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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations Committee - 05/21/2013 (2) OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES May 21, 2013 Committee Members Present: Les Thomas, Chair, Dennis Higgins and Dana Ralph The meeting was called to order by Les Thomas at 4:00 p.m. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES DATED MAY 7, 2013. D. Higgins moved to approve the Operations Committee minutes dated May 7, 2013. D. Ralph seconded the motion, which passed 3-0. 2. ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF THE CONSOLIDATED LID #362 BONDS THROUGH A PRIVATE PLACEMENT. B. Nachlinger recommended the issuance of LID Bonds for LID 362 to reimburse the City for the costs incurred prior to the bonds being issued. The assessment roll for LID #362 was authorized by the Council in June, 2011 with an original assessment of $2,412,942.02. This LID was financed in house until the amount of internally financed LID was enough to issue LID Bonds. Right now, issuing these bonds as a private placement is the best option for the city. D. Ralph moved to recommend to approve the ordinance authorizing the issuance of the LID 362 Bonds and authorizing the Mayor to execute all necessary documents for the issuance, subject to final review and approval by the Finance Director and the City Attorney. D. Higgins seconded the motion, which passed 3-0. 3. REQUEST FOR RECORDS SPECIALIST POSITION IN THE POLICE DEPARTMENT. J. Straus requested that the council approve the Records Specialist position to the Police Department. The records specialist is retiring and the criminal justice budget allows for the position to be filled. D. Higgins moved to recommend adding a Records Specialist position to the Police Department. D. Ralph seconded and the motion passed 3-0. 4. SHORETEL|TRI-TEC COMMUNICATIONS, INC. GOODS & SERVICES AGREEMENT. M. Carrington presented the agreement with Tri-Tec communications for the council’s approval. Shoretel has been selected as the product offering of choice for the city’s new phone system replacement initiative. Shoretel utilizes a Value-Added-Reseller model through local vendors to sell, distribute, install and service their products. Tri-Tec communications, Inc. is an authorized Shoretel VAR located in Kent, Washington. D. Ralph moved to recommend the Mayor sign a Goods and Services Agreement with Tri- Tec Communications, Inc. in the amount of $264,222 for the purchase of telecommunications equipment, services, and maintenance, subject to terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Information Technology Director. D. Higgins seconded and the motion passed 3-0. Operations Committee Minutes May 21, 2013 Page: 2 5. ALLIED TELESIS ANNUAL MAINTENANCE & SUPPORT- AUTHORIZE. M. Carrington presented the contract for Allied Telesis annual maintenance & support in the amount of $41,094. This expenditure consolidates multiple maintenance and support contracts for related network equipment purchased through disparate projects over the last two years. This consolidation will result in cost savings and reduced effort by staff through a single maintenance and support agreement under one consolidated goods and services contract. D. Higgins moved to recommend the Mayor sign a Goods and Services Agreement with Allied Telesis, Inc. in the amount of $41,094 for the purchase of annual maintenance and support, subject to terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Information Technology Director. D. Ralph seconded the motion, which passed 3-0. 6. CDW-G |EMC ANNUAL MAINTENANCE & SUPPORT- AUTHORIZE. M. Carrington presented the agreement with CDW-G, Inc for maintenance and support of EMC networked data storage. The City’s current EMC equipment support and maintenance vendor will be transitioned to CDW-G, Inc. as the result of a successful competitive bid process. A continually poor track record from the previous vendor prompted the need to switch. D. Ralph moved to recommend the Mayor sign a Goods and Services Agreement with CDW-G, Inc. in the amount of $65,209 for the purchase of annual maintenance and support, subject to terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Information Technology Director. D. Higgins seconded and the motion passed 3-0. The meeting was adjourned at 4:33 p.m. by L. Thomas. ___________________ Satwinder Kaur Operations Committee Secretary