HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Human Services Commission - 11/29/1990 .: ... I I �� � � !� � oe. . -1-1-41- I ... .... ..... :1.:::::1.��:.: ::-::.�-:..% � �.�. �.% ��..; .. . .: . i . .... . ... ... . i���:�%�1: �!. ..:. .:::..� �:::� �� �� �-�� �:. ... .%. :% . . �.. :��. .�:�.�:..�.....�1�.%::�:.::. !_ : .. . .. ... .� . ... . . .. ... %-..i....... .. ..�.... ...- �;. ��� K%:�..�. .... . . �� .....:.1.....%.:.. ..... :.. .. . % . . . . .: . - .... .. ..1 - . .. ... . . %i .... .. ....�..�.�� .....�. �� � .:%.. .... �� . . : ..�. % �...i. M . . . . . %.� . ...�.��:::�.� !:. ..�:::.�.: . .. ... . .. .. :1 .1:.. 1.. %.. . . . ... ... � ..... ��� .. . . .:.... ... .. . 7 :. : %. % �.. . ... - .. - - . .. �. . . . .. . : . . :����Z % . ­�:�!.:�: .:. . . .....................'......... .........�'............ .. .. ;� :. . .�..�. �%:.!­!.�.%��:.� . � ...%. ...% . 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AGENDA KENT HUMAN SERVICES CQMMISSTON ������ Scheduled Meeting f or November 2 9, 19 9 0 300 PM 2nd Floor Conference .Room i�,­,'I��_.,...,',.1��,,..iI­,_1���:..I�'�.!:0I'�.��:.,�,�:..:1:�-'::,�,..,,�1.��z�..%....,-1��,,...;�I��,_..­",!�,.:�:.-.-,��� Commission Members Marvin Eckfe]dt, Cha1r.Man Dee Mosche... Chairwoman Jean Archer. Sharon' tkin Peter Duggan'; :4 ire 'Gregory <Peg :. azen Peter Mouxer surly Woods, ounci President`;. Agenda SPECIAL GUESTS 1. Randy Mehl, Association of Developmental Athletics Ciub 2, Donna Hindman, Washington Women's Employment & Education OLD BUSSNESS 1. Approval of October 25, 1990 Minutes 2 . Human Services Manth/Chamber 'Social (evaluation) 3 . Commission appointments for 1991 ' A . 1991 Budget ;update 5. 1991, Application revisions b. City's role in human services 70 Winter Celebration - 12J2(3 ..:.:.....:.. ....: .............:::.NEW ::BUS. _. :.. . . . . ._ INE ..:.......:.:: .::.-.;..::.::......-:.,..::........::...:;`•::.:........:..........:.: ...... . . .. . .............. SS... .:.. , . ....: ..!. Se;lec har and 'V•�.cecla'r for 19.91 ..... 1, 3rd,,> carter Statistical a .o .. . . . : : . .: :: : . : . . . R R . its . . , .. .. . . . . . . . .. 2. Member absentee%sm .. . . . . . .. a. . A enda:::f•Qr at-:..;, .. / g m 4. tear--end eV at on . 5. Gr ;u : Homeddinane• t. S atus . Human S rv�ces RoundtablQ . 2 South .. ,: .° .`;'' ;; : : :': .. `:' '`King Council a Duman Seryzces LB/vb: a:HSAGENDANov L: 220 4th AVE.SO„ /KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859-3315/FAX#859-6572 KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION NOVEMBER 29, 1990 3 : 00 PM` Commission Members Present Planning Staff Present Marvin Eckfeldt, Chairman Lin Ball Dee Moschel, Vice Chairwoman Rachel McCurdy Jean Archer Fred Satterstrom Sharon Atkin: : Alice Shobe Peter Duggan Janet Shull Peg Mazen` Peter Mouser Others Present' Judy ;Woods, Council President Donna Hindman Roger Lubovieh Alana McIalwain Randy Mehl SPECIAL GUEST. RANDY IKEHL,: ASSOCIATION OF DEVELOPMENTAL ATHLETICS CLUB Mr. Mehl presented' a proposal for a developmental athletic club for youths caked the King County Sharks Athletic Club. The 'clubs are to act as' a community and corporate resource to help human service } and youth oriented programs within communities. They want to impact youth in .transition (ages 18-22) . These are youth out of high school who need to either get a job, continue their education, or get vocational training. They would like to set up a resource center with information on jobs and provide a scholarship fund. They want the teams to be a visible model for success. Mr. Mehl pointed out a letter to the organization's insurance' company showing successes, news articles that covered the program. since inception, and a contact list for fund raising. He also presented thei budget, Mr. Mehliindicated the; need for some coordination assistance, such as health and human service programs directed at youth. They also need help; in contacting these organizations and need 501 'techn�cal assistance. He 'wants `to see the program reside In the darks Department. ``They; need some grant assistance in developing' seed money to `secure capital goods for the program. The dues program Will ' pay back the seed money. The resource center can be approached on! a grant basis because of funding available ..In the Anti-Drug Abuse Act' of 1988., Sharon Atkin `stated she is confused about the organization being non-profit yet wanting to reside within the 'Parks Department. Mr. Mehl replied he would like this organization to reside within the Parks Department so they can advertise through the Parks guide and have Parks facilities available for their use. He is trying to find `,a group within the municipality that understands the link he KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION MINUTES OF NOUEMBER 29, 199© MEETING PAGE 2 , , :, - , '' M , �,....:% :. � ,:,,,�;,��������,:",�����::":I "Ill ­ I I I I ­_____ ______ ''''"" '' W ,� .�.%.�!�.� is trying to create and help on a technical assistance basis to: solidify the concept within the community. Peg Mazen asked who is eligible for scholarships and vocational training. Mr.. Mehl replied anyone who is a ' member of the ��:.%:%::.��::�W organization :: l'h h .., . P one number. w13ex ;Randy eh1 ..4h be s hed is .2.2 6-'12 8 U, He would lik%e to know = •ther%e 'is anything that pan 3e done in terms ..... .... . .. • .. : .> . . . .. . ... . . . of ork . . . s w In relat�,c nsh� : . 1.g : . . .P .. ECIAL GUEST. DONNA HINDMAN. WASHINGTO.. WOMEN S.' EMPLOYMENT AND tddlONen Donna' last spoke ! to the `Commisson six months ago, ' she..iA... . . ... . .: :. : ..: , .: ... ..:.: . . .. e.. . : .:.,. . . . i.: •: Tess d ...h o.. x e . er ran zat on :.s :. des r to co e ti. % . . e me to . K n with a . I.. : .p :. g ..:..:., ... % ... eatelt� , rogran, In Se tember the ut tp ether a: successful P P . Y p i .. ... pi3ot program, They ta %lked wYth Catholic Com�nurity Services who provided them with many resource�ils and connections, such : as low income housing developments in the area. They had 10 participants t ', from low income developments in the first class. The Employment 11 Security Office provided classroom space and Renton Vocational Technical Institute provided the instructor. They have been providing monthly services since September 1990. Their administrative office has also moved to Kent. They have been servicing clients in King County for three years from a central location in downtown Seattle. They plan to try satellite locations for one year, and estimate graduating approximately 10 students per month in two to four locationsW . Market research cates this . plan will be successful. They are located in the Kent Business Campus. Lin Bal % asked Donna t%o assure the Commis%sion that the program will . 1. be •structured :;the. same. ;now>`that :t a have moved >to:�Ke t and the Y . n Y will prova. . the same services to clients �n Kent as outl ned n their 1991 application'. Don%na replied all major fur�etions outlined . ... :. . .. . the: . . a�n it91 application are being carried out through their current partnership'. Vice %Chairwoman Maschel applauded WwE 9 decision to come to Kent. I3onna mentioned they are looking for a place for their po %mputer classes. She is lfloking for an organization who has spac%e and .. would like to do a partnership. In a partnership the other party: could use the computers when classes are not being held or there is the possibility of providing a class to their' own?population: ii _.�._.:. - - - .... ................... .......... . . ..:.... .___.: .....:..... .. . .. .... ..... . . ... .. .. .....:. .. ... ... : ......:...•.... % ... ...... ...... ...... .: ..... ... :.. . . ....... ... .. . .. .: :........ . .... .. - :.%1. .. �: - -.1. �... ... . . . . . . . ...% ... ... ... ....... .. . . . ... :...�... ....... .. . . 1. . .�:�i:���..I.:I��.1.�.::%�:.�.::.. ...... . . .. ..% . . .. .. .. . . ..% . . % . .. .�. . 1 . .. . T_ KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION " " MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 29, 1990. MEETING PAGE 3 .: RE5TGNATION OF ALICE GREGORY Chairman Eckfeldt announced Alice Gregory has resigned her position due to the fact that her employer will not allow her time to attend meetings. OID: 8U,8.INESS.::::::s.::;:':; i:' ::..::.::. .:... :... .:... APPHVAL OF OCTOBER 25, 199© MINUTES ice Chairwoman MoSChel MOVED and Sha%rontin,"SECONDED%Izl; the. motion• to apprfle`the`Octob %er 2 5, 1%99 0 minutes. Motion carried'. HU11 MAN SERVICES. MaNTHCHAMBER SOCIAL �eval�tation3 Marvin Eckfeldt distributed a dop%y of an article published% n the. Valley Dail News about .the 'Human Services Social Chairman Eckfeldt asked if all bills for the Chamber Social are in. Jean Archer submitted receipts to Lin Ball, Chairman Eckfeldt stated the only donation of two vegetable plates was , from the Golden Steer. Chairman Eckfeldt asked for a motion to pay the bills. . .- ­1111, Motion carried. The cost of putting on the Social was $341.16 including food and information packets. Chairman Eckfeldt thanked the staff for their work on the Chamber Social. He read a personal letter of thanks he sent to the 12 recipient agencies represented at the Social who also attended the November '6 City Council meeting. Chairman ;Eckfeldt; asked for feedback from `t%he 'Commis 1.sion on" the Social. It was not :as .well• attended this ye.a possibly because of .. :• 1 i cliff cult parking or because of Thanksgiving ..eing a. week earlier on 'the calendar this dear. Alss, the weather was bad, It was felt . .... . . .. . . . that there ass more.' ' nteract'ie.n' .anon t %he nests`; and` ;wit :: he s;:: . agencies this year. The acencfes had wonderful displays. Judy . . ..: . . . . .. ...:, .. . . .. :Woo s <s : d th : the;v i t <:o d." . tatg . at s b l f tl�e soe% :a ..;.�s : t artant because . .. y.. ....". . ... " .. .. .. ..:..: , . ... ...... ....p ,. . . : , . , Ca: e .:.. e . : . h mb r m% mbers are::made ::aware of the': ex 'st'ence 'of: the' Co i mm The eommi'ssion decided to holdt%he` sooal again; next%% %year. COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS FOR 1991 Chairman Eckfeldt asked for suggestions to be sent to the Mayor for 1991 Commission member appointments. Sharon Atkin stated she has second thoughts on her reappointment due to personal time constraints. Due to Shardn's ,deoision there is now an opening for two members, one inside the city limits and one outside the city. :. ,.: .: :.:'.:.. . , ... .... .. :.. ....... .. % KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 29, 1990 MEETING PAGE5 :;�,��i�� :i �.:�: , ­ , ""�,z��:�,�z,�,,��:'':'"',",�'I '_:... ,. ...N=-:.. Due to the date of the retreat and since there�­'''' 1, I I il­_�, ''" _____ :,i:::�:__ , im­:�,�,_7" ,, ,i��,,, _,,�: � :�,�,%�,,�� �,� _7 1:�, :,!_:: .:� will not be a December business meeting, the January business meeting will be held ' on Thursday, ` January 17, 1991 from 3:00 to 5: 00 p.m.. Chairman Eckfeldt asked is'anyone has a 'resource'person in mind for the retreat or an idea for programming. Sharon Atkin suggested Doug; Si.tevenson. Jean':Archer: wall check on; the ava lability: of a university professor she knows, M4..% Rosenexantz . -.. . . .. .... . :: .. :; . ' ... :...: . ..... .... .: .. . e is ;i n.. sc s e eed ; or `;o national' etTelo m+�nt : Th . Comm s o d used th. n fn ... ... . . ..... .. . . ..:.. . ..... . ... . .... . . . ... ... g .. . . P .. +. .:... ..... : . .. .. .:;:: ;:::: .. .... .., :. ..:; .. : ;: % ...: . , , . ,. 1.. . . 11 ..:. , . :il and.:t re w o e ;: sc i n ,us n. a econcl3: at ion 66 U. taut . he as s m . uss. Qn Q ... .a r. : , .. . : , , . . . ..: : . ... ...... . ., stated J` S ` no 0 5 a ,no a`n'd ou .; Peter ; Du an . Mar o ha n f h n n x . . ......... .......... .. . . 1. .. ........ p. . . 5g Y.. . ... Assooaates may be a resource as sho as rying o crea e a no wor. . among all the churches in South King Cgunty. Peter Mourer suggested including Seattle Times `�teporter, Gordy Rawleon, or Brenda Dad of the Val ley Daily .N :ws in a' sma13� session at the retreat so the Commission could 3earn .V the med a!s % interests in 'Human Services and vice versa. die felt this >might facilitate better media coverage. ,' �. 11 GROUP HOMES ORDINP,NCE �:"�:��,,:,;,:�:, I'�:,I �'__ � 11 1, "I I'll,���__����, ,, , Examn I .: _4.. Janet Shull distributed copies of the Advisory Committee's report on group homes. She explained the Mayor appointed the Advisory Committee in May 1989 to laok at the' Kent Zoning Code and its treatment of group homes in Kent. Currently, the Kent Zoning Code doesinot address group homes. The Advisory Committee was asked to make recommendations to the Mayor and City Council on how the Code should be changed. The- report summarizes their * findings. The Committee also looked at recent amendments to the Federal; Fair Housing .Actn reference to how group homes are treated bZ. y ;those amendments. They also looked closely at the Governor's Task'For. on Community Action. The committee; recommended the City revise its cV.urrent definition of families, define three classes of homes and recommended siting. The rec.... n.aticns were taken to Planning C. Ws%ien in April 1990 and a1. series o hearings were held through September, The P%lanning ;Commiss%ion made minor reyisaans to the AdviSoryCommitte�'s recommendations and the recommendations were presented . . City Council on 'October 2, 1990. The Caty Count%l approved the xecQmm . dations` with the exception of ' the 'C1ass TTI group homes, `which are homesor those wath a violent criminal or sexual crime history. The City Council sent the' Class TIC issue to Planning Committee to ` study further' and make further recommendations. The City Council directed the Law Department to �W_� 1 _ ''", I�: �� ,,�,,, :��__:, ':,��:_ :��:����,�,,,����,l�"::::��:���,, ­ ­,�:::­­.....:'�.:.�.. draft an ordinance for the remainder of the group homes conditions Roger Lubov 11 ich, Kent City` Attorney, explained the Law Department had some concerns on the ordinance so they decided to have an KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION MINUTES OF NQVEMBER 29, 1990 MEETING PAGE 6 outside attorney, who' is an expert in housing, ook at the issue, The concerns were the business licensing issue and the classification categories of 'the three classes of group homes. There are some categories in Class II which belong in Class I, such as individuals recovering but no longer addicted to drugs`. Another problem is the criminal justice aspect and where the State might plane individuals within their;own facilities in: Kent. The concern mil@ ness lice.noin is that the Clt cannot revoke: the busine%ss g Y; . state contrpI : and operated ; criminal justice ies. Thee w ]l be an amendment t %c tMe eendi...... use. .a to ;exclude rou ; :homes; so::;a l%a canna cannot :avo; l oil .•.p p g g the ' roe home criteria b sa �n the come under the . . g Y ' g Y . . e: ... e: : a : <>De t `ent ri` t b ;. n ; ;t e: . . . . er�eral use. cry......r a Th L _w. a. m. .. .. 1a. s r h . :: p .: g ameued aeka a t4 Ct . �ouneil on Januar 2 19,91 for publ%ic p Y . Y heard rig, EVE: E :Y+7EATHER HOUSING Chairman`EckfIIdt distributed a copy of a resolution address ng the . .need for emergency severe weather shelter. The Commission has $15, 418 set aside for;- emergency needs `which may be used for this program. hairman'Eckfeldt explained that Planning staff is still working to locate a' facility for .the shelter. The Kent Lutheran Church is considering using its fellowship hall for the shelter facility. The Church Council will meet on December 11 to discuss this matter. The shelter space will probably be ;for single males. Motel vouchering is being proposed for single women and families with children. We have excellent cooperation from the police, fire departments and 'the legal departments initerms of transporting "'peop3 a to shelters . .. . . : . . : . . ... .. .. . . •. ;... .. .. .. . :: . Cha rm c fel t ca .i a to o:recom e .. an E k d . . ed or vo t m nd this;resolutson to .: . .. . % , ... :. .:: . ... _11. the G t ; :l l `•f or assa a :fin Tuesda . Dec'ember.. .: 19;9(� and..'t-.. Y P g Y, , , .. .. I the? $15,41: of timer enc human services funds for this . ...: . . .:...... . : o t MO: D:s n Pe Mazen'' `SEGO DE , ' : ..: Mo n :, . ro ram; Shar1..n A kinlE a d N D too . p . 5 .. carried, The. meet`ing adj%o%urned at 5:05 p,m, ctfully submitted, . `' Jame P. Harris, Secretary human,nov - , � �... � , - . . . � :j:,� , �,- �,�,��:� I� ,�, :�,�,�l , .�. !: .. . ...... .. .. .......�::�..� �..%�.�.!:.J:�:�%:�,��-�': �:��:,��,I-�:... I� " ,..I.�.�..�J �. . :.I�I%.�. :�:%...� �:1.1�.:.. November29, 39977:.�%:I.�.�%.��:�:����1:..I.. . �:I. :.- �. ..�: :: -.. ...�:::�:�!.�.��... �� ..-�.....����.;:..i i.::: :.:...�:. � ...�.... .i...i.....-.. ... -.. . .. Memo To: Chra.sti Ryan Adm;..... ration . From: Kristi Robbins Planning i. Re 193 Meeting Schedule . . P;l£?r"�:S.e.;'.r:eS:e V.e:: �4:.::::2::nd:...:f.l:oor::::bol'%prence:::,.r.o.�3m:.>f`O ':.:::t 1£::Hl�lllan:;.:.�er`T::.Ce.s:::: C©mmissYon's monthly meetings for 199:1 on' the following dates from 3: 00 pm to '5:00 pm. January 24th February 23st March 28th April '25th May 23rd June 27th July 25th August 22nc1 September 26th Qctober 24th IaTovetl:mber 2lst December %2Ath `{May%lie cancs%l%ecLL:LLLLL) 3wh u ........:...................:..::.:. ........... ........:.. .. .. ... .. ...... I ---;-- v,.. .... ...... :.:...%% % ...... ....... ..:. . ........... „, -3991 Cl)BG Funded Agencies $11,10 (cap) Children's Therapy Center,; Handicap Accessibility ; 26461 104th Avenue SE Kent, WA 98031 f354-5660 Steve R. Anderson, Executive Director .: $ 9,31 (cap) communit�i Health Centers of Kahg County Services & Fac .la.ty Ex ansion P 77 Strar►dex ;Blvd`, #i: Tul�w la, 'WA 9818$ 5'75-0494 Jayne Deet, Exec. Dir $2,-...,-�-�.�:-.:,1...1,z1::.z�,1..%�%I'',1:;_%%,�_-%...�,I",.-�,;�'1..%.:-%:-....,-.,.%�':�-�..."-,1�'.%�,!I�...1:11..1 1.,,-1:,7'......%,,,:,...�:'..�....11�"-....%��,5, 00,0 (cap) KVYS.4Transitional: Housing :;for Homeless. Faina lies.. 232 Second AenueS. . Ke11t WA 9803;2 ;8594- �300 Hans Rasmussen, Executive Dir; $14,000 (hs) SKCMSC- Emerg/Transitional Housing 1200 5. 336th Federal Way, WA 98003 838-6810-main office 854-4406=Kent office Deanna Dcomes, Executive 'Director Erin Rumpza, Program Manager $17, 460 (hs) YWCA of Seattle/King County 1118 Fifth Avenue Seattle WA 98,163i. :. r 461-4851 ; Rita` Ryder% Executive; Director ....... ...:YWCA::...South.. )..... n.. ..:..:County..... 1025`: S 3rd Street Renton, WA 98055 Jsai�. SaT1s Dire ctor 55�-; 20;1. ...............: ...:..........:......: :. ....:,:,.:.:. ..... ...:...:..:::..:.::.:.. .: Other CDBG prof ects;z Home Repair $134,U`55 Administration $926 ALS1: \cdbg\91agency.lst revised: 11/9/90 % % :.....::...:...::.:::..::....::.::.:.:..::.:::...:............:::::.::.::.::.:.:...:::.::.:.:::.:::..:::...::.:::.:....::.::::.;:...::.:::.,...:.::.:...::.- ..:.......:.....:................:..............:.......:................:...,.:................. % T: ........ : ,.....:..% '.':' . .. ..: . % ; 1, 11.:,...., ..I .. .,..i. . : , I :Z:: .. . . . . . 0 , : .%.:.�%.%. : . . 1 1 CITY OF KENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANTiPROGRAM AMOUNT OF FUNDS AVAILABLE $240,129 :. LIMITS ON EXPENDITURES FOR ADMINISTRATION AND HUMAN SERVICES 1991 Human Services Ceiling $32,783 1991 Planning and Administration Ceiling $926 Prof ect Typ+e Approved Funding : 1. Program Planning & , . •: A..... to or Admin. . $926 2. City of Kent Home . Repair ;Program Housing: Rehab $13i3O.55 3. Kent Community Clinic Facility Expansion construction $. .. . . 4. KVYS Transitional,, Housing for Homeless Teen Families Rehab/Relocation $25,000 5, Children's Therapy Center, Handicap Access. Construction $11,100 6. SKCMSC Transitional Housing Rehabilitation Hou'sing' Rehab $26,950 ` 70 Kent Community Clinic Health 'Services Human Services $15,323' 8 YWCA Emergency housing . Program . ... Human S:ervices 17; ;4;6 , ..'..".':: ........:....".::...::.....:..:...::.....:: ...::'........................:;.:.: ......:..$2' AZS 1`. cel ro "ect` . •� . bg\ 1p 7 As, . . . . . ._ November S, 1990 STREET located on the- proper y and they have noted also that VACATIONS this is an ideal place for aiCity gateway entry sign. The department recommends 5 conditions be imposed should the elect to grant this vacation. The public hearing was opened by Mayor Kelleher. Mr, Kelly noted that this small strip could be maintained along with the restaurant property if vacated--- and--that he was willing to accept; the conditions as described in the agenda packet. ' There were no further comments and the hearing was closed. «�4HNSON MD to approve the street vacation with the cond1t1: ns s shown and for the� City 'Attorney to prepare the; necessary ordinance. HOUSER ,secondadand a ,. . . .. �.".. the motion carred� hODNSENT CALEL�DAR ITEM 3E) , " Portion of So. 212th Street. ADOPTION o Resolution 1264 setting a public hearfhg for December 4 1990 on the Pacific Ventures Inc. re est for vacation" .of a portion. of '.So. ...`212th Street. REZONE (C{)NSENi' CALE3+DAR - 'ITEM`" 3Dj Norman Anderson Rezone No. RZ- 9U-7. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2949 approving; rezone, without conditions, of approximately 4.85 acres from M1, Industrial Park, to OWC, Gateway commercial, in accordance with Council action on October 16 1990. ANNEXATION (CUNSENT CALENDAR - ITEM Overlook Annexation. , ACCEPTANCE of the petition for annexation of approximately eight acres in the vicinity of 93rd Ave, S. and' S. 222nd St. and authorization for the City Engineer to file a' Notice of." Intent .with..t he King County Boundary Review Board, ,. as. recommended"by the Public Works Committee,`` FINAL PLAT (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3M) Dover Place F�pa1 Plat SU-89-2. AUTHORIZATION:.:to. set November 20 1990 as the date for a public meeting; to cons der the Dover Place Final plat. The property:".is 7.8 acres in size and is 'located east of 104th Ave.. and out of S.E. 224th. h HUMAN !CONSENT C1 �END1R - ITEM' 3Fj ... SERVICEa Domestic Violence System. ADOPTION of Resolution ' 1265 allocating funds for the domestic violence system, as recommended by the Planning Committee. The Committee approved the allocation of a minimum of <<11% of our City's law, safety,justice (tSJ) sales tax revenue to fund a community advocate, training and protocol to support their regional domestic violence system.- 4 _ .. .........:.... November 6, 19.90 ,..' HUMAN Upon Dowell's question, Finance Director McCarthy SERVICES clarified that --these funds will be taken from the 1/1 of l% sales tax increase effective November 1st, and; that it would amount to approximately $46,000. He stated that that amount has been budgeted for the program, and that it has not yet been determined exactly; how the system<,wll work.' Lin -Ball - of -the Planning Department explained that the community advocate will work out of Kent,*s local domestic violence office (DAWN) and will coordinate ty She . nth,, <<<.eg��.; at�vocates funded by the Coun :xpaasd that this < s a regonal <system and it is no t krot <_< t which .cities wllartio.ipate. she ;,....; .. noted "that .wh'n that nfc►rma ion is avail ble and the program< is<< set up, them:j wil most 13t 1% be a contract<<fox these speoific,<""serv .ces ;and :that it will be paid ox:«,< monthly or quarterly basis<. <` She also clarified fir Daweli that these fund$< are< in addition ice. gen e 1 f nd r� a ed ro the 1 mQn c f m ra u e, aue, thy are for; separate services, She Hated tiat comestc volenae <im "acts :th'e p police department and the court system. DOWELL MOVED for adoption of Resolution 1265. MANN seconded and the motion carried. ' CITY< HALL (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3G) REMOVED BY COUNCILMEMBER DOWELL Laundry Services Contract. Quotations were re ceived from the following five vendors: Overall Inc- $69,567,68; Marriott Inc. , $56,864.60. Washington Linen, $54,241.20 American Linen, ' $4 -,512'.44; Aerotex Inc. , $43,817.80. < .. t.<: ,s recommen+dd that the contract be awarded to : second low r+es ;ondent`''beause of; a; r um er of ;issues p . ` ith d' lit w the;"current coDtractor "regar ing; the..<,�a, y of ri s Gee McCarthy noted< for:!Doweli that< these ea�vi i. « ery C< s :cQvex;<Parks and PublicTorks un forms but do :not include Fol .ce. .and `ire unaforms.` DOWELL MOVED ,. ><: , ::•; ,. , ;: ... at Zs •�.tem:� e, a:: roved:;;<:; >�i seconded and :'the ` : : . . .. .. t . .,.th,... . . .. ..,.: .... ... .: .gods ... .. .... . ................. ............ COUN"CIL ;,(ADDED CONSEi�T CALENDAR �'1'EM 3N) from <tonight's meeting for Counclmember ;White, who is out of town. POLICE (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3C) ', Drinking Driver Task Force. ACKNOWLEDGMENT :of a donation to the Drinking; Driver Task Force for support of parent education program activities. in the amount of $20 from Crestwood Elementary PTA .., 5 - November 20,7 0 UTILITIES (CON ENT CALENDAR ITEM 3E) . _ - 1 .. Rens ngton: Avenue Storm Project.' Accept' as complte the contract with Scoccolo Construction for the K nsington Avenue storm improvement and release of re t inage after receipt of the necessary state releas (P-ONSENTN CALENDAR ITEM 3J) Laser Dir;ct Contract. Authorization for tle Mayor to s'gn a contract renewal with Lase) Direct for the sevice of `pry rating;and ;mail` ng 3ity „bi3:s . as re ommended by :the Operations bmmittee. (OCHER HZTSINESS - T'TM Utility Extension ordinance. Thus eting will e+onsider amend rl Ordinance,+2767 a d; ordinance 2696 ti utlt i re3a. rag to y extens o . . recommended by ;; the pity,=Oounc s: Planning Co ttee. Upon the layrrs gueSticn, Satter&t�'c fated that this cxdinance wQu .d ,put a toante control on density in inncorporated areas rand t t it would regure the ? snning Department to� asc stain whether the development i consiste t,with Kent's land use planning, - White asked ether it is possible for the Council to conside3 a4olicy of not extending utilities beyond the pity units, and City Attorney Lubovieh agreed to rgsearch`t;the question and report back to the Councils Wickstrom pointed out that the city extends only cut to approximately 132nd and that other water And sewer districts serve beyond that area. Her),bted for Dowell that people who live outside the ci boundaries and choose to hook up to the Cit O s sy em must sign a no protest to annexa- tion agreeme There were o further comments and jOHNSON MOVED to o 0 .. ..: . reeomm:endati n t ........:.: ... ............,......................................... :.......... . . .......... ... .... ..: r v e:Q a e 27. 7..an 2 f 6 and to ado t Ordinan 2 53 proYidng far such changes. Houser : :; e r�. c�. SUP ,U5 (CONS ITT,. CALENDAR ITEM 3C) QiJ1PTKENT Su rpl 's=Equipment. ,Authorisation to declare . as surp7.u's, 18 vehic es and offer same for sale at the state auct4n.;on December 1 as recommended by the Public Works Cammittee: HUMAN SERVICES (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3I) CDBG Human Services Funding. Approval of the Planning Committee's recommendation to allocate an additional $3,145 of public; (human) services dollars to the Kent Community Clinic Health Services Project Ito support their OB/GYN' program. E . . e..�:.:. . .... - - - -..:... �:.� ... :��:�%��.��:��.-.:��:jj�..:�. %.i: : . ..:����:����. ...�.."..,.., ,, . . . ...�� . .. ..: �..j.. : : . :: :.. � - - %% . .. - .�::.:% .. .-.- .. . . . ..1%.:. . �� ,,, 1.�.:.:%. % %:.. .. . .. ...�%� ��:��.!.��.�x:� %�::::: ::: .:... .�Y..��%'.���. .- -:.1. . - :..1,-::..1:.��..i....... ... .�. .....�....:'.�-1.. :., .. . % % : i :.. �:%:-:.:.. ,�;%�-::��:�:�...��..�%....:....... --- ..:.....: ;:;:: ;.` . %.. ...%. . %..%...:. . 1. . . . % . :... . ... . .�.��.%:�:. :::°m.:....: .. o -. - �,.. -.%..- .... ..� .........-.... ......-.. - - ... ......... ..... . .... . .. . . ......-...:.. ... - . . .�.6,:...'.. er.... .%%..:�:.::.::.�:::%...�:.�:� ...�1.%. . . -.... .. ... .. ... . .� . . . �.. . .% .�:.1:�.:..� .:�- CITY OF RENT EMERGENCY SEVERE WEATHER `SHELTER RESPONSE `' � -- -� - - �� - , - . �=�M ,1,, , "",,- :�� . The City of Kent is seeking to contract with a nonprofit Human Services agency to provide emergency severe weather shelter services for the homeless in the City of Kent, 111. 1. Purpose-1 ..al The goal of the %City's ;Severe W%eather Shelter Resp%on111%1se is to provi%de emergency shelter to the Citg's homeless during severe. weather, This' is an emergency response: designed to pre�tent hardship or death to those persons who are home3.ers. The provision of emergency severe weathe.%:.:.'.-.�.....,..�.�=..r shelter shall consist of• two types o.f responses: ...I1.%:W...::..%..:.:��..�... a Shelter .for single adult men b Shelter for families and single women The shelter response shall be implemented `on those nights declared as "severe weather" nights as defined below. tt­�t!�!�-� :� ":-, ---- ... ....-. --� a', I 11 -1-1 ,:, ,,m. .i.%.:.%�.%.::�:��::. :���l��. ..... 2. Severe Weather Defined ���:��l��j:�:���::�����:��:���:�� ��-�,,�-��,�� - i� � - 01 't - -----�--��.��..-. . . . Severe weather is defined as nights in which the temperature is at or below 35 degrees fahrenheit, taking into account wind chili factor, or snow conditions exceeding or expected to ` exceed two (2) inches in depth 3 .; C.berating DatesJHours The :: Emergency' Severe Weather. , Sheelter . Pro ram . will. be g operata.onal during the first and last.....quarters of each d`a errs r; e :: a . ar. ,Tanauar >-March •and Oct `be - . . . . . . X % . .. :.. . : o... r I�.ecemb%er : < . . . .. .. •: : : .. . . ... . . . . - : .. . .,T a Shelt. : h er; for in. s le men -shall be. o en fr m:a. :. . .. : .. . . g o. roxmatel: i0 . .. . . . . .. . ..:: ....p... . . . ..I�1�........ ... .... .....Y. ..: . .. ... . . . . . . . . , .: ,� A on severe weather nights during these .months. The motel/hotel voucher Program for families and women shall`. operate during regular motel/hotel hours, on "severe weather nights" during these months. t :... :........:.........:....:........ .. ��1.�%-.�.:.�...�%-.�.�.., - ....1. ..... .. ..... .. . ..... ...... . -.:... %.. .1���::�.�.��::�1...�..:��. ::%. ..... . . I , ........ ....%..... ...�.. .1....... . .. .. .... . ......... . . ... �.:�.I...%.� ... ..:. . , %%�. . . - .. ... .. 1. . . . . !�.. . . . . . . . .. . .. ..:..%. ­�... . ... .... ... .: ::.%��:� �. . �%. . .. . ��::::��::...�� .. ... ..�.....:.... ........ I:....- - .- - . . . . . .�.... . . .. .... ... . .... ..... .. .�.� ..1���� � .:�..�.��...... . ... : -�:-��: -�::1 1��1 . ... . ..�... . ..�..-... .i�.� .:..;. ..1% : :.. ...%.. .. . . . . . . ........�.�. .. - .. . . ..... . . ,� �,��:% I I , , ,I I ,,,,,,,,,, , ...��...: ., .�.':,, ........... ,�,��:, �" " ''"�, -��:',",-"� .. . �..� . �. . ...:.� .. . �: �,,,,,�:,�I�:�,�,�:�, I�,1, I�I, I M� I I : I I I I I�,I��_�::_�_�,, I I I ­%_ :��.�.��.:�;::�i.�..:.:�i��.;:��:���.�-..�:.��::..:� City of Kent Emergency Severe Weather Shelter Response Page 2 4. Location The shelter for single men' will be located at a private or public facility within the iCity! of Kent.' The shelter for families anal single women will be ....at ,local motelsJhotels located iri th$ Keht area. 5. Pro�eeted `Number of Nights Based on pa%st years' weather records %it is anticipated that t%he% Severe% T�l%eather Shelter % %re %sponse will be activated 99 9approximately 5fl nights per year, Since 'this .first year 'program is net' b%e%ing activated until . % late Decembe%r, : it is anticipated the number of n ghts;wi19 be ` reduced to approximately 32 nights. Th%e greatest number of severe weather nights have `historically occurred during the months of January, February, and December. 6, CoordinationfMonitorinq The Emergency Severe Weather Shelter Response Program is coordinated through the City of Kent Planning Department, with input 'from the City's Human Services Commission and the City's Severe Weather Emergency Shelter Coalition. This Coalition is an informal committee composed of representatives from the Human Ss... . Commission, local non profit agencies who . provide shelter service, local church representatives, aid staff from the Planning, Fire axed' Police Departments aid various other CityDepartmets. 7. Respon%sibility ofaency The agency which the city contras s with to provi%de the Emergency Severe W% eather Shelter Services will have the . o lowing respons..;billties•: •.• :: .. .. . .. % a Declare "severe weather nights" within the City's adopted definition, by keeping in close contact with the weather ` bureau, b,9 9 Provide screening `and placement of families and single women in local hotels and motels. .: ... :. % ".'.:: . :...:: . 1,I ::,%: :...:::::: % �.... . ..... .��:-.�,.:�: : : I .: . ..!.% � � - , I,� - � ,i�- �,,�: ..��..�. .. I -I I,, - I I I 1 1 1 : : � : �� � � %%:% - � , . . �....:.: .�� � � �� �...�- -� .. ........ ..... .. I 1, 1, .�. .. City of Rent (f Emergency severe Wea11,ther Shelter Response Page 3' c Provide staffing at the emergency severe weathershelter for single men. :-�:....���:�.....:�:-�­,�:..,�:�-p1::�%�_,::....%:%:1-:­.:..:�.�:.i�.!:.��%.�,.%.'I.�:%�....�����!�..,��.���l.-�.j�!�.�-..:�.i....6::.��::�....���.%.�::�.i�.-s��1��:.��:.�:..t��::��.....,:.:,�:��...�,�:-:t::.�..,�!.1�..���..%.:,���:�',�..,.�l�.��1��.;.�1%1..,:�:;:,..­%...,-��.�,t:.I::..:�%�,�-���..�..:-����:�,�A��.._t:I,.'���::�:.,-�,�.....S�.-��,�-..�-l��:%�'�-��...-�%����....�.�,-�:���-,�,�.,%%.-��..:-�_..:..I-�:,,-..,�.,t-.-�l�1.�-�.�:......%-��t::i,1�!..-:,.:.:�­:��:����...����:��....����.:.����'l,�:..-��:.­��....�:,:::.I�,',...�._�-.�...:�-::-:�_:�..:��j�%....-:��%��.�...��J,......-��:�.�'�"�::.,:�,,�;.-:I����.��:.%.���.,�:���.%��:�;:�:l-.��-���.%.��:",�%:�..%.:�!���'�l-_I���::......,�..��_--.%��;-:�:�::�:...%W�.:�..%�%'::�������,.�.,�,�:.%;���..:t.."�:��::.,-�-.-��:1::.:�,-��.�-��,'��.....�.��:­....,,��j.-����.:..''���,�;.....��!���-�.�"I-:�,�%::%:.]�.�,�...-I-,�����,��....:i.,'::�.':��::��%%.%..-,:��.t..,-:l:.:�,�:.�.;��:��:���.:-,�..�..-,��.:���'-�..':1�...:�i.1--�!��t���_..-1l..�,�.�.%�1.'�-�:,...,:,�::::...�:-�:�:.,�Q.�.:.�,�:�t�..,I�t:-�J��::,...�.,-:!l�.,����:�.l-:���-,,':,-::�.�",��.,-.:%I-:�:���_.-I,�.:::::���-:ll�":�%.�-�i�",--­....--�t.,%��,�-�l�i.-�::.::�I��.���.'l�;�"�:.%%�-���.��,,,!,.:j,,�..,-',%:t.%:!�%%��t������.i'-��%:�:1..1,���.�,�:..�"�..%:,,-�:%�%1,��t.��-:�,...'-�:�:..����:�-t-.�,�:,..,::-:�::.-,.:',��....-,������-�.���%...�..�.����-:I..I-.-��%-1�:,....::,-:�!I..-:�.�..:.,l��:.�%-..,�-�.,�-�...:�.!.�,:�..-!�.:���.%.,�::.���-�t..�.��:.,,�-�..,.' d Staffing, a minimum shall consist of the following services at the shelter site. (1) Staffing to do intakes and screening. .. . staffing for; mon3.to..ng .end over s�ght throe hgut.. ..... g the ni ht in order ' to ensure the safet and g . .. .. . .... X.. . .': . .. s..-.... . . , .., .... ... . :.: . eeu rat of erson n . . .. . ... . . . . ... . . : s a d rs .rt; a . ... . . .. ..... .y.. :.:::. P ... . . .. . . .t .the s:i t ... p P y: . ....... ,. h ,. .. .. . .... .,.. , ...... ,, .. ., ... ......... g ....... . .. . . ::�.:i�:::::.::':::.::`......:`.:'::'::;::;:::;:'.:.:'::..::'.'.::::::.:::::..::':::: .::::.... : .. :: .. ...:::......:.....:...........i:.......:...::..:......�...........%..�..... :...:.....:......:.:::. .....::..... .... ..... J . 3 , , amit r a .caean n . . . . . .: : ( ) . . services ea .h o . . .... . . . . .. .. / o.. m rr r to ensure ..:.....:...................:.................... ...:............. ....... :...:. . ............t.:....:....:..::......:. .....:..:........:..........:.....:.... . .::: :.::: . ... that the;.fae .l .. . :., .. :%. . : s e: ; x a:>c;l'ea n y .. ... .. . n a d sanitar . . . ... ..:.....y sto ..e .. .: .. :' . . • : .... . . . . > >., ... .. .:. . (4) Provision of blankets and' ma. s and their cleaning as .required b`y the State Department of Hearth, ey Rules of BehaVig)r The agency shall `develop behavioral guidelines to be implemented by the agency for all clients at the shelter site and for clients using 'the 'hotelJmotel vouchers. Strict rules shall be formulated by 'the Agency regarding alcohol, drugs, weapons, behavior, etc. , - with violation of rules resulting in expulsion ' from the shelter. Further, the Agency shal have in place a policy detailing how the agency will determine whether a client who has violated the rules will be ; allowed ' future: admittance to the shelter. : 8. Proposal Procedures .: :.::...........:...:. .:::::..:..::... a. fit a minimum, the Agency s proposal to .the .City`; should . .. ....... . .... . .. address and :; include ade eat tre t ...,..... .::,:;, e . . ... . ...... .........a....ment o.f ,,ea .. .. g. ch; ;1telt o tl`: .:. . . u .nedn ;this ; xo Deal. Th'e: ro: sa .. P P . p po 7, shall respond specifically. to each item outlined. in thine east and ib q , d`esor a how the agency w ,l l develop a program around. . these item to provide th' required services at the shelter. b Responses s ould include staffing level ' and responsibility of each staff member< c,` Include a =detail of costs to provide the' services. d.' Due to the emergency nature of this proposal, the City is on a fast timeline for start-up of this Program, with the . .. ... . . .:... ... ... .....%.. % . . ... . . . . . .. ... .. . ... .. . . . ..... . ..:.. . ... . ..... ... .. ..%.��.�.:�� . .1%.%.:. .. . . .... \ % . ... .. ... city of Rent Emergency Severe Weather shelter' Response Page 4 goal of having the shelter operating by he end of December. Agency should outline in its proposal, the date by which x it can provide the described shelter- services as outlined in the request. ;�:�j����.��:o�:-�l:%-����"��,�,���,_.��,���,��:,�%�;�,:..:�:�:..;���:1,��.%,:I�.:�..._"��,V.:�,,,��;�.��!:,­:l-.!�i�.:�t.­:,::,j,����::,...:"�:,���:�...�_�..�..��:�.�,�1!.�:-�����.�_.i:�t�:..::i�.,,_..­I,�,..�:�_����.:�I:��::I��:�:.��:_�::�_::-,,-�,t,���.'I%:_��!�:���::��.%�::��C�;,�t:-:::�::.:�,�!%�,:�:,,:�:,��.�::����i!���:,,-���,!:.��.,����:Y'�.',:...�,�,%�'�::!i1.�',.�,��:%:",�.:.i..-.:���:...­I�-��_�..:_,�,::::..:.,_i:��;,��j�%%j�%".����%I���,,:j.%i1i��J�,��.1.�..:.,�,�%��!���l��...1I����.:.'i��,�l',�%,,..1,l_...-:l��.'.1_,�::i;�.�:,­:�:.,�;,��.:.l,:_,.,-1.�.."���..�,.�..­�,;�...:i:�.�:�::.-���.­�,...�...),�:..�.I.:..:;,F��...­�.�_I!_�­�...­��...:.:.__._.:����.�'.���.,�.­,���...,,,._1..:�.!��­_.....:,�..,�.,�.,,:�.%.��:.:'.,.:...�:,�1�...,���,�..:_.,...��!'I��::­.,�..%.:�:..�.:..-�:.,,1.�.�-..­:��..�..,�...�,.:.:t..._,���..�,�i��....�.����,''�!�11..!,.�­_�.:,�.:�!..��I��.:'��I:,�...�..�i:.....�_.,":.:.��,�:��..�:�::.�:t�.':.::,.�,...:::l�...:.::,'�..._:,,�:...,:,��:,:,�11111:.�.��.,�:i�t....1:":,�..�:,.�._:._;,!����­��:�����...!.�.!��­.�.-.:..��_.........,��,j�.,�..�.....I l,-��.,._i�.�:�:.%:��.:�:'��:�..!.��:��i_�%�:...­!�..�:I1�,��:.:,:_�I.: ... ��;���j��:�..1­�,1:�,�.!%.�I�%1I­::._1��.:.­�,_:��::-%,,­���:�t�:.%:�,.%:'�.­_:_:,���...I:�i�I':�%�,1..1-��':..'j:�.,l­��:�::.�."',.��,:'��,�:.:;t��.:���,�:��':i�:.l��.,%...:_n�,t,�'�.:..:-..1',.�1-.��;�:..,.:��.­.l�,,!­:.-.�.�:_�:�..:,�:�..�%��,�:.!_����.�,­ll%.:�,'�1..%.,­.1.:::,�-.�::.,_��.::�.:_�:,,�t:.,.:1,_.._­.,,,�_�._::,"�.....-1,%­:.',,,..,.��,:�­:':.�._���,�:;..:.�t��.:.,1­�­.­:�1...�:�:._".:-.:,I,,­�..-...:��:.��"_I���:,11,��:.,1-�,.:_.�,-.:.I...��....,�,::�:I­�_:�..­.!i,:­:..:I.,:,::.,.i�.-'�.�­.i.I1��I��­.'I,,l.;::�.1....�.�.,.����l,1-�:.,_i-,....�.���.,...­�:..,­...-:,����....,�.,l����..:�_.....�__..::-���...,!_��.:.,'.,��...­:.,....1�..._1-.tlt:....:�-I:,�...,-:.-I-...,�.�.,_:�...,,,..���...:..,�.:�:-....!�:.­�.....I.1,���I1I.�..,:1,..II1...�1:.,iZ�_'...�t,:­...��.�,�..,�I.::I1i�...1I�_....:.1.I.,,...I,1"I 1�I..:�,��,::�I:...._";..,I,�.:�:j...:,.�­,�I,.."....��:1l.��.,1 t:.,I...:1,:I%.'.!:�,,�,...:�t,i�1:��I1,1t,:.1.i,%'�]:.:..1l"'!.I...:.%.:.1!�:...,I,..,..I:.'::....­.%,1I:11:-%.1-..�,I::::..l.:1-..I�:..-,..­:.::,��_�,,��:�.­.:.,,:...I.-.',-.I..''�,�..�.,,,:l­,.:.%.�l_.�,�..:.:.�.��..:..,.:t1,...1:���.I,.....,1I,..',..I...,-­�l�:�...,...)...�,,�:-._."%.,%..,­I'1�,...�.��,::1 1,,�..l:1t.:.'�...,t-..:.-....1,�_�.',%��.:..,,.:'.�_,,:,.%�,"..,­..:,:.I,.���...:I%.,.�,'�%..I:%�.,1%.i,,'....:!1'.:�_,..�,..I,.,�:�1'1�..%::..:.,,,"�:._.:i._",.i.,,,-,_��..:..,,:,I''..:'.�.:�..:�.,,I,...:�-..,'.­­�:i�.:.'�].1%,�.�.'.,�,,..�,',��.I,.l',,_.l,�..,I,...:1,�,...,:..1�,.',.��.,..'',,.-.:�,­.!Il�-I1�..%_I...�­,'',-....­'�,%­..�'.,,-��.�1...�..�:I,I:,�,_.i..:�,,,,.,�.�:��%.:.;.,,',:_,.:I�.,�:..,.�._,'7­.t.�:::.'..::�.:.':,'��%-'I��'�­�",.'..�,_.�,..,�:I..,,'..:�.��:.�..�t.�.t.I'%,::,I,,�t��t..�,......�..:'.%::..,;.,:,..'I:,.�:,�:.i..­i...:"..%:1..I..,....�..:,,,,!!�.:1..,�.,..:1,..�i.:.,���...-,...�'..I!,....�.....!,':.:,.i:,�z.1._..I1.:,_.:,7:�%.._-,��'.��",..,��,l..,,1.�­.:.�,­%1..�,I...%..:I'll..'._,..%,:!.,-�;"..,'':...__�.:,''t.Z..,­"�..,.�%.,!.�.....��:,....!.;t.,',..!�.''':.�...�_'.:',:-.:,..".:,:.,�..%...:,:1....�'I.�..-.1�Ii',..-I-.�t.:.1.,":.I.....l­...:..,.,­­..-�.��.:.'..-t��­%I,­�.'.:%'­.,.I..1..',..�.,'..�,"._.!­�..'_..��-.I.:.i'�..'11l-._1�,1�1.:..��,:,'..'.,...iv''_.�..,'-.:II,,:�..,l..i 1.1',........��.%�..;'I....!,...I._'...::".....,�:,',�:l'�_.�:,'...,,..II!�1.�..'_.......,..:�,�-11..._,,.�,.�....1I.�.�.�.�,.."'�,:,,...,l..,'-"....'...,l'..',,I....�_..,l,�.'..,.�.,"t.1.%1-.­.1:�1�';......I',%....II'.',.....�1.:,,..�:..�...1::,,_1..-.�1.%..:,,'�..�.-.1,',,.,,�:.,,..�'....,,�......,1I %...%.:�.....%�:....�...i..�.!.:��:i�.:;%.�......:.�.)..:..:....l�.1..�...�.%::..�1­:%...��%:..%..:.-...��.�....�..-.i::....:�.....�.�..-.i.�......��.�..i.....,�.:�:,.��..:1:.�.,..:..;.:.�­.�.::...�....:.:�..-..��..:�.....1­A::.�.,.1A.:...:��.!�:...�i_.:.,�.....-:....:..I..R.._..:.�..�..�.-.�.�...:...�i.�..�.:.1�:.�.�...��.:.!:..­.�.....�.�:..­......�..-..�.-%%%..I.-!1....�.!��."....,:.1.......:�I....%..-�..-6�..�...:.I.!.-�:I�:.:�.­%..�.I,..�..���1..i:�...-.....�.:.::I.....�..:.,.����.'.:�.:�:.:%��...:.:�.....-...:.....::::...:2.....-..l.1..­;,.�...��....��%.II.i:...�.,...�..�.l.�...i..�.: ....:.. ::..:.::.::...:....t:::.:.:.::::.::::.:.:-.::.:..:...:: .::........%. e e 1C LV 1' be' .e u re to' . ' .:."` `.': g Y q„ cl provide the Ca.ty with ;reports which; reflect client service levels, deter of service, staffing levels and expenditures. M. E . iivation' of Proposals` A. The Kent Planning Department and the Kent Haman Services Commission will evaluate ail agency proposals, ` Final ............ a enc: a :e t; •: .:. .., .. ..: g y s e ion w11 be made by tho Kent Human Services .i. Commission. b.` All proposals must be received in the Kent Panning Department by Address all , proposals to Lin Ball, ; Senior Planner City of Kent Planning Dept.; 220 Fourth Ave. S. Kent, WA 98032 .: a:Homeless, gc 1 .........,.:.....:::......: . . .. . . . . . ���.:��-.%�;�� :;.�::� ... .�. . .. :.. ..�.... . % . ... . . r: ;.; - ,.:. ` ... . . . �. - ,i. �. $.. ...::.. . ... .. ....:.. . . ..: <:::;::: . ... .. . . �� . .. . . . .:. -% 1::. , . .. . ..... ..�: ..��.:��.�....��i::.:.�� .��:.:::::%. .� � ;:!.:�.� : !J..J. .... . . . .-i�7 .... .�.....��.:�.%����..��.'..:�.�::�.�� ..:.%. .... .. .�.. . .:-�.;... .. %i�.. . . .. . . ........... .. .. �:.--. . ��.-. . ... .. ... ....... ... .%.... ..: . . . . . :...:::....:.. . .. ..:.. ... ....: . .. �.�%.:%. .�...�:�.� '. . ....�. .%. ..... ... ..... .. . . ... .. . . .. .. ..... ........ ... . . ! .�. .. ... ... : . .... - % .%:.:..�.....i..... .. .. . .. .... :......i.%%:::. : . . .. . . .. . . .... . M.... .. % .%. ..... . :.:.: % :..... 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November 7 199:0 Mayor Norman Rice City of Seatt�.e 66'0 F..... .Avenue 12th Floor SeattleW 98104 i%�:.:..��.:!...�i�....�%1:...�.��.:..!-�:i�:.%i..%..�...�:.!:...:..���.:!..!�i.:�.:.�...i.�...:i...:..!�.�:�...:�l.-:.�..�.�%:%:.i.%:...:�i:�.:���.�...%.i;.i..:..:.:..I:.i..�:1�-�_-,!1������--�:::�-:�����t:���t,-,:�­�:-!�,�I:--�������_:�-�1�-i-t�:t�%t:����j���-i it!1��:���i�_�!-��:-­�,����,����t-���-����t--_���­-%��:����_1I�t-�1��::l_�:_t!�tt�-�-%:-����i,�:��-�i�-it:l-i��:t::�l m i-l%:���-����--��'-�i��:-,-t,:,­,-�,,':,­t:, dear Mayor Rice: Mayor Dan Kelleher has declared November as "Human Services%" month in recogn�t�on of the City of Kent s rr�le in meeting the human service needs of the community. To celebrate this occasion, the City of Kent Human :Se�vices Commission �s sponsoring a +chamber of Commerce Social on Tuesday, '`November 20, fro3n 5: 00 to' 7:00 pm: 1. The Social will be held in the City Hall Lobby which is located at 22'0 Fourth Avenue S. in Kent. You are invited to come and meet the members of the -Human Services Commission, the `City' of Kent Planning staff, agency repro entatives and recipients 'of services. The Social will feature an ` array of agency displays and complimentary refreshments will be provided. The Commission requests that 'those attending the Social bring .a toy or non- perishable food item i,ich will benefit families in need. I ' look forward:: to see%ing you there, Sincers�y,: Judy Hoods . Council Fres�.dent and roundtable Member 1. RYi�i:ch s: Ha rs Plannn Der ector cc. Jame P , % 11 11 Lin Ball1 Senior Planner 11 . - ` 220 4th AVE.SO., /KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859-3390/FAX#859-3334 .. .. ... .. ... .. .......... . . .. ... ... .. .. % .. ...... .....: ..:.....:.. ..::.: .... .. . ,::::............ ..........: .... ...... ........ ...........:... .:,:..:..:......: ..:......:.:.....:..:..... ...............:.:.... % % NO I, N RICE BOB DAVIS COUNCILMBR ... i. MAYOR CITY OF SEATTLE CI' 'Y OF BO'i'HELL �n0 FOURTH AVE 12TH FLR 183fl5 101ST AVE NE ,ATTLE WA 98104 BOTHELL WA 98011 iTOM WEEKS, COUNCILMBR CLARENCE MORIWAKI CITY COUNCIL COUNCILMBR, TUKWILA 600 'FOURTH AVE 11TH FLR; 620 SUTHCTR BLVD SEATTEL WA 98104 TUKWILA WA 98188 TIMHILL' ROBERT ROEGNER MAYOR KING CO..::;EXECITTI IE CITY OF AUBURN 4. ING.. CO COURTHOUSE 25 WEST MAIN S EA'I'TLE WA .9.819 4 AU.BURN. Wig, ' 9 8 0;(1 AUDREY GRUGEit CON MBR JURY CI,IBBO .. CONMBR KTNO COUNTY GOUNCzL CITY OF MERCER 'ISLPND 402 .KING. CO COURTHOUSE $1'ii.i40 SE 44TH SEATTLE WA..: 981Q4 MECER;;ISLAND in1A 98040 JEAN CARPENTER CON MBR' TONI NELSON COUNCII1NlBR CITY OF 'BELLEVUE' CITY OF RENTON CITY MANAGERS OFFICE RENTON` CITY HALL PO BOX 90012 200 MILL AVENUE S ELLEVUE WA 98009 RENTON WA` 98055 RANDY BARYON, MAYOR JULIA PATTER50N CONLMBR CITY OF KIRKLAND CITY OF SEATAC 406 KIRKLAND AVENUE 19215 28TH AVE S KIRKLAND WA 98033 SEATAC WA 98188 DOREEN MARCHIONE, MAYOR BRUCE M PYM CITY OF REDMOND GRAHAM & DUNN 15670 NE 85TH 14 . ` 5TH AVE' 33RD FLR REDMOND WA 9$052 SEATTLE WA 98.101 :` AUA;:..:FRISZNG.ER..,:CON...:MBR:...::.. ju .. ..:CLEGG..PROJECT:::DIF :: CITY aF:: ISSAQUAH 122fl SMITH.. TOWER ,:�',:,�.,":�..".�i..'',,,-..,�''"....�,�,�,�,i��i.�"�i,.�_'�.i­,l-,'"1��,,i���,'.:.�_t�l.'',­�.��%'�z::".'''i�:�''����,��,z':.'1��.�.��%,,:�,,,��t:,:'''"1"i.�.,��.�'i'",:.::��,..�,�:'0i­,,:,�:l_::::'­��,'l]::�.::�...�'��,:.:­i,,'�l,_l.,, ::.......... ..: :..::..:::.:::: ..::...,,:.. :...:...:.....:.. ..: S.ETTLE.. ...WA.. ..9.81U 4!.................. .:.:.,_ Pb:.;PO .::BO.X.:::13.fl.7:.`;':.: ..:.::.:..::..:... ,.:::;:: :.:. ...... .......•. ... . .. .... . .... .. .......... ................. . ...:.:.: ;'I%.�.�,.!.�,i''.: ISSIQUAH WA 98027-1.307 ;:::::::::::.: .:.. ... . ...::. . . . ..... : . ... ..... .......... ...................... .:.....:........:­�i........:.,...�%..........�.:.�%��.-l.:m...:.1%:..�.!:-........':._:...:.­�.l�..l1........1�..:.i�.i1-:�..i�.....%%....�.:i��.i1..1...._-.-,.:.....:..:._.....:..:.�%�%:...�.�:..�..:....1�..-..:%.­......%.i:.­�....%.....%1.-,..�.....�.:I........ JURY WOODS GOUNCILM$R CITY OF KENT i (7. 4SPNV78e.X0� .' NSRN T,6t. (_6 J �. . ..,,:. Il.141�411iRr. South King �ountr Muhlervlce Center 1200 Snuth 336th 5tret Federal Way, Washington 98003-7452 (206) 838-6810 RANNIN {y t KENT Helping eop e to e e o November 26, 1990 Mary Echfeld, Chair Kent Human Services Commission City of Kent 2 2 0 4 th 1'venue South ..:.;;; :: >:;;; ;;> ;,Kent:';; 'Washin ton ;�5�:3;2 :• ;: ;;:':;; : : ; ;, ;- = ;;_;; ;' -- ; - - > •.,, ;; ; :;: :, ;. :; • . ;:;;;: . .... Dear Reverend; Echfeld s yc�u are aware, we have`` been trying to gain ;possess•ion pf the Midway Nzli Manor since early spring to provide housing for tli homeless i't isronic that the arson fires..are wh` t saeedd .up the ;•procs�. to. allow us access to the property We are ecstatic to report that w.e ;placed our .............. ;families; Thaanksgving week. We 'had antic�.pated bea.ng able to place families .at 12•idway iri August or at the very latest, ' September. Early on the' miitary assured us that they were just as anxious as we to see that the houses would not remain empty. We made plans and budget -'x accordingly, Our lease with a motel for emergency housing •.expired the end of August and the motel only extended us until September 15th. Consequently, we were without emergency housing units between September 1.5th ' and November 18th and unable to provide shelter. During that period we referred the homeless to other shelters and also worked with them to look for solutions and explore other resources. The three houses which we 'own in Kent are •in need of repairs and upgrading w : were fortunate 'enough to get some funds from King County tee .+do Phase I this .year. Ixt order to co�ttplete the repmXrs the homed wexe ......... between September 24th and November 5th This process was to ... completed early in the Bummer laut• becauso of the t3e`�.�y in getting the oontraet signed,,, wit1� K�.n Count g Y plus addit�,ona�. complications the rehab teek :puce 'at the same time cur em�rgcncy units were �nava2able We wee.e obis to moue the res�:clents in Kent 'i�b other, transit. cinal hous�.rig However we veers '. ' ' not able to house new trans�.tiona�. fam�.l�.es Dlin. Au ut w were. en some .. od neTas for 4 r ener �! g g gY assistance program. We were given supplemental dollars which allowed us to help families ' in September with their heating bills. Usually the bulk of our dollars are available during the first four to five months of the year only. .,,using ® ' Food Banks ® Energy Aid Van-Go Health Clinic Literacy Financial Aid Clothing FedeiI Way Food Bnl� Kent Service Center `Renton Service Center 1Xfhite Center j Nighline Service Center 1200 South 33bth Street 202 West Gowe )05 Williams fivenue South 10041 Sixth Avenue S.W. �206) 838-31 1 i (206) 854-3437 (206) 226-6969 (ZO6) 762-4044 Mary Echfeld x November 26, 199© Page Two We are looking forward to an exciting 1991 to be able to expand our homeless program and we thank you for your support. Please join us at the Open House of the Midway Residential Community on Saturday, December' 15, from 1:00 pm to 3:00 `pm. Spperply, ,.Erin Rumpz�.,. boo d natQr Ernergency';Houing 'P�ogam ER/SA1c