HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Human Services Commission - 02/25/1993 (2) . . �..�...�i:.- .i . .... . ... - ..�.. .. . ..: :.. . .. - .:. %. . . .. .. . . : .. -. %...I - :-.:.. % . ... ... . ... :. .�.:§�... .!.�.I.� T CITY OF & B { r AGENDA %�� .. -....'', '' :., ::�,:�,�', I I �,:�,:�:, %. . ... %. . �.��::�. . . KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION Scheduled Meeting; for February 25; 1993 3 : 00 - 5:00 PM Kent City Hall Council Chambers East ' Commission Members Susan i�amo , Chair Luoyle' Wooden, `mice Chair Tim Clark nsemarie Clemente Peter Duggan Marvin Eck f eldt Marijean H�eutmaker Peg Mayen uc7y Woods, Council Presidexst .... - . ... .....'. 7%.,.. . .: I :i::"'''',""�''' ',�, ..........-.: . . .�.. ... . . . :... . ... ... . . �i� ...-R.- .- Agenda ' . .. . - �:.%!:� ,�'..���. .% ,.,,,,., ., .,;...;.. ..,�;�., ::, .. %%:,.--%.-..:........ . - .: ..%.. . .. ,� ,�� -::��- I ..:!.! ��-,:��-�:��; . ...�%. . � .. .. ..... I ' ' , - i' ', , , , Z, I . . . : . ...� .. .- :"'', , , �:-', .. . . . .... - . ... .� :� �:� - i , ---- , -'. -: .. ... . ....� . ... . -. . . .. . . .. .. . - --­ _ ­ --,�!'- : ,: �,i:��� � '' "' ' %� . ..::%:.%.. .. . % ........... . . .. - , -, -�:-�,,� - :�,:�,"�,��,�,�-,__- �:�� ,��,;��!,Z,�], '' ' ' . . .... . ... , , " -� � - : ::: ': ,,,,,,,,,, ,, ,,,, , . . . - . . . .. . - �i�,::, -�:�:�,,� , 11 , � :,!:--..-. ..-.... - _��. ... .......:-- * Welcome new membe-� , � ... : ­ 1 - -�:, "I . .:.%........%- ............... , .--,- : - , -, I - �:��,�: ,�,;��:�,��,�: � . . .�... - - :�_,i: , I - :��:�:,�j�:� ,�� ,� 11,��������:�:, :I::::.:.��.:.:... -,""'''', I ': ��j��, - , -- : , - r - Tim Clark ,, , , - - , - OLD BUSINESS 1.` Approval of January 28, 1993 Minutes 3:00 2 . Evaluation of the Human Services Commission Retreat...,. 3:_05 3 . Status of Commission Appointments for 1993 3:15 4 . Appoint Representative 'to South King Council of 3:20 Human 'Services 5 Cty's Response to the Home ess - Update 3s25 NEW BUSINESS 1. Discuss :T med .ne ;and Pr% o os%ed Chan es for he ;- . 4 3 35 Agency A ... eat Qn :` :. . ... :::•. . . ... F... .. .::. : .:.:: . . : . : .i.. ............ .:. ..:... :..'::::. ....: ......: :..... ....... .:. 2; '. .' . . 9,94. ..Comm n�,t : Deuelo meet: Block• Grant ;•CDBOr: b ;i 3.50 . ..�,.: .: . :ejJ . P : ..... .: ::,.: ..>.:: .: .: . .. . ,: . : :.- Pu :, . :.. .: ....:..:..:.......:................ Human`:Se e .. ... .. .. . ... . . r. . . s Po1�c . . ..:.. . :. ..) .. y : : : . . ... , ..... .. . . ,. 3:. '.''`':.` % Revd ew 19;92 General :F A e : ces ; . and n Year ..En. .>Re orts. . 4. 00 P .. . . . . ,. % . .. ... . . ... . . ............ . S a us :of Human .;Sere. ces .staff .. .:.. . . ... ........%. .. : ..... . . . .......... . : 4:'.:' .0.:::'.: 1. Human Services Roundtable ,.I — South King Council of Human Services 3. Regional ,justice Center Update �gi j N6 HSAGEN93 .FEB 220 4th AVE.SO.,./KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859-3390/FAX#859-3334 .... .... ... February 16, 1993 PUGET SOUND join,; the City of Kent's assessment should be REGIONAL approximately $17,000, up from; approximately COUNCIL $111000. Advantages of belonging include grant funding opportunities and census data. INSURANCE CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3G) Washington Cities 'Insurance Authority (WCIA Memorandum of Understanding. ,AUTHORIZATION for Mayor to execute .a Memorandum -©f Understanding rgardirg' the WCT�A Large deductible Program'. The ity ...CQunc ecently e3ected to remain with WCI.A for;:general , . aba,]a.ty - oveago ;under t `e optional. dedutble prcrgraxn in the amount of $140,000. _. . HtMAN (OTHER BUS TNESS - :ITE1 4 B) SERVICES Catholic 'Comnunity services CCS) - 1993 Funding. The Human Services C `has recommended ` reallocating $7,OQO which was granted to the CCS Houe�ng fox th+e I��mele$s Men's.: Project, to the CCS Emergency' Severe �Teather Shelter Program This.::. `:. item was scheduled for'' discusson at the February 2nd•Plannng Committee Meeting, but the meeting was cancelled due to lack of a quorum. Orr noted that the Planning Committee unanimously recom- mended approval of this item at today' s Committee meeting. SHE THEN MOVED to approve the reallocation of $7, 000' from the Single 'Men's Shelter Program to the CCS Emergency Severe` Weather Shelter Program. Johnson seconded and the motion carried. jj POLICE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3F) DEPARTMENT Working Together Grant. Valli 'Kee ACCEPTANCE of tie Working Together Grant:: �Valli Kee) :'so that icne , can be properly; allocated within the 1993 laudget, as roeommended by ,tie ertox36 Cornett'- Por :the second year. in arrow:the City of Kent and the Housing Authority, o: . King:.County have entered . into ,a 9Cpntractcr Soczal Serve ces" regarding; thelli Kee Hous�,ng;:Complex. The amount 'awarded C;ity. under the current'-:contract s not to WNW 000, Department f Febr�a��y. 2., RARY ;(CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3;F) Rent Library Project. FINAL ACCEPTANCE of e Kent Library Project allowing for final yment on the contract with Eberharter & Gaunt , c. Upon acceptance by the Kent City councils nd the King County Library System 'Board, the statutory waiting rind for the contract retange will commence. S ratted from the final yment is an amount for liqu ated damages for de .ays by the contractor as provi for in the c tract. Final acceptance herein i . .subject tqt rhe claims pending in ,the current gat King County Superior Court Cause No 92-2-2'7774 `1 MUNICIPAL HER 'BUSINESS ,,1TEM 4D�. COURT ADDED BY.. COUNCILMEN R WiTTE Municipal U.1::.::rtsV. Wh a distributed copies of a res tion opposing Sen Bill 5117 which would ifect, prohibit cities om establishing; new n3eipal courts. , He noted at the Association of Washington tit es has asks or :support from.' cities, and .that this :was discus b the, . era- p bons Committee today.` Headded t the resole tion will be forwarded to various ele' d repre-- sentatives in Olympia.' HE' THEN MOVED fo provaT` of Resolution No. 1343 . Houser seconded a the motion carried. APPOINTMENTS (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3H) Human Services Commission Appointments. CONFIRMA TION of the Mayor's appointments of Tim Clark, Rosemarie Clemente and Peg Mazen as members of the --Kent Human Services Commission. Tim Clark hays been appointed to represent...the regional Agency category. Mr. ;Clark is a Social Studies teacher at Ken rage High school ants is a ... .-:...... .. e memo :r of the Board flf :Di.rectors o� Chs.ldren s alliance. He will replace Peg `Mazen whose term . .... ex, jred and his :a of tent ill u to p �p m w 1 n e Rosemarie Clemente has been appointed to represent the service C .ubscategory M. Clemente is a ... ...: .::. • .:. Y: .. .. member ;4f; Kwans Chub ;and will:...rep.lace Dee Moschel whose term ex ir e red and her appointment will continue to 1/1/96. APPOINTMENTS Peg Mazen has been appointed to serve as anon- voting Agency Representative. Ms. Mazen works ` ' with the 'Children's Home Society. Her appoint men will continue to 1/1/94. i ` (CONSENT CA DAR - ITEM 3I Bicycle S t Adviso Co ) ttee App intmenAft CONFI ON o the Mayor 's a pointments ark Davis avid H fman and'Stev Knight me ers of e Kent Bic le A,- of B rd. I' ey r ace Neil McQ , 'Larry Sto and Laur 1 �jJ GIfY OF'� LS Dan Kelleher, Mayor James P. Harris,Planning Director 11 February 26, 1993 Tom Champoux, ExeaWAV6 Ce President The Ef�ect�venessnst�tute, znc; 2249 152 A� NE Redmond, WA' 9$052 Dear Tom: Ths_Human S rv�ces Commission and%Flann3rig Staff really;appr;+eciated .: . . :. . ..::.: .. . . ; . ;. : - ::. . . ........ : .. .............:.N �%1...:....%.�.........!.w.�....%.....%.%.%,1.. �j...�........-:%;.:�%:-..­......�.'..:...J.%.,.��...:.,.:%%..-..�:%.w.�.-­..I:­....I.��:-�..�...::.�..�....�:.:%..��...�..,�.. .. . our artc at n : <; ur ,n our;;:; :annu 3 c etrea la t:: Fr `da: : ...... .........: ,o d a r t. . ......s: Y.� . ... . Y p p �! February 19th. The donation of you"r time, energy and expertise contributed I to the success of the retreat. Above all, we would like to commend `'you on your desire to "give back'" to the community, ( This type of giving; especially of someone with your talents, is always appreciated in the Human Services Community. So, please continue! Again, ,thanks so much for your contribution, Sincerely, .P7 -X R c ........:.....:. .. a e n : on pl anner anner RYJ s lc:tomch. % :It / .. cc: susan Ramc�, Human Services Commission Chair .......:.. .. : ...... .: ...,.::..::::.:,.::.. :.::.......::.; ......:.. Lin $a71, Manager, Office of Housing & Human S6iv ces 1 220 4th AVE.SO., /KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859-3390/FAX#859-3334 CITY Of'�� Dan Kelleher, Mayor ( " , James P.Harris, Planning Director vitr-�,�-R�:-I I:�,:I1�I-�,,,:I:��-,�,--,-,,- February, 2�, 1993 .....: .:.....: ....: .: .. ,.:.-i.....-�.::%�..�'..-...�.—l.�.I,.-..i......�.���.;...,-:..�..:..%��..�%—'.:...�....:....,:.........%1:!..�..�-...�%:..::I,�;%:%..,..�....-...,.':..:_..:.:�.!.:.%l..%.,....,:�....,-:.....'..........�:.�....%...�-�..:�.,,..1..%��.:.�.�.....1.......�-.-,...,%....�.1-%�I.:..j.....�...':.-.%,::,I�...:.�:�....�.�:�:1......:...%..�.:..:...!,......%:%...�:':...-.�...::..:.�...%"�....1....��......--.:...t.--�.-....��...�..�.1.1,.�.:1.:...'...:,%...�1-%::�...�..-...N.!-:.:.;:�...-�..1......�;�.:.�..-.!%.',..:.�.......�.:..._.:.i-��...........�.�.�..:.�!.:..�......�,.., Ter>rsa: Rafa'e;l `` 'Rs a,ona. Vic ';`Pares den ,' g Ch3.ldrenis Home Society ... . .. . . . .......... : .. . .. . .. . ::................::.......... P. .;0. ::.:.::Bo 1��.3.9.;D;:.::.;::;. ..::::............:.:.:,: .::.::.;:::;.;.::;:.;.:.:;.:.: ;::;:::::.:..::::.:::.::,.:::; :;.:.:.:.;.::.::,.:..:::.:.....:::.:::.:.:.:,::::.:.::...:::::.......::......:::..............: ........................ .,X ...:.:.. .:....:,........ .. :. ... . ....:.:.:.. . : : ; : Seattle WA. 98'1'1`5 `` ' ; ;`;;, ..... .� Dear TBresa : ..`: .:....:...::... :.....:...:.:.....:...:.:...:::..: ;::::::.::...::::.:...:::..: :.: .:::::.:,!%•:.: :;.::::::.; >:. ;::. .:>::: .::...,.:.:.::.. . ......... .::.....:::.:.:,::::.::::;::::::: ;:::.:::::.:.,.....:..............,..:.::::. ..... . ..........:....:;:;::.::::::...:.;..:......:...,. :..:...:: .:::....:.::.:...:...:...:...::::.:.... .::.:.. The Human Services Commission':and Plannln, Staff reall a reciated g Y Pp .....:::�-....,..-���1�I:...::..�.-%,......�..i.�%.1�..�.:.-...%:....'��.-..1:%.�.��...::.��--....�i��....,.....i;.:.....--.�..:���.�..!:.-....-:.:�.......���...,��-.......:-....:....�1.-:-�-.....�..1,!.-:..-...-1�.:­��......!.�..-:.�.:�-....�..-..:,l::.-%�.:-1.�.%..::....�..�.......%.:.%�%��...�-..:.-..I..:.�........�.�:..!%.!:.:.-�..�-...:.��%..,..-.;..�.,�.-:....:....-.-.-I:.-!:��.,-...;-�...��%:...�...".:,.�......%.-�:..��.%�.i.,.1..:..­I.�....:��!..::..�.%.�..:-.-:.....:�.:�...�,�'�::....,.-.....l-.::..:.--i�.....��.-.%%.::.:U:.-.�....:.-.1-.-..���.�.....�..:...-C.......:�...!:.:-.-..�...�..�:...��.....-.:�..�..-.�.�..��....::.�......;...�.,��.�...�..�.%�....%�.....%....%..�-!.-..-.--:��..:....1.'..:.��..:-..:�::�-:..:1,.-......�:'..%.:i....--.���%.�..I.I..%:.�.I-.�,L...1-....�:..:.�...���::�"..t�-.1.�..-%.%.:.­...�,�.�.I�!..�-'...:�-�:...I.-..',-....:'�...i�:...-��,,..�..:..%..;.,..�.:,-.....�.-.:.-I.�-�,.�..:.....:%%��..:..;:..-.-.�.��;..%.�i�.%�,.:.�,.I.......�...�..:...�..�.�:...:..:.-�.. o1 your partsc�pation dur�,ng ur nru retreat` last Friday, . . . . ; . .. Februar 19t:1 :`;'` : : Y The donation of your time; energy ' and expertise contributed immensely to the success of the retreat. Above all, we would like to commend you on your commitmentito human' services. This type of personal commitment is essential for effective planning and ' coordination of human services within our community. So, please continue! Again, ahanks so much for your contribution. Sincerely, . Gr"" . . . ..i achel . -:. ..:ohn .. ..:.:........ . : stop Planner .RYJ/slc;thank you : cc.. Susan ::':Ramos:' :::::Hu an::::S.er:.. .: c.c.s. C.ommi s`sOn..:Char:: ...: i::::.:........::•:. i:.::.:::.. ... 1t.::..::....:.:.....:::.::..,...y�..::.:-:::::.::..::....:.. ...:..::...:....:.::...:.::.:..:..:...,::.:.,.::...... .....: ...:.:::.:...........:::....., .... „:..::::..:.:.:::o . : %. Lin :Ba1.1 Mara er Qf f `ce f Hous n >& `:Human Services ' ` w^ a � � � - 11 11 id M� 61% :,: I I : : : .i.i . . ...: : %i .. . 220 4th AVE.SO., /KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895 1 TELEPHONE (206)859-3390/FAX#859.3334 : ......... ..................:4................................. �A i:i::..--.-.... - �. .��M�m =2�m&�Za a�a�:� = .. T"': . . .. . .. .. ... :.1.:.:. �� -:��:.l....-.:. :�:. - . . . .... ..... % : .1:.... .. . % . . . . .. . . CITY OF ZIMB Dan Kelleher, Mayor . t ) James P. Harris, Planning Director 11 I7�7IIC l� February 25, 1993 . . %'. Pau a 0 erman . Ar..ea ,Nana, er : .: : . Pp g Division of �Children` andFami Services .. . : De artment ofocial ,ad Health Services % P: . . . .. . . . 1313 W '' Meeker Street.. 1 2: % .:.' . .. �ll :.:..: Kent, WA 9832 ..... e % ... . ... D ar Paula. : ::...: . ... `.i`:: ...,..:..�I.�.�.l.............,.-...-..%:.'..%...-.v.:::-....i..�.l..:�'-%.:.,..,.......:....I.i..:1�...�z.....-..�..-..:.....:.�:.1�%..-.��:.j..�.l.-.-.,....�%...%�%:.............,..�:..,....%%-.�..1..,...�-.-I...�,,,�.,i::..,�..l�.1�.!:1..l.......!...�.�,-1�:.;...1,�..,.�.....:,-�....�.....!..1-...-!:.%-..:.,..1,,�..:-.:�.,I..%!::...I.%..!1.l..­:...�..���._�%.:..�.::�..-.....i...-..�-..'........�._-.:,.....�I:i 1'.-.j:....:-.�.:.:�..%:.-...:.�:'.�....:.-1.:.1..l�.%..---1,'..l.....!�.�..-:...�.....�.�:,,:-...�.....,'.-1-..,.I.:.:.:...:,,��'.'��.1:..........%���.�I..":..I1..��Q..,.�:...l:1�.-.-.:%.�����..::.-....;.�..-:...--.�....%�....�_...�,.-.-..,:�.-.....,.i.-..:..,�.:%.--.�.��...�:�..,:-::%�..-.�%%.��%.......-...,...._!.:....�.1.,...-.:....����.­,i...:��..::,.::..-1....�...�:.�....:-...-�-,���_..�:..-i....:..%:::..:.�.-.-�.........:"...4:.:.:..-:!....�...l�...,!.1�:...:�.:..�.......1-,I:...�....�-..,i-.I�....,1-'...::.:,l.lI..�l%..!�:..1.�%I%�,.,1..'%..�-1.�l-:,i�.-,l.:..�:.-:�.-�....,1:...l,:%-,.--"�.;%:�:::.:.:..,:-..�-::.�,,-��,l.....-���.:...:..,1i.I,"...:.:.l.I�1..I..1�.,-I.�..-,�......-,�-���.,,.�,.%h.Il.I�.,�..:"1..%::�..�....j���..�-:�..,lI.�:.:.:-�:�,:%�.�:..:�-.-,:�-..�.:....�...�%.:,.:..%�-�:...:..�;.:..:.%i.,:l:..,-.�:,..�,,...-�.:.�%:...��l.-... The Human Services commission and Planning Staff r6.aliy appreciated .: . :. . .:. ` o : art3c at o . u n duri; our ; a ua e. re I st r a y p P ng nn r t at a , F d y February 19th. The donation of your time, energy and expertise contributed ' immensely to the success of the retreat. Above all', we' would like to commend you on your commitment ;to human services. This type of : 1. personal commitment is essential for effective planning and ' coordination of `human services within our community. So, please . continue! Again, thanks so much for your contribution. Sincerely, .. Ra . chel ohnstQn .. . .,.....Pl a,:ne:,: . ':' .l RYJ./slc. thank.you . ., cc: Susan Ramos, Human ..serv.icesommsson : air Lin Ball, Manager„ Office of' Housing & Human Services ( a 1 — . 220 4th AVE.SO., /KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859-3390/FAX#859-3334. . .:i.I . �i� �- ... . i . . ....... ...... . � . .. ... .. � . .. .!:�� ....��.� i I . . ..l.......... . . . ... ..... %.%. .. ... - . - . .:.%.%.! .. .. .1 . .. �.�,�.:i�:��:::��::�� �;��: . . ::�. .:. . . . . . . . . ... ... .. .... CITYJE11m:.... i...i.:. 1:.��:-.. ... i. .......... ........ I ..i..... 1 '"' :, .. ,�.,:,I,:.i: - .�%j... %...i: ,1:I : .. . ..... �.- ., . ... .�: Dan Kelleher, Mayor (' James P. Harris, Planning Director phU�PIIG�S�� February. 25, 1993 . L nn Thorson . :J:Human, Sir.. Maria; er y......... United Way Qf King County 207: sherry ... reef %...:..::..........::....:.;:.::.:;.. .:..;::.:::. : % % Seattle, .1A 981'04 ..... ... . ... ..........:D...ear.,:.L. ..nn,... ..:, :: .: . y :>:: ...: ::: . . : .. , .-,: .. The;Human% ervi c. . Comma sSlon :and Planning"Staff really appreciated .: :,,,: al... :. ..e.... ` last Fr�Lda: : ; ....:..:.:%.%your::-.:....:..: art:lc:l. .:a..1. o....n.:.........,dUr....1n:............O:fir,.........a12..n..:L1..:..................: '..:::..,,.,.......:..,....:.:............:.:.................................:....:,:.........:...1..Y,.. ................,. .. ., y . p.... ... ..p : . :: g . : . .. ..:. .:: ... .. . . . .Y. i .: The donation of your . time;, energy and expertise contributed 1. immensely to the' success 'of the retreat. Above all, we would like to commend you on your commitment to human services. This type of personal commitment is essential for effective planning and .. i. coordination of human services within our: community. So, please continue! Again, thanks so much for your contribution. . Sincerely, G � . .. ..:......... ..............:.....:.::: G l live . ...�.%.—��.......�....-......i.:..:�.:.��.:.�--...�.:.%i.-i%.�t..-..1..:�.......�1....�....�.-..�.:t.::.:....���..I-:�.:..�%:...�:.:.�:..%�.:.::...I:..!:-%.....�.�..1::.i%.1-....��....::�....:..%.I...:.%:..I.-.:..I.I�...�1.�I::..i t.,,:..:1......,...I 1..-1..i:.-..-....I-..1-1:.-1��.I�..1—...—I 1i.1..1,1............�..:...i�........i...-..............:i...i..%.....�..-..i.�..i�1.:.,-.�.i1'..%.:.I%.%...:..:.....%....�.:....%.....�......�.%...1.11.....-..:.%..0..::.:..:.%.-.:.....i�...::...�.�.:�.....%.:...���.-........�..:.!..��:�.......E.90��. �. k. ::::.: ;:::.;.::... : ....:.. :.............:: Rachel ohnston . . Planner . RYJ/slc,;thank.you ii cc; Susan, Ramos, Human s ... .. s commission Char Lin Ball, Manager, Office of; Housing & -um an services ' 220 4th AVE.SO., /KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895 1 TELEPHONE (206)859-3390/FAX#859-3334 CITY OF Mig Dan Kelleher,Mayor , James P. Harris,Planning Director d,� utc�� , February 25, 1993 .�...%u..%..:-..i.-;�.,..�.1...:�:....:.�...�..l..,...�I.-:......�:.."I:...1.�:�:...1..�.'�'%:......-,.i.....%.��%..:....�,�%�..�....-,..%....-:l��-�..��:...."::I'..:..::.::1-:.�...........:.,�:.:..!%.::..:�,l:.i-.:.�-.-.t....�:�..-!... Nancy Ashley, Project Staff �.:.�-iI�,...,���:..i 4.:��,ii—'��:.;%�-.:!-�.,:-.�,,�.�.,t:,.��,�1.­-� Human Services Roundtable 1311. First Avenue, Suite 200 Seattle, W . 981'Q4 Dear Nancy: The;Human Services'Conmis5ion and Planning Stsff reali a preciated . , 4 ; Y P , our art .cl a-.. darn .'.our annual ; retreat; last. Frida .Y.. ...:.. . P .. .. .. ... ... . .. .: .. . . . ..:.. .. . . ..... . . . P .. : � Februar .: 9th.• ; :: . Y The donation of your time,; energy and expertise contributed immensely to the success of the retreat. Above all, we would like to commend you on your commitment to human services. This type of personal commitment ,` is essential for effective planning and ` coordination o€ human services within our community. So, please continue! ; Again, thanks so much for your contribution. ':. Sincerely, . .. . :. . . . � :: . . :`` Rach'e1 Y;'> hnston; < ` '` ':. Planner .. .. .... ...... .: .... ... :. . .: . . . .. Ri .. . . . Slc:thank ou ,. ... .::......::..........:..:........::::.. •.. .Y .. .... . cc Susan, Ramos, Human .Sery ces` eommiss on ChaA Lin Ball, Manager, Offiee of Housing 1 Human servicesi. . a �< 220 4th AVE.SO., /KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859-3390/FAX#859-3334. . . ....... . % . �:%� : .%1 - -.- - ... . . ... .. �.�.�.�.. ...: . .� . : % . � . .. . �I�:%:. . .. .. ...::.1.%.%.: .: .......�..........� . % ...-�:% .. %.. .:: .. ..:.%.:. %...%......... ...... : -�:_��.:�:-�.� ..�%��: �-...:�!...���.�:.1-.� � .�!:::. : :�:��...�� . ::%. . ..........�..................... .�-��.�.. �.�-...� ��. . ... .::�.� ��..�.�.�.�.... . ; � �� . .I :� :��.:. ..%... ... .%:.:.: . ��. . . . . - ..--�- ..... ... ... . � :..� :� % 1. .. . . . .... - - . ... ....... -.............. ... ... .:. .� �� .1. . �.. .. . . .. .. . . . ..��.:�.!�.: .::.1 .. .:... ..%.. 6 CITY OF JB �..�. .. .... .......... R__ _M�� , , . .. ...:.. .. CITY OF KENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT (206) 859-3390 tw MEMORANDUM February 17';, 1993 ��:��, �� _:��,��� t�:,:::� N W t:­­ a : , , - .:.%. . . .. :��. . TO; HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION MEMBERS FROM• LIN BALL,:: HUMAN SERVICES MANAGER SUBJECT• 1994 :CDB PUBLIC (HUMAN) SERVICES LOCAL` PROGAWM 1: .OLICY in the' past you have reviewed and approved the portion of the CpBG Local Program Policies which specifidali ad�reses the goals for ubna puritan serv' ce pro 'ectt Thy de elopnent of Local Program P ( ) 7 Policiess a federal requirement for the receipt ofCDBG funds. ' These policies are , descrapionof local strategies fox the use of CDBG funds . and ;are 'used; to support CDBG fund `ailocation decisions in the` City of Kent.. The Local Program Policies outline some broad` priorities for ` funding which allows for flexibility in ' final funding decisions. E Staff recommends retaining the 1993 adopted public (human) ? servi.ce ` po icy outlined below. The City Council will hold a public hearing 'on the Local Program Policies on April 6 199'3. A recommendation from the Human` Service Commission regarding the public service policy will be forwarded to the City Council Planning ; Committee for consideration at its March 16, 1993 'meeting. The approved CDBG Loca3 Program Policies will become part of the 1994 King County CDBG Consortium Policy Plan. D�tAFT i�94 KENT CDBG PROGRAM POLICY Public (Human) ,SW vi. ,... . ..• ...'Pro ;Sate ahoul'd ;; rov; d esserit .a ; ` ubl services;: :t law• 'and ] P . .. : . . .. . ..... ..... . goderate '�:neome, erso ;s Th' s ' n ,l d+a ro' ra 's` ti h h ov d'e P Y P P health aare, r3our�se�.ing and therapy, chYd Aare, fara, ly support, .support to seniors and parsons t, t1 d3.sabi . . es, job training, . ...... . . . trans orta �:;on - emergene . ..and `..t% . n;� st'�ona3 to; 's'1'n: ' `; s ort P r, Y .. .. PP s8xvlc.es, and other services that ras'et demonstrated deeds. LB/slc:cdbghs.93 , . f CITY OF')t I- ' , ill CITY OF KENT PLANNING' DEPARTMENT (206) 859-3390: 1 77777= p MEMORANDUM :....��i-.� il� : : 1 ". I February 9, 1993 TO: HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION MEMBERS iI���,:,����,�:-I�-:�i.��i'!-�-.,-:.�6��1�..�:��.:-�:,.�t..��-:--�..--.--...-:��t-::�,::�-�-,,��-�,�..V--�!­�t-.�,���-..:..:,ti�:-::i,,,�.�.�:�._,-.,,-�-,:-..z�%��,t�:.�..��...�.�.�:---.-,I:�l%�.,--�­�-.,-1�:..:.:,���..�,-�:,I-...,i..1:-t�-,,l;:",.:.��:.-�-%,"��-i.�i:�-.,,:��,���....�..:..,,�:-.�)�.i��.%E.ii�-:�..j:-1�-�-1:::..�.�l::,--:!�..::,,-..�.��,�i.�,!�:..��i�:�:l..�-,,%;..--,�j�-:,,:.�-,%,�:��-�.,'.::�,�.,����.,,:!,,��-�.�l'-..,,--j.���--%.:��::�..%,-!-":.,-M I h%.,..---.,�I�....--.._-:,I..!t:%�:,1..,�..,....-����...:..�-.i!..:C,II.-!..�.%.:.��;'.��t-....,:�.I,�..:�-:..�,-,-..l-..:1�i��...,-.I�l;�:.,i-�-..;,���..'.I.1��..-Y.':.1��.-,..:�-..�....���-�..�-....-:1.�..,.1j:'��..-�:.%.�-�::-...I�,1,,l..-�.,...j.,,i,..'-�:��:-.�­�..:..,:��.,,.�j,:.--,-:l�......-�.-'j::-:..:��i..::�...�.:�_i:��...�1-.:.,...-.-�.�.-�1:�..:.,,..,�!.�:�.,�--,!-....,I:­-...,.":..i t,-��.��..:.�%.,:.,:....l.....,.-,-:,-i.-%.1-�.�-:_.....:-.��-:....I..::-.:,i...,-_...:,:-:.�,�..,�...�::...1..:-..%-.�......'��.�!,:­�t�.......�..�_�...-�.�.,,.-..1.,.:::,.I1.-..-.."....��..�i��i�..�.-..I.�:�..,-�..-i...i....�",��i�.,%.--.-_�-.I��t,t...,.-....�'..._:t..,�:..:.:..."-:�: I,�..%�-'-,..''.�:.,�'J,:-...—!-.�I-.�l..:,1t.-.''�.�....,-.-..":l..-�'1�.-1.,..,IIt,-t.�.�.�:,,,..I I--."..�-'',�.,.,!:.,..,,:.1-::.z".'.].:I 1.�:.':.I-:!�.�-�,.'-I....,�1::.%:�-.1...z!:�.,,..,.�...'i..-.�..11:..�:�,.�:1:%,,..1-.!,.:...,:,1.-.-...�-.I1.I..,.in",I...�1.I�.�1..1�-.':I...,I'�.%.1-i 11:-.�I::."1.-�..��::.,:"!.��:-.1-1.-11.."1-—."I1-"..':,.I"1..,'I-:.1�,1�1.��:.-::l.':1�:":..1'1�%_��',l11,:1::,..--:::..-.�I�1..'I1.I',.-!.�I,.'...I,.':,-,-.:...,'1,.-...-,.1 1...�CI I.l'�.:'I.�.1I�...�.I:�.'.:l 1.I,.,.,.,II:1....1I%�.,I.lI I.l�,:�......II�l I,:.�'-.I1'.11..I:-%"I-::.'I",..I-I1-:.�lI 3..l.-:,1.l..�i'1..'�,II.:...--I.!_1I..,'1.l..,:IIl1.,,:�,'..i..-:,1I%..,._,i.I':i,1�Ii.,1�I,",,,..,11I..Zl%�--.%,-',.-.-,-,1I,.-1.::J.,1..%"-II.,1.��_,�"-:-�1.l",l:-'I1,:.,�.-1.,,.1,l�,:1%.%.I,.'-,,,',I i1I %.��.�:-.�%%.�...�:...,...--.-.:..:.Z:.:%�..-i-.:.�......:..:-.%.�..j�.:�..i:,..�......�...�.��...�..i..I...:..�.�%%.z:.-.......:�,:.::....�...�,:.�.:�:..�:.�%...7...,�.i.%�,.....:-�:....7Ml-:...:.�..:�..�.-.%..7-%i.......�--....%.!j....��....�.:.:....,l...1..!�_...:.....�.:�.:.:.1.�.7...��..�.....:..:...�.-.::.�:.�.:�.�..�.i.!..:..����.::..::...i:..����....���...����..:�.;.:...�..l.��.%�-....i..,�l�:..:.......�:�!�:.�...:.......:.....­�,�.�.:�..�.�.�..�-.,�......%.%...%�.......%I.:.-��..-..�.....�-...';%..�....��...�..-...:.l�.-...%.�]�.......-.�.....-:l�......�...:.�.:�.,-.:��.�.......�..�:...��.:.!.�.�:.. ....�.�i:.��..:.-.-..:..!:....:::���:..-.%.�i.,-..:......,:����i-:.:%..i%:......:..�.��;.�.i!.�.......�­..:�..�..%.%:.�".�N:,...;.....�..��..�....�..�:..I..�-�...��..-�.....�....%=�.%�...�:..­�.!...�..��1��..:.-...::.-�:.::.,.....�,:.%.��.-�.z.�.%..-�...:�..-�...-'��....��:�.:.�.�:.:....��:.-:..�:..-:..�i�..:�.�..-..­:..1.�-�..�..--�.��'-...�..;.--���%�i.-:...�........­..,�i-.i��..:�..,..!.�.���...�-.�.:l...--i:1." FROM: RACIiEL Y. JOHNSTON, PLANNER :�!.�...�:.�..��:,.....i.....%.:.....ffl.::.......-.�..�1-�:-..%..�...��.�..-�.:.��... SUBJECT: RBv.I§ED HUMAN; SERVICE$ COMMISSION ���L�%�;�,'l,:-:­:'1-��i.Ii�t-,'�,-,:�,'��:'-,1:.l��I-,':--,t.�--,--1 0-�-��,�.."�:--:l 1�'�,��,."'-:�,���'-'::l�t�',,.�-,_,-:,.��,�-.':.-I At' ached is a copy of the revlsea Human Services Commission Bylaws. This amended copy includes the new eect3on on "Conflict of Interest" which you approved during your`Januar 28th' meetin Y P3 ease discard; your previous copy of . 'e Bylaws dated September 1992 and keep this ::new :co PY- Thanks! ! Attachment` CITY OF , i Dan Kelleher,Mayor . James P. Harris, Planning Director uffT February 3, 1993 Arthur; Lee,, Executive Director Emergency Feeding Program of ...... = I I Seattle-King "County P o. Box 18145 Seattle, WA 98,188 . MONITf.- 1- VISIT Dear Mr. Lee Thy Cit of Kent is , y .. p;~eparing : for its; annual reyaew o Duman services a envies that recei�red General Fund and or Ccmmunit Developmen tBlo'ck Grant (CDBG) funding in 1992 . We plan to review your program year during an on-site visit in February or March. One or two Planning Department staff members will meet with you and your finance administrator, During the 'one-hour:ilvisit, we would like to review information regarding ; your recordkeeping and financial management system. We' may' also ask questions regarding staffing and program management, During qur review we would like to receive your feedback regarding the City's human services process. This visit presents an opportunity for both Planning and agency ' staff to learn more aboutreach others needs and concerns We will contact you soon to schedule an appointment, Please ealT me at 850 `4789 % or Alice Shobe at 850 4788 you have questions ...'.: .. ..''..:.... re ardin the on-;site �s; t e g g . v. . :. Wp4 forward to meetn with our` : .. .. Sincer77:7.ely, %% . . . : ­ . .. . . . . ....... . . ..��%�A _._.. 11 �:. .:�:.�� . ... . %. ..: ........ ...: ... ... .. ac e` .. .. 12.. ....h.:....... . . .,.: inn ton . . ... ..: .``Pi ...... ... .......... . ... . .. . . .. ,. . a % . . . nn+ r ;:.. R...J s1c:93MON,V3S Y ec: Susan :Ramos, Chair; Human Services Commission Lin Bali, Manager, Office of Housing & Human Services 77= Alice -Shobe, Planner ( 11 � �,�:,,�_ ... . . . . ­ ­ .i ­� : - .� ..... ­ 1 - II .:.. :. . ­ . .:: _ : ._ ...­ ­­ ­ , 1 • ''I�:. % ..:: . ........ .% ..... . . ... : ­_ . . ... . . . ­��j 1 : 11 11 . nol­ . . . . .. . . .. �_. �­:. :.:��. :%.��..:.:. ­ _: I �� 1a �­ ­_­_ � I "t:�.:% . . ...:..� l.. % ! . .. ..... %. :.. .� ::.�:.. t � ­! :_ I' ll. - �, I : �,t�_ . . %....% : ...�..-, �­ .... .. ._­.. . . ..... . .: . .. I . . . . ­ I .. . . . .. : :.. %� �:.%%... ... �.�%.....: � � I I I I - — . . .. . . .....- ­ � :� � I I - :.. .. .. :. %�.. .. . i .. .. ....� ����������� 220 4th AVE.SO.,Y KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE {206)859-3390/FAX#859-3334 . : %I!::.:...-. .. .. . . . : . i : -� . . �% .-. -.. .. . .. %:��:�.���..:�: . ... 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Harris,�.�.%:....."..j....:%:.�-��.......�:.-�..........?....'.�1��%..:......:.:..j...­.!�.�..:....!:...�....._...:.. , Planning Director ...:�,:,,.......--,.-....:I����,.,�..',,�I_%...� :,..---"..�.�:'':':�I:.-.:�.....�I".........�-::�,..-,t'�...:.....:�..:...%�-,�.�.%..-....,....:,-,-:.:.�.:�.%:.�..'',�.:��%.�:, ,,,".��.,.�,".I I'�.�....�'�_..:,�;.....-�,,"��.:......�_,,.�'����,1:....�1��t..�,'��,..%:�'....',,...i1,.,,::,:.:1i' zvS^IIvu ......:�%.:...%-....:-.i�:�%%.�..:...:.%�.,%..:-%�-i......%..�..:-.:.:.........:%.:...........�.....-.%.0%;.:..:.-.....�.�...-:.::........-......�...%...%.....-:.�.....::i.�-.,:.. .....�.....f�.�!..:i-.......L:.�.-.�.�:..��....!.�.%.:.I.::..;�����.:�;....:...:.-!..,:��!.:....:......i.'%..1�.�:�.��:.��."..��.::.:..:-.%�.....I1-::.�..:.,"...�,1.:...-.::..�i:k;.--�..%�1!!.I..��....:%.%:%...I..:��.:.�:-1....%::.%.�..�::...��..-..-%.-�.:.:�.:.'.............::...::.�...%�.�.�...:.....�.�..�:.I!:�....::�:%-�.........�......::.:�..��...�..�..:�.....�.!.::...-....-.%.%i.1...�...%.%�...��-..��..:.:...�.:.%.%"......:I.:.i%�...%:.:..1�...%'%�..%;..:1.....t.......-......�...%.:..%:..�.�%..:..�.-�-.:..�-.-.:i�.....%�'..%:.%%.-.�.:�....%�::%�......�.�.::�%:i...,-.:..:��!..�:.,��%..:::...:..i:...:%....::.!..�:�..i.....i..��:.�.�....!..:�.%:��...:..............:.:....%.%.:��....�%..i.,...::.:..�.�:-...�..!�:.:.�.....:.�.i:.i.....:...�­.%%:-..%--�:����-%.:-..:..11..;�.!.:..�...�...I,.�:.�-iI....�.-:�..i�::..1.:�:..i.�.�.:...�.-.:%�..�-....�....'.....!.��1-%-..�.�.:�..�-.�:....-I.��...��...�.:%....:%-%%�-..%�I..%1i.-...'..��:..�::1:�..�.%:..��,i-...�:.,..:�.:..�-::::.%1:.�.:%:.:� .....�:'::::.....!.1���.....�..1�...--.:.�:..-..��.�:......�:.%..:I%..t%:..,:.....:��..�.��.%...��..-%.�"11':�.�..��...:...�-%�.::�:.-%......i:�.�U....l.�%.�:::%1.�.%..',��..%�.�..��%..::��..-..�?...%,:.;.-.�.....�.��:1.�.%%'...I�::.:.�:�:�..�i...�..�.I1�.�t%.:�..-.:...i:.:I-���.�..:�...'�:..:�.�-..i.-.�...��...:...��.%....�'...�.i..7:::'..�.l..�,.:........l...1.:.�-,..�..%1i..:.%..:.-.%�.:.:�:�:��.:..l%...'�..--.....�.%.%:.,...:�..�...�.�.-t...�i�...�.���..-.%....�%..��:::%.�...:�.,.......,....�,.....�.:1:.%....��I...�,j;:.:,.:.%f%.�.....�..:�..:.-..:�:�.�.�.�..�..�....��..�.....,..%-:�::i..�.�.�..�!:�..%�.%%..:�I..�.�%I....�i.::I�.:.!:�����:�.....�...1��:....:,....-:�.�.i...�:%.%��.:.%.:-�.:%��.�-:....1.%�.:..::..�.:.::..,..-....�:..I�...:.:..:.�%i.:.1%:%-�.-:%.�..%......%.1-..-.'�1��........�.:...�..I-i...�::.�...%..�..:.�:.��-....-.�.:.:.�:.i..:.�.%:.%%-....%.�l;��....%..�..�:��.,.I:.,.:��.:.i.:.%%%:..:......�..%t:.%...-�.......:!:�:%�...%,:.....:I1.......�.:..�..�....%.��..:.%.-�..��.:.�:.:�..:�.0.:.�,...:....-�..�..�..-.�....t�...0i::��!....%.....�:%.,...�.%.�%.:...-..�...�.....%,-- .-,�1I.%.�-,...':,'.�..:�.%....1�1�.;...�":..I1-�.�..,1�.%:'�.:,%.%�-,�-..,�;-��..:,�...���_..:%:.�-�z'..!�:'�",�:..���.%�-�,....�",:'..,I,�1,-�::1�,�.,.�'�,.��..-,��:.�-.%:--.�..:.:,,,_-.:......tI:. .I,��.,Z::I�...,-..�..,1I,�.�..],.�:...�: ..�....!-......::.�..:�..�..:.:I..�............:.......::.:.....:-.�..�..:..�.._-.......�..I.:..�.:��.:.:..%:-.....��%.....�......... ......�....:..._I.!....I....�...:.. %.-�:....-....�.... .".�..�.�:......��::... .%.l............%.�-.I:....�...%.%.....:�.-..-.::.,.::..:.......-�........:........:.....%.:%..%:-........!�.:%...I.::......:....�.....%. .......... ....-:.%..�.I.%.....: February 30 1993 iI"1kgg � ecutive Dixector . tt.a%/.i Count; . .- :;; ' ''3�venue Y. : : :;:;: :. ; ;; ,; : 1.1 . .;; ,• . , ': �:.�:,,':,I:.,%-...,I����.:�.:..�-_%�..i.-�.........��.�:..��.-...�..�.....::...�....:�!:...:�.��.%�.:..:.i..�:..%.-�.%...��f�:..:"....:.....%..�,...:..�-%.:......�..:..:..%:.:.����'..-���..�.1,.:�:%..:...��..,.:.%�.-�-�.��.%,�%.:%I.�i��.......-...:�..1�..%....%:�.i.���...�.%..%:�.::.�...:�..%%�.�.-.%.-�.��:�.�...%.'..�.�...I..:�.....-.:.��;..�..:;......�..-.�::...�:��.�.l::.....%�...1.-:...��.�..-..-.%....�:..-�-��...%..:�ti..:%..�.-:%..!.,...--:%.....%....l�....,..�....�.%.�..�;...:�:�...'-�:-�:...!...�.��..:.i..�.�...��.%��...'�1�.:...-:�i:�...�.�,i�.�.1..�.:...�:��:�..�....�..�.....�.:..:�.�%,:%%�:...:.:1.��1�i I,...-.%.::...�-...!%l.�.�.�..:...-.....�....-.��..:�.:�..�.%...:�.%���.�....%::...�...:.�.%..�..��-...��.:�..�....:.;�.:.%.........%....�.:�.!..�-%%%�.i.��..:.�.�...1::�....%.�:....%�....::.�..:%.�....%����....!.�...:..��%..%..1.%�.�.:....:.i.,.,.:..�....��:I..�....:-.:i 1i.%.%...-...:....:.�.:�:..::%��-.��.��-:..:..t::��..i;.�i....:...:!..:.�.l.�.-..�..%...,��..��.:-.�:�.�:�.:.:............�-..�..�:..�..:�.�.%...:i.-:.%:-.�..,:...:%.��-.......... 8 RE f,. 1KONIT.,..,Rli�i,. .M ...,.... Dear Ms Ryder: .....�,::I��....1'�,�.�1,�...-..:1 1:..-i.1,�..%,-I,�:..�.:-����.�,-:�..%....-:.-:,:.�i�-...-",�1�-.,..1.�...I_�I.%:-,t:.-:.-�-�-...,I;�.,�,.-�t--.��...:-,-'.t.�-,�-..l�:.'�1-I,%.�..�'%:..:..I�.'..-.-�-�,--:..,I.:..:..,l��.:...-­.-,,�:�-....:..-:i....:-%I.%���.��-��I.....l:-�..-;-:-.-�:--I�.�.,-�:��.%..-,-�,:..�..I��.�I�.:��:..'...-.-1...1,�:.,--.%.I-�1-�.,�.�.j: �1:,i�:t�-:�..:.�-"-:�.:1"�..:..:.!-1.%1�.1-�-..��:�:.�-.,��._.�.1�...��t:%..,.II,�..�.:��:......1��.�:.-:I�.%�,-,:�.:%.,.�,..1II�.�.--�..:..-':.-�:-:.%.I,,.:�1-�i�,l..-I���'i:1:,:..�1...._::.��.%�..1��%..II.:,:--:,.1��-::...:��-:.,..:-...I-:.%.':-:...l..,:�.Il.-..t...,::.��-..-'�.:-1.,�.::� �,-1�%%1...:....�1�-t%.,�%I�..���.�:...1:��..%:�I-��.%,��.-I,.,�-:-.....�:.!-..�1,�:-..-,::�..l':--..%.I�.:.�..c:­.1:....--::-�.::..,I-:.-.'-%-�.'.:.1-...�-.��--�,:�,--I-,��,.�..,��:_I-�,.��-�.,..:%1.,:,.--:....--1-,-!:,1:-.....-�..:.I,�,!..,-:.,....--....::,,�.,..::I,-..�,-�:-:.:,-i�--1�..�,.:...:.�...i.-I1::-...:�..I-.�:.��..'�-�.1�-..�:-::-::I1-.-,�... �,-�,-�.-,-:.,.��.%...:...��.I..1,L-�.."��������::.�...I i.:�'�:,':%-�,1 t�:..I��.-.!.�j.�..�:,�i�:�-�.,',,I,��1.::�..-�:.I���...�%.I.,i% :.1-!.-..l'�.%I.�.1 1:...-,��-,1,%�.I�-.l......�:t��.,..:�.1 1:,,-�--...:-�...,:--�!%�.,:..:..,���:..".,�..�1......,,�-I.-.:...-"..�..:...1-�..�.-:�...��:�:..lIIi­-%.-....-�..1�.I-��...'.�-�;_-.�.%.:I��.._�.......,,�-�..:.,:.1.j..%..-.,I�..�1,:.�:�,......--%..�..1%...���..1-..:.,--,�-..t...',�.�.-...:.I I��:.7.:.:���..-�:-.,,1..-:.-..:71%:.:.-:-��.�...-�. .�1-,.,.1...,-.:-.%�,1,t,.�.....,�1-l..:.,�,,�.,..�':�.-,.:.1�%I'���:,..I���%,Z�1-t-..,,�.�..7.I�-�I�:%..I-,,':...:.....i�%.11,:-�_-.--..,..-:....�:.:I,,­.�..,,�..%,1I:"%II,..-:..,'-�",,—�:.1�.:.t-..�,:-....,��.l�.�.....:1,:.I-.,--'%.-.1�"".:..I�t,:,.�.IIl:...,:�.:.I l�_t..:".-.,-1:.:..:I7t......�!��..,,,..1,,,:,.-,,%...,1...:-�,...,��j._-�,_t..,I:,'".-..I,:..-.....1,1.�.,.-��.':.::�.-:%�.�:',.-.I-1.1..,%:.-..,�,1 I�.,�.,,..-%.-"�,.I-%%�.1�.1-��,".".:.,,...---1.,,�:�i...,�.�-I:�-I-".,.-,..I�:/-�.':�..,1:.�,,':.%-,,.1--t,,.�.1-,:,.."-,.:l.-,�.I�.�,...,�1:%.I:...i1'-.,%:-I"�:-.-..:.-.t.1'.:,.-,1-,!::,.Z...-..,�""I....:-I,�.-:%-,�1,�,-,.I-i�:,.I,:.:I"'.::.I:;�-:��,:.'.1:I1,,.��1'...,,'.�:.�,,"�.�-':.:��:,%.'.1-.-,-...::-.,,I.:..1,..�..,%.I�'',,-..I,,11".�.1I,":I'­,.t,.,,,�...��:-..-..1,1.-,.-�.%-,.....:"�...,,..-,'..�..,I1.I,,":..I.%.�,:..,.:..:,-,,..I..-I-�...%t,%.­:.�:.,,.I,...',.:.:.%..l,,,.......,�.:.........,,.,::%..,I1.1�..':-�........%.-.....�:'.....,..,.7tI,.I:.,..:...%,.-I..:....�%.%.:....%:,..1.-..%��--.,.:...:�...�:-..I'.I,,�.��1.,1::...1I�.z.I,.�..-�-..'.......,�.....,:.-�.,�%:I.:.�t,...I,%..�:-I�.-%%.:%.,:-,.I,,�:I�I:._�%,�,%-.:.,,.,,.�1...�.,...:�z.I�':.,1.111-.%':l.:1.I...,:%,..%'1�.:.�,...�,��Il�...:%:1��,1.�-.,,..'..I:lt,�.�'�j�:1:,-���..,I,I,..6%,1-%1I::�.:,,.�.:;7�:"-,I...-,:,.�:�i-�tI�.�1�,.'1.�:".%.I--.���_.:.�1,:.��71..'%%..:�I.­',-It.:�-.�l l:.���1�,,�%:.�-,",'.1���..-.�.��,,,�t,�.:�.:�.::,.--1,�.�,]'���:t:� The City o;.f Kent ;s preparing for `its annual rev�.ew of human . . .. ... .:: .. .,. . . .services a encjes that;, received General Fund and _or pmmOnt g / , Y Development B1oek Grant (CDBG) funding In 39924 We plan to review your program year during an- on-site 'visit in February or March One or two Planning Department staff members will meet with you and your finance administrator. During the one-hour visit, we would like to review information regarding your` recordkeeping and financial management system. We may also ask questions regarding staffing and program management. ' During our review we would like ' to receive your feedback regarding the City's human services process. This visit presents an opportunity for both Planning and agency :staff to learn more about 'each others needs and concerns We will contact you soon to schedule an appointment. Please call : me at 850-4789 '.or Alice Shobe at 8504788- if you 'have questions .-..�..-....%....;..:.- ..-1,.�.. -!::..%-..�.t......%.%.� regarding the on-site visit. We look;`forward' to meeting with you. £` is`:`' '`. .: ... Sincer 1y, . '`',::: . C G . . ... .. .. . . .. . .. .. . . . . . . .. e :.....%..... R;ach.:-l`;Y % ;Johnston; ::% `;`;; ..� Planner .:. RYJ/slc:93MON N1b cc, Susan Ramos, Chair, Human Services Commission L �B Il, Manager, `offi'ce of Housing' & Human Services Alice Shobe, Planner Mariah Ybarra . ;� �' � : . . . - 220 4th AVE.SO., Y KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859-3390/FAX#859-3334 . .. ... . . -�,: . i�:� : - .. .�:�,��:::�� .. : .....1... . .. . ....%....'... ..:. ::.' ...',.......... . .:' : ... . % . ..1 . ..... ...... . ...: . /. CITY IT�OF EMB Dan Kelleher, Mayor James P.Harris, Planning Director February 2, 1993 Steve R. Anderson, Executive Director Ch.. ldren. Therapy Center 26461 `104th Avenue SE Kent, WA 9$a31 RE.., MQNITQRING VIS.:IT _I:.1'..c..::-:.:I�.%.�.�.­:.�-ii..�:.'_.....I.-:.­�.I.��.'...�.�.!..........�-.�%.i1'...�.���...i..:.:�..ij�1_.�.::�!�:..I.%.�..:;.�..".....i�....'�!:..A,�,�.�..:.I.�.;.�...��!..:_1.. Dear 'Mr. Anderson: .:..:..._..,I�..�:.,:.:�:-�.._1,���_�.".._:._1%:....­�%:-.�::­!.j::.�i.��.,:��,1:��:�,,.:..­�::..��'�_�,�I.,_�'..��___(;�­�.,:t:.�.�i�l��.,-­I.:��,.�.::l..­­�_:��.I��:"���%::�:�_ii::_.j�:A,,,:�­:.­�-­,��....��":�;:.��_"�:­:�.-�_I_�.,,�...:�:!...,���.:�t-�.�.­:�.�­:..____��.­,i"...,,���.�­�.,�:�.t­._l.:�_�...��..'.:1�_�_II­.�-��,��:,,�.1-��..:.�I..._t_".���.���..:�.­:,­:��."1t��..��­l:�.­'�.�­..:­�.�,-�­:,,��:�..":..,��.�.,,...!A���:',,:....�l1:��.���:�.�,.:��.:­_�:,��:-.".:�_..:-_­�.�-1�::,I.,�,��l.4.�:����!"I.�­�:­�..:�_:�!i.':­�,����....,�.:���1�,,"�;"�.,'..,::�..:.1��_�"�I�'-..:�����.�...,�_..::_.:­­t­::1J',�­:.�­�:.���.I�:�.­,�i�%%�,.:,��:�,,.._�,����.�:,��:_l%.��:::��i­_�...':.,'�.".�:.,:.�­_���::I..,M�,.:,��:.�.:'�.t�:�_,�...:,:,_�-­_.�.�.'�.i�..::,,l..:...,�:_.:..i�..,:.:­,,�-,��,�:.�,.%,�.: The City of Kent is M ... reparing ' for , its' annual review of human services received General Fund and/ox Co>ilmunity Develo me CDBG fundtxt 1n 1992 We lan toreview P ) g P . . .. . your progg an on ';site visit in February orMarcl�. One or`two Planning Department staff members will meet with you and �- your finance administrator. ' During the one-hour visit, we would like to review information regarding your recordkeepng and . financial management system. We` may also ask questions regarding staffing and program management. During our review we would like to receive your feedback regarding the City's` human services process. This visit presents an ,opportunity for both Planning ;and agency' staff to learn more about"each others needs and concerns. We' will contact you soon to schedule an appointment, Please call me' at '850-4789 or Alice Shobe at 85`0-4788 if you have questions regarding the on site visit We look forward to meeting with you ;'::::::::::::::.: : .:' :.: .. . Sincersly, . .. . . .. Rache] X: ins..% : Planner RYJ/s.1c 93MON.VIS :cc: .Susan Ramos .Chair.. ` ,'Human' Sere 'ees;`;C MM ss'lon .` • `: ` • i r ,` .. Lin Ball Mana' er Office of Housin & uman; Services .g .� g :Alice ' Shobd% Planner i. ( �' moo' 6 220 4th AVE.SO., Y KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5t395/TELEPHONE (206)859-33901 F #859 3334 . . . . .. .� . . ........... . . . .%-:%. .1:.- .. . . . .% : . .... .. ... . ... . .. . .�. .. . . % . ...... . . %:..%%.% .!. . .. . .. ... . .. .. . 1 . - . � : -.%.:%:..:. . . .. . ..: - % � �'..77 . . . .. . :.. . ...... ��..a...��.....�. . . . :. !:. 1:-. . : %. .%%:�... �..:%.-:�,�, I .. .. .. ... %.. ..��I-.%-%..��:�. .� ...:.��:...:.�:.!%:..:...% . ..... ...:.. . . . %...... ..!... . .....%....%.%.%. :.:�!% : -- . . .. ... . . . %� �. .. .. . . ... . . . . . . —:::%.%- �-L�.% �%::�%. . ... . .%. . . . i . ....%. .. I . . ... .. % :-..... . . ... : :%..! . ... . ...... ....... . . .. .-. — %-.. .... I ....'....I. ..�:.1,-�% - - . . .. . . —% .. ....... . .:%i..:1. � -�.%.�:.�:.� 1. . . .. .�I %�-� .�: �%: .. ..... 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Harris,Plan rector �` r7Gt February 1, 19 9 3 jC��7z 7 U J4 Steve R, Anderson, Executive Director ��'�?1S1 I- Sri C1. Chldren's 'Therapy Center 26461 104th Avenue SE Kent, WA 98031 r. Dear Mr. An rson. Enclosed are two copies; of the 199General <Fund Human 'Services II'�-t:.....%..:�V,:1�-%,....,,.:.:!%..�I,....:....�..:�::t-..�.�l �...I...,-.,:.1.......'-i�-:,.-...%.:�,...%..1�........�I�--.—1.:%,11.....�.::..%..I%......��:�........i�..:�......----..I.�:.i:."11:I..:.I:t:....�:...I%.��%...:..%....-;%1:.....I.�:.....�....��...:.%..�...:..l-.I...:..�—�...I.�.-....I-.%....:."...!.%.....:-.�%.....�,...I.-.'�...I:.-1..:-1-.1�.......�...,I .. ..��:�.:1"zI:.";... .. . . , . .:......... . . .. agency Contract between our `a enc ;;' and th6%' `C t 'f;r:Dent;." ; '' the Y �J Y Y contract includes a co of" . : .: PY your agency's . .....e agreement (Ehhib t A') , a billing inVo1ce :t '%bit B) , and statIstical reporting forms' (Exhibits C,< D & E. .t be submitted as stipulated : in paragraphs three and `four of the 1993contract Agencies that elected to bilk quarte.Vly will not be requred` to complete ' an Exhibit C (monthly service report) . The Quarterly Narrat�.ve Report is no !longer required a a separate document, instead please` utilize the space designated at the bottom Of Exhibits' C & D to'provide additional information as appropriate. ( Please be certain your agency's insurance certificate complies with the requirements outlined in our letter dated December 31', 1992. Remember, your ;insurance certificate should have an `endorsement attached naming the; City as an "additional insured" and a clause stating that "coverage shall apply separately to each insured against whom a claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to `the limits of the insurer's liability" , Please sign both copies of the contract and return them to `us with a copy, of your current nsurance 'certificate and a current% l,�st of your agenc 's board of `directors includan addresses and hone Y .. , g ; p numbers) . he signed contracts will be submitted to the Mayor for `. . h .s, signature.:::and ;a eo. TnTi31:be coa led.;to ou. The; it : `wi 1 be. PY y C Y 1 . unable to process January invoices without a 1993 ' contract signed .....::.:.:.: :::b both arty a and oof: >:t at;,: nsu an re creme s : t . . y. ..... . p....... : .::.....a ..... ...•, px . . . .. . .• ..: ......... .......r.... ..ce .. . ....t .are me . . .. . . , .... -. ... . . .. . ::; : : : . .. ... . . : P1 ase ....:.::..: : .. .: .... e.... . advise:.:us.:;: :f: .:..an. .:::;:.s .. n1fleant.:::chan. :es:::have:..:o.ccur :e.d::;: .n:: our:: .. . r agency s1nce our 'a l cat . submittal, and notify us of any Y pp future changes that occur during this funding year. If you have quest , S .. please call Rachel Johnston at 8504478, . Sincerely, -114 Manager Of ce of Housing & Human Services - LB/slc:conitr.93 cc: Carol 'Egelston Board President ` Susan Ramos, Human ServicesfCommisson Chair Rachel Johnston, Planner 220 4th AVE.SO., /KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859-3390/FAX#859-3334 . ..... ................................................................................................................... .. . . . .%. ... . % ... . ..%.:.% .:. . ..%..�1�.�.%.�.... :� .�.. .� . . :. ...:-...... ..%..%.�.::%�-�!�::�.%��%::..:.. .. %: . ... , � % �. � %��.�!.:�:.1��.:. .. :%%%!%%-%.: % .�::�.... .% � ..::...�...:..�: �� i.. .... . . . . . CITY OF,� 1 Dan Kelleher, Mayor { ' James P.:Harris, Planning Director �� .9(--�-...t..��-i�::..--��j.����....-.1--.���II-�.:j�..%..�-.:-I-!...�-.I..�.' i� n s January 2 7, 19 9 3 Teresa Rafael, Regional Vice-President _�-.-�..-�-:.�:.,1-�%�-­1�-���i��.-�.%,-:����.......��.,-.�:..1-���.��-::�t4��I�-�:I...-::..t-.1:�!�1��.,�%...--.,....:�:� -::...��..%%.1�ii.�...1:�.���":�...�...,1,:��.%%%..:���..,�,�:.t....-.�I.'-:�..��.�.���%�..,.:.1�-�:.%%�.���-��..%.%_�...:-....:..:.�..:..,�:--,-�%-...:H���...��.::J:t�.:,1�.,--..:.t 1--1�:�.�. Children's Home Society P.: 8.px 3.:5.19 fl Seattle, WA 98,115 .. pear Teresa: On behalf of the Human `Services Commisslon, `i wo'ul d like to say "thanks" for accepting our invitation to pari.. 1P. to in our 1993 Human Services 'Co�tumssion Retreat. T.he retreat is scheduled for Friday, February 19 1993 , from 8:00 'A.M. 3:30 F.M. at the West Hill Fire Station conference room located at; 26512 Military Road South in Kept Your panel presentation is scheduled for 1:45 PNl. to `2 :30 P.M If you like, you can arrive' at 11:50: A.M'. to 'join us for lunch. I will contact you to confirm your decision. The panel discussion, entitled "Preventative Services", will consist of dialogue between you and three other 'panelists. The other panelists:are: Paula Opperman of the Department of Social & Health ' Services, Lynn Thorson of United Way of King County and Nancy Ashley of the: Human Services Roundtable. We feel that the panel is comprised of individuals who represent diverse perspectives in the area of preventative services: We are confident that this diversity will contribute to the success of the discussion. Enclosed is a list of questions regarding preventative services. T e. .;panel discussion is;: centered. ::aroun ..the d . . answers :;to the.. . . .. . ..: . ;.;:questions., • ; o des of: :an a coda and; erect: ... p g d. ions, to the fire station are enclosed for your information. . :. ........,..:.::........:....:................................ .. gain an s;<fqr ; our;.;s tr ;1]a n tress t9 contribute our time and.g y expertise to help make our retreat a success:; I look forward ;to. `: seeing you on February I9. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call me 850 4789 . ... .. . • ... . . , . .. . . Sncerel ` '`: .: . . . �. fV��l Rachel Y. Johnston Planner ' RYJ/slc:teresa. tr` Enclosures - 1. cc Susan Ramos, Human Services 'Commission Chair ' Lin Ball, Office of Housing & Human Services Manager 220 4th AVE.SO., /KENT,WASHINGTON:98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859-3390/FAX#859-3334 ..:.. - .&.. .. ..n�t ... .% % %.: .. .. .: .... . . . . . CITY Of , , "M i: % % %. . .. . . . ...�..: : ,�, . . . . ..... ..... ��. . . ....�........;;.:�� :. :... ... ���.. _ . ... . . KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION �!_,��_­�I���,-;��,,�:�P�2.�%�t�:��1%::-���.����.�:,..��.�.I�,�:.'�..�.�:�1:.!:.!­­�.:�::���:..!�t:..��.�:%�t�-1%..I­.,:��.,��.I::�.-:.�_I.1%:':�����.-.��%,�...�.,�::..�������:..�%-..1.I�­�.:�%�.�,.I�!!..�,�:!..,:�:...�.1,:���.�:,,._�:..:%%'I�%::.1��1:c�,l.­:��%."��.!�.::�:.�.:�,.�.:,��:­.:.__�::�����".i��'�.:_�:.�;��I%..�F,�.�,:.�..�.,.:�.�,,I�:��:.;.-%�,�:�_�-.�.:.���..:"...��:��t���..IIJ��,�..J-���.:.-�%.I,�l�.:­�..:.����%�.._�.�,..:.�,,��...l�:.�:�.%:.:,".,��:..,�:.­.:"���-�.:.V�_l..:.:..:���...,%..,j:,.%_-�::....::��.."���t�...%,��.�.,:.._��­��,....���.._..1,�......�,"I::��%_�:....:�:.:�.:.�,-�.,�::..",:���...1�...:�%..��:.,,��.,.�::%��..._��-�t�J.�����......���,:­%%�"1�j,t.���:�J....��.��.,�:�t1���...�­��:%:j.,:��I.:,,�..'!�.:_�:­.1t��!%..:,�­ 1�71 FEBRUARY 2 5, 1.9 9 3 3 : 0 0 'PM Commission' Members Present Planning Staff Present Susan 'Ramos, Chair Lin Ball Lucyle wooden, Vice Chair; Sharon Clamp Tim Clark " Sally; G 1pin Peter Duggan lachel J6. store Mary Eckfeldt Absent - Excused Rcsema-le iemente Mari ean Heutmaker ; Peg Mazen Judy Woods; OLD BUSINESS �.�%...�...%,%.I.....I.....!..�-:.:.....E:..�.......:"�..,....:.: :..i­�:..I...�..:%.l,:....:..�.:._.....%...'.:-�i�...%..lm�..:�.:�:.:%....-�.-.%�:..:.�:'-.�.:_...-�.�...-......-%.....%.%%�....�.:...:.:...:.. ....:..:.,..�.m:....�...�.%...%%.�..%....-.....-.�."��.:�.....:.:..%...­..-:­.�%..'.�...I..:..�.......�..........:.:..: } APPROVAL OF JANUARY 28 1993 MINUTES Lucyle Wooden MOVED and'Mary Eckfeldt SECONDED a motion to approve the minutes ofJanuary 28, 1993 as written. Motion carried. ,,,..."t:,.�.—­z:t'.�%�_,­.'­...1,­._.:l:.:.'I�_,:.��I-�.�.,"::1t...%�.:�.'..�'...::,..1W..:':.,�l,z1 .:......'.!....:�,i�..:�...­......:i%.��-._...II�...�'.��%��.%�."�:.M.,....�:....::.-:'-...,.��._..%.�..::� EVALUATION` OF HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION RETREAT The Commissioners agreed that the retreat was excellent. Mary Eckfeldt noted that the afternoon panel discussion brought people ' together and provided some good contacts for the future, The Commission; gave T3tt Clark some` background on their interest in ;.. preventative services and a discussaon, foiioTaed. ' S 'ATUS OF .':.COMMISSION APPOIN 'MENTS F4R 1993 3n:::.:.B. :.:..:. :.::.. . ....,. L i3reo . a reed. . . . th ;s; : e. . . . ,. . . t. ...... a Ma ar .of... is.. see 11 :workin on' the . , P y g appoinement for religious community .... . sentative. . Lin noted that the appointment fob religious community' representative does not need to be an: ordained minister. It Baas suggested that' Lnda Golden of United Methodist Church be contacted fdr .possible names to be `recommended to the Mayor. Peter 'Duggan will contact Jane McNasser of Sty Ant`hzany''s Church to see sf sle is interested. Chair Ramos clarified for Mary Eckfeldt that the by-laws do not state ,that` a Commissioner whose term has expired must' serve until replaced. Therefore, ` Mary is no' longer required to` attend meetings. KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION MINUTES OF FEBRUARY'' 25, 1993 MEETING PAGE 2 Chair Ramos also clarified that staff will not be calling Commissioners to remind them of meetings: Peter Duggan announced that due to Other commitments he; has resigned effective March 1, 1993 . APPOINT REPRESENTATIVE TO SOUTH KING' COUNCIL 'OF HUMAN SERVICES : Lue, <3 e;Inlooden uluntered; t0: attend; ......e Y , g i nl of Human Serva ces meetings and represent the Kent humanertioes;Cpmmissox�. CITY'SRESFON5E TO TH`E HOMELESS - UPDATE The Kent seventh Day ;Adventist Chureh has committed to a pilot am of:;s e r n 10; h lte homeless i d•. : ::P .n�� g .. . .::.. ek The church currently feeds the hs�meless on Wednesday and Saturday n hts>: ;•a nd will .tie in t e s e e g h h It r ro ram:with the :•ex, st, ; . : : p g a.n meal . program. Lin Ball reported that Catholic Community Services has notified the City that over> $7,000 of the $17, 000 allotted in 1993 for the (HVI WAIN Emergency Severe Weather Shelter Program; was expended in January 1993 due to the increase of homeless individuals and continuing cold weather. Recognizing that they would quickly ;run out of money if they vouchered every cold night as' defined by the contract, CCS decided they needed to ration the money to make it stretch through the year. In February they have been vouchering 'only in extreme conditions or if there is a family with children in need ©f shelter. They estimate that they have spent $10,000 through February 1993 . CCS would like to know if the City concurs with this action The Commission 'decided that they need the ' Counci�s ;guidance in matter. zn the meantime, the Commission% decided to inform CCS oy to' ,. ,. co t�n e n u to use their e b st ud rnent in: raton�.•n the fund ds: .......... This issue will be taken to the Planning Committee on March 2, 1993 . The' Council, will be. asked if th y, agree with tY Heiman Services Commission <recommendat�on to direct CCS to continue to use it s best ,: , ud ent : ; �n rat�onzn t e fund ,:;; .;o h s r if the f: e1 CC .......... .:. .::::::...:...:::.:.:.......:..:.::....:::::.:.:..........::...:...::.....:.::..:..: ...................:.......:......:..:.....:.......:,.....:..:.......:..:....:.......:.........:..:......::....:... ...........:..e.:.....:..................:5...... .... . s ould expend theurads based >.on : the need :w.ithin :the strict BE retat2 n: r" - ;. . , ...... ... . 0 o Resolutio n.: 122;6:::reco n z <t t w e . P # . .n, ha h n ...... mone •, g gY �s de feted the a enc p' g y may approach the: Cty for more money to house the homeless for the remainder 'of the year. Susan Ramos will attend the Planning Committee meeting on March 2, and Tim Clark will attend the March 16 Council meeting, .. ... .... .. .: .. . KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 25, 1993 MEETING PAGE 3` NEW BUSINESS TIMELINE AND PROPOSED CHANGES TO' THE 1993 AGENCY APPLICATION Rachel' Johnston reviewed the changes made to the 2994 agency application, There were not enough Commissioners present to ..I�:�%.�-.....%:�.:.:.-�...�%::.�...:.:��:1;,i.I.��:-.�..���i.;-::,,-.::%.��..:-.�:....:::.:.-%_.:.,...�.��::�.:.I...�I-:::�..--...�2!�;.,M:�;- ..�"-...!.,�,'.%.:...��-.-..l.L-�,..�.-t,:...,��.�..���.-I..-.�.:,..,�:�-. schedule application review meetings It was noted that 1994 applications rill be available oh March 25 and wail be due to the ` Planning Department on Apra�l 21,; 2994 COMMITNITY' DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRAN'..' �CDBG PUBLIC i3LTMAN SERVICES POLICY. This item was deferred to the March meeting. REtIIE�nT 1992 GENERAL FUND AGENCIES .YEAR END REPORTS This item �zas not discussed STATUS `.OFiUMAN SERVICES STAFF i Chair Ramos will write a letter to the Mayor from the Commission` in support of replacing Planner' Alice Shobe who recently, resigned REPORTS No ' reports were given :�.�%,AI�.,:-::��..:,­,:IE�..'---.,.��:..:�,�:...��:��-�..�:1-:--,. The meeting adjourned at 5 4Q p.m, spectfully su m tI Lin all, Secretary .... Ii.SMIN,9.3,FEB. . : . .