HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Human Services Commission - 05/27/1993 � . . ..... . . :.:%'. . . .�.. %% �! ..... ..�% .. �%. :%.-. ;. . �... . .. ..1...:�. .. . .:: .. ... - �� ��� � �%�.���.. .. ��.��l �... .�� .. ��..�. . . . . . : ... .. . ..::.%�:j::�::::. :�.�-�:�� �.% %..1 ...... . ., . .. ..�. :�::.. .%.��: .:: . . I. .i. .. . . % 1...% I .... . %�-.�-�. - .�.� ��:. : . .... .%i..:.�.:.��.:: � �� � . :: . . %.. :.% I I I I . �%... .�%!�%:%�: .. ... .. %. .. ...�: . ... ...- . - .... . ..... . OF CITY t y AGENDA KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION ' 5cheduied Meeting for May 27 1993 ,N!,rjt, . - 1:00 - 5:00 PM Kent City Hail Council Chambers East` REGULAR MEETING & 1994 APPLICATION WORK SESSION Commis ion 'Members Susan Ramos, Chair Lucyle Wooderi, ;Vice Cha r Tim Clark Marijean Heutmaker Peg ..azen Judy Moods; Council President Agenda OLD BUSINESS ..:�.:.%::..�..:.%-.:%i.%:.. %-:M%..%%.... %.,.%:. . - , , ' '..%.i..%.:....i.................. .�:..:� 1. Approval of March 25, 1993 Minutes 100; 2. Update on Community Development Block Grant '(CD1G ' 1:05` - 1993 Supplemental Money - 1994 Capital Applications 3 . Status of Commission Appointments 1; 15 4 .: Status of Human Services Staffing 120 NEW BUSINESS i 1. "Way Back Inn": Proposal .:���-.�:..i,-����..�.,�.:..%,�-...��I,��-:....���-�-.t.%.��,­::�:��-.%m,%��....�,.,,�:.�.�...�-..�.:.�::.%:i.�!�:..:-.:,.-.�.!.,�:,�.:�:�­:_.1��..:�-.,-�:.:���.1­�.:.�'1.��,:.��c%.-"��.1�---..1..:��—�:-..:,-..:-�.�-...%:�,.:.%��:-..�l�.: 125 2. Debrief of Application Workshop 1.•35 :..��...%�M.�-i.:��%�%..!........�.��..-..:._%.�...:t...':�-;.%...-..:�.:..:-%.�......�%:.-.:...,.�...�..:.%:...%.�.:.�....:ii%.:.::...1::.....%..I...%_.I..:,:.......�....��....�:�..�.�..��:...i:.—......�.:�%:.%..%.......I���.i:...-.��. :.:,:..,��-..%.::��;%�.:........-..�I.I.-.:.-.1,1:1::.....:�,..I%-..I::...I-P 11��..:-.:.::­.�1.:!��-.�-1:I 3 . : Discuss Plans for 1993 `Hum an Services Month November 140 4,'` Discuss Funding Statusof Van Q0 150 . .. . . .. .. . REPORTS '.::`::':is : .:: 1 .5:5. 1: Hum e ` dab lean.an.`;Serv;Yc..:s. Roan• t . , 1 -. .. . .. . . .. 2. South Kin ;:Council` of:.. man` Services . g. . . 3 Regional':'JuStce Center. U dale; ;`; `' : P .. WORK SESSION MEETING 2 00 1.` Review of 1994' General Fund and' CDBG Human Services Applications. \�A ®d HSAGEN93 . 4AY . 220 4th AVE.SO., /KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859-3390/FAX#859-3334 May 4 1993 CABLE TV HOUSER MOVED that Ordinance 3i101 enacting a master ordinance for Cable TV compliance be - adopted. Bennett seconded and the motion carried, {OTHER BUSINESS ITEM 4B) Cable TV Franchise Ordinance.' This ordinance grants a special franchise to TCI Cablevis�on of Washington, Inc. , for a fifteen year term. This franchise::a, so �nCorporates al ;the rights and 1ibitaes:,. ,andsul��eCttq, . the Cty's newly exetd:,:Cab]e:,TV master ordinance, This ordi narce. w f:is ntrduc�ed„ at' the City s fast regularly. scheduled Council meeting, where a publ c- hear= ng on thy: :proposd franchise was h�I� ��kiovich noted that no changes haue� been �nad+ , t� ,th$ document since then, Assistrit pity Attorney Brubakex outled some o.f the ser�tice ... : ��nhancem�n��, such as �iscounts.`to low income :.; senior �iti��ens and elisab7:ed citizens; a 5� franchise fee, government access channel, equip- ment including: a portable unit, and a fiber optic network. HOUSER MOVED that Ordinance 3108 establishing a fifteen-year non-exclusive Erin chime with TCI Cablevision of Washington, Inc. , for the provision of cable television services to the City of Kent be adopted. Bennett seconded and- the motion careie � � _ METRO (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3K) Metro SubsidizediBus Tickets.' APPROVAL of two actions for ;Metro subsidized bus tickets, as recomme ded ;by the Rlann ng Comma t141'e n Aarl 2U, 9;93• 1� allocation of Kent's portion t s er:he rov d allocation p;]an (attachment B;) ; aid 2) author 'za tion for, the Mayor to send a letter to Metro Ken approved a11'ocation of funds. '. SENIOR (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMD) HpUSING Harriscri House - Canopy & Tre3 �s APPROVAL of the' low bid for construction of the Harrison douse Canopy and trell °s ithe amount of $49, 434 `; {includes bid bond) , as recommended by the' O erations Committee at their Aril 20 p p meeting. The budget for the project is $50, OQfl, which will allow for the cost of meeting sprinkler requirements, . not included in the bid ;.,. amount 5 May 4, 1993 ELECTION (CONSENT CALENDAR""- ITEM 3C) Voters Pamphlet Participation. AUTHORIZATION for the City to participate in King county's regional voters pamphlet for the November 1993 election, as recommended by the Operations Committee. Kent candidates and issues will be included in the South King County pamphlet along with Federal, ;Stag: a County candidates and issues; COUNCIL ( ONSENIX: 1;ENDAI ITEM 3M) Ooundil:."'Absences. APFRO�IAL of requests from pnc ]: iemk�sxs Jcihnson and White for excused `• -.. ., :. ; ,... ab�e�c�s ; �xbm ton�,ght;'s meeting PARI{S (CONSENT; CAI, NDA - ITEM 3J) RECREATION Performing Arts Center Pie piririing Release of Funds. AUTHORIZATION to release $30, 000 from budgeted CIP funds for thy: send 'phase, gr pre planriiiig' phase, of ttie performing Arts Center. The "resu ting schematic design drawings, business plan and model of the final design will be used for community selling tools for ailbond issue. APPOINTMENTS (CONSENT CALENDAR" - ITEM 3L Reappointments to Saturday Market Advisory Board CONFIRMATION of the Mayor' s reappointment of Dorothy Woodruff, Midge Sweley, Helen Kubera and Marian Pagarigan to Saturday Market Advisory Board. FINANCE (CONSENT' CALENDAR - ITEM 3B) Approval of Bills APPROVAL of payment of: the bills received tY�ro�tc�Y� A}�ril 21, 1993 'after auditing key the operations Comm�.t�ee at its .................:.:.....:.. ...... .:...........: Approval of c ec s ls� or •. Dat+e Check Numbers` Amount' A-proval of checks" issued for payroll Date Check Numbers Amount 5/5J93 183043"-183438.. $ 279,003 .26 5/5/93 Advice 6444-6757 340`443.78 $ 619,447. 04` 6 ... ..... ... . . . . .%:-:.%..� %::.:%%.:. . ...... .. ... ... .. .. . .%:. .. . ... .:�.: .�.. %.�.. ::. .. . ......... . .. .... . ....:::.... . .. .. .: . . � .. -.%���.%.. :..:: . ........ ... .... %.1%:..%::�:.:.�1�.%% , . . . �.� . . .. . .. .... . . . . . . . . . ..... ... . . CITY OF 7�M CITY OF KENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT {206) 859-339'0 d��II6 � MEMORANDUM May 13, 1993 ��:� i ME, � ��: -:-�--R:. .. .. � i�:��-�t��t_�:::�:�; 1:, �:�t . a I �:� MEMO TO: CITY' DEPARTMENTS, PRIV%ATE AGENCIES, INTERESTED ;CITIZENS ` FRAM. LIN .BALL:, HUMAN SERVICES MA ...... '"'I'', �', . :. �.l %�:.�l W SUBJECT: KENT;'.'S 1994 ADDUTIONAL CAPZTAt COMMUNITY DEVEL...... T. BLOCK GRANT APPLICATION CYCLE:. `Tne City o Kent has more capital dollars available tl�'an the amount` requested in the 1994 application cycle that ended April ' 22. Therefore, we are running a second application cycle for capital requests only.' The applications submitted during this second cycle ' will be reviewed at the same time as the capital requests submitted in the` regular application cycle. '. There are only two weeks between the cycle's opening and closing O, dates: May 14 to May 28. So, start thinking about projects hat could be part' of Kent's 1994 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program', Enclosed is a packet which includes an application form, copies of Federal Guidelines, Kent' s Local Program Policies and County CDBG Consortium Policies. There are' severaliconsiderations to keep in mind as you develop your 'CDBG proposal: 1 Policies `and •Regulat.ions . . . . . -.... . ..... .......... ......%........... . . .: . c a; ; be of it low .and mo erate ;income The. . . ;ect mu.... r . ..... 11 r . . . .... . P 7 P P>.. . Y .:..::.:... . .. ... :....... ..; ,. : kited '' ` o dto s All ; :'' , ". reside%n%ts ;> or: reduce slum; o%r bid c .n n . . . ........ .............. ..... 9. . . . . ... 1 .. . , ; ,. . : ., . it Feder HtJD 'r.e ul`'atons he: . .. ro osa s must%%e;cons st,enit w h a ....... ..... .. . g . ............... . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .p. p.. .. ... ... . . .... :. . .. ... :. ... .. .. .......... .. . . .. . .. .. . . ....:..: .:,: ::: .:: .: . .,. . . ,. ,: . % t ,; ,;CD Co s rt�um P.olic Plan. arid:: ..Kexit s . Loca. King Cozen y BG n o Y .. Program Policies.' If you require assistance in utilizing. thes%e regulations; please call Betsy •Ctiark777-:, Planner,% at ; $50-4784 2 . 1994'`'CapitaI Funding% Avai'lable` for' Second Applicat. 'on C:% cle -- 9-- ---� ,�.�- --lThe City of Kent will receive $279,882 for' the` 1994 Capital 11 CDBG Program year. Depending upon how fully the current capital requests are funded, anywhere from an estimated $15, 000 to $50,000 will be available in this supplemental C.. capital application cycle. %�...�-�. %..I...,-,.��--..:...-.%..I -�...�..:..........�...I..:..:�:.. 'Kent' s 199.4 Second Capital CDBG Application `Cycle May 13, 1993 The CDBG program will follow the cahendar year. Projects will be funded for activity during January 1, 1994, to December 31, 1994 . 3 Kent's Local Program Policies (enclosed, All projects considered for CDBG funding must be consistent wi h Rent Local Program Policies. The' adopted % po: %cies are attached. 5 Insurance Requirements All agencies funded with City of Kent CDBG funds must provide the following insurance coverage during the 1994 program year: 11 A. General Liability. Insuranee Not less than $1, OOQ, 000', combined ing1 limit ;per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury andi I' l pro perty `damage, and for those policies with aggregate limits, a $2,000,'000 aggregate limit. B. Worker's Comx3ensation Coverage As required by the Industrial Insurance Act of the State of Washington. C. Automobile Liability :_ � � - -- ­ ,� -1, I I I 11 1,11,1111: � SM ... - , - '''' 1"',I-,�,,�i%.. ..::�-.-.. . ....:� :. Required if services involve transportation of clients. Not ess than $1, 000, 000, combined single limitlt�t per;'` acci %dent, for' bodly injury and pro ert damage. Po]ic p Y Y must:meet the 'Ifoll'owing r%equirements; Insurance Services Off ice form number (CA` 00 0;1 Ed' 12 90 j covering BUSINESS ..::. . .::........ : . .. .. .. .....::. . . .; .......... . AUTO CQVERAGE s bol 1: an to : •,:,o ,•the` comb n t n of i...:....:> .:..:.:.........:..::...............:. ..:. 1 ...:...:::.,,.....i....,:...:: .::.,....:..,......:...:........::.:............:.:..r ...,..,...:Q...:..,...........: .....,..... . symbols 2, 8, & 9 D. Professional Liability. `Errors and >Omissions Insurance . . . Onl ,,;...re wired where serviees:•: directi or hdirectl Y q Y Y . involve or require providing professional services. (e .g• ,; .. services' by a} physician, psychologist cr other •licensed rofes o a M im m 1 '000= o .. .. P s n, n : u : ,Q©0 Pr, fess, onai Lablt . Y. Errors and omission Insurance Required. 2 % ...... ....:.: ..::.... .... . .. ;:I I�1I,f:�,,r-I���,:I,��;�_i I�"-:)r,�-:,I:,-,�":��:�,:�,,��,::��:,���-,,,,I1 Kent's n 4 Second':Capital CDBG`` App icI. ation Cycle :..%.�...: . . �-.�....�..--.-�--.--.. ...�:..i.�%:..:....i!.i%..:!:�..:!:�.%�:�%.%�....:�%...:.:.%.�:...�-...�-....:. May 13, 1993 ` ........:.. ........ .. % E. Bonding -!�,,:, ,,, -�,�- --, "'' -�% �,:�-�:�:,�,�,:� I IN , - , ��: " - . . ... :.- The Agency must insure that every ; officer, director or employee authorized to deposit or receive funds and%or issue financial documents must be bonded to provide ' 11 protection against loss. . The amount ofcoverage must be $100000 or the total amount of funding received, whichever is less!. F, Additional insured Part3 es and' Proof of Insurance .: The .:r,e ured insurance ..is to , be issued:: ;h a tom an . . q Y p Y authorized to do business in the State-of Washin ton and 9 s1 a1'1 be.' laged th a Best' . rain caf . no less than P g A:V1I The City, zts elected andJor appointed offieialsL its employees and agents and Kind Countk .must' be specficaiiy named as additional insured on ali required` insurance poi�cies. APPLICATION DEADLINE Applications must be received by 4:30 p.m on I'riday, May 28, 1993. Mail applications to; Hand deliver applications to:` City of Kent Planning Department City of Kent Planning Dept 220 Fourth: Avenue S. 400 W. Gowe, 1st F oor Kent, WA 98032 (one > building east of City Hall 1. 1. ........ ......... ......... ...:.... ......... ......... ........ .. ......... ........ ......... ......... ....... ... . . r. .:I1�1%I.�:�%.I.I.�I......�.I;..­.%..I..'-­..I�-....��.%­.....:�%.,.;:..,.,I:,:..!...:%"1.:�..:..�:�i..:�.:,%:.�� .. �.1:.i.,,�.l...�j..:..,.%..�..;%:..,��.....�:.-...�,-......�...:._%...�...�.....:,%,.1.�,.,:,":...,%.,%...,..,%,.­,.,,..,..:,-...:,.-,:I1,.�.,,..I,I%�-.I I:..:...,)...,-...,"..-.�'l..6. .:........... .. . %K%.�.%.:.%.-,..I,..'I.,,.,..,.I,...:,..:,,..,.-I,......%......:........-I I I1..!....�..�,..I.,�:.:,..-I...-I:.:.%..:...�...�.%.:��:..:......:..:%�%..:..�..�.�:...:.�.:�...�....%...�..�..%::%.-..:..�..�..:.�...:�:.:..:.%..�%�.�.�.....:.%..�.�...:..���..�.........%�..v..����....�i!.:--...��,...�..­%.�.....%......%,..i.�...1%�-.��.%..�%..%:.�..�:.....:.%.:.:1%�:%-.%:....�:�.�.�-......�..%..:..�:...:..:..%%;...-�.%­...1�.%...:..%....:�......�.:.!%..��..%..%.%�...:.....%.�...1...:...-:.:...­.:..:....%�:.:..�:...%...%:�:...�...:...:::%.%.:.:........:-...:-.�..:.%.%....�.1.�.....%1l.�...�%.:...��....�..-:......%­.:�..:...-...%.....�.%..:..:..�....�....�.%..�.�.:....�:..1...:..:.-_..%:.%�%..........�:%�...-�.:.�%::.�.::.._�...:%:�:.....:%...�..�...�'...;:",..:�.:.:�%..'',%-:-.:.''�..%',..I__%.�....'".:.�,.....l,..�..'l%..,%..:.�,1'�._.1..:.,:1...:.,�,,�..........:.I%.�......-.....,-.��1..'.%..%�.%%.11..-,.:..1.%.,,%:,..,.._.%.�..,:.�.-..%..�,.1�..-%1!,...,::%.%�I.%....%:..%:..%�.,,.%.�,....�.%...,:_.1..:.:%1.I�,.:.�%:..,.�.�­.....%::..��­...�,.�1.-%.1.:.-�...-.%1...1.1...��1,.I.�..%....%-��1.­...I 1%—1:.,.:,.......�."....::.�.,­.�.:,..:.I—11.�,.....I:.%'--..%'(...�.-.,.%...,.,.I,.­.-..,.,�...��.,,.')I-_!._�:.........-.,..:.....1...1%:."....:..:,.....%..-:1...I.....:%.1:..�%....:.:%.....%,I:..:.%..'..,:.I...l........l%..':...,-..:....'.%-,i....1.,%..:...1..........1...-..:.-.%........,.........%....%,..-:,.........�......,%.-.....,....,,%.... ..,,..%..,..%..,:........................%.......i...........%....:!.....:.1.....::..............:,....�%.:..i............%..........................! ........:....%.......:�...............:%..I.-................... .1..%....:..:............-%-.%i.%.%...%.....�..:: :.........: . .. . ,....:...:.... .. . .:. . j��j CITY OF �V 1.'.......:....::.%1.�:%..1. '.%%....%%1:...�..-� Dan Kelleher, Mayor " James P. Harris, Planning Director. ....:.%1.:.:%...:...�.%..%.:.%%%%...... May 21, 1993 �II� Sharon Atkin, Acing Executive Director South King County Multi-Service Center, 1200 S. 336th Fetleral Way, WA 98003 Dear Ms Atktrt: ,0 .%my cpnversation with Tom%Yoshioka o. IVlay 12,.199;3, 1 dlsco�rered s©r to trans Ortatipra p services to Kent residents were im acted by the.cancellaton of;1VlETRQ's 19,93 Contract with p Van�Go. "Porn statetl that 1/an-Go ;is unable t+o continue. providing to Kent` residents tL.he gsneral passenger trips and aKAC trips which a%re required per the 1993.City of K%ent General 'Fund Contract? He d d state #hat the `Senidr 1.Center trips wQoltl be.'provided as'stipulatetl in the 1993 City of %Kent C%pn%#rant These changes will require that we do a contract amendment, To assist us in .doing his, please submit a letter to Lin Ball which addresses the following concerns: 11 . 1. What specific services to Kent residents have been reduced or eliminated? 2. What amount of Kent funding should the program receive for the remaining services to be delivered to Kent residents in 1993? 3. I'llWhat date were these services affected? Enclosed,is a copy of Van-Go's 1993,Exhibit A (Contract) outlining the program Is cll urrent performance measures Please modify these measures to reflect the services that will be rou d %. :,: i ed to Kent:reside f nts or the Tern . : .p . . ain�n contract ear. Al ov tle , eo r i ex lanations for how...: . ..... . .. .. g ..... . Y :.... . ........ ..... P . .., : : . : . , . . .: ..; . .. .. . . . .% : . ..... : . .:.. . . ou r iv . a r at h . . ed t e ro osed<revi i s ; >h.. .... .. .. .. . . s.o.. T is modifietl exhibit A sho l. m p p- . . . . a cco an our:letter .. . . .. % . . . P YY.. . % to Lin Ball, We will review your revised, Exhibit A and bega%n preparing an atldentlum to:your 1993 Ci of Ken ; % , ,, ty t General,l*und contract Please,submr# the letter;and a revised Exhibit A n%o later than Tuesday, June �, "1993. : . .. ,. We'are;serr ,t .466r. about':th`i` ;re'duction% %n si,rvtees but loo ;f rw %r Y k o a d to working with you . on the remainder of the program. If you have questions, ple1. ase call airtet`850 4789. ... . , . . . .:�,� �_��:;_��,�:��i 11 I I I 11 I I I5.i': fir`. ` :.! `:: `...: :;`... ;`.:%..:... :'`:':`:.`. '.''t;:?.::,;.`..': `` ::..:. %:%::; -. .�:.. ......!�.. . . . nc ely,, 111:: 111 - ill:::: . � . , , , : %.. ..--.��...�.��.. :.. ..:. ... .. % % �_ '' ' ' 1 I 1 1 .. � I , , ..%. :. . %. I I 11 ...I "I'll ­1 I , - , I ��IvLq,t7�,,�,�,:,:�,,:,,,�:�,�,�,,�.,�,,,,�,,�.:�����..���:�. �.�...��...!�: �.��������..�.�.....:.�:�:�:, � .�.:�.�I , 11 ,z, ,","",,,- ......, , I - ,-- �___�'­1 ;��:___i�-�_�_��:�, , 11�1 I I 11 � �� ���:��...�Z­':­:,i�,, ,,Z ''.I'll - 11, I : : �.�:%.�% ... : " 1 : �� , . . .. . �,�:��,:�%,� � ::��,::_ ' ' . �I �11111_ , ... %.%:�%:.%�!. .....�:��-.�-.: � __�_­:,�', ,�:�,,� :,�� .:��.��...�-..� �.�:��.�:�: ... ..i. 11� I :� ,:�:��_ , ' ' %.. .:.. .. , I , ,:,�.. . .........�...� .. . .. :�: 1, ­ ­ - . ..�::.%%1'..%:.. ..::... ................IG�tJV �' , - ,,,, I :1 ...: %.:I:�%:. ....:%: -. � Rachel Y. Johnston ,�M : . 1 ...% , �,�� � ___�_�� '''' _00�. �iPlanner 193' Atf RYJ/slc:shatki.ltr Enclosurqt: e cc:I Richard Looney, Board President Susan Ramos, Human Services Commission Chair Lin Ball, Human Services Manager . . 220 4th AVE.SO., /KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE'(206)859.3390/FAX#859-3334 ..... ..:. ........ ...:... .. ..... .... . . . . . .f.. .. ::.... . — % -- % . . �i 1 . . :..:. . ::% -.. . : . .. % . .........::........ . . . . : j. % SOUTH KING COUNTY MULTI-SERVICE CENTER VAN-GO TRANSPORTATION EXHIBIT A' south Ring County Nuti-Service Center shall provide the approximate number of City', Rent Clients with the following services: :' Quarter Measure Number Cumulative of Units Total .:i.::..%.;.%.......%i%%I%..:%�...%.­t......::.....i........%...%........:...%!�-.%:..:...::..,....i 1 Unduplicated City of Kent Clients served . 20, 20 2 C?ne way passenger :trps to Kent Senior Center 325: 325 3 One-way general passenger gips* 70. 470 4 . Transportion outreach ses'sicns** : ' 1 end 1. tJnduplioated +City of vent lie. . Served 2 2, one way passenger tripe 'to; Kent Senior Center 3 2 5` 6. 0 3 flne.. way general passx er trips* 470 . 94fl g ransporttion outreach sessions** .....:......;..........:.:......:.::................ ..........:........... :.­.��%..: :N.:­.:%:­. . .� �::.-..:�..�%:.%% .�..% .!....:.:.. ..:... ................ 3rd 1. Unduplicated City of Kent Clients Served 9` 37 : .. 2 . One-way passenger ;trips to Kent Senior Center 325 975, 3 . One-way general passenger trips* 470 1410 `" 4. Transportation outreach sessions** 2 4 : 4th' 1. Unduplicated City of rent Clients Served 8 45 ` 2 . One-way passenger trips to Kent Senior Center 325 1300 3 . One-way general passenger trips* 440 1850 4. Transportation outreach sessions** ` 1 5 The above services shall be provided by December 3`1, 1993, `: .. . . . Seauth King bounty Multi Serv�;ce Center shall be reimbursed a total of $3000 b ; . : .. ..... . e th Cat Qf: •Kent fo%r the a o. e: se...0 ces. . . . . Y....... .. .. y ..:.. . .. b % r ... .... .. ...... . : . ... .. 77�777. .. .... .... .:. .. . ... * ; ;; Inc . des; u x' .s for: eide 1 and d sa 1•e di; a 1s : o 0 ....... ...... .b d n V1 a. ,... .S uth. Kin Cou%nt p . . .. ... . . �. .. ...... ... ... .. ..... . ... ... . .... .. . ,: . . .. . . ... . .. . g y Ae iv C .. , t t enter KC C heal h scare; facia �t es .:DSHs o f> c. s.. a d . .. y t ). . . . : , . . f: . .e .rQ er n .......... . ... ... . . . . . . .. .. . . ......... ... .... . ... . . ... . . . g Y . .. . . % oche . . . . : . r sho%pping,, banking, employm+nt sues and senior centers, etc, **This category is inclusive Qf outreach ses111.'sions for both Senior Center and .:. . . . .- ener:a:l::: trans: �rtat:3.on::;:.:SerV.1C.e.s........ . g . . .. . ... . ... ..... .... . . . ..: I ,,��,��,�1�,�_ ,,,�� .....��.�:� ..... ..�. . . .......- WE I I __­;1 � .. . . �KCMSC.A il CITY OF � :, 5 _ KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION 9 PM ��,1­1 Commission Members Present: Planning Staff Present ` Marijean Heutmaker Lin Ball Pig i.z i Sharon Clamp Susan Ram©s Betsy Clark Lucyle Wooden Sally ;Gilpin Rachel �ohnstsn Absent - Excused Tim Clark Absent tnexcused'' Judy Moods OLD BUSINESS APPROVAL OF MARCH 25 1993 MINUTES Marijean Heutmaker MOVED and Lucyle Wooden SECONDED a motion to approve the minutes of March 25­11,11 , 1993 as written. Motion carried. UPDATEsON CflMMUNITY' DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT 1.' Supplemental Money Lin Ball officially `announcedl that there is no supplemental CDBG money due to the fact that Congress did not pass Clinton's economic stimulus package. 2 ...: 94 Capital ;Appl: %cat ons ` Lin Ba11..;; explainad that the ...':'.:....:.:......::..:.::. ....:'.:;.'...:......:.:.......•.. ..:...::.:...:...::.....:... :::f...:.....:. ....:Y.:,,...:,.,....•:..:....:.::...:::::::.:.:::;:..:.::::....:;........ :...:.:.�.::':.:.:.::. :.:..:,....::':::...::...:...:....:..:::�.....::..:............::.. .:..::' :: :..:..::.::.::.:::...:::::::::.:..::..::..:... ..:..::::...::.:::'....:::.:...%.. ....':.%.% ca tal a; c o.n ro;Gess has been :r+eo erred b 0au`se there p P1� p .... .. P : - . : .. :. . ..: ... . : ; . . . . , % were not =;..enou h ;re t + sts . _...... ..all. the mone aVa . bl... ,g q % y Approximately 7,fl00 1ri nnxequested fu1.nd's is st l ava�cable, STATUS' OF COMMTSSIOiT APPOINTMENTS Tony ,adner has : %aeen aPPorted . b the Mayox. `as : a rely. ions Y g representative `and will be confirmed by the CounO�l on J'uner 1, 1.9:'9.:3.::. ..::. :::........:..:...:.:-..:.:...,............: . .....:...:...: Mr. finer..• ;,; e t ; , s . . . La a n re dent . s, t e: :E ec ve; D e t .; .......:...:...:..:...,.:,:..:: ........:........,....:..::..:.:..:...:.....:........:,.:.:::.:..::.............:,..::...,. .:........................:h................x..::......fit :..........:,.........:1r.....:C.....or....Uf.... .... ..... . ..... ...... .. . .. , .. . ......................: .. ... .:. . . .. .......:. ..... .. % h Ren .. e ton House Authort ., e s ers n t 5t. H z a la . . . .. . . g : . : %. . .. . .. . .. P . .. Philomena's Catholic Ch rch. and �s nvaived with the L on s Club. Lin Ball also announced the resignation of Rosemarie Clemente who was a service club representative. Therefore, there are still two vacancies on the Commission; the service club representative and. a second religious representative. ...�... . ..... .. ... ......:..%.-.:� %: .... . .. . . ... ....��.: -.. . ..� . .. . . .:. .... .. :. ..- - % : . - ... .... ... . . . I X:-:::�!. . .. %. ... . . .. :..:... . . -.... '. ... . :.% .... .% ..... %%..: .�.::��.:� � .... . . ..� . .���.. .:�%.�:���..... ..i�:���:�.. :J.: .��..��!..��.... :-.i....%%.�.... :�:.�. .. . .. .1 I . . .. . :� �. :. . � 1: .��.1. . ... .... .. . . . .. i:.i....'. . .� :�.: -. . .. . . ..... ..... . . ......... .%. . . .. -.. . : .�...�::���:�-.. .��:�:.�:-.�.��.%.. :....:%:.1.. -.�. .......... . .. . i.�: KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION MINUTES OF MAY 27, 1993 MEETING PAGE 2 STATUS` OF HUMAN SERVICES STAFFING Lin Ball introduced Betsy Czark` who has been hired to fill the vacant human services planner position. Betsy will also be working on the housing element of the comprehensive plan. NEW BUSINESS WAY BACK INN PRO%POSAL .Betsy czark .reported that the Way Back Inn and the city' of Kent are workin on <.a p oposal to use a C�ty :ownod rental`house kn%own as e C . .. .. . . th ar . . . ate ., P k House for t e.: :; . . . h {A?B S r±D ram of hous; n ho Bless .. P , , m.. .. .. .- P : g . .. --: > :.. ::.g: :. ..: . . .. ; :. . . ..... , . .: ... . . . fant�l�e J. k. s l i . . : ... ... .... Ba l n the Cit s. Qark be .ar met a�n <: _• ;;c ; .... . .. : .. .. . .... .. n.. ,I . te.nan...a .. ....................... ...........:.:.........:.....................:............ ..... .... p . ...,•............. ................... :........................................... . .. .. ...... .... A a 4 rscently +eonc�ucted a mad ntenanc reeve pf the house ;and : . : . e:te: ::::;:..:.:..':.:':::';:. .. .::; d mine tha S d . t ... . ...58.. worth of:•:re a re..nece . .. $ . ors a . ssar he: ;Wa ;< t .., T : Y Y ....... ....... . ..... ....... .. ........ ......_.. ... .. . ......... .. . ... . ...... ............. ... . ..... . .... . . .. .. . Back ;Inn: .. is ro. .osn to a for..an a for t ... d a^ m he necess.... ;:::re; airs, P P g P Y P Y P ....... • . . n :e xc an e f free h o re r _xt for a set era od: of me e g p Bas. d on preliminary estimates they 'would have the house rent free for approximately four years during which time they would house homeless families. Aii families housed are screened by the YWCA. Both the YWCA and the City of Renton areimpressed by he success1. rate of the WBI`Is program in Renton. Lucyle ' Wooden MOVED and Marijean Heutmaker SECONDED a motion to recommend to the City Counci3 that the City of Kent enter into' an agreement with the Way Back inn to repair the Campus Park House in exchange for a set period of time` of free rent, with the housing` to , be used during this specified time ?to house homeless families.` ` Motion carried.` APPLIC +,Ti WORKSHOP .. . ... ..::: ;::::';: Rachel Johnston reported that the 1%% . Applic1.ation Workshop was he; d on: ll s;: . . . . A r 1. T is waa the first:;• o�nt:.a li ate n s % p .. c : Q work ho for . . .. .. .. ,. .... J: :::. .... ...1. ..... . :: . . ........ .p . . , out . h K . . B in Count c . . it ........... . .. .. t s w h re. .r�:sEntat ves : r:esent .. o R% en 4 .. ....... . .. ... . . .. . ..... Y .. . ... ..... P.. . ........: :......... e4. .T . . r:m n .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . ........ .. . P . : .:. .. ... Sea; ac;T . i. . Tuk Fe er ... ............::.:..... . . ...::..... .., w. a a ;:Wa. ; des: wiones; and Kent. The r h . ... Y�. . .. ... .... o ks o.. .. .. .. ...•w: s: . e:1 .. ::: p a W l attendsd and staff, ro :i d on -on-o : . . . ne teohncal ... assistaBce . PLANS FOR 1993% HUMATJ SEi2ViCES MOUTH -- NO�IEMBER . The Commission discussed plans for Human Services Month in November. %Since the slide presentation was given to two service clubs last year, the C©mmission felt it 'would be a good idea to continue the program in 1993. The Commission also agreed to11 prepare a11 nother brochure for Human Services Month. Peg Mazen will contact `the Chamber of Commerce t'o find out what. business is holding the November Chamber social to see if the Commission can tie in with a human services display. ........................................................................................................................... .....�......... - . . - .......... ........................................ , '"" . ..... . .... . - :�: � .1 .. % : .. . ...... . .... . ... . . . ... . . . .. ... . .......................................................... .. . ..: . .. . . .. . ... . . . .. . . .. . . ... . ... . .. .. ..... ... .:: % . :... . ..... . . . �. �. �. .. ...,. ... .. .. .. . . .% .. . . . ... . . ... . . . . .. ... ... . . . i .. . . : : ... . . . . . . ...:% . :­.�! ... . : : . . . . . . ... . .. . .. . : ...: . .... ... . .. .i.. . . . . . . . . . ...... .. . ... . i . . . .. . . . ... . . . .. . . : . :. i .. . .. - . .. ::.. .. ... . ....... . : ..�.i. . . . . . . ... . .. . . .i:. ..'.....i..�:. ....:.:. .. .��.%: .� .... . ........... . .. %. . ... . .... . % ....:. . :%, i . . . .. .. . .. .. . ... ...... ... ......�..���.!.. :.:........ . ��-.�:�. .%�%...��!.:� . . . . .... ....... i i....�.�: .�:��--....�.....� ... ...:: .... . . . . .. . % . ... ... ..... .. . . .: . .. ..I .. .. .. .. . . ... ... . ......1 .. : .%.. .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . � .. . . . . .. .... . . KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSI:�I O�I:N : - ­­ 117 , --l- 27, --1 I MINUTES Or,!MAY � , 1993 MEETING 1-i I I --- AGE-P 3 . . :- I ' ' .... . ... . ........... ... . , �- �,�,�,:"��;,��ilz , ,,�-z�:��", I : :.:Susan Ramos will contact Marvin Eckfeldt to seewhat , is being done 1 . ...:...... . ....;.�, -�- ,--� -- -- - - -- -- --- , ..-- - -- �j ,t ices needs in...., regional , � ,connection with- the, �. - , . . . ... : � -------- � -:.......... .:......--t ....:,:........ Justice center. �- � � ,.. � � , , "..... ... . ...�:!�.�. ...�..- - -- -F VANGO`' - .. - A , :����,�,,��,���������,,�,��,,,��:"����������i��l , Rac -....:�...:i%:..:..i.�.�.:.:......�...-.--...�...:..;...:.%.-.�-.�.1,:.-...�...1:,��.� .i:.l..:-�­..%..,,::.:�.!.,.,....�...:�:�...�.��%.I..:..:-%�:..-.:....��..�...%..�..-��.:...:...%.-�.:......,:...�.......:S....%:..:......%-�.�.:.:...�.:�...:�.�:.��%�...��%.I:...t....!.i:..:.��.:.ii....::JP.::...�......�.......:.............%...%%..:.�:...:.,:%:.. per .....:...i.....:�....�.:.%.bU.��.. �:..,-...-�..s.%.1.. 1..-�.......%..:.-.�..-...%......to.......:......�........�......�.�...n..1.:%......1 .�%.�I.r...:.%..-..-.--.....i...-.....:..�..1.::...:.e..1::..:...�....�.%.:..:�:...%.�:....;.......I..p.�� ....:.�.i.o....�..��..:.%�._.......i..:.%.:.:.%r.P.:.:�..:.:...�%......4i._.%....:.... ...6.�..-.........�:.t.:....:..:......�......;:. ..:...�.;:...e..:...:%..........�........-..i..........�.�..1........�.i.a:..;.......�...�7.::......:..1-�..7.:..�;...�.1:.�..�..tnil..��.:%.�-.�.�.��:�.:.��.....-l!...:.:.;�..�.;....h.1:� A." ...��. ...� :..:A t:�.: �........::�. ..� :....X.�.�:..%%.�.:..�.::..�.�::�...�...-....:�!�....a.:%!..�.1..�:..�...�i�;;;;;....�.........-%�.......:n.:...:..... �--..��.�..!�:.....: �--;:���-1�. :-.. �%%-�-�:��..!..%%.. �.%%.. ...�l.....�..T...�..-.t�....,..�� a:::.�:�.�..�:t�s!�: �!..-.,�.%.,,..i:%:��......:...-o..i..-...::..�. ...�..�:......%..:.-%,,.�..,...�......,:...-...:.:.::,..lP�.%.,..._.�.-.�'....t%_.1.%�....��._:...........�..i.....,.. .............".........,..,.�.. .....-..i.....:.�......:.I. i"..�.I ....�, ;..�:..%r, .�.. �..�%��.��c h.�%. .:t.-%�.:.....!%i..�:!:....�.�.�.r!�..�...:.V.:....d::.7..��.%�..:.:...�..-.....%.:. t.....: ..:.................:..... .....�... :... .�%..�.%�.:.:�%:...:.�:.�.::..�.:%......:.�w....�.�.:.i.....:1:...,�.: ..t.�-.:.%....:.......�...�..........:...:......:�..... : Met :h . . . . ..di . 60 th A T)djd 1..A� .I .:,....�.:,...I.%;.:..%..�-.....%.::...:.:..%%� ..:.:.....1....��.:..�1.........�.;�. .-....1....-. ...:..:.�........ ...:I :.%......:...­:-...:.:.:--�:.I-...:... �.!. ....:..I�,.­....%.�..�....%..... :i.....% ....... !....!.:- ..:%...:%.1.:- : .:.....:-....i.. .......i .� . 1.. -!:..... ..�... !. ...�.� : .-.. .- ..I. medt thei contractuaa� 9r004ont49 AP � t general passenger tripsand S 6, "ih . ro O k the 1.993 'City fund k .. t� 4oneral . are X ,t� . he Senior, ��trips. �i4 continuew y be: prbV1dS. ; A. sC1Pulate ecIn rrI ,� � YA bon r, .... . n .Go a 1IVi be. : on . .. % .. am d ��1 �... .. . � .. � ! 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PORTS HUMAN :8ERVIQES ROUNDTABLE he- n project for 1993 is the Healthy Families T - . led after a Hawaiian program. The program targets high risk families and p e families newborns during the cirst "flve years of the child's life. pilot` s . Lin Ball also announced that the Roundtable - sponsored domestic violence bill passed in the State Legislature and the Criminal Justice funding was extended. Lin Ball also talked about how the HSRT retreat in March was focused around 'the integration of human services in all areas of grq th ' management nln o The :: Roundtable . .slook;4 T t 4 i&.� . i. ..,; . - r�omp a� c �hne.dt� ons etIwp n .. .: Y.:: ::: ... ..... .... ... b... ...gr...wth . . . . .. .. .... : . .. . . .. i:mahagek6 E . . .. � .. .: .:. .. :.• ;.... .:..... . o ..:.. . . n �human sere t . . . . ie 1ihA . � . SOUTH KINGCOUNCIL OF HUMAN.1�SEkftdE§ .i�....�......: ..: .. , ..��.�� :: . .. .: .....% ....�%.:..� .....� :. . ­: ...­�.�.....-.. .:....- .. : � . % .. ...: .1 . ... . . ...... ..... .. .. .. . .......... .... ..� . ... . ......... ... .. . ..: . T 'esker'::.hP :4t.::�the last: "mats ;:.was X th *is t�n. �. .f.' .th6 h ... .pg HeaIt Depar ze t who :spoke on the Nsocial and heaith map Of King Coun y focus n - n the 5- % age 'group. . ... .-...�...... . �:..� .... :.......%. The regular -:MOWt1 adjourned& �i ....fb P i. F. t which time: the Commission went into work session to-reVieW-I1 numan services Respectfully submitte& % %.: .% .. : .. ...:.�.....�. .- .� .. :..��:. ... .. .. .. : , . .. .. . .... . . . . .. ... - -Secretary � --- �t�::, , 1. ... - . ... ........ ........:..... .......... . '� - -� * -- � I . . � . .... .. t� . .. .. _ ..................................... ................................ .. ................................... CITY OF RENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT` I RENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION I,1I.-,:.1"-.,;,I..!.�:.-.�.,M.:1it!.t:�,...:-.,-.l:.%I���%.�:!-.�..,:%1..l-.��.;���.,��:��.,...I.O...�:�::li.-.��..,.......�.t:�.l-���.�%,:.i-.�..��.�..t:.:....t..�..�..�:.,-,-].%.�.�%..�.�.­:...��%.�I...,.�-...,...�..��,�..!�-.�-.�:-.,..�...�t.�,-�..�..,.��...:..,..-�'..-l...t:.,�....���-:t..t,.,�"l.�:�.:.�%.-�,..i.�:�,t.�.,.:�,-�.:,�..:.,_I.-�:,..,.--:i�:.�.:��-��.-.:,,:�.::,:.�..:�:..-�:�.:,�:.:�:.�%:.%::.:�..:.-.:..-,,�:..-�:.-:,,-.::�.�.%�,,!�.:�.-.:I:�..�.:�._..,.::.t�.:.:,-.J-�I-...1,-�.I��:...�I II..:,�%..'�.I.,���::.��1�i,�..�-1,:.�"..%,�:.,I--�..�..�:1�:...�:,..��-.l%.%..��.E..��.�...�,-.l':.,,.�..�",�..%..����::.,.:%.,�.�.::...,�!:�-:�.I,.,1.��..,.�.�,�%�,..�,.-.."..��.�.-�..�,;-l:.:.�-.�7.�.:i�.,�::�..�"..-..%,1.�:;I I i....1,:.-.-�.�t.,1�.�...l�.�...,7.".,,,,:.�.,�'�.:�,,,�...,%:-:,-��:..i-.."::::7"��,'1.1i:..��'.-�:..:-��..�:",-�.���-���,.��1���,,.''..,:,,,"���:���z,:Iz:"7�,,,,��-��-',�j::,---l-�"";:1,''-,::,,%�,��,z'I'',-�,I,:,,,:..::-.:7",,"�,..,,,�',.�:'..-7I":::.:,'.,�:::�:�:-,,1.�7.-..��.:�.%,.,�.'-:'!.'.�.'.�.'���..,..%���.%%�,l:.'�:-...��.:;..�:.-�.-',...t�A,'�%:�.7-�..-�.,".!�..�.��...-.;,!�.i.:�.�,,�.�...�.�:.:�.�1.�...%,1.��:�...�..%-....t.�l:=��.�.%�.�':.i�..:-...!������.:.��.�..:...,�...�.�..�..-::-..�.���.'.�.�;�,�,.�:.:..,.�..-��7.����.�.;�..5�,-.-.�-�:..,,,%',..-:.��:..:�:.,.:.�,.�.�....,.�...,:....�....-,.:..�'�,�.,...%.::..�.�I���...:,.'. NOTICE OF SPECIAL WORK SESSIONS AND CHANGE OF MEETING TIME NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Kent Human Services' Commison will hold special work sessions to consider the 1994 applications for funding. These work sessions will be held as follows: May 27 1993 City Hall Council Chambers East 1-5 PM June 11, 1993 Kent Senior Center, Arts Room 1 S; PM .::.:..::............................::::::.:.... :.:.:<..:..,,..::...:::::..:.: .,...:.:..:.: :, , :.. .:.....:.::... :...:.... ....,.:.. ...........::,:................:.. :........:.:;.:...........;::....:...........::::.:.;.:::.......:..;....:.:............. Jun 21 19; ;3 Ke t en o en e c .; . . . 9 . n . i r C t r Cera�ni s Room. 9. AM - 5,'PM .,; : .;. . ....... . .... . . . . ;;June 24 1993. C t " Ha'11, C unc' 3: ;Ch tiers' E s: .. , y o am a: 2 PM .. .. h regularl: scheduled monhl `. bus; ness meet: n s will` be'' ncluded': `: y y g during ;the May 27, 1993 `and June 24, 1993 meetings. Dated: Ma 21, , 1993 Y . am s Harris`, Planning Director For publication on Monday, May 24, 1993 ... ..:. .....:.....::......: ..:..::....: ::............ .... .. ::........:.: ............... ......... .,.. :. ......... .....�-.-....,��. . .. - �:.- i��.1.�;.. % i.�. %.� :1..��..!.... :% . . .. .......... ...:. i. . .. ........... :: .....:........ �:,�i,, ,�,:1,I I: �1, �� ....... ,..-�� .%..�:i-��.�...�� ... . . n-, , �,I,,1,,I��-,,,11 ,�,�-.�. .. .. .. � .-..�.... . ... .i..� . t� i : Trr, ,,t, ,,�... 1.;.... -.--. % .% . ... ���� , � , ,�, , �, .... .. .. ...... . .. . ...%.. . ...����i� I ... ..... C rG �M��" it ��r�" r.bi r�� sl,i iz ;: U 'T �.c = m � � - � - �:���� i:- % -­�t'� - I 11 - :��:"i� ��,��-�............. ..�..-- �,l........................................R. - U _ a> fl 3 w�Q �7 o U o C C ''a n - . >. U gyp. 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