HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Human Services Commission - 11/21/1991 CITY OF �M AGENDA KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMM, :%'"! ,: �1:T ��ISSION av z `u Scheduled Meeting for November 21, 1991 3: 00 - 5:©0 PM SaintiAnthony Church Library Commission 11,Members ...:;:;..:... .......:... ..... . , . ....::... .........:.:;....... .. ...:. ... .... . .: . . Marvin ECk'f ;ldt' ';'C a. .. : .;;:` : , . ­'...S..:I:....1��...�I..:..'.11,�'..­.��0"'%;.......'.1.�z�'..:.�,�...1:..:,:�1.�.11......�,,.1....:,%:�'..;;I 1.��.!�%...',..;.�''�..��1,.�".._1'..1._�I,­.-.�����,,�­1..:..,.",..�..-.:,i..-:,�......:'�...,':.��...��.:_::.:�i�..�_,..I:l,...I.�,1..I�..._.:,­�.�i::..z�"..1.�,�..:.,....��._::.,�,l:�.�':t,.!I:::�.,-,�...1 1.. .'�...:.���..:--.��.%;..::I.:..�%.�a':!....� ....:....�.%:�d....:.-.�..%.%.�.���........�......... Des Moschel, Vice Chairwoman ..:.....:.. ... . . :...:..:.:.... ...: : .....::..: .... : J '' i1;;ArG2 el ..; ....:.... Peter Duggan F,e a oh ;, ... Aiii M ronyuk Peter Mourer Susan Ramos JudY .400 ds, Council Preiderit ` Agenda OLD BUSINESS 1. Approval of September 26, i991 Minutes and Review of Fa Ootober 24 Minutes 2 , Human Services Month/Open House (evaluation) ;` 3 . South King County Common Application Form - Commission Review 4.'; Regional Housing Levy 5. Commission appointments for 1992 6,' 1992 Budget update 7, i Annual Retreat; 1/24/92 . . .. .. .. 8.. I'otn. -Ha]1:;Naafin -: 11 21 : ... . .. . : ..::........: . : . ..... . . .... .....:: :.:::.•..:::..::: ::.:.: ....:.:...::::....::.......... ..... :.:::.. 9. . e, • e brn - 9;; .. W at x C. ..:l.e. at.19 -.: . �.2 1 .:... .. .. ........:.... .... ....:.:. ... .. ... :......:......:..:.:....:::.....::.:....::..:...............::.......:.........:........:.: ....:..: :............... .... :..................:. :... ....:... ...... :: Or e a on; of ;;New Co c Me r ; 1U, n t un i m . . . . . . . ...... ..... .. ... . .. NEW •BUSINESS':.::::::::::: ':......:.:::. ..: ;:;:•:,.:.: ........... 1 See ect Ch l alx' and dice-Chair for 1992 2.` 1992 Humari Services A enc Contracts g y 3: : y:Ear-;end Evalu'at on . 4. . Sngls, Men s Sheite REPORTS 1. Human 'Services Roundtable 2 ,' South King Council of Human' Services ^�� HSAGENDA.NOV ®9 1 220 4th AVE.SO., /KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859-3390/FAX#859 3334 11 7, KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION NOVEMBER 21, 1991 3:00 PM Commission Members Present Planning Staff Present Marvin Eckfeidt; Chairman Lin Ball Dee Moschel, Vice Chairwoman Sharon Clamp Peg Mazen Rachel Johnston Susan Ramos' Fred Satterstrom' Judy Woods Alice Shobe Commission ,'Mmbrs Absent :ean archer Peter Duggan Ally: rc u; Id ::': . ;`. Peter Maurer {L 8D11E88 APPROVAL �F .SEP.TENBER 2+6, 19.91 MYN. . q...:%..% The September 26, 1991 sminutes were approved as written. COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS `FOR 1992 ',�1.�.�:�,��%��%:..-1.--i,".-,�1�.-�---�:'�-��:-.�.-1��...�t:%-..'i��1�::�-.�:,:�,,..-.1"i.:�'-�%11l.:..:,.,1,.-.i,�1-..-:!-:�-,��.-�..�.::::�.,.%....�,-�%.-:,--�:-1i-:..i-�...,.',..,:,�1,:.:-.-,::-�,t:�.;1�:.,�.:�...:.,.....--W1�.�-,,:t.',��..:,:1.;.-�i..��::i:.:..�,...�-i�::.�,:-�.I:.:.,,:�%:,-��:..':�,-:%1,"�.,�...,�.'.�t.:.:,,�,i�:.:i.1-';:%..:����:�.��::!..::�"�-ii���.:.-,--i..j.V:",-�:��.-��­.-,�:.:%-,'j...,:',7��.:%..,,--.��..,�t-�.,,,�..�::::::i.%.'�.�-:,--�,,,-::%-.--,,:�-::�,,-:-��%�-�,�l�-:'i����-:�:�!!..-1_��::-���....,����.'��I�:.'��:�:...',!�.::.�.:1:1����..,,�-.-.:'t%.-��--.:�,,-..�--",-_,�..:,'-t:-�:ji:��::,...,,-.:�-!..I..,-,��::'�:..,:,,l:...-t....--:::�..--::�I:.,-',�,��%.I1 1�.Il-..-I1-,i:....I",,%��:�-...1 I Peg Mazen reported that Alla Mironyuk would like a one year leave from the Commission due to difficulties with her pregnancy. She asked Peg to draft an appropriate letter to be Sent to Marvin Eckfeldt. ` �.:.:�:.!E...:!i:1:!.�.::�%...�..::.:..,�,�.::�,..,.,-:�.:.::..:�....��1:",...j:: Suggested names for new commissioners are: Jane McNasser, Social Concerns Minister at St. Anthony's Church. She formerly taught' in the Rent School District. Olivia ;Gallegos, is an off�.ce adm;.nistrator for United Way of South .::':..:::.:...............'.::.. :.::.:.....�...:.::::,.. ::.:.:.:;:..�;::•:.,.:..:.:::..:..::.:::.:;... :.:>.:..:.:.:. ..:. ..,...:.::.,:..:..::..::..: ,.....:....:.:.:.:i:,...........:......:'s:; '::.r::::...:.r:: .....,.:..:.•.:.........:::.:,:�' ...... ....::....::' .::.-..�,..::..::.:::�.:..::.: ,::...:.:.::::..::..,..,:.:.:::::.�:.'::..... .....::.....,.,. .. .... ..:'. :c.... :: :.. .::.::.::' .... . .:.:.. ..... .. . .:..:... .'::'. :: ::::: ::::: .:. ::.:::.::".::..:.:.:.:... -R:.�. din : Count She :, ves: in the c t . li is d; as ;ex ;e a ce .... . .. .... ...... . : . ark r. .n . . ..th . : . ..Y.... .... . ..... . . , .. y ..... ......... .. . . P . .. . .... . . . . f n rays n . .. . , .. u d :: ould : a c d to : or the resents. .. for g Shs w be and a rep i human ervices ;provder big anization+ Other provider organization possibilities are 'Carolyn Burn; Gladys ... . . Button'; C:at Pe e.andy t s Steve Iariotti 'of SeaFirst Bank, Sue Draughori, Branch Manager for tha Benson Branch of U.S. Bank, Bi11 Ruth, an&ki& Ann Burns were suggested as candidates from the business community. Marvin Eckfeldt will confirm with Peter -Duggan that he wishes to remain` on the Commission. Marvin Eckfeldt will submit the above recommendations to the Mayor KENT HUMAN ;SERVICES COMMISSION MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 21,. 1991 MEETING PAGE 2 HUMAN SERVICES MONTHJOPEN HOUSE (EVALUATION) The cost for the open house was $119.51 for food, $8423 for printing, and $3.79 for name tags, for a total of $2U7.53. The 1991 budget was $259.©0 By comparison, the total cost for the open house in 1990 was $341.16. Theon3msson.:a reed; that next ::ear;,s o en``%house w 3 b'%e`;held at . ... % Y. . g . . . . p ..% .. . s orl.ate locat> ; M s a C r%; f Co rce oc�.a . ;:c %Tue d e .o a. hambe. o mme. s . s .a ..% . . . ... .. p . .... . . .. .. .. : .. . .... .... . .... .. . ............ . .... :. . % . . . .. .. . ' ;:::: o :E'Cl:.::. '..-'''. ''....':.:..':' .:':.. A:s::: een. re$;er �E� w:1'.:'...'': �.is. .: :in:..:...e..::.:'`'.:..'°'::o llm rG;e; :: : : .% , 'ache]"J.o ri; n '' en`% ,` hai% ` ;; to i. y . sa s a n .0 _ca4r:: .on- e: a .: ,;o ,e c mm ss an Lance Johnson o the Chamber %of Commer%ce; Lin Ba11 sent a thank yob card to the Colcen Steer for their 'dona';tion of a vegetable tray. ... . ... The 1e .l. food .terns were donated to the, . t Food Bank, except two cans of punch aid a `large bag of 'chips which were Dept% for the December winter celebration. SOUTH KING COUNTY COMMON APPLICATION FORM - COMMISSION REVIEW Rachel 'Johnst©n presented a draft general fund common application. She pointed out the differences between the common application and the application that the City currently uses, and noted that all the sections of the City's current application are addressed in the common application. There are three additional sections in the` ` draft common application; performance objectives, community coordination, and accessibility and cultural awareness. Alice Shobe is developing a draft block grant addendum which can be attachad to% the common applicat%l.ion. Use' of 'the addendum 'will be optional. Ths Commo1:1n Application Committee intends to wr�;tenstructicns ....:;:.:.....:...:.:, % which w111 be the same for a1.1 cities .eXcept . . Laces where local p funding pr .orita�es will b%e ..filled in. Also, at the: regaaest of .. :::several : a: enc es : a;..common re ort.in. :.form ma. be cr ated.. . :: . , . : g... % : .. Staff advised that additional resources wi11 'be used to determine the age breakdowns listed on 'Page lo. . Dee'; Mos;ehel noted that robabl not kee in statistics for disabling.Z,z 'e, are p y p condition and limited english speaking and should be not fled` . . start keeping these records for 1992. ' Alice Shobe also;pointed out the Committee has defined limited english speaking as one who requires an interpreter.` Alice Shobe explained changes which will be made to Program Budget on Page 8. Question 17 will be changed to add " . . .City of Kent funding priorities. . . ", 'and ;question 29 will be amended to read;, "Please list two or< more. . .quarter (one must be unduplicated clients served) . KENT HUMAN SERVICES' COMMISSION (,., .. MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 21, 1991 MEETING . PAGE 3 Dee Moschel MOVED and Peg Mazen SECONDED' a motion to approve the draft South King County Common Application with the changes noted by staff, and to amend the attachments section to include copies of the last three board meetings to each copy of the application. `' Motion carried.` REGIONAL HOUSING LEVY Lin Bali' e% x%plain%ed that the Levy Cotmittee is% looking for endorsements %by different groups and'` cUrifie+d that the Human Services Cammission` cannot make a formal endorsement without City .. . , . : . ...... .... . . Council approval because the Comma.ss3on �s a recommending body. 1. A .. Shobe reporte.�1 that it `is sty 11 unknown then the levy will be pieced on the ballot. A poll has been conduoted `;to find out how much support exists 'for the levy, The'`date fon placing< the `lei on the ballot will' be determined based `on the results of th'e poll . The next meeting for the south G unty group is Friday, December 6, . . noon in the Gentennial ,Center Conference Room 3 . At the last. meeting Sharon Atkin volunteered to be the temporary chair of the $outh County group until December 31 1991. TOWN HALL MEETING NOVEMBER 21 1991 Susan Ramos will represent the : Human ' Services Commission at tonight's town hall meeting. WINTER CELEBRATION DECEMBER 19 1991 The Winter Celebration will be held on Thursday, December 19, 1991, from 4UO-6 00 p m at Susan Ramos' home. Everyone wallbrlrg a treat or beve.% ..: ANNUAL RE', RE�,T. :-- SCHEDULED :DATE JANtTA RY 2 4, 19 9 2 Rachel 3ohnston fol .owed up on the three site%s recommended for the ... .......... re; re.a Gen awn; Cam Beracha %an+d: Lake RetEat and found;,.th'at . i . i p .:. �ig. . %... none of the sites would meet the Commission's needs. Rachel reported that tY�e %Cypress Inn is ;avai3able, and a separate room at Mitzels would be ava.i],able far lunch. Total + ost %is approximately 11 . $.3{�O.flfl. troth+ r a1ternative% is the meeti ng room at the We%st Hi ll % Fare Station and have the %food 'catered. Staff% was ;directed to 1. pursue the West Hill Fire Station with Cypress Inn as a` second choice. A discussion on possible speakers for the retreat followed. Bobbie VanderVort, President of United Way of King County, was suggested for the keynote speaker in the morning. A panel was suggested for the afternoon to address the topic of "Shrinking Dollars a,: nd Expanding Needs" . (/ KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 21, 1991 MEETING PAGE 4 : % . 1992 BUDGET UPDATE ��, ,�i=", 11 :� ,,,, ,''" , ,- :...i1i1%--1 -i . . Marvin Eckfeldt reported that the 1992 budget passed without any cut in the human services 1� allocation. The City Council will be closely monitoring the budget because of the decrease in revenues. NEW BUSINESS SELECT CHAIR AND::VICE-CHAIR FflR .1992 This item will . . discussed at the January meeting, i9.- HUMAN SERV'ICES. AGENCY CONTRACTS : Lin , Baisl : re ±vrtad: that staff. co ends ;rei r mm mo n there urement. . p. .. .. .. . . .. ., .. ... ..... .. .......... . .. g q. .. . .. .. .. .::: .. g+enc s to rep, rt the foals and objectives and provide; an update on now they are chiev ng them afters menths ►ad... , the end of `the ;year; This has not kteen A useful :measprement tool `for contract compliance, and there has been a problem in the ,past getting this information from the agencies because they do not know how to approach it, ' This type of information' is more appropriate as; part of the grant applications. Marvin<Eckfeldt'' MOVED and Dee Moschel SECONDED a motion to remove this requirement from the agency contracts, Motion carried, .:. 1. SINGLE MEN''S SHELTER Lin Ball reported that the single men's shelter is a high priority ;. issue on the City's target issues this year. The emergency severe weather shelter program identified the need to help the. homeless. in . Kent, and the bity Couneil Planning committee also expressed the .. y . .... . des re for the: Ct to look at more ; .ermanent house fo P g r the hpmeless. The Emergenpy Severe. Weather ;Shelter Coalition;. which �s made up of �: :: .. .. .'. : ... .: ........ ..:.:: . Human SSI'v es Comm s; m.. msmb r$ ch zrehes a envies a t ro de . g ha p housing, and City staff was` called hack "together in the ;spring : They identified' single mgp 46 ving the most critieal .need for shelter, The agencies indicated they wanted to work together to ... .,:... .. .:::'. . . ....:...:: ..:.':..:.:.:::... e t b s h a r a 1s. shelte b . 193 and s end 14. .1; nd,;. 9 a 92 work�n toward . . . ..: .: :,. y .. . : .:..... ::.-. .: : .. .:. . . . P obtaining grants, °The rola of the:; city is' as faci; ita. r and convener to brie the 'g parties together that need to work on this. project. CCS has risen to the top as the agency interested in doing this. The coalition identified the type of:housing to be a' boarding house The coalition's' next meeting is Friday, ` November 22. The purpose of the meeting is 'to put together the ( information needed for the King County HOF grant, which is due`. December 4 CCS would like this to be a model 'proj'ect. The target population is single men 2U-40 years old who are working. The goal .......................................................................................................�'I'll'-"","""";,l-":""�'I'll'I'll":,-,"'I.............7:...I.....................-..:..,.-..,-.,..,.............-11.....I.:.:.,.:.-:...........I.....I............I......I,-....-...'-1-...-....:............-44..:............�.:-....:.,.:.-,.,:..:.,�..:.:-�:,-,:.,-,�:�-:�,�,�-;,�;,;,�;-;";�",;.....-�-"�1;1-1-111 1;1;1"_;,;,�:.:.,.:."44.:1:4.4.-.:4..................................................I....:................ .. .. . . . 4 .............-:-...:.....:A....�:.......:.,--.:...�.:.----A.," % . . . . . .... . .. . . . . . . . . % . . . . ... . . .. .. . .... .. - . ....- :.%.:. .. . ............ ....... .. ..... ... ....... . . .. ..:�-�:.��� �:��.::�:...:. ...� �..� . . .. . i.i . . ... .. . - : .... . . . . . ... — . . .. j . .. . : ..: .. .. . . :. . . . ... . .. . . .. ­�:-. X- ENT HUMAN SERVICES �, :... ....... M,, INUTESO-�I'1FZ1ll, NOVEMBER 21, 1991 MEETING I i - PAGE 5 _....��. .. .:...:..1....�........%.......% I , . j l environment-:�' ,� l ong��enough for them to .�...... :. .... ...... �...:.�..% --------, ... . . Pu: t� mp--ney- -together o ether:......., to� get ...-....into nto p�:�----e� MA�_�� n1-���,�e� nt..'housing. .-.I. .- . �. ..�..�.. . . .. .. .. � ..... ... . .. - - - --- � P-- --- , date of all new shelter programs in King County...�.,��,,,.�,,�.�,�,�,,��.,.,,�,.�:,,,:,:,,.,..,.::,�.�",:�:,��::�����:.:.%��: , . . .. - .... --... -A, , ... .... - - :� � .......... ..... �--. �......- - I REPORTS ', ...... ... .. ...- . . �.......-.:. .. _ . ... . �. ..:::...:.....!....:.-....... 66)�.�..ii X:..���:�.,�I.... 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