HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015RESOTUTION NO. 2015
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the
City of Kent, Washington, adopting the 2O2O-2O25
King County Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan and
City of Kent Plan Annex for application in the City
of Kent.
A. Prior to the federal Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 (42 U.S,C.
5 5121, et seq.), federal disaster funding focused on disaster relief and
recovery, with limited funding available for hazard mitigation planning.
The Disaster Mitigation Act increased the emphasis on planning for
disasters before they occur. As a condition of receipt of federal funds for
hazard mitigation measures, a local government must establish a
mitigation plan that outlines a process for identifying natural hazards,
risks, and vulnerabilities of that local government.
B. The purpose of a mitigation plan is to reduce the loss of life
and property, human suffering, economic disruption, and disaster
assistance costs resulting from natural disasters and to provide a source of
pre-disaster hazard mitigation funding that will assist the City to ensure
continued functionality of critical services and facilities in the event of a
natural disaster.
1 Hazard Mitigation Plan
C. The requirement to establish a local mitigation plan may also
be met through the adoption of multi-jurisdictional plans, as long as each
jurisdiction has pafticipated in the planning process, the plan includes
items specific to each jurisdiction, and each jurisdiction officially adopts the
D. In 2OL4, as part of a multi-jurisdictional effort, the City
adopted the King County Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan which included
the City of Kent Annex, a Kent-specific section of the Plan, and repealed its
2OO4local plan.
E. The King County Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan has recently
been updated for 2020-2025. Representatives from the City of Kent have
been involved in creating that regional update. The 2O2O update to the
regional plan includes the City of Kent Plan Annex, a Kent-specific
addendum to the regional plan that evaluates risks that are likely to affect
City of Kent residents and propefty.
SECTION 7, - Kina Countv Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan 2020 -
Adopt. The King County Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan 2020-2025 update
is adopted for application in the City of Kent, in a form substantially similar
to that attached and incorporated as Exhibit A. The City of Kent Plan Annex
update is also adopted for application in the City of Kent, in a form
substantially similar to that attached and incorporated as Exhibit B.
SECTION 2. - 2074 King County Hazard Mitigation Plan - Repealed.
Upon the effective date of this resolution, the 20L4 King County Hazard
2 Hazard Mitigation Plan
Mitigation Plan and corresponding City of Kent Plan Annex is replaced with
the 2020-2025 updates, and Resolution No. 1898 is hereby repealed.
SECTION 3. - Severability. If any one or more section, subsection,
or sentence of this resolution is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such
decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this
resolution and the same shall remain in full force and effect.
SECTION 4. - Corrections bv Citv Clerk. Upon approval of the city
attorney, the city clerk is authorized to make necessary corrections to this
resolution, including the correction of clerical errors; resolution, section, or
subsection numbering; or references to other local, state, or federal laws,
codes, rules, or regulations.
SECTION 5. - Effective Date. This resolution shall take effect and
be in force immediately upon its passage.
July 7, 2O2O
Date Approved
CI July 7,2O2O
Hazard Mitigation Plan
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King County Regiona Ha zard
Mitigation Plan
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Letters of Transmission to County Executive and County Council
Plan Adoption Ordinance
Plan Approval Letter
Thble of Contents
Lettets of Transmission to County Executive and County Council....... .......... 1
Plan Adoption Resolution 2
Plan Approval Letter -)
Inttoduction 13
Mitigation Plan Priorities :13
Timeline 74
Revisions from 201.5 Edition 14
Regional HazardMitigation Plan Chapters.................. ................. 15
Hazard Mitigation Planning Process 76
Mitigation Planning Partner Engagement.18
Revievr and Incolporation of Reports and Studies......... ............. 1,9
King County Plan Update Timeline...... ...................20
Continued Public Participation 29
King County Regional Hazard Mitigation Program Capabilities ......................... 30
Program and Policy Capabilities. ........34
Support for Community Rating System (CRS) Communities 23
Integration with Departments and other Jurisdictions 38
Potential Soutces of Hazard Mitigation Funding 40
King County Hazard Mitigation Grant Assistance Program ...........................44
Participation in the National Flood Insurance Program...... .......44
Participation in CRS 45
Vulnetable Populations and Population-Based Vulnenbility .......................... 51
Determinants of Population Vulnerability................... ...................51
Selected Hazard Risk and Vulnerability Maps 53
Jurisdiction-Specific Risk Assessments.............. ......54
King County Development Trends and Risk Trajectory... ......... 55
Hazard Description 58
Vulnerability Characteristics and Previous Occurrences 59
Scenario Dtivers 67
Pdority Vulnerabilities
Priodty Impact Areas.
Regional Risk Prohle: Civil Disorder 64
Hazard Description 64
Vulnerabitty Characteristics and Previous Occutrences ............ 65
Priority Vulnerabilities
Pdority Impact Areas.
Regional Risk Ptofile: Cyber Incident
Hazard Description
Vulnerability Characteristics and Previous Occurrences
Regional Risk PtoFrle: Dam Failure 81
Vulnerability Characteristics and Previous Occurences 85
Priority Impact Areas 89
Full List of Dams That Impact King County .........93
Vulnerability Characteristics and Previous Occurences 1,04
Scenario Drivets 1,07
Hazard Description 722
Vulnerability Characteristics and Previous Occurrences 723
Priodty Vulnembilities
Priority Impact Areas .
Regional Risk Profile: Hazardous Materials 1,35
Hazard Description 135
Vulnembility Characteristics and Previous Occurrences ..........1,37
Priodty Vulnerabilities...1,39
Regional Risk Profi.le: Health Incident....... ................143
Hazard Description
Vulnetabitty Chatacteristics and Previous O ccurrences
Priority Vulnerabilities
Priority Impact Areas.
Regional Risk Ptofile: Sevete Weather......
Vulnerability Characteristics and Previous Occurrences .......... 150
Scenario Drivers 752
Vulnerability Chatactetistics and Previous Occurrences ..........157
Scenario Dtivers 760
Priority Impact Areas
Vulnerability Characteristics and Previous Occutrences
Priority Vulnerabilities
Regional fusk Profile: Tsunami and Seiche
Vulnerability Characteristics and Ptevious Occutlences
Tsunami Scenado Drivers
Priority Vulnerabilities
Priodty Impact Areas.
Vulnerability Charactedstics and Previous Occurences ..........186
Regional Risk Profile: Wildfre 793
Vulnetability Charactetistics and Previous Occurrences ..........1,96
Scenario Drivers 197
Mitigation Plan Goals - 14 Determinants of Equity.................. ......................2C'3
Mtigation Plan Strategies 203
Priodtizing Hazatd Mitigation Projects
Crosswalk with the Sttategic Climate Action Plan..
Ongoing Plan Maintenance and Strategy Updates .
Mitigation Strategy Status Updates from the 201.5 Plan............. ....................211.
2020l{tng County Hazard Mitigation Sftategres 225
Reduce Flood Impacts to the Unincolporated King County Road System 230
Increase Seismic Resilience of Bridges in Unincorporated King County 231
Stormwatet Outfall Erosion Hazard Inventory.... .....................232
Resilience in Design and Build of Cdtical lfatet Tteatment and Conveyance Faci1ities.................. .....234
Landslide, Etosion, and Sedimentation Event Mapping..... .....235
Stormwatet and Sutface Watet Infrastructute Risk Reduction..z3 I
Sea Level Rise Resilience in Wastewater Facilities 239
Stormwatet and Sutface lVater Infrastructure Risk Reduction..240
Control System Security and Petformance............. ....................242
GIS Emergency Response Mapping and Real-Time Flow Data 243
Emetgenry Communications Enhancements ......244
Emergency Event Management System...... ..........245
Plan Approval and Adoption.... ........21.0
Post-Flood Recovery Efforts 247
Home Elevations 248
Home Acquisitions and Relocations 250
Ptotect and Restore Natural Floodplain Functions.... ...............251
Flood Risk Mapping 253
Public Information Flood Activities............... .......255
Flood Insurance Ptomotion
Enforce Higher Floodplain Management Regulations 257
Manage Flood Protection Faci1ities.................. ......259
Public Assistance Grant Support....... .....................27'1,
Seismic Evaluation of I{ng County Courthouse and Maleng RegionalJustice Center.. .......................260
Integtate ESJ into Mitigation, Response, and Recovery Activities 261
Seismic Lifeline Route Resilience... .................,......263
Integtate Hazard Mitigation and Comprehensive Planning...... .....................264
Engage Community Organtzaions in Emergency Management............ ......265
Disaster Skills Risk Reduction Training...... ..........267
Dam Failure Risk and Impact Reduction... ...........268
Wildfire Ptepatedness and fusk Reduction... ........269
Hazard Mitigation Assistance Gtant Support 270
Language Accessible Video Emergency Messaging... ................273
King County Facilities Indoor Air Quality Monitodng Network 274
Medical Gas Seismic Detection & Emergency Shut Off............... .................276
Executive Summary
The King County HazardRegional Hazatd Mitigation Plan promotes programs and projects that partner
with communities to build a foundation of tesilience before, dudng and after disasters. Hazard
mitigation is the missior area of emergency management that argues W *ftu is not good enough. Disasters
are not foregone conclusions. Incidents will always occur, but their impact is within our ability to change
if we target investments in ateas that will reinfotce those areas most critical to our community, thereby
making us all more tesilient.
Fot the 2020 Plan, we identi$r investments and opportunities to sftengthen 14 determinantsl of equity
and social justice, areas the whole community has identified as necessary for residents to live healthy,
h"ppy, ptoductive, meaningful lives.
1,. Access to Affordable, Healthy Food
2. Access to Health and Human Services
3. Access to Parks and Natural Resources
4. Access to Safe and Efficient Transportation
5. Affotdable, Safe, Quality Housing
6. Community and Public Safety
7. Eady Childhood Development
8. EconomicDevelopment
9. Equitable Law andJustice System
10. Equity in Government Practices
11. Family WageJobs andJob Training
1.2. Healthy Built and Natural Environments
13. Quality Education
14. Stong, Vibrant Neighbothoods
We can sftengthen and suppott each of these areas thtough investments in better land use practices,
stronger infrasffucture, healthy habitats and systems, improved accessibility, and individual and family
resilience. Thehazard mitigation sttategies contained in this plan will each be reported on biannually to
help provide updates on areas where investments would be most critical.
In addition to hazard mitigation strategies, this plan includes risk prohles designed to provide an
overview of the key priorities, vulnetabilities, and potential impacts of natural and human-caused
hazatds. We examine risk in terms of ptoperty, the economy, natural systems, infrastructure systems,
govemment opetations, and populations, with a focus on populations more likely to suffer losses or long
recovery times from a disastet.
1 King County Office of Equiry and SocialJustice. 2016. Equity and SocialJustice Strategic Plan. Accessed online on
tl, /13 / 19 from https: / /kingcounqv.gov/elected/executive/eguiqv-social-justice/strategic,plan.aspx.
Finally, this plan lays out a process to identi$r and prioritizehazatd mitigation projects over the long
term and to increase investment in communities that are more vulnerable to disasters. We do this by
taking a holistic approach to prioritization.
This plan was developed thtough the pattnership of many county staff and local jurisdictions. The work
is a result of their commitrnent and input throughout the planning process.
The King County Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan promotes programs and projects that partner with
communities to build a foundation of resilience before, during, and after disasters. This plan update
reassesses dsks and vulnerabilities to eight natural and seven human-caused hazards and develops
strategies to reduce risk ftom those hazards. In addition to a base plan covedng King County as a whole,
each participating jurisdiction developed an annex that independently meets most FEMA planning
requirements. Each annex, plus this base plan, meets the planning requirements outlined ln 44 CFR
201 .5.|n addition to King County, ovet 60 cities and special purpose districts developed plan annexes.
Mitigation Plan Priorities:
King County Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan Steering Committee (Steering Committee) set the
following pdodties for the 2018 plan update process.
Break down planning
silos and establish new
Provide mote education
and training to partners
to ptepare for FEMA
DRRA grants in2020
Conduct a tobust public
outreach process
involving all planning
Develop quality hazatd
mitigation strategies and a
method to priodtize and
ttack them.
Integrate equity and
social justice into our
undetstanding of risk and
Collaborate with jurisdictions to build integratedhazard mitigation strategies,
including atound risk management, fl oodplain management, comprehensive
planning, equity and social justice, and climate change.
In pteparation For a t"ipli"g of federal grants for natural hazard mitigation
through the Disaster Recovery Reform Act, beginningin2021,work with
planningpartnefs and county agencies to identi$r projects and project
champions. Build capacity among planning partners to identi$r vulnerability,
craft a mitigation sffategy, communicate project benefits, and successfully
pursue hazard mitigation gtant funding.
Implement a ptoactive outteach strategy focused hazard mitigation success
stories and hands-on demonstrations of effective mitigation projects, working
udth the media to follow-up on stories highlighting Washington's need for
more hazatd preparedness and resilience.
Work with planning partners to craft comptehensivehazard mitigation
strategies that are measurable, actionable, ffackable, and identi$r specific
funding sources. Prioritize strategies in accordance with opportunity to
reduce risk and further county priorities.
Work with I(ing County departments to identi$r an appropriate way to
address population vulnerability. Include this information in the plan in away
that is opetationally-meaningful and can support mitigation strategies that will
reduce dsk to these populations.
Integrate mitigation
planning and climate
February-May 201.9:
Begin planning process
June-September: Conduct
public outreach
Fully integrate with the update process for the Strategic Climate Action Plan.
Integtation includes participation in workgroups and shared strategies that
increase climate a;nd hazard tesilience.
Meet with each of the 60+ jurisdictions paticipating in this plan update.
Convene the steering committee. Dtaft plan format and begin GIS analysis
Begin outreach strategy. Develop frst dnfts of the risk assessment.
Work with partners on community outreach; conduct media outteach;
conduct mitigation sftategy development workshops with planning partners.
October-December Review the plan and submit to FEMA.
January-April,2020 Complete tevisions and adopt the plan prior to expiration on Apd 30,2020.
Revisions from 201-5 Edition
The 2020 plan was fully rewritten and refotmatted to reflect updated priorities and a greater emphasis on
hazard mitigation strategies. The most substantive change is to those strategies, which are formatted in
an action-plan style, consistent with the Washington State EnhancedHazardMitigation Plan. With the
change to mitigation strategies, the method of reporting has also been updated.
The risk assessments in this edition have been shottened and refocused to better support the intended
audience - emergency managers who ate called upon to plan fot and respond to these hazards. The
information is largely taken from the 201,6 Hazard Inventory and Risk Assessment and the 2018 FEMA
RiskMAP Risk Report.
The capabilities assessment in this edition has been modified to focus on the relationship between
programs, plans, and policies that could suppott mitigation and the hmard mitigation plan and program.
This change will help the plan better reflect how each capability supports mitigation instead of just listing
potential capabilities. A similar process was used to document potential sources of funding.
This plan is written to meet ot exceed the relevant elements of the Emergency Management Standard
(ANSI standard) by the Emergency Management Accreditation Progtam (EMAP).
The numbet of participating jurisdictions incteased from the 2015 update.In2015,53 jurisdictions
patticipated in the plan. Fot this update, ovet 60 jurisdictions participated in the planning process and at
least 50 are expected to submit complete annexes for FEMA approval.
Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan Chapters
The base plan satisfies all tequirements fot King County plus many of the planning requirements for
local planning pattners. The plan is organized as follows.
Planning Process: The planning process section conesponds roughly to Element A in the FEMA
Mitigation Plan Review Guide and includes information on the planning process, including public
outfeach, meetings, and the planning timeline.
Capabilities Assessment and King County HazardMitigation Program: The capabilities chapter meets
tequ irements associated with coordinating the hazard mitigation program with other entities as well as
information on available funding.
Risk Assessment The tisk assessment chapters include ptofiles of each profiled natural and human-
caused hazatd. These profiles are brief and ate designed to provide an overview to emergency managers
and other usets of this plan. This section meets the requfuements of Element B in the FEMA Mitigation
Plan Review Guide.
Hazard Mitigation Strategies: Hazatd mitigation strate$es are the key deliverable of this plan and include
infonnation on how strategies ate identihed, developed, andprioritned. This section meets most of the
requirements in Element C of the FEMA Mitigation Plan Review Guide.
!f, rruco.,n y
Hazard Mitigation Planning Process
I(ing County's 201.9 Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan (R.HMP) was developed with input of a multi-
agency, multi-jurisdictional steering committee. The Steering Committee supewised the writing of the
plan and was consulted fot final decisions made by the ICng County Emergency Management Planning
Team. The process was led by King County Emergency Management, which facilitated both the internal
courity process and supported individual city planning efforts. Individual departments developed their
own strategies internally and then socialized the strategies vzith the other county participants.
Connittee Membert
Lara Whitely-
Mitch Paine
Cecelia Hayes
Karen Wolf
Sean Catanese
Andrew Stevens
Ellen Montanana
Climate Preparedness
Eq"ity and Social
Justice Program
Use Planning Policy
lwbinder@kinscountv. sov
I(ing County
Department of
Natural Resoutces
and Patks
Cecelia.Haves@kinscoun tv. Eov
karen.wolf@kinscounr.v. sov
sean.catanese@kingcountv. gov
King County Risk
King County
Department of
Natutal Resources
and Parks
King County
Department of
Executive Services
King County
Executive Office
King County
Department of
Natural Resources
and Parks
City of
Qtty "f_e"qqrye_
City of Mercer
lioclrs -\rcaNan-rc I:mail ()nlz a tl()11
ennifer Ftanklin
Hxingcoun v
Janet Sailer
anice Rahman
Samh Miller
e Linn
Plateau Water
Coal Creek Utility
King County
Recovery Program
ICng County
Emetgency N/E Zone
S Zone Coordinator
King County
King County
Planning Process
Facilitator, Plan
AuthorDerrick Hiebert I
The team met monthly to teview ptogress and make key decisions about the direction of the planning
effort. These meetings were hosted by King County Emergency Management.
-t Cornmittee
Outline ptoposed planning process and timeline and approve plan and plan
trebnary 2019 annex
March outreach sites and stfategy
and social justice into the mitigation plan.
t@v plan.
J-$L--Workshop 2 -
August Review bilities assessment
l\Ionrh 1o;lrc
September Review risk assessment
Octobet tefm and tauon stfa
Novembet Review dtaft base and hazard
2020 after action teview
March 2020 Final celebration
In addition to the multi-jurisdictional steering committee, the King County Emergency Management
Coordinat-ing Committee (EMCC) contributed to the plan update as the steering committee for the I(ing
County-speciFrchazard mitigation strategies. This committee consists of every King County department
as well as tepresentatives from the King County Executive's Office and the King County Council. A list
of all EMCC members is available in the Capabilities chapter. The EMCC meets monthly.
Individual jurisdiction annexes were developed in partnership with King County, but with separate
intetnal steedng committees. The members of each jurisdiction's steering committee are documented in
each annex.
Mitigation Planning Partner Engagement
The planning process kicked off in November 2018 with a meeting and workshop to which all planning
partners were invited. At this wotkshop, participants learned about the process, expectations, and were
asked to provide commitment letters with billing rates to meet fedetal grant match requirements.
To suppott the mote-than-60 planning partners, the planning team met individually or in small groups
with each judsdiction to discuss the planning process and go over the planning tequkements. These
meetings took place between Febtuary and May.
To supplement these meetings, King County hosted a webinar and two in-person planning workshops in
June 2019 flune 3, 10, and 27).Duirng these workshops, the planning team presented updated
infotmation on public outreach, plan integtation, tisk assessments, and sffategy prioritization.
In addition to planning assistance workshops, King County partnered with FEMA RiskMAP and
Washington State to offet thtee wotkshops on the identification of threats andhazards, the development
of mitigation strategies, and the ptocess to successfully fund those sttategies. The workshops were held
on December 13,2018,Ju|y 25,201.9, andAugust 22,201,9. Approximately 70 attendees were tecorded
at each. Invitees included representatives from all King County depattments, all cities, most special
purpose districts, and othet agencies and organizations such as the Port of Seattle and the Northwest
Healthcare Response Network.
Following the submission of the base plan in December 201,9, King County will begin a second stage of
outreach targeting those jurisdictions who missed the original submission deadline and those who were
not previously involved. Among the second group, school districts will be proactively engaged and
offered assistance in developing annexes to thehazard mitigation plan.
Sig"-i" sheets for all outteach events ate available upon request.
Jurisdiction Plan Annex Process
Jurisdictions may join the regional hazatd mitigation plan at any time by submitting a letter of intent to
King County Emetgency Management and completing the planning process and plan template. Each
plan can be unique, and jurisdictions may do mote than what is required in the template; however, this
template is designed to help walk communities thtough the planning process in an accessible way.
Further details on how to conduct the process are available in the King County Regional Hazard
Mitigation Plan. I{ng County staff vrill provide technical assistance to planning partners, whenever
Review and lncorporation of Reports and Studies
In addition to the data sources outlined in the Risk Assessment section of this plan, the planning team
leveraged a number of existing and ongoing planning processes and othet documents. Mote infotmation
can be found in the Ptogtam Capabilities chapter of this plan.
o The Stategic Climate Action Plan (SCAP) is a plan designed to assess the impacts of climate
change on ICng County and develop sttategies to both reduce risk from climate impacts and
teduce King County's contdbution to climate change. The planning team for the RHMP
included the lead for the SCAP and participated in the SCAP.
o The State EnhancedHazard Mitigation Plan was used for data onhazards and for identifying
capabilities. Anothet contribution ftom that plan is thehazard mitigation strategy format, which
was copied and modified fot use in the King County plan.
o The Equity and SocialJustice Stategic Plan was integral to establishingthehazardmitigation
plan goals and the ptocess by which mitigation projects are prioritized.
o Puget Sound Regional Council's Vision 2050 lays out planning policies and guidelines fot the
I(ng-Pietce-Kitsap-Snohomish county area and is undergoing an update in 2019 and 2020. The
mitigation planning team teviewed and conttibuted to the planning process for Vision 2050.
o The I(ing County Floodplain Management Plan is being updated and data from tlat planning
effort is included in sections of this plan refering to the NFIP, flood risk, and flood mitigation
o The Washington,DC Hazard Mitigation Plan (draft) was a source for inspiration for the
method of pdoritizing mitigation sftategies and conducting the risk assessment for vulnerable
o The 201.8-201.9 FEMA RiskMAP Risk Repot fot King County was reviewed for data and
mapping purposes as well as for information on histotic disasters and potential mitigation
o The 2019 King County Dam Inventory ftom the Washington State Department of Ecology and
guidance from the King County Dam Safety Ptogram.
o The Clean Water and Health Habitat Initiative, uniting departments involved in health and
envitonmental resilience, was convened by the King County Executive and includes thehazard
mitigation program.
o The &aft Regional Resiliency Assessment Program report for transpottation for Westem
![ rrrgco,"tty
King County Plan Update Timeline
The following is a timeline of signiFrcant events and milestones fot King County in the RegionalHazard
Mitigation Plan Update.
Plan Tineline
Plan ICckoff 11/28/ 18
Risk Assessment
Steering Committee
Meeting Kickoff
Outreach Strategy
Steering Committee
Mitigation Technical
Conducted a kickoff meeting for
the planning process, including
discussions of expectations and
the timeline.
First workshop with FEMA
RiskMAP staff to socialize hazard
data and develop problem
Designated county, city,
and special district staff
who are leading local
Approximately 80
attendees including GIS
staff, county
departments, city
emefgency managefs,
and other program
managers with interest
in mitigation
Steering committee
OEM Director,
Oufteach Team,
Cootdination Team
Steering cornmittee
local judsdiction
2/ 19 / 1,e
Oudine ptoposed planning
process and timeline and approve
and annex
Meet with staff to identi$'
Steering Committee 3/t2/le Identift public outreach sites and Steering committee
Steering Committee 4/3a/$Integrating equity and social Steedng cornmittee
lzlg_._tgg into the
EMCC Meeting s/1/1,e Discuss planning process, DRRA County departments
and S
s/14/le Integating equity and social
into the
Reviewed planning ptocess and
helped local partners on mitigation
Slrrrr rnr \'t't t,rnlt.sl)t, \tr.ttr;.\r.ttr ttt l) t tt
!I xieco,,tr.v
EMCC Meeting 6/s/le
Mitigation Technical
Steedng Committee 6/11/19
Mitigation Technical
Mitigation Suategy
Mitigation Strategy
Mtigatioa Suategy
Mitigation Strategy
County departmeots
local jurisdiction
Steering committee
Residents from central
King County and the
I s s aquah / H o b att / Maple
Valley ateas.
Approximately 100
Residents from
southeast King County,
predominately from
Enumclaw and nearby
unincorporated areas.
Approximately 100
local jurisdiction
Intemational Afuport
Local Services (Roads)
Local Services
County and local
paltners, approximately
75 attendees
CSA Town Hall
Outteach Event
CSA Town Hall
Outreach Event
6/27 /1,e
7 /e/1e
7 /1,1/19
7 /11/1e
7 /15/1,e
Mitigation strategy meeting
discussions and identi$r points of
Reviewed planning process and
helped local partners on mitigation
Establish plan goals, ptiotities, and
Comments received included
concertls about mitigation of solid
waste facilities, whether or not
eatthquake insurance makes sense,
and need for snow mitigation
Discussed concerns about impacts
to Enumclaw atea ftom a
lahailMt. Rainier
Reviewed planning process and
helped tocal partners on mitigation
contact in each
Fe snowstotm.
Met with internal planning
partners (county departrnents) to
develop mitiga4on qtrqtggle!.
Met with intemal planning
partners (county departments) to
Met with intemal planning
partners (county departments) to
Met with internal planning
partnets (county departments) to
7 /2s/le
Wo*ed through the entire
Steering Committee 8/20/19
Mtigation Funding
Clean Watet Healthy
Habitat Initiative
Steering Committee
CSA Town Hall
Outeach Event
Cdtical Transportation
e/17 /le
Steering Committee 1,0/8/1,e
CSA Town Hall
Outreach Event
1,0/t7 /1e
ftom risk identification to
Review abilities
\Totked through process of
developing a successfirl hazatd
Paticipated in a process to
cootdinate mitigation planning
efforts with other environmental
quality, climate change, and hazard
Residents looked at the hazard
information and discussed
sftategfes for ptotecting their
community from an earthquake. A
major concem is the likelihood
that the atea will be isolated by an
due to
Discussed flooding in the
Steering committee
County and local
partners. Approximately
60 attendees.
60-100 attendees from
multiple county
departments, especially
Dozens of tesidents
from the areas of White
Center, Highline,
Skyway, and Buden.
County departrnents,
local iurisdictions, and
state agencies
participated in the
Steering committee
Residents from the
northeastem portion of
the county, especially in
Snoqualrnie, Camation,
and Duvall
teduction in the coun
9/1,6/19 Review risk and vulnenbility Steedng committee
e / to/ 1,e
County Departments
Strategy Coordination
Steering Committee
Meet w'ith King County
departments to go over all the
mitigation strategies, eliminate
gaps, and ensure consistent
County depattments,
including OEM, FMD,
1,1, / L4/ re
Discussed the establishment arid
mitigation of lifeline
transportation routes for a post-
Cascadia scenado.
Review base plan and King
Meeting Review draft base
Steering cornmittee
X[ rrrgco,rtr.y
Submit to WA E,MD
and FEMA
Submit full mitigation plan to
FEMA for teview
Planning Team
Support for Community Rating System (CRS) Communities
Thehazard mitigation plan update process was also closely linked to the update for I{ing County's Flood
Hazard Management Plan. To teceive credit, participating judsdictions must follow the CRS process
oudined in the cuttent version of the CRS Coordinators Manual, element 510. At a minimum,
jurisdictions wanting to teceive CRS planning credit must have at least rrvo participants in one of the
planning teams.
As such, a separate, patallel ptocess was led by the King County Rivet and Floodplain Management
Section. This process was integrated into the planning effot for the overall hazard mitigation plan. Three
meetings wete held in addition to the regulat mitigation planning meetings. The flood portion steering
committee consisted of the following members:
Committee Member tlon Role
of - Il""-dplpp
Bob Freitag UW Institute forHa;zard Dfuectot
Elissa O Watershed Forum Salmon
Scott Smith Division
Monica Walker King County Rivet & Floodplain
I{en Zweig I{ng County Rivet & Floodplain Program Manager, Countyvdde
Section and Unit
Plan Time/ine
Planning Meeting 1 1,0/ 10/le Representatives ftom
cities, county
depattments, academia,
and the
Progmm Manager, !7hite-Cedar-
Sammamish Basin
1,2/ ls/le
Discussed the flood hazard
SL rrrr rntl)t. tl'ltl'r; .\r.ttr ttr l) t tt
Planning Meeting 2 rc/3a/p D welop ed flo o d hazard mitigation Representatives from
departments, acadernia,
and the
Planning Meeting 3 Representatives from
cities, county
departments, academia,
and the
Public Outreach Process
Public outreach during the plan update process is considered to be a critical part of hazard mitigation
planning. For this update, participating jurisdictions are asked to conduct two outreach events. One of
these events should be a meeting-style event and the other could be any event desired by the jurisdiction,
including workshops, fairs, neighborhood meetings, etc. Jurisdictions were encouraged to make the
meetinEs valuable to the communitv. HoldrnE a seDarate- stand-alone meetinE for the sole ouroose of
this plan update was NOT requirey' especially if using an existing event, like a commissionet's meeting,
could help expand public engagement and engage elected ofFrcials simultaneously. Jurisdictions were also
encouraged to partner with neighbors ot special purpose disuicts serving their area for more effective
public oufteach events.
To count as outreach for the hazard mitigation plan, meetings had to meet the following requirements.
'1.. Be advettised to the general public. You do NOT have to publish an adin the paper. You can
use yout newslettets, social media, press teleases, and other mechanisms to conduct outreach.
2. Promote two-way communication between the public and the planning team.
3. Focus onhazard mitigation, tesilience, risk-teduction, etc., for some significant pan of the
event. The focus does not have to be solely on mitigation, and you do not have to tefet to the
event as related to "mitigation planning;" however, the concepts of resilience, risk-reduction,
etc., should be discussed.
4. Be documented. This is very important. Please summarize both who attends and what they
contribute and make sure to include it in the plan.
County public outreach pattneted with the Depattment of Local Sewices and other local jurisdictions to
ensure that events occurred throughout unincorporated areas as well as in incolporated areas served by
some county services. The unincolporated area events were part of Community Service Area (CSA)
Town Halls. These events are well-attended and well-advettised, with 60-100 attendees per meeting. This
outreach model, partnering with existing meetings and services, is designed to help put emergency
management andhazard mitigation in context. The work done in hazard mitigation is almost exclusively
carded out by non-emergency management entities. By partnering with other depattments and using
outreach mechanisms vrhere they would all be present, it may be possible to help demonstrate the tole of
emergency management in the community and the partnetships that good hazardmitigation tequfues.
The folloviing is an exce{pt from the King County Department of Local Services newsletter that goes
out to neady 8000 tesidents.
Prioritize hazard mitigation
strategies and review &aft risk
!l xr,gco.,n y
King County holds first four 2g1g town halls
Krq County Councffnernber Raagan Ounn and the Krng
eounly D€Oaam€{ll of Lorat $erwes ea.hacled lh6
cotntt's firsl fCIur ?019 Cornmunily Srruce Areas Prcgrarn
lown Hellevenls n June
Th* averung *\renbs{n lh* Groaler Maple Valley;eedar
Rivet, Fou CreekrrTrger Mortnlam, Soulhensl Knq Coung
and Farmood &{eo$-.ltftv€ prrt$ipanls an oppodun$ lc
meet coung ofllcrals, lactn about s,etvr{ss, and ta[( 8hoill
rgqsa5 nal alf€€t thenr and ther eommuflrltgs
Eaci mseling was attertdsd by 6O"!00 pso$€ Resdenls
heard frsfil Ounn. lfi$r ele'cled r€pr€sefitalrv€ {$lrch'n s,
qgh$" as vrell as laadsrs of the Oepartmsnl of lo{al
Sarvce:. stuch arms lo s€fvt es a'vslual cr$ hell'lor
rstadsnls ol unincorporalad Kmg County These nrhdad
Jft.\E I
Local Sorwas Oreclor John Taylot, Rsnd Seruces Drvisron Drecto. Rick Braler, and Fermdtng
Dvrsrcxr Dreclor Jrm Chan
anrj l0m Laymat {rom llrc rtflp CoufltynFrnbs{s
comlrranfy rn€rn$Frsatlhe $autllessf tOng Coutttyi*an ftBtf rnFrt.rmdalr
Olher coun$ rbp*rtrnenfs thal sorw lhe unrncsrporaled ar*ss we{e also reFrss€nted. lneludtns
the Shanlfs Offce {Maior Troy Oknstod}. N*tulal Resourcss and Farks tSneclor Chnsbe Truel
Water end Lrnd Re:ources {S&tsro{r Oxeelor Jo:h Saldl}, and Fkctrons {Dueelsr Juhe Wrs€}
Eacft e\rsol staded wrth an open house rhote parlnipanl$ coflneel€d wdh bolh counly and non"
munly fer\dee pronrdars. ncludrng lln Asses$ors OtlK€, P$UE Heafih * Seatlle ane! Kng
County, [dsfo framit, Electnnr, €merg*ncy H*noganont, and Anrmal Ss{vreas
Locrl Srrvlcrrwt$ hortrnothrrround of torn hdlr lortir rrm$nlng Conrnunlty Srnico
Arrm ln thr frll. Loam moro oo l0rm G$ntf: Cgffinunily $arvre *raag lp$$te
Gteater Maple
Valley CSA
Comments received included
concerns about mitigation of solid
waste facilities, whether or not
earthquake insurance makes sense,
and need for snow mitigation
follovring February snowstom.
Southeast King
County CSA
W'hite Center
Discussed concerns about impacts
to Enumclaw ateaftona
lahar/Mt. Rainier
Residents looked at il:'ehazard
information and discussed
sffategies fot ptotecting their
community ftom an earthquake. A
major concetn is the likelihood
that the area will be isolated by an
eatthquake due to liquefaction.
Duvall CSA
Discussed flooding in the
l)a tc J .oca liotr Sutnntan \ ttcnclccs
25 19
t 17 I
Residents from central I(ing
County and the
Issaquah/Hobat/Maple Valley
ateas. Approximately 100
Residents from southeast King
County, predominately from
Enumclaw and nearby
unincorporated ateas.
100 attendees.
Dozens of residents from the
areas of White Center, Highline,
Skyway, and Burien.
Residents from the oortheastern
portion of the county, especially
in Snoqualmie, Carnation, and
The Du A4oinu Fannm A4arket pab/it outrcach euent hotted fu' the Ci\' 0f Det
ilIoines and intlnding King CounE Enetg:nq, A4anagement and [/a/k), rryiona] Fire
[1I xngCo,,tr.v
Tl'a il* &llr'rrblr *f r r:ar:rrrirrl chrndg iiix.!r * l prrc.rl.lrd :f : .'i!rL r*lutbo* r:rrlrF r Th.ra
rlrtr.f# r!! rlhil:*{ br'?rat! Frtt;iprlng lxrJr:x,n *rrr.9gli ln r:rr!-brrrrt ptDr{r 1!'q,cv"ld knr
!o b.x jrffi $e' llcr* cor:rrdrr tlrc* quctbdlr qrd a:hcr i.ll oot tbc iotm bcks or srrl c* al
dl',.batf,jq|romT 8rr
Shn mrl* you commuity grerrl \\'he: lt t}; t*t:- lcrlurer. &d yrl*, :lrt:Er.loo!
[r* s::b.rr!: Thrrt rrl l* l*11 plrtrrrd rl*tr ir],+ it! rtrl!€,. {rqrftlnrlt *i?tr lrlr. ll.!
b[rin.r! dJr!4ri, drl csn6llt r:.rl: L].e :he grlce rar* :rroE:rllr *i tl""r c!ls].rrxl!:
l. lfhrr lurrdr lntrntirlh thntrn tftrs ursr ru! rrhrrf
l. llon'rurccptiblc ar rrrlncrebb n tto:r u*rr ro hrurdrl
4 F'hrt hrjpoor i{you lora thorr rnrn? \{'}ui rr tLe opr* a r+"x rssmur.rn 'EArt * tir
rnflrt l'rtc dx 1r*!'r iids. oi loir!
rhcrc urctr eduo&lr! Cu ! d{ad ra lrre sr*ro:.!: l}4r arotft.r rr:d rcae n ran*lu
*. Whrr crn I do ta cdurr s ohorlnrtr thc rirl to rhir nrrt fmn hrruirl
City of
7 /1,6/79
City of North
The following is a questionnafue
handed out at these events. Maior
topics of discussion, ^nd ^nycomments or feedback on the
plan and planning process, are
included in the summary table for
the public meetings.
I{ing County Emergency
Management also joined several
locally-led events. For this, the
planning team developed a table-
sized 3D-printed topographic map
of the county with an aerial image
printed on it. The interactive, 3D
physical map was used to talk
about the county's history of
hazards, flooding, climate change,
landslides, lahar zones,
liquefaction areas, and more.
Community members,
elected officials, and
members of Medina
EMC. Approximately 20
people attended.
No attendees were
tecofded at this event.
The model was available for use
by local jurisdictions both with
and without county staff so that it
could be used to support a wider range of outreach activities
Finally, in addition to in-person ouffeach, King County Emergency Management developed a website,
httos://www.kinEcountv.Eov/hazardolan. The website exDlains the oumose of mitisation and orovides
an overview of key hazards and examples of effective hazard mitigation. This website will be kept up for
at least the dutation of the plan teview.
Joint Pablic Meetings
Presented to the City of Medina Emergency
Management Committee and other local
residents and led a discussion afterward. The
primary interest was on how residents could
contribute to mitigation and resilience goals
for their city. Residents in Medina will serve
as the steering committee for the mitigation
plan update and will help identi$r and
prioritize mitigation strategies based on at-
Wodd Caf6 workshop at the North Bend
l)ate J,ocation Sunrnrarr \ t tcrrdccs
City of
Cities of
and SeaTac
City of Des
Presentation and hazar.d mitigation booth
with 3D map at a Kenmore Town Square
movie night. Spoke with approximately 25
people. The main focus of questions were
around which areas of the community were at
higher risk Also collected feedback ftom
community members on their ranking of
Kenmore's !ori
Ptesented on county hazard mitigation efforts
and discussed countywide risks at a jotnt
public meeting at Fire Station 74 in Kent.
Major comments included questions about
how cit-ies and the county are prioritizing
mitigation investments, comments on the risk
of fire from homes built very close togethet,
and questions about the restoration of water
in areas with unstable soils.
Hosted a booth at Des Moines Farmers
Market. Discussed the possibility of Des
Moines becoming an island after a majot
earthquake. Discussed the vulnerability of the
waterfront relative to the lou/er-vulnerability
of the rest of the city. The City of Des
Moines and Valley Regional Fire Authority
were also ptesent and completed surveys for
their annexes.
Annual pteparedness fair 3D map booth and
presentation. Spoke with dozens of residents
and several elected officials and shated
infotmation onhazard dsk and ways to
address hazard risk. Major comments were
telated to length of time needed to reach
residents in far-flung areas following an
earthquake, especially given the response
times during the February 2019 winter
Lots of children plus
community members
attended. Over 100
attendees estimated.
'1.0 -1 2 attendees, mos dy
from Kent, spoke with
staff from their cities
and King County
The booth was occupied
continuously by
residents from 10AM
i until2PM.
Hundreds of residents
from the area and cities
atound Maple Valley.
Dozens stopped by the
Cities of
Maple Valley,
and Black
Reidenh examining the 3D haqard map at a llorth Ci4t LY/aterpablic oatreach euent (Source: Diane Pottinger, North
Cily lf,/arer)
Continued Public Participation
King County and its partner cities already maintains substantial public outreach capabilities, focusing on
petsonal preparedness and education. Information on ongoing progress in implementing the hazard
mitigation plan will be integtated into public ouffeach efforts. The Community Service Area Town Hall
events led by the Department of Local Services are scheduled annually and provide a unique opportunity
to highlight mitigation successes. This will provide King County residents, aheady engaged in personal
preparedness effotts, with context and the opportunity to provide feedback on the county's progress and
pdorities in large-scale mitigation. In the vertical integration of risk-reduction activitjes from personal to
local to state and fedetal, it is important that the public understand how its activities support, and are
supported by, larger-scale efforts.
The outteach and mitigation teams will also continue to work vdth media and othet agency partners to
publicize mitigation success stories and help explain hovr vulnetabilities are being fixed. lfhen possible,
public touts of successfully-completed mitigation projects will be orgatized to allow community
members to see successful mitigation in action.
[nta,ga,"r y
King County Regional Hazard Mitigation
Program Capabilities
King County includes 39 cities, over 1,29 special purpose
districts, and large unincolponted ateas. While each city and
special purpose disuict is tesponsible for its own hazard
mitigation efforts, King County supports these jurisdictions
thtough region-wide services and planning coordination,
including efforts associated with land use, emergency
management, and floodplain management. County
departments involved in hazard mitigation effons include
Executive Services (facilities management, emergency
management), local services (permitting, roads), Natural
Resoutces and Parks (wastewater, landslides, floodplain
management, climate change), and the Office of the
Executive (planning).
As the lead agency f.orhazard mitigation, King County
Emetgency Management (KC EAzf engages partners to
promote andf or support mitigation activities. KC EM also
publicizes Hazard Mtigation As sistance grant opportunities
and provides technical support to develop applications and
administet awards. KC EM also serves on interagency
wotkgroups such as comprehensive planning, climate
adaptation, and transpottation as a way of promoting
consistency in risk assessment and reduction pdorities.
The focus of King County Emergency Management's
hazard mitigation program is integration, including plan
integtation, program integration, and
departmental/jurisdictional integration. Plan integration
helps ensure partners use the best available data and that
plan outcomes are supportive of a tesilient future. Program
integration helps partners find fund sources and support
outside of their departments or programs. Department and
jurisdiction integtation builds on the tole the county EOC sewes for response, engaging resources to
promote and implement the most effective, highest-prioity hazard mitigation oppotunities. In a large
county with dozens of partners, a jurisdiction-by-jurisdiction approach is less effective at building
resilience. KC EM's apptoach is to unify partners behind the vision of resiiience laid out in this plan.
Plan lntegration
When plans and planning processes are more integtated, it is possible to achieve greater impact through
cleatet definition, smarter investment, partnerships, and innovation. Successful integation requires
Hazard Mitigation Program
Hazard mitigation is most effective
when implemented through a
systematic program that establishes
priorities and understands that
resilience requires system-wide
investments in mitigation.
Cohesive, comprehensive sftategies
and the establishment of
partnetships are the core elements
of a program. Individual projects
matter, but are made more effective
by systematic, strategic
In order to support this program,
King County Emetgency
Management convenes multi-
agency committees, offers technical
assistance on federal mitigation
grants, supports partners in
planning and mitigation projects,
and maintains and updates the
I(ing County Regional Hazard
Mitigation Plan.
!I xtrgco.,tr.y
coordination between planning effotts and, especially, cross-panicipation in planning processes. The
goals of plan integration are to:
o Ensure consistency with jurisdiction priorities actoss all planning processes
o Leverage opportunities to further multi-benefit initiatives that are suppoted by multiple
planning ptocesses
r Achieve common measufes of success for outcomes
Thehazard mitigation plan can benefit from integration with planning processes that:
o Piortize and invest in infrastructure
r Regulate development
o Set sffatepfc direction for programs
To other planning processes, thehazard mitigation plan bdngs risk and vulnerability information to help
prioritize ptojects and set development standards ot tegulations. The mitigation plan also comes with
potential funding fot investments in cost-effective risk-reduction ptojects. On the other hand, the
mitigation plan depends on other plans and processes to implement many strategies. Since the mitigation
plan is not itself a tegulatory or budgetary document, sttategies identiFred in the mitigation plan are often
best implemented through those processes or programs.
There are m^ny plans and planning processes within King County that impact hazard risk. These include
strategic plans, long-range plans, resource plans, and capital plans.
Capirzl Facilities
Capital facilities plans identiSr and
prioritize large-scale projects.
Entities involved in this include the
King County Facilities Management
Division and the King County
Flood Control District.
. Integrate mitigation
strategies ftom
capital plans
o Encoutage the use
infornation to
prioritize capital
o Support couaty
departments with
funding gaps in
accessing Hazard
Assistance to
complete or expand
projects thatare
identified as
impotant but are
unfunded or
I\t t,t;tt t't to\
l'r r r.r I)l,sr Rtt''t to.'J r,: rn
!l rngco.,tr.y
The CWHH Stategic Plan seeks to
establish a strategic alignment
across all plans that impact clean
water and healthy habitat in order
to achieve "gteater impact through
cleater dehnition, smarter
investment, pattnetships, and
innovation." This process is just
starting, and it includes over 20
separate plans and programs.
The King County Comprehensive
Plan is the long-mnge gurding
policy document for all land use
and development fegulations in
unincoqpomted King County, and
for regional services throughout the
County including transit, seurers,
trails and
Department of
Resoutces and
Clean Watet and
Health Habitat
Stategic Plan
The CEMP is for use by elected
and appointed County officials, and
King County government
department directors, managers and
staff in mitigating, preparing for,
tesponding to, and recovering from
This plan is a product of
coordinated planning efforts
between King County Emergency
Management, County departments,
emefgency management
reptesentatives ftom various
political judsdictions, and selected
private and nonprofit sector
intetests. It meets the requirements
of WAC 118-30 and the Federal
Emetgency Management Agency's
(FEMA) planning guidance for the
Participate in plan
Align outcome
measutes and
Wotk through this
process to help
align mitigation
planning with other
planning in the
natutal fesoufce
sectof, such as
forest health, solid
waste, and salmon
Encourage updates
to the critical areas
Provide feedback
and comments on
the plan
Mitigation Plan
provides the dsk
ptofiles that
support the
development of the
Mitigation Plan is
also a component
(the mitigation
component) of the
Management Plan
National Ftamework and
![ rr,gco.rnty
Eq"ity and Social
Justice Strategic
Flood Hazard
Management Plan
Strategic Climate
Action Plan
Sttategic Plan for
Road Services
the National Incident Management
The Equity and SocialJustice
Strategic Plan is a bluepdnt for
action and change that will guide
the county's pro-equity policy
direction, decision-making,
planning operations and services,
and workplace practices in order to
advance equity and social justice
within County govemment and in
partnetship with communities.
The curent (201,3) ICng County
FloodHazard Management Plan is
a functional annex of the
comprehensive plan. It outlines the
County's approach to
comprehensive floodplain
management including land use
planning, flood mitigation efforts,
and flood protection facilities
King County's Strategic Climate
Action Plan (SCAP) is a five-year
blueprint for County action to
conftont climate change,
integrating climate change into all
areas of County operations and its
workin the community. The SCAP
is King County's bluepdnt for
clirnate action and provides a 'oone-
stop-shop" fot county decision-
makets, employees, and the general
public to leam about the County's
climate change goals, pdorities and
The Road Services Sttategic Plan
lays out system needs and
anticipated service levels and an
asset management approach to
road maintenance and
o Follow guidance in
the ESJ plan fot the
prioritization of
o Develop
information on
vulnetable to
hazxds and share
with ESJ planning
Work vzith
responsible for
management to
write the flood risk
Wotk with local
CRS cootdinatots
to ensure the
mitigation plan is
wotth the
maximum number
o Inter-workgroup
r Integrated
mitigation strategies
o Consistent risk
a Integtate mitigation
Department of
Resources and
Departrnent of
Resoutces and
Department of
Local Services
]ifl rit sca,trty
Program and Policy Capabilities
With over 15,000 employees and dozens of departments and offices, King County has a ttemendous
capability to implement mitigation projects. Mitigation efforts are underway throughout the county,
including such organizations as the Rivers and Floodplain Management Section of DNRP and the
'Wastewatet Tteatment Division of DNRP.
Thehazatd mitigation planning process has engaged participants from across these progtam and policy
areas in ordet to establish a common assessment of hazards, identi$' potential mitigation strategies,
partnerships for future projects, and to assess county capabilities to implement mitigation projects. The
list below identifies I(ing County policies and programs that support and implemetthazard mitigation
and assesses the effectiveness of each. For state-level policies and programs that suppothazard
mitigation, such as the Growth Management Act, please see the Nfashington State EnhancedHazard
Mitigation Plan.2
The following table identihes the programs and organizations contributing regulady tohazard mitigation.
Building and
Building and
Development Code
Community Rating
Building and development codes are adopted and modified
from the 2015 IBC by Washington State Building Code
Council and King County. These codes he$ ensure that
new construction and subsantial improvements meet
Department of
Local Services,
The Department of Local Services, Permitting Division is
the agency that provides land use, building and fire
regulatory and operating petmits, code enforcement and a
limited number of business licenses for unincoqporated
areas of King County. Other local judsdictions ptovide
similat sewices within incolporated areas. The Code
Enfotcement Section investigates complaints regarding
violations of King County Codes (KCC) related to zoning,
building, property maintenance, shorelines and critical ateas
1n King County
The CRS program rewards communities that have
established exceptional floodplain rnanagement programs
and undertaken certain activities to reduce flood risk. King
County is one of the highest rated communities in the
countfy. The program provides NFIP policyholdets in
floodplains with a discount of up to 40% on their
Department of
Local Services,
2 Washington State EnhancedHazzr.d Mitigation Plan. 2018. "Potentiai Sources of Funding and Mitigation Capability."
Accessed online on 7 /12/19 from httos://mil.wa.eov/enhanced-hazard mitiqation-olan.
l.r tnl)ttor;tittt/l)ol.tr.\ NIlrrr; \'l()\.\(-'l\ t'llt.s
Critical Areas
Eq"ity and Social
Hazatd Mitigation
King County
Depattment of
Local Sewices
King County
Office, Office of
Eq"ity and Social
Department of
Services, FMD
KC Emetgency
King County
I{ing County
The critical areas otdinance requires the identiFrcation of
geologically-hazardous and frequently-flooded areas. These
areas must either be protected from development or arry
development in these areas must be designed to account
for hazard risk.
King County has deep and persistent inequities - especially
by race and place*that in many cases afe gettingworse and
threaten our collective prosperity. Launched by King
County Executive Ron Sims in 2008 and formalized by
Executive Dow Constantine and the Metropolitan King
County Council via ordinance in 2010, Eq"ity and Social
Justice (ESJ) is an integmted part of the County's work and
is supported by the Office of Equity and SocialJustice
slnce 5
The Facilities Management Division (trI\D) oversees and
maintains King Countyrs real estate assets. The Major
Projects and Capital Planning section is tasked with
efficiendy and effectively delivering large-scale projects in
alignment with the policy directives of ICng County
govemment, the facility needs of employees and the public,
and fot ovetall service to the community. Part of this
includes the of hazard-resilient facilities.
King County GIS provides analysis support, mapping, afld
other data to all King County departments. This data is
valua ble for hazatd gqs44q"daqggglg411&!.
Thehazatd mitigation program works with partners across
county departments and local jurisdictions to coordinate
and promot e hazard mitigation proj ects.
The ptogtam also cootdinates applications to federal
Hazard Mitigation Assistance grant programs and conducts
hazardmitigation planning for the county in patnership
with local and districts.
The King County Conservation District is an independent
special purpose district with separately-elected
commissioners. It promotes qratef, laad soil, and forest
conservation and preservatjon and conducts wildfire risk
reduction activities.
KCIT leads the county's response to, and ptepatedness for,
cyber incidents. KCIT has helped local cities recover from
ransomware and othet attacks.
King County IT
![ xr,gcor,tr.y
King County Flood
Conrol District
Landslide Hazards
Land Use Planning
National Flood
Insutance Program
Office of Risk
In 2007, the King County Flood Control District was
established to provide a ptoactive, regional approach to
floodirg as well as funding to improve the county's neatly
500 aging and inadequate flood protection facilities.
King County
Flood Conuol
Funding for the Flood Control District comes fiom a
couoty-wide property levy of 12.9 cents per $1,000 assessed
value. This amounts to $54 per year on a $416,000 home.
The levy raises roughly $5a.5 million
This funding
dramatically increases the number of proiects that can be
completed each year. The additional local funding also
enhances the Disttict's ability to receive federal and state
matching funds.
The King County Flood Conuol District is a separate
sae_cial pg41o q-e, $! tgJ!.
The Landslide Hazatds program conducts mapping and
outreach associated with landslide risk.
Land use planning and zoning establishes growth and land
use pattems that are consistent with long-range plans and
by infrastructure.
Communities that participate in the National Flood
Insutance Ptogram adopt a floodplain management code in
exchange for FEMA making flood insutance available to
tesidents and businesses.
DNRP W'ater
and Land
King County
Risk Managernent investigates and resolves claims against
King County in a fatt and expeditious manner, and also
provides intemal seryices to King County agencies,
o Insurancel King County administers a self-insurance
program and purchases a variety ofother insurance
policies and related services consistent with good risk
managernent practices and the needs of the County.
. Contracts: Risk Management advises King County
agencies on insurance requirements, indemnification,
telease, and hold harmless provisions in all types of
contracts. Risk Management actively negotiates these
profisions and, togefher with the Prcsecuting
Attorney's Office, assists agencies in pursuing and
tendering claims arising out of contractual relations.
o Recoverl Services: The recovery section of Risk
Department of
iJ__-_._,^-.__ _-iq eb 11ggd y1_!h 19eki4g goryIq4lelqg _lof
lifl tcitgc*,"ty
damages caused to King County property or iniury to
King County employees by negligent third parties.
Loss Control Program: The Loss Control Manager
works with King County agencies to identi$' areas of
potential loss and recommend strategies to reduce
exposure to liability. The Loss Control Program also
administers continuing workplace training and
education for King County ernployees.
Public Health
Part of this work includes the development and
maintenance of a risk register of events and information on
how those $j+g-Corrqry.
Public Health - Seattle & King County (Public Health)
wotks to protect and improve the health and well-being of
all people in King County as measured by increasing the
number of healthy years that people live and eliminating
health disparities.
Public Health is the one of the largest meuopolitan health
departments in the United States with 1,400 employees, 40
sites, and a biennial budget of $686 million. The
department serves a resident population of neafy 2.2
million people in an environment of gteat complexity and
scale, with 19 acute care hospitals and over 7,000 medical
ptofessionals. Ovet 100 languages are spoken here, and
I(ing County is an intemational destination welcoming
nexly 40 million visitors annually.
Public Health protects the public from threats to their
health, promotes better health, and helps to assure that
people are ptovided with accessible, quality health care.
Health protection functions include disease contlol, such as
tubetculosis, I{IV, communicable disease epidemiology and
immunizations, and ensuring that the air is safe to breathe,
and watet and food are safe to consume.
Health promotion functions include pteventing behaviors
that lead to disease, avetting injuries and managing chtonic
health conditions.
Health provision functions include convening and leading
system-wide effotts to improve access and quality,
advocating for access to quality health care fot all, forming
partnerships with service providets and dirccdy providing
individual health services when there is a public health
Public Health
Road Services
Shoreline Master
Treafinent Division
Clean'Watet f
Healthy Habitat
King County
Rating System
Users Gr<rup
Road sewices builds and maintains over 2000 miles of road
and 200 bridges. They are responsible for rnany mitigation
activities, including those related to culvert rcplacemeng
p$!9q&tlpn,and bridge retrofits.
King County has neatly 2,000 miles of shoreline along
major lakes and rivets and Vashon-Maury Island. These
shorelines ptovide habitat for fish and wildlife, places for
public enjoyment and space for wide-ranging waterfront
land uses. The Shoreline Master Program helps ptesewe
these spaces and uses, thereby reducing dsk to hazards
sea-level rise.
Invest in upgrades to pipe and water treatffent facilities to
make them more resilient to earthguakes, severe weather,
An initiative convened by the
county executive to help
stteamline proj ects, increase
collaboration, and improve
results for the work
accomplished through the
spending of $6 Billion over the
next decade on clean water
and habitat protection in Iing
All county agencies
Departmeat of
Local Services
DLS - Permitting
lntegration with Departments and other Jurisdictions
Beyond departmental integtation, I{ing County works with local jurisdictions, special pulpose districts,
and tribes to support effective risk teduction. I(ing County cootdinates activities related to emergency
management andhazard mitigation through two bodies, the Emergency Management Cootdinating
Committee (EMCC) and the Emergency Management Advisory Committee (EMAC), which are each
described in gteater detail in the table below.
King County and the cities
who arc part of CRS meet to
coordinate effots and provide
technical assistance to each
othet on mainaining and
o Aubum
o Bellevue
o Issaquah
o Kent
r North Bend
. Renton
Nlt,.!lrt,tist ttt,()tit;\r.tzt'|ot l)t,tsr.titt,ttor
EMCC is charged by the King
County Council with
coordinating interdepartmental
emergency preparedness
matters. EMCC works to
support depatments in
developing continuity of
opetations plans, pteparedness
plans, and hazatd mitigation
plans. It also contributes to
after action reports. EMCC
has played an impottant tole in
the mitigation plan update
process for the county by
identi$ring and dedicating key
staff to participate in planning
and by reviewing and
providing feedback on
planning team activities.
EMAC advises, assists,
teviews, and comments on
emergency management and
homeland security issues,
regional planning, and policies.
They rneasure and prioritize
core capabilities and
recornmend homeland security
allocations and work products
to sustain and enhance
preparedness and operational
levels. Mernbers, as set forth in
code, provide regional and
o Snoqualnie
o Carnation
o Redmond
All county departments ate included in the
EMCC. The following ate those who attend
meetings mote tegulatly.
. King County Emetgency Management
. Department of Fluman Resources
r Metro Transit Department
r Department of Local Services
r Public Health - Seattle and King County
o Depattment of Natural Resoutces and
Parks (DNRP)
o Depattment of Community and Human
o Department of Adult andJuvenile
r Facilities Management Division of the
Depattment of Executive Services
. Director's Office of the Department of
Executive Sewices
. King County Information Technology
o Office of Labot Relations
. King County Sheriffs Office
r Office of the King County Executive
r Depattment of Assessments
. King County Disttict Court
. King Counry Elections
. DNRP Solid Waste Division
. DNRP Waste Treatment Division
The membership for EMAC is established by
the King County Council and includes the
following entities/interests :
r Central region EIvfS and TlarmaCarc
. City of Bellevue
o City of Kent
. City of Renton
o City of Seatde
o t Utility
. 1 Faith-Based Organization
o 1 Financial Community Otganantion
o American Red Cross
o KC Metro
o KC Roads
r KC Executive OfEce
. King County Fire Chiefs Association
. King County Ffue Commissioner's
o King County Police Chiefs Association
. King County Sheriffs Office
. KC Local Emergency Management
Planning Committee
o Muckleshoot Tribal Nation
o Northwest Healthcare Response
r Port of Seattle
o 1 Private Industry Representative
o Public Health Seartle and King County
o Puget Sound Educational Services
o Snoqualmie Tribal Nation
o Sound Cities Association
o Washington Association of Building
o 1 Watet and Sewer District
Potential Sources of Hazard Mitigation Funding
Hazard mitigation projects are most often completed with funding from capital budgets as part of the
notmal building and maintenance processes that occur in any jurisdiction. There is also source and use-
specific funding, such as that provided by the I(ng County Flood Conttol District that is part of regular
program funding and is highlighted in the progtam section above. Beyond regular capital funding, there
ate dedicated mitigation programs operated by state, countf, and federal agencies.
Potential Sources
BUILD Gtants Ttansportation and
telated infrastructure
retroftts, including
stomwater projects
and represent cities, fire
sewice, law enfotcemenq
hospitals, the Pot of Seattle,
goveffiment, special purpose
districts, tribes, utilities, non-
profit agencies, and the private
Department of
Gtants support investments in surface
transportation infrastructure and are to
be awarded on a competitive basis for
ptojects that vrill have a signiFrcant
I)tir lt;ti ttt I't trt,sLt,. tu-\r;r,rr.r l)r.sr.tirl,ttrll J)lit I | ,l( l'l
[I xi gco.,tr,v
Building Blocks
for Sustainable
Infrastructure in
This EPA program provides targeted,
technical assistance to communities to
dwelop tesilience plans, development
sustalna etc.
New annual mitigation gfant program
that is expected to replace PDM. Will' focus more on large-scale
infrastructure ptojects that reduce risk
to natutal hazards.
CDBG funds comprehensive plans,
limited infrastructure
planning/construction, feasibility
studies, community action plans.
Income and population restrictions
CERB provides loan funding to local
jurisdictions for public infrastructure
to support private business gtowtl and
Planning and feasibility
Most long-term risk-
reduction projects that
protect against fte,
flood, eatthquake, and
other naturalhazatds.
Housing and
infrastructure retrofi.ts,
feasibility studies,
Inftas ttucture reft ofits
Block Grants
'Water Q.t^litf
Drinking Water
State Revolving
Departrnent of
Housing and
Depattment of
Drinking-watef system
feasibility studies,
infiastructure retrofi ts
Planning, outreach,
feasibility studies
Infrastructure f,etrofits,
pfotection, planning
ddnking-water systern
Inftas tructure retro ftts,
slope stabilization,
ptotection, flood risk
reduction, etosion
' Fund sources forproiects associated
with publicly-ovmed wasteviater and
stoffiwater facilities. The integrated
: pfogram also funds nonpoint source
, pollution contol activities.
The progtam creates partnerships
between FEMA and qualified local and
state partners to create, maintain, and
publicize up-to-date flood and other
The DrinkingWater State Revolving
Fund (DWSRF) provides loans to
drinking water systems to pay for
infrastructure improvements. In some
' cases, pattial loan fotgiveness is
Emergency recovery measures for
runoff tetardation and erosion
ptevention to telieve imminent hazards
created by a natutal disaster.
haznd s and data.
Departrnent of
Departrnent of
!l rrrgco.,tr.y
Estuary and
Department of
Fish and
i ESRP provides funding restoration
and protection efforts in Puget Sound,
including projects such as flood
storage, etosion conftol, and climate
resilience measures.
Acquisitions, slope
stabilization, flood risk
reduction projects,
ecosystem restoration
FireNTise Fuel
Mitigation Grant
Depattment of
The Fuel Mitigation Grant provides a
cost share for communities engaged in
defensible space and fuels reduction
Floodplains by Design is the primary
gfant pfogfam for projects that reduce
flood hazards while restodng the
natural functions that l7ashington
Wildfire fuels
reduction, defensible
Slope stabilization,
ecosystem fecovefy,
flood-risk recovery
Floodplains by
Departrnent of
Flood Mitigation
Assistance Grant
Mtigation Grant
I(ing County
Flood Control
District Flood
King County
King County
Flood Conttol
FMA ptovides funding to local
judsdictions and states fot ptojects and
planning that reduces ot eliminates
long-term dsk of flood damage to
structutes insured under the NFIP.
HMGP is authodzed statevzide after a
disaster declaration and is the most
flexible of FEMA's threemitigation
progtams. Jutisdictions must have an
apptoved hazatdmitigation plan and
projects must be cost effective.
The Flood Reduction Gtants target
medium and small local flood
reduction projects including projects
whete the control of stormwatet will
have a direct benefit in teducing
flooding. Eligible applicants include
homeowners, special districts, tribes,
cities, and county agencies.
The mro-year King County budget for
2079-202A was approximately $11.6
: billion dollars. Approximately 15a/a of
, this money makes up the general fund-
Major Expenditutes are: Metro Transit
Flood risk reduction
projects that benefit
the NFIP, including
elevations, and some
structural mitigation
such as local risk
reduction stfuctures
Most long-tenn dsk-
reduction projects that
protect against fire,
Oood, earthquake, and
ofher naturalhazards.
Projects can addtess
eithet existing ot
potential flooding and
ptoposals should show
that the flooding has
cuffent or potential
economic impacts.
ICng County
fi4o/o\.Health &
Idng County
Loss Control
King County
Parks Levy
Mitigation Grant
Mitigation Grant
Public Works
Office of Risk
King County
Depattment of
Human Services (73"O, and Law,
Safety, & Justice (12'A. There are
- 1 5,000 firll-time-equivalent (FfE)
county employees with most employed
in Transit Q5'/"), CdminalJustice
. €5y"),str4!,rbli. Ilselm_0_y_q} _* _
The Loss Conttol Fund is for internal
county projects and is limited to
emergent risks whete advance planning
and budgeting were unavailable. $2M
, has been apptopriated for the 2019-
2020 biennium.
; Revenue generated by the parks levy
, goes to fund open space protection,
new parks, tails, and other assets. This
funding could theoretically be used for
the acquisition of threatened
properties for presewation as open
,...--9P?99:- --
Progtam authodzed following a Fire
Management Assistance Grant
(FMAG) declatation. Program focuses
on wildfLe dsk and post-fire risk
mitigation, including fuels teduction
and post-fire flood control projects.
Ptogram pdoritizes the county
the FMAG declaration
Annual program for cost-effective
mitigtion projects and plans.
, Jurisdiction must have a cuffent
i mitigation plan to be eligible.
: Following the 2019 grant round, this
program will be replaced by BRIC.
Low-interest loans for pte-
construction or new construction for
replacement / rcpak of infrastructure
for stotmwater, solid waste, road, or
bridge ptojects. Emergency loans are
available fot public projects made
necessalT by a disaster or imminent
threat to public health and safety.
Emergent risks, to
include likely
infrastructute failute
Acquisition of high-
hazardproperties for
pteservation as open
Fi-te-related mitigation,
including defensible
space, generatots, and
post-fire flood dsk
reduction, planning,
feasibility studies
Most long-term risk-
reduction proiects that
Pfotect against fire,
flood, earthquake, and
other natural hazxds.
Utility and
inftastructure retro hts
!fl rir,gco,ntty
Rural Water
Revolving Loan
Source $7atet
Protection Grant
National Rutal
Water, wastewatet, stormwater, and
solid waste planning; environmental
work; to assist in developing an
application for infrastucture
improvements for small, rural
, communities.
, The R\WLF ptovides low-cost loans
: for short-tetm repair costs, small
capital ptoj ects, or pre-development
costs associated with larger projects to
small, rural communities
Planning, feasibility
ptotection, drinking
water system
imptovements, other
Department of
Projects and studies to identify
solutions to source water protection
ptoblems, implement protection plaos,
or update data that directly benefits
source water protection.
TIB makes and manages street
construction and maintenance grants
to 320 cities and urban counties.
protection, drinking
water system
imptovements, other
retrofits, feasibility
Infras tructure retro fits,
flood dsk reduction
Natutal resoufce
protection, public
information, planning
Utban and
Forest Program
Department of
Ptogram provides technicat frnancial,
research and educational services to
local jurisdictions and organizations
for the preservation, protection, and
: restoration of foresdands.
King County Hazard Mitigation Grant Assistance Program
A majot initiative launching as part of this plan update is the I{ing County Hazard Mitigation Grant
Assistance Ptogmm. Led by KC EM, this program seeks to lowet the barders to applying for FEMA
grants, especially given the neu/ opportunities associated with the Disaster Recovery Reform Act of 2018.
King County will suppott jurisdictions by ensuring the mitigation projects are identihed in the regional
plan, offedng technical assistance in developing applications, and, when requested, by administering
grants on behalf of communities that lack internal grant rrranagement capabilities. This program reflects
KC EM's focus on end-to-end emergency management, supponing partners across all mission areas
from mitigation to recoverry.
Participation in the National Flood lnsurance Program
The National Flood Insutance Ptogram ${FIP) provides federally backed flood insurance in exchange
for communities enacting floodplain regulations. Participation and good standing under NFIP are
pretequisites to gtant funding eligibility under the Robert T. Stafford Act. The County and most of the
partner cities for this plan paticipate in the NFIP and have adopted tegulations that meet the NFIP
King County and34 of the 39 incorpotated areas in the County are participants in NFIPl. all. arc curently
in good standing with the provisions of the NFIP. The five jurisdictions that do not currendy participate
in NFIP are Beaux Atts Village, Hunts Point, Maple Valley, Newcasde and Yartow Point. Except for
Newcastle, these communities have no special flood hazard areas.
Participants in the NFIP must, at a minimum, regulate development in floodplain areas in accordance
with NFIP criteria. Communities participating in the NFIP may adopt regulations that are more stringent
than those contained in 44 CFR 60.3, but not less stringent. The Washington State Building Code Act
requites new construction to be elevated to L foot above the base flood elevation or to the design flood
elevation, whichever is higher. Some communities in King County have adopted more stringent
standards. For example, a 3-foot fteeboatd (h.tght above the 100-year flood elevation) is standard for
most structutes in unincoqporated King County.
Additionally, in the Puget Sound watetshed, communities are tequired to regulate development in
floodplains in a way that doesn't cause habitat loss or negative impacts to Chinook, coho, and steelhead
salmon species. This is part of the FEMA/NOAA Biological Opinion related to communities'
participation in the National Flood Insurance Program.
New Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) ate currently in a pteliminary stage and are scheduled to be
published lr:'fftrd-2020.
In Washington State, the Department of Ecology is the coordinating agency for floodplain management.
Ecology works vith F'EMA and local govemments by providing grants and technical assistance,
evaluating community floodplain management programs, teviewing local floodplain ordinances, and
participating in statewide flood hazard mitigation planning. Compliance is monitored by FEMA regional
staff and by Ecology. Maintaining compliance under the NFIP is an important component of flood dsk
reduction. All planning partoers that participate in the NFIP have identiFred initiatives to maintain their
compliance and good standing. Planning partnets who do not cuffendy participate have identified
initiatives to consider enrollment in the program.
Participation in CRS
The CRS is a voluntary program within the NFIP that encoutages floodplain management activities that
exceed the minimum NFIP tequirements. Flood insutance ptemiums are discounted to reflect the
teduced flood risk tesulting ftom community actions meeting the following three goals of the CRS:
. Reduce flood losses.
. Facilitate accurate insurance rating.
. Promote awareness of flood insutance.
For participating communities, flood insutance ptemium rates are discounted in increments of 5 percent.
Fot example, a Class 1. community receives a 45-petcent premium discount, and a Class 9 community
teceives a 5-petcent discount. (Class 10 communities are those that do not participate in the CRS; they
teceive no discount.) The CRS classes are based on 18 creditable activities in the following categories:
. Public information
. Mapping and regulations
. Flood damage teduction
. Flood preparedness
As of this writing, there ate 10 CRS-mted communities in King County
Aubum t5 110z5
Bellevue ls 25 Iro
lssaquah ls z5 Io
Kent 15 z5 Io
North Bend ls Foz5
Renton ls Jlo25
Snoqualmie t5 110z5
Camation V 15
Redmond ls Ito25
King County ?11o40
Risk Assessment Overview
The King County Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan Risk Assessment covers 8 natural and 6 human-
caused hazards.
o Avalanche
o Eathquake
r Tsunami
r Volcano
o Landslide
e WildFte
o Flood
o Severe Weather
o Hazatdous Materials
r Health Incident
r Tettorism
r Civil Disturbance
o Cybet Incident
r Dam Failure
These assessments were developed using the best available data from sources including:
r Washington State Fusion Centet (ferodsm, Civil Disturbance)
. King County Dam Safety Ptogram (Dam Failute)
. King County IT (Cybet Incident)
o Public Health Seattle-King County (Health Incident)
o Washington State Emergency Management LEPC Program (Hazardous Matedals)
. King County Flood Control District (Flood)
r Washington State Emetgency Management Geologic Hazards Ptogram (fsunami, Earthquake,
. King County Strategic Climate Action Plan fiVildfrq Severe Weathet)
o Washington State Department of Transportation (Avalanche)
. King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks (Landslide)
. King County Department of Permitting (Structure Ffue)
e Washington State Enhanced Hazard Mitigation Plan
o N7ashington State Department of Natural Resoutces pandslide, Earthquake, Tsunami, Volcano,
. King County Facilities Management Division
. King County Hazatd Inventory and Risk Assessment, 20L6
o FEMA RiskMAP Program, King County Risk Report (Eathquake, Landslide, Volcano, Flood)
Data sources are cited vrith footnotes thtoughout the plan. In addition to using data and report
information ftom the above soutces, many also contributed time and expertise to the review and
development of the individual risk assessment chapters.
This dsk assessment is intended to provide a robust overview containing key details, vulnerabilities, and
considerations to enable emergency managers to plan for disasters. The profrles are designed to be brief,
and yet also comprehensive enough, to be useful during a disastet response to help provide information
on potential impacts and pdority vulnerabilities.
This assessment focuses on examining impacts (consequences) from hazards on 10 different topic areas
These areas reflect best practices as identified by the Emetgency Management Accreditation Program
(E,MAP) plus priority areas identified by ICng County.
. King County residents - all residents in King County
o Vulnetable populations - populations mote likely to experience losses and recover more slowly
from an incident. Different vulnetable populations may be highlighted depending on the
incident type. For example, vildfte in ICng County is overwhelmingly a problem of smoke and
smoke impact people with respiratory vulnerabilities most severely.
e Properg - private property
I The economy - economic functions and assets
o The environment - natural resources, wildfte, fish, plants, and natural systems
r Health systems - hospitals, phatmacies, and the ability fot people to find and receive care
o Govetnment operations (continuity of opetations) - I(ing County govemment operations
r Respondets - fire, police, EMS, and related services
r Lifeline inftastructure - power, water/wastewater, transportation, communications
o Public confidence in jurisdiction's govemance and capabilities
Each ptofile also looks at priority vulnetabilities in otder to identify those areas requiring immediate
focus before, dudng, andafter an incident.
GIS data was taken from a vaiety of ICng County, Washington State, and federal sources. The data was
soutced via King County GIS, including layets owned by both GIS and by other entities. Some of the
GIS data analyzed in completing this risk assessment include:
WA State Departrnent of NaturalKnown active faults in the Puget
l)t,sr.tttt't tr x SoL ttr.t
Active Faults
!I rr,gco,,tr,y
King County wastewater treatment
and conveyance systems
Designated historic buildings
King County govetnment buildings
School facilities
Hospitals and medic unit locations
Locations of fire, police, and ElvfS
Building address points and age
Water Supply
Rail Routes
Seattle water supply facilities and
conveyance systems. These are used
to supply Seattle as well as many
All rail routes, including BNSF and
Sound Transit
King County Depattment of Natural
Resoufces and Parks Water Tteatment
City of Seatde Public Utilities
Coun Roads
King County GIS
Levees and
Hospitals and
Medic Units
First Responder
Transit Routes Metro ffansit toutes
Artedals Artedal streets Roads
DNRP,I(ing County Flood Control
Bonneville Power Administation
King County GIS, Facilities
King County GIS
Coun GIS
King County GIS
KingCounty GIS
King County Assessor
County-maintained fl ood protection
Bonneville Power Adminisft ation
powef transmission systems
Rivers and Lakes
Building Address
address points and Assessor
![ rr,gco.,n y
Volcanic Hazard
Lahag lava flow, and lahat sediment !74 DNR, U.S. Geological Survey
Hazard : Historic, deep landslide risk areas WA DNR
Pteliminary 100-
year Floodplain
Landslide Buffer
1.o/o annual chance, special flood
^rea ^s
mapped by FEMA.
Will take effect as the regulatory
The regulatory areas including the
channel and adjacent land areas that
must be preserved in order to
dischatge the base flood without
increasing the water surface elevation
more than a bet-gh!,
Areas of NEHRP soil classes D, E,
and F.
Buffers of 50 feet around known
landslide areas.
FEMA, I(ing County Flood Conttol
FEMA, King County Flood Control
!74 DNR
** County GIS
ISStatewide Roads State and feden! hjghways Coun tyG
Health Insurance
Ttavel Time to
Means of
Transpottation to
Individuals with health insumnce, by
Census Tract
US Census, American Community
Travel time to work on average by
Census Tract
Means of transportation to work, by
pefcent, by Census Tract
US Census, ACS
US Census, ACS
Race Self-identified race US ACS
I Self-identifi ed ethnicity
i Income (tange)
US Ceqsus, ACS
US Census, ACS
King County GIS
olglrli1y S!a!"1
Languages other than English spoken
at home
Coun tq 9_f 4j_s4bl9{ geryogs
Educational attainment by years, by
Census Ttact
US Census, ACS
lflrrgco,,n y
(Seattle Fault,
Subduction Zone)
tenute status
I{AZUS runs for Seattle Fault 7.1 and
Cascadia Subduction Zone 9.0
This and any additional data can be viewed on the ATcGIS online hazard map. This map will be available
at least dudng the plan teview and adoption phase and may be made ava:lable permanently:
Vulnerable Populations and Population-Based Vulnerability
Population vulnerability (or social vulnerabiliry) measures factots that theotetically increase the likelihood
of a population to suffet more losses during disastets or recover mote slowly aftet being impacted. There
is a gtowing body of work on this kind of vulnetability; however, how the data is reported can obscure
the toot causes of vulnerability when convetted into an index ot scote. Knowing the root causes of
vulnerability and how those vulnetabilities contribute to losses during disastets is ctitical fothazatd
mitigation professionals since each cause may tequire a unique strategy to address. For example, if the
r,'ulnerability tesults ftom language differences, then this can be addressed with robust translation and
outteach services.
Communities that consider population-based vulnerability and social justice, often do it as an oveday -
examining the impacts of a proposed ptoject on vulnerable populations, fot example, after the project
has already been prioritized or mapping the location of vulnerable populations in accordance vzith some
composite score and institutionally-defined definition of vulnetability. It is unclear if mapping alone, if
awareness alone, has had much impact on where the bulk of resources are directed.
Fot this analysis, we examine the best available data of factots that have been found to lead to increased
losses or recovery times followinghazatd everits. This is to establish areas with different kinds of
heightened vulnerability. We then oveday data on race, ethnicig, and income. This is to establish where
equity may be a concem, where causes of vulnerability ovedap with historically undereptesented
minority populations.
Determinants of Population Vulnerability
Good data at the apptopriate scale was not available for all the below factors. However, these are factors
that were identified thtough teseatch and by the planning team as critical determinants of vulnetability.
Maps of a selection of these factors, along with priority hazard areas, follow the list of variables.
P opa latio n fac'tors (popu ktio n- base d m eaw ret)
1.. Home Ownership Status (X.enter)
2. Age (old or young)
3. Unemployment
4. Income
5. Wealth
6. Access and Functional Needs/Disability
7. Dependence on public transportation
8. Language other than English spoken at home
9. No health insurance
10. Hazatdinsurance coverage
1,1. Minimum wage employment/service sector employment
72. Families with dependents
13. Living in poverty
1.4. Crime rate
15. Years of schooling completed (HS, BA, MA, etc.)
Aausibili4t and cEitalfactorc (anvx/ infrattruL'tur€ m€awrer/ ndal mpital)
o Access to services (schools, Iibraries, community centets, county/city faciJities)
o Quality of public facilities (public fairhty effective age)
o Quality of schools
o Access to hospitals or health clinics
o Quality of hospitals/health clinics
o Access to phone and internet
e Average age of housing
o Average commute time/distance to work
o Per capita govemment spending
o Neighborhood engagement (civic engagement, neighborhood association, something else?)
Meta-factorc (determinanfi of eqaifl)
o Race/ethnicity
o Age
o Income
o Immigtant/refugeestatus
The rcsults from this analysis will be used to promote more effective, equitable disaster mitigation,
response, and recovery by identi$ring key vulnerabilities and areas that may require additional
investment. Also, this analysis will help identi$' areas where public infrastructure is older or less resilient,
ot where hazard risk is gteatet, so that additional investments can be targeted in those areas.
The following maps illustrate several of tlle above variables associated with greater hazard risk along with
Ittghhazard ateas and non-white populations. This is just a selection of potential variables and illustrates
how high-hazatd areas, factors associated vrith hazard risk, and communities of color or with higher rates
of disability may ovetlap. The highest population-risk areas in King County tend to be areas south of
Seattle in the Gteen River Valley. These ateas also are areas with the highest hazard risk. Investments
that target critical public infrastructure and support structures in these communities would likely have
the best cost-benefit ratio. Investrnents in these areas would have the added benefit of also promoting
more equitable access to high-quality infrastructute and services for populations historically underserved
by public investment.
!fl xir,gco.,*y
Selected Hazard Risk and Vulnerability Maps
Flomeownership @arker=More Homeowners)Dis ability (Darker=Higher Rate)
\_/ i
Median Household Income @arker=Higher)People of Color (Datker=Higher Petcentaqe)
Liquefaction Potential (Darker=More fu sk)1OO-Year Floodplains
;f \d\-'-
! .;
-- i
Speak Language Other Than English (High-Low)Car Dependency (Darker=More Car Dependent)
J u risd iction-Specific Risk Assessments
In addition to this countywide risk assessment, each planning partner completed a tisk assessment
focusing on the priodty hazards,vulnetabilities, and consequences. These assessments are contained in
each planning partner annex. These assessments will have much more detail about individual jurisdiction
dsks and should supplement the wider lens of the risk ptofiles contained in the core plan.
To complete their assessments, jurisdictions were provided with GIS data and an AtcGIS online map
containing relevant data on hazards and impacts. The data is the same as that used in the base plan risk
assessments, but jurisdictions were asked to focus on impacts specific to their assets and boundaries.
Jurisdictions assessed risk in two ways.
First, judsdictions looked athazards that could impact them, how susceptible/vulnerable they are to
those hazards, and the consequerlces/impacts of ahazatd event. The task was to develop "risk elevator
pitches" that summarize the key elements of hazard dsk in a way accessible to elected officials and the
Second, jurisdictions were asked to consider an asset-based approach, looking at their priority assets, the
hazards that threaten those assets, and the consequences of losing the asset. All jurisdictions were
encouraged to complete this process, but only special purpose districts were required to complete it. The
goal of this apptoach was to identi$z assets that needed mitigation.
In addition to these dsk summaries, a map showing the spatially discrete hazards (flood, liquefaction
potential, steep slopes) was developed fot cities.
In developing theit dsk assessments, jurisdictions held intemal meetings to select the list of hazards that
would be included and to assess the telative risk of eachhazatd. Most used a high-medium-low approach
for impact, vrhete high impact is a debilitating event and moderate impacts are serious events that disrupt
opetations for multiple days. For those that also considered ptobability separately from the base plan, a
high probability event is likely to occur on an annual basis. These judsdiction-specific dsk assessments
are not designed to be exhaustive but should give a much clearer picture of risk and r,'ulnerability than is
notmally available ftom countywide assessments.
King County Development Trends and Risk Trajectory
From 2010 to 2018 King County has grown zt ^ rate of 1.3.4oh per yeat.3 This population growth has
coincided with a near doubling of total assessed property values in the county from $340 billion n 2074
to $606 billion tn 201.9! Ovet $44 billion worth of new construction was assessed from 2074-2078.
Propetty values stabilized in most of the county in 2018, although many unincolporated ateas, especially
in the notheast of the county around Catnation and Duvall, continued to grow at double-digit rates.
The huge growth in ptoperty values and development of new lands has also coincided with a growth in
diversity. In 2018, the total population identifying as vzhite declined by nearly 5000 persons while the
non-white population gtew dramatically. \Mhile this is a small change, it indicates that the future of King
County will be more diverse and mote populous.
Also, since 2015 the available science on risk has improved markedly. King County has new landslide
hazatd data ftom Washington State Depattment of Natural Resources (WA DNR). There is also updated
tsunami data'ndtcaing fat gteatet risk than previously tecognized in the coastal ateas. New climate
change data is available in the Puget Sound State of Knowledge Report.s Finally,ITA DNR is expected
to publish a draftwildland-u$an interface fue risk map by the end of 2019, helping to show the extent
of fire risk, much of it spured by the growth indicated above.
As development has occuffed, jurisdictions have invested in dsk reduction measures such as the
installation of ductile iron pipe to replace cast iron pipe in water systems. While this work is critical, in
most jurisdictions it is unlikely to be complete for 20-30 years. Other work has included bridge reftofrts,
wastewater system improvements, flood dsk teduction projects, and risk assessments and planning.
Nevertheless, thete ate dozens to hundteds of bridges in need of upgrades to keep the ftansportation
system functioning in the event of a major earthquake.
New science showing mote risk and t dramatic increase in population, especially in areas not previously
developed, indicates that the county traiectory is toward more exposure and vulnerability. While there is
ongoing work to teduce risk, it is not keeping up with existing needs, much less the needs of alarger,
mote divetse population living actoss alatget atea.
3 King County Office of the Executive. 20'1.8.2018 King County Quick Facts. Accessed online on 8/28/79 fuom
https: / /kinggounty.gov/depts /executive/performance-strategy-budget/regional-plannicg,/Demographics.aspx.
a King County Office of Economic and Financial Analysis. July 79,2019. JuIy 2019 King County Economic and
Revenue Forecast. Accessed online on 8/28/79 ftom
https://www.kingcountv.gov/-/media/business/Forecasting/documents4ul)'2019 Forecasr.ashx?la=en.
s Climate Impacts Group. 2015. Puget Sound State of Knowledge Report. Accessed online on 8/28/79 ftoro;.
htto://cses.washinston.edu /oicea/mauser/os-sok/os-sok cover and execsumm 2015.odf.
Irstnt t t t,t) (.lt\\(| S l\ l{tst' 2()15-l()2()
Ittst. (.t| \\(;t (lncr:crsccl .
l)r'crcascrl I . No (.hrnqc -)
l,.\t't..\., t t tr lrSt t tr lti
King County Residents With a latger population that is likely no
more prepared, dsk to King County
residents is estimated to have increased.
Vulnerable Populations \[r'hile there has been a large increase in
median income, there is more income
inequality and housing insecurity due to
housing costs and othet issues. There are
also many new immigrants who may not be
teached by disaster messaging or be familiat
with the region's hazards. Overall risk to
vulnetable populations has increased as
these populations have grown.
Propetry While the construction boom is reducing
risk in some areas, some construction
patterns, such as building homes close
together, is increasing risk ftom fire. Also,
the new development, some of it in
marginal areas is incteasing risk. This is
especially acute in areas in the urildland-
urban intetface, near floodplains, or on
unstable soils.
The Economy The economy has gtown but is also
susceptible to a shock caused by a disaster
that could permanendy displace the major
companies that make this region so
competitive. Many of these companies afe
highly mobile and a disaster that destroys
the tegion's inftastructute could devastate
the economy.
The Envitonment With heightened climate change and mote
development, the environment is more
thteatened by hazards including wildfire
and flooding.
Health Systems +Health systems have seen modest
imptovement in overall dsk as hospitals are
upgtaded to higher seismic standards.
No increase or dectease in dsk to
govemment operations is identified. While
thete continues to be some modest
investment in the tesilience of public
facilities, there is still significant dsk of
disruption of services during a majot
incident, as demonsttated during the 2079
snow event. A seismic event would still
threaten the ability of King County
government to provide services and many
buildings may not be useable.
Respondets No change in the dsk to respondets is
Inftastructute Systems +Although not sufficient to meet the need,
investments in inftastructute have modestly
teduced risk.
Public Confidence Mixed Public confidence in the judsdictions'
capabilities is estimated to be mixed. On
one hand, emergency management and
county government are delivedng sewices
on a huge scale and received relatively
positive feedback from the February 2019
stoms. On the other, there has been little
movement to systematically improve
earthquake tesilience, something frequently
reported by the media.
Regional Risk Profile: Avalanche
Hazard Description
Avalanche hazards in the Northwest are associated with vdntet storms in the Cascade and Olympic
Mountain ranges. Avalanches occut when a snow pack loses its gtip on a slope and slides downhill.
Typically, slopes of between 20 to 30 degrees and snow packs of 34 inches or more may produce
avalanches. Most natural avalanches occur in back country litde used by humans during such weather
conditions. This tends to minimize exposure to avalanche impacts. Most vulnetable are ffavelers and
Steyenr pasi Avalanche Arear winter recteation enthusiasts using Stevens Pass in
16 m.g'
northeastem King County, Snoqualmie Pass in
cenffal-eastern King Count/, and Crystal Mountain
Ski Area near Chinook and Cayuse passes in just
outside of southeastem King County.0
68 ?,,r7rfiq6t
?r!Ior -$
I Avalsnche Afe€i
. US ? Mil€postc
Steaens Pas IY/SDOT aualanrhe tontrol rnvas
Regionally, severe winter weather in the form or
snowfall in the Cascade Mountains results in a
snowpack that - when conditions are right - can
lead to a natwtal ot man-made/induced avalanche.
Avalanches can result in impacts to transportation
through mountain passes and injuries or death to people using the mountain backcountry recreationally.
Avalanche danger in King County is highest during severe wintet weathet from October thtough March
annually. When moist air from the PaciFrc dses to climb the Cascade Mountains and meets the colder ait
of the U.S. interiot, ptecipitation often falls as snow from late Octobet through March or April each
ye f.
The most frequent impact ftom avalanche is from pass closutes, especially along Snoqualmie Pass on I-
90. In paticulady severe events, both Snoqualmie and Stevens $noquatmto pass, wA
pass may close fot days at a time, effectively cutting the state in
half. The othet toutes that cross the cascades, US 12, US 20,
SR 410, and SR 74, are not suitable for large traffic volumes
and large trucks and are often closed when I-90 and US 2 are
closed. This occured most tecently during theFebruary 201,9
snowstom. In that event, all the east-west highways were
closed, limiting King County's road salt supply from the east
side of the state. The snowfall totals at the pass exceeded
normal, with 118 total inches in February alone (average
accumulation in February is 73.9 inches). February 1.2,2079
btoke the 24-how snowfall tecord, with 31.5 inches recorded
6 Washington State Department of Transportation, Prediction of Snow and Avalanches in Maritime Climates: Final
Report, !flA-RD 203.1, December 1989, p.3.
Utsst Sl.lc Photo
East Slde Photo
-** Avsllnctle Falh*
Snoqualnie Pas IY/SDOT auaknche control arcas.
by Washington State Department of Transportation ('WSDOT) crews recotded at the summit. During
this event, I-90 was closed beginning Monday aftemoon, February 1L, teopening on Thursday morning
due to avalanche danger.
Avalanche impact ateas ate mapped for Snoqualmie and Stevens passes, which ate maintained
thtoughout the winter by WSDOT crews. Chinook and Cayuse passes are closed dudng the winter due
to avalanche danger and difhculty of maintaining a clear toadway.
In addition to the roadway dsk, two of the state's three ctoss-state tailways pass through the Cascades
These railroads travel along a route sirnilat to the majot highways and are similiady susceptible to
avalanche. Major snowfall and avalanche danget can disrupt rail freight traffic across the state, with
significant economic impacts.
Vulnerability Characteristics and Previous Occurrences
Recteational ateas that suppott snowshoeing, alpine and cross-county skiing, snowmobile areas, and
winter hikers and campers are most at risk from avalanche incidents. Typically, injuries to recreational
hikers, skiers, snow boatdefs, and climbers occut outside managed areas. Sevetal stretches of Interstate
90 and Highway 2 in King County are vulnerable to avalanches between October and April eachyear,
depending on snow packs and weather conditions. Both Snoqualmie and Stevens Pass are signihcant
commercial routes. Cargos are carried between the Ports of Tacoma and Seattle, and eastem
Washington. V/hen Stevens and Snoqualmie Passes are closed, I-84 in Oregon ot air travel are the only
practical ways to travel between Spokane and Seattle.
The populat backcountry skiing ateas around Stevens and Snoqualmie passes archigh-hazard zones
where avalanche fatalities are telatively common. WSDOT posts signs, though these warnings are
frequently ignored. People engaged in snow sports in these areas are often among the most expedenced
enthusiasts; howevet, even with safety equipment, they may trigger or fall victim to avalanches. There
are, on Lvetage, one to thtee fatalities in avalanches statewide each year. Hundreds of avalanches are
thought to occur atound the Cascades each urintet, though most without any human cause or impact.
Thete ate twelve cofiunon factors that contribute to avalanche danger, including old snow depth, old
snow surface, nev snow depth, new snow q4)e, snow density, snow fall intensity, precipitation intensity,
setdement, wind direction and wind speed, temperature, subsutface snow crystal structure, and tidal
effect.T Reseatch done at Snoqualmie Pass indicates that most natural avalanches occur within one hour
aftet the onset of tain ovef a weakened snow pack.8 Large amounts of new snow accumulation also
increases avalanche dsk, especially when coupled with wide temperature swings.
7 Kruse, Scott M. "Avalanche Evaluation Check List," Avalanche Review vol. 8, No 4, February 1990
8 Washington State Department of Transportation, lfashington State Department of Transportation - Avalanche
Control http : / /www.wsdot.wa.gov /maintenance /avalanche4
Stevens Pass (tailway)
Stevens Pass, Snoqualmie Pass
Snoqualmie Pass
Stevens Pass,Snoqualmie Pass
Snoqualmie Pass
Snoqualmie Pass
Stevens Pass
PassStevens Pass,
Stevens Pass,
PassStevens Pas
l) tss
-t Histoic Aualanchu 2001 -2019 - Steuens and S Pasue
1910 toric
e Northwest Avalanche Center, Accident Reports. Accessed online on 5/1,3/19 from
https:/ /wrvw.nwac.us /accidents /accident report s /
96 Fatalities
1 Fatality,2 Injuries
1 7
1 2 Fatalities
6 2 Fatalities
1,2+6 Fatalities
2 Fatalities
2 J4j.rriqq, 2 Fatatltigs
2 I+,1@t 1 Fatality
1 3 Fatalities
[lI lr gco,"rty
Scenario Drivers
There are two kinds of avalanches, loose and slab. Loose avalanches occur when light-grained snow
exceeds its "angle of repose", collapses a snow drift or bank and fans out as it slides downhill. A slab
avalanche occuts when heavy or melting snow testing on top of looser snow breaks away from the slope
and moves in a mass. The latter often occuts when rains soak the top layer of snow on moderately
sloped terain.
Priority Vulnera bilities
Priority lmpact Areas
Snowmobilers, hikers, and skiers in back-country and off-trail environments
ate at the highest risk from avalanche.
Iranspottation networks
I-90 and US-2 ate the most vulnerable routes to avalanche. Disruptions to
both are common during the winter, though most are for a short duration. A
long-duration disruption could have signihcant economic consequences.
Pubtc safety officers and
Search and Rescue regulady travel on search missions for missing
recteationists, putting them at dsk from avalanche as well.
King County tesidents Avalanche conditions can cause closure of ski areas like: Alpental, Hyak
(Summit East), Ski Acres (Summit Central), Stevens Pass, and/or Crystal
Mountain. The recreational skiers and the people who are seasonally
employed can be impacted when these conditions close ski areas. People
who ski "out of bounds" take exceptional risks in locations vrhere avalanche
control does not maintain safe conditions and search and rescue operations
may be hampeted.
Pass closutes may inconvenience people by causing them to either take
commetcial flights between eastem and westem Washington or cause them
to take wide routes around the mountain area through the Columbia Gorge
between Washington and Oregon.
There are no majot populations in King County that are exposed to
avalanche tertain. The King County community closest to avalanche country
is Skykomish. It has not experienced an avalanche in recent memory.
Vulnetable populations No specific impacts are expected to vulnemble populations for this hazatd.
Property Property exposed to avalanches include ski area lifts and equipment, small
clustets of seasonal vacation homes and utilities suppoting ski areas, ski
lodges, ski area support operations, and those vacation prcpeties.
lf, mtgcotrnty
The economy Closute of ski areas from avalanche danger usually lasts only a short time.
While tevenue to one or more ski areas may be reduced, no long-term
economic impacts can be expected from avalanche issues.
Heavy snows and avalanche danger may close Stevens andf or Snoqualmie
Pass fot extended periods. These pass closures can impede transportation of
goods between eastern/westem Washington, impact the Port of Seattle and
port/countries atound the/Pacific Rim.
Avalanche closute of King County passes may cause motorists and truckers
to reroute through Intetstate 84 in Portland.
The most significant avalanche event in Washington State, and the deadliest
in US history, occutred in 1910 near Stevens Pass. Two ftains carrying
passengers were hit by an avalanche killing 96 people. Economic impacts are
also substantial. A WSDOT study claimed that a four-day closure at
Snoqualmie Pass in the wintet of 2007 /2008 cost the state $27.9M in
economic ouq)ut, 170 jobs, and $1.42M in state revenue (2008 dollars).to
fhe environment Avalanches
nat;tal events; however, they kill wildlife and trees and can
reshape the landscape.
Health systems There ate no known healthcare facilities or systems exposed to avalanches.
Government operations
(continuity of opetations)
Avalanche areas are remote to most King County operations. rVhere
avalanches may occur, King County Sheriffs Office Seatch and Rescue, Ski
pattols, and volunteets may be involved. This may include BARK, a group
that ptovides K-9 search capability for avalanche victims. Support may also
be required from the aviation unit of the King County Sheriffs Office and
from Emergency Medical Service units.
Support personnel for avalanche control are provided by Washington State
Department of Transpottation.
Respondets When avalanches bury ot injury skiers and backcountry hikets, the King
County Shedffs Office Search and Rescue team(s) may be deployed along
with trained volunteers and specially ttained volunteer K-9 units fike BARK
(Backcountry Avalanche Rescue K-9). Most seatch missions occur in or
around the off-trail pedmeter of ski areas like Snoqualmie Acres, Hyak,
10 Ripley, Richard, "Four-day Snoqualmie Pass closure cost $27.9 million," SpokaneJournal,11/20/2008. Accessed
online: https://www.spokaneiournal.com/local-news/four-day-snoqualmie-pass-closure-cost-279-million/
Alpental, Crystal Mountain, and Steven's Pass. Buried skiers are often
severely injuted or may be killed from their injuries or suffocation under
latge amounts of snow in ateas difFrcult to reach.
lnfrastrucfure sys tems There are no critical facilities located in areas of the county subject to
avalanches. Critical inftastructure that may be impacted includes the BNSF
nilway (also used by Amtrak) and the east west highways, US 2 (Stevens
Pass) and I-90 (Snoqualmie Pass). Chinook Pass usually closes from October
through May.
Public confidence in
urisdiction's govemance
rnd capabilities
The public at risk has a good understanding of the risks from avalanche.
lVamings ate regulatly posted and announced to skiers and back country
hikers during the winter months.
Regional Risk Profile: Civil Disorder
Hazard Description
Civil Disotdet and civil disturbances can tange from minor to significant events that can disrupt the
functioning of a community fot a few days, weeks or months. A worst case-scenario fot a King County
civil disorder would be an incident that takes place in alarge urban environment and lasts fot an
extended period of time. An example of a wotst-case scenario was the 1999 Seattle Wodd Trade
Organizaion rioting which significandy impacted the City and led to numerous injudes and arrests. The
rioting raised Seattle's cost of handling the confetence to $9 million from an eadier estimated city cost
of $6 million surpassing v/orst-case projectionsll. In addition, downtown Seattle businesses lost an
estimated $20 million in ptoperty damage and lost sales during the WTO confetence.
Title 18 of the United States Code defines civil disotder and lists the crimes associated with civil
disotdet. In Section 237 of Chapter 72, defines civil disotdet as: "any public disturbance involving acts
of violence by assemblages of three or more persons, which causes an immediate danger of or results in
damage ot injury to the ptoperty or person of any other individual. . . (a) (1) . . .use, application or making
of any fitearm, ot explosive or incendiary device, or technique capable of causing injury or death to
petsons...or...(a)(2)...ftansports otmanufactures fortransportationin commerce any frearm, or
explosive or incendiary device, knowing ot having reason to know or intending that the same will be
used unlawfully in futthetance of a civil disorder. . . or. . (") (3) . . . commit axy ^ct to obstruct, impede, ot
interfere with any fueman ot law enfotcement officet lawfully engaged in the lawful petformance of
official duties incident to and during the commission of a civil disotder. ..".72
The term civil disobedience in contrast is a non-violent form of ptotest or tesistance to obeying certain
laws, demands and commands of a govemment ot of an occupying power. Civil disobedience has been
ptomoted by nationalist movements in Africa and India, the civil dghts movement of the U.S., and
labor and anti-war movements in many counfties. Civil disobedience is sometimes equated with protests
or non-violent resistance. Acts of civil disobedience can start peacefirlly but can lead to violence. In this
context, civil disorder arising ftom civil disobedience in which participants turn violent and antagonistic
toward public safety and civil authority is illegal. Washington state law defines civil disorder as "any
public disturbance involving acts of violence that is intended to cause an immediate danger of, ot to
result in, significant injury to property or the petson of any other individual." Under Revised Code of
Washington 9A.48.1.20, civil disotder training "as (1)...a person is guilty of civil disorder training if he or
she teaches ot demonstrates to any other person the use, application, or making of any device or
technique capable of causing significant bodily injury or death to persons, knowing, or having reason to
11 CBC News. January 6,2000.1VTO protests hit Seattle in the pocketbook. Accessed online on 8/26/79 fuom
https: / /www.cbc.calnews/world /wto-protests-hit-seattle-in-the-pocketbook- 1.245428.
12 Office of the Law Revision Council. 18 USC Ch.72: Civil Disorders. Accessed online on 8/26/19 ftom
httos://uscode.house.sov/view.xhtml?oath= /orelim@.itle l8loart1lchaoterl2&edition jorelim.
know or intending that same will be unlawfully employed fot use in, or in furtherance of, a civil
disorder". ..and Q) classifies it as a "class B felony."
Vulnerability Characteristics and Previous Occurrences
Civil disotdet may result ftom many situations and encompass a broad spectrum of civil action that
ranges from peaceful events to other forms of disturbance caused by a group of people. The severity of
such disturbances often teflects the degtee of public displeasute ot exptession of discontent. Examples
of civil disorder include, but are not necessarily limited to: violent demonstrations and other forms of
obstructions, riots, sabotage, and other fotms of cdme. Civil disotder can be a dangerous condition that
can become increasingly chaotic and volatile.
Laws have evolved that govern civil disotder and peacefully resolve conflict. In the United States,
gathering in a crowd is constitutionally protected under "the right of the people to peacefully assemble."
However, assemblies that are not peaceable are generally not protected. The laws that deal with
disruptive conduct ate generally grouped into offenses that disturb the public peace. They mnge from
misdemeanors, such as blocking sidewalks or challenging anothet to fight, to felonies, such as looting
and rioting.13
The circumstances surrounding civil disordet may be spontaneous or may result from escalating
tensions as was demonstrated during 1999 Seatde Wodd Trade Organizaion protests. Civil disorder
can erupt anywhere but the most likely locations are those areas with large population gtoupings or
gathetings.la Sites that ate attractive for political rallies should be viewed as potential locations for the
epicenter of civil disotder events. Disruption of critical infiastructure may occur during very severe civil
disotder events. Public services such as water, power, communication, and ffansportation may be
temporarily unavailable.
Civil disotdet can also occur in proximity to locations whete a 'trigget event' occured as was the case in
Jantary 2077 at Univetsity of Washington when demonstrators and counter-demonstrators gathered as
a politically conservative commentatot was scheduled to speak. Violent protests took place on campus
and a petson was shot.
The Seattle Matdi Gtas riot occurred on February 27 , 200'1,, when distutbances btoke out in the Pioneer
Square neighbothood during Mardi Gtas celebrations. Thete were numetous tandom attacks on tevelers
ovet a period of about three and a half houts. Thete were reports of widespread brawling, vandalism,
and weapons being brandished. Damage to local businesses exceeded $100,000. About 70 people were
13 Revised Code of Washington Title 9A.
la Mid-America Regional Council. 2015. Regional Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan. Accessed online on8/26/79 fuom
httos://www.marc.orElEmerEencv-Services-9-7-1/odt/2015HNIPdocs/Hr\IP2015 Sec4-Fl\Z-CivilDisorder.asox.
reported injuted. Sevetal women wete sexually assaulted. One man, Kds I{ime, died of injuries sustained
during an attempt to assist a woman being brutalized.ls
Civil disotder can also occur as a collective outbutst ftom a causal factor or dtiver. For example, past
May Day protests in Seatde have toutinely exhibited violence or vandalism. A 2013 May Day protest in
downtown Seattle turned violent with police tesponding to demonstratots throwing rocks, botdes, metal
pipes,'Ftreworks -- and even a skateboard. The clashes left eight officem with injudes, and police
reporting the atrests of 17 people on vadous offenses including property destruction and assault. During
the clashes, police deployed flash-bang gtenades and tackled unruly protesters to the ground.16 In 2076
May Day protest in Seatde a peaceful march tumed violent when protesters lit Fteworks and threw
rocks and Molotov cocktails at police. Nine people were arrested and five officers were injured in the
While May Day is riot recognized as an official holiday, many fteat it as a nationwide day of strike vdth
thousands turning out for peaceable protests and marches in Seatde.17 Other groups, such as anti-
capitalists, anti-fascists, tadical environmentalists and anatchists plan May Day events too with chaos
and violence often resulting in attests, inftastructure damage and interruption to transportation sewices
These aten't the only gtoups to demonstrate on May Day.In the 1970s, anti-war protesters took to the
streets of Seattle. Anti-police brutality activists joined anarchists in 2015.18
The ultimate severity of any civil disotder event will depend on the magnitude of the event and its
location. The more widesptead an event is, the greater the likelihood of excessive injury loss of life and
property damage. Additional factots, such as the ability of law enforcement to contain the event, are
also ctitical in minimizing damages.
Against this backdrop and historical precedence, King County will continue to experience civil disorder
stemming ftom civil distutbance in which participants turn violent and antagonistic toward civil
authodty in Seattle and other communities. However, based on King County's experience with such
disturbances, the probability that such incidents will develop into mass violence of civil disotder remains
ls Burton, Lynsi. February 1,6,2075. Looking back: Mardi Gras riots of 2001,. The Seattb Times. Accessed online on
8/26 /1,9 from https:/ /www.seattlepi.com/seatdenews /articlell-ooking-back-Mardi-Gras-riots-of-2001-6084162.php.
16 Watts, Amanda and Lindy Royce-Bartlett. May 2,2013. 17 arrested as Seattle May Day protests turn violent. CNN.
Accessed online on 8/26/19 from https://www.cnn.com/2013l05/01/us/seatde-may-day-protests/index.html.
17 Mirfendereski, Taylor. April 30, 2017. \Vhat is May Day? King 5 News. Accessed online on 8/26/79 ftom
httos: / /www.kins5.com/art-icle /news /local/what-is-mav-dav /281-435393398.
18 Guevara, Natalie. Mzy 7,2079. May Day: A primer on the labor, immigrant rights rally and its history in Seattle. T/e
Seattle Po$-lntelkgnnr. Accessed online on 8/26/19 from https://www.seatdepi.com/seatdenews/article/Nlay-Day-
Sealde-orotest-immisration-labor-anarchv- 1 3 808200.oho.
Scenario Drivers
Civil Disorder can arise ftom many situations and be triggeted by a specific issue or by combination of
causes. Instances of police violence have often been a scenario trigger for civil disorder (e.g. 2009
Oakland police shooting of Oscar Grant).to In I{ing Countf, the 2008 video of a King County deputy
assaulting a teen girl in a holding cell was teferenced in a Seatde 2010 'March Against Police Brutality'
flyer.20 During the Capital Hill demonstration Seattle police arrested five individuals for investigation of
crimes tanging from ftespassing to inciting a dot.
While demonstrations and ptotests can occur throughout King County, these civil actions often involve
free speech dghts in public places and do not evolve into chaos and violence. Civil disotder within King
County remains centeted in the Seattle atea. Fot planning pulposes, civil disorder occurs in areas of
govemment buildings, military bases, schools/universities, city council meetings, state/city parks and
within a downtown core.
The lines between civil disotdet, civil disobedience, civil untest and ptotest/demonstrations are often
times blurred and encompass a wide mnge of actions fiom peaceful to violent, from legal to illegal and
ftom spontaneous to highly planned. Furthet, while a group of people may orgat-ize and bring attention
to a speciFrc cause through peaceful protest/demonstradons, a smaller, separate group may engage in
illegal tactics. This group of anarchists ate seen as purveyors of violence and destruction.2l Typically,
criminal anatchists employ a common mode of dtess which is pat of a tactic frequently called "Black
Bloc." In the "Black Bloc" sftatagem, thtongs of criminal anatchists all dtess in black clothing in an
effott to ^ppe t as a unified assemblage, giving the appearance of solidarity for the particular cause at
hand. This tactic is particulatly troubling fot law enforcement security forces, as no anarchist rioter can
be distinguished ftom another, allowing virtual anonymity while conducting criminal acts as a group.
Black Bloc gained attention in the United States in 1999 after violent protests at a meeting of the Wodd
Trade Organizaion in Seatde, accotding to a 2007 history of tlle tactic on the anarchist news website,
A-Infos. Hundteds of people were affested in the Seatde dots, which involved anarchists vandahzrng
Not evetry public protest ot demonsftation will ^ttt^ct an element of cdminal anatchists. The types of
demonsftations unlawful anarchists most commonly attend include those against environmentally
hatmful ptactices, those against gentrification, and anti-police rallies.
1e Associated Press. June 13,20t1.. Ex-BART OffrcerJohannes Mehsede Released From Jail. KPIX CBS SF Ba1 Area.
Accessed online on 8/26 / 19 from https: //sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2011 /06/ 13 /ex-bart-officer-johannes-mehsede-
released- from-orison /.
zo JSeattle. April 9, 2010. Protest against police brutality starts at Seattle Central. Capitnl Hi// Seattb Bbg. Accessed online
on 8/26 /19 from https: / /www.capitolhillseatde.com/2010/04lprotest-against-police-brutalir,v-starts-at-seattle-central/.
21 Flowers, Kory. January 30,2015. Understanding the Black Block. Polia: The l-aw Enforcement Magaqlne. Accessed online
on 8/26/79 from https://www.policemag.com/341767lunderstanding-the-black-bloc.
2 Rossman, Sean. February 2,20\7 . G-20 summit protests: What is a Black Bloc? USA TodEl Accessed online on
8/26/19 fromhttps:/ /www.usztoday.com/story/news/naion-now/2017 /02/02/whzt-black-bloc/97393870/.
Priority Vu I nera bilities
Priority lmpact Areas
King County All King County tesidents can be impacted, though those who live or wotk in downtown
tesidents ateas tend to be more exposed and impacted by civil disorder incidents.
Ethnic minority and immigant communities are historically targeted by civil disorder
events. While rare in our region, the United States has a long histoly of racially-motivated
dots that burn and destoy minority-owned businesses and homes.
Propetty Much of the impact ftom civil disorder is to property, secondary only to economic
impacts. Dudng the World Trade Organtzation protests in 2000, over $20 million in
damage was tecorded by businesses and $9 million in costs to the city.
The economy Economic impacts caused by loss of business, destruction of businesses, and business
interruption can exceed the property damage dollar figures by a factor of two or more.
Lost sales and uninsued losses can peffnanendy desttoy many businesses. Areas can also
become petceived as unsafe ot unwelcoming for business, further hurting the economy.
Civil Disorder will have a minimum impact on the environment; unless, hazard matedal
facilities such as petroleum, chemical, and recycling are targeted in arson fues ot
vandalism. The impact on the environment in such cases could be significant.
Health systems can be overwhelmed by civil disordet incidents, such as when large
numbers of demonsftatots are brought to the hospital due to exposure to tear gas or due
to clashes with counter-demonstrators or with police.
Govemment facilities
Civil disordet incidents often target govemment orgarizaions or visible
images of the government such as police vehicles, city halls, or court
Businesses such as banks, businesses in downtown areas or along
ftanspottation routes, and other commercial establishments are often
targeted during looting or may be targeted for political or racist reasons such
as ownership by an immigrant group in the case of anti-immigration riots or
because they are associated vrith an industry being targeted by the
manifestation (banks, abortion clinics, oil company offices, etc.).
Minority and immigrant
Thete have been multiple incidents in recent years of white-supremacist
organaaions holding events that tum violent, including the Chadottesville,
VA matches that resulted in the death of a woman at the hands of a white
supremacist tertorist who drove his vehicle into a crowd.
(continuity of
confidence in
Majot incidents can bdng govemment services to a standstill. In King County, vzith both
City of Seattle and King County offices are in the same area, along with court facilities. A
major incident in this atea would prevent employees from getting to work or home.
Furthermote, government buildings ate often targeted and can be damaged ot destroyed.
Responders are often on the ftont line of events. Respondets can be tatgeted, causing
injury to petsonnel, damage to facilities, and the loss of equipment. Responders are often
injured during major incidents and, even when events are brought under conftol, may be
seen as an enemy of the community causing long-term trust issues.
Enetgy: Pipelines carryrngoil are a potential target for demonsftators. Oil trains
have been targeted frequendy in Washington; however, these protests do not
tend to tum violent.
Water/Wastewater: Water systems are ntely the primary target of a
demonsftation and may only be pedphetally impacted.
Ttanspottation: One of the largest impacts from a major incident is disruption to
ftanspottation. Ttansit facilities and assets like busses may be destroyed. Roads
can be closed fot hours ot days.
Communications: Communication systems are redundant and arc unlikely to be
a civil disordet incident.
Majot incidents can cause long-term damage to public confidence in the jurisdiction or,
especially, public safety elements of jurisdiction governance. This can cause either
alienation or, when tesponse is proactive, help rebuild confidence and trust. To best
preserve and gtow conftdence, a jurisdiction must respond quickly and effectively but
uiithout excessive force. The genetal public expects a quick restoration of order and
capabilities protection of properry while activists may demand accountability from officials and safety
for peaceful demonstrators.
Regional Risk Profile: Cyber Incident
Hazard Description
Information technology has become embedded in the ways we conduct business, work and live. In a
govemment coritext technology is fundamental to public services such as providing healthcare, public
transportation, law enforcement , cilizen engagement, public utilities, and supporting tax and rate payers.
A cybet-incident can have a severe impact on technology and thetefore local government's capability to
deliver services and conduct daily operations.
A cyber incident is defined by the Depattment of Homeland Secudty (DHS) in the 2016 National Cyber
Incident Response Plan as "an event occurring on or conducted through a computer netwotk that
actually or imminendy jeopatdizes the confidentiality, integrirJ or avaJlability of computers, information
on communication systems ot netwotks, physical ot virtual inftastructure controlled by computers or
information systems, ot information tesident thereon23.
o Confidentiality refets to the ability to preserve authorized restrictions on information access and
disclosure, including means fot ptotecting personal privacy and ptoprietary information.
o Integntl speaks to guarding against imptopet infotmation modihcation or destruction and
ensuring information non-repudiation and authenticity.
o Data Integrity - The property that data has not been altered in an unauthonzed manner.
Data integtity covers data trt storage, during processing, and while in transit.
o System Integdty - The quality that a system has when it performs its intended function in
an unimpaired manner, free from unauthorized manipulation of the system, whethet
intentional ot accidental.
o Availability tefets to the ability to ensute timely and reliable access to and use of informaionz4
The nature of a cyber-incident differs from other hazards such as a landslide or an earthquake because it
often lacks physical presence ot evidence. The Ponemon Institute estimates the average time to identify
a databreach is 206 days. When the breach is discovered it has already occured or is still ongoing.2s The
time it takes to fully contain a breach, aftet it has been identified, is 73 days. Organizaions have
seen an inctease in the identification and containment mean time over the last few years, which has been
attributed to the incteasing severity of criminal and malicious attacks.26
Wherevet information technolopfes exist and are used, cyber incidents can occur. As the County
becomes more and more dependent on its IT infrastructure it also becomes more vulnerable to IT
telated disruptions. Most cyber incidents can be categonzed as malicious attacks, human errors or as
23 National Cyber Incident Response Plan, Department of Homeland Security, December 2076 p. 8
2a https:/ /nvlpubs.nist.govlnistpubs/SpecialPublications/NIST.SP.800 -t2t1.pdf 10/ 14/19
25 IBM 2019 Cost of a Data Breach Report: Global Overview. p 50
26IBM 2019 Cost of aD*a Breach Report Giobal Overview p 50
system glitches. More than 507o of the incidents ate estimated to be caused by malicious or criminal
Cyber incidents based on actors with malicious intent can be ddven by criminal motives for profit,
extortion, and theft or to damage, destroy or interfete with inftastructure systems. Otganizations
woddwide experience malicious attacks on a daily basis. Most of the attacks are unstructured with litde
to no organization behind them such as a phishing attack ot malwate hidden in a downloaded file.
Attacks ate carried out with tools aiming to take advantage of well-known flaws and ate often detected
by security tools such as antivirus programs befote they cause harm. Howevet, an undetected attack can
cause significantharm to an organization before it's detected and fully contained. Mote sophisticated
attacks with a specific target are less common, hatdet to detect and take longer to contain. These attacks
ate more likely to have a catastrophic impact on an organization causing disruptions over some or all of
the netwotk. Ovet the last few years attackets have been tatgeting otganizations using sophisticated
tansomware, which encrypts the otgatizations' data and demands a ransom to decrypt it. Other attacks
include cybet tettotism, aiming to cause sufficient destruction or disruption, to generate fear or
undermine entities such as an orgarizaion, a tegion, a sector or a country.
Cybet incidents due to human errors or system glitches can occur because of negligence, lack of
implemented policies and/or ptocess, uncleat toles and tesponsibilities, insufficient training
misconfigurations etc. Such incidents are often identified and contained fastet than disruptions caused
by malicious actors28. Human errors and system glitches can expose confidential data, decrease
availability and put data integrity at risk.
Data centets, physical IT infrastructure and hatdwate ate vulnerable to othet hazatds such as long
lasting pov/et outages, flooding, eatthquakes and ftes. In the event of such hazards it is likely that the
disruption to infotmation technology will slow down the tecovery time of critical communication
systems, essential services and hardwate.
Unshielded electronic and electrical equipment is sensitive to electromagnetic pulses (EIvtP) An EMP is
an intense burst of electromagnetic energy resulting from natural (e.g. solar storms or space weather) ot
man-made (e.g. nuclear or pule-power device). An EMP can temporaily affect or permanendy damage
electronic equipment. Solar storms rvhich affects electronic equipment are rate but have occurred in the
past impacting GPS satellite systems and signals sent to gtound-based receivets2e.
The impact of a cyber-incident ranges from minimal to catastrophic depending on factors such as;
magnitude of internal and extemal impact, affected systems, length of the inciden! the nature of the
data and so on. A small earthquake, a misconfigumtion which was discoveted eady without any
implications or a stolen encrypted laptop without sensitive data could have a minimal impact on the
County. Whereas a ransomwate attack which encrypts all ot most of the County's data could have a
27 IBM 2018 Cost of aDataBteach Report: Global Overview. p 6
28 IBM 2018 Cost of a Data Breach Report: Global Overview. p 9
2e NASA Solar Flares, https://www.nasa.gov/mission-pages/suneatthf newsfX-class-flares.htt'nl2019-70-74
catasftophic impact on the organizaion leading to loss of County opetational capability, economic and
teputational loss as well as life, health and safety risks and financial loss for individuals who live, work or
visit the region.
Vulnerability Characteristics and Previous Occurrences
Regatdless of the natute of the cybet incident, ^fly area where an IT system supports the County
services can be vulnerable. In otder to reduce the risk of cybet incidents it is important to mariage
thteats and mlnerabilities, have established backup systems, incident response plans and exercises,
disastet recoveq/ and continuity of opetations. The magnitude of a cyber-incident varies greatly based
on the extent and duration of the impact. The extent vades based on which specific system or data is
affected, possible warning time, the ability to preempt the incident and activate a well-known and
effective incident tesponse plan.
Minot cybet incidents which are identified eady and are recoverable may have some impact on daily
operations before fully contained but won't have any significant effect on the County. A signihcant
incident can have a major impact not only to the County but the region. Such incidents may tesult in
safety and health risks, hnancial losses for the County and the tegion, teputational damage and inability
to comply with regulatory tequkements including penalties and fines. It may also affect the County's
ability to achieve critical strategic objectives and fulhll Executive priorities.
The County's business essential services ate critical to support life, health and safety in the region. Cyber
incidents affecting those systems and services can have catastrophic impact on people who live, work or
visit the region if they're not available within 0-72 houts aftet the initial disruption. The business
essential services also include functions with legal requirements.
The County manages public, sensitive and confidenaal data on behalf of people who live, wotk and visit
the region. Some of the data is tegulated by federal law, Revised Code of Washington and national or
global compliance tegulations. Unauthorized, unanticipated, ot unintentional disclosure of confidential
data could tesult in loss of teputational damage, or legal action against the County and can, amongst
othet things tesult in identity theft ot financial loss for impacted individuals. Personal Health
Inforrnation (PHI) is more valuable on the black matket than tegulat Petsonally IdentiFrable
Information @If . Therefore, there is a highet incentive for malicious attackets to target PHI than
sensitive data such as PII. Loss of critical system or data availability, functionality and operational
effectiveness, for example, may result in loss of ptoductivity, thus impeding the end users'performance
of theit functions in supporting the County's opetations. If hardwate, computer systems, networks,
servers and backups ate damaged due to othet hazatds or accidental or deliberate damage, it can cause
additional delays. System and data integrity is lost if unauthorized changes are made to the data ot IT
system by either intentional or accidental acts. If the loss of system or data integrity is not corrected,
continued use of the contaminated system or corrupted data could result in inaccutacy, fraud, or
erroneous decisions.
King County has services dying on SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) systems.
SCADA systems are industry control systems which ate used to control infrastructure and facility based
lll ta gco,rty
processes such as wastewater treatment and airpotts. Cybet incidents affecting those type of services can
have severe impact on areas such as the envitonmeng health, safety and financial consequences for the
Not all IT systems stilized by the County ate owned or managed by the County. The County relies on
numerous third paty vendors and partners who ate also exposed to cyber incidents and can therefore
be vulnetable to cyber disruptions in other otganizations.
Cybet incidents occur daily across the globe. The quantity of information being stolen by malicious
attackers, destroyed or exposed as a tesult of a human error or made unavailable due to a system glitch
is gtowing each year. King County is the recipient of a constant variety of attacks ranging from scans for
weaknesses in our defenses, malwate, phishing, and intemet based attacks, as well as insider threats. The
timeline below compdses state, national and intemational events and exemplihes consequences of a
Geomagnetic stoms and solar flares disabled the Global Positioning Systr
over the United States
Dispute tegarding movement of a Russian statue led to a ryber-attack thar
websites fot banks media oudets etc.
Hackers disabled communications, alarms, and caused a crude oil refinery
the Tutkish to tions and facilities
Hackets stole credit catd information from over 40 million T custorn
Washington State expedenced a six hour long 911 system outage due to
human etrot.
280 000 AT&T accounts was breached by insiders who accessed user
information with malicious intent.
The Office of Personal Management experienced a malicious attack result
in ovet 20 million records.
Over 1 billion Yahoo user accounts were compromise d n 201,3 and was
discoveted and communicated tn 2016.
storm affected and radios.
Due to human error the National Transport Agency exposed its entire
database including military secrets and personal identifiable information o
individuals in the vritness protection program, military personnel, and polt
Year Location
2006 United States
2007 Estonia
2008 Tutkey
201,3 United States
2074 Washington State
20't4 United States
201.5 United States
2076 Global
2077 Global
2077 Sweden
201,7 Global WannaCry, a ransomwate virus affected over 200 000 computers across 150
2017 Washington State The Univetsity of Washington suffered a HIPAA data breach exposing
information of neady 1 million patients due to human error.
2018 United States The City of Adanta, Geotgia and the Colorado Department of ftansportation
suffered a ransomwate attack named SamSam.
201,8 United states The City of Yaldez in Alaska was targeted by a ransomwarc attack that
remained dormant for weeks before doinq any damage.
201,9 Washington State The City of Sammamish was targeted by a ransomware attack that shut down
many city online services, tequiring the city manager to declare an emergency
and tequest suppoft from law enforcement and King County IT and hire a
tech company to help resolve the cdsis.
Scenario Drivers
Cybet incidents can occur at any time, with or without pervious wamings. Cyber incidents based on an
actors malicious intent can be driven by cdminal motives for profiq extoftion, and theft or to damage,
destroy or intetfere with inftastructufe systems. Cyber incidents due to human errors or system
glitches can occur because ofnegligence, lack ofpolicy andfot process, unclear roles and
resp onsibilities, insufFrcien t training, mis confi gurations etc.
Advanced Petsistent
Threat (APT)
An attack in which the attacker gains access to a network and remains
undetected. APT attacks are designed to steal data instead of cause
Adware A fotm of software that displays advertising content in a manner that is
potentially unexpected and unwanted by users, which may also include
various user-tracking functions (similar to spyware).
Denial-of-Sewice Attack
Attacks that focus on disrupting service to a network in which attackers
send high volumes of data until the net'work becomes ovedoaded and
can no longet function.
Drive-by Downloads Malware is downloaded unknowingly by the victims when they visit an
infected site.
Elecfto Magnetic Pulse
Intense bunt of electromagnetic energy resulting from natural (e.g. solar
stoms or space weather) or man-made (e.g. nuclear or pule-power
device) which can temporanly affect or permaflently damage electonic
]fl rr,gcot rfty
Hazards Earthquakes, flooding and extreme weathet can cause a verity of cyber
incidents including loss of data and system availability and
Malvertising Malwate downloaded to a system when the victim clicks on an affected
Malwate Software that can destroy data, af.f.ect computer perfotmance, cause a
crash, or even allow spammers to send email thtough an account.
Man-in-the-Middle MITM attacks mirrot victims and endpoints for online information
exchange. In this lype of attack, the MITM communicates with the
victim who believes is intemcting *ith the legitimate endpoint website.
The MITM is also communicating with the actual endpoint website by
impersonating the victim. As the process goes through, the MITM
obtains entered and received information from both the victim and
Password Attacks Third patty attempts to crack a user's password and subsequently gain
access to a system. Password attacks do not typically require malwafe,
but tathet stem from software applications on the attacker's system.
These applications may use a vanety of methods to gain access,
including generating large numbers of genetated guesses, or dictionary
attacks, in which passwords are systematically tested against all of the
words in a dictionary.
Due to usets teusing the same password for different systems a
passwotd attack targeting an unrelated system can give the attacket
access to a mofe sought after system.
Pharming Armnging fot a web's site traffic to be redirected to a different,
fraudulent site, eithet through a vulnerability in an agency's ser\rer
software ot thtough the use of malware on a user's computer system.
Phishing Malicious email messages that ask users to click a link or download a
program. Phishing attacks may ^ppe t as legitimate emails from trusted
third parties.
Physical damage Intentional or unintentional damage to physical infrastructure such as
data center, hardwate, power grids etc.
Ransomware Malware that locks a petson's keyboatd of computef to pfevent them
ftom accessingdata until you pay a ransom, usually in Bitcoin. A
popular vadation of this is ransom crr1pto ware, which corrupts fi.les
using a pdvate key that only the attacker possesses
Social Engineering In the context of cyber-security, this tefets to an effort to
psychologically manipulate a person, especially through
misrepresentation or deception, to gain access to information. The
manipulation often telies on the trusting nature of most individuals, or
makes use of many petsons' natutal reluctance to offend others or
^ppe t too mistrustful. The ruse may involve creating impressions that
make things appear mote benevolent, trustworthy, and reliable than they
actually are. Some schemes are very complex, and involve several stages
of manipulation ovet a substantial period of time.
Social Engineeted Trojans Programs designed to mimic legitimate processes (e.g. updating
software, running fake antivirus software) with the end goal of human-
interaction caused infection. When the victim runs the fake process, the
Trojan is installed on the system.
Spear Phishing A form of phishing that targets a specihc individual, company, or
agency, usually relying on an accumulation of information to make
subsequent ruses mote effective when further probing the tatget, until a
successful security breach fi""lly becomes possible.
SpooFrng Attempting to gain access to a system by posing as an authodzed user,
synonymous with impersonating, masquerading, or mimicking.
Attempting to fool a network user into believing that a particular site
was reached, when actually the user has been led to access a false site
that has been designed to appear authentic, usually for the pqpose of
g"irirg valuable information, fticking the user into downloading
harmful software, ot providing funds to the fraudsters.
Spyware Softwate that allows others to gain private information about a user,
without that petson's knowledge or consent, such as passwords, credit
card numbers, social secudty numbets, or account information.
Structured Qoery
Langaage inj ection (S QL,
Attackets use malicious SQL code for backend database manipulation to
access information that was not intended to be displayed.
Virus A program or code that attaches itself to a legitimate, executable
program, and then teptoduces itself when that program is run.
Worm A self-contained ptogtam (or set of programs) that is able to spread
copies of itself to other computer systems, usually through network
connections of email attachments
Zerc-day exploit An attack which occrrs the same day a vulnerability is discovered in the
software. The vulnerability is exploited by the attacker before it can be
fixed by apatch or a petmanent solution.
Priority Vu I nera bi I ities
Priority lmpact Areas
Essential Services The County has identified a number of essential services which are
critical to support life, health, safety and legal requirements in the
Critical SCADA Systems Industrial conftol systems which are used to conftol infrastructure and
factltfiJ based ptocesses such as wastewater treatment and airports.
Critical facilities Facilities such as data centets and incident response facilities
Critical devices Smart devices paired to essential services such as medical devices.
Communication system Although separate communication systems can be utilized in the event
of a sevete incident the County still telies on its communications
systems fot daily operations.
King County tesidents Anyone who is ptesent in King County dudng a cyber-incident can be
impacted. Impact on residents may include: delayed services such as
transpottation, impaired or cancelled healthcare services, decreased or
no availability of public services, information, and financial loss and
exposed or lost infonnation.
Vulnerable populations
Individuals who have a d'itss1 dependency on King County fot health
and safety reasons are vulnetable to cyber incidents impacting their
needed services. Other vulnerable populations include individuals and
orgatizalons who depend on an income from the County if payments
can't be ptocessed, who are dependent on critical public services or
County provided transportation.
Property Cybet incidents can cause physical damage if property such as facilities,
devices, inftastructure, ot end consumers are affected by the disruption.
An incident including utilities, life support devices, transportation or
telecommunications may lead to extensive pfopefty damages.
The economy The financial impact of a cyber-incident ranges from little or minimal to
signihcant depending upon duration, scale, affected systems, devices
and usets. A significant, extended cyber incident affecting most or all of
the County's opetations would likely impact the local and possibly
regional economy for some tjme. An incident of that magnitude would
likely cteates significant, potentially long-term or ongoing challenges to
the County's ability to fund essential services and activities related to
Executive priorities.
Orgarizations who experiences cybet incidents which leads to data
bteaches of sensitive or conFrdential information can be subjects to legal
hnes and financial penalties if, for example, Petsonal Healthcare
Information (PHI) is lost or exposed or petsonal identihable
infotmation including social security numbers, ctedit card information
or driver's license information is bteached. Otganizaions who fail to
meet regulatory and conftactual obligations due to a cyber-incident may
have signihcant cost for legal fees, settlements and fines.
The environment The loss of control or availability of the County's SCADA systems
could potentially impact the environment in the region if, fot example, it
causes the release of.hazatdous materials or impropet disposal of waste
Health systems Last yeats' cyber incidents including ransomv/afe attacks, distributed
denial of sewice attacks, system glitches and human error in healthcare
systems all demonstrate that cybet incidents, are capable of triggering
emetgencies that impact patient cate and public health. If an agency
cannot access its own EH\ patient care could be delayed or hindered.
Furthetmore if othet critical healthcate related systems and devices can't
be accessed or data integtity can't be guaranteed patient safety will be at
Govemment operations
(continuity of operations)
Minor cyber incidents which ate identified eady and are tecoverable may
have some impact on daily opetations before fully contained but won't
lead to significant loss of opetations. A signiFrcant incident impacting
one ot mote functions and businesses can severely affect the County's
capability to perform cdtical operations. However, not all daily
opetations are critical. The County has dehned its essential services,
which need to become opetational within 0-72 hours after disruption to
ensure the organizations capability to maintain critical healthcare, safety
and legal and regulatory needs.
In the event of a ryber-incident which render a non-critical service
unavailable the County may lose revenue, expedence loss of
productivity and risks losing data over time.
Responders Emetgency responders may not be able to access their mission critical
system, expedence delays or performance issues. If data conFrdentiality
is lost the public may lose theit ttust in organizaion and system. If data
integrity is lost it may put patients and first responders at risk.
King County may expetience a prolonged incident response if the
disruption is long lasting, complexed and exhausting intemal resources.
Infrastructure systems
Energy - Information technology has a direct dependenry to
energy. Ahazard impacting the power system can therefore
have a secondary effect on the County and lead to a cybet-
incident due to loss of power to devices tendering systems and
dataunavailable, loss of powet to cooling systems which can
cause ovetheating and fires in server rooms and data centers.
Critical inftasftucture have backup generators. Ensuring fuel
delivery dudng long lasting power outages for the generators is
A cyber incident impacting King County and no other
otganizaion should not have an effect on the energy system.
o Water/Wastewater - Both water and wastewater facilities and
infrastructure are vulnerable to cyber incidents on their SCADA
systems, which can result in the release of.hazardous material
and malfunctioning systems. Such scenarios can result in
envfuonmental impact and create health and safety dsks in the
r Transpottation - Transportation systems are vulnetable to
attacks on their SCADA systems, which may tesult in trains and
vehicles not opetating as planned, airport functionality issues,
delays, cancellations which can tesult in a secondaq' economic
impact in the region due to loss of productive if people can't
access public transportation to and from work.
r Communications - The County relies on different types of
technology based communications methods such as its website,
VOIP and email to conduct its daily operations. A cyber
incident impacting the VOIP or email system would quickly
tesult in a loss of productivity, a negative consumer experience
and could potentially halter or delay some of the County's
Public confidence in
jurisdiction's governance
and capabilities
Recent cybet-incidents involving govemment agencies such as the
ransomware attack on the City of Atlanta shows that such large scale
disruption generate National media interest; third paty actions;
jeopatdizes perceptions of effective operations, Executive priorities, and
public confidence.
Regional Risk Profile: Dam Failure
Hazard Description
Dam failure is an uncontrolled, oftentimes, rapid release of watet from an impoundment.30 The impact
of failure varies on factors such as impoundment size, steepness, land use downstream of the dam, and
speed of failure. For larger dams, failure is chatacterizedby a flood wave with high velocities. Smaller
dams may only raise water levels slightly and slowly. The tesult of a dam failure can result in loss of life,
propefty, inftastructute damage, public health impacts, safe drinking watei, and environmental
degradation within the inundation zone, but may have secondary effects on populations outside of the
flooded area.
The Nfashington State Depattment of Ecology Dam Safety OfFrce is the regulating body over non-
fedetal dams that impound at least 7}-acre feet of water in the State of Washington. The DSO permits
all new dam construction, inspects all high and significanthazard dams every 5 years, and requfues that
all dehciencies be remedied.
Drnr rllt lrlr*rd lAFr
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30 Tetra Tech. 2077 . King Counly Dam Safety Emergency Planning Gap Analysis Report. Page 10.
Dams serve the County in a variety of ways, agricultute, hydroelectric power generation, flood control,
and recreation. King County has 727 dams located in the County. AU but eleven of these dams are
embankment-type dams. Conftary to the popular images of dams like Hoover, these dams are smaller
and are typically made of a mixture of compacted materials such as soil, clay, and rock. A semi-pewious
outet coveting *ith a dense impewious cote gives embankment dams theit ability to resist seepage and
water pressure. The other dams ate made of concrete.
While there are 1.27 dams in King County, there arc 2l olher dams situated in neighboring counties that
impact the County if they'were to fail. Out of rhe'1.47 total dams, 94 threaten human life. A firll list of
dams that impact King County can be found at the end of this section.
x Legacy classification, parsing all 2's into 2D's and 2F-'s 31
Dams fail for a vaiety of reasons, but the four most common are:32
o OvertoPprng,34o/o - caused by the reservoit reaching capacity and water spilling over the top of
r Foundation defects, 30oh - caused by settlement and slope instabi]ity
o Piping and seepage,20oh - when water travels through the dam and causes intemal erosion
o Conduits and valves, 10% - Piping of embankment material into the conduit through joints or
3r 'Washington State Department of Ecology - Water Resources Program - Dam Safety Office. 2019. Inventory of Dams
32 Washington State Department of Ecology - Water Resoutce Program - Dam Safety Ofhce. Accessed 8/28/201,9.
https: / /ecology.wa.gov/Water-Shorelines /Water-suppl,.z/Dams /Emergency-planning-response /Incidents-failures.
1A = High - Gteatet than 300 lives at dsk 10
18 = High - 31 to 300 lives at risk 18
1C = High -7 to 30lives at risk 42
2x = Significant - 1. to 6 lives at risk 17
2D = Significant - 1 to 6 lives at risk 7
2E = Significant - Environmental ot economic impact 3
3 = Low - No lives at risk 50
I Iazarcl (.1ass Ntrr-nl;cr'
Dam failure events are inftequent and may coincide vzith othet events, such as earthquakes, landslides,
excessive tainfa[, wildfires, lahats and snowmelt The average age of dams in King County is 47. As
infrastructure ages, increased spending is needed to maintain its integrity.
Following are a selection of events that may cause a dam to fail.
can tesult in damage ot failute of a dam. Earthquake effects on
mainly depend on dam types. For example, the 201,1, Tohoku Earthquake
48 dams, causing one embankmeot g/pe dam to fail3s. Safety concems
embankment dams subjected to eathquakes involve either the loss of
Earthquake3a bility due to a loss of strength of the embankment and foundation materials or
such as slumping, settlement, cracking and planer or rotational
failures. Dams are engineered to withstand the Maximum Considered
but older dams may have been engineered before we fully
tJre earthquake risk in the region.
dam failute probabilities are low. The chance of flooding associated with
Climate Change36
of dam opemtion in response to weather pattems is higher. Dam
and operations are developed in part ftom hydtographs and historical
If weather pattems experience signihcant changes over time due to the
of climate change, the dam design and operations may no longer be
for the changed condition. Release rates and impound thresholds may have
33 Washington State Department of Ecology - Water Resource Program - Dam Safety Office. 2018. Status of High and
Signif,cant HazatdDams. Page 6.
34 KUOW. Seattle's Faults: Maps that Highlight Our Shaky Ground. Accessed 8/29/79.
http: / /archive.kuow.orglpost/seatdes-flaults-maps-highlight-our-shaky-ground
3s International Commission on Large Dams. 2013. The 2077 Tohoku Earthquake and Dams. Page 9.
36 Climate Impacts Group - University of Washington. 2018. New Projections of Changing Heavy Precipitation in King
County. Page 40.
be changed. This would result in increased dischatges downstream, thus
the probability and severity of flooding.
integfity of a dam or reservoir can be affected by a landslide if they fail or
Landslides can be triggered by heavy l.ainfalJ., snowmelt, reseryoir
or eatthquakes. Landslides can occrr upstream in the resewoir, in a
downstream of a dam, or vzithin the abutment of a dam. A landslide into
reservoir can generate a wave large enough to overtop a dam. Sloshing back
forth in the teservoir can result in multiple waves overtopping the dam. If
waves atelarge enough, thete could be downstream consequences can just
Landslides3T a wave ovettopping the dam even if it doesn't fail. If enough large waves
an embankment dam ot a concrete dam with erodible abutments, a
could potentially tesult38. Some dams in the County have been built
butting a landslide. Often, these ate ancient landslides that have stopped
or are moving very slowly. However, if a landslide moves far enough, it
crack the core of an embankment dam, resulting in pathways for internal
to initiate, or disrupting the abutment support of a dam, resulting in
of the County's highest hazard dams lie within wildFre-prone areas
can damage dams, such as Eightmile dam near Leavenworth, direcdy
butning the sutface of the dam or spillway and damaging other facilities at the
But the main threat fiom wildfites is how the surrounding watershed
Heavy rains in a burned area can create:
o More and faster runoff from rainfall events, especially high-intensity
r Large amounts of sedimenq which may reduce stofage capacity in a
o Debds flows (mudslides) or downed timber, which may obstruct access
to the dam.
r Debris flows from hill slopes near spillways, which may obstruct
o Mote floating debds (dead tees, branches, sticks) in a tesewoir, which
may obstruct spillwaysal
37 Washington State Department of Natural Resources. Geological Portal Information. AccessedS/28/2019.
https:/ /seolowoortal.dnr.wa.sov / #natural hazards
38 U.S Department of the Interior: Bureau of Reclamation. 2015. Risk Management: H-2 Landslide Risks. Page 1.
3e Quartz. 2015.The Wodd's Biggest Hydro Power Project May Be Causing Giant Landslides in China.
https: / /qz.com /436880/the-wodds-biggest-hydropower-proiect-may-be-causing-giant-landslides-in-china,/
a0 NW News Network. 2019. Eightmile Dam Near Leavenworth Has New Spillway, Is Being Monitored.
https:/ /www.nwnewsnetwork.org/post/eightmile-dam-near-leavenworth-has-new-spiilway-being-monitored
a1 Washington State Department of Ecology - Water Resources Program - Dam Safety Office. 2015. Focus on Dams
and lTildfires. Page 1.
lf, tct gc..nry
Green River 2009 Green Rjver 201.2 10O-Year Floodplain
Additionally, new development, outside of the 100 year flood plain, continues in dam inundation zones,
meaning the population-at-dsk ftom dam failute'will continue to rise. Below shows development
outside of the floodplain, but udthin a dam failure inundation atea.
Vulnerability Characteristics and Previous Occurrences
King County has high hazard 1A dams that sit on the Green, White, Cedar, and Tolt Rivers.
Additionally, Culmback dam in Snohomish County would flood parts of the Lower Snoqualmie Valley
The Gteen, White and Lower Snoqualmie Valleys are the ateas of gteatest concern for dam failure.
Smaller privately owned and govemment dams ate also a concem, as they may not have access to
funding streams that other larget municipal govemments do.
Fout dam failute incidents have occurred in King County; they account fot all lives lost due to dam
failure in Washington State:42
o December 1918 - Masonry Dam neat North Bend had excessive seepage, which caused a
mudflow, desuoyed a nihoad line and damaged the village of Eastwick; no lives lost.
r Februa4/ 1.932 - Eastwick railroad fill failed. A slide caused raikoad fill to back up and fail,
destroyed a rtilroad line and damaged the village of Eastwick; 7 lives were lost.
o July 1,976 - Incteased dischatge ftom Mud Mountain Dam caused a surge in flow killing two
children playing in the White River neat Aubum.
o January 1997 - N. Boeing Cteek Dam in Shoreline failed due to excessive seepage, poor
hydtaulics, and no emergency spillway during alarge storm evenq no lives were lost.
Othet notable dam incidents in King County:
o InJanuary 2009 two depressions wete discovered in the right abutment of the United States
Army Coqps of Engineets' Howatd Hanson Dam. While tepairs were being conducted, thete
a2 Washington State Department of Ecology - Water Resources Program - Dam Safety Offtce.2079. Washington State
Notable Dam Failures and Incidents.
was a 1 in 3 chance of a 25,000 cfs release down the Green Rivet which would have caused
significant flooding. The USACE was able to fully fix the dam by 2011 before a substantial
flood ensued. Kitg County and local jurisdictions spent $30 million on flood protection that
wasn't reimbursed by FEMA.+I
r InJanuary 2009, Mud Mountain Dam, owned and operated by the USACE, teleased a higher
than usual flow down the White River dudng aheavy rain event. As a resulq 100 homes were
flooded. Since then, King County Flood Control Disttict, Washington State, and Pierce County
jointly funded a levee setback to teduce the dsk of flooding and inctease habitat testotation44.
Scenario Drivers
Hanson, constructed in 7961, is a fedetally owned and operated dam by the
States Army Colps of Engineets. Its primary purpose is to provide flood
trol in the winter and fish enhancement in the sufilmer. It dramatically reduced the
of flooding that the Gteen River Valley experienced before its construction.
Howard A
South Fork Tolt
Mud Mountain
dght abutrnent of tlle dam is the toe of a large landslide. Seepage problems can
fot dams built into landslides. As mentioned previously, landslide activity can
a serious risk to dams. Many mitigation actions have been taken to reduce risk at
dam, such as a gtavel blanket and additional vertical and horizontal drains in the
tunnel have all drastically improved the safety of the dam. If preventative
are not taken, intemal etosion could fail the dam.
South Fork Tolt Dam is owned and opemted by the City of Seattle. It is a
dam that also ptovides drinkingwatet fot 30oh of 1.3 million people
the greater Seatde atea. South Fork Tolt Dam is alarge embankment type dam,
vdth a morning glory spillway
Tolt dam has known landslide hazards below the dam, and above the tesewoir. If
slide wete to occur below the dam, the slide may create a dam of its own. Engineen
need to evaluate what action should be taken. The Tolt Dam would have to
the amount of flow downstream why the risk is being assessed. Additionalln if a
were to occur in the reservoir, an overtopping wave may be generated that could
the dam to fail ot send a flood wave downstream.
Mountain Dam is a United States Army Colps of Engineer owned and operated
on tlle White Rivet. Its primary purpose is to provide flood control for neady
a3 Seatde Times. 201 1. FEMA won't pick up $30 million tab to prepare for flooding.
https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/fema-wont-pick-up-30-million-tab-to-prepare-for-flooding/* Kirg County Department of Natural Resources and Parks - Water and Land Resource Division. 2018. Lower White
River Countyline Levee Setback Prolect. httos://www.kinEcounw.Eov/deots/dnro/wlr/sections-orograms/river-
floodolain-section /caoital-oroiects/lower-white-river-countvline-a-street.asDx
Culmback Dam
Lake Tapps
tesidents in King and Pierce Counties. Typically, there isn't a resewoir being
by the dam. During heavy rains ot times of snowmelt, engineers will
the water and slowly telease it downstream to avoid flooding residents.
White River is a glacial rivet fed by Mt. Rainiet. This leaves the possibility that a
triggeted by an earthquake, volcanic activity, or heavy rains could cause a debds
that would block the intake structure on the dam. Such an event would decrease
storage capacity of the reservoit and cause flows to travel over the spillway. The
in flood control capabilities on the White River would leave the Gleen, White, and
Rivet Valleys susceptible to flooding.
ted in Snohomish County, but inundating a portion of the King County's Lower
Valley, the Culmback Dam is owned and opented by Snohomish Public
tility Disrict One. Culmback offers hydroelectric power generation, flood conttol,
water, and tecteational benefits to the region.
moming glory spillway is designed to maintain adequate levels of
boatd in maximum probable flood events. Changes in hydrology affect the amount
water a dam would need to convey downstream to keep it from failing. Culmback
watetshed lies within a densely forested arca that slows the speed in which
ter entefs the teservoir, prevents sediment from entering the resewoir, and prevents
bris flows. A wildfire around the dam would increase the hy&ologic stain on the
An incteased flow could be compensated with larger releases from the dam, but
tesult in flooding of the Town of Sultan. If not enough water could be
an overtopping scenado at the dam would prove very dangerous.
Tapps is a reservoir that sits in Pierce County made up of a system of dikes. If
dikes were to fall, they would inundate Aubum and portions of the Green
White Rivet Valley. Lake Tapps was built by Puget Sound Energy n 1977 and rafl
hy&oelecttic program until 2004. Lake Tapps was purchased by Cascade Water
n 2009 who currendy ov/ns and operates the reservoir. Its primary function is
provide drinking water to a group of conffacting King County cities and water
addition to providing ddnking water, Lake Tapps is also a residential community,
y of whom use the Lake for tecteational pulposes. While residents are instructed
stay off the dikes, there is no physical security to keep individuals ftom accessing
structure. Many dikes have publically accessible roads. Acts of terrodsm or
botage could provide a serious thteat to the integtity of the levees
Madsen Creek
Flow and Water
Conttol Pond
Cedar Falls
Ptoject Masonry
Priority Vu I n era bil ities
Small Local Govemment
and Privately Owned
Lack of Public
en Creek Pond is a King County-owned dam. Constructed in 2008, its primary
is to ptovide flood control in exfteme rzrtnfall, events. There is oftentimes no
t behind the dam in summer months when there isn't consistent rainfall.
Creek Pond is designed to store runoff from a 1.00-year 24-hoar storm and
maintain fteeboatd necessary to prevent flooding downstteam. While the dam is
arative|y verT young as climate patterns become more unpredictable, Madsen
Pond and other dams may need to be retrohtted to accommodate the change in
ble maximum precipitation. If actions were not taken to adjust to the new
, chances of failure ftom an overtopping situation oi an uncontrolled telease
become higher.
Masonry Dam vrithin the Cedar Falls Project is one of the oldest dams in the
It was built tn 191.4 and cutrently is owned and operated by the City of Seattle.
dam sewes two puq)oses, hydroelectric powet generation and water supply. The
is a conctete gtavity dam with an emergency spillway, service spillway, power
intake, and a low-level outlet.
there have been fewet failutes of conctete dams than earthen dams in general4s,
doesn't mean that failute is untealistic. The Masonry dam sits near the Rattlesnake
Fault. While concrete dams have escaped failute in eanhquake scenarios,
damage has been observed. The Masonry Dam would need to be assessed for
aftet an earthquake for cracking or other deficiencies in the structute or
structures. If deficiencies ate noted, action must be taken to ensure that the
doesn't fail. Earthquakes can also trigget landslides atound the dam. Finally, large
can devastate communities, created a resource-scarce environment,
making it more difficult to find resources.
These dams may not have access to funding, or have employees dedicated to
dam safety. This means that thete is a highet chance that maintenance and
deficiencies go unmediated. Thus, leading to a higher chance of dam failure.
Most dams use a "For Official Use Only" designation on their inundation
maps. This means that inundation maps only be shared on a need to know
basis. A lack of public knovzledge about dams, their ptesence in the
community, and theit failure potential creates an added challenge in creating
a resilient community.
as Association of State Dam Safety Officials. 1989. Failure of Concrete Dams. Page 4.
Out of Date ot Missing
Emergency Action Plans
Poot and Unsatisfactory
High and significant dams are tequired to have Emergency Action Plans in
lVashington State. Missing EAPs and out of date EAPs pose a risk if ownets
are unequipped to deal with an emergency at their dam.
Any dam that is designated as "poor" or "unsatisfactory" by the Washington
State Dam Safety Office should be brought to a higher standard.
Priority lmpact Areas
With all the dams in the county, only a small amount of infotmation can be shared here due to "For
Official Use Only Designation". Another reason is that there is a lack of in-depth study done on dam
failure impacts to King County. The best and most available estimates for dam failure damages/impacts
are from the potential high release scenario at Howatd Hanson Dam in 2009. Examples provided here
relate to those studies.
King County
xSunny day failute assumes a regular pool
**Hazard class median teach of range
Populations are based on census data. Ateas such as the Green River Valley experience
dtastic diffetences in day time/night time population being an economic hub. The
Mud Mountain 24,480 2,037
Howatd Flanson 20,845 6,235
South Fork Tolt 2,297 N/A
Lake Youngs 2,744 2,739
Culmback 1.45 N/A
Other Dams Combined
5,295 N/A
I istir.natccl In-rpactccl
Iiing (-or-rnn' I)opula tion
(liull Pool liailurc)
It'lstinratccl Lnpactccl
Iiins (.oun t-i' l)opula tion
(Surinl' l)al Iiailurc)'f
l)at'n N ntr-rc
a6 TetaTech. 2077 . King County Dam Safety Emergency Planning Gap Analysis Report. Pzge 27
numbet of people that would need to be evacuated could drastically differ ftom the
numbets identified in thehazard classihcation. An estimate in 2009 put a 25,000 cfs
release from Howard Hanson triggering an evacuation on the scale of 200,000 to 300,000
Dam inundation areas consist of some of the highest Limited English Proficiency
populations in the County. Spanish, Vietnamese, Aftican Languages, and Mandarin are
all spoken in high percentages in dam inundat-ion areas.
!t..-_: _, :
Aubum, Kent, and Riverview School Disttict, as well as private schools, have locations
that are vulnetable to dam failure. fuverview school district ptactices an evacuation of
Carnaion Elementary School and Tolt Middle School every Septembet in the City of
Carnation. Both of these schools would need to be evacuated if the South Fork Tolt
Dam failed.
Pteliminary studies indicate that there ate at least 15 assisted living facilities within dam
inundation areas.48 Evacuation will take longet fot this population than most.
A 2019 report indicates that thete 11,1.99 individuals expedencing homelessness in the
County.ae Alet and watning can be especially challenging fot this population as they may
not be tied to a geo-coded database.
a7 Seattlepi. 2019. 300,000 might have to evacuate if Green River Floods.
hros://www.seatdeoi.com/seatdenews/article/300-000-miehrhave-to-evacuate-i[-Green River 889468.oho
48 FEMA Region X. 2009. HAZUS Analysis for the Green River Valley. Page 168.
ae All Home. 2079. Setttle/King County Point-In-Time County of Persons Experiencing Homelessness.
xSunny day failure assulnes a tegular pool
2009 modelling of a high telease from Howard Hanson.
The economy The Gteen River Valley is an economic powerhouse in the tegion. Flood damage
prevented in the valley by Howard Hanson Dam since theJ 2009 flood is
s0 Tetra Tech. 2077. Kng County Dam Safety Emergency Planning Gap Analysis Report. Page 168.
5r FEMA Region X. 2009. HAZUS Analysis for the Green River Valley. Page 766.
Mud Mountain 9,992 829
Howatd Hanson 8,508 2,545
South Fork Tolt 935 N/A
Lake Youngs 1,120 873
Culmback 59 N/A
Other Dams Combined
itcsiclential Iluilclings
L'r'rpactccl in liing (-ountv
(I'rr-rll Pool iiailLrrc)
I,lstir.natccl In.rpactccl in
liing Oor,rntr' (Strnny l)ar'
I)anr Nat'nc
Residential 3,486 1,743 1.,937
Commercial 76,799 72,245 13,667
Industrial 7,839 6,549 6,644
Stnrcturcs irn;ractccl ],orvcr
( l rccn
In 17,(XX) cf.s inrpact Lr 25,(XX) cf.s ir.r-rpact
afca arcA
estimated at $6 billion alone52. The economic impact of a failure would devastate the
region. With latge employers, such as Boeing, and economic centers like the South
Center Mall, in the Valley, a dam failute would leave the local economy cdppled.
Commutes, toadways, and rail lines would all be impacted by a high telease from
Howard Hanson. Unemployment may follow aftet ateas that expedence a dam failute.
2009 Hazus modeling for a high release from the Howatd Flanson Dam show impacts:s3
o At 17,600 cfs flows from a dam failue: - $1.34 billion in economic losses
. At 19,000 cfs flows ftom dam failute: - $1.97 billion in economic losses
. At 25,000 cfs flows from dam failure: - $3.75 billion in economic losses
An economic analysis is needed to quantify how much impact a complete failute would
have on the local economy.
The primary envfuonmental impact from dam failure is natural and manmade debris from
the inundation. Silt, wood, rocks and gtavel, hazardous materials, construction debris,
vehicles, dead animals may be carried by inundation waters to locations that may be
spawning areas for local hsh, wetlands for birds and teptiles, or inhabited areas that the
County has invested in heavily. \Vhile tecovery and impact will vary with each inundation
o At 1.7,600 cfs - 84,000 tons of debris
r At 19,000 cfs - 208,000 tons of debris
r At 25,000 cfs - 280,000 tons of debris 5a
Isolating the potential environmental impact of dam failure is obscured by the likelihood
that another hazatd,like an eatthquake, mayhave triggered the dam failute.
MultiCate Aubum Medical Center lies within a dam failute inundation area, but futthet
study is needed to fully understand the impacts on health systems from dam failure.
Auburn, Kent, Tukwila,Cztrtaion,Paciftc, and Algona all have city halls withirr
inundation ateas. Courts, the County Elections ofhce, King County RegionalJustice
(continuity of Centet in Kent where Superior Coutts, Adult Detention, and otlet county agencies ate
opetations)located within dam failute inundation ateas as well.
Responden Kent, Pacihc, Seattle, Renton Regional Ffue Authodty, Valley Regional Fire Authority,
and Eastside Fire and Rescue all have fires stations within dam inundation ateas.
s2 USACE. HowardA. Hanson Dam.AccessedS/25/2019. https://www.nws.usace.arm]'.mil/Nlissions/Civil-
Works /Locks -and-Dams /Howard-Hanson-Dam /
s3 FEMA Region X. 2009. HAZUS Analysis for the Green River Valley. Page 766.
s4 FE [r\ Region X.2009. HAZUS Analysis for the Green River Valley. Page 769.
Auburn, Algona, Pacific, I(ent, Seattle, State Patrol Crime Lab, and King County Sherriff
all have stations in dam failure inundations.
Inftastructute Inftastructure impacts vary dtamaically based on the individual dam and type of failure.
systems 1 [,nerg]- While thete are dams that genetate power in the County, they ptovide a
relatively small amount of powet. The Cedat, Snoqualmie, Twin Falls and, Tolt
ptojects account for only 1.26 mzx MW output55. Powet outages may be long
term in areas where there has been a failute.
o Water/Wastewater - Drinking watet availability would be drastically impacted by
a failure of the Masonry, Lake Tapps, Lake Youngs, and Howard Hanson Dams.
A failure of one of the many of the tesewoirs around the County would also
challenge water systems. The King County South Treatment Plant also lies
u/ithin a dam failure inundation area.
o Transportation- Rail lines (commercial and commuter), LINK Light Rail, bus
routes, numerous state highways, and numerous bridges can be impacted by dam
A dam failute may cause the public to lose confidence in dam owners to manage local
dams. Depending on the success of the response, the public may also lose conFtdence in
first tespondets.
Full List of Dams That lmpact King County
confidence in
53 11 1A
I Iaz.ar
,\r'cl)atn Naure NII)II)/\'cars)J .it t.J .r rtrs (.or"t tr l r
ss Bonneville Power Administrat-ion. 2018 Transmission Plan. 2078.Page77
721.78603 Kitg
1.21..75259 Kitg
122.124665 Ki.g
721.689555 Kitg
1,22.1,84894 Pierce
47.974825,- Snohomi
721..687897 sh
156000 Kitg
40000 108
58340 108
't3 73
47.73't 1,,-
122.289697 sh
256 1C
28 1C
200 1C
41 1C
350 1C
86 1C
1,200 1C
160 1C
53 1,1 1C
1200 4 1C
52 45 1C
TAPPS I-AKE DIKE NO. 11 38000 108 1C
108 1C
54 1C
722.177817 Pierce
47.782211.,- Snohomi
1,21.931.649 sh
1.22.309788 Kitg
47.858278,- Snohomi
722.1,63964 sh
2TAPPS I-AKE DIKE NO. 9 26000 108
lfl rrrgo,ntty
28000 108 2
32000 108 2
20000 108 2
POND (133)
POND (14e)
POND (104)
3 47.50649,-
POND (179 NORTr!
POND (1e7)
POND (16s)
30 400
s6 Washington State Department of Ecology Dam Safety Office. 2019. Inventory of Dams Report.
Regional Risk Profile: Eafthquake
Hazard Description
Puget Sound has a high risk of experiencing damaging earthquakes. The most conunon damaging quake
is deep M6* event, six of which occurred ovet the past -100 years. In comparison, the Seattle Fault has
been active thtee-fout times in the past 3000 years and a subduction zone quake occurs approximately
every 200-600 yeats, with a 70-2ooh chance it will rupture in the next 50 yeats, according to the Pacific
Northwest Seismic Net'qrork (PNSN). With many potentially active faults in the area, Earthquake
impacts can occur anywhete in King Countf, with eathquake risk focused near faults and in areas with
less stable soils. NVashington has the second-highest earthquake risk in the United States, after
Califomia. According to the USGS, there is a Soh chance of a Seattle Fault and a 70-1,5oh chance of a
Cascadia Subduction Zone eatthquake stdking the tegion by 2055. This equates to an up to 20oh chance
of a majot earthquake striking King County with potentially catastrophic damages in the next 35 years.sT
Earthquakes can last from a few seconds to over five minutes. Earthquakes may also be accompanied by
a series of foreshocks, ot aftershocks in the weeks to months leading up to and following the
earthquake, which can cause additional damage and injury. The actual movement of the ground in an
eathquake is seldom the direct cause of injury ot death. Casualties generally result from falling objects
and debris as the shaking damages or demolishes buildings and other structures. Disruption of
communications, electrical power supplies and gas, sewer and water lines, and transportation routes
should be expected. Earthquakes may cause, ot lead to ftes, dam failures, landslides, tsunamis, or
teleases of hazatdous materials, compounding their disastrous effects. An earthquake on the Cascadia
Subduction represents the largest potential risk to the entire Pacific Northwest. Howevet, local sources
such as faults immediately beneath King County may have a much more intense shaking over a shorter
pedod of time leading to focused damage on the area. The earthquake hazard presents the greatest
tegional potential for damages, casualties, economic, and social impacts.
Vu lnera bi I ity Cha racteristics a nd Previous Occu rrences
The impact of an earthquake on structures and infrastructute is latgely a function of ground shaking and
secondary impacts. Ground shaking, ot eatthquake intensity, measuted by the modified Mercalli scale,
depends on distance from the source of the quake, and the soil type. A shallow earthquake that is
relatively small, but nearet to populated areas with a hypocenter closer to the surface, is potentially more
damaging than a much larger eathquake that is fatther away. Even when an earthquake is distant,
unconsolidated soils, such as sands, clays, ot gravels, found in many floodplains ot river valleys, ampli$'
shaking, leading to more potential damage
Secondary impacts of earthquake shaking include things like soil liquefaction and landslides.
Liquefaction is a secondary effect of an earthquake in which soils lose their shear suength and flow or
s7 LaForge, Gordon. 2079. Criical but Not Urgent: Seattle Prepares for the Big One. Innovations for Successful
Societies, Princeton University.
behave as liquid, thereby damaging structures that dedve their support from the soil. Liquefaction
genetally occurs in soft sedimentary soils. Landslides, or ground failures, ate also a common hazard that
can occur w'ith ground shaking, ranging from singular rocks falling down a hill, to mass movements of
land latge enough to dam dvets. Landslides falting into bodies of water, can potentially generate
tsunamis, as occurred in the Tacoma Nattows during the 1.949 Puget Sound Eathquake.
Earthquakes on the Cascadia Subduction Zone, and on the Seatde Fault are also capable of producing
Tsunamis. Tsunamis ate a destructive movement of the ocean involving at least one 'wave', and strong
cuffents. Even a relatively 'small'tsunami could be devastating to port and maritime infrastructute
within Puget Sound.58 Thete is evidence that an earthquake on the Seattle Fault that occurred around
900 AD produced a 1.6-foot tsunami. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 0{OAA)
tecreated this tsunami using a model.
Soil type impacts gtound Shaking. The National EathquakeHazard Reduction Program Q{EHRP)
creates maps based on soil chatacteristics to help identift locations subject to amplification and
liquefaction during earthquakes. . Areas with NEHRP soils classes D, E and F ate prone to shaking
amplifi.cation, and structures in these areas experience greater damage during earthquake shaking. These
also tend to be more susceptible to liquefaction.
C 360-760
s8 Seattle Offrce of Emergency Management. Tsunamis and Seiches. Accessed online on 1,'1, / 72/1,9 fuom
https: / /www.seattle.gov/emergency-management/hazards /tsunamis-and-seiches.
Hard Rock
Firm to Hard Rock
Dense Soil / Soft Rock
Special Study Soils $iquefiable soils, sensitive
soft ) 36 meters
NIr rr Sr rr vr
\'t,.t.or.l \ t\ NIt. t t:ns
l,l lli Sl..(.()\L)
l)t .sr.titr,tlr lt
S rit gcor,ttty
{1-\+{tu<"J AN
O iulr l0
Hezerd illdgedon Plen
Llquef&ion fotentlol
iaxrqrirora ffiraarrr f uor,-t'lo*- f ru" f *trgn
wfylfi rnrb\A.YLor
I{ng County has a long history of documented eatthquake activity. The most recent significant activity
was the Nrsqually Earthquake - Febr-uary 28,2001,. This eathquake, with an epicenter 10 miles
nottheast of Olympia in Thurston County (over 40 miles ftom Seattle), resulted in statewide losses
exceeding $2 billion and injured 700 people, many in l{ing County.5e A slide in I(ng County generated
from the 2001 Nisqually Earthquake partially blocked the Cedat fuvet - flooding several homes.
The 6.8 magnitude Nisqually earthquake was centeted under Anderson Island in south Puget Sound.
The most extensive damage occutted along the Intetstate-5 cotridor, where rivet sediments led to
shaking ampliFrcation and liquefaction impacts. Some damage was experienced in 300,000 households,
many ftom settling foundations. Buildings built prior to 1950 located in the south downtown area and
Pioneer Square in Seattle were the most impacted; structural damage to chimneys, walls, foundations
and nonstructural elements accounted for two-thirds of all damage reported.60 Insured losses were
se EQE International - Seattle Nisqually $Tashington Earthquake Feb 28,2001,;
http://www.propertyrisk.co mf refcentt f seattlee q.pdf
60 Hazard Mitigation Survey Team Report, Nisqually Earthquake, February 28,2001,, DR-1361-WA, Federal Emergency
Management Agency and Washington Military Department, Emergency Management Division.
J tI
tecotded as $305M \r/ith $28 in losses overall. Of those impacted, 2l"hhad earthquake insurance but
did not meet the deductible. 75oh of retal. businesses in Seattle that were impacted closed fot some
period for cleanup ot tepairs. The avetage closure was 4.8 days in Pioneer Square. Of those businesses
impacted, 507o wete ltnancially thteatened with closute. Hatbor Island saw 69 businesses impacted for
^r ^verage
of $30,900.
The Nisqually Earthquake led to a new emphasis in Washington, and King County especially, on the
importance of tettofitting historic, unreinforced masonty buildings that were the most setious casualties
of the event. The loss of historic buildings is not only costly in financial terms but can alter the social
fabic of. a community and fundamentally change its feel and sense of place.
Seattle-Tacoma Earthquake - April 1,96561At magnitude 6.5, the earthquake killed seven people and
caused $12.5 Million in damage (1965 dollats). Severe shaking was felt in Seattle and as far as Issaquah
and beyond. Most damage was in the Pioneer Squate atea and waterfront. Older masonry buildings were
most impacted. Damage pattems experienced n 1949 wete fepeated. Eight schools vrere closed for
inspections and repaits; two were sevetely damaged. Areas along the Duwamish River expedenced
severe setding. Three water mains failed in Seattle.
Olympia Eathquake - Aptil 1.94962 The 7.1 magnitude eatthquake was centered along the southern
edge of Puget Sound. Eight people were killed and property damage in Olympia-Tacoma-Seattle
amounted to about $25 Million In 7949 dollars. In Seatde, a sixty-inch watet main ruptured, a rz;dio
towet collapsed, powet lines and gas lines were broken in over 100 places. Tfuee damaged schools
needed to be demolished and one rebuilt.
Scenario Driverscr
The Juan de Fuca plate is moving northeastwatd with respect to the North Amedcan plate at
t^te of 3
to 4 centimeters per fea16+ The boundary where these two plates converge, the Cascadia Subduction
Zone, lies apptoximately 50 miles offshore and extends neady 700 miles from Nothem Vancouver
Island in Bdtish Columbia to northern California. The collision of these two tectonic plates ptoduces
thtee types of eathquakes: SubductionZone Earthquakes, Deep/Beniof|ZoneEarthquakes, and
Shallow Crustal Earthquakes. o5
61 Seattle Earthquake History; http://seattle.about.com/od/localgovernmentf a.f SeatrJe-Earthquakes.htm
62 Earthquake History of Washington. 5 Aug. 2003. U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological
King County Hzzatd Identihcation and Risk Assessment - November 2076Page 86.
Survey. 5 Oct. 2003 http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/states/washington/history.php
63 Earthquake Hazzrds in Washington and Oregon - Three Source Zones. U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S.
Geological Survey. 2 Oct.2003 http://www.ess.washington.edu/SEIS/PNSN/CascadiaEQs.pdf
6a Understanding plate motions, USGS; http://pubs.usgs.gov/gip/dynamic/understanding.html.
6s Earthquake Htzards in Washington and Oregon - Three Source Zones. U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S.
Geological Survey. 2 Oct.20O3 http://www.ess.washington.edu/SElS/PNSN/CascadiaEQs.pdf.
*figure modified from USGS Cascadia earthquake graphics at http://geomaps.wr.usgs.govlpacnw/pacnweq/index.html
\- Active cruetalfault
\ Active plate boundary
(AD 900, 1872)
Subduction zone
earthquakes (AD {700}
O Subduction zone M9+200-600 years
o Deep Juan de Fuca plate M7+30-50 years
o Crustal faults M7+Hundreds ofyears?
Cascadia Subduction
Zone Eatthquakes
A subductiofl zone earthquake would originate from the Cascadia Subduction
zone off the coast of Washington and Otegon. Such earthquakes typically have
minutes of strong gtound shaking and ate quickly followed by damaging
tsunamis and numerous latge aftetshocks. The potential exists for large
earthquakes along the Cascadia Subduction Zonq up to an earthquake measuring
Magnitude 9 or gteater on the fuchter scale. This would produce a tsunami all
along the fault line ftom British Columbia to Mendocino, Califomia. Such an
earthquake vrould last several minutes and produce catastrophic damage locally
from the earthquake and distantly ftom the generated tsunami.
Benroff Zone peep)
Earthquakes (e.g.
Nisqually Earthquake)
Deep, orBentoff Zone eatthquakes are the most frequent damaging earthquakes
occuring within the Puget Sound area. They occur within theJuan De Fuca
plate as it sinks into the mantle. These earthquakes occur, 16 to 60 miles in
depth. Due to their depth, aftershocks are typically not felt in association with
these earthquakes. These earthquakes are caused by mineral changes as the plate
moves deepet into the mande. Minerals that make up the plates are altered to
denset, mote stable forms as temperature and pressure increase. This
compression results in a decrease in the size of the plate, and sftesses build up
that pull the plate apart. Deep earthquakes generally last 2O to 30 seconds and
have the potential of reaching 7.5 on the fuchter scale. The last major one in the
Puget Sound region was the 6.8 magnitude Nisqually Eathquake on February
Shallovr (Crustal)
Eatthquakes (e.g.
Seattle Fault
Shallow crustal eatthquakes occur within the North America plate at depths of
18 miles or fewer. Shallow earthquakes within the North America plate account
fot most of the eathquakes in the Puget Sound region, though most are small
and not felt. The potential exists for major shallow earthquakes as well.
Generalln these earthquakes are expected to have magnitudes less than 8 and last
fuom 20 to 60 seconds. Of the three types of eathquake, the timelines and
recurrence intervals ofcrustal events ate the least understood. Ongoing research
suggests that Magnitude 7 or greater events have occurred on at least eight faults
in the Puget Sound basin. FEMA estimates using HAZUS show that events on
these faults have the potential to cause greater loss of life and property in King
County than any other disastet likely to affect the atea. Evidence of a fault
running east-west thtough south Seattle (the Seatde Fault) suggests that a major
earthquake with a magnitude of 7 or grc^tet affected the Seattle area about 1,100
yeafs ago.
Priority Vu lnera bil ities
Unrein forced buildings,
especially those built
Curing pre or low-code
:ras (pre 1973)
Brick and masonry buildings that charactenze areas like Pioneer Square in
Seattle ate exttemely susceptible to even minor earthquakes. Unreinforced
masonry buildings are likely to collapse or partially collapse and be a leading
source of fatatties due to falling debris.
Structutes, including roads
and bridges, structures,
built on vulnetable soils.
Structutes on vulnerable ot less stable soils are more likely to buckle or
collapse. High risk areas cover the region, but are especially common in
historic dver valleys where sediment has been deposited over time.
Public facilities built to
''life safety" codes that
Public facilities, such as city halls, schools, etc. are not required to be built to
"immediate occupancy" standatds. A major eathquake would tender many
of these facilities inoperable, leading to difFrculties in organizing the recovery
in affected judsdictions.
will be unusable after a
major earthquake
Sffuctures and
populations on or near
steep slopes
Steep slopes greater than 40o/o gmde are likely to fail in an earthquake. This
likelihood increases when the ground is saturated. Buildings on or below
these slopes udll be damaged ot destroyed in these events.
Dams, especially older,
less tegulated dams
Dams are tesponsible for most of the region's electricity and are exftemely
important to any future recovery. A major event may damage these dams
and requ ite tepair before they can resume electricity generation. Total failure
of the major dams is unlikely. In addition to the large dams, howevet, there
ate m^fly lower-priority dams that nevertheless meet the standards of high-
hazard. These dams are scattered throughout King County and may not even
be tecognized by the jurisdictions in which they are located. A failure of
some of these dams would likely result in numerous fatalities and the
inundation of property and infrastructure.
Hazardous matedals sites,
especially those in aging
watehouses or with
weakened containment
Hazardous materials, orHazmat, sites dot the region and FEMA has
tecognized hazardous materials as a cotrununity lifeline due to expetiences
dealing with recovery after recent disasters. Hazmat releases are likely to
occur at industrial facilities, on pipelines, and elsewhere around the region.
The cocktail of potential contaminants is likely to threaten the public,
responders, and the environmen! and to delay tecovery in pats of the
region for yeats.
Port facilities built on
unstable soils
Potts, are almost always built on fill and other extremely unstable soils.
Major earthquakes will damage and potentially destroy port facilities. Any
seiche ot tsunami will also have a. greater impact on port facitties than inland
Rail systems
Rail systems require ftacks to be perfecdy aligned and will fail during an
eathquake as the ground shifts and buckles. Landslides may also deposit
matedal on the tracks. Trains traveling at high speeds during an eatthquake
have a significantly greatet chance of de-railing, potentially injuring
passengets, ot spilling cargo, which may cause additional hazardous matedal
Water and sewer
transmission lines,
especially those built of
cast iton, concfete, of
Water lines throughout the region are currendy being replaced by ductile
iron. Nevettheless, most special purpose districts undertaking this wotk are
decades ftom completing it. Water systems will likely fail throughout the
tegion and will be difficult to restore due to limitations in transportation
capacity. Even systems able to complete conversion to ductile iron will
experience failures, especially in areas of unstable soils.
Populations without the
means to cate fot
lhemselves over multiple
weeks, especially those
with Access and
Functional Needs
The response and initial recovery following a catastrophic earthquake will
take weeks. Homebound populations, those requiring medications, the
chronically ill, ot others with access and functional needs may need to
sustain themselves fot an estimated two weeks in some places.
Populations without
insutance, especially those
without renters insutance
ot homeowner insurance
eatthquake riders.
According to the Office of the Insurance Commissionet, which conducted a
majot eathquake insurance study in 2017, residential earthquake coverage in
westem Washington is 1,3.8o/o. Commercial coverage rates are much higher
than residential, viith 43.20 of insurance policies having some soft of
earthquake covetage. A key hnding is that, for both residential and
commercial customers, insured properties have a much higher assessed value
than uninsuted properties, indicating that it is higher-income people that are,
in general, purchasing earthquake insurance coverage.
Eanhquake insurance coverage rates are a good measure of resilience
because insutance is the primary source of disaster recoverry funding aftet an
earthquake. Low levels of insurance coverage have stymied recovery efforts
in major disasters, such as huricanes, where hazatd coverage is not
automatically included in homeownet's policies.
communicating in
languages other than
Information from responders, notifications, and other information will likely
be communicated predominately in English. Special care will need to be
taken to ensure that non-English speakers have access to relief supplies from
established points of distribution.
Levees, dikes, and other
Flood conttol structures
Flood conftol structutes are usually earthen and built on highly unstable
soils. An eatthquake during the winter months when these systems are
running close to capacity could cause major failures and widesptead
Priority lmpact Areas
severity of an earthquake is different depending on the conditions under which it occurs. Also,
sectors of the population, economy, ot govemment will have different levels of exposure and
that impact their susceptibility to an earthquake. This risk assessment looks at impacts of
earthquake scenatios to a series of critical sectors. The impact data fot physical structures is
ted using the Hazus-MH tool fot three diffetent Seattle Fault M7.0 scenarios, aTacoma Fault M
1 scenario, and a Cascadia M9.0 scenatio. These scenarios are chosen based on their probability and
potential impact. This earthquake model also includes infotmation on liquefaction potential of soils and
the age of buildings (as an instrument for building code levels).
fhis assessment considers impacts to physical and human elements of each of 11 impact areas. For
example, fot health systems, the locations of key facilities identihed by Public Health Seattle - King
County will be assessed against data on highhazard ateas. The impacts to Ftst the health system overall,
including employees and existing patients, will also be examined.
Ihe HAZUS scenarios used in this section wete generated by the trEMA fuskMAP team for the 2018
King County Risk Repot.66
County The entire population of I{ng County is potentially exposed to the direct and indirect
impacts from earthquakes. The degtee of exposure is dependent on many factors,
including the age and construction type of residence, the soil type homes are
constructed on, the proximity to the fault, etc. Business interuption could keep
people from wotking, road closures could isolate populations, and loss of utilities
could impact populations where no direct damage was experienced.
Flazus estimates thete ate over 600,000 people living in 250,000 households on
NEHRP Class D or E soils locally. This represents about 30oh of the county
population. The population over 65 and the population are the most vulnetable
because of theit concentradon in areas viith Class D and E soils.
Impacts to the population are not testricted to displacement and sheltering. People
may be injuted, lose their jobs, schools may be closed ftom their own damages,
government services may be intemrpted, health facilities and care may also be
interupted ot be completely unavailable. Family members may be separated,
including childten, institutionalized eldedy and the infirrn, may be moved to altemate
facilities - and unaccounted fot. Deaths of homeless and unidentified people may
tequire burial before family can claim their remains.
Following the 1995 Kobe, Japan earthquake, the total city population took over 10
yeats to recover. The population count of New Orleans following Hurricane Katdna
still has not recovered to pre-storm levels. King County's population is exffemely
mobile and many are telatively recent arrivals, drawn by the booming economy. A
large eartlquake may reverse this growth trend as people lose jobs, face housing
recoveq/ costs without insurance, and seek less hazatd-prone areas after the ttavma
alarge eathquake.
66 Federal Emergency Management Agency, 2018. King County Risk Report.
https://fortress.wa.gov/ecylgispublic/AppResources/SF-\/RiskI\{-\P/King/KingCounry RiskReport.pdf
Vulnemble populations are more likely to suffer losses during an earthquake and are
likely to take longet to recover aftet. Factors influencing likelihood of damage include
living in higher hazard areas, living in older buildings, being less likely to have
emergeflcy supplies, and having a higher rate of persons with disabilities. Slower
recovery is exacetbated by poorer populations likelihood of not having access to
institutions leading recovery, not having insutance, not having a stable job, wealth, or
savings, being mote likely to be tenters who are ineligible for many federal recovery
programs, and having a lowet-level of education on average, making it more difficult
to lrnd a new job and to navigate the complex post-disaster system.
In many catastrophic disasters, most notably Hurricane Katrina, poor communities
may nevef recovef.
Ptoperty Lack of damage to structures built since the 7949 and 1965 earthquakes have
demonstrated the value of building standards that resist earthquake damages.
Overwhelmingly, damages in the Nisqually Eathquake of 2001were to unreinforced
masonq/ and buildings built before the 1.949 eathquake. This held equally true for
damages to toads and bridges. The FEMA ptoject team completed an analysis to
identift how many buildings were built to specific building codes. In the table below,
"pre-code" refers to buildings built before 1.950, low-code is 1951-1974, moderate is
1975-2003, and high is after 2003.
Countywide, neady 50% of buildings \r/ere built to pre or low code standards. This
level of vulnerabiJity is significant, especially for more intense earthquakes, such as the
Seattle Fau]r.M7.2.
economy King County alone contributes atound 50olo of Washington's gross domestic product.
The county has a divetse economy, which has made it especially resilient to other
fotms of disruption but is heavily dependent on a high degree of global
intetconnectedness. Losses to lifeline infrastructure, especially port facilities,
communications hubs, and major highway corridors would be crippling if the loss was
total and links could not be quickly restored. Some of western Washington's key
industries, such as Amazon and Mictosoft,may be insulated somewhat from damage
due to the highly global nature of their uzork and tedundanry in their systems, while
others such as Boeing would be severely impacted as rail and highway routes
necessary for the fansport of materials is restored. I-5, for example, suffers from
limited tedundancy and cart'ies ovet 233,000 vehicles through Seatde, a number that
has been steadily gowing.
Economic risk from a majot earthquake is multi-faceted. Economic impacts from an
earthquake include immediate loss of facilities and inventories, ongoing loss of
employees and customets, and loss of businesses. Ongoing impacts will depend on
the speed of infrastructure restotation, levels of insurance coverage, international
economic conditions, and the ability of jurisdictions to develop and implement a long-
tefm recovery strategy.
Impacts to the envitonment from an eatthquake include the creation and disposal of
latge quantities of debris, releases of hazardows materials, the disruption of
envhonmental consetvation programs, and the relaxing of envfuonmental programs
during the cleanup and tecovery. The greatest potential for environmental damage is
fuomhazatdous materials teleases as fuel and waste pipelines ruptufe, underground
fuel stotage tanks fail, trains, including oil ftains, may derail, port facilities are
damaged by any tsunami or seiche, and othet chemicals, including household items,
are spilled. The multi-source nature of materials releases, the scale of potential
teleases, and the lack of resources for cleanup all complicate the scenario.
While most common after tain and wind ev ent hazards (apptoxim ately 7 5oh of all
disaster-triggeted teleases),hazmatreleases aftet eatthquakes are responsible for large
teleases over a wide atea.67 Earthquake-triggered hazmat releases have included
hundteds of gas iine ruptures and pipeline bteaks, and teleases of ammonia, chlorine,
and sulfuric acid dudng the Northridge and Loma Pdeta earthquakes.6s
67 Sengul et a1,2072. Anafifu of Haqmdorc Materiah Rrlearu Dae to Nataral Haqardt in the United States.
68 Young, Stacy; Balluz, -u' tr:u'; and Malilay, Josephrne, Nataral and Tuhnologic Haqardous Manial Rdeans During and Afier
Natural Dimsterc: A Reyiew @004). Public Health Resources. 90.
lnrflrorhrrrrrr lhxil
Health system impacts from a
major disaster include
disruptions to emergency
sefvices, community health
clinics, pharmacies, and
hospitals. While new hospitals
are tequired to meet criteda for
seismic tesilience and may
engage in supply-chain and
patient evacuation planning,
much of the rest of the network
is likely to be shut down aftet a
disastet. This is an especially
high threat to populations
needing regular medical services,
such as kidney dialysis and
insulin injections (which tequire
refrigetation). In Hurricane
Maria in 2017, Puerto Rico was
left without power for monthsllnra.t ;:-'f-1
and the majority of fatalities
recotded due to the storm were ftom the elevated death rate among medically-fragile
In order to function, hospitals require significant infrastructure inputs, including
power and watet that ate likely to be disrupted after an eathquake. Backup services
are available; howevet, may be insufficient to meet the need if infrastructure recovery
takes too long.
Health system impacts thetefore include large-scale disruptions to supply chains,
disruptions to ongoing care tegimens for certain medically-vulnerable populations,
disruption of communiLy care networks of pharmacies and local clinics, loss of ttainec
staff, and potential damage to hospitals or loss of hospital functionaiity due to
inftas tructure damage.
continuity of
Any damaging earthquake has the potential to impact delivery of essential govemmenl
services in the days, weeks, months, and even years following the earthquake. The
damages to inftastructure and tesidential or business locations may curtail or even
prevent govetnment employees from reaching their work locations or may prevent
sewices from reaching populations in need scattered around the county. Even after
initial shot term tepairs have been made, the impact on the taxable value of
ptoperties in the county may cause a tevenue shortfall that reduces available services
from budgetary impacts.
Collection of available tax
revenue, the tevaluationI process (including
' documentation), and appeals
: process might produce a
futthet burden on already
, stretched government
; obligations.
|: ,
ii; iiL,
1. ..,.
,, ..:1.
ftucmment Foailitr*diag 6uoty
| *..e a air | *:rr O ,rrle
Iflrr;crrr ;- -x-
Eathquakes have the
possibility of damaging any
fixed facility at which
services are provided. This
may include: adult and
juvenile detention facilities,
waste water tfeatment
. facilities, solid waste disposal
, ' systems and facilities, the
court system, health and
medical institutions and
- clinics, fue and police
stations ot equipment,
public transportation, schools, and libraries.
Responders Fitst responders expetience personal and professional impacts from an earthquake.
Since tesponders are also local residents, they will be petsonally impacted by the
disastet. Professionally, emergency services will be called upon to help with life safety
operations while also seeking to restore day-to-day services.
If,xrrgowr v
ftn EcryonhrFoctftir*fillfn@rhndd
finrulr flrcurrr f,|nrqtrrtot.
lrto'rhraFFrr0 lftr' *r
Enetgy: Dams are the primary source of electricity generation for the region and may
be impacted by a majot earthquake, even if failute is telatively unlikely. Pipelines cross
the region carryng fuel and are susceptible to eatthquakes. Since Washington is home
to the Northwest's only refineries, damage to this conveyance system will have far
reaching, regional consequences. A majot concem fot maintaining power in facilities
while the power grid is down after an earthquake is fuel disuibution. With
transportation networks sedously impacted, it vdll be difficult to ensure a supply of
fuel is distributed to hospitals, public facilities, and communications centers. Without
this fuel, systems are likely to fail after a few days of operation.
Watet/Wastewatet: Water and
wastewatet systems are among
the most vulnerable to an
earthquake of all lifeline
infras tructure. Pip elines,
especially those over NEHRP
class D, E, and F soils, are
vulnerable to rupture. King
County maintains a wastewatef
treatment system that is
connected to dozens of smaller
systems and operates multiple
water treatment plants. There
ate also many separate water
systems that operate their own
conveyance systems and
I tanrtrl:r -sr*alrrrt
88Nl3.* o rh to
elde. Lbnaa t"ldhr f,otto - lls'lllnbrr l0t2Transportation: Transportation lifelines are
both state and local responsibility.
According to a Regional Resilienry
Assessment Progtam (X.RAP) report
published by DHS,
WSDOT has operated a seismic retrofi.t
program since 1991 and has been steadily
retrofitting bridges thtough a three-stage
process of stabilizing the bridge
supefstfucture, sftengthening single-
column bddge supports, and reinforcing
multi-column piers. In response to the
2012 Resilient Washington State report,
!7SDOT began a program to completely
rettofit three identified lifeline routes fot a
'c' " *'.-- '-.,..I
.tl l
total cost in excess of $1B (2015 dollars).
As of 201g, there are 17 state-responsibility
Bidge seimic Lifeline Routu (grun) (YtsDor' 2015)
bddges in King County thatarc in poor condition.
King County has 177 bridges in its bridge program. At least every two years, those
bridges are inspected and tecommendations are made for their repair or replacement.
Between 2006 and 201.6,32 bridges were replaced and many more repaired. In 2008,
the bridge program concluded a1,4-year seismic reftofi.t, improving 115 bridges for
$22 million. This retrofitting has substantially improved the suwivability (likelihood o{
collapse) of bridges in the King County inventory.
One category of bddges is fracture critical truss bridges. The avemge age of these
bridges in unincorporated King County is 42 years. Of the 11 bddges in this group,
the Miller River Bridge was closed from damages in the January 2077 flood event and
the Alvord "T" was closedJune 2013.The Stossel Bridge is the lowest rated of those
temaining in the inventory. Each carties thousands of vehicles daily.
Bridges, however, ate only pat of the ftansportation puzzle. Bddge approaches, and
pavement ctossing unstable soils, are major threats. The !7SDOT Seismic Lifeline
route discussed above is only considering bridges, not pavement or approaches.
Railways are another highly-vulnerable piece of ftansportation infrastructure. Tracks
can become misaligned and require repair before train ftavel is possible. Even in the
relatively small 2001 Nisqually Earthquake, rail travel was disrupted for several days.
Pot facilities are setiously thteatened by a major earthquake due to liquefaction
potential of pot areas and tsunami threats. It is likely a major earthquake would
completely desftoy pot facilities, requiring years of investment to completely recover.
As with the 1995 Kobe,Japan earthquake, port operations may never again reach pre-
disaster levels.
Airpotts ate also vulnerable to earthquakes. In the 2001 Nisqually Earthquake, the air
ir.afftc conftol tower at Seattle-Tacoma Intemational Airpot was damaged, drastically
reducing takeoff and landing capacity. Runway damage is also cornmon as the gtound
shifts and would require repair before large jets could land. While the region has a
number of aitpotts, many of them will also be critical facilities for disaster response,
medical patient evacuation, and food and fuel deliveries.
t{urd l{lfilffio
?u4omomn-ttloir f,oodsrdrl,t+r@dctM
Communications: While the public sector maintains critical radio communications
networks, the networks on which most residents depend is privately owned. W.hile
cell towers are equipped with backup generators, these generators may only have
enough fuel fot a few days of continuous opetation.
confidence in
govetnance and
Disasters of the magnitude we can expect from a damaging earthquake have the
potential to shake public confidence in govemment's ability to maintain law and
ordet, ptovide essential services, repair or replace needed infrastructure for
employment, processing of building permits and inspections, clearing of debris and
othet needs. Restoration efforts may well take longer than the public is willing to
accePt. Amendments to zoning and building standards may not be embraced by those
seeking to rebuild. If rapid testoration is not possible, the ^rea may lose employers
and the population may telocate to other areas of the country in search of
Earthquake hazards specifically have been the subject of signihcant reporting in
recent yeats. Articles in the Seattle Times, the New Yotker, and on local television
have atgued that the Pacific Northwest is unptepared for the level of destruction
expected following aCascadia Subduction Zone9.0 event.6e These articles have led to
both stepped-up state and local action on earthquake preparedness and to more
public awareness.
6e Schulz, Kathryn, "The Really Big One," The New Yorker fluly 20,2015)
![ tcf,gCounty
Regional Risk Profile: Flood
Hazard Description
Flooding is King County's most persistent and recurrent natuv,lhazatd. Flooding affects tens of
thousands of families and properties ownets in communities actoss the county, vdth life safety,
economic, and wotkplace impacts on tens of thousands more. The communities vdthin King County
take flooding seriously; the King County Flood Control District was establish ed in 2007 to regionally
m^n^ge flood hazatds and reduce risk, in pattnership with the Department of Natural Resources and
Parks'fuvet and Floodplain Management Section. The King County Flood Hazard Management Plan
ddves much of the wotk that both the District and I(ng County do to reduce flood risk and manage
flood-telated hazards.
Flooding is the inundation of normally dry areas by overflowing rivers, increased coastal waves, or other
accumulation of surface waters. A number of conditions can cause flooding from too much rainfall in a
rivet's watetshed to sustained offshote wind ddving a high tide inland, but flooding can also be caused
by events such as liquefaction of levees dudng an earthquake that release water the levees hold back.
Othet causes of flooding include dam failute, landscape changes after wildfres that exacerbate flooding,
rapid snowmelt, channel migration, and debris in streams causing water to backup.
Typically, King County sees
at least minor flooding ever
year in the fall and wintet
and big events ate often
driven by atmospheric river
whete moistute is picked up
from the Pacific Ocean and
brought by the jet stream to
drop as ptolonged heavy
ptecipitation in western
A variety of factots affect
how flooding occurs and its
severity. One main factor for
Figarc 2. Flootlirg along the Snoqualnie Nuer in 2015 riverine flooding is the
"hydtology," which includes
how much rain falls, how fast it falls, how fast it reaches the stream, and the amount of water already in
the stteam. The second main factor for dverine flooding is the "hydraulics" of the watershed, which
includes characteristics like the topography, stteam channel dynamics, and the ovetall slope of ateas of
the watershed.
]i[ xinsco.,*y
Flooding is a natural phenomenon and many ecosystems thrive because of the natural floodplain
functions that rivers and coastlines provide. Flooding is considered a "problem" when humans
construct buildings and infrastructure in the path of floodwater. The many aspects of natural floodplain
functions help reduce impacts, slow floodwatets down, and preserve important habitat for endangered
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f-igre 3. Map thowingmapped loh annualchantvfloodplaiw andfloodway. Note thatLakelY/athington doet not haue
an identifedfloodplain becau.re ih' leuelt are controlled b1 the US Anry Corys of Engtneen operated Chittenden Lnckt.
Vu I n era bi I ity Cha racteristics a nd Previous Occu rrences
Flooding, no matter the source, causes widesptead and long-lasting damage. The force of moving
floodwaters c^n teat homes ftom their foundations, sweep cars off the road, and destroy public
inftastructute. Houses and businesses damaged by flooding can take many months to repair and are
often unsuitable to live in during the repairs. Certain types of flooding can leave buildings inundated for
sevetal days, which can furthet worsen property damage. Flood-damaged buildings can pose health risks
including mold, contaminated food and drinking water, and mental health stresses from the traumatic
Ht<rgcoun y
The velocity, depth, and amount of floodwatets impact how dangetous rivedne flooding can be. A
floodplain whete the velocity is more than 3 feet per second and the depth is more than 3 feet is ar ate
dangetous for people to be living or wotking since those flood conditions can be fatal to someone
walking through floodwaters. King County code, for example, prohibits buildings in unincorporated
areas to be built in fast-flowing and deep floodplains. fuvers in King County also carry substantial
debris, from fallen trees to bouldem and sediment, and debris impacts can add to the severity of
Rivets ate dynamic systems and can
shift signifrrcantly during high flow
events ot gradually through erosion of
sreambanks. This risk is called
"channel migtation hazatds," and is a
prevalent feature in northwest dver
systems. The scale of channel
migration depends on the severity of
the high flow event, geology of the
banks and streambed, and
characteristics of the surrounding
land. King County tegulady maps
channel migration zones and has
applicable development standards fot
ptoposals within these zones.
Figuw 4. House desnoyd due to channel nigralion along the RagingNuer.
In coastal floodplains, wave action is the most dangerous aspect of flooding. Buildings are tequited to
be specially designed to withstand powerful wave actions and can only be built on open foundation
systems, like piers or posts.
King County covers six latge drainage basins and costal flood hazard areas.
l. The South Fork Skykomish River basin lies primady in the notheast portion of King County
and flows into neighbodng Snohomish County. The basin drains 234 squarc miles of
mountainous terain within King County and includes major tributaries such as the Foss, Tye,
Millet, and Beckler Rivers. The cities of Skykomish, Baring, and Gold Bar as well as many
unincotpotated area ndhborhoods are located near or on the banks of the dvers and
frequently experience impacts from flooding. The basin featutes steep slopes in the upper
portion, so signiFrcant runoff can cause major flooding relatively quickly. The dvers in the basin
are also very prone to channel migration and it is a significant hazard that communities are
focused on.
2. The Snoqualmie River basin dtains much of the northeast and notth-central part of King
County and is typically divided into two ateas: the Upper Snoqualmie and the Lower
Snoqualmie, above and below Snoqualmie Falls, tespectively. The basin also encompasses
tributaries such as the Tolt Rivet, the Raging River, Tokul Creek, Grifnn Creek, Hards Cteek,
Pattetson Cteek, among others. The Upper Snoqualmie River and some of the major tributaries
ate characteizedby steep gradient headwatet systems and some lower gradient floodplains near
the incorporated communities of North Bend and Snoqualmie. The Lower Snoqualmie River
features wide floodplains along the low gradient channel. The cities of Camation and Duvall
and the unincolporated community of Fall City all lie within the broad Lower Snoqualmie
3. The Sammamish River basin originates at Lake Sammamish and drains a 240 square mile
watetshed, including the tributaries of Beat, Little Bear, North, and Swamp Creek basins. The
rivet has been channelized since the construction of the Lake Washington Ship Canal and is
partially regulated by a wefud oudet downstream of the mouth of the lake, which reduces
frequency and severity of flooding.
4. The Cedar River basin sffetches ftom the Cascade Mountains to Lake Washington, where the
Cedat River terminates. The basin has been heavily altered from its natural condition, with
major projects constructed including Masonry Dam and the Landsburg Diversion, both to serve
as watet supply inftastructute. Along the Cedat River are many unincoqporated community
neighbothoods as well as cities like Maple Valley and Renton. Naturally-occurring large wood is
a prevalent hazardin the basin.
5. The Green Rivet originates in the Cascade Mountains at an elevation of 4,500 feet and flows
through many cities including Aubum, Kent, Renton, Tukwila, and Seattle. The basin is divided
into four majot sub-basins: the upper watershed above the Howard Hanson Dam, the middle
Gteen below the dam and upstream of Aubum, the lowet Green that flows through the
incorporated cities, and the Duwamish estuaty. The Green River basin features many large
structutal elements including Howard Flanson Dam, which provides flood control, and large
levee and revetment systems on the lower Green River.
6. The lVhite River originates in glaciets on the northeast face of Mount Rainier. The White River
&ains ^fl ztea of about 490 squate miles, approximately one thitd of which lies within King
County. Major tdbutaries join the White River along its path like the Greenwater fuver and
Boise Creek. Over one hundted years ago, the White River was diverted to flow into the
Puyallup River in Pietce County. Mud Mountain Dam is a majot flood control dam that has a
signiFrcant effect on teducing flooding in the basin. Additionally, water is diveted from the dver
fot hydtopower generation near Lake Tapps. Along the river ate a number of small
unincorporated neighborhoods in addition to the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Resewation and
pottions of the city of Auburn.
7. Coastal fToodhazatd areas pose potential risks to apptoximately 100 miles of shoreline, about
half of which is on Vashon Island in unincorporated King County and the other half is the
incorpotated shoreline through the cities of Shoreiine, Seattle, Burien, Des Moines, and Federal
Way. Storm surge and wave action are significant flood hazards facing development along
shotelines. Coastal etosion also is a prevalent hazatd, including along the steep bluff areas
atound the shoreline in King County. Many miles of shoreline atevaiably armored by
bulkheads and othet structures. Coastal flooding will be exacerbated by sea level dse and other
impacts of climate change.
Flooding is a prevalent threat during the fall and winter months due to atmosphedc rivers, heavy rain,
and king tides. Majot floods occur on average every two to five yeats. Major river flooding has typically
not caused fatalities, but tathet signifrcant property damage. Flooding along multiple rivers n 2006 and
2009 were the most recent majot floods to cause many millions of dollats in damage. Flooding in 1990
is consideted the largest flood of tecotd for most of the county except for the Lower Snoqualmie and
Tolt Rivers. There have been 28 flooding events since 1965 that have resulted in federal disaster
declatations. At least minor flooding occuts every wintet. Climate change is likely to have a signiFrcant
effect in changing the pattems of flooding in the dver basins.
Scenario Drivers
types of flooding caused by extreme weather ate cyclical and are measured by their probability of
in a given year based on the factots that ddve flooding. The larger a flood event, the less
it is to happen in a year A flood with a 1,0oh chance of occuring in a year is sometimes called a
}-year flood," and that flood event will have less dver flow and likely fewer impacts fhan a 7oh annwd.
flood event, ot a "100-yeat flood." These flood events can be modeled and maps cteated to
their extents.
1o/o annual chance flood, or 1.00-year flood, is the most impottant scenatio because floodplain
and federal flood insuance are based on this flood event. This flood event teptesents the
floodplain on FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps and forms the basis for community
tions for participating communities in the National Flood Insurance Ptogram. In King County
all new ot substantially improved buildings must be constructed with their lowest floor at
one foot higher than the expected elevation of the'l,o/o annual chance flood.
the 1.o/o annual chance flood is scenario most often discussed, the 1,0oh,2oh, and0.2oh annual
floods are often used for planning and certain tegulatory purposes. The extents of the flood
are not consistently mapped throughout the county, but engineering data in flood models can be
ed in project planning or regulatory compliance.
the recurtence interval floods ate dtiven by cyclical natural factots like atmospheric rivers
heavy rain or severe wintet stoms and king tides. Othu factots can drive flooding scenarios in
t ways. Fot example, levee ot dam failures may happen due to problems caused by inadequate
Flooding damage from earthquakes rvill likely only be seen if an earthquake damages a
for example, during times of high watet
County has a long-established Flood Waming Progtam that has been monitoring river systems for
50 years. The King County Department of Natual Resources and Parks'River and Floodplain
Section operates a Flood Warning Center that opens 24hours a day when flooding occurs
any of the river systems with gages. Fot the Flood Waming Program, the rivers are measured by a
phase" system based on teal-time flow information. When a iver reaches flood phase 2, the
opens, cootdinates with local, state, and federal agencies, and accepts calls from the public
information about flooding. When a dvet reaches flood phase 3, patrol teams are sent out to
flood protection facilities and any potential flooding impacts. When a tiver reaches flood phase
additional staff are btought in to the Flood rVaming Centet, sent on flood patrols, and begin to
damage information in case of a disaster declaration.
pr{As€soutH fonx
{n€ar c.am$bo,
lf{OQtl^ljt lE
(tum of fortr|
E TflJA'i
{near Hobartf
{Actual or
flow nsar
{ActuJ or
erpected flow
releese fionr
I 6,000 cfs 2,500.f5 6,000 cfs 6"5 ft 1.800 cls 5,000 cfs 4,0CI0 cfs
2 lO,00O cfs 3,500 cfE 12,000 rfs 7.5 ft ?,800 cfs 7,000 cls 5,000 rfr
l 18,00O cfs 5.000 cfs 10.000 cfs 8-5 fr 4,200 cfs 9.000 cfs 7.000 cfs
4 27.00O cfs 8.500 c{s 38.000 r;fs 9.0 ft 5,0u0 cfs 12,000 cfs 9,000 c{s
Heavy rain and
atmospheric rivers
Most tiverine and urban flooding is caused by heavy rain and atmospheric
dvers that ddve significant weathet systems into the Pacific Northwest.
Intense rainfall can overwhelm rivers' ability to catry flows in their banks
and cause inundation of the adjacent floodplains. These factors not only
drive riverine flooding, but also urban flooding issues that can overwhelm
local stormwater infrastructute and can cause flood damage.
Severe wintet storrn, stofln
sutge, king tides
Sevete vrinter stoms that have strong vrinds combined with king tides can
cause signihcant coastal flooding, as seen in the 1982 king tide event that
battered much of the shoteline in King County. Intense coastal storms and
high tides can cause damage to coastal properties and damage infrastructure
like roads and ferry docks.
Sea level rise
As sea level dses in Puget Sound, the stillwater elevation level, or the water
level without effect of waves, dses and pushes more water inland during
times of severe storms. \)fhile the actual increase in flood risk udll diffet
based on the localized geogaphy and uzind pattems, sea level rise is cettain
to wotsen flooding along the coastlines in King County.
Channel migration Rivets natural etode banks and soils due to the energy of moving water.
This erosion causes rivers to migrate or move latenlly across a floodplain.
A channel can also move abruptly over alatge distance in a single flood
event. This can thteaten development located in channel migration zones,
some of which are mapped.
Dam failure and
If dams fail, the water held back will rush out quickly, potentially causing
catasftophic flooding downsfteam. Dams both large and small can pose
significant impacts. The potential for Howard Hanson Dam's failure in
2009 brought to light the incredible flooding, loss of life, and property
damage that could happen if dams fail. Smaller structures that might be in a
neighborhood can also lead to deaths and signiFrcant properry damage.
Dam failure can be caused by too much water for a structute to handle or
by lack of maintenance that causes the dam to fail.
Levee failure and
Levees act as flood protection facilities, but only offer protection to a
certain recurrence interval. They also are manmade earthen structures that
tequ ite maintenance. Flooding can exceed a levee system's capacity or flaws
in the structure can cause it to fail, and both would cause rapid inundation
behind the levee. Water can seep through levees and cause weaknesses that
lead to collapse.
Landslide and mudflow
Landslides can rapidly fill in dvers, causing a blockage in the river and
immediate overflowing. This thteat is particulady present on the Cedar
River. Landslides can also add significant material to a river, causing a
mudflow and tapid damage to property, similar to the Oso Landslide event
in2014 in Snohomish County.
Eatthen levee systems are prone to liquefaction in an earthquake, which can
cause majot failure of the levee structufes. If floodwaters are being held
back at the time of an eatthquake, the levees can fall and flooding could
occur very quickly.
Volcanic eruption
In the event that Mt. Rainier efupts, lahars can fill river valleys and
drastically change the course of rivers, streams, and shorelines. The amount
of materials btought downstream in alahat would affect the severity of
impacts in future flooding.
Tsunamis are powerful waves that are caused by an earthquake or
displacement of water from an underwater land feature collapse. Specific
scenarios ate outlined in the Tsunami and Seiche Risk Assessment. A
tsunami that affects King County would cause significarit wave action and
likely major damage to properties on the coast.
Humanmade watershed
One major factor in undetstanding flood risk is the undedying land that
floodvraters flow over. Harder and more impervious surfaces carry
floodwater faster, so as humans continue to build buildings, roads,
sidewalks, and other impervious features, floodwaters travel faster to
streams, which can inctease the severity of flooding.
Climate change
While climate change has an effect and influence on many of the factots
akeady identihed, it is a specific scenario driver because of the potential to
change flooding in King County. Research is curendy ongoing to better
analyze, quantifr, and understand the effect of certain emissions scenarios
that could drive flooding in multiple ways. King County is likely to
experience higher intensity tatnfal, events, which have the potential to cause
mote impactfirl flooding.
Priority Vu I nera bi I ities
Families living in
floodprone areas
Families with iimited budgets are the top concem for flooding. Because
flood damage can be very expensive and disruptive, families have a difficult
time recovering ftom the effects of flooding. Without flood insurance,
families must take money from savings; and even with flood insurance, flood
damaged homes may not be livable fot many months. Renters are
patticulatly vulnenble since they often are lower income and do not have
flood insutance. Additionally, families that don't speak English as a primary
language can be mote vulnetable to flooding because most flood waming
systems ate in English and much of the flood insurance, floodplain
tegulations, and any mitigation programs are made up of materials in
Major roads and sole-
access toads
The many bridges, majot roads, ctoss-valley roads, and sole-access
neighbothood roads that cross floodplains are a top priority dudng flooding.
Many people in Duvall, Camation, and other communities in the Snoqualmie
valley can be entirely cut off duringmajor flooding since SR 203 and the
ctoss-valley toads are often underwater. During high tide flooding events on
Vashon Island, many coastal roads are underwater as well and can limit
access via Vashon Highway.
Critical facilities
Schools, hospitals, nursing homes, hazardous materials storage facilities, and
othet critical facilities operations are threatened dudng flooding. Schools urill
be inaccessible and hospital opetations and access routes vulnerable.
Facilities like nursing homes house populations that cannot easily leave
floodprone ateas. And hazatdous waste, sewage, or animal waste storage
facilities thteaten watet quality and pose health risks during flooding.
If, Ki,gco.,nty
There ate many agricultutal operations in King County's floodplains
including major production areas in the Snoqualmie Valley, Green River
Valley, Sammamish Rivet Valley, and parts of the Enumclaw Plateau.
Flooding can patticulaAy affect hawest time in Octobet and November as
well as making it difFrcult to start planting in the spring. Farms with livestock
faced significant losses in the 1990 floods, but now many dury or other
Iivestock opetations have farm pads that offer refuge for animals in times of
Lineat inftastructure
Linear inftastructute such as water and natural gas pipelines, sewage systems,
and utility transmission lines cross ltvers, streams, and floodplains.
Significant water pipelines take water from ptotected watetsheds down to
Seattle, Renton, and othet cities and often are threatened by flooding. A
majot capital project completed n 2019 added flood ptotection for the Tolt
Pipeline, which is part of Seattle's water supply. Additionally, as sea levels
dse and wofsen coastal flooding,
Flood protection facilities
Levees and revetments are pat of the flood protection facility systems in
King County. During flood events, levees and tevetments are tested by the
fotce of floodwater. Revetments are intended to protect against channel
migtation, but if the flood is too large, they can fail and rivers can avulse.
Levees similatly are put under setious pressure during flood events and a
number of issues ftom seepage to sloughing can undermine levees and cause
them to fail.
Priority lmpact Areas
King County
Flooding can affect anyone vrho lives in or near floodplains. Most flood hazards arc
mapped and families living in these mapped loh annual chance floodplains can expect at
least a 26oh chance of seeing floodwaters over 30 years, the length of a typical mortgage.
Flooding can threaten lives, patticulat in ateas where flooding can happen quickly and
with litde waming, in addition to those driving on flooded roads. Most deaths occur from
people ddving through floodwaters and being swept away in their cats.
Flooding also causes significant property damage afid, on avetage, one foot of watet in an
size home can cause ovet $50,000 in damage. Without flood insumnce, this level
of damage can overwhelm a family's finances. And those without many financial
resources will be severely impacted by flood damage to theit home and/ot belongings.
Flooding also affects those who work in floodplains or commute through them. Many
farmwotkers are employed on farms in the Snoqualmie or Sammamish Valleys and when
flooding inundates or ruins crops, farmworkers can find themselves without jobs.
Businesses in floodplains also will shut down during flooding, particulady if buildings and
Communiw Repetitive Loss Properties
Auburn 0
Bellevue 3
Burien 6
Carnation 0
Duvall 2
Issaquah 74
Kent 2
King County 108
Kirkland 1
access roads ate damaged. Aftet the 1993 Midwest Flooding, FEMA found that over 4ooh
of small businesses don't teopen after being flooded.
Flooding is a complicatedhazard to undefstand and accessing flood waming, flood
insutance, and othet infonnation often tequires command of English, understanding of
govemment bureaucracy, and access to financial resources. Populations that don't speak
English, don't have access to govemment resoutces, and those that cannot afford or
don't have flood insurance are paticulady vulnerable to the long-term impacts of
Rentets can be particulady vulnemble to the impacts of flooding. Families that rent make
up over 50% of the households in the floodplain, whereas they make up approximately
37oh of households in the entke County. Renters are more often vulnerable because
they'te far less likely to have a flood insurance policy. Out of the many thousands of
families that tent, thete ate less than 300 renters flood insurance policies, according to
data from FEMA, and some of those may be business propetties that the data cannot
distinguish. Rentets often have less wealth or savings to draw from to pay fot uninsured
Flooding patticulady impacts property and often causes many millions of dollars in
property damage in major flooding events. Even a small amount of water inside a
building can cause significant property damage and leave building owners with large
repait bills. For families, damage to homes may mean difFrcult financial decisions,
displacement for weeks, and lost belongings. For business owners, flood damage may
mean lost economic output from shutdowns, desttoyed inventory, and inability to pay
Thtoughout King County, thete is at least $5 billion of building value in floodplains.
Federal flood insutance thtough the National Flood Insurance Program is the primary
way building owners financially protect theit property in floodprone areas. As ofJune
201.9, floodinsutance policies cover over $2 billion worth of propety throughout King
County. Many latger commercial ot industrial facilities ate insured through private
contracts, the value of which is not available to govemment agencies.
The economy
Island 7
Noth Bend 4
Redmond 0
Renton 0
Skykomish 4
Snoqualmie 1,34
Woodinville 2
In 2007, an economic study was conducted to undetstanding the economic impact of
flooding. The study found that 6oh of the tegion's jobs are located in the floodplain and
neatly 7o/o of the county's wages and salaries are generated in the floodplain ($3.7 billion).
20oh of the county's manufacturing employment and 30oh of the county's aerospace
employment are found in floodplains. A major flood that would shut-down economic
activity in floodplains would result in at least $46 million per day in lost economic output.
Flooding will affect certain industries like agticulture, aerospace, manufacturing, and
distribution mote heavily because of their ptesence and reliance on floodplain locations.
In the lowet Snoqualmie valley, there are neatly 200 farms that produce a vride nnge of
products from dairy to herbs and tow ctop vegetables. The Sammamish River valley
supports a number of wineries and other small farms. And the Gteen River valley hosts
many large fields of tow crops as well as alarge County-owned farm leased out by a
diverse group of farmets. Flooding can negatively impact these operations, particulady if
it occurs befote harvest or late into the spring planting season. Farmets cannot sell food
products ftom flood-damaged fields. Flooding, however, also provides nutrients to the
soil that supports productive agriculture.
While some agricultural sectors are dependent on natutal floodplain functions, othet
economic sectors have located in the floodplain over decades for other reasons. Large
warehouses in the Gteen Rivet valley, many in the floodplain, make the region one of the
latgest logistics hubs in the nation. But, the square footage of warehouse and aerospace
facilities means that billions of dollars are at dsk of flooding every year as well as
thousands ofjobs.
Flooding is a natural process and supports unique ecosystems and habitats. Many ipaAan
and aquatic ecosystems depend upon some amount of regulat flooding ot high water
events. Vatious salmonid species use high watet events to seek tefuge as juveniles or
access mote favotable habitats, which makes flooding an important part of fecovery for
the endangered salmon species in Puget Sound.
Natural floodplain functions typically tesult in slower-moving floodwaters with less
intense flood height peaks. When upland forest ateas are logged or bumed, rain and
snowmelt reach streams fastet, which can cause flooding to be more intense and push
water thtough the floodplain mote quickly.
King County often incorporates natural functions into the design of projects, which helps
reduce flood risk as well as protect and testore ecosystems. Reconnecting dvers and
coastlines to their histotic floodplains thtough levee setbacks, creating side channels, and
removing obstructions help restote natural functions and bring flood risk reduction
benefits as well. The latge Countyline ptoject near Auburn restored 721, actes of
floodplain along the NVhite fuvet and reduce flood risk for over 200 residential properties.
Of the 1.27 rnedtcal facilities throughout King County, only 5 are located n the 0.2oh
annual chance floodplain (which includes the loh annual chance floodplain) and of those,
only 1 is located in th.e 7oh annual chance floodplain. No hospitals are located n the 0.2oh
annual chance floodplain. While these 5 facilities are certainly at dsk, the risk from
flooding to the overall healthcare and medical system is low.
One atea of concetn is the ability of residents in cetain ateas of the County, in paticulat
sole-access neighborhoods and the lower Snoqualmie Valley, to evacuate for medical
reasons during times of flooding. Neighbothoods with roads that are inaccessible during
flooding ate patticulady vulnetable. The lower Snoqualmie Valley can also be isolated
when the rivet reaches beyond a flood phase 4level.
Govetnment Because few govemment facilities ate located in floodprone areas, flooding does not pose
operaUons a substantial risk to the continuity of govemment operations. Certain city buildings in
(continuity of Snoqualmie, North Bend, and Camation are in floodprone areas, but some are elevated
operations)and others ate outside floodprone ateas.
Respondets Police, fitefighters, and paramedics play key roles in the response to flooding. Police
officets often help shut toads down to prevent people ftom driving thtough floodwaters;
Ftefighters often rescue people trapped by flooding; and patamedics transport people
hurt by flooding, often from hypothermia or other causes. If any of these frst
tespondets' buildings ate in the 0.2o/o annual chance floodplain, their ability to respond is
seriously threatened.
Of the 64 police stations in King Count|, 3 are located in the 0.2o/o annual chance
floodplain (in Skykomish, Redmond, and Issaquah).
Of the 767 Fue stations in King Coun$r, 6 are located in the 0.2oh annual chance
floodplain (in Skykomish, Seattle, North Bend, Renton, Issaquah, and near Enumclaw)
Additionally, neighbothoods with roads that are inaccessible during flooding pose
challenges to fitst tespondets. They may not be able to ddve to homes and may tequire
helicopters or boats to access.
confidence in
Energy systems: most overhead powedines are not susceptible to impacts from
flooding unless the powet poles are not resistant to flooding. Buried cables
typically arcn't affected by flooding very often.
Water/NTastewater: flooding, particulady from king tides and coastal storm
systems can dtmage u/astev/ater infrastructure such as the County's NTest Point
Treatment Plant. Some city wastewater treatrnent plants are also located in
floodprone rivetine areas. where these linear systems cross rivers, flooding can
pose issues. The Tolt Pipeline, a water supply line for Seattle, was at risk from the
Snoqualmie fuver migrating further toward its alignment. In 201,9, a project was
completed to provide some protection from that risk.
Transportation: roads through the Snoqualmie valley are particulady susceptible
to flooding and close regulady dudng high water events. Valley residents are
often isolated. King County Road Services Division closes roads and will be
working on an effort to study the impacts of flooding on various county roads.
Communications: most communications infrastructure is not vulnerable to
Flooding occurs frequently enough in King County that residents often turn to the King
county River & Floodplain Management Section for help and information during
flooding events. Confidence is high in the govemment's ability to respond to flooding
events. The multiple iterations of the Flood Hazard Management Plan have featwed
tobust stakeholder involvement processes, which has inspired confidence in King
county's ability to manage floodplains with higher regulatory standards and other
programs to keep people and property safe from flooding.
Regional Risk Profile: Hazardous Materials
Hazard Description
Flazatdous matedals teleases are one of the most cofiunon incident types. They can occut due to an
accident ot also be secondary to othet primary hazatds like: terorist attack, eathquake and volcanic
activity, severe flooding, and fires. Hazatdous matedals teleases occur from leaking containers or
pipelines when corrosion ot a punctute occurs, accidental overflow of vessels when being ftansferred,
loading dock and warehouse accidents, cateless handling, illegal activities like drug labs, and tir:afltc
accidents. The petson who dumps paint down a sewer is releasing ahazardovs material. The illegal drug
lab is using hazatdous materials and leaving hazardous waste. The car accident that leaves a pool of fuel,
oil, and ani-freeze has left hazardous materials to clean up. A gtowing source of materials releases is
from electronic waste dumping, releasing chemicals like lead, zinc, nickel, flame retardants, barium, and
chromium into the environment.
There ate nine classes of hazardous materials.
1.. Explosives
2. Gases
3. Flammable Liquid and Combustible Liquid
4. Flammable Solid, Spontaneously Combustible, and Dangerous When Wet
5. Oxidizer and Organic Peroxide
6. Poison (Ioxic) and Poison Inhalation Hazard
7. Radioactive
8. Cortosive
9. Miscellaneous
Examples of common hazatdous matedals include anhydrous ammonia (used as a refigerant), gasoline
and diesel (used as ftansportation fuels), paints and dyes (for homes and clothing), and many corrosives
(used in the local afucnft manufacturing industry).7o Pipelines and rail.lines transpot crude oil to
tefineries and finished fuels to homes (natuml gas) and retail fueling stations for vehicles.
The risk of a CBRNe event (an attack using chemical, biological, radiological, ot nerve agent) is low, if
one were to occur this would have widespread impacts. Thete is little known day-to-day risk of an event,
though this is a major focus of federal, state, and local countettettorism planners. More information on
hazardous matedals in terrodst events will be ptovided in the terrorism hazard profile.
Although the likelihood of large numbers of fatalities ftom a single materials telease is low, the effects
can be devastating to impacted communities, the economy and the environment. A major oil spill in
Puget Sound would destroy the fishery, including $4.5 billion in commercial fishing plus tourism, and
spoft fishing. The Puget Sound is also a culturally-sacred and envitonmentally-ctitical resoutce that
70 Federal Motor Carrier SafetyAdministration. Nine Classes of Hazardous Materials. Accessed online on 7 /2/I9 fuorr'
httos://www.fmcsa.dot.sovlsites/frncsa.dot.Eov/files/docs/Nine Classes of Hazardous A,Iaterials-4-
2013 508CLN.odf.
!I xngco,rtr.y
cannot be replaced or valued in dollats. In this way, the hazardous materials incident hazard is one of
the most complex. It includes ftequent spills and releases ftom day to day human activities, a thteat of a
maiot telease from a massive spill or accident, and the threat of an intentional release from an attack.
The impacts frorr'hazatdous materials are also complex, including slow-acting releases that kill people
and the envitonment over years and
catastrophes that kill thousands, such as in
Bhopal, India in 1984.
a ..,1
BetweenJuly 1,2015 and March 3t 201.9
.,' , Washington State Department of Ecology
i received 748 teports of oil spills of one
' gallon ot mote teaching a watet source,
I ,""
"{-.a l!?'e
o r*,-, J-'
Clas 1, 3, and 4 Spi//s Progran Regrlated Faci/itier (ltzA
including both running into storm drains
and running dkectly into a waterway. This
only includes teported spills and only
includes oil spills. This does not include the
uncountable quantity of micro-spills that
occur and atelater washed into waterways
by rain. For example, the rough spot of
pavement in a parking lot that is the result
of fluids ddpping onto the pavement from parked vehicles is
an oil spill.zt
In Washington, the state Department of Ecology is the lead agency forhazardous materials. Local
response is led by ltre services.
71 Washington State Department of Ecology. Coastal Atlas. Accessed online on 7 /2/79 from
https://fortress.wa.gov/ecl,/coastalatlas/storymaps/spilis/spills sm.html.
[n xrrgco,rtt y
Vu ln era bil ity Cha racteristics a nd Previous Occu rrences
I(ng County hosts a vanetl of unique transportation and
geographic conditions, including one of the latgest deep
watet seaports on the west coast, an International Airport in
SeaTac that handles catgo from all over the wodd, as well as
fuel pipelines running south from Whatcom County through
ICng County and down into Portland carrying jet fuels,
diesel, gasoline, etc. An estimated 18,833 oil tank cars travel
thtough King County each quarter.T2 Additionally, local
highways like Interstate-5, Interstate-90, Interstate 405, US
Highway 2, State Route (SR) 18, SR 516, SR 167, US
Highway 99 and others trafisport hazardous materials
thtoughout the region.
In the City of Seatde alone there are thousands of facilities
with hazardous materials regulated under the fire code.73
isrbsd :l Othet ateas with high concentrations of hazardous matedals
1;, uSag€ include Auburn, Redmond and the Kent Valley.
Business types that commonly use hazatdous matedals include: hospitals, schools and universities, metal
plating and finishing, the airctaft industry, public utilities, cold stotage companies, the fuel industries, the
communication industry, chemical disffibutots, tesearch, and high technology frrms. Each of these
facilities is required to maintain plans fot waming, notification, evacuation and site security under
vatious regulations.
\Vhile the majority of incidents tend to involve petroleum products, a significant number involve
exftemely hazardo,ts materials. Exttemely hazatdous materials include chemicals like chlorine, ammonia,
sulfuric acid, nitric acid, some pesticides (EHS is a technical designation, so not pesticides- although the
chemistries used as pesticides might be on the EHS list), and other chemicals that can cause immediate
death ot injury when inhaled, ingested, ot come in contact with skin. Approximately 200 local facilities
with exttemely hazardous materials report to the county under Community Right to Know Act
provisions. (plug with time and description of LEPC Seatde and I(ing) These sites report their
inventories annually with recotds being retained in databases in multiple locations.Ta
Though they occur every day, many spills are not repotted or go undetected. Some industrial spills from
the 1970's and 1980's are still being cleaned up in the Kent Valley, Harbor Island, Duwamish cortidor,
72 Washington State Department of Ecology. Coastal Atlas. Accessed online on7 /2/19 from
htros://fortress.wa.pov/ecv/coastalatlas/ston'maos/snills/soills sm.html.
i3 National Fite Protection Association. Materials Management Codes and Standatds. Accessed online on 6/25/79 frcrr'
https://www.nfpa.orglcodes-and-standards/all codes-and-standards/list-of-codes-and-
standards ?mode =code&code=400.
74 King County Local Emergency Management Planning Committee. 2075.Tter II Reports.
and Seatde/South Park as fedetal Supetfund cleanup sites. There are curently 10 active Superfund
cleanup sites in King County.Ts At least Ftve othet Superfund sites have completed cleanup and have
been closed since the program began. Cutrendy active sites include:
1. Harbor Island - gtoundwater contains benzene, ethyl benzene, xylene, mercury, cadmium, lead
and zinc with poly chlorinated bi-phenols @CB) sediments. 18
2. Lockheed West Seatde - heavy metal contaminants: atsenic, chromium, coppeE lead, silver, and
zinc with butyl tins and PCBs.
3. Lower Duwamish Waterway - River sediments ate contaminated vdth mercury, arsenic, PCBs,
dioxins, furans, and phthalates.
4. Midway Landfill - Gtound water contaminated with heavy metals and volatile organics.
5. Pacific Car and Foundry - Soil is contaminated with heavy metals, PCBs and solvents.
Approximately 37,000 obtain drinking water fiom wells within three miles.
6. Pacific Sound Resoutces - Soil and gtound water contaminated by PCBs and heavy metals from
former wood fteatment operations.
7. Queen City Fatms - the site is a formet landFrll. Ground water, sutface watef, and sludge
contaminated by volatile otganic compounds. Soil contaminated with PCBs and metals.
8. Quendall Terminals - Soil and ground water contaminated with benzene and creosote from
former manufacturing plant. Contaminants release to Lake Washington.
9. Seatde Municipal LandFrll (I(ent Highlands) - Landfill contains volatile organic compounds like
toluene, xylene, vinyl chloride, and others - plus hear,y metals.
10. Western Processing - formet industrial processing facility ground watet and sediment contains
volatile organic compounds, PCBs, phenols, and heavy metals
An example of the cleanup costs fot a Superfund site is illustrated by the Harbor Island Cleanup. The
fotmer owner, RSR Cotpotation agreed to pay $8.5 million in fines toward the cleanup that vrill cost
(when completed) over $32 million.T6 The cost to cleanup an illegal drug lab (in a home) can cost
between $5,000 and $100,000 depending on the size of the home. Often the occupants vacate or
abandon the sites - leaving a bank ot credit union holding the mortgage and cleanup costs.77
Scenario Drivers
7s U.S. Envkonmental Protection Agency. Superfund Sites rVhere You Live. Accessed online on 6/25/79 ftorr'
httos: / /www.eoa.sov/suoerfund/search-suoerfund-sites-where-vou live
76 U.S. Department ofJustice. 2006. Former Harbor Island Smelter Operator to Pay $8.5 Million in Superfund Cleanup
Costs. Accessed online or 6/25/79 from https://www.iust-ice.gov/archive/opalprl20064anuaryl06 enrd 047.html.
77 Dewan, Shaila and Robbie Brown. July 25,2009. When an ex-meth lab is home. Tbe Seattle Timet Accessed online on
6/25/19 from https:/ /www.seattletimes.com/business/real-estate/when-an-ex-methlab-is-a-home/.
lt is difficult to find a home, school, hospital or place of business that isn't without chemicals, solvents,
pesticides, lawn chemicals, cleaners andf or paints.
Pipeline ruptute
Washington State hosts the only oil refinedes in the Northwest. Multiple
pipelines traverse the state, such as the Olympic Pipeline. Failures or
shutdowns in the pipeline can cause fuel shotages and price increases. An
explosion on the Olympic Pipeline tn 1999 killed three people and cost over
$58 million in ptoperty damage.
Chemical/oil train
An oil spill in 2076 in Moser, Oregon along the Columbia River very neady
caused the destruction of the entire town and an ecological catasffophe in
the dvet. The community was saved by luck of the weathet and because
most of the oil that spilled flowed into a water treatment plan, where it was
safely contained.
Oil tanker spill
An oil tanket spill in the Puget Sound would devastate marine life and
potentially cause a pemanent shut-down in oil tanker tafhc due to public
outc{y. A majot spill would close the fishery economy leading to $4.5 billion
in losses for Washington alone and petmanent, incalculable damage to tribal
cultutal fesoufces.
Storage facility failure in a
populated area
A facility failure, including an explosion or telease of chemicals, could
endanger or kill many people. In Waco, Texas in 201,3, an ammonium nittate
explosion occutted at a distribution facility, leveling a neighborhood and
killing 15 people. A train derailment in 2073 inLac Megantic in Quebec,
Canada killed 60 people and destroyed much of the town.
Vehicle accident on a
milor roadway
Vehicle accidents that telease fuel and oil occur eveq' day on Washington
roads. A major incident, especially at an intetchange, such as the I-5 and I-
405 intetchange in Tukwila/Renton would potentially close both freeways
fot an extended period while cleanup occurs.
CBRNe Attack
Another lower-risk, but high-intensity hazardous materials everit is from a
chemical, biological, radiological, or nerve agent (CBRNe) attack.
Priority Vu lnera bil ities
Low-income communities
in or atound industrial
Low-income communities are more likely to be impacted from major
teleases due to the proximity of affotdable housing to industrial areas and
historic environmental injustices.
lndividuals with
respiratory issues
Individuals with respiratory issues are more likely to succumb quickly to an
aitborne telease of a chemical.
Majot transportation
facilities such as the Port
of Seattle
Major transportation facilities store huge amounts of chemicals and fuel in
depots. A failure or fire at one of these facilities could damage or destroy
these assets.
Rail facilities Rail facilities transport chemicals and fuels, including highly combustible
crude oil. There have been multiple derailments and spills. In Moser, Oregon
in 2076, a :rain derailed causing a F:u.e that neady desffoyed the town and the
fuel was ptevented ftom leaking in large quantities into the Columbia River
by luck.
lnterstate highways
Interstate highways are a major artery carryins chemicals. Accidents happen
every day and major chemical spills can shut down a roadway for an
extended period of time. (oil slicks conffibute to ftaffic injuries and fatalities
when it rains)
Cil tankers in Puget
Oil tankets are expected to traverse Puget Sound in growing numbets due to
Canada's approval of a major pipeline and terminal in Vancouver, BC. When
this occuts, it will significandy raise the risk a spill that could destroy much
of the aquatic life in Puget Sound.
Priority lmpact Areas
78 U.S. Centers for Disease Control. Health Effects of Chemical Exposure. Accessed online on 6/25/79 fuon
ht rps: / /www.atsdr.cdc.gov/emes /public /docs /He alth%o20Effects7o20ofD/o20Chemical7o20Exposure7o20FS.pdf.
County Potential Impacts to the public from a hazardous matedals spill can vary widely.
Tempomry ot even permanent displacement through evacuation from an unsafe atea c n
result in relocation/displacement of populations. Employment disruption, school
impacts to ptivate and community wellheads and other impacts can change whole
communities. Long term exposute to toxic chemicals can cause birth defects and
temporatry or permanent health problems - especially for the young, old and infirm.78
Vulnerable populations often live in closer proximity to facilities with the risk of
hazatdous matedals release. In King County, this includes residences near the Duwamish
industrial area,inKent, Renton, and south Seatfle. These are also the locations of the
superfund sites in the region. In cases of major releases or system failures, the most
impacted populations are frequently lowet-income, often ethnic minority communities
that live nearby. Populations with respiratory issues are also at a heightened risk of
impacts due to an afubome release of chemicals.
Spills of hazardous materials to soil ot buildings can result in extensive and cosdy cleanup
efforts. Cleanup standards are established by federal P.S. EPA), state @ashington State
Depattment of Ecology), and local standards (fire agencies and environmental agencies).
Until a site is cleaned up to those standards, residential or business occupancy can be
denied undet the Health Code. The tesponsible party (property owner) may be required
to pay for the cleanup. Often this can lead to bankruptcy and clean up by state or federal
agencies and conftactots. Contaminated propetty can drastically reduce the value of the
County subsequent property taxes available to local and stateand the
goveffiment. Similar impacts can be expected fot ffansportation accidents with hazardous
material spills.
The economy Small spills can close businesses and tathet latge impact on employment and land use
including the properties of neighbots not responsible for the chemical release. Superfund
sites can impact a cornmunity for decades until they ate cleaned up. The large salmon and
fishing fleet that calls King County home may be impacted when some of a year's fish
stock - or even the entite run is impacted.
Any chemical spill on or along rails, toads, pipelines, fixed industrial facilities or illegal
drug labs/dumping may impact the natutal environment. Wetlands, streams and rivers,
lakes, and teservoirs may all. be damaged from chemical spills. In some cases these
damages may injure the plant and animal life inepatably. Birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish,
and mammals may all be impacted. Air pollutants may impact human inhabitants as well
as the natural environment. Recreational ateas can be closed until a suitable solution can
be found to recover the natural envkonment.
Hospitals can be overwhelmed by majot teleases of.ha;zatdorts materials as populations,
both those exposed and those urho feel they may have been, check in at emergency
rooms. Hospitals and pharmacies ate also sources of hazardous materials, including some
radioactive materials such as those associated with cancer treatment.
(continuity of
King County is the opentor of sevetal facilities that are vulnerable to hazardous materials
spills. The county has thtee waste water operations (South Plant, West Point Tteatment
Plant, and Brightwater). These expensive facilities are vulnerable to the introduction of
chemicals (when in latge volumes) to the sanitatry sewer system. The county also has solid
waste (garbage) tansfer stations and a major landfill operation at Cedar Hills. While
contaminants are avoided, some material may make its way into the landfill and the
gtound watet table. Drinking watet facilities including private and community well heads
and teservoits may also be vulnerable to inftoduction of chemical ot biological
contaminants. Any chemical spill that impacts amajot roadway or rail line may impact
public transit routes in the county.
Responders Hazatdous matedals make tesponse and recovery activities in all disasters a thteat to the
health and safety of responders. During local events, such as house fires, stotes of
chemicals can catch fite and explode, injuring respondets. During latger events such as
earthquakes, large-scale teleases can surpdse and overwhelm responders without proper
equipment. It can also be extremely difficult to determine the chemical or chemicals that
have been released ftom a given spill, adding to first responder danget.
With hazardous matetials being everTwhere in out modern community, it is possible to
impact almost any critical facility in the county. Any roadway or rail line is vulnerable to
the many chemicals transported over them daily. Spills to soils and surface water sources
can impact drinking water and the envitonment. Materials dumped into sanitary sewers
can contaminate waste water treatment plants. Airborne chemicals can cause the
evacuation of the area downwind of the spill, including critical facilities. Damage to road
sutfaces ftom chemical spills may tequite the removal and replacement of the entire road
surface and foundational toad bed. Tmnsformers used in power ftansmission contain
chemicals called PCB (Poly chlorinated bi-phenols) that can be released during wind
stoms or lightning strikes and traffic accidents. The impacts to business ftom interupted
commute/road or nilroads closures can last for hours, days, weeks, or longer. White
powder incidents have closed postal facilities and govemment buildings until the
substance was identified and removed
confidence in
The Community Right to Know Act, and other related legislation, resulted from serious
breaches in public confidence following massive releases, explosions, ot other failures in
hazatdous materials systems. Any majot incident in and of itself seems to offer proof to
the public of a regulatory failure. Maintaining Local Emergency Planning Committees ani
a regular structure to repoit and analyze hazatdous matedals releases is critical to
maintaining public confidence.
Regional Risk Profile: Health Incideht,
Hazard Description
Disease has been one of the most influential factots in human history. On many occasions, disease has
shaped civilizations and altered the course of history. Throughout the 20th century great strides in
medicine have ptoduced many treatments and cures fot the deadliest diseases. Many of these medical
advances have given us a false sense of secudty that all diseases can be tteated or cured in a timely
manner, even though the potential for a devastating disease outbreak continues to threaten our
The impact of these diseases varies based on the virulence of the disease, duration of the illness,
susceptibility of the population to the disease, and spread within the community.
An outbreak can be charactedzed by the extent of spread of the disease. Epidemic refers to an increase,
often sudden, in the number of cases of a disease above what is notmally expected in that population in
that area. Pandemic refets to an epidemic that has spread ovet several countties or continents, usually
affecting alarge numbet of people. Mote common diseases are classified as endemic, as they are at
baseline levels urithin a community. New or emerging diseases can quickiy become an
epidemic/pandemic if there is litde or no immu"ity i" the population.
Common disease outbreaks include influenza, notovirus, pertussis, hepatitis A, Salmonella, and E. co/i..
Novel strains of influenza ate ^ great risk to King County, because of lack of immunity to a new
infTuenza vitus stain, the potential for sevete illness, and the high degree of transmissibility fiom person
to person.
Fot King Count/, the Communicable Disease Epidemiology & Immunization Section within Public
Health - Seattle & Iing County investigates and coordinates the surveillance of communicable disease
cases and outbreaks.
The impact of a disease can be tracked and chatactetized using several different indicators. These
indicatots can help Public Health assess and tespond to potential disease outbreaks.
o Incubation period: The stage of subclinical disease extending from the time of exposure to onset of
disease symptoms.
o Contagiout peiod: The duntion after infection during with the person can transmit the infection
to others.
. IrfecliaiA: The proportion of exposed persons who become infected.
o PathogenicitJt: The propottion of infected persons who develop ciinically apparent disease.
o Wra/erce The proportion of clinically appatent cases that are severe or fatal.
7e This risk profile was developed for the Seattle and King County Hazard Mitigation Plans by Public Health Seatde &
King County.
Vulnerability Characteristics and Previous Occurrences
Epidemics dfuecdy affect the health of people who live, work, and visit a community. They have the
potential to be one of the deadliest hazards a community can face. Sickness is the most visible
consequence of an epidemic, but outbreaks can also severely impact the community as schools,
businesses, government agencies and non-profit organizattons curtail operations due to employee illness
of as counteffneasures. The effects of these curtailments gtow the longer the disease persists.
In many epidemic and pandemic situations, disease spreads quickly throughout a community. There are
many factors that can inctease King County's vulnerability to disease spread:
o Rapid population gtowth, such as is occuring in King County, increases the potential for
acquisition and sptead of infectious diseases.
. King County's latge intemational air and seapotts (including an active cruise ship industry)
increase the numbet of visitors to our area and the risk for importation of infectious diseases.
Diseases that are not endemic to Washington have the potential for introduction and spread
among our residents. Vaccine preventable diseases (e.g., acute vfual hepatitis, measles, and
influenza) are significant contributors to morbidity andpotential mortality in intemational
travelers and can cause local outbreaks among susceptible persons.
I Persons experiencing homelessness often also have limited access to medical care, so many
people living homeless and with health problems have difhculty getting prompt treatment.
Living conditions - like crowding and fewer opportunities for penonal hygiene - can conftibute
to the spread of disease. If someone has an undedying medical condition, alcohol or drug use,
ot weakened immune system, they ate even more susceptible. In 2017 and 2018, CD-Imms
responded to incteases in several infectious diseases among persons expedencing homelessness;
new infections and outbreaks in this population continue to be tepotted and might continue to
tise given the increase in penons expetiencing homelessness in King County.
Disease often affects those most vulnetable in our communities. Young children, the eldedR the poor
and those with undedying health conditions are often the hardest hit by disease.
King County has a laqge concentration of healthcare tesources, but in an epidemic or pandemic these
resources can be stetched or overwhelmed by the outbreak situation. The area also provides specialized
medical care fot alarge geographic area, including one of the area's only pediatric hospitals and the only
Level 1 Trauma center for Washington, Idaho, Montana, and Alaska. In addition, Airlift Northwest
located at Boeing Field is the only life-flight agency serving the same fout-state region.
Othet resoutces, such as food and water, are also a concem when planning for disease outbreaks. King
County has many open reservoirs that provide water to the city. These reservoirs could become
contaminated and be a sorrce of infection for area residents. Food sources can become contaminated
by imptoper food handling practices or ill food workets. Public Health conducts ongoing surveillance
fot food- and watetborne illnesses to identi$r and quickly control outbreaks.
Although it is impossible to predict the next disease outbreak, history has shown that outbreaks are not
unconunon and can produce devastating effects on a community. While the revolution in medicine in
the past centufy has incteased out ability to counteract disease, increases in the number of people
rvithout adequate healthcate, the evolution of antibiotic tesistant bacteda and globalization help make
outbreaks spread more quickly and inctease their magnitude. Disease outbteaks not only cause
increased motbidity and mortality in the community, but also put a grca;ter strain on the healthcare and
infrastructure system that could prevent the operation of critical services.
Thtoughout the 20m century several epidemics and pandemics have affected our community
Influenza. 1918-1979: The influenza pandemic of 1918 was especially virulent, killirg alatge number of
young, otherwise healthy adults. The pandemic caused more than 500,000 deaths in the United States
and mote than 40 million deaths around the wodd. The 1918 pandemic first ardved in Seatde in
October 1918; over the next six months the virus claimed 1,600 lives.
Influenza. '1,957-7958: The influenza pandemic of 1957 was less severe than the 1918 pandemic and
caused a total of 70,000 fatalities nation-wide.
Influenza. 1,968-7969: The influenza pandemic caused more than 34,000 deaths in the U.S. and cause
severe morbidity and mortality around the uzodd.
E. coli. 7993: E. coli-contaminated hamburger meat ftom a localJack in the Box caused illness in 400
people and led to the death of two people vdthin one month in the Washiflgton atea. Cases were seen in
Califomia,Idaho, and Nevada as well.
Pettussis. 2002-2005: Between 2002 and 2003 Public Health repotted an 82oh increase in the number of
Pertussis infections in infants, and a three-fold increase in the number of cases in children (6 months.
The occurtence of Pertussis in adolescents and adults has been on the dse since 1990, culminating in a
national epidemic in 2005 when 25,61,6 reported cases nation-vdde. Outbreaks within healthcare
facilities can occur quickly because the bactedal infection is highly contagious.
Influenza. 2009: Like the 1918 pandemic, the H1N1 outbreak of 2009 affected the young and healthy
populations as well as those with chronic diseases. This increase in morbidity caused strain on the local
healthcate system. Although the H1N1 virus was not as vinrlent and there were not neady as many
fatalities as ptevious pandemics, the outbreak caused alarger than usual amount of disease in the
community than seasonal influenza virus does.
Scenario Drivers
most likely scenatio that activates the region's emergency management system would be a disease
that just exceeds our public health system's capacity. !7e have chosen hepatitis A outbreak for
Most Likely Scenado. In 2017, sevetal state and local health departments responded to hepatitis A
breaks, sptead through person to person contact, that occurred primarily among persons who use
and non-injection drugs, and/or person who expedenced homelessness and their close
Multistate outbteaks of hepatitis A infections have also been linked to food products (i.e
sffawbetries In 2076 and pomegranate seeds in 2013).80 A large outbreak centered in Seattle would cause
a sffain on the public health system and potentially have strong impacts on local businesses, especially
any that the public perceives as tesponsible for the outbteak.
is the center of a hepatitis A outbteak that kills 20 people and makes
A Outbreak severely ill, including hundreds of hospitalizations. The emetgency is
and infections ate spreading among people who are living homeless
have limited access to adequate hygiene and prompt medical care.
The most severe disease outbreaks would involve pathogens that would infect a
large percentage of an exposed population and hospitalize or kill many people.
Pandemic influenza has the potential to cause this great a disaster. It poses a
thteat to the health of our local community as well as the national/international
community. In addition to human morbidity and motality, pandemic influenza
can have many socio-economic consequences. cancellations of schools, work
and public gathedngs may be enacted to attempt to halt the sptead of disease.
staff absenteeism can cteate a strain on govemment and healthcare systems
causing limitations of services and care. The 2009 H1N1 flu outbreak showed
how potentially easy it is to overwhelm the healthcare system, even though, as it
happened, H1N1 was an influenza that caused less severe disease than a typical
seasonal flu. A pandemic influenza that caused modetate or severe disease would
have a much larger impact on the community. The follovring table outlines
expected disease rates based on Center fot Disease Control modeling.
Characteristic Moderate 958/68 -Severe 918 -
US Coun US
Illness 90 miliion 540,000 90 million 540,000
Oupatient Care 45 million 270,000 45 miliion 270,000
ICU Care 729,750 t33 1,495,000 8,910
Ventilation 64,975 389 742,500 4,455
Deaths 209,000 1,254 1,903,000 1,1,,4',1.8
80 Centers fot Disease Control. Hepatitis A Outbreaks in the United States. Accessed online on 6/28 /1,9 fuom
https: / /www.cdc.gov/hepatitis /outbreaks /hepatitisaoutbreaks.htm.
Biotenorism is another potential cause of on a catastrophic disease outbreak. The
maximum bioterorism scenario is estimated by Public Health - Seattle & King
county to have impacts similar to the pandemic flu scenario identified above.
Priority Vu I nerabi lities
Priority lmpact Areas
81 Centers for Disease Control. Estimated Influenza Illnesses, Medical visits, Hospitalizations, and Deaths in the United
$121ss - 2077-2078 infTuenza season. Accessed online on 6/28/19 fuom
https: / /www.cdc.gov,/flu/about/burden/201 7-201 8.htm.
Cld and young people People who are either old or young have weaker immune systems and are
usually mote likely to succumb during an outbreak.
Healthcare staff
Healthcare staff come into regular contact with sick patients and ate likely to
be exposed both before the illness is identified and during treatment.
People with compromised
immune systems
People with compromised immune systems are most likely to become
infected and succumb from a serious disease.
People without health
People without health insurance are more likely to delay getting care,
allowing the disease to spread hrther before it is identified.
Health system
The health system is likely to be overwhelmed in any serious epidemic. In
especially serious outbreaks, it may be inadvisable for patients to even come
to the hospital and treatment may have to occur outside of hospital facilities
King County
As many as 11,,4'1,8 deaths are estimated to occur during the most severe pandemic
scenario. Thousands mote would be hospitalized, and hundteds of thousands sickened.
As of May 4,201'9, there were 45 influenza fatalities in the 2018-201,9 flu season.
In2017-2078 flu season, there were neady 1,000,000 hospitalizations and 79,400 deaths.
The most at-risk group is adults over 65 years of age (0% of hospitalizations).8l Old.r
adults account for neady 90oh of deaths. During a serious epidemic, older adults,
individuals with compromised immune systems, children, people without health
insurance, people who speak alangaage other than English, and people who are recent
immigrants to the country ate likely to be the most at-risk and suffer the worst impacts
Property There are no direct impacts to property
fhe economy The economy may come to a virtual standstill for weeks on end during severe outbreaks
as people avoid public places. Many small businesses may lose too much revenue and be
fotced to close. Nationally, the economic impact of seasonal influenza has been estimated
as high as $166 billion Q012 dollarc).tz
envfonment There are no expected impacts to the environment.
Health systems udll be overwhelmed and many nurses and doctots potentially sickened.
As facilities become unable to take additional patients, it may be possible to treat people
in outpatient facilities. During t}re worst-ctedible scenario, neady 300,000 residents of
King County urould tequire treatment. This would be far beyond the capacity of the
public health system.
(continuity of
Many govetnment operations may cease to function on a normal basis during the most
severe outbteaks. Agencies may have to adopt work from home policies and take other
steps to protect employees. Due to employee illness, many non-essential functions may
have to be curtailed.
Responders Emergency services would be severely impacted during a serious outbreak because they
are likely to be exposed eady due to public contact. As responders become sick, response
times and capabiJities would be severely limited.
Enetgy: There are no direct impacts, outside of employee absenteeism, to the
enefgy sectot.
Watet/Wastewater: There are no dkect impacts to the watet and wastewater
system from most outbreaks, although this system is a potential target of
bioterrodst activities.
Transportation: A disease would not cause any dfuect damage to the
transportation system, but high absenteeism would affect it. Public transit,
shipping, and other services may only function at 50oh dudng especially severe
Communications: There are no direct impacts, outside of employee absenteeism,
to the communications sector.
confidence in
The public undetstands that an outbreak is a severe natural event; however, restrictions
on public gatherings are not popular and cteate frustration. Some people may believe they
are not getting enough attention ftom the medical community. Others may begin to
doubt the efficacy of fteatment options if the disease worsens. In the most extreme cases,
confidence in the medical system can be shaken.
82 Mzo, Liang, Yang, Yang, Qui, Youliang, and Yan Yang.2O72. Annual economic impacts of seasonal influenza on US
counties: Spatial heterogeneity and patterns. Intenational Joumal of Health GeogrEly vol. 11 no. 16. Accessed online on
6 / 28 / 1,9 from https: / /www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles /PNfC3479051 /.
Regional Risk Profile: Landslide
Hazard Description
The term "landslide" covers a range of geomoqphic processes in which masses of soil, rock, debris (a
mixtute of soil and tock) become detached and move downslope. This mass is usually wet, saturated, or
suspended in water. This movement can happen quickly or slowly; displaced material can remain solid
or move as a liquid. Landslides c r r^nge in size ftom a few cubic yards to millions of cubic yards. The
detailed character of movement is refetred to herein as the landslide style. The style of landsliding
depends on the local geology, topogtaphn and hydrology in the vicinity of the failure. Five geneml styles
of landslide phenomenon have been identified in King County:s3
o Deep-seated landslides (including rotational slides, liquefaction spreads, debris flowslides,
o debris avalanches, and tock compound slides),
o Shallow debris slides,
o Processes that build depositional fans (including debris flows and debris floods),
o Rock fall, and
o Rock avalanches.
Landslides ate usually a secondary hazard, typically driven by precipitation. Smaller and shallower
landsiides are often tdggered by storm events lasting hours or days. Large deep-seated slides may be
triggeted by wettet than notmal conditions that persist for months. Historical records and geologic
evidence also show that large earthquakes, while relatively inftequent can be significant landslide
ttiggers. Landslides can also be triggered by ill-advised clearing, grading, or stormwater discharge.
Landslides tend to happen in areas where there is a history of ptevious occurrences. Another major
detetminant of landslide risk is local geology. King County's landscape is very young and is largely a
product of multiple glacial advances ovet the last two million years, with the most recent advance
approximately 14,000 years ago. Landslides ate most common where post-glacial erosion has cteated
steep slopes in glacial deposits, primarily along beach bluffs, ravine slopes, and dver valley walls. In
addition to areas of steep slope some ateas of lower slope are zctually old, deep-seated landslides which
may be at risk of teactivation. Characteristics of landslide hazard 21sas iri6luds.8a8s
r A slope greater than 40 percent
o Landslide activity or movement in the last 10,000 years
o Sffeam or v/ave action with erosion or bank undercutting
83 King County.20l'6.Ma;pping of Potential Landslide Hazards along the River Corridors of King County, l7ashington.
Prepared by River and Floodplain Management Section, lVater and Land Resources Division, Department of Natural
Resources and Parks. Seatde, WA. August.
e Federal Emergency Management Agency. 2018. King County Risk Report: Landsl-ide Exposure Assessment. Page 52.
8s l7ashington State Emergency Management Division. 2018. lfashington State Enhanced Hazzrd Mitigation phn nisk
Assessment. Page 308.
llfl Kr,gco,",ty
The ptesence of a depositional fan that may indicate a history of debris flows, debris floods, or
The presence of impermeable soils, such as silt or clay, which are mixed with granular soils such
as sand and gtavel
Landslides are dangerous and unpredictable. Some landstdes may show indications of impending or
incipient movement; othets may happen suddenly without any waming signs. Waming signs of a
potential or impending landslide include:86
r Rapidly growing cracks in the gtound; downslope movement of rock, soil, or vegetation.
o Sudden changes in creek watet levels, sometimes with increased sediment, especially dudng or
right after large or protracted storm events
o Sounds ofcrackingwood, knocking boulders, groaning ofthe ground, or other unusual sounds,
especially if the sound increases
o A hillside that has increased spring and (ot) seep activity, or newly saturated ground, especially if
it was ptevio".ly dry
r Formation of cracks or tilting of ftees on a hillside
o New or developing cracks, mounds, or bulges in the ground
. Saggutg or taut utility lines; leaning telephone poles, deformed fences, or bent ffees
o Sticking windows or doors; new and (or) growing cracks in walls, ceilings, ot foundations
o Btoken or leaking utilities, such as water, septic, or sewer lines
. SePatation of structures ftom their foundation; movement of soil away from foundations
o Changes in water well levels or water wells that suddenly run dry
Vulnerability Characteristics and Previous Occurrences
The most significant landslide risk in King County is during the niny season from November through
Ateas in the County most at risk ftom landsliding include those on or near coastal bluffs, ravine and
valley slopes, and in steep mountainous topography. Parcels on slopes greater than 40 percent are at afl
elevated risk of landsliding compared vrith mote level sites. The landslide risk assessment used WA
DNR Landslides and Landforms digital data identifying historic landslide areas, potentially unstable to
intermediate-sloped areas, and potential deep-seated landslide areas.
Since 2006, there have been seven disastet declarations impacting the county, including DR-4168 for tlle
SR 530 (Oso) landslide in Snohomish County. Landslides occut dudng virtually every major storm event
and earthquake. Landslides are especially likely in areas whete they have been recorded before. A good
method of assessing likelihood of a future landslide is to knovr if the area has had a history of landslides.
86 lTashington State Department of Natural Resources. 2017. LandslideHazxds in Washington State. Accessed online
on 6/7 /19 from https://www.dnr.wa.gov/publ-ications/ger fs landslide hazards.pdf.)h283k.
!f, xngco,rt,v
o 2007 - DR1361 - Nisqually Earthquake tdggers landslides around the state. $66.7M in Public
Assistance was authorized.
o 2006 - DR-1737 - Severe stotms uigger flooding and landslides. $29.5M in Public Assistance
(statewide) was authodzed along with $5.4M in Individual Assistance.
o 2007 - DR-1734 - Severe winter stoms tdgger landslides. $61.3M in Public Assistance was
authorized along with ff21.2M in Individual Assistance.
o 2009 - DR-1817 - Sever winter stoms trigget flooding and landslide.
. 201,1- DR-1963 - Severe winter stoms trigger flooding and landslides.
o 2014 - DR-4168 - A slope along SR 530 in Snohomish County fails, bringing -ith it an entire
neighborhood and killing 43 people. This is one of the deadliest disasters in Washington State
History. Thete is a long history of landslides in this area and the tragedy leads the state to invest
in a new landslide mapping program.
. 201.2 - DR-4056 - Sevete wintet storms trigger flooding and landslides. $30.1M in Public
Assistance was authodzed.
. 201.7 - DR-4309 - Severe winter storms trigget flooding and landslides. $12.5M in Public
Assistance was authorized.
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For planning purposes, King County looks at thtee common or particulady deadly landslides. These
usually result after major weather events or due to human activities or other distutbances such as a
majot wildFne.
Deep Landslide Deep-seated landslides are those that fail below the
rooting depth of trees and vegetation. They are
often slow moving but can also move rapidly.
Deep-seated landslides can cover large areas and
devastate infrastructure and housing developments.
These landslides usually occur as translational slides,
rotational slides, or large block slides. Deep-seated
landslides are t;rpically much larger than shallow
landslides, in terms of both surface area and
volume. A deep-seated landslide may appear stable
for years, decades, or even centuries. These long-
lived features can be patially or entirely teactivated
fot a vane|rJ of reasons.
Debris Flows
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bS! ldf lrrF aft b€ . *a.n- M Cadiild |Uq !s drrdqr
Debds flows usually occur in steep gullies, move
very rapidly, and can travel for many miles. Slopes
whete vegetation has been lemoved are at gfeater
risk for debris flows and many other types of
landslides. The figute shovrs a ser{es of flows
located in the Cedar River Watershed. The ages of
these slides ate unknown, but they are geologically
very young as they ovedap (and therefore post-date)
the entire suite of river teffaces present hete. The
exact trigger for this assemblage of large, closely
spaced landslides is uncleat.
" Kitg County Department of Natural Resources and Parks. Landslide Hazzrds Program website. Accessed online on
6/7 /1'9 from https: / /www.kingcounty.gov/services/environment/water-and-land/floodin&/maps/river-landslide-
hazar ds / landslide- rvoes.asox#Debris.
88 Washington State Geologic Survey. Landslide Htzatds Program website. Accessed online on 6/7 /79 fuorn
https://www.dnr.wa.gov/programs-and-services/geology/geologic-hazards/landslides#tvpes of-landslides.8
Shallow Landslides
rr$ldtt I r$.p rl{F
Priority Vu I nera bi I ities
Flomes built above, on, or
below bluffs or slopes
Transpottation coridors,
including on I-90 and
Seattle-Everett BNSF tail
Debris flows after
vegetation removal
Shallow debris slides (also known as shallow
landslides) are a cofiunon style of slope movement
both in the Puget Lowland and Cascade Mountains.
Shallow debris slides are charactenzed by failure of
a relatively shallow layer of soil typically sliding on a
surface of more competent material, either bedrock
or dense glacial sediments. Shallow debris stdes are
typically 3 to 6 feet (1. to 2 meters) and translational.
Shallow colluvial soils on slopes are formed through
a vanety of processes, including breaking up of the
undetlying in-place substrate (eithet be&ock or
Quatemary sediments) by fueezef thaw,
wetting/drying, bioturbation, and chemical
weathedng. Soils on steep slopes in King County
vary significantly with respect to soil thickness, soil
sffength, and hydraulic properties; this variability
presents the central challenge in assessing their
stability across a landscape.
Homes built on bluffs or other slopes apply addition weight to a slope and
increase the likelihood of slope failure. Homes built below bluffs have also
been desttoyed by slope failure.
Ttanspottation routes are often cut through steep areas or travel through
valleys vzith a history of landslides.
Vegetation removal due to logging, land development, view clearing, or
wildfte reduces the toot strength that often anchols and reinforces shallow
soils. Shallow landslides often increases following vegetation removal and if
debris ftom such a slide enters a hillside swale it may transition into a debris
flow that can have devastating impacts far below and distant from the initial
This Risk Ptofile addresses primarily landsliding for which out region has
significant collective experience. This includes of landslides triggered by
weather events and human disturbance. Geologic evidence is clear that this
region is subject to eathquakes from several sources larger than those that
have been well documented in the historical tecord. Widespread landsliding
.l tl
Coseismic Landsliding
is likely to be a secondary but significant and potentially catastrophic
consequence ofa future occurrence ofsuch alarge earthquake **.
Priority lmpact Areas
King County While the total number of people exposed to landslides is relatively small, and the risk of
a mpid slope failue has tended to be low, many homeowners do not carrJr insurance to
cover losses ftom landslide hazatds. The total number of people exposed to the landslide
hazard is unknown since landslide hazards ate spatially limited and do not align with
population information in Census data.
No additional impacts to vulnerable populations are expected ftom this hazard.
Propety In total, 2.6 percent of structutes in King County are identified as being within a landslide
hazard atea, resulting in an estimated $9.8 billion in exposed value. The City of Lake
Fotest Park has the highest petcefltage of structutes exposed in a landslidehazard atea at
16.4 petcent. The cities of Bellevue and Seattle and unincolporated King County are
estimated to each have over $1 billion of estimated exposed value within landslide hazard
ateas.se The slopes of Magnolia, W'est Seatde, Burien, Des Moines, Vashon Island,
Newcastle, Federal Way and m^fly areas of Bellevue have long been developed for their
magnificent views of
Mount Rainier, the Cascade and Olympic Mountains, and Puget Sound. Homes with
vistas of the Olympic Mountains provide sunsets that are breathe taking - and expose a
risk of land movemerit damages to property build on poor soils.
The economy Thete have been direct and indirect impacts to the greater King County community from
landslide activity. Residential housing in the gteater Puget Sound area that have been built
to enjoy the spectaculat mountain of the Olympics and Cascade ranges and watet views
of Lake Washington, Lake Sammamish, and Puget Sound are vulnerable to land
movement. Loss of transportation can also have economic impacts. In November 2008,
State Road 410 was closed as the result of a debds flow east of Enumclaw. A landslide
caused darnage to the Gteen Rivet Bridge on State Route 1.69 thatresulted in the bridge
being closed for repairs fot eight months. These incidents resulted in SBA loans to
8e Federal Emergency Management Agency. 2018. King County Risk Report: Landslide Exposure Assessment. Page 52.
*' A scenado study of seismically induced landsliding in Seatde using broadband synthetic seismograms
Allstadt, K., Vidale, J.E., and Frankel, A.,2013, A scenario study of seismically induced landsliding in Seattle using
broadband synthetic seismogtams, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 103(6), 2971-2992
impacted businesses. The SR 530 Oso landslide caused a complete reroute of the main
highway between Evetett and Darrington, devastating the local economy and forcing
residents to commute several houts longet to wotk each day.
Landslides that fall into sfteams may signihcantly impact fish and wildlife habitat, as well
as affecting water quality. Hillsides that provide wildlife habitat can be lost for prolonged
periods of time due to landslides. However, landslides also ptovide integral resources for
many ecosystems. They contribute needed gravel and sediment ot wood for building
complex in-stream habitats, estuarine matshes, and beaches that are important for
fishedes, wildlife and tecreation. The Cedar River was partially dammed by slide debris
from the Nisqually Earthquake tfl 2001. Similarln in March of 2004, a landslide near
Renton parialTy dammed the Cedar River again. All majot tivers in King County support
salmon andf or steelhead spawning populations.
No special impacts to health systems are expected fiom this hazard.
Most impacts to King County delivery of essential services are indirect. Roadways closed
may impede the county work force from reaching work locations. Transfer stations for
solid waste management and sewer lines and lift stations feeding the Mefto South Plan,
West Point Tteatment facrhty or Brightwater facility may be impacted by slide activity.
Only a small numbet of bus routes use roadways with the potential for impacts by slide
activity. Slide activity has resulted in frst respondet access issues and diveted road and
inftastructure maintenance resources. Resulting detouts have also impacted the commute
of essential workers to theit notmal work locations. Some slide activity has caused
temporafy access issues for solid waste ftansfer stations and to the Cedar Hills Landfill
Most commonly, homes ate isolated and ready access to communities by ltrst responders
is impeded by slide activity. Access to schools, businesses, and public services may be
impeded by toad blockages from slide activity. While no recent deaths or injuries have
been tepotted in King County from land movement, the incident in Snohomish County
refered to as the SR 530 Slide or the Oso Slide, 43 people were killed Q01,4).
Powet: Landslides pose some risk to ffansmission lines that cross unstable slopes.
Otherwise, landslides are not a pimary concern for this sector.
Water/Wastewater: Landslides or debds flows in and around reservoirs or
waterbodies that suppott water systems can cause disruptions in water services
and the loss of infrastructure. Watet supply pipelines may cross unstable areas
and be damaged by slope movement. Even if not direcdy impacted by eath
movement, systems that pull water directly from impacted watetbodies will have
to deal with incteased tutbidity or a loss of supply if the watet is tempotadly cut
off by earth damming or terouting a river. Finally, failures in water system
(continuity of
tfansmlsslon mal1rs can saturate a and landslides.
Ttanspottation: Transpottation routes can be closed for long periods by
landslides and rockslides. The following are some documented incidents. In
November 2008, State Road 410 was closed as the result of a debris flow east of
Enumclaw. A landslide caused damage to the Green River Bridge on State Route
169 thatresulted in the bddge being closed for tepairs for eight months. These
incidents resulted in SBA loans to impacted businesses. In May 2005,77 homes
were isolated after. a small slide on Mercer Island. That September, two lanes of I-
90 west of Snoqualmie Pass were closed after a rockslide. AJanuary 15,7997
slide at Woodward in southem Snohomish County derailed frve cars of a freight
ttain. Passenger and cargo nll, tnffic was interrupted for nine days. Catgo traffic
resumed Frrst. Amtak temained concemed fot passenger safety and did not travel
on this section of track for several weeks. This type incident can happen almost
annually and sometime more than once eachyear.
Communications: There is limited risk to communications systems as a whole
ftom landslides. Given the tedundancy in systems and proliferation of cell tou/ers,
which tend to be less landslides are not a concern.
The 2014 SR 530 Oso landslide demonstrated some of the major weaknesses in
emergency management capabilities. It also demonstrated a lack of regulation and
foresight on the pat of government in the petmitting of development in the atea, which
was a known slide area. Local critical ateas ordinances do require mitigation for
construction in slide hazatd ateas, but in the Oso slide, this proved to be inadequate. A
failure by develops, the government, and residents to propedy account for slide risk and
protect people from it led to multiple lawsuits and a general lowering of public
confidence in govemment's ability to propedy regulate land development.
confidence in
!E x"tgco,,n y
Regional Risk Profile: Severe Weather
Hazard Description
Severe weather events occur annually in King County, especially between October and April. Severe
weather can include heavy rain, snow, and ice; drought; extreme heat and cold; and high winds.
Secondary effects of sevete weather can include avalanche, flooding, landslides, power outages, and
incteased demand on medical services such as during extreme heat events. Many of these events are
expected to increase in ftequency, dutation, andf ot intensity as the climate changes, and new weather
hazards ate growing in impottance, especially heat and drought. The most ftequent impacts from severe
weather events are in the rural or suburban pats of the county, where it can take days or weeks to clear
toads or restore power; howevet, events such as extreme cold or heat have a greatet impact on urban
pans of the couot/, where there are large unsheltered populations.
The most common source of damaging/sevete weather is the Pineapple Express or atmospheric river
event. This phenomenon results ftom moistute picked up by the jet stream over waffn areas of the
Pacific Ocean that dtops as intense ptecipitation when the moistureladen air rises over the Olympic
and Cascade Mountains. Atmosphedc river events are a signifrrcant conftibutor to tivet flooding in
King County.
Vu I n era bi I ity Cha racteristics a nd Previous Occu rrences
Though known fot being wet, the Seattle metro area has around the same aver^ge annual precipitation
as Dallas, Texas, and much less than New Yotk City, Houston, Adanta, ot New Odeans. Higher
amounts of tainfall occur as you move closer to the Cascades. I{ing County owes its mild climate to the
influence of Puget Sound and the Pacific Ocean, which moderate the climate, and to the protective
barier of the Cascade mountain range, which blocks cold air from the interior.
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Given the rarity of extreme snow events, King County maintains a relatively low budget for snow
removal services. When majot incidents do occur, vehicles and ddvers can be sffanded almost anywhere
in the county. Impacts ftom unusually heavy snowfalls and severe winter weather in King County tend
to be shott-lived, although there ate exceptions. A well-known example is the 2008 winter storm, the
latgest event since 7996. In the 2008 'Seattle Snowpack,' snow blanketed Seatde and much of King
County and temained on the ground ftom December 13 to December 27 due to a prolonged period of
cold tempetatures. At the time, Seatde did not use salt to clear roadways, due to environmental
concems. This decision was reversed after the storm event.
Climate change is a majot concern for King County. Climate change is projected to lead to dder, hotter
summers and mote heavy rain events. The consequences of these events can include floods, landslides,
avalanches, dtoughts, and wildfires. The economic consequences can be serious since communities
generally are not ptepared fot extreme weathet events, and some events (such as flooding and wildfire)
can have widespread impacts on public and private inftastructure. Exfteme weather can also affect
public health. For example, some climate scenari.os project that hundreds of Seattleites could die in each
extreme heat event if global temperatures rise 5.4 degrees Fahrenheit over pre-industrial levels.eo
The majority of disaster declarations in King County are from severe weather eveflts. Disasters are
usually declated for a combination of severe stoms or winter stoms, mudslides, heavy rains, and
straight-line winds. The primary impacts and costs triggering these declarations include emergency
protective measures for, and damage to, utilities, toads, and bridges, and for costs associated with debris
IYealher Disailer Declaratiorc I
fi477 737
981 1
1079 1,19
r100 779
e0 Bush, Evan. June 74,2019. Seattle unprepared for deadly heat waves made worse by global warming, researchers say
The Seattle Times. Accessed online on 6/17 /79 from: https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/environment/heat-
waves-could-kill-hundreds-more-in-seattle-as -globe-warms-researchers-say /.
1.990,1an - Floodins
199O Nov - Floodine
1990, Dec - Flooding
1993,1an- Inauzural Davl?ind Storm
7996,1an - Winter Storm
1996,Feb - Floodins
IrlrNl.\,.\t,l'iir l\ t. lr
l) trt tt;i .s (l\r\( i
(.ot rrr ()\1.\)
l)t,r.t. tri \'r( )\ Nr'\llJr.ti l)r.sr.rrrrl lr lr
1159 309
1682 $29
Water shottage, March - King Co Drought
Response Plan Activated
67 80
Rainfall was 20ah of
Lack of winter
Low Aon
Ptecipitation, low snow
Dec - Hanukkah Eve Windstorrn
2011.,Feb - Winter Storm
Nov -
Mar - Winter Storm
an Winter Storm
2007 Dec - Winter Storm
2009 an - Winter Storm
Feb - Winter Storrn2A7
201,7 Feb - Wintet Storm
Statewide drought
Watet shottage
statewideModerate to Sevete
l)t.sr:titttt ror l)t,sr .titt't tr ll
lowriver levels
Scenario Drivers
Water shortage tecotd low snowpack Snow pack at 0 in
central Puget Sound by
Severe weather can occur tn any season. This may include: rain, wind, tornados and funnels clouds, ice,
snow, hail, extteme heat, or extreme cold. Climate change is expected to affect extreme weather
incidents by changing the ftequency, intensity, atdf ot severity of events.
Rain and Snow
The geogtaphical location of northwestern Washington subjects it to several natural
climatic controls: the effects of terrain, the Pacific Ocean, and semi-permanent high-
and low-pressure regions located ovet the North Pacific Ocean combine to produce
significandy diffetent weather conditions within short distances. Rainfall in King
County varies widely ftom city to city and area to are . The City of Seattle has an
average of 37 inches annually, while Enumclaw has an annual average of 57.9 inches
and Snoqualmie/Noth Bend has 61* inches of precipitation. The majority of this
precipitation occurs as rain in the lowlands between October and eady May with
substantial snow pack in the Cascades during the same time frames. Precipitation on
Snoqualmie Pass in the unincolporated community of Hyak (2800 feet) average 470
inches of snowfall fiom October to May.
Snow accumulations in King County at elevations below 2,000 feet are uncommon. On
Seatde will have one or two snow storms during a winter season with
appreciable accumulations. Snow accumulation rately temains two days after such a
stom. Heavy local snows and associated cold conditions have resulted in power
outages, transportation system impacts, school closures, and adverse impacts to the
regional economy.
High wind events in King County ate fatily comtnon and are usually experienced as
pafi of a wintet weathet pattem. Annually, wind gusts of 40-45 miles per hour are
tecorded locally (I..fOAA) with severe wind incidents recording speeds of 90 miles per
hout and greater. Winter wind incidents often include: widesptead power outages, road
and bridge closures, tree damage, airpott closures/re-routing, hospitalizations or
fatalities related to carbon monoxide poisoning and injuries to utility workers, first
tesponders, and the public. One of the best known wind events was the Inaugural Day
Windstorm onJanuary 1.9,7993. Winds began mid-moming, lasted five hours and
reached ovet 90 miles per hour in downtown Seattle. The Hanukkah Eve Windstorm
of Decembet 15,2006 heavily damaged the Seatde area pou/er grid, affecting hundreds
of thousands in the subsequent weeks. Usually, these damaging winter winds ate from
the south.
King County and the Puget Sound region do experience tornado activity. Tornados
have reached F3 designation within the tegion, but the slower F0 and F1 class tomados
are more cofiunon. In Septembet of 2009 the Enumclaw area experienced a class F1
tomado. Though wind speeds of up to 110 mph were estimated, the most substantive
damage tecordedwas the uptooting of ftees and damage to roofs, much of which
could be attributed to the preceding storm. Tomados are a result of sftong weather
systems and often times accompany serve wind, rain, and hail. It is not unusual to have
funnel clouds spotted during the uzinter season.
Extteme Cold
rnd Ice
King County's marine climate results in very few extteme cold/ice events. Regionally,
temperatures below fueezing occur for extended periods fot 70-74 consecudve days in
January or February each winter. Transpottation impacts to buses, trains, roads, bridges
include snow routes, sheltet needs, and power outages. The December 26,1996 storm
lasted 11 days. Multiple consecutive fueez:tng days can threaten the lives of unsheltered
and lower-income individuals, requiring the opening of additional shelter beds or more
heating assistance funding.
Extteme Heat
Climate change is expected to lead to warmer winters and hotter sulruners. Health
sensitivity to heat events is higher in the Puget Sound region due to the lack of air
conditioning in our region. Public Health Seattle-King County will activate cooling
centers and public messaging for multiple days in the mid-80s.
r07ith the anticipation that higher urintet tempetatures teduce our snowpack, drought
conditions in the summet following low snowpack rises dramatically. Lower snow pack
and ddet sufiuners can result in lowet teservoits and increased calls for water
conservation, teduced water availability and highet mortality for salmon and steelhead
runs (due to high water temperature and low river flows), impacts on local crops and
livestock, and increased emergency room visits due to heat stress. Some degree of
dtought conditions exists where ptecipitation is less than 75Yo of norrnal. Drought has
become a growing concern in the Northwest both because of variable ninfall.pattefns
and because of obsewed increases in temperature in the sufiuner. With a higher risk of
dtought and hottet temperatutes, wildfire has become a higher risk for King County.
Priority Vu lnera bi lities
Unsheltered populations
Populations needing shelter are especially exposed during heat and cold
events. Since King County has a moderate climate, many of these
populations are unprepared. Cold events may require opening additional
shelter spaces and canvassing areas to offer shelter services.
Rutal ftansportation
Rural ftanspoftation routes are lower priority and may not even be cleared at
all during a snow everit.
lmmigrant populations
and those with limited
English ptoficiency
Populations with limited English proficiency or who are inexperienced with
Northwestern climate are more likely to take risky actions, like operating a
generator or grill indoom for heat. These populations ate also less likely to
receive information and wamings about weather systems and to know where
to go for help.
Powet transmission
Power transmission systems, especially power lines, are frequently damaged
during stoms with high winds by falling trees. During major wind events, it
is not uncommon to have hundrcds of thousands of residents without
Low-income and
Populations working in low-wage professions such as extractive industries
and service industries can be severely impacted from multi-day weather
events that impact ftansportation systems. These events can trigger a long-
term decline in living standatds or even homelessness in these populations.
Service industry dudng
peak periods
Many sewice businesses, especially retail, ate heavily dependent on income
earned during certain months of the year. A major event around the
Christmas holidays, for example, can threaten the viability of many
People dependent on
rublic ttansportation
Public transit moved to the most resftictive routes ever recorded during the
February 2019 snowstorm. These cutbacks had apparent disproportionate
impacts on undetserved areas, including some areas with populations
dependent on transit. When transit services are cut, it can be impossible for
these populations to get to wotk or appointments.
People with chtonic
medical conditions
People tequiring regular care from doctots are negatively impacted by sevete
weathet events. During heatwaves, people with chronic illnesses, especially
heart and respiratory conditions, are also disproportionately impacted.
All residents during multi-
:lay events
Although campaigns recommend having two vzeeks of food and supplies
available, fe'qr residents follow this guidance, regardless of income. After
more than a few days, many residents will run out of food for themselves
and any pets.
Residents down private
Private toads ate not eligible to be cleared by public snow removal services.
Many homeownet's associations contract with the same set of snow removal
companies. These companies may become overwhelmed during long-
running events.
Water and wastewatet
systems facilities
Damage to watef and wastewater facilities can occur due to a secondary
hazard, flooding and tidal surge. These facilities ate often built in low-lying
ateas. The sevete damage and release of untreated water that occurred at
King County's West Point Treatment Plan occured during a severe weather
Buildings on slopes of
greater than 40o/o grade
Landslides are a majot secondary hazatd of severe precipitation events.
Buildings on or near slopes of greater than 40oh grade arc most at-risk.
Iravelets atakport
Airport facilities are frequendy impacted by severe weather events, but often
have plans and procedures to contain disruption. Dudng multi-day events,
however, passengers can be stranded and there can be a shortage ofhotel
rooms since many airlines contract with the same hotels.
Waste Management Gatbage pickup can be delayed for weeks. This causes significant public
Priority lmpact Areas
King County tesidents Anyone present in King County at the time of a weather incident is subject
to the potential impacts of severe weather incidents. While the likelihood of a
winter weather incident is high, the likely of ditect and significant impacts is
Impacts to residents may include: personal property damages, interuption oI
sports and recreation, extension of the daily business commute, impacts to
daycare and school closures, injuries, and sheltering needs from power
outages. Avalanche control may be needed to reduce the impact to alpine
and cross-country skiing enteqprises. Injuries and deaths do occur from
avalanche impacts to recreational skiers. Impacts from drought take time to
matenaltze as watef shoftage cause restrictions to water usage and issue of
burn bans to reduce the threat of wildfres, especially in suburban areas. Only
the most sevete weather incidents have an impact on local employment.
Vulnetable populations
Severe weather events, while usually concentrating impacts on infrastructure
and agdculture, can seriously threaten the lives of vulnenble people. Cold
and hot weather events can lead to an increase in fatalities among the eldedy
and homeless populations. Immigrant and low-income populations also have
been known to succumb by carbon monoxide poisoning that can occur
when generators or gdlls are lit indoors and without proper ventilation. Snow
carL ft^p people indoon fot days, something especially threatening fot people
with food insecurity or chronic health conditions that requite access to
medical services. Any disruption to the economy is also especially threatening
to those who are low-income or who work in houdy work or in the service
sector. When those jobs are not open, they frequently do not pay wages,
which can threaten the entire livelihood of a low-income family.
Ptopetty All sffuctures in the county are subject to the dfuect impacts of severe
vreather incidents. These same structures are subject to flood impacts where
they may be in the flood plain. Structures along the coastline (seawalls) may
be eroded. Local urban flooding also occurs from storm debris clogged
High winds that accompany winter weather fronts often cause infrastructure
damages, power outages, and communications interruptions. Rain saturated
soils may cause mudslides that close roadways, damage bridges, and buried
tail sewice interruptions
Private ptoperty damages to homes and vehicles from floods, trees downed
ftom wind and saturated soils are regular occurrences. Private property
experiencing repeated flood damages may require elevation of the structute
ot offers of buy outs (mitigation efforts).
High winds, snow, and icy conditions can close airports or cause flight delays
and retouting. Mountain pass conditions may be so severe that they are
closed to all trafflc for days at a time. The floating bridges over Lake
Washington (I-90 and SR 520) experience closures for sustained winds over
45 miles per hout. These closutes extend the business commute with
increased traffic on surface streets and routes around Lake ITashington.
Impacts to emergency medical services ftom impacts to the roadways of the
county can delay response times, restrict emergency room staff and supplies,
and result in under staffing EMS and hospitals during severe weathet
The economy There are sevetal local ski areas important to King County: Crystal Mountain
(Chinook Pass); Alpental, Hyak, and Ski Acres (Snoqualmie Pass); and
Steven's Pass (Steven's Pass). Ski area closures can occtrr from both large
snowfalls and where snow is too light or melts off. This can impact seasonal
employment at the ski areas.
Also associated with the passes, as outlined in the avalanche chapter, a
WSDOT study claime d that a four-day closure at Snoqualmie Pass in the
wintet of 2007 /2008 cost the state $27.9M in economic ouq)ut, 170 jobs,
and $1.42M in state revenue (2008 dollars).
Businesses can be severely impacted when weather events impede mobility
during high seasons, such as around the holidays. Since alarge percentage of
annual petsonal spending is spent during the Novembet-December season,
negative weather limits access to stofes and can cause stores to close.
Drought conditions can impact the regional agricultural output of fruits,
vegetables, and flowers grown in all the major river basin areas of King
County. Regional dtought conditions can impact generation of hydroelectric
power and drive up electric rates as well as increase usage during hot
The most serious and longest-lasting impacts may be to low-income
individuals and families who may lose jobs or days of wages due to snow
closures. Debt traps caused by missed bills due to lost wages can damage a
family for months or years.
The environment Severe weather can have impacts to the environment through flooding and
floodplain damages to salmon and steelhead habitat, wetland impacts to
amphibians and teptiles, and bfud sanctuaries. Oddly, this can occur from
both too much water (flooding or dam failure) or too little snow pack and
tesulting drought conditions. Hillside destabilization can occur where soil
geology and saturation of soils occur.
The moistute content of vegetation drops throughout the summer. Dry
conditions can result in an increase in the threat of wildfires from lightning
sffikes, unattended campFrres, fireworks, sparks from automobiles, cigarettes
thrown ftom cats on roadways and other heat sources.
The dilemma of dtought conditions is the balance between human vrater
needs and the ptotection of the environment including plants, wildlife, and
fish that tequire minimum stream flows to support their annual spawning
migtations. Dry conditions also contribute to highet'n/ater temperatures,
which causes increased salmon mortality.
Health systems Sevete weather disrupts the regular schedule of patient visits and regulady-
scheduled appointments fot chronic care. Severe weather also can cause
more demand on the health system as people are injured or are unable to
leave the hospital to retum home. Any disruptions to electricity and water
supply also can be a threat, though hospitals genemlly maintain backup
During severe cold ot warm spells, public health may be required to provide
additional patient transport services and to canvass for homeless populations
that may be in need of shelter. Dudng the February 2019 snowstorm,
hospitals suffeted majot staffing shortages as doctors and nurses were unable
to get to work. Staff had to work longer than normal hours and potentially
stay temporarily at or neat the hospital.
Although both tequiring the expansion of sheltering services, heat and cold
diffet because oldet and less health populations are especially at risk to hot
temperatutes. One of the most famous examples is the 1995 Chicago heat
wave, dudng udth 739 people lost their lives, with the city unprepared to
provide support to tesidents who may be home bound or offer sufhcient
cooling centers to suppoft residents. In Seatde, whete few tesidents have air
conditionets, deaths from heat events is a growing threat.
continuity of operations)
During the February 2019 snowstotm, King County took the unprecedented
step of closing many govemment ofFrces to protect employee safety. After
two days, due to the gowing amount of snow and the need to resume
services, offices were reopened. Even vdth the reopening, many employees
chose to telework due to safety concems. An eadier activation of the EOC
fot the 1996 snow/ice storm saw activations for 17 days - 2 shifts per day
when 16 inches of snow came and stayed for weeks. During that time ftame,
buses were on snow routes, up to 40% of the employees for King County
government wete either unable to get to wotk or arrived very late. A major
improvement from '1,996 to 201,9 is that it is now much easier to telework,
meaning that non-public-facing positions can work remotely for days.
Hospitals, courts, detention facilities, businesses, law enforcement, Fre and
emergency medical services were all sevetely impacted. Search and Rescue
volunteets tmnsported medical personnel, emergency management staff, and
othet essential employees to work and between hospitals for the duration of
the incident. During the February 2019 snowstorm, busses were on the most
resttictive service routes ever seen. These routes were established in response
to previous snow events. Similar impacts were observed for rheJanuary 20'1,7
snov/ stom that impaited King County government operations fot 8 days.
Some damages wefe expedenced at crucial facilities around the county. See
FEMA Disastets 1079 and 1817 above. The tecent February 2019
snowstom did not receive a disastet declaration.
During that time ftame, most regional public services were impacted by
absenteeism, access testtictions to critical facilities, and damage to vehicles
like buses, police cruisers, and aid units. Busses and other vehicles that use
tfue chains ate especially vulnerable to bteaking down, which can delay a
return to full service, even once the snow has melted.
Responders Portions of the population may be stranded or isolated from the results of
severe weather, like roads blocked by trees and power lines, snow- and ice-
covered roads, water or slides ovet toadways. Closure of the mountain passes
fot heavy snovr conditions or avalanche control is a fatAy corrunon
Excessive heat that extends ovet days or weeks or cold conditions for similar
timeframes may result in the need fot cooling or warming shelters. These
especially impact the poot, eldedy, young, and infrmed.
First respondets will be impacted by limited road access, impacts of heat and
cold on operations. Conditions will require monitodng efforts during
incident response.
Powet: Downed trees caused by high winds and tain saturated soils
can damage transmission lines and cause power outages in local areas
fot hours to days when multiple occutrences are experienced. Utility
crews from Puget Sound Enetgy, Bonneville Povrer and Seatde City
Light wotk atound the clock to restore services. The InauguralDay
Windstorm left 750,000 customers without power. The Hanukkah
Eve Windstorm winds and subsequent heavy rains cut electricity to
more than 1.8 million customets, hundreds of thousand remained
without pou/er for days. Downed power lines pose an elecftocution
hazard to motorists, pedestrians and any unsuspecting by-standers.
During exttemely hot temperatures, demands on the power system
can increase, especially as more residents install air conditioning. As a
wintet-peaking system, however, this power demand will still likely
be lower than current winter demand.
Watet/Wastewatef: Wats and wastewatef systems ate vulnerable to
a multi-day loss of power as well as to serious flooding. In February
2017 , as a result of heavy rains, high tides, and other severe weather,
an equipment failure at King County's West Point Wastewater
Tteatment Plan led to the dumping of over 235 million gallons of
untreated wastewatet into Puget Sound. Dtought can also impact
water systems as water levels in resetvoirs and groundwater wells
Ttanspottation: Events that impact transpottation can include severe
snow, ice, wind, and rain. Storms may cause downed trees and snow
ot ice that temporarily blocks toadways or can cause large floods that
can wash out or undermine roads and bridges. For many parts of the
state and countlr, such as atound the town of Skykomish, the loss of
a single route due flooding can completely cut the community off
ftom the rest of the county. This is especially a ptoblem in the
eastem pats of the county that are more rural and have fewer
transpottation route options.
Communications systems can be knocked out by high winds or loss
of power transmission. While the move to cell phones has teduced
the vulnetability of telephone lines to outage caused by trees, a multi-
day loss of power can still shut down a cell ftansmission site.
Furthermore, high nzinds can damage or destroy critical equipment
on cell towers. Most equipment is built to withstand inclement
weather; howevet, especially severe conditions could still lead to
Public conFrdence in
iurisdiction's govemance
and capabilities
The 2008 and2077 snow storms highlighted the shortage of snowplows and
the management of the general response to the snow incident in the City of
Seattle. Considerable political fallout from the incidents resulted in Mayor
Nickels losing his re-election bid.
The February 2079 event can be regarded by many as much more successful
on the public petception front. Successful coordination of a regional call
center in the EOC to support other county departments and take snow
plowing requests helped ensrte the public always had someone to call. The
county also maintained substantial engagement with media outlets. The
County Executive was fully involved as well, helping to boost awareness and
public perception that county government was engaged in the storm
recoveq/ effot.
Regional Risk Profile: Terrorism
Hazard Description
Tide 18 of the United States Code defines tetrotism and lists the crimes associated with terorism. In
Section 2331, of Chapter 113(B), defines tertotism as: ". . .activities that involve violent. . . or life-
thteatening acts... that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State and...
to be intended (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a
government by intimidation or coetcion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a govemment by mass
destruction, assassination, ot kidnapping; and. . . (C) occur primarily within the territorial judsdiction of
the United States..." . Within the government, combating tenodsm is the Federal Bureau of
Investigation's top investigative pdodty. The FBI futher defines terrodsm as eithet domestic or
I Domestic tertorism: Perperated by individuals and/or groups inspired by or associated udth
primarily U.S.-based movements that espouse exftemist ideologies of a political, religious, social,
tacial, ot environmental natute.
r International terorism: Pelpetrated by individuals and/or groups inspited by or associated vzith
designated foreign terrorist orgatizatsons or nations (state-sponsored).
The terrodsm thteat has evolved significandy since the September 11,2007 series of coordinated attacks
by the Islamist terrorist gtoup al-Qaeda against the United States. The threat landscape (referring to
identified thteats, ttends observed, and threat actom) has expanded considerably. Three factots have
contributed to the evolution and expansion of the terrorism threat landscape:el
o Intemet: International and domestic threat actors have developed an extensive presence on the
Intemet through messaging platforms and online images, videos, and publications, which
facllitate the gtoups' ability to ndicahze and recruit individuals receptive to exftemist messaging.
r Social Media: Social media has allowed both intemational and domestic terrorists to gain
unptecedented, virtual access to people living in the US in an effot to enable homeland attacks.
Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), in panicular, encourages sympathizers to carry out simple
attacks whete they are located against targets-in particular, soft targets. This message has
resonated with suppotters in the US and abtoad. Sevenl recent attackers have claimed to be
acting on ISIS'behalf.
r HomeSown Violent Extremists (HVEs): The FBI deFrnes HVEs as global-jihad-inspfued
individuals who are based in the US, have been ndrcahzedpd-^tdy in the US, and are not
directly collaborating with a foreign tertorist orgatizaion FTO). HVEs may assemble in
groups but typically act independently in attacks or other acts of violence.
er Federal Bureau of Investigation.2019. Terrorism Webpage. Accessed online on 8/26/79 ftom
htros:,/ /www.fbi.sovlinvestimte/terrorism.
Domestic terrorists can be 'right-wing' or 'left-wing' extremists such as white supremacists, anti-
govemment militias ot anarchists. Domestic terorists can also be 'single-issue' groups such as animal
rights or envitonmental rights exffemists. And, domestic terodsts can also be lone wolves'udth a
personal agenda ot gtievance and prepares, commits violent acts alone outside of any group support.
According to FBI Director Senate testimony in July 201,9, the bureau has recotded about 1 00 domestic
terorism affests since December 2018 compared to about 100 international terrorism arrests.e2 The
FBI, according to the director's testimony, is most concerned with "lone offender attacks, p.i-utdy
shootings." Eatlier, at a congtessional hearing in May 2018, the head of the FBI countertenodsm
division testified that the buteau was investigating 850 domestic terrorism cases and of that
approximately 350 of the cases involved racially motivated violent extemistse3. Most in that group, he
said, were white supremacists.
In 2075, the Seatde division of the FBI revealed 70-100 active cases possibly linked to terrorism across
the state.ea In the years since tevealing the bteadth of terrorism investigations in Washington State,
domestic tetrotism arrests outpaced jihad-inspited terrodsm affests nationwide.es The US govemment
acknowledged the ptoblem in its October 20'1,8 National Strategy for Counterterrorism'. "Notably,
domestic tertotism in the United States is on the rise, with an increasing number of fatalities and violent
nonlethal acts committed by domestic terrorists against people and property," the strategy paper says.e6
Vu lnera bi I ity Cha racteristics a nd Previous Occurrences
Terrorism events can be distinguished from othet types of man-made hazatds by three important
e2Zapotosl<y, Matt.July 23,2079. Wray says FBI has recorded about 100 domestic terrorism arrests in fiscal 2019 and
many investigations involve white supremacy. The lYashington ParL Accessed online on 8/26/t9 kom
in-fiscal-2019-and-most-investigations-involve-white-supremzcy/201..9 /07 /23 /600d49a6-aca1.-71.e9-bclc-
e7 3b 603 e7 38_s tory. hrnl.
e3 Zapotosl<y, Matt.July 23,2019. Wray says FBI has recorded about 100 domestic terrorism arrests in hscal 2019 and
many investigat-ions involve white supremzcy. The l(/arhington ParL Accessed online on 8/26/19 ftom
in-fiscal-2019-and-most-investigations-involve-white-supremacy /2079 /07 /23 /600d4926-aca1-11e9-bc5c-
e7 3b 603 e7 R 8_s tory. h trnl.
e4 Kim, Hana. December 17,2075. FBI investigating 70 to 100 cases in rVashington State with possible ties to terrorism.
pl3 Fox News. Accessed online on 8/26/19 from https:,//q13fox.com/2015l12l11lfbi-investigating-up-to-a-100-cases-
possibly .linked-to-terrorism-in-washington /.
es Barrett, Devlin. March 9, 2019. Arrests in domest-ic terror probes oulpace those inspired by Islamic extremists. Tla
IVathington Pott. Accessed online on 8/26/1,9 from https://www.washingtonpost.com/wodd/national-securiry/arrests-
in-domestic-terror-probes-outpace-those-inspired-by-islamic-extremists/201 9/03 /08/0bf329b6-392f-1 1e9-a2cd-
307 b06d0257 b storv.htrnl.
e6 Dilanian, Ken. August 9,2019. There is no law that covers 'domestic terrorism.'What would one look like? -NIBC
l{ezr.Accessedonline on8/26/79 fromhttps://www.nbcnews.comlpolj.tics/iustice-department/there-no-law-covers-
domestic-terrorism-what-would-one-look-n1 0403 86.
e7 Mid-America Regional Council. 2075. Regional Mili-Haqard Mitigation Plan. Accessed online on 8/26/1.9 frcm
https://www.marc.org/Emergency-services-9-1-1/pdf/2015Hl\fPdocs/H4,IP2015 Sec4-FLA.Z-Terrorism.aspx.
In the case of chemical, biological, and radioactive agents, there presence may not be
immediately obvious, making it difficult to determine when and where they were teleased, who
was exposed, and what danger is present for first responders.
Terrorist events evoke very strong emotional reactions, ranging from anxiety, to fear to anger,
to despair to depression.
Even failed attacks have long-term economic impacts fot the tatgeted govemment and critical
infrastructure sector disptoportionate to the cost of the attack itself.
The form and locations of many natutal hazards ate identihable and, even in some cases, ptedictable;
howevet, thete is no deFrned geogaphic boundary fot tetorism. Based on previous historical events, it
is ptesumed that critical facilities, sewices, and latge gatherings of people are at higher dsk.
King County is the most populous county within Washington State and is ranked 12fi most-populous in
the US according to the US Census Bureau. King County is geographically diverse characterized by
high-density utbanization along the shores of Puget Sound, suburban communities to the east, and rural
communities to the southeast. King County is the largest labor market in the state. In 2O18,neaiy 42
petcent of all nonfarm jobs in Washington State wete teported from King County-located businesses.
Within King County, the Washington State Fusion Center ffacks over 800 annual large-gatherings that
encompass public assembly and outdoot events. These events include a divetse range of sites that draw
large crowds of people fot shopping business, entertainment, sports or lodging as well as for firewotks,
matathons, festivals and parades.
EnglishJanguage terrorist media continues to identify similar gathedngs as "soft targets" and promote
them as potential attack sites. For example, Inspite #72 magazine published online by AI Qaeda,
suggested targeting locations "flooded with individuals, e.g., sports events . . . election campaigns,
festivals, and othet gathering [sic]. The important thing is that you tatget people and not buildings."es
Attacks targeting these types of events will continue to present security challenges to public safety
personnel, because attendees are anonymous and generally unscreened for prohibited items. Violent
extremist ptopaganda continues to utge lone actors to attack soft targets using small arms, knives, and
vehicles because they are simple and effective. Foreign terrorist organizaions implore followers to kill
witlr whatever means available "whether an explosive device, a bullet, a knife, a cat, a rock, or even a
boot or a frst."99
Prior to the attacks on September 77,2001, thete wete less than a dozen major terorist events in
Washington State. Since then, violent exttemism has become commonplace, on a global and national
e8 Nat-ional Counterterrorism Center. 2018. Planning and Preparedness Can Promote an Effective Response to a
Terrorist Attack at Open-Access Events. Accessed online on 8/26/79 ftorr'
https: //www.dni.gov/fiies /NCTC/documents /icatlFrstresponderstoolbox/First-Responders-Toolbox---Plannin&
Promotes-E ffective-Resoonse-to-Ooen-,\ccess-Events.odF.
ee Fznva4 Masood. July 78,2076. New, Low-tech Terror Tactics Simple and Deadly. Voice of Anerica. Accessed online
ot 8/26/79 from htq>s://www.voanews.com/europe/new-low-tech-terror-tactics-simple-and-deadly.
scale, and the number of local tertorism and violent exffemism cases continue to dse.100 Some of the
most nototious teffor cases in Washington State include the arrest of Ahmed Ressam, the "Millennium
Bomber," in December 7999, the Earth Liberation Ftont (ELF) Frebombing of Univetsity of
Washington" (u!4 hotticulture center in May 200'1., and the foiled Seatde Military Entrance Processing
Station attack plot :r:,2077.
. On Match 26,2078, Thanh Cong Phan ftom Evetett was affested after mailing at least 11
suspicious packages to multiple military and govetnment facilities in the Washington, D.C.
meftopolitan area, which contained potential destructive devices. FIe was chatged with shipping
of explosive materials, after the packages were found to contain small amounts of black
explosive powder.lol
o OnMarch 3'l.,2017,MunaOsmanJamaof RestonVAandHindaOsmanDhiraneof KentWA
were sentenced to 1.2 yexs and 11 yeats respectively, aftet being found guilty of conspiracy to
provide material support to al-Shabaab. The two repottedly otganized an all-female fundraising
group, called the "Group of Fifteen," who provided monthly payments to al-Shabaab;
facilitating and ttacking money sent through conduits in Kenya "tr6 5o-r1j2.102
o On August 25,2017, Melvin Neifett ftom Selah was arested and charged with teceiving
incendiary explosive device m21sri2l5-specifically, potassium niffate and other materials to
make a potassium nitrate-sugar bomb-that'n/ere to be used in connection with the 2016 May
Day events. Fedeml authorities seized evidence and questioned Neifert on May 1, the same day
anti-capitalist demonstrations took place in Seattle.103
. On September 4,2076, a Ftre was intentionally set at the Planned Parenthood clinic in Pullman,
WA. Authorities recovered a video ftom inside the clinic showing a flammable object had been
thtown through the window. !(/hile no injuries were reported, and no suspects identihed, there
is a history of domestic tetrodsm against the Pullman clinic.1O4
o On April 9, 2015, Blake Heger was atrested after attempting to place two shnpnelJaden pipe
bombs r'ear a high foot-traf.ftc area outside ahardwarc stote in Puyallup, WA. Police were called
after a concemed citizen saw him sharpening latge knifes in the parking lot. He was found with
100 United Nations Development Programme. 2016. Prevent Violent Extremism Through Promoting Inclusive
Development, Tolerance and Respect for Diversity. Accessed online on 8/26/1.9 fuom
htrps: / /www.undp.org /content /damlnorway /undp-ogc/documents /DiscussionTo20PaperTo20-
r01 Shayanian, Sara. March 28,2078. Man charged with sending explosives to D.C. miiitary sites. United Prcn Intenationa.
Accessed online on 8/26/19 from https://www.upi.com/Top News/US/2018/03/28lNIan-charged-with-sending-
exolosives-to-DC-militarv-sites /559 1 522255789 /.
102 Department ofJustice. Friday, March 31, 2O77.Two Women Sentenced for Providing Material Support to Terrorists.
Accessed online on 8/26/19 from https://www.iustice.gov/opalprlnvo women-sentenced-providing-material-support
103 Meyers, Donald W. August 37,2016. Bail decision delayed in Selah explosives case. The Seattle Times. Accessed online
on 8/26 / 1,9 from https://www.seattletimes.com /seatde-news /crime /bail-decision-delaved-h-selah-exolosives-case/.
le The Associated Press. September 10,2015. Video shows object thrown in Planned Parenthood arcon. The Sealtle
Times. Accessed online on 8/26/19 flrom https://www.seattletirnes.comlseattle-news/video-shows-object-thrown-in-
olanned-oarenthood-arson-in-oullman /.
two additional pipe-bombs, four large knives, and a sctewdriver that he had shaqpened into a
OnJanuary 1.,201.4, Musab Masmari attempted to set fre to
g^y nightclub on Capitol Hill in
Seatde, WA by spilling gasoline down a set of staits and lighting it, while 750 people packed the
club's New Year's Eve event. According to investigative documents, Masmari told a friend that
"homosexuals should be exterminated." InJuly 20'l,4,he was sentenced to ten yeats in federal
prison for arson.106
OnJuly 1.8,201.4, Ali Muhammad Brown was anested aftet killing four people in WA and a
college student itr NJ, as part of a personal vengeance against the U.S. govemment for its
actions in the Middle East. In2004, he was arrested and ptosecuted for his tole in a bank fraud
scheme to finance fighten ftaveling abroad, and had known links to a disrupted terror cell in
Seattle, WA and Bly, OR in1999.107
On Octobet 27,20'1,2, Abdisalan Hussein A)t, a 22-yeat old born in Somalia but raised in Seattle
and Minnesota, was the third American killed as an al-Shabaab suicide bombet in Mogadishu.
Ali was reportedly one of two bombers in an attack that killed "scores of African Union
peacekeepers." He ardved in Seatde in 2000 and moved to Minneapolis before being tecruited
into al-Shabaab and travelling to Somalia in 2008.108
On September 8,2071., Michael McCright was arested and charged with second-degree assault
lor aJuly 2011 incident whete he intentionally swerved his vehicle at a govemment-plated
vehicle occupied by two U.S. Madnes in Seattle. Known on the Intemet as "MikhailJihad,"
McCright had ties to Abu Khalid Abdul-Latif, a rnan convicted of plotting to kill federal
employees and military recruits in Seattle, WA.10e
On June 22,207'1., Abu Khalid Abdul-Latif and Walli Mujahidh were affested for planning to
attack the Military Entrance Ptocessing Station (MEPS) in Seattle vrith machine guns and
gtenades after pteviously planning, but discounting, an attack atJoint Base Lewis McChord
0BLl\4. Accotding to FBI investigators, '1{.bdul-Latif said that'jlhad'in America should be a
physical jihad,' and not just 'media jihad'."tto
On May 17,2077,Joseph Brice of Clarkston S(/A was arrested for assembling, practicing, and
detonating explosive devices after an incident that occurred on April 18,2070,when an
10s McCarty, Kevin. August10,2OI5. Man arrested after 2 bombs discovered outside Pierce Countyhardware store.
KIRO 7. Accessed online on 8/26/19 from https://www.kiroT.com/news/man-arrested-after-two-bombs-discovered-
106 Cafier, Mike.July 31,,2074. Man who set fue in Capitol Hill nightclub sentenced to 10 years. The SealtleTinu.
Accessed online on 8/26/19 from https:/ /www.seatdetjmes.com/seattle-news/man-who-set-fue-in-capitol-hill
nishtclub-sentenced-to- I 0-vears /.
107 Collins, Laura. September 18, 2014. Revealed, one man's terri$ring'jihad' on U.S. soil: Extremist 'executed four in
revenge for American attacks in the Middle East and caried out bank fraud for the Cause' . Dai! Mail Onlina Accessed
online on 8/26/ 1,9 from https://www.dail)'mail.co.uk/news/article-2759901 /Revealed-terri4ring-one-man-iihad-U,S
108 Kron,Josh. October 30,2011. Amedcan Identifled as Bomber in Attack on African Union in Somalia. The NewYork
Times. Accessed online on 8/26/'1,9 from https://www.n)'times.com/2011,/10/31lwodd/africalshabab-identify-
american-as-bomber-in-somalia-attack.html? r=0.
10e Carter, Mike. May 29,2072. Felon admits he tried to run Marines off I-5. The Seattle Timet. Accessed online on
8/26/1,9 from ht+rs://www.seatdetimes.comlseattle-news/felon-admits-he-tried-to-run-marines-off-i-5/.
110 The Associated Press. June 5,2072. Seattle terror suspect wants evidence tossed. Fax lVezr. Accessed online on
8/26/19 from htq;s://www.foxnews.com/us/seatde-terror-susoect-wants-evidence-tossed#ixzz28iz1A,IkOE.
lifl rr,sco.,t ty
explosive device he made prematurely ignited, causing him significant injuries. He had a
YouTube channel called "Sftength of Allah," where he posted the videos in an attempt to
support 1s116dsrn.111
o On January 17,2011, Kevin Haqpham, an admitted white supremacist, placed a remote-
conttolled backpack improvised explosive device (IED), with rat-poison coated shrapnel, at a
park bench near the marching toute on the moming of the Matin Luther KingJr. Day Parade
in Spokane, NfA. Ptosecutots said the device was "constructed with a clear,lethal purpose," and
Halpham said it was intended to protest social concepts, such as unity and multiculhrlalisrn.ll2
Scenario Drivers
Tertorist attacks continue to take place at open-access events, mass gathedngs, and outside the
perimeter of secured events, possibly because of a perceived lack of security, the availability of
publicized schedules, and largely unrestticted admittance. Examples of open-access events include
marathons, patades, protests, rallies, festivals, Frewotks displays, farmers markets, and high-profile
funerals and vigils ot memodals. Tetrorists could also target gathedngs located close to ticketed events,
such as tailgating adjacent to major sporting events or concetts113. Judgrng from previous tetrorist plots
and attacks, tettorists will likely temain interested in conducting opportunistic attacks against civilian
targets, most notably mass gatherings. Techniques used in recent terror attacks have included the use of
vehicles as weapons, edged weapons, small arms, and imptovised explosive devices (IED$.
Attack on
The radicalizaion of PaciFrc Notthwest extremist groups has recently been promoted by
other national terrorism movemerits which have called fot violent tesistance to destroy
human life and disable critical infrastructure. Radrcahzation starts to build in the Winter of
2018. Ovet the next six months there is an inctease in exptession of on-line animosity
towards the U.S. Govemment which calls for action onJune 24. ln recent weeks there
has been an inctease via social media of on-line exftemist groups indicating an intense
animosity and a belief of injustice by the U.S. Government. These local online indicators
show lone actors, inspired by extremist ideology, have been able to cfucumvent security
measures to take up small arms, make vehicle bome and rudimentary standalone
improvised explosive devices (IEDE with the stated intent to attack the Region. In
addition, there are calls for "Leadetless Resistance" making it difficult to locate, mitigate,
or prevent their stated intent. Within the Seattle Region, there is increasing concem about
a number of these groups starting to influence public opinion, which may lead to violent
actions. The on-line information promotes and waffis of the need fot longer and ongoing
111 Pignolet, Jennifer. Wednesdan June 12,2013. Clarkston man convicted of trying to aid terrorists The Spokane
Spokesnan-Reuiez. Accessed online on 8/26/19 from https://www.spokesman.com/stories/2013liunl12lbomb-maker-
rr2 Clouse, Thomas. December 20,201,t. MLK bomb maker gets 32yearc in prison. The Spokane Spokesman-Reuiew.
Accessed online on 8/26/19 from https://www.spokesman.com/stories/2011ldec/20lmlk-parade-bomber-seeks-
suilw-olea-v/ithdra'wal / .
tt3 \1{6sf Counterterrorism Center. 2018. Planning and Preparedness Can Promote an Effective Response to a
Terrorist Attack at Open-Access Events. Accessed online on 8/26/19 from
https://www.dni.gov/files /NCTC/documents/icat /firstresponderstoolbox/First-Responders-Toolbox---Planning-
Promotes-E ffective-Resoonse-to Ooen-Access-.Events.odf.
acts of violence to achieve superiority over cuffent govemment authority. OnJuly 3, there
ate several online attacks which a precursor to the July 4th physical attacks on an iconic
building are, multiple active shooter events, vehicle bome violence and IEDs, and
unattended small items across the City of Seatde and surrounding areas.
Priority Vu I nera bil ities
Priority lmpact Areas
King County
rraJohnson, Bridget. Mltch27,2018. The Austin bomber and our new age of open-source terrorism: How Mark
Anthony Conditt likely benefited from Al Qaeda tutorials. The New York Daif Nezr. Accessed online on 8/26/19 fuom
http://www.nvdailvne-s.com/ ooinion/ausLn-bomber-new-ase-oDen-source-terrorism-article 1.3888244.
Any I{ing County resident attending a public event could be a victim of a terrorist attack.
Some populations ate more likely to be tatgeted by extemists than others. Terodst
attacks and attempted attacks in the nothwest have been motivated by white supremacy
(taryeting non-white populations), xenophobia (targeting immigrants),
homophobia/tansphobia (tatgeting gathering places of gay,lesbian, and ttansgendered
people), and anti-religlous attacks against Muslims, Jews, Christians, ot other lsligioug
Public events
Terrorists have increasingly targeted mass-gatherings in densely populated ot
high ptofile ateas. Consequendy any major urban area in Washington State
could be considered at-risk as well ^s afly crowded or high prohle critical
inftastructute. The speciFrc motivations of tenorists will largely dictate target
Tetror tactics used by
A new challenge that is emerging is the increasing use of terror tactics by
non-terrorists. A numbet of evolved weapons, tactics, and targets have
emerged through the sheer volume of attacks within the last decade. This
notmallzaion of violence has been further exacerbated by extensive media
coverage and the ease by which detailed instruction manuals, 'how-to'
videos, and online forums dedicated to weapons, explosives, and tactics. It is
"essentially shared community content, easily accessible for extremists of all
stripes to consume and put into action" including those with no affi.liation to
foteign or domestic exftemism ideologies.ll4 Lessons leamed from past
attempts continue to shape the means by which attackets develop plots-the
push fot using small arms, edged-weapons and vehicle smming against soft
targets-instead of the often failed large-scale attacks.
Critical infrastructure
Infrastructure systems such as dams, water systems, bridges, and public
buildings ate high-value targets to tettorists that both stand for govemment
order and, when lost, can cause signihcant regional harm to people, property,
and the economy.
The economy
(continuity of
Propetty, including commetcial buildings, venues, vehicles, places of worship, or other
areas are often damaged or destroyed during terror incidents. Trauma from the incident
can prevent the tebuilding of the facrhty in the same place.
In addition to the economic costs of stepped-up security, attacks can have a huge impact
on a tegion's economy. Places seen as less safe are less atftactive to investors or visitors.
Often, terrorist attacks attempt to desftoy pat of the economy by killing tourists or
desfoying an impottant piece of infrastructure.
A majot attack can pollute the envfuonment and poison water and food sources. This can
have far-teaching, long-term consequences and damage animal and plant life as well as
Health systems can be impacted as a target for attacks, by being overwhelmed with
patients in the aftermath of attacks, and by personnel being injured or killed from
secondary attacks or due to exposure to chemical or biological agents used in the attack.
Govetnment facilities and employees are a common target for anti-govemment
exftemists. These attacks can disrupt day-to-day operations for long periods of time and
require additional security measures to protect facilities and employees.
Respondets ate often the first on the scene of an incident and thetefore can be injured or
killed in shootings or due to exposure of chemical or biological agents. Responder
facilities, such as police stadons, ate also potential terorist targets.
Enetgy: Energy facilities, including fuel pipelines, are conunon targets for
terrorists and saboteurs around the wodd. Many power facilities, such as
neighborhood substations, are relatively unguarded and, if lost, can have
immediate impacts on people and property in an area. Cyber-attacks are one area
where a latge-scale attack on the energy system could cause widespread
Water/Wastewater: Water systems are considered a high-impact potential target.
A chemical attack on a water system, if not immediately detected, could injure or
kill thousands, depending on fhe size of the water-system targeted.
Transportation: transportation systems, especially public transit, have been targets
atound the wodd, such as in the Madrid Train Bombings or the London Subway
Bombings. Attacks on busses are also cofiunon. These incidents can cause a loss
in public confidence in the transit system. Furthermore, an tttack on a tunnel,
such as the I-90 tunnel across Lake Washingtori, can impede mobility in our
region ovet the long-term.
Communications: Communications infrastructure, such as cell towers, are
relatively tedundant and so somewhat less vulnerable to terrorist attacks. There is
a huge vulnetability, however, to cyber-terori.sm, which can take multiple
facilities offline
confidence in
A failute to protect the public from a tertorist attack, even one that is thwarted at the last
moment, can cause a total failute in public confidence in govemment. As seen after
9/11/2001 or after attacks by white supremacists against African-American otJewish
congtegations, groups begin to feel isolated, threatened, and isolated from the
community. This is especially true in cases whete govemment fails to quickly reassure
impacted communities and support them morally and with security resorrces.
H fftgCo.,tray
Regional Risk Profile: T3unami and Seiche
Hazard Description
A tsunami is a series of fasq powetful, and destructive waves that radiate outward in all directions from
the soutce. Tsunamis ate usually caused by a displacement of the ocean floor from an earthquake or the
collapse of an underwater land feature. Seiches are waves that fotm in any enclosed or semi-enclosed
body of watet (i.e. lakes, bays, and dvers) from wind, atmospheric pressure, or seismic waves. Seiche
action can also affect harbors and canals.
The primary tsunami threat in King County is from a Seatde fault eathquake, or other events
originating in the Puget Sound Lowlands (such as big landslides into the water and possibly other faults).
Not all of King County has been modeled for tsunami hazards but scientists are actively working on it.
The tsunami inundation (flooding) impacts from a magnitude 7.3 Seattle fault event are shown below in
yellowltts In addition to the Seattle fault, aPaciftc ocean sourced tsunami, like a Cascadia Subduction
Zone event, can still affect I{ing County. Wave artival times for a Seatde fault and Cascadia-derived
tsunami ate extremely diffetent. In a Seattle fault event, the hrst wave arrives within minutes, where in a
Cascadia event, the first wave will arrive in apptoximately 2 hours and 20 minutes. In both cases, wave
action will petsist fot multiple houts. An earthquake on the Seattle Fault could generate a seiche in Lake
,lx tdN.re!
Washington or Lake
Sammamish that could
impact cities including
Sammamish, I(enmote,
and I{irkland.
3I -aI
!a llc
3 It 8r&ur g !l:::,
gRq Ji
N {lrh t!
i ll$r l!
Thete can also be
significant maritime
hazatd along the western
United States' coastlines
associated with smaller
tsunamis. A tsunami from
a local Seattle fault event
would cause major
damage to port
5! 1 inftastructute and
navigational terminals.
Additionally, powerful
distant tsunamis generated
across the PaciFrc Ocean
€llBr Eny ?
F Y.rr t*4S.
it tw
^dn :
11s Washington Geologic Survey. Geologic Hzzztds Information Portal. Accessed online on 6 / 7l /1,9 kom
httos: / /seolowoortal.dnr.wa.a ov / .
can cause maritime hazards in the Puget Sound. Although these distant-sourced events generate
relatively smaller tsunamis than local-soutced events, there waves can still cause damage to boats, docks,
piers, and aids to navigation (e.g. channel markers, lighthouses, warehouses and port terminals used for
loading and unloading cargo rhip9. Moored boats and vessels underway in the harbor may also be
impacted by smaller distant-soutced tsunamis. For example, the 201 1 earthquake off the coast of Japan
caused a relatively small eight-foot tsunami in Crescent City, Califomia, which led to one hundred
million dollars in damaged boats and inftastructure. Anything near the shoreline that has the potential to
float ot be moved by the wall of water can be carried
^way - tamming into other structures.
Vu I nera bility Cha racteristics a nd Previous Occu rrences
King County includes the deep-watet Port of Seattle and several cities that border Puget Sound,
including Shoteline, Seattle, Butien, Des Moines, and Federal Way. Together with Vashon Island,
unincorpotated King County includes a gre t deal of industry, impot/export activity, and commercial
and tesidential real estate that botdet bodies of water. These key watetfront ateas are vulnerable to a
tsunami ot seiche generated from an earthquake up to hun&eds, if not thousands of miles distant from
King County.
The most significant documented risks are to port transportation and industrial facilities in the Seattle
watetfront and Magnolia. It is likely a tsunami would impact docks, harbors, and other water-dependent
facilities in communities such as Des Moines and Burien too. The consequences of a tsunami to the
Pot of Seatde would likely be catastrophic, causing pemanent to semi-permanent harm to the region's
economy. As described in the eathquake chapter, damage from the Kobe, Japan earthquake in 1995 led
to a peffianent reduction in the scale and impoitance of that port.
The table below summarizes the identihed tsunami hazard area, the City of Seattle, following a
magnitude 7.3 Seattle fault eathquake. Approximately 0.6 percent of structures within the city are
exposed to a Seattle fault earthquake-induced tsunami, totaling an estimated value of $5.1 billion (3.5
percent of the total building value within the ciry). 116 The modeling to show potential impacts ftom a
Seatde fault tsunami or a Cascadia tsunami fot the remaining communities in King County is not yet
Seatlle Tsunami Axestmenl - Seattle Fault Scenaio
969 3.5%
Geologic evidence of ptevious shallow crustal fault-induced tsunami events has been recotded in the
Puget Sound at Cultus Bay on Whidbey Island and atWest Point in $g2ff1s.117 This evidence suggests
the last tsunami occurred around 900 AD when the local Seatde fault raised some landmasses around
116 Fedenl Emergency Management Agency. 2018. King County Risk Report: Tsunami Exposure Assessment. Page 58.
ll7 Moore, Andrew. Looking for paleotsunami evidence: an example from Cultus Bay, Washington. Accessed online on
6/11/19 fromhttps://serc.cadeton.edu/integrate/workshops/risk resilience/activities/82019.htmI.
5.1 Billion
Stlit r.'t L lil sl,.\1,()st,l) l,.tt,()st DlJr ttDtrr; trD(-r)\lt,\'l Ytt.t l, l)t tict \t()t,l:\t,osl.DYtt.l t
the Puget Sound shoreline by as much as 26 feet. A scientific study focused on seismic activity on the
Seattle fault within the last 8,000 years found evidence for an additional earthquake that occurred
-6,900 yeats ago. This suggests a low probabiiity of. alar.ge earthquake to occur on the Seattle fault as
the recutrence intewal could be thousands of yeats. Since 900 AD, tsunami waves in King County have
been less than 18 inches in height and caused litde damage to boats and shoreline ptoperty.118
Additional verbal accounts among the Snohomish Tribe reported by Colin Tweddell in 1953 described a
gteat landslide-induced wave caused by the collapse of Camano Head at the south end of Camano
Island atound 1|-1s !$fQ5.ttr No injuries have been teported since the settlement of Seattle in the 18th
century. The value and density of propety along the waterfront suggests a potential for moderate
impacts ftom such an event.
Multiple seiches have been genetated in King County ftom various local and distant seismic events.
Seiche events in the King County have been noted in the follovring years: 1) In 1891 two earthquakes
near Pott Angeles caused watet in the Puget Sound to surge onto beaches two feet above the high-water
mark and an eight-foot seiche in Lake Washington. 2) In 1906 the magnitude 7.9 San Ftancisco
eatthquake caused agitated wave activity on the west shote of Lake Washington "so violendy that house
boats, floats and bathhouses were jammed and tossed about like leaves on the water," tepotted by the
Seatde Post-Intelligencer (4/1,9/ 1906). 3) In 7949, a magnitude-7.1 deep earthquake occured in
Olympia that caused seiches within Lake Union and Lake Washington, but no damages were reported.
4) The magnitude 9.2 GreatAlaska eafthquake of 1.964 created global seiches, including in Lake Union
that damaged houseboats, buckled moorings, and broke watet and sewer lines. 5) In 1965, a magnitude
6.5 deep earthquake occutted in the Puget Sound which caused a seiche where water "sloshing back and
forth like soup in a shallow bowl" was observed at Green Lake, North Seattle (repoted by the Seattle
Times, 4/30/L965).6) Lastly, lr:,2002 a magnitude 7.9 Denaii eathquake caused seiches in Lake Union
that damaged houseboats, buckled mooririgs, and broke water and sewer lines.
Tsunamis generated along the Pacific Rim have ahard time teaching Puget Sound with any destructive
fotce. The tsunamis generated by the 201,1. magnttude 9.0 earthquake in Japan and the 1964 magnitude
9.2 earthquake in Alaska did reach Puget Sound, but the maximum wave height recorded was only 0.04
meters (-2 inches) and0.1.2 meters, tespectively in (-5 inches) in King County.
tt8 \afiesal Geophysical Data Center / Wodd Data Service OJGDC/WDS): Global Historical Tsunami Database.
National Geophysical Data Center, NOAA. doi:70.7289/Y5PN93H7 [accessed online on 09/11./2079 fuom
htms:/ /www.nEdc.noaa.sov /nndc/struts /form?t= l0 1650&s =70&d=71
lre Koshimura, Shunichi and Harold O. Mofjeld. 2001. Inundation modeling of local tsunamis in Puget Sound,
Washington due to potential earthquakes. ITS 2001 Proceedings, Session 7, Number 7-18. Accessed online on 6/t7/79
from httBs ;/ /www.Dmel.noaa.sov/oubs /docs /lTS200 1 /7 - 1 8 Koshimura.od [.
lf, t(},gco.n ty
Tsuna mi Scenario Drivers12o12i
There ate four likely triggets fot a tsunami in King County. These include an earthquake on the Seattle
Fault, an earthquake on the Cascadia Subduction Zone, a tsunami caused by a major landslide into
Puget Sound or another majot body of watet, and an earthquake on the Alaska-Aleutian Subduction
Seattle Fault
Zone Tsunami
A tsunami triggeted by a rupture of the Seatde Fault would compound damage caused
by the initial earthquake. It would devastate lowlying areas of Puget Sound, but
especially the pott and industrial facilities around the Port of Seattle and Magnolia.
Preliminary modeling suggests the first wave arives within 2 and a half minutes after
the eatthquake statts at the Magnolia Bluff area of Seattle and all coasdines udthin
Elliott Bay experience ^fl average of 20 feet (6 meters) of inundation above Mean
High Water during the fitst 10 minutes. Harbot Island also expedences major flooding
with at least 13 feet (4 meten) of flow depth above the gtound level. South of Elliott
Bay has milder flooding compared to Seatde, but strong currents are prevalent at
Portage Bay.
A Cascadia Subduction Zone tsunami would devastate the outer coast and seriously
impact low-lying areas atound Everett and the SanJuan Islands. The islands and the
strait ofJuan de Fuca protect King County from the u/orst flooding impacts.
Pteliminary modeling suggests that little inundation would occur along the coasdine of
South King county, though some flooding m^y be expected in ateas of Seattle SODO
and Port. The worst flooding is expected to occur at Portage Bay with estimated wave
amplitudes up to 13 feet (4 meters) above Mean High Water. Strong cuffents are also
estimated at Portage Bay neat spits of land and in the narrows, which can be
hazardous to the maritime community. The frttst wave is expected to reach Seattle at
approximately 2 hours and 20 minutes. Statewide, this tsunarni is expected to cause
over 15,000 fatalities, primarily in coastal communities in the outer coast counties.
Vetbal accounts among the Snohomish Tribe reported by Colin Tweddell n 1953
describe ^ gre t landslide-induced wave caused by the collapse of Camano Head at the
soutl end of Camano Island atound the 1820s. The slide itself is said to have buried a
small village, and the resulting tsunami drowned people who wete clamming on Hat
120 King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks. Landslide Hazards Program website. Accessed online on
6/7 /19 from https:/ /www.kingcounty.gov/services/environment/water-and-land/flooding/maps/river-landslide-
hazards /landslide-ftoes.asox #Debris.
r21 King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks. Landslide Hazatds Program website. Accessed online on
6/7 /19 from httgs://www.kingcounqv.gov/services/environment/water-and-iand/flooding/maps/river-landslide-
hazards / la.ndsl-ide -hroes.asnx#Debris.
Distant Source
Washington or
Priority Vu I nera bi I ities
Port and hatbot facilities
LowJying and watetfront
homes and businesses
Wastewatet treatment
(Gedney) Island, 2 miles to the south. Bathymetry between Camano Head and Hat
Island could have contributed to the size and destructive power 6f ths \r,2ys.122
An Alaskan-Aleutian subduction zone earthquake can be as large as a magnitude9.2
event, as experienced n 7964. A tsunami generated from Alaska is a distant-sourced
tsunami fot Washington state. The prelimina4r tsunami modeling results for a
potential worst-case scenario magnitude 9.2 Alaska earthquake to King County is
estimated to be somewhat similat to the Cascadia SubductionZone event, but half as
strong. The highest wave amplitudes can be up to 7 feet Q meters) and predicted to
occur inside Portage Bay, but not predicted to overtop the northem spit. Additionally,
it is probable fot some unsafe cuffents for the maritime community to occur, with the
highest risk being at Portage Bay. The Flrst wave is expected to reach Seattle's coastline
approximately 6 hours after the earthquake.
A Seattle Fault earthquake could generate a seiche on Lake Washington that would
impact low-lying ateas of cities along the lake, including Sammamish, Kenmore,
Kirkland, and othets.
Tsunamis are expected to devastate near-shore port inftastructure, boats, and
piets. This is the largest economic consequence of a tsunami.
Homes and businesses along the many waterfronts would be damaged or
destroyed by a mid-sized tsunami and devastated by a local crustal
earthquake and tsunami.
West Point treatment plan is in the inundation zone for a Seattle Fault
tsunami. Historical records also suggest tsunamis have impacted this area
Priority lmpact Areas
King County While it would take a tather sizable tsunami along the shoreline of King County,
precautionary evacuations ftom houseboats, live aboard pleasure craft, cruise ships, and
property immediately adjacent to waterfronts of Puget Sound and lakes Nfashington,
Sammamish, and lake Union may be recommended.
12 Koshimura, Shunichi and Harold O. Moleld. 2001. Inundation modeling of local tsunamis in Puget Sound,
Washington due to potential earthquakes. ITS 2001 Proceedings, Session 7, Number 7'18. Accessed online on 6/77/19
from https: / /www.omel.no aa.sov / oubs / docs / ITS200 I /7- 1 8 Koshimura.od f.
llfl tctrgcoutrty
Thete are no additional anticipated direct impacts from tsunami to vulnemble
populations. As always, any disruption to setvices, the economy, and infrasttucture would
cause more harm to lowet-income and marginalized communities.
Thete are no major health centers located in the mapped tsunami inundation areas
It is possible that Sounder trafFrc between Everett and Seattle or Tacoma and Seatde
could be impacted by any latge tsunami in Puget Sound. Otherwise, it is unlikely that
King County govemmental opetations would be direcdy impacted by a tsunami or seiche.
Along the shoteline of King Count/, precautionary evacuations ftom houseboats, live
aboard pleasure crafts, cruise ships, and property immediately adjacent to waterfronts of
Puget Sound and lakes lfashington, Sammamish, and Lake Union would cause impacts
to the public. The volume of search and rescue effots along waterfronts affected ftom
the tsunami may pose potential issues to first tesponders (police, fire, EMS).There are
only small numbet of scenarios where this is a likely issue.
o Power: Litde to no impact dfuectly from tsunami is expected.
c Watet/Wastewater: Tsunami may impact the West Point treatment plant. The
damage would depend on the height of the tsunami and a significant event would
be tequired. If such afi event were to occur, the plan would be tendered
o Transportation: damage to port facilities and fetry terminals are the pdmary
threat to inftastructure from a tsunami. Even relatively small tsunami surges, such
, have caused tens of millions
Propety Tsunami and seiche threats were not defined until recently. Most of the eady 19th and
20th century structures located near the water were ptobably not engineered to vrithstand
impacts from a tsunami, seiche, or earthquake. The properties along the entite Seattle
Watetftont and tlose in Shoteline, Des Moines, Federal Way, and Vashon Island are at
risk from tsunami activity.
The economy A tsunami or seiche that impacts pot facilities, such as one tdggered by the Seattle Fault
would have any sizable impact on the economy of the tegion. Damage would run
potentially in the billions and have far-reaching consequences for Washington's export-
based economy.
The It is possible for a tsunami ot seiche to have an impact on the natural environment
envfonment immediately adjacent to Puget Sound through the release of fuels andhazardous materials
or their stotage facilities around the waterfront. This may include fish habitat or natural
and farmed shellFrsh beds, wedands, estuaries, and marsh areas.
(continuity of
as the afotementioned ftom Ctescent
of dollars. Damage to low-lying mil and roads is also likely, but less of a concern
since it would not impact prtrnary transportation routes.
Communications: There is limited risk to communications systems as a whole
from tsunami.
confidence in
Coverage from major news oudets, including the Seattle Times and the New Yorker
magazine, have argued that Washington is hbhly underprepared for a majot seismic event
large enough to generate a tsunami. Both media coverage and reports from state
emergency management has led Washington's governof to convene a Resilient
Washington Subcommittee to look into mitigation actions out of concern for the
apparent lowlevel of public confidence in state and local ability to manage major
disasters. Data is available ftomJapan and New Zealand that cleady demonstrate that
policy level decisions and direct communication to the public will gteatly influence the
public confidence in King County govemment.
Regional Risk Profile: Volcano
Hazard Description
Volcanic eruptions are the result of geological activity, and may include lava, rock fragments, gases, and
ash ejected from a vent on tlle surface. Deposits of rock, lava, and ash cteate the structures we call
volcanoes. Washington State has five active volcanoes, four of which have been classiFred as "Very
high" threat by the U.S. Geological Suwey, and one considered "High" thteat. Mount Rainier would
cause the most signihcant local disruptions in the event of an eruption, but any of them could cause
majot disruptions due to ash or impacts on the transpottation system.
Volcanoes can lie dormant fot hundteds or thousands of years between eruptions. Hazards from
eruptions are typically divided into near-volcanohazards, those which impact areas immediately on the
slopes of the volcano, and distant hazards, which can put areas miles away from the volcano at risk.
Near-volcanohazards include pyroclastic flows (hot avalanches of gas, ash, and rock ftagments), lava
flows, tock (tephra), debris flows, and landslides. Distant hazards, include Lahars - volcanic mudflows,
Elllol *y
Fragl Sound
'iot ilmfif ttrt @
Volcanic Hazards (USGS)
I t"ahals
I S.diment
Tephra {a$h)
O.ridnlt ..
TE :l.5 h
r l'l trl
i t
and volcanic ash. Lahats may ttavel tens of miles down tivet valleys, picking up debris and inundating
floodplains, and leave a cement-like deposit of sediment where they stop. They are ahazard at all five of
lTashington's volcanoes, and tlle only personal ptotective action available to avoid alahat is evacuation
to higher ground. Volcanic ash - made up of tiny patticles of glass - m^y be extremely widespread, as it
travels in the direction of the vdnd. The fine particles may travel hundreds of miles or more downwind.
Even in tiny quantities, volcanic ash can be very disruptive, as it lowers air quality, makes roads slippery
to drive on, is abrasive, poses risks to a:tcnft, motot vehicles and elecffonics, and is exffemely difficult
to clean up, as it easily remobilizes into the air. Volcanic ash is also dense, and quite heavy when vret - 4
inches of wet volcanic ash is heavy enough to collapse most roofs.
Vulnerability Characteristics and Previous Occurrences
There are multiple hazatds ftom a volcano, including lahats that could impact communities in the south
of the county to ash that could impact the entite region and come from any of Washington's frve active
Lahats, mudflows that can have the consistency of wet cement, are historically the most damaging
element of a volcanic eruption. These flows pick up latge and small debds like ftees, houses, boulders -
anything in its path. Lahats can move 20-40 miles per hout down slopes. Th.y slow down once they
reach floodplains, but are still an unstoppable mass of mud and debris, often pushing a flow of watet
ahead of it. !(/hile the lahat risk to King County is limited to a major eruption of Mt. Rainier and
impacts primarily the cities of Algona, Pacific, and Aubum, the regional impacts would include a
complete disruption of tegional transportation routes, including thtough ailport closures, damage to I-5,
and damage to the Port of Tacoma.
The best examples of potential local damages from volcanic activity are from the Mt. St. Helens
eruption in 1980. This eruption had significant ash-fall over eastem Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and
Montana, with tace amounts falling ovet the Dakotas, Wyoming, Nebraska, Colorado, Oklahoma, and
Minnesota as well as Canadian ptovinces. A long history of volcanic eruptions in the cascades is
tecorded by the Native Americans in the area. Volcanic activity occuls in geological timelines these
events are spaced over hundteds if not thousands of years, during which time the numbet of exposed
inhabitants and inventory of inftastructure has changed greatly. Even the difference between 1980 and
today (39 yeats) has seen a matked increase in population and infrastructure in the possible impact area
fot volcanic activity. The Mt. St. Helens eruption in 1980 damaged or destroyed 200 buildings, ruined 44
bridges, and buried 17 miles of railway along with 125 miles of roadway. Community water supplies and
sewer systems v/ere disabled and teservoirs pardy filled with silt and debds.
Mt. Rainier, howevet, is much closer (60 miles to Seatde) and poses a much mote direct threat. Modem
Mount Rainier started erupting 500,000 years ago and has had numetous eruptions and mudflows since
then. About 5,600 yeats
an eruption cteated a massive debds avalanche, called the Osceola
Mudflow, pouted down ftom the summit of Mount Rainier, picking up sediment and anything else in its
path as it tmveled down the White River valley and into the Puget Sound. The mudflow filled valleys
with up to -400 feet of sediment and moved at speeds of 40 to 50 miles an hour. Following the Osceola
Mudflow, many smallet volcanic eruptions and lahars occurted as the volcano continued to show signs
of untest. The most recent major mudflow, called the Electton Mudflow, began as a pafi of a crater
I urptrrrrr collapse and traveled
| '"ro* down the Puyallup River
into Sumner in -1502. It
is estimated that Mount
Rainier has generated
about 60 of tlese lahats in
the last 10,000 yeats, with
fb.:riln leirtirrrtlt
Os:rals tludi$*
,#i;#;-+A I
af allo
';'litlil {tjili] ernti }*ar:'
i..{lr f, rrt.rl',:,!r F{r'r* :lr:l: :ji* n..! i*6i -rSli I *!i:{!,1.tir*:ef,r::g:,...:,f4 -$}trll{at.,*ttrir},\vJ.t._rir:tiFcrry!.t4,
about 10 large enough to teach the Puget Sound. Many communities, including Orting, Puyallup, and
Aubum, between Mount Rainier and the Puget Sound are built on top of these deposits. 123
An eruption of Mt. Rainier, or afly other Cascade volcano, is likely to be preceded by warning signs,
such as series of eatthquakes, and deformation of the volcano. This volcanic "uffest" may last for days
before an eruption, or possibly for weeks, to months, to years or more. Monitoring networks are in
place to ptovide advanced warning. This advance waming is critical to communities downstream from
the volcanoes, because Even a relatively small eruption could melt glaciers significantly, generating
lahars that will teach heavily populated areasJz4
A lahar should not be seen as a singular event, but a mass movement of sediment requiring significant
time to recover ftom. Deposition of feet to tens of feet of sediment thtough a watetshed and over a
floodplain creates long-term changes to the river environment. After alaha4mitigation measures may
be necessary to prevent continued sedimentation over the decades following the eruption, such as the
sediment retention structure built follovdng the Mt. St. Helens 1980 eruption. In lieu of this solution,
&edging may be required to prevent shipping channels from filling with sediment. Deposition of a large
amount of sediment udthin a floodplain may also change floodplains to a point where floods now occrr
in areas which were pteviously safe from flooding.
r23 Washington State Emergency Management. 2018. Enhanced Hazzrd Mitigation Plan: Volcano Risk Assessment, page
124 United States Geologic Survey. 2018. USGS Volcano Hazards Program website. Accessed online on 6/72/19 ftom
httos://volcanoes.usgs.gov/volcanoes/mount rainier/Eeo hist furure eruotions.html.
&I rt gcou*y
Summary of Hazard Effects
Major types of volcanichazard, their effects and extents are listed in the table below. The occurrence
and scale of volcanic hazards ate inversely telated, with small events occuring more frequeniy (70-20 a
month), and larget events occurdng every hundted years or so.12s
Hazard Threat to Life
Low except neat vent;
high for aviationAsh and tephrafa//
Flooding (port-lahar)
Gaw/ acid rain
Priority Vu I nera bil ities126
Communities in the path
of laharhazards
Populations vulnerable to
respiratory distress
brought on by ash
Ihteat to Ptoperty
Depends on size of
rarticles and amount of
lsh; can
Ateas Affected
Local, Regi.onal,
National, Intemational
.ead to roof collapse,
bomb damage, fire
Very high - Near vent and
on slopes; low in King
Very high Local, Regional, National,
Low except neat vent.Very High Local
High to moderate Local, Regional
Modetate Regional
Low to modetate Local, Regional
Communities in the vicinity of Rainier, including the King County
communities of Algona, Pacific, and Auburn, are most vulnerable from a
large lahar generated by an eruption of Mt. Rainier.
Ash from any volcanic eruption can lead to disruption of daily life and is a
major threat to people with medical vulnerabilities.
l25 Washington State Emergency Management. 2018. Enhanced Hazatd Mitigation Plan: Volcano Risk Assessment, page
126 Clark County Emetgency Management. 2007 . 2006 Volcanic Ashfall Exercise After Action Report / Improvement
IlE targco,",ty
Populations in the
immediate vicinity of a
Roof collapse caused by
ash fall
Electrical systems and the
enefgy sector
Ait tavel
Roads and transpottation
Priority lmpact Areas
King County
Populations that use Mt. Rainier National Park or work in the area around
the mountain are most susceptible to the immediate impacts. Although
advanced waming is likely, it will be impossible to predict the exact moment
of eruption. Residents from the town of Oting have approximately 45-
minutes to evacuate following activation of their lahar sitens.
Buildings can collapse following large ash accumulation.
Electrical systems may short out due to ashfall and powet genetation can be
curtailed as generation systems ate shut off to protect sensitive components.
Communications equipment has the same vulnerability as general electrical
systems and is subject to failure due to ash damage.
Airpotts would likely be closed fot the duration of major ash dispersal.
Tra,fftc signals would likely short out during ashfall. Ash is also creates a verry
slippery driving surface. Ash can also damage vehicle engines, and sctatch
vrindshields when wipers are being used - Driving is not recommended
during heavy ashfall.
Cities in the south of the county, including Algona, Pacific, Aubum, and Kent all may be
impacted by alahar The sedimentation zone spreads throughout the Green River Valley.
This atea includes some of the largest and fastest-growing cities in the county. The
distance fiom Mt. Rainiet makes dfuect impact of eruption from a pyroclastic event
extremely unlikely. Ptevailing winds make ash fall in the county unlikely or at least minor.
Lava flows and landslide activity would impact Pierce County but are unlikely to reach
any portion of inhabited King County. Indirect impacts from a major eruption might
include a cooling climate ftom atmosphedc suspended ash clouds but this too is unlikely.
Fine ash may cause tegional health impacts - especially tespiratory for the duration of ash
fall. Impact to vehicles and ab handling systems in homes and work places may have an
employment impact to the King County population.
Impacts to individuals with access and functional needs will be extremely sedous.
Transportation will be impacted, tesulting in diffrculty accessing appointments.
Individuals urith chronic respiratory vulnembilities will be most negatively impacted by
ash. While there are limited numbers of King County residents in the path of the lahar,
the communities that are most impacted have higher rates of disability and poverty than
the statewide average.
The economy
(continuity of
The cities of Algona and Pacific are the most at risk ftom a Mt. Rainietlahat event, with
over 90 percefit of their structures exposed to the lahar. While the percentage of
structures is not as high, the City of Aubum has the highest potential dollat-value losses.
Othet damages would include the loss of HVAC and asr filuation systems, electrical
systems shorting out, and the danger of toof collapse from ash accumulation since ash is
heavier than snovz. Furthermote, following tains, ash hardens to a conctete-like
consistency, which can clog gutters and dmins and cause them to fail or collapse.
Businesses that operate electtonic systems will require decontamination rooms to prevent
ash ftom getting inside and damaging electrical equipment.
Many of the impacts from a Mt. Rainiet eruption to humans and the environment would
also impact the economy of King County. Aviation interuption would likely occut from
airborne ash. A lahat event would impact rail and port service from direct damages to
infrastructure like bridges, rails, and roadways, ot from inaccessibility to ports. Ash would
cause interruption of all internal combustion engines ot vehicles tlat require filtets would
impact the workforce and movement of food and supplies as well as repair crews.
Abtasion from fine ash on all mechanical pats would cause longer term damages to
industrial opetations and the ports. Health and tespiratory issues would make both indoor
and outdoot professions difficult. Medical facilities and the patients that rely on them
would have difhculty operating. The cost of debris temoval following alahar. would be
enorrnous, even similat to efforts ftom a majot earthquake.
Any significant volcanic activity on Mt. Rainiet would have an impact to the environment.
Lava flows, tephta, ash, and lahar aciviq would direcdy impact bfuds, fish, mammals,
reptiles, amphibians, trees, and vegetation. Sediment deposition would impact dvets that
support salmon and steelhead spawning. Debris andlahar may change the course of
rivers entfuely. Lahars may cause hazatdous matedals teleases that hatm bitds, fish and
othet vrildlife. Recteational use of ski areas and hiking trails would also be impacted. It
has been four decades, and Mt. St. Helens timbet and vrildlife have not yet returned to
pre-1980 levels.
Health systems would be impacted by an expected &amatic tise in demand for services as
ash causes people to seek care for respiratory disttess. Health systems would also be
hindered by ffansportation system impacts. First responder vehicles should have ait filtets
changed every 35 miles during volcano ash events and there are not enough air filters on
hand to meet this requfuement.
Potential impacts to county deiivery of sewices from a Mt. Rainier eruption would be the
tesult of damages to infrastructure, equipment including machinery and vehicles,
inaccessibility to service ateas, impedance to transportation routes used by the county
wotkfotce, and health impacts to residents and the wofkforce. County services that might
be interrupted might include: Medic One response, King County Sheriffs Office services
conhdence in
like 9-1-1 dispatch, seatch and rescue and marine or aviation unit response, adult
detention, solid waste and waste water services. Services provided by other govemment
agencies and basic sewice providers might include internrption of: power, phone and cell
phone service, emergency medical service, fire and law enforcement, water systems, and
health/medical facilities.
Respondet vehicles need regular ait Frlter changes dudng ashfall. Air hlters in the quantity
required are likely not available. Responders will also be taxed by high numbers of calls
and dangetous roads caused by slick ash.
Powet: Ash can short out electdcal systems and cause widespread pov/er failure.
Ash accumulation may also cause issues with power generation dams. Generation
facilities may be shut down to ptevent damage to sensitive components.
Watet/Wastewater: Water systems, including teservoits, could quickly clog with
ash, potentially polluting watet supply.
Transportation: volcanic ash is very slick and roadways would become
treacherous. Vehicles would need regular air filtet replacements and there are not
sufficient ait filtets in the region to offset the need. Airports in the region would
have to close, potentially for months. Any lahar could potentially destroy major
transportation routes, including I-5. Traffic signal systems and communications
systems could short out due to ashfall.l27
Communications: Electrical and communication impact can be severely impacted
during ashfall. Ash getting into electrical systems can cause systems to short out.
The 1980 Mt. St. Helens eruption tevealed that even heavy monitoring of a volcano,
while effective, cannot predict exactly how the volcano will behave. Since that time,
investments and public infotmation have created confidence that USGS and local
emergency managemeflt is capable of providing public warnings and evacuations in time
to save lives. Continued investment in risk assessment and waming systems, for example,
atound Orting, WA, continue to build public confidence. An event could either
underrnine or strengthen this confidence, depending on losses and the speed of warning.
A potential public confidence issue is ftom false positives that tdgget evacuations. There
have been numerous cases outside of the US whete communities are evacuated, only for
the volcano not to erupt at that time. Communities can become inured to wamings.
When this happens, and an event does occur, there are much higher losses. A false alert is
unlikely in the USGS monitoring system fot Mt. Rainiet as the danger of a false alert has
been a cenffal consideration in the design of the system.
127 Cl'atk County Emergency Management. 2007 . 2006 Volcanic Ashfall Exercise After Action Report / Improvement
A period of unrest, leading to heightened monitoring and public awareness could last days
or years befote anything (ot nothing) happens. Sharing information with the public on the
unceftainty of volcanoes and the potential for long-term monitoring is important.
Additionally, in the event of untest and a potential lahat, the local jurisdiction are the only
ones who can actually otdet the evacuation and so much be ptepared to assess tisk,
inform the public, and act when needed.
Regional Risk Profile: Wildfire
Hazard Description
King County and Westem Washington in genenl have histotically been at a low risk ftom major
wildland and wildland-urban intetface hres. The histotic return period fot the heavily forested ateas of
the slopes of the Cascades in eastem King County is between 200 and 300 years. Western Washington
Ftes are not unheard of, howevet - in'1.902, dozens of wildfites bumed neady 239,000 acres in what is
now the Yacolt Bum State Forest, causing 38 deaths. This
occurred after an extended period of hot, dry weather, high
wind, and an over-accumulation of timber hawest slash.t28
Climate change is shortening this intewal, though it is still
unknown by how much. By 2040, a fout-fold incease in the
annual area bumed by hres in Washington is projected.l2e Of a
more immediate concetn is the amount of new development
in ateas close to the wildland-urban interface. This new
exposure is the pdmary dtiver of risk in the short and medium
Wildfires can occur when the necessary combination of
weathet (low humidity, low precipitation, high temperaturres, high wind), topogaphy (steeper slopes,
gulches, canyons, and ridges), and fuel $righer amounts, higher concentration, continuous actoss the
landscape, low in moistute) are brought togethet with an ignition source (ightening or human-caused).
In the westem United States, we have seen an increase in latge wild|rres due to more than a century of
fire ptevention effotts, rising temperatures, declining forest health, and incteased development.
Wildftes can sptead quickly when buming in areas with dense, dry, unintemrpted fuels. This is
patticulady true in areas with steep slopes and ridges and in windy weathet with high temperatures and
low humidity. This mix of requirements has mearit that therc have been very few serious fires in King
The vzildland fire season in N7ashington usually runs fromJuly through September. Drought, low snow
pack, and local vzeathet conditions can lengthen the fire season. Many of the worst fite years on record
have occutted in the past decade. Supptession costs alone cost $60 million for the Catlton Complex fire.
Economic costs were estimated at $98 million for that fire.130
128 Washington State Department of Natural Resources. Yacolt Bum State Forest website. Accessed online on 6/79/79
from httos: / / www.dnr.wa.sov /Yacolt.
r2e King County. 2018. King County Strategic Climate Action Plan 2078 Biennial Report.
130 Washington State Emergency Management. 2018. Washington State Enhanced,Hazatd Mitigation Plan Risk
Assessment. Pp. 493-495.
lf,xttgco,"t y
Nfashington State Department of Natural Resources lays out the scale of the problem in the new, 10-
year strategic plan.131 "ln 2018, wildland ftes burned mote than 350,000 actes in Washington state and
cost more than fi1,'1.,2 million dollats to suppress-all befote the end of August. ...Yet, 2018 was not the
state's worst for Ftre. In recent years, hotter, driet summets and longer fte seasons have led to a trend in
increased Fte statts andarca burned. Fires in 201.4 and 2015 bumed apptoximately 425,300 and
1,064,100 acres and cost state and federal agencies neaiy $182 million and $345 million in ftefighting
expenses, tespectively. In addition to the significaflt structural and economic losses, thtee fitefightet
lives were lost in 201.5."
The largest fires in Washington State ate usually sparked by lightning in wildemess areas. Small fites
(often ignited due to human activiry) can also be damaging, however. Fot example, a small 400-acre fire
in Thurston County n 2077 led to the evacuation of neady 100 homes and the loss of four homes.
Human-caused ignition sources may include chains dragging behind trucks, cigatettes, arson, or the loss
of control of ftes set for recreational purposes.
Washington State Department of Natutal Resources is leading an effofi including King County to
complete a statewide map of all wildland-utban interface areas. Once the mapping is complete, RCW
'1,9.27 .560 will take effect, adopting the ICC's 201 8 Intemational WUI Code. The following map is a
draft map developed using United States Forest Service land cover data and King County parcel data.
ate at the boundary of urban and vegetated ateas. Intermix ^re s are ateas where
structures and vegetation are mingled.
131 Washington State Department of Natural Resources. 2018. Washington State riTildland Fire Protection 10-Year
Strategic Plan. Accessed online on 8/26/19 from
https:/,/www.dnr.wa.gov,/publications/rp wildfire strategic pian.pd0iwzxs.
Draft lVildland-Urban Interfarc Areat': red = interface/ intennix areat with high xructare densitl (Sounv: DNRWAI
Mapping Prograru, 2018)
Wildfire hazards include the fire itself, but also smoke and post-wildFre erosion and flooding. Wildfue
smoke is made up of particulate mattet, carbon monoxide and other harmful pollutants from buming
trees, plant matedals, and combustion of plastics and othet chemicals released from butning structures
and furnishings. Exposure to fine patticulate matter (2.5 micrometers and smaller) is a signiFrcant health
concem, because the small size of the paticle allows people to inhale it deep in the lungs where the
particles can direcdy enter the blood stream. The effects of smoke exposure range from eye and
tespfuatory tract irritation to more serious health problems including reduced lung function, bronchitis,
and exacerbation of asthma,heatt failute, and ptemature death. People with existing heart and lung
diseases, oldet adults, childten and pregnant women ate especially at risk of smoke-related health
Post-wildFte flooding, landslides, and mudslides is a deadly secondary hazatd to extreme wildfires in
areas with steep slopes. Soils in ateas bumed by fire not only lose their stabilizing vegetation but can
also become hy&ophobic (water repeliing), leading to massive water runoff that caries debds down
slopes and into neatby waterways. In Montecito, CA more than 17 people died, 100 homes were
destroyed, and hundreds of people were tescued ftom a series of mudslides and mudflows that hit
following heavy tains that dtenched ateas bumed over eadier that summer.133 Mudstdes were a serious
threat in Eastem Washington following the 201.4 and201,5 wildfues, and destroyed irrigation systems,
roads, and bddges.
One aspect of post-fire flooding is that it can be predicted. King County would likely have weeks to
months to prepare and plan fot flooding events resulting from a major fte. The Department of Ecology
maintains a post-fire flooding calculatot to estimate runoff and prepare communities for flooding. In
Montecito, for example, emergency managers had already evacuated thousands of people and it vras
those who chose to not heed the wamings that wete most likely to be impacted by the mudslides.
Vu lnera bi lity Cha racteristics a nd Previous Occu rrences
King County communities are rarely thteatened by major wildfires, though roadside brush fues can still
threaten even the most urbanized are s.134135 This has meant that land use and building codes in King
County are not adapted to cuffent and future wildfte risk. As the climate changes, there is ^ gte ter
likelihood that high temperature and dry conditions will be present along with the akeady-existing
topogtaphic, wind, and fuel conditions flecessary to support alarge Fte
Smoke has received the bulk of recent attention in King County due to multiple yeam of wildfire smoke
in the Puget Sound tegion ftom wildfires in British Columbia, Oregon, and Eastem Washington. Air
quality deteriotated to hazatdous conditions in some parts of King County tn 2017 and 2078. Recent
studies of wildfire smoke exposure in Washington found a signihcant relationship between exposure to
PM2.5 ftom wildfite smoke and an increase in emergency room and outpatient visits for asthma.
Especially impacted wete those with pediatric asthma and other childhood respiratory and chest
symptoms, as well as Chtonic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease across all age groups, and all respiratory
outcomes.136 Smoke will likely be an ongoing concem for the region andmay represent a"flew normal"
though it will not occur every year.
Post-fite flooding is a serious threat to King County. A hre in one of the foothills communities could
cause majot mudflows and devastating flooding in communities in the watetshed impacted by the hre
and through which rivers and creeks pass. Communities with existing flood dsk, such as along the
Snoqualmie River, ate especially vulnetable. Damage to homes caused by debris flows is typically not
covered by tegular homeownet's insurance.
132 Washington State Emergency Management. 2018. lVashington State EnhancedHzzxd Mitigation Plan Risk
Assessment. Pp. 493-495.
133 Queally, James, Etehad, Melissa, and Brittny Meiia. Jan 10, 2018. Death toll rises to 17 in Montecito; 100 homes
destroyed by mudslides. The I-"at Angeles Times. Accessed online on 6/18/L9 from
r3a Headwater Economics. 2018. Communitjes Across the US Are Experiencing Threats from Wildfues. Accessed online
on 6/18/ 19 from htros://headwaterseconomics.orsldatavizlcommunities-wildfue-threat/.
13s KIRO 7 News Staff.July 27,2011. Brush fires shutdown portion of SR 509. KIRO 7. Accessed online on 8/27/19
from https://www.kiroT.com/news/local/brush-fues-shut-down-portjon-of-sr-509/970676697.
136 Fot more information, see Washington State Department of Health/Chelan-Douglas, Grant, Kittitas and Okanogan
Counties QOls), Surveillance Investigation of the Cardiopulmonary Health Effects of the 2}l2lVtldfues in North
Central Washington State; Gan, R. W', B. Ford, W. Lassman, G. Pfister, A. Vaidyanathan, E. Fischer, J. Volckens, J. R.
![ xrucoutr.y
SCena riO DriVerS1l713s
Wildland-Utban Intetface Fite
Although fttes ate currendy rate in Western
Washington, they are not unheard of and are expected
to increase as climate change leads to warmer
temperatures. Prolonged summer heat, combined with
high density forests and areas ofpoor forest health, is
increasing Fte risk at the same time that people are
building more and more into the wildland-urban
intetface. The building pattems in these areas are not in
accordance with FireWise principles and many
communities have limited ingress and egress routes.
In 2017, and especially 201.8, smoke ftom wildfires
inundated Seatde, causing unhealthy air quality. This
was due to wind pattetns that blew smoke from ltres in
Bdtish Columbia, Oregon, and Eastem Washington.
'Watmer summets will increase the number of fires and
with mote fltres, more smoky days are likely.t:r
r-* *
Source: CregCilbert, Seattle Timu
137 King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks. Landslide Hazatds Program website. Accessed online on
6/7 /19 from https://www.kingcounqv.gov/services/environment/water-andland/flooding/maps/river-landslide-
hazatds / landslide h;oes.asox#Debris.
138 Washington State Geologic Survey. Landslide Hazards Progtam website. Accessed online on 6/7 /1,9 frorn
https: / /www.dnr.wa.gov/programs-and-services /geology /geologic-hazards /landslides#tvpes-of-landslides.B
13e Gilbeft, Greg. August 74,2078. Smoky Seatde summers: expect more of them, scientists say. The Seattle Tines.
Accessed online on 6 /1,9 /1,9 from https: / /www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/smokv se atde-summers-exoect-more-of-
them-scientists-sav /.
Post-fite flooding and debds flows Wildfires burn vegetation on steep slopes, not only
destabilizing the slopes but also making the soil
hydrophobic in high-intensity ftes. This can lead to
latge debris flows and mudslides when heavy rains
occut that damage inftastructure and communities
downsfteam fot several years after a fire. USGS can
conduct assessments on bumed areas to determine the
likelihood of rnajor debds flows from a bumed area.7$
Priority Vu I n era bilities
140 USGS. 2018. Miriam Fire Preliminary HzzxdAssessment. Accessed online on 6/19/1,9 ftom
https://landslides.usgs.gov/hazardslpostfire debrisflow/detail.php?obiectid=224.
Structures built in
intetface or intermix areas
Structures built in interface or intermix areas are more susceptible to fires,
including from spotting and embets ahead of a fte. This is especially true for
buildings vrith less than 100 feet of defensible space.
Foothills and interface
Communities in or atound areas ^t a higher risk of Fte, such as those in the
foothills of the Cascades, are more susceptible to fue.
Communities in ot near
rhe floodplain,
:lownstream of potential
)utn afeas
Major wildFrres can cause the soil to become hy&ophobic. When rains come.
large quantities of watet and debris and rush down hillsides and destroy
homes and infrastructure while causing flooding in downstream
Communities built
rvithout multiple ingress
and egress routes
Communities with a single ingress and egress route are much mote difficult
to protect and evacuate. Roads thatare less than 24 feetwide, especially
those less than 20 feet wide, and those driveways without a tumatound are
highest dsk.
Buildings built vdth
flammable materials and
with vegetation close to
lhe structure
Buildings not meeting FireWise principles, including defensible space, are
most at risk to uddfire. This includes proximity of dense brush ot timber,
flammable composition of structure roof, and siding.
Communities on slopes or
Fires tend to burn up slopes and ridges, endangering structures in those
areas. Buildings less than 30 feet from a slope of greater than 30oh grade arc
most vulnerable.
fueas with more frequent
;evete fte weather days
md vrinds
Fire weather, including low humidity and wind, is a major predictot for when
ignitions, which are corrunon, will spread and become a major fire. Areas
prone to this weather are expected to expand due to climate change.
Areas gteater than five
miles ftom a fte station
and with limited water
source availability
Buildings more than five miles away ftom fire sewice/and with limited
ptessurized fire hydnnt access are more vulnerable.
Priority lmpact Areas
King County
King County residents are most likely to experience fire impacts ftom smoke. Smoke can
cause respitatoty issues and prevent people from taking part in outdoor activities. There
are limited populations exposed to wildfte hazard in intetface areas, though this risk is
growing due to climate change and new development.
Populations suffering from respiratory ailments are at the greatest risk from wildfue since
smoke ftom fte. People with existing heatt and lung diseases, older adults, children and
pregnant women are especially at risk of smoke-related health problems.
Property The level of exposure of property and potential impacts to property from vdldfre is not
yet known in detail. The communities with the highest levels of exposure include
Snoqualmie, North Bend, and unincorporated areas of the county in the foothills of the
Cascades. King County is working on a bettet estimate of overall risk to properry and will
update this plan with that information vrhen it is available. Likely impacts to property
include smoke damage to total loss of facilities. Communities built with many homes
close together and constructed of flammable matetials can be completely bumed in a
short time, as seen in Fort McMuttay, Canada, Paradise Califomia, and Santa Rosa,
The economy At present, thete is relatively litde economic impact from wildfres in most of King
County. The fires ate ptedominately a risk in the more rural parts of the county. There is
some impact from smoke and fire to transportation systems; however, it is likely to be
limited and temporary. The largest impacts are likely to be indfuect, including losses in
wotk days because of poot air quality, loss of capital required for supptession efforts,
intemrpted access, and losses in tourist income.
fhe While fres are often beneFrcial to the landscape when regular and not intense, a majot
wildfte can be damaging in the neat term. Fires can pollute water systems and destroy
old gowth habitat. They can bum over springs and increase evaporation. Following
extreme fires, hydtophobic soils make it difFrcult for plants to regrou/ in and the runoff
over these soils incteases the tutbidity of local stfeams, endangering fish and other water
antmal populations.
Exposute to fine patticulate matter (patts pet million 2.5) is a significant health concern,
because the small size of the particle allows people to inhale it deep in the lungs where
the particles can direcdy entet the blood strcam. The effects of smoke exposure range
ftom eye and respfuatory ttact iritation to more serious health problems including
reduced lung function, btonchitis, exacelbation of asthma and heart failure, and
premature death.141 During extreme smoke pollution events, public health systems are
likely to be overburdened by populations suffering respiratory distress.
(continuity of
Most King County opetations and facilities are in the more urban areas of the county and
unlikely to be dfuecdy impacted by wildfires. Smoke, however, can cause an increase in
employee absenteeism as employees may need to stay home to avoid smoke exposure.
Another risk is that a wildfite might occupy most of the region's frefighting capabilities,
leaving less capability to continue regulat structure fite and emergency medical missions.
Respondets Growing numbers of wildfues will increase risk to frefighters. FireFrghters in the Puget
Sound mostly tespond to structure ftes. With an increase in wildland or WUI fires,
firefighting becomes mote complex and dangerous. Also, communities without proper
ingress/egress routes frrrthet increase risk to firefighters who may be called upon to
attempt evacuations in such communities. According to the Washington State Enhanced
Hazard Mitigation Plan, thete are less than five first responder facilities exposed to
Energy: Washington's transmission lines run through rvildland areas. Wildfires in
King County could damage or destroy these systems, although brush is usually
kept clear of the largest transmission facilities. Rural and other interface power
lines would be burned in any fire, as has been seen in numerous communities in
Eastern Washington. Utilities in Califomia are increasingly powering down
ttansmission systems during "red flag" fire conditions, affecting energy
Watet/Wastewater: Many water reservoirs are in forested areas and could be
impacted by wildfte that may bum power supplies to pump stations or the pump
stations themselves. Futthermore, post-fire flooding could damage or pollute
Ttansportation: Fire can cause toad closures due to visibility concems. A greater
risk, however, is post-fire flooding and debris flows that can damage or destroy
roads and bridges downstream or downslope from a burned atea aftet a rzin.
Additionally, SeaTac Airpot was forced to cancel flights in 2078 due to poor
visibility dudng smoke events.
ra1 lVashington State Emergency Management. 2018. Washington State EnhancedHazzrd Mitigation Plan Risk
Assessment. Pp. 493-495.
1a2 Washington State Emergency Management. 2018. lfashington State EnhancedHzzard Mitigation Plan: tJ7ildfire Risk
Assessment. Page 533.
a Communications: Cellulat communications sites can lose powet or be damaged
by wildfue. During these events, it may be necessary to deploy cellular on wheels
confidence in
Wildfre hazatds have gained tenewed impoftance in tecent years due to the smoke
problems of 2017 and 2018. Numerous atticles in the Seatde Times and other media
describe a "new nomal" of smoke and fire danger in the Northwest. State and local
jurisdictions have been wotking to prepare public infotmation messaging due to health
concems and public interest. Govemment will need to be proactive in managing this
hazard in order to maintain public confidence.
Hazard Mitigation Strategies
The primary focus of this plan update was the development of comprehensive, operationally-viable
hazard mitigation strategies and the establishment of a capabiJity to supervise and promote their
implementation. Plan sftategies were developed using the following structure:
Hazard mitigation strategies wete developed by each participating jurisdiction. Each planning partner
convened those intemal stakeholdets who were tesponsible for projects or programs that supported or
implemented mitigation along with those stakeholders with funding available or funding needs. In King
Countf, the primary hazatdmitigation agencies include:
o Department of Natuml Resources and Parks - Watet and Land Resources
o Depatment of Natural Resoutces and Patks - Wastewater Treatment
o Department of Local Services - Permitting
I Depattment of Local Services - Roads
. King County Infonnation Technology
r Depattment of Executive Services - King County Intemational Airyort
I Depattment of Executive Services - Facilities Management Division
o Public Health Seatde - King County
The planning team met with each department individually, with each developing and submitting a list of
potential hazard mitigation strategies and projects.
Departments attended theJuly Mitigation Sttategy Workshop and August Mitigation Funding Wo*shop
along with the local jurisdiction partners.
.These match the 14
Determinants of Equity,
ftom l{ing County's Equity
and Social Justice Program
.Support community
Mitigation Plan Goals
Mitigation Plan
.These are broad approaches
to address a problem and
support the Plan goals.
.These may live on from
plan to plan.
.These are the speciFrc
actions to be taken in
support of the Plan
.These are on either a 2 yeat
or 5 year timeline.
Mitigation Projects
Mitigation Plan Goals
Goals are broad policy statements of the community's vision fot the future. They he$ describe the
contribution each sftategy makes towatd majot objectives that reach beyond any individual department
or discipline. In alignment of this and with the Plan's pulpose, King County's Regional Hazatd
Mitigation Steering Committee adopted King County's Determinants of Equity143 as Mitigation Plan
Mitigation Plan Goals - 1-4 Determinants of Equity
1. Access to Affordable, Healthy Food
2. Access to Health and Human Services
3. Access to Patks and Natutal Resources
4. Access to Safe and Efficient Transportation
5. Affordable, Safe, Quality Housing
6. Community and Public Safety
7. Early Childhood Development
8. EconomicDevelopment
9. Equitable Law andJustice System
10. Equity in Govemment Practices
11. Family WageJobs andJob Training
12. Healthy Built and Natural Envitonments
13. Quality Education
14. Strong, Vibrant Neighborhoods
Supplemental Goals:
15. Resilient and safe high and signiFrcant-hazard dams
16. Proactive and innovative floodplain management to reduce Repetitive Loss and Severe
Repetitive Loss properties
Mitigation strategies will be categorized according to these L6 factors.
Mitigation Plan Strategies
Mitigation Plan Strategies will be developed based on threats to essential assets and capabilities from
hazatds udthin cities and unincolporated ateas of King County. In the past these have included strategies
fot risks such as land movement and flood impacts and projects such as bridge seismic rettoFrts and
generators for critical facilities. Fot this plan,hazatd mitigation sffategies are sets of coordinated actions
that, taken together, addtess a dsk or vulnerability. They are comprehensive, long-term, and designed to
be regulady updated as acd.ons are completed.
ta3 Qffigs of the King County Executive. 2016. Equity and SocialJustice Strategic Plan. Accessed online on 7 /24/19
from httos://kinscounrv.sov/elected/executive/ecuirv-social-iustice /stratee"ic-olan.aso-x.
The updated strategy format will be used going forward in order to better support long-term tacking of
mitigation actions and strategies. The updated strategy template is displayed below.
This template will be built into a database where strategies can be enteted, updated, and projects can be
priodtized consistendy and effectively. The goal is fot strategies to temain in place through future plan
updates, while implementation plan actions are changed.
Lead Points of
Contact (fitle)
Partner Points of Contact (Iide)
lYho eke oufiidc loarjurhdiction beneftt
fron the rtrategy or will belp inplenent the
Hazards Mitigated
/ Goals Addressed
Funding Sources
and Estimated
Strategy Vision/Objective
I-ongtern objutiue and uisionfor the $rategt
Mitigation Stmtegy
D avibe the progran / propond progran
2-Year Objectives 5-Year Objectives Long-Term Objectives
Implementation Plan/Actions
Thit can prouide a tirzeline, indicate paftners, di.rcu.rs implementation rtaget etc. Use thix t0 dirca$ hoa the
$rategtf program vill be inplenented ouer tbe long terrn.
Petformance Measutes
Mitigation Plan Projects
Mitigation Plan Projects represent the specific wotk to be done and actions to be taken to mitigate a risk
orhazard. Candidate projects vdll be developed and consideted fot and by each paticipating jurisdiction,
vrith a ptocess to engage the public in the prioritizaion of ptojects. Projects will be priodtized using the
scoring method established by the Steering Committee to ensure alignment udth the Plan Strategies and
Goals and in keeping with the following values:
Prioritizi ng Hazard M itigation Projects
I(ing County developed apiorildza:d.on process based on criteria taken ftom national best practicesl44
and priorities identified by the King County Executive. These criteria ate used to prioritize projects
within stategies. Sttategies are also prioritized in this v/ay to identi$' those areas of emphasis for KCEM
and the mitigation steedng committee, though this may not impact which stategies are implemented
since many depend on exclusive funding soutces. The below criteda will be used to establish priorities.
These priorities udll be applied to ptojects annually for submission to the FEMA BRIC program.
King County uses the below matrix, scoring each factor ftom 0 (unsatisfactory) to 4 (outstanding) with
the option of a score of -4 (actively harms the factor). Identi$ring projects that harm, and giving harmful
factots mote weight in the formula, is designed to encoutage ptoject proponents to modifii their
ptoposed design to bettet resolve any issues.
o -Q- Ptoject actively harms or is detdmental to this factor.
r 0 Unsatisfactory for this factor
o 1 Minimal level of standards for this factor
o 2 Satisfactory level of standards for this factot
o 3 High level of standards for this factor
o 4 Outstanding or beyond expectations for this factor.
raa Washington, District of Columbia Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency. 2018. District Hazard
Mitigation PIan, Discussion Dtaft.
Factors for Considerauon Project 1 Project 2 Ptoject 3 Project 4
lf, tftrsco,tr ty
Equity, Social Justice, and Vulnerability
(project is designed to benefit, account for,
and include vulnetable populations,
especially those in the communiry most
likely to suffer harm from a disaster and
those likely to take longest to recovef after a
Collabomtive (project is supported by
multiple jurisdictions ot agencies)
Multiple-Benefit (ptoject has benefits
beyond hazatd risk teduction, including
environmental, social, ot economic benefits)
Adaptation and Sustainability (project helps
people, property, and the envitonment
become mote tesilient to the effects of
climate change, tegional growth, and
Effectiveness (project is designed to attain
the best-possible benefit-cost ratio)
Urgent (ptoject is urgendy needed to teduce
risk to lives and properry)
Shovel-Ready (project is latgely ready to go,
with few remaining roadblocks that could
derail it)
Total Scores
Ptocess Note: Once a jurisdiction has prioritized projects u/ithin that jurisdiction, those ptojects will be
advanced to the regional plan. If evet there is competition between projects advanced ftom different
jurisdictions, the RHMP Steering Committee, consisting of reptesentatives from county departments and
jurisdiction partners, will establish the order of pdorities based on the values identified above. The
Steering Committee will also otganize priority projects with corresponding sftategies. It should be noted
that while prioritized projects will be included in the plan, they may not all receive funding. The Steering
Committee may also seek to promote a diversity of projects so that all plan goals receive some benefits.
In the case of a tie between projects during scoring, the higher prioritization may go to the less-
reptes ented mitigation s trategy.
In addition to regulat ranking of mitigation projects, the steedng committee ranked mitigation strategies
using the above tool to identi$r the highest priority sftategy vdthin each department and then the highest
priority sttategies fot the county overall. These priorities are reported in the mitigation strategy section of
this plan.
Crosswalk with the Strategic Climate Action Plan
Seveml strategies
in some fotm in both the SCAP and this plan. This was done to ensure multiple
avenues of implementation and monitoring and to help rclevant actions gain a higher profile with other
departments. Below are strategies that appear in some form in both plans.
Ongoing Plan Maintenance and Strategy Updates
King County leads the mitigation plan monitoring and update process and schedules annual plan check-
ins and bi-annual mitigation strategy updates. Updates on mitigation projects are solicited by the county
for inclusion in the countywide annual report. As patt of participating in the 2020 update to the Regional
HazardMitigation Plan, every jurisdiction agrees to convene their internal planning team at least
Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan Strategy Stategic Climate Action Plan Action
Wildfue Preparedness and Risk Reduction WildfLe Preparedness and Risk Reduction
Accelerate Floodplain Acquisitions Accelerate Floodplain Acquisitions
Public Information Flood Activities Increase Technical Assistance to Propetty
Ownets for Flood Risk Reduction
Flood Risk Mapping Flood Risk Mapping
Reduce Flood Impacts to I(ing County Roads Maintain Quick Response Budget fot Emetgency
Stormwater and Sutface Water Risk Reduction Stormwatet and Sutface Water fusk Reduction
Climate Integration Training Engage Pattnets on Climate Preparedness
Sea-Level Rise Resilience in $Tastewatet Facilities Sea-Level Rise Resilience in Wastewater Facilities
flxi,gautr y
annually. Partners will convene at least biannually to update hazard mitigation strategies. For the 2020
plan, ptogtess updates will be due in 2022 and2024,n advance of plan expiration tn 2025.
In addition to tlle biannual strategy updates and annual planning check-ins, mitigation strategies that
addtess flooding will be teviewed, revised, and updated annually. Special focus is warranted for flood
hazards since flooding has historically been the most damaging hazard and the majority of Federal
Disaster Declarations including the county ate due to flooding.
As part of leading a countywide planning effort, King County Emetgency Management will send to
planning partner any federal notices of funding opportunity for the Hazard Mitigation Assistance Grant
Ptogtam. Proposals from partnets urill be assessed according the prioritization process identihed in this
plan and the county will, where possible, support those partnets submitting grant proposals. This will be
a key strategy to implement the plan.
The next plan update is expected to be due in April 2025. AlLjurisdictions rvill submit letters of intent by
2023, at least two yean pdor to plan expiration. The county vdll lead the next regional planning effort,
beginning at least 18 months before the expiration of the 2020 plan.
To update and maintain the mitigation sffategies, KC EM has worked with the King County Risk
Management Sewices department to develop a repoting tool that will allow for easier updates on 2 and
S-yeat objective progress. These updates will be collected electtonically and feed into a progtam that can
track progress over time for each mitigation strategy. The strategy progress can then be reported out.
Alternatively, progress made on sftategies can be orgatized accotding to mitigation plan goals. This will
be done to show how ptojects undettaken by agencies and jurisdictions are suppoting the 14
Determinants of Equity. Data parsed both in terms of the mitigation plan goals and by strategy will be
reported to the County Executive and Council biannually in the annual report of the department.
In addition to the updates fot mitigation strategies, the expected publication of data fiom several
programs may trigget an update.
Publication of the Depattment of Homeland Security Regional Resiliency Assessment Program
Publication of the countywide landslide susceptibility map from Washington Department of
Natutal Resoutces
Publication of the Wildland Urban Interface wildhre risk map from Washington Department of
Natural Resoutces
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Plan Approval and Adoption
The King County Regional HazatdMitigation Plan is submitted first to Washington State Emergency
Management fot revievz and then to FEMA fot final teview and preliminary approvaL Each jurisdiction,
along with the base plan, must meet all FEMA tequirements outlined in the FEMA LocalHazard
Mitigation Plan Review Guide. If requirements are found to not be met, the jurisdiction involved must
revise the plan and tesubmit. Once preliminary approvalis secured, FEMA will send a notice of
Approval - Pending Adoption.
The RHMP is adopted by each participating jurisdiction, primarily through a resolution passed by the
council or commission responsible. The King County Council adopted this plan on DATE, following
notice of approval, pending adoption ftom FEMA and Washington State Emergency Management. This
plan is effective 5 / 1 / 2020. It will expire on 4 / 30 / 2025.
Mitigation Strategy Status Updates from the 2015 Plan
The fotmat for hazard mitigation strategies has been completely changed n the 2020 plan update. All
actions pteviously identified have been temoved andf ot incorporated into new mitigation strategies. The
updated strategy format will better support tracking and implementation of mitigation strategies and
their constituent actions. Stategies that are prepatedness focused have been removed, as urell as those
that ate ongoing in nature and do not have specific targets or responsible entities.
The following tables ate taken from the 201.8 annualprogress report for the 2015 King County Regional
Hazard Mitigation Plan. This list only includes strategies submitted by King County departments and
countywide strategies. Individual jurisdiction action progress reports ate included in each annex. The
new statuses for strategies include:
o Removed - Strategy is not caried forwatd into the new plan
r Complete - Strategy is complete and not carried forward into the new plan
. Updated - Sttategy is updated and carried forwatd into the new mitigation plan.
CW-l-Continue to participate in and support the "Resilent King County''initiative.
Yes Long- Removed King County is continuing work towards developing a Ongoing
Tenn Regional Recovery Framework. Recent effotts to vet
content with King County's Depattment Directors
and Executive Office have been made to start to
formulate a govemance stfucture.
CW-2-Continue to maintain a website that will house the regional haznd mitigation plan, its progress
repofts and all compoflefrts of the plan's maintenance strategy to provide the planning partnefs and
public ongoing access to the plan and its implementation.
Yes Long Removed King County's Regional Hazard Mitigation plan and Ongoing
Term all updated documents will continue to be posted to
the website.
CW-3-Continue to levetage/support/enhance ongoing, tegional public education and awateness
programs (such as "Take Winter by Storm" and "Make it Though') as a method to educate the public
on risk, dsk reduction and community resilience.
Yes Long Removed We continue to enhance public education campaigns Ongoing
Tetm and have now added climate resilience as patt of our
educational presentations.
CW-4-Continue to support the use, development and enhancement of a regional alert and
notification system.
King County deployed a new Regional Alert and Complete
Notification System. Many King County departments
and cities have signed on.
RemovedYes Short
CW-5-Stdve to capture time-sensitive, perishable d211-s11qh as high-water marks, extent and
location of.hazatd, and loss information-following hazatd events to support future updates to the risk
KC DNRP has updated landslide hazard maps (see Ongoing
RemovedYes Long
CW-6-Encourage signatories for the regional cootdination framewotk for disasters and planned
OngoingRemoved New signatoties were added in 201,6.
Yes Long
(.1'lllu.N l I,l{(xllU lss ()N 20I5 .\(_'t I()N 1)1. \N INI',lt Vt IVt.S
(,on-rt.ncnt (l )cscr:ibe pr( )g1'cs s t >r chrr ngccl ;rrio ritr )
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[ 'pclatc
l irr-rclinc Statrrs
CW-7-Continue ongoing communication and coordination in the implementation of the King
County Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan and rhe 2073 King County Flood Hazard Management Plan.
!f, rr,gco,rtr.v
Yes Long
Removed Ongoing communication and coordination was Ongoing
completed through the linkage process of Lake Fotest
Patk and Kenmote, grants coordination for various
applications, and ongoing communication for
progress reporting.
DNRP-SWD-1-Seismic Design Standards. Continue to design and build facilities to meet or exceed
seismic standards, including redundant essential equipment. Apply cuffent seismic standards to all
tenovation or replacement of existing facilities andf or equipment.
Design standatds exist and we will continue to design
and build facilities to meet or exceed seismic
standards, including redundant essential equipment.
Apply cuffent seismic standards to all renovation or
replacement of existing facilities and/ or equipment.
DNRP-SWD-2-VuL:erability Assessment of Cedar Flills Landfills Structures. Conduct a vulnerability
assessment of buildings at the Cedar Hills Landfill to ascertain readiness.
Yes Long- Removed Structuml integrity to be addressed through seismic Complete
term design standards; to be removed as part of standard
wotk. Additional work completed to reduce
vulnetability at the landfill includes: completed
Emergency Action Plan, Dam Break Analysis,
Potential Inundation Area Mapping for the
Contaminated Stormwater (CSW) Pond dam and the
SW Stormwater Pond dam (both state registered dams
atCedar Hills Regional Landfill). The SCADA system
is being updated to monitor and automate operation
adjustments for pumping at the CSW facthty.The arca
8 stockpile slope was regraded Q3 2018 in response to
a Q4 201.7 slope failure (a.ka.,landslide or land
movement) and to mitigate future failure priot to the
tainy season. Coordination between SWD and OEM
enhanced, including use of mass notifrcation system
for incident response, support and community
DNRP-WLR-1-Flood Insurance Program. Continue to maintain compliance and good standing
under the National Flood Insurance Progtam. This will be accomplished through the implementation
of floodplain management programs, at a minimum, urill meet the minimum requirements of the NFIP,
which include the following:
o Enfotcing the adopted flood damage prevention ordinance.
r Participating in floodplain identification and mapping updates.
o Providing public assistance and information on floodplain requirements and impacts.
Yes Long- Removed Met minimum requirements of the NFIP by Ongoing
tetm ptoviding public assistance and information on
floodplain tequirements, enfotcing the adopted flood
damage reduction ordinance and participating in
floodplain mapping updates. Maintain a CRS Class 2
rz;ing, which veriFres that King County meets and
exceeds FEMA NFIP minimum requirements.
DNRP-WLR-2-LandslideHazard Coordination. Form an interdepartmental landslide hazard
committee that includes DNRP, DPER, DOT, and OEM. The committee will address btoad policy
issues, including capital projects, communication, code changes, etc.
Form an interdepartmental landslide hazard
committee that includes DNRP, DPER, DOT and
OEM. The committee will addtess broad policy
issues, including capital projects, communication,
code changes, etc.
OngoingNoLong- Updated
DNRP-WLR-3-ProposedHazard Mapping Phase I. Update the cunent landslide hazard map with
information that has been collected to date.
Yes Short- Removed
term Low pdority now that map is complete.
Comment: A Phase 1 map was completed in October
2014. Phase I mapping along river corridors was
completed by Water Land Resoutces Division as the
sewice providet to the King County Flood Control
District and Phase 1 mapping for Vashon-Maury
Island was ptovided by KC DPER. Ateas outside of
majot river corridors were not included in this map.
Status: Complete for areas vdthin major river
corridors and Vashon-Maury Island.
DNRP-WLR-4-PtoposedHazatd Mapping Phase II. Create a geo-database vzith detailed information
on landslide types, run out, landslide dams, etc. Database will be searchable and updatable as new
information is acquired.
Phase II mapping along river coridors was completed
by Water Land Resoutces Division as the service
providet to the King County Flood Control District
(KCFCD). Ateas outside of the major rivet cotridots
(including Vashon-Maury Island) are not included in
the geo-database. This mapping along dvet cotridors
includes five general landslide types, each of these
were mapped separately to illusffate potential hazard
areas. This mapping has been completed along with a
supporting technical report, database and a uset-
CompleteYesShort- Removed
friendly web tool. It is anticipated that this mapping
will be publicly available in August 2016. This
mapping will be avallable in a GIS format. No
suitable methodology was identihed to predict future
landslide runout beyond atea of curtent landstde
debris deposition. Therefore, neither such landslide
runout, nor the resulting formation of landslide dams
was mapped. At this time funding has not been
secured fot ongoing database management or furthet
updates to the river corridot landslide mapping
DPER completed a separate landslide hazard
mapping project covedng unincotporated King
County latgely outside of the forest ptoduction
zone. This was an expansion of the Phase 1 mapping
and was needed to identift areas for further
geotechnical investigation dudng building and land
use permit application reviews. This mapping does
not distinguish between diffetent landslide
processes. The DPER mapping is complete to
curtent specifications and is presently undergoing
internal teview. DPER's map of potential landslide
hazards will be available in a GIS format. It will be
updated at appropiate intervals as needed following
teceipt of new data.
Landslide hazards in incorpotated ateas outside of
major river coridots ate not included in the Phase I
ot Phase II ptoducts. At this time no work is funded
ot planned to conduct landslide hazard mapping for
incorporated ateas that ate outside of the major river
DNRP-WLR-5-Flood Protection Facility Maintenance. Maintain and repair damaged structural
elements for King County's extensive inventory of flood protection facilities.
County staff completed 421, inspections on 332levees
and revetments during the reporting period. Of these,
143 were routine inspections and279 were post-flood
inspections following the 2075-2076 flood season.
Yes Long- Updated
Resulting in identification of damages to flood
pfotection facilities and tepaits ot emergency
lf, rrrsco.,tr.y
Maintenance of more than 70 sites included irrigation,
signage, hazatd tree mitigation, debds temoval,
planting, mulching, mowing and installation of a
device to prevent beavers from blocking two large
culvetts which could result in flooding homes and
toads in the Noth Bend area.
Resulting in reduced potential for flooding.
DNRP-WLR-6-River Corridor Restoration. Remove, slope back, or set back County-owned flood
protection facilities and othet structural features to allow for improved riparian habitat, greater channel
diversity and migtation, reclaimed flood storage and enhanced open space or tecreaionalf interpretive
Completed ptojects allowing for rivet corridor
testoration include the Sinnema Quaale Revetment
ptoject on the Snoqualmie River. This revetment
repair was completed in the summ er of 201,6 and has
significantly decreased the risks to the Snoqualmie
Valley Trail, tegionally significant fiber optic lines and
SR203. The Countyline to A Street levee setback on
the White River is currently under construction.
Additional setback projects are planned fot
construction in2017.
Yes Long- Updated
DNRP-WLR-7-Flood Hazard Mitigation. Acquire repetitively damaged homes, purchase
underdeveloped land to prevent futute development in flood pfone areas, and, where cost-effective
and feasible, elevate residential homes that sustain recurring deep, low-velocity flooding.
Non-sttuctuml mitigation efforts are ongoing in flood
prone ateas. Eleven at-risk homes were elevated in
the Snoqualmie basin dudng the reporting period;
anothet 13 home elevations are underway. Elevating
homes eliminates flood damage to living space,
resulting in a more resilient community. Acquisition
of the last at-dsk parcel in the San Souci
neighborhood along the Tolt River completed 20
yeats of effort to acquire 18 parcels from willing
landowners. These actions have completely eliminated
flood risks to the entire neighborhood and eliminated
emergency monitoring and response to the
OngoingUpdatedYes Long-
DNRP-WLR-8-Critical Facility Retrofit. Retrofit the Black River Pump Station by updating the fuel
pumps to meet seismic requirements. Curendy, the fuel supply tanks for King County flood facilities
cannot withstand a modetate to major quake.
yes Long- Updated Recent improvements include: Ongoing
teffi , Replacing the single-walled fuel system
with double-walled tanks and lines to
handle all diesel fuel in accordance with
cuffent code requirements
: il:t,,,,1r-#ffX'":;J:::,
Sediment had accumulated in the pump inlet bays,
hindering operation of pump screen systems.
Accumulated sediment was emptied from the bays
and inlet apron in 201,6 to allow continued operation
of the screens and pumps. This improves the certainry
of flood protection the station provides too much of
Renton and parts of Tukwila and Kent.
Staff have completed update of Emergency Action
Plans for 10 state registered dams in compliance with
Washington Dam Safety Office. Improvements to
these plans include automated notiFrcation applylng
King County Alert and King County Inform
emergency notification platforms; upgmdes to dam
break analysis and Potential Inundation Area
mapping; and enhanced coordination between
opetations and emetgency planning.
DNRP-WLR-9-Flood Hazard Reduction Programs. Conduct activities thatarcvital to the mitigation
of the natural hazards impacting King County, such as hazard identification, waming, information
dissemination and public outreach.
Yes Long- Updated
teffi ' Expansion of the King County Flood STarning
System to include the South Fotk Skykomish River. A
fout-phase waming system is being developed in time
for the 201.62017 flood season, following review and
approval by the District. This system is expected to
provide flood wamings to people who live, work or
travel through the town of Skykomish and the
sutrounding area.
!f rruco,rtr*y
In October, the annual flood waming brochure was
mailed to 1.9,222 addresses in the King County river
Significant outreach efforts during the reporting
period include ptepatation for flood season, outreach
about multiple construction projects, as well as
outreach about floodplain planning, technical studies
and maps, and othet public engagement efforts.
DNRP-WLR-10-Critical Facility Upgrade. Continue to update flood warning telemetry and gauging,
computers, software applications, emefgency power, and other response facilities.
Updates to the I(ing County trlood App for iOS,
Andtoid, and Windows phones were completed for
telease by Octobet 2015. AU King County websites
were migrated to a new "mobile responsive" template
which adapts to a wide mnge of screen sizes, ftom
small smattphone displays to big screen desktop
displays. In addition, improvements were made to the
back-end systems thatrnanage the flood data used on
the websites, apps and automated phone systems.
OngoingUpdatedYes Long-
DNRP-WTD-1- Seismic Design Standatds. Continue to design and build facilities to meet or exceed
seismic standards, including essential equipment. Apply cufferit seismic standards to all renovation or
replacement of existing facilities andf or equif'ment.
Yes Long- Updated This is an ongoing process- we apply cuffent seismic Ongoing
term standards to all tenovatton andf or replacement of
existing facilities or equipment.
Ef rruco.,tr.v
DNRP-WTD-2-VulnetabiJity Assessments. Conduct vulnerability assessments of WTD treatrnent
plant facilities and conveyance system structures for flooding, eatthquakes, latge-scale power outages,
andhazardous matedal spills into the conveyance system (accidental or deliberate, i.e. terrorist action).
The assessments should include the following:
o Review existing earthquake r,'ulnerability assessments and identi$r facilities and sffuctures that
need further assessments.
o Review existing emergency pov/er generation capacities at ffeatment plants, offsite facilities and
interceptors (pipeline$ to identi$r vulnerabilities and response & restoration protocol
o Review existing spill response procedures and protocols for hazardous materials spills (both
accidental and intentional releases) that impact flows into the WTD system. Update and
coordinate emergency procedures with key fre departments and the Offrce of Emergency
Yes Shott- Removed Request for Proposal issued on7 /12/2016 Ongoing
DNRP-WTD-3-Modification of Existing Facilities. Use the data gathered by the eathquake
vulnetability assessments to identify capital projects that increase the resistance of the division's
structures and conveyances to damage or that allow a rapid recovery from damage. Projects may
include seismic btacing of equipment and piping, removal of z-beam structures, access road
reinforcement for the West Point Treatment Plant, or seismic upgrade of underwater interceptors.
No Long- Updated This task is driven by the tesults of the above Ongoing
term vulnerability
assessments which have yet to be conducted. See item
2 above
DNRP-WTD-4-Sea Level Rise Vulnembility Assessments. Implement cost-effective measures to
address, through capital improvement and asset management programs, the vulnerabilry of 20 facilities
at risk of saltwater inflow. The facilities were identified by a WTD analysis of the wastewater system to
identi$r facilities at risk for saltwater inflow from futme sea level rise, existing and predicted high tides,
and storm surges.
Yes Long- Updated Ongoing
DNRP-WTD-5-Control System/ Cyber Security Vulnerability Assessment and Procedure Audit.
Implement the Ovation project-a multi-year, multi-million-dollar upgrade of the Wastewater
Treatment Division's legacy control systems. WTD is in the process of updating its control systems.
Vulnerability assessments are designed into the Ovation project. When the system is opemtional, a
security audit would be conducted to ensure that policies and ptocedures are in place to protect the
No Long- Updated This assessment will be conducted when the system is Ongoing
term operational
!I xrrgco.,trry
DNRP-WTD-6-Emergency Communications Vulnerability Assessment. Perform an assessment to
determine the number of radios necessaly to support operational readiness in the event of a widespread
telecommunications failure. Currently all key operational facilities and offsite operation and maintenance
vehicles are equipped with 800 MHz radios, constituting WTD's core emergency communications
method. The analog equipment curently deployed is fust generation and is being sunsetted as the
system is converted to a digrtal format. All the division's analogradios will need to be teplaced in the
next 3 to 5 years. Perform a futher assessment of the reliability and deployment of other
communications devices: cell phones, smart phones, iPads, text messaging, and the emergency
notifi cation system (A4yState/AlertSense).
No Long- Updated Ongoing
DNRP-WTD-7-GIS Emergency Response Mapping and Real-Time Flow Data. Update the
!(ITD/DNRP Emergency Response map with the curtent priority roads, bridges, earthquake
liquefaction, inundation and landslide zones and gas/pettoleum pipelines, under-laid with WTD
facilities and conveyance lines and emergency outfalls to facilitate emergency response and continuity
of opetations. Make this information available through a password-protected website for select users.
Explore connecting the map to real-time flow data.
Updated A GIS emergency mapping site is now operational on Ongoing
the WTD intranet that shows facilities and
conveyance system. Working on moving it to an
intemet site so that it can be accessed 24/7 by off
duty personnel.
Yes Shott-
DNRP-WTD-8-Emergency Event Management System. Determine the best method for WTD to
manage and share emergency response and continuity of operations activities across the division's five
treatment plants and the division headquarters in the King Street Center. Determine if the Regional
Information System can fulfill this function and, if not, what alternative systems are available
(WebEOC, CodeRed, etc.).
No Long- Updated Tested the KC OEM SharePoint site during the CSZ Ongoing
term exercise. Assessing the need for a sepatate WTD
DNRP-WTD-9-Emergency Respons e/ DamageAssessment/FEMA Cost Tracking. To ensure
maximum FEMA reimbursement for disaster rcpatr/rrnigation, implement a system to capture and
track emergency response activities and expenses form the beginning of incidents through damage
assessment and restoration. Use this tracking system fot all out-of-the-ordinary emergency events.
Include labor, equipment, mileage, supplies, expendables, and outside contracting associated with
response and repair.
No Shot-
Updated Ongoing
DoT-l-Updated response plans to address terrorism preparedness, including the following:
o Improve existing systems to addtess new technologies that arc avaiTable for earjry weapons-of-
mas s -des truction detection.
o Leverage existing resources and partnerships (Securitas, King County SherifFs Office, Seattle
Police Department, Seatde Fire Department) to train and exercise together for continuity
during real-wodd events.
Yes Long- Removed Ongoing
DOT-2-Update messaging, response plans, and procedures to address winter weather, including the
o Oufteach to vulnerable and at-risk populations for transportation for individuals who need to
get to life-saving medical appointments (dialysis, chemotherapy).
o Coordination with healthcate and transportation partners to ensure access to medical care.
Yes Long- Removed Complete
DOT-3-Update and improve plans to address continuity of transportation services, provision of
medical care, and, infrastructure resiliency, including the following:
o Plans and ptocedutes for workforce continuity and service provision.
o Cootdination with local partners on evacuation and responder routes, lifeline routes, and
transportation foutes.
o Technical systems and IT infrastructure (e.g. computer ptograms, SCADA systems).
Yes Long- Removed Ongoing
DOT-4-Install security cameras on public buses to deter crime associated with civil unrest and
teffoflst acts,
Yes Short-
Removed Metro will have at ot ne r TOOoh of their fleet
equipped with cametas by the end of 2018.
DPER-l-Continue inspection of existing and new construction.
Yes Long- Updated Inspection to ensure code compliance of both new Ongoing
term and existing building and sites are conducted for all
permit work.
DPER-2-Provide plan reviews for noted construction.
Yes Long- Updated Inspection to ensure code compliance of both nevr Ongoing
term and existing building and sites ate conducted for all
petmit wotk.
DPER-3-Work with schools and fire service public educators to deliver public safety messages.
Yes Long- Updated Opetational (annual) fire safety inspection of schools Ongoing
teffi was initiated this past yeat after several years of
llrrucor,n y
FMD-1-Replace Alder Tower, Alder Wing and Youth Detention Facility with a new modem juvenile
justice center meeting all seismic standards. Planning is underway for the new, voter-approved $210
million Childten and FamilyJustice Center. Completion of the new facility is expected n 201,9.
Yes Long- Removed New facility is now expected n 201,9 rather than 201,8. Complete
FMD-2-Mitigate structunl damage at King County Facilities. This initiative also involves training to
determine structutal damage during and afterhazard events.
Yes Long- Updated The Facilities Management Division has undettaken Ongoing
term replacement of some fte protectiofl systems which as
a result, vrill reduce ltre damage dudng hazard events.
FMD-3-Mitigate non-structural facility damage at King County facilities. This initiative also involves
training to determine non-structural damage during and afterhazard events.
The Facilities Management Division recently teceived Ongoing
a report about serious deficiencies at the I{ing County
Coutthouse. We will be updating the tesponse to this
issue outside of the rycle of this report.
UpdatedriTas an
KclT-l-Entelprise Server Optimization Project. Implement a standard virrual envfuonment at the
King County Data Centet to set the foundation for the King County Public Cloud Services to expand
infr2astructure service offerings.
Yes Short- Removed Complete
KCIT-2-King County TV High-Definition Upgrade. Replace obsolete station infrastmcture with
industry standard high-definition and digital equipment, allowing for delivery of the highest level of
service to the citizens of King County.
CompleteYesShort- Removed
KclT-3-Countywide Telephone System Replacement. Replace obsolete telephony infrastructure and
telephone systems with a modern and feature-rich communications solution.
Yes Short- Removed Complete by end of 2070. Ongoing
KCIT-4-Business Empowerment and User Mobility. Improve the King County wide area network to
meet business tequirements and provide a solid foundation for growth \r/ithin a resilient and stable
Removed CompleteYesShort-
KclT-s-Administtation Building Rewire. Upgrade network cabling in King County Administration
Building to meet inftastructute standards, provide a more robust network connect2vity to the services
ptovided at the facility, and take advantage of technological advancements.
!flxrrgcuun v
Yes Short- Removed
PH-1- Inform the public on risk-reduction techniques for a communicable disease event. "Stop
Gems, Stay Healthy" public education campaign increases awareness of healthy behaviors, including
hand washing and "cover your cough".
Yes Short- Removed Public Health promotes infection control ptevention Ongoing
tetm every day as well as dudng outbreaks and flu season.
Current focus is on fact sheets with pictograms for
outbreaks such as hepatitis A and measles as well as
guideiines for encampments and homeless service
providets. Also actively using social media and blogs
to pfomote messages.
PH-2-Update response plans to address emerging infectious disease outbreaks, including the
o The allocation of tesources (antivirals, vaccine, personal protective equipment) from the
strategic nat-ional stockpile.
. Improvements to surveillance systems to address new technologies
o Leverage existing private and public partnerships (CBO, healthcare, pharmacies) to serve as
medication centets and increasing access to medications for hard-to-reach communities.
o Risk communications and messag'ing, including use of social media.
Yes Short- Removed A number of response plans were updated including Completed
term medical countemeasures, equity response plan, risk
communication plan, and workforce mobilization
plan. Tested new systems for surveillance and plans
during hepatitis A and measles outbteaks, including
easy to understand visual display of cases and
vaccination efforts.
PH-3-Update response plans and procedures to addtess winter weather, extreme heat, and other
climate-telated events including the following:
o Outreach to vulnetable and at-risk populations for catbon monoxide poisoning prevention.
o Transportation for individuals who need to get to life-saving medical appointments (dialysis,
o Cootdination urith healthcare providers and NW Healthcare Response Network to ensure
access to medical care.
r Coordination with sheltet providers for first aid teams and access for people to re-charge
medical equipment.
Yes Shott- Removed Consolidated weather events into one extreme Completed
tetm weathet plan, updated vdntet weather ffansportation
plan and added wildfire smoke protocols. Tested
winter weather plans, including medical appointment
protocol dudng 2019 snow events.
!I xr,gco.,*v
OEM-1-Inform the public on personal and community preparedness actions they can take to lessen
their need for immediate response following a disaster. "Take Winter by Storm" and "\What to Do to
Make It Through" are two outreach campaigns designed to get the message across to the whole
community. These campaigns include trainings, presentations, and tools to facilitate increased
community preparedness.
Yes Long- Removed
Stategy is ongoing by nature and preparedness-
focused. Removed.
OEM-2-Cre te a program to facilitate training for small businesses to increase their resilience to all
hazards. Training content would include employee preparedness, business continuity, and recovery
planning. Methods of training would include workshops, tools, and one-on-one help.
Yes Shot- Removed Initial steps to create Business EOC and conduct pilot Ongoing
term test wete taken in June during Cascadia Rising. As a
result of eady coordination with Seatde and King
Count|, 7 companies reptesenting more than 150,000
employees participated and were able to make faster
operational decisions that could protect company
resources and staff in a teal event. Examples include
eatly evacuation notihcations, avoiding traffic
disruptions, and setting up alternate modes of
communication. Continuing to wotk with City of
Seattle, WAEMD, and FEMA on building a Regional
BEOC model.
OEM-3-Manage and facilitate the Resilient King County initiative, a countywide planning process for
crafting a comprehensive long-term recovery strategy following an earthquake ot major catastrophe.
Develop the Resilient King County final repot and the long-term recovery plan.
Yes Shot- Updated Conducted facilitated discussion with Executive Ongoing
term Leadership Team as patt of Cascadia Rising Exercise.
Will vet plan content over summer and fald,201,6.
OEM-,t-Take advantage of technological and procedural improvements in regional alert andwarning
systems to provide the most effective, efficienq and cost-effective messapSing to tesidents, businesses,
and government, especially during emergencies.
Completed launch for new Alert & Notification Complete
system in May 2016. As a result, King County not
only has the ability to provide alerts to all2.1 million
tesidents but also, 16 new cities have signed up and
have ditect ability to message theit residents for local
events. This allows a teduction inhazard impact as
people will have more time to prepare themselves and
their property by teceiving alerts during an
Lf,rrtsco.,tt y
OEM-s-Continue to update and improve the Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP)
and the Continuity of Operations Plan.
Yes Short- Removed The CEMP has been updated in 2018/2079. Complete
2020 King County Hazard Mitigation Strategies
King County identified the following sffategies thtough meetings among county departments. These
strategies wete scoted by each depattment using the prioritization critetia outlined eatier in this section.
The highest pdority from each department is highlighted below. From the list of top priorities for each
department the highest countywide priodties were selected. These are:
o Integtate equity and social justice into planning, outteach, mitigation, response, and recovery
o Integrate hazards and vulnerability information into comprehensive planning
o Establish a resilient seismic transpottation lifeline
OEM-6-Integrate thehazard mitigation plan into other plans, ordinances or programs to dictate land
uses within the jurisdiction.
Yes Short- Updated Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan has been Ongoing
term incorporated into the I{ing County Sttategic Climate
Action Plan. Will also serve as a teference fot
OEM-7-Continue to support the countywide initiatives in this plan.
Yes Shot- Removed
OEM-8-Coordinate and actively participate in the plan maintenance strategy of this plan.
Yes Short- Updated County is implementing additional suppott fot gtant Ongoing
tetm administation and outreach to promote mitigation.
OEM-9-Continue to encourage community participation in incentive-based progtams such as CRS,
FireWise, and StormReady.
Yes Short- Removed Ongoing
S.r ri r lr t;r l)tirolill \ (Sr.otrr l.t . tt>.\r;t,rr.r I\t,:\ ()t R:( )\iliS
Reduce Flood Impacts
to Unincorporated
King County Road
Lower road damage ftom repeated
flooding, especially in the
Snoqualmie Valley.
Sy'!9!q 18 DLS - Roads
Lf, xr,gco.,n y
Increase Seismic
Resilience of Bddges in
Unincolpotated I(ing
Seismic retrofits to I{ing County
bridges, especially those support-ing
the ttansportation seismic lifeline.
C9Jot ry 16 DLS - Roads
Stormwater Outfall
Erosion Hazard
Resilience in Design
and Build of Critical
Water Treatment and
Co4vgyance Facilities
Landslide, Erosion, and
Sedimentation Event
Sea Level Rise
Resilience in
'Wastewatet Facilities
Stormwater and
Sutface Water Risk
Conffol System
Secudty and
,18 DNPR
Hazard inventory of stormwater
outfalls and mapping of tlose areas
in cIS.
Improvements, reftofits, and new
construction of water tfeatmefit
facilities that meets seismic
resilience needs.
Mapping of hazard areas and
establishment of GIS layers.
Measures to move or reduce risk to
wastewater facilities in areas
projected to be impacted by sea-
level rise.
D-NRP . grea test risk of failure.
Retrofits to endangered stormwater
facilities. Focus on those areas at
: Protection of wastewater system
, ftom cybet-attacks.
GIS Emergency
Response Mapping and
Real-Time Flow Data
Emergency Event
Flood Warning
Post-Flood Recovery
Real time GIS updates to critical
facility information.
Improvements to, and resilience of,
emergency communications tools.
Improvements to WebEOC,
DNRP including Eainiggon it.'' .:
, DNR' -'eed .1?""*;;:T:-;"T,**1,-"::}A-,
Resilient rebuilding followrng a
DNRP - Flood flood disaster.19
II xrrgco.,tt*v
, Elevations of homes out of base
flood elevation when acquisition is
Home Elevations 18
Home Acquisitions and
Relocations 1"9
DNRP - Flood - q9t feasiblg,
DNRP - Flood
Prioritize acquisition as a tool of
risk reduction and take advantage
of post-disaster acquisition
Protect and Restore
Natural Floodplain
Flood Risk
Public Information
Flood Activities
Flood Insurance
Enforce Higher
Manage Flood
Protection Facilities
Seismic Evaluation of
King County
Courthouse and
Maleng Regional
Justice Center
Integrate ESJ into
Mitigation, Response,
Take advantage of natural systems
to reduce flood dsk and restore
flood risk areas to their natural
DNRP-Flood :state.
Improve and update flood risk
maps, accounting for climate
DNRP - Flood
, Conduct oufteach atound flood
Ptomote flood insurance to all
homeownets, fentefs, and business
DNRP - Flood owllefs.
Enforce I(ing County's higher
standards to prevent the cteation of
new flood dsk.
DNRP - Flood
Manage flood protection facilities
to eflsure they will not fail during a
DNRP - Flood major flood or
Evaluate the vulnerabilittJ of major
King County justice facilities and
develop a strategy to address
Fully account for equity and social
justice in all planning and activities
to help ensure that disasters do not
Seismic Ufeline Route
Establish transportation seismic
lifelines and begin retrofitting
vulnerable segments to a standard
23 KCEM that will enable effective
!I rnuco.,tr.v
Integrate Hazatd
Mitigation and
Engage Community
Otganizations in
and recovery following an
Integrate hazards and vulnerabiJity
information into comprehensive
planning policies, mapping, and
related activities to prevent the
creation of new risk through
1n highhazard afeas.
Leverage existing community
capabilities and engage with
communities to promote
emergency preparedness and
tial needs.
Train local jurisdictions on how to
integrate climate change
information into planning, projects,
and e!q9!99{Lcy ma+ag_e_{ne.gt:
Train communities on what to do
in a disastet and how to protect
themselves and their families.
Identi$' and remove or rehabilitate
high hazard dams and conduct
outreach on dam safety for good
condition dams that will not be
Climate Integration
Public Assistance
Grant Support
Disaster Skills Risk
Dam Failure Risk and
Iqtfu.!Reduction 76
Wildfire Ptepatedness
and fusk Reduction
Hazard Mitigation
Assistance Grant
Support _
1 8 KCE,M
Convene partners engaged in
wildfire planning activities to
cootdinate community outreach
and reactions to new mapping and
KCEM potential building codes.
Suppoa local jurisdictions who
have litde experience in developing
Support local jurisdictions and
county agencies with PA following
a disaster declaration and expand
KCEM the use of tion funds.
Develop video and otler
emefgency messaging that is
PHSKC accessible to non-English speakers
Langaage Accessible
Video Emergency
IvIgsslgp.g 26
King County Facilities
Indoor Air Quality
Netwotk 16 PHSKC
and those who are blind or hearing
Monitot and mitigate air quality in
King County facilities.
i Insta[ automatic gas detection and
1 shutoff systems for hospitals and
Medical Gas Seismic
Detection &
Emetgency Shut Off 10 PHSKC medical centers.
Reduce Flood lmpacts to the Unincorporated King County Road System
Jennifer Knauer,
King County
Department of
Local Services,
Road Services
King County Flood
Control District
Hazards Mitigated /
Goals Addtessed
Funding Sources and
Estimated Costs
$500,000 (Snoqualmie
Valley study)
Additional desigtr,
construction costs TBD
Reduce the impacts of major dvet flooding to the unincorpotated King County Road system within
the Snoqualmie Valley and other maior tivet valleys
The Snoqualmie Valley is located apptoximately 8-10 miles east of Seattle, Washington and chronic
localized and latget-scale flooding regulady impacts and closes toads urithin the floodplain. During
major flood events, King County has identified that countyvride, eleven toads ate ftequendy closed, of
which ten are located in the Snoqualmie River Basin.
During majot flood events, cross-Snoqualmie Valley routes are not passable and approximately
15,000+ tesidents are cut off from emergency services and accessing other critical destinations during
a flood event. rVhen ctoss-valley toad closutes occur, they impact over 25,000 drivers per day. There
is a need for a petmanent flood tolerant cross-valley route, in pat due to gtowth in eastem King
County cities and increasing traffic volumes on unincotporated King County roads. In addition to
selecting, designing and constructing one cross-valley flood tolerant route, thete is a vital need for
imptoved resiliency across other unincolporated King County toads in flood prone portions of the
Snoqualmie Valley, as well as othet unincolpotated King County floodplain locations. A joint study is
ptoposed to be completed by the King County Road Sewices Division and the King County Flood
Control Disttict. The purpose of the study is to evaluate a subset of primary cross-valley routes for the
pulpose of identifting a cost-effective option that can be built to withstand major flood events and
ptovide east-west access across the valley during majot flood events.
Imptoving the flood resiliency of existing county toads, as well as designing and constructing a flood
tolerant cross-Snoqualmie Valley toute will be complex and cosdy. King County Road Services
Division continues to struggle to meet its presewation seryice goals for unincorporated King County
roads and bridges, due to cutrent and future fotecast financial constraints. The activities identified
thtough this strategy are unfunded needs and a funding strategy vzill need to be prepared and
success firlly implemented.
2-Year Obiectives
o Fund cross-valley study
o Scope cross-valley study
5-Yeat Obiectives
o Complete cross-valley study
o Complete planning level cost
estimates for study
r Pursue qrant oDporfunities
Long-Term Objectives
o Obtain grant funds to
design and build a flood
toletant cross-valley route
o Construct the route
Implement aaon Plan /Actions
r Fund study to evaluate options to assess which major roadway across the Snoqualmie River Valley
may be improved to withstand chtonic rivet flooding.
o Initiate and complete the study
Perfotmance Measure
. Study completion
. Route selected, as informed by the study
lf, tct gco,",ty
lncrease Seismic Resilience of Bridges in Unincorporated King County
Jennifer Knauet,
King County
Department of
Local Services,
Roads Division
Hazatds Mitigated /
Goals Addressed
Funding Soutces and
Estimated Costs
$500,000 (study costs)
TBD design and
construction costs
Improved seismic stability for unincorpotated King County lifeline route bridges
Evaluate the seismic stability of unincorporated I{ing County lifeline route bridges and complete
seismic rettofits as informed by the tesults of the study. Seismic improvements to unincorporated
I(ing County lifeline route bridges were completed from 1995 through 2008, to retroFrt these bridges
to level 2 standatds, the standard adopted by the I(ng County Council that reflected the
contempotary standards of that time. Subsequent to completion of these reftofi.ts, seismic evaluation
standards have changed. This sftategy involves evaluating all unincolporated King County lifeline
bddge toutes to a retroFrt level 3 (highest level), which reflects the current evaluation standard.
Bridges retrofitted to a seismic level 3 would likely withstand a seismic event and still be in serviceable
status. Outcomes ftom this strategy includes a pnoi:dzed list of lifeline bridge seismic retrofit needs
and total program cost estimates. This strategy also involves securing the funding and completing the
seismic retrofits identified within the prioritized needs list. I{ng County Road Services Division
continues to struggle to meet its presewation service goals for unincorporated King County roads and
bridges due to curtent and future fotecast funding constraints. The activities identified through this
strategy are unfunded needs and a funding sftategy will need to be prepared and successfully
Z-Year Obiectives
o Fund UKC bddge seismic
assessment study
r Complete seismic assessment
S-Yeat Obiectives
r Secure capital funds
Long-Term Obiectives
o Complete seismic
upgtades to UKC
iifeline toute bridges
I mplement ation Plan /Actions
o Secure funds for the study
r Complete the study and ptoduce prioritized list of lifeline route bridge seismic retrofit needs and
o Prepare funding strategy
r Secure capital funds in support of seismic retroFrts
o Complete seismic retroFrts
Petfotmance Measure
. Study completed
o Funding strategy prepared and successfully implemented
o Bridge seismic reftofits completed
Stormwater Outfall Erosion Hazard lnventory
DNRP Water and
Land Resources
Hazatds Mitigated /
Goals Addressed
Funding Sources and
Estimated Costs
SWM Fee; FCD Grant;
FEMA Hazard
To minimize risk to public safety, propetties, and water quahty/aquatic health associated with
landstdes, severe erosion, and sediment deposition caused or threatened by discharges from
stotmwater system outfalls, both public and pdvate. There are hundteds of stormwater system
outfalls thtoughout unincorpotated King County that dischatge onto slopes or into ravines that arc
prone to landslides or severe erosion, or whete sediment deposition is ahazard downsfteam. Many
of these ate known from past events but are not inventoried in any orgatized way. Many others are
not known without an inventory effott to identify them.
1,. Establish a GIS mappnglayer/database to inventoty locations where the discharges from
stormwater system outfalls have caused or pose a risk of causing landslides, severe erosion,
andf or sediment deposition impacts downsfteam. Include in the inventory a description of the
landslide and etosion processes at play if known ot determined through geotechnical evaluation.
Include potential causal agents such as slope, soil composition, drainage atea, and discharge rates.
Include descriptions of observed or potential impacts to structures, faciJities, roads, driveways,
watet quality, and Frsh habitat. Include a description of the potential mitigation improvement
(e.g., tightline, channel stabilization, setding facthty, etc.) and its approximate cost.
2. Populate the GIS database with known incidents of etosive problems downstream of outfalls. If
additional information is needed on an incident, conduct a field investigation to collect it. In
addition to known incidents, review existing stomwater system maps, landslidehazatd area
maps, erosionhazard area maps, and steep slope hazard area maps to identify outfalls that are
potentially at risk of causing etosive problems downstream. Conduct Freld investigations of these
outfalls and their dtainage path downstream to determine the nature of any hazards that might
exist. If hazards do exist, inventory the location and record the information mentioned above in
the GIS database.
3. Use the GIS inventory information to identify and prioritizehazatd mitigation projects for
feasibiJity analysis to determine an updated cost and othet information needed for ranking against
othet competing projects. This information can also be used to provide technical assistance to
affected property owners if funding is not readily available fot a mitigation ptoject. In addition,
the information would be beneficial to setting mitigation requirements during the County's
permit review of new development projects upsfteam of problematic outfalls.
At this time, funding has not been apptopriated for a program that would implement this mitigation
strategy. WLRD Stormwater Services is currendy developing a strategic plan that will consider this
along with other along with other program ideas for minimizing dsk and optimizing stormwater
2-Yeat Obiectives
r Complete Stormwater Services
sttategic plan to determine
support for this program.
S-Yeat Obiectives
If there is support for the
ptogram in the sttategic plan, seek
funding for its implementation.
Long-Tetm Obiectives
. N/A
I mplement *ion Plan /Actions
o Establish GIS database as descdbed under mitigation strategy.
r Populate GIS database with outfall locations known to be a ptoblem based on past incidents.
r Populate database udth outfall locations that could be a problem based on hazards that exist
downstream eithet mapped or determined in the field.
o Use the GIS database to identiSr and prioritize mitigation projects for feasibility analysis to
detetmine an updated cost and othet information needed for tanking the ptoject against other
competing projects.
o Implement the highest pdority projects as funding becomes available. Until funding becomes
available,implement stop gap measures (e.g., sandbagsng) if needed to minimize severity of
o Whete funding is not readily available for a mitigation project, offer technical assistance to
affected property owners.
Petformance Measute
o Numbet of ptoblematic outfalls inventoried
o Numbet of ptoblematic outfalls fxed
o Number of property owners to which technical assistance was provided for pdvate solutions
Resilience in Design and Build of Critical Water Treatment and Conveyance Facilities
DNRP Water
Sttategic Climate Action
Hazatds Mitigated /
Goals Addressed
Funding Soutces and
Estimated Costs
Capital Budget, Revenue
WTD Treatment Plant Facilities and Conveyance system structures are protected against identified
potential vulnerabilities, including but not limited to flooding, earthquakes, large-scale power outages
andhazardous materials spills into the conveyance system (whether those spills are accidental or
deliberate, e.g. terrorist action).
Design, build, and retroFrt facilities to meet or exceed seismic standatds, including essential equipment.
Apply cuffent seismic standards to all renovation or replacement of existing facilities andf or
In April 2018 the division completed a Resiliency and Vulnerability Review of its entire conveyance
system to identify critical structures and facilities. The project which was conducted by an engineering
consultant conducted initial structural earthquake assessments of the key facilities. The report included
recommendations for mitigation projects in order of priority. Work is underway on multiple projects.
2-Year Obiectives
o Vulnerabilityassessment
e Emetgency power systems
r Complete retrofit of 3
facilities identified as most
critical/r,'uln erable.
S-Year Obiectives
o Implement changes identified
in the teviews conducted in
the 2-yeat window.
. Update to spill response
ptocedures is completed.
o Complete retrofit of 6
additional facilities in order of
pri oriW/ vuln etabiliw.
Long-Tetm Obiectives
o Facilities that
are resilient and able
to withstand damage
from earthquakes or
other hazards
Implement ation Plan / Actions
I Review existing earthquake vulnetability assessments and identi$' facilities and structures that
need futther assessments.
o Review existing emergency power genetation capacities at treatment plants, offsite facilities and
interceptors (pipelines) to identi$r vulnerabilities and response & restotation protocol
o Review existing spill response ptocedures and protocols fot hazardous materials spills @oth
accidental and intentional teleases) that impact flows into the WTD system. Update and
coordiriate emergency ptocedures with key fire departrnents and the Office of Emergency
Petformance Measute
o o/s of buildings, pipelines and equipment that ate built to seismic resilience standards.
o 0/6 of identified vulnerabilities and plan priorities addressed with improvements and resolutions.
o 0/6 of retrofit projects planned that arc completed.
Landslide, Erosion, and Sedimentation Event Mapping
DNRP Water and
Land Resoutces
Cooperating agencies
Hazards Mitigated /
Goals Addressed
Funding Sources and
Estimated Costs
SWM Fee; FCD Grant;
FEMA Hazard
Develop a GIS mapping layet to estab[sh a tecord of obsewed landslide, etosion, and sedimentation
events. Include in the rccord a description of landslide and erosion processes if available from
geotechnical evaluation. Identifr landslide, etosion, and sedimentation events caused by stormvrater
dischatge. Use this information to identi$' and prioritize corrections and mitigations to reduce events.
These cortections and mitigations vrould be priodtized as part of the overall WLRD Stormwater
Services strategic plan (currendy development) to ensure the highest risk areas are addressed Ftst. At
this time, funding has not been secuted for implementation of a corective program for stormwater
discharges that cause ot contribute to landslides, etosion, and sedimentation events.
Mapping of landslide, and high etosion areas and sedimentation events provides cuffent information
for development review and infrasructute planning, and utility protection measures to be
implemented. Reconnaissance has identified multiple sites of stream tavine slope destabilizaion due to
stormwater discharge from both public and pdvate stormwater conveyance systems. Multiple
measures are readily avatlable to relocate discharge outfall, dissipate flow etosion potential, and
implement flow control measures to reduce landslide risk and channel erosion. Sediment discharge
and debris flow incidences cause increasing cost of sediment management and property damage and
envitonmental impact to receiving stream habitat. This effort will also reduce inform the business risk
exposure of assets that drain to locations impacted by past events. This could result in and identify
proper use of diffetent maintenance techniques, effective inspection/maintenance intervals, and the
priority of improvement projects needed seek to avoid emergency repairs.
Z-Yet Obiectives
o Develop mapping to include
landslide ptorie areas, event
ftacking and include highly
erosive process. Identift impact
ateas and vuleerabiJity to
stomwater dischatges.
S-Year Obiectives
o Develop program to coffect
stormwater dischatges causing
landside activation and high
erosion processes. Provide
assistance to private system
ownefs to coffect stormwatef
discharges to unstable slopes
in high impact areas
Long-Term Obiectives
o Reduce progressive
degradation of
stfeams, wedands and
lake habitats and
teduced conveyance
and flood protection
capacity resulting
from sediment
Implement ation Plan /Actions
o Establish ATcGIS mapping of landslide and erosion hazard ateas that identift documented
incidences, type of landslide ot etosion processes and impact zones.
o Prioritize local systems with high impacts to community, public infrastructute, and environment.
o Identi& corrective actions and mitigation sftategies to reduce impacts and emergency response
services ptovided by King County.
o These actions ptesent opporrunities to improve system resilience and capacity buffering from the
impacts of climate change variability.
Performance Measure
o Mapping atea completed in telation to unincorponted arca.
o Identification and prioritization of problematic outfalls
r Strategl to addtess individual sites.
r Technical assistance to citizens to coffecuve actlons
Stormwater and Surface Water lnfrastructure Risk Reduction
DNRP Watet and
Land Resources
Hazatds Mitigated /
Goals Addtessed
Funding Sources and
Estimated Costs
SWM Fee; FCD Grant;
FEMA Hazard
To minimize risk to public safety, ptoperties, and water qtahty/aquatic health resulting from:
1) The failute of existing stormwater and sutface watet inftasffuctute due to aging. Growing
numbets of stormwater and surface water infrastructure assets opetated by ot undet the purview
of the Nfater and Land Resoutces Division CIfLRD) ate at or approaching the end of theit
effective life where structutal failure could cause flooding etosion, sedimentation, and/ot fish
habitat damage.
2) Mote frequent ovetflow ot functional impairment of existing stormwater and surface water
inftastructure due to expected increases in tainfall intensities ovet the next 50 years from climate
change. This too could cause flooding, erosion, sedimentation, andf or habitat damage.
3) The lack of stormwater cofltrol inftastructute for managing runoff from lands that were
developed before stoffiwater controls wete required on new developments. Over two thirds of
the developed landscape in King County was built before modern stomwater controls were
tequired on new developments. This lack of runoff quantity and quality control has been linked
to degraded water quality and aquatic health in numetous streams and other water bodies
throughout King County as documented by a netwotk of monitoring stations. It may also
contribute to existing flooding, erosion, sedimentation, andf ot habitat damage.
WLRD is planning to do the following to achieve the vision/objective stated above:
1) Proactively manage existing inftastructure through inspections, maintenance, risk assessments,
and repafu/replacement of the highest risk inftastructute compofleflts before they fail to avoid the
high cost of emergency repairs and the damages ot injuries that can result from comporrent
failure. This proactive management program is already in place for WlRD-operated
infiastructute assets but needs futther policy development for assets managed by private parties.
WLRD Stormwater Services is curently developing a strategic plan that should address this
policy development need.
2) Develop a methodology and standards fot ptedicting and designing to futute runoff quantities
that will be genetated by the incteased rarnfall, intensities expected from climate change. To
ensure new infrastructure is tesilient, this methodology and standards will be incoqpomted into
the County's stomwatet tegulations for new development and redevelopment. It will also be
used by the County to assess the need fot and design of futute inftastructure improvements to
reduce dsk. Development of this methodology and standards is a priority of the County's
Sttategic Climate Action Plan (SCAP) and has been started but additional funding will be needed
to finish it.
3) Build new and modi$r existing stomwater control infrastructure to mitigate for the lack of runoff
quantity and quality controls on older developed lands. Projects that do this are called
"stoffiwater tetfofits" and several pilot projects are currently underway at various locations
across King County. WLRD Stormwater Services is currently developing a sftategric plan and
teftofit priodtization framewotk that will give direction to future planning and implementation of
stomwater retrofits. A formal planning program to identi$r, prioritize, and steward future
retrofits is currendy unfunded.
2-Yex Obiectives
o Implement actions to teduce
risk on 48 high risk facility
assets and continue inspections,
maintenance, and risk
assessments on remaining
inventory of WLRD facittJ
assets. Complete Stormwater
Services sftategic plan to
identift policy dfuection for
assets managed by private
o Seek funding to develop
methodology/ s tandards
5-Year Obiectives
r Implement actions to teduce
risk on 120 hlgh risk facility
assets and continue
inspections, maintenance, and
risk assessments on remaining
inventory of facility assets.
o Develop
methodology/ s tandards
Long-Term Obiectives
o Implement actions to
teduce risk on 192
high risk facility assets
by 2027 and continue
maintenance, and risk
assessments on
remaining inventory
of facility assets.
Implement actions to
teduce risk on any
newly identified high
risk facility assets.
o Incolporate new
standards into
stomwatet rezulation.
Implement ation Plan /Actions
o Implement actions to teduce risk on high risk facility assets.
o Seek funding to further develop a methodology and standards for predicting and designing to
future runoff quantities genetated by the incteased ratnfalTintensities expected from climate
r Continue progtess on existing pilot proiects to inform future stoffiwater reftofits. Complete the
Stormvrater Services strategic plan and reftofit pdoritization framework.
r Complete development of the methodology and standatds described at left and vet with elected
ofhcials and community stakeholders (e.g., developers, NGOs, tribes, etc.)
o Obtain funding fot and begin implementing a formalplanning program to identify, prioritize, and
steward future retrofits.
r IncorPorate the new methodology and standards into the County's stomwater regulations for
new development and tedevelopment. Conduct planning efforts to identify and pdoritize
predicted infrastructure problems using the new methodology and standards. This can and should
be metged with the planning program described below for stormwater reftoFrts. Implement
highest priority projects to address predicted infiastructure problems.
o Conduct planning effots to identi$r, prioritize, and stevrard stomwater retrofits. This can and
should be merged with the efforts mentioned above fot addressing ptedicted infrastructure
problems resulting from climate change. Implement highest priority retrofits.
Performance Measure
o High risk facility assets mitigated.
o Climate change inftastructute problems solved
o Acres of developed land retrofitted vdth stormwater controls
Sea Level Rise Resilience in Wastewater Facilities
Hazards Mitigated /
Goals Addressed
Sea Level Rise (Flooding)
Funding Soutces and
Estimated Costs
Capital Budget
Waterfront wastewater treatment facilities and road networks that will be affected by the rise of sea
level due to global warming are built and enhanced to improve system resilience to these impacts.
Developing and implementing adaptation strategies for cost-effective measures to address, through
capital imptovement and asset management programs, the vulnerabilty of 24 major and 380 minor
facilities and 52 miles of conveyance at risk of saltwatet inflow andf or inundation. The facilities were
identified by a tecent update to the WTD analysis of the wastewater system to identi$r facilities at risk
for saltwater inflow and inundation ftom futute sea level rise, existing and predicted high tides, and
stoffi surges. This update was based on recent (2018) local and ptobabilistic sea level rise projections
developed by netrvotk of govemmental and non-govemmental organizations and universities.
A parallel effort is necessary fot toadways in unincoqpotated King County, especially on Vashon
Island and with ferry docks that sewice the islands. This will be addressed through the KC Roads
2-Yeat Obiectives
o Work is ongoing
5-Yeat Obiectives
o Work is ongoing
Long-Term Obiectives
o Facilities that are
resilient and able
to remain operational
as the sea level rises
I mplement ation Plan /Actions
r The facilities were identified by a recent update to the WTD analysis of the wastewater system to
identift facilities at risk for saltwater inflow and inundation from future sea level rise, existing and
predicted high tides, and storm surges.
Perfotmance Measure
o 0/6 of identified ptojects to improve resilience to sea-level rise completed.
Stormwater and Surface Water lnfrastructure Risk Reduction
DNRP Water and
Land Resoutces
Hazatds Mitigated /
Goals Addtessed
Funding Sources and
Estimated Costs
SWM Fee; FCD Grant;
FEMA Hazard
To minimize dsk to public safety, ptoperties, and water quahty/aquatic health resulting from:
4) The failure of existing stormwater and surface watet infrastructure due to aging. Growing
numbets of stormwater and sutface water inftastructure assets operated by or under the puwiew
of the Watet and Land Resources Division (]MLP'D) ate at or approaching the end of their
effective life where structutal failure could cause flooding, erosion, sedimentation, and/or Ftsh
habitat damage.
5) More frequent ovetflow ot functional impaitment of existing stomwater and surface water
inftastructure due to expected incteases in rainfall intensities over the next 50 years from climate
change. This too could cause flooding, etosion, sedimentation, andf or habitat damage.
6) The lack of stormwater control inftastructure for manag'ing runoff ftom lands that were
developed before stomwatet conttols were tequired on new developments. Over two thfuds of
the developed landscape in King County was built before modern stomwater controls were
required on new developments. This lack of runoff quantity and quality conftol has been linked
to degraded water quality and aquatic health in numetous streams and other water bodies
thtoughout King County as documented by a network of monitoring stations. It may also
contribute to existing flooding, etosion, sedimentation,andf or habitat damage.
IJ?LRD is planning to do the following to achieve the vision/objective stated above:
4) Proactively manage existing inftasffuctute thtough inspections, maintenance, risk assessments,
and rcpatf replacement of the highest dsk infrastructure components before they fail to avoid the
high cost of emetgency repairs and the damages ot injuries that can result from component
failure. This proactive management program is akeady in place for Wl.RD-operated
infrastructure assets but needs furthet policy development fot assets managed by private parties.
WLRD Stormwater Services is currendy developing a strategic plan that should address this
policy development need.
5) Develop a methodology and standatds fot predicting and designing to future runoff quantities
that will be generated by the increased rarnfal, intensities expected from climate change. To
ensure new inftastructure is resilient, this methodology and standards will be incolporated into
the County's stomwater tegulations for new development and tedevelopment. It vrill also be
used by the County to assess the need for and design of future infrastructure improvements to
reduce risk. Development of this methodology and standards is a priority of the County's
Strategic Climate Action Plan (SCAP) and has been started but additional funding will be needed
to finish it.
6) Build new and modi$' eisting stomwatef control infrastructute to mitigate fot the lack of runoff
quantity and quality controls on oldet developed lands. Projects that do this are called
"stomwater fetrofits" and sevetal pilot proiects are currently underway at various locations
across King County. WLRD Stormwater Services is curently developing a strategic plan and
reftoFrt priodtization ftamework that will give direction to future planning and implementation of
stoffiwater retrohts. A formal planning program to identi$', priodtize, and steward future
reffofits is currendy unfunded.
2-Year Obiectives
r Implement actions to reduce
risk on 48 high risk facility
assets and continue inspections,
maintenance, and risk
assessments on temaining
inventory of WLRD facility
assets. Complete Stotmwatet
Sewices strategic plan to
identift policy ditection for
assets managed by private
o Seek funding to develop
methodology/ s tandards
5-Year Obiectives
o Implement actions to reduce
risk on 120 high risk facility
assets and continue
inspections, maintenance, and
risk assessments on temaining
inventory of facility assets.
o Develop
methodology/ s tandards
Long-Term Obiectives
o Implement actions to
teduce risk on 192
high risk faciJity assets
by 2027 and continue
maintenance, and risk
assessments on
temaining inventory
of facility assets.
Implement actions to
teduce dsk on any
newly identified high
risk facility assets.
r IncofPofate new
standatds into
stormwatet regulation.
Implement ation Plzn /Actions
r Implement actions to reduce risk on high risk facility assets.
r Seek funding to futther develop a methodology and standards fot predicting and designing to
future runoff quantities generated by the incteased rainfall intensities expected from climate
r Continue progress on existing pilot projects to inform futute stormwater retrofits. Complete the
Stotmwatet Sewices sttategic plan and reftofit prioritization framework.
o Complete development of the methodology and standards described at left and vet with elected
officials and community stakeholdem (e.g., developers, NGOs, tdbes, etc.)
o Obtain funding fot and begin implementing a formal planning progmm to identiSr, prioritize, and
steward future reftofits.
o IncorPorate the new methodology and standards into the County's stomwater tegulations for
new development and tedevelopment. Conduct planning efforts to identify and priodtize
predicted infrastructure problems using the new methodology and standards. This can and should
be metged with the planning program described below for stonnwater reftofi.ts. Implement
highest priority projects to address predicted infrastructure problems.
r Conduct planning effots to identi$r, prioritize, and steward stomwater retofits. This can and
should be merged with the efforts mentioned above for addressing predicted infrastructure
ptoblems tesulting ftom climate change. Implement highest priority reffofits.
Petformance Measure
. Htgh risk facility assets mitigated.
r Climate change infrastructure problems solved
o Acres of developed land retrofitted with stormwater conffols
H tchgCo,ntty
Control System Security and Performance
Hazards Mitigated /
Goals Addressed
Cybet Incident
Funding Sources and
Estimated Costs
Capital Budget
Genetal Fund
The operational conttol system fot \Wastewater Tteatment Opetations is secure from cyber-attack or
system failure.
The wastewater treatment system is operated from three control centers which monitor the facitties
and conveyance system that flows to the treatment plants. The Ovation project is a multi-year, multi-
million-dollar upgtade of the Wastewater Treatment Division's legacy conftol systems. rJfTD is in the
process of updating its control systems. Vulnerability assessments are designed into the Ovation
project. When the system is operational, a secudty audit would be conducted to ensure that policies
and procedures are in place to protect the system
2-Yex Obiectives
o Project is staged to include in
the 2-year timeframe upgrades
to system controls in order of
priority based on assessed
. Upgtaded systems will be tested
in this time frame.
S-Year Obiectives
. All conftol systems are
upgtaded and have passed
security testing.
o Completion of project.
Long-Tetm Obiectives
I A secufe system.
Implement ation Plan /Actions
o This is a multi-year multi-million-dollar project that is being staged by addressing the most
vulnetable systems first and working through the system.
Petformance Measute
. o/o of QA/QC system security tests passed.
GIS Emergency Response Mapping and Real-Time Flow Data
DNRP Water
Infotmation Systems (GIS)
King County Roads
Services Division
King County Office of
Emergency Management
Pubiic Health SKC
Hazards Mitigated /
Goals Addressed
Funding Sources and
Estimated Costs
Operating Budget
Cdtical information conveyed in the WTD/DNRP Emergency respoflse map is available and updated
in real time.
Update the King County facilities Emergency Response maps with the current priodty roads, bridges,
earthquake liquefaction, inundation and landslide zones and gas/pettoleum pipelines, under-laid with
King County facilities and conveyance lines and emergency outfalls to facilitate emergency response
and continuity of opemtions. Make this infotmation available through a password-protected website
for select users. Explote connecting the map to real-time flow data.
A GIS emergency mapping site is now operational on the WTD intranet that shows facilities and
conveyance system. Wotking on moving it to an intemet site so that it can be accessed 24/7 by off
duty personnel.
2-Yet Objectives
. Fully deploy the system whete
it can be accessed remotely
without having to log into the
KC computer system.
5-Yeat Obiectives
. System is tested and use in
r Necessary modiFrcations are
o Proiect completion
Long-Term Obiectives
r Emergency mapping
is teliable and
Implement ation Plan /Actions
o lfork is ongoing and includes:
o Wotk with KCIT to considet improvements that include integration with real-time flow data,
integration with Roads Emetgency updates and migration of mapping tool from intranet to
password secured Intemet site.
e Testing to ensure access and timeliness and accuracy of information conveyed.
o Use in emergency activations.
o Socialize process and tools with partnets such as Public Health Seatde and King County to aid in
environmental health emergency response.
Perfotmance Measute
c o/s of successful attempts to securely access the mapping tool.
o Ratio of accuracy and timeliness as compared to real life in real time.
Emergency Communications Enhancements
Allen Alston
PSERN Project
King County Radio
Hazatds Mitigated /
Goals Addressed
Funding Soutces and
Estimated Costs
Operating Budget
Ability to effectively communicate in latge scale emergency situations where the telecommunications
may be disrupted.
The division perfotmed an assessment to determine the numbet of KC 800 MHz radios necessary to
support opetational readiness in the event of a widespread telecommunications failure. Cutrendy all
key opetational facilities and offsite operation and maintenance vehicles are equipped with 800 MHz
radios, constituting WTD's core emergency cornmunications method.
A regional teplacement project is underway to replace the entire 800 MHz system. It is managed by a
Puget Sound Emetgency Radio Network. Inventories have been provided to PSERN
The King County Office of Emergency Management has deployed a communications tool called
KClnform. It has been incolporated into the division's operational procedures
2-Yeat Obiectives
o Deploy the new tadios.
o Ttain and test the mdios and
othet emetgency
o Analyze benefits and costs of
S-Year Obiectives
o Continue training and testing
of communications to ensure
maximum communications
reliability in emergencies.
Long-Tetm Obiectives
o Redundant emergency
communications are
Implement ation Plan /Actions
o Deploy the new radio equipment and incorporate into the day to day communications protocols.
o Regulady test radios and other emergency communications methods, including KClnform and
FirstNet (if used).
Performance Measure
o o/s of successful communications systems tests
Emergency Event Management System
DNRP Water
King County Ofhce of
Emetgency Management
King County Information
TechnoloEy (KCIT)
Hazards Mitigated /
Goals Addressed
Funding Sources and
Estimated Costs
Operating Budget
\W-fD manages and shares emergency response and continuity of operations activities actoss the
division's five treatment plants and the division headquarters in the King Street Center using
WEBEOC and other systems as necessalry.
Assess WEBEOC's ability to manage information and communication within the division and with its
34 component agencies, and especially the discrete tracking of multiple incidents.
Continue wotking with the IIEBEOC team, KCIT and othets as necessarry to explore altemative or
additional solutions if WEBEOC can't meet all requirements.
2-Year Objectives
o Test cuffent system for a
variety of scenarios.
r Identify and work thtough
questions and gaps identified.
o Considet altematives where
WEBEOC doesn't fulfill
S-Year Obiectives
o Deploy an operational system
of systems.
o Document, train to and test
the system(s).
Long-Tetm Obiectives
o There is a single
system or integtated
systems (whether
manual or not)
sufficient to manage
emergency events.
Implementation Plan/Actions
o Test use of WEBEOC fot avaieLy of scenarios with multiple contributors.
o Identi& and work through questions and gaps.
r Considet alternatives where WEBEOC doesn't fulfill requirements.
o Document progress and {inal systems approach.
o Communicate systems approach to users and stakeholders.
o Develop and deliver trainings on the use of the system(s).
r Test the system(s).
o Continuously improve the system(s).
Performance Measure
o Post-test system performance ratings.
o Post use (activations) system performance ratings.
Flood Warning Program
Lead Points of
King County
River &
Section, Office of
Pattner Points of Contact
Cities and special pulpose
districts, US Army Corps
of Engineers, NOAA,
FEMA Region 10
Hazards Mitigated /
Goals Addressed
Funding Soutces and
Estimated Costs
Existing resources
Strategy Vision/ Obiective
W.hen flooding is imminent, having a tobust notification system helps people who live, work, or ftavel
thtough floodprone areas prepare themselves and their propeity for the impacts of flooding. It can
also mean fewet flood losses and less damage.
Mitigation StrategSr
The River and Floodplain Management Section operates the Flood Waming Program,'which includes
a Flood Waming Center that opens when dver systems teach specified flows or heights. The Flood
Waming Centet gives people that live, wotk, or ttavel through floodptone ateas eady notiltcations and
the oppottunity to call in and teceive information about ongoing flooding issues. The Center also
coordinates with local Ftrst respondets, the Office of Emergency Management, the US Army Corps of
Engineers, and other stakeholders to ensure the tegion is as ready as possible to respond to flooding
2-Year Objectives
e Imptoved outteach efforts.
S-Year Obiectives
r Annual exefcises are
conducted to prepare the
region fot flooding.
Long-Term Obiectives
o Smooth operation of
the Flood Waming
Program and
integtation with local
I mplement ation Plan /Actions
Implement ation Plan /Actions
1,. Continue monitoring the status of streamgages to ensure they are collecting data accutately.
Stteamgages provide the undedyin g data that are used as the basis fot Flood Alert notiFrcations
and openings of the Flood Waming Center.
2. Review on an annual basis the various components of the Flood Waming Ptogtam and make
improvements where necessary.
3. Conduct an annud. flood response exetcise with othet agencies to ensure the region is prepared
for flood response and tecovery actions necessary. Write up an afteraction report.
4. Improve public outreach matedals such as flood inundation maps and online interactive map
applications that show the inundation areas of the four flood phases.
Perfotmance Measure
r Subscdbers to the Flood Aler app
. CRS points for Activity 610.
Post-Flood Recovery Efforts
Lead Points of Contact
DNRP Watet and Land
Resoufces Division; King
County Office of
Emergency Management;
King County Permitting
Partner Points of
King County Flood
Control District; FEMA
Region 10; Washington
Department of Ecology;
Washington Division of
Emerqency ManaEement
/ Goals
Goal 3, 5,
Funding Sources and
Estimated Costs
King County Flood Conttol
District; FEMA Hazard
Mitigation Assistance Gtants;
Increased Cost of Compliance;
FEMA Public Assistance
Section 406 Mitigation
Sttategy Vision/Obiective
After a major flood event, thete ate m^fly opportunities to rebuild in a more resilient way. Being
prepared to tapidly address them is key to realiztngthose opporrunities.
Many mitigation grants, including the FEMA HazardMitigation Assistance grants, can take over 5
years ftom obligation to a property ownet having theit house acquired. King County is uniquely
positioned to utilize local tesources to complete mitigation proiects much quicker to help property
owners rvith flood-damaged property.
Mitigation Strategy
While many othet flood mitigation stategies refetenced in the Hazard Mitigation Plan urill be used to
teduce future flood risk, a sepatate mitigation strategy for post-flood actions is necessary. Propety
owners are often mote willing to sell and consider mitigation efforts after a flood. Additionally,
conducting substantial damage determinations quickly is important for flood insurance policyholders
to be able to access Incteased Cost of Compliance covetage funds for rebuilding. King County needs
to be prepared befote a flood occurs to move mitigation efforts forward quickly.
This sttategy should also consider the petmitting environment after a major flood and consider short-
term tebuilding moratoriums, permit assistance, and substantial damage letters for Increased Cost of
Compliance claims. Additionally, an update to the comptehensive plan may be needed to address
long-term recovery effots.
2-Yeat Obiectives
o Communications plan
o Substantial damage strategy
prepared and deployable.
5-Year Obiectives
o Substantial damage assessments
have eithet taken place or have
been practiced.
o Communication plan revievzed.
Long-Term Obiectives
r Successful mitigation
efforts occur after
major flood eveflts.
Implement anon Plan /Actions
1.. Prepate communications plan priot to a flood event for reaching affected property owner to
inform them of mitigation grant opportunities to purchase their damaged propety or elevate theit
2. Ready a set of funds to deploy quickly after a major flood event.
3. Cteate a deployable substantial damage inspection strategy and team, and ptepare the team to
rapidly conduct substantial damage determinations after a flood event or other wide-spread
natufal disaster.
4. Inspect flood protection facilities and othet public inftastructure to eflsure public safety is
protected and to also identi$' opportunities fot applying for trEMA Public Assistance Section 406
mitigation funding.
Perfotmance Measures
o Ptoperty owners engaged aftet flood event.
o Employees trained on substantial damage assessments
Home Elevations
Lead Points of
King County
fuvet &
Partner Points of Contact
King County Flood
Conffol District, FEMA
Region 10; Washington
Departrnent of Ecology,
Washington Division of
Emergency Management
Hazards Mitigated /
Goals Addrcssed
Funding Sources and
Estimated Costs
I{ng County Flood
Conttol District; FEMA
Hazard Mitigation
Assistance grants
Elevating floodprone homes is an important tool in making buildings safer from flooding. The
buildings will be bettet able to withstand inundation and a family's, or occupant's belongings vdIl be
well above the expected level of the 7oh annual chance flood. The result will be less risk to people,
pets, and property as floodwater remains below the Frnished floor of elevated homes.
Flome elevations are appropriate in ateas where floodwaters are slow moving and relatively shallow,
offet significant warning time, and are not subject to channel migration hazards.In areas of flash
floods, fast-moving floodwaters, and channel migration, the most appropriate mitigation sftategy is
King County and the King County Flood Conftol District have a robust home elevation grant
program for properties in the Snoqualmie River basin that has elevated neady 80 homes. Elevation
ptojects, howevet, ate complex and requite significant public investments from the County, Flood
Conftol District, or FEMA. Typically, home elevations cost over $200,000. Current standards requfue
homes to be elevated to the highet of 3 feet above the Loh annual chance flood elevation and 1 foot
above the 0.2o/o annud, chance flood elevation.
Most homeowners prefet to elevate on enclosed foundations like a crawlspace or full story enclosure.
This technique, when done with proper flood openings, can be a safe altemative, but can lead to
negative consequences such as future owners converting the lowet level to finished living space, thus
reducing the benefit of the home elevation. Elevating on post ot piling foundation techniques lessens
the likelihood of lowet level convetsion, although to some, results in a visually less desirable home.
There is a balance that the public elevation gtant program needs to weigh between producing homes
that people think look nice and homes that are likely to remain safe ftom flooding for 50 years.
Z-Yex Obiectives
o Have code compliance strategy
S-Year Obiectives
r Home elevations grants are
awarded outside of the
Snoqualmie Valley.
Long-Term Obiectives
o All homes in shallovz
and slow-moving
floodplains are
elevated at least 3 feet
above the loh annual
chance flood
Implementation Plan/Actions
'1.. Continue requiring home elevations to have the lowest floot elevated to 3 feet above the loh
annual chance flood elevation or L foot above the 0.2o/o annual chance flood elevation. Continue
requiring a nonconversion agteement to protect the lower enclosed levels from being converted to
living space.
2. Cteate a strategy to address potential code compliance issues that make elevated structures more
dangerous, including addressing:
^. Potential to convert enclosed lower level into living space.
b. Potential to install noncompliant utilities in lower level.
c. Potential to block flood openings.
d. Potential to rent out lower level.
3. Complete home elevations in appropriate floodptone areas outside of the Snoqualmie Valley,
including in coastal floodplain ateas.
4. Encourage gtantees to elevate using post ot piling foundation techniques rather than full story
Perfotmance Measure
o Repetitive loss properties elevated.
o Reduced flood insumnce claims.
o Numbu of homes successfirlly and compliandy elevated.
Home Acquisitions and Relocations
Lead Points of
King County River &
Management Section;
Ecological Restotation
and Engineering
Services Section
Partner Points of Contact
Snoqualmie Watershed Forum,
Snohomish Basin Salmon
Recovery Fotum, WRIA 9
Watershed Ecosystem Forum,
WRIA 8 Salmon Recovery
Council, Puget Sound Patnership,
King County Flood Control
/ Goals
Funding Sources and
Estimated Costs
King County Flood
Control District, FEMA
Hazard Mitigation
Assistance grants,
Salmon Recovery Board
Gtants, Floodplains by
Strategy Vision/Obiective
Acquiring floodprone ptoperties, removing buildings, and testoring the property to a nalrral state is
the most effective strategy to teduce flood dsk in perpetuity. Fewer families living in floodprone areas
and fewer businesses operating in floodptone areas so the region recovers quicker after a major flood.
Mitigation Strategy
Property acquisitions have been a tool that ICng County has employed for many decades to reduce
flood risk. Acquisitions are done on a willing seller basis and result in the demolition or temoval of the
building from the property. Sometimes the sellet moves the house to a location outside of the
floodplain. Acquisitions are mostly fee simple purchases.
While acquisition is the most effective tool to eliminate flood tisk, many people perceive downsides,
including that acquisitions mean lost tax revenue and that a checkerboard apptoach leaves
neighbothood with missing pieces. Wherever possible, a neighborhood or atea-specific strategy is the
best approach.
Acquisitions also offer many additional benefits including enhanced natural floodplain functions,
floodwater stotage, and recreation potential. Because of multiple benefits, acquisitions can be done by
various agencies for different pnnary purposes. Some ate done for ecological restoration or salmon
habitatprotection while othets ate done primanly fot flood dsk reduction. An area of nevr
oppotunity fot flood risk reduction acquisitions is along the unincorporated coast on Vashon-Maury
Island. Very few have been completed fot flood dsk reduction purposes, but as sea levels rise and
coastal flooding worsens, King County needs to be prepared for coastal shoreline acquisitions.
2-Year Obiectives
o Develop prioritized acquisition
S-Year Obiectives
o Complete acquisitions in
coastal ateas.
Long-Tetm Obiectives
r Acqufue as m^fly floodptone
properties as possible.
Implement aion Plan /Actions
7. Continue ptoactively purchasing floodprone properties fot the pwpose of flood risk reduction.
2. Accelerate coastal floodplain acquisitions.
3. Create and maintain a prioritized acquisition list so that propeties can be puchased whenever the
opportunity adses.
4. Considet othet tools to putchase land over time or future development rights, such as a program
whete a ptoperty owner receives an upfront paymeot with an agreement that the County will fully
putchase the ptoperty if it's flooded ot the owner seeks to sell.\
5. Purchase and temove inftastructure as part of neighborhood-level acquisitions.
Petformance Measutes
ions pet yeat.
lhazatd areas owned by private landowners with buildings.
o Repetitive loss properties mitieated.
Protect and Restore Natural Floodplain Functions
Lead Points of
DNRP Watet and
Land Resoutces
Partner Points of Contact
Snoqualmie Watershed
Forum, Snohomish Basin
Salmon Recovery Forum,
!?RIA 9 Watetshed
Ecosystem Forum, WRIA
8 Salmon Recovery
Council, Puget Sound
Partnenhip, King County
Flood Control Disttict
Hazards Mitigated /
Goals Addressed
Funding Sources and
Estimated Costs
FEMA Hazard
Mitigation Assistance
Grants, Floodplains by
Design, King County
Flood Control District
Flooding is a natural process. Rivets and coasdines evolve and change because offlooding.
Encouraging the ptotection and restotation of natuml functions of floodplains is key in creating
healthy and tesilient systems.
The natutal functions of floodplains include stodng floodwater and lowering flood heights and
velocities, all of which teduces flood dsk. Natural coastlines attenuate u/aves distribute sediment and
large wood on beaches, and allow coastal etosion, all of which teduce coastal wave energy on
ptopetties in the floodplain. King County has a tobust focus on protecting and restodng natural
floodplain functions, but progress still needs to be made to acceletate progress and connect
testolation projects to flood risk reduction projects.
Additionally, upland fotested ateas ptovide a source of natural functions that reduces fast runoff,
manages sediment flow, and protects water quality. These upland areas should be considered vital
parts of natuml floodplain functions.
2-Yeat Obiectives
o Incorporatefloodplain
connectivity and aquatic habitat
imptovements in majority of
flood risk reduction ptojects in
the county.
S-Year Obiectives
o Double the amount of
spending on floodplain
restotation and protection by
leveraging local funding to
obtain state and fedetal grants
Long-Term Obiectives
. EveV floodplain
project achieves
multiple benefits such
as endangered species
habitaq salmon
rearing habitaq water
quality improvements,
climate resilience,
agricultural resilience,
and flood dsk
I mplement ation Plan /Actions
1,. Proactively acqufue floodprone ptopeties to utilize fot future restoration projects.
2. Complete testoration projects that reconnect rivets to their floodplains, remove bank armoring,
create side channels, reconnect oxbows, and encourage natuml features such as beavet dams and
large wood in channels for incteased flood storage and fish habitat. These projects will create
places for flood storage, vzhich will reduce downstream flood heights and ptovide habitat for
endangered species.
3. Restote coastal shorelines by removing bulkheads whetevet possible, creating pocket estuatT
habitats, and allowing etosion to nourish beaches. Softening shorelines and cteating estuaries will
result in teduced wave energy and fewer negative coastal flooding impacts.
4. Incorporate beaver habitat in testoration projects to provide flood storage and keep instream
water cooler.
5. Continue enforcing tegulations that stop negative impacts on habitat and encourage net ecological
benefit. Shoteline maflagement, critical area, and floodplain management regulations tlat adhere
to FEMA's Biological Opinion are among the tegulations that seek to imprcve natural floodplain
Petfotmance Measure
r Acres of floodplain teconnected and/or restored.
o Large wood per mile in large rivers.
o Iineat feet of bulkhead removed; and coastal shoreline restored
o Demonstrated losses avoided by increasing flood storage
o Chinook, coho, and steelhead population numbets, including annual adult spawner returns and
juvenile outmigtants.
Flood Risk Mapping
Lead Points of
DNRP Water &
Land Resources
Division; DLS
Pattner Points of Contact
FEMA Region X,
Washington Depattment of
Ecolory, US Army Corps
of Engineets
Hazatds Mitigated /
Goals Addressed
Flood, Dam Failure
Goal 3, 5, 6,'1,2, 1,4
Funding Sources and
Estimated Costs
FEMA Cooperating
Technical Partners
Ptogtam; King County
Flood Control District
Having updated flood risk data helps govemment agencies, property owners, and other stakeholders
make bettet risk-informed decisions. High quality flood data also more accuately ties regulations to
teducing flood risk.
Mitigation Strategy
While updating flood risk maps is an ongoing activity to take into account landscape and hy&ology
changes, there are many flood hazards that need robust data and maps:
l. Floodplain maps - update the Flood Insurance Rate Maps used for regulatory and mitigation
planning pu{poses, including updating the South Fork Skykomish Rivet and various streams that
only have approximate Zone A flood zones with no base flood elevation information.
Additionally, King County should work with incolporated utban communities to better study,
undetstand, and map urban flood risk.
2. Climate-influenced flood risk maps - King County and the Univetsity of Washington have been
collabotating on downscaling global climate models to generate river-basin scale hydrology data
based on the effects of climate change scenarios. King County can also evaluate other climate-
influenced changes in hydtology such as low surnmet flows, less snowpack, and other effects to
incorporate into maps showing climate-influenced flood risk. These data will be used to generate
maps of predicted changes in flood risk that can be used fot planning and regulatory purposes.
3. Sea level dse flood risk maps - as part of the coastal flood hazard study, maps were produced
showing the effect on base flood elevation of a 2-foot rise in sea level around Vashon-Maury
Island. This study shows the btoadet effects of sea level dse on flood risk. These maps should be
updated with different sea level rise scenarios and also the resulting increased flood risk landward
of the edge of the loh annual chance mapped floodplain should be considered.
4. Channel migtation zone maps - cutrently 8 river sections have been mapped on the South Fork
Skykomish, Tolt, Cedar, South Fotk Snoqualmie, Middle Fork Snoqualmie, North Fork
Snoqualmie, Green, and Raging Rivers. In addition to continually updating these maps, new river
sections need to be studied and mapped, including the Lower Snoqualmie. Channel migration
zone maps will help properry owners best understand the risk from channel avulsion and help
keep more development safe.
5. Dam failute maps - evely owner of a high hazard dam vrith the potential in a dam failure for loss
of life ot structures must develop a dam inundation map as part of the Emergency Action Plan.
Flowevet, many of these inundation maps are out of date and ate not accessible to the public.
Levee failure maps - King County will, where possible, study levee failure impacts and produce maps
that show areas of levee failure risk. The data and maps should be made available to the public so
people who live and work behind levees have an understanding of their flood risk.
2-Yeat Obiectives
r Complete detailed flood study
on streams with approximate
Zone A floodplains.
o Complete levee bteach analysis.
S-Yeat Obiectives
e Jdenti& a timeline for updated
Flood Insutance Rate Maps
with FEMA Region 10.
Long-Term Obiectives
r Flood Insurance Rate
Map and other
tegulatory flood data
Create plan for integating
flood maps and downscaled
climate model data.
Begin sea level dse scenario
mapping fot coastal shorelines
Establish plan fot using
climate-influenced flood risk
data for planning and
regulatory purposes.
a will be updated on a
tegular basis.
Highest quality flood
risk data that
incorporates effects of
climate change.
Implementation Plan/Actions
1.. Update Flood Insurance Rate Maps to 1lrilize better flood dsk data, including the South Fork
Skykomish River and streams wtthZone A maps. Also identi$' a strategy and timeline for
updating othet sfteams/dvers that need updated flood risk data.
2. Create climate-influenced flood risk maps that can be used for planning pu{poses.
3. Create sea level dse flood risk maps for various sea level rise scenarios to be used for planning and
tegulatory purposes.
4. Continue updating channel migtation zone maps.
5. Release dam failure maps whete apptopriate and provide technical assistance to high hazard dam
owners to complete updated inundation maps.
6. Complete levee failure maps and release them to the public where appropriate.
Perfotmance Measures
o Stream miles and lineat feet of shoreline with updated flood dsk, channel migtation, and climate-
influenced flood risk data.
o Properties covered by updated flood risk, channel migration, and climate-influenced flood risk
o Number of dams with updated inundation maps that are publicly available.
o Linear feet of levees vrith failute analyses publicly available.
Public lnformation Flood Activities
Lead Points of
King County River &
Management Section,
OfFrce of Emergency
Partner Points of Contact
FEMA Region 10;
Washington Department of
Ecology; Washington
Division of Emergency
Management; King County
Flood Conttol District
Flazards Mitigated /
Goals Addtessed
Funding Sources
and Estimated
Existing resources
Flooding is a complicatedhazar.d to undetstand and a responsibility of floodplain management
agencies is to help people understand it well enough to prepare themselves. A more informed public
means property owners who make decisions based on flood risk and fewer unexpected losses dudng
Effective outteach efforts ate a key piece of comprehensive floodplain management. Letters sent
annually, outteach events, ptoject-specific meetings, and providing technical assistance are all
components of effective outreach. Repetition of messages and continued oufteach activities are also
important to ensuring that messages are delivered. Engaging as many types of communication
mediums as possible will also ensure that outreach efforts are effective.
2-Year Obiectives
o New initiatives ate
S-Yeat Obiectives
r Documentation that more
floodprone residents are
Long-Term Obiectives
o An informed public
that is prepared for
the effects of majot
Implement ation Plan /Actions
The folloving activities should be conducted on an annual basis as away to make the public more
aware of floodhazards and risks:
1.. Flood btochure - sent to eveq/ ptoperty owner in the floodplain.
2. Repetitive loss letter - sent to properties udth known repeated losses.
3. Realtot, insurance agent, and othet stakeholder outreach - workshops, meetings, or other
outreach to ptofessionals who need flood risk information.
4. News media outteach - coordinated effort to share stories about flood dsk with the news media.
5. Annual event - separate or coordiriated event every ye t that focuses on flood risk .
The following activities are not annual occurrences, but should be maintained to help facilitate the
avarlabthty of flood risk information:
7. Videos demonsffating flood dsk, flood preparedness, and property protection measures that can
be taken.
2. Technical assistance to property owners on teducing flood risk on their property, including home
elevation support and small actions to teduce locahzed flood dsk.
3. Maintaining a tobust website, including an intetactive map, with flood preparedness, mitigation,
tegulation, and other flood risk information. The website will be updated at least annually and the
interactive map will incolpotate new data when available.
o Floodplain management permitting bulletins vdll be created to help permit applicants undetstand
the tequlations and their purpose.
Performance Measures
r Number of stakeholder groups reached
o CRS points for outreach and public information activities
Flood lnsurance Promotion
Lead Points of
King County River
& Floodplain
Partner Points of Contact
Floodprone cities; FEMA
Region L0, insurance
agents, landlords, tealtors,
mottgage lenders
Hazatds Mitigated
/ GoalsAddressed
Goal5, 12,74
Funding Sources and
Estimated Costs
Existing soutces
Strategy Vision/Obiective
Flood insurance is the most important financial ptotection tool for a famtly against flood damage.
Promoting flood insurance is important to help propety owners and renters be prepared for flooding
and reduce their financial dsk.
Mitigation Strategy
Since homeowners and tenter's insutance policies do not covet flood damage, helping people
understand that flood insutance is the best Frnancial protection tool is an impottant strategy.
Homeownem with a fedetally-backed mortgage arc tequired to have flood insurance, so those who are
required most likely have a policy. Renters and those who own their houses free and cleat are far less
likely to actively purchase a flood insurance policy. If their homes and apartments are flooded, they
may}r'ave to drain savings to pay for the damage.
Of all of the families that live in floodplains in King County, over 5070 are renters, 74oh own thek
house w'ithout a mortg ge, and 35oh own with a mortgage. Families living in floodplains are much
more likely to be renters than those outside of the floodplain (only 40oh of families outside of
floodplains rent). Additionally, people of colot living in the floodplain are even more likely to rent.
Census data shows that 83o/o of African Amedcan families and 90oh of Native HawaiiLan ot Pacific
Islander families living in the floodplain are renters.
So, ptomoting flood insutance should be primarily tatgeted toward renters and those who own their
house outright. The strategy should also strive to incorporate concepts of equity and social justice in
the approach and content of outreach.
2-Yeat Obiectives
r Oufteach plan developed via
stakeholdet committee.
o Technical assistance coritact
2-Yeat Obiectives
r Outreach plan developed
via stakeholder committee.
o Technical assistance
contact identiFred.
2-Year Obiectives
o Outreach plan developed
via stakeholder
o Technical assistance
contact identiFred.
Implement ation Plan / Actions
1.. Identi$r and convene stakeholdet committee to help assess problem and create strategy for
promoting flood insurance.
2. Develop and implemefrt outreach plan that targets tenters/tenants and those who own their home
with no mortgage.
3. Identi$' a flood insurance technical assistance contact for King County residents and businesses to
be able to ask questions.
Petfotmance Measures
Number of flood insurance policies in force and percentage of covered buildings.
CRS points for Activity 370.
Enforce H igher Flood pla i n Ma nagement Regu lations
Lead Points of
DLS Permitting
Division; DNRP
Water & Land
Partner Points of Contact
FEMA Region X,
Washington Department of
Hazards Mitigated /
Goals Addressed
Goal 5, 12,1.4
Funding Sources and
Estimated Costs
Minimal, on-going
o Permit fees
r Existing resoutces
Higher floodplain management regulations play an important role in ensuring future development in
floodplains is as safe ftom flood risk as possible. For example, tequiring that new buildings have their
lowest floot elevated 3 feet above the 7oh annual chance flood elevation means fewet flood losses and
safet buildings.
While instituting a tegulation prohibiting development in floodptone areas would ultimately reduce
future flood risk potential, the flood potion stakeholder committee decided not to include a
development ptohibition mitiqation action due to likely political and communiw opposition.
The King County Comptehensive Plan sets out a policy that regulations should follovr the concept of
"no adverse impact," such that any paticulat development must not cause any effect to worsen
flooding on another property owner. The key higher standatds that do this include a requirement that
all development in the entire floodplain meet a zeto-ise tequfuement and a compensatoly stofage
requirement fot fill and othet materials. This apptoach teduces any potential flood risk from new
development. King County also has higher tegulations that protect new or substantially improved
buildings, including a tequirement that the lovrest floor be elevated to 3 feet above the lo/o annual
chance flood elevation.
2-Year Obiectives
o Demonstrate that King
County is enfotcing its
higher standards by
showing full compliance
vdth the FEMA floodplain
management audit.
o Establishstakeholdet
committee to review potential
higher standards to include in
Kins Counw Code.
S-Year Obiectives
o Submit to King County
Council flood code
amendments that include
other highet standards.
Long-Term Obiectives
I Ensuring all potential
development in
floodplains meet
flood-safe standards.
I mplement anon Plan f Actions
. King County agencies will continue to fully enfotce the highet tegulations currendy in King
County Code.
. King County will consider the following higher standards in future updates of the King County
Code and will establish a stakeholder committee to evaluate the following:
o Ptohibiting hazardous matedals storage in the regulated flood hazard are to lessen
potential health impacts ftom flooding.
o Requiring non-conversion agreement for structures built on ctawlspaces or full-story
enclosutes to erisure fewer structutes converted to unsafe and noncompliant conditions.
o Requiring building restriction agreements for properties that are removed from the
floodplain via a Letter of Map Amendment to ensure freeboard standards are extended to
ptopetties suffounded by ot close to the edqe of the mapped floodplain.
o Establishing a cumulative ot lowet substantial imptovement requirement to encourage
more homes to be elevated.
o Extending 1.oh annual chance flood requirements to the edges of the 0.2o/o annual chance
floodplain to account for highet flooding events and the potential for increasing flood
risks due to climate change.
o Adopting standatds to regulate development in areas likely to face increasing flood risks
. due to sea level rise to protect against future flood risk.
o Establishing coastal bighhazard atea tegulations that requfue permit applicants to
demonstrate that their ptoposed action will not cause adverse impacts on other property
owflers, including the potential for wave energy reflection on to neighboring shoreline
o The Floodplain Management Plan update will considet higher regulatory standards.
o Adopt the latest version of the International Building Codes.
Perfotmance Measute
o Fewer and less extensive flood damage during a major flooding event.
o Mote points in the FEMA Community Rating System categorry for higher regulatory standards
Manage Flood Protection Facilities
Lead Points of
DNRP Water and
Land Resoutces
Division; King County
Flood Control District
Partner Points of
US Army Corps of
Engineers, local
govemments, levee and
dam owners
Hazatds Mitigated /
Goals Addressed
Flood, Earthquake
Funding Sources and
Estimated Costs
I(ing County Flood
Control District;
Floodplains by Design
Strategy Vision/Obiective
Flood protection facilities should be managed in a way that fotemostly considers residual flood risk.
Altemative management practices should also incorporate improving natural floodplain functions.
Mitigation Strategy
Flood protection facilities include levees and revetments that provide some degree of flood and
erosion protection depending on their design and maintenance. All flood protection facilities leave
residual dsk behind them and above theit protection level. In certain areas of King County, flood
protection facilities have teduced flood damage, but they have also facilitated growth in homes,
warehouses, and businesses built behind them. The expanded neighborhoods and business activities
afe then more at risk of a 0.2oh anrnnl chance flood event or flooding from a levee failure, and if
climate change incteases the severity of flooding events, then the flood risk vdll grow. Thus, it is
important for existing flood protection facilities to be managed well to protect property owners, but
also for King County to where possible reduce areas that need to be protected with expensive flood
protection facilities.
2-Yeat Obiectives
. Updated Floodplain
Management Plan that
teflects these
S-Year Obiectives
r Flood protection facilities ate managed
in way that considen multiple benefits.
o Fewet people face residual flood dsk
ftom being behind a flood protection
Long-Tetm Obiectives
o Flood protection
facilities are minimally
needed for
communities to be
I mplement ation Plan /Actions
The following are sttategies suppoted by the King County Flood Hazatd Management Plan that
should continue:
1. Whete possible, King County should remove flood ptotection facilities and allow rivers to
reconnect to their floodplains.
2. If flood protection facilities cannot be temoved, Kirg County should consider setting the
facilities back to allow floodplain storage.
3. Utilize bioengineering in repairs, enhancements, or temporaty measures. Bioengineering
incotporates live plants and large wood in an effort to teduce flood velocities while protecting
aspects of flood protection facilities.
4. Cteate criteria fot when these flood ptotection facility altematives would be utilized.
5. Create criteria based on King County Code and the Flood HazardManagement Plan for the
conditions to construct a new flood protection facility or a new dam.
6. Ensute levees and dams are designed fot earthquakes and are inspected immediately one.
Flood protection facilities should also be continually managed considering seismic risks.
Petfotmance Measures
o Numbet of properties and buildings in the levee-protected areas.
o Linear feet of flood ptotection facilities set back or removed.
o Flood protection facilities damaged by earthquakes.
lf, t<ngc.,n ty
Seismic Evaluation of King County Courthouse and Maleng Regional Justice Center
Aaron Bett,
Deputy Director
Jim But, Capital
Projects Section
Hazatds Mitigated /
Goals Addtessed
Funding Soutces and
Estimated Costs
FEMA PDM, KC Capital
Budget, $200,000
Seismic evaluation of the I(ing County Courthouse and Maleng RegionalJustice Center, per the
cuffent standatds of FEMA-178 and ASCE 41-1.3, Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Existing
Buildings. An updated assessment of building risks is needed for further seismic hazatd mitigation
planning and seismic retrofit, to protect and mirigate against potential loss of life, loss of asset, and
loss of essential function capabilities dudng and immediately after an earthquake event.
King County last completed a seismic hazard assessment of its essential facilities in 7993, based on
building codes and seismic hazard protection data available at that time. Since then, earthquakes have
produced unexpected andmajor infrastructure damage and loss of life from telatively small seismic
events and have contdbuted to new data supporting major tevisions to seismic mitigation strategies
and building codes.
An ASCE 41-13 seismic evaluation is the ftst step toward eathquake hazardmitigation. Evaluation
findings vdll be used to plan, design, fund and construct needed seismic retrofit proiects.
2-Ye* Obiectives
r Seismic evaluations, per the
cutfent standards of FEMA-
178 andASCE 41.-'1.3, Seismic
Evaluation and Retrofit of
ExistinE Buildines.
5-Year Obiectives
r Identi& funding for planning,
design and construction of all
needed seismic rettofit
Long-Tetm Obiectives
o Seismic retrofit to
meet or exceed
cuffent standatds of
I mplem ent ation Plan / Actions
. Pte-Application submitted to Washington Emergency Management Division for a2020 FEMA
Pre-Disaster Mitigation gtant fot Advance Assistance.
o Draft and telease RFP for complete building seismic evaluation.
o Based on evaluation findings and available funding, plan and budget building retrofit work and/or
apply for future FEMA Building Resilient Inftastructute & Communities to fund seismic retrofit.
Petformance Measute
r Achievement of Pte-Disastet Mitigation Advance Assistance gtant, or feedback from WA EMD
on strength of application, achievement of assessment in 2years, achievement of reffofit ptoject
funding in 5 years.
lntegrate ESJ into Mitigation, Response, and RecoveryActivities
Senior Manager
OfFrce of Equity and Social
Justice, Public Health SKC
Hazatds Mitigated /
Goals Addressed
All Hazatds
Goal2,6, 1.0, 1.4
Funding Sources and
Estimated Costs
Existing Funding
King County Emetgency Management considers impacts and benefits to populations more likely to
suffet damage or long recovery times during disaster mitigation, respoflse, and recovery activities.
Vulnetable populations, defined hete as those more likely to suffer losses during disasters and recover
mote slowly afterward, should be a pdmary focus of an emergency management program. This is fully
consistent w"ith out chatge of identi$ring and addressing the greatest sources of vulnerability. As pat
of this strateg/, King County Emetgency Management will identify vulnerable areas and develop
action plans to ensure that populations more likely to suffer damage are priodtized in accordance with
need. This includes ptiotitized mitigation projects to teduce risks, identification and prioritization of
resoutces during response, and additional support and assistance to increase resilience and reduce
recovery times aftet a disaster.
2-Yeat Obiectives
o Develop a geospatial
tool to ensure that
resources are distributed
equitably and according
to need.
5-Year Obiectives
o Implement priodtized
mitigation strategies
benefitting populations
more vulnerable to hazards.
Long-Term Obiectives
o Emergency management
activities ate prioritized
according to a comprehensive
undetstanding o f vulnerability
and need.
Implement ation Plan / Actions
r Expand identiFrcation sources of population vulnerability and likely impacts to vulnerable
populations from different hazards.
o ljse identified priority languages to expand outteach and notifi.cation capabilities.
r Compile a database of inftastructute vulnerability/inequity for use in mitigation, response, and
recovery planning activities by working with KC GIS.
o Increase outteach in priority areas with vulnemble populations by engaging with community
partners thtough the ptepatedness ptograrn. Potentially mimic Seattle's Ambassadots program.
I Include insurance information in preparedness outteach.
o Build a geospatial tool to tack impacts and resource delivery during disaster response activities
and develop ESJ objectives fot EOC operations.
o DeveloP SOPs for use during activations that ensure staff consider population vulnerability with
or without requests from communities. Consider creating an ESJ-specihc position ot ESJ-specific
position responsibilities for work viithin the EOC.
o Work with county agency partners to prioritize projects that reduce risk in areas vzith vulnerable
populations (as deFrned in this plan), including through planning effotts such as subarea plans.
r Develop an infrastructure equity map.
r Develop ahazardvulnetability component map to use in comptehensive planning.
r Crosswalk climate risk and population vulnerability with SCAP actions.
Performance Measute
r # mitigation projects specifically benefi tting vulnerable communities/populations
r KCEM did/did not identi4r potential needs in vulnerable communities, regardless of resource
teceived ftom those communities
Seismic Lifeline Route Resilience
Hazards Mitigated /
Goals Addtessed
Eathquake /
Funding Sources and
Estimated Costs
Capital Budget
General Fund
King County is able to conduct life-safety response and recovery operations throughout the county
following a catastrophic cascadia Subduction Zone or Seattle Fault eathquake.
Following a major eatthquake, at least three-quarters of all state-managed bddges will be inoperable
fot at least one-thtee months. This threatens the ability of responders to conduct life safety
operations, fot life saving resources to be distributed, and for communities to begin to transition to
recovery. This sftategy will build on state and fedenl assessments of ftansportation vulnerability to
identi$' tegional lifeline routes fot King County and prioritize vulnerable segments for mitigation
2-Year Obiectives
o Convene a multiagency
committee to develop a strategy
o Identi& potential lifeline routes
and toute vulnerabilities.
5-Yeat Obiectives
o Develop a priodtized list of
lifeline routes and submit to
the Executive and Council
Long-Tetm Obiectives
r Develop, maintain,
and expand the
resilient transportation
Implement ation Plan /Actions
o KC EM will work with WSDOT, DLS, and others to teview the completed RRAP for critical
transpottation and to identi$' potential seismic lifeline routes. Work with UW to verift RRAP
r Based on identified lifeline routes, identifi necessary mitigation to protect and expand those
o PnorilJlze investments based in part on population vuleerability and likelihood of self-sustaining
for a longet period of time.
o Continue this effot thtough the sttategy identified by King County Roads to retrofit seismically-
vulnemble bridges.
Perfotmance Measure
e Lifeline routes are identified
o # projects completed to sftengthen the seismic lifeline routes
lntegrate Hazard Mitigation and Comprehensive Planning
Office of the Execudve
Hazards Mitigated /
Goals Addressed
All /
Funding Soutces and
Estimated Costs
Comprehensive planning and regional initiatives like Vision 2050 account forhazardrisk and the role
that development pattems and climate change play in incteasing hazardrisk. These plans adopt
policies and land use pattems designed to limit hazard risk.
The most cost-effective mitigation measures are those that prevent the creation of risk thtough codes
and development standatds. At present, hazards ate barely mentioned in most countywide/region
wide planning documents. This strategy seeks to increase the integntion between mitigation, response,
and recovery concems and major land-use policies and plans, including the Growth Management Act,
PSRC Visions, and the Comprehensive Plan.
2-Yeat Obiectives
r Ptovide commerits on Vision
2050 updates.
r Provide feedback on2020
Comp Plan policies
S-Year Obiectives
. Fulll participate in the next
major update of the
comprehensive plan, ensuring
hazard risk and dsk reduction
is represented throughout.
Long-Term Obiectives
. Integrate hazards into
desired planning and
Implement ation Plan /Actions
o Wotk with planning agencies to identi8r a list of areas where hazardinformation would be helpful
in designing good policies.
o Socialize the concept of integratinghazardmitigation and comprehensive planning by attending
tegional meetings around the GMA and Comprehensive Plan as well as of City Manager and
Planning Director groups.
o Look into developing a land-use tool platform similar to Colorado's planningforhazards.com page
and that identifies tools that can be used to reduce hazatd risk, such as purchase of development
. Add hazard mitigation policies and strategies to the King County countywide planning policies to
be updated n2020.
. Integtate concepts of social vulnerability into comprehensive planning efforts in order to promote
the use of comprehensive planning to both redocihazard risk and bu-ild equity.
o Paticipate in WA Commerce and FEMA-led activities on how to consider hazards in
comprehensive planning.
Petformance Measure
o # of countywide planning policies addressing nattral and manmade hazards.
Engage Community Organizations in Emergency Management
Public Health SKC
Hazatds Mitigated /
Goals Addressed
Funding Sources and
Estimated Costs
Increase the participation of communities to identi$r local preparedness pdorities and opportunities to
do hazard mitigation, risk prevention, and community preparedness activities through the creation of
"community resiliency networks" using a model similar to the Public Health community health
networks. Use feedback ftom these community groups to influence response planning and
prioritization, including for catastrophic response and recovery planning.
Emergency planning typically ottdstutilizes existing community capabilities and undervalues the
resilience built into many communities, especially those that ate marginally tepresented or of lower-
income. Examples from around the country point out that a partnership with individuals and
otganizaions ftom these communities a can result in better emergency management, reduced risk, aid
in more rapid tecoveS, and even imptove day-to-day quality of life indicators. King County
Emergency Management will pattner with othet agencies to work more closely with communities to
identi$' oppotunities to strengthen the 14 Determinants of Equity through mitigation, establish
response needs, tecove{F priorities, and account for community capabilities that can be valuable
during disasters.
2-Yex Obiectives
. Bring together agencies to identi$'
potential community partners for
emergency management.
o Complete a community capability map.
o Complete an infrastructure equity map.
5-Year Obiectives
r Establish community
priorities for each
mission ztea and
ensure those priorities
are executed thtough
plans and actions.
Long-Tetm Obiectives
r Sustain a community
equity in emergency
management coalition.
Implement aton Plan /Actions
o DeveloP tools to identi$ ateas of inequity in emergency management, including for outteach,
language support, and the quatty of public inftastructute and services that may be damaged during
a disaster.
o Investigate developing a community equity committee for emergency management similar to
those used by King County Patks and Metro.
o Work vdth Public Health SKC and othet agency partners to expand the Trusted Partners Network
identi$' potential community organizaion partners w"ith whom KC EM could engage to leam
mote about capabilities and gaps.
o Record community-identified mitigation and pteparedness pdorities and invest in them.
Petfotmance Measure
. King County Emergency Management has prioritizedf caried out # of community-identiFred
Climate lntegration Training
Local Jurisdictions
Hazatds Mitigated /
Goals Addressed
All Hazatds
Funding Sources and
Estimated Costs
Existing Staff Time
All judsdictions consider climate and climate-induced hazardimpacts in their planning.
The King County Hazard Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan ptovides a framework for local and
regional action to reduce the impacts of natural and human-caused hazards in King County. Many of
the natural hazards coveted in the Plan, including flooding, wildfire, and landslides, are exacerbated by
climate change. Building from work initiated in the 2019-2OPlan update, the Office of Emergency
Management will host trainings with pattner jurisdictions on incotporating climate change intohazard
mitigation. The ttainings will include infotmation on how climate change affects natural hazards in
King County; how to evaluate and adjust hazardmitigation strategies to account for climate impacts,
including the potential for disproportionate impacts on frondine communities; and best practices for
sharing information about climate dsks with the public.
2-Yeat Obiectives
r Develop training
r Conduct training
5-Year Objectives
o Host periodic trainings and
integtate climate
considerations into classes or
seminars on wildfi.res, severe
weather, and planninq.
Long-Tetm Obiectives
. N/A
I mplement aaon Plan / Actions
o Work with SCAP team to develop climate planning training curriculum.
o Identi& and schedule opporhrnities to host climate trainings for King County and constituent
o Host ttainings during mitigation plan update meetings, winter weather seminats, wildhre seminars,
and other telated opportunities that bring local and county staff together to discuss hazards that
ate impacted by climate change.
Petformance Measute
o # trainings hosted
Disaster Skills Risk Reduction Training
KCEM Public
Ptogtam Manager
Community Outreach
Zone Coordtnators
King County Libraries
Hazards Mitigated /
Goals Addressed
All Hazards
Funding Sources and
Estimated Costs
I(ing County Emergency Management delivets the county's disaster educadon, and provides year-
tound ftee taining and education to county employees, residents, and orgarizations/businesses via
several programs and activities aimed at promoting personal and community risk reduction.
Disastet Skills Risk Reduction Training will provide education on natural and man-made hazards that
are present and could occur in King County and ways to mitigate and reduce impacts in addition to
increase community disastet ptepatedness, self-sufficiencn and protection of property.
2-Yeat Obiectives
I Complete orie Basic Disastet
Skills Ttainings (General
Ptepatedness/Risk Reduction)
w'ithin each
j urisdictions /unincorpotated
arcain I{ng County.
o TrzLin at least 1,500 residents
through Basic Disaster Skills
Tminings and MYN Facilitator
S-Year Obiectives
o Complete Advanced Disastet
Skills Trainings (Ffue Safety &
Bleeding Control) within each
j uris dictions /unincorporated
arcaln King County.
o Tmin at least 2,500 residents
in advanced skills such as Fte
extinguisher and bleeding
o Ttain at least 50 individuals to
serve as instructors for theit
te sp e c tive organiz ation,
community, depattment, or
Long-Term Obiectives
o Maintain consistent
ouffeach to high-risk
o Maintain consistent
advanced disaster
skills risk reduction
I mplement ation Plan f Actions
e Hold two ftainings a month at the King County Libraries or rvith local jurisdictions
. Connect with the Seattle King County Public Health Ethnic-centdc boards and ESJ newsletter for
trusted partners to support sharing events and training opportunities.
e Hold four quattedy wotkshops fot public educatots to ptovide continuing education for
community engagement specialists and public education and outreach coordinators.
. Modifr outreach efforts to miror need so rhat 80oh of outreach goes to the 20oh of the
population at highest risk.
r Look into partnering with public health to teach post-disaster environmental health dsk reduction
skills, includinfT emergency ddnking water, toxin exposure reduction, etc.
Performance Measure
. Using tign-in sheets, keep track of how many individuals ate attending Basic and Advanced
I Social Media hits
o Ethnic social media connections
Dam Failure Risk and lmpact Reduction
Safety Program
DNRP, Rivets
WA Depot of Ecology,
Dam Safety Office
Salmon Recovery Funding
Local Jurisdictions
Hazards Mitigated /
Goals Addtessed
Dam Failure /
Supplemental Goal15
Funding Sources and
Estimated Costs
FEMA Rehabilitation of
High Hazard Potential
Dam Grant Program
King County Flood
Control District
Various Salmon &
Environment Recovery
Lower the dsk and impacts of dam failute in King County
Washington State Dam Safety OfFrce will identi$r high and significant hazard dams that are in poor
condition. King County will gather information from othet sources about low hazard dams of interest.
King County will assist in seeking altemative funding structures to lowet the risk of failure.
Additionally, King County will seek altetnative funding stfl.rctures to decornmission identified dams
that thteaten envitonmental resoutces. Lasdy, resources will be sought to strengthen the integrity and
security of high and significanthazard dams in the County that are not feasible to remove.
2-Yeat Obiectives
Identi$'dams in King County that
are assessed to be in poor condition
by the Washington State DSO and
identiS' funding stfuctufes to
mitigate their risk. Begin dam
removal projects.
5-Year Obiectives
Eliminate the risk associated with
all dams in the County assessed to
be in poor condition by the
Washington State DSO.
Long-Term Obiectives
Decommission dams that
have outlived their
functional use, but still
remain operational and
pose a thteat to the
Implement ation Plan /Actions
o Washington State DSO will identift poor condition dams in the County rndrely them to KCEM.
. KCEM will wotk with DNRP, local jurisdictions, and tdbes to identi$r potential
fu nding/mitigation sftategies.
o Ensute vulnerable populations are accounted fot in outteach and risk assessments.
o lilZhete applicable, KCEM vrill assist in grant application development and administration.
Petformance Measure
o Number of mitigation actions for high hazard and significant dams that are in poor condition
o Number of dams removed.
o Number of dams with lovrered hazard classification through mitigation acdons.
Wildfire Preparedness and Risk Reduction
Hazard Mitigation
Parks, DLS, Permitting
KC Fire Disricts, WA
DNR, King Conservation
Disuict, Tribes, USFS, KC
Climate Pteparedness
Public Health Seatde-KC
Hazatds Mitigated /
Goals Addressed
tVildtue /
Funding Sources and
Estimated Costs
Existing Resources
As King County grows, and awareness of climate change-driven urildFrre risk grows, King County has
a cootdinated strategy to support individuals and local jurisdictions in identifting and managing
wildfte risk, including risk to property and public health.
Partner with King County communities, Fte districts, and other organizations to develop an integtated
King County strategy for uildfite. The strategy will teview cuffent efforts to addtess wildfre risk in
King County and develop recommendations for addressing identified gaps and opportunities. These
tecommendations will be carried out through a coordinated Ffue.ivise technical assistance program,
likely led by DNRP. This effot will be coordinated with a SCAP action seeking a similar outcome.
This sttategywill be based in part on the results of WA DNR effort to map the Wildland Urban
Interface in King County.
2-Year Obiectives
o Convene a multiagency
committee to develop a strategy
o Request funding for outreach
S-Year Obiectives
o Implement the sftategy
thtough coordiriated technical
assistance between the county
and local communities
Long-Term Obiectives
o Maintain consistent
outteach to
Implement ation Plan / Actions
r KC EM will work with DNRP, WLRD and the Climate Preparedness team to identify partners.
r Continue to partner with WA DNR and DLS to map WUI areas - ultimately use this map to
target strategy priorities.
o Socialize results of WUI mapping efforts with comprehensive plan staff and look into planning
policies that could limit density or development in fire-prone areas.
o Convene multiagency committee once WA DNR WUI maps are closer to being finalized
o Identifr existing pteparedness actions and gaps, including areas that arcf arc not receiving Firewise
outreach and suppott.
o Develop wildfire preparedness and mitigation coordination strategy and socialize it.
. DNRP to request $150k funding for an additional FTE to support Firewise efforts.
o Look into model codes, ordinances, or othet strategies to promote in addition to Firewise.
o Host an annual tabletop at the wildFte workshop held each year by KCEM.
Petfotmance Measure
o KC EM was successful/not successful in convening all the necessary partners to establish a
unified strategy for community wildfue preparedness and risk reduction.
Hazard Mitigation Assistance Grant Support
Local Jurisdictions
Hazards Mitigated /
Goals Addressed
Atr /
Funding Soutces and
Estimated Costs
Hazard Mitigation Assistance gtants go to the communities and projects most needed and more
effective at reducing risk, tegardless of a community's intemal capacity to administer federal grants.
With the passage of the Disaster Recovery Reform Act (DRRA) in 2018, the amount of federal grant
funding forhazard mitigation will top $300-700 million annually, at least a 3-fold increase over histodcal
averages. For 201,9, grants of up to $4 million, federal cost-share, will be available. The experience-
barrier to seeking these gtants has ptevented jurisdictions and county departments from applying. King
County Emergency Management is establishing a grant assistance program to lower these barders by
providing support in administering FEMA grants.
To pay for this sewice, King County will leverage local management costs, ptovided to grant
2-Year Obiectives
r Publish assistance guidelines
and implement at least one test
S-Yeat Obiectives
o Expand local capacity to
administer grants.
o Expand KC EM capacity to
support on application
Long-Term Obiectives
e Communities that
need grants
consistently are able to
seek them, regardless
of internal capairty.
Implement ation Plan /Actions
o Administet FEMA grants - Kitg County will administer gtants, to include submitting
teimbursements and documentation, completing quatedy reports, and managing grant kickoff
and closeout.
e Provide application technical assistance - King County will, as time allows, provide support and
technical assistance in developing applications. Jurisdictions will take the lead in application
development. King County may provide more support in the future.
e Establish a process to collect documentation and teimburse expenditures - King County will
establish a process to identi$r and track expenditures, and collect documentation necessary for
submission to FEMA and the State. King County will work with partners to ensure this process is
clear and straightforward.
e Develop an intedocal agreement process - Kitg County will develop and establish an intemal sub-
award agreement process that lays out expectations fot both paties in successfully administering
the grants and completing mitigation projects.
o Look into other fund sources post-disastet and accelerate projects like flooded home buyouts
before tebuildine occurs.
Perfotmance Measufe
o # Grants administeted on behalf of other agencies/communities.
Public Assistance Grant Support
KCEM Business
& Finance
King County Pubtc
Assistance Team
Flazards Mitigated
/ Goals Addtessed
Funding Sources and
Estimated Costs
FEMA 406 Mitigation
Post-Disaster Recovery following a Presidentially Declared Disaster vdll include taking full advantage
of the utilization of 406 Hzzard Mitigation funding made available exclusively to eligible agencies
v/ithin a quali$'ing jurisdiction.
The federal Public Assistance (?A) Disaster Recovery Grant Program supports govemmental and
govemmerit-type agencies recovery from major disastet declated by the Ptesident. While billions of
PA grants are ptovided and provide significant support to recovering agencies; mitigating future
occurrences of similar nature supports and strengthens resiliency on
long-term basis. The
tecognition of this is caried out through the provision of 406 Hazard Mitigation funds which are only
available to agencies to mitigate damages suffeted from a Presidentially Declated Disaster. These
funds are added to Ptoject Wotksheets for PA Grant funds. King County Emergency Management
serv'es as the County's Applicant Agent fot PA and oversees the disastet financial recovery efforts for
King County govemment agencies. This strategy seeks to inctease the number of 406Hazard
Mitigation projects added to Public Worksheets to increase King County government resilience in all
county agencies.
2-Yex Obiectives
o Provide the KC PA Team
(KCPAT) education and
outreach on the 406Hazard
Mitigation Grant Program.
o 50oh of all impacted eligible
KC govemment agencies
will identift at least one
mitigation project for each
PA PWs to mtigate/
ptevent/eliminate future
damage directly attributable
to the declared disaster.
5-Year Obiectives
. 750 of all impacted eligible
KC govemment agencies will
identify at least one
mitigation project for each
PA Project Worksheet to
mitigate/prevent/ eliminate
futute damage direcdy
attributable to the declared
Long-Term Obiectives
o 95oh of all impacted
eligible KC government
agencies will identi$' at
least one mitigation project
fot each PA Project
N7otksheet to
the damage ditectly
attributable to the declated
Implement aion Plan /Actions
r Prepare uaining materials on 406 Hazard Mitigation Program
r Conduct trainings for the King County Public Assistance Team
. DNRP will train opetations and engineering staff in the assessment of earthquake damaged
facilities. A WTD specific ATC- 20 class will be conducted in eady 2020 for opetations and
engineering staff. Response guides and ATC-20 placards for post-earthquake inspection and
FEMA cost ttacking forms are being placed in all offsite facilities.
r Develop a KCPAT Disaster Recovery Financial Management Plan
o Develop KCPAT Disaster Recovery Profiles
o Reptesent and suppoft each KCPAT agency during post-disaster recovery process
a Work with each impacted agency during a declared disaster to identi$r eligible 406 HM project(s)
Petfotmance Measute
o # of KCPAT members receiving training/outreach
o # of 406Hazard Mitigation Projects funded
o o/s of Impacted I{ing County govemment agencies receiving a 406 Hazatd Mitigation Ptoject
o Identi& local cost-share opportunities, including the flood control district.
Language Accessible Video Emergency Messaging
Risk Communications
Public Health Seatde & King
County. Office of the Director
King County
Hrzatds Mitigated /
Goals Addtessed
Funding Sources and
Estimated Costs
$100,000 +
Inctease the inventory of pte-scripted and ftanslated language accessible materials for public health
emergencies to aid in the rapid dissemination of public information and warning for a[,-hazards. Using
audio-video media, increase the reach of emetgency messaging for individuals with English as a
second-language and persons who use Amedcan Sign Language (ASL).
28.5% of King County citizens ate speakers of a non-English language and in some local language
communities, there is also a low tate of literacy in the spoken language. This mitigation strategy aims
to develop language accessible materials in an audio-video format to assist in public information and
warning for known hazards within King County. By ptoviding emergency messaging in an audio-video
fotmat, King County will be able to provide equitable access to culturally appropriate emergency
messaging for individuals who do not tead (in English or in their spoken language) and individuals
with language access needs (including individuals who speak American Sign Language). This
mitigation strategy u/ill aid in the tapid dissemination via web and social media of critical life-
safety/dsk reduction emergency messaging to all persons present in King County in the event of an
2-Yeat Obiectives
o Secure videographer
r Secute and train ASL
intelpreter service and
spokespeople from language
o Develop language accessible
emergency messaging using
audio-video format
o Conduct trial runs fot language
accessible emergency mes saging
S-Year Obiectives
r Implement language
accessible emergency
messaging fot public use
o Conduct public awareness
campaign to socialize language
accessible emetgency
Long-Term Obiectives
o Reduce delays in
issuing language
emergency messaging
Implement ation Plan / Actions
o Identi&, script, and translate /uanscteate emergency messaging for key hazards
r Issue request fot proposals for content videographer and interpreter services (including American
Sign Language)
o Film and ptoduce language accessible emergency messaging content
r Engage communities in teview and testing of language accessible emergency messaging
o Implement language accessible emergency messaging fot public use and dissemination
o Conduct public av/areness campaign to socialize language accessible emergency messaging
r Develop a social media strategy to suppoft the accessible video tools.
Petformance Measure
r Time for issuance/public broadcasting of language accessible emetgency messaging during
emergency activation(s)
King County Facilities lndoor Air Quality Monitoring Network
Envfuonmental Health
Emergency Response Plannet
Public Health - Seattle &
Kine Counw
King County
Hazatds Mitigated /
Goals Addressed
Wildfire Smoke
Funding Sources and
Estimated Costs
Develop and implement network of indoot air quality monitodng devices in King County operated
facilities to ensure the health and safety of King County employees during pedods of poor air quality
due to wildfte smoke inundation.
Ptocure and deploy 280 Dylos DCl100 true laser particle counters (indoot ait quality monitors) across
28 facilities owned and/ or managed by King County to aid in continuity of opemtion decision making
during periods of poor air quality during vildfte smoke events. Indoor air quality network would
enable the county to make infotmed decisions regarding the health and safety of employees working
in county owned/managed facilities and base facility closure decisions along established state
tecommended action thresholds fot PM2.5 levels. The Dylos DC1100 systems are portable units that
run at an estimated cost of $260.99 pet unit and have the capability of relaying recorded PM levels to a
cenffal computer fot active indoor air quality monitoring via integrated system telemetry.
2-Year Obiectives
o Ptocurement of Dylos DC1100
indoor air quality monitors
o Deployment of Dylos DC 1100
indoor air quality monitors
across 28 king county
owned/managed facilities
e Establishment of cenftalized
computer telemetry system for
active monitoring of indoor air
quality network
o Increase situational awareness
regarding indoor air quality of
King County facilities during
wildfue smoke events
S-Year Obiectives
r Assess indoor air quality
petformance of King County
facilities during wildfire smoke
I Identifr mitigation strategies
to further improve indoot air
quality of King County
facilities during wildfire smoke
I Imptove the overall indoot ait
quality performance of King
County facilities during
wildfire smoke events
Long-Tetm Obiectives
r Increase situational
awareness tegarding
indoor air quality of
King County facilities
during wildfire smoke
o Increase the ovetall air
quality petformance
of King County
facilities dudng
wildfire smoke events
to aid in maintaining
continuity of
operations dudng
periods of poot ait
Implement ation Plan /Actions
o Procurement of Dylos DC1100 indoor air quality monitors
r Deployment of Dylos DC1100 indoor air quality monitots across 28 King County Facilities
o Establish centralized computer telemetry system for active monitoring of indoot air quality
monitoring network
o Assess the performance of each King County facility during periods of poor air quality due to
wildfue smoke
o Determine if facility closures are waffanted based upon state tecommended air quaiity action
thresholds during periods of wildhre smoke inundation
o Identi& subsequent indoor air quality mitigation recommendations for improving facility
petformance during wildfire smoke events
Perfotmance Measure
o Pdoritization of facilities wananting further indoor air quality mitigation actions to improve
performance during periods of poor outdoor ait quality
o Development of indoor ak quality mitigation recommendations for prioritized facilities
lf, tct gc*ntty
Medical Gas Seismic Detection & Emergency Shut Off
Health Services
Health Section
Hatbowiew Medical Center
Hazards Mitigated /
Goals Addressed
Funding Sources and
Estimated Costs
Reduce the disruption to level 1 Irauma centets in King County following the event of alarge
eathquake by rettohtting level 1, ftauma centers with medical gas seismic detection and emergency
shut off systems.
Harboryiew Medical Centet is the only level 1 trauma center within King County and the State of
Washington. In the event of a large eathquake impacting the Puget Sound tegion, disruptions to
medical gas piping and delivery systems can significantly increase the tecovery time to resume
opetations. This sffategy proposes retrofitting the medical gas piping and delivery systems with eady
warning seismic detection and emetgency shut off valves in otdet to increase the capability of rapid
restoration of medical sewices following the event of alarge earthquake in order to expedite the
testotation of life saving operational capacity.
2-Year Obiectives
r Fund feasibility study
o Select consultants to complete
5-Year Obiectives
. Update medical gas piping
and plumbing code to require
seismic detection and
emergency shut off valves for
Level 1 trauma centers.
Long-Tetm Obiectives
o Expedite the
restoration of critical
life-saving operational
capacity for trauma
centers with a level 1
Implement ation Plan /Actions
r Allocate funding to conduct a feasibility study for seismic detection and emetgency shut off valve
upgtades for level 1 trauma centers in King County
r Issue Request for Proposal to conftact conduct of feasibility study
I Biased upon findings of feasibility study, update medical gas piping and plumbing code to require
seismic detection and emergency shut off valves fot medical gases for level 1 trauma ceriters.
Petformance Measute
r Completion of a feasibility study assessing cost-benefit outcome for seismic detection and
emergency shut off valve system upgtades
. Update medical gas piping and plumbing code to require seismic detection and emergency shut
off valves fot level 7 ftzurna centers.
City of Kent Plan Annex
The City of Kent is in the Cenftal Puget Sound area of NTashington
State. The Cities of Seattle and Tacoma lie 18 miles to the north
and south respectively. The City of Kent is approximately 34
squate miles.
Kent is geogtaphically bounded by the Olympic Mountain Range
and the Puget Sound to the west, The Cascade Mountain range to
the east, Lake lVashington to the North and Mount Rainier to the
southeast. Numerous small lakes and streams are located in and
around the City.
Kent was once a farming community cenffalized in the Gteen
Rivet Valley which is 25 feet above sea level. The landscape of Kent
changed tadically after the Howatd Hanson Dam was completed in 1,961,. Since that time, the valley has changed
from farming to commetcial and industrial intetests.
Kent has a mild climate with winds from the Pacific Ocean that normally bdng rain rather that snow Physical
features have defined sevetal geogtaphically distinct portions of the area; the Vallen the West Hill and the East
Hill. Residential development and supporting commetcial activity ate predominant on the East and West Hill
areas, with the industrial atea, centtal business district and City sewices located on the valley floor.
Kent is the second largest manufacturing and distribution center on the west coast and a major north/south
transportation coridot in the region. The Valley is mainly manufacturing and industrial in the north end, and
multifamily households, single family residents and light commetcial in the south end, with some industtial and
agdcultural uses also present in the southem portion. City services including City Hall and Public Works
maintenance facilities ate also located in the Valley.
The City sftetches up and ovet the East and West Hills to an elevation of 425 feet about sea level.
Kent is the third largest city within King County and the sixth largest city in the State of Washington with a
population of over 729,000. The 2010 Census showed Kent's as an ethnically diverse community. As of 2010 ,
27 .4o/o of Kent residents wete foreign bom. The Kent school district lists ovet 112 different languages spoken by
student families.
The downtown area of Kent is a cultural central center. It is home to Kent Station shopping and dining areas.
Kent Station is adjacent to the Norm Maleng RegionalJustice Center, the Showare Center, the Kent Commons
recreational facitty, and the Sound Transit Soundet Station. City Hall is located downtown near the historic
district populated vdth local small businesses.
The City of Kent is govemed by an elected Mayot, seven-member elected council and an appointed Chief
Administrative Officer. Besides establishing policies and tegulations, the Council approves financial expenditures
and the City's biennial budget. Elected by Kent voters during odd-numbered years, King City Councilmembers
serve four-year tems. They are non-partisan, meaning they do not fepfesent political patties, and are elected at-
latge, meaning they do not represent a specific geogtaphical area w'ithin the City of Kent. All Councilmembers
receive a monthly salary.
Jurisdiction Pro file
City of Kent
Incolporated: 1890
Population: 1.29,000
Area: 34 square miles
Website: kentwa.gov
Judsdiction Name HazardMitigation Plan Page 1
Development Ttends
Ftom its toots in agticulture to today's aetospace and high-tech manufacturing, Kent has come a long way since it
vras Frtst incolpotated. Novr a hub of innovation, Kent is a globally connected community. Kent is part of the
fourth largest warehouse and distribution centet in the nation. Current efforts are underway shift future growth
ftom watehousing and distribution to Kent's aerospace and advanced manufacturing sectors. This tansition will
inctease employment and stabilize the tax base.
Kent is a culturally rich destination, it features captivating neighborhoods, award winning parks, and nationally
accredited police and fte depattments. In tecent years, Kent has expedenced imptessive economic growth, and it
nationally known prime location for manufacturing. By the yeat 2035, Kent is planning for growth to
approximately 54,000 households and 82,000 jobs.
The increased population 'tn the arca will mean hazatds affect mote and more households. More people are
relaying on Kent's infrastructure including roads and utjlities. Cutrent hazatds are likely to need alatger respoflse
to assist the gtowing population.
Jurisdiction Point of Contact:
Name: Kimbedy Behymer
Tide: Emergency Management
Entity: Puget Sound Fire Authority
Phone: Q53)856-4343
Email: kbehymet@pugetsoundfte.org
Plan Prepared By:
Name: Kimbedy Behymer
Title: Emergency Management
Entity: Puget Sound Fire Authority
Phone: Q53) 856-4343
Email kbehymer@pugetsoundfire.org
Judsdiction Name HazardMitigation Plan Page2
City of Kent is not at
dsk of an avalanche
Itrsr. Sr'\r\r \ri\Ivt, \<- l'St ttrr trrtFIRzRRn
Jurisdiction Risk Summary
Hazard Risk and Vulnerability Summary
Avalanche n/a
Earthquake Earthquakes ate defined
as the sudden release of
energy occurring ftom
the collision or shifting
of custal plates on the
earth's surface or from
the fiacture of stressed
rock formations in that
crust. This telease of
energy results in the
earth shaking, rocking
rolling, iarring and
jolting; having the
potential to cause
minimal to great
Flood The City of Kent
experiences flooding to
some degtee neady
every year. This event is
most likely to occur
during "flood season"
between the months of
November and March
when tains are the
An eathquake has the potential
to affect up to 10002 of the city.
The Kent area has history of
documented earthquake activity.
Kent is geographically located in
andarea known as the Pacific
Ring of Fire. Western
Washington is framed by the
Pacific, North American, and
Juan de Fuca plates, with a
significant amount of active fault
lines identified. Kent is located
between t'wo notable faults: the
Seatde Fault and the Tacoma
The Puget Sound area, including
the City of Kent, is susceptible
to a subductiottzone eathquake.
These earthguakes occur along
the interface between tectonic
plates, generated from the
collision of theJuan de Fuca,
Pacific, and Noth American
plates. This area is also known
as the Cascadia Subduction
Zote- A Cascadia Subduction
Zone earthquake may teach 8.0-
9.0 on the Richter scale and the
duration of the shaking could
last for 2-4 minutes.
The Kent Valley was historically
inundated by large floods until
the construction of the Howard
Hanson Dam. Since operations
commenced :lr:'1.962, the dam in
combination with the levee
systems also constructed along
the Gteen fuver, has prevented
that degree of flooding and
limited flood damage.
Historical flooding ftom the
The most recent
earthquake that
affected the City of
Kent was the Nisqually
Quake in 2001. The
City of Kent received
$120,000.00 in disaster
teimbursement due to
minor damage.
Geological factors
affect how the Kent
area will fate during
and earthquake. The
Kent valley is
composed of soft
materials such as mud
artificial fill and layers
of sand and clay that
can amplif ground
shaking and make
overall damage more
intense. This,
liquefaction, can tesult
in local areas
experiencing severe
damage, especially
where the ground fails
under buildings,
pipelines or bddges.
Kent continues to
improve flood
prevention efforts with
dtainage and levee
improvements. Most
all tecent flood events
ate smallet localized
urban flooding events
during heavy tains.
These events impact
transportation routes.
Jurisdiction Name Hazard Mitigation Plan
White Rivet would with
Page 3
the Stuck River and spill water to
the north and south. The
original path of thelJ7hite fuvet
flowed north to the Duwamish
valley through I(ent. Mud
Mountain Dam was etected in
1948 to prevent massive
flooding in South ICng County
and North Pierce C
T'he arcavulnerable to landslides
are mosdy located on tlle edge
of the East Hill and West Hill.
Loss of life is of the most
concem. Death may tesult from
suffocation form being buried by
the landslide or traumatic injury
form the impact of sliding
material, or the collapse of
structure by the landslide.
Landslides can rcsult in the
disruption of roads,'s/ater,
sewer, gas electric and phone
lines, as well as serious damage
to public and ptivate property.
The topography of the
Kent atea has
histotically made the
area pfone to minor
landslides. For the
most part these
incidents have been in
remote locations
causing little to no
damage. In tecent
years howevef,
residential structures
have increased in areas
susceptible to
A sevete weather event could
affect any part of the City or the
entire City at once.
Winds of destructive speed bring
avarying degtee of damage
including downed trees and
u tility lines, transportation
intetruptions and ptopetty
During snow events
transportation systems are
impacted, isolating people in
their homes. Vehicle accidents
rise among those who ffy to
ddve. Access to emergency
sewices is delayed or impaired.
During exceptional storms
structures can be damaged by
increased weight on roofs
causing toof collapse.
The most recent severe
weathet event occurted
February 20L9. A
series of winter stoffis
produced historic snow
fall that impacted the
Puget Sound region
including Kent.
Altlough, not
quali$ring fot a
Ptesential Declatation
this storm event closed
schools and businesses
for several days. City
services were reduced
and Public Works
staffing, and matedals
cost dramatically
In the winter of
2008/2009 a sedes of
stotms caused
Landslide refers to the
downward movement of
masses of rcck and soil.
Landslides in the area
are mosdy masses of soil
ranging in volume ftom
just a few feet, to many
yards. The rate of ftavel
of a slide can range fiom
a few inches per month
to many feet per second
depending on slope,
material and water
content. Landslides can
be initiated by storms,
earthquakes, fires,
erosion, volcanic
eruptions and by human
modification of the land.
Sevete weather can
include events such as
rain, snow, ,1..t, h"il, i..
high winds, thunder ot
Jurisdiction Name Hazard Mitigation Plan
Page 4
Tsunami City of Kent is not at
risk of a tsunani event
Vildfire City of Kent is at little
risk of a large acre
wildfire. Howeve!,
there are areas of
wildland and uban
A Civil Disturbance can
happen any time or
place. A Civil
Distutbance can be
defined as a civil unrest
activity such as a
The latgest impact ftom these
volcanos would be ash-fall and
could impact 100o/o of the City.
It is possible that a very large
lahar from Mount Rainet could
reach the southern tip of the
Kent Valley
As defined by FEMA, a wildfire
is an unplanned unwanted fire
buming in a natural atea, such as
a forest, grassland, or prairie. As
building development expands
into these areas, home and
business may be situated in or
neaf afeas susceptible to
wildfires. This is called the
wildland urban interface.
Civil disturbances can cause a
variety of subsequent issues such
as violence and assault,
disordedy conduct, and
vandalism tesulting in propetty
an abutment of the
Howard Flansen Dam.
Due to this damage the
Kent Valley was at a
dtamatically increased
risk of flood for several
I93S: -n/a
Of the active cascade
volcanoes, Kent could
most likely receive
significant ash fall from
Mt. St. Helens, Mt.
Rainier, or Mt. Baker.
Volcanic ash is highly
disruptive to economic
a.cavinJ because it
covers just about
everything, infilttates
most openings, and is
highly abtasive. Ash is
slippery, especially
when wet; toads,
highways, and aitpott
runways may be
Automobile and jet
enEfnes may stall from
ash-clogged ait filtets
and moving parts can
be damaged from
abrasion, including
bearings, brakes and
Dry conditions during
sulnmef months
inctease the risk of an
urban intedace fire.
Generally, cities with
populations over
100,000, such and
I{ent, are more
vulnerable to civil
disturbances. High
Mount Rainet, Baker,
Hood and St. Flelens are
active volcanoes in the
Jurisdiction Name Hazard Mitigation Plan
trials ate
Page 5
strike that disrupts a
community and tequires
intervention to maintain
public safety.
Like other Cities and
businesses, the City of
Kent relies on a robust
information technology
system to operated day
to day and deliver
City govemment is susceptible
to a cyber incident either by
attack or equipment failure.
100% of serrices could be
affected by a cybet incidenr
The Howatd Hanson Dam is
located apptoximately 32 miles
upstfeam from I{ent on the
Green Rivet. In the event of a
catastrophic dam failure, the
river banks in the Kent area
could teach their peak in about
7.75 houts with the entire valley
being undet 8-15 feet of water
within 29 hours.
The scenario for failure at the
Mud Mountain Dam is much the
same. The dam lies 26 mils
ftom I(ent on the \7hite River.
Dam failure at this location
would have flood water going
over its banks reaching Kent in
4.5 hours with the valley
reaching flood levels of 4-1.2 feet
in 24 houts.
conducted at the
Regional Justice Center
and resulting in a
higher risk for civil
disturbance tequiring
heightened security.
Also, Kent's ShoWate
Centet is a moderate
sized venue with a
seating capaciq of
6,000. Events include:
hockey, basketball
toumaments, concefts,
shows and possible
The city has
expetienced equipment
failure of the main city
server. Several city
departments were
without critical systems
fot several days. This
short term, isolated
event highlighted the
need to have
redundant systems and
back up procedures for
cdtical tasks and
The City of Kent has
no history of complete
dam failute incidents.
However, ln2009
record storage capacity
at Howard Flanson
Dam revealed
depressions in the right
abutment area causing
the US Atmy Colps of
Engineers to limit
storage capacity to
30%. During that
time, the capacity
limitation increased the
likelihood of repetitive
flood dsks to the
Green River Valley
below the dam. The
dam abutment has
since been repaired and
the issues resolved.
Dam Failure Failure of the Howard
Hanson Dam and Mud
Mountain Dam would
significantly impact the
City of Kent
Jurisdiction Name Hazard Mitigation Plan Page 6
The community
expedences the regular
use, shipment and
storage ofa host of
hazardous materials and
is a main traffic route
for materials enroute to
other hazardous
matedals centers in the
Puget Sound tegion.
Kent's exposufe to
hazardous materials
includes tansportation
byrail, highway,
pipeline, and its storage
and use in industry
tfuoughout the City.
Kent has alarge quantity
of hazardous materials
sites. Over 100 sites file
Tier II reports and over
60 of those have
additional planning
tequirements under
Emetgency Planning
and Community Right-
to-knowAct (EPCRA).
The Olympic Pipeline
runs through
approximately 5.5 rniles
of the Kent valley.
An accident involving hazatdous
materials can happen anytime
and anyplace. The danger to life
and the environment is
dependent on the product type
and the amount of matedal
involved. A small amount of an
exttemely hazardous substance
can be more dangerous than a
latge spill of a less hazardous
The City of Kent is served by
the Puget Sound Regional Fire
Authority. Puget Sound fire
participates and is a member of
the robust Zone 3 Hazardous
Matedals Team that routinely
responds to hazardous rnaterials
City staff and atea business
would be affected by a public
health emetgency. City services
may be impacted due to reduced
staffing. Consequence of a
public health event are wide
tanging from just a few
individuals to large sections of
the population. City of Kent
While the possibility of
dam failure seems
remote, the tesults of
such an event cannot
be ignored.
The release of
hazardous materials
into the air has the
highest potential for
being life threatening.
Many liked thrcatening
chemicals are in
abundance in the area
and include chlorine,
anhydrous ammonia,
formaldehyde and
The most sedous
hazardous matedals
incidents would either
involve terrorist attack
or multiple incidents
occurdng at the same
time as a tesult of
another pdmary
incident like an
earthquake or flood.
Kent has not
expetienced a
significant public
health emergency
A public health incident
can happen at any time
either as a result of
another disaster event,
such as earthquake, ot
due to a wide spread
outbteak of a
communicable disease.
Jurisdiction Name Hazard Mitigation Plan
would look to Seattle
Terorism Terodst targets tend to
be located in urban
areas. Seats of
govemment, stadiums,
and public meeting
places ate high-value
targets that ptoduce
substantial news
County Public Health fot
Located in Kent are several
higher profile and/ ot lxge
gathering ceflters.
Kent has no history of
teffoflst events
Jurisdiction Name Hazatd Mitigation Plan Page 8
LMb Vd' Low
-_ :Modsateb LM
! Htsh t t4ode'ac
I VsrHUt
Liquefaction Potential
ftfl ri,tgco.rty
Hazard Areas:
ilS reNa loo-Year Hoodptain
SNS l4oderate to High Landslide Hazdd
: :: !: vorcanic Haztrd Are6
Fire Stations
Police Stations
P:$qs\di mt_sqc6\M !9imar\Mdsbdan_Mar6€ns\
i <s
@ n
6o \
Hazard and Asset Overview Map
Jurisdiction Name Hazard Mitigation Plan Page 9
Plan Update Process
In 2005 the City of Kent adopted its ftst Hazard Mitigation Plan. This was a multijurisdictional plan that included
King County Fire District #37 (now part of Puget Sound Fire Authodty). Stating in 2070, Kent joined with the
ICng County and the regional planning effotts and submitted a jurisdictional annex to the King County Regional
Hazard Mitigation Plan.
Thtough an intet-local agreement, Puget Sound Regional Fire Authority ptovides emergency management sewice
to the City of Kent. Emergency Management Cootdinatot Kimbetly Behymer coordinated the most recent
revisions of the City of Kent's annex to the King County Regional Hazatd Mitigation Plan and vrill maintain the
documentation in cooperation with King County Office of Emergency Management.
This plan was developed based on the City of Kent's Hazard Vulnetability and Identification Analysis (HIVA).
The HIVA is included as part of the City of Kent's Comptehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP). The
Hazard fusk and Vulnetability Summery was based on tlis information.
This annex evaluates risks that are likely to affect City of Kent tesidents and property.
This plan also takes into consideration other plans and ordinances that work together tithhazatd mitigation.
Plan input was gatheted ftom City departments that ptovided technical assistance to planning elements. See
Planning team listed below.
There were several opportunities that Puget Sound Emetgency Management took advantage to be involved in the
tegional planning effot. Puget Sound Emetgency Management was reptesented at sevetal regional planning
meeting hosted by King County Office of Emergency Management.
Residents were asked to provide comments focused on identi$ringhazards that cause the most concern. During
Kent Cornucopia Days, Puget Sound Emergency Management hosted a ptepatedness education booth.
Individuals left with information about how to best prepare and were asked to identift ahazard that concemed
them. Approximately 25, added ahazard to posted list. Staff interacted vith a few hundred individuals. A second
outreach event was conducted on August 27h. The Cities of Kent, SeaTac, Covington, Tukwila and Puget Sound
trire Authority hosted an infotmational meeting that included a presentation from King County Emergency
Management and solicited public input.
Jurisdiction Planning Team
Kimberly Behymet Plan Developer
Cathedne GIS
Bond Contributor/reviewer
Danielle Butsick Contributot/teviewet
Plan Update Timeline
Kick-off Meeting
EM Cootdinatot Puget Sound Fire
Emerqency Management
GIS Citrr of Kent GSI
Kent Public Wotks
rilson Buildias Official City of Kent Contributorr
Economic and
Nnun l r r r.r ()tit; \tlz lr ror (-t x t tilll 't tol.
1,1,/28/18 King County inttoduced
reqional hazard
Sl rrrr rrrrPr-a.ruNrNc Act'rvn'r' l) r r r
Jurisdiction Name Hazard Mitigation Plan
Kimbedy Behymet
Page 10
Mitigation Strategy
Hazatd Mitigation
Plan Development
Hazard Mitigation
Plan Development
Hazatd Mitigation
7 /2s/1.e
mitigation planning
s and timeline
Meetingwith Hazard
ffitigation Specialist
Derick Hiebert. City of
Kent will develop an
annex to the King
County Hazatd
Workshop conducted by
King County focused on
developing hazard
Meetingwith City
partners to discuss plan
development and
mitigation strategies
Email communication
with planning team
Staffed a both fot
disaster preparedness and
hazard mitigation.
Intescted with
numerous individuals
about how to best
prepare for a disaster.
Also, solicited input for
whathazards people are
most concemed about
Presentation ftom King
County Hazard
Mtigation Specialist
Derrick Hiebert about
hazardmitigation. 15
people in attendance.
Meeting was advertised
via multiple social media
channels. This was ioint
outreach meeting with
Kimbedy Behymer
Derrick Hiebert
I{imbetly Behymet
Bryan Bond
Chris Wadsworth
Catherine Cook
Steve Wilson
Kimbedy Behymer
Bryan Bond
Chris Wadsworth
Catherine Cook
Steve Wilson
Danielle Butsick
EM Staff
General public
Kent EM
Tukwila EM
Covington EM
Seatac EM
King County EM
Public Outreach
Public Outreach Events
Kent Cornucopia Days
Hazatd Mitigation
Outreach meeting
8/27 /19
July 72-74tn
l) r |r,EvnN'r Surrrr rrrr
Jurisdiction Name Hazard Mitigation Plan Page 11
the Gties of Kent,
SeaTag Covington
Tulsvila and Puget Sound
F e Authority
Jurisdiction Name Hazard Mitigation Plan Page 1,2
Jurisdiction Hazard Mitigation Program
Hazard mitigation sttategies wete developed through a two-step
process. Each jurisdiction met with an internal planning team to
identi$' a comptehensive range of mitigation sffategies. These
sttatepfes were then prioritized using a process established at the
county level and documented in the base plan.
Hazard mitigation stategies in the City of Kent are coordinated
and managed in collaboration vdth Office Emergency
Management and all affected departments within the City. The
initiatives developed during the annex updating were identified to
meet the goals and objectives of the city as they relate to
pteservation, health and safety, resiliency ofcity property and
systems, and community resiliency.
Plan Monitofing, Implementation, and Future Updates
King County leads the mitigation plan monitoring and update
pfocess and schedules the annual plan check-ins and bi-annual
mitigation strategy updates. Updates on mitigation ptojects are
solicited by the county for inclusion in the county'qride annual
report. As part of paticipating in the 2020 update to the Regional
Hazard Mitigation Plan, every jurisdiction agrees to convene their
intemal planning team at least annually to review their progress on
hazard mitigation strategies and to update the plan based on new
data or recent disasters.
As part of leading a countywide planning effort, King County
Emergency Management will send to planning partner any federal
notices of funding oppottunity for the Hazard Mitigation
Assistance Grant Progtam. Ptoposals from partners will be
assessed according the priodtization process identihed in this plan
and the county will, whete possible, support those partners
submitting grant pfoposals. This udll be a key strategy to
implement the plan.
The next plan update is expected to be due in April 2025. All
jurisdictions will submit letters of intent by 2023, at least two years prior to plan expiration. The county will lead
the next tegional planning effott, beginning at least 18 months before the expiration of the 2020 plan.
The City of Kent's Jurisdiction Hazatd Mitigation Plan Annex will be integrated and coordinated throughout the
planning efforts in the city when applicable. The planned goal is for the Annex to be an integtal part when
updating othet city plans such as: Comprehensive Plan,DninaEe Master Plan, Budget, Continuity of
Operations/Continuity of Govetnment Plan, Comprehensive Emetgency Management Plan. The Annex provides
an in-depth look at the current hazard risk and vulnetabilities that are instrumental when planning for growth and
capitalprojects in the city. TheJudsdictionHazard Mitigation Plan Annex has not been integrated into the
planning process in the past."
1,. Access to Affordable,
Healthy Food
2. Access to Health and
Fluman Services
3. Access to Patks and
Natural Resources
4. Access to Safe and
5. Affordable, Safe,
Quality Housing
6. Community and
Public Safety
7. Early Childhood
8. Economic
9. Equitable Law and
Justice System
10. Equality in
Govemment Practices
11. Family WageJobs and
Job Training
72. Healthy Built and
13. Quality Education
14. Strong, Vibsnt
Plan Goals
Jurisdiction Name Hazatd Mitigation Plan Page 13
Continued Public Participation
ICng County and its partner cities alteady maintains substantial public outreach capabilities, focusing on personal
prepatedness and education. Information on ongoing progress in implementing the hazard mitigation plan will be
integrated into public outteach efforts. This vdll provide I(ng County tesidents, akeady engaged in personal
preparedness effotts, with context and the opportunity to provide feedback on the county's progress and priorities
in large-scale mitigation. In the vertical integration of risk-teduction activities from personal to local to state and
fedetal, it is impotant that the public understand how its activities support, and are supported by, larger-scale
The outreach and mitigation teams will also condnue to work with media and other agency partners to publicize
mitigation success stories and help explain how'u'ulnerabilities ate being Frxed. When possible, public tours of
mitigation projects will be organized to allow community members to see successful mitigation in action.
Hazard Mitigation Authorities, Responsibilities, and Capabilities
This is the font I will use for the body text (Garamond)
Comptehensive Plan
Management Plan
Drainage Management
Puget Sound Fire
Emetgency Management
Kimbedy Behymer
The long-tange guiding
plan fot land us and
development tegulations
in the City of I(ent.
Guides future Hazard
Mitigation Planning
Tlr.eHazard Mtigation
Plan provides the risk
ptofiles that support the
development of the
Long range plan to
This document
specifically addtesses
emergency fesponse
planning as it applies to
watef system.
o Define dtasnage
problems and
Identi$' and
update capttal
solutions to Mill
and Springbrook
Economic & Community
Capital Facilities Plan Parks Facilities
IVater Response Plan Public Works
Public Wotks
Bryan Bond
Bryan Bond
I{tisl,rl\slLlt.t..\r;t,rr.t 1)()t\l ()tr(lort tr;t Itr,.r. r'r'tr )\st l|, I ( )
I I tz rrrn ilIlt tr; t ttor
l)t. \r.
Pr-;rN TtrI-r
Jurisdiction Name Hazard Mitigation Plan Page L4
a Document
federal and state
Comprehensive Sewer
Public Works Bryan Bond Develop a
comprehensive sewerage
plan that allows a logical
and cost-effective
development of facilities
in the area served by City
Building Codes assist in
the development and
enforcement of seismic
teftofits and new
constructions to assist in
the prevention of future
and repeat losses.
All aspects of Hazard
Mitigation, coordinates
and collaborates udth all
stakeholders within the
city govemment and
Regulates activities in
critical atea within the
Programs, Policies, and Processes
Building Codes
Management Progtam
Puget Sound Fire EM
Critical Areas
Public Works
This is the font I will use for the body text (Garamond)
Entities Responsible for Hazard Mitigation
Public Vorks
-DsvelepgeqqOffice of the
-llrqasagnt- -Parks Department
National Flood Insurance Program
Jurisdiction Name Hazatd Mitigation Plan
Storm water and ilon
Planning Building Code and Land Use development
Overall t
Kimberly Behymer Hazatd Mtigation Plan implementation, Community
Julie Parascondola Management of City parks and facilities fot Hazard
Catherine Crook
Building Depattment
ChiefJeff DiDonoto
Steve Wilson
l{t:1. t't tt )\sl lll) l ( )
I I rz r rin NIr rrr ; \'l l( )\
I)t. tr
Tim LaPotte
Kurt Hanson
Derek Matheson- CAO
llltst,r trsttitt.r't \ (s)Acarvcv/ORGANIZAT'ION I)orxl r lr'(lol r'\r 'r
of bazards and risk
Page 15
This is the font I will use for the body text (Garamond).
National Flood Insurance Program Compliance
What department is tesponsible for floodplain
management in your community?
Who is your community's floodplain
What is the date of adoption of your flood
Vhen was the most fecent Community
Assistance Visit or Community Assistance
Does your community have any outstanding
NFIP compliance violations that need to be
addressed? Ifs ase state what are?
Do your flood hazard maps adequately address
the flood tisk within your comrnunity? If so,
please state why.
Does your floodplain management staff need any
assistance or training to support its floodplain
management pfogfam? If so, what type of
Does your community participate in the
Community Rating System (CRS)? If so, what is
yout CRS Classification and are you seeing to
improve your tating? If not, ie your community
interested in cRs?
Public Works E ngineering administets flood hazard
tegulations and NFIP compliance. Economic and
Community Development handles flood hazard
Chris Wadsworth, CFM
Engineering Designer II / Local Flood Official
KCC 1.4.22 adopted April, 1982. Please note that
cuffent fl.oodhazard code is KCC 14.09.
Last CAV: November 3rd,2015
CAV Completed: September 7e,2018
All NFIP compliance issues identiFted on the 2015
CAV have been addtessed and acknowledged by
No. Maps are ftom 1995, arc based on data from
7979 and 1987, and were only for projected
development thtough l99L Updated maps scheduled
for telease in May of 2020 only account for updated
Green River mapping in ateas protected by the
Hotseshoe Bend Levee, and do not update for local
creeks (I4i1l CreeL" Garrison Creek, Springbrook
or !grc3! dr-ainage.-
FIow many Severe Repetitive Loss (SRL) and
Repetitive Loss (RL) ptoperties are located in
yout iutisdiction?
Has yout community evet conducted an elevation
or buy out ofa flood-prone property? Ifso, what
fund soutce did you use? If not, are you
intercsted in pursuing buyouts of flood prone
Not at this time. The City of Kent's flood hazard
code (I(CC 14.09) and floodzone permit (R.EFZ) are
being worked on to improve processes.
Yes. CRS Class 5 as of May 141&,2A19. Class 6 prior
to that.
Public Works Engineedng administers flood hazard
regulations and NFIP compliance. Economic and
Community Developrnent handles flood hazard
Hazard Mitigation Strategies
2015 Hazard Mitigation Strategy Status
l)litotit'l \StnarEcr-l)t sr.titt't t< x S'r'r'r'r 's
Jurisdiction Name Hazard Mitigation Plan Page 16
KE1 P itorjrljrz e s eismic tetrofit
for critical facilities to
meet the most cuffent
standatds fot new
buildings to the
maKtnum extent ossible
Mtigate the non-
structural impacts of an
eathquake on City
owned critical facilities
Enhance public
notihcation system.
Implement a public
awareness campaign
focused on NOAA
weather tadios. Improve
the existing Traffitc
Information System by
increasing coverage area
and alert beacons.
Identi$ slope areas that
tfueateo criticatr facilities
due to lack of vegetation
and erosion control.
Prioritize and implement
slope stabilization
Increase public educailon
efforts towatds
pteventing stovetop
cooking Ftres the cause of
most tesidential ltes
No teport
KE2 Encourage city
depatment to practice
good mitigation
pdnciples when
remodeling and updating
office space.
Partneted with King
County Emergency
Management to integtate
both teverse 9L1 systems
(CodeRed). Emetgency
messages can be
deliveted across
jurisdictional lines.
Puget Sound Fire
Regional Fire Authority
ptovides fre public
education to tesidence
No report
No teport
No repott
Update to Kent
City Code 14.09
to reflect
Identify reoccurfing
utility outages and work
with utility providers to
remove hazards along
f-hose areas
Make available back up
powef soufces to
vulnerable populations
Consffuct a facility that
would house a
pemanent Emergency
Coordination Center
Continue to maintain
compliance and good
standing under the
National Flood Insurance
Jurisdiction Name Hazard Mitigation Plan
Ongoing a
Page 17
KE 10 Work to achieve FEMA
accreditation on the
Green Rivet Levees per
the Green River Levee
Improvement Program,
which includes studies,
inspections, retrofi.ts and
new constfuction along
the Green River in Kent.
Continue to complete
ptojects identified in the
City of l(ent's Drainage
Master Plan. The
Dtainage Mastet Plan
evaluates and
recommends facility
capital imptovement
needs to teduce flood
update scheduled
for August L9,
Conduct annual
and five-yeat
v91!fi94tion 9ycl9,
received for
Horseshoe Bend
construction and
repairs necessary
fot accreditation
are complete for
Foster Park,
Hawley Road,
Upper Russell
Road (SR 516 to
S 231$ Way),
Boeing and
are necessary for
accreditation at
the older King
County reaches
of Horseshoe
Bend, Milwaukee
II, Kent Airport,
Signature Pointe,
Lowet Russell
and Frager Road
These teaches are
either in desgn
or cunently
KE 11 Wotk on projects
identified in the DMP are
ongoing as well as newly
identified projects not
originally listed in the
Jurisdiction Name Hazard Mitigation Plan
Page 18
KE 14
KE 15
KE 16
S-2 Eaahquake
dsks, imptove water
quality, enhance fish
passage and in-
stteam / npaian habitats,
and to efficiently serve
planned gtowth. Projects
include dam retrofits,
culvett replacements,
stream enhancement and
cteation among many
Continue to
ma:r;rtanfenhance the
City's status under the
Community R"tirg
System program
Integrate the Hazatd
Mitigation Plan into
other plans, otdinances
or programs to dictate
land uses within the
Where appropriate
suppoft retrofiuing
purchase, or relocation of
structufes located in
hazatd-ptone areas to
protect structufes ftom
futute damaggwith
properties with exposure
to repetitive losses as a
Continue to suppott the
county-wide initiative
identified in this plan
Actively participate in the
plan maintenance stfategy
identified in this plan
Kimbedy Behymet -
Of6ce of Emergency
Ongoing In 2018, Kent increased its
CRS rating from Class 6 to
Class 5 and continues
requked activities to maintain
that rating.
The City of I(ent has had
an adopted Mitigation
Plan since 2005.
However, this plan has
not been fully integrated
with othet City plans and
Kent does fiot cuffendy
have buyout or elevation
Where appropriate
comment and participate
in County-wide projects
Participated in the
Mitigation Plan annual
reviews and fotmal
2020 Hazard Mitigation Strategies
S - l Community
Ongoing ModetateJenny Kerzer - Office of
S:rRatecy l)titotit t tI t,tn.\r;r,\(,\ /1)()(- l r\l t.t\r
Jurisdiction Name Hazard Mitigation Plan
Ongoing High
Page 19
S- 1 Community Resiliency
Lead POC
Jeff DiDonato -
Emergency Manager
Partner Points of
Kimbedy Behymer -
EM Cootdinator
Jenny Keizer -
EM Specialist
Hazards Mitigated / Goals
All Hazards
Funding Sources /
Estimated Costs
o General
o Grants
Strategy Vision/Obiective
A community and City staff that understands and is prepated for afl,hazard and understands the limitations of
govemment iesponse capabilities.
Mitigation Sttategy
Provide emergency management and pteparedness training to the Kent community including residence, business,
school groups and City staff.
2-Yex Objectives
Conduct six CERT ftaining
Increase HAM volunteet gtoup
Conduct four business ouffeach
taining fot business cont.
Conduct two ECC position specific
training to City of Kent staff.
Ptovide one school specific training
to members of the Kent School
S-Year Objectives
Conduct a functional exetcise of the Kent
ECC that includes:
Long-Tetm Obiectives
A prepated, tesilient
A fiily staffed and
functioning ECC
Implement ation Plan / Actions
Continue to conduct at least thtee Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) tminings eachyear
Offer CERT training in local businesses, including the 16-hour modihed ftaining
Meet with community groups to promote emergency preparedness
Ptomote and tmin Ham mdio operators to support Kent Emergency Management and Kent ECC
Promote training to City staff
Performance Measures
Annual inctease of individuals taining and ptepated for allhazardl
Bryan Bond - Public
OngoingS-3 Flooding
Jurisdiction Name Hazatd Mitigation Plan
Page 20
S 2 Eafthquake Resiliency
Lead POC
Kimbetly Behymer -
EM Coordinator
Partner Points of
Public Works
Public Works
Hazatds Mitigated / Goals
Funding Sources /
Estimated Costs
Hazatd Mitigation
Strategy Vision/Obiective
A seismic resilient City that can continue to deliver critical services aftet an earthquake.
Mitigation Strategy
Increase the seismic tesilience of critical City services such as: water system, sewer system and geneml city sewices.
2-Yeat Obiectives
Continue to conduct non-structure
mitigation measures at all City
Develop ^watet system seismic
retroFrt plan
5-Year Obiectives
Implement plans fot watet and sewer retrofit
Long-Term Obiectives
A City government that is
seismically tesilient.
Implement ation Plan /Actions
Replace water system with seismically teuofitted components
Ensure govemment serrices can continue by taking non-stfuctural mitigation steps in all city facilities
Performance Measutes
Incteased seismically resilient City
Judsdiction Name Hazard Mitigation Plan Page 2'1.
S -3 Flooding
Lead POC
Kimberly Behymet -
EM Coordinatot
Partner Points of
Public Wotks
Public Wotks
Hazards Mitigated / Goals
Funding Sources /
Estimated Costs
King County Flood
Control District
Storm Drainage
Hazard Mitigation
Grant proqram
Sttategy Vision/ Obiective
Reduce rick to public and private property during flood events.
Mitigation Strategy
Identift and complete flood mitigation ptojects including levee imptovemerits and stotmwater capacity
2-Year Obiectives
r Lower Russel Levee
r Mill Cteek Reestablishment
. Uppet Mill Cteek Dam
o Green fuver Natutal
Resources Area South
Pump Station
5-Year Obiectives
r Signature Pointe Levee
o Milwaukee II Levee
o Frager Road Levee
o Kent Airport Levee
Long-Term Obiectives
Flood tesilience
Implement ation Plan / Actions
Petformance Measutes
Identified projects complete
Jurisdiction Name Hazard Mitigation Plan Page 22