HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Human Services Commission - 04/23/1992 CITY OF AGENDA t., . KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION j'- Scheduled Meeting for April 23 , 1992 -c,E .w, 3 : 00 - 5:00 PM Kent City Hall Council Chambers West Commis ion Members % Dee Moschel, Chairwoman Su an Ramos, Dice Chairwoman Rosemarie ' lemente Peter Duggan . Marvin; Eckfeldt :...i�.:: .1 : N . : . I. ..:: ......I..�................. : :� . i.. Marijean Hsutmaker . Pe Ma,2 en J Luyle: Wooden Judy Woods, Counoil; President . . A . . . .. a .. .. I. . rd : * :Welcome New Member Marijean Heutmakex_ 1. SPECIAL GUESTS * Hans Rasmussen, Executive 'Director, Kent Youth and Family Services (KYFS] Larry Faust, Board President, KYFS Reverend Perry; Rack1:11, , Vice-President, KYFS OLD BUSINESS ��­:� 1 � % _� , =__ �� 11 , �.� .:�.���.�:..�.�� ­ .. . 1.' Approval of March 26, 1992 Minutes 2 .' 1993 Application Process Assignment I.of leaders for application :;work rou s . , . . .., . .. Dii§d.us:sa.on::.:.of:;:: u'h.:.: 1an....:..czr: June.:' 1'7:th: w:Q.rk •ses's on. :.::: .: :: . : P1 . . .... ..: :... . . .... . . . Summar ; of 1992` Hinman Services A erica es . ... Y . g . NEWBiSIN5$ ... . ..... . .;:, ... . 1, Debrief: qf: A location Worksl o :. :. :: Z. 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Ild 220 4th AVE,SO.,./KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)659 3390/FAX#859 3334 - ,�� � �..�..... - �;� .. . :%;��.:...�:.:�.�: -� ��.. �:��.�.. .��:.!. !�.�� i�%. .. ... ......�;..... .�.. . i ::.:. :... . . .. . . ... . ..�� . . .. .. ... . . ... . . ... . �:;!.�. . . .%. . . . c�ry of � � MEMORANDUM ` APRIL 3, 1992 pr�uc�r � � -- �t"',-: :1 I I ---t- --i�i�:�i W - : = -, , .. , , - � MEMO TO: MAYOR DAN KELLEHER, AND CITY ' COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM:-:11 HUMAN SERVICE COMMISSION' SUBJECT: PROPOSED CREATION OF OFFICE' OF���::������:�����������:���:��l� 11'��,,�­� - , '"''' 111-AW11 `HOUSING AND COMMUNITY SERVICES��%..:%J�:- ... %�:%::.���...- � �:����ti:����������������g.�.....,.........:....- - You have before you o�n April 7th aproposai I I 0-..... . : :..... . to create an;Offce of Housing and Community Servi%ces as a new division within the Plnuin De artnent ale support the creatota of this new Off .ee g P within t2e Planning Department. and; hops that you will approve its establ I hment. We want to thank the City Council Operations Committee for , its unanimous vote in favor of this new Office, and for xscognizing the importance of it `being within ;the planning function', of theity''s mission. We wou d like to voice one suggestion. This ;has to do with the proposed name of the Office; The proposal as it f originally came before the Operations Committee, was to call this new Office, the Office of `Housing and Human Services. We ask the ;Council to consider keeping this name as it was originally proposed as ,the office of Housing and Human Servioea. We have a concern with using the word °Community" "Services We feel' that the title Housing and Human Services is aimore accurate 'description of the scope of the proposed Office and the type of programs located in this Office. The title "Community Services" is ;A broad ,term 'that implies not only human services, but potentially 'a number of ;other services. We woul aloo offer the following reasons for `naming this new Office "Housing% and Human Services, .... a rather Than ck. ommunity Services: * "Community Servaoes" could cause confusion for<the public . .. ,: b other: Ct nd a ices .i�i rov ....- ... ... .. ...:..Y....... l in ro rams a s .ry p . .. .Y. . ... . . :.. .. ...... . .... ..... : b m g P. .. ................. .. ... . . . ........ . . .. . . Y P ': . . , . . . . . .% ........................ ........... .. ...:........::::...:.:.. ......... :.. .. .. . .. . .:..:. .. ... . . . f f: ce . of locatedn: ths 0 . De artments n ... ...... .. ,.. . . .: . . .- ... : ... . .. .. .. . .. % . ..:.. .... .. 1:: ; " ::: ;.:: . its; o:f.; o: er: ce : efforts: and of .o . . . .. . e n. i human serya .. . :... ... .. . . . ...: ... . . R . .... .. .: :::.::.. . . 9 .. ear the name Of ;hum an;.seryces rathee an:; . . c3 flea a b: . . .:. . . . .:.:. .:... :.. . .. .. . . : . ... .... . . . . �� .. . . o ssors n . : es i:.e : Duman 5....ery c s . m..i: : commun t ..sere .:.:. r . . .: . - .......: . Y .. Kent {and Cities; regional Human Sery ces other % Roundtable; South King Council of Human services) ` * For past several years the issues dealt with in this proposed Office have been listed on the City's Target 111. Issues as "human services"11"I not "community services". Thank you for consideration of our request, and 'again thank you for this progressive step forward for human services. ( April 7, 1992 PLZMING revocations. Additionally, the ordinance requr DEPART, ENT that the Hearing Examiner' s decision and find' ` s be made within 10 working; days following lion of the hearing in compliance with to law her than 14 days as is currently flvided for in t code. Lubovich not that this al relates to the bus�.ness` license d�nan (Nfl, �0�5)"":`and that '.it inoludes: tiie mud tifa design review process, as well .as: revooation' ndp,4als under the business hi�ense �cide;, CF2�R Nl�3VED ox -adopto;n flf` Ordiriance 036 relating' to the duties and appealproe s flf ............ Use Hearing Examiner, Bennett seoo d d the motion crrae . ..HERBUSINE u - 1T M 4F'.:j e; C�fce of Hous2ncx and Community Services The. administration of human service functions of the City of Kent is currently being performed by the City's Planning Department. The Warner Group Study, last--year commissioned by the City of Kent, recommended establishing a separate office to administer performance of functions related to housing and human services. An ordinance has been prepared which creates the Office of Housing and Community Services to administer these services. This office reports to the Planning Director, Assistant City Administrator Hanson noted that ' creation of this :office will add even more' atten- t o e er g d ff r towa Human services . ;; ... . are a, n H no ed ,that a letter haa.. been received flm he Human �erv�.ces.,Com��.sS�.fl?7 dated April 3, 19 91 and; JO�iISON MOUE'D that: te 'tter be made a art p o e record err seco........... ed ;and the motion f `th carried. Hansen 'noted fox White that a .. 1 45 salary ranges from $ 857 to $4.698 per ;month. Lin Ba11: 1ai s ex ndfflrW �t . . h, e tkat he >:�astern ositi on will-.>bs. funded throu h the Coimun�ty Develipmert g. BIflck Grant: funds and is not a• part of` the crea- tion; o -the bffic'e of Housing 'arid Community S�r- vices. She explained that the intern position is included in a separate agenda item (4G) . She noted for White that it would be a new, part-time position for approximately 16 'hours a week at $10 5 April, 7, 1992 PLANNING 11 per hour. White stated that since there is a DEPARTMENT hiring freeze, hiring this intern would- be incon- sistent. Hansen 'stated that this will be studied along with- 1991 funded/unfunded positions, filled/unfilled through 1992, and that they are trying to have as much parity as possible between departments. White pointed out that Parks has not been able to increase a position from 3/4 time to full -tin when the money ' s here.' Ms. fall noted ' thateporay pert time positions are not covered by. the.hric f� eze .and they ;are ;not 7aenefitted employees. SYie added that there are restrictions ;' on`" the number; -`;of hours temporary part time people can work: Han17 sen salt :they will. also .;looki at the . use of teporary employees ,in,ther study. Rose , , te xplainfNelsoi o u m ed that each department has a .;part of therr .b....u. ge desa mated fear temporary employees. 5he .notedd tYiat the' .Parks Department uses a 1 arge number of temporary:,em}aloyees in the summer,', and! that Human Resources has no ;problem with this intern -posi- tion. She said an internship program helps to assure the City that they are getting a high caliber of temporary employee since they are usually doing this in conjunction with a study program through a college. She added that the intern would need to fulfill some obligations to the Block Grant program and to the college White said- his -concern is with Administration being inconsistent. Houser said that many temporary employees are NUNN referees, etc. and she would nat wancer She sai►.tb ' ' an e h re i ftathe summ a -differe ce .b t n e Wen a posi,ti.on where ::thd a n of s d �,ar an benefit`s d os ' n�, . g, .. ::. .. . - , : : . : .,an a p itisummer.: ..... .. .. . .:. . Man asked that the Ceuncl be brgught up o date n. h w man t . .o i.n :each rt ...... . : ... e .a merit and what the l c t o C' t w e ;a "< r g d to how long. trey can be:.kept He noted ; that; at some ;bus%nesses temporary employees are kept' for years without benefits, . Hansen said that in addition to the temporaries hired for the summer by Parks, 'there are secretarial' temporaries and so forth. He pointed out that because these funds for temporary employees 'have always been ---- 6 ( 1 April 7, 1992 PLANNING available, department heads have used them to make DEPARTMENT ;up for diminishing resources. ' He 'added that there should be a bit of flexibility in order to cover certain situati©ns. Nls. Nelson stated that temporaries are used only for summer employment or special projects at this time and that there are very strict guidelines for:'tempor .ries, Hansen noted that some .of the :Paarkslyars ire already out and commitments have been made t _the pub ic, but. .that recommendations �ii311 be made to Couna1 regrding ,other areas. White itt±ad; that .corm tments have ;also been made regardig Yciuth- t giek. . Ha:�nsentaed that there •should be consistency: for::` al]:` departments. `; << :.;: ,: re ' d; Satterstrom, Panning Manager, said that the `;tepid" �f the' intern :"is an �mpartant one, but that the issue before:.the �+Coun��."�. �.s creation of tha offce ;itsef, Ie noted that `the;• issue of the '. intern could be set aside' and studied in conjunc- tion with the other temporary needs. Bennett said " 'he feels the hiring freeze issue should be addressed soon. He said that 'there is not enough money now to do all the things the City used to do. Hansen noted for Woods that a report will be presented at the next meeting. Hansen pointed out that the letter from the Human Services Commission drew attention to ;some con- fusion in the title of the office,; and that they recommend the name go back to 'Office of Housing a nd u an "Se v Orr o n ... ............. ... . ................ .... ........:.... G me teal that there : negative feo�.ings^abput the words human ser- ces >. .... .............:........... ................... ........ ..... ........ . .. with ;n ati.ve • - • :; ,. ...... ...... ...... ........ . .......... .............. e. �d a he aa�.d other peoplemay feel, the.:.:. same W y n exp s ed concern about hqw people asso t. d cia e with that name` woud be treated she said th t` :t e'; a h u an servicean an g band they do provide human sexvices, b t t, u t2iat there were sc mars ne a eve comments re y .9 _ din "" ;. , ,:.: g g hat. narne that she feels �t is: �rnportant ` �� dive this" of��ce a` new name, ©RR THEN MOVED for the adoption of drdinance No. 3037' establish- ing the Office of Housing' andiCommunity Services. White seconded, Johnson agreed with Orr regarding the anger of-?the 'seniors concerning this issue,' but said their concern was in regard to making the _ e _w . 7 April 7, 1992 ' PLANNING"' Senior Center part of this office. He said since DEPARTMENT that is no longer included as part of this office, it would` no longer be an issue. He offered a friendly amendment to change the name to Office of Housing and Human Services; Orr did not accept the friendly amendment. JOHNSON MOVED to amend the motion to change the name to the Office of Housing and Human Services. White seconded. Houser noted that sen or ,trz.ens were not the only group who were offended by the name, that Special Pogula tioriS also had a negatve '\feel�ng. toward it, and she felt' that a name ehanc}e inay be beneficial. Ms,; Ball` notd for Mann that she:does not feel that title of Cf �ce sf Housing and Community Srvices would negatiey impact the Human Berv ,ces'Ad omm�ss on or the staff: She` said tb cQnern i;s to allevato. any Gcanfusion to the Dee Moschel, ' Chair. of the Human Ssrv�+ces Comim�Vision, said the_y;; nad discussed the .name and . they .do not feel the name Human Services is nega- tde. She said that the name 'Community Services is a very broad title and that the Commission would prefer Housing and Human Services. Orr said she is concerned because she heard such derogatory comments and that getting' a new name would put an end to that. She noted that she is not advocating changing: the Human Services Commission, and she does not want to create a problem for them. Johnson pointed out that when this issue came before the Planning Committee it was called the Office of Housing and Human Services and no one disagreed with the.,,nae at that time. He said that the Senior tenter and S eGia]. Po ulatons p P wanted try keep. thix names,. and It was' not .... .. ::...:..... eve Human,,Se e... . . ... ..... ... .. ... ..., . . .. ..: .:.. r s a bad ;n d ..... s t G . a..� .�n ....the office .Housin ; an'd ; ; .... ...... ..... .......................................:.... g.. ............. . ..... ... ..... Human .Ser s v�,.Ge d• 8 an..... .c.a. .1. W. o. t . :... Bennatt., ommned that the service provideel is wiat.. is ;important, no. the .name The amendment to change the name to ,Office of .:Hous ,b- g and Human Serii.ee caxried .. uith: Orr anti ;Houser apposing. a. all c ari e B l f d tha �g�n�a Item 4:G is the �.992 Entitlement for CDBG and that that is where the intern position' is funded. woods noted that this is extra block grant money, not general fund money. Ball noted for White that the funds do not have to be used 8 April 7, 1992 SIR ang- MMUNITY Shobe added that in accepting these proposed D ELO ENTORIMpolicies, the Council would be supporting eon in flux BLO K GRANT cation of funding to a regional housing cyst m which was implemented in King County in 199 She said that the allocation for 1993 mould be approx imately, $6,000. Woods declared the public hearing open There were no eo nments froam the audience and JO H ON MO'VED that ;the,h,ear�.nc� be ;closed. . Wh'te seconded and theinot3on carried. QRR .MOVED t adopt the - rope.,a 9�3.:Loca= CDBG Pr ra � rec ne ;th Y . g ,m Pad os d`Ailocat. on ` dd�tic� a•1 1992` Communi evelo ;:; nt Block G n cD G Entitlment This ... ":, meeting ;cons. er' the Cou ci : Planning. ;comma tte recommended" app oval of the prposs'd allocation additional 1 92 :CDBG' Grant Entitle- RIM Ant. The re ommendation is to allocate addition- al 1992 CDB_ . ogram Fun s to the following pro- grams; Program lannin and Administration - "$6 00 and Kent ousi g Repair Services Program - 5,820. WM Planning Manager Sa rstrom noted for' Orr that it is. important to ad t his tonight since it goes towards the fundi g of tinning and Administration and a small partq ill fu 1,, he intern. Orr askedjy,,'��Xi whether it woul be better to hold off until after the �ty`has r viewed the. h Ang.altuatIons. Toods ep aane tha the mo on ua ' passed Tte nclu exists : ded an ,',nten whe already and that s is ra;a pa to rsue. ars suggested that . an r .. a . .. .t. h ..intern be b u. t :bac , al. n wsth the•• ther sues he„ has. addee sed earl ier ;to n.,ight w :' no,.cpmmitment•by he the Cou it on t ern �:ssue.; Sattertrom agreed, ' A ice Shobe of An the Planning ;Deprtment caar.ified that they have recey ed add>t�oria 1992D$G,`funds and the Ca ty feat' a ports vr� of that could be ua;ed to nd the .. ... ;r nc ease•;.fin, salary ,for the Manager and a_n dd�tlon to se more money for planning and admnist tion a d to have an intern to work on special prod ets. atterstrom noted that the money is part of th $6,000 unallocated CDBG money. Shobe stated th 10 . . ..... .. ..... April `7, 1992 CO NITY the portion for the intern would be approximatel DEVE NT $2 ,000. She noted that if it is decided lat BLOCK GRA that the funding should not be expended an �n it can be used for other progr planning and a istration activities. to requested that in th ure, the P 1 aignilfg Department write heir memos more c] arl o that the public can understand them more ORR MOVED to approve the allocation addition 992 CDBG prsgram gram Planning g g and: Adiin' . stxation6,OTC; and• :ntaing _"Rep Servioes Program ,820, White se d the" iirtion carry ed. HUMAN (CONSE�ijT` .4ALEiDAR ITHM 3C) SERVICES Human Beres Crmmisson`Appointment CONFIRMA- CO:.MMISSION TIO�. �f,: the`Mayor's appointment .of Marjear� Heutmaker as a mmber' of the "Kent Human Services commsioi .'" ` She will: represent the Business Cate- gory and; il1 replace Jean Archer, whose term expired. Her term will beg in."immecliateiy and con- tinue to 1/1/95. RKS & (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4B) RE, "EATION Youth at' Risk Program Coordinator "Position' The Parrs Committee voted 2-1 at their March 17, 199 meeting to bring the Youth at Risk issue to t full Council on April 7 for the Council's fi al determination, "The recommendation from the Parks mmittee is ;that the position, althou funded at fu time, should remain frozen at 3/ time until such 'me as funds are available. HO R � h t Y uth at �.sk Coordinator position; "aliugh funded at all time; should . remain at° / ` t" anti] , ch >time; as funds are aulab , Be e nn sec cted, . ...; Orr noted "that "she s cieived information .indi cat�ng that the will ver collect funds in t 'ti hi /�s os� on as ked w l a hat it h en those �? .. . Pp tom/ funds:: Assn„ ant' cit „ ,d t4 nib ator Hansen said t if i tha th s the, cask. funds c 1d be rebate . br` .... w�thir the program. °:He o tired to look furher and report back at the ssue Coun- ci .l a` later date Orr noted that when this is e was first presented, she understood t t it as at the Mayor's and Administrator's discret n 11 : : 4kpril ; 7, 1992 3 ARKS & as to whether the'; position was funded at full R CREATION time, and that since then, the Attorney offs d a ` different opinion. She said she is not in pose tion to go against the Mayor and Adminstr or :on this, since that is their function within he City. She said the program is worthwhil and hopes it will be given a..high ;priority en funds : are available. •.._ wha.t+� paid that YiE hs� Voted ,to fund h3.S at fu�.1 time. beause. �t ;s „goad program,; , d ,that .he i1i. ccntnue :to.:support the. progr funding. on Manri's quest'aon," Hansen expl., ned that the :.po. rtion has ;been frozen and alt ough the Council vote the fundsnto the.;budgat ; it was adiriis= ati .sly racc�mmenee that the Qstion be .fundl rOU . 1 92 'at the, -full; txm euel , b zt: k :epi ig: the p ?s i icon `at 3 J: tine. H„ ,. added that a :plan on d$aing w th froeri,,,poste 1a311 come to the Gounpil s4 Dave street I3rector of the Federal inlay oys and Girl Club, noted` that org- inally the Co ncil voted o fund the position full time' by reorga ' zing th City Clerk's funds. He added that the rks D artment agreed to raise the day camp fees to nd the ,position. Street ` noted that the fun re available and it is not from the city Clerk' fund; that it is money charged and collec d; He explained that the position `was 3/4 me' st year but because the position was not illed ntil later in the ;year, there was money vailable ' for the person to work full time. He aid ,going ck to 3/4 timewould put 'a strain ; he program h�ch has been estab l fished. ; :He „ ted; that the. Pa s .Comm�.ssion a+gareed tQ raising es to pay far the os tlon, and that . after t�,e: - es. were r�ise�,, they wexe .told , it would sty:•, :be 3/� .time. He sa�.d ..:the staff, tY�e - parents the children an .th`e r xam are the p ones who wall :be hurt, He...raid this is not 'a politic 1 issu+s, but a budget ,�.ssue ` Bill ,fool ittle, 43 2 N Washingtfln,. said his was firm brought u ' at;.aParks Committee mee ':ri on p g be r 22, 199� .and he quoted' from the m�n tes, of t meeting" as follows: Johnson moved to au or- e the Parks Department to increase program es rom' $b0 to $70 a` week to 'fund the` Youth-at-Ris Coordinator as a full time position (Option Two of :. 2 CITY OP � CITY OF KENT �!�!!���t1:���-.1.-;�.�:.���',�.:i��,s,,i��.�;��j,­��:"��:-�',�:t:,�I.%�.��-�;I���.�.:��:":-,�i7��1..I�"�i!,i��:::.��'1,,�:�,,-,.',:.-�,.I i,��::i�i�!.:�:"�.::�,��-::-��.:�:I�!-:���:,����::.,:.:,,1�:i-.�-��t:,��i��-.:����1-:,,�..j.�,��":��:���,���-�%.:��J.'I�..:�:,,:��1�..�,:�t:�N..:.-�::�I It:�!_:,.;�:�,,,,��i:�-���%�,��j.-�-�j,i��:_:�i��--:.'�:.:��i-�:�,�,;.�,��:-.,�.,:�,�t......��i:�:%�_i-,�_�tt�.:-l:l�-.i....-::�',:��.��:I�:�.-�:�����..:_:�,������.�:�.�:::.:.�,�;tl�.-:���i..%%,":����:�:-,,�..-:�,-:���;"�i,:�:;::�:�.!���:..���-i:�,�"�i:,��%!��-�:",:���,��,��,:��::.�t-�:,:..-��:,�,����t-,�tj....1:,�..::.���I-i:.,,�t-:t:-.."�:���"�l%.%��������I-,:�!-�...:��,,���-��,.:t:�t�.�::::���lt:..�,:-i.��-,,�i,-.-,:�t..�����;�..��,�,��-��.�,"::...:t�;�,t���..':-�,I-,,:...-:_�,fi���.�'�­-,�,....-,-�,�,,:�1�::�,:J�:.�,�:!:-�:r��-�:..�-",-�����"�'���-..�-:::��..,��"��:��..�,�i�,��_.tt--ii�.!�-:.���..:��,,:���.%.'���;l..-�,_.���:,;"��.�:��,�...�-�,-.%-';.��,:�;,...-.:i��:'--�'::��,..-�!��.::�:,�,,,,1�:..I��:-:�­..�:11-�:�.,.!�i:..�-i,,,����,..-t,:,�I':-�,,:--..�-���;�.%��,��:,.,:::,::�.�����:1..���,,i:.%..��-:,:."������1i�:��,�,�.�-�,�::-1'��1:..-��'��,,..1;���,-,��­:�..::�,,�::::-��,-::�..l��,_-:.�.i���,:,t�.��:��,�����I'�1:��-..%..,�:�.,��,,�,1­..:::,�-1t:'��t�..:-,-����,�:�:�,-:-1-%�,�-�:�i�.,t::,,:��,---:�-.�!i�-i�,�...%,�:��.-,��.i���,�,:.����:,�_-.::���:j�,.;--:��:-.-�:�-.-::�..���,,j,,,:�,�,..����t�;:-�l%:j����i,...�l�­���..��-�:�,"_1I:.��-�,��,,���l..:':,��:-�l�.,.0�,�­i�I:-,���:.::�-"���..,�,:,:i�i..:t�.,:��-._,'�,_:I"��.:�:�­:,��_:�:..:-��:,�,,1�i�:i.�-,�i'1�l��i:�-�,�..���1�"��J.���i;�._.�-�:-�.��-,�,��I�_,-..��.":.�_­.­-i,!,":-�_�:'�':,:;-.�����:!.:��.--_�-i.-.�t�,�:�.�-�:,.-.-'-A��,�.���._:�:I:��:-,t�i%."�.�:"��..-"%.-:�-..:'-�,���:�����:���-,,,.-J,�:�:..,,�::�,-_�,,-��:I�!i..,­,:-i-%�,:��-��:.J,:�',�.:�..--:�.�:�:%�.�-.�:�:,,:�-�...-':1,..,�.��.:,i�tt..!�:�-,��I.I����--._:--,��-�.:�..�::.:;!-:����:��.�..-�'.�_-�,,%"::�:_�.�,��::�.-,���-t�%�-..�_:.:.�i.,--:.�-­.�-�����.,l�.:��.����-��;�J��:.���.�'--��t�:,.��-�..�.�..�:.:�-..,,l:�,I::,.:i�:��,-:."-�1-%:���.�.�:��..',�,.�,�.���-j-_.i:��.,1���..-..��t-l-,::,:������-���l...l��,�-::�.�:.!:�-,�.,:��..���"��,..,�..��.:�:,,,.�..��,,:�..�.I1,�:t,:,"'...,,:-:....I,'..,,,.-.1 ii:','�%I�, _ PLANNING DEPARTMENT (;206) 859-3390 ll46IIC�§ MEMORANDUM ` APRIL 16, 1992 T�, i �DEE: BOSCNEL CHAR AND: HUMAN SERUZCES COMMISSION.' MEMBERSF120 . JAMES P, HAI_ . B. RLANNING :.DIRECTOR;: SUBJECT: -PROPOSAL ; : . CHANGE THE HUMAN SERVICE: COMMISSIUN..:` SECRETARY Since the'City,Council has areatd tie Of�ce o Housing ar�d Human Services {Ordinance037) ;to be placers wathanthe operational framewprkf the Planning Dpartnent I feel it �s now appropriate that I be replaced as the CommiSslOn'5 secretary. My proposal is bet the Human Services Commis ion amend its bylaws fix ` by deleting the Planning Director as the commission's secretary to be replaced by the ` Office of Human Services Manager. The bylaws would ''read; 4, The�7 anr�in j�1 -eC -ar w Lserys_as_secretar�t. `: 4. The Manager of the Office of Housing and Human Services will serve as secretary. Thank you for considering .this request, JFH/slc:human