HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Kent City Council - 06/09/2020 (2) Approved Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Minutes June 9, 2020 Date: June 9, 2020 Time: 4:00 p.m. Place: THIS IS A REMOTE MEETING 1. CALL TO ORDER Council President Troutner called the meeting to order at 4 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Toni Troutner Council President Present Bill Boyce Councilmember Present Brenda Fincher Councilmember Present Satwinder Kaur Councilmember Present Marli Larimer Councilmember Present Zandria Michaud Councilmember Present Les Thomas Councilmember Present Dana Ralph Mayor Present 3. AGENDA APPROVAL Chief Administrative Officer, Derek Matheson added "Protest Update," from Chief Padilla, as the first department presentation. 4. DEPARTMENT PRESENTATIONS A. Protest Update Chief Padilla provided information on the planned peaceful Black Lives Matter protest on June 11, 2020 at 3 p.m. in downtown Kent. Organizers, Keliesha Lovelace and Kendrick Glover contacted the Chief to coordinate the event. The event will commence at the Maleng Regional Justice Center and will end at Kent City Hall. Local businesses have been notified, there will be road closures, and Chief is recommending non-essential businesses consider closing at noon because of the potential traffic impacts. The Kent City Hall campus will close at noon. Chief Padilla is recommending participants park at Lincoln Park and Ride that is located at 902 West James Street. B. INFO ONLY: Phased Reopening in King County Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Minutes June 9, 2020 Kent, Washington Page 2 of 8 Emergency Management Division Chief, Jeff DiDonato provided the committee with details on the Safe Start Phase 1.5 reopening in King County. DiDonato compared Phase 1.5 to Phase 2 and advised that activities are generally the same with lower capacities, 30-minute time limits for indoor services, indoor activities are half of the capacity as Phase 2 and Outdoor activities are the same capacity as Phase 2. General Requirements include: •COVID-19 worksite specific safety practices •Designated site specific COVID-19 supervisor •Written plan is available on site DiDonato provided specific requirements regarding restaurants, in-store retail, professional services, personal services, construction, manufacturing facilities, fitness, real estate, in-home domestic services, outdoor recreation, pet grooming and photography. C. INFO ONLY: Phase 2 Scope of Work for HB 1923/Department of Commerce Grant for Increasing Residential Building Capacity Long Range Planning Manager, Hayley Bonsteel detailed the proposed use of $100,000 in reimbursable funds from the Department of Commerce to work on a Housing Action Plan with the goal of increasing the residential building supply. A portion of the funds were committed to the South King Housing (SoKiHo) Framework, along with five neighboring cities; this work is on schedule to be completed in the summer of 2020 and will fulfill several of the requirements for the grant. The City has until June 2021, to utilize the remaining $83,333 and meet the remainder of the grant requirements. Staff would like to use the remaining funds as creatively and thoughtfully as possible. Bonsteel is seeking consensus from the committee on how to the use remaining $80K. Staff proposes three workplan items, informed by the SoKiHo effort, reviewing and evaluating Kent’s adopted housing goals, policies and strategies, is a core requirement of the grant that Kent must plan to meet. Staff proposes to research student generation rates by number of bedrooms in multifamily units to aid Kent in administering school district impact fees. Impact fees have a direct nexus to increasing the building supply, and Kent’s cap on multifamily school district impact fees is not necessarily an effective long-term solution to ensuring a balance between school district funding and residential development. Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Minutes June 9, 2020 Kent, Washington Page 3 of 8 Finally, staff proposes to research preservation criteria for mobile home parks, and analyze strategies for long-term consideration of mobile home park zoning and development regulations to ensure thoughtful policies are in place as this critical housing type is put under increased pressure. The grant funding is intended for planning efforts that will increase residential building capacity and minimize displacement. Staff believes this three-part scope of work is the most effective way to utilize the funding in Kent’s interests. Councilmembers expressed their confidence in Bonsteel and indicated she has a good grasp on what is needed and trusts her to do what is best for Kent. Larimer expressed appreciation for the work towards preservation criteria for Kent’s mobile home parks and suggested reviewing the City’s policies relating to relocation assistance in specific cases where residents are displaced. D. RCO Grant Applications Authorizing Resolution - Adopt Parks/Facilities Planning and Development Coordinator, Bryan Higgins provided information on the Washington Recreation and Conservation Office grant application and the requirement to adopt a resolution authorizing the City’s application. Staff is requesting authorization to submit a grant application to the RCO’s Washington Wildlife and Recreation program to help fund the acquisition of property at Upper Mill Creek Canyon, and authorization to submit grant applications through the RCO’s Washington Wildlife and Recreation and Youth Athletic Facilities grant programs to help fund the renovation of Kent Memorial Park. MOTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2013 authorizing the submittal of grant applications #20-1491, #20-1254 and #20-1263 to the Washington Recreation and Conservation Office to assist with funding the acquisition of property at Upper Mill Creek Canyon and with renovating Kent Memorial Park RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL BY CONSENSUS Next: 6/16/2020 7:00 PM E. Information Only/Update to KCC 14.09 - Flood Hazard Regulations Civil Engineering Designer, Chris Wadsworth provided extensive details on the FEMA Flood Map and Kent Flood Hazard Code Update. Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Minutes June 9, 2020 Kent, Washington Page 4 of 8 Reason for changes - Federal •At the federal level the two entities we’re concerned with for flood hazard regulations are; o The Federal Emergency Management Agency, or FEMA; o And the National Flood Insurance Program, or the NFIP •In order to continue participating in the National Flood Insurance Program, which makes subsidized flood insurance policies available to anyone in Kent, there are a number of minimum requirements that we as a City must adhere to and maintain. •These include adoption of the latest FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps, also called FIRMs; •As well as updating our flood hazard regulations to meet current federal requirements for participation. Reason for changes - Kent •Beyond what the Federal Government requires of us, we also have to administer and use the code at the local level to help ensure that development meets these requirements. •To that end, process improvement meetings have been held in 2019 and into 2020 by Kent staff. •These meetings were attended by staff from Public Works, Economic and Community Development, the Building Department and the Permit Center. •The goal of these meetings was to take a close look at Kent’s flood hazard regulations and the associated permitting process, and then make recommendations on ways to improve these processes. •The goal is to make them more comprehensive as well as being more transparent and easy to use by anyone hoping to develop in Kent on property mapped in a floodplain. FEMA flood map update •The new flood maps from FEMA need to be made effective by City Code on or before August 19th, 2020. •The maps are not a significant update to the currently effective 1995 flood maps. Let me clarify what that means. •The minimal update is largely due to what’s called levee seclusion. •Without getting overly technical, levee seclusion is FEMA’s way of admitting that at this time they don’t know how to accurately map what occurs on the landward side of a levee that has not been accredited. •Simply put; Areas protected by levees that are not accredited by FEMA are secluded. •This means that in these areas the data from the 1995 flood maps remains. •In Kent we have a large system of levees and we are actively pursuing FEMA accreditation throughout. •Since levees must be accredited from upstream to downstream, the only levee currently accredited in Kent is the Horseshoe Bend Levee at the Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Minutes June 9, 2020 Kent, Washington Page 5 of 8 southern end of the city. •On the updated flood maps; Areas protected by the Horseshoe Bend Levee are updated for flooding from the Green River. •Now, please note that the updated areas protected by Horseshoe Bend are not updated relative to flooding from Mill Creek, Garrison Creek or Springbrook Creek as they were not part of FEMA’s updated flood study. •Only Green River flooding applies to these updated maps. •The City is working on a separate project to update the flood data for the creeks found in the Kent Valley. •This separate project will help to better prepare the public in these areas of potential flood risks and will eventually modify the 2020 flood maps. FEMA flood map update •Unlike previous versions the maps are no longer exclusively paper. •The new maps are fully digital and available as Geographic Information System, or GIS, data. •The elevation reference, or vertical datum, has been updated on the new maps, including areas of seclusion. •This makes it easier for everyone to understand the water surface elevations shown on these maps compared to the currently effective 1995 maps. •This GIS data is available for all Kent staff; •It is also available to the public through the FEMA Map Service Center. •This digital format will allow for more accurate and comprehensive floodplain determinations for Kent staff during the permitting process; Kent city code update •Unlike the flood maps, the update to Kent City Code Chapter 14.09 is significant. •It standardizes the format of the chapter with the rest of the city code to make it easier to administer. •Updates many of the defined terms. •It codifies the adoption of the 2020 Flood Insurance Rate Maps; •And it provides a clearer definition of the Special Flood Hazard Area, which is the technical term for a regulatory floodplain. Kent city code update •At the local level these code updates help to clarify the application of Kent’s Floodzone Permit. •It also formally designates the Floodplain Administrator who works to administer and maintain these regulations •as well as keeping the city in compliance with the requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program. Kent city code update •The body of the code revisions establish general, specific and floodway Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Minutes June 9, 2020 Kent, Washington Page 6 of 8 standards for development •This also revises procedures for violations, enforcement and penalties in a way that follows the standards set forth by other Kent City Code Chapters. Basements •Basements are not allowed to be built in the floodplain unless; •They meet the specific standards code section requirements to be classified as a crawlspace, or; •The bottom of the basement is elevated to the flood protection elevation. •The flood protection elevation is 2’ above the base flood elevation, which is the modeled water surface elevation in a given area during a 1% chance annual storm event, also called the 100-year storm. Crawlspaces •Crawlspaces must meet the following requirements in order to be allowed when developing in the floodplain. •First-off, the interior grade of the crawlspace must not be below the base flood elevation. Crawlspaces •The height of the crawlspace measured from the top of the foundation wall down to the ground may not exceed 4’ at any point. •There’s more to it than that when it comes to crawlspaces, but these points regarding elevation have been clarified by this update and will make achieving code compliance more transparent and easy to understand for developers. Compensatory flood storage •This next update relates to both Kent City Code Chapter 14.09 as well as the updated FEMA flood maps. o Compensatory storage is the practice of excavating an area within a floodplain to offset or compensate for fill placed within the same floodplain. o A floodway, generally speaking, is the moving portion of flood waters being supplied by a river, creek or stream. •To standardize regulations, FEMA has removed this storage floodway designation from the area and instead refers to it simply as a floodway. Compensatory flood storage •The current code along with the current flood maps allow for more types of development within the storage floodway than in a standard floodway. •This is because of a compensatory storage allowance provided to this specific storage floodway. Compensatory flood storage Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Minutes June 9, 2020 Kent, Washington Page 7 of 8 •However, now that the storage floodway designation is being removed by FEMA and the area is identified as a standard floodway; •These provisions are removed in the updated code to better protect our important agricultural district from potential flood damages. Floodways •Requirements for fish habitat enhancement projects have been clarified within floodways. •These types of projects must be designed to minimize impacts to base flood elevations. Floodways •Hydrologic and hydraulic analysis must show that the base flood elevation is kept as close to zero as is practically possible. •The project must not affect any insurable structures. •The project must be in compliance with all Federal, State and City regulations beyond Kent City Code 14.09, as applicable. Kent permit update •he first piece of documentation that a developer is likely to encounter when proposing a development within the floodplain is the Kent Flood Zone Permit Application. •In conjunction with these code updates, a new flood zone permit application has been proposed •The timing of this new application is fortunate as the City is working to move away from the current KIVA permitting software and to a new platform called Amanda. •The new permit application is being developed specifically with the new Amanda software in mind to make the process of permit intake and review more streamlined and comprehensive for Kent staff. •It will be clearer to developers and will better describe what is required for development in a floodplain. •The revised permit application also helps to ensure that federally required documents are collected as a part of the permitting process for a development. •These documents include o FEMA Elevation Certificates o FEMA Floodproofing Certificates o And Habitat Assessments to document compliance with the Puget Sound Biologic Opinion Report, which relates to the Endangered Species Act. Conclusion •The National Flood Insurance Program requires that the new flood maps be adopted through code and that they be made effective by August 19th, 2020. Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Minutes June 9, 2020 Kent, Washington Page 8 of 8 •The next steps in this process are o A determination of compliance with the State Environmental Policy Act, or SEPA o Review and acceptance by the Department of Commerce o and finally a public hearing to Kent City Council on July 7th, followed by a motion to vote on adoption of the proposed ordinance. F. INFO ONLY: April Financial Report Senior Financial Analyst, Michelle Ferguson presented the monthly financial report by providing a review of the: •2020 Budgeted General Fund Revenues and year to date comparisons •Compared prior year revenues, budgeted revenues, and actual revenues through April for property taxes, sales taxes, utility taxes, other taxes, and other revenues. •The General Fund year-to-date monthly comparison of all expenditures by department were detailed. •Other Revenue Funds - 2018-2020 (through April) were reviewed for the Street Fund, Capital Resources Fund, Criminal Justice Fund, ShoWare Operating Fund and Other Operating G. Payment of Bills Paula Painter presented the Committee with the payment of bills. MOTION: Approve the payment of bills. RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL BY CONSENSUS Next: 6/16/2020 7:00 PM 5. ADJOURNMENT Council President Troutner adjourned the meeting at 5 p.m. Meeting ended at 5:00 p.m. Kimberley A. Komoto City Clerk Safe Start Phase 1.5 Kent Emergency Management Comparing Phase 1.5 to Phase 2 Activities are generally the same •Lower capacities •30-minute time limits for indoor services Indoor activities are half of the capacity as Phase 2 Outdoor activities are the same capacity as Phase 2 General Requirements COVID-19 worksite specific safety practices: •Educate Workers •Social Distancing •Provide PPE •Housekeeping •Employee Screening Designated Site Specific COVID-19 Supervisor Written plan available on site Social Gatherings Only allowed outdoors with five or fewer people outside the household. Restaurants Outdoor dining activities may operate subject to Phase 2 guidance (50% capacity with all tables and chairs maintaining 6 feet distance) Indoor dining services may operate subject to Phase 2 guidance with the following exception: •No more than 25% of the tables provided with 6 feet distance Notable: •Table size limited to 5 people •No bar seating allowed In-Store Retail All non-essential retail activities may operate subject to Phase 2 guidance with the following exceptions: •15% occupancy limit •Indoor services limited to 30 minutes Professional Services All activities may operate subject to Phase 2 guidance with the following exceptions: •Office occupancy 25% limit •Indoor services limited to 30 minutes Personal Services All activities may operate subject to Phase 2 guidance with the following exceptions: •25% of customers capable of being served or, •1 person if it is a single bed/chair studio Construction •All construction, including those activities for which social distancing may not be maintained and the start of new construction projects, is authorized to resume Manufacturing Facilities All activities may operate subject to Phase 2 guidance Fitness Outdoor activities may operate subject to Phase 2 guidance (5 people max) Indoor activities limited to one on one activities only Real Estate All activities may operate subject to Phase 2 guidance with the following exceptions: •Office occupancy 25% limit •Indoor services limited to 30 minutes Notable: No open houses In-home Domestic Services As outlined in Phase 2 guidance which has not yet been released by the State. Outdoor Recreation All activities may operate subject to Phase 2 guidance Notable: Professional Sports up to 50 people Youth Sports Phase 2 –5 people Phase 3 –Games resume. No more than 50 people Pet Grooming All activities may operate subject to Phase 2 guidance with the following exception: •25% occupancy limit Photography All activities may operate subject to Phase 2 guidance Questions FEMA FLOOD MAP AND KENT FLOOD HAZARD CODE UPDATE KENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE JUNE 9, 2020 REASON FOR CHANGES •FEDERAL •NEW FEMA FLOOD MAPS •CODE UPDATES FOR COMPLIANCE •REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN ELIGIBILITY IN THE NFIP •KENT •PROCESS IMPROVEMENT MEETINGS HELD IN 2019 •PUBLIC WORKS •ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT •BUILDING DEPARTMENT •PERMIT CENTER REASON FOR CHANGES FEMA FLOOD MAP UPDATE •NEW EFFECTIVE FIRM DATE: AUGUST 19, 2020 •LEVEE SECLUSION •HORSESHOE BEND LEVEE •ALL OTHER AREAS OF KENT •UPDATES OUTSIDE OF SECLUSION ONLY APPLY TO THE GREEN RIVER FEMA FLOOD MAP UPDATE •GIS DATA •ENTERPRISE DATA AVAILABLE FOR KENT STAFF •PUBLICLY AVAILABLE MAPS FROM FEMA MAP SERVICE CENTER KENT CITY CODE UPDATE •STANDARDIZED FORMATTING WITH OTHER CODE CHAPTERS •UPDATES DEFNITIONS •CODIFIES ADOPTION OF 2020 FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP •DEFINES SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA KENT CITY CODE UPDATE •CLARIFIES APPLICATION OF KENT FLOODZONE PERMIT •DESIGNATES FLOODPLAIN ADMINISTRATOR KENT CITY CODE UPDATE •ESTABLISHES GENERAL, SPECIFIC AND FLOODWAY STANDARDS FOR DEVELOPMENT •REVISES PROCEDURES FOR VIOLATIONS, ENFORCEMENT AND PENALTIES TO FOLLOW OTHER CODE CHAPTERS CODE UPDATE EXAMPLES •14.09.120 GENERAL STANDARDS •BASEMENTS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE BUILT IN THE FLOODPLAIN UNLESS; •MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF A CRAWLSPACE, OR; •BOTTOM IS ELEVATED TO THE FLOOD PROTECTION ELEVATION BASEMENTS •14.09.130 SPECIFIC STANDARDS •CRAWLSPACES MUST MEET THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS: •INTERIOR GRADE MUST NOT BE BELOW THE BASE FLOOD ELEVATION CODE UPDATE EXAMPLES CRAWLSPACES •14.09.130 SPECIFIC STANDARDS •CRAWLSPACES MUST MEET THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS: •HEIGHT OF THE CRAWLSPACE FROM INTERIOR GROUND TO THE TOP OF THE FOUNDATION WALL MAY NOT EXCEED 4-FT AT ANY POINT CODE UPDATE EXAMPLES CRAWLSPACES •14.09.140 COMPENSATORY STORAGE •AREA SHOWN IS CURRENTLY DESIGNATED AS A “STORAGE FLOODWAY” •THE ONLY USE OF THIS TERM IN THE COUNTRY •THIS DESIGNATION IS REMOVED ON ALL PRELIMINARY FEMA DOCUMENTS CODE UPDATE EXAMPLES COMPENSATORY FLOOD STORAGE •14.09.140 COMPENSATORY STORAGE •CURRENT CODE ALLOWS MORE TYPES OF DEVELOPMENT WITHIN THE “STORAGE FLOODWAY” THAN IN STANDARD FLOODWAYS BECAUSE OF A COMPENSATORY STORAGE ALLOWANCE CODE UPDATE EXAMPLES COMPENSATORY FLOOD STORAGE •14.09.140 COMPENSATORY STORAGE •THESE PROVISIONS ARE REMOVED IN THE UPDATED CODE TO BETTER PROTECT OUR IMPORTANT AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT FROM FLOOD DAMAGES CODE UPDATE EXAMPLES COMPENSATORY FLOOD STORAGE •14.09.150 FLOODWAYS •REQUIREMENTS HAVE BEEN CLARIFIED FOR PROJECTS DESIGNED SPECIFICALLY FOR THE ENHANCEMENT OF FISH HABITAT WITHIN FLOODWAYS •PROJECTS MUST BE DESIGNED TO MINIMIZE IMPACTS TO BASE FLOOD ELEVATIONS CODE UPDATE EXAMPLES FLOODWAYS •14.09.150 FLOODWAYS •PROVIDE HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS TO SHOW BASE FLOOD ELEVATION RISE IS KEPT AS CLOSE TO ZERO AS PRACTICALLY POSSIBLE •THE PROJECT MUST NOT AFFECT ANY INSURABLE STRUCTURES •MUST COMPLY WITH ALL STATE AND CITY REGULATIONS OUTSIDE OF KCC 14.09 CODE UPDATE EXAMPLES FLOODWAYS •UPDATED PERMIT APPLICATION •DONE IN CONJUNCTION WITH UPGRADE FROM KIVA TO AMANDA •MORE CLEAR TO DEVELOPERS •HELP TO ENSURE COLLECTION OF FEDERALLY REQUIRED DOCUMENTS •FEMA ELEVATION CERTIFICATE •FEMA FLOODPROOFING CERTIFICATE •HABITAT ASSESSMENT KENT PERMIT UPDATE FEMA FLOOD MAP AND KENT FLOOD HAZARD CODE UPDATE KENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE JUNE 9, 2020 City of Kent, WA April 2020  Monthly  Financial Report Committee of the  Whole June 9, 2020 Prepared by: Michelle Ferguson, Financial Planning Manager Shane Sorenson, Senior Financial Analyst General Fund : General Fund Revenues (page 2) General Fund Revenues ($ in Thousands) (page 3) General Fund Revenues ($ in Thousands) (page 4) General Fund Year ‐to ‐Year  Monthly Comparison (page 7) Other Funds Revenue Funds –Year‐to‐Year  Month Comparison (page 12) Other Funds Revenue Funds –Year‐to‐Year  Month Comparison (page 13) Other Funds Revenue Funds –Year‐to‐Year  Month Comparison (page 14)