HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Human Services Commission - 02/24/1994 , , I . . . . 1. : . . . . .. .. , , I I ,. .i . . . - . . . . --%. - . . ��. . ..:%�j�... .:!�:���,�"-" ''I''I"I'l,'', I I I... . . . . .. - - - . . . .. ..- .... . . ... . . .. . . .. . .. . % , I . . . . ... . . . . ... .. .... . .. : ..... % ...:.. .%.. :- ..�: ...:..... ... . .. ... I:. . , .. .. .. .. . ...i . .. ... ,,�:,:�� . .. . ..� .:.: :�::.%.%%.. . �. �:.1...%. .... ... . -:�I%�... .. .... - .�. %:%i�: : : %:: . , .:%.%. . ..... .. . . .... :. -- -- : I-, ,I �. ... ..... ...... ... ... � .: ���� � �...1�. .. . . I . . . . . .. ... . , - ....... ......... .. � .. ...... . .. CITY flf ....... ... .... . . i KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSIONIj FEBRUARY 24, 1994 200 PM ll�g(�IIC�SP( Commission Members Present` 11� Planning Staff' Present Dee Moschel Lin Ball Susan Ramos Betsy 'Czark Constance Stockton Sharon Clamp Janer Wilford Rachel Johnston �ucyle Wooden Judy Woods Absent - Ilnexcused Absent - Excused bony ,adnex Mel st. Ta e11--. %..---%:.:!....-..- .�:%..�....:.........:......:.........�....%% A Marjean Heutmaker OID B�JSINE88 APPROVAL OF JANU ,RY 27 1994 MINUTES` :�, -,�z:--,1.�ll,���%�:.,�,�..�:,%,�.�:.�.%�,:.,:,�; I-in.� ....%�.. % Lucyle Wooden MOVED and Connie Stockton SECONDED a motion to approve the minutes of the January 27 1994 meeting. Motion 11 .�" carried. HUMAN SERVICES ELEMENT UPDATE r =,...,...,.......rrrrrr r rr r rr-rr, ,r r r ���r:r���r r��:I��:����rr�:,,r awim � : Betsy Czark presented a draft of the Human Services Element, an optional part ' of the growth management requirements to the comprehensive plan. Staff hopes to integrate this element into the comprehensive plan so human services will become more visible and taken into account when the City makes land use decisions and other ` City policies Lin Bali clarified that hearings on the elements of th11 e comprehensive plan are required with the Planning Comm�.ss; on ari the Cit C � ,d .. . . . •. y, ,:puncl, staff raQuld lx' e to send the Hymanerv �es . Element to% the Planning11; Cammiss�on and Council with a; formal recflmmendat on from` th%e Human Sarvices" Commission. The Commission;% is ;concern%ed about the needs of youth and the % Regional Justice Center''rr s i%mpact to human serviceiagencies, Some feel a need to pursue an increase of the one percent of the ;general .. fund al%location. Betsy will review Policy HS-1. 1 the discrim ,naton glause,% with `. th`e City law department. 'The word` "c rr urrent" will be added to Po icy HS-1,3 to read, . . ,current 1% allocation. . . and "provide" will be added to Policy HS-1.6 o read, . .citizens who use and provide human services. :rr:r. Dee Moschel MOVED and Janer Wilford SECONDED a motion to recommend the Human Services Element with the above two changes be forwarded to the Planning Commission, Motion carried. ;` �.:4.. :i .....-.. ... . .... ... . . .. .. . . . ... . ... . .. . .. . ......%.. � :�� .:.:.1.:.. % :�:.:I:.1!... . . :.%.. 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RENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION -�-0--�,,I�-�,-1 1-j�-�,,:�-;,I�,--,,,I"--�:--,---,�1�.lMINUTES OF :FEBRUARY' 24, 1994 MEETING ` PAGE 2 +. DISCUSSION 'ON COMPOSITION OF THE COMMISSION :� : , = -- . �.-......-... ...'��..--... . Ordinance No. 2655 creating . a' Human ServicesCommission was distributed. Lin Bail pointed out that the wording of Paragraph D allows for flexibility in commissioner appointments. The mandatory part of the ordinance is the statement that there "shall be a balance" . •Assistant City Attorney Laurie Evez,ich made the legal` ..::..:: .. :::::::::: .::.'..::A... :: 11�i�,'�-1:1"-.:�,I1 1'�-�,-.�,,-z��:��i��.'��:,��,'',�:��'%.��.t�!-::�1�,I-:��:�..�t",:..��:,I''�-.,�--,:..�,,Z-�'�1:.%�,:-.-,,�.,-.:%,l-,�,,,,.:l�,-,'�10,�;:,-.��,t',,%,�: ... . o n cn : a . a ]c Qf dx8cret on can •be;;•;exere: e t P . . s _d la . he erson '. ....... p,:, .. . : : k ma th a .. in e z me ec . .. . o. nt nt, B dose of the a . . a n . th . . Pp . . . . . l ua �,. . . a fist .. ...... .. .... ... . ...... . . g.. g . ...... . .::::..::...:.:..:..: ::. ..:-'...:..:;......: ........:::.:...>:.:.:.:: : ::c:.;',.:,..:.'..:;:.:::.'..;.:.::",...,::.::,..��. ...'.::'.••;.,:. ;::'::::::::::::.:.:,:..::: e t , .......... ........ ............. s. n .eh..6: .. ::that states> to the extent ract�c b;l d s o : . % . . a e . an . h old . .. ,-. .��:. .. > . :. . nclude , score d. sscr .t1.n can be used tc obtain` the` balance of Ynterest NEW BUSINES:B 1994 HUMAN SERUICE5' ACTION CALENDAR Lin Ball reviewed the 1994 Human services Acton Calender aid noted the one time only additions of review of the Human Services (Element and Housing Element.. The remainder of the action calendar reflects the yearly work program and can be revised- and/or amended as needed throughout the year: REVIEW GENERAL`FUND AGENCIES YEAR END REPORTS Rachel Johnston reviewed the fourth quarter/year end agency reports. She noted that 28,158 unduplicated individuals were served in 1993 by the City of Kent general fund human service% ' agency programs. Some individuals may be counted more than once! because some clients will receive services from multiple agencies. A conc:ern ,was raised regard�.ng `:the :acce:ss3b iity of`:. South King Count ; Mult3`- • r 'e , y Se. z e Center, Jaher inTxlford Hated that the agency ..... onlX accessible by phone. and ,doves x at fake walk ins She indicated they only hake one phone line and it is extretely di. f puit to. et throw h'to them. She' feels tri`is is discrimi a o . g n t ry to individuals without , phones, but' .a.%a :feels the .. agency is probably underfunded for the popu]ation growth. Stafff wi31 . ... . . , . : in ; uest� a. a r.o lem t . . h b and. he a enc wz;11 be invited :, t e arch . .. . . . ...........:...: . .. .. ..'�... .. ...;.... ........p........ . ..... ... . ...... . .... :............... . ........:........ .....:.. to. ...h.... M.. .... . ..... . .. . . . . . . .: .: : : . . .......... . .. Commission meeting. DISCUSS TIMELINE & PROPOSES CHANGES FOR THE 19:9:5 AGENCY APPLICATION PROCES'S Rachel Johnston reviewed the 1995 application timeline Applications wili be available to agencies on Thursday, March 24, and are due back to the City on Thursday, April 21. An application (: workshop will be held on Tuesday, Apri'1 12 Commissioners can pick` up their applications on Wednesday, April 27, ' and 'the application . analysis will be mailed to Commissioners on Thursday, May 19. . It ' KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 24, 1994 MEETING PAGE 3 was noted that this year's Block Grant ,application is a common application. commission work sessions will be held as follows: Thursday, May 26, 1:00 - 5:00 PM (regular meeting and work session)' Thursday, June 2, 100 - 5:00 PM {work session) Thursday, June 7S, 900 M. 5: 00 PM;? (work session) Thursday, June 23, 2;0U; 'M 5:00 PM (reguir meet ng and work session) 1995OMMUNTTY: DEVELOPMT' BLOCK GRANT {CDBG� PtTBLTC �HtTMAN ...... p,OLIO �zark:... .resented the ro osed �.9;95 CDBC Public S+�rv�ce Ffll>a�c and noted two changes maze tQ the pol. cy from 194 Japer ;W�lford MOVED and Lucylenlo;oden SECONDED a motion to recommendat the proposed 1995 CDBG Public ;Service Policy be 'adopted by the City Council. Based on comments from the Commission during the 1993 application review process and based on policies' in the draft Human Services Element, staff ' presented four funding priorities to the Local Program Policies. Dee Moschei MOVED and Janer Wilford SECONDED a motion to adopt; the policies for the Block Grant Program. Motion carried. DISCUSS AGENCIES TO INVITE TO FUTURE >>COMMISSION MEETINGS' ` South King County Multi Service Center will be invited to tie March meeting, and Kent community Serv�ceCenter (Food B. Iaili be incited to the ,pri] meeting. REPORTS HUMAN `SERVI:CES ROUNDTABLE Co;pies of the88 193 Human Servies Roundtable: accomplishments ;> , ;' were st e , • : : : •: • : •:; , , ,;,, ; ; • ;; di rbut d. SOUTH KING .COUNCIL DF HUMAN :SERV3CES No report was given. REGIONAL JUSTICE CENTER Susan Ramos stated the Justice Center people believe the Regional Justice Center will not impact human service agencies She does KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION Kom MINUTES OF `FEBRUARY 24, 1994 MEETING PAGE 4; not feel the committee which she is a part of will-oven address this issue for another year. Lin Ball suggested the Commission send a letter to the Mayor advising him of the Commission's concerns. Judy Woods suggested working with Brent McFall for direction on how to present the memo. ADDED ITEMS. HUMAN SERVICES AS A` CIT COUNCTL` TAA ISSUE: Susanta�ns�s distributed a draft msmo ;to the"Mayor and City Council requesting that;human services be included as a 1994 Council Target Tsue, Thy Commissa�on adentif "ed th;e most critical needsn the, communIt y as affordable `housing, ;youth ser�rices, and mitigation of the impact of the Regional Justice Center on the human services .. .... .... ` community. FEEDBACK ON FEBR........... UARY RETREAT The Commission felt the: retreat was very informative. A comment was made that the health report was somewhat overwhelming, The meeting adjourned at 5:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, : : L n HSMIN9:4,.FHB.:. r ..... . ...... . , . ..-. .... ...... .. . ... .. ........... ........:. ..... .. .. SUBUR$AN CITYES ASSOCIATION RESOLUTION NO g�ESQLUT�ON OF THE SZTBUFtB �Z�IES AS50C�I�T CON, E2�TDORSZ2JG A 670NT RECOMMENDATIONS GOMMXTT£E 19.5 A MODZFIEfl .. GOVERNANCE $TRUCTCIRE OF' THE C® TTY DEVKLOPNlET £L®CK GRpiNT/$OME C©NSORTIUM. W RE1�S, it is a.n the best interest of all jurisdictions to be better ;represented i n sett�.ng CpAso 1. w�.de policy; `and1. .... . .: .. .. ....." ed . a edet .n ocese:;. of . ;; TS£R£A.S, there is a desire to have r P ; : scunxttee .nd po; .c to . . governance and , oonsoldate the currentoi.nt ], ' .. ti tieione project Selection Committee ar�to a Doi Recommendations 77:.7 WH£R£AS, a font Recommendat�.oas G4rami.ttee will ` be compr.,sed off. eitxex elected oft�cials 'or high level staff and be advisory to th'e Icing County Executive on major policy decisions with' the I -, ."., . .. Metropolitan King County Council makinginal' d11."ecisioz�s; Np � THEREFORE, THE SUBURBAN CZTIES : ASSOCIATION DO RESOLVE A5 FOLII. . ­­ I Em ­­_ _.. .. . . .. ,OG7S: SECTION I. The above recitals are found tp`yl � `fie • aid correct in` a l respects ��' ' ..:..-:..:..';:._�%..-.I%­:.:...%I'���_._..:......:.....�_�.,q�_­�..._..-%::..:�.".....,'.:­.�:.-...'­%,1'...�..,.%.,1..'...�%.:.,.­..-�....�:�.:'..._.%�:....�:..::..i.''­�._:......:.,..��_�,.,..',..:...�.�..:.,...;,...�.�..'...,:�I._.%..�..::.�..�...1%:I.'I.�...-,,,..!,:..:,...��..�:­:�..��.."��-",..�­�.-�..�,,,:...!:�._.-:%-�...'�.­.�:.:,,.'%���:.�­._.::�._.��...%..'�.:.,.,..,',..:,.,,%.."",..:..-.:'.'.:..,.:'z,.�.__,:�.".�:-.'.,'�%­..'_..:��."I..71,....,",.:�..'_��.'.z.-:�.".i,.I...__',-:....�­.­...',.:­-,,'.,,�..'",'..�....::�:�I�:.:�...�..;.,�.'::.:-,.,,....,%_'..�,_1��.�.�'­%�.,,,%..7._"�%�.�"J....,',...,�.,_.:_,..Z"'..,:,­.%�%.....,.�'1.,�.:..�.��,..t-.'�...:�:.'.i!.',..%�.,�._.,_...'..,...,::.-:::j:�......._�.._�.��.:1�,..,.:�..._...�...Z­..!��::...�...t...�%..1,­.�::...,'._..%..�... . ... SECTION' x2. The Suburban Cities Assopiat._ , dock' by . .... . ... ..... ..... ... . ....... .. . re r 1 over ena1. endoree the point Recommendations Committee as � un► , ; . . .. ., . : : . . ... ..:, . .. .. . structure .or the CDBGJHame CorlSortium: ADOPTED, by the Suburban Cities Association this � day o: J,i C.�c.� 994, and signed in open session i authenticati on` of its adoption ` this day of /101:-C*&' 1994 . . ... 'I J 'W�. , President Earl Clymex, Secretary/Treasurer S rban ties Association " . Suburh�n �< � . _ AMENpMENT N0. 1 TO THE AGREEMENT FOR PLANNING THE DIS7RIBUTION'AND ADMINISTRATION t. OF CERTAIN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT.FUNDS BETWEEN KING:COUNTY AND THE CITY OF KENT This Amendment No. 1, entered into as of the day of 1994 to that certain three-year Community pevelopment Rlock Grant (CpBG) Interloca1 Cooperation Agreement dated June 21, 1993 between King County (the' ,����.:.%:�_...,1��.:t�-��­,:%�-�,%..%1_�.:.!.,:��:-%.%%,���..�­n..­,��..i�...��....:.�,.:.�.:-­-.�:..%.__�,.�.:1:-�-�.­�:..�-.:...�.-'._­...%,t--%...:J....::%......:,..1,1�...�..:_­:....:�.�1�.1-:...�:"�.:.%�..:�......�.!.:,IG�%.'��,�-....�.:-..i.,%:..-­.....:..��,.i�-�%,.%.:.(­�%�I..:I..:�..,�:,�....i...1.,".....��.�,:�.I�.1....�­..:�..__i:II..,.�..!...::..::..�1..:::�:%..:.i:.%1,..:�..,.I::..�%.:.11.i,...::.��...:.�_­-.I......_�,I..I.;�,:....,��..1...::,-.1.:1.­:.,,:.­�.���.1...���.7�-:I%.....1_�!,.%,:i�.1:..,.:�..�,:-..-..1,.�.'.;:�.1I,:..%.,�.1�%.-,:..��.,_�%.,�..�:_1.�....:...,�.1..,7�.,1.i.%:.l..-..l..:...,":-...�...:%.,�..1-...,i.I......,.:�1.,I,....:..­�.�l%.�,l:��!.�,1...��:i.�.....:'­...��',I%.:��..,%...,:-,�.�:-�,..i,i-..-i�..�_........:.:.1...:�,.,�,­,1...,�...,......,.%I%.:'1��,%!��­..,!.�%::_,.�i�.�:���.,,..%..'-.1..,:....:."t:�.:..,��..:.�..�1:i:,,.i.�.-.-.,,__:'....:I.",�...­�%.'��!I.,..�...­..:.,­��.%!:_..���C���%..­.i:.,�.�:,_'.%.�.i,,.�,.-�.�...t.:%%,:.,,­­.!�.,-....�.�!.I,;�.,.:..:.%,�-�,%%::._,�.�.�,­.'.-:�.",-��.��I.%�j..�-..I...:�:.:..:..��:__,:�1.��;:,_�.:.��.�%.",..�::,.:....:_­:...­:�.�...%��.,,�i.­­.._���_�.:.-,.-�-:�,�.�,%�.,:�.:,..'�1.-....!�.--1:.�,:.��:,�':�.�j�:.::��%.:..;t�:­,1��:­,::�,�I�,.:..-�i%_':�_..I,;_,-�%:��.:�­�.:.:.,%%�._,­��:!:­�,"l.:._.,�:.��.:�.:,::�.�._�...."...�...%,.%%�.�,�.i�­,��%��::.,_..%::�,"�::,�,�:,,,�;:�,.:%l.­­::�.':­...�.,i::1�,­:%����%..,�-'!:..�..%.�'.�.,�:�...�.�­,.%".%I,,;�...-i�.::.'I,.:,�:..,­�.­,�,...,.�%-....,�,�.­!;�..�_.�.�;.":��.-..,.��.:.;.-,!.._,�­,.,1�..%,,�;�..,'��_' County) and the City of Kent (th.e Ctty), is bas@d on the foliowi;n.g recital of facts . 1 There is.:a need to amend the referenced QDBG Interlocal Cooperation Agreement covering 'the 1994=3996 ;p.eriod. 2 The CpBG Consot^tium:.s oint Palicy Committee endorsed::the Am..endment on . . March 23 199.4: a..................... . 3 The Metropolitan King County Council adopted the Amendment in Ordnance No. 11363 onalne 13,: 1994..: 4 The parties are nnttually agreeabl@`to the Am@ndment. NOW, THEREFORE; for and in consideration of the mutual agreements contained herein; the parties do hereby agree: .,. I. Page 2, Part II. A., is hereby amended as follows: A The amount needed for administration of the Consortium's CpBG and other federal programs w�tich benefit the Consortium, ((less-County Elto>^ges-fer-overHead,)), shall b@ r@served by the County. This amount, hereinafter referred to as the administrative setaside, is cotiting@nt upon review by the Joint ((Pe}isy)) Recommendations Committee, hereinafter referred to as the Committee, as provided in VIII(B)(i), and approval by the King County Council, as provided by;XI(A) 'and x I;(.. ) 2. Pages 5 and , ;`Part V..III,, is hereby amended as follows I A ' 4.f:;::...:::i.:.... NT.P kICY CeMMITTEF:.::;::: There-sha.. .. .O esta .fish@d=a-Joint-Peliay-Cemmitte@. ' A Cem�esitien The-Cemm.... .0 sha}}-be-eom @sed-e€-the-€ellewtn a}eei.ed eff eta}s ;er i:hetr-designees (wh@-sha}}-�e-speeified-in-writing by th e}eEted member, and-whe. sheu}a;-where-pessb}e>-he-the-sam@-persen @ens#stem}y frem-meet# g to neet#ng};--the-King-Eeunty'-Exe@alive, twe King EeUni..... ei}memg@rs te=be-s@}eeted- y-th@-by -the danaary# ;and-twe=e}eeted a€€jeials-sf-partiE#gating-Pass-thretigH. G#iteSrand ape-e eEied-a€€#e#a -of-a-small-e#ty-part#e#jai#Hg #n iHe.; 6edhi>y-and-Small-G#t#es fund:--The- 1 ies=-of€le#als-shall-be-se}eeted by-the-Suharban Cities-Assse#at#en-every-January-.--Members-of-the Cemmitte@- of-serv@-at-the-p}easu>e-e€-their-respective-appeinting autharities---The-ehairpersen-and-viee-chajrpersee-ef-iHe-6emmittee sha}}-be-Ehesen-frem-ameng-the-members-ef-the-6emmittee-by-a-ma�erjty vote-aF-the-members-fer-a-terns-of-one-year-beginning-the-€irst-meeting ef-the-ealendar<year,-if-passible;- reviled-that-a-representative-ef-a city-shall-be-designated-as-ehairpersep-at-}east-enee'io-every-twe years:)) . ..:... . .. YI:I.I.,::;:.JOINT RECOMMENDATIONS COMMIT TEE. .. .. .. j"JIlibre shall be established a Joint`Recommendations Committee. ' ' A. Composition. The Committee shall be'composed of four County Department Directors or their designees: the Director of the Parks, NO Planning and Resources Department, the Director of the Human Services Department, the :Director of the Office of Financial Management, and : theI)irector of the Seattle-King County Public Health Department. Department Director designees shall be specified in writing and should, where possible, be the same person consistently from meeting to meeting Five participating city representatives will include city planning directors or comparable level staff, or elected officials. Two city representatives will be from the north/east region of the County and two city representatives will be from the south region of the County. An additional revolving position on this Committee shall NAN be it between the HOME-only Cities of Auburn and Bellevue. This pos;it�on;will be non voting, except on issues rmlated to the;K ng I OVA oils, COUN IHOMEARartiUm: .VospOW in ments, Appointments- -tome participating �urisd3ctjon ........poitions on thi's Committee will be made by tfie Suburban Cities . ::.:..:::.......:.:.:::.•:......:.:..::::.:.:.::....:..:.::....,..........:.. :.....:... .::.....:.......::.::AS.su..:.sb...o.. .;.l:.: :Co...:n...:..t.....:i. e..s....:.:.:. As....s...o.:.:c.......a........::.:......... ............:..:...:::..::.:..;.P.........r.....io...:....r...:....:...t: ...........an d. m1.1 i:`be..f:terti . ta:. . on. or Y.....Yf.eo....::'..ar......r.;.<.....o.s.:....:.n...: e.f..s:.:..:.:.:.t.s:...hobo o.l.acedi o•b.:..::wthi:el l:.::::::•.:.:.....:..:..... .. b......... ...r..a.:smal..::..c . :...e e Y r n a y The ratat n os: • o : , ,• , � , :: : .: :,: , :•, • -. :; P i i g. �ti.n wa1.7 be a o to ,: >., . : ... n da :.::..........:...:.........:...:. ....:..:...............: .......::...p.P.....:.................. .................:lY.......:M..mb...rs...:o.f..:.the.,:Com ittee.::s. a::::::.s.e ..:e:;:: ......:::...,.....:..::......:..:.:.:::.,.:....:.::..:....:.:.....:.......,.......:::..... .::........................::....:....:.:.....:..........:.::............. . ...:.... .. .. ..... ::. ....... .:....:..........::....... . ..:..:..:..........:..:...:.........:....:m... .:....::::.:..:..:h..:..1...:7..:......1'v:.,.:.:at....the.:.....:.....................................:.........:.:....:.. . ...:..... ea e .. . ...... . l . . e.; :..::. . su of t r es e r h i r ctive a o t P in in authnr ties :; ;, : .;: : :: :•. : ;-;:. : .: T1i ..: hairperson.and vice chaa.rperso..n. of the Committee s.itall be chosen frQin...among...thc..:members.:'of..the:::::.Commi:ttee... .:;:::a:.. o.:.. . . ...b..Y........,..ma�....ri.t .:.,:vote.::of:the:. membe s o ;: ; e .. ......... ...... .....:..... :...::::. : Y.:.::........::, r for :a t rm•of nne ear,be nni n t e; , s Y...:............ ....9.i.....:.:....9.......h.......f�.r...t:.meet.t.n ..:of...:t.he. ca.l.:endar:. :ear:......Atte tl ce:::.o :... 9. J' . : ..n an f five members •wil: co st t euor C, ((B)) Powers and Duties. The Committee`shall 'be empowered to: ' 1. Review and recommend to the King County ((Geuneil)) ExecutiveVIA all policy matters on the Consortium's CpBG and HOME Program including the amount of administrative setaside and priorities governing the use of the public services s etas ide. 2. Review, recommend and ((adept)) endorse the Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy and the annual Community Development Plan required by HUD. ; The King County CDBG Consortium Policy Plan, hereinafter referred tows the Policy Plan, will be developed annually by the 'Consortium to meet the HUD requirement for an annual Community Development Plan' The Policy Plan will include Consortium-wide vs and Program;guidelines governing CDBG funded projects, ; . . : .. ` . . ee m en hC d3.. Rye :`planand: ro9ram d sagr a part.ci.pat.in.g.'. uris:d.ict.ions.`::.:.and::affer recom e t o s.: > m nda i n to the King County ((Eeuneil Executive:. )) : : IN.,W.ITNESS.THEREOF.,::ti�e..par:t.ies hereto•.: . ave. e.: xecuted this :A e h ,-• rnendm nt : No.:i:as :o .:t e. •.:..... ... .............::.... ..... f . h .da .:and ear:. s ....,......::....: ...:::.:...: ..:..•. :.::::..,.............:....................;::.:..::::... :...... . .. .......:. ....:..:. .... .. ........ .:.. Y...... ..Y.......f:ir.. t .a.bove..w..r.itten,.•....•..:...,.,........:........:....:. . :.... :. ..... ....... ...::....CITY:...:.....:. :.:....:.....:..:: ..... . ... .:...... :.. . .. . ,..... :: :.:.::.:..:.;:.-...::: .. ., ..:....... ..:... ......:.:....::::::....:...: . . : KING COUNTY : Jim White GARY LOCKE Mayor, City of Kent King County Executi AP 2 1994 Date Date C210 CITY`OF N.I:I IIj 1 1-I%. "Z�I:iI-I 1 Z1:�— Jim White, l'�Iay©r March 1, 1994 - _ , '"', _�__ �_�, 1, MW � � - , . ... Arthur' Lee Executive Director Emergency Feeding Program of Seattle=King County P.:C) B:ox 1' 14 5 8 ..I e; WA 98.11$ ... Dear Mr. Lee: Attached are copies of the letter and .app� �cation form th.I 1li.lat ;pertain to` the 1994 Metro Sizlasidl2ed Bus Ticket Program `Application ` Process. The Metro Subs%id ed Bus' Ticket P. ..65-am is1:7. now enter ng the second year of a two year pilot pro..sct which al flcates. eubs d ;zed bus : tickets to agencies 'that:%serve low-income and homeless populations : For 1994 the Metropolitan King County Council has authorized the allocation of $90, 248 in subsidized bus tickets to meet human ` services transportation needs for County residents outside of Seattle. Please refer to the attached documents for more ; ll -" information. Although the same amount of funding is available, a number of: : agencies who were left out of the 1993 program have expressed`` an interest in participating in the program' this year. If you are interested ' in participating, please complete' the attached application: form and return : o Holly Woo: no later than March 21, 1994 at 4 : 30 P.M The mailing address is outlined' in the attached let'llter. .. . . . ........ . .. .. . :Tf ou have uestions l; . : . . . • , : p ease ca Holl TiVoo.. at .. 5& 5231 . . . . .. ......:.:.: .:.::..:. .: :.:.::: .::. :......:......: .... ....:::...: .. :::.:.. . . . S ,nc rel . . : . . ... . . e . . . . .. . / ��<% i� ii I j . . . . .:. . . ll� 1 . . ;: I' . . . . . .. . :` ache'l' X ohnst4n; .:` .;i.. . . .: .Plan',,.e`n r RYJ/slc:metroinf. 94` Attachments' cc: Rev. Jewell B. DeWitty Lin Ball, Human ervices Manager { ' 220 3th AVE.SO.. /KENT.WASHINGTON 980h-5895/TELEPHONE l)06i859-3310 J FAX�859-3334 : ... .. .. ::::. : . . . .. �&CIY.oF: I Jim White,Mayor' 9E61I�� March 1 1994 Mary���!__1:��t:�!��!� �!%�I,It:-� , , win= .:.....i.. t��:�:����,!�:�j�l��:��t���: - ......-��.:�.:�: �: : .:....-. ... . � Ellen Stone, Executive Director' King County Sexual Assault Resource Center 304 Main Avenue; South, Suite 200 Renton,' WA 9805 :... 1%. .:: :�.......:%.:!.%..-��.��:�:�.�...�.�.�.:%�.��:.�:::��;%���:���.��::::���:���:::,��:it t%t -- -�:t: Ewi:�� - .. . .. : . ... . Dear Ms. Stone; ``'Attache' are` o` :es o` t , " `"; ;;' ..``. , d c pi f he letter and application form that ,pertain �.......i.%::.�%,.......��..%�.�I........:.,,....:I i:-,i.:.�;....:,.::j.:�.:I.%..!.::.......1.......��.,..�.,...:.....�.....�...:�.....�.....�o.�..1.,.!..........I....:�....�..:...i�.%:�...:�:...........��.�.�....�.........:�:.....�..,........�.-.�.�..�..:.."....:....:...:�...�....��..%�,.�:�...:...%..-..:....:.......%.�..tI.��,.:..,�....:...-�.........:.1......�........��..i:.....�!.:�.:...�-.....�....�I...1:�:�.�..I:�:...:...%:.�.�,..%..::.::.,i.A.��......,..1....:-:���I::.�%I.:.-''.�.:��1...,.I..::.�,.��,.I�-'--.I 1,�.i.�.:.'�i�:%1.,�-�.Ii,�I..:-�.�-��I'-1�t-.�:�,�I.,:��--.��-%�,-.1%..'��-1���%�:.-,:�:,.,_.��I.��,...�::��.,i I..:":,:.1...��:.,�.-i%�".--,.�,��,�":��-:.,:�...---�I�.�.�..:-,�...:�..,�.,���)� ....-::,�..����._:,..'�::..,i�.:�%:.�-,��.�%t.�'��',,��:,.!,.-.'�'��....�',�.':�...,-,-..�i:�.:..l:��%..%:1-'�.''::-��.'','-�...�.I�..:-�-­I:.'.:��:.'l,,,,�,i%.',:�...-:��..:��....,�:d.�.�...----.:I��:�:.l��:.'."�,��";..-�:..,"��:.�..'.�-..'�,:..�:-:-t....'--,�-I�::�,1-,�, to the 1994 Metro Sulas�.dized Bus. Ticket :Program App ' cation Process Z'tie a o' '` .i. M tr. Subsi . ;:d zed :.Bus;; Ticket .Pro,gram; 14 :noW: ent:%: :;:the :second g year .o.f a two year pilot project which allocates sub ided bus... . tickets to ;agencies that serve low income and homeless populations. For 1994 the Metropolitan King County Council has authorized "the. allocation of $90, 248 in subsidized bus tickets to meet human services transportation needs for County residents outside of `- Seattle. Please refer to the attached documents for more information. Although the same amount of funding is available, a number of agencies who were left out of the 1993 program have expressed: an . interest in participating in the program' this year. If you are interested in participating, please complete the attached application form and return to Holly Woo no later than March 21, : . 1994 at 4 :3.0 P.M. The mailing address is `outl'ined in the attached: letter... . .:: if, you have,.questions p:le,ase :`call 'Roll Woo;"at;;`29 5237; '>Y .. . S incerely, d. Ih . . . .. . .. . , ( . . . . . Rachel:::Y i' ;To nston ;. Planner . ... , RYJ/slc.metroinf. 94 Attachments` cc: Deborah Wallace, Board President Lin Ball, Human Services Manager -, 21 0 nth AVE.SO.. /.KE\T.WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE +_'Ob)S-9-3;OO/FAX�V .3Jj4 CliY OF . ,., IIe�� Jim White, Mayor March 1, 1994 � I � �, : , '' :_ 1 � "��������:�:.�.::;�.�:���.�.�:�.�.�..��:...�:��.�..�%.%�:.�::����:��.0 �_�:1�1,���t��:��� � �: ,� : , ­:�,::::::1: �t:N= ��1�,�_��j::_-,"',""''I",�­­: :­­��::. .. .... - Mary Lou Becvar, Executive Director Kent Community Service Center 525 Fourth '.Avenue North,:: Kent, WA , 98032'. Dear Ms. $ecvar` Attached are co les of <the.:.T::%..�,�.�.::....�.....%:%k�::..I..i......:.1:....�I.1..�..:.....�:�..�­...�I% letter' :and;a E�.,1,�:..�.­..::��.�..:.;::�.­..�._�,.I.�....::�,..�.�..,,.�1..�.�.���..1,:....1:...��....I�:.1���­�­..­..­1�.i1�.,.:....�,-.,.J.�­:.�":.....�.,..�:..:�. 1 cation form :that ' er...N............1...�:...%......�...:::. ta n; p pP p ..'��-...7��_..:,:I.,.­..:��..­...�:�.�I:�...!"...:,_�.�:..�.�.�..;..,'::_�..7.��_�.-.�l:,..­­I..�"!....­%.,�.�.._....:�,..�.:..,I:.!�.'1..,.A.­I.:..��...-�,:;�..��".%�.�:.���7��:..j1_�.:I..�..�..�...��� �,-_,I=���':._:.'":.!,,.:..�.,'I:�::��­%�,1���,,:�:.1:.,,.�..,.,:..�'_.�,,���,,�:�%,.��_:.!�'�l,.�.z.�,'%����..�"�,:�..,I'�'�l���:,I_­.:�,­._._:..1:".1,:�.,,,�:,�. to the 1994 Metro Subsidized Bus ; Ticket Program ;Application ;Proce The Metro SubsidIzed Bus` Tacket Program i now entering the second year of a two year pilot ,project which allocates subsidized :bus tickets to agene�es that sere low-income and 3 `omeless populations. For 1994 the Metropolitan King County Council has authorized `th+e allocation of $90,248 in subsidized bus tickets to meet human services transportation needs for County residents outside of Seattle. Please refer to the attached documents for more information. Although the same amount of funding is ` avalable, a number of agencies who were left out of the 1993 program have expressed an interest in participating in the program this year. If you are interested in participating, please complete' the attached application' form and return to Holly Woo no later than March 21, 19.94 at 4 : 30 P.M. The mailing address is outlined in the attached letter . If `you have . uestons, lease call Ho11 , Woo at 296 52;37 . q r p . y.. S in:: cerel yI �%.­:�.!.:l...�:.:M.. . A. (/U i aehel Y,. oh s.ton .. Planner:::... . ..... . :.............. .: ....... ..., :..... ...........:..... RYJJslc:metroinf.94 ` . Attachments: cc: Wesley' Martin, Board President Lin Ball, Human Services Manager 2�)$p AVE.SO.. /KENT.WASHI\GTON 98g3?-589i/TELEPHONE (206jS59-3300/FAX#,iiy-333a CITY O.0��B .... ,. .,..�.%,.:..�.:�t...:��.�%..�:%.�,..,.:�-..:��..��.:�..I.._.:::.�.I..:::��:.,..�I_,.�,.�::..,I.:�1:�::.-�..�.,.:.,.,1....I i:�.%%�I,��I.,�,,:.I:,�..II..I��,.�....I�.....,.1:..%..,:1�­I...�!..1II%. ,1%:I....,..I,�.....1,,..%II.�-�.1-:-,%I,I�I.II-I.I.1I.I,..1I..II,%.%.--I1':.I._I.',.-.l...II'l...�.:1,I"-I..�1:I.I..:.,�.1..,1:1�%,,,..I:.-'.,1.:."'1I....�%-.�I I.%:II:I�.�. %..,I',-:.,,.%I.�.:.:.��-,.,%,-.,:..�,:%:1:,,,.-.%%:I-.,.:.,.�.,-.�..1:��,.....:.,�..,-.%..1�:%.�1..,..1..%:.,,. ,-...,:.!,'..�,�'..1:,...,,.:!.%,I.,,..:,..,�.��,...%%..,,.,,...�........,:.%.:-.:i..:�:..i�:�i- .­;....:..,..I.i%.:..%.....�:.%1:.: ... ..:.:1.,1:......:..:.1,..%...%.Z...:.....-.I ...I........:.�.:.... ...:....1.. .:-......:...%.. �..:..,�::..,...:.�..:.:..-. �-:�...::_...,:..,..:I..-..:-.: rf dim White, Mayor March 1 i994 I��%�, ��� -,:�- ,, , ,, , :I I"::�,�,�,,ffl %= i , . Steve R. Anderson, Executive Director Children's Therapy Center 26461 104th: Avenue ;SE Kent, WA 98031` ....Dear MrI. Anderson::�J:.�%�.�.�:..�..l...�._�.�-.-.�%�:�.�..-�_:::�.�_�:�.�%�:­�:�.:.;::­�%l%�:�.%�.�..::%.:::.%�i�:-.%.�.�­:�%�.:.�:I.:-.�::......:t_�:��:����­!�­��:��,�:��i:­­:��­-­1­­,K:_:����_:_,�i-,� mo%::.%.::.. ....m%....:.:.....:..%....................:...::.....%....% Attached are copies of the let.... nd ;application form that ;pertain to the' 1994 Metro Subsidized Bus Ticket Program Applicaton Process. .:: , . . .. . . The.Metro :Subsidized.. Bus' T cket Pre ram s :now, enter n the second .. ..::::... .. .ear .of;• :a: :two;. ear: ;: :J10 ro,:—t% which: 41 ocate bs dined ;bus; . . . Y .. p .. .....p;, 7 .. ..... ticket's to agencies that serve low ndome and homeless;populations. For 1994 the Metropolitan King County Council has authorized the allocation of $90, 248 in subsidized bus tickets to meet human services transportation needs for County residents outside ` of `y Seattle. Please refer to the attached documents for more information. Although the same amount of funding is ' available, a number of agencies who were left out of the 1993 program have expressed an interest in participating in the program this year. If you are` interested in participating, please complete the attached .. application form and return ao Holly; Woo no later than March 21, 1994 at 4 :30 P.M. The mailing address is outl'ined' in the attached letter . . . . If ; ou ,have` uest ons 1'ease`;ca]1' . Woo At. 296 5,23. ` .. . Y ... . q 1 p Y , . . S 'ncerel . .: YO . . . 1.. . } .... :.... ............ .:..::.::.:.:..•:..:..:. 1.t:. J i s : :^% .:;`..•� : :`::... .; ­1 . (/� .. . .. ... .. ...': ..... ::. .. ... '.. ...`.:. ..:...:.:... .. :.:...:....:: ...:. .... .:.,. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... .. :.. .. .. . .. ...... .... .... ... .... .... .. . achel Y. Joh s Planner RYJ/slc.metroinf 94 . Attachments' cc: Cheryl; Fraser, 'Board President Lin Ball, Human Services Manager 2204th AVE.SO..`/K .WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE t206j859-3300/FAX#859-3334 ............................................:.......................11.....:...:.................................................................................... ........�.­.:.......�...........�.....A.-A'...- -.1.... - .. -.... .... ...A.-A. .:A;...:....,."'... _­:­�­­­­:. .. . . %. ...%.... .. .. ...%- . .. ... ­..: .. . ... . ... . ... ..... . . :. % ... . .. : :�:.. �-,.�.r. , - ... .......- .: . . . ...%:%.-.. .. . ... ��:..�..: . . �... : . .... 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I I %... . . . . � . %::.:: .: , - I %.: . .. ..%-. % . . ... . .. ;...... ��% .. ...% . . % .. �.� �::.: . . . 1.- . .. ... - - - .. ...%... .. . �. . % . . . �. % - ..%......:. , 1. . ... ... �� ......... . .. ... - % .:%:..... - .. ...% i....... .. .... 7 N 77::"_,:" l 11 11 I Jim White,Mayo r 70 _"�,%I I:.i..-.�.....:......- .... .­.....­..%.....:....I. �........:. I. , March 1-- �1 99:4 .. ....�.:� �.. , . . k a,,r y, Hyr, e11,,11' 1 Acting t:Director`Multi-Se .�. .�;j �edt :. ...0...:.-�..%..%I...��.:I.. .. ..%..... .% .:.........%...�.j...-.:...:.... .........%..:-....%..%.�..�...:.....%�....%....-........%...%... �........... ­­­ ­­1200 S. 336th __% I 1­1 .. : ........:.�, -, �vai�. . Federal �.�:.� . ..... ... �k:;:::980-03 � ... ....... ...:..:::� : ::%.. ......�.......:. ..........:..%... - r - ....... . . , . :-.% .. .�:.... -.... ....I . .!�.%.%�:I%. ::%......... ...... . ... . _ . . ............ .......... �.:..:.. .... . :%.... i� ... 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BubsIdl:z d . Ug �T Ticket Program� ..:Application n Prpcess.? h Me �;S. d.6UbI �&&�Rq T.ib et,; . .r . .. .�.:......%............-1�........%...%.:.:..... ....%.:......:.�1%........:%. ...........:..1.!�.....,......1.1.... :1%... ..- ­ .­_.;.....%...:...%.......:.� ...:..:_%................­1%..%:...­ . ... ...:........%:.. i:._....��.%:..1........ �.....%:.­.....�.......,. ......%..:.... ....1.. ­ .._...._.�­,.....:.....%.��....:...%. % ......�%..%..: :�...!.:.. ;,:...�.�.......%:% %...�.%:......%.­­....:...�I�::%...::....:,.%.. :.:J�.......%I,-.....:%... ....%_�:...::I%.:.....%.. ..��,"!.�...:...­ .,...."�.%.. .�.. jI-......:. . . ... . ......._ . . % ......... . 0�. '. At�.�10 ow nteri n the second . . ,� : % .. : . .... . 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Although the same amount of fundin4 19 available a number of e expressed an in If you are interested , please complete the attached application y Woo no later t 21' A he attached .- :. lotter.` I . If hve �aqe tI e s ae ,ca 1. Ho1l Woo .. . . ..� q. .:.j. ..%:s%�V.�::. 1-...:...�.. ...... ........... . y. a t..%. ­- I ......52... -! :� . . . .. Ih C elY.' A .­... . . . . . . . % : .. 1 . . � . .. .% ....: . ; Rachel o h. b .... : :: . . .... . . . . ..". % . . . .. i. . i .... . ­ . RYJ/slc,metroinf 4. . Attachments &c oard President D Housing Director Lin ices Manager . ..�: ....%... l..... ..1:.�%. 1... I .. ......%,� .. ' .... .... �. ..�I ...%.. : ,.. ..%. I :. I, I.. .�...... - ......�. .... %. ....% ..%. ..�..... ..% ..%.....:......%... ...%:... .. .�. 1 ...�. .- :...�:...: �. .:.� .: .: ... A�- .. i .:.. .%. .. .. .. % .... %..%: .: ...: .. .� , .. II1. . ­ � . _ � .%.. .. �... . ..­ 220 4th AVE.SO.. /KENT.WASHINGTON 98032-5895 TTELEPHONE i2QW59-3300/FAX#N59-3334 � I � I I I ­_ I I I 11 I I I I I I .. . . . . .� I . I ..................................................................­­­ CITY OF .. .. .:: .. Jim White, Mayor March 1', 1994 Marilyn LaCeile Executive Director Valley Cities Mental Health 2704 I Street N.E. Auburn., WA 98002 Dear Ms. LaCelle: .....:....... .........::.::.:.: .;;;..;:::: ..:...:..::..:::..::..::.:...::::.::::.:::. ...:....:.. .........:. Att'ached'`arW'QQ 'es of the 1dtt6.r .I,.-...�:%::::�:...1,�%._­.,.,"1..t�,-�...-:-�..�1.-.1.1.,.�.%:',.:.I:..:.-:-:.1..�,..._.-:'-.���..:..1.:.,�I...-.V.,��-E"%,�.::1-.:.W....I�-��.%�-.:�..::�..-.-:-,.-�:.�:-...t.1,-'...�--:�-�..�-�:.,1...:��-�.....-.-.�.''..I::,..I..:�::..,:��.::....-���,..-.­..._t�--��.:.::.�...,�,.t%-,-.�-�:.-:�.-,::.�t,,%.i�:-�.�.....,�,,.. i. .::.. . ......:. .:....:..:... .. . ... .. .. . .:.... and a . 1 cation form;that:, ertan .. .. .... . . ...... p I . ..:.. ... .... .. . .. ... .................ply . . .. .... .. .. .. , ...... . . .......... ........ ....... . . . .. p . . o: ..::: 1��..'94... . Metro ...'Sub81..zed ;. B. . .TI.... t, ':Pro :ra % licat''. g m pp ion Process. The; Metro Subs; di zed;;Bus :Ticket Pro.. o '' . . ... . ... r m s n w enter. x� the :second ... ..... . . . . ......... e`ar` of; a two; a. . ,<` 1'ot':`' o' :. ;: , .. ye r p pr sect which allocates subsidized bus tickets to agencies that'serve low income and : ;ess populations,, . . For 1994 the Metropolitan King bounty Council has authorized the allocation of $90,248 in subsidized bus tickets to meet human Is transportation needs for County residents outside of Seattle,i e attached documents for more information. Although the same amount of funding is available, a number ' of. agencies who were left out of the 1993 program have expressed an `. I in participating in the program this year. If you are. interested in participating, please complete' the attached application form and return 'to Holly Woo no later than March 21, 1994 at 4 : 30 P.M. The mailing address is outlined in the attached , letter ., .: . . : :.. : . If ou have uestlons lease.: cai.:` HQ. . Woo at: 29� 5 37;, . . Y . . q . Y 2. . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . ,::: . . . . ... ... . . ::. .Si �.ncerely, .. . . -t��. Rachel Y, J nston -: Pl: . . . : .. . . .. :.. . .. ... .... ....:.. .. . .. ... . .. . ....... :...... .........:.:.......... ... .::.... ........ ..... ... .: :... ...... ..... : : :.......... . . RYJ slc;mete:oin..f::9.4..:::'... ...:: ' `: .`: Attachments cc: Dee Lorenz, Board Chairman Jack Robinson, Director: of Finance in Ball, Human Services Manager (. ` _ . 22U lth AVE.SO.. /KEXT. \'�SHI\GTO\9SU32-�89i/TELEPHONE i?I)6i8?y-33pq/FAX C# Sig-333� ......... ......... ........... . . . ...... .