HomeMy WebLinkAbout4359ORDINANCE NO. 4359 AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of theCity of Kent, Washington, approving the consolidating budget adjustments made between January L,2020 and March 31, 2O2O, reflecting an overall budget increase of $9,76L,225. RECITALS A. Expenditures as classified in the final, adopted budget constitute the city's appropriations for that year. After adoption, there are a variety of events that will precipitate the need to amend the adopted budget, such as grant awards, bonds issuance, collective bargaining agreements and additional budget requests. These modifications are periodically consolidated into a supplemental budget adjustment ordinance amending the original adopted budget. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE SECTION 7, - Budget Adjustments. The 2OL9-2O20 biennial budget is amended to include budget fund adjustments for the first quarter of 2O2O from January 1 to March 3L, 2020, as summarized and set forth in Exhibit "A," which is attached and incorporated into this ordinance. Except 20 79-2O2O Budget Adjustment First Quatter 2O2O 1 'l as amended by this ordinance, all terms and provisions of the 2OL9-2O20 biennial budget Ordinance No. 4296, as amended by Ordinance Nos. 4324, 4330, 4343, 4344, 435L and 4354 shail remain unchanged. SECTION 2, - Severability. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3. - Corrections by City Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon approval of the City Attorney, the City Clerk and the Code Reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the correction of clerical errors; ordinance, section, or subsection numbering; or references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations. SECTION 4. - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five days after publication, as provided by law. DANA RALPH, MAYOR ATTEST: May L9. 2020 Date Approved KIMBERLEY KOMOTO, CITY RK May L9, 202O Date Adopted May 2t, 2020 Date Publi APPROVED CITY ATTORNEY 20 79 - 20 2O Bu dg et Adj ustme nt First Quarter 2O2O 2 U AT'RI Exhibit A City of Kent Budget Adjustment Ordinance Adjustments January t, 2O2O to March 31, 2O2O Fund Title Previously Approved Approval Requested Total Adjustment Ordinance General Fund Street Fund Capital Resource Fund Criminal Justice Fund Housing & Community Development Fund Kent Events Center Operating Fund Street Capital Projects Parks Capital Projects Other Capital Projects Technology Capital Projects Water Operating Fund Sewerage Operating Fund Drainage Operating Fund Solid Waste Operating Fund Golf Operating Fund Fleet Services Fund Central Services Fund Facilities Management Fund Insurance Funds Total 2,236,278 7 F24,947 9t76t,225 32L,78O 39L,77O 84,2rO 510,218 125,000 253,300 550,000 2,579,670 t,732,650 750,000 7,32O (81,353) 1,911,900 60,000 39,7OO t74,58O 109,520 46,130 78,tto L2,O3O 18,250 4L,B4O 6,B80 36,L4O 1,580 2,9OI,45O L,732,650 t,L4r,77O 91,530 428,865 125,000 1,911,900 60,000 39,7OO t74,58O 109,520 46,130 33L,4LO 12,030 18,250 4L,84O 6,990 586,140 1,580 Budget Adjustment Detail for Budget Changes January L,2O2O to March 3L,2O2O Approval Date or rlthar Frrid Previously Approved by Not Previously Approved by Total Adjustment Council flrdinanaa General Fund Teamster & AFSCME contract S&B increases increase to Communications budget / ECD Term-limited position (Permit Tech) IMovement of review OT budget to Red Light Camera Fund Transfer 2019 B&O square footage revenue increase to Streets Fund Reduction of Corrections budget to move funds to EMR project Transfer of Correction funds to Corrections EMR project Reduction of ECD budget to move funds to Meet Me on Meeker project Transfer of ECD funds to Meet Me on Meeker (MMOM) project Strategic transfer of funds from GF to MMOM projects Transfer of ECD funds to Downtown Placemaking for Lunar Rover Carryover budgets - Parks Total General Fund Street Fund Establish budget for use of 2019 B&O Funds transferred from cF Teamster & AFSCME contract S&B increases Reduced budget for expired WA DOT grant funds Total Street Fund Capital Resource Fund Transfer of funds to Meet Me on Meeker (MMOM) projects Carryover budgets - Parks Total Capital Resource Fund Criminal Justice Fund Teamster & AFSCME contract S&B increases Reduction of transfer of Red Light Camera funds for OT to GF Establish OT budget for Red Light Camera Fund Establish budget for 2017 JAG Grant Establish budget for WA State Boat Grant Establish budget for WASPC Sex Offender Grant Establish budget for WASPC Traffic Equipment Grant Use of reimbursed funds for KPD Training Brass account Total Criminal Justice Fund Housing & Gommunity Development Fund Establish budgets for funds from the Senior Service Levy CDBG program true-ups Total Housing & Community Development Fund Kent Events Center Operating Fund Carryover budgets - ShoWare Lifecycle Total Kent Events Center Operating Fund Street Capital Projects Establish budgets for funds from GF for MMOM projects Establish budgets for funds from CRF for MMOM projects Transfer of PY Interest Income from 3100 to Meeker & Russell project Establish budget for use of PY Int Inc on Meeker & Russell project Establish budget for use of PY Int Inc on Meeker & Russell project Total Street Capital Projects Fund Parks Capital Projects Establish budget for funds from GF for Downtown Placemaking Total Parks Capital Protects Fund Other Capital Projects Reduction of MMOM budget to transfer Interest income back to 3100 Transfer funds from MMOM to 3100 Reduction of MMOM budget to transfer funds back to 3300 Transfer funds from MMOM to 3300 Transfer PY Int Inc from 3300 to Meeker & Russell project Total Other Capital Projects Fund 357,1 30 60,000 100,280 22t.500 321,78O 2,5791670 2,9Ol,45O Llztl2020 1600 1 100 3400 3100 3100 3200 20L9 1000 3100 20t9 1000 KCC 3.70 KCC 3.70 KCC 3.70 KCC 3.70 KCC 3.70 2019 34,000 10,950 24,200 9,550 (53,070) 1,705,610 (10,000) 10,000 (10,000) 10,000 450.000 60,000 357,1 30 60,000 100,280 (53,070) 1,705,610 (10,000) 10,000 (10,000) 10,000 450,000 60,000 22t,500 1,705,610 67,740 (40,7OO) t,705,610 67,740 (40,700) 1,732,650 1,732165,0 7s0,000 750,000 39t,770 391,770 391,77(, 75O,OOO t,'.4l,770 7,320 (s3,070) 53,070 7,320 (s3,070) 53,O70 34,000 10,950 24,200 9,550 510 10 7,32O 91,53O tl2tl2020 510,218 510,218 (81,353)(81,3s3) 51O,218 (81,353) 428,865 125-000 125.000 125,O0O 125,OOO 3300 460,000 460,000 750,000 750,000 331,100 331,100 331,100 331,100 1000 60,000 60,000 5O,O0O 5O,OOO 1000 1 500 3100 '33 l; I 33' (39,7OO) 39,700 39,700 (331,100) 331,100 (39,700) 39,700 39,7003100 39,7OO 39,7OO Budget Adjustment Detail for Budget Changes January L,2O2O to March 3L,2O2O Approval Date or alth.r Errhd Previously Approved by aar rnait Not Prevlously Approved by Total Adiustment Council Ordlnrncc Technology Capital Projects Establish budget for use of Corrections funds on EMR project Transfer of PY Interest Income from 3400 to Unallocated Projects Establish budget for use of PY Interest income in Unallocated Projects Reduction of budget in Unallocated Projects to transfer funds Transfer of funds from Unallocated Projects to Tech Plans Establish budget for use of unallocated funds in Tech Plans Total Technology Capital Projects Fund l,lrater Operating Fund Teamster & AFSCME contract S&B increases Total Water Operating Fund Sewerage Operating Fund Teamster & AFSCME contract S&B increases Total Sewerage Operating Fund Drainage Operating Fund Teamster & AFSCME contract S&B increases Establish budget for NPDES Grant Establish budget for KC ILA mitigation for Alia property Reduce Budget for KC Grant to actuals Establish budget for SROF Grant Total Drainage Operating Fund Solid Waste Operating Fund Teamster & AFSCME contract S&B increases Total Solid Waste Operating Fund Golf Operating Fund Teamster & AFSCME contract S&B increases Total Golf Operatlng Fund Fleet Sen ices Fund Teamster & AFSCME contract S&B increases Total Fleet Services Fund Central Seryices Fund Teamster & AFSCME contract S&B increases Total Central Services Fund Facilities Management Fund Teamster & AFSCME contract S&B increases Carryover budgets - Parks Total Facilities llanagement Fund Insurance Funds Teamster & AFSCME contract S&B increases Total Insurance Funds Grand Total All Funds 1000 10,000 4,860 4,860 (1s4,860) 1 54,860 1 54,860 174,580 t74,SgO 109,520 109,520- lo9,52o 1Og,52O 46,L30 46,t30 45,13O 46,130 78,110 78,tr0t0l8/2o19 s0,000 s0,000 KCC 3.70 34,000 34,000tlt6l2oL8 (20,490) (20,490) r2lLol20r9 1a9,79O t89,79O253,3OO 78,110 331,410 12,030 12,O30 12,O3O 12,O30 18,250 18.250 18,25O 18,250 6,880 6,880 5r88O 6,88O 36,r40 36,140 550.00020t9550.000 550,OOO 36,140 586,140 1,580 1,580 1,580 1,580 10,000 4,860 4,860 (154,860) 154,860 154,860 ffi'SgS#sffil$fftmss City of Kent, City Clerk's Office Kim Komoto 220 thAve S Kent, WA 98032 Re: Advertiser Accourrt # 480940 Agency Account #: 0 Ad #: 944002 Agency Name: Affidavit of Publication STAIE OF V/ASHINGTON Counties of King and Snohomish The undersigned, on oath states that he/she is an authorized representative of The Seattle Times Company, publisher of The Seattle Times of general circulation published daily in King and Snohomish Counties, State of Washington. The Seaftle Times has been approved as a legal newspaper by others of the Superior Court of King and Snohomish Counties. The notice, in the exact form annexed, was published in the regular and entire issue ofsaid paper or papers and distrib- uted to its subscribers during all of the said period. €Signature FRANKIE FL (]r1 i Notary Public State of Washingtorr License Number 191 1038s My Commission Expires November 04,2023 Newspaper and Publication Date(s) Seattle Times 0sl2U20 and sworn to before me on €z/ZJ Frankie { for the State of(Notary Signature) DATE residing at Seattle trUs$*nffifff Re: AdvertiserAccount # 480940 Agency Account #: 0 AD TEXT -. rysr,t1{i'-"5ffi-,.t1ry.'PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL The following ls o summory of on ordi- nonce possed by the Kenl Cily Council onMoy 19, 2020, ORDINANCE NO,435'- AN ORDINANCEof lhe City Council ol lhe City of Kent,Woshinston, opproving the consolidoting budget odiustmenls mode between Jonu-oty 1,2020 ond Mqrch 31, 2020, reflectins on overoll budget increose ol $9,76'1,225. This ordinonce sholl toke effecl ond be in force five doys ofter publlcolion, os pro- vided by low. A copy of the nonce will be City Clerk. Ad #: 944002 Agency Name: text of ony ordi- Kimberley A. Komoto, Cily Clerk Kkomoto@ KenlWA.gov 253-856-5725 WeSeafflsOlmes *The ad preview below may not be to actual scale CITY OF KENT NOTICE OF ORDINANCE PAssED BY THE CITY COUNCIL The tollowins is o summory of qn ordi- nonce possed by lhe Kenl Cily Council on Moy 19, 2020. OROINANCE NO.4359- AN ORDINANCEol the City Council ot lhe City ol Kent, Woshinston, opproving lhe consolidoting budget odiuslmenls mode between Jonu-ory l, 2020 qnd Morch 31, 2020, refleciins on overoll budget increose of $9,761,225. This ordincnce sholl toke effect ond be inforce live doys ofler publicolion, os pro- vided by low. A copy of lhe complete lexl ol ony ordi- nonce will be moiled upon request of lheCily Clerk. Kimberley A. Komoto, Cily Clerk KkomotoOKentwA.gov 253-856-5725 -Notice Details- Date Method Card Type Last4 Digits Check #Amomt These are the details of your notice scheduled to run on the dates indicated below. Prepayment Information Account Information Run Date(s) Account #: Advertiser Name: Agency Name: Contact: 480940 City of Kent, City Clerk's Office Address:220 4th Ave S Kent, WA 98032 Telephone: (253) 856-5725 Notice Placement Information Legals Desk Contact Information Phone # Email: (206) 6s2-6018 legals@seattletimes. com Seattle l imes NWclassifieds NWclassifieds NWclassifieds NWclassifieds NWclassifieds NWclassifieds NWclassifieds 05/2t/20 05t2U20 05122t20 05123120 0s124t20 05/25/20 05/26/20 0s/27t20 Notice ID: Purchase Order #: # of lines: Total NET Cost: Class Name: 944002 Ord 4359 28 $62.44 Public Notices