollars,, the remaining decrease will be taken from the YWCA' s funding. 7 If the City receives an increase in entitlement, the increased amount shall be alocated' to the Cty' e Cold her.. ..helter program: This .program ,is f�xridsd ent�rely W th `General Fund 'dol�,ars. Czark expla�.ned the.cont�ngenCy .plan, not�.ng which of the: prcxgrams mad ,be "increased -or d�.areasd, .as listed in ".the focatnotes above. She added,"that the adopted program must be forwarded y . .. .. .. .. The `1ayor declared the public heaar>ing 'open. Mariah Ybarra, Director of the South King County YWCA, explained that a new domestic violence program called Anita Vista will be opening in October. Jayne Leet, Executive Director of ,.....5 ..IN I'.... S. . September 7 1993 ­ I : I , I ,I", 11 �::�,.% . 11 I � ­ I I 11,� I I 1:��, :� ­11, :_ �.gi COMMUNITY Community Health `Centers of King County, thanked` DEVELOPMENT: % the Council for their support and noted that BLOCK GRANT through the seed money provided by' the City, a PROGRAMI. 1. % full-time family practice physician will be made available. Kathy Peters, Director' of Catholic Community Services, thanked the Council for their, support and noted that funding for their renova tion will allow senior citizens to' stay in their homes. .. ...... . .. . : :, :::.•... . .%.% , : . . .. . .. ... . ... . ...:.....:... . . s fence . ... . . .. . : • ..There were:;no •further. comment rom .::e au : . . % . .....•. .-; ..... . .. . . .. . ... .. .. se..: ..A.: ubl• hca .: Qrr and::WQQDS MbVED to ;cic - p -g :.:• : :se%c%onded` and ;the motion carri%ed. ORR THEN `MO�tD . .. e ;e o .rit'e; t .: . . o unit •:D v 1 n . to ado t;the . ro ased i'; g'9>4i, mm. . .. .... . P. ... .. ..::: .. ...P ............... : I...... P....>.........::, : ... . :: : . : .: ' : ......: .. ..... . .. . .. .. . . ... . . ..... .. . ... . . : : ... Ne eont n en%c . . .%. .., Block•;Grant ro ram : :z,ncl xd ng I .. :. , . I g: Y: g plan for estimated enti.itlement change, as . .. .. ., re11 a .% ... Johnson commended b the .Pannng: Cammtt . Y % .. . s,econded Orr thanked the Hyman Services . • : . co mission: far th`ez h %at d work andi,,c.o.... ded ] 1; the agencies sthat' pravidei service.'' The m%otion then carried: _ - .. H .' bW.Fug.r.6„c3rha'4�xwdY'+-A%++wi&'4rmix YhF[kaaFiY�G'a%es:sbram�si3:._ PUBLIC WORKS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3F} Y ­0 1-1-7-­ Lake Fenwick 'Phase IZA Restoration Grant. ACCEPTANCE of a grant' in the amount of $463,17Z from the State Dept. of Ecology and authorization I to establish a project budget for Lake' Fenlick % I , %% Phase IIA Restoration, as recommended.. by the "`ti Public Works Committee. .� _10� Ij, \,(CONSENT CALENDAR � ITEM 3 G} ' Garrison Creek Erosion Caxrol Grant. ACCEPTANCE of rant �u the amo nt� of $125, 0'00 from the ti n and a th or za o to . f co u State . e t- o. .: .. : p :: .. . ....... '..... ... .. . ..... .................. . . . . .. ... ...... . ....: .. > . . . : . .0 et for; .arr s:ori Cre'ek'; % estbli. a , ro t ;,ks dg ...... ........P . :;;;. �� : : Eroslion o t . %a recommended h .: the' P�xblic r s . ,: ..< . .. .:: . ,.. ...: .. . Works Comm`% . co( NSNT: CALENDAR TEM 3H} Wel�fiead�PrQtectior� F�o rah m grant, ACCEPTANCEof grant gin. the% amount of82, 565 from the State r: ept. o to establish a t orb anon (; Ecology and au h ,�z; -.,.,.��:�-�.���%�%.�:i�. �.. %:.�:li..:;:�l���.�.. ....�.�... ..;%.:�. A�project budget far the Wellhead�Protection :: ... ,. ... .... is Works . Program, as recommended key the P�ci bq Committee. 1­1 I R I .. .�, , , 11 � . . , .: . .: N r4 _. "" ^�`..�s..c .14 .:.. .. C`IFY OF .} CITY OF KENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT (206) 859-3390 ' J. : d ,,"ECT MEMORANDUM September 16 1993 TO:; HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION MEMBERS FROM: RACHEL Y.` JOHNSTON, PLANNER ,, SUBJECT SEATTLE-DING %d0UNTY PUBLIC;: HEALTH SERVICES (199Q-199,1) . Attached:;f o. :; ;our;:.review :ar.e ca %es of ark 'final.; s,zs of::Seattle . Tiro :: Y p „ Y g County >Public Health Services far 199`•0 and 191. :'::::::..:.:.:;:.;,::':.:.,:..'::.::::.:...::...:...:.:....:..'..,.:...:•:.:....:.:.'...:.:..'.:;::.;:..::.:..:.•::.:':::..:'.'::::,:.':'::.:.:::.' ::: ;:'';::::::; ....:.....:................. .. .::...:............... .. Th'e;Offce; ofiHousn and; uman Serv ;c'es wa; eceritl'`:; 'ass ned; th'e '' g Y g task of monitoring .:the City's .Seattle K1;ng county Public Health Contrast. The attached analysis is ' a summary of those public health services provided to ;Kent residents during 199'0 and 19'91., i. m. (Please` note that 1992 data' was just made available and will ` be presented to you at a future time) . The purpose of this analysis is to identify the public health service's and explain the cost of those services. In additionto uzing the data provided by. the Health Department,; Human Service's staff interviewed several Public Health staff and did site visits prior to finalizing the analysis. Kent has two. Public Health sites; Personal Health Services is located at 613 West Gowe and the Environmental Health Services is located at 1404 Central;' Avenue South. As ''you review the report, you may note`, that the` Gity r s contribution for:..bath ,ersonal and envlronment,a,l :health; s,erv�.&6 : basac . ma , not.: :: :: p ( } Y ::•'... . . . . .:.'.'::: ....::...::.:::::::.:....::..:.:::..:::::...::.::..:..: :::::::.........:....:::.::::.:: ..:....:...:..:.:.:':.::.:...:..:::..:::::';.:.........::...':;;';;:.......:.::..:...:::;:......::..:.....:...::.:::;::....:.+..:::' ::::.. '..:::.:....::.::'....:: .....::..::::::::.....:...:. .::::.;:'..:::......: .::::.... ..::.:.::'::.;'.:...': :. :....: ., ..... ,.::... . ... .: ..:...:::::: .... . .. ....:.::...,., .....:. :' ::::::;;::. . be: ro onion •te: to the. number; of. un .ts ro riled•.:: Iso the Ct . . . . .. a ..... ...: .... .. .. . ..:.. ... .. : : v A . . ... . . . . s ;: :,. ; :, .. p . ... % .. :........... . ... p : : !. Y . . . ..... . . . . : .. : ..... :. . . .. . . .,:: . , : ..... . ... .. ..... ........ . . . cost, er unit ma. ;: var rom 1990 to 1>9s91 T is is attributed:: b ... .: :f ... :.... ..:. .... ... h .... ... . . .. . ., : p- Y �' .. . .. . .. :.. ... ce the ;:il,ln ro s,s:;;ut l •zed:.b .:the; Pub1= c; Health De 'a> ;tm'ent Tkte, .......... . .......... ..... ..........:............................................. .:'..: ... . .:.:........:...............:......... .::.......:.............:..:...:................:'.......:...................................................:....:- :....:.r.....:..:.....:...:...:.....,...............,........:..........,..:...........:.:.... . .. . ......... p Y. . ... ........ .:. :p : ... .. . . De artment .... ......... :,........... ... ..... ... ...: % . . p . receives fun '7.. f %. . various g%ra%n s� con raC s a %n ees which a;re apportioned to; pay far specific health services. These :'' funds hel d'efra a: onion:i of th%e Cast;; of services to: 1oc'a`1`' % P Y. p %. jurisdictions% . C1.ontingent on the number of service units provided, local jurisdictions 'at.re '0 larged the %diffeience not co ex�ed: by the other % funds. The;more other funds available the less c�t•ies are charged; %fA.or:' tho%se services p%%rovided •ta their:% ` residents. It should `be noted`that the` City is only charged for `actual s'erviees received by` its residents c I r::..: .... .................... . ..... ,. .. .. . . % Human Services commission Members September 16, 1993 Page 2 This analysis demonstrates that the��::,::�:,�--:�:,:�:�: �11- :11 : �z-�:------ - �:W, - "" '', �- %!-� ..... - - 11�.��:%::-�: 1�%� City,'s need for services is increasing. ; More residents were served and more units of service were delivered in 1991 than in 1990. The more critical point that thus analysis reveals is that although more health services were delivered to Kent residents, the cost` per service unit has decreased. Compared to 1990 services and costs, the number of service units provided in 1991 increased `at a greater percentage than the increase .n the cast of the services p% .ovided i.n 9,91 So,: although our assessment in %creased, the Ci%ty a%c%tuaily received more services% IIIfC Zts money ;in 19:91. ..�%..1i..,�.1I�--.1�11.::,�.�:...�—:�.I,I.�.---�,.::��.�I...."I,�...:-�::��-:�,-��.:...-�-.�.%.,...1�--�--..%:-..-.1.-�.��....,�:....�.,--.''�,-�...-..�t..l--t--��-....--::..."��....%..-........t.':.....'�.%.:l�-..,�..�.­.'��.:...!--,-%�....:��:..-�:,...-,...I,:.�-�--:-'�-...��.'1..%:..:i-...�.�.-�,.�..:....�-.���..I.,�..:�-��-..-:".�:-.-.:���-:-.�%.�.....:..":...�.!�.:i�.1'.%:�'�-�.:-�:.-�.%..:..1�....-�.:�I.--..:...�.�,:�..��:�..,..i.:.�I�.'%.�l-��.-�.-.-':....�i::I%.'::.--...���;����..%���.�.l:.,,.....%,-%�.-.''..-:­.,,i...,I-�..�-.,�.l',.�%,.....,t�%�-".-%!�.",.i.�..-....���..���:..-..�.,,..-.-...�:...,�-:,%-�,,..,..�...:�,,%.:�...-.,-"....��t.��..,-�.,:%.�-.�:.,�.-..---...,.�-.,,..-I.-...�:i'C-...,:..-��.....1..I�..,.��.�,�-�...,..'R�..���..:,.�.��I,,-:-,.��,--."�,.��-,...�,--�..,��1-,:...�-:..-.',:-1�v.,�-.,���,.,I:�.i...­�-�.�'�.:!1-t-'-,i�....-.,�-�.I...:��...,-�....,��...-.-����_1..-,,, This informat-on .�%�I.�;�...�i:�.�......�....�.�..-:.....�.�.�%.-,�....,::...'.�.:..:.�.,.....���.....:..:.........O.:�...:.%....�:�I..:�.::.i.��...I....1.�.'.....!....�...........i..:;.������....%...-...�..:..:..::...:I:�.......:....:..���.;.�..:.�%.�..�.�:%.......:%....�.�.-.�...-1.i...1::....%..:..:.�......�..1�...%-.:.:!i..�.: be presented to the C}ty Council Planning . ... .•. .....: .......�..�u....�.�:.:..:.��..�..:-.....�.1:......- :...,...!.%­.i.:.�..l.�:............:.�,.......%�-:..�............�..-..�.%.:..�..�.......%......%.�.�-...;:.:.:.......:.�..�:.-.%..l..�:�...%......-...!�%0.�......�....i....!:.:.....:..:...:..�...�..-:..I I......�.:.:.�.1..i.. �:%....�.:.-..%�...�..�.-%....:.�l....::.:.�...........%..�.�...-.I�%....�:%.�.-.:....:..�.....%.........:.:1:.....:%...:...��....;m-�.�.:.:....�:...�.:..:. .. .. :,:%.:.:, ., Comm1t .. : g:............. . ... ..: p.......... .... ... .. .. g:: . ,.. .... . .... .. ...g ..:..�:.:i..:..::..�-.�:.....:%-�.:.�.�.:...;.�....:�.,.�..-:..�...�::..:.�:-........%.�.�...E......1:. �ffl..�...,�.....��..:..:-�.'.-.%::.:....:1.!.:.�::%i forward to; discussing this analysis with you during the September 23 Commission meeting. RJ/slc:pubheal.com Attachment cc: James P. Harris, Planning Director Lin Ball, Human Services Manager ANALYSIS: OF SEATTLE-KING'COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICES: 1990 & 1991 This analysis summarizes the health services provided to Kent residents and businesses by the Seattle-King 'County Public Health Department (Public Health Department) during 1990 and 1991 Specifically, this document compares the health services utilized in.`1990 to those provided in 1991. This document compares the cost and volume of those health services provided during both years. The information in the analysis is etracted: from 'Kent's 1993 . . . . ...... Assessmen for.•.:Heal •h ::Services•. Re ort which ;zs ub xshed b the: p.• p Y .. ... : Public Health 'L7`e artment:' `i`?;'I'h 's 're" art: ' rovdes' statistical data whch`clefnes'the ublc<'health: services' rovlded to Kent residents p gin: accordance, with :the: Health. Servzces ;A reement bettieen the I cost g . . ........ .......:...... ... of Kent: and: the Public Health• De artment The> 1993 assesse is. determined b those services utz'lzed b ; Kent : residents and businesses in 1991 (,the current year s assessment is.....determined;by the cast •of services ut l ze t o; .;. ear o e%•; vi i d w y s pr r) Th City paid 442 005 1n: 1992 for these 1990 services 'and $529184 in 1993 for 1991 services Of this. amount, $399, 10 paid }basic personal health services and $42, 875 for 'envlronmental health services in 1990 In 1991, $484,349 was for basic personal health services and ,$44,`835 . for environmental health services 19`92 data will not be available until September 1993 The Seattle-King County Public Health Department provides to Kent two types of public health services - ;personal health services and environmental health services. Both personal and environmental services can be categorized as either basic or optional. The City is only charged for the 'basic services provided in each category. Kent is charged for each uni€ of service provided to ' Kent residents. With regards to this analysis;, a unit is defined as a quantitative element of 'service (i.e.`, number of visits) . The County covers the local tax support 'required to `support the opt, ional personal. :and :environmental; health services. ; The`'Ct ; of; Kent a s for onl a: onion of; th'ebasc health services rov ded p Y Y.: p . :•. .. ......... ... p.... to its : residents. . Outside revenue; enerate'd throw h ; fees cont'raA.s::'and``` rant`salso hel s• defra ' the' cost;;of both:':k as`i`c''and : • g, p Y .. ....... : ........... o t on e'rsona� and `'environmeenta1.. ;,health` servic'es'' In ` the p p .: ............ . , analysis, this ;revenue is lusted as "other costs!' . Charges for clients' services a're based on ` a sliding fee scale. Poverty guidelines are 'utilized to ``compute ;the 'sliding `fee assessed 'to clients. Kent residents are ,permtted``to receive personal health`services' in any of the Public Health Centers. Kent clients are tracked through a centralized data base system. Personal Health services provided to Kent residents include general dental and health services; maternity care;` Pediatrics/day care 'screening; Women, Infants & Children Supplemental Food Program (WIC) ; family planning, immunizations; tuberculosis, testing and treatment of : Sexual Transmitted Diseases (STDs) , refugee health, AIDS related services, Geriatrics,• specialized. teen health services and., general::,: jail health' services. % Environmentai Health services provided to Kent residents: include. food establishment licensing,,.::,...drinking water safety, sewage 1 compliance, solid waste regulation, chemical and physical hazards and noise enforcement, tobacco ;products regulation, and rodent control. Within each of the service programs are environmental Health tasks which include plan reviews, routine inspections, return inspections, enforcement actions, consultation/education, complaint investigations; special' investigation, test/samples, and illness investigations. This analysis consist of two basic ' categories - a statistical profile of both personal and environmental health services and the summary` of findings. Bai`s%c Personal Beal' S`ery 'ces` 'Maternal & Chi ld. Health) 1990 1991 *Pediatrics/Teen Health Services Kent clients served' 370 45 Total units provided• 931 1, 060. Cty's contribution' 61,953 60,262 City's' cost per unit: 67 5' Other cost: serviCest 37 , 824 55;514 Total cost for services: 99 , 776 115,778 *Parent/Child Health Kent clients served: 864 1, 108 Total units provided: 2 ,'611 3,249 City's' contribution* 150, 867 180, 096 City's cost per unit. 58 55 Other funds contributed: 153 , 013 195,790 Total cost for services: 303 , 880 37'5,887 *Day Care Screening Institutions s g ervin Kent residents 19 26 Total xnits prgvidedi 122 211 City's' contributian: 1Q,955 15,477 City's` cost per unit: 90 ' 3 Other funds contribution: 6,428 13,0$3 Total cost for services. 17,382 28,56Q Nate >th t units served refle ts;:;da care nst u ions; ram. er; . ...... s Y. h..... ;;;, than i n• �:v�duals and; therefr�re;: demo: ra hzc data is:;; not rovzded ........... . ... d . ..... ... �: g p p *Matern'al Care/Other .. Kent clients served`;:Total :Units provided: 56 25 Cityts` contribution`: 2 , 345 1, 695 City's cost per unit: 42 0 Other funds contributed: 2 , 129 3 ,769 Total cost for 'services`: 4,474 2, 074 (A number followed by a minus denotes a credit to the City) 2 ..:. ..:....:. ,:.. :.::::•.::.. .. ..... . .. I . , -:� I I . : %: . :. ... . 1990 1991 *Women Infants ` & Children (WIC) Kent clients served: 987 1,158 Total 'units provided: 71284 8,284; City's' contribution: 67, 147 75,827 C y's` cost per unit: 9 9' Other funds contributed, 54, 123 68,472' Total cost for services. 121, 270 144, 299 (Adult and Family Health) *Family Health Bent clients served'; .. 7 . . 31 .. , Total units rovided: 7 4`1 P City's; contribution: 3,72 Z85 5 . Cty's: cost per unit: 112 91 Other funds contributed': ... 582 3 , 119 Total `cost for 'servicesi 1, 367 6,844 *Family Planning ---�.!:.:.I.��:�:1��:t��:�..1�-..I�.-­.,.����%,��%,-�.-t-:�.-..-�..---�-:;.:,.:.'�.:�._I��.��-�.�:�--:�,�-%�.....���:�.'.�-!.-,�%�,I!-:.:�..-:-..�%_.�%��:,�:.��:.���::"�t.�..."�..�---�-��.1.-I;��-:_,-,�..1"1��:,�t:..-;��,�!:.-.:-...�,�.��!11 I!�.���..:�1;�:.:�-�::._-���:�1:�-��.�:I,--�...,,-,,�.:1.---:��.:.�-:��,-�:t.-�-.�...:,..-."���.��...I-'�,I:--�:-�i:��-.,:�,��.�-�:.�i..-.-,,�",�...:.�:.,,!-�.­.-"�:�,���:�:..,�-i...'��:.-t!i�.,�.,K�:--..�,�%.!,�....,�%.:-_1:)���.�,I-.�:.�-,,�,-�.��:.,,...-1�...::�::.:-�.,��-��-..%,��.-��..:.:�..�.-:)�-,:.'��1--.�..,�-.:���.-_.,.1-�-�,.:,-�-:.%-..-,�.�..�.."-.,..�-�%:­,t,..:��.!�,:-�..��-i,,.�����:.��%�:�,1...��-�::�--.-�-.t�..--�.�-%.%:.%-�:��1:..,",,.:�:,:�...��-%--�.,�.;�...�::�.�:��.,'-�-:��.�:��,..,.-:.----�-�.,�I��,�t.,:....".�'���!�:--I%':�.���t-�..,..:,,��.�::-:!.��:�.:,-:�.,i�..-.�:-...'�,:�..:�..:�.-�':��,���.,:.II�:-..�,.�-:�.�'-,�.._-,���.,�.��...'!',�,::.:��-.�...--.-,,l��.::.,i.-...�,�-,-I"'�-....­-;-..-,.-I��..,"�,...I�-...%1-�.,:.�,�:,:�I,,.%�:%I,�.!.�:.�...,,I,�.%.�.1�.��,::�.%....--::.��--,�..-_�...,-1l,:���.�-.'-...-,,,,�-.:,�1-..--:....-�.,:1.--:.',��I...'��1-�..,�.�,..:�%::_.��.;��--..������.-...I,--�.%...1,1-.-,:�:.,,...,%-...,-:,�.�.-i:..":--:,,--.-,--�,..:1,­�.:�.. Kent clients served: 398 539 Total units provided: 823 1, 057 CI 's,' contrbuton:y 57, 561 84,535 Cty' s cost per unit. 70 8d Other -funds contributed: 37, 836 41, 606 Total cost for services`: 95, 397 126, 140 *Immunizations Kent clients served' 1, 110 1,757 Total units provided: 1, 390 2,302 City's coritributiori: 16, 871 22,758 Cty' s cost per unit: 12 10 Other funds contributed': 12 ,837 22,403 Total cost for `services: 29, 708 45, 161 *Sexually Transmitted Diseases Kent clients served 149 14Z .... Total .. . ... „rov ded 249 232 C t 's contribution!: 17 247 1.. 88$ .. . .... .... .. . :. .: :.:.......... .:........ .........-:........:..:.......::..........;.....;................ V.::........: .....:::+.....:....:.............. .:.....: ,. . . . .. . . i; :•..,:.:'.::::::.::%......:..:.....:::...,.:. :..::.......,.:.::.`:..:.:::: Cz s,,cost,• err>un . .. ,,.,.. .; 9 . y .. . ... •.... .. ;•.. , Other ;funds contributed: 1©,,5�6 11,77'7 Total cost for ;services: 27, . . 2;9, 666 * ckleshoo Mu Kent clients served.. 0 n/a Total units rovided: n a p 0 / City's conribution': 0 n/a ` CityIs' cost per unit: 0 n/a Other funds contributed: 0 n/a Total cost for 'services: 0 n/a (In/al denotes that program was '`not 'available during that year) *Refugee Health Kent clients served 69. 167 Total units provided -71 169 3 . . . ..: :.... ....,: .. . : 1990 1991 . ., City's contribution 3 095 12 434 City's cost per unit. � ''44 74 Other funds contributed; 7 ,367 18,986 Total cost for services`: 10, 462 31,420 *Tuberculosis Kent clients served 78 114` To al units provided: 158 280' Ci y's contribution: 6,250 9,510 Cty's cos per unfit. 40 34' Other 'funds criib'utecl'; 2 1 3 15`5 Total ``cost ;for services`: 8,430 12,665 *AI.D.:S .. Kent clients-,.s.erved; :.......:.:!;.::..: .... ......:.. . ...................................... :..::.............. .. 4::0:, ': 55 Total. unIis rovz ed ... p 91 126 City's; contribution 4,054 3,532 C ty's.: cost per unit• 45 28' Other funds contributed: 51756 10, 030 Total cost for services': 9,809 13,562 Summary of Personal Health (Basic Services} Total Kent clients served: 4, 105 5,532 Total Units: 13, 793 17,036 To al Cost to Gity: 399, 130 484,349 C y' s Total Cost per unit: ! 29 28 Total Other Cost: 330, 671 447,704 Total Expenditure. 729,798 932, 056' t����"� 1�:��� -�-���:J��� � ,���,�,�,,�:,��:t�t,�����:.��il%�.�::...%.:i��%.�%:�.��:�:�.�,,�", , M .........%%:..:.-. Optional Personal Health Services *Geriatrics` Kent clients served: 2:90 %118' Total units provided: 544 490. City's contribution`: 0 0 Cit.. . .. st per unit: 0 0 Other funds contributed: 2, 075 3 , 280 King County. contr_bu ion i,.449 6, 590 Total cost for services- 9,522 9, 870` *Dasa Research Project Kent clients served: n/a 9 Total units provided: n/a 18 City's contribution: n/a 0 Cty's cost per unit: n/a 0 Other funds contributed: n/a 3,226 King County's contribut`ion: - n/a 715 Total cost for services n/a 3,942 *Coordinated Family `Services 4" .. . . . . .. .. :. ::.......... ..:.:. 1990 % 1991 Kent clients served n/a 4 Total `units provided n/a 35 City' s; contribution n/a 0 City's cost per unit: n/a 0 Other funds contributed`: n/a 16,784 King County's contribution: n/a 239 To al Cost for `services n/a ; 17,023 *MCH/AIDS Center. Kent clients served. ; `: n/a 6 Total units provided: n/a 4'4 City's Contribution n/a 0 City's Cost per unit: n/a 0' Other funds contributed n/a 16,536 King County's contr:1but1on: n/a 345 Total cost : for ;services: n/a 16,881 *Teen Health Centers Kent c:lients served nja Z Total units provided n/a 4 Cty's' Contribution` n/a 0 Cty' s` cost per unit. n/a 0 Other funds contributed: n/a 3 King County's contribution: ` n/a 369`. _rµ Total cost` for services: n/a 372 ` *Dental' Hea th Kent clients served 170 192 Total units provided 37T 40.fli%::�..-: 3 Cty' s contribution: 0 0 C y' s cost per unit: 0 0 Other funds contributed: 7, 533 5,773 King County's contribution: : 40, 984 29, 108 Total cost; for; servicest 48, 514 3418$0 *South ;Count Dental ...........%.. ......:..........y... .::...:.......:...........:...................::......... . .. ....:.:....:::... .Kent..,..cl.ients....:.served:..:.. .::: ::.....:... 45 6:3.:;:.•...:..:: : ;.: Total, units: ; rovded 1,13 ,,,; S27 . p Cit 's Contribltiori: y .. : .. . . .... . . 0 ::.............:.....::..::.. .. ... ... .. .......::.::.... :...::.:::....:...:::.:,..::.......:. . . . . . . , :. a . Cit s Cost er unit: :; . . . :`: ..: . . 0 0 y . . : p.... . ... ..... ...: : . Other funds Contributed: 6,259 ` 81, 189 King County.. Contribution: `. 21517 7, 215 Total Cast. .f . servicess 8,775 151465 *Renton' Jai>1 Health : Kent clients erved: 3 12 Total units provided: 3 14 Cty' s contribution: 0 City' s cost per unit: 0 0 other funds contributed: 132 765 King County's contribution: 13 21 Total cost for `services: :119 786 5 .a. F.. 19 90 1991 *Kent Ja_��1-:-��l:�,,i"1m:-I_��1"'�,,­"I i�_�'''_1-_1,II,­'�:l'_'_'l l'I:'_l­..''_.'.,. iI. il Kent clients served 16 23 Total units provided 59 72 Cty's contribution 0 0 Cty' s cost per unit: 0 0 Other funds contributed: 1, 660 3 ,207 King County's contribution: 442 30 Total cost for services': 2 , 101 3, 237 *Renton Medical... Rent clients served;: na 6 .%�.:.�.�:.l�.......­�..%.-­:.­..�:.�O..�..-�..:.:..:...:.;._::..:..�..%.1::%-%....%�.._�.:i:...I,..�..�.:.:i:I'......:.i::-,-..�.....--,�_:..,....%�....,.-...�.,��%.%%.:..,.l:.1.!��.:.%...�l.....'._�­...�'%.:.��.t.'1-.'; .�:'�..�:,_�.i...:;,::..'�,..�.....��:�.1�-...�.:!�,,�1i�:!�:i_.�-�,�..i%..i:,t;�::i�,.,::.'.�.�.::.­-%.���.i::.�.�:.-:.�.-��:.;,..:v:�"�::�..����,�..:::­_�..:..::%%�1�jI:���I,.J:::��.:.i!.�.�:��:.�::��"..1�..::.��.�._'�...��..:i�.�.�l1.%,:._�..�.'�..,-,,���%��.�:.,�::....!:.,.,:.,��:!�''w��i��.-,,:.:.���j:�.::�::..��...�...�,',��.I.�,�:: Total units provided: 13 n(a C ty'.s contribution;: 0 n/a City's`:' cost per unit: 0 n/a Other .funds contributed': . 123 n/a : , King County's contribution 27 n%a Total cost for services: 149 n/a *Jail .Health .;:. .. , Kent clients served: 52 59 Total units provided: 170 164 City' s coritributYon: 0 0 City's cost per unit: 0 , 0 Other funds contributed 4 , 400 5, 094 N King County's contribution 590 562 Total cost far services: 4 , 990 5, 656 Summary of Personal Health (Optional Services) Total Kent Clients Served: 482 495 Total Units: 1,275 1,371 Total cost to county: 51, 996 45,194 Total Other Cost 22;182 6:2,857 Total ''EXpenditured 74,17© 108, . .2 .i'-�:�.:.l..:.:....:.�%;..i:..�a.�.�........-..%�, ;(Note that :Tocal. �u 1: : :: ti ns are riot charged for optional ..... ........ .......... ...:..::..... ..:....:.::'....,......4::..::;.,:..�...::..:.:......:..:...:......f... '::...... ...... ..:..,..........:.' ...........:::":.........,.........`...:.,:.............:•:.:.....,'.....:.:::::...., ....................,.:.......,...,:.:.:....:..::...:: ........::..:.,,.......-..'................. .... .. ........ ....... serve ces ra�zzded .< ; Basic EnrronmentaZ Health `Services' . . *Water QWdlt Y Total units provided. 6 4 Ci;ty's contribu ion: 409 255 City' s' cost per unit: 68 64 Other •funds contributed: 162 43 Total cost for services`: 571 299 i. 1990 1991 *Solid Waste TI ,�,I� ,,, 11,, , �� �:�:-.���. .9���I�,�,­�:,�­�,!��,_,��!,��­�::��:��:_�:�t:t�:��,_�:��i"�­��,:�:I 1:�,�,:���,::��:,���:�:,,:,_��I�:�:�,�,,��������::�_�­_:_�::,�,_,����t::�:��t��,�!�,�t:_�1���!�:�1-­::,t�,�;:_����:­­',1:��_�:���,,�:-�­I-:�total units provided: 796 712 Cty's contribution: 4, 806 358 Cty's cost per unit 6 0' Other `funds contributed 25, 952 28,774 Total cost for ervices' 30, 759 2`8,418 .�:��.�..��;II-�.:%�..�.���...,:.�-1­..i:��,�%...1.1t%%�.-�.��.:%,�.1:-:�.:.:­..-�..:��,..:��.:-��:.:.::��:%t�.��:.%.:.:...�.-i::�­��:�!.%.......�.,:-::�.:��%�:..�..�..:1l.I:�1�.�.��::��.-.�._�:­.%%.�:�-,�:,...:��..iI1.��.���:-��.�.��:�..!..:�.:�...:%.�.,:.�..�...%........-.�:�%....%.............:-.­�.�..�..._�..�.�.-�.�..,......1�.�.�.....�...�%...�....:�-��..,.:-.,.1.i�.....,�...�.�-..�.:..:.�........_....,�%....%...:...�..�.I�.......�..,..........-�..�.....:.�%....�....%..�...,.:...-..�%�..%�............%.�.:­-........�....-....:..:._......:.��..­.......1....,..��.:�...%�-...-�1..%-....,..-....'�.�.'..,,........�,..'-�:.�':,�I.:,,�','...�...�'.:.:..�.:%.-..%'.:.%�,�.�..%..:_%:.�.I.1�.,.­-.,..:,.%.I...,.1.*Sewage; Disposal ....:i�.�.��....:%....-�;.%..�;..%..:.�%%..�......III.�..�:...:..�..,..�.��...�:...I��.....,.:..,.:....-.,-..�.:....�.,­..:��..:...:,...­..%:....%...:�.�,..���..%...]....�:.:.:.,:.��..�..i�.,.:��..-.:....�­:�.�.%::,­._�.:�.:�....:...:,......;:..:...%:.:.....:.­�..i....:.,:i:..�..�.%.:.�:.�..,.1.���.:.::..­...�.I..�:�.�..�....­�..,.:.-.:.......�..%.��.:..:.;:..:......�..����.:..:..�.,­;._..:1,�_.�.�%.-......_­:,.%�:��:..::..��%�.:.�.�1.,:%���I%...:.�..��..�.:.�. Total units provided t.:,�,l�:-.:�.��­1..."�..�.....�::t,....%.-,.�...�11�1%:,.%...l­.�.:-..:�.�.,....:.....:%�.:.�:.%�.�.1..%-..-�:::--­.�,.1;�:::�...%:%����.. 96 66 . "...i�._.:�..:�.: ..�::.-...:...:.�.:.:�:.-�.:..�:.,:..��I..:.:.:..%...�-.:....:�I.�:.�.����%...�-�,_1....:.-..�.�,.�1.7..!.:..:.:..��....,...:..�,......��.�.�.,.....,.....%:�..I..�.....�.;..�....,:.....�...��%...:....:..%..Zi�....�-...�_i�.:..�...�..�......:.%..�.....: ...,:�_.-:%t,?.�..._.:�:�.�:.��%.:.,c�..",��:%­,�:.�.­��.!_::�;:�%,�%-��:..�.��._�.­:..i.,:.i.%:;,..:%���..,.:��%��?�).­..��!:�-­..:.�..-:.%-:.�..%:�.I�.cl�..�.�%�,_.�.,��...::..'��.:�.�­,%-...,.%::::.�,�..::;%%%:�.­.-'..�:,.%��:�.��l::­..%%:.-.!�':.�%"..�:,..:....:�%,��:�..�.­.'.,,..i:i.::.�:..:��:'::.,...:�;.:.!.:�:.�;..t.:....:::I!:.%.:%!v..���'�....�.�:. �T!;.�::..':_..,.�I!:��...�:.:_.�..�:..%�,..:%:%.��j._.�!..:..%:.:..��:��.1�i.�.,::.,....�...:�_..��...1�.:1I��.���.��.i,I"��I.:�.­�,�::�.�,�:;�1,,_.:,,!�,��­��-�!���l-.:.��:I.i��������.���­.:-�:I,�,:��.�-���::�i�_�_�,.,.�,l:�,-�:.,,i:���.�t�­..,:�:�����':.�%_:::�,]I.!:�,,�:'�.',"..­V.�:....I��%".'.� .%;,...'...�"..i:.,-.:,,.::...::.:��._.".l....�.,:..:.:,:.:,.�..,..I...,...,..%.:...�."..6.,�....�..-1:I..I,�...% ....1.....It..:.11.�:1......--%'..t..1I1�.�..1.. ..%1.:.i.�,:-II_...1 i_....",.%i.I...�..-..I�.:..:..I_..1..:..�%�-..I..­. ....­.%.�._.�..�.,,.z:,..,...._...,1 ,:.,:.,i 1.."1�,:,,...''_�..1,-�:,,,,:.�,_.%�.­:1:,..:,,.,,�,,.�.,.�­."1,�:".�,-,..:_­t,:.,'"'::1..::.,1_:,..".,'.,.�,�::..t�.:.'1� .''�_..%.':.........i�.-...'l._­.........%......�:..%.....-... ...:��.!�..�%.....%..�::.......!..%....%.:...%.....:..!.......I:..�I....:::� ........%...%:...%....:..�....­1.%..:..%:..........�........%...­.._.....:.%.............%.%.�.:.%..........:1.!.: ....�::�:..... .......�...�.:�.....%1..%. %.�.:.:.�.:...-.! ..............!.:...%%.::.: ...�.%.�::....l�:�..:.:....i.....:..�� .%.:.�:�.....:.%.�.%.....%. ....:...:..%.�..-.%.:I.....:.......2.!--...:..; ...�.,..�. ....%.�.�.% % C�ty's;; contribution: 1, 193 1,258.�... .....:..: :..:.:.:. ...,:....:,:..:.::.. :;:..:..::...::.:.:;:..::::.:..::..::..::.:..:.:...:...:.::.::::......... ..... .:....: ..... ....... .... . .. r: .. . City s. cost per unit: .. •12 19' .. Other funds con tributedz 2,417 i0618 . ..:. . . . . : .: . . Total cost :fo .... xi ces. : .. . :.. 3 : ...:...........:..... ............ .:................:....:...:.........:... ..::..:::.:::...::...:..... ..:, *Plumbing/Gas Piping/Refrigeration Total ..units rov�ded. p 2 4 dR y's', contribution': 0 4; City's cast per unit: o i Other `funds coritributedi 58 143 Total cost for 'services 57 146, ..%..........�..%.....�....�..�....�-..:..%...%. ..� *Vector%Nuisance Control` To al units provided: 40 45 City' s contribution: 2 , 170 223 City' s cost per unit: 54 5 ^_ Other funds contributed: 345 496 Total cost for services 2 , 516 720 : �P�,:..-.��...�..I...:.-....�1..:.%....I­.:��­....—,�.�....:..­..�.:.:.c-::%%%:...:��..,_.�...;,:..%.�..­--,:�I,�.,�­.:�_...-:,%...%�.l..--.:�.�.­-%.%.��..%%..-:I..,.,.,����:�:­..­.:.­..:.-_�:.%..-.1l.��.�.._.....%�:."�...'_...:..:.­,�.�%:% ­...:­..1,��..-..'..1...,.-.,'�.1..,!..�.*%1-,.%..�.,,.:.-.,...­_-1....­�,.�:.�.�­�:.._i.__�I�%,..-�.j_:.�.__..�_��­_.:.­­�:..��.�..%1---�:�",:��....,..,:�:M,­­.,�.�..­­:..�_�-_."_,::..,%%.�.",I�:%,....'-:..:�_._.��i,�-.,:.;1:­�,:..�"Ij�,�.�-.:..­-%..�__­'.�"..��,­.�.�%.j.-)­�­,�,%,I:,_:..:.�_­�-..�.�,�:_._,.�.�',::,"..:.:�.%_­.�,,_,I�i-.­!-:_.�1i...:..���:��%..,—:�-,��._�..,-­��...­,!..".­­­�._�%.�,t.%�.,.�..�..,..­;.',1-��.._.:,:�'%.,-.�..�::_��,i�-:,.I�:_­� *Living'; Environment Total units provided: 596 758 City's contribution: 5,3'32 9,758 .;�:.%1��,..._,t�_....1�.,1_.�..:1,�1:'.��.1,�:_I­::%_.-,,%%:"I-.,..I��-,,::..I:I�­­�.'�-�.:,%,�._�%�_-�l-�..�::­t�I�._.,1�l�.�­1,:��:�:,1.-�I.l�1.-I­��,��t�I_.,..,.,�t�....:��:�M:-� City's cost per unit: 9 13' Other funds contributed: . 22, 346 224702 Total cast ::.for sertIlces 27,678 32,461: Food. Protection... . .. ... <- . . :::::.:.. ::::::.:.. ,::. ._.._:.. Total units provided: 1,513 1,572 :. C.,,, , s con rbu ion: 23 224 19: 94:5' . 1...................:............ ...............:..: .. ... C],ty s„ cost per un�t: 15 13 Other funds contributed: 55, 104 61,849 Total, cost 'for serviced: 78 3: 8 81 94' . .. .: .. . . :. 2... .. : �7 . . Chem calazax'ds . Tata1' units !`'` rovdeel '; ; : ;;' 1`06 ;: ' 1'40`' p Cty's' contribution`s 3 ,650 10,258: City's` eost per unit. 34 73 Other funds contributed 1, 956 1,112 Total cost for `servicess 5, 606 11,370 f 19g0` 1991. .. *Noise Control Total units provided: 2 17 City' s contribution: 137 1,495 1-1 City' s cost per unit: 69 88 Other funds contributed 16 34 To al Cost for services: 153 1,529 *Meat Inspection Total units provided 243 178 City' scontributian 1, 954 1,879 Cty1:1's cos% t per unit: 8 11 Other f %unds contributed: 5,557 5, 637 Total cost for ervicesc % 7,511 7,516 . azardddd aste•:•Rlan. . . ':... . ... ...H W.. . .. M��..:..��ii1�::..�:.%.i...�..�:...::.%%�..;�......-,�...._I.:i�:.�...��:.�..;:��......�t..!.-.�..��--.....�:.......�...,;;.,:.:......:...�....::�..%....��%��...:.....1.:�::.....�%�...:�.�-...!.�:.....:��:..,.�.;-....:._�%e%.::�.::1 I...i.".��..�I�.:... Total units provided: n/a 313 Cit 's contribution;: n a 118 ����:�%.1,,,:::.�:�.�.1:���:��..,-:.1-.:,���:�.��.:.'�:�.:-.,_��.,,��,..::,�:..��.:-,�..���..'�:':�-.1��.,�:�!,��%�!.I,.',�..��..:1��'-��-%..:�.,::..:f.�m..:l"�:�1..:,:l�...�'.:��.�...i.��.-!%'1�:�-�...-I.��-:���.:�.'�i�:!..:.:�.�.-.-�.�.i,.�l%��.'.�..,..,..�I.;..�...�:.��.;.'�..:_��.��.:��-��%%..,���.,.���.-.�.��,,.:%,...,:..�­��..��t�.-�-�%,���...�.1�'�-%.:�.:.:��-—�,�:-.��.�:...,-��-.:,i..�:,....-�:� -M.�.!.. ,:: y / City's; cost per" unit: ri/a . 38 Qther funds contributedt n/a 11,726 Total cost . for sezVices` ri/a 11,844 Summary of Environmental Health Services (Basic Services) l` Total Units: 31358 3,809 Total Cost to City: ' 42,875 44,835 City' s Total Cost per unit: 13 12. :::.%-�.......�..%.%�:�.!::.�.%-:E.. Total Other Cast: 1131913 134,134 Tata1 Expenditure: 1,56,790 178,972 Optional Environmental Health Services *Tobacco Sales Total units provided 42 87 Clty's contribution: 0 0 City's' cost per unit: Other funds contribttteds 2, 155 529 King County's cont r but on: '; 1,C92 3, 006 Total 'Cost for services; 3,847 3,535 Summary o€ Environmental health; Services (q txoria1 Services Tonal Units; `4 87 Total Cost w ountyw i, 692 3 ,:. F Total Other Cos 2 r;155 , 529 Total Expenditure: 3,847 3, 535. 8' summary, of iFindin4s `(Personal Health Services) A greater percentage (31% increase) of Kent residents were served in 1991 than in 1990. Most of the service areas experienced ' an increase in the number of clients served from 1990 to 1991. The, service categories that had a significant increase are: Family Health with a (342% increase) , Renton Jail Health ' (30Qo) , Refugee Health (142%) , Immunizations (58%) , Tuberculosis '(46%);, Kent Jail (44%) , 'South County ;Dental (40%)`, AIDS (38%) ,; Day Care Screening (37%) , Family Planning (35%) , Parent/Child Health (28%) , Pediatrics/Teen Health (22%) and WIG (17%') . These program increases are Indicative of the increases experienced by other .. .. .. :.. r.. �.: .. ... ....:::: :.'. .::.:.. cities; with; row ri numbers:;0. ow income fame ies and :child e g r : urtabl`e . `ta ''` `o :ta n: `i ':head h` care%' t from ,: the; viva A. sector.' ` p. Surprisingly, the STDs< category experienced a 6% `decrease in% 'the number `of Kent clients served from 1990 t'o 1991. Also, Geriatrics. experience a. 61% decrease> in %the number of clients. served ;in 1.991. The increase :in...:. e' percentage of clients served resulted in an increase in`the number of units provided to Kent residents . ih 1991. Nate that units` are znd..cat ve of visits an l ents are s ect to receive multiple visits. The service 'categores that provided significantly more service units are: Family Health (4`85% increase) , Renton Jail (367%)', Refugee Health '(138%) , Tuberculosis (77%) , Day Care Screening (73%) , ;Immunizations (66%) , AIDS (38%) , Family Planning (28%) , Parent/Child Health (24%)' and Kent Jail Health _(22o) . The STD and Geriatric ' categories experienced a 7% and 11 decrease (respectively) in the number of service units provided from 1990 to 1991. The City contributed $399,13`0 for Basic Personal Health Services provided to Kent residents in 1990. The City contributed $484,349 for the same services received in 1991. This is an $85, 219 (21%) increase. It should be noted, although costs increased by 21%, the number of clients served increased by 31Q. The City of Kent received more services for the money. As stated earlier, the City does not pad for Optional Health S.erv�ces 'dental and fail . ....... . Although the Czty paid a greater amount for Basic Personal Health ..... , . , services �n 155L than 1990; : Kent. a, d .s nificantl less nmost: .. r p g Y r categories, 'for each unit of service provYeled in 1991 than in 19g0. The City' paid less per unit fir services (in 199`1) in the following categories: AIDS (61% decrease) , Day Care; Screen rig (23%) , Family Health '(23-: r Immunitiati.6 (20%) , Tul ercu;los�s (i8%) , 'Pediatrics/ Teen Health Services (17%) and Parent/Child' Health (5%) The City' s `decreased cast per ;unit is primarily attributed to he increased contribution of the 1991 "other cost" category (fees, grants and 'contracts) . The total "other' cost" contribution for 1990 Basic Personal Health Services is $330, 671. The total "other cost" contribution for 1991 Basic Personal Health Services is $447 , 704 . This is a $117, 033 (35%) increase. 9 • The units of services in the following categories were an increase in cost to the: City is 1991: ' Refugee' Health (68%: increase) , Family Planning "(14%) and` STDs (12%) Clients in the 1-it years age group received ,a greater percentage of`many of the Personal Health Services provided in 1990 and 1991. ...In, 1990, the following service categories were 'comprised of.:a large percentage of 1-14 years age group: Pediatrics'/Teens (83%) , Dental Health ` (69%) , WIC (51%) , Immunizations (49%) and Refugee Health The following 1991 `service categories were comprised of a large percentage of 1-14 years a e rou . '. Medical Services Sexual .. ... ...... .: : g group. Assault: 1000 Pediatrics Teen Health 88t , Dental :Health`` .70% immunizations (48%) , WIC; (451. and Refugee.:Health More; than ;60% of; the Kent:; ros .dents served;;; ri 1.930 and 199.1 Ming,- Very low inc%ome (less than 100%% of poverty) The remaining 40% .. > . l y : w income urowto .modera:telowerePrimariZy in 19 0: (6 %) of the 4., 587' Keno clients who received Personal ; Health services were very low `;income. 3,8;63 (GAM of the ` 6,027 Kent clients, who e;recived, Personal Health Services during 1991 were very low- income Summary of Findings (Environmental Health Services) A greater percentage` (13% increase) of service units were provided to Kent residents and/or establishments in 1991 than in 1990. Most of the service categories experienced an increase in the number of service units provided from 1990 to 1991. The service categories that had an increase are Plumbing/Gas Piping/Refrigeration with a (100% increase) , Vector/Nuisance Control (13a) , Living Environment ' (27oj , Food Protection (4%) , ;Chemical Hazards (119%) and Noise Control (750%) Unlike Personal Health statistics Environmental Health statistics do no reflect demo ra hoc data on the Kent clients establishments g p / served; • ,:.The: Public' Health b 'artment oril : re P Y ores ;:t a number;;: of p service units P rovided. Some service categories experienced d e a ecrase b in the numer ;of service units provided from 1990 to 1;991. ; These categories are: Water% Quality with a (50% decrsase) Solid Waste i% Sewage Dis;posa (45%j and Meat Inspection (3;7%) . There;was r o a a•rent' % lariat;%on for the degrease;; n Water:`•Qual` t ;' pP, p, Y services. prov�ded in 1991 Six units of. Tater Quality services were provided in 1990 and four in 1990 . This 50'% decrease only represents a 2 unit difference between 1990 and 1991 services. The: Solid Waste category experienced a decrease because public waste stations increased their rates and many individuals chose to illegally "dump" waste instead of paying '`the `higher costs. This:::.. illegal' dumping resulted in an increase in the : number of investigations performed by the Health Department `during 1990. 10 . . There were fewer units of Sewage Disposal services 'provided `in 1991 than 1990 because the City of Kent had requested that the Health conduct a special investigation ;in 1990. The Health Department inspected more Kent 'homes during 1990 because` of contamination of a Creek basin in the Kent area. Meat Inspections decreased during 1991 because there were fewer meat in pections county-wide `due o a temporary reduction in Health Department staff. 11 The City contributed $42 ,875 for Basic Environmental Health services provided to Kent residents/Establishments in 1990. The r .��..�ffi_�:.:�.:....�...l��..��::%:...:.I.:..�!..:�..�.%:..�.�%.�1.�:����.:...�.....%.�:.....:.��..�..:7.�..���:..i�.:�:..:.:.�,i.�.':%.:....�%�.1�.i.::.��:.�.:;%.::.....�.....:.:�:.:.�.�, City contributed $44,835; for Basic Environmental Health services �_-%.—.�W�.%:. provided in; 1991. This . a $1,960 (5p) increase Although costs for these sere Ces noreased .. b . 5%, the number. of service units. y . . .inaxea.s'ed by 13%.... . The City of .Bent actually received more services for the dolar itspent. The Department projects that : . . ... .. .. . : . .. .. ...:...:..,.. .. . : .... ...... ... ...... .. .....r.:....:....:....:::'.:::'.'..:.:...':'...':::'1,::.... the ;loca tax S . ort: contributed. to Envy.. :tal• He lth:ser c ....... . . ........ ............ . ..... ...... . . ....:..............:........:...............:..:.........................:...................................... ................................:::.:.. .. . ... : ........ . ........:.:.:....:.. .............:..:.:........:................................. .. ........... e w�.11 decrease as the fees for services increases. Tobacco Sales was the only optional Environmental` Health service provided in 1991. Note that the City was' not:: charged` for this optional . . ... .. service;. .. Kent clients are capable of receiving Environmental Health assistance by phone 'or in person.' Some services are only provided through key Environmental Health `sites that have specialized 'staff who can address more technical questons ' (i.e. , Meat `Inspection, Chemica /Physical Hazards and Waste Exchange Programs are only -s housed the Central District Office) . These services are often provided through phone c'onsultatons.' A significant number of phone consultations were provided to Kent residents/establishments during 1990 and 1991. These consultations explain why Kent residents or establishments would receive services i. from an outside 'Environmental Health site. a:health 93 � _ � M' .. . .. %. % : � :ii:_it :_j�:t —, �­___:_ . . .. .. � i�� :�;��_­: ,�'," t �%-:..��.:....:.. ::: .: :. . . . � ­ , , . . . 11