HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Kent City Council - 01/14/2020 (2) Approved Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Minutes January 14, 2020 Date: January 14, 2020 Time: 4:03 p.m. Place: Chambers 1. CALL TO ORDER Council President Troutner called the meeting to order. 2. ROLL CALL Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Toni Troutner Council President Present Bill Boyce Councilmember Present Brenda Fincher Councilmember Present Satwinder Kaur Councilmember Present Marli Larimer Councilmember Present Zandria Michaud Councilmember Present 4:52 PM Les Thomas Councilmember Present 3. AGENDA APPROVAL A. Move to approve the agenda RESULT: APPROVED [6 TO 0] MOVER: Bill Boyce, Councilmember SECONDER: Les Thomas, Councilmember AYES: Troutner, Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Thomas AWAY: Michaud 4. PRESENTATIONS A. 2020-2022 King County I-Net Contract for Network Services - Authorize James Endicott, Technical Services Manager and Galen Hirschi, Senior Network Engineer Supervisor provided information on the 2020-22 King County I-Net contract for network services. This contract provides for internet, IP addressing, lease for data center space, access to the Inter Governmental Network that provides the City with access to the Washington State Patrol. Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Minutes January 14, 2020 Kent, Washington Page 2 of 8 This renewal is for a 3-year term and includes the expansion of services for cloud-based applications, additional connectivity and redundancy to provide for more reliable internet access. MOTION: Authorize the Mayor to sign the 2020-2022 King County I-Net Contract for Network Services - Customer Services Contract Number 07COK19, for Internet connectivity, access to the Inter-Governmental Network agencies, Valley Communications access, and point-to-point services for remote locations for all related services and associated costs for three years at an annual cost of $91,464.00, for a total amount not to exceed $274,392.00, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Information Technology Director and City Attorney. RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL BY CONSENSUS Next: 1/21/2020 7:00 PM B. Amendment to the ShoWare Center Sales, Marketing and Operations Management Services Agreement - Authorize City Attorney, Pat Fitzpatrick presented the council with information on the Amendment to the ShoWare Center Sales, Marketing and Operating Agreement with SMG. SMG is now a part of ASM Global. SMG manages the daily operations of the accesso ShoWare Center, including maintenance and negotiating contracts with performers and for events. The original contract began in 2015 and expired on December 31, 2019, but the City is acting under the terms of that original contract. Fitzpatrick detailed the associated fees, and detailed the terms of the new agreement. Tim Higgins, General Manager of the accesso ShoWare Center provided details on the need for a new scoreboard and the issues with ongoing maintenance of the existing scoreboard. Higgins indicated the plan is to replace the scoreboard in late 2020, early 2021. The Finance Department will provide Councilmember Thomas with details on the depreciation of the scoreboard. Higgins provided information on his work to push for more events at the accesso ShoWare Center for facilities with the capacity of up to 6,000 seats. Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Minutes January 14, 2020 Kent, Washington Page 3 of 8 Boyce, Larimer and Kaur expressed a desire to have a workshop on this item to gather more information on SMG's performance over the past 4 years so that the council can evaluate whether to move forward with a contract amendment. Council agreed to discuss this during the February 4, 2020 Workshop and on the February 4, 2020, City Council agenda under Other Business. MOTION: Authorize the Mayor to sign the First Amendment to the ShoWare Center Sales, Marketing, and Operational Management Services Agreement, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Chief Administrative Officer and the City Attorney. RESULT: NO ACTION TAKEN C. Ordinance Amending Chapters 9.04 and 5.01 of the Kent City Code Related to Massage and Reflexology Services - Adopt City Attorney, Pat Fitzpatrick indicated, in the past, the City worked with licensed massage businesses to assist with drafting code amendment regarding massage and reflexology businesses. Fitzpatrick provided a brief history on the City's efforts to address illicit massage businesses and enforcement actions taken over the past years. The illicit massage businesses were cited with prostitution and 100% of the businesses were shut down. Recently, there has been an increase in illicit massage businesses trying to reestablish themselves. In an effort to come up with effective laws that help address illicit massage businesses, the City's Prosecutor came up with code amendments that mirror the Department of Health regulations for massage and reflexology businesses. The Department of Health regulates these businesses. If a business violates the new code provisions, the Police Department will have probable cause to cite the massage businesses with a crime. This code amendment will make violations a misdemeanor. There will be a provision that if they violate the code, they cannot go back into business in the City of Kent. Staff will follow up with Councilmember Thomas with the number of licensed massage businesses currently in the City of Kent. Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Minutes January 14, 2020 Kent, Washington Page 4 of 8 MOTION: Adopt Ordinance No. 2006, amending Chapters 9.04 and 5.01 of the Kent City Code related to massage and reflexology services. RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL BY CONSENSUS Next: 1/21/2020 7:00 PM D. Resolution Approving the Admittance of the City of Des Moines as a Member of the Valley Special Weapons and Tactics Team - Adopt City Attorney, Pat Fitzpatrick provided the background of VSWAT and the reasons for belonging to a consortium to provide SWAT services. Fitzpatrick indicated each jurisdiction must approve any amendments to the Interlocal Agreement. MOTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2006, approving the admittance of the City of Des Moines as a member of the Valley Special Weapons and Tactics Team and authorizing the Mayor to sign Addendum 1 to the Interlocal Cooperative Agreement Between Auburn, Federal Way, Kent, Renton, Tukwila, and the Port of Seattle for the Creation of the Valley Special Weapons and Tactics Team. RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL BY CONSENSUS Next: 1/21/2020 7:00 PM E. King County Veterans, Seniors and Human Services Levy Agreement - Authorize Recreation and Cultural Superintendent in the Parks Department, Lori Hogan provided details on the King County Veterans, Seniors and Human Services Levy Agreement. The City has been awarded, through King County, $1,403,689. to be distributed over 4 1/2 years. Parks will return to the Council each year for authorization to accept and expend the funds. For 2020, $510,218 will be distributed. Hogan expressed appreciation of Kent Senior Center Facility Manager, Cindy Robinson. Robinson was instrumental in securing this grant. There are limited restrictions on the use of these funds. Larimer indicated she will be providing a breakdown of the funding allocations of the King County Veterans, Seniors and Human Services Levy Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Minutes January 14, 2020 Kent, Washington Page 5 of 8 report during the January 21, 2020 City Council meeting. Kaur and Fincher expressed a desire to ensure that under represented communities are provided with opportunities to take advantage of the programs and services offered through the use of these grant funds. Transportation needs should be considered. MOTION: Approve the King County Veterans, Seniors and Human Services Levy Agreement, and ratify the Mayor’s signing of that Agreement, to accept $510,218 in levy funds for the term 10/1/2019 through 12/31/2020; amend the 2020 budget; and authorize the expenditure of funds. RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL BY CONSENSUS Next: 1/21/2020 7:00 PM F. Budget Adjustment Authorizing Four Full-Time Employees - Approve Finance Director, Paula Painter presented details on the Budget Adjustment Authorizing Four Positions. 1 FTE in the Finance Department for a B&O Tax Supervisor. This is a budget neutral position. 2 FTE Limited Term positions in the Parks Department for the Senior Center, including and Outreach Coordinator and Senior Center Program Assistant. These positions are 100% funded by the King County Veterans, Senior and Human Services Levy. 1 FTE in the Economic and Community Development Department to assist in the permit center. This cost of this position will be off set by the increase in permit center permit fees. MOTION: Approve the increase in authorized budgeted FTE’s by four positions to include one supervisor position in the Finance Department, two King County levy-funded term-limited positions in the Parks Department and one term-limited position for Economic and Community Development. RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL BY CONSENSUS Next: 1/21/2020 7:00 PM G. Traffic Signal Emergency Vehicle Detection System Hardware Purchase - Authorize Transportation Engineering Manager, Rob Brown provided details on the Emergency Vehicle Detection System. Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Minutes January 14, 2020 Kent, Washington Page 6 of 8 The system reduces response time for emergency vehicles and reduces crashes of emergency vehicles. Brown reviewed the vehicle emitter, signal detector, and phase selector. Brown reviewed the benefits of the new generation equipment that will have the capability to communicate remotely, faster detection and processing, and have future capabilities for detection. The plan is to replace 60 phase selectors. Brown reviewed the cost of new equipment and trade-value. This purchase will be made through the State’s master contract and is endorsed by the Kent Police Department and Puget Sound Regional Fire Authority. Brown conveyed that the current system is working and there are no issues with it. MOTION: Authorize the purchase of traffic signal emergency vehicle detection hardware from the Washington State Department of Enterprise Services’ Master Contract for Illumination, Traffic Signal and Intelligent Transportation Systems Equipment in an amount not to exceed $125,153.62, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Public Works Director and City Attorney. RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL BY CONSENSUS Next: 1/21/2020 7:00 PM H. INFO ONLY: Storm Update Environmental Engineering Manager, Mike Mactutis provided a recap of the December 19-21 storm event. The storm focused on Kent and stayed there for 42-44 hours. Mactutis reviewed the regional 48 hour precipitation. Mactutis reviewed the City of Kent watershed map and path of water as it leaves the City. Photos and information regarding storm damage was reviewed relating to various areas of the City, including the Upper Mill Creek Dam, Earthworks Park/Senior Center, Mill Creek/James Street - Pump station, Mill Creek/Woodford, Kennebeck and Memorial Park, Mill Creek/George and Central Avenue, Mill Creek/76th Avenue, South 196th St/81st Ave S, 80th Ave S, Soos Creek at SE 356th, Riverview Blvd/Veterans Drive, S 223rd on Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Minutes January 14, 2020 Kent, Washington Page 7 of 8 the East hill, S 212th Pl/119th Ave SE. I. INFO ONLY: United States Census Update Community Engagement Coordinator, Uriel Varela presented information on the United States Census. A Census is conducted every 10 years and counts every person living in the U.S The 2020 Census will take place April 1-July 31. Households can respond online, paper form, over the phone or in person. The questions are the number of people residing at that address, names, sex, age, race, ethnicity of each person and if residents own or rent. Census results determine federal funds, the number of seats each state has in the U.S. House of Representatives, defines congressional and state legislative districts, school districts and voting precincts; provides business and nonprofit organizations with critical information for planning decisions, provides population benchmarks for nearly every other Unit3ed States survey Varela reviewed the details of the Undercount Projections for 2020, the Complete Count Committee, South King County Census Table and Planned Engagement. Varela provided information on Kent’s planned use of the funds received by the Office of Financial Management Varela provided details on how to apply to be an enumerator and indicated the City has a social media plan to remind residents to complete their census. J. Payment of Bills - Authorize MOTION: Approve the Payment of Bills received through 12/15/19 and paid on 12/15/19 and received through 12/31/19 and paid on 12/31/19 and approve the checks issued for payroll 12/1/19 - 12/15/19 and paid on 12/20/19 and checks issued for payroll 12/16/19-12/31/19 and paid on 1/3/2020 and audited by the Committee of the Whole on 1/14/20. RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL BY CONSENSUS Next: 1/21/2020 7:00 PM K. INFO ONLY: Update Insurance Renewal: Liability, Worker's Compensation and Cyber Risk Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Minutes January 14, 2020 Kent, Washington Page 8 of 8 Risk Manager, Chris Hills presented information on the 2020 Insurance Program. Hills reviewed 2020 Liability market influence factors and advised the premium will increase 12.7% for 2020-2021. Hills provided a history of the City’s liability premiums from 2010. Hills indicated the Excess Worker Comp will see a 1.7% premium increase that is due to increased worker hours, which is a rating component. Hills reviewed historical excess worker comp premiums since 2011. Hills indicated the Cyber Risk market is currently very competitive. The increased its limit from $3m to $5m for a $5,000 additional premium. Discussions will take place with IT staff to update on how we handle a cyber breach. 5. ADJOURNMENT Meeting ended at 6:53 p.m. Kimberley A. Komoto City Clerk BUDGET ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZING FOUR FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES Finance Parks ECD January 14, 2020 Committee of the Whole 2020 Position Requests ■1.0 FTE Finance –B&O Tax Supervisor ■2.0 FTE (Term-Limited) Parks –Senior Center Outreach Coordinator –Senior Center Program Assistant ■1.0 FTE (Term-Limited) ECD –Permit Technician 2 Positions Summary Department 2019 Adopted 2019/2020 Changes 2020 Adopted 2020 Proposed 2020 Total ECD 47.00 (1.00) 46.00 1.00 47.0 Finance 37.00 1.00 38.00 1.00 39.0 Parks 114.66 114.66 2.00 116.66 3 Finance 4 2018 Actual 2019 Actual 2020 Adopted 2020 Proposed B&O Supervisor ---1.0 B&O Program Auditor 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 B&O Desk Auditor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Tax & License Compliance Officer 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Central Financial (B&O) Analyst 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 6.0 Finance Director Deputy Director B&O Supervisor B&O Program Auditor B&O Program Auditor B&O Desk Auditor Tax & License Compliance Officer Central Financial (B&O) Analyst Tax Division Staffing 5 This position request is budget neutral Parks 6 Term-Limited Parks Requests ■Senior Center Outreach Coordinator –Maximum position cost in 2020 is $133,000 ■Senior Center Program Assistant –Maximum position cost in 2020 is $117,000 ■The cost of the positions will be prorated in 2020 ■Funded 100% by King County Veterans, Seniors and Human Services Levy ■Authorize positions through 2023, contingent on the next contract being awarded and levy funds available 7 ECD 8 Tech transition requires extra work ■ECD requests a 3-year term-limited position to help our Permit Center maintain timely service for our customers ■Our long awaited major technology upgrades require tremendous behind the scenes work by Permit Center staff who would normally assist customers ■Paperless plan review technology requires increased time/effort by Permit Technician staff ■We have leaned our process as much as possible, but delays remain 9 Other Time Demands ■Old Technology: Cumbersome, legacy permitting system = long learning curve ■New Staff: Those who knew our system/processes have retired or moved on ■Permitting activity grew by over 50% during the last decade 10 Budget Impact ■A Permit Technician (27 step C, full family medical) will cost $100,280 (2020 amount prorated – annualized cost is $109,400) 11 2020 Insurance Program Review  and Update Liability Reinsurance Excess Worker  Comp Cyber 1/14/2020 2020 Liability Market Influence Factors •Increased frequency and severity  •“Social Inflation” •Public sector seen as a “deep pocket” •Underwriters shifting liability appetites = reduced capacity 2 A Local Example 3 Other cities/counties seeing either large premium increases  or significant reductions in coverage For  Kent: •Initial estimates 25% to 30% premium increase 4 Historical Liability Premiums Year Premium % Change 2010 $1,164,000 10.1% 2011 $812,375 (changed from WCIA to Alliant/WAPEG) -30.2% 2012 $648,500* -20.2% 2013 $672,044 3.5% 2014 $699,240 4.0% 2015 $663,768 -5.3% 2016 $664,278 0.07% 2017 $703,898 6.0% 2018 $576,450** -18.0% 2019 $605,875*** 4.9% 2020 $682,821 12.7% 5 *SIR raised from $100K to $250k **SIR raised from $250K to $500K ***Coverage increased from $20M to $25M Excess Worker Comp •Negotiated a 2 year  flat rate  beginning in 2019 •1.7% premium increase is due to increased  Worker  Hours which is a rating  component 6 Excess Worker Comp YEAR RATE WORKER HOURS PREMIUM SIR 2011 .045 1,529,500 $68,828 $500K Police/Fire $400K All Other 2012 .0298 1,454,000 $43,329 $500K Police $400K All Other 2013 .0341 1,467,000 $50,025 $500K All 2014 .0375 1,468,000 $55,050 $500K All 2015 .04275 1,424,000 $60,876 $500K All 2016 .0456 1,424,000 $64,934 $500K All 2017 .0456 1,440,000 $68,674 $500K All 2018 .0456 1,460,000 $68,674 $500K All 2019 .0520 1,502,000 $80,184 $600K All 2020 .0520 1,527,500 $81,547 $600K All 7 Cyber Risk •Cyber market currently very competitive •Increased our limit from $3M to $5M for   $5,000 additional premium  •New insurer ‐Corvus •Will be meeting with IT staff  to update how  we handle cyber breach 8 Questions? 9 Census 2020 Update By Uriel Varela Table of Contents •Census 101 •2010 Census Results •Undercount Projections 2020 •South King County Census Table •Planned Engagement Census 101 Conducted every 10 years Counts every person living in the U.S. April 1st –July 31st Most households will receive invitation mid-March Households can respond online, paper form, phone, in person Number of people residing at that address, names, sex, age (including date of birth), race/ethnicity of each person and if residents own or rent. Census 101 675 Billion dollars in Federal funds annually Determines the number of seats each state has in the U.S. House of Representatives Defines congressional and state legislative districts, school districts and voting precincts Provides business and nonprofit organizations with critical information for planning decisions Provides population benchmarks for nearly every other United States survey 2010 Undercount Projected Undercount * King County Census HTC map Complete Count Committee June 7, 2018: Executive Constantine announces community-led effort to ensure a complete, accurate Census count in 2020 Former Governor of Washington Gary Locke will chair the effort “Complete Count Committee” Work will align non-profits, philanthropy groups and gov. agencies Goal: Complete Count South King County Census Table Co-Chaired by City of Kent & City of Tukwila The SKCCT convenes South King County Cities and CBOs To align messaging Acts as the hub for regional Census organizing efforts. Creating awareness throughout the region Planned Engagement Seattle Foundation and OFM (Census Funds) Entre Hermanos, Fair Work Center, King County Library System Foundation, Mother Africa, Neighborhood House, OneAmerica, Refugee Womens Alliance, Sea Mar Community Health Centers, Society of St. Vincent de Paul Council, Somali Youth and Family Club, Tenants Union of Washington State, The Washington Bus Education Fund, United Territories of Pacific Islanders' Alliance, Urban League of Metropolitan Seattle, Colectiva Legal del Pueblo Planned Engagement City of Kent awarded $79,300.00 by OFM Hire 2 temporary Census promoters Producing and boosting social media ads in top 5 languages 3 large events in partnership with KCHA Mobile billboard ads in top 3 languages 2020census.gov/jobs Thank You Questions? Traffic Signal Emergency Vehicle Detection System Hardware Purchase Committee of the Whole January 14, 2020 Emergency Vehicle Detection System •System tells the traffic signal an emergency vehicle is approaching, signal holds the green or changes  •We  currently have four generations of emergency vehicle detection •Standardize on one generation with advanced capabilities •All existing detection systems are functional Vehicle Emitter Signal Detector Phase Selector Emergency Vehicle Detection System •New generation can communicate remotely •Faster detection and processing •Future capabilities for detection Emergency Vehicle Detection System •Replacing 60 phase selectors •Old hardware has trade in value •Cost of new equipment: $167,144.01 •Trade-value of old equipment: ($41,990.39) •Total purchase price: $125,153.62 •Existing funds from existing B&O Traffic Signal Lifecycle budget Washington DES Master Contract for Illumination, Traffic Signal & Intelligent Transportation Systems Equipment •Statewide contracts for goods and services •Leverage buying power •Meets contracting requirements for City purchases •Most traffic signal parts are purchased from state contract Emergency Vehicle Detection System Upgrades are endorsed by the Kent Police Department and the Puget Sound Regional Fire Authority Kent Regional 48 hour Precipitation Total Storm Precipitation 3.93” 5.87” 4.54” 5.46” 4.86” 5.33” City of Kent Watersheds Upper Mill Creek Dam Upper Mill Creek Dam Earthworks Park/Senior Center Earthworks Park Dam Senior Center Mill Creek/James St Mill Creek/James St Mill Creek/Woodford, Kennebeck and Memorial Park Mill Creek/George and Central Ave. Mill Creek/76th Ave. S. 196th St./81st Ave. S. 80th Ave. S. Big Soos Creek at SE 256 th St. Riverview Blvd./Veterans Dr. SE 223rd St. SE 212th Pl/119th Ave. SE Kent