HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Human Services Commission - 07/26/1990 ..:....... .... . . �%:%. :��... . ..% ... ..... .�:..-.%:.:::::.�%:.% :.�%�:!�:��j�� % .:%.. . �� ..�:.. %. ....... :. ,�:.� :��....�%..�I�z�.�.�-: % : . . ... ..... : .. ��:�%:��.. . .. .1...i.� .:::..%.. ...... �..... :. ...:%.-........ .. % . .��:�...i.�. � � ��.... .. . -. .......:%1:1.:!.. .�..: .!�.�... �.......�..:%...� � ..%..%. - .. .�...: .... ,:::��..��..�:�.-� . ..I. .1 .:.!...:�I��.. .�::�.�����.%:.i�� ������.� . ... . .::..:� �i!�:.:� �: .%.%.i.....:.-............. . . . .. .... . . . . :..:.: .. . .%.. . .. . .. %.:..%.: .. . ...: .::�: :1�.: .... . ..:. - . .. . ..... ... - �.��1:1;%:::....�:!.:..%:��..��.�l:��::.:�:�..: %�%.:.i .�. :�i .....�..-��....... .�............ .. . . . . .: ....� ... .........:..................:...:..............:'............:..:..:... ... ....:....,. % . . :.... ......... ........ .. . . ....:.... . .� . .%.. :�I%!��1.�1,,%-:,-�1,�,,,4:,-,�,�,.t��,-�--,;.�.,l.,��,�.�-j-,"�,,,-:�!,,;;,�,-,�.,,,,.,.,.,,.,�,,�,:, x C1TY OF.MMV %.:I.�.%::�I--,.1I��1i,:-..�..:1�1:�...1:-�1�.:%�..�:�--.:�:.���..-%.�...A,,..,,::,:,I,,�-._�:�:,�: _': :.­.-�II�1-I-1.�:1,.���111 I1.I�:1�,1:j,..-'1��,-:'.��Ii,.,'-::.._-"1::.1�I:.1;,��...-�i.�:..,,�.:,.:.-,�,.::��I,,,�;�-.,.1-,:��,�.1,�,:'.-��-�'�.:,,�"Z..-�i�-,��',,�:,�'-:..i.,I��:-:i,:����—�-.;�,,,.-�,.I.I:I:.--I�.,�1I ,":�%�':��'I,!..',�.I,. Dan Kelleher,Mayor �1"1,"J�1I,,�1,,T1,Z,&,7,,,.�,�..:.�,.:.�.�%�..,.,,..�-.�,�.,�.,:&-.:..,".%,:....,'...,%'�..�.:.,:..�-,.:..:�.,�.�-.-,.�,.I.%�,.��Q,�.1.,:1�.l i,,,-;.�,�._,:�,�:...I.:��:,%-I,X,.%I�%:..�.,:�.I�,-:.�,-..:.�:.�:�I..,-...�....%.�,.-�...:.:.:�-.....�-:.�.!�% :.��-...:..%-.�-�. James P.Harris, Planning Director ,,I;I1..,1..1��..�-,1::1,I'.�,:"�I-,i',,,�1: )° The City of Kent Celebrates Its First 100 Years p && `u ,_ AGENDA ` KENT HLW SERVICES.. COMMISSION chedulecl Meeting 'for ;'July 26, ' 1994 3:00 PIS 2nd; F146r Confer.:ence Room Commseion Members ..Ma �r n. :Eckf dt` c-., irman Dee MQsche oe Chaff o n. . .. v. . w. ma . . . . .. . .. ..,.. . .. .. .. .. . .. Jean :Archer, Sharon Atkin Peter Duggan . .. Alice Gregory�-....::.: ..'' ': ... .:.. ........ . . ..... ...� 11, .: .-.:.,- ,... . . Im Peg Maven Peter Mourer z Judy Woods, Council President Agenda OLD BUSINESS � v .i... . .: -,��:�i %... 14 Approval of June 28, 1990 Minutes 2, Update; on status of agency funding recommendations 3 August` 21st City Council Public ;Hearing on budget: :..��.�_........�:%�.i::�-%.li.:.!�...�'�1....%.:�:-�.�: 4.9 .. Job description for;' prgspective Comma ssign m..1✓mbers NEW BiJ.SINESB 1. Emergency fund %% g request from the South King County Multi- Sery ce Center ..; : . ;•. .::.;:.. 2. ::. Planning for . ,... ervaces rMonthfChamber Socsal POR ? ;:: %. .. .. ... �E TS.......... .. . .., . 1. human Services Roundtable ...,�mV.�.%..: �:%.:�.:..::..:.:_�....I�.:..I:..,...I..i.%.�:..:..:�.,:%..%..�:..,..:.:....'.1�.-...�'�-l!-..:�....�....I...:...%-.....%.!,'.%:..�l..�.-.....1..,.:�..%....-5..�...�.�......"....:.1:%...:�...:.:7.....�1I.I-.-:�.%.-- ..::.1m.:::.:%..:-!....,�...I.��%%:�..� .. n 19 11 220 4th AVE.SO., /KENT,WASHENGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE ',(206)859-3390/FAX#859-333q .. ...... .....:. ..... . .... . x . ........... .....%......:....... ,. KENT HUMAN SERVICES- COMMISSION % July 26, 1990 3 : 00 PM Commission Members Present Planning Staff 'Present Marvin Eckfeldt,', Chairman Lin Ball Dee Moschel, Uice Chairwoman ' Martha' Carlson Jean Archer ` Margaret Porter `: Alice Gregory Peter Mourer Judy Woods„Council President` Commission Members Absent Sharon Atkin Peter 1.Duggan Peg Mazen OLD:: BUSINESS I1IAPPROVAL OF DUNE 28 ` 199.O MI1+U3'ES'. Senior Planner Lin Ball proposed some corrections to the minutes. The minutes did not get signed, which will be corrected. On page two, regarding �..Q.�. 7ashington Women''s Employment and Education, the correction in bo3d print is ` be as follows; "Washington Women's Employment and Education $5000 `with stipulation that the agency meet their 1990 general fund goal for client served. The second correction refers to Valley Cities Mental Health on page two. ' Senior Planner Lin Ball proposed the following correction: "Valley Cities Mental Health - $13, 000. " (Deleting what followed after ` $Ii 000) Chairman Ee3fe1dt MOVED and Commissioner Mos. SECONDED tYe motson t. approve; the dune 28 1990 minutes with these two corrections on page two. Motion carried. UFDP,TE ON -STATUS OF :1�GEN.CY FUNDING RECOMMEN.DATONS , There was a bx' of 'discussion of h+.. :letters to agencies with funding ` rep pmmendat ons that were dated July 12, 199fl, as well as dis;�uss on of a . . . . ; memo sent to Mayor Eelleher and' City C0unc11 Members explaining the Do�rimisson's funding reoommendat�ons The staff indicated that they have not received any que tions or comments on : these recommendations. " 'hairman Eckfeldt has not spoken with Mayor Kelleher, but he plans to do so • ,after all of the letters have been sent concerning the job description for Commissioners and the letter of commendation. ,ENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION INUTES OF MEETING OF JULY 26, 1990 Senior Planner Lin Ball reported on the budget committee meeting of July 17, ; . 1990. This meeting included the City Administrator, Planning Director James P. Harris, accounting people,; and Senior Planner Lin Ball. At this meeting, Planning Director Harris presented the Planning Department's budget followed by (Senior Planner Lin Ball presenting the Human Services budget. It was recommended that the narrative be changed to include the actual number of city residents served, as well as the percentages of city residents served. T_his he. oe ni3 AUGUST 23ST 'CITY COUNCIL `PUBLIC HEARING OIJ BUDGET chairman Ectfel t :rap ed, that the .;xe es;ent t ves. from: the< Hi an Services: Counssion at this puble hearing fox; August 21, 199�? ;will; be Commissioner isa Meurer, CommissionegrySCRIPTION FOR .::::::n :Eo3�feldt , :assed out the f�rst, ;dra:ft, entitled: fob: Descr ton for p P; Member of the Kent Human Services Commission". The commission members ` discussed minor changes in the wording on veral items. ' MOTION by Commissioner Jean Archer was made to accept the amended 'Job escription items and request that this be transmitted to the Mayor to aid in `che selection of future members of the commission. ' The MOTION was seconded` by 'Commissioner Dee Moschel. MOTION carried, CHILDREN& YOUTH TASK FORCE Chairman Eckfeldt and Commissioner Moschel gave the commission a brief update on the work of this Task Force. Council President ' Woods reported some information from Council `Member Christi Houser who has been serving on this Task Force. She suggested that' given; the !School District's track record on other issues, that we asa City only fund `at the level' that the; Kent School District is 'w3ling to fund, we will match at some ie�tel what they choose to NEW. BUSINESS EMERGENCY FUNDING REQUESTS The; amount of money set aide for the 299U <a1loeatlon for emergency funds'was v.$15`,418 for 1990, Chairman Eckfeldt gave a history of the last two past emergency rque5ts. The;fol3o %wing are the two request`s discussed South King County Multi-Service Center Discussion occurred regarding their request for $10,000 from the City of Kent 'or an emergency grant to assist them with `their startup costs and first four 2 :...4. : .. . : ........ ... . . ..... . ... .. ... . ...: - VENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION -INUTES OF MEETING OF JULY 26, 199fl months of operation.` After careful review, it was a unanimous decision of the Commission members present to not approve this request on the basis that u nery N erGregory.J m1.Pediatric Interim Care Center The emergency request for $10;, .0.0 was considered at the' meeting. After some da.s'ousson, the Comm�.ssion decided that they needed,additional information in .- . I. .; . order 'to eons�der `the re uest> urt er. . :: . -: . ,..... .. .. ..% .. . f ..... .. ,he ;Cc mm ss ... , and 1.annin g ... . . .. . p . ... . ... D ... . .... . . .... ..... ......... % g. apartment staff requested that Pedatrio Interim Cade Center; forward thy. .. ... .. . .:. .; ....... ... .. follows n info m ;;;, .. , . . r aton to c .ax��.t . uesta one re ax'din the agency s re oast. .. .. : :.. . .. . . .. . ..... ..... . .... ... .. . .... ... . :. Y 51. .... g g ...:.. ............. .... . .. .. 1. Complete an _ . .I ation form, which is a standard form for all agencies requesting funds from the City of Rent, 2. `. A statement exp..laining spacfically what :the funds will b�s: used for. 3. A timeline which indicates `:a schedule for funding and for delivery of.... ��:.�.:,I.�:�:.111:,..:.-­�,�:�_�.�l( services. :...f...:����.,.�: ..-.i...........­ A statement on why this funding request constitutes an emergency. I. 5, A statement addressing; ` How will this need be financed in the future? Do' you see his as a one-tune or' on-going need? The Commissioners asked staff to add any additional questions they felt were needed.: Commissioner Archer made the' MOTION to ' ask; for additional' information before we consider this request. Commissioner Gregory SECONDED it. Commissioner Moschel abstained. Criteria for Emergency R( quests Commissioner .Prier Mourer suggested that more sped �c criteria./U delines be' es ,ab . . . .. .. .. . . .. fished for evaluat�.n ;•:emex' enc ;:;re nests.. :A ter a brie d cusslo g g Y q f f �.s n, �t was: determine d that Peter would research information from United Way on; how, . . . the; address .timer.. enc. re uests. ;:;It taas aleo su ested this be o +c f r Y g .. Y q gg . atp� o next year ti. treat.` ' P`'` LANNIN FOR HUMAN SERVICES MONTHjChaitber Social This is still planned for the month of November, but will be discussed . further: at the September 27 199fl meeting. The commission members were asked . to :think about who is going : help with the food.` 3 % •..: ...:..:....::.:. :.: . : : . : .:... . : : . . . . . .. .�..%:.%: . . .. . .. . .. . .. . �.. .... ... . . %.:1 .. : ::.:. . ... .. - ... . ... . . : :...��-.�.�. -.. .:. .: .:....: ... . . .. .. .I :�i:. �. ........ ... ... ... .% .::%1... :.. . . ....: '. .'.:.......:... �-, ! ... .. �.. . . � % :..�.. .... . ... :. . . . : . :-�� ��:%!::: :.% :::%�� �; �: �.�-:" , .. ... .... . . . . . ... .. .. . .. ...... .�. .: . �.%. � : .. .... . . - .�..� .�. . .. .. � ..... . } ENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION II l `INUTES OF MEETING OF DULY 26, 1990 REPORTS � 1: �: � 1:� , - -� -�---:� ��:��:��:��,�,t, , ,. . . -:..:��:�...�....�g. 0 .: .��.:. .. HUMAN SERVICES ROUNDTABLE CouncI ,, - "" - ---- ----- �������,���������;�m�������������������� - - %.: . il President Judy Woods reported that the family violence project recommendations are : being formulated. She felt the written materials designed by the consultant and project staff provided an easy explanation of f am1. v le o once: eencerns and :solute ns ;to ;t:e % em. :•;: s; e Q y . ... . . .. .. n . h robl,, M toils su et d ... .. .. . , . p. gg at on. ..., . . . ce a: s stem .Xs ,: lace::: ...o :, d. e s ;:% ;aAbed: . ... �.n... . ........ . t a. dr. e f m l v�Ql ... % it eonl:d serve as. y y a model for the r +st of the country. Planner Martha Carlson reported that a separate .. . ;MWittee is generating revsnue options and' this will include looking at a' variety; of sources ding possibly localjurisdictions. Planner ;Martha Carlson also reported can tYe Housing/Human Serva�+oes Levy. At its last ;meeting, the Roundtable recommended that the Housing and Human Serva ces levies be separated, with the Housing levy package aQm�ng out; of King County�'s Housing Finance Master Plan. The Roundtable project staff are < to design a work plan for the HumanlServices levy. It was suggested by %%..%,-%.�%.....%:.�..:%.1.....I%.!....%......-(.-%:.I.%....:�.....i..::....I...........%.....;:%....i..�.%.....%1...�...�.:�...........��....%...:�..%...:!.:....-.�.:%...1:..:...........:...��...:::......1�.�....::....%..�...:..:..�........!..�....%.:..�....'.��:k.:..:�..%�...�...:1...%.:....�....I...:-...�:-:..I-.......�-..�..:.:.,:�..%.:.......:�..:.:!..%�:...�;...:...%%.-:.:...::..I.:��...-....::�...:..�.....%.....�..:�....-.%--........,:....%�-.�..:�-:...;......�.i%....%-.�..:...-�....1:�'�-�.�-..1...:.�.....�..�..�:.�.%:�...%�:.......%..�..�.,..1.--.::::.:..�....:.-%%....�..iz�.�........1...%;.�-�:-.....::..:�.....:...%::...�-....�.-:1"..:.�..:�.:.�..�.:-.i��!....-.�..A1.....%.:........��-...%.%���.....�..�:....���.......%...%�%�...._;:.%....-.::��:�%%...�...�..�..�,..,..:%,:�...,.��.I-..-I�.i,.-::..�..1:.-:l�.�-.:-�.:,��:..�:...:::....:�,�:..�..:-.�..:._,:�:,�.�...,-;.-%....),:-�::�...�.,.,-�,--.%.,�..%:'�!..��,:�-�:-.:..,�......:..!!..,�..�".�.%�....,I..:.%...:4%-..�i!-.�:,.�f'"...-1-.--1:.%:..�.:-.......-.-1��.-::�%:..1�.�...'1E...:.-�%��..:�,..%�::.'�.,..�..::�::..-....�: ''oundtable members that the Housing levy and the Human services levy be put n the ballot at the same time, but the timing details were not worked out `. yet. Council President July Woods stated it would go on ballot some time next year. Ms, Woods remarked that human services; providers were not happy with the Roundtable, ?but that policy makers were being realistic. They want to support maximum human services, but political reality does not currently support increased property taxes.` Ms. Woods met with 'the other South King County Roundtable members, Clarence Moriwaki, Toni Nelson and Robert Roegner to discuss strategies to get more support' for ' human services in South King County. They agreed; public education is important because many South King County residentsfeel the problems only exist in Seattle, not in their are . Ms.:` Woods explained that the educata�or; of public officals would �.nvolve the .: .,;.Ro un ab1 ; :su dt e 1 �n neeessa r Yon:; he :-.. .. r info mat and t n workin it throe h the :. . pp g ., .... .. .. . . Y . . .. .: ... . .Y . ..... . .. .. . ... ......... . :g ... g .......:.. ... ..........: :.....:..:.... .... .i'.:'.:......:i..........,: ..... .........:.. ....:.....:.::.�..:: :.:..:...:...:...:.....::...:.:........: ....::.......:.:.:..........:.....'. ..:..:..:. ..:.::..�....:..........::.:.:':............ :....,....:.....'....... '.'.:'.::: ..'.. ... % . ... uman< ervices :Commission .t e` P' in :Co tee n the ;.C; . ..... . ... :.. :. :. ... : ► h lann. .mm . .t. .a d h t Co cal. .. . . .. a o rnme t '`` ', 7 u n at .05 p,m, R spec fully submitted, . . . Ja s P arr...s. i..secretary .. ti. 4 ". . : . . . 1. . :.... .. : ­.. .... . .. . . . .%�.:%. .: . .:i ... . . � . .�:� I . . .:....% 1�.�%.�::.. ��.�. : � ... � � ... � � i'�ediatric interim Care Center , 2 1.0. Box 6089 11 ,:���",��­�,�:,:_;�l��-�1,,-::�,��:,',-,��II�_-"��,_,:_�,:�",',:,,'-�,,':,��!�,�:�,��::'::I_,I"�:'"��-'1�,�',:,�­:�,,�"_­����,',_:,,:,,�_,,,,:­',,_,I!,,��:_�,�::�!i-:_,,,:,,_��:":,,��:�:,�,�,�:�;,::�,,:�—:,�,� ;,:�:,,�:,,�,_�,­-,"­'',�,,,�I',::".,-%,'I:1�Ii Kent, WA 98064-6089 July 20, 1990 GflEPgRTMFNir XFNT City of Kent Human Services Committee 220 Fourth Avenue S Kent, WA' 98032-5895 Qear ChairrnanEckfeldt, I am writing on behalf of the Pediatric Interim Care Center. We are in the'proces%s of opening an interim care facility lift..... .... . ......... drug and socially affected., medically fragile infants, We have secured the dpvintowr7 Kent Medical Center; (.orrnerly Dr, lVloschel Clinic) on`;2nd Avenue; We are working toward .are opening da#e of September 1 1990; .'.�..�.�-%,:�i.���.::i��-:;�:�...­:�.��:�:_..�,,:..��:1.-.::���...�:�..�i­i..%i!.:;.:�!,...:_:...:1..�':�,,11�::,:��.,,:,:..�..I­.%.�...:.1I.-:.:..I..,�::..1�I.::�:._,.�:__­...::...�"�,:�.I,.:�,::.::.,.��...:.­.%...:.:�:....:�,.:I�i.�.%.._.I..t.:�.i!�..i­�1 i:�i...­�,:1�,':�t.i�.�_'.._..-,�..:.�'.,­.:,.,l:..��;:..1.;..�,'.�.:.i�.�:-:�,3:,.....,.,�....-­.,­.......I,�..,I-.�,,.:.i1 p�%.l�_��.1,��...,.:%.%,.:�.1,..:.."��..:.:,­­�l..�:I:%,�...�l1,��%...z�::...�..��� In.�..%:�:'�..I­,,�,�.­:"..�1,l...�1—..:.,I..�­,.....��­..I'.l.I...,,"1.,..�"...-�.­­...1l%�::�.I...-%. o.,�_,.',!':.I�,:.1.,._�...I,�I..l..,,.%�.:l:�.����..�-.�:_1_., rder-:.I.,.,:.-�­:I.,,..,..I.:'..1i 1.1,.:.i1,%to�-�.I,,:,II..:�":.i.1�l�.!..,,.:1..��,.."1..,..:1�­..1.!��1.%:I'.....,�,.�:l1:.�­I I_'I�l�II�.1­,...,.."...,..,....,:��,,.I..-..1:1­.I.-,.,I.��:�.%,­,....lI.meet state and c.�:...1.:.­.....:.:..-­.:.�.:...:..�._.:..:%%.i��..:.].:�..."i..��..�:.-.....-..ity regula#ions for be#h fire an.:..,:_-..,�:11,�­-.�,�....�..%�_,:..�.1:�1��I1:�%:,�..��.-,,1:�.�.,�,�.1....�:­�:...I.:..�I'.�:­.,-�.;1%1�I1 II,-I���..­�.-.,,,.I��..,.,M��.-.d h.-��!.i..�,.­��..��..I�....�__'���."�.��:.:�%...�..-���-�,_::�.:�",..��.-I�%.�..��I:����.,'::���ealth departments;we ...P......�.�.........�:.�%:.­...........I:1....,...�:%... :..%.�....:..i:..%%.....%....%..%.:­...........�...�-...%:..l;,.%.1.�...I.,.-..-::...�f� .::..iI...":%...1....-��:...,...,.....:..,...�._.::. i....%..:.......,...�...�.�...%....:.......�;....-.:%..%:...:.,...:%..%........:.:..::.:...%....%%.%­......�. w........:......:..�.....:.%...�.:..........I.............1.1�...%...,.I.��-....�...-..­1..:�.t..:.%...:.........I..1:.....�1...�.ith extensive �mprovemerts. They are as follows:'. :­.-..,�_..I.�.�....i.�1:�:%:-�:...,,,­.:.:"'��:..�.,.:....��...II:�_.:­.....-__._,,.%.:I�-J"..:�...�,..:�'�:��..�..,%.......1.�:....;..:.._..I.:"�­:_,�.!,:..I I..�_�..-.�.....'­_.��...1�,...�....��,1.1�.�..I.�..­;.1.:_,'::�,,.�1.::�..-,:..1.�-�.;..,�'..�1.......,­.1.y:.�..I�.'....I,;.,...-'_...:._,,.,1....�.­:.'�..,�.,.,..�l�.,,:.,..:. �-�1�,�,_:��.%1��.�1-.-.-�'.:'.­I.,�1�.1':._,.%:..�...:��:..-�.­...�1I.,,_.I,!...:;...,:,,1_�.­I I..I...%1'--.. 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Due to the short start-up time required by the State R.F.P. we are faced with a shortage of funds.I.:....::­...:..%....%...:...I..:.1............:.......� We are requesting $10,000.00 from your emergency'fund. .%..:..........,..-��.%.1........_. We would be most grateful if you could help;with this community project. The need for this facility is very great and would address a severe problem faced by all concerned in keeping these,::i�.....�.:.�....%..........-..�:�....... babies safe. ....i.......�..:...1......%..%%...�....%.%.%..-....%:..,�. Thank ou fior your conpi.der.p.... , . Y S `Ge e n r i. . . . .' ... Ba..rbara R�char , A rain) tra r. .. ......�..:�....:.�.-.:%'�... ..:.�..:...:.....�.......:.:...:....%:....� ..%.............�­.........:......:1...:....�...�.... i..­1�...�............:.. .......:.:....�%.�......:�.............�.t::% ....%.. .. C CEt R` . .................%............:.:...�.....:........:.....�1:..-.�.V....1:..%......%.....1........�..%!...!.-�......1.:. 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