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City Council Committees - Human Services Commission - 02/22/1990
t. CITY OF 8N CTA AGENDA RENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION Scheduled Meeting for February 22, 1990 3:00 PM 2nd Floor `Conference Room ........ ......... ......... ......... ...... ... .......-. ......... ....... .Commission Members Marvin Eckfeldt, Chairman Dee. Mosche Vice Chairwoman Jean Archer Sharon Atkin Peter Duggan Alice Gregory Peg Mazen Peter Mourer Judy Woods, Council President Agenda SPECIAL `GUEST 1. Brenda Brown Security Pacific Bank OLD BUSINESS 1. Approval of January 25, 1990 Minutes 2 . Roundtable. evaluation of Retreat 3 . Combined funding application - General Fund & CDBG 4 . City' s Role in. Human Services 5. 19.90 Calendar NEW BUSINESS 1. Appoint new representative to South King. Council of Human Services 2 . Public (Human) Services Policy for 1990. Community Development Block Grant Program 3 . Review year-end reports from funded agencies REPORTS 1. Human Services Roundtable 2 . South King Council of Human Services Y., 220 4th AVE.SO.,/KENT,WASH INGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859-3300 i�ENT HUMANSERVICES COMMISSION January 25, 1990 3 : 00 PM Commission Members Present Planning Staff Present Marvin Eckfeldt, Chairman Charlene Anderson Dee Moschel, Vice Chairwoman Lin Ball Sharon Atkin Mary Duty Peter Duggan Jim Harris Alice Gregory Peg Mazen others Present Peter' Mourer Judy Woods, C4unci President A] Matta,al,�. Larry Nicholson Commiss�.on Members Absent Le�ina t�rr, Councilwoman - - Hans Rasmussen ' : :;:�:ean ;:A•reher: e�eu�ed- ;; . ;: ,- :Taid :�h�: :man; :; •; ' : ;:;: ::• : :•; •; ;'•, ,,,;, KVYS-KM ;DROP TN PROGRAM '• : - : ;- h c o ar ioholson ;stated the rent Mer3�aan Sana.or Rig Shp.: �. Prin��:pa�. . L �'y N charge o the scYQol staff is to feet intellectual, ;emotional and physical needs .of the students ` Staff neet 'to discuss these ,needs and to implement necessary changes to meet those needs. Vice' Principal Tad Shipman supervises the student ` services area,; which includes counseling. Mr. Shipman noted that the Drop-in Center` is one of the things the school is doing well. Students are trained to listen, to provide pamphlets of information on services available, and to make referrals. Counselor Al Mattioli stated the Natural Helpers' Program began in 1989. It is a training program to help students who are already working with fellow students to hone their skills and gain additional skills. Money is available from the omnibus Drug Bill. There were '30-40 kids trained on a weekend retreat last fall for this program, and in addition others who were trained in junior high sek�ool" �c3raed one program There are . . , - r ;.: :. •h: mo th; the ;h:e�: e��;;, now b5 6c� k�,ds ident�f�ed. as .Natural Hey. a .s Eat n r ne 3 ode ..have a s ec�,ai train�n session a e l he a ,two ;weeks. KV'YS eaunselors .r Natural Biel ors a .s� c ck in e�...r .. . ... y . s rtr�.val rou s:: ho • tr e factions and ..kid w k�ds.... who have returned ;from ; eaten .rat . sx on < u selors of<fer ;. c n e n : e Yce :. - ,I st nt ev ew secs s KVYS n ou s l s ru s n ads ......x . .. . . . g ....... ........... . o 5 ;ad cs and solute ons RVYS : cQuxael r . no. 3 on er su .e:rylse th r op; - n a te; • , co <ce t; ,whch,; s ;:ben handled b tYaural Hel; ors• :. Program, Mr. Shipman noted' the Drop-in Center area is being remodeled for a computer lab and the Drop-in Center is moving closer to the administrative center. The Center is ' a large room with two private offices; a telephone is in one office. M OEM Funding for the K-M Drop-in Center program is used differently from in the past; instead of paying for supervising kids in la physical place, : DENT 'HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION; MINUTES OF MEETING OF 'JANIJARY 990 it now goes to group work and one-on-one counseling. Al Mattioli noted the program is more comprehensive than before. The identification is in place, there is 'a good assessment program, an after-care situation, and support groups. Senior Planner Lin Ball clarified that there is still a physical ;place for kids to go. Chairman Eckfeldt noted the City of Kent still needs figures on those served and the number of Kent residents being served I) ,$cUsslon occurr S will teal with fewer kids but a t° W�i 3, be on a more intense level. Chairman Eckfeldt added that G3adys Button is worling with the sohool.s to develop ........................... for helping kids at r� k.; The Natural Helpers 0 3 e :• al Kent sc oo ., ;; INTR013UCTIONf ORIENTATION © ' NECT NIEMBEIS Chairman Eckfeldt noted the Commission; .is now a new group. Members ............ `to be open, ,honest' and respect Where others axe. Commissioner Mourer added theiretreat process is a team-building process and is effective in bringing everyone: together. Commission meetings are open public meetings. The City Attorney is available to advise Commissioners on conflicts of interest and funding requests which are appropriate or inappropriate to a governmental agency. R APPROVAL OF NOVEMBER 26, 1989 MINUTES Chairman Eckfeldt reviewed the highlights of the minutes. Chairwoman Moschel MOVED and Commissioner Atkin SECONDED the motion to accept the minutes as printed. Motion carried. COM$INED FUNDING APPLICATION GENERAL FUND AND CDBG Ms Ball reported;'there �iv11 b a :packet o€ information on this topic -, . .:> .:, . .. ...... . .. . t Co s de ton tag l,J, be given o a. mailed out. . x cx�. to.. thy: : retrea. . n ra. p g ;; lcat n tse f' combined. a licat�c..n c .c1e;;as ;well: as .acmbBed: a a a, p� Y SELECT CHAIR AND VICE-:GHAIt FOR 199U Selest�on of `Cho%r and �i'ce-Chair will be postponed until after the retreat so that networking can occur and new members can become more familiarwith' other member. 1990 COMMISSION RETREAT 'EBRUARy 2, :994 AGENDA A panel discussion among Maureen McLaughlin, Councilman Kent Pullen and Jaime Garcia will occur on the topic "The New Decade and Human services. " An orientation packet of information will be sent to the panel members. Chairman Eckfeldt and Lin Ball will' prepare an agenda and cover letter. 2 KENT HUMAN SER�IICS COMMISSION:: MINUTES OF' MEETTN OF JANUARY 25, 1990 CITY'+S ROLE IN HUMAN SERVICES This 'item was deferred to the next meeting. ' HUMAN' SERVICES ROUNDTABLE Lin Ball reported the Roundtable met in December and adopted'a revenue package,.. A special meeting was held in January to talk about a legislative package, e.g. , jet fuel tax;, community violence prevention and security act, public ass,�stan.ce grant increase (c�,tes m�,ght help Legislature wants the prcigram to` be revenue neutral.:: SOUTH KING COUNCIL OF HUMAIaT SER�TCES .: :,: . :, o a `;:e' a d •�=3' es Firs ' ; ; C lone - M�aure :;: a :o :ted;:the C ntinuum o:� C r r� F m.�. _ .. .. gin. . . .. . . o t; o t ; •c lan e= . w t 1 about; ;what,; ot; es;; ..............................................,................:.....:................:.... health and human services. The n�:w city adm�.n•�stratoxs from Sea'-Tac and Federal... Way will be invited SENIOR BOND ISSUE ' This item was added to the agenda. The City informational brochure and the bond issue committee's endorsement paper were distributed. In addition to sending out brochures, the committee will do a telephone campaign during the weekends of January 27th and February 3rd at Richard James: Realty, The issue will need 1, 350 votes to validate;, with a 60% yes vote. Council President Woods noted mailing and phoning are the most effective ways to get out voters. She suggested senior citizens might be 'able to make calls from their home at night. HOUSING OPPORTUNITY FUND This item was added to the agenda Commissioner 1�tk�n reported th'e •. - •to -- nco e Count as 7 .. illion a taflable for. ....hens�..n.. . .. ... ..... w m .... ......:.:.... ..........:.......: ........ > . m c mes m transit�.onal :.:timer enc ar�d s ec�al nee . � .one . a Y :..::............ '::.. ..::::... .. real ...............t e�c�.se tax from unn�Qr _grated It�.n � �n het . ............ .. .................................. ...............:...................:................................. .........:........:......................:..:.......:....:..:.. .... t �.ntent to access the funds are dte now and he nd . .... . .............. . ......... . -� l: a �.n. .�. .a rox� atel three -weeks•, :• :; � 1�.cat�ons �a�.l�. . b du � p . .. prca uarY or fst ' of :arc he en oFebrbabl thd r , ro act re u ,re a p q 5U50. mat''eh of funds: the proaects would be for capital: funding only:, Funding is available to governments, non--profits, developers and <. ........ ; 0. : : e .s tint th s ear::..and m re ;;eou a others, It �.s des�:red that funds ar �- . : P requested; he year, COALITION OF COALITIONS This item was added to the agenda.' Commissioner Atkin reported there is interest in a bond; issue in the fall, i.e. , a county-wide housing bond and a tag-on of human services (related to domestic violence) to N 3 ICENT HUMAN SERVICES CUMS�ION MINUTES OF MEETING OF JANUARY 25, 1990 a Pblice ` & Justice bond Seattle already , has ' a Human Services Coalition. The county and Seattle need to get together to address the bond issue; it would take both groups to get the issue passed. The Human Services Roundtable has prioritized items and there is fear in the service sectors that they will be left out of access to the funding. A meeting will be held on February 13th to discuss the definition of "emergency" to possibly expand it to include food, oloth'ing, shelter, and family violence. FEDERAL WAY COUNCIL OF HUMA, SERVICES This `ite was addad to the agenda. Commissioner Atk�nreported that she had met with-the ; Federal Way Council 'on behalf,' cf leer agency and the C;omm�.ss�.on. They are ,planning to have a Human 5erv��es Commission and will lookto Kent as a model. DDEiU ITEIMS Commss�pner Mazen reported thaton June 11th a Partnership ;Fair luncheon will feature a foxum of four tgpics housing, EAF . IQD ling programs,; child care kius�ness partnership, and +employment. Businesses will be invited; service groups are being notified'. The Chamber mf Commerce can be used for advertising. The next planning meeting will be February 8 at 1:30 PM in the United Way Kent-of f ice, <° Chairman Eckfeldt distributed a memo from him to the Kent School District counselors and nurses forwarding the information packet on human services. Council President Woods mentioned ZG r,. ecent Newsweek article regarding credit for good 'deeds. The article was aimed at more creative caretaking for people in need in an ever-increasing strapped society. She questioned whether some group in the Kent community could start a group such as tha article Lin Ball distributed a meeting notice for Ding County Affordable. 'Housing. She distributed notebooks to r'ew members; the notebooks included all minutes from last year and a synopsis of last year'is retreat. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at appreimately 5 00 PM. Respectfully subm�.tted, t Jame Hat is Secretary i 4 . �CITY OF February ;l4, N � - Councilman Kent `pullen h©2 King Coxnty`'Courthouse. 3rd and James Street' �eatt�.e;, WA 98104 Deer C�unci,lman`Pu1Ten, The Kent, Human services commission and Kent P3anning Department thank :you 'for your, party cipa�tion a ii,a m�mbr of ! a panel ` at our recent Humanerv� es; Retreat at Sattcle Seattle ; Conference center• The panel discussion and your sharing in the small group discussion provided valuable input to the Commission and staff on addressing the human services needs and responses in our community. Thank you again for your willingness to share some of your valuable time with us. If we can be of any assistance to you in the future as you work to address the human services needs in King County,; please feel free to contact us. Sincerely, J es F• Harris F .... a�.�ector Marvin Eckf' ldt, Chairman Human Serv�.ces Commission Y,BJPH:ME•ca 220 4xh AVE SO„/KENT,WAS H)NGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (205)859-330Q OF February 14, 199© IN A Maureen McLaugh�;in, D�,r�+�tor King County Dept. of Human Resources 414+ Smith Tower - - Seattle W- 98104 Dear MS McLaughlin, The` Kent Human Services `Gommssion and Kent Plannzng Deprtmrit . thank yvu f;or your' participat oh as 'a member' of a pane] at fur recent Human Services Retreat at Battelle `Seattle '' .Conference Center. The panel discussion and your;sharing in the small group; discussion provided valuable input to the Commission and staff on addressing the human services needs and responses in our community, Thank you again for your willingness to share some of your valuable time with us. If we can be of any assistance to you in the future as you world to address the human services needs in King County, please feel free to contact us, ncerely, i� - J mes P: Harris anning Director. ram. Marvin Eckfeldt;; Chairman Human Services commission LB;JPH:ME ca 220 4th AVE SO„/KENT,WASHINGTON 98032.5895 7 TELEPHONE (206)859-3300 i CITY OF ENE February 14, 1990 Jaime Gard a, dice President Planning &;; istrbut :on Un.ted Way' of King County 1�-7' Cherry Street Seattle, W�; 987`04 Dear Mr Garcia: The; Kent Human Services Coifission and Dent Planning Department thank you for your participation as a mombe� of 'a panel ;at our recent Human Services Retreat at Battelle Seattle Coz�fereice Center. The; panel discussion and your sharing in the small group; discussion provided valuable input to the Commission and staff on addressing the human services needs and responses in our 'community. Thank you again for your willingness to share some of your valuable time with us. If we can be of any assistance to you in the future as you work to address the human services needs in King County, please feel free to contact us. rely, Jam` s "P Harris P nning Director C Marvin Eckfeld , Chairman Human services Commission LB:JPH:ME:ca 1 220 4th AVE.SO.,I KENT,WASHINGTON 98032.5895/TELEPHONE(206)859-3300 CITY OF MOT February' 14, ;199fl Councilman Kent..! Pull�n ... 02 King Coun�� Q c ho se 3rc1 an... James: Stz' et Deer, Councilman Pullen: The Kent Human Sex' ccs .Comitkisson and Kent `Planning Department thank your ig , your , p ,xticipa �or► as a member of a panel at.: our recent Human Ser�rces Retreat .at Battelle Seattle' Cori'ference; Center.' f The panel discussion and your sharing in the small group discussion provided valuable input to the Commission and staff on addressing the human services needs and responses in' ourcomznunity. Thank you again for your willingness to share some of your valuable time with us. If we can be of any assistance to you in the future as you work to address the human services needs.,, in King County, please feel free to contact us. Sincerely, J es P Hasa s P ...... Director Marvin Eckf ldt, Chairman Human Services Commission LB;JPH:ME:ca t 220 40 AVE,SO.,J KENT,WASHINGTON 98032.5895/TELEPHONE (206)869.3300 CITY OFMOM February 14, 1990 Maureen McLaughlin, Director Kind County Dept, of_Human Resources' i _ �14 Smith Towex' - - Seattle� WA 98.1.04 " Dear 1Ks: McUaugh�in: ' The Kent Ruman Serzces C�mm�ssa;on and Kent Plannang �epartm�nt thanl� you fox' youx participate can;' as a mnber o a panel at our xecent Human Services Retreat at Battelle Seattle ;Co3eference Center. ` The panel discussion and your sharing in the small group discussion provided valuable input to the Commission and staff on addressing the human services needs and responses in our community. Thank you again for your willingness to share some of your valuable time with us. If we can be of any assistance to you in the future as you work to address the human services needs in King County, please feel free to contact us. ncerely, J mes P Harm s arming Director Margin Eckfeldt,', Cha�rman Human Services Commission LB:JPH:ME:ca °f M i, 220 f►ah AVE.SO.,/KENT,WASHINGTON 98032.5896/TELEPHONE (206)859-3300 CITY OF � February '16, 1990 IN �A King County Sexual Assault Resource Center Mary Ellen Stone, Director 3U4Main Avenue South200 MW l +snton, WA 98055 Dear Ms - Encloserl p3 ease find your copy of i the 1990' Human S�;rv�ces Ccntraot between your agenoy aid th City of rent. TIe .City also ;has on fill. az original copy of the contract and a copy. . of your Certificate of Insurance'. This year w� have in�lud�d ,a listing of contract xequir+�ments with due dates noted. We hope tk� s w3.11 be helpful to' you throughout the year. We have also enclosed extra` copies of the Billing Voucher form (Exhibit B) and the Statistical Report form (Exhibit N C) . Per paragraph 3 of your contract, all invoices must be submitted on the City's Billing Voucher form and must be accompanied by a Statistical Report. The information you provide on these statistical reports is valuable for the purposes ofrecord keeping and providing the City with abetter understanding of the types and levels of service provided_, by each of the funded agencies. Deadlines for the City receiving required information are discussed in item of the contract. We look forward ;to working with your agency in; the future. If you have any questions," please telephone Lin Ball or Mary Duty %n our office at 859-3390. S3ncere].y, ;, Jams F`. Harris P aiming Director MD:JFH:ca Enclosures cc: Barbara Cook, Board President 2030 Dexter Ave. , North #145 . Seattle, WA 98109 220 4th AVE.SO.,1 KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)869.3300 CITY OF TN S February IN CT King County Sexual Assault Resource Center. Mary Ellen Stone, Director 3041 Main Avenue :South #2430' Renton, '`WA �8{ SS _ .: Dear Ms Stone: - - - - - Enc1 osed please find;your copy oP the 199.4 Human Serve ces Ccntxact betTi,wee�n' your agency ;axed the �itX of Kent. The C�:ty also 'has ors fib an original copy ' of the contract and a copy Qf your Certif ........... i ofr�surnce` This year we have. .neiuded a lists ng 4f contract requirmerits with due dates noted,' Wo hope this w, ii be helpful to! you throughout ;, the' year, We have. also enclosed extra copies of the Billing Voucher form (Exhibit B) and the Statistical Report form (Exhibit C) . Per paragraph ; 3 of your contract, all invoices must be submitted on the City's Billing Voucher form and must be accompanied by a Statistical Report. The information you provide on these statistical reports is valuable for the purposes of record keeping and ;providing the City with a better understanding of the types and levels of service provided by each of the funded agencies. Deadlines for the City receiving required information are discussed in 'item i 4 of the contract. We look forward to workaLng with your agency ltii the future, If you ha�re any questions, }alease tlriephone Lin Bail or Mary ...Duty.: in our office ;at 859 3390. Sincerely, James P Harris ; Piann3ng Director MD•JPH•ca Enclosures cc: Barbara Cook, Board President 2030 Dexter Ave. , North #145 Seattle, WA 98109 220 Ath AVE.SO.,/KENT,WASHINGT©N 98032-5895/rTELEPHONE(206)869.3300 . . ::.: .:�,1,: - �1: . %�: ...:. . .� .. .. . .�;.�:.�.�.�.�j. .. .�� . . . . . .1.. . ......� 11. . .... . . . . .. : %I: :..-.% :�%::.%.�����......�:%..:. . ..: ..... . . . : .. .. .::.%:.. . . .......I.. . �.:..�..:.%.:.::..:�..:��.: 1 . I I I I I I I , 1. .. : .. . .: .... % ... .. . . , . .... . . . . . . ;. . . �,:% % % � �� �� : , I :�I...I : �%�� : �%%��:%��i : ,,, , :�:. . .. . . ..� � 1, I I j- , ,,,_:z 1 .:�. %%.!%.%� �- .1 i. � : � ., I I I I I 11 I I I . . . . .. . . ...... . .. ..... ... 11,,, gi��,,�,,�:,:��;',�:�,I,�,:I'�,.. . 1- ..� %....:... . ...: :....: . .�: -,�, ::��: CITY OF I: ,�,���,:�, ,, -- - . � :.. .,:��� . . . I I,�, , I I I I 11 "�,''���...... z ,�,,z�":,,,;,,1 ,I I I. :%:....:: - ......1.%..1.. % ... I::: :.;.1��l. ,,,�,,,::%.. .% -� . ... .., :,, , .%:......%...% -- : � .. , , , .. . - - I��,���,, ,,,,�1,,�I ....I 11, . , ,�, , , , M - .. :%%.�%. . . February 7, 1990 IN Steve R. Anderson, Director Chldren' s Therapy Center 26461 - 104th Ave. SE Kexit, WA 9.8031' z . :.:.j-'�.-":,:::....:....-��_.,.!_!.!..�:..,�..%��....0_..:_1�,,I''�1�-i��� ,:.,l,�:t..:..,,..:�,l*�I"'t_,.,,:.:,.,� . Deer Mr. Anderson; Enclosed phase find your copy of the` 1990 Human Services Contract bet wt,, ;our; .a enc and '''it'1........it of;`; Ifient Th`e C t a1._ '. s`; oz ,...,,:::..:I..,,'.:-::�_:,-.1.o l.;.1�%:..,,.:.�..,..,,.:A�"�'...:.:.I�:�_��.....%I:..:1,...1... Y . g Y, Y Y file an original co of the contract acid a; co sf o ;; .. : .. pY . . . ... .. .. . . . .. . :. .. . py y ur . . C rtlf pate of I •sera ee .:- . .: : ..'. .. . ..: . . ..: n n We have enclosed extra copies of the Billing Voucher form (Exhibit B) and `the ;Statistical ' 2eport form (Exhibit C) . Per 'paragraph 3 of your contract, all invoices must` be `submitted on the ,�ity's Billing Voucher form and must be accompanied by a 'Statistical Report. The information you provide on these statistical 'reports is for the purposes of recordkeeping and providing the City with a better understanding of the types and levels ` of service provided by each of the funded agencies. Deadlines for the City receiving required information are discussed in item 4: of the contract. This year we have included a list of contract requirements with due dates noted. We hope this list will ' be 'helpful to you throughout he year. We look forward to working with your agency in the future: : If you have any questions, 'please telephone Uin ;Bail or Mary'`;Duty in ;our office .at 859-3390. :..... .....:.... ..... . .. ....:..:....:: .. ::......:. .%.:. .........: .... :.:...: .:.: :..... .:.:.:.. . Sincerely, ' . .:; . . . . . . . .. • • ...: J am .: :. . . ... .:.... .. ...es. P arras`': : ... .... ...:.: .... l... .. . anrn ;Director . .. . : .:..,:..,..., ... ... .I. MD: PH:ca Enclosures cc Dave Hokit, Board President Curran, Kleweno, Johnson P O. Box 0140 Kent, ;WA 9$035 . t X w . i 220 4th AVE.SO.,/KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859.3300, .. .. . ............ .......... .......... .. ....... ............ :.............. CITY OF February 27, ,1990 ' Ms. Wendy Morgan; 'Consultant City of Tukwi a P© Box 5842,E . _ RE: Human �erv�.ces`.,information Dear Ms. Morgan; 'he.:C ty ef. nt ` ai Serceo CQminiss°ion `ws)u like to express a.ts interest in. the pity of �ukwila's goal t4 create a ' ��man Services P�:a�. `ale°�l�a�e enclosed for your infor�ation a paekot of materials '-ghat stay .�� useful t� yea in grgani�ing how y-ou: -�ddr�:s�. the human serVi�es needs in your community.:" The packet ' containsv examples of applications, contracts, and other forms used by the Commission; as well -o as ther pertinent information.•• ;• } In its 1985 and 1986 work program, the Kent City Council targeted the establishment of a human -sery ces policy as a top priority issue. In order to implement this policy, a Human Services Study Committee was formed at the direction of the City Council Is Planning Committee. The Study Committee 'consisted of service providers - a member of the 'Kent Ministerial Association, and -City- staff involved in the administration of human services. The charge- of this study group was to formulate policy recommendations to the City Council Is Pla ln.:i Committee in regard to how the City of..Kent could rbest respond to local human serv%ces needs, The study was; completed w�,th-.:pr�pa�c�.tii�ri of '.�a document titled, "deport of; the: Human5ervices• Study Committee on Hainan Sex'vices; Pol3cies". Th�.s report was,.adcipted by ;the,pity Council, in 1'98b (;copy; enclose) . A`' critical issc -addresed by the commute .was the creation of a mechanism tc evaluate tla;: re nests for Cit funding q from human y services agencies.. The committee recommended • hat a seven:>to n3n . person cori�miss�on, composed of ;a ndividuls with expertise and .an interest %n hnman -servoe issues, be appointed b the Mayor, lan y September98 , the City of Kent adopted• ©rd ,nange2;G estab] ishng Human Services Commission. The Commssian s�erves'i in an advisory capacity to the Mayor, City Council and pity Administrator on setting priorities, ; evaluating and making' recommendations on funding requests, evaluating and reviewing human services agencies, and responding to City actions affecting the availability and quality of human services in Kent. w 220 4th AVE SO,/KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859-5300 Ms. Wendy Morgan, ,, onsultant {, City of Tukwila February 27, 1990i Page 3 . 4. Established Guidelines for Emergency Requests for human services which were adopted by' the City Council in December 1988. May 1989, adoption by City Council of a one (1) percent funding base for human services, where one percent of the current year's; General Fund!Revenue budget is allocated to the subsequent year's budget f.+��c human, ;�erv3.ces ; 6. Human Ser �.ce + omm $a on member was vane-chair of the`South, Geographical , ;i�or� Greu� of tl�e ,regional Human Sex�ii�+�s Roundta}�1�, and a�:s© a, member of the Rec�iona�. Task Group for the Human S�r�ii�e Roundtab�.e. ire h©pe that the in or�niatipn provided i thin; letter anc. , the attached paekt is `helpful to you in yiiir endeavor. you would like a' ComYnissoner to cone and speak tQ a group or '3 f you would 1 eke too attens one of tie regular meetings, please contadt fain,Ball or Alice Shobe in the City; of 'Kent Planning Department ' at 859 339Q, They will be happy to answer any questions you have. Sincerely, G G% a Eckfeld Human Services Commission Chair: ALS:ch Enclosures`: cc: Lin a`a] l, : Senor Planner � uman' Seruice Commissienexs > via -< CITY OF February 27 1990 Ms. Fran McNair, Assistant City Manager City of Seas 19215 28th, Aunue youth Seatac, GSA 98188 RE, Human Services znform.�ta:cn -. :.:: ear:'l+s ''`' eN . . ... . :.. , . :: .-.: ..: >: ,:>;. -: ;;;, ;;,;;; ;,;;; ; ;; <,. •. ,<> ;:,: . - :,;: xhe C .ty of= dent Humeri Srvices commissis�n would dike ;to etid a warm welcome to the. view.+e�,ty .of Seatac: We Piave enclosed, f©r yciur x.nformation a packet of. materials that may be useful: to ''you `in orr�aniz�ng hQ'�a . ycu add�'ess the human services ' needs , in your community. The packet contains examples , of applications, contracts, and other forms used by the Commission, as well as other pertinent information. In its 1985 and 1986 work program, the Kent City Council targeted` the establishment of a human services policy as a top priority` issue. In order to 'implement this policy;, a Human Services Study Committee was formed at the direction of the City Counci3 's Planning Committee- The Study Committee consisted of service providers, a member of the Kent Ministerial Association, and City staff involved in the administration of human services. The charge of this' study group was to formulate policy recommendations to the C�.ty Counci�.'s Planning Committee; in regard to how the City of Kent could best ::respond t�i ,local human services needs,; The„study eras co�ipleted ta,ith prepaxatir�n of a ; document' tit3.ed, "�2eport Qf the �u�an S,erv�.��s study omm�. report :was 'adopted by the C1ty Council �n �:986 �ccpy �ncl.osed� critical issue addressed by the committee was the creation of a mechanism to evaluate the requests for ;Cty finding front human .. i agencies. 'The committee recommended t�tat a seven to n�.ne person commissson, composed of ndi�idua�s with, epertaee and an interest �n human service issues, be appointed by the Mayo In September 1986 the City of : Kent aopted Ordinance2655 establishing a Human Services Commission, the Commission serves in i an advisory capacity to the Mayor, ; City Council and City Administrator on setting priorities, evaluating and making recommendations' on funding requests, evaluating and reviewing human ., services agencies, and responding to City actions affecting the availability and qu of humans es in Kent, The City has 220`4th AVE,SO.,I KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859-3300 Ms Fran McNair, Assistant City Manager City of Seattle February 27, 1990 Page 2 Now also been actively involved in the Regional Human Services Roundtable with Commission members and Planning Department staff serving on committees of the Roundtable. We feel it is important to be a member of this vital regional group which is making things happen in addressing solutions to human services needs throughout King County. The City of rent began funding human services agencies in 1`974 using Federal revenue Sharing fundsri 1986, when the. 'Federal Revenu . ty began fundin human services — out of the 'General 'und` budget. In '199, as .a result Qf efforts by the Humaxi Services. ,:Commission, ;the C�.ty Council ad+spt�±d a resolution to set ,as�.de, one (1) p�ruent :of the-�Genaral Fund Rsve��:e. bu�g�t for huma�. sexvioes funding. This wi�.l 'take eff�ot in 19�0� Stiff support fcr the Commission is provited by the Kexit Planning Department. P7, nning staff acts as.,a liaison, between thy: Isnt City Council and the Human : Services Commission. Staxovdes information, resources, clerical support,' coordination and recommendations Planning staff also administers the Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) . ' In general, the staff assists in carrying out the City' s human services policies and facilitates the funding/evaluation cycle of the Commission. The Commission meets the fourth Thursday of every month from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m In addition to these regular meetings, the Commission has an 'annual retreat to review the past year's accomplishments and set the next year's goals. Some of the accomplishments' of the Commission over the last three years of its existence are as follows: Milestones of Human 5er3ces Commiss�.on 1 `i Evaluati�r� and:: recommendation for fuming: * $109,B68' - 19$8 (approved: by Gounc�.�.) 189 (approved by Couhcll). ; 1990 ;(recommended funding) 2. OGtpber 1'987. '' Conducted a:: human services survey and needs assessment in the gommunity. 3.`:. Tn March 19$8., established a City fund (adopted by pity Council) giving the Commission the authority.. to accept gifts and donations to be distributed by the City for human services. Ms. Fran McNair, Assistant City Manager City of Seattle February 27, 1990 Page 3' 4. Established Guidelines for Emergency Requests for human services which were adopted by the City Council in December 1988. 5. May 1989, adoption by City Council of a one (1) percent funding base for human services, where one percent of the current.'ear's erne al 'uud Revenue budget i allo atec to the subsequent year's . ucget for human S. rvices. 6. Human'::Ser ice Co;rimi s pn member was vice-chair of the south �'e�graphica l Wc�k' �rau cf thy. ;regional Human: 5��3;ces , �Qundt�bl:.e, .arii� .a3so � �tte ►er of tie Regional Task �r�up .��ir the. Huimax�.5�rv�.ce Roundtable, We hope that „thy information prov +dn, this' lettier an+d . the attached packet •i� helpful tci ycu a n ycur endeavor. If ,ypu wtulc ike a Coniis$�,Qner to ;come; and speak to a: croup or f yQu tntiud lice to attsni ;,on of the regular meetings, please contact ;in• a11 or. Alice Shobe' in `the 'City of Kent Planning Department at 89� may; 339fl. They will be happy to answer any questions you have, Sincerely, Mary Eckfeldt Human Services' Commission Chair ALS•ch Enclosures cG; Lin B,a�.l, ::,Senior Plan�ier H Ms. Wendy Nlnrgn,, Consultant t City of Tukwila February 27, 1990 Page 3 4 Established Guidelines for Emergency Requests for human services which were adopted by` . the City Council in December 1988 a May 1989, adoption by City Council of a one ; (1) percent funding base for human services, where one percent of the ' current year'� general `:Fund': Revenue budget a.s' allocated to' the subsequent year's b'��lg�t fnr human seru�ces, 6 Human``se �,oess--Co�n�r►i���.©� :member was ��,ce-chair 'of the Saufih—"— Geographical <Work Group of the regit�nal Human , S�rv ��:s our�dtabl ;, and also .a member Qf the Regional Task Gac iu. fr r the :H�man<�e�vice. �oundtable. �,,; W� dope that. thee. inf�irmation p�+ovir��� in this> letter ��id the attached ;packet is hel�f'�1 to yQu irk y�iur endeavor, 'If, you would l�.ke. a Commissioner,,�o c�m� and speak �o a group or �.f, you vac�uld lake to attend oie of the regular meetings, please contact I� r� Bail or, Alice 5hobe in tile 'City of Kent Planning Department ' at 339Q, They will be happy to answer any questions you have. Sincerely, G � a Eckfeld Human Services' Commission Chair ALS:ch Enclosures cc: Lin Hall Senior Planner i ��man ServYce 'Commmissianers