HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2020-230 - Original - US Dept of the Interior - US Geological Survey (USGS) Joint Funding Agreement - 10/01/2019ApprovalOriginator:Department: Date Sent:Date Required: Authorized to Sign: †Director or Designee † Mayor Date of Council Approval: Budget Account Number: Budget? † Yes † No Grant? † Yes † No Type:Review/Signatures/RoutingDate Received by City Attorney:Comments: Date Routed to the Mayor’s Office: Date Routed to the City Clerk’s Office:Agreement InformationVendor Name:Category: Vendor Number:Sub-Category: Project Name: Project Details: Agreement Amount: Start Date: Basis for Selection of Contractor: Termination Date: Local Business? † Yes † No* *If meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100, please complete “Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions” form on Cityspace. Notice required prior to disclosure? † Yes † No Contract Number: Agreement Routing Form For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management This form combines & replaces the Request for Mayor’s Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cherry colored paper) Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreementsadccW22373_1_20 Nancy Yoshitake for Toby Hallock Public Works 7/8/20 7/15/20 ✔7/7/20 ✔ 44005240 and W20005 ✔N/A US Geological Survey Contract USGS Joint Funding Agreement for Water Resource Investigations Installation, Operation, and Maintenance of Stream Gaging Stations $108,360 8/1/2020 9/30/2020 ✔ ✔ July 8, 2020 CAG2020-230 Original             2$(*"7-*<4/< % * < *5 0<  <1.:;<9&6!< < +)<3$'*#8,*< < 9wbP|#|""| <g|<Z]P|<EMwsZr| 1Zs{|cR|:Pbs| ""|$/xPbwP|AcwsY| :Pbs|DErYZbXscb|*)#"%)*%| 2PEg|<g|<EMwsZr+|             3bI^crPN|Rcg|{cwg|gPxZPy|EbN|rZXbEswi|Zr|E|RZzPNIcrs|9cZbs|5wbNZbX|/XgQaPbs|95/|Vg|sYP| cegEsZcb|EbN|aEZbsPbEbK|cR|sYP|IccdPgEsZxP|rsiEaXEXZbX|dgcXgEa|GvPPb|sYP|CA6A|EbN|sYP| 1Zs{|cR|:Pbs|1[s{|Rcg|RPNPgE^|UrJ^|{PEg|""|>McGg||"*||APdsPaGg|#|""|7s|ZbI^wNPr| sYP|ZbrsE^^EsZcb|EbN|cdPgEsZcb|EbN|aEZbsPbEbK|cR|vc|bPy|rsgPEaXEXPr|cb|sYP|6gPPb|@ZxPg| /| NPsEZ^PN|NPrIjdsZcb|cR|sYP|dgcXgEa|Zr|dgcxZNPN|Zb|sYP|PbI^crPN|sEF`P|BYP|scsE`|UzPN|Icrs|cR|sYZr| dgcXgEa|Zr|'"*%|cR|yYZIY|sYP|1Zs{r|rYEgP|Zr|)#'| 7R|sYZr|EXgPPaPbs|Zr|EIKdsEF^P|sc|sYP|1Zs{|d^PErP|rZXb|FcsY|LdZPr|cR|sYP|PbI^crPN|95/|EbN|iswl| cbP|Icd{|sc|sYP|ENNgPrr|EHxP|/^rc |d^PErP|Icad^PsP|sYP|IwrscaPg|IcbsEM|ZbRckEsZcb|cb|dEXP|vc| cR|sYP|95/|?;4A3|=>B3-|7b|cgNPg|sc|IcbsZbwP|cdPgEsZcb|cR|sYPrP|XEXPr |sYP|CA6A|yZ`^|bPPN|E| rZXbPN|EXgPPaPbs|bc|`EsPg|sYEb|9wbP|# |""| BYP|CA6A|y[^^|FZ^`|{cw|fwEpPg^{ |Zb|Rcwg|PfwE`|Eacwbsr|5cg|FZ``ZbX|dwncrPr|sYP|CA6A|wrPr| 2PdEqaPbs|cR|sYP|8bsPjcg|2cyb|?E{aPbs|0Z^`|@PfwPrs|Vga|bwaFPg|2_|8R|{cw|YExP| fwPrsZcbr|iXEgNZbX|FZ`^ZbX|d^PErP|IcbsEM|AYEgFgE|6chcbALt|0wNXPs|/bE^{rs|Es|"%#|%%"'*)| cg|rXcgNcbrIcu.wrXrXcx|BYP|CA6A|YEr|B7=|bwaFPg|*'"&|cb|U^P|Rcg|sYP|1Zs{|cR|:Pbs|8R| sYZr|bwaGg|Zr|ZbIcgiM |d`PErP|IcbsEM|AYEgFgE|yZsY|sYP|IcgiM|bwaGg| 5cg|{cwg|ZbRckEsZcb|sYP|CA6A|2C=A|bwaGg|Zr|*"'#)| 7s|Zr|wbNPosccN|sYEs|sYP|gPrw^sr|cR|sYZr|ycg]|yZ^`|FP|ExEZ^EF`P|sc|sYP|CA6A|Vg|dwF`ZJsZcb|EbN|wrP|Zb| IcbbPMZcb|yZsY|gP^EsPN|ycg]|7b|ENNZsZcb|sYP|CA6A|aE{|dgcxZNP|wbdwF^ZrYPN|CA6A|NEsE|cg| ZbRcgaEsZcb|sc|{cwg|cT[K|Rcg|rIZPbs[UI|dPPg|EbN|cg|IcwpPr{|ixZPy|NwjbX|sYP|IcwoP|cR|sYZr|\cZbs`{| d`EbbPN|EMZxZs{|EbN|dEqbPoYZd|6wZNEbK|IcbKmZbX|CA6Ar|bcbNZrI^crwi|dc`ZI{|yZ^^|G|dgcxZNPN| yZsY|Eb {|gPxZPy|aEsPjE`|EbN|Zr|WqYPg|Pzd`EZbPN|Zb|CA6A|1ZgIw`Eg| #'(|      ExEZ`EF`P|Es|Ytd,dwFrwrXrXcxIZgO#'(dNS1!#'(dNR|    ,A@6>A0(?+A(5@A8>+;<165;A73+(;+A)65=()<A #(+/(5A>,-4(5A '+;<+95A'(;015/=65A 1+3*A!,-1)+A01+,A (<AA  A69A90>,-4(5>;/;/6?A69A (92A (;<15A;;1;<(5<A+5<+9A19+)<69A(<AA  A69A4)4(;<15>;/;/6?A $15)+9+3@A @5<01(A(:65A "0 A A   A +5<+9A19+)<69A 5)36;>9+;A ))A #(+/(5A>,,4(5AA'+;<+95A'(;015/<65A1+3*A!.1)+A01+,A&$$A''$A%()64(A'A (92A (;<15A;;1;<(5<A19+)<69A &$$A''$A%()64(A'A CYNTHIA BARTON Digitally signed by CYNTHIA BARTON Date: 2020.06.03 09:21:21 -07'00' -eka‚! ‚ 9H~‚ ‚ #!? 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The original records result i ng from this program will be deposited in the office of orig in of those records . Upon request, copies of the origina l records will be prov ided to the office of the other party . 8. The maps , records , or reports resulting from this program shall be made available to the public as promptly as possible . The maps , records , or reports normally will be published by the party of the first part. However, the party of the second part reserves the right to publish the results of this program and , if already published by the party of the first part shall , upon request , be furnished by the party of the first part , at costs , impressions suitable for purposes of reproduction similar to that for which the original copy was prepared . The maps , records , or reports published by either party shall contain a statement of the cooperative relations between the parties . The Parties acknowledge that scientific information and data development as a result of the Scope of Work (SOW) are subject to applicable USGS review , approval , and release requirements , which are available on the USGS Fundamental Science Practices website (https://www2 . usgs.gov/fspl). 9. Billing for this agreement will be rendered : QUARTERLY. Invoices not paid within 60 days from the billing date will bear Interest, Penalties , and Administrative cost at the annual rate pursuant the Debt Collection Act of 1982 , (codified at 31 U.S .C . § 3717) established by the U.S. Treasury . Name: Address : Telephone : Email : U.S. Geological Survey United States Department of the Interior USGS Point of Contact Mark Mastin 934 Broadway , Suite 300 Tacoma , WA 98402 253-552-1609 mcmastin@usgs.gov Org Code : GGWNYG0000 Signature : Date : Name: Title : Signature and Date: Cynthia Barton , PhD , LHG , LG Center Director Name: Address : Telephone : Email : S ignature: Date : Name: Title : Signature : Date : Name: Title : Name of Customer City of Kent Customer Point of Contact Mike Mactutis 220 4th Ave S Kent , WA 98032 253-856-5520 mmactutis@kentwa .gov Signature and Date: CYNTHIA BARTON Digitally signed by CYNTHIA BARTON Date: 2020.06.03 09:21:50 -07'00' 07/21/2020 USGS - City of Kent Cooperative Streamgaging Program, October 1, 2019 - September 30, 2020 REVISED 05/27/2020 USGS Station No.Station Name City of Kent USGS Cooperative Matching Funds Total Remarks WESTERN WASHINGTON FIELD OFFICE (TACOMA), 253-552-1670 12113344 Green River at 200th Street Bridge at Kent Streamflow discharge $10,650 $0 $10,650 The remainder of this gage is funded by the City of Tukwila. 12113346 Springbrook Creek at Orillia Streamflow discharge $12,993 $8,307 $21,300 Precipitation and air temperature (unpublished) $2,695 $2,695 12113347 Mill Creek at Earthworks Park at Kent Streamflow discharge $12,993 $8,307 $21,300 12113349 Mill Creek near Mouth at Orillia Streamflow discharge $12,993 $8,307 $21,300 12118400 Rock Creek at Highway 516 near Ravensdale Streamflow discharge $12,993 $8,307 $21,300 Precipitation (published) $4,200 $4,200 12118500 Rock Creek near Maple Valley Streamflow discharge $12,993 $8,307 $21,300 TBD Green River at Pedestrian Bridge Upstream of 277th St. Bridge near Kent Installation of streamgage $9,375 $6,150 $15,525 City of Kent will obtain necessary permits for installation TBD Green River at Pedestrian Bridge Upstream of 277th St. Bridge near Kent Operation and maintenance, streamflow data $3,550 $0 $3,550 Based on a start date of August 1 and ending Sept. 30, 2020. Full year cost is $21,300 TBD Green River at Pedestrian/Golf Cart Bridge below Meeker St. Bredge at Kent Installation of streamgage $9,375 $6,150 $15,525 City of Kent will obtain necessary permits for installation TBD Green River at Pedestrian/Golf Cart Bridge below Meeker St. Bredge at Kent Operation and maintenance, streamflow data $3,550 $0 $3,550 Based on a start date of August 1 and ending Sept. 30, 2020. Full year cost is $21,300 TOTAL $108,360 $53,835 $162,195 DATE: July 7, 2020 TO: Kent City Council SUBJECT: Joint Funding Agreement with the USGS for Water Resources Investigations - Authorize MOTION: Move to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign a Joint Funding Agreement for Water Resources Investigations between the City of Kent and the U.S. Geological Survey in an amount not to exceed $108,360 subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. SUMMARY: On November 5, 2019, Council approved an annual agreement with the United States Geological Survey (USGS) for stream data collection for federal fiscal year 2020. This new Joint Funding Agreement supersedes an existing agreement to include installation, maintenance, monitoring, and data collection of two new stream gages to be installed on the Green River. The remainder of the agreement is unchanged. High flows in the Green River in February 2020 have led to increased concerns about flooding. These two new gages will help the City better monitor river flows and the information can be used for planning and executing flood risk reduction activities along the river. One gage will be installed near South 277th Street and the other near Meeker Street. For installation, the cost is $15,525 per gage with Kent contributing $9,375 for each. Operation, maintenance, and data collection of the two new gages will cost $3,550 each for the remainder of federal fiscal year 2020. For the federal fiscal year 2020, the city of Kent will contribute $108,360 to the total annual program costs of $172,845 with the USGS and the City of Tukwila providing the remainder. The gage information is available to the public real-time at http://waterdata.usgs.gov/wa/nwis/current?type=flow BUDGET IMPACT: Costs for this contract have been charged partially to the Water Utility (Rock Creek gages) and partially to the Stormwater Utility (Green River, Mill and Springbrook gages). The additional costs for the new gages on the Green River will be charged to the Stormwater Utility. SUPPORTS STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL: Innovative Government - Delivering outstanding customer service, developing leaders, and fostering innovation. Sustainable Services - Providing quality services through responsible financial management, economic growth, and partnerships. ATTACHMENTS: 1.Joint Funding Agreement (PDF) 06/23/20 Committee of the Whole RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL BY CONSENSUS RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL BY CONSENSUS Next: 7/7/2020 7:00 PM