HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations Committee - 05/19/2015
May 19, 2015
Committee Members Present: Dana Ralph and Bill Boyce; Chair Les Thomas was
The meeting was called to order by Dana Ralph at 4:02 p.m.
There were no changes to the agenda.
B. Boyce moved to approve the check summary report dated 4/16/2015 through
4/30/2015. D. Ralph seconded the motion, which passed 2-0.
B. Boyce moved to approve the Operations Committee minutes dated May 5, 2015. D.
Ralph seconded the motion, which passed 2-0.
Human Resource Director Lorraine Patterson and Community Outreach Analyst Johnetta
Rowsey updated the Committee on the Council approved Supported Employment Program
managed by the Human Resources Department (HR). This project remains a high priority
for the Council and the City. As of this date, HR has made considerable effort towards
establishing a best practices approach to a replicable program that can be supported
throughout the City.
To help get the program off the ground, King County Developmental Disabilities Division
(KCDDD) provided technical assistance to the City free of charge. At the recommendation
of KCDDD, HR contacted GoWise, a non-profit consultant, to understand how they can
support the City’s efforts. One of the most important contributions of the consultant is
creating job descriptions that will allow the City to select candidates that will be a good fit
with the work environment. GoWise provides skill at clarifying expectations for the hiring
supervisor and the job-development agency to ensure that the City will have the best fit
possible and will also assist in creating positions that encourage growth over time. In
addition to the task of defining and sourcing the employees, HR is working with city
unions to create contract language that meets their needs, as the work identified to date
is covered by existing collective bargaining agreements.
In the next week, HR is in the position to submit two part-time, temporary job openings
to job-development agencies that KCDDD works with. These positions will be paid a
Operations Committee Minutes
May 19, 2015
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minimum of $10 an hour with all candidates sharing a 40 hour work week. These positions
should be filled by June 2015.
Economic and Community Development Director Ben Wolters explained this is legislation
in the form of three motions to formally adopt the proposed reorganization.
Having been in operation for over six years, and with staffing changes recently affecting
key personnel, it is appropriate to clarify the authority of the position of the Economic and
Community Development (ECD) director as well as the department’s role within the
overall city organization in a manner that is consistent with the Council’s practice with
other city departments.
The planning director position, which was carried over in 2009 when the planning
department became part of the larger ECD department, should be eliminated, and
consistent with other city departments, the ECD director should be authorized to
establish, fill, and organize, subject to appropriate authorization, a deputy director as well
as departmental subdivision managers, and other positions.
With this authorization and the proposed changes, Mr. Wolters plans to consolidate some
of the management responsibilities within ECD while recognizing the internal management
talents. This reorganization plan would rely on the department’s existing funding to
recognize and properly compensate the internal managers who are stepping up to take on
additional management responsibilities. Not filling two vacancies at their formal
management level would also enable ECD to increase line level staff to accomplish more
of the daily workload within the department. ECD is currently authorized for three new
positions to be funded and filled in 2016. This plan would seek to use existing budget to
enable the department to accelerate the filling of these positions in 2015. Accelerating the
creation of these three positions is proposed under a separate motion to amend the
budget. The three positions are Planner, Administrative Secretary I, and an Office Tech
Committee members recognized and gave kudos that the reorganization layout has a
budget neutral impact to the remainder of 2015-2016 biennial budgets.
B. Boyce moved to recommend Council adopt an Ordinance amending Chapter 2.30 of the
Kent City Code, entitled “Economic and Community Development Department” by
clarifying the structure of the Economic and Community D evelopment Department,
including the authority of the department’s director, to conform with the authorization
and structure established by council for other city departments. D. Ralph seconded the
motion, which passed 2-0.
B. Boyce moved to recommend council establish the positions of Deputy Economic and
Community Development Director, Building Services Manager, and Current Planning
Manager, as described in the job descriptions created for those positions, to authorize
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May 19, 2015
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the salary ranges recommended for those positions, and to adjust the budget
accordingly. D. Ralph seconded the motion, which passed 2-0.
B. Boyce moved to Recommend council authorize to fill as soon as possible in the 2015
calendar year the positions of Planner, Administrative Secretary 1, and Office Tech 3, all
of which were authorized to be filled in 2016 under the city’s biennial budget, using
existing 2015 budget year savings incurred from department reorganization and from
savings incurred by other unfilled or under filled positions. D. Ralph seconded the
motion, which passed 2-0.
Assistant City Attorney Tammy White made a request to have the current ordinance be
converted back to policy in order to be updated more frequently. The Public Records Act,
currently codified at Chapter 42.56 of the Revised Code of Washington requires local
governments to adopt reasonable rules and regulations to carry out its provisions in a
manner that provides for the fullest assistance to requestors and the most timely possible
action on requests, while contemporaneously protecting public records from damage or
disorganization and preventing excessive interference with other essential governmental
functions. The City’s code provisions regarding public records requests are currently
codified in Chapter 1.05 of the Kent City Code and were last amended in 2006.
Prior to 2002, the provisions regulating staff’s processing and response to public records
requests were maintained within the City’s Policy Manual. In 2002, the Council adopted
Ordinance No. 3588, which converted these provisions to code under the belief that
codification would result in the procedures being more accessible to the public. An
unintended consequence of that action was that the procedures were not regularly
updated in response to the rapid evolution of the law regarding public records. Therefore,
it is staff’s belief that reverting these provisions back to policy format and publishing them
on the City’s website will allow them to be readily available to the public while still giving
staff the flexibility needed to update them in response to frequent changes in the law.
Ms. White further explained should Council adopt the proposed Ordinance, the Mayor
would then establish a public records policy similar in form to the draft included with this
agenda item. This draft policy includes no drastic changes; it merely memorializes the
existing process and addresses those matters required by state law, such as a list of the
possible exemptions that may be applied to a public record before it is produced. This
draft will be further revised in the near future to address the retention of text messages
sent and received by City employees and substantively related to City business.
B. Boyce moved to recommend Council adopt the proposed Ordinance that amends
Chapter 1.05 of the Kent City Code regarding submittal and response to requests for
public records and converts those provisions from code to policy to allow for more timely
revision in response to changes in the law. D. Ralph seconded the motion, which passed
The meeting was adjourned at 4:36 p.m. by D. Ralph.
Operations Committee Minutes
May 19, 2015
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Jennifer Hays
Operations Committee Secretary