HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Human Services Commission - 11/18/1993 .. CITY OF Dan Kelleher, Mayor James P. Harris, Planning Director AGENDA'- � r � KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION � , .��_ Scheduled Meeting for November 18, 1993 ' 3:00 - 5:00 ``PM Kent City Hall Council Chambers East : Commission Membersi. . Susan:Ramos Gha; r;; Lucyle ;Wooden, .Vice Chair ..........:...........:..:...:.....:......::::::....:.................:.... ............:............:..................:.. ..,. :............:.. m Clark ::.;..::. .-...... : .. ... . .......:... .. ........T.........:;... .....%....... .. ::::.... :....:.......:.:::..: . ::::.:.::-::.::::.::.:::.:: .; %: .: ,. . ... ...... . .. .. . .: :%......: Mari3ean Heutmaker % Ton adn r ' i.: .. .. �- P Mzn' . .:. . g . Constance Stockton saner: Wilford ; ; ;: . Judi Woods, Council: President Agenda OLD BUSINESS I - �- ,:� � am: I 11 �: , '' 1. Approval of October 28, 1993 Minutes 300 2. ' 1994 Budget Update 3z05 3 . ' Update on the 1994 ;Human Services Commission Retreat 3:10 4 . Commission Terms and Appointments for Up-Coming Year , %3t20 w ��u:�i:�:::�:�����t�������������,��,�,t����� - - t �, :� t — �: NEW BUSINESS 1.:'. .YF'S D:rop-In Center:'s 1.`994 Allocation 3 30 : 2 CCS Single Men's`'Housing Program'§ 1994 Allocation 350 3.. . Decide.. ..hether.' .to....I. t.. Dea.erinber.::Mee ng. 4:; ... 4. ' Winter: Celebration (I3ecgmber 16`?� 405 5. R. v ew Third Qparter St;atist cal Resorts 4:15 C. Elect. ;Chair and Vice-Ch'a�r for 1994 .. 4 25 7. Dscuss whether to ':invite Mari Alen Stare of KCSARC `.;to 4t35 speak-, urinc the Janus or` 'ebruary meetings . REPORTS 4 45 1. Human 'Serv'i ces< Rouridtab`le 2. ' South King; Council of Human Services 3. Regional Justice Center Update .NOV1. HSAGEN93 220 4th AVE.SO., /KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE;(206)859-3390(FAX#859`3334. SPECIAL MEETING qokv VAR KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSIONQ -0s.. .. . OCTOBER 28, 1993 3 : 00 PM Commission Members Present Planning Staff Present Tim Clark' Lin Ball Marijean Heutmaker; Betsy Czark Tony Ladner . Sharon Clamp Peg Mazen Rachel Johnston Susan :Raman: ` Constance Stockton Ja . rier ;w rd Luayle Wooden Judy Woods SPECIAL GUE5T Jud Peterson Exec' y , ut�ue Directa of; Pregnancy, thanked Kent for .. f d he Pregnancy Aid program;. She noted that Fregrancy Ai17 d is a statewide organisation which has operated in iWashington State for Ad 21, years. They` are' a volunteer organization with nine off'ices.`. in western Washington. The organization started to help women through difficult pregnancies and branched out when they recognized the need for a shelter. Pregnancy Aid opened in Kent five years ago and during that time has helped 45 women. They provide assistance with rent and utilities, help ` with baby items, and resource referral. OLD BUSINESS APPROVAL OF SEPTEMBER 23 1993 MINUTES Lucvle Wooden MOVED and Mari�ean Heutmaker SECONDED a motion to approve the minutes of the : eptember 23, 1993 meeting. Motion carried. UPDATE .ON HUMAN SERVICES MONTH ism Raohel Johnston reviewed tho Human Services 1roohure and handout -: . . . . far. 1993. These. items ;w l be;a thsb�ted With ;the :d% 1 board in ! y the Cityia11 Lobby and at the Torn Hall Meeting. She Hated that .:........::..::.:... .:.::................:..............:..... ; ; , . to . ....... a :ena hone numbers;:;have;;been•;added;6; a eo u e' Th'e` s'chedu e' g, . p far than sorices s1 ` ! presentations wa deshw dve hu is t twe]1 as a soripo astommmssionesrw rtributed; ass. Lubyle <Wooden sutggested .that agency brochures be available' at the lobby display. 1994 HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION RETREAT The retreat is tentatively scheduled for February 4, 1994 at the West Hill Fire Station. March 4, 1994 was selected as an alternate da e. f' KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION MINUTES OF OCTOBER 281. , 1993 MEETING PAGE 2 Mary Eckfeldt will be asked to facilitate the retreat `and Tom' Champoux will be asked to facilitate a lighthearted`opening for the Commissioners. The Commission would like a theme centered around cultural and racial diversity and public health issues from the management care perspective:. .... . COMMISSION .TERMS AND, APPOINTMENTS FOR. 199`4 . Mayen announced that she ;is nat :sekn rea `ointment to ;the; Peg g pp. Commission and has given the Mayer several recommendatons' for :an :. .. ... .... appointment to her position. Susan Ramos and Lucyle Wooden have The ma:. or �s rea , o nIn them and ask in r uested..:rea o7ntnent. y : . . .: PP g q PP , for confirmation by :.the:,..Council can November 2 1 ,4693.. for the t'`:' School': Melvin Tate Gamntun% t Qutreachrec or. •... Ken Y ... .... c n comma ttee chap r for pra a ;L htY�ouse . Dstr�:ct ;and ;steer. q , has; ;:• ; ;; ;: ;: suggested as a possible 'appo ntee. It. was noted that 'Dee Moschel is interested in returning,to the' Commission and is recommended as a possible appointee. NEW BUSINESS TOWN HALL MEETING The Town Hall Meeting will be held on Thursday, November 18, 1993 at the Kent Senior Center. The open house is 6-7 PM with the? ' community meeting starting at 7 PM. Lucyle Wooden and Susan Ramos` will attend to represent the Commission. NOVEMBER MEETING eetn will be::. held. : on`: Thursda The . November CQmmss3 on ; m Y g November 28. Peg Mazen is excused from the' November meeting. 1994...CITY BUDGET UPDATE Public Hearings on the 1;994 budget will be held on November 2 :and November 16 Agencies have been notified to attend the November. l6 meeting;. MarijeanTeutmaker will reresnt the Commis`sionat the November 16 meeting, Lin Ball announced that the Human Services Commission training budget has been increased to ;$1, 054 for 1994, 'a $270 increase over, 1993 . .. SEVERE WEATHER SHELTER UPDATE Due to the impact.`.,to the Police Records staff, 'the Kent Police Department will no longer provide after 'hours motel vouchers to homeless single men. They will be able to voucher families with children, single women, seniors and disabled persons. KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION MINUTES OF''OCTOBER 28, 1993' MEETING PAGE 3 Lin Ball reported that Catholic Community Services has relinquished the single mens housing project because it was denied federal McKinney funding. CRIMINAL JUSTICE DOMESTIC VIOLENCE FUNDING Lin Ball explained that the City receives criminal justice funding' . through a distribution from `the State motor: vehicle excise tax .:and' the one; te %nth of one percent additional sales tax (Proposition 2) . The City receives funding for its legal' and `coma unity advbd tes from the Proposition 2 money. the City Wi11 continue to receive the Prapos ,ton;; 2 money as `ttsal, hornre er, 'th%e Sate ,e stature has made ehan es:;: s'o;' that ';;' th'e '' o' h'er rito 'e`; fides not:' come ;' ' •' '. automatic ll to c tles., :,: a : •: a ,Th are encoura; zn Deal �x� sdietians;;• ;::Y Y q q, 7 to provide Services in innovative law enforcement ro rams auth ,: .. .P . risk. and c ld abuse reve t on; ro rams; aand ro rams: that w1 . .. reduce the level of doestc violence within the cQmmunt y and provide counseling :services to victims of domestic viQlerice. The City must apply through a grant to receive these funds. The maximum the` City can receive or domestic violence is approximately $20, 000. City; Administration and the Police Department have decided to use these funds to support Project Lighthouse. Lin Ball has been working with DAWN, YWCA and Kent Youth and, Family Services to put together a program consisting of 'a prevention program and services for youth who are in families and relationships where domestic violence is present. The ; program will offer support groups,; counseling, and domestic violence prevention and education. The City will contract with Kent Youth and Family Services to administer the program, and KYFS will work with DAWN and the YWCA to provide the services. The City will receive confirmation on the grant on November 15. ADDED ITEM SOUTH ,KING COUNTY_ DRCG AND ALCOHOL TREATMENT CENTER Lin Ball ' expla%ned that the; City received a letter from Philip ... . .• .. ..:: . .. S: ows:tead Executive Director : Q • the;;so o; h , f: uth K r : C :unt Dru and Alcohol Recovery Centers, expressing his concern that South County is not getting its fair share of drug and aleoh©1 treatment i fundinc . 5taff;`met with Mr. Showstead and the Health Department and found that the Public Health Department performs an An-depth review ;of all appliCatic'ns and involves a citizen review board in making fundng .,' dec%signs. Staff also learned that South Bing County received more ADATSA funds than any, other area of the county and almost 'double the amount of funding of any other area. A review of the information received from Mr. Showstead and King County `raised the fallowing concerns: 1. : There is no needs- assessment available for aiding in making ; funding decisions. ` KENT HUMAN SERVICES-COMMISSION MINUTES OF OCTOBER 28, 1993 MEETING PAGE 4 : 2. There is no South County represents ion on the King County Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Administrative Board. 3. South County police departments'have difficulty in obtaining bed spaces at the County Detoxification Center. Judy Woods, City Council President, has recommended to David Lurie of the King County Health Department that�ill the above concerns be addressed. Rachel: 1 . . . ohnston :end Gated that she•;has ust .le::: frthAt 'there :. . ., .. ..... ....... % .. . .; . . . .. ... doE s: . .. .. . ... . ... . ... . . ex t a :d . . ... .: s raft needs assessment which �s awaiting approval. n .. addition, Rachel Is awa 1n.g confirmation as the South County board representative for the Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Administrative `Board. REPORTS HUMAN SERVICES ;ROUNbTA�itt ----- -,=:%.%.....%. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 2 at Mercer View. SOUTH KING COUNCIL OF HUMAN SERVICES ' : �-R--, , ,,,,,,, -I 1 , i:01% The last meeting featured a, panel discussion about refugees and stressed emphasizing our' simlarties rather than differences. It was noted that day care is a problem for refugees, 911 is a problem when emergency operators ;cannot identify the language, and language is "the main difficulty in obtaining employment. . , I 9 REGIONAL JUSTICE CENTER ..URDA'PE ... .. .f No ;re ort was p g%iven. The meeting ad.:Burned at' 5:00 p. . Respect€ully submitted, Pi 1, Secret ry HSMIN93.00T` Kent`, Washington November 2, 1993 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem Woods at 7`:00 p.m. ' Present: Counci'lmembers Bennett, Houser, Johnson, Mann, Orr and Whitej 'Chief Admins- trative' officer McCarthy, City Attorney Luboch, Planning Director Harris,' Public Works Director Wickstrom, Fire Chief Angelo, Police, Chief Crawford, ActingFinance Director Miller and Acting Parks Director Thorell. Approximately ;15 people were at the meeting. PUBLIC Employee 'af t Month. Mayan Pro Tem Woods , COMMUNICATION . " announced t�t Ile]l O:'Donnell:, Administrative Assistant irCity Administration, has been solected',;a .gymoyee' off; the .Month for November. S ' ll is t e el =- he Hated that o Donne ex r m y uersa . . take an; n w ; as s, ; and. t she is commends y h`er oo-warders for her; anderful sense of humor. and her. ability to dea] with difficult situatans'�.e A�:ana Mclalwain Administrat' oh Mariac}er, noted that Ms. o'Donnel;l : was instrumental in ray"sing ov. r $22,O00 for United Way this year. Regional :Justice Center Update: Woods noted that the Regional Justice Center Update usually „pre- sented at the first Council meeting of eabh month has been postponed until November 16, 1993 Human Services Month. Woods read a proclamation noting that the City has established funding for human service needs of Kent residents and encour- ages an atmosphere of community caring ,through educational programs to .promote the awareness of human services needs 'and declaring the month`% f ........... : : : .. ces " ;.No..em .er ,as::H�tman -Ser'tt�. . _. -. Mon h �,r�:•t �. Dent. The proclamat�an was presen ed a Suson Ramos, Chair of the Ilman Services Commission, who thanked the Council for their support. 6w Municipal Court Jtitdc ei' MoC. by introduced Carole 6paysonR =,wno has been "selee e y Mayor Kelleher to fill the Kent M�• al Court ,judge; position:; He stated. that".° ver. 10"0 appl�.catc�ns' rtnrere:reeived and five nominees were iriter�riewed. . He " titer " that; Grayson has been practicing I;aw for approximate�415 years, and that confirmation is schedud for the Council meeting- of November 16 1` ember 16 19 93 • : COURT December 1, I993. Johnson stated that con- firmation will take place at a special Council meeting to be held at 4 : 45 p.m. on November 30, 1993, prior to the scheduled workshop.; Orr seconded Johnson' s motion, which then carried. APPOINTMENTS (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4D) Reappointments to Library Board, Planning commission human Services Commission. CONFIRMATION of the Mayor's reappointments of Luella White as a member of the went Library Bo rd, Edward Heineman, Jr. and Robert Mclsaac` Board as memlrs a`f the Kent Planning Commiss�on, an :, ade ;:as; memk�ers; ;off;;: • ;� ;': ` ; ' , •;, : : . sa : Ramos and. Luo. la..FAQ . n .. .. ... S.ti.......h...:...:...........:..:.........:........:..:.........:..:..............:..:...:. :.:.,.::.:.....-........... ::.:...:......:............,..:..:.....:....:..........:.:..,.........:.:........:..::....... ....... .::.::.:.........: ........ ........ uman ::Ser:�r�:ce� �o�nm ss�on .was:;;sche ul ar Krit ,H .......... ch s: ; At thatresear .:....,•. re nes:11t%ed. as t,o then; tY�ese :terms :expire, �,,: en q e e ointed, nd whether eon they n ed to' be reap a e aired. . Results of this research formation is r q are:cantained in' the City Attorneys memo : included in the agenda packet Woods ' ex }ained p that the Att;arney' s memo suggests that all Planning Commission action be deferred because the State law takes precedence, and because the appointments are being redone` in order to ensure that the terms are staggered. Lubovich clari- fiecl that confirmation is required on all of the appointments. WHITE MOVED to approve the Mayor's reappointment of Luella White to the Kent Library Board, and Susan Ramos and Lucyle Wooden to the Kent Human Services Commission. Orr seconded and the motion carried. -- COUNCIL, (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3M) Council Absences. APPROVAL of requests from m urrc embers, enrett and :Ha;xser for excused absences from the November 16 1993 , City Council 'meeting.' BUDQET PUBLIC..:;..H BPs NG:S:.....-....::T T ET!I.::: 2:A).::.....:....'...::....:.....:.....:::.........:.......,:.::.....................:..:::..:.....: 1994 Budget.; The::: hearing on the 1994. Budget has been continued to this date The Budget Commit tee`>has 'been scheduled to meet an November 15th at 3'. do p.m. and` on Noveritber ;29th at 4 t�0 p.m Any fonal changes as a result of ;'the,publc hearing;or the Budget Committee meetings woll `be included in the final adoption scheduled for the December 7th Councilimeeting. 1 12 CITY OF t, CITY OF KENT . PLANNING DEPARTMENT (206) '859-3390 dk3®IICG 1�� MEMORANDUM November 1, 1993 TO• MAYOR` DAN KELLEHER AND CITY COUNCIL' MEMBERS FROMtt:: : LIN BALL, HUMAN SERVICES MANAGER SUBJECT• HOUSING FOR SINGLE:' HOMELESS MEN' % �. % . % : % :. . . . ... . .. ...�...%:,.I......... .. .. � . , �, ......4... .��%::�%:.��:��:�;� . . i-�.:�:.�� ....: . .I..... have..... some unfortunate .:news ;;to :share wits;;, ou re' and n .; :the•,•`.: Y g g Housing for Single' Homeless Men projeot. Catholic Community . .. .... ... ........ .. .: ...:..: . . ;. . .... . .. •.. . . . .:., .....: Services (CCS) and the .Archd.iocesan :Housing Authorlty (AHA) were .: notified last week that; this pra:jectiwas; dehied federal McKinney funding:. Althou h g $3`60 r 00a.. of ::the : cast , of this project; ;had alreael. been . :. ..Y ..%committed, over half of the needed fun`ang (approximately $485, 06-.. was requested from `the McKinney 'grant. Without this 'funding the project is not a viable project. The lack of federal support brings _demise to the project at this time. CCS has exhausted all ` the funding sources available, having acquired state, county and : local dollars. The federal dollars `were the cr ical remaining piece. The McKinney funding was extremely competitive this year. We discovered that only oneproject was funded in the entire state of Washington. Nationally, there Caere 1, 400 applications competing for a total funding pot of '$100 million It appears that they funded mainly big city projeets, ' with the average grant being $2 million`. We are very aware% that altho%ugh this project has died, the need has not ;dlsa ea red. We cot . . .... n roue..to have;:a; number; a s%n le homeless .. .. ......... pp... ...:............... . :. ......... .......... .. ..... :..... . .:.....: : . .. ... ..........,. ..... ..,: .... .....g........ .. .. .. . . .: . ... .. .. . . .. . :. .: : ... . .... . : . .. . .:. .,. : :. ..: men:i . ... . .... : : . .. . . .. . . ..: : n :our: G1t and there a : : . . .. .. Y�: . re no existin facilities s.. .A:b•le: to.; . . ... .: . .. ....... . .. ., . ...... ... .. ........: . ...g... . . ........ ... ..... ......... .. .•: • :::. :• .- provide ear around ;hous.in to this population. g% We:;! w3 llr Continue;, ,.t : be o en: to:; o or:tunit es; ;to `; :adre'ss; ;t` . : p pP his ,..:.'.1:t�......:.,=:,�.:,. continuing need in `our `City and to seek solutions to help this population move out of homelessness into permanent living . : . .. : .situations .. n LB/slc:mckinney cc:` Jim Harris, Planning Director Tony McCarthy, Chief Administrative Officer Betsy Czark, Planner . .. ..... .. ... .. . .. %.,��, 1''.. .....%. .. .. . . . . . ...--.- %....i .. .. .... - . ............ . .. ... .. ��/. :..... .� ...%...!.. ... . . . . . ... .. .. . . .. . . :.. . .%.... . . %.. .... ... .. .�............ . I : �:% .. % . . 5M4 . ... . . . . . � .. . .. .. . .%...:. .. . .. .......... .. ... ... .. :i. I.% -. :.%:.. . . .-/���:���1,,��., CITY OF .. . Dan:Kelleher, Mayor James P Harris, Ptanning.Director November 19,; 19 9`3 : ;M Cathy Peters, birector Catholic Community Services 'of South :King County P.O. Box 398 Kent, WA 98035 bear Ms. Peters ..... :.. .. ........::'......':. '.....:..'.'...:......:'..::.......:..::.:..,..:.,':..'.....'.........'.:............'..'.....'.'..'.:::..,,:..':.'.:.....'...:...,... 1..'...,.' ... .. :...i11��..�:R.,�.%�,....�� .....:.:.:'. :::...... '..:...:.. •:...... . The• Human Services:. staf .f..has be` un: lann%n ;for; the; re oration of ,,�-.�..I,,.-,',.1..,.��..:,-�..�-,.I.,,'�%I.'.E."�:�..!:.....:-..% ..�..:I,...:..:%N..1.�....I..I.....:.....:%%....::.�....i�%�........7......%.:......:.:.:.-�%%%...........�.�.:...:.:�...�...-.-....%...z...% . .:.. . g 1 . , . .:... p :: . . the. 19§4 Genneral Fund Agency Contracts. . . .. . , .... . .. .. :. . ...:: ..... :... . .. : .. . .... . .. . It' is': . remature •for' us' to con ratulate : ou on'` a`; royal of; our'`1994 ; '`. .. .. . P.... .. :. .... . . . : g. Y ... pP • : :.• .;. :. - - .: ..... ::.::... .. . ....... .. . . co endA .- :because the; G t Council has; no ,:;a roved funding re mm Y :: : ::. . : :: pP, .,..'.:. eco a dat` on.: the; Cit s ro osed 159;4; bud et .,;Your ,1994,.fund n . mm n. Y p p g g will be a roved as ar. pP p ity's udget day, t of. the; C 1.. b on . Tues December 7 19:93. However, . due to time ;constraints we are , requesting that each agency ... lde us with an updated Exhibit A form. A Dopy of your 1993 Exhibit A Is attached for reference but needs to be revised so tha st' reflects your 1994 performance measures. Please refer to he performance measures outlined on page 10 of your agency's `1994 City of Bent General Fund Application when determining the minimum amount of services to be provided by your agency. Your revised performance measures should be proportionate to your agency's 1994 City of Kent funding recommendation. ' We ask that you be realistic with your projections because during 1993 many agencie's exceeded their annual goals in the first six months of` the contract year. Please return your updated Exhibit A to me in the Planning bepartment no later than Monday, November 29. I don't anticipate any major changes in the 1994 reporting forms. T trill contact you soon to schedule a meeting during December to . 'o . ce, measu .es and review ;th'e : re` art n ::: ::: final ze. <au.....1994: erf .Inan : .. r .. .: : . p g . . . . ..:: .:::. . .... y. ...:.. . .. .. .. .. . P .. ... . . ..... . ......... . :...... ............ ...... .. .... . .. . . . .: :. . .. .: .: .. .eet. .w th>;. ou and:the' s .aff;:memb'er` s' who `` roLess. I ;would::lle to m I Y . . :... .... :..:. .......... . ....>... ..... .,..... .. . , ,. t, ; compfetes : the monthl : : and;> uar .,erl'" re•.':ort> rr forms for:: ;`a`I1 .: .........: .. ......... .... . ... .Y.. ....... . . .:q..... ... .....:....:Y:. . :. . p:. . . . g: . ........... ...: .. : .. ... :.. ... . ,ro: rams: for which 1994 funding has, ;been ;recommended ..: . ; p Please be aware `that` a copy of your :current itlsuran6. certificate will be needed %along with tie signed 1994 City or Kent eantradt. If .;youhave any ;:questions, please contact me at 850-47'89 Sincerely, Rac el Y. Johnston Planner RYJ/slc: 1994con.ltr .` Enclosure cc: Harry Tucker, Board President Lin Ball, Human Services Manager 220 4th AVE.SO., /KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206j859-3390/FAX#859-3334'. C. : Cathy. Peters, ;Reg Dir Harry Tucker Nm. ina Auerbach, ; Exec Dir ati'olic Community Svc Board President Child 'Care Resources 398 13234 SE 261st 1`5015' Mairi Street, WA 98035 Kent, WA 980`42 Bellevue, ,WA 98007 Richard Mockler Rita Hagen D Sharon Osborne, Pres Clegg; & Associates So County Coordinator Children's` Home Society 811 First AV, Suite 200 841 Central Ave N, #126 P.O. Box 15190 Seattle, WA 98104 Kent, WA 98032 Seattle, WA 98115 Peg Mazen' Cheryl Lewis St eve ,R. Anderson Children's Home Society 1. 810 21st St SE Executive Director P.O Box 1997 Auburn, -WA 98002 Children's Therapy. Ctr Auburn, WA 980?1 25461 'Z04 'AV SE : Kent WA 9803 .. ro E elsto ,. Ja ne :Led ;: Exec Der•; Dee M69 hey:C<a 1 g Y, L c : .... Board President:< Comm nit :; Health.•.Otrs.. 4,25 8denic Wa ....... 12557:: SE 233 5T o.f King County Kent, :.WA 9803::1 Bent,' WA 98031 1025 3rd AVM S, Ste. A Renton, WA 9805'S Linda Rasmussen Deborah Duff Mary ;o�z Becvar Executive Director Board President Executive Director ' D.A.W.N. 11204 2(?9 Avenue E. Kent Community` 5ve 'Ctr P.O. Box 1521 Sumner, WA 98390 525 4th Ave N Yt, WA 98032 Kent, WA 98032 Wesley Martin Hans Rasmussen Rev. Perry Raak Board' President Executive Director Trinity Reform Church 26859' 8th' Ave S Kent Youth & Family Svc 380? Reith Road Kent, WA 98032 232 2nd Avenue S #201 Kent, WA 98032 Kent, WA 98032 Mary Ellen Stone Deborah Wallace ! Judy Peterson, ; Exec Dir King County Sexual Board President Pregnancy Aid of Kent Assault Resource Center 9739 112th Ave NE PO Box 1775 3.04 Mazn 1�ve S, #200 Kirkland, Wei 98.�33.,.. ` Kent, .WA 98035 1?75 Renton, WA 98055 q-rrf� Y Geraldine;Battles Rchard_Looney $card President South King County Board "President 2>10;31.::;14.2. .d.•.:::A :.::::SE::::::::::..:, Mu:I:t.:va: erv::::.c.e:;:C.ent.er ::.: 4:0:;0::<:::SW::::::::2:9?•the::::Stree:t:.:.::::::.:...::: .. Kent, WA 98042 1200 S. 336th Federal Way, wA 98023 Federal Way,`; WA 98033 Dave 13aniels Margo FYeshmari, Exe Dir Diana Carey Housing Director Washington Tomen's Karr, !Tuttle, Campbell 1200 5. 336th Employment & Education 1201 3rd AV, Suits 296 Federal Way, WA 98003 151? Fawcett St #250' Seattle, WA 98101 Tacoma, WA 98402 }ilyn LaCelle Pete Whittall w ..�ley Cities Mental Board Chairman ` Health 2634 26 Pl SE 2704 I Street 'NE Auburn, WA 98062 Auburn, WA 98002 4€ ' E FY o F Dan Kelleher,Mayor " Laurence A. Ton Wca%rth Jr: Chief i�dminis ` ,,) ( y) y> trahve Officer i November 30, 1993• Hans Rasmussen, Executive Director Kent Youth '& Family Services 232 2nd AV S, 1201....`.. Kent ...:...... .. . .. 98.03.2. .... .........:.. .. �:.:. Dear;;;Mr. Rasmussen,; ; ' ;• ;•,`': • ;; Per our conversation on Wednesday, November 24;, the Human Services Commission approved the relocation of the KYFS Drop-In Center program site. This action was. taken - at the.:,. :Commission's November 18, 1993 meeting. This move from the current site, Kent-Mere dian'Highi;, to,Kent Junior i ..:. ..:. .... i High 'is? effective January 1 The Commission believes that there is A great need for the :programs services at Kent-Meridzan School.' However, since the services were not fully utilized by the students of Kent-Meridian High, the Commission will allow the program to be temporarily relocated to Kent Junior High for the duration of 1994. Upon the completion of the 1994 " contract year the Drop-In Center will be assessed to determine: where the most need exists. The Commission appreciates your initiative in bringing forth your concerns regarding the apparent: ineffectiveness of the current Drop-In Center. Perhaps by exploring a new site thet program's full potential can be realized. As stated, in our conversation, we look ;forward to meeting.:: with you ;, and: Kent-Meridian.. representatives so that: we `can formally`' discuss ' he !decision to relocate tI `e pro ram• ? • g If `you `have questions, please call me at 850-4789r sincere`lY, G; Rachel Y. hnston. Planner RYJ/sic':drop. ltr cc: Rev. Perry Raak, President Susan Ramos, Human Services Commission Chair James P. Harris, Planning Director Lin Bali, Human Services Manager . 220 1th AVE.50., !KENT,�VASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859-3300/FAX#859 3334.'