HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Kent City Council - 05/26/2020 (2) Approved Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Minutes May 26, 2020 Date: May 26, 2020 Time: 4:00 p.m. Place: Chambers 1. CALL TO ORDER Council President Troutner called the meeting to order. 2. ROLL CALL Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Toni Troutner Council President Present Bill Boyce Councilmember Present Brenda Fincher Councilmember Present Satwinder Kaur Councilmember Present Marli Larimer Councilmember Present Zandria Michaud Councilmember Present Les Thomas Councilmember Present Dana Ralph Mayor Present 3. AGENDA APPROVAL No changes were made to the agenda. 4. DEPARTMENT PRESENTATIONS 1. INFO ONLY: Kent Police Youth Board Presentation Community Education Coordinator, Stacy Judd, along with members of the Kent Police Youth Board gave the Committee a presentation on the work of the board. Grant Requirements: •Complete community survey of Vape/Marijuana stores •Create maps of areas surrounding surveyed locations and take pictures of ads, window displays, etc. •Present to local leadership organization •Run YOU CAN ads on social media •Create localized YOU CAN ads •Present media awareness PowerPoint Councilmembers expressed their appreciation of the Kent Police Youth Board and their work to educate the public. Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Minutes May 26, 2020 Kent, Washington Page 2 of 4 Anyone interested in joining the Youth Board, please contact Stacy Judd at sjudd@kentwa.gov. 2. Consultant Services Agreement with Otak, Inc., for the Mill Creek at 76th Avenue Flood Protection Improvements Structural and Stream Geometry - Authorize Design Engineer, Susanne Smith discussed the Consultant Services Agreement with Otak, Inc. for Structural and Stream Geometry Design for the Mill Creek at 76th Avenue South Flood Protection Improvements Project. She provided a project overview which includes a culvert replacement, habitat and vegetation improvements, raise 76th above FEMA flood elevation as well as two grants from the State of Washington Department of Commerce totaling $3 million and drainage fund. MOTION: Authorize the Mayor to sign a Consultant Services Agreement with Otak, Inc. for Structural Engineering and Stream Geometry Consulting Services for the Mill Creek at 76th Avenue South Flood Protection Improvements project in an amount not to exceed $346,300., subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL BY CONSENSUS Next: 6/2/2020 7:00 PM 3. Resolution Adopting the Residential Traffic Calming Program - Adopt City Traffic Engineer, Erik Preston presented the update on the Residential Traffic Calming Program which gives the residents a formal process to bring their concerns about speed and cut-through traffic on residential streets to the attention of the City. Preston gave an overview of how the program will work, specifically how the public can submit a request or contact the RTCP and what the process will be following that initial request. The requests will be reviewed, and data will be collected at the location of concern. If the area of concern meets the qualification requirements set forth by RTCP then a neighborhood meeting will be scheduled, a plan made, and ballots will be mailed to every affected home in the study area. If the desired changes pass, then the requested changes will be made, and a follow-up study will be done to ensure that the residents’ concerns have been resolved. MOTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2012, repealing Resolution No. 1817 and adopting a new Residential Traffic Calming Program to better address quality of life concerns related to traffic in residential neighborhoods by considering traffic speeds and cut-through traffic as well as other neighborhood factors. Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Minutes May 26, 2020 Kent, Washington Page 3 of 4 RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL BY CONSENSUS Next: 6/2/2020 7:00 PM 4. INFO ONLY: 2021-2026 Transportation Improvement Program Senior Transportation Planner, April DelChamps presented the draft projects for the 2020-2025 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). There are three types of changes, projects being removed, new projects and projects with significant changes to either the description or the limits. DelChamps reviewed all of these changes and updates at length. DelChamps discussed next steps, to include a Public Hearing on June 16th so that the TIP will be approved by June 30th as required by law. 5. Payment of Bills - Approve MOTION: Approve the Payment of Bills received through 4/30/20 and paid on 4/30/20, and audited by the Committee of the Whole on 5/12/20, and approve the payment of bills received through 5/15/20 and paid on 5/15/20, and approve the checks issued for payroll 4/16/20 - 4/30/20 and paid on 5/5/20, and checks issued for payroll 5/1/20-5/15/20 and paid on 5/20/20, and audited by the Committee of the Whole on 5/26/20. RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL BY CONSENSUS Next: 6/2/2020 7:00 PM 6. HCMA/Human Capital Management & Automation – Project Budget, Contracts, and Change Orders - Authorize Information Technology Director, Mike Carrington provided an extensive overview of the Human Capital Management and Automation project. Details on the reasons for the increase in the project budget from the $2.15 million to $4.39 million were provided. Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Minutes May 26, 2020 Kent, Washington Page 4 of 4 MOTION: Establish a new budget for the HCMA project at $4.39 million; authorize the Mayor to sign all contracts, change orders, and other documents necessary to advance the HCMA project that cumulatively do not exceed the project budget, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to City Administration and the City Attorney; ratify past actions consistent with this motion; provide that future change orders beyond the project budget, but within the overall City budget, be authorized according to their amended contract values and in accordance with the Kent City Code; and authorize the Mayor to sign contract renewals under the terms of the project contracts within established budgets. RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL BY CONSENSUS Next: 6/2/2020 7:00 PM 5. ADJOURNMENT Council President adjourned the meeting. Meeting ended at 5:06 p.m. Kimberley A. Komoto City Clerk Consultant Services Agreement with Otak, Inc. for Structural and Stream Geometry Design for the Mill Creek at 76th Avenue S. Flood Protection Improvements Project Kent City Council Committee of the Whole May 26, 2020 Slide 1 of 4 Mill Creek •Culvert Replacement to increase Mill Creek Conveyance Capacity •Replace Insufficient Culverts with Bridges •Habitat Improvements and Vegetation •Raise 76 th Avenue S. above FEMA flood elevation •2 Grants from the State of Washington Department of Commerce totaling $3 million and Drainage Fund •Structural Design for 3 Bridges and Walls •Technical Information Report •Stream Geometry Analysis and Design following Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) guidelines •Construction Plans and Specifications Project Overview: Mill Creek at 76th Avenue S. Flood Protection Improvements 76th Avenue S. Flooding: December 2019 Otak Consultant Contract: Slide 2 of 4 Mill Creek Flooding at 76th Avenue S. December, 2019 Slide 3 of 4 Mill Creek 76TH Avenue S Mill Creek at 76th Avenue S. Replace Undersized Drainage Culverts with Bridges Replace Undersized Drainage Culverts New Bridge ExampleSlide 4 of 4 Residential Traffic  Calming Program Committee of the Whole May 26, 2020 Erik Preston, P.E. - City Traffic Engineer 2020 Program Update March 24 Committee Current Program - Resolution 1817, 2009 Residential streets only, no arterials 2-Phase Approach - Longer process Speed is the primary factor (10 mph over) Program Update Shorten the process, remove Phase 1 Add other factors besides speed Improve chances of qualifying projects 2020 Program Update Getting Started Request by letter, phone, email, or online form Early Engagement – 5 residents required Data Collection 7-day minimum Average Daily Traffic (ADT) Volume Other Factors 2020 Program Update 50 Points to Qualify 10-over Speed Limit still qualifies with 50 points Points for Traffic Volume depend on street classification. 2020 Program Update If it Qualifies… Count again to verify Schedule a neighborhood meeting Make a Plan Vote by Mail 2020 Program Update If it Passes… Build It! Follow-Up study 2020 Program Update Next Steps Address Comments or Answer Questions Move to Adopt the Resolution Committee of  the Whole May 26, 2020 Overview Short range  planning  document Annual update  required  by state  law Declares list of   projects, plans and  programs by year Transportation  Master Plan Transportation  Improvement  Program Updating the TIP 2021‐2026 TIP •2020 Grants 2022‐2027 TIP •Transportation  Master Plan  Integration Federal   Grants Puget Sound  Regional  Council Regional  Competition Countywide  Competitions Large Jurisdiction Preservation Non‐Motorized Transportation  Alternatives  Program (TAP) WSDOT Highway Safety  Improvement  Program (HSIP)  Spot Locations Highway Safety  Improvement  Program (HSIP)  Systemic Section 130 Federal  Government Federal  Grants WSDOT Bicycle and  Pedestrian  Program Safe Routes to  School (Partial  Federal Funds) Transportation Improvement Board Urban  Arterials  Program Urban  Sidewalk  Program Complete  Streets Freight Mobility  Strategic  Investment  Board (FMSIB) Freight and Goods  Transportation  System (FGTS) T‐1 &  T‐2 Routes Local  Appropriations Budget Line Items State Grants TIP Changes Projects Removed Completed  Projects Removed   Projects New Projects State Grants Federal  Grants Projects with  Significant  Changes Project Limits  (To & From) Project Scope Completed  Projects South 224th Street  Extension (Phase I)  ‐84th Avenue   South to 88th  Avenue  South South 224th Street  Extension (Phase  II) ‐88th Avenue   South to 94th Place  South Kent Valley  Flashing Yellow  Left Turn  Arrows State/Federal Grants: Safe Routes to School – Removed & New  Projects Projects Removed Meridian Elementary ‐SE  256th St and 140th Ave SE Neely‐O’Brien Elementary  –64th Ave  S and S 236th  St Projects Added School Zone Flashers at 7  Elementary Schools  East Hill Elementary and  Mill Creek Middle Schools  State Grants: New  Projects Bicycle & Pedestrian  Program Meet Me  on Meeker  School  Frontage Transportation Improvement  Board 132nd Avenue Southeast  Pedestrian Improvements  (Phase 4) ‐Southeast 228th  Street to Southeast 240th  Street Russell Road  Pedestrian   Improvements from Meeker  Street to 500 feet south of   James Street Federal  Grants:  New  Projects Puget Sound Regional Council –Countywide Preservation Program S 212th Street – Green River Bridge (east) to 72nd Avenue S Preservation  Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Local Road  Safety Plan –Spot Location Safety Improvement Projects Local Road  Safety Plan –Systemic Safety Improvements Program Section 130 Funds – Railroad Safety Grant Project Changes – Updated Project Description Naden Avenue  and Willis  Street Intersection   Improvements Meeker Street and 64th  Avenue  South ‐ Intersection  Improvements Midway Subarea TOD  Street –S. 244th Street  and 32nd Avenue  South Project Changes – Edits  to the Start or End Points  76th Avenue  South ‐South,  Middle and North projects (3) South 212th Street ‐–Green  River Bridge (west) to Orillia  Road S/City Limits South 224th Street Extension  (Phase III) Split South 218th Street/98th  Avenue South ‐94th Place  South to South 216th Street South 216th Street ‐98th  Avenue South to 108th  Avenue Southeast (State  Route 515/Benson Highway) Next Steps April 21, 2020 City Council  Workshop:  Present the Draft Project  Changes for the 2021‐2026 TIP  May 26, 2020 Committee of   the Whole: Present Draft 2020‐2025  Transportation Improvement  Program & Action to  Schedule a Public Hearing City Council : Public Hearing on June 16,  2020  Residential Traffic  Calming Program Committee of the Whole May 26, 2020 Erik Preston, P.E. - City Traffic Engineer 2020 Program Update March 24 Committee Current Program - Resolution 1817, 2009 Residential streets only, no arterials 2-Phase Approach - Longer process Speed is the primary factor (10 mph over) Program Update Shorten the process, remove Phase 1 Add other factors besides speed Improve chances of qualifying projects 2020 Program Update Getting Started Request by letter, phone, email, or online form Early Engagement – 5 residents required Data Collection 7-day minimum Average Daily Traffic (ADT) Volume Other Factors 2020 Program Update 50 Points to Qualify 10-over Speed Limit still qualifies with 50 points Points for Traffic Volume depend on street classification. 2020 Program Update If it Qualifies… Count again to verify Schedule a neighborhood meeting Make a Plan Vote by Mail 2020 Program Update If it Passes… Build It! Follow-Up study 2020 Program Update Next Steps Address Comments or Answer Questions Move to Adopt the Resolution