HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2000-0396 - Original - The Boeing Company - Pacific Gateway Business Park License and Indemnification Agreement - 08/31/2000 LICENSE AND INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT This License and Indemnification Agreement ("Agreement") is made and entered into as of the f/O day of 4U WST, 2000, by and between THE BOEING COMPANY, a Delaware corporation ('Boeing"), and the CITY OF KENT, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington ("City"). RECITALS A. Boeing is the owner of certain real property ('Property"), known as Pacific Gateway Business Park, located in the City of Kent, King County, Washington, consisting of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 of the Large Lot Segregation recorded as No. 19990730000263 in the Records of King County, Washington, and more particularly described in EXHIBIT A. B. A portion of the Property, known as Tract C, lies mostly within 200 feet of the Ordinary High Water Mark of the Green River, but also includes an area east of the 200-foot line in Lot 3 of the Large Lot Segregation cited in Recital A, as more particularly described in EXHIBIT B. C. On May 26, 2000, Boeing and the City executed a Dedication Agreement, under which Boeing agreed to dedicate and quitclaim Tract C to the City following the installation of certain improvements, or the bonding for such improvements, required in the Dedication Agreement, including a public parking lot in Tract C and a landscaping buffer along the eastern boundary of Tract C, but in no event later than the date of approval of the final plat for the Property. This Dedication Agreement is attached to this Agreement as EXHIBIT C. D. The City desires to enter onto Tract C before the actual conveyance of Tract C under the Dedication Agreement, for purposes of access to and maintenance and repair of the levee on the east side of the Green River. E. Boeing is willing to grant to the City a license to enter onto Tract C for the stated purposes upon execution of an appropriate license and indemnification agreement. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and under the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, the parties agree as follows: LICENSE AND INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT- 1 8129/00 1. Grant of Nonexclusive Use. Boeing hereby grants to the City a nonexclusive license, subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, to enter onto Tract C before conveyance of Tract C to the City under the Dedication Agreement ("License"). 2. Term. This License shall commence on the date of execution of this Agreement and shall terminate six (6) months after the date of execution of this Agreement or on the date of conveyance of Tract C to the City under the Dedication Agreement, whichever is earlier, unless sooner revoked in accordance with this Agreement. In the event that the date of conveyance of Tract C to the City under the Dedication Agreement is before October 31, 2000, the terms of this Agreement shall remain in effect through October 31, 2000. 3. Purpose. This License is granted to the City for the sole purpose of allowing the City access to Tract C in order to maintain and repair the levee on the east side of the Green River. All disturbance to the land on Tract C shall be limited to pursuance of this purpose. 4. Access. The City's entry onto Tract C shall be exclusively via the existing Russell Road South, either from South 2121h Street or from South 196`h Street. No entry by the City onto Tract C through the Property shall be permitted without the prior written consent of Boeing. 5. Interference. This License herein granted is nonexclusive. Boeing reserves the right, and the City agrees to Boeing's right, to enter onto Tract C for any reason and to permit a third party to do so. Boeing agrees not to unreasonably interfere with the City's permitted activities on Tract C under this Agreement. The City agrees not to unreasonably interfere with Boeing's activities on Tract C or on the Property. 6. Acceptance. The City acknowledges that Boeing has made no representations or warranties beyond those contained within the Dedication Agreement concerning the condition or suitability of Tract C for the purposes intended under this Agreement. 7. Consideration. In consideration for this License, the City agrees to maintain Russell Road South, between the existing entry road to the Property from Russell Road South and South 196`h Street, in a condition suitable for Boeing's requirements for access to Tract C and the Property at least until October 31, 2000, or at such time Boeing notifies the City in writing that it no longer needs the access for construction purposes, whichever is earlier. LICENSE AND INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT- 2 8/29/00 8. Revocation. The interest created under this Agreement is a license, and no easement, leasehold, or tenancy is intended to be or shall be created hereby. Before the levee maintenance and repair project commences, Boeing retains the right to revoke this License at any time for any reason, upon giving the City ten (10) days' prior written notice of revocation. After the levee maintenance and repair project commences, Boeing agrees not to revoke this License unless Boeing determines that the City has breached the terms of this Agreement. In the event of such a determination, Boeing shall give the City written notice of the breach and shall schedule a meeting to discuss the breach and proposed remedies. If the parties cannot in good faith agree on a remedy at this meeting, Boeing may revoke this License by giving the City ten (10) days prior written notice of revocation. 9. Indemnity. The City covenants and agrees that it will at all times during the term of this License indemnify, protect, defend and save harmless Boeing, its affiliate companies and subsidiaries, and the respective shareholders, directors, employees, contractors, and agents of each, from and against any and all claims, demands, losses, damages, costs, charges, liens, liabilities, and attorneys' fees arising from or resulting from the City's entry onto or occupation or use of Tract C, or from any act, fault, negligence, strict liability or omission of the City, the City's agents, employees, invitees, independent contractors, consultants or permittees thereon or in connection with the exercise of this License. The City shall not be required to so indemnify, protect, defend or save harmless Boeing against liability for damages caused by or resulting from the sole negligence of Boeing or any of Boeing's agents or employees. 10. Assignment. This License shall not be assigned or otherwise transferred, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Boeing. 11. Binding Effect. The rights and obligations set forth in this Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, their successors and assigns. LICENSE AND INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT-3 8129/00 12. Notice. Except as otherwise specified herein, all notices to be given under this Agreement by either party must be given in writing and personally delivered or deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid, registered or certified, and addressed to the party at its respective mailing address as follows: The Boeing Company City of Kent Attn: Gerald Bresslour, Esq. Attn: Roger Lubovich MS 13;08 City Attorney P. O. Box 3707 220 Fourth Avenue South Seattle, WA 98124-2207 Kent, WA 98032-5895 EXECUTED as of the date first specified above. THE BOEING COMPANY, a Delaware co ation B Ph' p W. Cy Attorney-i act President, Boeing Realty Corporation APPROVED AS TO FORM: THE CITY OF KENT, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington By. _ oger Lubovich J' White, Mayor City Attorney LICENSE AND INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT-4 8/29/00 EXHIBIT "A" BOEING SPACE CENTER PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PACIFIC GATEWAY BUSINESS PARK SUBDIVISION Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, inclusive, of Large Lot Segregation as recorded under Recording No. 19991123001310, Records of King County,'Washington. Project Name: Pacific Gateway Business Park December 22, 1999 6942L.012 _ RWGfjss EXHIBIT "B" LEGAL DESCRIPTION TRACT 'C' All those portions of Lots 3, .4, and 5, Large Lot Segregation, as recorded under Recording No. 19991123001310, Records of King County, Washington, lying Westerly of the following described line: COMMENCING at the East quarter corner of Section 2,Township 22 North, Range 4 East,W.M., from which point the Southeast corner of said Section bears South 01° 01' 16'West, 2,640.39 feet distant; THENCE North 890 12' 25" West along the North line of the Southeast quarter of said Section a distance of 2,644.71 feet; THENCE North 89' 11"08" West along the North line of Government Lot 4 of said Section 2 a distance of 842.41 feet; THENCE South 26° 57' 32" West, 161.32 feet;- THENCE South 50° 53' 04" West, 96.91 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE South 00° 48' 52" West, 141.23 feet; THENCE South 05° 07' 18" West, 100.56 feet; THENCE South 12° 13' 24" West, 108.86 feet; THENCE South 20° 09' 16" West, 102.86 feet; THENCE South 28" 48' 18" West, 196.14 feet; THENCE South 37° 51' 16" West, 144.68 feet; THENCE South 35° 22' 49" West, 162.37 feet; THENCE South 42° 58' 40" West, 143.61 feet; THENCE South 26° 40' 58" West, 201.90 feet; THENCE South 19' 17' 21" West, 354.41 feet; THENCE South 22° 52 29" West, 247.11 feet; THENCE South 14° 11' 58" West, 228.74 feet to the beginning of a 120.00 foot radius curve to the left; THENCE along the arc of said curve, passing through a central angle of 82° 30' 27", an arc distance of 172.80 feet; THENCE South 68° 18' 29" East, 246.17 feet; THENCE South 56' 38' 04" East, 115.12 feet; THENCE South 50° 24' 00" East, 92.94 feet; THENCE South 40° 15' 27" East, 244.86 feet; THENCE South 29° 04' 13" East, 151.86 feet; THENCE South 160 58' 45" East, 163.16 feet; THENCE South 10° 15' 27" East, 93.40 feet; . THENCE South 12' 18' 20" East, 223.94 feet; THENCE South 09° 41' 19" East, 253.28 feet; THENCE South 00' 14' 09" East, 129.45 feet; THENCE South 12° 32' 45" West, 194.65 feet to the Southerly line of said Lot 5, the Northerly margin of South 212th Street, and the terminus of the herein described line. Project Name: Pacific Gateway Business Park October 12, 1999 Revised December 22, 1999 RWG/smfjss 6942L.011 ' EXHIBIT "C" DEDICATION AGREEMENT This Dedication Agreement is made as of the �� day of-Ap*4, 2000, by and between THE BOEING COMPANY, a Delaware corporation ("Grantor") and the CITY OF KENT, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington ("Grantee"). RECITALS A. Grantor is the owner of certain real property ("Property"), known as Pacific Gateway Business Park, located in the City of Kent, King County, Washington, consisting of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 of the Large Lot Segregation recorded as No. 19990730000263 in the Records of King County, Washington, and more particularly described in EXHIBIT A. B. The western boundary of the Property abuts the public right-of-way of Russell Road South, paralleling the Green River, as approximately shown on EXHIBIT B. C. A portion of the Property, known as Tract C, lies mostly within 200 feet of the Ordinary High Water Mark of the Green River, but also includes an area east of the 200-foot line in Lot 3 of the Large Lot Segregation cited in Recital A, as more particularly described in EXHIBIT C. D. Grantor intends to subdivide the Property for sale or lease of lots for industrial development. E. Grantee desires to develop land along the Green River for recreation, levee maintenance, vegetation planting and preservation, and fish and wildlife habitat. F. Grantor is willing to dedicate and quitclaim its title to Tract C to Grantee as full and final settlement of Grantor's obligations, if any, for any and all adverse impacts to the recreational resources, facilities and services of the City of Kent, and subject to the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement relating to Shoreline Management Act requirements and KCC 15.08.260(D)(9)(c). AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, for a good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: Grantor hereby agrees to dedicate and quitclaim to Grantee a portion of the Property, known as Tract C, that includes all of the Property located within 200 feet DEDICATION AGREEMENT -1- 3/29/00 C:\DATA\SOLUTION\Winword\FILES\SB993500.298 of the Ordinary High Water Mark of the Green River and an area of Lot 3 of the Large Lot Segregation cited in Recital A, as more particularly described in EXHIBIT C and as depicted on EXHIBIT B. Grantor agrees to quitclaim Tract C to Grantee following improvements or bonding for improvements required in Sections 3 and 4 below to said tract but prior to or in conjunction with final plat approval of the property set forth in EXHIBIT A. This dedication is made subject to and conditioned upon the following terms, conditions, and covenants, which Grantor and Grantee promise to fully observe and perform: 1. The dedicated property, Tract C, shall be used only for the public purposes related to the following: (a) recreation, open space and trails; (b) levee maintenance, construction, and reconstruction; (c) vegetation planting and preservation; and (d) fish and wildlife habitat. 2. Grantor agrees to provide, pursuant to and in full satisfaction of the public access requirements of the Green River Special Interest District, KCC 15.08.260, one 20-foot wide public access easement from a public street on the Property to the Tract C boundary for every 1000 feet of Green River or scenic drive frontage, up to a total of four access points from the Property, for use to construct public access sidewalks or trails from the public street to the Tract C boundary. Grantor will install a 10-foot wide sidewalk or trail on each public access easement corridor. Within one year of completion by Grantor of these public access corridors, Grantee shall provide public access through Tract C to these corridors. Grantor shall pay Grantee $6,000 for construction of these public access connections through Tract C. 3. Grantee shall obtain all necessary permits for, and Grantor shall construct, a public parking lot in Tract C at the approximate location shown in EXHIBIT-D, based upon the conceptual plan approved by the Parks Department on December 7, 1999, attached hereto as EXHIBIT D, for the purposes of providing public access to Tract C, in full satisfaction of the parking requirements of the Green River Special Interest District, KCC 15.08.260, and Shoreline Master Program, KCC § 5.8. Grantee agrees that no public parking facilities will be required to be located on the Property retained by Grantor and its successors as a condition of plat approval. The public parking lot shall be installed within one year of the date of execution of this Dedication Agreement in accordance with all applicable City standards. The public parking lot shall be owned and maintained by the City of Kent at its expense upon conveyance of Tract C. DEDICATION AGREEMENT -2- 3/29100 C:\DATA\SOLUrIOMWinword\FILES\SB993500.298 4. - Grantee shall obtain all necessary peimits for, and Grantor shall construct, a landscaping buffer of at least a 25-foot depth on the dedicated property, Tract C, along the line 200 feet from the Ordinary High Water Mark of the Green River. This landscaping buffer shall be based upon the conceptual design layout prepared by the Parks Department on December 6, 1999, attached hereto as EXHIBIT E. This landscaping buffer shall be installed within one year after the date of execution of this Dedication Agreement and shall be owned and maintained by the City of Kent at its expense upon conveyance of Tract C. 5. In addition to the landscaping buffer in Section 4, Grantor, or its successors in interest, shall construct 10 feet of foundation landscaping on the river sides of buildings which exceed 200 feet in length and are located on riverfront lots. The foundation landscaping shall consist of evergreen and deciduous trees, shrubs, and ground cover, including 10-foot evergreen trees as measured at the time of planting, placed on 20-foot centers. Alterations and/or modifications to the foundation landscaping may be authorized at the discretion of the Planning Director based upon individual development proposals. This foundation landscaping shall be in addition to all other landscaping requirements set forth in the Kent City Code. The landscaping buffer set forth in Section 4 and the foundation landscaping shall be in full satisfaction of the requirements of KCC 15.08.260(D)(9)(c). It may also be considered toward mitigation for any variance(s) necessary to permit loading docks on river-facing sides of buildings located on riverfront lots. 6. Grantee agrees that Grantor may use a strip of Tract C, 50 feet in width parallel to and adjacent to the common boundary between Tract C and the Property, to establish a public way or yard setback area to meet the intent of the Uniform Building Code (1997) §505.2 for unlimited floor area. Grantee agrees to maintain this 50-foot strip of Tract C as a public way or yard in compliance with the Uniform Building Code (1997) § 505.2 for unlimited floor area, except for the picnic shelter and restroom set forth in the development plans for Tract C, attached hereto as EXHIBIT D, and other structures that will not interfere with Grantor's proposed development of its property. 7. Grantee shall not be obligated to pay any of the cost of any fence(s) placed by Grantor or abutting lot owners along the common boundary line between Tract C and the Property. 8. Grantor shall pay the sum of S4,500 to Grantee for the construction of a bicycle lane on the public right-of-way along the north side of South 2121h Street within Tract C from 60`h Avenue South to Russell Road South. This bicycle lane shall DEDICATION AGREEMENT -3- 3/29/00 C:\DATA\SOLLMONNWinwordTILES\SB993500.298 be installed by the City of Kent, or its designee, within three years from the date of execution of this Dedication Agreement and shall be constructed to meet all applicable City of Kent standards. This bicycle lane shall be maintained by the City of Kent at its expense. 9. Grantor shall pay the sum of$4,500 to Grantee for the construction of a bicycle lane barrier at the northeast abutment of the Green River Bridge and shall also pay the sum of $2,000 to the City for the acquisition and installation of permanent barriers and markings for the closure of Russell Road_ The bike lane barrier shall be installed by the City of Kent or its designee within three years from the date of execution of this Dedication Deed and shall be constructed to meet all applicable City of Kent standards. The bicycle lane barrier shall be maintained by the City of Kent at its expense. 10. Grantor shall pay the Grantee the sum of $ 100,000 for construction of improvements to the Green River levee. These improvements shall be completed by the City of Kent, or its designee, within three years of the date of execution of this Dedication Deed. All subsequent maintenance and repairs to these levee improvements shall be at the expense of the City of Kent, or its designees, such as, but not limited to, the King County Flood Control District. This payment shall be in full satisfaction of all requirements for and mitigating conditions for levee improvements or levee freeboard increases along the Green River or scenic drive frontage of Tract C. 11. Grantee agrees that the sum of $30,134, which includes $22,154 for dedication of approximately 4,923 square feet of land in Tract C that lies east of 200 feet from the Ordinary High Water Mark of the Green River, as depicted on EXHIBIT D, and $7,980 for Grantee's contribution toward the parking lot and landscaping improvements in Section 3 above, shall be an offset against the amounts Grantor has agreed to pay Grantee in Sections 8, 9, and 10 of this Agreement. 12. Grantee hereby releases, indemnifies, and promises to protect, defend, and save harmless Grantor from and against any and all liability, loss, damage, expense, action, and claim, including costs and reasonable attorneys' fees incurred by Grantor in defense thereof, asserting or arising directly or indirectly on account of or out of any acts or omissions of Grantee or Grantee's servants, agents, employees, or contractors related to the dedicated property, Tract C, or the public use of Tract C. Grantor hereby releases, indemnifies, and promises to protect, defend, and save harmless Grantee from and against any and all liability, loss, damage, expense, action, and claim, including costs and reasonable attorneys' fees incurred by Grantee in DEDICATION AGREEMENT -4- 3/29/00 C:\DATA\SOLTi-rION\Winword\FILES\SB993500.298 defense thereof, asserting or arising directly or indirectly on account of or out of any acts or omissions of Grantor or Grantor's servants, agents, employees, or contractors related to Grantor's construction of improvements and other activities of Grantor pursuant to this agreement to the dedicated property, Tract C, within two years following acceptance of any such improvements by Grantee. 13. Failure of Grantee to observe and perform any of the terms, conditions and covenants of this Dedication Agreement shall entitle Grantor to recover damages from the Grantee in an amount equal to the total amounts paid to Grantee by Grantor under the terms of this agreement, but only to the extent of work uncompleted, together with associated costs and attorneys' fees. Notwithstanding this right to damages, Grantor, for itself and its successors and assigns, reserves all its legal and equitable rights to compel performance by Grantee of the terms, conditions, and covenants contained within this Dedication Agreement. Grantor and Grantee agree that, in the event that any obligations of Grantee set forth in this agreement are unable to be performed due to rules or regulations of other permitting or regulatory agencies, Grantee shall not be considered in breach of this agreement, provided that, in such event, this Dedication Agreement is subject to reopener at the request of Grantor to the extent that such inability to perform affects Grantor's compliance with City of Kent code requirements or future buildout of the Pacific Gateway Business Park. Grantor and Grantee further agree that, subject to regulatory requirements of other governmental agencies, the improvements made to Tract C as set forth in this agreement may be changed, modified, reconfigured, relocated or removed at a future date, and Grantee shall not be considered in breach of this agreement. 14. The rights and obligations of the Grantor and the Grantee shall inure to the benefit of, and be binding upon, their successors and assigns. 15. The execution and delivery of this Dedication Agreement and Grantor's performance of its obligations hereunder shall constitute full and final satisfaction of its obligations, if any, and the obligations, if any, of its successors and assigns, including; without limitation, purchasers, and users of the property and lots in the Pacific Gateway Business Park, for adverse impacts relating to the City's recreational resources, facilities and services, its fish and wildlife habitat, and its open space and flood control resources, services and facilities resulting from the creation of Pacific Gateway Subdivision File No. SU-99-1, pursuant to current City of Kent rules and regulations relating to subdivision of property. 16. Grantee's permitting requirements set forth in Sections 3 and 4 above are subject to Grantor's payment of all permit fees. Grantor shall provide Grantee with DEDICATION AGREEMENT -5- 3129/00 C:\DATA\SOLUTIONNWinword\FILES\SB993500.298 all plans and-exhibits necessary for permit submittal. Grantee will use its best efforts to promptly apply for and process all necessary permits and Grantor will release and hold Grantee harmless for all costs and damages as a result of Grantee's inability to timely obtain permit approval, except for such damages caused by the willful neglect of Grantee. Grantor will be named as owner of the development projects applied for and will construct the same in accordance with the plans identified in this document. Grantor further agrees to allow Grantee reasonable input into and approval of further required design for the projects, plant material selection, construction and material inspection, construction supervision, construction document approval and final project approval. Grantor shall correct all defects in workmanship and materials within one year from the date of the Grantee's acceptance of the improvements. 17. Grantor shall be obligated to pay in full the amount Grantor has agreed to pay Grantee under the terms of this Agreement within 60 days of its execution. THE BOEING COMPANY, a Delaware Corp tion By: hi ' W. urt A orney-m-Fact President, Boeing Realty Corporation APPROVED AS TO FORM: THE CITY OF KENT, a municipal corporation of the State U;ng By: oger Lubovich City Attorney Its: DEDICATION AGREEMENT -6- 3/29/00 C:\DATA\SOLUTION\Winward\FILES\SB993500.298 EXHIBIT "A" BOEING SPACE CENTER PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PACIFIC GATEWAY BUSINESS PARK SUBDIVISION Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, inclusive, of Large Lot Segregation as recorded under Recording No. 19991123001310, Records of King County,'Washington. Project Name: Pacific Gateway Business Park December 22, 1999 6942L.012 _ RWG/jss EXHIBIT B SR 181 N04 L0T '7 W' Li is SOT 6 W N I N t 1.OT 2 N vi `OS � i l.Oj 5 TRACT C TRACT C I ; Ci SF� T 4 GREEN RIVER 1 t � E i 0 500 1000 t S ( t SCALE V ■ 1000' 18215 72ND AVENUE SOUTH ORAwv BY KENT, WA 98032 PCW 425� 251-6222 425 251-8782 FAX DATE 10/ EXHIBIT B CHHECEC 13/99 KED BY: r RWG JOB NO.: CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND PLANNING. 6942 SURVEYING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES EXHIBIT "C" LEGAL DESCRIPTION TRACT "C" All those portions of Lots 3, .4, and 5, Large Lot Segregation, as recorded under Recording No. 19991123001310, Records of King County, Washington, lying Westerly of the following described line: COMMENCING at the East quarter corner of Section 2, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., from which point the Southeast corner of said Section bears South 01° 01' 16"West, 2,640.39 feet distant; THENCE North 89° 12' 25" West along the North line of the Southeast quarter of said Section a distance of 2,644.71 feet; THENCE North 89° 11' 08" West along the North line of Government Lot 4 of said Section 2 a distance of 842.41 feet; THENCE South 26' 57' 32" West, 161.32 feet; THENCE South 50° 53' 04" West, 96.91 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE South 000 48' 52" West, 141.23 feet; THENCE South 050 07' 18" West, 100.56 feet; THENCE South 12' 13' 24" West, 108.86 feet; THENCE South 200 09' 16" West, 102.86 feet; THENCE South 28' 48' 18" West, 196.14 feet; THENCE South 37' 51' 16" West, 144.68 feet; THENCE South 35' 22' 49" West, 162.37 feet; THENCE South 42° 58' 40" West, 143.61 feet; THENCE South 26' 40' 58" West, 201.90 feet; THENCE South 19' 1 7' 21" West, 354.41 feet; THENCE South 22' 52 29" West, 247.11 feet; THENCE South 140 11 ' 58" West, 228.74 feet to the beginning of a 120.00 foot radius curve to the left; THENCE along the arc of said curve, passing through a central angle of 82° 30' 27", an arc distance of 172.80 feet; THENCE South 68' 18' 29" East, 246.17 feet; THENCE South 56' 38' 04" East, 115.12 feet; THENCE South 500 24' 00" East, 92.94 feet; THENCE South 40' 15' 27" East, 244.86 feet; THENCE South 29° 04' 13" East, 151.86 feet; THENCE South 16' 58' 45" East, 163.16 feet; THENCE South 100 15' 27" East, 93.40 feet; THENCE South 12' 18' 20" East, 223.94 feet; THENCE South 090 41' 19" East, 253.28 feet; THENCE South 00' 14' 09" East, 129.45 feet; THENCE South 12° 32' 45" West, 194.65 feet to the Southerly line of said Lot 5, the Northerly margin of South 212th Street, and the terminus of the herein described line. Project Name: Pacific Gateway Business Park October 12, 1999 Revised December 22, 1999 RWG/sm/jss 6942L.011 F 00 e itla ♦ r. I Sal s i .9 � li 1ovo for u[` C f �" �� /• yi �L�, �Y�Tl x SSSSSS ic\ ♦ � (( I' �µ.a4S11l6W •H'IC• s I rJY , a I 18215 72ND AVENUE SOUTH DRAvn Br KENT, WA 98032 CAD 206 251-6222 DATE EXHIBIT D 206�251-8782 FAX 12/22/99 PARKING L O T CHECKED BY " Y CONCEPTUAL PLAN JOBRNO CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND PLANNING, 6942 SURVEYING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES EXHIBIT E i orb BOEING TRACT c LANDSCAPING Plant Name otY- (Area A) Cedar 3 Rhododendron 6 Sword Fern 12 Huckleberry 13. Salal 11 Mahonia 15 Kinnikinnick 70 Wildflowers 1 Subtotal � I Ito I r S 1— r �. Reports Boeing Tract C Landscape Expenses 12/0V EXHIBIT E BOEING TRACT C 2 ors LANDSCAPING Plant Name oty. (Area B) Fir 2 Cedar 1 Ocean Spray 6 Vine Maple 2 Red Twig Dogwood 3 Rhododendron 2 Pacific Dogwood 2 Huckleberry 13 Snowberry 6 Sword Fern 19 Mahonia 33 Salal 1 Kinniklnnick t8 Wildflowers 1 Subtotal QGt�if ' F Reports Boeing Tract C Landscape Expenses 12/06/99 EXHIBIT E 3 of BOEING TRACT_ C LANDSCAPING Plant Name Oty. (Area C) Cedar 2 Big Leaf Maple 1 Vine Maple 2 Red Twig Dogwood 3 Rhododendron 5 Serviceberry 2 Snowberry g Sword Fern 13 Mahonia 36 Salal 10 Huckleberry g Kinniklnnick 15 Wildflowers 1 Subtotal qD — oil .ram' �� ✓\ � i'� � �-=, ' � N G - N r o F Reports Boeing Tract C Landscape Expenses 1.2l06199 EXHIBIT E 4 or 6 BOEING TRACT C LANDSCAPING Plant Name Qty. (Area D) Red Maples 3 Rhododendrons 4 Sword Fern 10 Mahonia 30 Snowberry 2 Kinnikinnick 140 Grass (420 S. F.) 420 Wildflowers 1 Subtotal RM N Reports Boeing Tract C Landscape Expenses 12/06/99 t EXHIBIT E s orb BOEING TRACT C LANDSCAPING Plant Name Qty. (Entire Area) Cedars-1 gallon (age diversity) 100 Cedars-3 gallon (age diversity) 50 Subtotal Reports Boeing Tract C Landscape Expenses 12/06/99 EXE BIT E BOEING TRACT C . LANDSCAPING Plant Name Cedars Area A 11 Area B 11 Area C t t Area D 17 Compost, soil prep 6 ceptn X 4470 t f X 25' widtn 1967 Irrigation—square feet 111750 Meter, backnow 2 Permits A/E TOTAL ports Boeing Tract C Landscape Expenses ADDENDUM ONE TO DEDICATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE BOEING COMPANY AND CITY OF KENT This addendum amends the Dedication Agreement entered into between The Boeing Company and City of Kent, fully executed on May 26, 2000 (hereinafter "Agreement'). In lieu of constructing the public parking lot in Tract C per condition 3 of the Agreement, Grantor agrees to pay Grantee $38,265.00, plus $3,367.32 in state sales tax, for a total sum of$41,632.32 for construction of the public parking lot by the City of Kent. The City of Kent shall construct the public parking lot simultaneous with construction of the Gateway Trailhead project. All other terms of the Agreement dated May 26, 2000 remain in full force and effect. This Addendum is subject to Kent City Council approval. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Addendum on the date set forth below. THE CITY OF KENT, a municipal THE BOEING COMPANY, a Delaware of the corporation State of Washington Corporation B B Y• Y• JIM W E, Mayor P ili yburt Its: Mayor Its: Attorney—in-Fact President, Boeing Realty Corporation Date: 7 —o / Date: ` J Oro(01 APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: A-L� 12M LA",— FOK. ROGER A. LUBOVICH, City Attorney Addendum Number One 1 of 1 04/03/01 Dedication Agreement The Boeing Company