HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Human Services Commission - 06/27/1991 .. ... .... .%i�.:% .. . . ........... ... . .. �. . . ....... . . . .. .�..-- . .% . . . . . ..-..:�.�:- - . . .. . % . . .. . . � . . . . %. . . ; .. . . - - :�I- ... . . . ... % .. ... . . . . . . .. .::.... .......... . ... .. ....... . . . ....... . .. ... . - . . . . .. .�.. ......1��.:� .:.%..1%:.�: . j.... . . .. . . ... . . . . .... . .. . ... . ... % .:: . ...1.. ... �� .. . . . . . . .�. ���N ..��...�-..��i.. .. . . .. . : . : . . .%..:. . .... . . ... .... ::....% . . I ...:, % , I-- . :�!: . . .. �, �1, I �I: ,, , ,", I I I I ,, ,�.�.��.�...���:.��.�� .��.% ...:....... : , , ,,��: �j�, ,,,,�:",,: ,,,,::, �j�,z,,:::�Z�:%%:% . .... .. �. .. . ...�%.�.%::.:%:..%.%..: I I �� 1 � "'' � . I I I ,�, , :I i , , . . ...., . 4pl CITY OF .. AGENDA r , :� �1 I - 0� -:111 KENT :HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION : 11 Scheduled Work Session and Meeting for June 27, 1991 2 00 5 0 PM Saint Anthony 'Church Library ��. commission Members :. Marvin; Eckfeidt. Chairman Dee Moschel , Vice Chairnloman dean Archer Peter Duggan Peg MaZ.e Al'la M ,ronyuk Peter Nlourer Susan Ramos Judy inToods Conch President Wark Session fir;.. � . Review of the 1992 General Fund and��,��:-�:,�%:�I"" - -i,�,�:�,�:� '%-,-,�:,� �: I 1, 1,,� : N - :���i ,i��,�..!�.-; CDBG' Human Services Applications :�_:_���,::-::��:,�, , ..... , , ,�l,:::Nml:��,��,:",::",�,,,�����,,,!,,,,!,,, . . .. ,- Regular Meeting OLD BUSINESS � %%�� �� � 0: 1�1:Al� t ���,::�j� I , -::: �� . 1 1. Approval of May 23 1991 Minutes 2 . DsCU551on and' final decisions on human 'services.: agency fundi +g levels; "" ;3.:'. T: melne for Budget �ecisio.ns ....,N'.'..:. ....., EW BUSINESS.......:'..:...... .':........ ..::. .:......:.... 1• outh Kin.. : ,oust• . Qmmon::A ]= c t on Form g. Y .. . ....... .. PP . : .. ... ......:.....:.::;. ::::,•"::"':".:':'::.: ..:::::':::.::.•....::.`:..:':..:.:..:'::::..:..':::.::;::....:,:::::.:::.:::::::.:'....:::.:.::':.:::;:::'.:'.:::::.:.....::•:::::...:......:::'.:.....,.:::..`:::::..:....:....::..::::..:..:'.:.`:::.. ...:.."...::.: :...:.:.::::..'.....'.':. .....: .. ':::'.....:..:'::.:.:'..:: " 2..: Review human s;erv�ees agencies�:: first quarter reports ..: .... ........ . ...... .. ... . : ...... . . ; ;: Dacus no .. :ii % �# s s o ... .m .tt n :the Au ust Gomm ss on meet n' i; . . . . .. . . . . .. . ...:.... .: ... .:.... :.....;. : .. . REPORTS 1; Human Services Roundtable 2.' South King Council of Human Services WN t ,, HSAGENDA.JUN ( r1 220 4th AVE.SO., /KENT,WASHINGTON 88032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859-3315/FAX#859-s572 % % % .::..:.:::::::..,....% ...::..:.:::::.......::::. ;::.:.:::...:4..:..:,:..:.::::L:....::.:.:::.::::::::..:.:.:..:...:.:::...:..:.::::........:..:..:::..........................::.:;.........:..............:::.:........................,..:.::.::..........................:::........ .. . ..... .. .. ...... .. ... .....::.::.::.:. .:...::...: . :.....:, ::.:......:.... .......:.: ......... ....::. ........ . ..... .: ...: ..... .. ..... ... .. .. . . . :: .:::: ....;.:::: :....... % - ......% ... . . .. . . .... .... . .. . %. . ..... .. : . .. .... :�-� %-... . � . . .. Q..� .1. �......��:�:..�.�%:��-..:...%.1 :.::�1%. .-�.�.. . :.%%.-;.1 ....... KENT HUMAlaT SERVICES COMMISSION :11,I:, :���,�,:'��,- ,'�." , - -�, ;,�Z- ---.�-�.. ..-..- �-: ,:: -:;--,� '' ----'--'--,,- , . - .. ��... .. .. . ...% . . ..,., MAY' 2 3, 19 91 3 • 0 0 PM ��,�,,��,�j� ....�- "'',,"No I I -�,�,�, -----�-; ,� 1, ::z� i :111, ��,�z 1, , , .l . % . : Commission Members Present Planning Staff Present Marvin 'Eckfeldt Chairman Lin Ball Dee Moschel, Vice Chairwoman Sharon Clamp Jean Archer Rachel McCurdy Peg Mazen Alice Shobe Peter Mourer Susan Ramos Co�inmisSion Members absent0 . - , im Peter Duggan Alfa. M7.1: ronyuk Judy Woods,;; Council:77 , President .%. I MII I �.:..'.�. MM .- APPROVAL OF APRIL 25, 1991 MINUTES �-�....::.�..,�-....,-:1...,:t.�...",�".!..",:..%,I:���..-�%:.:.,,,..,....::.%.,',��-...%;"t:.�-.'-::%..�,-"-;....I���..:11 The Commission approved the 'minutes of the April 25, 1991 'meetng .M���:�����.��.--�C��%��......I:t�::�.I�....I���.....I-�I..�,1��.j�I::.I-��...-J�.:.(I,i.1�"-%.I�.�...:—,��%..:.-...II'I1,%..'"-�...I-�-�.�.I-1��.�-:-�;...,�:�1.�.�.,�:.t�%:...1,';�.'j:�"l:.:..��.....,­,%:..:�t�..l as printed. CITY�S` ROLE IN HUMAN SERVICES --` UPDATE ON TRAINING SESSIONS Lin Ball and Peg Mazen conducted the first training session held on May 8 which was attended by 14 city employees and representatives from the Multi Service Center and Catholic Community Services. Peg and Lin's presentation to City department heads was well received. The next presentation will be on May 29 at 1: 30 p,m. in the 'Council Chambers. Marvin Eckfeldt and Susan Ramos will attend as Commission rep.resen..tat... AGENCY:'TOUR DEBRIEF en . :. : . :- . - . ...,. : .: ; ou a Chairman Eekfeldt felt the agency t r was positive exper e for all Commission members. He suggested another ;tour be held in the fall to visit other Duman seruices agencies. Chairman Eckfeldt thanked Rache1 MbCur4YA r ar work in putting th'e tour together. Vice Chairwoman Moschel announced the Kent Community Clinic open house on Thursday, June 13, from 4:30 b:30 p.m.,` A11 Commission members will raceive an` invtation, EMERGENCY SEVERE WEATHER SHELTER'PROGRAM:' FUNDING 'FOR REMAINDER OF 1991 UPDATE) Alice Shobe stated . the Emergency Severe Weather Shelter Program funding request was taken to the Planning Committee on May 21, and they recommended approval of the $2,500 contingency fund from he . . ..: . .. . ... ... .. .. .. . . . .. . .i . ..1: � . .- :. .1.�..:!� �:..��..:�� I�::: .�.�:�%:i��.� . .. .... . . . . I - - ... ...-. . - .. . . ... � � � � -. .��...�.�-. . . .. . . .. . . . . .% . . .�� �� �%��1 � i %:......... .�.. ... . .. .�..... .��:. ���%�. ..�.. �.. : : : .%� ..... . ... ... . ... . . ..., i... . . .. .. ... . . ... �; i � .�...��;�...��..:::��%.�:�.i.�.:�.:�..����:..-:i:.i.�.:.:���;�1.:�C...i.%.....,�.......�.%....�:%.- . ....��.1.�.:.�.�i.���..%.:.:1� ........:%.:i1...i.%-:%:.: KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION MINUTES OF MAY 23, 1991 MEETING PAGE 2 ' _Ii,�Ii',�%:�,i,,,__ � ___;�Z,­:, ........ .�...... ffimw� ­ :�:�Ii%,%,��_ �!. . ��,,,�'j,�:����,���:,����,,��:�����,:' '::'I 111 I �Z�,�_%:'­=:_ ,:�­_� ­__,::,�_:,::�", I :: _: ,�­z!�,, ,, �,�,�:�,,M=:,, __','',....�:.....%I. 1991 general fund. The request will go to the Operations Committee on May28 and to the full City Council on June 4. DAWN SOUTH KING COUNTY CONFIDENTIAL SHELTER EMERGENCY REQUEST (UPDATE Lin Ball stated the; D�, T1aT shelter $30,OpO' funin+g request went to the..F ,annin 6o mmi% ee Qn......M �1. there was some 'd sc ss .... on the . . :` g Y issue as thenterrial , Budgetommttee (TBC) reconmen ed the funding request go ii.icthreugh the regular budget process and be pr oritUs. with other human services applications for 19�92• T was explained that this �s a capital request and tie 1% allocation . . .. ::% > ...... . ::: .. :s;; fo ... •>o e a : c: t . . t o s s o r c vsc s Jud : : oo <;;r ... .. o . . f r d a ser a .. i ds did. an .. ...... P.... ...... . .....J. ... . .. .. ...................................:.........:...:.......:.....................:.........:..................................:...........:........:......................:.......................:......:..................:.:..:.:..........................:..:...............:........... :.I...ent : , of. a n t k t Plan in o tte6 il� favor of ;th . ., ab s e............ . .. o he n .mm .. . n r e ... ... P g . . ..... -.. ...............................................................................................:.....:........ . . . .. ::: .. . ; :::::::::r..e...:ue. t:..::.:::.::T.:.:ere 'A si ±L.LUS:s. `o • 4 ``:'::::t £':.::::;. :o.. ...,,1 .;:: 1 t,`:;':'0: ".'.;'::....:::. s h . s des ... ....a,..n. n h. mil ss. b l .. f . xar�t n a g P.. . . .... .. .. .... .. ..... .: .. . ... . .. .... . ... . . .. ..g g . . ..... ..... . . l:ler . est=<. :In:t a3k . . ;: sth. ...... Co sma e u . . t ...% ....fin w he unt . T�.,n Ba11 learned tY at . .. . . .. . .. .. .... . .. q . ... .. g . . ....... ..... .. . % .. . ...............:.. .......:.:............:.... ...................:...:........:......:.................. ... ..:....... :. . . .: .. : .. . ..... . : :,•% :.-.,, :% .. . .:;: .-: .> .; : re ; not: a :+de.. . . n o e ;, . the s 11.7% �n a funds g am unt r qu�red from the City, %3ust the requirement that the City of Kent make some funding,;commitment. The Planning Committee recommended a minimum commitment of $10,000 I the 'DAWN Shelter. This request goes to the Operations Committee on May 28 and to the full City Council on June 4. Marvin Eckfeldt .;;` �, will attend the Operations Committee meeting on May 28. REPORTS SOUTH RING 'COUNCILF HUMAN SERVICES ' The annual< dinner meeting of the South King Council of Human Services will be held on Thursday, June 20, ;at 6: 30 p.m. at the Renton 'Vocat�onal Teehn cal sch%ool. The Human Services;awards w11 . . presente%d that evenin %g%. The speaker w 11 % a young man in his f> rst a o; .,co e e t ° ar f 11 . . from he Bo a and Grla:.Club of th+e Eastsde, .... .. .... .. . .. y . .. .. .. . g.. . .. . .......... .....: . y... . ...: . . ........ . .... . . .... .. ..... . . .:.. . ... .. :; . ... .:.: .... ... asoecoe e fie. h v r m t rrifa�c handica s and has; trite a success :stor ; to. P: % q y: te31. He repF. resented the Boys and G rls :C1ub both regionally and nationally telling his story: .... I. sooners should RSVP to Rachel . MCurdy. .: ADDED ITEMS. Lin Ball and udy '% : Woods attended a Human : Services' %Roundt% able meeting on May 22. The Roundtable recently held a retreat with a facilitator and they want to revisit the Action Agenda because there are so many new Roundtable members. ' They would like to have the representatives go back to the local jurisdictions and ook at their human services priorities and test the Action Agenda against those priorities. The Roundtable's follow-up retreat will be` on ... % ... . ...: . . ... .. . . . . ....% . %.. . ..... 1.:..1-. . ......: ... .. ::.% .. . - .. .. . ... . . .:% - ..�..... -::-. . . . . . . .% . .-..% . .. . ..: . . . . . . . .. . %.. . : -. . . . . . . % . . . ... % - ... 1- - %. ..: . . ...% :. . . ��!:-�..�!:..�:�!::�% � . . ��:,.�. %%�%.. %::.�:�. :.::...�%...:%.%�11.% .11�.::�:�.I� �:��:�%� .��:.��:..- �.-�.. ... ....�..�. - . �� ..� ............... . .. .. �. - - . �-�.. .� . - - :%1. .... ....%-%. i:� . . .. - ... ... .. - KENT HUMAN :SERVICES COMMISSION MINUTES OF MAY 23, 1991 MEETING PAGE 3 I - N 9 ....... ...... - - July 17, therefore, we will need to( schedule some time for this subject at our regular June meeting. ' The regular meeting adjourned at 10: 00 a.m. , at' which time the Commission went into work session. � % — % i...........:. . .���.; � -- . -W� ..........:::. RespectfullX submitted, �:�,,,;����,,�����:�:,��������,,, : - ''I"I''",...........:. .: . ...%..... . %... . ..P. ...-...A� . ...%.:.... . . . WN ames P Harr.. e+cretary human23.MAY. , , ''�:,:" . M...... .... : .. �: '' 11 I I I . ....:�.... .. ... \'' .... .�..%k..%,.�"�.I',.:,�..�,..: %.,l..��..�I�!-..-,:.".:�. �.Z........�..-]:��..,1 1 1�'%,:.:,�:.�.I.�.".-I.��,:.,��.,�­,�z..�1-�,',�-!...Z�.:,I...�;l1.::'.�-�.i:�.��..,�.:�.!�.�II i".I;-.,:.:11.�-.._.�,:�....�l%.1..l-:.��.ZII.,.§1..%,.1�-.:.�"�1-1i..-;�.z.11,:::.%M.�_-.....�.,II�".-1.,1-:�I�.��.1':..I,,:.1���:.�.�7,,'-:�.�..�"11:�l�.'1.:�1'.1..::,:,.,I�,-:,���"O�III�.�-:.::I..�_1�.�.....1-1-..��-��-.�%:.:"i�I:�::.:..1:"1-..:,,..II..:��-.,-����.%�%.,.�.��,����",�:�:I I.'�.�..!,1.,.-�.��I"Ij!;..�',;-::t.�:.,!z-�.�:1,%.:�.";,.:.%��.-%I_,-.:,,.::..I�%�.�-%.�..l:�..,�,Z­�!...��.:-��...-:1:­,�.-...:,�.�:.�1.�-,;-.%....,.'-��..-;"-�.-..1::.-��-.�.,,...�.II:,�..,.,�.,.:-�.�1.��.:,.,.:���,. .......:............. ...... �".�-.�i...�Z,::.;:,�1:�....%:,..,I::�:,_�%I.-�.:j'�,.�.,�1��1�6:�,:���.:��j ..��:�.!',�,�:...���.�:-%.;�.�-.1..�-;..�.�.�",.z��-��%%�.,�-.Z-.'.�-"�%�.,......:�,.l..�.-�,,..�.;��...,.�1.�...,...','I_:...:�:-�...::....,:,��,�...:zI-..:�.:�:...�:%z,��..��..:,,�j.,::�.�.-"::,-..!',,��..�'��:,ZI-:._:�....�. �:..�.-II.':1��1���'::�:.%I1.:,�.i..�'..]1���'I..,1:.'1-.��'1��: .... ..... . ;L:: ;:::; : ..: : ... ...... . . ... ..... i:,�:��.:�%���.I1����.1.t-�1l��..-!�:"�,(%.�%:��.:%,.�.-*.�.:.,�1�.:..:..,4�.!���.I(I...1-���j-�.;i-:�.�1t...1,.���-..-..��.%:,:..IV...-��::"i:.I.I-:��::�....I 1:�I�.-����:._�...�I.%—��i�.II�.��..:.:..��,..!.:I.::..J�.-.-.-��i;�!,��...1.%�i�::..��..-I:�i%1�:--.....::,'-..1I-.:�-..�I I:�.:.�..�::�:.1::-.�.:�:t1�.!:',�..,��::..­:���...1...:�-.:���,�.:...-.%..:�i�.I��..��,l-�-:��..-I.%�:,.�.:%:.,:�1..�',I%.�:.�.I'.;."�...1.:-:1.::,.I-�,:�...,%1.��..I.�,�:.:,���!..�,l a�I.%�:�..��:�vI :... ... ��,�;��,:�"',::��..:�%].i;, ��..�-�,�.::�..I l.�%,"l��--�.�-.'...z,j"�"1..� KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION JUNE 27, 1991 3:00 PM �.:.,..�.m::.�.�...:....��J.....�:�..�.,....�.��.....�..�..:.......�.�...:..�.:..�..:�....i...:.!..-.�:..:::�.:.-�..-1.....i-�..-....::.�..�1........:1%:l.—�%.��...���..�.!...1:-%...:..;.:...�.:.-.:..�...�........-�...�.:.:�...%...!..�., -...:.�....-:....:�..-...��-.-...i...�..I.�....:.=1�1 Commission `Members Present Planning Staff Present Marvin Eckfeldt, Chairman Lin Ball I II -.1:.N%.�%�. Dee Moschel, Vice Chairwoman Sharon Clamp Jean Archer Rachel McCurdy' Peter Duggan Peg Mazen suean Ramos Judy Woods, .Council President Commission 'Members Absent Peter .ourer All Mironyuk OLD BUS3NES8 APPROVAL OF MAY 23 1991 MINUTES' Jean Archer MOVED and Peg Mazen SECONDED to approve the minutes of the May 23 1991 meeting as written. Motion carried. ` NEW BUSINESS DISCUSSION & FINAL DECISIONS ON HUMAN SERVICES AGENCY FUNDING LEVELSI Peg Mazen MOVED and Jean Archer SECONDEDia motion to recommend to the City Council General Fund allocations totaling $311,497 and Block Grant allocations totaling $35,743 as follows: generaI Fund Catholic Community Ser.vi es Cal.. Weather Shelter $171004 :;. ..: .. .. :4.i.::�.i.:�.�.....��::.-:...:..::-- .. . . . . . .. .::.:: : . .:: , •: : .: . : . :.. . % :, .. . : .: . , .. .. .: . . :, . .. As stance Pro.:ram 240;0. Catholic Cammunt; Services Emer end s . - .. . . . .g. . .. . . . : . . . ... . . ....::. . ... . . . .: •. .• ; . : . e n 7r 5fl0 ' '`' . c o unit Services Fame I & Indiv d. . Guns, l Csthol...� C.mm y . Y Child & Family Resource and Referral $3,000 Children Is' Home Society - $]4,0'77 Children's Therapy Center - $13320 DAWN Generai; Operating Funds - $47, 000 DAWN - Emergency Shelter $5,000 `'%"' ;: .%-... . ... . .. ... . .. . . .. . . %.. :.. i:. i ... .. : .... .... .. .. . ... .:. �. . . ... i ... . . .... .�.:. ..... .. . .... . . :. .. . � :. %.i .. . . % . .. - . . i ... . ... ..... . : - :..: . . i . . . . . % . : . %. .. :. - . . . . . . . M - -- .. ....:. - .-. . .. . . . . . . .... � ... . . � � �. .�,,��,:, - ,� --�-,�- . I: �� I I i : � : ., 1, : : . : :: .,,i;. . . . .� ... ..,.., . . !�����%�..�.!�%�.:��%.�.. i i.: %: :1�:1 %. .. KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION �' MINUTES OF DUNE' 27, 1991 MEETING PAGE 2 Food Bank - $16000; Kent Community Health Center - Primary Health' Care - $33,5Ofl Kent Youth & Family Services - Family & Sexual Abuse Counseling - $4fl,OflU rent Youth &' Famijy serios - Kent Meridian prop In Center $11fi000 ' King Count Sexual 1�ssault Resource Center $21,'700 Pregnancy did - $4,000 Southing ; ounty Multi.:i�:i.l...:..;.�.-..-�.�..��!...E...��::'.:,- -Service tenter - Emerg+ nGy servioe, - $27,flDfl Uan-Go` - $4,4�0 Washington`Women's Employment & Education - $10, 000 Valley Cities Mental Health $13,000 .:,:.::::N.'.-�:�-%!.�l�:.�.-.�--...�-i..�-.���.-..� Block Grant Kent Community Health Center - $13,300 YWCA - Emergency Housing Program - $18,000 ��:3.......:-:::�...-%�.�1. Emergency Feeding Program - $4,443 These amounts represent the €u11 one peresent allocation as set by th'e Dent Gty council. There was no discussion, Motion +parried. Chairman Eckfeldt commented `the appl cation ;p ocess went very will . and thanked the'staff fir cpordinating the effort: He; stated that the subgroups ; also worked well. chairman Eck..5, asked Commissoners to direct aamments to Lin Bail or Iach�e- ic+ urdy on anything that needs to be ident3ied for next year's process. Peg 14aen ;sugg .sted clarifying exactly What financial. information we want from agencies on t3ie budget: pages, Marvin E+ckfe3'dt stated we need the entire budget for the program being fun4, .. end s laries of all persons `work` ng nor giving support to that program. phis should be clarified in the instruction sheet. Lin Ball stated that from a staff standpoint she would like to lengthen the amount of time for review and analysis. Chairman Eckfeldt agreed to add one extra ` week between the time ' applications are picked up by Commissioners and the first full Commission meeting. . .. . . . . ...... . . . .'.:.'.. . ... . %......:.. . .: ��. � - %.: % .,� . . . . . . . 1 . .%: : . .. ... . . . �� .. . . .% - . .... . . . . . . .. ..: .. .: .:��.�:.:%% . .. . � ... . ... ... . . . . . - .. .. .: . :: ...�. .... .. . . . .% �. . .. . . I I , -I � ,��__.:,�:�:: 1 I z,::%�� ,%, 1: � � � i�­I� -�:�1 �, %: , ,,,: . ..I� , ,j:,:, - ...........�... ..� I I I , I I I I I�",,�,,, I I I I I I,I I I I �,I , , -i.... � .� I I 1,I, I , ",,,,, ,,, . .: � � ��......... . . I I I , ,,, . .�1 ... ... . . . ...... .. . . . . . I ,:,I I � -, �, �, ,:�: ,,���, , ,, ,,1,, �, :. . .. .. .... . ....... . ... .. . .. .. ... .%. KENT HUMAN SERVICES 'COMMISSION 1 MINUTES OF JUNE 27, 1991 MEETING PAGE 3 1: �: ­ "'', , , , W , , ��: __ ,. .'' '''' . TIMELINE FOR BUDGET DECISIONS The fir�� � �,:�::t�:�;,��:���]�: , _ N W , ... .... . st public hearing on the budget which the Commission will be involved irr is he August 20 City Council meeting which is the proposed public use hearing. At this meeting, the Commission presents the amount of funding requested, the amount recommended for allocation, a' $peaks about all new agencies, For the November meeting agency directors should be present, and letters . . ... .... . from al a enc ;es 11 b s ubmitted ;for the ;Git Council a eda g w e y, g packet, Tha budget will; be adopted at the November 1� meeting.; NE'W zo hiE88 SOUTH KING' OUNTt COMMON APPLICATION FORM Rachel McCurdy ` stated city representatives from Des Moines, Tukwila, Rehton, Sea Tae,; Federal Way, and 'Auburn have been invited to a meeting on July 18, 199i at 9: 00 a.m. at Kent City Hall, Auburn has indicated that it does not want to participate. All others have expressed an interest "in participating. The goal is to have the common application complete and distributed by December 1991. The first meeting will include a discussion on goal objectives of the project and creating a combined or separate CDBG and General Fund application. The city representatives will be asked to go back and talk with their decision makers and encourage a representative to attend subsequent meetings. Rachel will keep the Commission posted on the progress of this project. ; Lin Ball added that during the first meeting each city's process w l<1 be< identified and a determ nat3or w ll e made on who takes ......:...:..... ......:::... .. ..:..:....... ....... .:: .. .. .. ....:......:::..:..: ..........::.:.i.:.:..:.....:...::...:....:.:::...:.::...:...........:..:.:...........:.....:...:::.....:.... ........:......::...:..:...:.........:..:.:.....:.:..::..:.:..:............:..:...:..:.......:.. ...:......::.::..�......:.:..........: :'.......... .: ........:: .. he led . ,;: a rom eac c1ty. . .. . F : Mazen: ;su ested the C�t of g Auburn be ;recontac.e if. . �1 d se crate : CDBG: and •: e . :,: : .:. < . neral fu c . nd a li anon r c <e.. . - , : . sae rated to se if he : ; a . . . . .. ... . ...... . ..... . ... g:.. . ..,, . ...PP.... . . . .. ...... . . .. . ...... ....... .. .: .. :_� ... ....... t.... .. . w .nt ... . . .. . . Y .......::..:.: ..:...... .... .. .. .:.::...:i....:......... ..... .... .. .....:....:.:.:... ..:: :......::..:....:......:.:.::.....:..:..:.:.::.::..:: ::.:..:.:::..... ....:........:.::.. :.:..:::..:...:.....�:..:... .... to,:.:::.... .............. ..ar.....1.C.1.. ate.::::.N,1t ' .':::the:.....".B.G.... . '...: .,...P .. ...... . ..... h .. . . a . .1 cats on;. :., :I arV �;<;tokfeldt ta;:.e ? Pp .: . . .. .. s ..t d .. . , . t . ... .. hat ..note 4•:&. the ::me t.. . .:. . . ....... . .• :.....: ........ ... ..:. :. ... . se a n s: need ..: o be: sent•: to Al �c a . .. ........... . .. .. .... ...... ..... .. g ..... . . . ;.... . ., .. .. .. ... .. ............. s . . ..... . . . . C: t.'. `ofc A . . : - :: : :. :%.. .... ....:. .... ;; ..:... . uburn . .. REVIEW flF HUMAN ''SERVICES AGENCIES`' FAST QUARTER REPORTS R chel MeC rdy highlighted the first quarter reports. `Rachel explained that the $oath King CountylMulti-Service Center Energy: and Financial Assistance Programs exceeded their targets for the first quarter because of additional money received for; these programs, Rachel also distributed a letter from South King ;County Multi-Service Center revising the trip data for the first quarter' t for the Van-Go program sh©wing they provided 848 trips to the South %.i.���... ..::..:.%..:. ... .... ........ . .. ...:..�.:.%...�% .%%�.:;.::!.�-......�.. : .. . %. - . . ... . - ... .. . . ... . %:. .. �.�%.-�.:..: - i. . ..:.. � .. . :. ...:. : :.. .. %. . . . - - - .. .% % .. . �i.: ..%.%.�..�i� ... ...... .... ... .. : ..� ... . % . . . .�I .% . . . . %. ... .. . . :..... . . . � ;.: . . .. ... .... ..... . . . ......... '.: .-... % -:. %:-.::. � :�i;� .._!�.�.�1....-..�: - � - . . ..........:.:.. . . .. . . .....� .: .I .:�.. . .: .. ..-: % . . . . . . . . . .. . . .i.::::� - - 1 . . . ...... -� ;.:..�;:.��i;�%�%.:. . . . . . ....... ... . .. . .... .. ....-­ . : :..: . ...: . .: . .. ..... .:.... .... . .�.%. .�.�..... .......% . .... . . .. .��%.. .. .. ... %. .... . . . . . . ..�.. � � .... . . ... . . ...�. . . i � .... . %:!%:... . . .. . . . . . . i%i ... . . .. .. .: :� � ... ..: .. ...... . ... . .. .��. i�. :. . .. i. :% ... �. %. . . .. .. . i::j�i:�.1.1��:%!.i..%�:�.. . .... .. . ... : .i�;.:%��i��%:: ...... .. ... ...�...... KENT HUMAN 'SERVICES COMMISSION MINUTES OF JUNE 27, 1991 MEETING PAGE 4 - - -ii - I ...... ------, , - M , ''' ' . King County Activity Center rather than 126 trips as previously reported. 77 DISCUSSION :ON OMITTING THE AUGUST COMMISSION MEETING �:77 .%.1. The next Human Services Commission meeting will be July 18 from 3: Ufl�,;�,�,I-i�-,,���I,,�t-��.":�..r.:.I'.-.v�:-::�.-,j,��::�..I--,�,.�.1-"..�t1.%.��:..�,..�.�',.i�..�-�..:.��1�:�.",tJ:-....�-,--...:�'I�....::�,��...:,-�.1:..'i.:��:�-:...I-,,.I-.......-,��..,��..%-.i...I1�:-...:.:.,....�:::I���.....�,,.,�...�....:.,��%..:1..�1t..�.�,�%..''.l�...:���....I,--:��.:%l�....,.,,-.....1I.�1-:-,...1.� �.i.��.11...,�,�.!..i.'...'...���:-::.!-..�I%,,'���...i.I.l.�.-,�,t.':_��.:-'.",I'�J..-,.:..-I l���..!..,,:�,,:.'1l��'�:�....'-..._',�:�..-...���..N:..-.�,,I,l,�li,:.­-. 5.t3U p,,!. at st. Anthony Church L brary. This; a s orange 1n meeting date of the regularly scheduled Judy 25 meeting. There will be a potluck pa.cnio frpm a z t�Q 6:OtJ p,m, Susan Raxrios wi11 coon iriat. the menu with Comm ssio ers end Peter Duggan ri-1 . .... ... ;., .. . rc v e ;t e: .. d he v a b e : :,:. : P .:.. . .........:... r.. e. Ma or Kelleher and ,C = . ; A : : . . g ..... yt dnn strati Ed . . y . ... Chow = . . : will also be invited. :Thee will be no august meting. REPORT HUMAN SERVICES 1OUNITABLE At the July 18 Human Services Commission meeting commissioners will be: asked to look at the Human Services Roundtable Action Agenda to provide feedback on what:they feel are the' regional issues that the Roundtable should be working on. ' Lin Ball distributed the regional A ction agenda staff report to all commissioners. The County Council passed a ; $150 million housing levy on June` 24 which will 'likely be on the February 1992 ballot, Peg Hazen would I the Commission to invite people who are going to be doing the public 'education component of this levy to a Commission meeting in order to help decide if Council support should recommended. Lin Ba]1 would like,4nput on; key people, such as community leaders, . consider t t r9 tsiXdr `*63 dbfi dab, ii6w SOUTH KING 'COUNCIL QF HUMAN SERVICES . ...... . ......:. ...... . .:.:.................. . ........ ;T:; ;; . x .w .: : .. . .a, 5�uth Kin..... Counc� of a n ... .. i ma ..Ssxvoes la nn . g n .. . . . .. .. ... ... .. ... . .... . ..... ,. : .... . ............... P ! .>.. . : : . .. .. . ..: . .. ; : .. . eet . m n o . l .... . .n .A us.: .... :: :...::.:. ..: .:. :..:::..'-: .. :......:::::::::.::: .:..'..::.. .: ..: .. ....:-.: . ... ..... .. . . . ..g u ......... 6.. ,frr�m 9. a,m to.. noon, Location. w 1 ..be .. g . determnsd at s.` atex date. . At the` South King Council of Human Services recent b©aid `retreat there was d scusson about the diff lculty flf reg�oval plann�ng and hofa the Council should interact with the human `Services Roundtable, Discussion revolved around how.Roundtable deciaions; get`impemented and how local municipalities fund Roundtable projects: The question was also raised as to 'the xole' of the Suburban Cities Association with the Roundtable. .. k., ..... :.::.. .. .....:........ . �� . % .1�%.%��:.�-���. ..�.�:��.. ........ !:������ .���.�:�.��: . . . . . %:- �:%:�.�::�:�;��:�� .. . ... . :. ::... ... .. ,.:. x.. KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION " MINUTES OF DUNE 27, 1991 MEETING PAGE 5 ' ADDED ITEMS Pe��:�tl��� , , W �--t-,�tt:t­�. ... . .1:.....", -- ..; .... . . . .. g Mazen was designated to contact Aila Mironyuk to see how she is doing and to talk tI about her participation with the Commission, The meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m. — .. . .. �P -� %::i�� ,�,� I: , , :,�- �:t:: .. -. ... .�;�%::� � � .. A 0*.. M..�: 11 % .::� . � : . . .... : . . ��:i � ---- �:: :i.�.�!�� ...... .... ......... . Respectful . submitted, ames -i Harris, ec..W......:. ;retay hunan27.jun .... ... . .........:. - . �-.�-.:�-� :1 % . ��. . .. .... .,�.:.. - - .. ..— .. �..-�� %.�.: ��::..�... �..��.��:�.�;� .�� �� .. %... : : ..... . . .. ..�. .:.. . . .... .. . . . . .... . - . . . . : . .... . CITY OF', "� AGENDA .. KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION Scheduled Work 'Session for June '14, 1991 11 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM Saint Anthony Church Library Commission Members' Ma .in .Eckf:eldt Chairman Dee Mo,:...:-.!...%...��:.:i.�..:..,:....!.:.:�.%sahel';, Uioe Chairwoman ..��.!:..%..:.:��.-....�.:.....�.%...�........l F�..i...A..�........:..��.t.'V:%...jI.�:...%..... �.:..�....:....i��.1 i.�...�,!......��.:..:....%�!...��....:.....1:!�.......:�.�.!.--.....�..i�:.�..�..�.:..�...!......:.:�.-�..-�. Jean,Arc her.., . gJ . .. . . . .. Peter Du an Peg.Maven Alfa Mronyuk Peter Mourer Susan i amass 1. .., .. .. Judy Woods Council,' Pr dent % .�........ ...�: �: "" '"'" I ... ... 1 �,�;::��-�,�:�� 1, , -�- :--­ ......... ..:..:..!%:... !.:��::�...:!%:... ... ��-��...��:�:, ---- - -� , , , -l- ":,'"""'',, -:, �1-11'1- "I'llWork Session 1:11-1-- . . . . -. :.- Interview Agenda: 9: 30 Commission discussion and review of questions 1000 Emergency Feeding Program 10:45 Commission Discussion ��:1;��t��:�:jA::t� ��:�:t�:: - ,�': :��:�::M ..... 11t00 Washington Women's Employment & Education 11: 3.0 .:Iunch 12 t 30 Kent Youth and Fame ly ';S. ..- s . . .1. .... I-l.I-,I.!...--.�,:'i..,':.",.��..�.:-,.1..i.....�'Il�.�..�.�...'...:....:...�.�%�.:...�..��......:.�........%.._-...�%�.%:.�..%1�.�:1�.i.......�.:...:.%.��.--1..::!..�.-..:_......:..�...i........�....!.�.�%..::.....�..1:.:.....i.....:....�.....�i:-...­..j:.........�..:%:..� : .::..::::::.,:: :...... 1.15. CfIt3m sslctl. ....1scLts:s fln..: D: `A`: `.:.: .. . ...:: . :2;15 . - 'Commission :D: sc ss on ;Break,: . :.:.:::. ;::..:::::.:::.. ... .. :: G.:.:. : . 2::45 - South. K�. Co nty ;Mult1-Service Center/ Ian o 3 :45 - Commission Recap/Discussion 5: 30 Adjourn : `z_ ' WK2 .,PPG r 220 4th AVE.SO., /KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859-3315/FAX#859-6572 �:.�:. :�i�1�:�%���.�..-�%�:.!.i . ... .......... .. .... . . .. �� . . .:� %:..:..i. .: ... ,.... .....-.�.��.11�i�. :�...�!�..��.��i:� : ::�. % %:... -.. . %%.:.. . 1 . . . . . . .. . . . ...� . � . . .- . %. � .�:�% ���.�. ��. .. .�.:.�.��!�:. ... ... . . . ��:� . . .. .. ... . . . - .. . -. ..... . ..- . - . .�. .... . . :: :..:1 ..- . .. � i% %:%.. ... - .. . . . � . .. ... . .. i �� I .� .. . . . . . . ... . . .... .. .. . . . . . .. .... 1 1 ... . .... . . . .. . .. ... . .. .:.... . 1 .% .. . .. . . .. . .�: :: . :. .... ..i . .. .. . . . . .. . .. .:.......... .. ..i��;i ..:. ... ..: ... .i. -%::. . ..�%. . : .. .I...%� :�. .. . ... .. .�. .. . . .i% %:�%%:��..:.:�-i�l. :.:!. . . . % .. �%;:.�.::�:��i��;:�l ��...:�...::��i:::� . .... . . . .. . .... ...... %: - % %. ..... ... . . 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I , I I I I I , , 1,I 1,%I I,i,1,I I I I,,�i I,I ..::I....%%.-.-...........::%%..�:�.::�%1�..�:�:.�1.,,,���,,, , � �,,����,����:: , ,, .-.....-.....%......... %.�.�:���.%:�� ���1:i::�:��i 1 CITY OF AGENDA I{ENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION Scheduled Work Session `for June 10, ; 1991 1:00 - 5:00 PM Saint Anthony Church Library: ; V) Commission `Members �-i�l�N,����.���-:.���i:�.I�ii.�,�a�,,....-.��I,.t��I:�%...::��;�...�,�C.��:�1�:��:�,:%�:��.i.,.,�1:-��.�,::..�1i:..:...I�-���:1�......-:�::I�:�,,��,,,....,:,::,:.�,:�:%,.i.:�.!:.��..�..-�%�i,�1.:.��%;.�:��.��:.�I�,.%.-�,�.�1�--�,�..,�.�,%.:I�.���..%:-,.:�.�,:.i.:�.1:��.:.%�:��.:.��:,:�%....,,...-1,.���-%.��,:1.:�1��.:;��.!.:.�:-::.I���--.�.:..:�,­1:.-,-:�::.,��..-�..:,,.:��:-�,,,,:..�:....:-.-:.��',��,:'.:�����I�.�1:���,:.�-::�����-:',,...-��.�.��,:��­--!���....::,,�J..:,�-J�.�...,����:-"-'..:�,"�,,:�,�.1--.,-,,...,",-...���,,,,�-:...-.i"���.��i�.::,�,..��-���::���:,:�::�:�..-�-����:._��-,:��.%..�.�"::��:�.����_,�..-i,,�:.1�ir�..�,.-��"�-..i��t�,:.��-:�_�t:�.�..,�i.::..��-.%:.�,,_'...-��:..�i-�1����,_:.,-,�,:..:,�-�J--�'�:�...,�:,,,�_:.-,�....I�,�.i:-�.:t,�,:I..,,����.��",�,�,,�:-��",�.�:���,.�t.-:-:"j,�-...:I��,..�­-:_:..��:�!��-:,..:',��.-��:��..--�:-�...,,_.:.-1!..-�:,�,��:-.,:�,"-�-�::�_.I,'��.:,-��,�i:...:.:j,�.I:..��i!.-,�,��-.:-�,���...,��--�:..�:J_,�:%����,�.%..-�:�:.%..-��:,,�-�.,-:,.i',1._::i��t.::::..-�:...,,�-:-t:�,�'.,:,..���i���J�i%..:'--i�l,,�.--..�.���'�:...�,:�1::�:'%....�.-,�,�t..::_i����..:­�,.l_":��1:"�!.'-�:��-...,11!�,:�...1�.i.�i��-.�...I��'...-�t��,,�,:-.-t::,-..:-�:,��:.:�,�_,t�..:..1-��-,i:-�.:-:�%..­1�"�,....--�,.....�i�!I-�:��.....-,:�-��...-,�......:ii�:..,��,,..-��,:�:-.�:�:,,�i-�-­���....I-�,--.�,,��.��,��,:..,,..�-:-..,�����:,,,,��:11��t:�-..�.�I,-,...:�-�.:����.::�-i t:.-.:-.I.:­��,,�-..�1,..::��:-:.,���-�...-1.�-i.1;.!�,,�..-1..�t�i���1-�..1,-�I..��,i--�-1,i.��,.I',.���i,�%-�...��::I_:,,�t�.i�..�.���%i--���:,�-�-...:...-1--.I.:���,..1�.:---l:....:��--j.'�1..�:�....��:.��-�--::-,��.:...l1::������-,...��,-,���1.-:.:�.�-::i�,�..i�,��-..,j-���...,,-,..i%%%�-1-���-...-­..::-�:�...��,t-�.I-�-�-.�:���.I l,��.-....�:�-��'.,:�:�.,,....�-�..,..�,:,I.i--:..:.:�.�-:�,.,..I:,�-.-.::.:�.,-�-.1-%--�.i�.:�::-���:��..�--.:.:�,��.:�:,,_.1 i���-�t��.%%::j�-,�':.:�.:.t��I�:�:-;-.:�.,�-:�...-����.�.Marvin Eckeldt:, Chairman Dee Moschel, Vice Chairwoman Jean Kircher Peter ,Du an,, gg . Peg Mayen A110 Mronyuk Peter Mou�rex Susanamo$ Judy Wr�ods, Council` President Work Session Interview Agenda 1:00 - Commission discussion and review of questions 1: 30 - King County Sexual Assault Resource Center 2 :00 - Commission Discussion 2 : 15 - Catholic Community Services 3:W Commission Discussion 15 C....ommsson ..Break..:.:::: . . .::.:.. 3 :30 - Ghildren�;s Hume Society 4:15 - CQmmi.ssion recap/discussion y . .::........:.:. .:5:;:.0. .:: ::...- :.....:..:. . . Q Ael Dorn M%�..%-:%...�.:. ......... .............. .... WRK.ADG 220 4th AVE,SO., /KENT.WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE {206j859-3315/FAX#859-6572 �� �..� �. ..%� � %.:: ��... .. . .. :i.:.: . .:.%...:I...-...........:.. .. i...:...�:....... . .. ...... . ..�. . . :- ... ..:­ ..-. .. : .�� , � . .... . . . . . - -�.%... .::. . ... .: �::i...: �� �� � �... . . . ... ..... .... .. - . : . - .%..... .%-. ..... .�:.-...- ...,. ..... .-. -. ....... i ....:. . .i..� - . .::...:::: � ..�.............. - -. .. .::.::��! .. -.�:��! ��..::..�.:..%�%l....... -...I. ... .:-..-...i .:.�-i�. ..i::.i...� �.�!%�.�.��--.. .. .. ........�.... .�.!.�t�.��.�:�;.���.�:.%.% . . . .... CITY OF Dan Kelleher, Mayor ` r .lames P. Harris, Planning Director 1. The City of Kent Celebrates Its First 100 Years /a� atc' .1..�.�...W�.��,.........-.:...�%..�....:-:....:.��....�%:.:.!..:.j%-.. :...:..-�....�X..,.�:�...%:�...!.-.l.....].........:..�...�..�:.%..�.­.� t�......I���..:.�.�!�:.�.�,.-.�;.�.;.��,1:..�...":....,.:.....�'--�.:.:i.%"—...�:7.:�:�..��lN:�...�L.��..::,.:j1,-�:li�.....:.�--�i.:�'--�1...-.,�l�-:.�-.�.,I: �-�..,.,�::�:,�-����.�.�-�i-�.%.:.I��t�:1-::..,:��.����.-,,�-�:..:,.l:.��-:��.E� '��,.....:�,�.,.i-'�-�...:-:-:..,:.--,.:�"-,��,,..,� June 31 1991 -t:�.:,...-I..;..-�......,.....:',����..-..:...1-��:.,�.-.:�",':.i��,I.-i it�,...�I,:..%.'t�-...s�.%.%..�.,'.:.,1-::....,'.....,,-I._I...i..... Mary E Maltman, Interim Director Emergency Feeding Program of Seattle xin Count g y Box 18145 Seattle; . 98118 RE: CQNSIDERATION OF APPLICATIONS FOR 1992 HUMAN SERVICES FUNDING :: Dear Ms. Maltman: The Human ServX.ees Commission has• received your ;.application for 1992 funding. Fifteen ;agencies ;have applied for grants from the City of Kent. General Fund Revenue budget for 1`992. The total request of th'e twenty.-two ; applications received from :fifteen agencies is $516,914. The total amount available for distribution in 1992 is $280,347 In the budget for 1991, twelve agencies were allocated $272,876 by the City Council. t : The Commission will be interviewing many of the agencies that applied for funding. Your agency ', interview is scheduled for : Friday, June 14, at 10:00 AM in the Library of Saint Anthony Catholic Church which is located at . 321 Third Avenue South (southeast corner of Third and Titus) ;. The agency ;director and one member' of your Board of Directors should be present at this interview (you may also include other staff as appropriate) . The Commission has formed two task forces of commissioners-to review. applications i depth prior :to the interviews. . If you have any questions about, this process, please call me or Alice Shobe, Planner at 8a9-3390.,. Sincerely, Ragh. . :Y. M�Gurcly Planner RYMJslc• int.ltr C. Human Services; Commiss on . : Lin Ball, Senior Planner Reverend Charles E Smith, Jr. , President P:O: Box 18583' Seattle, WA 98118 - - as i. 220 4th AVE.`SO., !KENT,WASHINGTQN 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859-3390/FAX#859-3334 CITY OF Dan Kelleher, Mayor , ���M����-.1�:-��::-���'���:�i-��-::�:I...��:..��t,�;:�,,�::%�.������i�...��I:��-�::�..�--:��i...(�� .�.���.%....a��..;.��.�:�..I�1.'....-�....:.....�%............;.....�i..�...%:%.:�.:..�.:..�...%�..1.:�:.......-.%.....i:..�.j%.�'.::..:.�..��%!:..�...:�...-%..::...��..%�.:�.�....:�t:.�.%..�..��.:��..:�.:.�.!:::.!:..��......!1�...'-!��:�'..1�:::�::.��..%:�.��..%�-�:.....-��:..-�.%-:.:..�...�.�%....��.-..:%.�..�...%i�.L..:.�'�....�.%�.�.....�..�:..%Ii1�,��.�:.%...:.I.�..�i�.:...........%.:..!:i".�:l:...':.�-.1�-­4l.i!....�.::%......-...�..:;..�:��:!,:..:..:t.�.:�.�..%...:..:.:.::�.,­..::.::.:%,..�':�..::::%:��..:.%:.::..�..���...!1�...%:.-.�':...":'��...�.'.��.i��::������.��:%....,":�".'.�..�.,:..i..�.��.i...I�.''��...�i.:1�!..���..%..!I,:���.�.%.�.....:.:�.����:"�)�'.�...%..�.i�,.'.!�:'i.:l.:.'.!.-..%..'.��"1... !.!.....:.:...�t:-...�,...�..�.:.:l��...:�...;�.�.i..:.,.��.:...%�4�.�....:...�%.:�.%.!-.�..-...i:.....Q..%..1�.....i:.�.;..�:.���......�...:.I...-%;.��-::...�.'..-7i1!:.....%.....:..-:J..�...�:...,..,..�...1..�:..:.�-..:....�.%.l :�t�.":..:��t­.%".���...'�,-�t..:"':::',7....I'-��t�.'%.y�:-,:'.�-��.....:�.::.,'''��.'i.—,i1i:��.'-...���:.,"i%�..%�-1:..'.,'7...:�."'.1,:'-".�:%:�..,.�-:�%'",�:�-���:..''�.%....�,-�'''�:.����'"'-;.�-1:,"-�,�:�-..--'�-���.."�.����...'.Y�'I�-��i'"��,'"'.%.1:!I.'...--'-,�::::...�.'".'�'-I,�.��'',-.—:..-":.���.'­..:%�,�!','..����'.1-�-.'.:�.�.,,,..-,i��.;,,....���:­%'",..%!-:-1.,,-.�-::-.,,,..I%�t��1�%1-:��: .�:..%�:�!1.-�...-..%:;.1N..::.I..%..:..i.:��..... -%�::.%M...-.....��:.�.�.-�.. I i �) ' James P. Harris,Planning Director '. 1, The City of Kent Celebrates Its First 100 Years 4-r " 11{3%wio�`ls'o� June 3, 19 91 Hans Rasmussen,' Executive Director Kent. Youth an .Family Services 232 South 2nd Avenue Suite 2fl1 Kent, W.A 98632 REz CGNSIDBRATION F APPLICATIlaNS FOR 1992 HUMAI�T 'SERVICES `FUNDING Dear Mr. Rasmussen Vof -th services comma ss 'on h`a.s received your ; application `for ing. Fifteen ;agencies ;have applied; for : gra>«ts from 'the ent General Fund Revenue budget for92.;`; Th'e total 'e twenty two applications received from fifteen . agencies is $516,914. The total amount available 'for distribution ` in 1992 is `$28O347 In the budget for 1991, twelve agencies were fallocated $272,876 by the City Council, The Commission will be interviewing many of the agencies that applied for funding. Your agency interview is scheduled for Friday, June 14, at 12: 30 PM in the Library of Saint Anthony Catholic Church which is located at 321 ' Third Avenue South (southeast 'corner of Third and Titus) The agency director and one member; of ;your Board of Directors should be present at this interview ;(you may also include "other staff as appropriate) , The Commission has formed two task forces of commissioners to review a 1. cations %- de th rior tc the inter' a ews, gip . p p . If, you have any questions about. this process, pleaso call me or . Alice Shobe Plan a t' S9--339 : . : . .:, n....ra.... �.. , : . . . Sincerely: : ...: C ... ! .. . ..... ..... Q:: , -:::..,... . ..... . . .: .: .. Race X McCurd .. .. . P];anex. . :: :. :... .... . . .:..:.........................:..:.:..............: . .. ... .......... ....:..::..: ..' R M' slc:;i t' tr :: , . X n ,... .. . ..:.:............:.:.:.....::..:. i:':'::';.';::%-':% ( ':: ::: ..% . i'':..,'..:.. .:.. ........:..:: cc: Human Services Commisson Lin Ball, Senior Planner Sandi Westman, Board President 10610 S.E. 252rtd #01 Kent, WA 98031 Na 1. 220 4th AVE.SO., /KENT,WASHINGTON 88032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859-3390/FAX#859-3334 � ::. � .. .. :.:. % . . :% %. %. . ..... I� %: .. .%. ... ...... .... . .. .... ..... �-. .. .!.. . . .. ......::.. %.�.�%%��-.-:��......... ..� ....:... :.%.:-�... ;......... ... .. ...... .:%. .. : .�.:.i:..:. .i. . - - - - . .. . .. . . .. � .. . -- ..�.. .:�. :� . .. .::% .: . . . ...�.��..��%-.��..-.� ... �� 11.:1:.�; � . . . ... - . . ... :. . . .. �% %�..i��.�%...- ....� . -....I......� - . .�.:.�-...... ..;..:. . -.-. .�� .. .... ...�.%%.1... .. . . ... .. . ... .. . — . - .... ..... .....: ��::..:��-1..:... -- %� : ... . .�:...:.:�. .. .... .. �.;�!�:.:��. ��...�.���..�.... .%:�:.�� CITY QF k � . .:... .�..1 . % .... .. :I .... . . .1..:%� .! . . .. .%.�.... ... .. . ..:.%.: ..I � � n Kelleher D... ... % . �:.�..: �.�.: ... :.�—�:� 1 :. %:.�.... a Mayor , I"I'I 1ll--�? James P-- Hams, Planning Director 12� :` The City of Kent Celebrates lts First i00 Years U�y tin�trr it June 3, 1991 Deanna Dicomes, Executive Director South King County Multi-Service Center 3 2:00 S:+�uth 3 6th Federal Way, WA 98003 t������ ,��l����� � ���...:... %:.-.:.............:...:.......%:.:.:%%%.%...:.%��.::�:.:���...����.�.M.... - - -. ..�.i:.:.�:...:�. �...%.�� .. ::: : �.!:...:�.i:.:...�..�-......%.� :.. ........ REf: ClJN5IDERAT;I()N OF APPLICATT.IONS FQR 1992 HITMAN ;SERIIC% ES FiTNDING Dear MIS Dicom s: . The Human Services Commission h'as received, your application for 1992 funding. Fifteen 'agencies Pave. applied` for:' grants %from .;.the CjLty Wf Kent General Fund :Reven%ue budget for 1.992. The total request of the twenty-two appllications re'cei,ved from fifteen agencies is 516,91�#, The total `amount available for distribution in 1992 is $28D;,347`, In the budget for 1991, 'twelve agencies were allocated $272,876 by the City Council, l The Commission will be interviewing many of the agencies that applied for funding. Your agency interview is scheduled for Friday, June 14, at 2 45 PM in the Library of Saint Anthony Catholic Church which is located at 321 Third Avenue South (southeast corner of Third and Titus) . The agency ±director and one member of your Board of Directors` should be present at this I (you may also includeiother staff as appropriate) . The Commission `has 'formed two task forces of commissioners to •review applications in depth prior to the interviews If you have and questions `about' this process, please cal`1 b or Alice Shobe, .Planner at 859-339D. ...,. .... . . . . Sinoeraly, t, . .......................... ........... .. .......:.............%:.:..:..:......%..:.........::::.....:::..:...:.....:...:....::.... WI ... ....: . ...................................:..............: ... .. ........... .. Rache Y McCu d : . .:.. :::::::::::,;,.;.: .::.:...:. P: : ,n' a ;,'; :A n r .. .. . . . . PYM sl'c:int. ltr :. : .. ,.:......::..;.::..:.. /..... ... ............. :...: .::..:..:...:.:..:...::....:::...:.......::.:...::...:....... . ...............:.... ......... ............... .....:..:.....:..........:..:..::... ...:...:.....:. .. .......•........ .........%.... cc. u a Sere. m n i e C o c s ommiss n Lin Ball, Senior PYariner Tom Yoshioka, Director ` 1R�,�,�:��:--. ........ ,,, ,,,,,,,,,�, ,,�,,,,�,�:,,,,,:,,��... � ..-.. .� .%: :% ::% ��::.%%!%..�::!%.­ 200 S. 336th ` Federal Way, WA 9$003 Lenora Banchero, Board President �` 11% P:O. Box 1912MWIN Auburn, Wig 980 � d -- - � - I �--- - it . . ::� .. L11. 11 " I - - ��%��.:%:�j �.-.:..���-..��:�� 220 4th AVE,SO., /KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859-3390/FAX#859-3334 . .�..!: �-....-..�. �..�..��...� :: :i. : :� � :.%.. .... ..I... -.1�..�, �::��.�:�...: :.:.�.�..���. ....... .. ..:. ... � I : . . ::.:.�:i � ,.. ....... ... . . �.....�..�......�.. . . . � � . . .:i:. . . .i �t::Y.��:. . i;.. .. . .... .. - . � :.... . . . . .. �:.�� . . ... . . .. . .. . .. .� . . __ i. CITY OF JE711T.. _ Dan Kelleher, Mayor n ,lames P Harns Planning flirecfor. 1�s The City of Kent celebrates Its First 900 Years -1 ��np���� June 3, 1991 11 Donna Hindman, ;Executive Director Washington 'Women's Employment and Education 841 Central Avenue 'North, Suite '232 Kent, In1A 9 .. RE: CONSIDERATION OF APPLICATIONS FCR 19;92 HUMAN SERVICES' FtJNDING Dear Ms Hindman: The Human Serv�.ces Commission has received dour application for 1992 funding. Fifteen ;agencies have applied for grants from the City o,f Kent General Fund Revenue budget for 1592. The total request of the twenty. two applications received from fifteen agency es a s $51 i,914. The total amount available 'for distribution in' 1992 is ;$280,347 In the budget for 1991, twelve agencies were allocated $272,'876 by the City Council. ( The Commission will be interviewing many of the agencies that applied for funding. Your agency interview is scheduled for Friday, June 14, at 11:00 AM in the Library of Saint Anthony Catholic Church which is located ' at 321 ' Third Avenue South (southeast corner of Third and Titus) . The agency;director and one member' of your Board of Directors' should be present at this interview (you may also` include 'other staff as appropriate] . The Commission has 'formed two task forces of commissioners to review applications in depth prior to the interviews. If. you.. have and questions about: th. process, please ca .1 me. or Alice ;Shobe, Planner at 859-3391D Sincerely. . . . I ... w - ac . .R:, e Y. McCurdy : ., Planner R3i•M/slc:i. ltr cc.: Human 8" ... es Commission .. ... .................. . ......... .... .....:....... ...... :.:...:: . : La.n` Ball e for P a ne : : :; .::. ., .5 n 1 n r Jim Lopez, Board President 950 Fawcette Avenue South Tacoma, WA 98403 .�i.....�M ea j 4 - — 220 41h AVE.SO., /KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859-3390/FAX#859-3334 :.:.:..1.�%.:1.�:....:.. .:�.�::.:��% .:�� .��. .�.�'���;.:���.�I. �� . � � ..� . - � ::�: ��' .��. . . . .. .....:.%�%.. ��.:�::: .. . . ... - - .... .% 1 . .; �1�. . . .. . . .. ....... �.. . 1 1 . . �i��: .. .. :...:.:. ... .... ..... .. :1�-%.. .1. %.%.:.:.� ...... . . � . .:1:%:.%::�..-. '.... ...'', %% ::.. .I � . '.�,� : ..%1.%% .....:.. � - .�� ....-....%I. ............:�:%� �::...:� . :%. ... . .............%...%%..%.%�:.�.::I % . .. , I . %. I . .... :�-��:��.�.�.:�. . I .�.. .:. . .. . % . � ..... .��:.�%��:�i. ��.��.. �..� .. . - ...%:I... i. . -.: ���' . . ..... . . .. . .� . ....... ....::%!.!.. ..�:.�:.�.��. .. '' . . . ....:: . ::%.: %%..%.-. CITY OF Mil Dan Kelleher, Mayor r, S"-' James P Harris Planning Director 0 -� °� % The City of Kent Celebrates Its First 100 Years b—_ is s June 3, 1991 �:�t���'�t��t �� 11 I ,,,_�,,,,,,,,,,,,,I ­:1--­ ...... RM , �'t'''''' '' . :�-.��%.. Mary Ellen Stone, Executive 'Director King County Sexual Assault ` Resource Center 30`4 Main Avenue South, Suite 2p0, Renton`, WA' . 98055 RE..: CQNSIDERITION OF APPLICATI©M5 FQR992 HUMAN :.SERTCES`'FUNDING Dear Ms Stones' Th'e Human `Services Commission has rcceived your application `for 1992 funding. Fifteen :agencies hav . appl�ed. for; grants from the City of Kent General Fund :Revenue budget for 1992. The total request of the twenty-two applications received from fifteen agencies is $51'6,914. The total amount available for distribution in 1992 is ;$280, 347. In the budget for 1991, twelve agencies were allocated $272,876 by the City Council. ��;��'��,�:��:��':, ,�� �� 11 ft �Z'­�%' .% The Commission will be interviewing many of the agencies that applied for funding. Your agency interview is scheduled for Monday, June 10, at 1:30 PM in the Library of Saint Anthony Catholic Church which is located ' at 321 Third Avenue South (southeast 'corner of Third and Titus) . The agency director and one member of ' your Board of Directors` should be present at this interview {you may also include other staff as appropriate) . The CommiI'llssion has formed two task forces of commissioners to review `' applications i:77n depth prior .to the interviews. I%f you have any% questions about; this process, please% call me` or Alice Shob+e, P1`anner a.. 859-3390'. S'xlcerelyr . . . ...... :........ ............ ........ :..... ..... ........:..:':............ %.. ......:..:...::.....:.. ..... ....::...::.....;. ..:..:: .:.:A ..L.: ..0. . . .:... :;"..'.........:.:.... ..:.:. :.... .... . .. . .. . . .: : . a..... .. . . . .::.. : . .. .. . . . . Ra`'. e Y. M....c Cur cly. . ch 1 .. :Planer . .. . : . . ... . .. . : ...: . .. :.... ....... .... ...,....:....:.:........ .. ....... R3�M/slc: list, ltr . .: : ::.: . .....:: . ... . .. ...... ., . :>.,. ;.;:.. ::.:. :..:.. ........ ..:...:. .. . cc um n: Se ........ .. ....:. .... . .. ... H a rvices :;Co is : on. . mm s Lin Ball, 'Senior Planner Deborah Wallace, Board President 9739 -112th Avenue N.E. ...Q%%......_�%.%.:..%I....I1%...­:�.l....:.%:­.-..­%:�:1.I..,,;.I.....'�..�:..�.�;�..:..I..-�.�.._:,I.':'"%1..'�....-..:�...'.�­��,_....::..%.11�.­.....%....­.�..­,��::­:­1..�.�.�"1%..�......,..%.�:_.�'..�..�%�'-........�.%­�.:'...-':.,�.­'.I...:..%:-,�.::,.%...-'..;I'.I'.-.I-.I._'�,.1.,...,%..�.­'��...,�.1-.��I.%....-...%.,.�..�I'.,I%.'.'I.:,I.-.....'�..,",_�;�,�.:..:..:1.%..­�:%-.'1,.�...".-�..�,'1.....­-,...,...�'1'.�-'�..��..1­�I:.1.1.�.:-':....:��1..':.'.i.-�'..:'',.�,.-1.�%I':'�!_','�..1I..,:,,:....�-_.',.�..1.II�..:1,�I.,!-.,�''..'��I�.....�.'1�.�.,:'I.�_,:-:..',...::._':��..''..,..�I.......%'I�'-..".�.'�...'­.I�.­�'..,...�_:....'...;�':.�..'.:..:l:.....:'��..'.'..�:1.''...,...l':..''1''�.I..-':,....,I�...',�..'..':.�.�'.'�.�.�...'­I.:.�1I.'...:''....,�..':'t.%.'".''�..,%.%­'...%�..,�.I'".-:..­:I'�..�.­,.:1%I.,I:%.�....'..I:�::'.'.­'I':..:.,,..:'I z....1.�%'�I..,l i'',:1..':�:..'.%­�'l...�%�.1:.l'��..::.1,'%:''.....��,1'�.��'l:'I::..'..­.�.�-I;.'I:I:�"'::.,..�1..''...�_.':�.l..:,t'��1I!-....-.',..I,�1.�'',_..'::.'I-:::..l,l�:..I..��%­%."­..,.''.:....'...!�.%�I''­.%%'.....'-...11.�'1..�..'.I...%:11I%..,I.'...1.1...:I%,.%'�....:.,.,..%:-t1,.,�%..:..::''..%..:�I:..,....:.I.Z.'I%'.1:%,.':�,.1.:":..�....,,..'1,,.It..�..,.'''I%�.�,�J''.,�.:..,'I.�...I:.�,-__..:.�..1.�..:�­..1�;.,:..%.-..�:.�­%%�..:.�...�..::%�.......:..%�­.%�.�.��%.­.-.':..."­.�.' Kirkland, WA 98033 ^" IS --:. : r. 220 4th AVE.SO., /KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859-3390/FAX#859-3334 . . . . ---- ... . . .. % . . : . %:��.:�:%%%�.�1�1�!�..�:��..��...%. . . .. �.�...C� ..:. .:...�� � ....�. . :.. .. .�... .. . .... ... .�..x--.. ..� ..�� %��!.. �.:�:: :.� %�.%::. 1 ..... .. . .: �.�%.:. . .��..�.�:������%.:�. .. -� ... .- .. ... . ..��..: �....:�%��-:%..i%%.% .%:. . . . %.%..%%..%. :: CITY OF �1 MUAuI,hI�1il_ �. �:1:-.�.�..1%::�­�_.�l:.:�.i.�%��.�.�...%%..�......:�...:..!��..:�.:%:.:.....%..._......�...:�.�.....�..:%.1.:.�..%:%�.:.1-�%--��.-...:­.�%�.%�:.�...%.��..�:%�:....'...�:.:�'::;I%.......::�I�.%1�.:%;..�..:.��.���.%.:%.�.........%.��.�:,.1-..%...:.� - Dan Kelleher, Mayor ,,,_II 1,I2&1:�:,:,",:�,�- e � V James P--.Harris;Planning Director ry I �- / The City of Kent Celebrates Its First 100 Years r. 1135 it 7 . I� _i June 3, 19 91 � I �- . . in: . - ­-­I I'll 1, I I_t �, ,�........ .. .. ... ..% � �� ,� I :A I I : ... ��:�j������t�::����:� ��� .. , 4 _ . . t��­­::t,t ,� _­, '"', , , %�1��. :�:..%%:! ..... '. Julie Vosoba, Interim Director. D,A.W.N. P.O. Box 1521 Kent WA:':':9:: : :.. .. .:.., :......::.:..:::.::::., ;`......:.:........:.:>.::.:.::. ...:.:.: . .803 2 .. .. :. . : % RE'; CONSIDERATION QF AP.PLICATTONS FOR 1992 H0 .::%:�...% .:%:%.:..:.....�.%::.: .. :. ... .. . . ........ . UMAN..SERILCES.. F[�I�TDING % ;:'.: ': ':` ':<;':: i s . D. ear•% Ms. z7os4ba.• : : .;:::. : ,:. ::;::;:.::::. . The . %,::.. Human.:: Services :Co 1 sion. mm s has .retie ve ou. . . . ... d r a l c0 . t.% on<:r::. .. % .... a a for:;;; . ... ....... .. . . . .... % . ..> 1992 fund= ; ing Fifteen agencies have applied for g%rants from the City of Kent %G%e%neral Fund Revenue budget for 1992 The total request of the twent -y two applications reeived from fifteen agencies is $51'6,914. The total `:amount available for di%stribution in 1992 is $280347 In the budget for 1991, twelve agencies were allocated $272,876 by the City Council. The Commission will be interviewing many of the agencies that applied for funding, Your agency interview is scheduled for Friday, June 14, at 1:30 PM in the Library of Saint 'Anthony Catholic Church which is located at 321 Third Avenue South (southeast corner of Third and Titus) ; The agency ;director and one member of ;your Board of Directors should be present at this interview (you may also include other staff as appropriate) , The Commission has formed two task forces of commissioners to review applications in depth prior to the interviews. If you`.: have any questions about;. this process, please;; oaIl me or Alice `5hobe, Plann%er at <89-3390. nee`;'e: : : `...',' %..: • ; ... .. .:. ... . .. . . . .. .. . . . :; . 5 r I ..:. ..: .:: :.:..............::....... .... :.. .::. ......y,. .: . ... % . :: ... .. .: : ... . . . % Q % . 4 .. . ,. . .:.... . . :: . . .. . .....: . . . .... ........ ... . .... ... % % :.:.: :.:,.. :. . Ra h` 1 ` Y McCurcl .. .: Plan%ner' % RyP,I slc* ' . i . .: . . . : . :. . . ... . % % nt '1tr i A Human Services % commission .:.::......:...::.:.:....:. ::..:::::.::..::::::..::::...:..:.:.:........:...: .. ..:.....:.:..: .:.:.. :....:........:..:..: Lin ,all, Senior Planner . %Janette Paulson, Board President P.O. Box 40054 : Bellevue, WA 98004 "Z4 �� r 1 220 4th AVE.SO., /KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859-3390/FAX#859 3334 `: � %%...�.:. ��:::::: .�::: . %%:.... �,�. . .��:.�..:.�.��:. �.%�;��.��.�.��%%�.�...:%:�!:1::l .. �� . ...... .. . ..... .... . ��. . ��:.� �:!��:... . . � . .... . . ..... ..... . .... . . CITY pF Dan Kelleher,Mayor dames P. Harris, Planning Director �-. % ` i , The City of Kent Celebrates Its First 100 Years June 3, 19 9'1 Sandi Spurlock, Director Catholic Community Services ` P.. �. Box 398 Kent, WA 98035 �:��::�:���l:�::��t�t���t�:�����i., . . ......:-.. -..... im % - .. . ... RE; CONSIDERATION OF AP:PLICATIOI�TS FDR 3 992 HCJMAN SER...T .:FUND.ING Dear Ms. Spur...Qk z. The Human Services `Commission ,has received your application for 1992 funding, F�£teen agencies ;hav�: app led for grants • from tl . City of Kent General Fund Revenue bud et for 1992. `g , fihe total request of; the twenty-two ` applicatio,ns received from fifteen agencies is $51'6,914, The tdtal amount available for distribution im 1992 is $280347. In the budget for 1991, twelve agencies were allocated $272,876 by the City Council. The Commission will be interviewing many of the agencies that applied for funding. Your agency interview is scheduled for Monday,; June 10, at 2c15 PM in th'e Library of Saint Anthony Catholic Church which is located at 321 Third Avenue South (southeast corner of Third and Titus) . The agency director and one member of your Board of Directors should be present at this interview (you may also include other staff as appropriate) . The Commission has formed two task forces of + commissioners to review applications in depth prior to the interviews. If 'you have any questions about this prooess; plea sea me or Alice Shob. Planner t .. . a $59 .:, 3390... . .....::.................... .. �..::....I..a,.::.,.�....%-�.. Sinee rel . : : . . . ..... ....... . ..... . ......... .. ............: . is C ,... ....:... \ .... ::............ :.......... .... . ..,:..:.......,..:... .. .:.:..:.::;.; .....:.....:.. ....:....::.. ::::.............:......... :.:::..::::.:, RachelY. McCurdy Planner RYM slcint:lt . ...r.. . . ... ce s.. .. ,; . Human Services Commeson Lin Ball, Senior Planner Harry Tucker, Board President . 13234 5.E. 2 '1ST Kent, WA 98042 ■ ia � - �t_ :.::%. .. . i G 220 4th AVE.SO., /KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859-3390/FAX#859-3334