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City Council Committees - Human Services Commission - 09/27/1990
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CITY bt Dan Kelleher, Mayor R "` James P.:Harris,Planning Director :�_��,t%.11I,:..�:t�.:��.�.::,�i-�.1...,:-.::,�:�-�1�-:.-��:ti.::���.j:�m'��:%.-,���..�,�:.,���:�.��....�.�-:���.l.�I�....�...��.1:�..��.::!.�:::�.i:,1..:�..���t.t�.���.:.,�..:,l.:I�,��.���:,��...��i�-.�—�..�-��.,:1--�.�.%.��:�-:�.1��,:��II.�,1:.:_t...�%:�-%-.:�.::�.��:.,-�..-.�:.-�-.t:j�,..�.:.:�,1.�::1.%:i�.:,!�.��-�t.��...�-�.!.:,'-1..�._-.,�..�--ii.,�.._:���.:..,-1�..�.���:.,!�:�::.:.-�.��..:...t.,,��1-.:.1,�.%j�%�1���.�.��..�%��.%,,��,..-'��-.�.I�,�-��t:.�..-.�..�:�::��::�..�1.:,��.:t�1:i%�.����,.�,�:t.:-.:'i�-.����.,"--�-��,�:..�%�I�.��.I,::.._��.:-:,-,':i!.��:�!..'-,1:.�-.:,�:I,:.��,,:�.�_:.,�I�.,�:I...."i�'�%,.�.�:.,���:-.�:.,�:::�,,-�,-..i�:1.���;:.�:::�1�.,,-:�:,...��.1,�,I�i%.,-i.:I�.1.'-I:.l_�:%:��;�.,,t�..:�..�:.�":����..%:.�-�':�.�_. .',:.:..1��...,!l,-�-.����...�,-�:..:,:��l:...:�-�:�.j.�%.1-.-��-.j!�.�..:;--.:���.���....-1,�-�.�:�.,��:�,-��.�%,�:l..:��;�1.��.�,�:.�.�..,'—���..�i.0��-t.%.:�I�...�- �:',:.��:�-...,t:'1..,l:��,,":,:.�.:...:�:,,t.,,-.:z1�::��,.1l-.�::�:-,�,:..%1'-,��.,:,...:�-::�,,,...:-,�_�..-1'�t.,,"�,',,.-1�..��z.,��,�!�-i,:1,::.:�,���.:'-,1m":t:.�--�:�.���,,�'�:.7�,-�����]�:�1:. .......9.:-,:. I l The City of Kent Celebrates Its First 100 Years 11U Pl'B0'�, ;AGENDA KENT HUMAN S:ERIT;GES CO�lM SSI{)N ..Scheduled Meeting for; September 27;, 19>90 3. Oa PM 2nd .Floor Conference Room Commission Members MarginE .:.�;:�.1�..:��.-..�.....:.:,:I....::.-%.i 0.....I�...�:.....�.�:%.......:.....�:��.-�...1:.-�....:�..j..,..�..-.t-....:..�.-:�.�.�..�.�.:%..�.�-...::.....�...�-:�:,...�..!-:.....:.�...:-..-:.!1:�-..�..I.l�...%%.�:-.�:.:..i,.�..��..,:'t i�.....-,.....:.:1:.c�.,.�.I...:1.�....�.�.j:����..:...�:..'.1:.1 1,��....::.�-:..::�.::.:.--..�...:.....�%,...�..�..'�i....%..I..::�...-..:.......-%....�.1..,.:......:.:.I:...�...-�:�.......:-.��..-�.-..,,I�..:;...I Dee ':Moschel, 'Vice Chsrwoiman Wean Archer . Sharon . kin . Peter Duggan Alice Gregory Peg Mazen Peter Mourer ;.Tudy Woods, Council President' ., ' , Agenda SPECIAL GUEST 1. Kent Dailey Youth Services -- Hans Rasmussen OLD BUSINESS 1. Approval of ►7'u. y 26, 1. Minutes . . 2. ; ; Pe t , di roc Interim Care tenter Emergency fundLfig request mna ct• m la io f r o . .. Pp .a . . n .;o m :f >~ funding . ..i. .::NEW BT�S NESS`:..'....'....::: ........:.....:•.,......'.:.....:.:.::...:.::. .:..'..:..:...':::.'.:'.:..'..:............:....:.':...'....:.:........:..'.....:i..:............ . .::......... ........ ..:. ...:..: ........%::: .: 1. P1a.nning fox Human Services MonthJChamber Soc l 2. Annual Retreat =- Set date For January �.991 3. Review quarterly` reports, frQm funded agencies ; (quarterly statistical &. 6 month narrative reports) REPORTS ' 1. Human Services Roundtable 2 . South King Council of Human Services i sa i 220 4th AVE.SO., /KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859-3390/:FAX#859-3334 .......... .... -- . .... .. .. ... .. . . . . ........... .. .. . . . .. . .% : 1. ...: i . . �. . . 1 � .. -.. . . . . . . .. . ... .. . . .. . . . ... . .. . .... . i.:.�.. . . ... . ... . . . . .. . .. . ... . .. . . .. . ... . . . . . . . . .....:. %... .. . : .. . . :. % .. . : .1.: . . .. .. .. . . . .. . . . %. . . ... . .... ..... �:. !�.... .. . . �:: . i. .. .. .. . :: � �. :I �. % . .: . i. . . . . .%. ��. :..�. . 1.!I.....�.... %.. ... , � .� �.���:-� : ��.:% . . . :. :.:.:�% . . . . � .:- . .1: . .. ... . ....... i. ...... . . . . . . ....:... - .. . . ..... �.�i��. . . .i .. . . . .... . . . i . . . % i. : ..... . . .. . . . .1 . . . . ... .... ..... .. . . . .... .. : . . ... . .:� . .:. .... .... .. ..%.. . . .... . %. . ..... ... . .. . . . . . . . .. .. 9 KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION September 27, 1990 3 : 00 PM Comm'l1l1 I'll,ission Members Present ' Planning Staff Present Dee Moschel;, Vice Chairwoman Lin Ball Jean Archer Kristi Robbins Sharon 'Atkin Margaret Porter Alice Gregory ' Fred Satterstrom Peter Maurer Judy Woods,'' Council President Others Present Commission Members 31 ,sent Hans Rasmussen Marunkfeldt Chairman : "; ;,:, ; .. . . ... .. Peter: Du an g Pe Mayen . . . ; ...:.:...............::...:...:. :,: :...:....::..:.:..:,:.::..:::.,:.....:::......:.........:..:.....:.........,.........:...:..:,....:.„:i%......:.............:............. % % :M���%�-:�:,�.���.-,�.�:,���:�-%.:,.,:�j.�..:;�X-.�,��:.;:����.".:l,�"...%...��, Speeal Guest,. Hans iasmussen of Kent Valle Yout Services . . . . .. Mr Pasmussen updated the commission on the progress of the "Teen/Parent Housing Prect". the project is the purchase of a 10=unit apartment building, four one bedroom units and six two bedroom units, in the 700 block of 3rd Avenue South. It is ' to house teenage parents between the ages `of 15 and 17 and their infants. Once the building ,is secured, (next month) , a cosmetic renovation of the units will occur. January is targeted as a tentative move in date for the mothers and their infants. Maximum length of stay is estimated at 2 years, with an average being about 18imonths. Mr.' Rasmussen plans 'on working closely with Catholic Community Services, since they are also working on a similar project of housing teen parents. Kent Valley Youth Services has plans to hire a Board Program Director ' to oversee policy development also. Mr. Rasmussen said that in order for a teen parent to qualify for this housing program, they would be sCree,...p and enrollod in the "TeenJparent Program' , wh c covers' liv ng skilis : tra ning, aounse].ing and career direction, lent Valley Youth' Services w .11 receive Gouny, Mate', City and Federal mrney. to fund the project, and they also plan on coilect ng rents, maximuml(;QOfl/mphth. flLD BUSINESS. APPROV OF: JULY...:26 1990 N4kbTES Judy Woods `and Alice Gregory were expected later in the meet..ng. Vice Chairwoman Moschel MOVED';! and Commissioner Peter ` Maurer SECONDED the motion to approve the July 26, 1990 minutes. Motion carried. .. HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 27, 1990 ' PEDIATRIC INTERIM CARE CENTER EMERGENCY FUNDING REOUEST The material requested of Pediatric Interim Care' Center was not received. Senior Planner Lin Ball talked with Barbara Richards, and she indicated Pediatric Interim Care wished to withdraw their request. She concluded their requestidid not meet the criteria for a true 'emergency. CGMMON APPLICATION FORM `FOR FUNDING . .... The Gflmm3 tteerahose 'members a niude Peter Maurer Sh`a on In .. . .... .:.... r.: At. .. . . . .. . ............... . ......... . . . , .... . .. ....................:..... ..... .. ... ......:..:...::.. ::.: ::............. ...: ...... ,, : . . . . . . and P Mazen. l t . e . ... w 1. be mee 3n with:;;staff. ;n t::;Fr a. ctob.er ; . h. . . .. .... . . ... ... . . g .... ....... .. ... .. x:. d Q . . .... . .. .. . . .. . .... : .. .. . .. .......:....:.:.........'..:.:.....:..:.:...:.....:.:..,..::.:.::.:.:....,:.::....: ... ... :. :::::: ..,...: :. at> _3 ,©0 p.m, The committee w > 1 b;+� 6. rz 7uat n and:; discuss rl g g .. . deyel:oping a common application ;with other c`iteS. Some of the ink tial response which saf f has gotten a r , tal ling with Committee member is a feeling that it may not be appropriate t4 initiate a % common application with ather cities in 199 tie did some new` : . .. . .. : .. . . , , . � : n the gs, �n990 and there hash been time to evaluate the new process of eombnig the two funding cycles. We maY n%eQd to assess and evaluate the pro%cess that we just completed before moving on?to a common application. More information will be available about this after the meeting. Vice Chairwoman Dee Moschel indicated she { favored one common form 'for the funding process. MILITARY HOUSING Commissioner Sharon' Atkn had an update on the military housing; project for the homeless. At this point, they are still waiting; for the military to sign the lease. Occupancy was expected to' occur October 1st, at the very latest, so 'the move in date is past` expected. The military indicated they wanted to handle this ` expediently due to the units standing empty and the cost of mantain�ng their but that does xot appear to lie happening, 'his . . . :s;< cau. some; r bl.. d e ;: o;;;s: or a1 o co ;; : ,:: .. u. t a 11ected. furniture, . . . ... g p g ....... .... i . T e;, ., .. .. .. .....: . . . ::.. . . h c es ,h :: a en el d..a. co unit e n % . ...% ..: . m m . .m e � . . .and are orl n % c o e3: .w th g .... .. .. ...... .. 1 s . Y .. ' '� .Y . the %schools. T% l .. .. ... is to set up an on-going community committee. Plan in Mana er Fred Satterstrem reminded the g g , . , Co 1.S .1 t3 e. ..:. . .. . : : . . mm s... n .. r. ..was a ... rou : home.s: c6i mWi'tee: e Qr o n o the `` .: r t t 9. . : p: .. ..................... . p . ... ... . .......... .. .. ... .. .. . Council ne% xt Tuesday, % NEW BUSINESS PIv LANNING FOR IiUMAN SERVICES N�ONTH/CHAMBER SOCIAL , , - No" The Human Services Chamber Social is the 20th of November from 500 pm to 7's 00 pm. Tasks needed to be assigned for the Social, and Lin Ball passed around a task sheet and asked for volunteers. Marvin will do the Proclamation. Lin Ball will be working up an article 2 ;......::: v .....:.... .... ........ ..........:.. ...... .. ... . . ... .... ...... .... .......:. :. I I I.. . . . ...:...... . . . . . .%.:%.. . ..: .. . .. .: ......:.... .%.-...'.: ..... . . I .:. .- :.%.: 1 .. .. . . . . . . . . . . 1 ...� : :..�:-- .....-ij..: . I I ���::� ..1...I I I I;.- � . .. �.: :. .. ... .::%.,. .: . .i.%.� .. . . .. .. %:. . . . . . . .. 1 -..� %�:.1%1 1-:.:�.%.�... ......�..:.� �!� .. ,II I� I I HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEET3NG OF SEPTEMBER 27, 1990 1:,j:,�,,�",M,l����,�::...!.;��:�.. .:.:- .%%.. :.��...... .. .. .... - � �%% %%%% % d for the City Line November issue, which comes out around the first ten days of November, Mimi Costello will take a picture of the; Commission for this article at the October meeting. Vice Chairwoman Moschel and Commissioner Jean Archer volunteered t© take care of the refreshments, and to solicit donations for the refreshments. Commissioner Peter Maurer volunteered to work on the' Cit Dis la Comm ssioner. Maurer also volunteered to coordi.xnate` ' Y Display.. .,,, . , . % tho social,': and 'Commissioner Atkin volunteered . assist Peter wsth both the City Display and to `cocrdLnate% the social; Commissioners Grogory and Eckfeidt were also vounteere to help with the refreshments. InfoIi.packets will be the same as last year,' eeept a different c+o].or folder. A flyer similar to last year's; wil 7. l be inelucledn the Chamber news3eer. Letteas to thy; agencios will be done asling them to prov%de a`display, and asking for ataf person and board person tc� staff the diT. splay. Also a one pale Byer will be requested for 1111 the packets, Lin Ball :talked with Barbara from the Chamber and s :11 e::aid if the agencies desired, it is appropriate to have "wish lists" at their booths; this idea could be added to the { ` letter. Also, the flyers will need to be closer to the entrance, and a volunteer from the Commission will be `needed to hand this out. Also,; cleanup was added to ' he list. It was determined that everyone would be involved in cleanup. Publicity will tentatively be handled by Chairman Marvin Eckfeldt. ' Door ' prize and entertainment were two options discussed. The idea of using a high school music group was discussed. Rev. Peter Duggan was tentatively chosen to be in charge of entertainment, The door prize idea' was discussed and was not popular. The Commission decided to ask those attending the social to bring %a food item . andJor a toy. for those i� n6& Comm s pn r Mazen w . ' rolu.... d to` help Com3nission8r Maurer and Coinmiss`ioner �,tkin on the City Airplay and coordinating th%e soc�.a ANNUAL ::RETREAT The Commission; members whose Commission terms were up was ..; , . .. 1. .i us% ed onm on r . ire. or and.. Comm ssioner At i , . terms % g Y k %wi3 3 expiry _. . .n ry `1., 1991. This wi3 l be'discussed further at the October meeting It was tentat%ively agreed` �atelle %was a good . .,: ... lace;> o' 1' the ••, etrea. p t hod r t,, The date was tentativ�ly set for January 25th, Lin will confirm' if the room `can be obtained for that date. The 'Commssion prefers the larger meeting room if it is available. 9-1-1 �!�:�,��,��� �: ::: _��:z��;:��.:�:�..% � .. .: ....... ....%. : .::.. ,..i .. I� ...I � ',��11��,:��:��:,,�,��i�� �...�:�:�:� ��.:;:!��.�:.�:� ........ _..... HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION MINUTES OF 'MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 27, 1990 MAYOR' S TOWNHALL MEETING This meeting is to be held November 15, 19901 at 7:00 pm in the' Dent Senior Center. Public viewing is held from 6:00 to The Commission decided they wanted a display as in past years. In the past they have always had a department display, with one panel devoted to., human services. Commission members should be present. DATE OF HUMAN,.;SLR ICES dbi6i 6gibi4 NOVEMBER MEETING since the Thariksgiva;ng Holiday falls on the f9urth Thursday..of .the month, ; it ta.�s discussed. as t4..which day the Cc� miss�.cn: maet�,ng would be held. .. It was deoid�'d.that=Novemk�er �9th from 3:00 to 5:00 pm+ would be the date. to ;hold. the November meeting.', UNI'i'ED. WAY TRIBUTIONS Commissioner Areher- e�couraged .he� .Staff to- designate ;sQme-4f .the Human Servi.ee Agencies in Dent, pa�tigu�:a�ly tl�e Foodbank,fQr the�:r United Way contributions in 1S9r This year she received a l :ttsr from United Way saying that the Foodbank has not responded with the information that they requested in order to be a recipient fund. The letter stated the contributions would go into a general fund. Commissioner Maurer indicated that the United Way gives $14,000 to: the- Foodbank, but funds come through the Rent Area Activities Council, so saying the Foodbank is not aUnited Way approved agency was an error on the part of the United Way. Commissioner Maurer; indicated he could take care of this problem, but he also indicated that the irequest '! to the Foodbank by the United Way was not an unreasonable one, and takes; just minutes to fill out. Peter also said he would contact the Foodbank directly HUMAN- SERVICES ROUNDTAB ,E ` The Human ;'dervices Rcundtab]a Via$ accepted the Famly: :�iclence Project, which will :ultimate], s :t u a famil viQlenc+ sysm y p , , ' county-wide: the Law, Safety and 0ustce Measure which .voters approvod in° the September Primary .sts up some funding for this er ect. Preliminary: esti tes show the City receiving $419, a4U annually out of;..the' sas tax increaee. When the, rerenue: package was adopted :by the. Roundtable; which a. sc went to cur individual City Councii's .,last .yoar, it showed the. .vehicle for funding domestic vi�alence ;woulz _e any future Law,_ Safety end ust ce money. When the Law, Safety and Justice issue was in the Legislature, one of the items of importance was the impact domestic violence, abuse laws and increased court cases was having on local law enforcement, and the court system. The County looked at the 4 ... :. ....... .......: ...; ... :. ...::'....:.....: ::...:..:...:.. ..: .. ..... . .. .. "'....: ... .. ... I HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 27, 990 surpassed all of their goals except educational presentations which 1-1-111 they are behind by h. BVYB, RM Drop-in Center, has been ;open 12 hours a week serving students at KM High School. Their counseling is above its goal for the quarter by 9 hours. They have served 58 unduplicated clients from the City of ' Kent for 198 hours ` of counseling. Ring County; Sexual Assault Resource Center, 23 City of ': Kent residents were served in the first 6 months and its exceeded its 6 month goal by 34. Child sexual 'abuse, the agency is ahead of its 6 month targety 7,; Communty `Haith Ceutere, nte first 6 . .C... 1 74Q uxadu �.iCated d3v s e o:n ideal w re r U�ded 3 6 fi m d�cal..:................:..........................: .....:.....:..........:..:...........:................:.::........................:.....................:..:,...:............:.....:.... .......................:...,......... .............:...........:::...... :............:.. . .. %::............ . .........:... ....................::.:............:....:.............. % ups a..ts Oyer its bnonh target by 515 It%bias also exceeded x is target in numbed of medical%visits by 270,` Maternity services were . . .... . . ., . d arse. . :. ... d b l The food bank a n the f st:•6 o se ve % : : .. ... ... .. . .. . .. r m ntha r d almost.: .. :.n Y ..:..:::.......::.:...'.....'.:%::'.':,::: .:.::......V.V:..'."::'.`..:L.... :.'.1... ;;:: ::. :.:; ::::::.:;::.:.`::'..':::::.. ..: :. ::::::':::'.::: .>,. ..: -•:'.:�::'::::.. :'.''.. :::.:':::::::':;..........,..:..:':.�i":; :..'.: .: .... ..... .... ....,......... .. xda]s w: th food an a1 o t 5 7�fl d . . ........... ............ ry <;;;;: m s ny .. uals with . thin, _Pry. an s lid 9 �t. .:of :Kent r s e ts. ere ... . r .e n . . . g € .a d n . . w . ........ss. d . .. ..._%%.................::......................:............:...9.....:............y..................:...r...............................Y............... ......:............:..............:......:.............:.....:.:........:..:..... :...:..... ...........................:...:............::... ... ..... . . ........ the second quarter., :and it's ahead of its target by 3 fc�r the year.. 1. South Ring" County Multi Service canter ; emergency housing has served ` 76 in energy assistance for the quarter and 189 Qf those were Kent residents, 1'7 Keut residents have receive% d financial assistance, 19 emergency housing, 21'of these were Kent residents. ` 4 Kent residents received transitional housing. Behind its target for energy assistance in the second quarter, and off its target for f financial assistance for the second quarter, and exceeded its11 target for transitional housing by 1. Washington Women's Employment and Education, they are slightly off their target, They were to serve 3Kent residents for the year, and they served 1.....M.:...��:%:..��..��....:.: in the first 6 months. ::-��_:_����__:�,�:�:�:__�::�_�i:%�,-:����,���%��t�!:_-!�:�:�,���_�:�:_�����I,�t,,._::-!.���II.t��.i���:_:,�,�:�t,� Adjournment at 4:50 p.m `. Respectfully submitted, ...;.%%��....::%.�..%���...�:..i:..R..1�.-��...:i�.t..,..�.��...�;.�.��.:1�.:.%:�1%..-I.�_.: .. . . . � ' . &... .% .. .. . . N� / / _1 .-P .. ::%::.. James `P. "Har is &e re: . ..%:.: - :� . �%:.. %! . .:. . :..: � . : ..: ... .. :. . .��%-�.�:�:��......� ��.. .... .. i- ... .�;. ;. 6