HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2020-207 - Original - Public Health Seattle & King County(PHSKC) - Youth Marijuana Prevention & Education - 01/02/2020 LETTER AGREEMENT, TERMS AND CONDITIONS Kent Police Department 220 4th Ave S Kent, WA 98032 Re: PHSKC Agreement # 5071 CDIP – Kent Police Department This letter is to serve as the agreement between Kent Police Department and Public Health–Seattle & King County (“PHSKC”), effective January 2, 2020 to June 30, 2020. Payment Structure Kent Police Department has agreed to accept payment in the amount of $9,999 for completion of activities for Policy, Systems and Environment (PSE) change in Youth Marijuana Prevention and Education. The schedule for payments and related deliverables and activities (described further in Exhibit B) is as follows: • Step1: Initial payment (by February 3rd) - $2,500 ✓ Participated in Learning Community meetings and activities ✓ Youth-led workplan submitted, received, and approved. (The workplan is an outlined plan for implementation of subsequent deliverables and timeframes described below.) • Step 2: Midpoint payment (by March 31st) - $3,500 ✓ Participated in Learning Community meetings and activities ✓ Completed environmental scan using MVAPE form including: ▪ Photos/video ▪ Community map ✓ Created and submitted digital presentation of MVAPE findings ✓ Planned youth presentation with community leadership group (City Council, School Board, Kiwanis, or library, etc.) or Town Hall meeting (event plan submitted). • Invitations sent to key leaders, e.g., legislators, representatives, and the media • Step 3: Final payment (by June 30) - $3,999 ✓ Participated in Learning Community meetings and activities ✓ Presented MVAPE findings to community leaders at planned event or Town Hall ✓ Created, submitted and presented an updated Youth Media Awareness Training to peers ✓ Placed ten (10) “You Can” ads on social media ✓ Implemented one (1) additional activity: ▪ Localized “You Can” campaign through adaptation, additional social media ad placement, and implementation of campaign community engagement event OR ▪ Held separate Town Hall meeting under “additional activity” task ✓ Final Report Form submitted, received and approved. Deliverables submitted electronically to Erin James at Erin.James@kingcounty.gov. DocuSign Envelope ID: C78B1FC7-7681-4D17-B048-16F2A806343E RECYCLED PAPER Allowable Expenses Grantees may use mini-grant funds solely for the purpose of supporting and completing required deliverables and activities. Grantees may not use funds for lobbying on pending legislation at any time. Allowable uses of funds are: • Salaries of staff supporting youth groups and related costs • Materials and supplies to support activities including campaign promotional items • Refreshments at a cost of no more than $2.50 per person for meetings of at least two to four (2-4) hours. Meetings of five (5+) hours may provide a www.GSA.gov per diem rate meal for the appropriate meal time period. Meetings must be considered “working” for the entire meeting time for refreshments or meals to be provided. • Transportation including bus passes, vehicle rental, parking, and reimbursement for private vehicle use at the government rate of $0.575/mile. • “You Can” campaign costs and educational materials. • Training and educational opportunities for youth teams that directly support mini-grant activities. • Fees for background checks for staff and volunteers working with youth to support the mini-grant activities. • Rewards and incentives if pre-approved and meeting the restrictions below. Additional Restrictions • Adult staff and volunteers may not be one-on-one unsupervised with youth in the course of this work. At no time in the course of completing the activities of this mini-grant should an adult be alone with a single youth. All adults working (whether paid or volunteer) with youth for the activities of this project shall have completed a background check with the organization prior to implementation of any youth-involved grant tasks (see exhibit A). A satisfactory provider for background checks in the Washington State Patrol. Organizations must exclude anyone from working with you on this grant who has a background check finding related to abuse of vulnerable adults or children. • Any rewards or incentives from this award must be pre-approved by Sarah Ross-Viles. You may consider purchasing rewards and incentives if: o The reward or incentive is a requirement of the strategy or program to implement with fidelity. o The reward or incentive will help to promote the activity and/or participation. o The reward or incentive recognizes a key leader for their accomplishments. Incentives cannot: o Exceed $15.00 per individual. o Exceed $200 for prize incentives per event. (YMPEP regions can spend $200 on the sole prize for an event OR spend up to $200 on prizes for an event.) o Be cash or able to transfer into cash value (i.e. Visa Gift Cards, etc.) o Be gifts that recipients could potentially use to purchase alcohol, marijuana or tobacco products. Be given to an individual multiple times. Incentives are limited to one incentive, per participant, per program and/or participation period. DocuSign Envelope ID: C78B1FC7-7681-4D17-B048-16F2A806343E RECYCLED PAPER Feel free to contact Sarah Ross-viles with any questions regarding the letter agreement or deliverables at srossviles@kingcounty.gov . Sincerely, Marguerite Ro Director of Chronic Disease and Injury Prevention By signing below, you agree to the terms and conditions listed above and in Exhibit A, Other Terms and Conditions. X Printed Name: Date: Title: DocuSign Envelope ID: C78B1FC7-7681-4D17-B048-16F2A806343E 2/27/2020 Chief of Police Rafael Padilla RECYCLED PAPER EXHIBIT A: OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Nondiscrimination; Equal Employment Opportunity The Recipient shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws regarding discrimination, including those set forth in this Section. A. During performance of the Agreement, the Recipient agrees that it will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of the employee or applicant's sex, race, color, marital status, national origin, religious affiliation, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression or age except by minimum age and retirement provisions, unless based upon a bona fide occupational qualification. The Recipient will make equal employment opportunity efforts to ensure that applicants and employees are treated, without regard to their sex, race, color, marital status, national origin, religious affiliation, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression or age. Additional requirements are at http://www.kingcounty.gov/healthservices/health/partnerships/contracts; Recipients shall read and certify compliance. 2. Indemnification & Hold Harmless To the maximum extent permitted by law and except to the extent caused by the sole negligence of King County, Recipient shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless King County, its officers, officials, agents and employees, from and against any and all suits, claims, actions, losses, costs, penalties and damages of whatsoever kind or nature arising out of, in connection with, or incident to the goods and/or services provided by or on behalf of the Recipient, its agents, employees, representatives, and invitees. The foregoing provision specifically and expressly intends to constitute a waiver of Recipient’s immunity under industrial insurance, Title 51 RCW, as respects King County only, and only to the extent necessary to provide King County with a full and complete indemnity of claims made by the Recipient’s employees. This waiver has been mutually negotiated. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. 3. Debarment and Suspension Certification Entities that are debarred, suspended, or proposed for debarment by the U.S. Government are excluded from receiving federal funds and contracting with the County. The Recipient, by signature to this Agreement, certifies that the Recipient is not presently debarred, suspended, or proposed for debarment by any Federal department or agency. The Recipient also agrees that it will not enter into a sub-agreement with a Recipient that is debarred, suspended, or proposed for debarment. The Recipient agrees to notify King County in the event it, or a sub-awardee, is debarred, suspended, or proposed for debarment by any Federal department or agency. 4. Insurance Requirements By the date of execution of this Agreement, the Recipient shall procure and maintain for the duration of this Agreement, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from, or in connection with, the performance of work hereunder by the Recipient, its agents, representatives, employees, and/or sub-awardees. The costs of such insurance shall be paid by the Recipient or sub-awardee. The Recipient may furnish separate certificates of insurance and policy endorsements for each sub-awardee as evidence of compliance with the insurance requirements of this DocuSign Envelope ID: C78B1FC7-7681-4D17-B048-16F2A806343E RECYCLED PAPER Agreement. The Recipient is responsible for ensuring compliance with all of the insurance requirements stated herein. Failure by the Recipient, its agents, employees, officers, sub-awardee, providers, and/or provider sub-awardees to comply with the insurance requirements stated herein shall constitute a material breach of this Agreement. Specific coverages and requirements are at http://www.kingcounty.gov/healthservices/health/partnerships/contracts, unless otherwise agreed by Public Health Seattle & King County. Recipients shall read and provide required insurance documentation prior to the signing of this Agreement. 5. Adult background check guidance (based on RCW 43.216.270): Any staff or volunteers that will work directly/engage with youth 17 years and younger without supervision (unsupervised RCW 43.43.830, (13)(a)(b)) are required to successfully complete a background check and keep it on file. Additionally, organizations/programs which use adult leaders (staff or volunteers) to bring youth to activities/events are responsible for ensuring that those leaders have successfully completed background checks on file. DocuSign Envelope ID: C78B1FC7-7681-4D17-B048-16F2A806343E RECYCLED PAPER EXHIBIT B: DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF DELIVERABLES AND ACTIVITIES 1. Required participation in Learning Community Meetings Grantees are required to attend three in person meetings and four web-or-phone based meetings. Adult leaders can send proxies if they are not available. Each missed in-person meeting is a $500 reduction in the contract amount; each missed web- or-phone based meeting is a $100 reduction in contract amount. Meetings are at the following days and times: a. (In-Person, Adult Leaders) Learning Community Kick-Off Meeting – January 10, 2020, (1pm to 5pm), Mercer Island Community Center b. (Phone/Web-Based, Adult Leaders) Learning Community Check-In – January 30, 2020 (10 am – 11am) c. (Phone/Web-Based, Adult Leaders) Learning Community Check-In – February 27, 2020 (10 am – 11am) d. (In-Person, Youth Team Members and Adult Leaders) Learning Community Presentation Showcase – March 26, 2020, (2pm-7pm), Mercer Island Community Center e. (Phone/Web-Based, Adult Leaders) Learning Community Check-In – April 30, 2020 (10am – 11am) f. (Phone/Web-Based, Adult Leaders) Learning Community Check-In – May 28, 2020 (10am – 11am) g. (In-Person, Adult Leaders required and Youth Team Members optional) Learning Community Wrap-Up Meeting – June 25, 2020 (1pm to 5pm) 2. Workplan Submit a workplan by February 3rd, 2020 for how organization will accomplish required deliverables and activities. PHSKC will provide an optional template for this workplan, or organizations can create their own format that includes: a. Name of each activity b. Lead for each activity c. Tasks needed for each activity d. Who is responsible for each task e. Start and end date for each task f. Resources needed for each task 3. Environmental Scan using MVAPE tool Organizations will submit the completed MVAPE tool (provided by PHSKC) by March 31, 2020. The completed tool should include: a. MVAPE Form (completed by youth team) b. Photos/Video (pictures or video that youth can use to document and tell their environmental story) c. Community Mapping (youth drawing or digital map of their community landscape, environment, retail and public use areas) 4. Digital Presentation of Environmental Scan findings Organizations will submit by March 31st, 2020 slides/materials for a presentation created by youth using MVAPE findings, community mapping, digital photos and video that is designed to engage key leaders or decision makers. DocuSign Envelope ID: C78B1FC7-7681-4D17-B048-16F2A806343E RECYCLED PAPER 5. Youth presentation to engage key leaders or decision makers Organizations will arrange one presentation to key leaders or decision makers either at a stand-alone event such as a town hall or as part of an existing gathering or meeting such as a city council, school board or community group meeting (completed by June 25th, 2020). Youth should be the lead speakers of the presentation and the event should aim towards community engagement and problem solving around the topic of youth marijuana use. a. Organizations will submit an event plan by March 31st, 2020 either using the template provided by PHSKC or by submitting a plan that includes: i. General description of event goals and agenda ii. Description of key leaders and/or decision makers iii. Audience size and description (if relevant) iv. Plan for promotion of event 1. Includes plan for inviting and confirming leaders and decision-makers 2. Includes press release on event to encourage local media outlets to attend v. Event location and time vi. Resources needed for event (please refer to Allowable Costs section for information on refreshments) vii. Key tasks for implementing event outside of invitations and promotion 6. Placement of Department of Health’s “You Can” youth marijuana prevention campaign ads Organization will place ten (10) “You Can” ads on social media platforms using Department of Health toolkit of approved messages over two (2) months of time (social media platform examples: Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, or Instagram) by June 30, 2020. 7. Youth create and present one (1) updated Youth Media Awareness Training Using the 2014 Media Awareness Training (example PowerPoint), organizations will create and submit one (1) updated Youth Media Awareness Training to and share their updated presentation with a peer group by June 25th at an organized event. 8. One additional activity from the list below in addition to the required activities above completed by June 30, 2020, organization will choose and complete one of the following: a. Adapt and place You Can social media campaign through an event or youth contest: i. Youth use “You Can” campaign website and tools to determine what messages or images resonate best with their community and peers; ii. Youth use messages, but adapt imagery to localize campaign to center what is meaningful to their community, their peers, and themselves individually. (Youth choose the activities and images that the campaign should promote. Youth choose what that adaptation of campaign images looks like); iii. Youth place their adapted campaign images on social media; iv. Youth implement their “You Can” campaign locally through an event or youth contest. Youth engage their community in the message, why it is important, and next steps for individual and community action. (Generate an action toward changing the environment to support and promote youth marijuana prevention.); DocuSign Envelope ID: C78B1FC7-7681-4D17-B048-16F2A806343E RECYCLED PAPER v. Ideas for adaption can include: 1. Youth use their adapted campaign to promote continued adaptation of the local “You Can” messages amongst their peers. (What does “You Can” mean/look like to you? Hold a coloring contest, event or fair); 2. Youth promote contest in their community amongst peers; 3. Youth share contest work submissions at event or fair (school, community center or library); 4. Youth pick top 3 submissions. Youth provide appropriate recognition, swag, or prizes and promote the community developed messages on social media. vi. Submit adapted campaign materials by June 30, 2020. OR b. Hold a Town Hall meeting to provide information and engage community in solutions to youth marijuana use – Prevent Youth Access, be a supportive adult, talk to your kids and promote health of youth through environmental, system and policy supports. Provide resources and answer questions (Activity not allowed if organization held Town Hall for youth presentation event.): i. Youth and key leaders engage community in a conversation about youth marijuana prevention; ii. Utilize “You Can” and data tools to highlight the reasons why marijuana use can get in the way of youth success; iii. Youth engage community in next steps – action toward changing the environment to support and promote youth marijuana prevention. 9. Reporting Organizations will submit a final report in the template (provided by PHSKC) for final grant payments by email to Erin.James@kingcounty by June 30, 2020. DocuSign Envelope ID: C78B1FC7-7681-4D17-B048-16F2A806343E ALL FIELDS MUST BE COMPLETED FOR PROMPT PAYMENT PROCESSING Purchase Order # Supplier Name Kent Police Department Contract Number:  5071 CDIP Supplier # Contract Period: Jan 02, 2020 ‐ Jun 30, 2020 Supplier Pay Site Remit Address 220 4th Ave S Kent Police Department Kent, WA 98032 220 4th Ave S Invoice Date Kent, WA 98032 Invoice #5074‐ Stacy Judd Amount to be Paid $0.00 Note to AP Pay Immediately Payment Type  (Circle One)      CHECK    or    ACH Print on Remittance YMPEP, Contract # 5071 CDIP PH Program name & phone Mike Vu 206‐263‐2128 Erin James Youth Marijuana Prevention Education Program King County AP Payment Information: Project DPH Acct CPA 1123493 Youth Marijuana Prevention Education Invoicing Information: Total PH Program Manager Approval Date King County Accounts Payable Information INVOICE Start Date End Date sjudd@kentwa.gov Submit signed electronic copy invoice to: Public Health ‐ Seattle & King County 401 5th Ave., Suite 1110 Seattle, WA 98104 Invoice for services rendered under this  contract for the period of: Organization Expend Acct Task Award 800107 53120 001 117216 ‐$                    ‐$                                2,500.00$                 CFDA Amount ‐$               Costs Deliverable 1 Amount Due I, the undersigned, do hereby certify under the laws of the State of Washington penalty of perjury, that this is a true and correct claim for reimbursement services rendered. I understand that  any false claims, statements, documents, or concealment of material fact may be prosecuted under applicable Federal and State laws. This certification includes any attachments which serve as  supporting documentation to this reimbursement request.  9,999.00$                          ‐$                                   ‐$                    ‐$                                9,999.00$                 Budget Previously Billed Current Cumulative Balance 2,500.00$                                   ‐$                                   Deliverable 2 Deliverable 3 3,500.00$                                    3,999.00$                                    ‐$                                   ‐$                                  ‐$                    ‐$                   ‐$                                ‐$                                3,500.00$                 3,999.00$                DocuSign Envelope ID: C78B1FC7-7681-4D17-B048-16F2A806343E