HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2020-157 - Original - EMTech, LLC - Corrections Plumbing Project - 06/02/2020ApprovalOriginator:Department: Date Sent:Date Required: Authorized to Sign: o Director or Designee o Mayor Date of Council Approval: Budget? o Yes o No Grant? o Yes o No Type:Review/Signatures/RoutingDate Received by City Attorney:Comments: Date Routed to the Mayor’s Office: Date Routed to the City Clerk’s Office:Agreement InformationVendor Name:Category: Vendor Number:Sub-Category: Project Name: Project Details: Agreement Amount: Start Date: Basis for Selection of Contractor: Termination Date: Local Business? o Yes o No* *If meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100, please complete “Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions” form on Cityspace. Notice required prior to disclosure? o Yes o No Contract Number: Agreement Routing Form For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management This form combines & replaces the Request for Mayor’s Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cherry colored paper) Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreementsadccW22373_1_20 Budget Account Number: Kent City Council City Council Regular Meeting Minutes April 21, 2O2O Kent, Washington 9 OTHER BUSINESS None. 10. BIDS A. Kent Correctional Facility Plumbing Project Bid - Award Parks Facilities Capital Projects Manager, Nate Harper provided details on the Kent Correctional Facility Plumbing Project Bid and recommend awarding the bid to EMTECH, LLC. MOTION: Award the Corrections Plumbing Project bid to EMTECH, LLC in the amount of $862,733.75 and authorize the lrlayor to sign all necessary documents, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Parks Director, R.ESULT: MOVER: SECONDERT AYES: ADOPTED IUNANIMOUSI Bill Boyce, Councilmember Toni Troutner, Council President Troutner, Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Thomas, Michaud { I l I B. 2O2O Plastic Markings Bid - Award Public Works Director, Tim LaPorte presented information on the 2O2O Plastic Markings Bid and recommended awarding the bid to Specialized Pavement Markings, Inc. MOTIONT Award the 2O2O Plastic Markings Project to Specialized Pavement Marking, Inc. in the amount of 915O,63O and authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary documents, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Gity Aftorney and Public Works Director. RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: ADOPTED IUI{ANIII|OUSI Brenda Fincher, Councilmember Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember Troutner, Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Thomas, Michaud 11. EXECUIM SESSTOI{ AND ACTTON AFTER EXECUTM SESSTON None. T2. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Ralph adjourned the meeting. Meeting ended at 8:35 p.m. Page 6 of 7 PUBLIC WORKS AGREEMENT - 1 (Over $20K with Performance Bond) PUBLIC WORKS AGREEMENT between City of Kent and EMTech, LLC THIS AGREEMENT is made by and between the City of Kent, a Washington municipal corporation (hereinafter the "City"), and EMTech, LLC, organized under the laws of the State of Washington, located and doing business at 1133 Kresky Ave, Suite 106, (360) 748-4891, Benjamin Booher, (hereinafter the "Contractor"). AGREEMENT The parties agree as follows: I.DESCRIPTION OF WORK. Contractor shall perform the following services for the City in accordance with the following described plans and/or specifications: Project includes the following but not limited to, supply all labor and materials to replace outdated fixtures, piping, valves, drains and other items listed to provide a complete and functional system in accordance with the project specifications in Exhibit A, (Attached) Contractor further represents that the services furnished under this Agreement will be performed in accordance with generally accepted professional practices within the Puget Sound region in effect at the time such services are performed. II.TIME OF COMPLETION. The parties agree that work will begin on the tasks described in Section I above immediately upon execution of this Agreement. Upon the effective date of this Agreement, Contractor shall complete the work described in Section I within 90 Days. III.COMPENSATION. The City shall pay the Contractor a total amount not to exceed $949,007.12, including any applicable Washington State Sales Tax, for the work and services contemplated in this Agreement. The Contractor shall invoice the City monthly. The City will pay for the portion of the work described in the invoice that has been completed by the Contractor and approved by the City. The City’s payment shall not constitute a waiver of the City’s right to final inspection and acceptance of the project. A.Payment and Performance Bond. Pursuant to Chapter 39.08 RCW, the Contractor, shall provide the City a payment and performance bond for the full contract amount. B.Retainage. The City shall hold back a retainage in the amount of five percent (5%) of any and all payments made to contractor for a period of sixty (60) days after the date of final acceptance, or until receipt of all necessary releases from the State Department of Revenue, the State Department of Labor & Industries, and the State Employment Security Department, and until settlement of any liens filed under Chapter 60.28 RCW, whichever is later. The amount retained shall be placed in a fund by the City pursuant to RCW 60.28.011(4)(a), un[ess otherwise instructed by the Contractor within fourteen (14) calendar days of Contractor's signature on the Agreement. L.Deleglive or Unauthorized Work. The City reserves its right to withhold payment frorn Contracfor for any defuctive or unaulhorized work, Defective or unauthorized work includes, without limitation; work and materials that do not conform tg the reguirements of this Agreement; and extra work and materials furnished without the City's written approval. If Contractor is unable, for any reason, to satisfactorily complete any portion of the work, the City may complete the work by contract or otherwise, and Contractor shall be liable to the City for any additional costs incurred by the City. "Additional costs" shall rnean all reasonable costs, including legal costs and attorney fees, incurred by the City beyond the maximum Contract price specified above. The City further reserves its right to deduct the cost to complete the eontract work, including any Additional Costs, from any and all amounts due or to become due the Contraclor. Enal Pavment: Waive . THE CONTRACTOR,S ACCEPTANCE OF FINAL PAYMENT (EXCLUDING WITHHELD RETAINAGE) SHALL CONSTITUTE A WAIVER OF CONTRACTOR'S CI-AIMS, EXCEPT THOSE PREVIOUSLY AND PROPERLY MADE AND :DTNTIFIED BY CONTRACTOR AS UNSETTLED AT THE TIME FINAL PAYMENT iS MADE AND ACCEPTED. IV. IilDEPEHDENT COI{TRACTOR, The parties intend that an Independent Contractor- €mployer Relationship will be crealed by this Agreemenl. By their execution of this Agreement, and in accordance with Ch. 51.08 RCW, the parties make the following representations: The Contractor has the ability to control and direct the performance and details of its work, the City being interested only in the results obtailred under this Agreement. The Contractor maintains and pays for its own place of business from which Contractor's services under this Agreement will be performed, The Contractor has an established and independent business that is eligible for a business deduction for federal income tax purposes that existed before the City retained Contractort services and is a service other than that furnished by the City, or the Contractor is engaged in an independently established trade, occupation, profession, or business of the same nature as that involved under this Agreement. The Contractor is responsible for filing as they become due all necessary tax documents with appropriate federal and slate agencies, including the Internal Revenue Service and tbe state Department of Revenue. The Contractor has registered its business and established an account with the state Department of Revenue and other state agencies as may be required by Contractor's business, and has obtained a Unified Business Identifier (UBI) number from the State of Washington. The Contractor has a valid contractor registration pursuant to Ch. 18.27 RCW or an electrical contractor license pursuant to Ch. 19.28 RCW" The Contractor maintains a set of books dedicated to the expenses and earnings of its business. V. TERI.IINATIOI{. The City may terminate this Agreement for good cause. "Good cause" shall include, without limitation, any one or more of the following events: PUBLIC WORKS AGREEMENT - 2 (Aver $20K with Performance Band) !-\ A. B. c I-l r. F G The Contractor's refusal or failure to supply a sufficient number of properly skilled workers or proper materials for completion of the Contrast work. The Contractor's failure to complete the work within the time specified in this Agreement. The Contractor's failure to make full and prompt payment to subcontractors or for rnaterial or labor, The Contractor's regulations. persistent disregard of federal, state or local laws, rules or E. The Contractor's filing for bankruptcy or becoming adjudged bankrupt. F. The Contractor's breach of any portion of this Agreement. If the City terminates this AEreement for good cause, the Contractor shall not receive any further money due under this Agreernent until the Contract work is cornpleted. After terrnination, lhe Caty may take possession of all records and data within the Contractor's possession pertaining to this project which may be used by the City without restriction. VI. PREVAILIT{G WAGES. Contractor shall file a "Statement of Intent to Pay Prevailing Wages," with the State of Washington Department of Labor & Industries prior to commencing the Contractwork" Contractor shall pay prevailing wages in effect on the date the bid is accepted or executed by Contractor, and comply vrith Chapter 39.12 of the Revised Code of Washington, as well as any other applicable prevailing wage rate provisions. The latest prevailing wage rate revision issued by the Department of Labor and Industries is attached. yII' CHAilGES. The City may issue a written change order for any change in the Contract work during the performance of this Agreernent. If the Contractor determines, for any reason, that a change order is necessaryr Contractor must submit a written change order request to the person listed in the notice provision section of this Agreement. section XV(D), within fourteen (14) calendar days of the date Ccntractor knew or should have known of the fads and events giving rise to the reguested change. If the City determines that the change increases or decreases the Contractor's costs or time for performance, the City will rnake an equitable adjustment. The City will attempt, in good faith, to reach agreement with the Contractor on all equitable adjustments. However, if the parties are unable to agree, the City will Cel*rmine the equitable adjustment as it deems appropriate. The Contractor shall proceed with the change order work upon receiving either a written change order from the City or an oral order from the City before actually receiving the written change order. If the Contractor fails to require a change order within the time specified in this paragraph, the Contractor waives its right to make any claim oi submit subsequent change order requests for that portion of the csntract work. If the Contracior disagrees with the eauitable adjustment, the Contractor must complete the change order work; however, the Contractor may elect to protest the adjustment as provided in subsections A through E of Section VIII, Claims, below. The Contractor accepts all requirements of a change order by: (1) endorsing it, (2) writing a separate acceptance, or (3) not protesting in the way this section provides. A change order that is accepted by Contractor as provided in this section shall constitute full payment and final settlement of all claims for contract time and for direct. indirect and consequential costs, including costs of delays related to any work, either covered or affected by the change. VIII. CLAIMS. If the Contractor disagrees with anything required by a change order, another written order, or an oral order frcm the City, including any direction, instruction, interpretation, or determination by the City, the Contractor may file a claim as provided in this section. The Contractor shallgive written notice to the City of all claims within fourteen (14) calendar days of the occurrence of the events giving rise to the claims, or within fourteen (14) calendar days of the date the Contractor knew or should have known of the facts or events giving rise to the claim, whichever occurs first . Any claim for damages, additional payment for any reason, or extension of time, whether under this Agreement or PUBLIC WORKS AGREEMENT. 3 {Over $20K with Performance Bond) A. B. f D. otherwise. shall be conclusively deemed to have been waived by the Contractor unless a timely written claim is made in strict accordance with the applicable provisions of this Agreement. At a minimum, a Contractor's written claim shall include the information set forth in subsections A, itemslthrough5below. FAILURE TO PROVIDE A COMPLETE, WRTTTEN NOTIFICATION OF CLAIM WITHIN THE TIME ALLOWED SHALL BE AN ABSOLUTE WAIVER OF ANY CLAIMS ARISII{G IN AtlY WAY FROl,l THE FACTS OR EVENTS SURROUI{DING THAT CLAI}I OR CAUSED BY THAT DELAY. Notic_e of_Claim. Provide a signed wr'rtten notice of claim that provides the following iciormation: The date of the Contractor's claim; The nature and circumstances that caused the claim; The provisions in this Agreement that support the claim; The estimated dollar cost, if any, of the claimed work and how that estimate was determined; and An analysis of the progress schedule showing the schedule change or disruption if the Contractor is asserting a schedule change or disruption. a Becoldg. The Contractor shall keep complete records of extra costs and time incurred as a result of the asserted events giving rise to the claim. The City shall have access to any of the Contractor's records needed for evaluating the protesl. The City will evaluate all claims, provided the procedures in this section are followed. If the City deterrnines that a claim is valid, the City will adjust payrnent for work or tirne by an equitable adjustment. No adjustment will be made for an invalid protest. Contraglqr's Duty to Complete Proteste{Work. In spite of any claim, the Contractor shall proceed promptly to provide the goods, materials and services required by the City under this Agreement. Failure to Protest Constitutes Waiver. By not protesting as this section provides, the Contractor also waives any additional entitlement and accepts from the City any written or oral order (including directions, instructions, interpretations, and determination). F€ilure to__Foilow Procedures Constilutes Waiver. By fatling to follow the procedures of this section, the Contractor completely waives any claims for protested work and accepts from the City any written or oral order (including directions, instructions, interpretations, and determination). IX. LIIi{ITATIOil OF ACTTONS, CONTRACTOR MUST, IN ANY EVENT. FILE ANY LAWSUIT ARISING FROM OR CONNECTED WITH THIS AGREEMENT WITHIN 120 CALENDAR DAYS FROM THE DATE THE CONTRACT WORK iS COMPLETE OR CONTRACTOR'S ABILITY TO FILE THAT CLAIM OR SUIT SHALL BE FOREVER BARRED. THIS SECTION FURTHER UMITS ANY APPUCABLE STATUTORY LJMITATIONS PERIOD" X. I TARRANTY. Contractor warrants that it will faithfully and satisfactorily perform all work provided under this Agreement in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. The Contractor shall promptly correct all defects in workmanship and materials: (1) when Contractor knows or should have known of the defect, or (2) upon Contractor's receipt of notification from the City of the existence or discovery of the defect. In the event any parts are repaired or replaced, only original replacement parts shall be used-rebuilt or used parts will not be acceptable. When defects are corrected, the warranty for that portion of the work shall extend for an additional year beyond the original warranty period applicable to the overall work. The Contractor shall begin to correct any defects within seven (7) calendar days of its r"cetpt or norice rrom tne Litv or tne def€ct. ii the Contractor does not accomplish the corrections within PUBLIC WORKS AGREEMENT. 4 (Over $20K with Perfarmance Bond) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. C. D F 1 a reasonable time as determined by the City, the City may complete the corrections and the Contractor shall pay all costs incurred by the City in order to accomplish the correction. XI' DISCRIMIHATIOT{. In the hiring of employees for the performance of work under this Agreement or any sub-contract, the Contractor, its sub-contractors, or any person acting on behalf of the Contracfor or sub-contractor shall not, by reason of race, religion, color, sex, age, sexual orientation, national origin, or the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability, discriminate against any person who is qualified and available to perform the work to which the employment relates. Contractor shall execute the attached City of Kent Equal Employment Opportunity Policy Declaration, Comply with City Administrative Policy 1.2, and upon completion of the contract work, file the attached Compliance Statement. Xn. IiIDEIIIIIIFICATION. Contractor shall defend, indernnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees, agents and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits, including all legal costs and attorney fees, arising out of or in connection with the Contractor's performance of this Agreement, except for that portion of the injuries and damages caused by the City's negirgenc*. The City's inspection or acceptance of any of Contractor's work when completed shall not be grounds to avoid any of these covenants of indemnification. Should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that this Agreement is subject to RCW 4.24.115, then, in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages toproperty caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the Contractor and the City, its officers, amcials, employees, agents and volunteers, rhe Contractor's duty to defend, indemnify, and hold the City irarmless, and Contractor's liability accruing from that obligation shall be only to the extent of the Contractor's negligence. ]T IS FURTHER SPECIFiCALLY AND EXPRTSSLY UNDERSTOOD THAT THE INDEMNIFICATION FROVIDED HEREIN CONSTITUTES THE COI'ITMCTOR'S WAIVER OF IMMUNITY UNDER I-NLUSIEIAI TNSUBA-NCE, TITLE 51 RCW, SOLELY FOR THE PURPOSES OF THJS iNDEMNIFICATION. THE PARTIES FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THEY HAVE MUTUALLY NEGOTIATED THIS WAIVER. in the event Contractor refuses tender of defense in any suit or any claim, if that tender was made pursuant to this indemnification clause, and if that refusal is subsequently determined by a court havingjurisdiction (or other agreed tribunal) to have been a wrongful refusal on the Contractor's part, then Contractor shall pay all the City's costs for defense, including all reasonable expert witness fees and reasonable attorneys' fees, plus the City's legal costs and fees incurred because there was a wrongful refusal on the Contractor's part. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. XIXI. IHSURANCE. The Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement, insurance of the types and in the amounts described in Exhibit (B) attached and incorporated by this reference. xlv' WORK PERFORITIED AT CONTRACTOR'S RISI(, Coniractor shall take all necessary precautions and shall be responsible for the safety of its employees, agents, and subcontracLors in theperformance of the contract work and shall utilize all protection necessary for that purpose. All work shallbe done at Contractor's own risk, and Contractor shall be responsible for any loss of or damage to rnaterials, tools, or other articles used or held for use in connection with the work. XV. }IISCELLANEOUSPROVISIONS. PUBLIC WORKS AGREEMENT - 5 (Over $ZOK with Performance Bond) A. Besyelable Materials. Pursuant to Chapter 3.80 of the Kent City Code, the City requires its contractors and consultants to use recycled and recyclable products whenever practicable. A price preference may be available for any designated recycled product. B. Nqn:WAi:t-er of Breach. The failure of the City to insist upon slrict performance of any of the (ovenants and agreements contained in this Agreement, or to exercise any option conferred by this Agreement in one or more instances shall not be construed to be a waiver or relinguishment of those covenants, agreements or options, and the sarne shall be and remain in full force and effect. C. Resplution of Disputes angl Governing ta-w. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. If the parties are unable to settle any dispute, difference or claim arising from the parties' performance of this Agreement, the exclusive means of resolving that dispute, difference or claim, shall only be by filing suit exclusively under the venue, rules and jurisdiction of the King County Superior Court, King Counly, Washington, unless the parties agree in writittg to an alternative dispute resolution process. In any claim or lawsuit for damages arising from the parties' performance of this Agreement, each parly shall pay all its legal costs and attorney's fees incurred in defending or bringing such claim or lawsuit, including all appeals, in addition to any other recovery or award provided by law; provided, however, nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to limit the City's ;'ight to indemnification under Section XII of this Agreement. D. Wltten-NSltge. All communications regarding this Agreement shall be sent to the parties at the addresses listed on the signature page of the Agreement, unless notified to the contrary. Any written *otice hereunder shall become effective three (3) business days after the date of mailing by registered or certified mail, and shall be deemed sufficiently g,iven if sent to the addressee at the address stated in this Agreement or such other address as may be hereafter specified in writing. E, As-s&nmen!. Any assignment of this Agreement by either party without the written consent of the non-assigning parfy shall be void. If the non-assigning party gives its consent to any assignment, the terms of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect and no further assignment shall be rnade without additional written consent. F. l,lSd!fieA$al!. No waiver, alteration, or modification of any of the provisions of this Agreement shall be binding unless in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of the City and Contractor. G. fut!]tglffegloe$, The written provisions and terrns of this Agreement, together with any Exhibits attached hereto, shall supersede all prior verbal statements of any officer or other representative of the City, and such staternents shall not be effective or be construed as entering into or forming a part of or altering in any maflner this Agreement. All of the above documents are hereby made a part of this Agreement. However, should any language in any of the Exhibits to this Agreement conflict with any language contained in this Agreement, the terms of this Agreement shall prevail. H. Cgmpliance with Laws, The Contractor agrees to comply with all federal, state, and municipal laws, rules, and regulations that are now effective or in the future become applicable to Contractor's business, equipment, and personnel engaged in operations covered by this Agreement or accruing out of the performance of those operations. I. Public Recsrds Act. The Contractor acknowledges that the City is a public agency subject to the Public Records Act codified in Chapter 42.56 of lhe Revised Cade of Washington and docurnents, notes, emails, and other records prepared or gathered by the Contractor in its performance.of this Agreement may be subject to public review and disclosure, er/en if those records are not produced to or possessed by the City of Kent. As such, the Contractor agrees to cooperate fully with the City in satisfying the City's duties and obligations under the Public Records Act- l. Ctv Business Lic_ense Recuired. Prior to commencing the tasks described in Section I, Contractor agrees to provide proof of a current city of Kent business license pursuant to Chapter 5.01 of the Kent City Code. PUBLIC WORKS AGREEMENT - 6 tCIver $20K with Pertormance Bond) PUBLIC WORKS AGREEMENT - 7 (Over $20K with Performance Bond) K.Counterparts and Signatures by Fax or Email. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall constitute an original, and all of which will together constitute this one Agreement. Further, upon executing this Agreement, either party may deliver the signature page to the other by fax or email and that signature shall have the same force and effect as if the Agreement bearing the original signature was received in person. IN WITNESS, the parties below execute this Agreement, which shall become effective on the last date entered below. All acts consistent with the authority of this Agreement and prior to its effective date are ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement shall be deemed to have applied. CONTRACTOR: By: (signature) Print Name: Its (title) DATE: CITY OF KENT: By: (signature) Print Name: Dana Ralph Its Mayor DATE: NOTICES TO BE SENT TO: CONTRACTOR: Benjamin Booher EMTech, LLC 1133 Kresky Ave. Suite 106 Centralia, WA 98531 360-748-4891(telephone) N/A(facsimile) NOTICES TO BE SENT TO: CITY OF KENT: Facilities Division C/O Nate Harper City of Kent 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 (253) 856-5082(telephone) (253) 856-6080(facsimile) APPROVED AS TO FORM: Kent Law Department ATTEST: Kent City Clerk Benjamin BooherGeneral Manager DECLARATION crw oF KEI{T EQUAL EITIPLOYMENT OPPORTUNIW POLTCY The City of Kent is committed to conform to Federal and State laws regarding equal opportunity, As such all contractors, subcontractors and suppliers who perform work with relation to this Agreement shall comply with the regulations of the City's equal employment opportunity policies. The following questions specifically identify the requirements the City deems necessary for any eontractor, subcontractor or supplier on this specific Agreement to adhere to. An affirmative response is required on all of the following questions for this Agreement to be valid and binding. ti any contractor, subcontractor or supplier willfully rnisrepresents themselves with regard to the directives outlines, it will be considered a breach of contract and it will be at the City's sole determination regarding suspension or termination for all or paft of the Agreement; The questions are as follows: 1. I have read the attached Citv of Kent administrative policy number 1.2. 2.During the time of this Agreement I will not discriminate in employment on the basis of sex, race, color. national origin, age, or the presence of all sensory, mental or physical disabitity. During the time of this Agreement the prime contractor will provide a written statement to all new employees and subcontractors indicating commitment as an equal opportunity employer. During the time of the Agreement I, the prime contractor, will actively consider hiring and promotion of women and minorities. Before acceptance of this Agreernent, an adherence statement will be signed by me, the Frime Contractor, that the Prime Contractor complied with the requirements as set forth above. By signing below, I agree to fulfill the five requirements referenced above, By: For E h, LLC Title General Manaoer Date:518120 4 5 EEO COMPLIANCE DOCUMENTS. i CITY OF KENT ADMITTISTRATIVE POTICY NUMBER: t.2 EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 1998 SUBJECT:MINOR.ITY AND WOMEN CONTRACTORS SUPERSEDES: April 1, 1996 APPROVED BY Jim White, Mayor Il. POLICYI Equal employment opportunity requirements for the City of Kent wllf conform to federal and state laws. All contractors, subcontractors, consultants and suppliers of the City must guarantee equal employment opportunity within their organization and, if holding Agreements with the City amounting to $10,000 or more within any given year, must take the following affirmative steps: Provide a written statement to all new employees and subcontractors indicating commitment as an equal opportunity employer. 2. Actively consider for promotion and advancement available minorities and women Any contractor, subcontractor, consultant or supplier who willfully disregards the City's nondiscrimination and equal opportunity requirements shall be considered in breach of contract anri subject to suspension or termination for all or part of the Agreement. Contract Compliance Officers will be appointed by the Directors of Planning, Parks, and Public Works Departments to assume the following duties for their respective departments. 1. Ensuring that contractors, subcontracto!'s, consultants, and suppliers subject to these regulations are familiar with the regulations and the City's equal employment opportunity policy. 2. Monitoring to assure adherence to federal, state and local laws, policies and guidelines. EEO COMPLIANCE DOCUMENTS - 2 CITY OF KEI{T EQUAL EM PLOYM E NT OPPORTU I{ITY CO l.l PLIANCE STATEI.I E NT This form shall be filled out AFTER COMPLETIOT{ of this project by the Contractor awarded the Agreement. I, the undersigned, a duly represented agent of Company, hereby acknowledge and declare that the before-mentioned company was the prime contractorfortheAgreementknownasthatwasenteredintoon the (date), between the firm I represent and the City of Kent. I declare that I complied fully with all of the requirements and obligations as outlined in the City of Kent Administrative Policy 1.2 and the Declaration City of Kent Equal Employment Opportunity Policy that was part of the before-mentioned Agreement. By For: Title: Date: f;EO COMPLIANCE DOCUMENTS . 3 BIDDER RESPONSIBILITY CRITERIA Certification of Compliance with Wage Payment Statutes This certification is required by state law (RCW 39.04.350(2)) ta be submitted to the City before the contract can be awarded. The bidder hereby certifies that, within the three-year period immediately preceding the bid solicitation date (Mar 19,202A), the bidder is not a "willful" violator, as defined in RCW 49.48.082, of any provision of chapters 49.46, 49.48, ar 49.52 RCW, as determined by a finai and binding citation and notice of assessment issued by the Department of l-abor and Industries or through a civil judgment entered by a court of limited or general jurisdiction" I certify under penalty cf perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct. EMTech, LLC A ,.K**i),-..- / )" F"'ohoBy W" y'"* or Aurhoiiff ofiicifr Printed Name : Beniamin D. Booher Title: General Manager Date: 5l8l21 C_ity and State Centralia, WA *If a corporation, proposal must be executed in the corporate name by the president or vice- president (or any other corporate officer accompanied by evidence of authority to sign), If a co- partnership, proposal must be executed by a partner. BIDDER RESPONSIBILITY CRITERIA - 1 CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS MASTER SPECIFICATIONS Division 01 – GENERAL REQUIREMENTS CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS MASTER SPECIFICATIONS: DIVISION 01 – GENERAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION # TITLE 01 1000 SUMMARY 01 1200 MULTIPLE CONTRACT SUMMARY 01 2100 ALLOWANCES 01 2200 UNIT PRICES 01 2300 ALTERNATES 01 2500 SUBSTITUTION PROCEDURES 01 2600 CONTRACT MODIFICATION PROCEDURES 01 2900 PAYMENT PROCEDURES 01 3100 PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND COORDINATION 01 3200 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS DOCUMENTATION 01 3233 PHOTOGRAPHIC DOCUMENTATION 01 3300 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES 01 4000 QUALITY REQUIREMENTS 01 4200 REFERENCES 01 5000 TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS 01 5050 CONSTRUCTION FENCING / COVERED WALKWAYS / TREE PROTECTION 01 6000 PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS 01 7300 EXECUTION 01 7419 CONSTRUCTION WASTE MANAGEMENT AND DISPOSAL 01 7700 CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES 01 7823 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA 01 7839 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTATION 01 7900 DEMONSTRATION AND TRAINING 01 9113 GENERAL COMMISSIONING REQUIREMENTS ** End of List ** CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION 01 1000 - SUMMARY PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Project information. 2. Work covered by Contract Documents. 3. Phased construction. 4. Work under separate contracts. 5. Purchase contracts. 6. Owner-furnished products. 7. Access to site. 8. Coordination with occupants. 9. Work restrictions. 10. Specification and drawing conventions. 11. Miscellaneous provisions. B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 015000 "Temporary Facilities and Controls" for limitations and procedures governing temporary use of Owner's facilities. 1.3 PROJECT INFORMATION A. Project Identification: City of Kent – Correctional Facility Plumbing Fixture Replacement 1. Project Location: 1230 Central Ave S, Kent WA 98032. B. Owner: City of Kent 1. Owner's Representative: Alex Ackley 2. Project Coordinator: Nathen Harper C. Other Owner Consultants: The Owner has retained the following design professionals who have prepared designated portions of the Contract Documents: 1. Engineering Economics Inc has prepared the following portions of the Contract Documents: a. Division 1 Specifications b. Plumbing design drawing package D. Project Web Site: A project Web site administered by Construction Manager will be used for purposes of managing communication and documents during the construction stage. 1. See Section 013100 "Project Management and Coordination." for requirements for using the Project Web site. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1.4 WORK COVERED BY CONTRACT DOCUMENTS A. The Work of Project is defined by the Contract Documents and consists of the following: 1. Existing plumbing fixtures shall be replaced with stainless steel combination lavatory and water closet fixtures. Modifications to fixture location as needed. 2. Demolish existing CMU divider partitions in cells. Patch and paint as needed. 3. Tag and color label service chase isolation valves and piping. Provide automated plumbing controls to reduce maintenance and vandalism. 4. Provide emergency cell block water shutoff valves controlled by existing control panel. 5. Replace existing valves in cell block Dayrooms. 6. Replace existing floor drain waste pipe in holding corridor. Add new trench drain in corridor floor and remove existing rock blockage in waste pipe and adds a larger drain to accommodate flooding. 7. Replace hot water recirculation pipe and provide identification. Hot water recirculation pipe shall be PEX. 8. Provide structural review for cutting and patching existing walls and floors. Identify electrical support requirements to match existing. 9. Provide enclosures around all piping and equipment above ceilings and below floors as needed. Locate correctional grade access panels. Patch and paint as needed to match existing. B. Type of Contract: 1. Project will be constructed under a single prime contract. 2. Project will be constructed under coordinated, concurrent multiple contracts. See Section 011200 "Multiple Contract Summary" for a description of work included under each of the multiple contracts and for the responsibilities of Project coordinator. 1.5 PHASED CONSTRUCTION A. The Work shall be conducted in phases, with each phase substantially complete as indicated: 1. Construction Phase: The demo and new work will be completed per the drawing phasing plan. Work in the project areas shall commence in the following sequence: Cell Area C first, then B, A, D, and E. 2. Commissioning Phase: This work will also be completed by phase. The remaining Work shall be substantially complete and ready for occupancy at time of Substantial Completion for the Work. B. Before commencing Work of each phase, submit an updated copy of Contractor's construction schedule showing the sequence, commencement and completion dates for all phases of the Work. 1.6 WORK BY OWNER A. General: Cooperate fully with Owner so work may be carried out smoothly, without interfering with or delaying work under this Contract, or other Contracts (construction) on the project site (See 1.7 below) or work by Owner. Coordinate the Work of this Contract with work performed by Owner. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1.7 WORK UNDER SEPARATE CONTRACTS A. General: Cooperate fully with separate contractors so work on those contracts may be carried out smoothly, without interfering with or delaying work under this Contract or other contracts. Coordinate the Work of this Contract with work performed under separate contracts. 1.8 OWNER-FURNISHED PRODUCTS A. Owner will furnish products indicated. The Work includes receiving, unloading, handling, storing, protecting, and installing Owner-furnished products. B. Owner-Furnished Products: 1. Total of (3) Stainless steel toilets to be installed in the Men’s and Women’s Dormitory restrooms. 1.9 ACCESS TO SITE A. General: Contractor shall have full use of Project site for construction operations during construction period. Contractor's use of Project site is limited only by Owner's right to perform work or to retain other contractors on portions of Project. B. General: Contractor shall have limited use of Project site for construction operations as indicated on Drawings by the Contract limits and as indicated by requirements of this Section. C. Use of Site: Limit use of Project site to work in areas. Do not disturb portions of Project site beyond areas in which the Work is indicated. 1. Limits: Confine construction operations to cell blocks, dayrooms, hallways. D. Schedule deliveries to minimize use of driveways and entrances by construction operations. Deliveries shall be coordinated with the Project Coordinator at least 48 hours in advance. E. Subcontractor shall repair any damage caused by construction operations to the existing building that is outside of the project scope 1. Limits: Limit site disturbance to areas of work and south parking lots. 2. Driveways, Walkways and Entrances: Keep driveways, loading areas, and entrances serving premises clear and available to Owner, Owner's employees, and emergency vehicles at all times. Do not use these areas for parking or storage of materials. a. Schedule deliveries to minimize use of driveways and entrances by construction operations. b. Schedule deliveries to minimize space and time requirements for storage of materials and equipment on-site. F. Condition of Existing Building: Maintain portions of existing building affected by construction operations in a weathertight condition throughout construction period. Repair damage caused by construction operations. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1.10 COORDINATION WITH OCCUPANTS A. Full Owner Occupancy: Owner will occupy site and existing building during entire construction period. Cooperate with Owner during construction operations to minimize conflicts and facilitate Owner usage. Perform the Work so as not to interfere with Owner's day-to-day operations. Maintain existing exits unless otherwise indicated. 1. Maintain access to existing walkways, corridors, and other adjacent occupied or used facilities. Do not close or obstruct walkways, corridors, or other occupied or used facilities without written permission from Owner and approval of authorities having jurisdiction. 2. Notify Owner not less than 72 hours in advance of activities that will affect Owner's operations. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1.11 WORK RESTRICTIONS A. Work Restrictions, General: Comply with restrictions on construction operations. 1. Comply with limitations on use of public streets and with other requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. B. On-Site Work Hours: Limit work in the existing building to normal business working hours of 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 a.m., Monday through Friday, unless otherwise indicated. Note there will be a job premium for off-shift work. 1. Weekend Hours: On a 24-hour basis. 2. Early Morning Hours: Not permitted. 3. Hours for Utility Shutdowns: After C. All work shall be performed per City of Kent noise ordinances under Class B EDNA classification. (http://www.nonoise.org/regulation/ordinance/Kent,%20Washington.pdf) CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS D. Existing Utility Interruptions: Do not interrupt utilities serving facilities occupied by Owner or others unless permitted under the following conditions and then only after providing temporary utility services according to requirements indicated: 1. Notify Owner not less than two days (48 hours) in advance of proposed utility interruptions. 2. Obtain Owner's written permission before proceeding with utility interruptions. E. Noise, Vibration, and Odors: Coordinate operations that may result in high levels of noise and vibration, odors, or other disruption to Owner occupancy with Owner. 1. Notify Owner not less than two days in advance of proposed disruptive operations. 2. Obtain Owner's written permission before proceeding with disruptive operations. F. Controlled Substances: Use of tobacco and alcohol products and other controlled substances on Project site is not permitted. G. Employee Identification: Provide identification tags for Contractor personnel working on Project site. Require personnel to use identification tags at all times. H. Vehicle Identification: City of Kent will make available a limited number of parking passes in designated areas for Contractor use. Contractor shall display proper vehicle identification at all times while parked in the designated areas. I. Employee Screening: Comply with Owner's requirements for drug and background screening of Contractor personnel working on Project site. 1. Provide list of Contractor personnel with proper identification to facility for background checks. List shall be provided at least one week before commencement of work. 2. Any Contractor personnel not on pre-approved list shall provide proper photo identification upon arrival to site so a background check can be completed. Number of Contractor personnel not on pre-approved list should be limited. 3. Maintain list of approved screened personnel with Owner's representative. J. Firearms and Weapons: Contractors or their employees are prohibited from possessing on their persons or within their vehicles any firearm or weapon, or a reasonable facsimile thereof, while on the Project Site. 1. This excludes any normal and customary hand or power tools. 1.12 UTILITY SHUTDOWN PROCEDURE A. All utility shutdowns shall be scheduled with the Owner in accordance with the following: 1. Minimum two week notice is required for all utility shutdowns. Utility shutdowns shall be performed outside normal working hours. Emergency shutdowns will be managed by the Owner on an individual basis. 2. Utility shutdowns request form shall be filled out by the Contractor for each required shutdown. Refer to the Utility Shutdown Form appended to this Section. 3. Send Utility Shutdown request via email to the following: a. Project Coordinator: Nathen Harper; nharper@KentWA.gov 4. Signage is required to be posted at the following locations in the buildings where the shutdown will occur. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS a. All building entrances. 5. City of Kent Facilities Management will provide a Shutdown Notification Form to be distributed. 1.13 SPECIFICATION AND DRAWING CONVENTIONS A. Specification Content: The Specifications use certain conventions for the style of language and the intended meaning of certain terms, words, and phrases when used in particular situations. These conventions are as follows: 1. Imperative mood and streamlined language are generally used in the Specifications. The words "shall," "shall be," or "shall comply with," depending on the context, are implied where a colon (:) is used within a sentence or phrase. 2. Specification requirements are to be performed by Contractor unless specifically stated otherwise. B. Division 01 General Requirements: Requirements of Sections in Division 01 apply to the Work of all Sections in the Specifications. C. Drawing Coordination: Requirements for materials and products identified on Drawings are described in detail in the Specifications. One or more of the following are used on Drawings to identify materials and products: 1. Terminology: Materials and products are identified by the typical generic terms used in the individual Specifications Sections. 2. Abbreviations: Materials and products are identified by abbreviations published as part of the U.S. National CAD Standard and scheduled on Drawings. 3. Keynoting: Materials and products are identified by reference keynotes referencing Specification Section numbers found in this Project Manual. END OF SECTION 01 1000 CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION 01 1200 - MULTIPLE CONTRACT SUMMARY PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. Section includes a summary of each contract, including responsibilities for coordination and temporary facilities and controls. B. Specific requirements for Work of each contract are also indicated in individual Specification Sections and on Drawings. C. Related Requirements: 1. Section 011000 "Summary" for the Work covered by the Contract Documents, restrictions on use of Project site, phased construction, coordination with occupants, and work restrictions. 2. Section 013100 "Project Management and Coordination" for general coordination requirements. 1.3 DEFINITIONS A. Permanent Enclosure: As determined by Project Coordinator, the condition at which roofing is insulated and weathertight; exterior walls are insulated and weathertight; and all openings are closed with permanent construction or substantial temporary closures equivalent in weather protection to permanent construction. 1.4 PROJECT COORDINATOR A. Project coordinator shall be responsible for coordination between all contracts. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1.5 COORDINATION ACTIVITIES A. Coordination activities of Project coordinator include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Provide overall coordination of the Work. 2. Coordinate shared access to work areas. 3. Coordinate product selections for compatibility. 4. Provide overall coordination of temporary facilities and controls. 5. Coordinate, schedule, and approve interruptions of permanent and temporary utilities, including those necessary to make connections for temporary services. 6. Coordinate construction and operations of the Work with work performed by each Contract. 7. Prepare coordination drawings in collaboration with each contractor to coordinate work by more than one contract. 8. Coordinate sequencing and scheduling of the Work. Include the following: a. Initial Coordination Meeting: At earliest possible date, arrange and conduct a meeting with contractors for sequencing and coordinating the Work; negotiate reasonable adjustments to schedules. b. Prepare a combined contractors' construction schedule for entire Project. Base schedule on preliminary construction schedule. Secure time commitments for performing critical construction activities from contractors. Show activities of each contract on a separate sheet. Prepare a simplified summary sheet indicating combined construction activities of contracts. 1) Submit schedules for approval. 2) Distribute copies of approved schedules to contractors. 9. Provide photographic documentation. 10. Provide quality-assurance and quality-control services specified in Section 014000 "Quality Requirements." 11. Coordinate sequence of activities to accommodate tests and inspections, and coordinate schedule of tests and inspections. 12. Provide information necessary to adjust, move, or relocate existing utility structures affected by construction. 13. Locate existing permanent benchmarks, control points, and similar reference points, and establish permanent benchmarks on Project site. 14. Provide field surveys of in-progress construction and site work. 15. Provide progress cleaning of common areas and coordinate progress cleaning of areas or pieces of equipment where more than one contractor has worked. 16. Coordinate cutting and patching. 17. Coordinate protection of the Work. 18. Coordinate firestopping. 19. Coordinate completion of interrelated punch list items. 20. Coordinate preparation of Project record documents if information from more than one contractor is to be integrated with information from other contractors to form one combined record. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 21. Print and submit record documents if installations by more than one contractor are indicated on the same contract drawing or shop drawing. 22. Collect record Specification Sections from contractors, collate Sections into numeric order, and submit complete set. 23. Coordinate preparation of operation and maintenance manuals if information from more than one contractor is to be integrated with information from other contractors to form one combined record. B. Responsibilities of Project coordinator for temporary facilities and controls include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Provide common-use field office for use by all personnel engaged in construction activities. 1.6 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS OF CONTRACTS A. Extent of Contract: Unless the Agreement contains a more specific description of the Work of each Contract, requirements indicated on Drawings and in Specification Sections determine which contract includes a specific element of Project. 1. Unless otherwise indicated, the work described in this Section for each contract shall be complete systems and assemblies, including products, components, accessories, and installation required by the Contract Documents. 2. Trenches and other excavation for the work of each contract shall be the work of each contract for its own work. 3. Blocking, backing panels, sleeves, and metal fabrication supports for the work of each contract shall be the work of each contract for its own work. 4. Furnishing of access panels for the work of each contract shall be the work of each contract for its own work. Installation of access panels shall be the work of each contract for its own work. 5. Painting for the work of each contract shall be the work of each contract for its own work. 8. Cutting and Patching: Provided under each contract for its own work 9. Through-penetration firestopping for the work of each contract shall be provided by each contract for its own work. 10. Contractors' Startup Construction Schedule: Within five working days after startup horizontal bar-chart-type construction schedule submittal has been received from Project coordinator, submit a matching startup horizontal bar-chart schedule showing construction operations sequenced and coordinated with overall construction. B. Substitutions: Each contractor shall cooperate with other contractors involved to coordinate approved substitutions with remainder of the work. 1. Project coordinator shall review substitutions. C. Temporary Facilities and Controls: In addition to specific responsibilities for temporary facilities and controls indicated in this Section and in Section 015000 "Temporary Facilities and Controls," each contractor is responsible for the following: 1. Installation, operation, maintenance, and removal of each temporary facility necessary for its own normal construction activity, and costs and use charges associated with each facility, except as otherwise provided for in this Section. 2. Plug-in electric power cords and extension cords, supplementary plug-in task lighting, and special lighting necessary exclusively for its own activities. 3. Its own field office, complete with necessary furniture, utilities, and telephone service. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 4. Its own storage and fabrication sheds. 5. Temporary enclosures for its own construction activities. 6. Staging and scaffolding for its own construction activities. 7. General hoisting facilities for its own construction activities, up to 2 tons (2000 kg). 8. Waste disposal facilities, including collection and legal disposal of its own hazardous, dangerous, unsanitary, or other harmful waste materials. 9. Progress cleaning of work areas affected by its operations on a daily basis. 10. Secure lockup of its own tools, materials, and equipment. 11. Construction aids and miscellaneous services and facilities necessary exclusively for its own construction activities. D. Use Charges: Comply with the following: 1. Sewer Service: Include the cost for sewer service use by all parties engaged in construction activities at Project site in the General Construction Contract. 2. Water Service: Include the cost for water service, whether metered or otherwise, for water used by all entities engaged in construction activities at Project site in the General Construction Contract. 3. Electric Power Service: Include the cost for electric power service, whether metered or otherwise, for electricity used by all entities engaged in construction activities at Project site in the General Construction Contract. 1.7 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT A. Work in the General Construction Contract includes, but is not limited to, the following: 1. Remaining work not identified as work under other contracts. 2. Selective demolition. 3. Slabs-on-grade, including earthwork, subdrainage systems, and insulation. 4. Below-grade building construction, including excavation, backfill, and thermal and moisture protection. 5. Superstructure, including floor and roof construction. 6. Miscellaneous items, including of mechanical and electrical work. 7. Equipment, including the following: a. Loading dock equipment. b. Trenching equipment CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS B. Temporary facilities and controls in the General Construction Contract include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Temporary facilities and controls that are not otherwise specifically assigned to the Plumbing Contract and Electrical Contract 2. Sediment and erosion control. 3. Unpiped sewers and drainage, including drainage ditches, dry wells, stabilization ponds, and containers. 4. Unpiped temporary toilet fixtures, wash facilities, and drinking water facilities, including disposable supplies. 5. Temporary enclosure for building exterior, except as indicated. 6. Temporary roads and paved areas. 7. Dewatering facilities and drains. 8. Excavation support and protection, unless required solely for the Work of another contract. 9. Special or unusual hoisting requirements for construction activities, including hoisting loads in excess of 2 tons (2000 kg), hoisting material or equipment into spaces below grade, and hoisting requirements outside building enclosure. 10. Project identification and temporary signs. 11. General waste disposal facilities. 12. Pest control. 13. Temporary stairs. 14. Temporary fire-protection facilities. 15. Barricades, warning signs, and lights. 16. Site enclosure fence. 17. Covered walkways. 18. Security enclosure and lockup. 19. Environmental protection. 20. Restoration of Owner's existing facilities used as temporary facilities. 1.8 PLUMBING CONTRACT A. Work in the Plumbing Contract includes, but is not limited to, the following: 1. Site water supply and distribution. 2. Site sanitary sewerage. 3. Site storm drainage. 4. Site fuel distribution. 5. Site special plumbing systems. 6. Plumbing fixtures. 7. Domestic water distribution. 8. Sanitary waste. 9. Stormwater drainage CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 11. Plumbing connections to equipment furnished by the Plumbing Contract. B. Temporary facilities and controls in the Plumbing Contract include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Piped sewerage and drainage. 2. Piped gas service. 3. Piped water service. 4. Piped temporary toilet fixtures, wash facilities, and drinking water facilities. 5. Plumbing connections to existing systems and temporary facilities and controls furnished by the General Contract. 1.9 ELECTRICAL CONTRACT A. Work in the Electrical Contract includes, but is not limited to, the following: 2. Electrical service and distribution. 3. Electrical connections to equipment furnished by other contracts. B. Temporary facilities and controls in the Electrical Contract include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Electrical connections to existing systems and temporary facilities and controls furnished by other Contracts. END OF SECTION 01 1200 CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION 01 2100 – ALLOWANCES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. Section includes administrative and procedural requirements governing allowances. 1. Certain items are specified in the Contract Documents by allowances. Allowances have been established in lieu of additional requirements and to defer selection of actual materials and equipment to a later date when direction will be provided to Contractor. If necessary, additional requirements will be issued by Change Order. B. Types of allowances include the following: 1. Lump-sum allowances. 2. Unit-cost allowances. 3. Quantity allowances. 4. Contingency allowances. 5. Testing and inspecting allowances. C. Related Requirements: 1. Section 012200 "Unit Prices" for procedures for using unit prices. 2. Section 014000 "Quality Requirements" for procedures governing the use of allowances for testing and inspecting. 1.3 SELECTION AND PURCHASE A. At the earliest practical date after award of the Contract, advise Project Coordinator of the date when final selection and purchase of each product or system described by an allowance must be completed to avoid delaying the Work. B. At Project Coordinator's request, obtain proposals for each allowance for use in making final selections. Include recommendations that are relevant to performing the Work. C. Purchase products and systems selected by Project Coordinator from the designated supplier. 1.4 ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Submit proposals for purchase of products or systems included in allowances, in the form specified for Change Orders. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1.5 INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. Submit invoices or delivery slips to show actual quantities of materials delivered to the site for use in fulfillment of each allowance. B. Submit time sheets and other documentation to show labor time and cost for installation of allowance items that include installation as part of the allowance. C. Coordinate and process submittals for allowance items in same manner as for other portions of the Work. 1.6 COORDINATION A. Coordinate allowance items with other portions of the Work. Furnish templates as required to coordinate installation. 1.7 UNIT-COST AND QUANTITY ALLOWANCES A. Allowance shall include cost to Contractor of specific products and materials ordered by Owner or selected by Project Coordinator under allowance and shall include taxes, freight and delivery to Project site. B. Unless otherwise indicated, Contractor's costs for receiving and handling at Project site, labor, installation, overhead and profit, and similar costs related to products and materials ordered by Owner or selected by Project Coordinator under allowance shall be included as part of the Contract Sum and not part of the allowance. C. Unused Materials: Return unused materials purchased under an allowance to manufacturer or supplier for credit to Owner, after installation has been completed and accepted. 1. If requested by Project Coordinator, retain and prepare unused material for storage by Owner. Deliver unused material to Owner's storage space as directed. 1.8 CONTINGENCY ALLOWANCES A. Use the contingency allowance only as directed by Project Coordinator for Owner's purposes and only by Change Orders that indicate amounts to be charged to the allowance. B. Change Orders authorizing use of funds from the contingency allowance will include Contractor's related costs and reasonable overhead and profit margins. C. At Project closeout, credit unused amounts remaining in the contingency allowance to Owner by Change Order. 1.9 TESTING AND INSPECTING ALLOWANCES A. Testing and inspecting allowances include the cost of engaging testing agencies, actual tests and inspections, and reporting results. B. The allowance does not include incidental labor required to assist the testing agency or costs for retesting if previous tests and inspections result in failure. The cost for incidental labor to assist the testing agency shall be included in the Contract Sum. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS C. Costs of services not required by the Contract Documents are not included in the allowance. D. At Project closeout, credit unused amounts remaining in the testing and inspecting allowance to Owner by Change Order. 1.10 ADJUSTMENT OF ALLOWANCES A. Allowance Adjustment: To adjust allowance amounts, prepare a Change Order proposal based on the difference between purchase amount and the allowance, multiplied by final measurement of work-in-place where applicable. If applicable, include reasonable allowances for cutting losses, tolerances, mixing wastes, normal product imperfections, and similar margins. 1. Include installation costs in purchase amount only where indicated as part of the allowance. 2. If requested, prepare explanation and documentation to substantiate distribution of overhead costs and other margins claimed. 3. Submit substantiation of a change in scope of work, if any, claimed in Change Orders related to unit-cost allowances. 4. Owner reserves the right to establish the quantity of work-in-place by independent quantity survey, measure, or count. B. Submit claims for increased costs because of a change in scope or nature of the allowance described in the Contract Documents, whether for the purchase order amount or Contractor's handling, labor, installation, overhead, and profit. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine products covered by an allowance promptly on delivery for damage or defects. Return damaged or defective products to manufacturer for replacement. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Coordinate materials and their installation for each allowance with related materials and installations to ensure that each allowance item is completely integrated and interfaced with related work. 3.3 SCHEDULE OF ALLOWANCES Allowances: Include the sum of allowance, as well as a description. 1. This allowance includes material cost, receiving, handling, and installation and Contractor overhead and profit. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 2. Coordinate quantity allowance adjustment with corresponding unit-price requirements in Section 012200 "Unit Prices." END OF SECTION 01 2100 CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION 01 2200 - UNIT PRICES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for unit prices. B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 012600 "Contract Modification Procedures" for procedures for submitting and handling Change Orders. 2. Section 014000 "Quality Requirements" for general testing and inspecting requirements. 1.3 DEFINITIONS A. Unit price is an amount incorporated in the Agreement, applicable during the duration of the Work as a price per unit of measurement for materials, equipment, or services, or a portion of the Work, added to or deducted from the Contract Sum by appropriate modification, if the scope of Work or estimated quantities of Work required by the Contract Documents are increased or decreased. 1.4 PROCEDURES A. Unit prices include all necessary material, plus cost for delivery, installation, insurance, applicable taxes, overhead, and profit. B. Measurement and Payment: See individual Specification Sections for work that requires establishment of unit prices. Methods of measurement and payment for unit prices are specified in those Sections. C. Owner reserves the right to reject Contractor's measurement of work-in-place that involves use of established unit prices and to have this work measured, at Owner's expense, by an independent surveyor acceptable to Contractor. D. List of Unit Prices: A schedule of unit prices is included in Part 3. Specification Sections referenced in the schedule contain requirements for materials described under each unit price. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 SCHEDULE OF UNIT PRICES A. Unit Price Number 1. Description 2. Unit of Measurement 3. Quantity Allowance: Coordinate unit price with allowance adjustment requirements in Section 012100 "Allowances." END OF SECTION CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION 01 2300 - ALTERNATES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for alternates. 1.3 DEFINITIONS A. Alternate: An amount proposed by bidders and stated on the Bid Form for certain work defined in the bidding requirements that may be added to or deducted from the base bid amount if Owner decides to accept a corresponding change either in the amount of construction to be completed or in the products, materials, equipment, systems, or installation methods described in the Contract Documents. 1. Alternates described in this Section are part of the Work only if enumerated in the Agreement. 2. The cost or credit for each alternate is the net addition to or deduction from the Contract Sum to incorporate alternate into the Work. No other adjustments are made to the Contract Sum. 1.4 PROCEDURES A. Coordination: Revise or adjust affected adjacent work as necessary to completely integrate work of the alternate into Project. 1. Include as part of each alternate, miscellaneous devices, accessory objects, and similar items incidental to or required for a complete installation whether or not indicated as part of alternate. B. Notification: Immediately following award of the Contract, notify each party involved, in writing, of the status of each alternate. Indicate if alternates have been accepted, rejected, or deferred for later consideration. Include a complete description of negotiated revisions to alternates. C. Execute accepted alternates under the same conditions as other work of the Contract. D. Schedule: A schedule of alternates is included at the end of this Section. Specification Sections referenced in schedule contain requirements for materials necessary to achieve the work described under each alternate. END OF SECTION 01 2300 NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY PROJECT NAME ____________ FOR: ___________ JOB # ________ ISSUED: 03/29/2017 SUBSTITUTION PROCEDURES 01 2500 - 1 SECTION 01 2500 - SUBSTITUTION PROCEDURES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for substitutions. B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 012100 "Allowances" for products selected under an allowance. 2. Section 012300 "Alternates" for products selected under an alternate. 3. Section 016000 "Product Requirements" for requirements for submitting comparable product submittals for products by listed manufacturers. 1.3 DEFINITIONS A. Substitutions: Changes in products, materials, equipment, and methods of construction from those required by the Contract Documents and proposed by Contractor. 1. Substitutions for Cause: Changes proposed by Contractor that are required due to changed Project conditions, such as unavailability of product, regulatory changes, or unavailability of required warranty terms. 2. Substitutions for Convenience: Changes proposed by Contractor or Owner that are not required in order to meet other Project requirements but may offer advantage to Contractor or Owner. 1.4 ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Substitution Requests: Submit three copies of each request for consideration. Identify product or fabrication or installation method to be replaced. Include Specification Section number and title and Drawing numbers and titles. 1. Substitution Request Form: Use facsimile of form provided in Project Manual. 2. Documentation: Show compliance with requirements for substitutions and the following, as applicable: a. Statement indicating why specified product or fabrication or installation cannot be provided, if applicable. b. Coordination information, including a list of changes or revisions needed to other parts of the Work and to construction performed by Owner and separate contractors, that will be necessary to accommodate proposed substitution. Substitution Request Form: Use RFI form to be reviewed and approved by the engineer and Project Coordinator. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY PROJECT NAME ____________ FOR: ___________ JOB # ________ ISSUED: 03/29/2017 SUBSTITUTION PROCEDURES 01 2500 - 2 c. Detailed comparison of significant qualities of proposed substitution with those of the Work specified. Include annotated copy of applicable Specification Section. Significant qualities may include attributes such as performance, weight, size, durability, visual effect, sustainable design characteristics, warranties, and specific features and requirements indicated. Indicate deviations, if any, from the Work specified. d. Product Data, including drawings and descriptions of products and fabrication and installation procedures. e. Samples, where applicable or requested. f. Certificates and qualification data, where applicable or requested. g. List of similar installations for completed projects with project names and addresses and names and addresses of architects and owners. h. Material test reports from a qualified testing agency indicating and interpreting test results for compliance with requirements indicated. i. Research reports evidencing compliance with building code in effect for Project. j. Detailed comparison of Contractor's construction schedule using proposed substitution with products specified for the Work, including effect on the overall Contract Time. If specified product or method of construction cannot be provided within the Contract Time, include letter from manufacturer, on manufacturer's letterhead, stating date of receipt of purchase order, lack of availability, or delays in delivery. k. Cost information, including a proposal of change, if any, in the Contract Sum. l. Contractor's certification that proposed substitution complies with requirements in the Contract Documents except as indicated in substitution request, is compatible with related materials, and is appropriate for applications indicated. m. Contractor's waiver of rights to additional payment or time that may subsequently become necessary because of failure of proposed substitution to produce indicated results. 3. Architect's Action: If necessary, Architect will request additional information or documentation for evaluation within seven days of receipt of a request for substitution. Architect will notify Contractor[ through Construction Manager] of acceptance or rejection of proposed substitution within 15 days of receipt of request, or seven days of receipt of additional information or documentation, whichever is later. a. Forms of Acceptance: Change Order, Construction Change Directive, or Architect's Supplemental Instructions for minor changes in the Work. b. Use product specified if Architect does not issue a decision on use of a proposed substitution within time allocated. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Compatibility of Substitutions: Investigate and document compatibility of proposed substitution with related products and materials. Engage a qualified testing agency to perform compatibility tests recommended by manufacturers. 1.6 PROCEDURES A. Coordination: Revise or adjust affected work as necessary to integrate work of the approved substitutions. Engineer's Engineer Engineer Engineer GENERAL REQUIREMENTS NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY PROJECT NAME ____________ FOR: ___________ JOB # ________ ISSUED: 03/29/2017 SUBSTITUTION PROCEDURES 01 2500 - 3 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 SUBSTITUTIONS A. Substitutions for Cause: Submit requests for substitution immediately on discovery of need for change, but not later than 15 days prior to time required for preparation and review of related submittals. 1. Conditions: Architect will consider Contractor's request for substitution when the following conditions are satisfied. If the following conditions are not satisfied, Architect will return requests without action, except to record noncompliance with these requirements: a. Requested substitution is consistent with the Contract Documents and will produce indicated results. b. Requested substitution provides sustainable design characteristics that specified product provided for achieving LEED prerequisites and credits. c. Substitution request is fully documented and properly submitted. d. Requested substitution will not adversely affect Contractor's construction schedule. e. Requested substitution has received necessary approvals of authorities having jurisdiction. f. Requested substitution is compatible with other portions of the Work. g. Requested substitution has been coordinated with other portions of the Work. h. Requested substitution provides specified warranty. i. If requested substitution involves more than one contractor, requested substitution has been coordinated with other portions of the Work, is uniform and consistent, is compatible with other products, and is acceptable to all contractors involved. B. Substitutions for Convenience: Not allowed. PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Used) END OF SECTION 01 2500 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Engineer Engineer c.d. e. f.g. h. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION 01 2600 - CONTRACT MODIFICATION PROCEDURES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for handling and processing Contract modifications. B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 012500 "Substitution Procedures" for administrative procedures for handling requests for substitutions made after the Contract award. 1.3 MINOR CHANGES IN THE WORK A. Project Coordinator will issue through Project Coordinator supplemental instructions authorizing minor changes in the Work, not involving adjustment to the Contract Sum or the Contract Time, on AIA Document G710, "Project Coordinator's Supplemental Instructions." 1.4 PROPOSAL REQUESTS A. Owner-Initiated Proposal Requests: Project Coordinator will issue a detailed description of proposed changes in the Work that may require adjustment to the Contract Sum or the Contract Time. If necessary, the description will include supplemental or revised Drawings and Specifications. 1. Work Change Proposal Requests issued by Project Coordinator are not instructions either to stop work in progress or to execute the proposed change. 2. Within 14 days, after receipt of Proposal Request, submit a quotation estimating cost adjustments to the Contract Sum and the Contract Time necessary to execute the change. a. Include a list of quantities of products required or eliminated and unit costs, with total amount of purchases and credits to be made. If requested, furnish survey data to substantiate quantities. b. Indicate applicable taxes, delivery charges, equipment rental, and amounts of trade discounts. c. Include costs of labor and supervision directly attributable to the change. d. Include an updated Contractor's construction schedule that indicates the effect of the change, including, but not limited to, changes in activity duration, start and finish times, and activity relationship. Use available total float before requesting an extension of the Contract Time. B. Contractor-Initiated Proposals: If latent or changed conditions require modifications to the Contract, Contractor may initiate a claim by submitting a request for a change to Project Coordinator CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Include a statement outlining reasons for the change and the effect of the change on the Work. Provide a complete description of the proposed change. Indicate the effect of the proposed change on the Contract Sum and the Contract Time. 2. Include a list of quantities of products required or eliminated and unit costs, with total amount of purchases and credits to be made. If requested, furnish survey data to substantiate quantities. 3. Indicate applicable taxes, delivery charges, equipment rental, and amounts of trade discounts. 4. Include costs of labor and supervision directly attributable to the change. 5. Include an updated Contractor's construction schedule that indicates the effect of the change, including, but not limited to, changes in activity duration, start and finish times, and activity relationship. Use available total float before requesting an extension of the Contract Time. 6. Comply with requirements in Section 012500 "Substitution Procedures" if the proposed change requires substitution of one product or system for product or system specified. 7. Proposal Request Form: Use AIA Document G709 for Proposal Request. 1.5 ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGE ORDERS A. Allowance Adjustment: See Section 012100 "Allowances" for administrative procedures for preparation of Change Order Proposal for adjusting the Contract Sum to reflect actual costs of allowances. B. Unit-Price Adjustment: See Section 012200 "Unit Prices" for administrative procedures for preparation of Change Order Proposal for adjusting the Contract Sum to reflect measured scope of unit-price work. 1.6 CHANGE ORDER PROCEDURES A. On Owner's approval of a Work Changes Proposal Request, Project Coordinator will issue a Change Order for signatures of Owner and Contractor on AIA Document G701. 1.7 CONSTRUCTION CHANGE DIRECTIVE A. Construction Change Directive: Project Coordinator may issue a Construction Change Directive on AIA Document G714. Construction Change Directive instructs Contractor to proceed with a change in the Work, for subsequent inclusion in a Change Order. 1. Construction Change Directive contains a complete description of change in the Work. It also designates method to be followed to determine change in the Contract Sum or the Contract Time. B. Documentation: Maintain detailed records on a time and material basis of work required by the Construction Change Directive. 1. After completion of change, submit an itemized account and supporting data necessary to substantiate cost and time adjustments to the Contract. END OF SECTION 01 2600 CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION 01 2900 - PAYMENT PROCEDURES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. Section includes administrative and procedural requirements necessary to prepare and process Applications for Payment. B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 012100 "Allowances" for procedural requirements governing the handling and processing of allowances. 2. Section 012200 "Unit Prices" for administrative requirements governing the use of unit prices. 3. Section 012600 "Contract Modification Procedures" for administrative procedures for handling changes to the Contract. 4. Section 013200 "Construction Progress Documentation" for administrative requirements governing the preparation and submittal of the Contractor's construction schedule. 1.3 DEFINITIONS A. Schedule of Values: A statement furnished by Contractor allocating portions of the Contract Sum to various portions of the Work and used as the basis for reviewing Contractor's Applications for Payment. 1.4 SCHEDULE OF VALUES A. Coordination: Coordinate preparation of the schedule of values with preparation of Contractor's construction schedule. 1. Coordinate line items in the schedule of values with other required administrative forms and schedules, including the following: a. Application for Payment forms. b. Payment for application times. c. Submittal schedule. d. Items required to be indicated as separate activities in Contractor's construction schedule. 2. Submit the schedule of values to Project Coordinator at earliest possible date, but no later than seven days before the date scheduled for submittal of initial Applications for Payment. 3. Subschedules for Phased Work: Where the Work is separated into phases requiring separately phased payments, provide subschedules showing values coordinated with each phase of payment. 4. Subschedules for Separate Elements of Work: Where the Contractor's construction schedule defines separate elements of the Work, provide subschedules showing values coordinated with each element. 5. Subschedules for Separate Design Contracts: Where the Owner has retained design professionals under separate contracts who will each provide certification of payment CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS requests, provide subschedules showing values coordinated with the scope of each design services contract as described in Section 011000 "Summary." B. Format and Content: Use Project Manual table of contents as a guide to establish line items for the schedule of values. Provide at least one line item for each Specification Section. 1. Identification: Include the following Project identification on the schedule of values: a. Project name and location. b. Name of Project Coordinator. c. Project Coordinator's project number. d. Contractor's name and address. e. Date of submittal. 2. Arrange the schedule of values in tabular form with separate columns to indicate the following for each item listed: a. Related Specification Section or Division. b. Description of the Work. c. Name of subcontractor. d. Name of manufacturer or fabricator. e. Name of supplier. f. Change Orders (numbers) that affect value. g. Dollar value of the following, as a percentage of the Contract Sum to nearest one- hundredth percent, adjusted to total 100 percent. 1) Labor. 2) Materials. 3) Equipment. 3. Provide a breakdown of the Contract Sum in enough detail to facilitate continued evaluation of Applications for Payment and progress reports. Coordinate with Project Manual table of contents. Provide multiple line items for principal subcontract amounts in excess of five percent of the Contract Sum. 4. Round amounts to nearest whole dollar; total shall equal the Contract Sum. 5. Provide a separate line item in the schedule of values for each part of the Work where Applications for Payment may include materials or equipment purchased or fabricated and stored, but not yet installed. a. Differentiate between items stored on-site and items stored off-site. If required, include evidence of insurance. 6. Provide separate line items in the schedule of values for initial cost of materials, for each subsequent stage of completion, and for total installed value of that part of the Work. 7. Allowances: Provide a separate line item in the schedule of values for each allowance. Show line-item value of unit-cost allowances, as a product of the unit cost, multiplied by measured quantity. Use information indicated in the Contract Documents to determine quantities. 8. Purchase Contracts: Provide a separate line item in the schedule of values for each purchase contract. Show line-item value of purchase contract. Indicate owner payments or deposits, if any, and balance to be paid by Contractor. 9. Each item in the schedule of values and Applications for Payment shall be complete. Include total cost and proportionate share of general overhead and profit for each item. a. Temporary facilities and other major cost items that are not direct cost of actual work-in-place may be shown either as separate line items in the schedule of values or distributed as general overhead expense, at Contractor's option. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 10. Schedule Updating: Update and resubmit the schedule of values before the next Applications for Payment when Change Orders or Construction Change Directives result in a change in the Contract Sum. 1.5 APPLICATIONS FOR PAYMENT A. Each Application for Payment following the initial Application for Payment shall be consistent with previous applications and payments as certified by Project Coordinator and Project Coordinator and paid for by Owner. 1. Initial Application for Payment, Application for Payment at time of Substantial Completion, and final Application for Payment involve additional requirements. B. Payment Application Times: The date for each progress payment is indicated in the Agreement between Owner and Contractor. The period of construction work covered by each Application for Payment is the period indicated in the Agreement. 1. Submit draft copy of Application for Payment seven days prior to due date for review by Project Coordinator. C. Application for Payment Forms: Use AIA Document G702 as form for Applications for Payment. D. Application Preparation: Complete every entry on form. Notarize and execute by a person authorized to sign legal documents on behalf of Contractor. Project Coordinator will return incomplete applications without action. 1. Entries shall match data on the schedule of values and Contractor's construction schedule. Use updated schedules if revisions were made. 2. Include amounts for work completed following previous Application for Payment, whether or not payment has been received. Include only amounts for work completed at time of Application for Payment. 3. Include amounts of Change Orders and Construction Change Directives issued before last day of construction period covered by application. 4. Indicate separate amounts for work being carried out under Owner-requested project acceleration. E. Stored Materials: Include in Application for Payment amounts applied for materials or equipment purchased or fabricated and stored, but not yet installed. Differentiate between items stored on- site and items stored off-site. 1. Provide certificate of insurance, evidence of transfer of title to Owner, and consent of surety to payment, for stored materials. 2. Provide supporting documentation that verifies amount requested, such as paid invoices. Match amount requested with amounts indicated on documentation; do not include overhead and profit on stored materials. 3. Provide summary documentation for stored materials indicating the following: a. Value of materials previously stored and remaining stored as of date of previous Applications for Payment. b. Value of previously stored materials put in place after date of previous Application for Payment and on or before date of current Application for Payment. c. Value of materials stored since date of previous Application for Payment and remaining stored as of date of current Application for Payment. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS F. Transmittal: Submit two signed and notarized original copies of each Application for Payment to Project Coordinator by a method ensuring receipt within 24 hours. One copy shall include waivers of lien and similar attachments if required. 1. Submit one copy to the Owner's Representative at City of Kent. 2. Submit one copy to the Project Coordinator. 3. Transmit each copy with a transmittal form listing attachments and recording appropriate information about application. G. Waivers of Mechanic's Lien: With each Application for Payment, submit waivers of mechanic's lien from entities lawfully entitled to file a mechanic's lien arising out of the Contract and related to the Work covered by the payment. 1. Submit partial waivers on each item for amount requested in previous application, after deduction for retainage, on each item. 2. When an application shows completion of an item, submit conditional final or full waivers. 3. Owner reserves the right to designate which entities involved in the Work must submit waivers. 4. Waiver Forms: Submit executed waivers of lien on forms acceptable to Owner. H. Initial Application for Payment: Administrative actions and submittals that must precede or coincide with submittal of first Application for Payment include the following: 1. List of subcontractors. 2. Schedule of values. 3. Contractor's construction schedule (preliminary if not final). 4. Combined Contractor's construction schedule (preliminary if not final) incorporating Work of multiple contracts, with indication of acceptance of schedule by each Contractor. 5. Products list (preliminary if not final). 6. Schedule of unit prices. 7. Submittal schedule (preliminary if not final). CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 10. List of Contractor's staff assignments. 11. List of Contractor's principal consultants. 12. Copies of building permits. 13. Copies of authorizations and licenses from authorities having jurisdiction for performance of the Work. 14. Initial progress report. 15. Report of preconstruction conference. 16. Certificates of insurance and insurance policies. 17. Performance and payment bonds. 18. Data needed to acquire Owner's insurance. I. Application for Payment at Substantial Completion: After Project Coordinator issues the Certificate of Substantial Completion, submit an Application for Payment showing 100 percent completion for portion of the Work claimed as substantially complete. 1. Include documentation supporting claim that the Work is substantially complete and a statement showing an accounting of changes to the Contract Sum. 2. This application shall reflect Certificate(s) of Substantial Completion issued previously for Owner occupancy of designated portions of the Work. J. Final Payment Application: After completing Project closeout requirements, submit final Application for Payment with releases and supporting documentation not previously submitted and accepted, including, but not limited, to the following: 1. Evidence of completion of Project closeout requirements. 2. Insurance certificates for products and completed operations where required and proof that taxes, fees, and similar obligations were paid. 3. Updated final statement, accounting for final changes to the Contract Sum. 4. AIA Document G706, "Contractor's Affidavit of Payment of Debts and Claims." 5. AIA Document G706A, "Contractor's Affidavit of Release of Liens." 6. AIA Document G707, "Consent of Surety to Final Payment." 7. Evidence that claims have been settled. 8. Final meter readings for utilities, a measured record of stored fuel, and similar data as of date of Substantial Completion or when Owner took possession of and assumed responsibility for corresponding elements of the Work. 9. Final liquidated damages settlement statement. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION 01 3100 - PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND COORDINATION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. Section includes administrative provisions for coordinating construction operations on Project including, but not limited to, the following: 1. General coordination procedures. 2. Coordination drawings. 3. Requests for Information (RFIs). 4. Project Web site. 5. Project meetings. B. Each contractor shall participate in coordination requirements. Certain areas of responsibility are assigned to a specific contractor. C. Related Requirements: 1. Section 011200 "Multiple Contract Summary" for a description of the division of work among separate contracts and responsibility for coordination activities not in this Section. 2. Section 013200 "Construction Progress Documentation" for preparing and submitting Contractor's construction schedule. 3. Section 017300 "Execution" for procedures for coordinating general installation and field- engineering services, including establishment of benchmarks and control points. 4. Section 017700 "Closeout Procedures" for coordinating closeout of the Contract. 5. Section 019113 "General Commissioning Requirements" for coordinating the Work with Owner's Commissioning Authority. 1.3 DEFINITIONS A. RFI: Request from Owner, Project Coordinator Project Coordinator, or Contractor seeking information required by or clarifications of the Contract Documents. 1.4 INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. Subcontract List: Prepare a written summary identifying individuals or firms proposed for each portion of the Work, including those who are to furnish products or equipment fabricated to a special design. Include the following information in tabular form: CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Name, address, and telephone number of entity performing subcontract or supplying products. 2. Number and title of related Specification Section(s) covered by subcontract. 3. Drawing number and detail references, as appropriate, covered by subcontract. B. Key Personnel Names: Within 15 days of starting construction operations, submit a list of key personnel assignments, including superintendent and other personnel in attendance at Project site. Identify individuals and their duties and responsibilities; list addresses and telephone numbers, including home, office, and cellular telephone numbers and e-mail addresses. Provide names, addresses, and telephone numbers of individuals assigned as alternates in the absence of individuals assigned to Project. 1. Post copies of list in project meeting room, in temporary field office, on Project Web site, and by each temporary telephone. Keep list current at all times. 1.5 GENERAL COORDINATION PROCEDURES A. Coordination: Coordinate construction operations included in different Sections of the Specifications to ensure efficient and orderly installation of each part of the Work. Coordinate construction operations, included in different Sections, that depend on each other for proper installation, connection, and operation. 1. Schedule construction operations in sequence required to obtain the best results where installation of one part of the Work depends on installation of other components, before or after its own installation. 2. Coordinate installation of different components to ensure maximum performance and accessibility for required maintenance, service, and repair. 3. Make adequate provisions to accommodate items scheduled for later installation. B. Coordination: Each contractor shall coordinate its construction operations with those of other contractors and entities to ensure efficient and orderly installation of each part of the Work. Each contractor shall coordinate its operations with operations, included in different Sections, that depend on each other for proper installation, connection, and operation. 1. Schedule construction operations in sequence required to obtain the best results where installation of one part of the Work depends on installation of other components, before or after its own installation. 2. Coordinate installation of different components with other contractors to ensure maximum performance and accessibility for required maintenance, service, and repair. 3. Make adequate provisions to accommodate items scheduled for later installation. C. Prepare memoranda for distribution to each party involved, outlining special procedures required for coordination. Include such items as required notices, reports, and list of attendees at meetings. 1. Prepare similar memoranda for Owner and separate contractors if coordination of their Work is required. D. Administrative Procedures: Coordinate scheduling and timing of required administrative procedures with other construction activities[ and activities of other contractors] to avoid conflicts and to ensure orderly progress of the Work. Such administrative activities include, but are not limited to, the following: CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Preparation of Contractor's construction schedule. 2. Preparation of the schedule of values. 3. Installation and removal of temporary facilities and controls. 4. Delivery and processing of submittals. 5. Progress meetings. 6. Preinstallation conferences. 7. Project closeout activities. 8. Startup and adjustment of systems. E. Conservation: Coordinate construction activities to ensure that operations are carried out with consideration given to conservation of energy, water, and materials. Coordinate use of temporary utilities to minimize waste. 1. Salvage materials and equipment involved in performance of, but not actually incorporated into, the Work. See other Sections for disposition of salvaged materials that are designated as Owner's property. 1.6 COORDINATION DRAWINGS A. Coordination Drawings, General: Prepare coordination drawings according to requirements in individual Sections, and additionally where installation is not completely shown on Shop Drawings, where limited space availability necessitates coordination, or if coordination is required to facilitate integration of products and materials fabricated or installed by more than one entity. 1. Content: Project-specific information, drawn accurately to a scale large enough to indicate and resolve conflicts. Do not base coordination drawings on standard printed data. Include the following information, as applicable: a. Use applicable Drawings as a basis for preparation of coordination drawings. Prepare sections, elevations, and details as needed to describe relationship of various systems and components. b. Coordinate the addition of trade-specific information to the coordination drawings by multiple contractors in a sequence that best provides for coordination of the information and resolution of conflicts between installed components before submitting for review. c. Indicate functional and spatial relationships of components of architectural, structural, civil, mechanical, and electrical systems. d. Indicate space requirements for routine maintenance and for anticipated replacement of components during the life of the installation. e. Show location and size of access doors required for access to concealed dampers, valves, and other controls. f. Indicate required installation sequences. g. Indicate dimensions shown on the Drawings. Specifically note dimensions that appear to be in conflict with submitted equipment and minimum clearance requirements. Provide alternate sketches to Project Coordinator indicating proposed resolution of such conflicts. Minor dimension changes and difficult installations will not be considered changes to the Contract. B. Coordination Drawing Organization: Organize coordination drawings as follows: 1. Floor Plans and Reflected Ceiling Plans: Show Project architectural and structural elements, and mechanical, plumbing, fire-protection, fire-alarm, and electrical Work. Show locations of CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS visible ceiling-mounted devices relative to acoustical ceiling grid. Supplement plan drawings with section drawings where required to adequately represent the Work. 2. Plenum Space: Indicate subframing for support of ceiling and wall systems, mechanical and electrical equipment, and related Work. Locate components within ceiling plenum to accommodate layout of light fixtures indicated on Drawings. Indicate areas of conflict between light fixtures and other components. 3. Mechanical Rooms: Provide coordination drawings for mechanical rooms showing plans and elevations of mechanical, plumbing, fire-protection, fire-alarm, and electrical equipment. 4. Structural Penetrations: Indicate penetrations and openings required for all disciplines. 5. Slab Edge and Embedded Items: Indicate slab edge locations and sizes and locations of embedded items for metal fabrications, sleeves, anchor bolts, bearing plates, angles, door floor closers, slab depressions for floor finishes, curbs and housekeeping pads, and similar items. 6. Mechanical and Plumbing Work: Show the following: a. Sizes and bottom elevations of piping, including insulation, bracing, flanges, and support systems. b. Dimensions of major components, such as valves, access doors 7. Electrical Work: Show the following: a. Runs of vertical and horizontal conduit 1-1/4 inches (32 mm) in diameter and larger. b. Light fixture, exit light, emergency battery pack, smoke detector, and other fire- alarm locations. c. Panel board, switch board, switchgear, transformer, busway, generator, and motor control center locations. d. Location of pull boxes and junction boxes, dimensioned from column center lines. 8. Review: Project Coordinator will review coordination drawings to confirm that the Work is being coordinated, but not for the details of the coordination, which are Contractor's responsibility. If Project Coordinator determines that coordination drawings are not being prepared in sufficient scope or detail, or are otherwise deficient, Project Coordinator will so inform Contractor, who shall make changes as directed and resubmit. 9. Coordination Drawing Prints: Prepare coordination drawing prints according to requirements in Section 013300 "Submittal Procedures." C. Coordination Digital Data Files: Prepare coordination digital data files according to the following requirements: 1. File Preparation Format: Same digital data software program, version, and operating system as original Drawings. 2. File Preparation Format: DWG Version operating in Microsoft Windows operating system. 3. File Submittal Format: Submit or post coordination drawing files using PDF format. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1.7 REQUESTS FOR INFORMATION (RFIs) A. General: Immediately on discovery of the need for additional information or interpretation of the Contract Documents, Contractor shall prepare and submit an RFI in the form specified. 1. Project Coordinator will return RFIs submitted to Project Coordinator by other entities controlled by Contractor with no response. 2. Coordinate and submit RFIs in a prompt manner so as to avoid delays in Contractor's work or work of subcontractors. B. Content of the RFI: Include a detailed, legible description of item needing information or interpretation and the following: 1. Project name. 2. Project number. 3. Date. 4. Name of Contractor. 5. Name of Project Coordinator 6. RFI number, numbered sequentially. 7. RFI subject. 8. Specification Section number and title and related paragraphs, as appropriate. 9. Drawing number and detail references, as appropriate. 10. Field dimensions and conditions, as appropriate. 11. Contractor's suggested resolution. If Contractor's suggested resolution impacts the Contract Time or the Contract Sum, Contractor shall state impact in the RFI. 12. Contractor's signature. 13. Attachments: Include sketches, descriptions, measurements, photos, Product Data, Shop Drawings, coordination drawings, and other information necessary to fully describe items needing interpretation. a. Include dimensions, thicknesses, structural grid references, and details of affected materials, assemblies, and attachments on attached sketches. C. RFI Forms: Software-generated form with substantially the same content as indicated above, acceptable to Project Coordinator. 1. Attachments shall be electronic files in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. D. Project Coordinator's and Project Coordinator’s Action: Project Coordinator and Project Coordinator will review each RFI, determine action required, and respond. Allow seven working days for Project Coordinator's response for each RFI. RFIs received by Project Coordinator or Project Coordinator after 1:00 p.m. will be considered as received the following working day. 1. The following Contractor-generated RFIs will be returned without action: a. Requests for approval of submittals. b. Requests for approval of substitutions. c. Requests for approval of Contractor's means and methods. d. Requests for coordination information already indicated in the Contract Documents. e. Requests for adjustments in the Contract Time or the Contract Sum. f. Requests for interpretation of Project Coordinator's actions on submittals. g. Incomplete RFIs or inaccurately prepared RFIs. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 2. Project Coordinator's action may include a request for additional information, in which case Project Coordinator's time for response will date from time of receipt of additional information. 3. Project Coordinator's action on RFIs that may result in a change to the Contract Time or the Contract Sum may be eligible for Contractor to submit Change Proposal according to Section 012600 "Contract Modification Procedures." a. If Contractor believes the RFI response warrants change in the Contract Time or the Contract Sum, notify Project Coordinator in writing within 10 days of receipt of the RFI response. E. RFI Log: Prepare, maintain, and submit a tabular log of RFIs organized by the RFI number. Submit log weekly. Include the following: 1. Project name. 2. Name and address of Contractor. 3. Name and address of Project Coordinator or Project Coordinator 4. RFI number including RFIs that were returned without action or withdrawn. 5. RFI description. 6. Date the RFI was submitted. 7. Date Project Coordinator's or Project Coordinator’s response was received. F. On receipt of Project Coordinator's or Project Coordinator’s action, update the RFI log and immediately distribute the RFI response to affected parties. Review response and notify Project Coordinator or Project Coordinator within seven days if Contractor disagrees with response. 1. Identification of related Minor Change in the Work, Construction Change Directive, and Proposal Request, as appropriate. 1.8 PROJECT WEB SITE A. Use Project Web site Dropbox and Smartsheet for purposes of hosting and managing project communication and documentation until Final Completion. Project Web site shall include the following functions: 1. Project directory. 2. Project correspondence. 3. Meeting minutes. 4. Contract modifications forms and logs. 5. RFI forms and logs. 6. Task and issue management. 7. Photo documentation. 8. Schedule and calendar management. 9. Submittals forms and logs. 10. Payment application forms. 11. Drawing and specification document hosting, viewing, and updating. 12. Online document collaboration. 13. Reminder and tracking functions. 14. Archiving functions. B. On completion of Project, provide one complete archive copy(ies) of Project Web site files to Owner and to Project Coordinator in a digital storage format acceptable to Project Coordinator. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1.9 PROJECT MEETINGS A. General: Project Coordinator will schedule and conduct meetings and conferences at Project site unless otherwise indicated. 1. Attendees: Inform participants and others involved, and individuals whose presence is required, of date and time of each meeting. Notify Owner and Project Coordinator of scheduled meeting dates and times. 2. Agenda: Prepare the meeting agenda. Distribute the agenda to all invited attendees. 3. Minutes: Entity responsible for conducting meeting will record significant discussions and agreements achieved. Distribute the meeting minutes to everyone concerned, including Owner, Construction Manager, and Project Coordinator, within three days of the meeting. B. Preconstruction Conference: Project Coordinator will schedule and conduct a preconstruction conference before starting construction, at a time convenient to Owner and Project Coordinator, but no later than 15 days after execution of the Agreement. 1. Conduct the conference to review responsibilities and personnel assignments. 2. Attendees: Authorized representatives of Owner Project Coordinator, and their consultants; Contractor and its superintendent; major subcontractors; suppliers; and other concerned parties shall attend the conference. Participants at the conference shall be familiar with Project and authorized to conclude matters relating to the Work. 3. Agenda: Discuss items of significance that could affect progress, including the following: a. Tentative construction schedule. b. Phasing. c. Critical work sequencing and long-lead items. d. Designation of key personnel and their duties. e. Lines of communications. f. Procedures for processing field decisions and Change Orders. g. Procedures for RFIs. h.Procedures for testing and inspecting. i.Procedures for processing Applications for Payment. j. Distribution of the Contract Documents. k. Submittal procedures. m. Preparation of record documents. n. Use of the premises o. Work restrictions. p.Working hours. q.Owner's occupancy requirements. r. Responsibility for temporary facilities and controls. s. Procedures for moisture and mold control. t.Procedures for disruptions and shutdowns. u. Construction waste management and recycling. v. Parking availability. w. Office, work, and storage areas. x. Equipment deliveries and priorities. y. First aid. z.Security. aa. Progress cleaning. 4. Minutes: Entity responsible for conducting meeting will record and distribute meeting minutes. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS C. Preinstallation Conferences: Conduct a preinstallation conference at Project site before each construction activity that requires coordination with other construction. 1. Attendees: Installer and representatives of manufacturers and fabricators involved in or affected by the installation and its coordination or integration with other materials and installations that have preceded or will follow, shall attend the meeting. Advise Proejct Coordinator of scheduled meeting dates. 2. Agenda: Review progress of other construction activities and preparations for the particular activity under consideration, including requirements for the following: a. Contract Documents. b. Options. c. Related RFIs. d. Related Change Orders. e. Purchases. f. Deliveries. g. Submittals. h. Review of mockups. i. Possible conflicts. j. Compatibility requirements. k. Time schedules. l. Weather limitations. m. Manufacturer's written instructions. n. Warranty requirements. o. Compatibility of materials. p. Acceptability of substrates. q. Temporary facilities and controls. r. Space and access limitations. s. Regulations of authorities having jurisdiction. t. Testing and inspecting requirements. u. Installation procedures. v. Coordination with other work. w. Required performance results. x. Protection of adjacent work. y. Protection of construction and personnel. 3. Record significant conference discussions, agreements, and disagreements, including required corrective measures and actions. 4. Reporting: Distribute minutes of the meeting to each party present and to other parties requiring information. 5. Do not proceed with installation if the conference cannot be successfully concluded. Initiate whatever actions are necessary to resolve impediments to performance of the Work and reconvene the conference at earliest feasible date. E. Project Closeout Conference: Schedule and conduct a project closeout conference, at a time convenient to Owner and Project Coordinator, but no later than 60 days prior to the scheduled date of Substantial Completion. 1. Conduct the conference to review requirements and responsibilities related to Project closeout. 2. Attendees: Authorized representatives of Owner, Owner's Commissioning Authority, Project Coordinator, Project Coordinator, and their consultants; Contractor and its superintendent; major subcontractors; suppliers; and other concerned parties shall attend the meeting. Participants at the meeting shall be familiar with Project and authorized to conclude matters relating to the Work. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 3. Agenda: Discuss items of significance that could affect or delay Project closeout, including the following: a. Preparation of record documents. b. Procedures required prior to inspection for Substantial Completion and for final inspection for acceptance. c. Submittal of written warranties. d. Requirements for preparing operations and maintenance data. e. Requirements for delivery of material samples, attic stock, and spare parts. f. Requirements for demonstration and training. g. Preparation of Contractor's punch list. h. Procedures for processing Applications for Payment at Substantial Completion and for final payment. i. Submittal procedures. j. Coordination of separate contracts. k. Owner's partial occupancy requirements. l. Installation of Owner's furniture, fixtures, and equipment. m. Responsibility for removing temporary facilities and controls. 4. Minutes: Entity conducting meeting will record and distribute meeting minutes. F. Progress Meetings: Conduct progress meetings at weekly intervals. 1. Coordinate dates of meetings with preparation of payment requests. 2. Attendees: In addition to representatives of Owner, Owner's Commissioning Authority Project Coordinator and Project Coordinator, each contractor, subcontractor, supplier, and other entity concerned with current progress or involved in planning, coordination, or performance of future activities shall be represented at these meetings. All participants at the meeting shall be familiar with Project and authorized to conclude matters relating to the Work. 3. Agenda: Review and correct or approve minutes of previous progress meeting. Review other items of significance that could affect progress. Include topics for discussion as appropriate to status of Project. a. Contractor's Construction Schedule: Review progress since the last meeting. Determine whether each activity is on time, ahead of schedule, or behind schedule, in relation to Contractor's construction schedule. Determine how construction behind schedule will be expedited; secure commitments from parties involved to do so. Discuss whether schedule revisions are required to ensure that current and subsequent activities will be completed within the Contract Time. 1) Review schedule for next period. b. Review present and future needs of each entity present, including the following: 1) Interface requirements. 2) Sequence of operations. 3) Resolution of BIM component conflicts. 4) Status of submittals. 5) Deliveries. 6) Off-site fabrication. 7) Access. 8) Site utilization. 9) Temporary facilities and controls. 10) Progress cleaning. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 11) Quality and work standards. 12) Status of correction of deficient items. 13) Field observations. 14) Status of RFIs. 15) Status of proposal requests. 16) Pending changes. 17) Status of Change Orders. 18) Pending claims and disputes. 19) Documentation of information for payment requests. 4. Minutes: Entity responsible for conducting the meeting will record and distribute the meeting minutes to each party present and to parties requiring information. a. Schedule Updating: Revise Contractor's construction schedule after each progress meeting where revisions to the schedule have been made or recognized. Issue revised schedule concurrently with the report of each meeting. G. Coordination Meetings: Project Coordinator will conduct project coordination meetings at weekly intervals. Project coordination meetings are in addition to specific meetings held for other purposes, such as progress meetings and preinstallation conferences. 1. Attendees: In addition to representatives of Owner, Owner's Commissioning Authority, and Project Coordinator, each contractor, subcontractor, supplier, and other entity concerned with current progress or involved in planning, coordination, or performance of future activities shall be represented at these meetings. All participants at the meetings shall be familiar with Project and authorized to conclude matters relating to the Work. 2. Agenda: Review and correct or approve minutes of the previous coordination meeting. Review other items of significance that could affect progress. Include topics for discussion as appropriate to status of Project. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS a. Combined Contractor's Construction Schedule: Review progress since the last coordination meeting. Determine whether each contract is on time, ahead of schedule, or behind schedule, in relation to combined Contractor's construction schedule. Determine how construction behind schedule will be expedited; secure commitments from parties involved to do so. Discuss whether schedule revisions are required to ensure that current and subsequent activities will be completed within the Contract Time. b. Schedule Updating: Revise combined Contractor's construction schedule after each coordination meeting where revisions to the schedule have been made or recognized. Issue revised schedule concurrently with report of each meeting. c. Review present and future needs of each contractor present, including the following: 1) Interface requirements. 2) Sequence of operations. 3) Status of submittals. 4) Deliveries. 5) Off-site fabrication. 6) Access. 7) Site utilization. 8) Temporary facilities and controls. 9) Work hours. 10) Hazards and risks. 11) Progress cleaning. 12) Quality and work standards. 13) Change Orders. 3. Reporting: Record meeting results and distribute copies to everyone in attendance and to others affected by decisions or actions resulting from each meeting. END OF SECTION 01 3100 CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION 01 3200 - CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS DOCUMENTATION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for documenting the progress of construction during performance of the Work, including the following: 1. Startup construction schedule. 2. Contractor's construction schedule. 3. Construction schedule updating reports. 4. Daily construction reports. 5. Material location reports. 6. Site condition reports. 7. Special reports. B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 011200 "Multiple Contract Summary" for preparing a combined Contractor's construction schedule. 2. Section 013300 "Submittal Procedures" for submitting schedules and reports. 3. Section 014000 "Quality Requirements" for submitting a schedule of tests and inspections. 1.3 DEFINITIONS A. Activity: A discrete part of a project that can be identified for planning, scheduling, monitoring, and controlling the construction project. Activities included in a construction schedule consume time and resources. 1. Critical Activity: An activity on the critical path that must start and finish on the planned early start and finish times. 2. Predecessor Activity: An activity that precedes another activity in the network. 3. Successor Activity: An activity that follows another activity in the network. B. CPM: Critical path method, which is a method of planning and scheduling a construction project where activities are arranged based on activity relationships. Network calculations determine when activities can be performed and the critical path of Project. C. Critical Path: The longest connected chain of interdependent activities through the network schedule that establishes the minimum overall Project duration and contains no float. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS D. Event: The starting or ending point of an activity. E. Float: The measure of leeway in starting and completing an activity. 1. Float time is not for the exclusive use or benefit of either Owner or Contractor, but is a jointly owned, expiring Project resource available to both parties as needed to meet schedule milestones and Contract completion date. 2. Free float is the amount of time an activity can be delayed without adversely affecting the early start of the successor activity. 3. Total float is the measure of leeway in starting or completing an activity without adversely affecting the planned Project completion date. F. Resource Loading: The allocation of manpower and equipment necessary for the completion of an activity as scheduled. 1.4 INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. Format for Submittals: Submit required submittals in the following format: 1. Working electronic copy of schedule file, where indicated. 2. PDF electronic file. B. Startup construction schedule. C. Startup Network Diagram: Of size required to display entire network for entire construction period. Show logic ties for activities. D. Contractor's Construction Schedule: Initial schedule, of size required to display entire schedule for entire construction period. E. CPM Reports: Concurrent with CPM schedule, submit each of the following reports. Format for each activity in reports shall contain activity number, activity description, cost and resource loading, original duration, remaining duration, early start date, early finish date, late start date, late finish date, and total float in calendar days. 1. Activity Report: List of all activities sorted by activity number and then early start date, or actual start date if known. 2. Logic Report: List of preceding and succeeding activities for all activities, sorted in ascending order by activity number and then early start date, or actual start date if known. 3. Total Float Report: List of all activities sorted in ascending order of total float. 4. Earnings Report: Compilation of Contractor's total earnings from the Notice to Proceed until most recent Application for Payment. F. Construction Schedule Updating Reports: Submit with Applications for Payment. G. Daily Construction Reports: Submit at weekly intervals. H. Material Location Reports: Submit at weekly intervals. I. Site Condition Reports: Submit at time of discovery of differing conditions. J. Special Reports: Submit at time of unusual event. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS K. Qualification Data: For scheduling consultant. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Scheduling Consultant Qualifications: An experienced specialist in CPM scheduling and reporting, with capability of producing CPM reports and diagrams within 24 hours of Project Coordinator's request. B. Prescheduling Conference: Conduct conference at Project site to comply with requirements in Section 013100 "Project Management and Coordination." Review methods and procedures related to the preliminary construction schedule and Contractor's construction schedule, including, but not limited to, the following: 1. Review software limitations and content and format for reports. 2. Verify availability of qualified personnel needed to develop and update schedule. 3. Discuss constraints, including phasing, work stages, area separations, interim milestones. 4. Review delivery dates for Owner-furnished products. 5. Review schedule for work of Owner's separate contracts. 6. Review submittal requirements and procedures. 7. Review time required for review of submittals and resubmittals. 8. Review requirements for tests and inspections by independent testing and inspecting agencies. 9. Review time required for Project closeout and Owner startup procedures, including commissioning activities. 10. Review and finalize list of construction activities to be included in schedule. 11. Review procedures for updating schedule. 1.6 COORDINATION A. Coordinate Contractor's construction schedule with the schedule of values, list of subcontracts, submittal schedule, progress reports, payment requests, and other required schedules and reports. 1. Secure time commitments for performing critical elements of the Work from entities involved. 2. Coordinate each construction activity in the network with other activities and schedule them in proper sequence. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE, GENERAL A. Time Frame: Extend schedule from date established for the Notice of Award to date of final completion. 1. Contract completion date shall not be changed by submission of a schedule that shows an early completion date, unless specifically authorized by Change Order. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS B. Activities: Treat each story or separate area as a separate numbered activity for each main element of the Work. Comply with the following: CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Activity Duration: Define activities so no activity is longer than 20 days, unless specifically allowed by Project Coordinator. 2. Procurement Activities: Include procurement process activities for the following long lead items and major items, requiring a cycle of more than 60 days, as separate activities in schedule. Procurement cycle activities include, but are not limited to, submittals, approvals, purchasing, fabrication, and delivery. 3. Submittal Review Time: Include review and resubmittal times indicated in Section 013300 "Submittal Procedures" in schedule. Coordinate submittal review times in Contractor's construction schedule with submittal schedule. 4. Startup and Testing Time: Include no fewer than 15 days for startup and testing. 5. Substantial Completion: Indicate completion in advance of date established for Substantial Completion, and allow time for Project Coordinator's or Project Coordinator’s administrative procedures necessary for certification of Substantial Completion. 6. Punch List and Final Completion: Include not more than 30 days for completion of punch list items and final completion. C. Constraints: Include constraints and work restrictions indicated in the Contract Documents and as follows in schedule, and show how the sequence of the Work is affected. 1. Phasing: Arrange list of activities on schedule by phase. 2. Work under More Than One Contract: Include a separate activity for each contract. 3. Work by Owner: Include a separate activity for each portion of the Work performed by Owner. 4. Products Ordered in Advance: Include a separate activity for each product. Include delivery date indicated in Section 011000 "Summary." Delivery dates indicated stipulate the earliest possible delivery date. 5. Owner-Furnished Products: Include a separate activity for each product. Include delivery date indicated in Section 011000 "Summary." Delivery dates indicated stipulate the earliest possible delivery date. 6. Work Restrictions: Show the effect of the following items on the schedule: a. Coordination with existing construction. b. Limitations of continued occupancies. c. Uninterruptible services. d. Partial occupancy before Substantial Completion. e. Use of premises restrictions. f. Provisions for future construction. g. Seasonal variations. h. Environmental control. 7. Work Stages: Indicate important stages of construction for each major portion of the Work, including, but not limited to, the following: a. Subcontract awards. b. Submittals. c. Purchases. d. Mockups. e. Fabrication. f. Sample testing. g. Deliveries. h. Installation. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS i. Tests and inspections. j. Adjusting. k. Curing. l. Building flush-out. m. Startup and placement into final use and operation. 8. Construction Areas: Identify each major area of construction for each major portion of the Work. Indicate where each construction activity within a major area must be sequenced or integrated with other construction activities to provide for the following: a. Temporary enclosure b. Completion of plumbing installation. c. Substantial Completion. D. Milestones: Include milestones indicated in the Contract Documents in schedule, including, but not limited to, the Notice to Proceed, Substantial Completion, and final completion. E. Upcoming Work Summary: Prepare summary report indicating activities scheduled to occur or commence prior to submittal of next schedule update. Summarize the following issues: 1. Unresolved issues. 2. Unanswered Requests for Information. 3. Rejected or unreturned submittals. 4. Notations on returned submittals. 5. Pending modifications affecting the Work and Contract Time. F. Recovery Schedule: When periodic update indicates the Work is 14 or more calendar days behind the current approved schedule, submit a separate recovery schedule indicating means by which Contractor intends to regain compliance with the schedule. Indicate changes to working hours, working days, crew sizes, and equipment required to achieve compliance, and date by which recovery will be accomplished. 2.2 STARTUP CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE A. Bar-Chart Schedule: Submit startup, horizontal, bar-chart-type construction schedule within ten days of date established for the Notice of Award. B. Preparation: Indicate each significant construction activity separately. Identify first workday of each week with a continuous vertical line. Outline significant construction activities for first 60 days of construction. Include skeleton diagram for the remainder of the Work and a cash requirement prediction based on indicated activities. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 2.3 CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE (CPM SCHEDULE) A. General: Prepare network diagrams using AON (activity-on-node) format. B. CPM Schedule: Prepare Contractor's construction schedule using a cost- and resource-loaded, time-scaled CPM network analysis diagram for the Work. 1. Develop network diagram in sufficient time to submit CPM schedule so it can be accepted for use no later than 30 days after date established for the Notice to Proceed. a. Failure to include any work item required for performance of this Contract shall not excuse Contractor from completing all work within applicable completion dates, regardless of Project Coordinator's approval of the schedule. 2. Conduct educational workshops to train and inform key Project personnel, including subcontractors' personnel, in proper methods of providing data and using CPM schedule information. 3. Establish procedures for monitoring and updating CPM schedule and for reporting progress. Coordinate procedures with progress meeting and payment request dates. 4. Use "one workday" as the unit of time for individual activities. Indicate nonworking days and holidays incorporated into the schedule in order to coordinate with the Contract Time. C. CPM Schedule Preparation: Prepare a list of all activities required to complete the Work. Using the startup network diagram, prepare a skeleton network to identify probable critical paths. 1. Activities: Indicate the estimated time duration, sequence requirements, and relationship of each activity in relation to other activities. Include estimated time frames for the following activities: a. Preparation and processing of submittals. b. Mobilization and demobilization. c. Purchase of materials. d. Delivery. e. Fabrication. f. Utility interruptions. g. Installation. h. Work by Owner that may affect or be affected by Contractor's activities. i. Testing and commissioning. j. Punch list and final completion. k. Activities occurring following final completion. 2. Critical Path Activities: Identify critical path activities, including those for interim completion dates. Scheduled start and completion dates shall be consistent with Contract milestone dates. 3. Processing: Process data to produce output data on a computer-drawn, time-scaled network. Revise data, reorganize activity sequences, and reproduce as often as necessary to produce the CPM schedule within the limitations of the Contract Time. 4. Format: Mark the critical path. Locate the critical path near center of network; locate paths with most float near the edges. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS a. Subnetworks on separate sheets are permissible for activities clearly off the critical path. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 5. Cost- and Resource-Loading of CPM Schedule: Assign cost to construction activities on the CPM schedule. Do not assign costs to submittal activities. Obtain Project Coordinator's approval prior to assigning costs to fabrication and delivery activities. Assign costs under main subcontracts for testing and commissioning activities, operation and maintenance manuals, punch list activities, Project record documents and demonstration and training (if applicable), in the amount of 5 percent of the Contract Sum. a. Each activity cost shall reflect an appropriate value subject to approval by Project Coordinator. b. Total cost assigned to activities shall equal the total Contract Sum. D. Contract Modifications: For each proposed contract modification and concurrent with its submission, prepare a time-impact analysis using a network fragment to demonstrate the effect of the proposed change on the overall project schedule. E. Initial Issue of Schedule: Prepare initial network diagram from a sorted activity list indicating straight "early start-total float." Identify critical activities. Prepare tabulated reports showing the following: 1. Contractor or subcontractor and the Work or activity. 2. Description of activity. 3. Main events of activity. 4. Immediate preceding and succeeding activities. 5. Early and late start dates. 6. Early and late finish dates. 7. Activity duration in workdays. 8. Total float or slack time. 9. Average size of workforce. 10. Dollar value of activity (coordinated with the schedule of values). F. Schedule Updating: Concurrent with making revisions to schedule, prepare tabulated reports showing the following: 1. Identification of activities that have changed. 2. Changes in early and late start dates. 3. Changes in early and late finish dates. 4. Changes in activity durations in workdays. 5. Changes in the critical path. 6. Changes in total float or slack time. 7. Changes in the Contract Time. G. Value Summaries: Prepare two cumulative value lists, sorted by finish dates. 1. In first list, tabulate activity number, early finish date, dollar value, and cumulative dollar value. 2. In second list, tabulate activity number, late finish date, dollar value, and cumulative dollar value. 3. In subsequent issues of both lists, substitute actual finish dates for activities completed as of list date. 4. Prepare list for ease of comparison with payment requests; coordinate timing with progress meetings. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS a. In both value summary lists, tabulate "actual percent complete" and "cumulative value completed" with total at bottom. b. Submit value summary printouts one week before each regularly scheduled progress meeting. 2.4 REPORTS A. Daily Construction Reports: Prepare a daily construction report recording the following information concerning events at Project site: 1. List of subcontractors at Project site. 2. List of separate contractors at Project site. 3. Approximate count of personnel at Project site. 4. Equipment at Project site. 5. Material deliveries. 6. High and low temperatures and general weather conditions, including presence of rain or snow. 7. Accidents. 8. Meetings and significant decisions. 9. Unusual events (see special reports). 10. Stoppages, delays, shortages, and losses. 11. Meter readings and similar recordings. 12. Emergency procedures. 13. Orders and requests of authorities having jurisdiction. 14. Change Orders received and implemented. 15. Construction Change Directives received and implemented. 16. Services connected and disconnected. 17. Equipment or system tests and startups. 18. Partial completions and occupancies. 19. Substantial Completions authorized. B. Material Location Reports: At weekly intervals, prepare and submit a comprehensive list of materials delivered to and stored at Project site. List shall be cumulative, showing materials previously reported plus items recently delivered. Include with list a statement of progress on and delivery dates for materials or items of equipment fabricated or stored away from Project site. Indicate the following categories for stored materials: 1. Material stored prior to previous report and remaining in storage. 2. Material stored prior to previous report and since removed from storage and installed. 3. Material stored following previous report and remaining in storage. C. Site Condition Reports: Immediately on discovery of a difference between site conditions and the Contract Documents, prepare and submit a detailed report. Submit with a Request for Information. Include a detailed description of the differing conditions, together with recommendations for changing the Contract Documents. 2.5 SPECIAL REPORTS A. General: Submit special reports directly to Owner within one day(s) of an occurrence. Distribute copies of report to parties affected by the occurrence. B. Reporting Unusual Events: When an event of an unusual and significant nature occurs at Project site, whether or not related directly to the Work, prepare and submit a special report. List CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS chain of events, persons participating, response by Contractor's personnel, evaluation of results or effects, and similar pertinent information. Advise Owner in advance when these events are known or predictable. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE A. Scheduling Consultant: Engage a consultant to provide planning, evaluation, and reporting using CPM scheduling. 1. In-House Option: Owner may waive the requirement to retain a consultant if Contractor employs skilled personnel with experience in CPM scheduling and reporting techniques. Submit qualifications. 2. Meetings: Scheduling consultant shall attend all meetings related to Project progress, alleged delays, and time impact. B. Contractor's Construction Schedule Updating: At monthly intervals, update schedule to reflect actual construction progress and activities. Issue schedule one week before each regularly scheduled progress meeting. 1. Revise schedule immediately after each meeting or other activity where revisions have been recognized or made. Issue updated schedule concurrently with the report of each such meeting. 2. Include a report with updated schedule that indicates every change, including, but not limited to, changes in logic, durations, actual starts and finishes, and activity durations. 3. As the Work progresses, indicate final completion percentage for each activity. C. Distribution: Distribute copies of approved schedule to Project Coordinator, Owner, separate contractors, testing and inspecting agencies, and other parties identified by Contractor with a need-to-know schedule responsibility. 1. Post copies in Project meeting rooms and temporary field offices. 2. When revisions are made, distribute updated schedules to the same parties and post in the same locations. Delete parties from distribution when they have completed their assigned portion of the Work and are no longer involved in performance of construction activities. END OF SECTION 01 3200 CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY BLAN CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION 01 3233 - PHOTOGRAPHIC DOCUMENTATION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for the following: 1. Preconstruction photographs. 2. Periodic construction photographs. 3. Final completion construction photographs. 4. Preconstruction video recordings. 5. Periodic construction video recordings. 6. Web-based construction photographic documentation. B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 012200 "Unit Prices" for procedures for unit prices for extra photographs. 2. Section 013300 "Submittal Procedures" for submitting photographic documentation. 3. Section 017700 "Closeout Procedures" for submitting photographic documentation as project record documents at Project closeout. 4. Section 017900 "Demonstration and Training" for submitting video recordings of demonstration of equipment and training of Owner's personnel. 5. Section 024116 "Structure Demolition" for photographic documentation before building demolition operations commence. 6. Section 024119 "Selective Structure Demolition" for photographic documentation before selective demolition operations commence. 7. Section 311000 "Site Clearing" for photographic documentation before site clearing operations commence. 1.3 INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. Digital Photographs: Submit image files within three days of taking photographs. 1.Digital Camera: Minimum sensor resolution of 8 megapixels. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 2. Format: Minimum 3200 by 2400 pixels, in unaltered original files, with same aspect ratio as the sensor, uncropped, date and time stamped, in folder named by date of photograph, accompanied by key plan file. 3. Identification: Provide the following information with each image description in file metadata tag: a. Name of Project. b. Name and contact information for photographer. c. Name of Project Coordinator or Project Coordinator d. Name of Contractor. e. Date photograph was taken. f. Description of vantage point, indicating location, direction (by compass point), and elevation or story of construction. g. Unique sequential identifier keyed to accompanying key plan. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 PHOTOGRAPHIC MEDIA A. Digital Images: Provide images in JPG format, produced by a digital camera with minimum sensor size of 8 megapixels, and at an image resolution of not less than 3200 by 2400 pixels. B. Digital Video Recordings: Provide high-resolution, digital videos in format acceptable to Project Coordinator. B. Web-Based Image Access: Access for Project team administered by Contractor, providing current image access and archival image access by date and time, with images downloadable to viewer's device. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 CONSTRUCTION PHOTOGRAPHS A. General: Take photographs using the maximum range of depth of field, and that are in focus, to clearly show the Work. Photographs with blurry or out-of-focus areas will not be accepted. 1. Maintain key plan with each set of construction photographs that identifies each photographic location. B. Digital Images: Submit digital images exactly as originally recorded in the digital camera, without alteration, manipulation, editing, or modifications using image-editing software. 1. Date and Time: Include date and time in file name for each image. 2. Field Office Images: Maintain one set of images accessible in the field office at Project site, available at all times for reference. Identify images in the same manner as those submitted to Project Coordinator[ or Project Coordinator C. Preconstruction Photographs: Before starting construction, take photographs of Project site and surrounding properties, including existing items to remain during construction, from different vantage points, as directed by Project Coordinator 1. Flag construction limits before taking construction photographs. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 2. Take photographs of existing buildings either on or adjoining property to accurately record physical conditions at start of construction. E. Periodic Construction Photographs: Take photographs weekly, with timing each month adjusted to coincide with the cutoff date associated with each Application for Payment. Select vantage points to show status of construction and progress since last photographs were taken. F. Time-Lapse Sequence Construction Photographs: Take 20 photographs as indicated, to show status of construction and progress since last photographs were taken. 1. Frequency: Take photographs weekly, with timing each month adjusted to coincide with the cutoff date associated with each Application for Payment. 2. Vantage Points: Following suggestions by Project Coordinator and Contractor, photographer to select vantage points. During each of the following construction phases, take not less than two of the required shots from same vantage point each time to create a time-lapse sequence as follows: a. Commencement of the Work, through completion of subgrade construction. b. Above-grade structural framing. c. Exterior building enclosure. d. Interior Work, through date of Substantial Completion. G. Final Completion Construction Photographs: Take 20 color photographs after date of Substantial Completion for submission as project record documents. H. Additional Photographs: Project Coordinator may request photographs in addition to periodic photographs specified. Additional photographs will be paid for by Change Order and are not included in the Contract Sum. 1. Three days' notice will be given, where feasible. 2. In emergency situations, take additional photographs within 24 hours of request. 3. Circumstances that could require additional photographs include, but are not limited to, the following: a. Special events planned at Project site. b. Immediate follow-up when on-site events result in construction damage or losses. c. Photographs to be taken at fabrication locations away from Project site. These photographs are not subject to unit prices or unit-cost allowances. d. Substantial Completion of a major phase or component of the Work. e. Extra record photographs at time of final acceptance. f. Owner's request for special publicity photographs. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS END OF SECTION 01 3233 CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY BLANK CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION 01 3300 - SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. Section includes requirements for the submittal schedule and administrative and procedural requirements for submitting Shop Drawings, Product Data, Samples, and other submittals. B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 012900 "Payment Procedures" for submitting Applications for Payment and the schedule of values. 2. Section 013200 "Construction Progress Documentation" for submitting schedules and reports, including Contractor's construction schedule. 3. Section 017823 "Operation and Maintenance Data" for submitting operation and maintenance manuals. 4. Section 017839 "Project Record Documents" for submitting record Drawings, record Specifications, and record Product Data. 5. Section 017900 "Demonstration and Training" for submitting video recordings of demonstration of equipment and training of Owner's personnel. 1.3 DEFINITIONS A. Action Submittals: Written and graphic information and physical samples that require Project Coordinator's responsive action. Action submittals are those submittals indicated in individual Specification Sections as "action submittals." B. Informational Submittals: Written and graphic information and physical samples that do not require Project Coordinator's responsive action. Submittals may be rejected for not complying with requirements. Informational submittals are those submittals indicated in individual Specification Sections as "informational submittals." C. Portable Document Format (PDF): An open standard file format licensed by Adobe Systems used for representing documents in a device-independent and display resolution-independent fixed- layout document format. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1.4 ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Submittal Schedule: Submit a schedule of submittals, arranged in chronological order by dates required by construction schedule. Include time required for review, ordering, manufacturing, fabrication, and delivery when establishing dates. Include additional time required for making corrections or revisions to submittals noted by Project Coordinator and additional time for handling and reviewing submittals required by those corrections. 1. Coordinate submittal schedule with list of subcontracts, the schedule of values, and Contractor's construction schedule. 2. Initial Submittal: Submit concurrently with startup construction schedule. Include submittals required during the first 60 days of construction. List those submittals required to maintain orderly progress of the Work and those required early because of long lead time for manufacture or fabrication. 3. Final Submittal: Submit concurrently with the first complete submittal of Contractor's construction schedule. a. Submit revised submittal schedule to reflect changes in current status and timing for submittals. 4. Format: Arrange the following information in a tabular format: a. Scheduled date for first submittal. b. Specification Section number and title. c. Submittal category: Action; informational. d. Name of subcontractor. e. Description of the Work covered. f. Scheduled date for Project Coordinator's final release or approval. g. Scheduled date of fabrication. h. Scheduled dates for purchasing. i. Scheduled dates for installation. j. Activity or event number. 1.5 SUBMITTAL ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS A. Project Coordinator's Digital Data Files: Electronic digital data files of the Contract Drawings will be provided by Project Coordinator for Contractor's use in preparing submittals. 1. Project Coordinator will furnish Contractor one set of digital data drawing files of the Contract Drawings for use in preparing Shop Drawings. a. Project Coordinator makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of digital data drawing files as they relate to the Contract Drawings. b. Digital Drawing Software Program: The Contract Drawings are available in AutoCAD. c. Contractor shall execute a data licensing agreement in the form of Agreement form acceptable to Owner and Project Coordinator. d. The following digital data files will by furnished for each appropriate discipline: 1) Floor plans. 2) Reflected ceiling plans. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS B. Coordination: Coordinate preparation and processing of submittals with performance of construction activities. 1. Coordinate each submittal with fabrication, purchasing, testing, delivery, other submittals, and related activities that require sequential activity. 2. Submit all submittal items required for each Specification Section concurrently unless partial submittals for portions of the Work are indicated on approved submittal schedule. 3. Submit action submittals and informational submittals required by the same Specification Section as separate packages under separate transmittals. 4. Coordinate transmittal of different types of submittals for related parts of the Work so processing will not be delayed because of need to review submittals concurrently for coordination. a. Project Coordinator reserves the right to withhold action on a submittal requiring coordination with other submittals until related submittals are received. C. Processing Time: Allow time for submittal review, including time for resubmittals, as follows. Time for review shall commence on [Project Coordinator's] [Construction Manager's] receipt of submittal. No extension of the Contract Time will be authorized because of failure to transmit submittals enough in advance of the Work to permit processing, including resubmittals. 1. Initial Review: Allow 15 days for initial review of each submittal. Allow additional time if coordination with subsequent submittals is required. Project Coordinator advise Contractor when a submittal being processed must be delayed for coordination. 2. Intermediate Review: If intermediate submittal is necessary, process it in same manner as initial submittal. 3. Resubmittal Review: Allow 15 days for review of each resubmittal. 4. Sequential Review: Where sequential review of submittals by Project Coordinator's consultants, Owner, or other parties is indicated, allow 21 days for initial review of each submittal. 5. Concurrent Consultant Review: Where the Contract Documents indicate that submittals may be transmitted simultaneously to Project Coordinator and to Project Coordinator's consultants, allow 15 days for review of each submittal. Submittal will be returned to Project Coordinator before being returned to Contractor. D. Electronic Submittals: Identify and incorporate information in each electronic submittal file as follows: 1. Assemble complete submittal package into a single indexed file incorporating submittal requirements of a single Specification Section and transmittal form with links enabling navigation to each item. 2. Name file with submittal number or other unique identifier, including revision identifier. a. File name shall use project identifier and Specification Section number followed by a decimal point and then a sequential number (e.g., KCFP-061000.01). Resubmittals shall include an alphabetic suffix after another decimal point (e.g., KCFP-061000.01.A). 3. Provide means for insertion to permanently record Contractor's review and approval markings and action taken by Project Coordinator 4. Transmittal Form for Electronic Submittals: Use electronic form acceptable to Owner, containing the following information: CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS a. Project name. b. Date. c. Name and address of Project Coordinator. d. Name of Construction Manager. e. Name of Contractor. f. Name of firm or entity that prepared submittal. g. Names of subcontractor, manufacturer, and supplier. h. Category and type of submittal. i. Submittal purpose and description. j. Specification Section number and title. k. Specification paragraph number or drawing designation and generic name for each of multiple items. l. Drawing number and detail references, as appropriate. m. Location(s) where product is to be installed, as appropriate. n. Related physical samples submitted directly. o. Indication of full or partial submittal. p. Transmittal number, numbered consecutively. q. Submittal and transmittal distribution record. r. Other necessary identification. s. Remarks. 5. Metadata: Include the following information as keywords in the electronic submittal file metadata: a. Project name. b. Number and title of appropriate Specification Section. c. Manufacturer name. d. Product name. E. Options: Identify options requiring selection by Project Coordinator. F. Deviations and Additional Information: On an attached separate sheet, prepared on Contractor's letterhead, record relevant information, requests for data, revisions other than those requested by Project Coordinator on previous submittals, and deviations from requirements in the Contract Documents, including minor variations and limitations. Include same identification information as related submittal. G. Resubmittals: Make resubmittals in same form and number of copies as initial submittal. 1. Note date and content of previous submittal. 2. Note date and content of revision in label or title block and clearly indicate extent of revision. 3. Resubmit submittals until they are marked with approval notation from Project Coordinator's action stamp. H. Distribution: Furnish copies of final submittals to manufacturers, subcontractors, suppliers, fabricators, installers, authorities having jurisdiction, and others as necessary for performance of construction activities. Show distribution on transmittal forms. I. Use for Construction: Retain complete copies of submittals on Project site. Use only final action submittals that are marked with approval notation from Project Coordinator's action stamp. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES A. General Submittal Procedure Requirements: Prepare and submit submittals required by individual Specification Sections. Types of submittals are indicated in individual Specification Sections. 1. Post electronic submittals as PDF electronic files directly to Project Web site specifically established for Project. a. Project Coordinator will return annotated file. Annotate and retain one copy of file as an electronic Project record document file. 2. Submit electronic submittals via email as PDF electronic files. a. Project Coordinator will return annotated file. Annotate and retain one copy of file as an electronic Project record document file. b. Provide a digital signature with digital certificate on electronically submitted certificates and certifications where indicated. B. Product Data: Collect information into a single submittal for each element of construction and type of product or equipment. 1. If information must be specially prepared for submittal because standard published data are not suitable for use, submit as Shop Drawings, not as Product Data. 2. Mark each copy of each submittal to show which products and options are applicable. 3. Include the following information, as applicable: a. Manufacturer's catalog cuts. b. Manufacturer's product specifications. c. Standard color charts. d. Statement of compliance with specified referenced standards. e. Testing by recognized testing agency. f. Application of testing agency labels and seals. g. Notation of coordination requirements. h. Availability and delivery time information. 4. For equipment, include the following in addition to the above, as applicable: a. Wiring diagrams showing factory-installed wiring. b. Printed performance curves. c. Operational range diagrams. d. Clearances required to other construction, if not indicated on accompanying Shop Drawings. 5. Submit Product Data before or concurrent with Samples. 6. Submit Product Data in the following format: a. PDF electronic file. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS C. Shop Drawings: Prepare Project-specific information, drawn accurately to scale. Do not base Shop Drawings on reproductions of the Contract Documents or standard printed data, unless submittal based on Project Coordinator's digital data drawing files is otherwise permitted. 1. Preparation: Fully illustrate requirements in the Contract Documents. Include the following information, as applicable: a. Identification of products. b. Schedules. c. Compliance with specified standards. d. Notation of coordination requirements. e. Notation of dimensions established by field measurement. f. Relationship and attachment to adjoining construction clearly indicated. g. Seal and signature of professional engineer if specified. 2. Sheet Size: Except for templates, patterns, and similar full-size drawings, submit Shop Drawings on sheets at least 8-1/2 by 11 inches (215 by 280 mm), but no larger than 30 by 42 inches (750 by 1067 mm). 3. Submit Shop Drawings in the following format: a. PDF electronic file. D. Samples: Submit Samples for review of kind, color, pattern, and texture for a check of these characteristics with other elements and for a comparison of these characteristics between submittal and actual component as delivered and installed. 1. Transmit Samples that contain multiple, related components such as accessories together in one submittal package. 2. Identification: Attach label on unexposed side of Samples that includes the following: a. Generic description of Sample. b. Product name and name of manufacturer. c. Sample source. d. Number and title of applicable Specification Section. e. Specification paragraph number and generic name of each item. 3. For projects where electronic submittals are required, provide corresponding electronic submittal of Sample transmittal, digital image file illustrating Sample characteristics, and identification information for record. 4. Disposition: Maintain sets of approved Samples at Project site, available for quality-control comparisons throughout the course of construction activity. Sample sets may be used to determine final acceptance of construction associated with each set. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS a. Samples that may be incorporated into the Work are indicated in individual Specification Sections. Such Samples must be in an undamaged condition at time of use. b. Samples not incorporated into the Work, or otherwise designated as Owner's property, are the property of Contractor. 5. Samples for Initial Selection: Submit manufacturer's color charts consisting of units or sections of units showing the full range of colors, textures, and patterns available. a. Number of Samples: Submit one full set(s) of available choices where color, pattern, texture, or similar characteristics are required to be selected from manufacturer's product line. Project Coordinator will return submittal with options selected. 6. Samples for Verification: Submit full-size units or Samples of size indicated, prepared from same material to be used for the Work, cured and finished in manner specified, and physically identical with material or product proposed for use, and that show full range of color and texture variations expected. Samples include, but are not limited to, the following: partial sections of manufactured or fabricated components; small cuts or containers of materials; complete units of repetitively used materials; swatches showing color, texture, and pattern; color range sets; and components used for independent testing and inspection. a. Number of Samples: Submit three sets of Samples. Project Coordinator will retain one Sample sets; remainder will be returned. Mark up and retain one returned Sample set as a project record sample. 1) Submit a single Sample where assembly details, workmanship, fabrication techniques, connections, operation, and other similar characteristics are to be demonstrated. 2) If variation in color, pattern, texture, or other characteristic is inherent in material or product represented by a Sample, submit at least three sets of paired units that show approximate limits of variations. E. Product Schedule: As required in individual Specification Sections, prepare a written summary indicating types of products required for the Work and their intended location. Include the following information in tabular form: 1. Type of product. Include unique identifier for each product indicated in the Contract Documents or assigned by Contractor if none is indicated. 2. Manufacturer and product name, and model number if applicable. 3. Number and name of room or space. 4. Location within room or space. 5. Submit product schedule in the following format: a. PDF electronic file. F. Coordination Drawing Submittals: Comply with requirements specified in Section 013100 "Project Management and Coordination." G. Contractor's Construction Schedule: Comply with requirements specified in Section 013200 "Construction Progress Documentation." CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS H. Application for Payment and Schedule of Values: Comply with requirements specified in Section 012900 "Payment Procedures." I. Test and Inspection Reports and Schedule of Tests and Inspections Submittals: Comply with requirements specified in Section 014000 "Quality Requirements." J. Closeout Submittals and Maintenance Material Submittals: Comply with requirements specified in Section 017700 "Closeout Procedures." K. Maintenance Data: Comply with requirements specified in Section 017823 "Operation and Maintenance Data." L. Qualification Data: Prepare written information that demonstrates capabilities and experience of firm or person. Include lists of completed projects with project names and addresses, contact information of Project Coordinators and owners, and other information specified. M. Welding Certificates: Prepare written certification that welding procedures and personnel comply with requirements in the Contract Documents. Submit record of Welding Procedure Specification and Procedure Qualification Record on AWS forms. Include names of firms and personnel certified. N. Installer Certificates: Submit written statements on manufacturer's letterhead certifying that Installer complies with requirements in the Contract Documents and, where required, is authorized by manufacturer for this specific Project. O. Manufacturer Certificates: Submit written statements on manufacturer's letterhead certifying that manufacturer complies with requirements in the Contract Documents. Include evidence of manufacturing experience where required. P. Product Certificates: Submit written statements on manufacturer's letterhead certifying that product complies with requirements in the Contract Documents. Q. Material Certificates: Submit written statements on manufacturer's letterhead certifying that material complies with requirements in the Contract Documents. R. Material Test Reports: Submit reports written by a qualified testing agency, on testing agency's standard form, indicating and interpreting test results of material for compliance with requirements in the Contract Documents. S. Product Test Reports: Submit written reports indicating that current product produced by manufacturer complies with requirements in the Contract Documents. Base reports on evaluation of tests performed by manufacturer and witnessed by a qualified testing agency, or on comprehensive tests performed by a qualified testing agency. T. Research Reports: Submit written evidence, from a model code organization acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, that product complies with building code in effect for Project. Include the following information: CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Name of evaluation organization. 2. Date of evaluation. 3. Time period when report is in effect. 4. Product and manufacturers' names. 5. Description of product. 6. Test procedures and results. 7. Limitations of use. V. Preconstruction Test Reports: Submit reports written by a qualified testing agency, on testing agency's standard form, indicating and interpreting results of tests performed before installation of product, for compliance with performance requirements in the Contract Documents. W. Compatibility Test Reports: Submit reports written by a qualified testing agency, on testing agency's standard form, indicating and interpreting results of compatibility tests performed before installation of product. Include written recommendations for primers and substrate preparation needed for adhesion. X. Field Test Reports: Submit written reports indicating and interpreting results of field tests performed either during installation of product or after product is installed in its final location, for compliance with requirements in the Contract Documents. Y. Design Data: Prepare and submit written and graphic information, including, but not limited to, performance and design criteria, list of applicable codes and regulations, and calculations. Include list of assumptions and other performance and design criteria and a summary of loads. Include load diagrams if applicable. Provide name and version of software, if any, used for calculations. Include page numbers. 2.2 DELEGATED-DESIGN SERVICES A. Performance and Design Criteria: Where professional design services or certifications by a design professional are specifically required of Contractor by the Contract Documents, provide products and systems complying with specific performance and design criteria indicated. 1. If criteria indicated are not sufficient to perform services or certification required, submit a written request for additional information to Project Coordinator. B. Delegated-Design Services Certification: In addition to Shop Drawings, Product Data, and other required submittals, submit digitally signed PDF electronic file paper copies of certificate, signed and sealed by the responsible design professional, for each product and system specifically assigned to Contractor to be designed or certified by a design professional. 1. Indicate that products and systems comply with performance and design criteria in the Contract Documents. Include list of codes, loads, and other factors used in performing these services. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 CONTRACTOR'S REVIEW A. Action and Informational Submittals: Review each submittal and check for coordination with other Work of the Contract and for compliance with the Contract Documents. Note corrections and field dimensions. Mark with approval stamp before submitting to Project Coordinator B. Project Closeout and Maintenance Material Submittals: See requirements in Section 017700 "Closeout Procedures." C. Approval Stamp: Stamp each submittal with a uniform, approval stamp. Include Project name and location, submittal number, Specification Section title and number, name of reviewer, date of Contractor's approval, and statement certifying that submittal has been reviewed, checked, and approved for compliance with the Contract Documents. 3.2 PROJECT COORDINATOR'S ACTION A. Action Submittals: Project Coordinator will review each submittal, make marks to indicate corrections or revisions required, and return it. Project Coordinator will stamp each submittal with an action stamp and will mark stamp appropriately to indicate action. B. Informational Submittals: Project Coordinator will review each submittal and will not return it, or will return it if it does not comply with requirements. Project Coordinator will forward each submittal to appropriate party. C. Partial submittals prepared for a portion of the Work will be reviewed when use of partial submittals has received prior approval from Project Coordinator D. Incomplete submittals are unacceptable, will be considered nonresponsive, and will be returned for resubmittal without review. E. Submittals not required by the Contract Documents may be returned by the Project Coordinator without action. END OF SECTION 01 3300 CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION 01 4000 - QUALITY REQUIREMENTS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for quality assurance and quality control. B. Testing and inspecting services are required to verify compliance with requirements specified or indicated. These services do not relieve Contractor of responsibility for compliance with the Contract Document requirements. 1. Specific quality-assurance and -control requirements for individual construction activities are specified in the Sections that specify those activities. Requirements in those Sections may also cover production of standard products. 2. Specified tests, inspections, and related actions do not limit Contractor's other quality- assurance and -control procedures that facilitate compliance with the Contract Document requirements. 3. Requirements for Contractor to provide quality-assurance and -control services required by Project Coordinator, Owner or authorities having jurisdiction are not limited by provisions of this Section. 4. Specific test and inspection requirements are not specified in this Section. C. Related Requirements: 1. Section 012100 "Allowances" for testing and inspecting allowances. 1.3 DEFINITIONS A. Quality-Assurance Services: Activities, actions, and procedures performed before and during execution of the Work to guard against defects and deficiencies and substantiate that proposed construction will comply with requirements. B. Quality-Control Services: Tests, inspections, procedures, and related actions during and after execution of the Work to evaluate that actual products incorporated into the Work and completed construction comply with requirements. Services do not include contract enforcement activities performed by Project Coordinator D. Preconstruction Testing: Tests and inspections performed specifically for Project before products and materials are incorporated into the Work, to verify performance or compliance with specified criteria. E. Product Testing: Tests and inspections that are performed by an NRTL, an NVLAP, or a testing agency qualified to conduct product testing and acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, to establish product performance and compliance with specified requirements. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS F. Source Quality-Control Testing: Tests and inspections that are performed at the source, e.g., plant, mill, factory, or shop. G. Field Quality-Control Testing: Tests and inspections that are performed on-site for installation of the Work and for completed Work. H. Testing Agency: An entity engaged to perform specific tests, inspections, or both. Testing laboratory shall mean the same as testing agency. I. Installer/Applicator/Erector: Contractor or another entity engaged by Contractor as an employee, Subcontractor, or Sub-subcontractor, to perform a particular construction operation, including installation, erection, application, and similar operations. 1. Use of trade-specific terminology in referring to a trade or entity does not require that certain construction activities be performed by accredited or unionized individuals, or that requirements specified apply exclusively to specific trade(s). J. Experienced: When used with an entity or individual, "experienced" means having successfully completed a minimum of five previous projects similar in nature, size, and extent to this Project; being familiar with special requirements indicated; and having complied with requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. 1.4 CONFLICTING REQUIREMENTS A. Referenced Standards: If compliance with two or more standards is specified and the standards establish different or conflicting requirements for minimum quantities or quality levels, comply with the most stringent requirement. Refer conflicting requirements that are different, but apparently equal, to Project Coordinator for a decision before proceeding. B. Minimum Quantity or Quality Levels: The quantity or quality level shown or specified shall be the minimum provided or performed. The actual installation may comply exactly with the minimum quantity or quality specified, or it may exceed the minimum within reasonable limits. To comply with these requirements, indicated numeric values are minimum or maximum, as appropriate, CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS for the context of requirements. Refer uncertainties to Project Coordinator for a decision before proceeding. 1.5 ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings: For mockups, provide plans, sections, and elevations, indicating materials and size of mockup construction. 1. Indicate manufacturer and model number of individual components. 2. Provide axonometric drawings for conditions difficult to illustrate in two dimensions. 1.6 INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. Contractor's Quality-Control Plan: For quality-assurance and quality-control activities and responsibilities. B. Qualification Data : For Contractor's quality-control personnel. C. Contractor's Statement of Responsibility: When required by authorities having jurisdiction, submit copy of written statement of responsibility sent to authorities having jurisdiction before starting work on the following systems: 1. Seismic-force-resisting system, designated seismic system, or component listed in the designated seismic system quality-assurance plan prepared by Project Coordinator. 2. Main wind-force-resisting system or a wind-resisting component listed in the wind-force- resisting system quality-assurance plan prepared by Project Coordinator. D. Testing Agency Qualifications: For testing agencies specified in "Quality Assurance" Article to demonstrate their capabilities and experience. Include proof of qualifications in the form of a recent report on the inspection of the testing agency by a recognized authority. E. Schedule of Tests and Inspections: Prepare in tabular form and include the following: 1. Specification Section number and title. 2. Entity responsible for performing tests and inspections. 3. Description of test and inspection. 4. Identification of applicable standards. 5. Identification of test and inspection methods. 6. Number of tests and inspections required. 7. Time schedule or time span for tests and inspections. 8. Requirements for obtaining samples. 9. Unique characteristics of each quality-control service. 1.7 CONTRACTOR'S QUALITY-CONTROL PLAN A. Quality-Control Plan, General: Submit quality-control plan within 10 days of Notice of Award, and not less than five days prior to preconstruction conference. Submit in format acceptable to Project Coordinator. Identify personnel, procedures, controls, instructions, tests, records, and forms to be used to carry out Contractor's quality-assurance and quality-control responsibilities. Coordinate with Contractor's construction schedule. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS B. Quality-Control Personnel Qualifications: Engage qualified full-time personnel trained and experienced in managing and executing quality-assurance and quality-control procedures similar in nature and extent to those required for Project. 1. Project quality-control manager may also serve as Project superintendent C. Submittal Procedure: Describe procedures for ensuring compliance with requirements through review and management of submittal process. Indicate qualifications of personnel responsible for submittal review. D. Testing and Inspection: In quality-control plan, include a comprehensive schedule of Work requiring testing or inspection, including the following: 1. Contractor-performed tests and inspections including subcontractor-performed tests and inspections. Include required tests and inspections and Contractor-elected tests and inspections. 2. Special inspections required by authorities having jurisdiction and indicated on the "Statement of Special Inspections." 3. Owner-performed tests and inspections indicated in the Contract Documents, including tests and inspections indicated to be performed by the Commissioning Authority. E. Continuous Inspection of Workmanship: Describe process for continuous inspection during construction to identify and correct deficiencies in workmanship in addition to testing and inspection specified. Indicate types of corrective actions to be required to bring work into compliance with standards of workmanship established by Contract requirements and approved mockups. F. Monitoring and Documentation: Maintain testing and inspection reports including log of approved and rejected results. Include work Project Coordinator has indicated as nonconforming or defective. Indicate corrective actions taken to bring nonconforming work into compliance with requirements. Comply with requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. 1.8 REPORTS AND DOCUMENTS A. Test and Inspection Reports: Prepare and submit certified written reports specified in other Sections. Include the following: 1. Date of issue. 2. Project title and number. 3. Name, address, and telephone number of testing agency. 4. Dates and locations of samples and tests or inspections. 5. Names of individuals making tests and inspections. 6. Description of the Work and test and inspection method. 7. Identification of product and Specification Section. 8. Complete test or inspection data. 9. Test and inspection results and an interpretation of test results. 10. Record of temperature and weather conditions at time of sample taking and testing and inspecting. 11. Comments or professional opinion on whether tested or inspected Work complies with the Contract Document requirements. 12. Name and signature of laboratory inspector. 13. Recommendations on retesting and reinspecting. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS B. Manufacturer's Technical Representative's Field Reports: Prepare written information documenting manufacturer's technical representative's tests and inspections specified in other Sections. Include the following: 1. Name, address, and telephone number of technical representative making report. 2. Statement on condition of substrates and their acceptability for installation of product. 3. Statement that products at Project site comply with requirements. 4. Summary of installation procedures being followed, whether they comply with requirements and, if not, what corrective action was taken. 5. Results of operational and other tests and a statement of whether observed performance complies with requirements. 6. Statement whether conditions, products, and installation will affect warranty. 7. Other required items indicated in individual Specification Sections. C. Factory-Authorized Service Representative's Reports: Prepare written information documenting manufacturer's factory-authorized service representative's tests and inspections specified in other Sections. Include the following: 1. Name, address, and telephone number of factory-authorized service representative making report. 2. Statement that equipment complies with requirements. 3. Results of operational and other tests and a statement of whether observed performance complies with requirements. 4. Statement whether conditions, products, and installation will affect warranty. 5. Other required items indicated in individual Specification Sections. D. Permits, Licenses, and Certificates: For Owner's records, submit copies of permits, licenses, certifications, inspection reports, releases, jurisdictional settlements, notices, receipts for fee payments, judgments, correspondence, records, and similar documents, established for compliance with standards and regulations bearing on performance of the Work. 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. General: Qualifications paragraphs in this article establish the minimum qualification levels required; individual Specification Sections specify additional requirements. B. Manufacturer Qualifications: A firm experienced in manufacturing products or systems similar to those indicated for this Project and with a record of successful in-service performance, as well as sufficient production capacity to produce required units. C. Fabricator Qualifications: A firm experienced in producing products similar to those indicated for this Project and with a record of successful in-service performance, as well as sufficient production capacity to produce required units. D. Installer Qualifications: A firm or individual experienced in installing, erecting, or assembling work similar in material, design, and extent to that indicated for this Project, whose work has resulted in construction with a record of successful in-service performance. E. Professional Engineer Qualifications: A professional engineer who is legally qualified to practice in jurisdiction where Project is located and who is experienced in providing engineering services of the kind indicated. Engineering services are defined as those performed for installations of the system, assembly, or product that are similar in material, design, and extent to those indicated for this Project. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS F. Specialists: Certain Specification Sections require that specific construction activities shall be performed by entities who are recognized experts in those operations. Specialists shall satisfy qualification requirements indicated and shall be engaged for the activities indicated. 1. Requirements of authorities having jurisdiction shall supersede requirements for specialists. G. Testing Agency Qualifications: An NRTL, an NVLAP, or an independent agency with the experience and capability to conduct testing and inspecting indicated, as documented according to ASTM E 329; and with additional qualifications specified in individual Sections; and, where required by authorities having jurisdiction, that is acceptable to authorities. 1. NRTL: A nationally recognized testing laboratory according to 29 CFR 1910.7. 2. NVLAP: A testing agency accredited according to NIST's National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program. H. Manufacturer's Technical Representative Qualifications: An authorized representative of manufacturer who is trained and approved by manufacturer to observe and inspect installation of manufacturer's products that are similar in material, design, and extent to those indicated for this Project. I. Factory-Authorized Service Representative Qualifications: An authorized representative of manufacturer who is trained and approved by manufacturer to inspect installation of manufacturer's products that are similar in material, design, and extent to those indicated for this Project. J. Preconstruction Testing: Where testing agency is indicated to perform preconstruction testing for compliance with specified requirements for performance and test methods, comply with the following: 1. Contractor responsibilities include the following: a. Provide test specimens representative of proposed products and construction. b. Submit specimens in a timely manner with sufficient time for testing and analyzing results to prevent delaying the Work. c. Provide sizes and configurations of test assemblies, mockups, and laboratory mockups to adequately demonstrate capability of products to comply with performance requirements. d. Build site-assembled test assemblies and mockups using installers who will perform same tasks for Project. e. Build laboratory mockups at testing facility using personnel, products, and methods of construction indicated for the completed Work. f. When testing is complete, remove test specimens, assemblies, and mockups, and laboratory mockups; do not reuse products on Project. 2. Testing Agency Responsibilities: Submit a certified written report of each test, inspection, and similar quality-assurance service to Project Coordinator and Commissioning Authority with copy to Contractor. Interpret tests and inspections and state in each report whether tested and inspected work complies with or deviates from the Contract Documents. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1.10 QUALITY CONTROL A. Owner Responsibilities: Where quality-control services are indicated as Owner's responsibility, Owner will engage a qualified testing agency to perform these services. 1. Owner will furnish Contractor with names, addresses, and telephone numbers of testing agencies engaged and a description of types of testing and inspecting they are engaged to perform. 2. Payment for these services will be made from testing and inspecting allowances, as authorized by Change Orders. 3. Costs for retesting and reinspecting construction that replaces or is necessitated by work that failed to comply with the Contract Documents will be charged to Contractor, and the Contract Sum will be adjusted by Change Order. B. Contractor Responsibilities: Tests and inspections not explicitly assigned to Owner are Contractor's responsibility. Perform additional quality-control activities required to verify that the Work complies with requirements, whether specified or not. 1. Unless otherwise indicated, provide quality-control services specified and those required by authorities having jurisdiction. Perform quality-control services required of Contractor by authorities having jurisdiction, whether specified or not. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 2. GC/Contractor will have a quality control program in place to review the installation and serviceability of all field devices and valves. 3. Documentation will be submitted throughout the project as devices and valves are installed that certifies these devices and valves are serviceable. 4. As indicated in specification sections, a 24 inch service corridor will be coordinated with all trades to allow this access. 5. Where services are indicated as Contractor's responsibility, engage a qualified testing agency to perform these quality-control services. a. Contractor shall not employ same entity engaged by Owner, unless agreed to in writing by Owner. 6. Notify testing agencies at least 24 hours in advance of time when Work that requires testing or inspecting will be performed. 7. Where quality-control services are indicated as Contractor's responsibility, submit a certified written report, in duplicate, of each quality-control service. 8. Testing and inspecting requested by Contractor and not required by the Contract Documents are Contractor's responsibility. 9. Submit additional copies of each written report directly to authorities having jurisdiction, when they so direct. C. Manufacturer's Field Services: Where indicated, engage a factory-authorized service representative to inspect field-assembled components and equipment installation, including service connections. Report results in writing as specified in Section 013300 "Submittal Procedures." D. Manufacturer's Technical Services: Where indicated, engage a manufacturer's technical representative to observe and inspect the Work. Manufacturer's technical representative's services include participation in preinstallation conferences, examination of substrates and conditions, verification of materials, observation of Installer activities, inspection of completed portions of the Work, and submittal of written reports. E. Retesting/Reinspecting: Regardless of whether original tests or inspections were Contractor's responsibility, provide quality-control services, including retesting and reinspecting, for construction that replaced Work that failed to comply with the Contract Documents. F. Testing Agency Responsibilities: Cooperate with Project Coordinator, Commissioning Authority and Contractor in performance of duties. Provide qualified personnel to perform required tests and inspections. 1. Notify Project Coordinator, Commissioning Authority and Contractor promptly of irregularities or deficiencies observed in the Work during performance of its services. 2. Determine the location from which test samples will be taken and in which in-situ tests are conducted. 3. Conduct and interpret tests and inspections and state in each report whether tested and inspected work complies with or deviates from requirements. 4. Submit a certified written report, in duplicate, of each test, inspection, and similar quality- control service through Contractor. 5. Do not release, revoke, alter, or increase the Contract Document requirements or approve or accept any portion of the Work. 6. Do not perform any duties of Contractor. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS G. Associated Services: Cooperate with agencies performing required tests, inspections, and similar quality-control services, and provide reasonable auxiliary services as requested. Notify agency sufficiently in advance of operations to permit assignment of personnel. Provide the following: 1. Access to the Work. 2. Incidental labor and facilities necessary to facilitate tests and inspections. 3. Adequate quantities of representative samples of materials that require testing and inspecting. Assist agency in obtaining samples. 4. Facilities for storage and field curing of test samples. 5. Delivery of samples to testing agencies. 6. Preliminary design mix proposed for use for material mixes that require control by testing agency. 7. Security and protection for samples and for testing and inspecting equipment at Project site. H. Coordination: Coordinate sequence of activities to accommodate required quality-assurance and -control services with a minimum of delay and to avoid necessity of removing and replacing construction to accommodate testing and inspecting. 1. Schedule times for tests, inspections, obtaining samples, and similar activities. I. Schedule of Tests and Inspections: Prepare a schedule of tests, inspections, and similar quality- control services required by the Contract Documents as a component of Contractor's quality- control plan. Coordinate and submit concurrently with Contractor's construction schedule. Update as the Work progresses. 1. Distribution: Distribute schedule to Owner, Project Coordinator, Commissioning Authority, testing agencies, and each party involved in performance of portions of the Work where tests and inspections are required. 1.11 SPECIAL TESTS AND INSPECTIONS A. Special Tests and Inspections: Owner will engage a qualified testing agency to conduct special tests and inspections required by authorities having jurisdiction as the responsibility of Owner and as follows: PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 TEST AND INSPECTION LOG A. Test and Inspection Log: Prepare a record of tests and inspections. Include the following: CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Date test or inspection was conducted. 2. Description of the Work tested or inspected. 3. Date test or inspection results were transmitted to Project Coordinator. 4. Identification of testing agency or special inspector conducting test or inspection. B. Maintain log at Project site. Post changes and revisions as they occur. Provide access to test and inspection log for Project Coordinator's, Commissioning Authority's, reference during normal working hours. 3.3 REPAIR AND PROTECTION A. General: On completion of testing, inspecting, sample taking, and similar services, repair damaged construction and restore substrates and finishes. 1. Provide materials and comply with installation requirements specified in other Specification Sections or matching existing substrates and finishes. Restore patched areas and extend restoration into adjoining areas with durable seams that are as invisible as possible. Comply with the Contract Document requirements for cutting and patching in Section 017300 "Execution." B. Protect construction exposed by or for quality-control service activities. C. Repair and protection are Contractor's responsibility, regardless of the assignment of responsibility for quality-control services. END OF SECTION 01 4000 CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION 01 4200 - REFERENCES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 DEFINITIONS A. General: Basic Contract definitions are included in the Conditions of the Contract. B. "Approved": When used to convey Project Coordinator's action on Contractor's submittals, applications, and requests, "approved" is limited to Project Coordinator's duties and responsibilities as stated in the Conditions of the Contract. C. "Directed": A command or instruction by Project Coordinator. Other terms including "requested," "authorized," "selected," "required," and "permitted" have the same meaning as "directed." D. "Indicated": Requirements expressed by graphic representations or in written form on Drawings, in Specifications, and in other Contract Documents. Other terms including "shown," "noted," "scheduled," and "specified" have the same meaning as "indicated." E. "Regulations": Laws, ordinances, statutes, and lawful orders issued by authorities having jurisdiction, and rules, conventions, and agreements within the construction industry that control performance of the Work. F. "Furnish": Supply and deliver to Project site, ready for unloading, unpacking, assembly, installation, and similar operations. G. "Install": Unload, temporarily store, unpack, assemble, erect, place, anchor, apply, work to dimension, finish, cure, protect, clean, and similar operations at Project site. H. "Provide": Furnish and install, complete and ready for the intended use. I. "Project Site": Space available for performing construction activities. The extent of Project site is shown on Drawings and may or may not be identical with the description of the land on which Project is to be built. 1.3 INDUSTRY STANDARDS A. Applicability of Standards: Unless the Contract Documents include more stringent requirements, applicable construction industry standards have the same force and effect as if bound or copied directly into the Contract Documents to the extent referenced. Such standards are made a part of the Contract Documents by reference. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS B. Publication Dates: Comply with standards in effect as of date of the Contract Documents unless otherwise indicated. C. Copies of Standards: Each entity engaged in construction on Project should be familiar with industry standards applicable to its construction activity. Copies of applicable standards are not bound with the Contract Documents. 1. Where copies of standards are needed to perform a required construction activity, obtain copies directly from publication source. 1.4 ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS A. Industry Organizations: Where abbreviations and acronyms are used in Specifications or other Contract Documents, they shall mean the recognized name of the entities indicated in Gale's "Encyclopedia of Associations: National Organizations of the U.S." or in Columbia Books' "National Trade & Professional Associations of the United States." CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION 01 5000 - TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. Section includes requirements for temporary utilities, support facilities, and security and protection facilities. B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 011000 "Summary" for work restrictions and limitations on utility interruptions. 2. Section 312319 "Dewatering" for disposal of ground water at Project site. 3. Section 321216 "Asphalt Paving" for construction and maintenance of asphalt pavement for temporary roads and paved areas. 4. Section 321313 "Concrete Paving" for construction and maintenance of cement concrete pavement for temporary roads and paved areas. 1.3 USE CHARGES A. General: Installation and removal of and use charges for temporary facilities shall be included in the Contract Sum unless otherwise indicated. Allow other entities to use temporary services and facilities without cost, including, but not limited to, Owner's construction forces, Project Coordinator, occupants of Project, testing agencies, and authorities having jurisdiction. B. Sewer Service: Pay sewer-service use charges for sewer usage by all entities for construction operations. C. Water Service: Pay water-service use charges for water used by all entities for construction operations. D. Electric Power Service: Pay electric-power-service use charges for electricity used by all entities for construction operations. E. Water and Sewer Service from Existing System: Water from Owner's existing water system is available for use without metering and without payment of use charges. Provide connections and extensions of services as required for construction operations. F. Electric Power Service from Existing System: Electric power from Owner's existing system is available for use without metering and without payment of use charges. Provide connections and extensions of services as required for construction operations. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS G. Sewer, Water, and Electric Power Service: Use charges are specified in Section 011200 "Multiple Contract Summary." 1.4 INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. Site Plan: Show temporary facilities, utility hookups, staging areas, and parking areas for construction personnel. B. Erosion- and Sedimentation-Control Plan: Show compliance with requirements of EPA Construction General Permit or authorities having jurisdiction, whichever is more stringent. C. Fire-Safety Program: Show compliance with requirements of NFPA 241 and authorities having jurisdiction. Indicate Contractor personnel responsible for management of fire-prevention program. D. Moisture-Protection Plan: Describe procedures and controls for protecting materials and construction from water absorption and damage. 1. Describe delivery, handling, and storage provisions for materials subject to water absorption or water damage. 2. Indicate procedures for discarding water-damaged materials, protocols for mitigating water intrusion into completed Work, and replacing water-damaged Work. 3. Indicate sequencing of work that requires water, such as sprayed fire-resistive materials, plastering, and terrazzo grinding, and describe plans for dealing with water from these operations. Show procedures for verifying that wet construction has dried sufficiently to permit installation of finish materials. E. Dust- and HVAC-Control Plan: Submit coordination drawing and narrative that indicates the dust- and HVAC-control measures proposed for use, proposed locations, and proposed time frame for their operation. Identify further options if proposed measures are later determined to be inadequate. Include the following: 1. Locations of dust-control partitions at each phase of work. 2. HVAC system isolation schematic drawing. 3. Location of proposed air-filtration system discharge. 4. Waste handling procedures. 5. Other dust-control measures. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Electric Service: Comply with NECA, NEMA, and UL standards and regulations for temporary electric service. Install service to comply with NFPA 70. B. Tests and Inspections: Arrange for authorities having jurisdiction to test and inspect each temporary utility before use. Obtain required certifications and permits. C. Accessible Temporary Egress: Comply with applicable provisions in the U.S. Project Coordinatorural & Transportation Barriers Compliance Board's ADA-ABA Accessibility Guidelines and ICC/ANSI A117.1. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1.6 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Temporary Use of Permanent Facilities: Engage Installer of each permanent service to assume responsibility for operation, maintenance, and protection of each permanent service during its use as a construction facility before Owner's acceptance, regardless of previously assigned responsibilities. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Chain-Link Fencing: Minimum 2-inch (50-mm), 0.148-inch- (3.8-mm-) thick, galvanized-steel, chain-link fabric fencing; minimum 6 feet (1.8 m) high with galvanized-steel pipe posts; minimum 2-3/8-inch- (60-mm-) OD line posts and 2-7/8-inch- (73-mm-) OD corner and pull posts , with galvanized barbed-wire top strand. B. Polyethylene Sheet: Reinforced, fire-resistive sheet, 10-mil (0.25-mm) minimum thickness, with flame-spread rating of 15 or less per ASTM E 84 and passing NFPA 701 Test Method 2. C. Dust-Control Adhesive-Surface Walk-off Mats: Provide mats minimum 36 by 60 inches (914 by 1624 mm). D. Insulation: Unfaced mineral-fiber blanket, manufactured from glass, slag wool, or rock wool; with maximum flame-spread and smoke-developed indexes of 25 and 50, respectively. 2.2 TEMPORARY FACILITIES A. Field Offices, General: Prefabricated or mobile units with serviceable finishes, temperature controls, and foundations adequate for normal loading. B. Common-Use Field Office: Of sufficient size to accommodate needs of Owner, Project Coordinator and construction personnel office activities and to accommodate Project meetings specified in other Division 01 Sections. Keep office clean and orderly. Furnish and equip offices as follows: 1. Furniture required for Project-site documents including file cabinets, plan tables, plan racks, and bookcases. 2. Conference room of sufficient size to accommodate meetings of [10] <Insert number> individuals. Provide electrical power service and 120-V ac duplex receptacles, with no fewer than one receptacle on each wall. Furnish room with conference table, chairs, and 4-foot- (1.2-m-) square tack and marker boards. 3. Drinking water and private toilet. 4. Coffee machine and supplies. 5. Heating and cooling equipment necessary to maintain a uniform indoor temperature of 68 to 72 deg F (20 to 22 deg C). 6. Lighting fixtures capable of maintaining average illumination of 20 fc (215 lx) at desk height. C. Storage and Fabrication Sheds: Provide sheds sized, furnished, and equipped to accommodate materials and equipment for construction operations. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Store combustible materials apart from building. 2.3 EQUIPMENT A. Fire Extinguishers: Portable, UL rated; with class and extinguishing agent as required by locations and classes of fire exposures. B. HVAC Equipment: Unless Owner authorizes use of permanent HVAC system, provide vented, self-contained, liquid-propane-gas or fuel-oil heaters with individual space thermostatic control. 1. Use of gasoline-burning space heaters, open-flame heaters, or salamander-type heating units is prohibited. 2. Heating Units: Listed and labeled for type of fuel being consumed, by a qualified testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, and marked for intended location and application. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION, GENERAL A. Locate facilities as indicated on Site Plan. 1.Locate facilities to limit site disturbance as specified in Section 011000 "Summary." B. Provide each facility ready for use when needed to avoid delay. Do not remove until facilities are no longer needed or are replaced by authorized use of completed permanent facilities. 3.2 TEMPORARY UTILITY INSTALLATION A. General: Install temporary service or connect to existing service. 1. Arrange with utility company, Owner, and existing users for time when service can be interrupted, if necessary, to make connections for temporary services. B. Sewers and Drainage: Provide temporary utilities to remove effluent lawfully. C. Water Service: Install water service and distribution piping in sizes and pressures adequate for construction. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS D. Water Service: Connect to Owner's existing water service facilities. Clean and maintain water service facilities in a condition acceptable to Owner. At Substantial Completion, restore these facilities to condition existing before initial use. E. Sanitary Facilities: Provide temporary toilets, wash facilities, and drinking water for use of construction personnel. Comply with requirements of authorities having jurisdiction for type, number, location, operation, and maintenance of fixtures and facilities. 1. Toilets: Use of Owner's existing toilet facilities will not be permitted. F. Heating and Cooling: Provide temporary heating and cooling required by construction activities for curing or drying of completed installations or for protecting installed construction from adverse effects of low temperatures or high humidity. Select equipment that will not have a harmful effect on completed installations or elements being installed. G. Isolation of Work Areas in Occupied Facilities: Prevent dust, fumes, and odors from entering occupied areas. 1. Prior to commencing work, isolate the HVAC system in area where work is to be performed according to coordination drawings. a. Disconnect supply and return ductwork in work area from HVAC systems servicing occupied areas. b. Maintain negative air pressure within work area using HEPA-equipped air-filtration units, starting with commencement of temporary partition construction, and continuing until removal of temporary partitions is complete. 2. Maintain dust partitions during the Work. Use vacuum collection attachments on dust- producing equipment. Isolate limited work within occupied areas using portable dust- containment devices. 3. Perform daily construction cleanup and final cleanup using approved, HEPA-filter- equipped vacuum equipment. H. Ventilation and Humidity Control: Provide temporary ventilation required by construction activities for curing or drying of completed installations or for protecting installed construction from adverse effects of high humidity. Select equipment that will not have a harmful effect on completed installations or elements being installed. Coordinate ventilation requirements to produce ambient condition required and minimize energy consumption. 1. Provide dehumidification systems when required to reduce substrate moisture levels to level required to allow installation or application of finishes. I. Electric Power Service: Connect to Owner's existing electric power service. Maintain equipment in a condition acceptable to Owner. J. Electric Power Service: Provide electric power service and distribution system of sufficient size, capacity, and power characteristics required for construction operations. 1. Install electric power service overhead unless otherwise indicated. 2. Connect temporary service to Owner's existing power source, as directed by Owner. K. Lighting: Provide temporary lighting with local switching that provides adequate illumination for construction operations, observations, inspections, and traffic conditions. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Install and operate temporary lighting that fulfills security and protection requirements without operating entire system. 2. Install lighting for Project identification sign. L. Telephone Service: Provide temporary telephone service in common-use facilities for use by all construction personnel. Install one telephone line(s) for each field office. 1. Provide additional telephone lines for the following: a. Provide a dedicated telephone line for each facsimile machine in each field office. 2. At each telephone, post a list of important telephone numbers. a. Police and fire departments. b. Ambulance service. c. Contractor's home office. d. Contractor's emergency after-hours telephone number. e. Project Coordinator's office. f. Engineers' offices. g. Owner's office. h. Principal subcontractors' field and home offices. 3. Provide superintendent with cellular telephone or portable two-way radio for use when away from field office. 3.3 SUPPORT FACILITIES INSTALLATION A. General: Comply with the following: 1. Provide construction for temporary offices, shops, and sheds located within construction area or within 30 feet (9 m) of building lines that is noncombustible according to ASTM E 136. Comply with NFPA 241. 2. Maintain support facilities until Project Coordinator schedules Substantial Completion inspection. Remove before Substantial Completion. Personnel remaining after Substantial Completion will be permitted to use permanent facilities, under conditions acceptable to Owner. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS D. Traffic Controls: Comply with requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. 1. Protect existing site improvements to remain including curbs, pavement, and utilities. 2. Maintain access for fire-fighting equipment and access to fire hydrants. E. Parking: Use designated areas of Owner's existing parking areas for construction personnel. 1. Parking will not be permitted on Drive(s) surrounding, or adjacent ot new construction. Do not block or use building trash dumpsters. 2. Brief and temporary stopping will be permitted to load or unload equipment or materials used in the construction process. Do Not under any circumstances, leave any vehicle unattended with motor running, or with ignition key in-place. 3. Parking of vehicles on lawns, parkways, walks, etc. outside of construction area will not be permitted. F. Dewatering Facilities and Drains: Comply with requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. Maintain Project site, excavations, and construction free of water. 1. Dispose of rainwater in a lawful manner that will not result in flooding Project or adjoining properties or endanger permanent Work or temporary facilities. 2. Remove snow and ice as required to minimize accumulations. G. Project Signs: Provide Project signs as indicated. Unauthorized signs are not permitted. 1. Identification Signs: Provide Project identification signs as indicated on Drawings. 2. Temporary Signs: Provide other signs as indicated and as required to inform public and individuals seeking entrance to Project. a.Provide temporary, directional signs for construction personnel and visitors. 3. Maintain and touchup signs so they are legible at all times. H. Waste Disposal Facilities: Comply with requirements specified in Section 017419 "Construction Waste Management and Disposal." I. Waste Disposal Facilities: Provide waste-collection containers in sizes adequate to handle waste from construction operations. Comply with requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. Comply with progress cleaning requirements in Section 017300 "Execution." J. Lifts and Hoists: Provide facilities necessary for hoisting materials and personnel. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Truck cranes and similar devices used for hoisting materials are considered "tools and equipment" and not temporary facilities. K. Existing Stair Usage: Use of Owner's existing stairs is permitted. 3.4 SECURITY AND PROTECTION FACILITIES INSTALLATION A. Protection of Existing Facilities: Protect existing vegetation, equipment, structures, utilities, and other improvements at Project site and on adjacent properties, except those indicated to be removed or altered. Repair damage to existing facilities. B. Environmental Protection: Provide protection, operate temporary facilities, and conduct construction as required to comply with environmental regulations and that minimize possible air, waterway, and subsoil contamination or pollution or other undesirable effects. 1. Comply with work restrictions specified in Section 011000 "Summary." C. Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control: Provide measures to prevent soil erosion and discharge of soil-bearing water runoff and airborne dust to undisturbed areas and to adjacent properties and walkways, according to requirements of 2003 EPA Construction General Permit or authorities having jurisdiction, whichever is more stringent. 1. Verify that flows of water redirected from construction areas or generated by construction activity do not enter or cross tree- or plant- protection zones. 2. Inspect, repair, and maintain erosion- and sedimentation-control measures during construction until permanent vegetation has been established. 3. Clean, repair, and restore adjoining properties and roads affected by erosion and sedimentation from Project site during the course of Project. 4. Remove erosion and sedimentation controls and restore and stabilize areas disturbed during removal. D. Stormwater Control: Comply with requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. Provide barriers in and around excavations and subgrade construction to prevent flooding by runoff of stormwater from heavy rains. E. Tree and Plant Protection: Install temporary fencing located as indicated or outside the drip line of trees to protect vegetation from damage from construction operations. Protect tree root systems from damage, flooding, and erosion. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS F. Site Enclosure Fence: See Section 01 0550 for requirements. G. Security Enclosure and Lockup: Install temporary enclosure around temporary site office and lay down areas. Provide lockable entrances to prevent unauthorized entrance, vandalism, theft, and similar violations of security. Lock entrances at end of each work day. H. Barricades, Warning Signs, and Lights: Comply with requirements of authorities having jurisdiction for erecting structurally adequate barricades, including warning signs and lighting. I. Temporary Egress: Maintain temporary egress from existing occupied facilities as indicated and as required by authorities having jurisdiction. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS N. Temporary Fire Protection: Install and maintain temporary fire-protection facilities of types needed to protect against reasonably predictable and controllable fire losses. Comply with NFPA 241; manage fire-prevention program. 1. Prohibit smoking in construction areas. 2. Supervise welding operations, combustion-type temporary heating units, and similar sources of fire ignition according to requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. 3. Develop and supervise an overall fire-prevention and -protection program for personnel at Project site. Review needs with local fire department and establish procedures to be followed. Instruct personnel in methods and procedures. Post warnings and information. 4. Provide temporary standpipes and hoses for fire protection. Hang hoses with a warning sign stating that hoses are for fire-protection purposes only and are not to be removed. Match hose size with outlet size and equip with suitable nozzles. 3.5 MOISTURE AND MOLD CONTROL A. Contractor's Moisture-Protection Plan: Avoid trapping water in finished work. Document visible signs of mold that may appear during construction. B. Exposed Construction Phase: Before installation of weather barriers, when materials are subject to wetting and exposure and to airborne mold spores, protect as follows: 1. Protect porous materials from water damage. 2. Protect stored and installed material from flowing or standing water. 3. Keep porous and organic materials from coming into prolonged contact with concrete. 4. Remove standing water from decks. 5. Keep deck openings covered or dammed. C. Partially Enclosed Construction Phase: After installation of weather barriers but before full enclosure and conditioning of building, when installed materials are still subject to infiltration of moisture and ambient mold spores, protect as follows: 1. Do not load or install drywall or other porous materials or components, or items with high organic content, into partially enclosed building. 2. Keep interior spaces reasonably clean and protected from water damage. 3. Periodically collect and remove waste containing cellulose or other organic matter. 4. Discard or replace water-damaged material. 5. Do not install material that is wet. 6. Discard, replace, or clean stored or installed material that begins to grow mold. 7. Perform work in a sequence that allows any wet materials adequate time to dry before enclosing the material in drywall or other interior finishes. D. Controlled Construction Phase of Construction: After completing and sealing of the building enclosure but prior to the full operation of permanent HVAC systems, maintain as follows: 1. Control moisture and humidity inside building by maintaining effective dry-in conditions. 2. Use permanent HVAC system to control humidity. 3. Comply with manufacturer's written instructions for temperature, relative humidity, and exposure to water limits. a. Hygroscopic materials that may support mold growth, including wood and gypsum- based products, that become wet during the course of construction and remain wet for 48 hours are considered defective. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS b. Measure moisture content of materials that have been exposed to moisture during construction operations or after installation. Record readings beginning at time of exposure and continuing daily for 48 hours. Identify materials containing moisture levels higher than allowed. Report findings in writing to Project Coordinator. c. Remove materials that cannot be completely restored to their manufactured moisture level within 48 hours. 3.6 OPERATION, TERMINATION, AND REMOVAL A. Supervision: Enforce strict discipline in use of temporary facilities. To minimize waste and abuse, limit availability of temporary facilities to essential and intended uses. B. Maintenance: Maintain facilities in good operating condition until removal. 1. Maintain operation of temporary enclosures, heating, cooling, humidity control, ventilation, and similar facilities on a 24-hour basis where required to achieve indicated results and to avoid possibility of damage. C. Operate Project-identification-sign lighting daily from dusk until 12:00 midnight. D. Temporary Facility Changeover: Do not change over from using temporary security and protection facilities to permanent facilities until Substantial Completion. E. Termination and Removal: Remove each temporary facility when need for its service has ended, when it has been replaced by authorized use of a permanent facility, or no later than Substantial Completion. Complete or, if necessary, restore permanent construction that may have been delayed because of interference with temporary facility. Repair damaged Work, clean exposed surfaces, and replace construction that cannot be satisfactorily repaired. 1. Materials and facilities that constitute temporary facilities are property of Contractor. Owner reserves right to take possession of Project identification signs. 2. Remove temporary roads and paved areas not intended for or acceptable for integration into permanent construction. Where area is intended for landscape development, remove soil and aggregate fill that do not comply with requirements for fill or subsoil. Remove materials contaminated with road oil, asphalt and other petrochemical compounds, and other substances that might impair growth of plant materials or lawns. Repair or replace street paving, curbs, and sidewalks at temporary entrances, as required by authorities having jurisdiction. 3. At Substantial Completion, repair, renovate, and clean permanent facilities used during construction period. Comply with final cleaning requirements specified in Section 017700 "Closeout Procedures." END OF SECTION 01 5000 CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY BLANK CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION 01 6000 - PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for selection of products for use in Project; product delivery, storage, and handling; manufacturers' standard warranties on products; special warranties; and comparable products. B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 012100 "Allowances" for products selected under an allowance. 2. Section 012300 "Alternates" for products selected under an alternate. 3. Section 012500 "Substitution Procedures" for requests for substitutions. 4. Section 014200 "References" for applicable industry standards for products specified. 1.3 DEFINITIONS A. Products: Items obtained for incorporating into the Work, whether purchased for Project or taken from previously purchased stock. The term "product" includes the terms "material," "equipment," "system," and terms of similar intent. 1. Named Products: Items identified by manufacturer's product name, including make or model number or other designation shown or listed in manufacturer's published product literature, that is current as of date of the Contract Documents. 2. New Products: Items that have not previously been incorporated into another project or facility. Products salvaged or recycled from other projects are not considered new products. 3. Comparable Product: Product that is demonstrated and approved through submittal process to have the indicated qualities related to type, function, dimension, in-service performance, physical properties, appearance, and other characteristics that equal or exceed those of specified product. B. Basis-of-Design Product Specification: A specification in which a specific manufacturer's product is named and accompanied by the words "basis-of-design product," including make or model number or other designation, to establish the significant qualities related to type, function, dimension, in-service performance, physical properties, appearance, and other characteristics for purposes of evaluating comparable products of additional manufacturers named in the specification. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1.4 ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Comparable Product Requests: Submit request for consideration of each comparable product. Identify product or fabrication or installation method to be replaced. Include Specification Section number and title and Drawing numbers and titles. 1. Include data to indicate compliance with the requirements specified in "Comparable Products" Article. 2. Project Coordinator's Action: If necessary, Project Coordinator will request additional information or documentation for evaluation within one week of receipt of a comparable product request. Project Coordinator will notify Contractor of approval or rejection of proposed comparable product request within 15 days of receipt of request, or seven days of receipt of additional information or documentation, whichever is later. a. Form of Approval: As specified in Section 013300 "Submittal Procedures." b. Use product specified if Project Coordinator does not issue a decision on use of a comparable product request within time allocated. B. Basis-of-Design Product Specification Submittal: Comply with requirements in Section 013300 "Submittal Procedures." Show compliance with requirements. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Compatibility of Options: If Contractor is given option of selecting between two or more products for use on Project, select product compatible with products previously selected, even if previously selected products were also options. 1. Each contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that all products are compatible with each other. 2. Each contractor is responsible for providing products and construction methods compatible with products and construction methods of other contractors. 3. If a dispute arises between contractors over concurrently selectable but incompatible products, Project Coordinator will determine which products shall be used. 1.6 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver, store, and handle products using means and methods that will prevent damage, deterioration, and loss, including theft and vandalism. Comply with manufacturer's written instructions. B. Delivery and Handling: 1. Schedule delivery to minimize long-term storage at Project site and to prevent overcrowding of construction spaces. 2. Coordinate delivery with installation time to ensure minimum holding time for items that are flammable, hazardous, easily damaged, or sensitive to deterioration, theft, and other losses. 3. Deliver products to Project site in an undamaged condition in manufacturer's original sealed container or other packaging system, complete with labels and instructions for handling, storing, unpacking, protecting, and installing. 4. Inspect products on delivery to determine compliance with the Contract Documents and to determine that products are undamaged and properly protected. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS C. Storage: 1. Store products to allow for inspection and measurement of quantity or counting of units. 2. Store materials in a manner that will not endanger Project structure. 3. Store products that are subject to damage by the elements, under cover in a weathertight enclosure above ground, with ventilation adequate to prevent condensation. 4. Protect foam plastic from exposure to sunlight, except to extent necessary for period of installation and concealment. 5. Comply with product manufacturer's written instructions for temperature, humidity, ventilation, and weather-protection requirements for storage. 6. Protect stored products from damage and liquids from freezing. 7. Provide a secure location and enclosure at Project site for storage of materials and equipment by Owner's construction forces. Coordinate location with Owner. 1.7 PRODUCT WARRANTIES A. Warranties specified in other Sections shall be in addition to, and run concurrent with, other warranties required by the Contract Documents. Manufacturer's disclaimers and limitations on product warranties do not relieve Contractor of obligations under requirements of the Contract Documents. 1. Manufacturer's Warranty: Written warranty furnished by individual manufacturer for a particular product and specifically endorsed by manufacturer to Owner. 2. Special Warranty: Written warranty required by the Contract Documents to provide specific rights for Owner. B. Special Warranties: Prepare a written document that contains appropriate terms and identification, ready for execution. 1. Manufacturer's Standard Form: Modified to include Project-specific information and properly executed. 2. Specified Form: When specified forms are included with the Specifications, prepare a written document using indicated form properly executed. 3. See other Sections for specific content requirements and particular requirements for submitting special warranties. C. Submittal Time: Comply with requirements in Section 017700 "Closeout Procedures." PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 PRODUCT SELECTION PROCEDURES A. General Product Requirements: Provide products that comply with the Contract Documents, are undamaged and, unless otherwise indicated, are new at time of installation. 1. Provide products complete with accessories, trim, finish, fasteners, and other items needed for a complete installation and indicated use and effect. 2. Standard Products: If available, and unless custom products or nonstandard options are specified, provide standard products of types that have been produced and used successfully in similar situations on other projects. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 3. Owner reserves the right to limit selection to products with warranties not in conflict with requirements of the Contract Documents. 4. Where products are accompanied by the term "as selected," Project Coordinator will make selection. 5. Descriptive, performance, and reference standard requirements in the Specifications establish salient characteristics of products. 6. Or Equal: For products specified by name and accompanied by the term "or equal," or "or approved equal," or "or approved," comply with requirements in "Comparable Products" Article to obtain approval for use of an unnamed product. B. Product Selection Procedures: 1. Product: Where Specifications name a single manufacturer and product, provide the named product that complies with requirements. Comparable products or substitutions for Contractor's convenience will not be considered. 2. Manufacturer/Source: Where Specifications name a single manufacturer or source, provide a product by the named manufacturer or source that complies with requirements. Comparable products or substitutions for Contractor's convenience will not be considered. 3. Products: a. Restricted List: Where Specifications include a list of names of both manufacturers and products, provide one of the products listed that complies with requirements. Comparable products or substitutions for Contractor's convenience will not be considered. b. Nonrestricted List: Where Specifications include a list of names of both available manufacturers and products, provide one of the products listed, or an unnamed product, that complies with requirements. Comply with requirements in "Comparable Products" Article for consideration of an unnamed product. 4. Manufacturers: a. Restricted List: Where Specifications include a list of manufacturers' names, provide a product by one of the manufacturers listed that complies with requirements. Comparable products or substitutions for Contractor's convenience will not be considered. b. Nonrestricted List: Where Specifications include a list of available manufacturers, provide a product by one of the manufacturers listed, or a product by an unnamed manufacturer, that complies with requirements. Comply with requirements in "Comparable Products" Article for consideration of an unnamed manufacturer's product. 5. Basis-of-Design Product: Where Specifications name a product, or refer to a product indicated on Drawings, and include a list of manufacturers, provide the specified or indicated product or a comparable product by one of the other named manufacturers. Drawings and Specifications indicate sizes, profiles, dimensions, and other characteristics that are based on the product named. Comply with requirements in "Comparable Products" Article for consideration of an unnamed product by one of the other named manufacturers. C. Visual Matching Specification: Where Specifications require "match Project Coordinator's sample", provide a product that complies with requirements and matches Project Coordinator's sample. Project Coordinator's decision will be final on whether a proposed product matches. PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS 01 6000 - 4 CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1. If no product available within specified category matches and complies with other specified requirements, comply with requirements in Section 012500 "Substitution Procedures" for proposal of product. D. Visual Selection Specification: Where Specifications include the phrase "as selected by Project Coordinator from manufacturer's full range" or similar phrase, select a product that complies with requirements. Project Coordinator will select color, gloss, pattern, density, or texture from manufacturer's product line that includes both standard and premium items. 2.2 COMPARABLE PRODUCTS A. Conditions for Consideration: Project Coordinator will consider Contractor's request for comparable product when the following conditions are satisfied. If the following conditions are not satisfied, Project Coordinator may return requests without action, except to record noncompliance with these requirements: 1. Evidence that the proposed product does not require revisions to the Contract Documents, that it is consistent with the Contract Documents and will produce the indicated results, and that it is compatible with other portions of the Work. 2. Detailed comparison of significant qualities of proposed product with those named in the Specifications. Significant qualities include attributes such as performance, weight, size, durability, visual effect, and specific features and requirements indicated. 3. Evidence that proposed product provides specified warranty. 4. List of similar installations for completed projects with project names and addresses and names and addresses of Project Coordinators and owners, if requested. 5. Samples, if requested. PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Used) END OF SECTION 01 6000 CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY BLANK CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION 01 7300 - EXECUTION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. Section includes general administrative and procedural requirements governing execution of the Work including, but not limited to, the following: 1. Construction layout. 2. Field engineering and surveying. 3. Installation of the Work. 4. Cutting and patching. 5. Coordination of Owner-installed products. 6. Progress cleaning. 7. Starting and adjusting. 8. Protection of installed construction. B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 011000 "Summary" for limits on use of Project site. 2. Section 013300 "Submittal Procedures" for submitting surveys. 3. Section 017700 "Closeout Procedures" for submitting final property survey with Project Record Documents, recording of Owner-accepted deviations from indicated lines and levels, and final cleaning. 4. Section 024119 "Selective Demolition" for demolition and removal of selected portions of the building. 5. Section 078413 "Penetration Firestopping" for patching penetrations in fire-rated construction. 1.3 DEFINITIONS A. Cutting: Removal of in-place construction necessary to permit installation or performance of other work. B. Patching: Fitting and repair work required to restore construction to original conditions after installation of other work. 1.4 INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS B. Cutting and Patching Plan: Submit plan describing procedures at least 10 days prior to the time cutting and patching will be performed. Include the following information: 1. Extent: Describe reason for and extent of each occurrence of cutting and patching. 2. Changes to In-Place Construction: Describe anticipated results. Include changes to structural elements and operating components as well as changes in building appearance and other significant visual elements. 3. Products: List products to be used for patching and firms or entities that will perform patching work. 4. Dates: Indicate when cutting and patching will be performed. 5. Utilities and Mechanical and Electrical Systems: List services and systems that cutting and patching procedures will disturb or affect. List services and systems that will be relocated and those that will be temporarily out of service. Indicate length of time permanent services and systems will be disrupted. a. Include description of provisions for temporary services and systems during interruption of permanent services and systems. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Land Surveyor Qualifications: A professional land surveyor who is legally qualified to practice in jurisdiction where Project is located and who is experienced in providing land-surveying services of the kind indicated. B. Cutting and Patching: Comply with requirements for and limitations on cutting and patching of construction elements. 1. Structural Elements: When cutting and patching structural elements, notify Project Coordinator of locations and details of cutting and await directions from Project Coordinator before proceeding. Shore, brace, and support structural elements during cutting and patching. Do not cut and patch structural elements in a manner that could change their load-carrying capacity or increase deflection 2. Operational Elements: Do not cut and patch operating elements and related components in a manner that results in reducing their capacity to perform as intended or that results in increased maintenance or decreased operational life or safety. Operational elements include the following: a. Primary operational systems and equipment. b. Fire separation assemblies. c. Air or smoke barriers. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS d. Fire-suppression systems. e. Mechanical systems piping and ducts. f. Control systems. g. Communication systems. h. Fire-detection and -alarm systems. i. Conveying systems. j. Electrical wiring systems. k. Operating systems of special construction. 3. Other Construction Elements: Do not cut and patch other construction elements or components in a manner that could change their load-carrying capacity, that results in reducing their capacity to perform as intended, or that results in increased maintenance or decreased operational life or safety. Other construction elements include but are not limited to the following: a. Water, moisture, or vapor barriers. b. Membranes and flashings. c. Exterior curtain-wall construction. d. Sprayed fire-resistive material. e. Equipment supports. f. Piping, ductwork, vessels, and equipment. g. Noise- and vibration-control elements and systems. 4. Visual Elements: Do not cut and patch construction in a manner that results in visual evidence of cutting and patching. Do not cut and patch exposed construction in a manner that would, in Project Coordinator's opinion, reduce the building's aesthetic qualities. Remove and replace construction that has been cut and patched in a visually unsatisfactory manner. C. Manufacturer's Installation Instructions: Obtain and maintain on-site manufacturer's written recommendations and instructions for installation of products and equipment. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. General: Comply with requirements specified in other Sections. B. In-Place Materials: Use materials for patching identical to in-place materials. For exposed surfaces, use materials that visually match in-place adjacent surfaces to the fullest extent possible. 1. If identical materials are unavailable or cannot be used, use materials that, when installed, will provide a match acceptable to Project Coordinator for the visual and functional performance of in-place materials. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Existing Conditions: The existence and location of underground and other utilities and construction indicated as existing are not guaranteed. Before beginning sitework, investigate and verify the existence and location of underground utilities, mechanical and electrical systems, and other construction affecting the Work. 1. Before construction, verify the location and invert elevation at points of connection of sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and water-service piping; underground electrical services, and other utilities. 2. Furnish location data for work related to Project that must be performed by public utilities serving Project site. B. Examination and Acceptance of Conditions: Before proceeding with each component of the Work, examine substrates, areas, and conditions, with Installer or Applicator present where indicated, for compliance with requirements for installation tolerances and other conditions affecting performance. Record observations. 1. Examine roughing-in for mechanical and electrical systems to verify actual locations of connections before equipment and fixture installation. 2. Examine walls, floors, and roofs for suitable conditions where products and systems are to be installed. 3. Verify compatibility with and suitability of substrates, including compatibility with existing finishes or primers. C. Written Report: Where a written report listing conditions detrimental to performance of the Work is required by other Sections, include the following: 1. Description of the Work. 2. List of detrimental conditions, including substrates. 3. List of unacceptable installation tolerances. 4. Recommended corrections. D. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. Proceeding with the Work indicates acceptance of surfaces and conditions. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Field Measurements: Take field measurements as required to fit the Work properly. Recheck measurements before installing each product. Where portions of the Work are indicated to fit to other construction, verify dimensions of other construction by field measurements before fabrication. Coordinate fabrication schedule with construction progress to avoid delaying the Work. B. Space Requirements: Verify space requirements and dimensions of items shown diagrammatically on Drawings. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS D. Review of Contract Documents and Field Conditions: Immediately on discovery of the need for clarification of the Contract Documents caused by differing field conditions outside the control of Contractor, submit a request for information to Project Coordinator according to requirements in Section 013100 "Project Management and Coordination." 3.5 INSTALLATION A. General: Locate the Work and components of the W ork accurately, in correct alignment and elevation, as indicated. 1. Make vertical work plumb and make horizontal work level. 2. Where space is limited, install components to maximize space available for maintenance and ease of removal for replacement. 3. Conceal pipes, ducts, and wiring in finished areas unless otherwise indicated. 4. Maintain minimum headroom clearance of 96 inches (2440 mm) in occupied spaces and 90 inches (2300 mm) in unoccupied spaces. B. Comply with manufacturer's written instructions and recommendations for installing products in applications indicated. C. Install products at the time and under conditions that will ensure the best possible results. Maintain conditions required for product performance until Substantial Completion. D. Conduct construction operations so no part of the Work is subjected to damaging operations or loading in excess of that expected during normal conditions of occupancy. E. Sequence the Work and allow adequate clearances to accommodate movement of construction items on site and placement in permanent locations. F. Tools and Equipment: Do not use tools or equipment that produce harmful noise levels. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS G. Templates: Obtain and distribute to the parties involved templates for work specified to be factory prepared and field installed. Check Shop Drawings of other work to confirm that adequate provisions are made for locating and installing products to comply with indicated requirements. H. Attachment: Provide blocking and attachment plates and anchors and fasteners of adequate size and number to securely anchor each component in place, accurately located and aligned with other portions of the Work. Where size and type of attachments are not indicated, verify size and type required for load conditions. 1. Mounting Heights: Where mounting heights are not indicated, mount components at heights directed by Project Coordinator. 2. Allow for building movement, including thermal expansion and contraction. 3. Coordinate installation of anchorages. Furnish setting drawings, templates, and directions for installing anchorages, including sleeves, concrete inserts, anchor bolts, and items with integral anchors, that are to be embedded in concrete or masonry. Deliver such items to Project site in time for installation. I. Joints: Make joints of uniform width. Where joint locations in exposed work are not indicated, arrange joints for the best visual effect. Fit exposed connections together to form hairline joints. J. Hazardous Materials: Use products, cleaners, and installation materials that are not considered hazardous. 3.6 CUTTING AND PATCHING A. Cutting and Patching, General: Employ skilled workers to perform cutting and patching. Proceed with cutting and patching at the earliest feasible time, and complete without delay. 1. Cut in-place construction to provide for installation of other components or performance of other construction, and subsequently patch as required to restore surfaces to their original condition. B. Existing Warranties: Remove, replace, patch, and repair materials and surfaces cut or damaged during installation or cutting and patching operations, by methods and with materials so as not to void existing warranties. C. Temporary Support: Provide temporary support of work to be cut. D. Protection: Protect in-place construction during cutting and patching to prevent damage. Provide protection from adverse weather conditions for portions of Project that might be exposed during cutting and patching operations. E. Adjacent Occupied Areas: Where interference with use of adjoining areas or interruption of free passage to adjoining areas is unavoidable, coordinate cutting and patching according to requirements in Section 011000 "Summary." F. Existing Utility Services and Mechanical/Electrical Systems: Where existing services/systems are required to be removed, relocated, or abandoned, bypass such services/systems before cutting to prevent interruption to occupied areas. G. Cutting: Cut in-place construction by sawing, drilling, breaking, chipping, grinding, and similar operations, including excavation, using methods least likely to damage elements retained or CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS adjoining construction. If possible, review proposed procedures with original Installer; comply with original Installer's written recommendations. 1. In general, use hand or small power tools designed for sawing and grinding, not hammering and chopping. Cut holes and slots neatly to minimum size required, and with minimum disturbance of adjacent surfaces. Temporarily cover openings when not in use. 2. Finished Surfaces: Cut or drill from the exposed or finished side into concealed surfaces. 3. Concrete and Masonry: Cut using a cutting machine, such as an abrasive saw or a diamond-core drill. 4. Excavating and Backfilling: Comply with requirements in applicable Sections where required by cutting and patching operations. 5. Mechanical and Electrical Services: Cut off pipe or conduit in walls or partitions to be removed. Cap, valve, or plug and seal remaining portion of pipe or conduit to prevent entrance of moisture or other foreign matter after cutting. 6. Proceed with patching after construction operations requiring cutting are complete. H. Patching: Patch construction by filling, repairing, refinishing, closing up, and similar operations following performance of other work. Patch with durable seams that are as invisible as practicable. Provide materials and comply with installation requirements specified in other Sections, where applicable. 1. Inspection: Where feasible, test and inspect patched areas after completion to demonstrate physical integrity of installation. 2. Exposed Finishes: Restore exposed finishes of patched areas and extend finish restoration into retained adjoining construction in a manner that will minimize evidence of patching and refinishing. a. Clean piping, conduit, and similar features before applying paint or other finishing materials. b. Restore damaged pipe covering to its original condition. 3. Floors and Walls: Where walls or partitions that are removed extend one finished area into another, patch and repair floor and wall surfaces in the new space. Provide an even surface of uniform finish, color, texture, and appearance. Remove in-place floor and wall coverings and replace with new materials, if necessary, to achieve uniform color and appearance. a. Where patching occurs in a painted surface, prepare substrate and apply primer and intermediate paint coats appropriate for substrate over the patch, and apply final paint coat over entire unbroken surface containing the patch. Provide additional coats until patch blends with adjacent surfaces. 4. Ceilings: Patch, repair, or rehang in-place ceilings as necessary to provide an even-plane surface of uniform appearance. 5. Exterior Building Enclosure: Patch components in a manner that restores enclosure to a weathertight condition and ensures thermal and moisture integrity of building enclosure. I. Cleaning: Clean areas and spaces where cutting and patching are performed. Remove paint, mortar, oils, putty, and similar materials from adjacent finished surfaces. 3.7 OWNER-INSTALLED PRODUCTS A. Site Access: Provide access to Project site for Owner's construction personnel. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS B. Coordination: Coordinate construction and operations of the Work with work performed by Owner's construction personnel. 1. Construction Schedule: Inform Owner of Contractor's preferred construction schedule for Owner's portion of the Work. Adjust construction schedule based on a mutually agreeable timetable. Notify Owner if changes to schedule are required due to differences in actual construction progress. 2. Preinstallation Conferences: Include Owner's construction personnel at preinstallation conferences covering portions of the Work that are to receive Owner's work. Attend preinstallation conferences conducted by Owner's construction personnel if portions of the Work depend on Owner's construction. 3.8 PROGRESS CLEANING A. General: Clean Project site and work areas daily, including common areas. Enforce requirements strictly. Dispose of materials lawfully. 1. Comply with requirements in NFPA 241 for removal of combustible waste materials and debris. 2. Do not hold waste materials more than seven days during normal weather or three days if the temperature is expected to rise above 80 deg F (27 deg C). 3. Containerize hazardous and unsanitary waste materials separately from other waste. Mark containers appropriately and dispose of legally, according to regulations. a.Use containers intended for holding waste materials of type to be stored. 4. Coordinate progress cleaning for joint-use areas where Contractor and other contractors are working concurrently. B. Site: Maintain Project site free of waste materials and debris. C. Work Areas: Clean areas where work is in progress to the level of cleanliness necessary for proper execution of the Work. 1. Remove liquid spills promptly. 2. Where dust would impair proper execution of the Work, broom-clean or vacuum the entire work area, as appropriate. D. Installed Work: Keep installed work clean. Clean installed surfaces according to written instructions of manufacturer or fabricator of product installed, using only cleaning materials specifically recommended. If specific cleaning materials are not recommended, use cleaning materials that are not hazardous to health or property and that will not damage exposed surfaces. E. Concealed Spaces: Remove debris from concealed spaces before enclosing the space. F. Exposed Surfaces in Finished Areas: Clean exposed surfaces and protect as necessary to ensure freedom from damage and deterioration at time of Substantial Completion. G. Waste Disposal: Do not bury or burn waste materials on-site. Do not wash waste materials down sewers or into waterways. Comply with waste disposal requirements in Section 017419 "Construction Waste Management and Disposal." CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS H. During handling and installation, clean and protect construction in progress and adjoining materials already in place. Apply protective covering where required to ensure protection from damage or deterioration at Substantial Completion. I. Clean and provide maintenance on completed construction as frequently as necessary through the remainder of the construction period. Adjust and lubricate operable components to ensure operability without damaging effects. J. Limiting Exposures: Supervise construction operations to assure that no part of the construction, completed or in progress, is subject to harmful, dangerous, damaging, or otherwise deleterious exposure during the construction period. 3.9 STARTING AND ADJUSTING A. Coordinate startup and adjusting of equipment and operating components with requirements in Section 019113 "General Commissioning Requirements." B. Start equipment and operating components to confirm proper operation. Remove malfunctioning units, replace with new units, and retest. C. Adjust equipment for proper operation. Adjust operating components for proper operation without binding. D. Test each piece of equipment to verify proper operation. Test and adjust controls and safeties. Replace damaged and malfunctioning controls and equipment. E. Manufacturer's Field Service: Comply with qualification requirements in Section 014000 "Quality Requirements." 3.10 PROTECTION OF INSTALLED CONSTRUCTION A. Provide final protection and maintain conditions that ensure installed Work is without damage or deterioration at time of Substantial Completion. B. Comply with manufacturer's written instructions for temperature and relative humidity. END OF SECTION 01 7300 CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION 01 7419 - CONSTRUCTION WASTE MANAGEMENT AND DISPOSAL PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for the following: 1. Salvaging nonhazardous demolition and construction waste. 2. Recycling nonhazardous demolition and construction waste. 3. Disposing of nonhazardous demolition and construction waste. B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 011200 "Multiple Contract Summary" for coordination of responsibilities for waste management. 2. Section 024116 "Structure Demolition" for disposition of waste resulting from demolition of buildings, structures, and site improvements, and for disposition of hazardous waste. 3. Section 024119 "Selective Demolition" for disposition of waste resulting from partial demolition of buildings, structures, and site improvements, and for disposition of hazardous waste. 4. Section 042000 "Unit Masonry" for disposal requirements for masonry waste. 5. Section 044313.13 "Anchored Stone Masonry Veneer" for disposal requirements for excess stone and stone waste. 6. Section 044313.16 "Adhered Stone Masonry Veneer" for disposal requirements for excess stone and stone waste. 7. Section 311000 "Site Clearing" for disposition of waste resulting from site clearing and removal of above- and below-grade improvements. 1.3 DEFINITIONS A. Construction Waste: Building and site improvement materials and other solid waste resulting from construction, remodeling, renovation, or repair operations. Construction waste includes packaging. B. Demolition Waste: Building and site improvement materials resulting from demolition or selective demolition operations. C. Disposal: Removal off-site of demolition and construction waste and subsequent sale, recycling, reuse, or deposit in landfill or incinerator acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. D. Recycle: Recovery of demolition or construction waste for subsequent processing in preparation for reuse. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS E. Salvage: Recovery of demolition or construction waste and subsequent sale or reuse in another facility. F. Salvage and Reuse: Recovery of demolition or construction waste and subsequent incorporation into the Work. 1.4 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. General: Achieve end-of-Project rates for recycling of [50] percent by weight of total non- hazardous solid waste generated by the Work. Practice efficient waste management in the use of materials in the course of the Work. Use all reasonable means to divert construction and demolition waste from landfills and incinerators. Facilitate recycling and salvage of materials, including the following: 1. Demolition Waste: a. Asphalt paving. b. Concrete. c. Concrete reinforcing steel. d. Brick. e. Concrete masonry units. f. Wood studs. g. Wood joists. h. Plywood and oriented strand board. i. Wood paneling. j. Wood trim. k. Structural and miscellaneous steel. l. Rough hardware. m. Roofing. n. Insulation. o. Doors and frames. p. Door hardware. q. Windows. r. Glazing. s. Metal studs. t. Gypsum board. u. Acoustical tile and panels. v. Carpet. w. Carpet pad. x. Demountable partitions. y. Equipment. z. Cabinets. aa. Plumbing fixtures. bb. Piping. cc. Supports and hangers. dd. Valves. ee. Sprinklers. ff. Mechanical equipment. gg. Refrigerants. hh. Electrical conduit. ii. Copper wiring. jj. Lighting fixtures. kk. Lamps. ll. Ballasts. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS mm. Electrical devices. nn. Switchgear and panelboards. oo. Transformers. 2. Construction Waste: a. Masonry and CMU. b. Lumber. c. Wood sheet materials. d. Wood trim. e. Metals. f. Roofing. g. Insulation. h. Carpet and pad. i. Gypsum board. j. Piping. k. Electrical conduit. l. Packaging: Regardless of salvage/recycle goal indicated in "General" Paragraph above, salvage or recycle 100 percent of the following uncontaminated packaging materials: 1) Paper. 2) Cardboard. 3) Boxes. 4) Plastic sheet and film. 5) Polystyrene packaging. 6) Wood crates. 7) Plastic pails. 1.5 ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Waste Management Plan: Submit plan within 7 days of date established for the Notice to Proceed. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1.7 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Refrigerant Recovery Technician Qualifications: Certified by EPA-approved certification program. B. Regulatory Requirements: Comply with hauling and disposal regulations of authorities having jurisdiction. C. Waste Management Conference: Conduct conference at Project site to comply with requirements in Section 013100 "Project Management and Coordination." Review methods and procedures related to waste management including, but not limited to, the following: 1. Review and discuss waste management plan including responsibilities of waste management coordinator. 2. Review requirements for documenting quantities of each type of waste and its disposition. 3. Review and finalize procedures for materials separation and verify availability of containers and bins needed to avoid delays. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 4. Review procedures for periodic waste collection and transportation to recycling and disposal facilities. 5. Review waste management requirements for each trade. 1.8 WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN A. General: Develop a waste management plan according to ASTM E 1609 and requirements in this Section. Plan shall consist of waste identification, waste reduction work plan, and cost/revenue analysis. Distinguish between demolition and construction waste. Indicate quantities by weight or volume, but use same units of measure throughout waste management plan. B. Waste Identification: Indicate anticipated types and quantities of demolition and construction waste generated by the Work. Include estimated quantities and assumptions for estimates. C. Waste Reduction Work Plan: List each type of waste and whether it will be salvaged, recycled, or disposed of in landfill or incinerator. Include points of waste generation, total quantity of each type of waste, quantity for each means of recovery, and handling and transportation procedures. 1. Salvaged Materials for Reuse: For materials that will be salvaged and reused in this Project, describe methods for preparing salvaged materials before incorporation into the Work. 2. Recycled Materials: Include list of local receivers and processors and type of recycled materials each will accept. Include names, addresses, and telephone numbers. 3. Disposed Materials: Indicate how and where materials will be disposed of. Include name, address, and telephone number of each landfill and incinerator facility. 4. Handling and Transportation Procedures: Include method that will be used for separating recyclable waste including sizes of containers, container labeling, and designated location where materials separation will be performed. D. Cost/Revenue Analysis: Indicate total cost of waste disposal as if there was no waste management plan and net additional cost or net savings resulting from implementing waste management plan. Include the following: 1. Total quantity of waste. 2. Estimated cost of disposal (cost per unit). Include hauling and tipping fees and cost of collection containers for each type of waste. 3. Total cost of disposal (with no waste management). 4. Revenue from salvaged materials. 5. Revenue from recycled materials. 6. Savings in hauling and tipping fees by donating materials. 7. Savings in hauling and tipping fees that are avoided. 8. Handling and transportation costs. Include cost of collection containers for each type of waste. 9. Net additional cost or net savings from waste management plan. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PLAN IMPLEMENTATION A. General: Implement approved waste management plan. Provide handling, containers, storage, signage, transportation, and other items as required to implement waste management plan during the entire duration of the Contract. 1. Comply with operation, termination, and removal requirements in Section 015000 "Temporary Facilities and Controls." B. Waste Management Coordinator: Engage a waste management coordinator to be responsible for implementing, monitoring, and reporting status of waste management work plan.[ Coordinator shall be present at Project site full time for duration of Project.] C. Training: Train workers, subcontractors, and suppliers on proper waste management procedures, as appropriate for the Work. 1. Distribute waste management plan to everyone concerned within three days of submittal return. 2. Distribute waste management plan to entities when they first begin work on-site. Review plan procedures and locations established for salvage, recycling, and disposal. D. Site Access and Temporary Controls: Conduct waste management operations to ensure minimum interference with roads, streets, walks, walkways, and other adjacent occupied and used facilities. 1. Designate and label specific areas on Project site necessary for separating materials that are to be salvaged, recycled, reused, donated, and sold. 2. Comply with Section 015000 "Temporary Facilities and Controls" for controlling dust and dirt, environmental protection, and noise control. 3.2 SALVAGING DEMOLITION WASTE A. Salvaged Items for Reuse in the Work: Salvage items for reuse and handle as follows: 1. Clean salvaged items. 2. Pack or crate items after cleaning. Identify contents of containers with label indicating elements, date of removal, quantity, and location where removed. 3. Store items in a secure area until installation. 4. Protect items from damage during transport and storage. 5. Install salvaged items to comply with installation requirements for new materials and equipment. Provide connections, supports, and miscellaneous materials necessary to make items functional for use indicated. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 3.3 RECYCLING DEMOLITION AND CONSTRUCTION WASTE, GENERAL A. General: Recycle paper and beverage containers used by on-site workers. B. Preparation of Waste: Prepare and maintain recyclable waste materials according to recycling or reuse facility requirements. Maintain materials free of dirt, adhesives, solvents, petroleum contamination, and other substances deleterious to the recycling process. C. Procedures: Separate recyclable waste from other waste materials, trash, and debris. Separate recyclable waste by type at Project site to the maximum extent practical according to approved construction waste management plan. 1. Provide appropriately marked containers or bins for controlling recyclable waste until removed from Project site. Include list of acceptable and unacceptable materials at each container and bin. a. Inspect containers and bins for contamination and remove contaminated materials if found. 2. Stockpile processed materials on-site without intermixing with other materials. Place, grade, and shape stockpiles to drain surface water. Cover to prevent windblown dust. 3. Stockpile materials away from construction area. Do not store within drip line of remaining trees. 4. Store components off the ground and protect from the weather. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 5. Remove recyclable waste from Owner's property and transport to recycling receiver or processor. 3.4 RECYCLING DEMOLITION WASTE A. Concrete: Remove reinforcement and other metals from concrete and sort with other metals. B. Masonry: Remove metal reinforcement, anchors, and ties from masonry and sort with other metals. 1. Clean and stack undamaged, whole masonry units on wood pallets. C. Wood Materials: Sort and stack members according to size, type, and length. Separate lumber, engineered wood products, panel products, and treated wood materials. D. Metals: Separate metals by type. 1. Structural Steel: Stack members according to size, type of member, and length. 2. Remove and dispose of bolts, nuts, washers, and other rough hardware. E. Asphalt Shingle Roofing: Separate organic and glass-fiber asphalt shingles and felts. Remove and dispose of nails, staples, and accessories. F. Gypsum Board: Stack large clean pieces on wood pallets or in container and store in a dry location. Remove edge trim and sort with other metals. Remove and dispose of fasteners. G. Acoustical Ceiling Panels and Tile: Stack large clean pieces on wood pallets and store in a dry location. H. Metal Suspension System: Separate metal members including trim, and other metals from acoustical panels and tile and sort with other metals. I. Carpet and Pad: Roll large pieces tightly after removing debris, trash, adhesive, and tack strips. 1. Store clean, dry carpet and pad in a closed container or trailer provided by Carpet Reclamation Agency or carpet recycler. J. Carpet Tile: Remove debris, trash, and adhesive. 1. Stack tile on pallet and store clean, dry carpet in a closed container or trailer provided by Carpet Reclamation Agency or carpet recycler. K. Piping: Reduce piping to straight lengths and store by type and size. Separate supports, hangers, valves, sprinklers, and other components by type and size. L. Conduit: Reduce conduit to straight lengths and store by type and size. 3.5 RECYCLING CONSTRUCTION WASTE A. Packaging: CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Cardboard and Boxes: Break down packaging into flat sheets. Bundle and store in a dry location. 2. Polystyrene Packaging: Separate and bag materials. 3. Pallets: As much as possible, require deliveries using pallets to remove pallets from Project site. For pallets that remain on-site, break down pallets into component wood pieces and comply with requirements for recycling wood. 4. Crates: Break down crates into component wood pieces and comply with requirements for recycling wood. B. Wood Materials: 1. Clean Cut-Offs of Lumber: Grind or chip into small pieces. 2. Clean Sawdust: Bag sawdust that does not contain painted or treated wood. C. Gypsum Board: Stack large clean pieces on wood pallets or in container and store in a dry location. 3.6 DISPOSAL OF WASTE A. General: Except for items or materials to be salvaged, recycled, or otherwise reused, remove waste materials from Project site and legally dispose of them in a landfill or incinerator acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. 1. Except as otherwise specified, do not allow waste materials that are to be disposed of accumulate on-site. 2. Remove and transport debris in a manner that will prevent spillage on adjacent surfaces and areas. B. Burning: Do not burn waste materials. C. Disposal: Remove waste materials from Owner's property and legally dispose of them. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION 01 7700 - CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for contract closeout, including, but not limited to, the following: 1. Substantial Completion procedures. 2. Final completion procedures. 3. Warranties. 4. Final cleaning. 5. Repair of the Work. B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 013233 "Photographic Documentation" for submitting final completion construction photographic documentation. 2. Section 017300 "Execution" for progress cleaning of Project site. 3. Section 017823 "Operation and Maintenance Data" for operation and maintenance manual requirements. 4. Section 017839 "Project Record Documents" for submitting record Drawings, record Specifications, and record Product Data. 5. Section 017900 "Demonstration and Training" for requirements for instructing Owner's personnel. 1.3 ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For cleaning agents. B. Contractor's List of Incomplete Items: Initial submittal at Substantial Completion. C. Certified List of Incomplete Items: Final submittal at Final Completion. 1.4 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS A. Certificates of Release: From authorities having jurisdiction. B. Certificate of Insurance: For continuing coverage. C. Field Report: For pest control inspection. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1.5 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS A. Schedule of Maintenance Material Items: For maintenance material submittal items specified in other Sections. 1.6 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION PROCEDURES A. Contractor's List of Incomplete Items: Prepare and submit a list of items to be completed and corrected (Contractor's punch list), indicating the value of each item on the list and reasons why the Work is incomplete. B. Submittals Prior to Substantial Completion: Complete the following a minimum of 10 days prior to requesting inspection for determining date of Substantial Completion. List items below that are incomplete at time of request. 1. Certificates of Release: Obtain and submit releases from authorities having jurisdiction permitting Owner unrestricted use of the Work and access to services and utilities. Include occupancy permits, operating certificates, and similar releases. 2. Submit closeout submittals specified in other Division 01 Sections, including project record documents, operation and maintenance manuals, final completion construction photographic documentation, damage or settlement surveys, property surveys, and similar final record information. 3. Submit closeout submittals specified in individual Sections, including specific warranties, workmanship bonds, maintenance service agreements, final certifications, and similar documents. 4. Submit maintenance material submittals specified in individual Sections, including tools, spare parts, extra materials, and similar items, and deliver to location designated by Project Coordinator Label with manufacturer's name and model number where applicable. a. Schedule of Maintenance Material Items: Prepare and submit schedule of maintenance material submittal items, including name and quantity of each item and name and number of related Specification Section. Obtain Project Coordinator's signature for receipt of submittals. 5. Submit test/adjust/balance records. 6. Submit changeover information related to Owner's occupancy, use, operation, and maintenance. C. Procedures Prior to Substantial Completion: Complete the following a minimum of 10 days prior to requesting inspection for determining date of Substantial Completion. List items below that are incomplete at time of request. 1. Advise Owner of pending insurance changeover requirements. 2. Make final changeover of permanent locks and deliver keys to Owner. Advise Owner's personnel of changeover in security provisions. 3. Complete startup and testing of systems and equipment. 4. Perform preventive maintenance on equipment used prior to Substantial Completion. 5. Instruct Owner's personnel in operation, adjustment, and maintenance of products, equipment, and systems. Submit demonstration and training video recordings specified in Section 017900 "Demonstration and Training." CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 6. Advise Owner of changeover in heat and other utilities. 7. Participate with Owner in conducting inspection and walkthrough with local emergency responders. 8. Terminate and remove temporary facilities from Project site, along with mockups, construction tools, and similar elements. 9. Complete final cleaning requirements, including touchup painting. 10. Touch up and otherwise repair and restore marred exposed finishes to eliminate visual defects. D. Inspection: Submit a written request for inspection to determine Substantial Completion a minimum of 10 days prior to date the work will be completed and ready for final inspection and tests. On receipt of request, Project Coordinator will either proceed with inspection or notify Contractor of unfulfilled requirements. Project Coordinator will prepare the Certificate of Substantial Completion after inspection or will notify Contractor of items, either on Contractor's list or additional items identified by Project Coordinator, that must be completed or corrected before certificate will be issued. 1. Reinspection: Request reinspection when the Work identified in previous inspections as incomplete is completed or corrected. 2. Results of completed inspection will form the basis of requirements for final completion. 1.7 FINAL COMPLETION PROCEDURES A. Submittals Prior to Final Completion: Before requesting final inspection for determining final completion, complete the following: 1. Submit a final Application for Payment according to Section 012900 "Payment Procedures." 2. Certified List of Incomplete Items: Submit certified copy of Project Coordinator's Substantial Completion inspection list of items to be completed or corrected (punch list), endorsed and dated by Project Coordinator. Certified copy of the list shall state that each item has been completed or otherwise resolved for acceptance. 3. Certificate of Insurance: Submit evidence of final, continuing insurance coverage complying with insurance requirements. 4. Submit pest-control final inspection report. B. Inspection: Submit a written request for final inspection to determine acceptance a minimum of 10 days prior to date the work will be completed and ready for final inspection and tests. On receipt of request, Project Coordinator will either proceed with inspection or notify Contractor of unfulfilled requirements. Project Coordinator will prepare a final Certificate for Payment after inspection or will notify Contractor of construction that must be completed or corrected before certificate will be issued. 1. Reinspection: Request reinspection when the Work identified in previous inspections as incomplete is completed or corrected. 1.8 LIST OF INCOMPLETE ITEMS (PUNCH LIST) A. Organization of List: Include name and identification of each space and area affected by construction operations for incomplete items and items needing correction including, if necessary, areas disturbed by Contractor that are outside the limits of construction. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Organize list of spaces in sequential order, starting with exterior areas first and proceeding from lowest floor to highest floor. 2. Organize items applying to each space by major element, including categories for ceiling, individual walls, floors, equipment, and building systems. 3. Include the following information at the top of each page: a. Project name. b. Date. c. Name of Project Coordinator d. Name of Contractor. e. Page number. 4. Submit list of incomplete items in the following format: a. MS Excel electronic file. Project Coordinator will return annotated file. b. PDF electronic file. Project Coordinator will return annotated file. 1.9 SUBMITTAL OF PROJECT WARRANTIES A. Time of Submittal: Submit written warranties on request of Project Coordinator for designated portions of the Work where commencement of warranties other than date of Substantial Completion is indicated, or when delay in submittal of warranties might limit Owner's rights under warranty. B. Organize warranty documents into an orderly sequence based on the table of contents of Project Manual. 1. Bind warranties and bonds in heavy-duty, three-ring, vinyl-covered, loose-leaf binders, thickness as necessary to accommodate contents, and sized to receive 8-1/2-by-11-inch (215-by-280-mm) paper. 2. Provide heavy paper dividers with plastic-covered tabs for each separate warranty. Mark tab to identify the product or installation. Provide a typed description of the product or installation, including the name of the product and the name, address, and telephone number of Installer. 3. Identify each binder on the front and spine with the typed or printed title "WARRANTIES," Project name, and name of Contractor. 4. Warranty Electronic File: Scan warranties and bonds and assemble complete warranty and bond submittal package into a single indexed electronic PDF file with links enabling navigation to each item. Provide bookmarked table of contents at beginning of document. C. Provide additional copies of each warranty to include in operation and maintenance manuals. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Cleaning Agents: Use cleaning materials and agents recommended by manufacturer or fabricator of the surface to be cleaned. Do not use cleaning agents that are potentially hazardous to health or property or that might damage finished surfaces. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 FINAL CLEANING A. General: Perform final cleaning. Conduct cleaning and waste-removal operations to comply with local laws and ordinances and Federal and local environmental and antipollution regulations. B. Cleaning: Employ experienced workers or professional cleaners for final cleaning. Clean each surface or unit to condition expected in an average commercial building cleaning and maintenance program. Comply with manufacturer's written instructions. 1. Complete the following cleaning operations before requesting inspection for certification of Substantial Completion for entire Project or for a designated portion of Project: a. Clean Project site, yard, and grounds, in areas disturbed by construction activities, including landscape development areas, of rubbish, waste material, litter, and other foreign substances. b. Sweep paved areas broom clean. Remove petrochemical spills, stains, and other foreign deposits. c. Rake grounds that are neither planted nor paved to a smooth, even-textured surface. d. Remove tools, construction equipment, machinery, and surplus material from Project site. e. Remove snow and ice to provide safe access to building. f. Clean exposed exterior and interior hard-surfaced finishes to a dirt-free condition, free of stains, films, and similar foreign substances. Avoid disturbing natural weathering of exterior surfaces. Restore reflective surfaces to their original condition. g. Remove debris and surface dust from limited access spaces, including roofs, plenums, shafts, trenches, equipment vaults, manholes, attics, and similar spaces. h. Sweep concrete floors broom clean in unoccupied spaces. i. Vacuum carpet and similar soft surfaces, removing debris and excess nap; clean according to manufacturer's recommendations if visible soil or stains remain. j. Clean transparent materials, including mirrors and glass in doors and windows. Remove glazing compounds and other noticeable, vision-obscuring materials. Polish mirrors and glass, taking care not to scratch surfaces. k. Remove labels that are not permanent. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS l. Wipe surfaces of mechanical and electrical equipment, elevator equipment, and similar equipment. Remove excess lubrication, paint and mortar droppings, and other foreign substances. m. Clean plumbing fixtures to a sanitary condition, free of stains, including stains resulting from water exposure. n. Replace disposable air filters and clean permanent air filters. Clean exposed surfaces of diffusers, registers, and grills. o. Clean ducts, blowers, and coils if units were operated without filters during construction or that display contamination with particulate matter on inspection. p. Clean light fixtures, lamps, globes, and reflectors to function with full efficiency. q. Leave Project clean and ready for occupancy. C. Construction Waste Disposal: Comply with waste disposal requirements in Section 017419 "Construction Waste Management and Disposal." 3.2 REPAIR OF THE WORK A. Complete repair and restoration operations before requesting inspection for determination of Substantial Completion. B. Repair or remove and replace defective construction. Repairing includes replacing defective parts, refinishing damaged surfaces, touching up with matching materials, and properly adjusting operating equipment. Where damaged or worn items cannot be repaired or restored, provide replacements. Remove and replace operating components that cannot be repaired. Restore damaged construction and permanent facilities used during construction to specified condition. 1. Remove and replace chipped, scratched, and broken glass, reflective surfaces, and other damaged transparent materials. 2. Touch up and otherwise repair and restore marred or exposed finishes and surfaces. Replace finishes and surfaces that that already show evidence of repair or restoration. a. Do not paint over "UL" and other required labels and identification, including mechanical and electrical nameplates. Remove paint applied to required labels and identification. 3. Replace parts subject to operating conditions during construction that may impede operation or reduce longevity. 4. Replace burned-out bulbs, bulbs noticeably dimmed by hours of use, and defective and noisy starters in fluorescent and mercury vapor fixtures to comply with requirements for new fixtures. END OF SECTION 01 7700 CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION 01 7823 - OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for preparing operation and maintenance manuals, including the following: 1. Operation and maintenance documentation directory. 2. Emergency manuals. 3. Operation manuals for systems, subsystems, and equipment. 4. Product maintenance manuals. 5. Systems and equipment maintenance manuals. B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 011200 "Multiple Contract Summary" for coordinating operation and maintenance manuals covering the Work of multiple contracts. 2. Section 013300 "Submittal Procedures" for submitting copies of submittals for operation and maintenance manuals. 3. Section 019113 "General Commissioning Requirements" for verification and compilation of data into operation and maintenance manuals. 1.3 DEFINITIONS A. System: An organized collection of parts, equipment, or subsystems united by regular interaction. B. Subsystem: A portion of a system with characteristics similar to a system. 1.4 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS A. Manual Content: Operations and maintenance manual content is specified in individual Specification Sections to be reviewed at the time of Section submittals. Submit reviewed manual content formatted and organized as required by this Section. 1. Project Coordinator and Commissioning Authority will comment on whether content of operations and maintenance submittals are acceptable. 2. Where applicable, clarify and update reviewed manual content to correspond to revisions and field conditions. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS B. Format: Submit operations and maintenance manuals in the following format: 1. PDF electronic file. Assemble each manual into a composite electronically indexed file. Submit on digital media acceptable to Project Coordinator. a. Name each indexed document file in composite electronic index with applicable item name. Include a complete electronically linked operation and maintenance directory. b. Enable inserted reviewer comments on draft submittals. 2. Three paper copies. Include a complete operation and maintenance directory. Enclose title pages and directories in clear plastic sleeves. Project Coordinator, through Construction Manager, will return two copies. C. Initial Manual Submittal: Submit draft copy of each manual at least 30 days before commencing demonstration and training. Project Coordinator and Commissioning Authority will comment on whether general scope and content of manual are acceptable. D. Final Manual Submittal: Submit each manual in final form prior to requesting inspection for Substantial Completion and at least 15 days before commencing demonstration and training. Project Coordinator and Commissioning Authority will return copy with comments. 1. Correct or revise each manual to comply with Project Coordinator's and Commissioning Authority's comments. Submit copies of each corrected manual within 15 days of receipt of Project Coordinator's and Commissioning Authority's comments and prior to commencing demonstration and training. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DOCUMENTATION DIRECTORY A. Directory: Prepare a single, comprehensive directory of emergency, operation, and maintenance data and materials, listing items and their location to facilitate ready access to desired information. Include a section in the directory for each of the following: 1. List of documents. 2. List of systems. 3. List of equipment. 4. Table of contents. B. List of Systems and Subsystems: List systems alphabetically. Include references to operation and maintenance manuals that contain information about each system. C. List of Equipment: List equipment for each system, organized alphabetically by system. For pieces of equipment not part of system, list alphabetically in separate list. D. Tables of Contents: Include a table of contents for each emergency, operation, and maintenance manual. E. Identification: In the documentation directory and in each operation and maintenance manual, identify each system, subsystem, and piece of equipment with same designation used in the Contract Documents. If no designation exists, assign a designation according to CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ASHRAE Guideline 4, "Preparation of Operating and Maintenance Documentation for Building Systems." 2.2 REQUIREMENTS FOR EMERGENCY, OPERATION, AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS A. Organization: Unless otherwise indicated, organize each manual into a separate section for each system and subsystem, and a separate section for each piece of equipment not part of a system. Each manual shall contain the following materials, in the order listed: 1. Title page. 2. Table of contents. 3. Manual contents. B. Title Page: Include the following information: 1. Subject matter included in manual. 2. Name and address of Project. 3. Name and address of Owner. 4. Date of submittal. 5. Name and contact information for Contractor. 6. Name and contact information for Construction Manager. 7. Name and contact information for Project Coordinator. 8. Name and contact information for Commissioning Authority. 9. Names and contact information for major consultants to the Project Coordinator that designed the systems contained in the manuals. 10. Cross-reference to related systems in other operation and maintenance manuals. C. Table of Contents: List each product included in manual, identified by product name, indexed to the content of the volume, and cross-referenced to Specification Section number in Project Manual. 1. If operation or maintenance documentation requires more than one volume to accommodate data, include comprehensive table of contents for all volumes in each volume of the set. D. Manual Contents: Organize into sets of manageable size. Arrange contents alphabetically by system, subsystem, and equipment. If possible, assemble instructions for subsystems, equipment, and components of one system into a single binder. E. Manuals, Electronic Files: Submit manuals in the form of a multiple file composite electronic PDF file for each manual type required. 1. Electronic Files: Use electronic files prepared by manufacturer where available. Where scanning of paper documents is required, configure scanned file for minimum readable file size. 2. File Names and Bookmarks: Enable bookmarking of individual documents based on file names. Name document files to correspond to system, subsystem, and equipment names used in manual directory and table of contents. Group documents for each system and subsystem into individual composite bookmarked files, then create composite manual, so that resulting bookmarks reflect the system, subsystem, and equipment names in a readily navigated file tree. Configure electronic manual to display bookmark panel on opening file. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS F. Manuals, Paper Copy: Submit manuals in the form of hard copy, bound and labeled volumes. 1. Binders: Heavy-duty, three-ring, vinyl-covered, loose-leaf binders, in thickness necessary to accommodate contents, sized to hold 8-1/2-by-11-inch (215-by-280-mm) paper; with clear plastic sleeve on spine to hold label describing contents and with pockets inside covers to hold folded oversize sheets. a. If two or more binders are necessary to accommodate data of a system, organize data in each binder into groupings by subsystem and related components. Cross- reference other binders if necessary to provide essential information for proper operation or maintenance of equipment or system. b. Identify each binder on front and spine, with printed title "OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL," Project title or name, and subject matter of contents, and indicate Specification Section number on bottom of spine. Indicate volume number for multiple-volume sets. 2. Dividers: Heavy-paper dividers with plastic-covered tabs for each section of the manual. Mark each tab to indicate contents. Include typed list of products and major components of equipment included in the section on each divider, cross-referenced to Specification Section number and title of Project Manual. 3. Protective Plastic Sleeves: Transparent plastic sleeves designed to enclose diagnostic software storage media for computerized electronic equipment. 4. Supplementary Text: Prepared on 8-1/2-by-11-inch (215-by-280-mm) white bond paper. 5. Drawings: Attach reinforced, punched binder tabs on drawings and bind with text. a. If oversize drawings are necessary, fold drawings to same size as text pages and use as foldouts. b. If drawings are too large to be used as foldouts, fold and place drawings in labeled envelopes and bind envelopes in rear of manual. At appropriate locations in manual, insert typewritten pages indicating drawing titles, descriptions of contents, and drawing locations. 2.3 EMERGENCY MANUALS A. Content: Organize manual into a separate section for each of the following: 1. Type of emergency. 2. Emergency instructions. 3. Emergency procedures. B. Type of Emergency: Where applicable for each type of emergency indicated below, include instructions and procedures for each system, subsystem, piece of equipment, and component: 1. Fire. 2. Flood. 3. Gas leak. 4. Water leak. 5. Power failure. 6. Water outage. 7. System, subsystem, or equipment failure. 8. Chemical release or spill. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS C. Emergency Instructions: Describe and explain warnings, trouble indications, error messages, and similar codes and signals. Include responsibilities of Owner's operating personnel for notification of Installer, supplier, and manufacturer to maintain warranties. D. Emergency Procedures: Include the following, as applicable: 1. Instructions on stopping. 2. Shutdown instructions for each type of emergency. 3. Operating instructions for conditions outside normal operating limits. 4. Required sequences for electric or electronic systems. 5. Special operating instructions and procedures. 2.4 OPERATION MANUALS A. Content: In addition to requirements in this Section, include operation data required in individual Specification Sections and the following information: 1. System, subsystem, and equipment descriptions. Use designations for systems and equipment indicated on Contract Documents. 2. Performance and design criteria if Contractor has delegated design responsibility. 3. Operating standards. 4. Operating procedures. 5. Operating logs. 6. Wiring diagrams. 7. Control diagrams. 8. Piped system diagrams. 9. Precautions against improper use. 10. License requirements including inspection and renewal dates. B. Descriptions: Include the following: 1. Product name and model number. Use designations for products indicated on Contract Documents. 2. Manufacturer's name. 3. Equipment identification with serial number of each component. 4. Equipment function. 5. Operating characteristics. 6. Limiting conditions. 7. Performance curves. 8. Engineering data and tests. 9. Complete nomenclature and number of replacement parts. C. Operating Procedures: Include the following, as applicable: 1. Startup procedures. 2. Equipment or system break-in procedures. 3. Routine and normal operating instructions. 4. Regulation and control procedures. 5. Instructions on stopping. 6. Normal shutdown instructions. 7. Seasonal and weekend operating instructions. 8. Required sequences for electric or electronic systems. 9. Special operating instructions and procedures. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS D. Systems and Equipment Controls: Describe the sequence of operation, and diagram controls as installed. E. Piped Systems: Diagram piping as installed, and identify color-coding where required for identification. 2.5 PRODUCT MAINTENANCE MANUALS A. Content: Organize manual into a separate section for each product, material, and finish. Include source information, product information, maintenance procedures, repair materials and sources, and warranties and bonds, as described below. B. Source Information: List each product included in manual, identified by product name and arranged to match manual's table of contents. For each product, list name, address, and telephone number of Installer or supplier and maintenance service agent, and cross-reference Specification Section number and title in Project Manual and drawing or schedule designation or identifier where applicable. C. Product Information: Include the following, as applicable: 1. Product name and model number. 2. Manufacturer's name. 3. Color, pattern, and texture. 4. Material and chemical composition. 5. Reordering information for specially manufactured products. D. Maintenance Procedures: Include manufacturer's written recommendations and the following: 1. Inspection procedures. 2. Types of cleaning agents to be used and methods of cleaning. 3. List of cleaning agents and methods of cleaning detrimental to product. 4. Schedule for routine cleaning and maintenance. 5. Repair instructions. E. Repair Materials and Sources: Include lists of materials and local sources of materials and related services. F. Warranties and Bonds: Include copies of warranties and bonds and lists of circumstances and conditions that would affect validity of warranties or bonds. 1. Include procedures to follow and required notifications for warranty claims. 2.6 SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE MANUALS A. Content: For each system, subsystem, and piece of equipment not part of a system, include source information, manufacturers' maintenance documentation, maintenance procedures, maintenance and service schedules, spare parts list and source information, maintenance service contracts, and warranty and bond information, as described below. B. Source Information: List each system, subsystem, and piece of equipment included in manual, identified by product name and arranged to match manual's table of contents. For each product, list name, address, and telephone number of Installer or supplier and maintenance service CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS agent, and cross-reference Specification Section number and title in Project Manual and drawing or schedule designation or identifier where applicable. C. Manufacturers' Maintenance Documentation: Manufacturers' maintenance documentation including the following information for each component part or piece of equipment: 1. Standard maintenance instructions and bulletins. 2. Drawings, diagrams, and instructions required for maintenance, including disassembly and component removal, replacement, and assembly. 3. Identification and nomenclature of parts and components. 4. List of items recommended to be stocked as spare parts. D. Maintenance Procedures: Include the following information and items that detail essential maintenance procedures: 1. Test and inspection instructions. 2. Troubleshooting guide. 3. Precautions against improper maintenance. 4. Disassembly; component removal, repair, and replacement; and reassembly instructions. 5. Aligning, adjusting, and checking instructions. 6. Demonstration and training video recording, if available. E. Maintenance and Service Schedules: Include service and lubrication requirements, list of required lubricants for equipment, and separate schedules for preventive and routine maintenance and service with standard time allotment. 1. Scheduled Maintenance and Service: Tabulate actions for daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, semiannual, and annual frequencies. 2. Maintenance and Service Record: Include manufacturers' forms for recording maintenance. F. Spare Parts List and Source Information: Include lists of replacement and repair parts, with parts identified and cross-referenced to manufacturers' maintenance documentation and local sources of maintenance materials and related services. G. Maintenance Service Contracts: Include copies of maintenance agreements with name and telephone number of service agent. H. Warranties and Bonds: Include copies of warranties and bonds and lists of circumstances and conditions that would affect validity of warranties or bonds. 1. Include procedures to follow and required notifications for warranty claims. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 MANUAL PREPARATION A. Operation and Maintenance Documentation Directory: Prepare a separate manual that provides an organized reference to emergency, operation, and maintenance manuals. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS B. Emergency Manual: Assemble a complete set of emergency information indicating procedures for use by emergency personnel and by Owner's operating personnel for types of emergencies indicated. C. Product Maintenance Manual: Assemble a complete set of maintenance data indicating care and maintenance of each product, material, and finish incorporated into the Work. D. Operation and Maintenance Manuals: Assemble a complete set of operation and maintenance data indicating operation and maintenance of each system, subsystem, and piece of equipment not part of a system. 1. Engage a factory-authorized service representative to assemble and prepare information for each system, subsystem, and piece of equipment not part of a system. 2. Prepare a separate manual for each system and subsystem, in the form of an instructional manual for use by Owner's operating personnel. E. Manufacturers' Data: Where manuals contain manufacturers' standard printed data, include only sheets pertinent to product or component installed. Mark each sheet to identify each product or component incorporated into the Work. If data include more than one item in a tabular format, identify each item using appropriate references from the Contract Documents. Identify data applicable to the Work and delete references to information not applicable. 1. Prepare supplementary text if manufacturers' standard printed data are not available and where the information is necessary for proper operation and maintenance of equipment or systems. F. Drawings: Prepare drawings supplementing manufacturers' printed data to illustrate the relationship of component parts of equipment and systems and to illustrate control sequence and flow diagrams. Coordinate these drawings with information contained in record Drawings to ensure correct illustration of completed installation. 1. Do not use original project record documents as part of operation and maintenance manuals. 2. Comply with requirements of newly prepared record Drawings in Section 017839 "Project Record Documents." G. Comply with Section 017700 "Closeout Procedures" for schedule for submitting operation and maintenance documentation. END OF SECTION 01 7823 CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION 01 7839 - PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for project record documents, including the following: 1. Record Drawings. 2. Record Specifications. 3. Record Product Data. 4. Miscellaneous record submittals. B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 011200 "Multiple Contract Summary" for coordinating project record documents covering the Work of multiple contracts. 2. Section 017300 "Execution" for final property survey. 3. Section 017700 "Closeout Procedures" for general closeout procedures. 4. Section 017823 "Operation and Maintenance Data" for operation and maintenance manual requirements. 1.3 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS A. Record Drawings: Comply with the following: 1. Number of Copies: Submit copies of record Drawings as follows: a. Initial Submittal: 1) Submit record digital data files and one set(s) of plots. 2) Project Coordinator will indicate whether general scope of changes, additional information recorded, and quality of drafting are acceptable. b. Final Submittal: 1) Submit one paper-copy set(s) of marked-up record prints. 2) Submit record digital data files and one set(s) of record digital data file plots. 3) Plot each drawing file, whether or not changes and additional information were recorded. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS B. Record Specifications: Submit annotated PDF electronic files of Project's Specifications, including addenda and contract modifications. C. Record Product Data: Submit annotated PDF electronic files and directories of each submittal. 1. Where record Product Data are required as part of operation and maintenance manuals, submit duplicate marked-up Product Data as a component of manual. D. Miscellaneous Record Submittals: See other Specification Sections for miscellaneous record- keeping requirements and submittals in connection with various construction activities. Submit annotated PDF electronic files and directories of each submittal. E. Reports: Submit written report indicating items incorporated into project record documents concurrent with progress of the Work, including revisions, concealed conditions, field changes, product selections, and other notations incorporated. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 RECORD DRAWINGS A. Record Prints: Maintain one set of marked-up paper copies of the Contract Drawings and Shop Drawings, incorporating new and revised drawings as modifications are issued. 1. Preparation: Mark record prints to show the actual installation where installation varies from that shown originally. Require individual or entity who obtained record data, whether individual or entity is Installer, subcontractor, or similar entity, to provide information for preparation of corresponding marked-up record prints. a. Give particular attention to information on concealed elements that would be difficult to identify or measure and record later. b. Accurately record information in an acceptable drawing technique. c. Record data as soon as possible after obtaining it. d. Record and check the markup before enclosing concealed installations. e. Cross-reference record prints to corresponding archive photographic documentation. 2. Content: Types of items requiring marking include, but are not limited to, the following: a. Dimensional changes to Drawings. b. Revisions to details shown on Drawings. c. Depths of foundations below first floor. d. Locations and depths of underground utilities. e. Revisions to routing of piping and conduits. f. Revisions to electrical circuitry. g. Actual equipment locations. h. Duct size and routing. i. Locations of concealed internal utilities. j. Changes made by Change Order or Construction Change Directive. k. Changes made following Project Coordinator's written orders. l. Details not on the original Contract Drawings. m. Field records for variable and concealed conditions. n. Record information on the Work that is shown only schematically. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 3. Mark the Contract Drawings and Shop Drawings completely and accurately. Use personnel proficient at recording graphic information in production of marked-up record prints. 4. Mark record sets with erasable, red-colored pencil. Use other colors to distinguish between changes for different categories of the Work at same location. 5. Mark important additional information that was either shown schematically or omitted from original Drawings. 6. Note Construction Change Directive numbers, alternate numbers, Change Order numbers, and similar identification, where applicable. B. Record Digital Data Files: Immediately before inspection for Certificate of Substantial Completion, review marked-up record prints with Project Coordinator and Construction Manager. When authorized, prepare a full set of corrected digital data files of the Contract Drawings, as follows: 1. Format: Same digital data software program, version, and operating system as the original Contract Drawings. 2. Format: DWG, Version , [Microsoft Windows] operating system. 3. Incorporate changes and additional information previously marked on record prints. Delete, redraw, and add details and notations where applicable. 4. Refer instances of uncertainty to Project Coordinator for resolution. 5. Project Coordinator will furnish Contractor one set of digital data files of the Contract Drawings for use in recording information. a. See Section 013300 "Submittal Procedures" for requirements related to use of Project Coordinator's digital data files. b. Project Coordinator will provide data file layer information. Record markups in separate layers. C. Newly Prepared Record Drawings: Prepare new Drawings instead of preparing record Drawings where Project Coordinator determines that neither the original Contract Drawings nor Shop Drawings are suitable to show actual installation. 1. New Drawings may be required when a Change Order is issued as a result of accepting an alternate, substitution, or other modification. 2. Consult Project Coordinator and Construction Manager for proper scale and scope of detailing and notations required to record the actual physical installation and its relation to other construction. Integrate newly prepared record Drawings into record Drawing sets; comply with procedures for formatting, organizing, copying, binding, and submitting. D. Format: Identify and date each record Drawing; include the designation "PROJECT RECORD DRAWING" in a prominent location. 1. Record Prints: Organize record prints and newly prepared record Drawings into manageable sets. Bind each set with durable paper cover sheets. Include identification on cover sheets. 2. Format: Annotated PDF electronic file 3. Record Digital Data Files: Organize digital data information into separate electronic files that correspond to each sheet of the Contract Drawings. Name each file with the sheet identification. Include identification in each digital data file. 4. Identification: As follows: a. Project name. b. Date. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS c. Designation "PROJECT RECORD DRAWINGS." d. Name of Project Coordinator e. Name of Contractor. 2.2 RECORD SPECIFICATIONS A. Preparation: Mark Specifications to indicate the actual product installation where installation varies from that indicated in Specifications, addenda, and contract modifications. 1. Give particular attention to information on concealed products and installations that cannot be readily identified and recorded later. 2. Mark copy with the proprietary name and model number of products, materials, and equipment furnished, including substitutions and product options selected. 3. Record the name of manufacturer, supplier, Installer, and other information necessary to provide a record of selections made. 4. For each principal product, indicate whether record Product Data has been submitted in operation and maintenance manuals instead of submitted as record Product Data. 5. Note related Change Orders, record Product Data, and record Drawings where applicable. B. Format: Submit record Specifications as annotated PDF electronic file. 2.3 RECORD PRODUCT DATA A. Preparation: Mark Product Data to indicate the actual product installation where installation varies substantially from that indicated in Product Data submittal. 1. Give particular attention to information on concealed products and installations that cannot be readily identified and recorded later. 2. Include significant changes in the product delivered to Project site and changes in manufacturer's written instructions for installation. 3. Note related Change Orders, record Specifications, and record Drawings where applicable. B. Format: Submit record Product Data as annotated PDF electronic file. 1. Include record Product Data directory organized by Specification Section number and title, electronically linked to each item of record Product Data. 2.4 MISCELLANEOUS RECORD SUBMITTALS A. Assemble miscellaneous records required by other Specification Sections for miscellaneous record keeping and submittal in connection with actual performance of the Work. Bind or file miscellaneous records and identify each, ready for continued use and reference. B. Format: Submit miscellaneous record submittals as PDF electronic file. 1. Include miscellaneous record submittals directory organized by Specification Section number and title, electronically linked to each item of miscellaneous record submittals. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 RECORDING AND MAINTENANCE A. Recording: Maintain one copy of each submittal during the construction period for project record document purposes. Post changes and revisions to project record documents as they occur; do not wait until end of Project. B. Maintenance of Record Documents and Samples: Store record documents and Samples in the field office apart from the Contract Documents used for construction. Do not use project record documents for construction purposes. Maintain record documents in good order and in a clean, dry, legible condition, protected from deterioration and loss. Provide access to project record documents for Project Coordinator's and Construction Manager's reference during normal working hours. END OF SECTION 01 7839 CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY BLANK CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION 01 7900 - DEMONSTRATION AND TRAINING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for instructing Owner's personnel, including the following: 1. Demonstration of operation of systems, subsystems, and equipment. 2. Training in operation and maintenance of systems, subsystems, and equipment. 3. Demonstration and training video recordings. 1.3 INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. Instruction Program: Submit outline of instructional program for demonstration and training, including a list of training modules and a schedule of proposed dates, times, length of instruction time, and instructors' names for each training module. Include learning objective and outline for each training module. 1. Indicate proposed training modules using manufacturer-produced demonstration and training video recordings for systems, equipment, and products in lieu of video recording of live instructional module. B. Qualification Data: For instructor. C. Attendance Record: For each training module, submit list of participants and length of instruction time. D. Evaluations: For each participant and for each training module, submit results and documentation of performance-based test. 1.4 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS A. Demonstration and Training Video Recordings: Submit two copies within seven days of end of each training module. 1. Identification: On each copy, provide an applied label with the following information: a. Name of Project. b. Name and address of videographer. c. Name of Project Coordinator. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS d. Name of Construction Manager. e. Name of Contractor. f. Date of video recording. 2. Transcript: Prepared in PDF electronic format. Include a cover sheet with same label information as the corresponding video recording and a table of contents with links to corresponding training components. Include name of Project and date of video recording on each page. 3. At completion of training, submit complete training manual(s) for Owner's use in PDF electronic file format on compact disc. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Facilitator Qualifications: A firm or individual experienced in training or educating maintenance personnel in a training program similar in content and extent to that indicated for this Project, and whose work has resulted in training or education with a record of successful learning performance. B. Instructor Qualifications: A factory-authorized service representative, complying with requirements in Section 014000 "Quality Requirements," experienced in operation and maintenance procedures and training. C. Videographer Qualifications: A professional videographer who is experienced photographing demonstration and training events similar to those required. D. Preinstruction Conference: Conduct conference at Project site to comply with requirements in Section 013100 "Project Management and Coordination." Review methods and procedures related to demonstration and training including, but not limited to, the following: 1. Inspect and discuss locations and other facilities required for instruction. 2. Review and finalize instruction schedule and verify availability of educational materials, instructors' personnel, audiovisual equipment, and facilities needed to avoid delays. 3. Review required content of instruction. 4. For instruction that must occur outside, review weather and forecasted weather conditions and procedures to follow if conditions are unfavorable. 1.6 COORDINATION A. Coordinate instruction schedule with Owner's operations. Adjust schedule as required to minimize disrupting Owner's operations and to ensure availability of Owner's personnel. B. Coordinate instructors, including providing notification of dates, times, length of instruction time, and course content. C. Coordinate content of training modules with content of approved emergency, operation, and maintenance manuals. Do not submit instruction program until operation and maintenance data has been reviewed and approved by Project Coordinator. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 INSTRUCTION PROGRAM A. Program Structure: Develop an instruction program that includes individual training modules for each system and for equipment not part of a system, as required by individual Specification Sections. B. Training Modules: Develop a learning objective and teaching outline for each module. Include a description of specific skills and knowledge that participant is expected to master. For each module, include instruction for the following as applicable to the system, equipment, or component: 1. Basis of System Design, Operational Requirements, and Criteria: Include the following: a. System, subsystem, and equipment descriptions. b. Performance and design criteria if Contractor is delegated design responsibility. c. Operating standards. d. Regulatory requirements. e. Equipment function. f. Operating characteristics. g. Limiting conditions. h. Performance curves. 2. Documentation: Review the following items in detail: a. Emergency manuals. b. Operations manuals. c. Maintenance manuals. d. Project record documents. e. Identification systems. f. Warranties and bonds. g. Maintenance service agreements and similar continuing commitments. 3. Emergencies: Include the following, as applicable: a. Instructions on meaning of warnings, trouble indications, and error messages. b. Instructions on stopping. c. Shutdown instructions for each type of emergency. d. Operating instructions for conditions outside of normal operating limits. e. Sequences for electric or electronic systems. f. Special operating instructions and procedures. 4. Operations: Include the following, as applicable: a. Startup procedures. b. Equipment or system break-in procedures. c. Routine and normal operating instructions. d. Regulation and control procedures. e. Control sequences. f. Safety procedures. g. Instructions on stopping. h. Normal shutdown instructions. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS i. Operating procedures for emergencies. j. Operating procedures for system, subsystem, or equipment failure. k. Seasonal and weekend operating instructions. l. Required sequences for electric or electronic systems. m. Special operating instructions and procedures. 5. Adjustments: Include the following: a. Alignments. b. Checking adjustments. c. Noise and vibration adjustments. d. Economy and efficiency adjustments. 6. Troubleshooting: Include the following: a. Diagnostic instructions. b. Test and inspection procedures. 7. Maintenance: Include the following: a. Inspection procedures. b. Types of cleaning agents to be used and methods of cleaning. c. List of cleaning agents and methods of cleaning detrimental to product. d. Procedures for routine cleaning e. Procedures for preventive maintenance. f. Procedures for routine maintenance. g. Instruction on use of special tools. 8. Repairs: Include the following: a. Diagnosis instructions. b. Repair instructions. c. Disassembly; component removal, repair, and replacement; and reassembly instructions. d. Instructions for identifying parts and components. e. Review of spare parts needed for operation and maintenance. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION A. Assemble educational materials necessary for instruction, including documentation and training module. Assemble training modules into a training manual organized in coordination with requirements in Section 017823 "Operation and Maintenance Data." B. Set up instructional equipment at instruction location. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 3.2 INSTRUCTION A. Facilitator: Engage a qualified facilitator to prepare instruction program and training modules, to coordinate instructors, and to coordinate between Contractor and Owner for number of participants, instruction times, and location. B. Engage qualified instructors to instruct Owner's personnel to adjust, operate, and maintain systems, subsystems, and equipment not part of a system. 1. Project Coordinator will furnish an instructor to describe basis of system design, operational requirements, criteria, and regulatory requirements. 2. Owner will furnish an instructor to describe Owner's operational philosophy. 3. Owner will furnish Contractor with names and positions of participants. C. Scheduling: Provide instruction at mutually agreed on times. For equipment that requires seasonal operation, provide similar instruction at start of each season. 1. Schedule training with Owner, through Project Coordinator, with at least seven days' advance notice. D. Training Location and Reference Material: Conduct training on-site in the completed and fully operational facility using the actual equipment in-place. Conduct training using final operation and maintenance data submittals. E. Cleanup: Collect used and leftover educational materials and give to Owner. Remove instructional equipment. Restore systems and equipment to condition existing before initial training use. 3.3 DEMONSTRATION AND TRAINING VIDEO RECORDINGS A. General: Engage a qualified commercial videographer to record demonstration and training video recordings. Record each training module separately. Include classroom instructions and demonstrations, board diagrams, and other visual aids, but not student practice. 1. At beginning of each training module, record each chart containing learning objective and lesson outline. B. Video: Provide minimum 640 x 480 video resolution converted to format file type acceptable to Owner, on electronic media. 1. Electronic Media: Read-only format compact disc acceptable to Owner, with commercial- grade graphic label. 2. File Hierarchy: Organize folder structure and file locations according to project manual table of contents. Provide complete screen-based menu. 3. File Names: Utilize file names based upon name of equipment generally described in video segment, as identified in Project specifications. 4. Contractor and Installer Contact File: Using appropriate software, create a file for inclusion on the Equipment Demonstration and Training DVD that describes the following for each Contractor involved on the Project, arranged according to Project table of contents: CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS a. Name of Contractor/Installer. b. Business address. c. Business phone number. d. Point of contact. e. E-mail address. C. Recording: Mount camera on tripod before starting recording, unless otherwise necessary to adequately cover area of demonstration and training. Display continuous running time. 1. Film training session(s) in segments not to exceed 15 minutes. a. Produce segments to present a single significant piece of equipment per segment. b. Organize segments with multiple pieces of equipment to follow order of Project Manual table of contents. c. Where a training session on a particular piece of equipment exceeds 15 minutes, stop filming and pause training session. Begin training session again upon commencement of new filming segment. D. Light Levels: Verify light levels are adequate to properly light equipment. Verify equipment markings are clearly visible prior to recording. 1. Furnish additional portable lighting as required. E. Narration: Describe scenes on video recording by dubbing audio narration off-site after video recording is recorded. Include description of items being viewed. F. Transcript: Provide a transcript of the narration. Display images and running time captured from videotape opposite the corresponding narration segment. G. Preproduced Video Recordings: Provide video recordings used as a component of training modules in same format as recordings of live training. END OF SECTION 01 7900 CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY BLANK CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION 01 9113 - GENERAL COMMISSIONING REQUIREMENTS GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY The Owner has retained an independent Commissioning Authority (CxA) to coordinate commissioning activities for this project. The objective of the commissioning process is to verify and document that the performance of facilities, systems, and assemblies installed as part of this project meet defined objectives and criteria. This section outlines the general roles and responsibilities of the CxA, Owner, and General Contractor. Division 21, 22, 23, 25 and 26 sections define roles and responsibilities which are applicable to Division 21, 22, 23, 25 and 26 work. The CxA is an independent contractor retained directly by the Owner. Commissioning requires support from the contractors. The Commissioning Process does not relieve any contractors from their obligations to complete all portions of work in a satisfactory manner. The General Contractor is responsible for coordinating all commissioning activities. In the absence of a General Contractor, the Prime Contractor shall take on this role. 1.2 Related sections Division 22 Section 22 0800 - Commissioning of Plumbing Systems Division 25 Section 25 0800 - Commissioning of Integrated Automation Individual Division, 22, and 25 sections contain requirements related to the commissioning process. 1.3 DEFINITIONS Acceptance: A formal action, taken by a person with appropriate authority (which may or may not be contractually defined) to declare that some aspect of the project meets defined requirements, thus permitting subsequent activities to proceed. Basis of Design (BOD): A document that records the concepts, calculations, decisions, and product selections used to meet the Owner’s Project Requirements and to satisfy applicable regulatory requirements, standards, and guidelines. The document includes both narrative CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS descriptions and lists of individual items that support the design process. The BOD typically incorporates the schematic design documents produced early in the design process. Checklists: Project and element-specific checklists that are developed and used during all phases of the Commissioning Process to verify that the Owner’s Project Requirements are being achieved. Checklists are used for general Evaluation, testing, training, and other design and construction requirements. Commissioning Process or Commissioning (Cx): A quality focused process for enhancing the delivery of a project. The process focuses on verifying and documenting that the facility and all of its systems and assemblies are planned, designed, installed, tested, operated, and maintained to meet the Owner’s Project Requirements. Commissioning Process Activity: A component of the Commissioning Process. Commissioning Authority (CxA): An entity identified by the Owner who plans, schedules, and coordinates the commissioning team to implement the Commissioning Process. Commissioning Field Report: A written document that identifies the commissioning activities completed during a visit to the project site. The report identifies significant findings, results, comments and questions that resulted from the visit. This is typically produced by the CxA per site visit. Commissioning Photo Log: A log of photographs that support the items identified in the Contractor Commissioning Issues Log. The photo log numbering corresponds to the issue numbers listed in the contractor Cx issues log. Commissioning Plan: A document that outlines the organization, schedule, allocation of resources, and documentation requirements of the Commissioning Process. Commissioning Process Activities (Cx Process Activities): Components of the Commissioning Process Commissioning Progress Report (Cx Progress Report): A written document that details activities completed as part of the Commissioning Process and significant findings from those activities, and is continuously updated during the course of a project. Commissioning Request for Information (RFI): Form used by the Commissioning Authority to request information from the design or construction team. Commissioning Team (Cx Team): The individuals and agencies who, through coordinated actions, are responsible for implementing the Commissioning Process. Commissioning Testing (Cx Testing): The Evaluation and documentation of the equipment and assemblies delivery and condition, installation, proper function according to the manufacturer’s specifications, and project documentation to meet the criteria in the Owner’s Project Requirements. Construction Team: The General Contractor, related sub-contractors, and other contractors working for the Owner during the Construction Phase. Construction Documents: This includes a wide range of documents, which will vary from project to project, and with the owner’s needs and regulations, laws, and jurisdictional requirements. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Construction documents usually include the project manual (specifications), plans (drawings), and general terms and conditions of the contract. Contract Documents: This includes a wide range of documents, which will vary from project to project and with the owner’s needs, regulations, laws, and jurisdictional requirements. Contract documents frequently include price agreements; construction management process; subcontractor agreements or requirements; requirements and procedures for submittals, changes, and other construction requirements; timeline for completion; and the construction documents. Contractor Commissioning Issues Log: A formal document and ongoing record of problems or concerns identified through the construction phase which deviate from the project’s construction documents, applicable codes and/or normal construction industry practices and their resolution. Items on this issues log should be reviewed by the GC and corrected in a timely manner by the applicable trades and contractors. Coordination Drawings: Drawings showing the work of all trades to illustrate that equipment can be installed in the space allocated without compromising equipment function or access for maintenance and replacement. These drawings graphically illustrate and dimension manufacturers’ recommended maintenance clearances. Current Facility Requirements (CFR): A written document that details the current functional requirements of an existing facility and the expectations of how it should be used and operated. This includes goals, measurable performance criteria, cost considerations, benchmarks, success criteria, and supporting information to meet the requirements of occupants, users, and owners of the facility. Design Checklist: A form developed by the Commissioning Team to verify that elements of the design are in compliance with the Owner’s Project Requirements. Also see checklists. Design Review (Peer): An independent and objective technical review of the design of the project or a part thereof, conducted at specified stages of design completion by one or more qualified professionals, for the purpose of enhancing the quality of the design. Design Review (Constructability): The review of effective and timely integration of construction knowledge into the conceptual planning, design, construction, and field operation of a project to achieve project objectives efficiently and accurately at the most cost-effective levels to reduce or prevent errors, delays, and cost overruns Design Review (Code or Regulatory): A review of a document conducted by staff or designated entity of an authority having jurisdiction to determine whether the content of the document complies with regulations, codes, or other standards administered by the jurisdiction. Design Review (Commissioning): A review of the design documents to determine compliance with the Owner’s Project Requirements, including coordination between systems and assemblies being commissioned, features and access for testing, commissioning and maintenance, and other reviews required by the OPR and Commissioning Plan. Design Team Commissioning Issues Log: A formal and ongoing record of issues pertaining to the project construction documents, from the design phase and through the construction phase of the project, which identifies areas of concern with the design regarding to coordination between divisions, constructability, maintenance clearances, operability or other commissioning concerns, and the issue resolution. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Evaluation: The process by which specific documents, components, equipment, assemblies, systems, and interfaces among systems and their performance are confirmed with respect to the criteria required in the Owner’s Project Requirements. Existing Building Commissioning Process : A quality focused process for attaining the Current Facility Requirements of an existing facility and its systems and assemblies being commissioned. The process focuses on planning, investigating, implementing, verifying, and documenting that the facility and/or its systems and assemblies are operated and maintained to meet the Current Facility Requirements, with a program to maintain the enhancements for the remaining life of the facility. Facility Guide: A basic building systems description and operating plan with general procedures and confirmed facility operating conditions, setpoints, schedules, and operating procedures for use by facility operations to properly operate the facility. Final Commissioning Report (Final Cx Report): A document that records the activities and results of the Commissioning Process and is developed from the final Commissioning Plan with all of its attached appendices. Functional Performance Test (FPT): expectations, for tests conducted interfaces among systems. A written protocol that defines methods, personnel, and on components, equipment, assembles, systems, and Issues and Resolution Log: a formal and ongoing record of problems or concerns and their resolutions that have been compiled by members of the Commissioning Team during the course of the Commissioning Process. Ongoing Commissioning Process (Ocx): A continuation of the Commissioning Process well into occupancy/operations to continually improve the operation and performance of a facility to meet current and evolving CFR or Owner’s Project Requirements. Ongoing Commissioning Process Activities occur throughout the life of the facility; some of these will be close to continuous in implementation, and others will be either scheduled or unscheduled as needed. Owner’s Project Requirements (OPR): A written document that details the functional requirements of a project and the expectations of how it will be used and operated. This includes project and design goals, measurable performance criteria, budgets, schedules, success criteria, and supporting information. This document also identifies end user requirements and expectations for the operation of critical areas, spaces and systems. Performance Test (PT): Performance testing is the process of verifying that a material, product, assembly, or system meets defined performance criteria. The methods and conditions under which performance is verified are described in one or more test protocols. Pre-Functional Checklist (PFC): A form used by the contractor to verify that appropriate components are on-site, ready for installation, correctly installed, started up, tested and balanced, in compliance with the owner’s project requirements, and is ready for functional performance testing. This documentation is available on the WCxS. Re-commissioning: An application of the Commissioning Process requirements to a project that has been delivered using the Commissioning Process. (See existing building Commissioning Process.) Retrocommissioning: The Commissioning Process applied to an existing facility that was not previously commissioned. (See existing building Commissioning Process.) CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Submittal Review: A commissioning review of the equipment submittal for relevant mechanical, electrical, plumbing and energy consuming equipment and systems. Systems Manual : A system-focused composite document that includes the OPR, BOD, design and construction documentation, facility guide and operation manual, maintenance information, approved submittals, training information and materials, Commissioning Process records, and additional information of use to the Owner during the Occupancy and Operation Phase. This is produced for selected projects as additional scope beyond the standard commissioning report. Test Procedure: A written protocol that defines methods, personnel, and expectations for tests conducted on components, equipment, assemblies, systems, and interfaces among systems to verify compliance with the Owner’s Project Requirements. Training Plan: A written document that details the expectations, schedule, duration and deliverables of Commissioning Process Activities related to training of project operating and maintenance personnel, users, and occupants. Verification: The process by which specific documents, components, equipment, assemblies, systems, and interfaces among systems are confirmed to comply with the criteria described in the Owner’s Project Requirements. Web-based Commissioning Software (WCxS): The web-based software used to manage the commissioning process including design review, construction review, field observations, checklists and tests. 1.4 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Commissioning Authority (CxA) 1. Develop a Commissioning Plan outlining the organization, schedule, and documentation requirements of the Commissioning Process. 2. Coordinate and direct the commissioning activities in a logical, sequential and efficient manner using consistent protocols and forms, centralized documentation, clear and regular communications with the Cx team, and frequently update timelines and schedules for Cx activities. 3. The CxA is not responsible for the design concept, design criteria, compliance with codes, site safety, construction means and methods, review or approval of change orders, design or general construction scheduling, cost estimating, or construction management. 4. Review contract documents for completeness and quality. Document issues in the Design Team Commissioning Issues Log. 5. The CxA may assist with problem solving, non-conformance or deficiencies, but ultimately that responsibility resides with the General Contractor (GC) and the Project Coordinator/Engineer (A/E). The primary role of the CxA is to oversee the commissioning process. This includes site observations of installation of commissioned systems and equipment, development and coordination of the execution of a PFC and FPT testing plan and observation and documentation of performance that systems are functioning in accordance with the documented OPR, design intent and in accordance with the Contract Documents. The Contractors will provide all tools and personnel to start and check-out and test equipment and systems, except as noted in this section. 6. Coordinate the commissioning work and work with the GC to incorporate commissioning activities into the master project schedule maintained by the GC. 7. Update and revise the Commissioning Plan as required. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 8. Plan and conduct a commissioning scoping meeting and other commissioning meetings with the Cx team. The CxA will record meeting minutes for Cx meetings facilitated by the CxA. 9. Request and review additional information required to perform commissioning tasks, including installation, operations and maintenance (IOM) manuals and materials, contractor start-up and checkout procedures. Document results and incorporate into the commissioning plan. 10. Review Contractor submittals applicable to systems being commissioned, for compliance with the Owner’s Project Requirements and for coordination with the Commissioning Process. The CxA review provides information to the Design Team but is not a review for acceptance or rejection of the submitted equipment or system; acceptance or rejection of any submittal remains the responsibility of the Design Team. 11. Conduct periodic construction observations to verify that systems and equipment are installed consistently with Owner’s Project Requirements. Document deficiencies on the Web Based Commissioning Software and share it with the Commissioning Team (Note: the Commissioning Authority is responsible for identifying deficiencies but is not responsible for ensuring that deficiencies are corrected). 12. Attend selected planning and job-site meetings to obtain information on construction progress. 13. With necessary assistance and review from installing contractors, write and distribute the pre-functional checklists and functional performance test procedures for systems and equipment. 14. Approve Pre-Functional Checklists completed by GC by reviewing Web Based Commissioning checklist reports and by selected site observation and spot checking to confirm that systems and equipment are ready for Functional Performance Tests. 15. Review start-up and TAB reports to confirm included systems are ready for functional performance testing. 16. Coordinate, witness and document functional performance testing by installing contractors. Coordinate retesting as necessary until satisfactory performance is achieved per design specifications. See 3.10 for extent of retesting included in the commissioning scope. 17. Coordinate, witness and document required seasonal or deferred functional performance testing and any deficiency corrections required. 18. Review equipment warranties and confirm that they are project specific and clearly define the Owner’s responsibilities if any. 19. Oversee and review the training of the Owner’s operating personnel. 20. Review O&M manuals submitted by the GC. 21. Provide a final commissioning report for review and acceptance by Owner. 22. The CxA is not responsible for construction means and methods or for site safety and security. 23. The CxA will not authorize or approve construction cost amendments, changes to the construction schedule, or changes to the contract documents. General Contractor (GC) and Sub-Contractors 1. Include the cost of commissioning in the total contract price. 2. The GC is responsible for coordinating all commissioning activities of the sub-contractors. Commissioning activities may be completed by the Mechanical Contractor (MC), Electrical Contractor (EC), Controls Contractor (CC), or Test and Balance (TAB) contractor, but the GC is ultimately responsible for completion of all of these tasks. 3. Facilitate the coordination of the commissioning work by the CxA and incorporate commissioning activities into the master schedule. 4. Furnish a copy of all construction documents, addenda, change orders, Requests for Information (RFIs), approved submittals, shop drawings, and IOMs, related to commissioned systems and equipment to the CxA. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 5. In each purchase order or subcontract written, include requirements for commissioning. 6. Ensure that all sub-contractor's execute their commissioning responsibilities according to the Contract Documents and schedule. 7. The GC shall designate a staff member who will be knowledgeable and responsible for the construction of the commissioned systems (typically the MEP superintendent) to be their active representative on the commissioning team. This person shall attend the commissioning scoping meeting and other necessary meetings scheduled by the CxA to facilitate the commissioning process. 8. The sub-contractors shall designate a staff member who will be knowledgeable and responsible for the construction of the commissioned systems (typically the trade superintendent) to be their active representative on the commissioning team. This person shall attend the commissioning scoping meeting and other necessary meetings scheduled by the CxA to facilitate the commissioning process. 9. Coordinate and share the issues identified on the WCxS Cx Issues Log with the appropriate trade sub-contractors. Respond on the Web Based Commissioning Software in writing to the CxA with the contractor’s response, appropriate trade responsible for the corrective action and anticipated completion date for the corrective action. 10. Follow up with the subcontractors as to the status of the corrective actions to the items on the Web Based Commissioning Software Issues Log, and update the CxA. 11. The GC's designated Cx team staff member shall personally examine, witness and verify that all issues are corrected and complete when the sub-contractor states they have "corrected" an item on the Web Based Commissioning Software Issues Log. 12. After the GC has verified issues are resolved, they shall indicate so on the Web Based Commissioning Software the CxA accordingly. 13. Notify the CxA one week in advance of all equipment start-ups and tests required by the Contract Documents. 14. Submit test results for tests required by the Contract Documents, including (but not limited to) duct leakage tests, hydronic system pressure tests, plumbing system disinfection certification, generator tests, smoke evacuation system tests, fire pump tests, fire alarm tests, etc. as applicable to the commissioning scope. 15. Receive the Pre-Functional Checklists from the CxA. Create a "master" pre-functional document binder containing all checklists for the project. 16. Coordinate and distribute "copies" of the Pre-Functional Checklists to all relevant subcontractors. 17. Oversee the sub-contractors performance of pre-functional checks, followed by initialing and signing the "master" checklists maintained by the GC. 18. Notify the CxA when Pre-Functional Checklists are completed. 19. Remedy any deficiencies identified in the Pre-Functional Checklists and notify the Commissioning Authority (in writing) that deficiencies have been addressed. 20. Notify the CxA when TAB activities will be taking place and have been completed. Provide CxA with TAB report(s). 21. Participate in TAB verification, which may include repeating selected measurements contained in the TAB report(s). 22. Coordinate with subcontractors to ensure qualified technicians are available for performing the functional performance test procedures under direction of the CxA. 23. Coordinate the training of Owner personnel. 24. Verify that subcontractors prepare and submit O&M manuals, according to the Contract Documents, including clarifying and updating the original sequences of operation to as- built conditions. 25. Ensure that subcontractors execute seasonal or deferred functional performance testing, witnessed by the CxA, according to the specifications. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 26. Ensure that subcontractors correct deficiencies and make necessary adjustments to O&M manuals and as-built drawings for applicable issues identified in any seasonal testing. 27. Gather and submit all project closeout documentation, including submittals, O&M manuals, as-built drawings, warranties, etc. to CxA for approval. Owner 1. Manage the contract of the A/E and of the GC. 2. Arrange for facility operating and maintenance personnel to attend various field commissioning activities and field training sessions according to the Commissioning (Cx) Plan. 3. Provide final approval for the completion of the commissioning work. 4. Coordinate site visits and meetings with the Commissioning Authority (CxA). 5. Review and comment on commissioning documentation such as the Cx plan, field reports, and issue logs. 6. Provide interpretations and clarifications of the Owner’s Project Requirements. 7. Provide input and direction on commissioning-related recommendations that arise from the commissioning process which may enhance the operation of the building but are not included in the project documents and may be an additional project cost. If the Owner is in agreement with commissioning recommendations, they are to direct the Design Team to review and issue the appropriate directive to add that scope and maintain the Design Team's responsibility for all construction documents. Design Team (Project Coordinator/Engineer) 1. Perform normal submittal review, construction observation, as-built drawing preparation, O&M manual preparation, etc., as contracted with Owner. 2. Fulfill all obligations specified in the contract documents, including reviewing and approving submittals, conducting construction observation, issuing addenda and clarifications, responding to RFIs, issuing punchlists, and conducting substantial and final completion walkthroughs. Review and provide comments on all recommendations. 3. Provide any design narrative documentation requested by the CxA. 4. Prepare and submit final as-built design intent documentation for inclusion in the Systems Manual. 5. Review and approve the O&M manuals. 6. Coordinate resolution of design non-conformance and design deficiencies identified during the project. 7. Assist (along with the contractors) in clarifying the operation and control of commissioned equipment in areas where the specifications, control drawings or equipment documentation is not sufficient for writing detailed testing procedures. 8. Participate in the resolution of system deficiencies identified during commissioning. 9. Notify the CxA of substantive changes to the Contract Documents. 10. Provide clarifications to Contract Documents as required. 11. Review the Design Team Commissioning Issues Log and respond to all items in a timely manner. Update contract documents as required to address commissioning items identified. 12. Review commissioning suggestions identified on the Design Team Commissioning Issues Log for impact to the design intent. If the design team is in agreement with the suggestion, they are to assist in reviewing the suggestion with the owner for their review and decision if it should be added to the project. 13. The design team shall review all shop drawing and submittal comments from the CxA CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1.5 SCOPE OF WORK Refer to Section 21 0800 for listing of fire suppression systems to be commissioned and requirements. Refer to Section 22 0800 for listing of plumbing systems to be commissioned and requirements. Refer to Section 23 0800 for listing of HVAC systems to be commissioned and requirements. Refer to Section 25 0800 for Integrated Automation commissioning requirements. Refer to Section 26 0800 for listing of Electrical Systems to be commissioned and requirements. 1.6 Commissioning Documentation General 1. Timely and accurate documentation of commissioning activities is essential for the commissioning process to be effective. To this end, all commissioning activities conducted by the contractors shall be documented as outlined below and in Part 3 Execution of this specification. 2. Contractor commissioning responsibilities on WCxS include the following items: a. Construction Issues b. Pre-Functional Checklists c. Functional Performance Tests 3. The Project Coordinator, Engineers, GC, subcontractors, and owner will be responsible for responding on the WCxS within five business days of an inquiry being assigned to them. a. The owner(s) or their designated responsible party will be one of the final designated personnel in the approval process that will sign off before an item can be closed out. b. All of the aforementioned entities will be responsible for the same response time in the identified field punch software. c. The punch list and open commissioning items will be tied to identified retention dollars that will not be paid until all open issues are resolved. d. CxAlloy will be the designated software that will be used by all Cx agents and used for MEP items identified by the Cx agent and NU staff. 4. The pre-functional checklists shall be completed by each respective trade contractor involved with the installation of any commissioned systems and equipment. 5. The functional performance tests will be completed by the CxA as they witness the test conducted by the contractors. 6. All Contractor Commissioning Documents prepared by the contractors will be fully completed in a neat and workmanlike manner so as to be fully legible. Documentation which, at the CxA’s discretion, is incomplete or less than fully legible shall be deemed unacceptable. 7. Commissioning procedures and tests, which are rejected by the CxA due to incomplete, or illegible contractor documentation shall be repeated by the contractor and new Contractor Commissioning Documents shall be prepared to the Commissioning Team’s satisfaction at no additional cost to the Owner. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 8. Procedures deemed unacceptable by the Commissioning Team after being repeated due to inadequate documentation may be subject to completion by the CxA, at a cost to the contactor as outlined in item Section 3.10 "Cost of Re-Evaluation" below. 9. All Contractor Commissioning Documents shall be completed on the job-site concurrent with the activities being documented. Remedial documentation of commissioning activities either off-site or after the procedures have been completed is unacceptable. 10. All Contractor Commissioning Documents will be submitted to the CxA for review and acceptance upon completion. Contractor Commissioning Process Status Tracking 1. Contractors shall be responsible for monitoring the progress of their commissioning activities. The contractor will update the status of issues, checklists and tests on WCxS. 2. The CxA will assist the contractor in using WCxS. 3. The contractors shall regularly update WCxS and upload drawings or pictures as commissioning activities are completed so as to provide a readily available report to CxA regarding current status of the contractors commissioning activities. 4. Example screenshots from the WCxS are included as Appendix A to this specification. These samples are provided for reference only to assist contractors in preparing their bids for this project. The actual forms used on this project will be similar in scope and format to the sample forms, but the specific content will differ somewhat from the sample forms to specifically reference the requirements of this project. Record Drawings 1. Contractors shall regularly update a ‘redlined’ set of record drawings showing commissioned systems as work is being installed so that the drawings remain current with the field work, and as required in Division 01, 21, 22, 23, 25 and 26 of the project specifications. 2. Redlining record drawings at the end of construction shall not be acceptable 3. The Contractors up-to-date, in-progress redlines shall be kept on-site in the Contractor’s field office and available for review by the Cx Team. Access to Contractor Documentation 1. Contractors shall provide the CxA with access to shop drawings, coordination drawings, equipment cut-sheets, schematics, in-progress record drawings, manufacturers installation-operation-maintenance manuals, startup reports, etc. to assist the CxA in execution of the Cx process. 1.7 COORDINATION The CxA shall receive a copy of all construction documents, addenda, change orders, and appropriate approved submittals and shop drawings directly from the GC. The CxA shall disseminate written information and documents to all responsible parties relative to the nature and extent of the Cx communication. The CxA is primarily responsible to the Owner and, as such, shall regularly apprise the GC and the Owner of progress, pending problems and/or disputes, and shall provide regular status reports on progress with each system. Any potential change in the contractual and/or financial obligations of the owner (credits, change orders, schedule changes, etc.) shall be identified and quantified as soon as possible. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS The CxA shall coordinate the schedule of commissioning activities with the construction schedule. It is possible that some procedures will be completed before the entire system is completed. 1.8 SCHEDULE Commissioning of systems shall proceed per the criteria established in the specific sections that follow, with activities to be performed on a timely basis. The CxA shall be available to respond promptly to avoid construction delays. Start-up and testing of systems may proceed prior to final completion of systems to expedite progress. However, testing and checkout services that are the primary responsibility of the contractor / vendor will not proceed in advance of their testing and checkout. Problems observed shall be addressed immediately, responsible parties notified, and actions to correct deficiencies coordinated in a timely manner. Contractor schedules and scheduling is the responsibility of the GC. The CxA shall provide commissioning scheduling information to the GC for review and planning activities. 1.9 Reference Standards Industry standards and guidelines are a guide to the commissioning process and are hereby incorporated and will be applied as appropriate. Reference standards and guidelines include, but are not limited, to the following: References: 1. ASHRAE Standard 202-2013: Commissioning Process for Buildings and Systems 2. ASHRAE Guideline 0-2005: The Commissioning Process 3. ASHRAE Guideline 1.1-2007: HVAC&R Technical Requirements for The Commissioning Process PRODUCTS 2.1 TEST EQUIPMENT All industry standard test equipment required for performing the specified tests shall be provided by the applicable contractor (as specified) and shall be approved by the CxA. Any proprietary vendor specific test equipment shall be provided by that vendor or manufacturer. Any portable or hand- held setup / calibration devices required to initialize the control system shall be made available by the control vendor (at no cost) to the CxA. The instrumentation used in the commissioning process shall meet the following standards: 1. Be of sufficient quality and accuracy to test and/or measure system performance within the tolerances required. 2. Be calibrated at the manufacturer’s recommended intervals with calibration tags permanently affixed to the instrument 3. Be maintained in good repair and operating condition throughout the duration of use on this project. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 4. Be immediately re-calibrated or repaired if dropped and/or damaged in any way during use on this project. 2.2 BAS Hardware and software Field Panel Software and Hardware 1. The BAS Contractor shall furnish the CxA with three (3) copies of all hardware and software needed to connect to, communicate with and command the BAS field panels and controllers at no additional charge to the CxA. This hardware and software will be used by the CxA for execution of the commissioning process. Software and hardware provided to the CxA for this purpose, does not include any provisions for use by the Test & Balance Contractor. 2. Hardware and software covered under this requirement includes, but is not limited to: a. Latest versions of proprietary software such as Johnson Controls HVAC Pro, Siemens Building Technologies CIS, etc. b. Communication modules, software keys, and similar hardware needed for communication from a laptop computer, PDA or similar device to field panels or controllers c. Proprietary cables required for communication between laptop computers or PDAs to field panels or controllers d. Passwords, access levels and similar software permissions necessary for execution of the Cx Process. e. Software and hardware manuals for all control system hardware and software provided to the CxA. 3. This requirement is not meant to include provision of standard hardware such as laptop computers and PDAs nor provision of standard software such as Windows or MS Explorer. 4. At the conclusion of the Commissioning Process, this hardware and software will be turned over back to the contractor. Front-End Software & Hardware 1. The BAS Contractor shall furnish the CxA with one (1) copy of their front-end software and associated hardware as needed to connect to, communicate with and command the BAS at no additional charge to the CxA. 2. Hardware and software covered under this requirement includes, but is not limited to: a. Proprietary software needed to communicate to field panels or controllers such as Johnson Controls Metasys, Siemens Building Technologies Apogee, etc. Revision levels for all software shall be identical with the revision level being provided to the project for the front-end operator workstation(s). b. Communication modules, software keys, and similar hardware needed for operation of the software or to communicate with the BAS. c. Proprietary cables required for communication between laptop computers and the BAS. d. Passwords, access levels and similar software permissions necessary for execution of the Cx Process. e. Software and hardware manuals for all control system hardware and software provided to the CxA. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ________ 3. This requirement is not meant to include provision of standard hardware such as laptop computers nor provision of standard software such as Windows or MS Explorer. Operator Workstation Access 1. The BAS Contractor shall provide the CxA with software and hardware needed for accessing the BAS’ front-end operator workstation(s). At a minimum, this shall include appropriate level user identification names and passwords. Access level shall allow the CxA to fully execute all commissioning procedures and will include the ability to: a. View system operation b. Override setpoints c. Command digital and analog output points d. View BAS programming source code (read-only) e. View and print graphics f. Create, view, modify, print and download trend logs, histories and reports Technical Support 1. The BAS Contractor shall also provide technical support to the CxA as reasonably requested by the CxA regarding setting up and operating BAS hardware and software to support successful execution of the Cx Process. Duration of Support 1. The BAS Contractor shall provide the CxA with technical support for the duration of the project and through the post occupancy phase commissioning activities and warranty period of the project to support the Cx process. The duration of this support is typically one year after turn over to the owner, to provide time to complete deferred and seasonal testing and the warranty phase activities. EXECUTION 3.1 COMMISSIONING PLAN AND SCHEDULE The CxA shall generate a commissioning plan which identifies Cx tasks, roles and responsibilities for the Cx process. The CxA will submit a Cx schedule for the commissioning process which shall be integrated into the construction schedule by the GC. 3.2 CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION This is an additional and separate activity from that provided by the design team. Construction observation is required as part of the commissioning and coordination process to be provided by the CxA. Field Observation reports will be distributed through the WCxS. 3.3 Commissioning Issues Logs As part of the commissioning process, all issues will be recorded on the WCxS. The WCxS will divide the issues as follows. 1. Design Commissioning Issues CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS a. This log is part of the Web-Based Commissioning Software. This log is a formal and ongoing record of issues pertaining to the project construction documents which identifies areas of concern with the design regarding to coordination between divisions, constructability, maintenance clearances, operability or other commissioning concerns. This log specifically separates design issues from contractor issues. The contractor has no responsibility to track or comment on the design team Cx log. 2. Construction Commissioning Issues a. This log is also a part of the Web-Based Commissioning Software. It is a formal and ongoing record of problems or concerns pertaining to the installation of the commissioned systems and equipment which identifies where the contractors have deviated from the OPR, contract documents, applicable codes or normal industry construction practices. It is the GC's responsibility to regularly login and retrieve this log from the Web-Based Commissioning Software, follow up and review each item on the list with the appropriate trades, and respond to the CxA with feedback within 5 business days from the issuance of the log from the CxA. b. Team members will be given access through the WCxS to comment on issues. This is where the GC should provide feedback which includes the following sections: 1) Response/Action: This is the contractor’s response to the issue identified by the CxA. 2) Trade: This identifies the specific contractor responsible for the correction of the issue. The issue will be assigned to that contractor or subcontractor. 3) Expected Completion Date: This is the date which the GC and subcontractor agree the issue will be resolved by. This provides information back to the CxA as to when items should be corrected by for spot checking the correction of issues. c. The GC shall provide feedback and updates to the construction Cx issues log to the CxA within 5 business days from its issuance from the CxA. d. The CxA will maintain the master cx long on the WCxS. e. A sample of the construction Cx issues log is included in Appendix B. 3.4 Pre-functional checklists The Commissioning Authority shall develop the pre-functional checklists (PFC) and distribute them to the GC. The contractor shall complete the checklists online using the WCxS. PFCs consist of a series of field observations and verification checks conducted by the contractors during the installation of commissioned equipment to verify the following: a. Installed equipment matches the specifications and approved submittals b. Equipment is installed per the specifications, drawings and manufacturer’s recommendations c. Utility connections to equipment, such as electrical, steam, chilled water, etc. have been successfully completed d. Equipment is ready for start-up per manufacturer’s guidelines. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Contractors should expect to complete one (1) PFC for each piece of equipment covered by the commissioning process such as pumps, fans, air handling units, terminal units, control panels, and lighting control panels. PFCs for mechanical equipment will include verification of the safety devices intended to stop and/or prevent equipment operation unless minimum safety standards or conditions are met. These may include adequate oil pressure, proof-of -flow, non-freezing conditions, maximum static pressure, maximum head pressure, etc. The CxA shall observe the actual performance of safety shutoffs in a real or closely simulated condition of failure. Systems may include safety devices and components that control a variety of equipment operating as a system. Interlocks may be hard-wired or operate from software. Operation of these interlocks shall be verified by the CxA. Additional checklists will be required to verify installation of distribution systems such as piping, ductwork, electrical wire and conduit, etc. The number of required PFCs will vary from system to system, but will typically be limited to one form per system per floor or zone. A sample PFC is included in Appendix C. This sample form is provided for reference only to assist contractors in preparing their bids for this project. The actual forms used on this project will be similar in scope and format to the sample form, but the specific content will differ from the sample form to specifically reference the equipment and requirements of this project. The PFC used for this project will be finalized by the CxA after receipt of equipment Installation, Operation & Maintenance (IOM) Manuals from the Contractors. PFCs shall be completed by the contractor and maintained on-site per the requirements of this specification, Section 1.6 "Commissioning Documentation". 3.5 Contractor Startup Testing The contractors shall conduct all startup testing as required by the specifications, equipment manufacturer, the manufacturer's installation, operations and maintenance manual or as necessary to verify all equipment is properly installed. Startup testing shall be documented. Appropriate documentation shall be by the contractor and/or the manufacturer's representative or entity specified in the construction documents. The startup testing shall be documented using the contractors or manufacturer's standard forms and an electronic copy of the form shall be posted to the WCxS under the appropriate PFC. 3.6 Testing and balancing Testing, Adjusting, and Balance Contractor (TAB) Requirements 1. Air and water balance shall be accomplished by an independent test and balance firm. The test and balance firm shall come back after the final balancing report is approved to work with the CxA and spot check this work to verify accuracy of results. Refer to Division 23 for acceptance criteria. 2. Test and balance contractor to provide final balancing report to CxA. 3. The TAB contractor shall be responsible for successful completion and documentation of all TAB activities specified in the Division 23. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 4. Prior to the start of TAB activities, the TAB contractor shall submit a proposed TAB plan, procedures and documentation to the CxA and A/E for review. TAB procedures shall be submitted to allow sufficient time for CxA review and approval prior to the start of TAB activities. 5. After this review, and prior to start of field work, the TAB contractor will attend one or more planning meetings as required with the Commissioning Team to review and discuss outstanding issues relating to TAB procedures and forms, discuss resolution of issues identified during the TAB contractor’s plan review and field inspections, and to coordinate field work. 6. Prior to the start of fieldwork, the TAB contractor shall issue a final set of TAB procedures and TAB forms which incorporate any comments received during the Commissioning Team review. 7. The TAB contractor shall have at least one certified field technician on site whenever TAB work is being performed. 8. The TAB contractor is responsible to notify the GC who in turn shall notify the Commissioning Team a minimum of two (2) weeks in advance of the time for start of TAB work to allow the CxA and A/E time to assess system readiness. 9. The TAB contractor will work cooperatively with the CxA. 10. The TAB contractor shall coordinate with the controls contractor to ensure that changes made to the control system during TAB (flow coefficients, duct areas, etc.) are archived and become the default or initial values for these parameters. 11. The TAB contractor shall provide daily lists of issues and/or problems identified during TAB work to the GC, CxA and A/E for follow-up & resolution with the appropriate contractors. 12. Participate in verification of the TAB report, which will consist of repeating any selected measurement contained in the TAB report where required by the CxA for verification or diagnostic purposes. 13. A TAB Final Acceptance Inspection shall be conducted by the A/E and CxA and will include a field verification of up to 5% of the TAB contractor’s field readings. 14. The TAB contractor will provide technicians and instrumentation to support the field verification. 15. Instruments used for the field verification shall be the same instruments (by model and serial number) that were used for the original TAB work. 16. Failure of an item during the TAB field verification is defined as: a. For all readings other than sound, a deviation of more than 10 percent. b. For sound pressure readings, a deviation of 3 decibels. (Note: variations in background noise will be considered). 17. A failure of more than 10 percent or 10 (whichever is greater) of the readings tested during the field verification shall result in the rejection of the final TAB report and require re- balancing of the system(s) in question. 3.7 Controls & Instrumentation Testing Prior to start of control system Functional Performance Procedures, the Building Automation System (BAS) Contractor shall verify and document that all control systems are installed and operating properly including the following: 1. Control Panels & Hardware Installation shall be fully verified and the appropriate Pre- Functional checklists completed prior to proceeding to subsequent installation/checkout steps. 2. Point-to-Point Checkout shall be completed and documented per the requirements of Integrated Automation and Controls section of Division 25 and item 3 below. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 3. Control Sequence Checkout. Contractor shall verify that operation of control system programming matches the specified sequences of operation. For these checkouts, the Contractor shall, as much as possible, simulate actual operating conditions for the various operating modes being tested (heating, cooling, etc.) by false-loading systems, adjusting setpoints and similar techniques. The CxA will make the control sequence functional performance checklists available to the BAS Contractor for use in these checkouts. 4. Tune all Control Loops to obtain the fastest stable response without unreasonable hunting, offset or overshoot. Record tuning parameters and response test results for each control loop and provide trend reports to document results. Trend logs shall show both steady- state operation and response to setpoint changes. 5. Test All Alarms and Safeties Record all alarm parameters and alarm messages. Document all alarms and safeties have been tested and are functioning properly. The BAS Contractor shall work with the TAB Contractor(s) to make sure that changes to the BAS made during TAB, such as flow coefficients, flow setpoints and duct areas are permanently archived in the BAS and become the initial or default values for their respective controllers. If BAS adjustments made by the TAB Contractor(s) get lost or overwritten prior to archiving, it shall be the BAS Contractor’s responsibility to re-enter this data at no additional cost to the Owner. Point-to-Point Checkout Requirements 1. Items described in this section apply to and augment the requirements of the Integrated Automation section of the Division 25 specifications. a. These procedures will verify the following for each physical control point: b. Field device is installed per the manufacturer’s recommendations and the project drawings and specifications c. Field verify calibration of all analog inputs and outputs d. Verify labeling of controllers, field devices, and wiring e. Physical points are correctly addressed and communicating properly between its controller and the field device. 2. Detailed written procedures for execution of Point-to-Point Checkouts shall be submitted to the CxA and Engineer by the Contractor for review and approval prior to the start of testing. Include proposed test forms as part of this submittal. 3. The Contractor shall provide all tools and instrumentation necessary for execution of this testing. All instrumentation must be in calibration and meet the requirements of Part 2 of this specification. 4. The CxA reserves the right to field verify up to 5% of the Contractor’s Point-to-Point Checkout testing. The Contractor shall provide the technicians and instrumentation used for the original testing to assist the CxA with this field verification. 3.8 FUNCTIONAL PERFORMANCE TEST Procedures Scope 1. Functional Performance Test (FPT) procedures are executed after commissioned equipment and systems have been installed, started-up and balanced. The goal of these procedures is to conclusively verify that commissioned equipment, sub-systems and major systems operate and perform per the design intent, the project specifications and OPR. 2. Equipment-level FPTs will be used to verify operation and capacity of selected equipment such as boilers, chillers cooling towers, pumps, exhaust fans, air handling units, etc. 3. System-level FPTs will verify the following aspects of system operation CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS a. System operation under both normal and alternate operating conditions and modes b. Interactions between equipment and sub-systems c. Operation of safeties and interlocks d. Control system operation, response time, stability and tuning e. System response to abnormal and/or emergency conditions such as fire, equipment failure and power outages f. All control sequence of operation strategies, alarm generation and reporting shall also be reviewed and proper operation verified by the CxA. g. The central work station graphics, point assignments, alarm messages, and logging functions shall be verified. Functional Performance Test Forms 1. A sample FPT is included at the end of this specification as Appendix D. These sample forms are provided for reference only to assist contractors in preparing their bids for this project. The actual procedures and forms used for this project will be similar in scope and format to the samples, but the specific content will differ somewhat to specifically address the requirements of this project. 2. The FPTs used for this project will be finalized by the CxA after receipt of approved contractor submittals, including equipment Installation – Operations & Maintenance manuals. Contractor Requirements 1. The Cx team will, in a joint effort, coordinate and schedule FPT activities. 2. Scheduling of FPTs shall be contingent on notification from the affected contractor(s) to the GC and CxA that equipment and systems are ready for checkout. 3. Other prerequisites for execution of FPTs shall include the following: a. All Pre-Functional Checklists, Contractor Startup Procedures have been completed and documented. b. TAB has been completed. c. All Cx issues identified affecting equipment or system performance or operations have been resolved. 4. Prior to claiming readiness for FPT, the controls contractor shall ensure that the following items are completed and documented: a. Point-to-point checkouts b. Verify that network communication between all devices and systems is established c. Sequence of Operation checkouts d. Printed and annotated trend logs and alarm histories establishing acceptable operation including 1) Stable control 2) Recovery from upset/changes (e.g., from setback) 3) Special and/or seasonal modes 4) Emergency and alarm modes including loss/restoration of power 5. Execution of the FPTs will be conducted by the contractors providing and installing the equipment and systems being commissioned and the BAS contractors and witnessed by the CxA. 6. Typical activities during FPT execution will include the following: CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS a. Starting/stopping equipment b. Energizing/de-energizing electrical distribution gear c. Opening/closing valves and dampers d. Manipulating BAS inputs, outputs and setpoints e. Setup, collection and downloading of BAS trend data f. Test all modes of operation (normal, failure, backup, emergency, etc.) g. Confirmation of required alarms sent to BAS 7. The Contractor(s) shall maintain full responsibility for the facility, equipment and systems operated during the FPTs, maintain all guarantees and warranties, and shall repair any damage to the facility caused during the FPTs. 8. Contractors shall conduct seasonal FPTs as necessary. This includes performing FPTs on equipment during the season it is intended to operate (i.e. test cooling equipment during the peak cooling season and test heating equipment during the peak heating season, etc.). All seasonal FPT's shall be witnessed by the CxA. 9. Tools, test equipment and instrumentation required for completion of the FPTs shall be provided by the contractor except for special-purpose or proprietary tools, test equipment and instrumentation which will be provided by the contractors. All instruments shall meet the requirements of Part 2 of this specification. 10. FPT acceptance shall confirm the performance of systems to the extent of the design intent. When a system is accepted, the Owner shall be assured that the system is complete, works as intended, is correctly documented, and operator training has been performed. 3.9 Cost of Re-Evaluation The cost for Contractors to re-evaluate any Commissioning Procedure due to open issues shall be borne by the contractors. The CxA will be available for two attempts of the Functional Performance Tests (one initial and one re-try) with minimal follow-up where necessary (due to deficiencies, systems not ready, incomplete work, etc.) to try to accomplish each test as part of the contract. When additional work is required because systems are not ready or because they do not successfully pass the FPT after they have been indicated as ready, the contractor will be charged for the CxA's additional retesting costs. Additional fees will be paid to the CxA by the Owner and shall be reimbursed by the Contractor. Any required re-testing by any contractor shall not be allowed as a justified reason for a claim of delay or for a time extension by the contractor. 3.10 SOFTWARE DOCUMENTATION REVIEW Review detailed software documentation for all DDC control systems. This includes review of vendor documentation, their programming approach, and the specific software routines applied to this project. Discrepancies in programming approaches and/or sequences shall be reported and coordinated in order to provide the Owner with the most appropriate, simple, and straightforward approach to software routines. 3.11 OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE (O&M) MANUALS The CxA shall review the draft form of the O&M manuals provided by the Division 21, 22, 23, 25, and 26 contractors. The review process shall verify that O&M instructions meet specifications CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS and are included for all equipment furnished by the contractor, and that the instructions and wiring diagrams are project specific (edited where necessary) to the actual equipment provided for this project. Published literature shall be specifically oriented to the provided equipment indicating required operation and maintenance procedures, parts lists, assembly/disassembly diagrams, and related information. The contractor shall incorporate the standard technical literature into system specific formats for this facility as designed and as actually installed. The resulting O&M information shall be project and system specific, concise, to the point, and tailored specifically to this facility. The Commissioning Authority shall review and edit these documents as necessary for final corrections by the contractor. The O&M manual review, and coordination efforts MUST be completed prior to Owner training sessions, as these documents are to be utilized in the training sessions. In addition to the O&M manual requirements within specification Division 22, 25, and 26, O&M manuals shall include at a minimum the following: 1. An equipment data sheet with the equipment name tag, model#, serial # and any other relevant information for the equipment for entry into the Owner's central maintenance management system (CMMS). a. The format of the data entry sheets will be provided by the owner and/or CxA. b. Data entry of the equipment information into the CMMS will be the responsibility of the owner. 2. A copy of the approved submittal, indicating the exact make and model of the equipment installed. 3. A copy of the manufacturer's IOM manual 4. A copy of all warranty's a. If not included on warranty certificate, provide the start/end dates of warranty period, descriptions of what is and isn’t covered and contact information for warranty claims. 3.12 TRAINING General 1. The Contractor shall train the Owner’s personnel in the operation and maintenance of systems and equipment listed in this Section and as mentioned in other sections. 2. The required training and demonstration required in the technical sections of the specifications is supplemental or in addition to the training required in this Section (where not a duplication). Scope of Training 1. Training must conducted in two parts and include both classroom and on-the-job (hands- on) instruction by qualified manufacturer’s representatives, vendors, installation/service technicians and operation personnel having the necessary knowledge, experience, and teaching skills. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 2. The training shall provide comprehensive instruction on the operation and maintenance of building components, equipment, controls, and systems including procedures for startup, shutdown, normal operation, abnormal operation, preventive maintenance, troubleshooting, and corrective maintenance. 3. The classroom portion of each training session, shall be based on the information contained in the approved O&M Manuals and will use copies of these manuals for reference. This shall include the following items as applicable: a. Content and organization of appropriate O&M Manual materials b. Overall equipment / system layout and configuration c. Locations and tag numbers of major components d. Theory of Operation / Design Intent 1) Startup and Shutdown Procedures 2) Normal Operating Procedures 3) Non-normal Operating Procedures (unoccupied, seasonal operation, etc.) 4) Emergency procedures e. Health and Safety issues (both to O&M personnel and building occupants) f. Energy Efficiency Issues g. Occupant Comfort and IAQ Issues h. Control System Sequence of Operation i. Preventive Maintenance Procedures j. Diagnostic & Troubleshooting Procedures k. Corrective Maintenance & Repair Procedures l. Review of the BAS front end operators work station. A temporary work station and/or laptop shall be set up to review and train O&M staff on the actual BAS controls for this project. 4. The field portion of each training session shall at a minimum cover the following items as applicable: a. Walk-down of covered equipment and systems b. Demonstration of startup, shutdown and operating procedures c. Demonstration of diagnostic, service, maintenance and repair procedures d. Emergency shutdown procedures e. Locations of critical isolation valves 5. Follow-up or post-occupancy training, where specified, shall be planned, scheduled and conducted per the requirements of this specification. This training will focus on seasonal issues that could not be addressed during the initial training and on addressing operational and maintenance issues identified by the Owner since turnover. Coordination & Scheduling 1. Training shall not begin until the following items have been completed: a. Building systems and equipment are complete and operational. b. Functional Performance Testing for the equipment and systems being trained on have been successfully completed. c. The Owner has received and approved the final submittal copies of the Operation and Maintenance Manuals d. The contractor’s proposed training plan and schedule have been approved by the owner. CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS e.The Building Automation System (BAS) has been completed and tested. 2. The contractor shall work closely with the Owner’s personnel and the CxA in the development and implementation of the training program. This may include preliminary meetings to map out the direction the training will take and development, with Owner approval, of the written training materials. 3. The minimum specific hours of training time provided for equipment and systems shall be in accordance with the requirements in the individual equipment spec sections. 4. All training shall include two identical training sessions. The first training session shall occur in the morning and shall cover the early morning and day shift staff and the second session shall occur in the late afternoon and cover the evening and night shift staff. Exact training plan and schedule shall be submitted to owner for approval prior to any training session. 5. OWNER retains the option of redistributing training time, subject to the total time specified. This may include repetition of selected training sessions or provision for follow-up training sessions after occupancy. 6. Specific schedules for all training sessions must be coordinated in advance with Owner. Training Program and Materials 1. The contractor will submit a written training program outlining the proposed scope of training, training materials and instruction schedule for review and approval by the Owner approximately 30 days before the scheduled completion of the work for which training is to occur. 2. Copies of training materials furnished by the Contractor as part of their training program shall become the property of the Owner. This includes but is not limited to: a. All lesson plans, teachers' guides or training aids used to instruct the students. One complete set shall be given to the Owner. b. All written materials. e.g. workbooks, manufacturers' instructions, brochures, student tests, charts or other printed or photographed visual aids. Three (3) sets with one complete reproducible master shall be given to the Owner. c. All audio-visual materials e.g. DVD's, CD's, video tapes, film and audio cassettes, overhead projector transparencies, software files of presentations, or other audio visual medium. Three sets shall be given to the Owner. 3. The Contractor shall provide all equipment related to the conveyance of the training program e.g. DVD's, CD,s projectors, TV monitors, overhead projector, or other related equipment. Non-permanent mounted white boards, cork board and projector screens. Equipment of this nature provided by the contractors for use during training sessions does NOT become the property of the Owner. Contractors shall promptly remove said equipment at the end of the training session(s). Instructor Qualifications 1. Credentials of training instructors are subject to review and approval by the Owner. 2. Instructors must have knowledge and experience with the equipment on which they are providing training 3. Instructors must be familiar with the organization and content of Operation and Maintenance Manuals for the equipment on which they are providing training. 4. Instructors for controls must be knowledgeable and familiar with the specific controls equipment, project applications, and specific sequences of operation for this project. Classroom Training Facilities CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Locations for classroom training sessions shall be coordinated with the Owner. All training shall be conducted on-site except by prior arrangement and approval by the Owner. 3.13 RECORD DRAWINGS The Commissioning Authority shall review the as -built contract documents to verify incorporation of both design changes and as-built construction details. Discrepancies noted shall be corrected by the appropriate party. 3.14 EXCLUSIONS Responsibility for construction means and methods: The CxA is not responsible for construction means, methods, job safety, or any construction management functions on the job site. Hands- on work by the CxA: The contractors shall provide all services requiring tools or the use of tools to start-up, test, adjust, or otherwise bring equipment and systems into a fully operational state. The CxA shall coordinate and observe these procedures (and may make minor adjustments), but shall not perform construction or technician services other than verification of testing, adjusting, balancing, and control functions. END OF SECTION CITY OF KENT CORRECTIONS FACILITY PLUMBING JOB #03-19092 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS END OF SPECIFICATIONS Bond No. P801649700168 KENT PAYMENT AND FERFORMANCE EOND TO CITY OF KENTWarrr{!t:r}98 KNOW ALL MEN BYTHESE PRESENTS: That we, the undersigned,trl\.4Tech T T C as Principal, and Philadelnhia Tnd Insurance Comnanv a CCIrporation arganized and existing under the laws of the State of Washington, as a Surety Corporation, and qualified under the laws of the State of Lt&a*ing6on*to become Surety upon bonds of Contractors with Municipal Corporations, as Surety, are jointly and severally held and firmly bound to the CIry OF KENT in the penal sum of g *$949.007.12 ,, together with any adjustments, up or down, in the total contract price because of changes in the contract work, for the payment of which sum on demand we bind ourselves and our successors, heirs, administrators or personal representatives, as the case may be. *Philadelphia This obligation is entered into in pursuance of the statutes of the State af Washington, and the Codes and Ordinances of the CITY OF KENT. Nevertheless, the conditions of the above obligation are such that: WHEREAS, under and pursuant to a moLion, duly made, seconded and passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, King County, Washington, the Mayor of the City of Kent has let or is about to let to the above bounden Principal, a certaincontract, the said contract providing for construction of (9n!.".lQ9ggctional Facility Plumbine Proiect , (which contract is referred to herein and is made a part hereof as though attached hereto), and WHEREAS, the Principal has accepted, or is about to accept, the contract, and undertake to perform the work therein provided for in the manner and within the time set forth: NOW, THEREFORE, for non-FHWA projects only, if the Principal shall faithfully perform all the provisions of said contract in the manner and within the time herein set fotth, or within such extensions of time as may be granted under the said contract, and shall pay all laborers, mechanics, subcontractors and material men, and all persons who shall supply the Principal or subcontractors with provisions and supplies for the carrying on of said work and shall indemnify and hold the CITY OF KENT harmless from any damage or expense by reason of failure of performance as specified in said contract or from defects appearing or developing in the material or workmanship provided or performed under said contract, then and in that event this obligation shall be void; but otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHFREOF, the above bounden parties have executed this instrument under their separate seals. The name and corporate seal (if required by PAYMENT AND PTRFORMANCE BOND Page 1 of 2 law) of each corporate party is hereto affixed and duly signed by its undersigned representatives pursuant to authority of its governing body. TWO WITNESSES:EMTech. LLC PRINCIPAL (enter principal'g name above) BY TITLE: DATE:0a DATE: dLdt,7,--pr-Wlu--Uc, l-\uPe PRiNT NAME DATE:Philadelphia Indemnitv Insurance Company SURETY CORPORATE SEAL: DATE: TITLE : Attomev-in-Fact ADDRESS:2233 I l2th Avenue NE B wA 98004 CERTIFICATE AS TO CORPOruTTE SEAL I hereby certify that I am the (Assistant) Secretary of the Corporation named as Principal in the within Bond; that Who signed the said bond on behalf of the Principal Of the said Corporation; that i know his signature thereto is genuine, and that said Bond was duly signed, sealed, and attested for and in behalf of said Corporation by authority of its governing body. N\q - LLc- coRPoRArE sEAL: Ulq BY SECRETARY OR ASSISTANT SECRETARY trliriitrDr(si(trvacit ioiaxlseP4.t rrid<gc3*.dr( PAYMENT AND PERFORMANCE BOND Page 2 of 2 nKi Ki Ki rdge r ur zr State of Washington Department of Labor & lndustries Prevailing Wage Section - Tetephone 360-902-5335 PO Box 44540, Otympia, WA 98504-4540 Washington State Prevailing Wage The PREVAILING WAGES tisted here inctude both the hourty wage rate and the hourty rate of fringe benefits. On pubtic work projects, worker's wage and benefit rates must add to not tess than this totat. A brief description of overtime calcutation requirements are provided on the Benefit Code KeY. Journey Level Prevailing Wage Rates for the Effective Date: 311912020 Job Classification Wage H *Risk Trade King View King View King View King View Kin View King King King View King King View King View King View King View King View s50.86 5D 1HJourney LevetAsbestos .Abatement 1CJourney Level 569.29 5NBoilermakers 1M5s8.82 5ABrick Mason Journey Levet 5A 1MPointer-Cautker-Cleaner 558.82Brick Mason 525.s8 55 2FBuitdine Service Emploveel Janitor s26.03 5S ZFTraveting Waxer/Shampooer Bui tdi ns Sstyice EtI plqyegs 55 2FWindow Cteaner (Non- Scaffotd) 52e.33Bui ldine Service Er.np-toveel 2FWindow Cteaner (Scaffol.d)s30.33 5SBuitdine Service Etlptgyee! 1Journey Level 522.74Cabinet Makers {ln-Shop) 7A 4CAcoustical Worker 562.44Carpentels s62.44 7A 4CCarpe{te{s Carpenter 4CCarpenters on Stationary Toots s62.57 7ACarpeqleff 562.54 7A 4CCarpentersCreosoted Materiat 7A 4CFtoor Finisher Ssz.uGlrpenters 567.44 7A 4CCarpentersFtoor Layer 7A 4CScaffotd Erector 567.44Carp_enlg15 562.e7 7A 4UApplication of att Composition Mastic CgryigFt Mas.ons 567.47 7A 4UCement_rtr4Agqn!Apptication of all Epoxy Material s62.97 7A 4UCetngl!..lAasons Appl.ication of all PLastic Materiat 4UApplication of Sealing Compound 562.47 7ACement i4asons 7A 4UApptication of Undertayment 562.e7Cement lllasons s62.47 7A 4UCement Masons Buitding Generat https : //secu re. lni.wa. gov/wagelookup/3/to/2024 Ki King King Ki Ki Ki Ki King King King King Ki King Ki Ki King King King King King King King Composition or Katman Ftoors 5oz 7A 4U rcl9g z- wt .-L View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View Ki ng King Ki King Ki Ki King King 4U562.47 7AConcrete Paving 7A 4Us62.e7Curb & Gutter Machine 7A 4U562.47Curb & Gutter, SidewatksCement fiAasons 4U562.47 7ACuring ConcreteCement Masqlg 4Us62.e7 7AFinish Cotored ConcreteC,enDe$ lvla$qru 7A 4U562.e7Floor Grinding 4V562.47 7AFloor Grinding/ PotisherCement Masons 7A 4U562.97Green Concrete Saw, self- powered Cer.nerllMaEqFs 7A 4U562'.47Grouting of atl Plates 4U567.47 7AGrouting of att Titt-up Panets Cement Masons 7L 4Us6z.e7Gunite Nonteman 4Us62.e7 7AHand Powered Grinder 7A 4U562.47Journey LevelCement Masons 4U562.47 7APatching Concrete 4Us62.97 7APneumatic Power Toots 4U562.e7 7APower Chipping & Brushing Cenrent l{aso{E 7A 4Us62.97Sand Blasting Architecturat Finish Cejnent.llAlpns 4U562.97 7AScreed & Rodding MachineCement Masorys 7A 4U562.47Spackting or Skim Coat Concrete Ce-ruent &llpnl 7A 4U562.e7Troweting Machine Operator Cement MaEgru 7A 4U562.e7Troweling Machine Operator on Cotored Slabs Ceme[t Masons 4Us62.97 7ATunnel Workers 4C5116.20 7ABett/Vehicte or Submersibte Operator (Not Under Pressure) Divers & lendg_rs 7A 4Cs7e.23Dive Supervisor/MasterDivers ft Tenders 8V7A4C5116.20DiverDivers & Ielrdq{! 4C574.23 7ADiver On Standby 7A 4Cs67.31Diver TenderT 4C567.31 7AManifotd Operator 7A 4C572.31Manifotd Operator Mixed Gas Divers & Tendgrs 4C567.31 7ARemote Operated Vehicte Operator/Technician Divers &_TeLrclgrs- 7A 4C562.69Remote Operated Vehicte Tender Djv_ers &.Tendgrs 3F556.44 5DAssistant Engineer 5D 3Fs56.00Assistant Mate (Deckhand)Dredqe Wo&erg s 5D 3FDredse Workers Boatmen https : / / secure. I n i. wa. govlwagelooku p/3/to/2020 Ki Ki Engineer Welder King King King King King King King King King King s57.51 LeveI rdgc J ut zr View View View View View View View View View View View View View 8Y View Ki Ki King King King Ki Ki King King 5D 3Fs58.67Leverman, Hydraulic 5D 3F5s6.44MatesWo 5D 3Fs56.00Dredee Workers Oiter 1H562..4 5DJourney Levet 5P 1EJournev Level s62.81Drvwatl Tapers 5L 1E$31.eeEtectrigal Fixture Maintenance W-qr&elg Journey Level 4Es87.22 7CCabte Spticer 4E5e3.74 7CCabte Spticer (tunne[)E t ec t ric i arrs.:, 1 n5td e- 4E7Cs84.26Certified Wetder 4E5e0.47 7CCertified Welder (tunnet) 4ES43.18 7CConstruction Stock Person 7C 4Es81 .30Etectricians - lnside Journey Level 7C 4E587.72Journey Level (tunnet) 1B547.53 5AJourney Level 4D582.39 5ACabte SpticerElectricians - Power{ine 5A 4Ds75.64Certified Line WetderEtecJrjgiar_rs. - Poweltine 5A 4D549.17GroundpersonEtgctricians - .Powqltilg 4D57s.64 5AHeavy Line Equipment Operator rne 4D575.64 5AJourney Level Linepersonrne 5A 4D5u.54Line Equipment OperatorE te_ct riqigrs - Soweii ne Construction 8W5A4D549.17Meter lnstatterElgctriciq$ - Powerline Construction 5A 4D575.64Pote Sprayer 4Ds56.49 5AEiectricianq - Powerline Construction Powderperson 1Es53.57 7EEtectrorr ic Tecliniciang Journey Levet 4A597.31 7DMechanic 7D 4As105.06Mechanic ln Charge 5B 1Rs1 8.25Alt Ctassifications - ln- Factory Work Only Fabricateel PrecaSL 4V 8Y543.11 7AFence ErectorFence Erectcrs 8Y7A4V543.1 1Fence Erectors Fence Laborer 4V 8Ys43.1 1 7AJourney LevelFtaqgers 1Y566.51 7LJourney LevelGlaziers 4H576.61 5JJourneymanHe{t & Fro,st lnsutators Arul Asbestos Workers 1Es85.88 7FJourney LevetHeat!nq t_quipmett Mechanics https ://secure. lni.wa. gov/wagelookup/ $sz 7A 4V 3/to/2020 King rdge + ut zL View View View View View View View View View View View View King King King King King King Ki King King King King King King King ng Ki Ki Ki Ki King King King King 51 3. 50 1Journey Levellndustria[ Power V?cuu{n 1K561.41 5Blnland Boatrnelr Boat Operator ss6.48 5B 1KCook 5B 1K557.48lntand Boatmen Deckhand s58.81 5B 1KDeckhand Engineerlntand Boatmen ss8.89 5B 1KLaunch Operatorlntand Boatmen 557.31 5B 1KMatelnland Boatmen L531.49Cteaner Operator, Foamer Operator tpspecti gn lCtear:jnp/ Sejltj n qot@ By Remote-Controt Ls1 3.50Grout Truck Operator L524.91Head Operator 0f Sewer &*Water Svstgmg / 1s19.33I 4specti o_!./ C I eaninq / Sea ti{l e Ql5.e)ver & Water lSltslems By Rernote Control Technician s20.4s 1 I nspectionl Cteani n{/5eali ne 0f Sewgr & Water Svttem5 Bv Re,male ta$rc! Tv Truck Operator 4C562.44 7AJourney Level 10s73.73 7NJourneyman 8Y550.86 7A 4VAir, Gas Or Electric Vibrating Screed Lql:qrell EY7A4Vs52.44Airtrac Dritl OperatorLaborers 4V 8Y550.86 7ALaborersBatlast Regutar Machine 8Y7A4Vs43.1 1Batch WeighmanLaborers 4V 8Ys50.86 7ALaborersBrick Pavers 8Y4V550.86 7ABrush CutterLaborers 8Y7A4Vs50.86Brush Hog FeederLaborers 4V 8Y550.86 7ABurnerLaborers 8Y7A4Vs52.44Caisson WorkerLaborers 4V 8Y550.86 7ACarpenter Tender 8Y551.B0 7A 4VCement Dumper-pavingLaborers 4V 8Y550.86 7ACement Finisher TenderLaborers 8Y7A4V550.86Change House Or Dry Shack Labqters 4V BYs51.80 7AChipping Gun (30 Lbs. And Over) Laborers 4V 8Y5s0.86 7AChipping Gun (Under 30 Lbs.) Laborers 4V 8Y550.86 7AChoker Setter 4V 8Ys50.86 7AChuck TenderLaborers 8Y4Vssl.80 7ACtary Power SpreaderLaborers https : //secu re. I ni .wa. gov/wa gelooku p/3/LA/2020 7A 4V 8YConcrete Dumper/Chute Operator 551.80Labocgtg 4V BYss0.86 7AConcrete Form StripperLaborers 7A 4V BY551.80Concrete Placement Crew 4V 8Ys51.80 7Aconcrete saw Operator/Core DriIter !-abgf.ets 4V 8Y543.11 7ACrusher FeederLaborers 8Y4V550.86 7ACuring LaborerLaborers 8Yss0.86 7A 4VDemolition: Wrecking & Moving (lnct. Charred Materiat) Labgrers 4V 8Ys50.86 7ADitch DiggerLaborers 4V 8Y552.u 7ADiver 4V 8Ys51.80 7ADriLL Operator (Hydrautic, Diamond) Labqrers 8Y7A4V550.86Dry Stack WattsLaborers 8Y7A4V5s0.86Dump PersonLaborers 4V 8Y550.86 7AEpoxy TechnicianLaborers 8Y7A4V5s0.86LaborersErosion Control Worker 4V 8Ys51.80 7AFatler & Bucker Chain SawLaborers 8Y7A4Vs50.86LaborersFine Graders 8Y4Vs43.1 1 7AFirewatchLaborers 4V 8Y550.86 7AForm Setter 8Ys50.86 7A 4VGabian Basket Buitdersl=abqrqry 4V 8Yss0.86 7AGeneral LaborerLaborers 8Y7A4Vs52.44Grade Checker & Transit Person Laborers 4V 8Y5s0.86 7AGrindersLaborers 8Y7A4V5s0.86Grout Machine Tender 8Yss1.80 7A 4VGroutmen (Pressure) lncluding Post Tension Beams Laborers 4V 8Yss0.86 7AGuardrait Erector[-aborers 4V 8Y5s2.44 7AHazardous Waste Worker (Levet A) LabgJers 8Y7A4V$s1.80Hazardous Waste Worker (Levet B) Laborers 8Y7A4Vs50.86Hazardous Waste Worker (Levet C) Laborers 8Y7A4VHieh Scater 552.uLaborers 8Y7A4Vs51.80Jackhammer 4V 8Y5s1.80 7ALaserbeam OperatorLaborers 8Y7A4V550.86LaborersMaintenance Person 8Y4Vssl.80 7AManhote Buitder-MudmanLahrorers 4V 8Ys50.86 7AMateriat Yard Person 8Y4V5s1.80 7AMotorman-Dinky Locomotive LaboreE Laborer 550.86 l,age 5 or /r 8Y View View View View View View View View View View View View ng King King King King Ki Ki Ki Ki Ki King King King King King Ki Ki King King King 'King Kin King https . / / secure. I n i.wa. govlwagelooku p/3/to/2020 King Nozzteman (Concrete Pump, Green Cutter When Using Combination Of High Air & Water On & Rock, Gunite, Water Btaster, Page b or zr 5st 7A 4V 8Y View View View View View View View View View View View View ,King King Kin King Ki Ki King Ki King King King King King King King Ki Ki King King King King l-aborers Pavement Breaker ss1.80 7A 4V BY Laborers Pitot Car 543.1 1 7A 4V 8Y Labor_ets Pipe Layer Lead 5s2.44 7A 4V 8Y Laborers Pipe Layer/Tai(or ss1.80 7A 4V 8Y Laborers Pipe Pot Tender 551.80 7A 4V 8Y Laborers Pipe Reliner s51.80 7A 4V 8Y Laborers Pipe Wrapper s51.80 7A 4V 8Y Laborers Pot Tender 550.86 7A 4V 8Y Laborers Powderman 552.44 7A 4V 8Y Laborers Powderman's Helper ss0.86 7A 4V 8Y Laborers Power Jacks 551.80 7A 4V 8Y Laborers Railroad Spike Puller - Power 551.80 7A 4V 8Y Laborers Raker - Asphatt 55?-.44 7A 4V 8Y Laborers Re-timberman 552.44 7A 4V 8Y Laborers Remote Equipment Operator $51.80 7A 4V 8Y 8YLaborersRigger/Signal Person 5s1.80 7A 4V Laborers Rip Rap Person 5s0.86 7A 4V 8Y 7A 4V 8YLaLorerqRivet Buster s51.80 7A 4V 8YLaborersRodder5s1.80 Laborers Scaffotd Erector 5s0.86 7A 4V 8Y l-aborers Scale Person 550.86 7A 4V 8Y Laborers Stoper (Over 20")S51.80 7A 4V 8Y Laborers Stoper Sprayer $50.86 7A 4Y 8Y 8YLaborersSpreader (Concrete)s51.80 7A 4V Laborers Stake Hopper s50.86 7A 4V 8Y 8YLaborersStock Piter 5s0.86 7A 4V Labo_rers Swinging Stage/Boatswain Chair s43.11 7A 4V 8Y 4V 8YLaborersTamper & Simitar Etectric, Air & Gas Operated Toots s51.80 7A Laborers Tamper (Muttipte & Self- propelted) ssl.80 7A 4V 8Y Laborers Timber Person - Sewer (Lagger, Shorer & Cribber) s51.80 7A 4V 8Y Laborers Tootroom Person (at Jobsite) 5s0.85 7A 4V 8Y Laborers Topper 550.86 7A 4V 8Y 4V 8YLaborersTrack Laborer 5s0.86 7A https ://secu re. I n i. wa. gov/wa gelooku p/3/ra/2020 Ki Liner King King King King King Kin Sst. Page / ot zL View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View Ki Ki Ki Kin King King King King King King Ki Ki Ki King King King King King 9C7A4Vs46.10LaborersTraffic Control Laborer 4V 9C546.10 7ATraffic Control SupervisorLaborers 4V 8Ys50.86 7ATruck SpotterLaborers 7A 4V 8Y5s1.80Tugger Operator 4V 9Bs120.61 7ATunnet Work-Compressed Air Worker 0-30 psi Laborers 4V 9Bslas.64 7ATunnel Work-Compressed Air Worker 30.01-44.00 Psi l=abq{srE 4V 9B5129.32 7ATunnet Work-Compressed Air Worker 44.01-54.00 psiLabofgr.s 9B7A4VTunne[ Work-Compressed Air Worker 54.01-60.00 psi s1 35.02Laborers 4V 9B5137.14 7ATunnel Work-Compressed Air Worker 60.01-64.00 psi Labglers 9B7A4V5142.24Tunnet Work-Compressed Air Worker 64.01-68.00 psi LabgIeo 9B7A4V5144.14LaborersTunnel Work-Compressed Air Worker 68.01-70.00 psi 9Ba4Vs146.14Tunnel Work-Compressed Air Worker 70.01-72.00 psi LabqrsE 4V 9B5148.14 7ATunnet Work-Compressed Air Worker 72.01-74.40 psi Laberet! 4V 8Y552.s4 7ATunnel Work-Guage and Lock Tender LaForerg 8Yss2.54 7A 4VTunnel Work-Miner 8Y7A4V551.80Vibrator 8Y550.86 7A 4VVinyt SeamerLaborers 4V 8Y539. f8 7AWatchman 7A 4V 8Y551.80LaborersWetder 4V 8Y551.80 7AWett Point LaborerLaborers 8Y7A4V53e.1 ILaborersWindow Washer/Cteaner 8Ys50.86 7A 4VGeneral Laborer & Topman l-ab*g{ers - Underef gund 8Y7A4V5s1.80@ Sewer & Water Pipe Layer 8Y7A4VLandscape Construction /LandscaPing Or Plantinq Laborers s3e.1 ILandsca pe C_onst fg-cti q[ 8X568.02 7A 3KLandscape Operator 1s17.87GroundskeeperLandscape Main-telqnqg 1Hs62.44 5DJourney LevelLathers 5A 1MJourney Level 558.82Marbte Setters 515.86 !Metal Fabrlsalion {.b_sbeBl Fitter 1sl 3.50lnLaborer 1Machine Operator sl 3. s0t 51 3. s0 1Painter 1Wetder515.48Metal Fabrication (l.n Shgp) https : / / secure. I n i. wa. gov/wagelooku p/3/to/2020 Levet King King King King King King King King Sos r g9v L, r.,rr -r View View View View View View View View View View View View View View King Ki Ki King King King King King King King 1s1 3.50A4odular Buildin-qg Cabinet Assembly 1s1 3. s0Etectrician 151 3. s0Modular Buitdingg Equipment Maintenance 151 3.50PtumberModutar Buiielilgg 151 3. s0Production Worker sl 3. s0 1Too[ MaintenanceModular Buitdings 1s1 3. s0tulodutar BuddtLfeg Util.ity Person !51 3.50Modutar Buildtt-tC!Wetder 28s43.40 6ZJourney Level 4C567.31 7ACrew Tender 4Cs67.31 7ACrew Tender/TechnicianPite Driver 4C5n.e3 7AHyperbaric Worker - Compressed Air Worker 0-30.00 Psl Pile Driver 4C582.e3 7AHyperbaric Worker - Compressed Air Worker 30.01 - 44.00 Psl Pite Driver 7A 4Cs86.93Hyperbaric Worker - Compressed Air Worker 44.01 - 54.00 Psl Pite Driver 7A 4C5e1.e3Hyperbaric Worker - Compressed Air Worker 54.01 - 60.00 PSI Pile Drivgr 7A 4C594.43Hyperbaric Worker - Compressed Air Worker 50.01 - 64.00 Psl Ple-hiver 4C5e9.43 7AHyperbaric Worker - Compressed Air Worker 64.01 - 68.00 PSI Pi{e Driver 7A 4C5101.43Hyperbaric Worker - Compressed Air Worker 68.01 - 70.00 PSt Pjte Driver 7A 4Cs103.43Hyperbaric Worker ' Compressed Air Worker 70.01 - 72.00 PSI Pite Driver 4Cs105.43 7AHyperbaric Worker - Compressed Air Worker 72.01 - 74.00 PS' Pite Driver 4C562.6e 7AJourney Level za.1R559.42PlasterersJourney Level t51 3.50Journey Level Equipment lnstattgr$ & Park 58e.1 9 6Z 1GJourney LevelPlumLers & Pirrefitters 3K 8X569.16 7AAsphatt Ptant Operators 3K 8Xs65.05 7AAssistant Engineer 3K 8Xs68. ss 7ABarrier Machine (zipper) 8X7A3Ks68.55Batch Ptant Operator: concrete Pgwqr Eguipmq{r t 0 p gratols 8X7A3K565.05BobcatLorll@ https : / / secure. I n i. wa .gov / w agelooku p/3/to/2024 King Power Brokk - Remote Demotition King King King King King King King King King Ki King Hage Y ot zL 565.05 7A 3K 8X View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View Ki Ki Ki Kin King King King King Ki Ki 3K 8X565.05 7APower Equipment Operatqfs Brooms 8X568.55 7A 3KBump Cutter 3K 8Xs59.16 7ACabteways 7A 3K 8XPower Eouipment 0perators Chipper s68.5s 8X7A3KCompressor565.05Power Equipment OPefaLqfg 8Xs6s.0s 7A 3KConcrete Finish Machine - Laser Screed P.g.lser f,ggi pment OPsrators 3K 8X568.02 7Aconcrete Pump - Mounted Or Traiter High Pressure Line Pump, Pump High Pressure Pcwe r Equip-lqe-pt Qperator! 8X7A3Kconcrete Pump: Truck Mount With Boom Attachment Over 42 M s69.16fl olver Equipqent Og.eJators 7A 3K 8Xconcrete Pump: Truck Mount With Boom Attachment Up To 42m s68.55lqwsr.EssiprnsslgpgIalff s 8Xs68.02 7A 3KPower Equipment Qpefalqg Conveyors 7A 3K 8XCranes friction: 200 tons and over s71.26Power Eqvjpment Op_qralors Power [ouipment Operators 8X55e.85 7A 3KCranes: 100 tons through 199 tons, or 150'of boom (inctuding jib with attachments) 8Xs68. s5 7A 3KCranes: 20 Tons Through 44 Tons With Attachments Power Eguipment OPetalgIS 8X570.57 7A 3KCranes: 200 tons- 299 tons, or 25A of boom inctuding jib with attachments P_o.yer Eg qi r:ment _Operators 3K 8Xs71.26 7ACranes: 300 tons and over or 300'of boom including jib with attachments Powg[ fquir:menl OPggAto_$ lK 8Xs69.16 7ACranes: 45 Tons Through 99 Tons, Under 150'Of Boom (including Jib With Attachments) Powel Equipmeul gpel:ators 8Xs65.05 7A 3KCranes; A-frame' 10 Tons And Under Powe r {guipJn.eQljlpgr4toJs 3K 8Xs70.57 7ACranes: Friction cranes through 199 tons Por,vel [gtjipmelt _Opqr3tot : 8Xs68.02 7A 3KCranes: through 19 tons with attachments, A-frame over 10 tons Power Equtplle$_QrcIalg$ 7A 3K 8XCrushers68.55E@ 7A 3K 8XDeck Engineer/Deck Winches (power) 568.5sgreGggiqlug$-Aperatcr .s 7A 3K 8Xs6e.16Power Equjpms!! lpqtalot!Derricks, On Buitding Work 8X568.02 7A 3KDozers D-9 & UnderPowef EqutpmqnL Operators https : / / secure. I ni. wa. gov/wagelooku p/3/ra/2020 King King King King King King King King Dritl Oiters: Auger Type,568. Or Crane Mount rdgc lu ut zr 7A 3K 8X View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View King King King King King King King King King Ki King King King King 3K 8X$6e.8s 7APower Equipme$ lperalglE Dritting Machine 8X7A3Ks65.05Etevator And Man-tift: Permanent And Shaft TyPe Powet-Eguip$ e'f t. O-pgrAlars 3K 8Xs68.s5 7AFinishing Machine, Bidwett And Gamaco & Simitar Equipment Polv-er Equi pqre.ql 9pgratgrs 8Xs58.02 7A 3KForklift: 3000 Lbs And Over Wth Attachments Power "E_g$ipnext Qpel4tq[s 7A 3K 8XForklifts: Under 3000 Lbs. With Attachments s6s.05Powe-r. E_q Ui pmerrt O Per-4lors 7A 3K 8Xs68.55Grade Engineer: Using Btue Prints, Cut Sheets, Etc Power EqutBlne[L 0peI3lelg 3K 8Xs65.05 7AGradechecker / Stakeman 7A 3K 8Xs68. s5Guardrait PunchPower Equiplogl! lpgI4tgIg 8Xs69.16 7A 3KHard Tait End Dump Articutating Off- Road Equipment 45 Yards. & Over Pqlver!rui pmelt! Qperatgr: 8Xs68.5s 7A 3KHard Tait End Dump Articutating Off-road Equipment Under 45 Yards Power Eq-qlpment OperatorS 8Xs68.02 7A 3KHorizontal / Di rectionat Dritl Locator PqweL f quiplnglt OPerqtors 8X568. ss 7A 3KHorizonta[ / Di rectional Dritl Operator f ower qqui prlrett .qpglalory 3K 8X568.02 7AHydratifts/Boom Trucks Over 10Tons Poyver Equipment Qpe{ators 7A 3K 8Xs65.05lgwer Eguirynent Opsta.tgr :Hydratifts/Boom Trucks, 10 Tons And Under 3K 8X56e.8s 7APowqr Eguipment Operators Loader, Overhead 8 Yards. & Over 3K 8X56e.16 7ALoader, Overhead, 6 Yards. But Not lnctuding 8 Yards Eowgr Equipment operalprs 7A 3K 8XLoaders, Overhead Under 6 Yards 568.5sPower Equipilent Operate!-s 8Xs68.55 7A 3KLoaders, Ptant Feed 8Xs68.02 7A 3KLoaders: Elevating Type Belt Pqwer Equipmgol0leratqrl 3K 8X568.ss 7APowerlqlriBrneliL_Qpel3lqG Locomotives, A[[ 8Xs68.55 7L 3KPower Equiunerlt Qpelalall Materiat Transfer Device 3K 8X56e.85 7APgwer Equipment 0peratorq Mechanics, Att (teadmen - 50.50 Per Hour Over Mechanic) 7A 3K 8X569.16Pqtv€rJsulBrnen!_8pe&!ql!Motor Patrol Graders 8Xs6e.16 7A 3KMucking Machine, Mote, Tunnel Dritt, Boring, Road Header And/or Shietd Power Equi gm eryLQperato-rs https ://secu re. I n i. wa. gov/wagelooku p/3/L0/2020 8X568.02 7A 3KOutside Hoists (Etevators And Mantifts), Air Tuggers, Strato Pqwer Eeqlpmen!. Spgratot"s 3K 8XOverhead, Bridge Type Crane: 20 Tons Through 44 Tons s68.55 7LPower Eqllpmgn! lBqralqr.s 8Xs69.85 7A 3KOverhead, Bridge Type: 100 Tons And Over Powe[ Equipn'!enl9p!:raters. 7A 3K BXs69.16Pglver. Ecl rli o|[en t .O pq!'ato€Overhead, Bridge Type: 45 Tons Through 99 Tons 7A 3K 8XPower fquipment Operators Pavement Breaker s65.05 568.5s 7A 3K 8XPite Driver (other Than Crane Mount) qow_qr Eqqipmgllt Operatoff 8X568.02 7A 3KPtant Oiler - Asphatt, Crusher P_qlyel .[glui e$e! t Qpgralorl 8X56s.05 7A 3KPosthole Digger, MechanicaI Pgwqr fqqlp-ment oPqrqtqjs 3K 8Xs65.05 7AMPower Plant 7A 3K 8XPumps - Water s6s.05Power EquiBment O.o€BlQrg 7A 3K 8XQuad9, Hd41, D10And Over 569.16 7A 3K 8XQuick Tower - No Cab, Under 100 Feet ln Height Based To Boom s65.05PoWqL Equipment Qpera tgIs 7A 3K 8XRemote Control Operator On Rubber Tired Earth Moving Eguipment 569.16PoweI [guigpen!_Qpe$tors 3K BXs65.05 7ARigger and Bellman 8Xs68.02 7A 3KRigger/Signat Person, Betlman (Certified) Power Equi pn lg!]]L_0pg!-atorq 3K 8XRollagons6e.1 6 7APqyel EqqtPment oPerators 8X56s.0s 7A 3KRotler, Other Than Ptant Mix Power Equi pmen! Opq.rato.r_j; 8X$68.02 7A 3KRolter, Ptant Mix Or Mutti' lift Materiats M 8X7A3KRoto-mitt, Roto-grinder 568. s5E ower E q u i pm e-tt]L-]Qpe rq t--ol.s 8X568.02 7A 3KSaws - ConcretePovrler Equipr'[ent Operators 8X568.s5 7A 3KScraper, Setf Propetted Under 45 Yards Power Equipment OpeIa!rys 8X568.02 7A 3KScrapers - Concrete & Carry Att Pqv{er Equi Qlnen t Opsrators 7A 3K 8XScrapers, Setf-propetted: 45 Yards And Over 569.1 6Power [.qui prLqJr-t 9pera torq s68.02 7A 3K 8XService Engineers - Equipment Pqwer Equi prne n!_0pgB!gn 8Xs65.05 7A 3K5hotcrete/Gunite Equipment PowetEauipment Opgrqlor5 King I Distributors, Blower Sos Distribution & Mutch King King King King King King Power LquipmgLt 0perqlors r rdge rr ul zl 7A 3K BX View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View 8X View King King King King King King Ki Ki Ki ng King King King King King King King https ://secu re. I ni.wa. gov/wagelooku p/ 7A 3K 3/to/2020 P sytelJq u i pm etg,9,pe $!o rq Shovet, Excavator, Backhoe: Over 30 Metric Tons To 50 Metric Tons s69.1 6 7A 3K 8X ?ower .E ruiprTrent _Opglators Shovet, Excavator, Backhoes, Tractors: 15 To 30 Metric Tons s58.5s 7A 3K 8X Pgwer fiqujpment Operators Shovet, Excavator, Backhoes: Over 50 Metric Tons To 90 A4etric Tons 56e.85 7A 3K 8X Shovet, Excavator, Backhoes: Over 90 Metric Tons 570.57 7A 3K 8XP_oUler Ecluipnent Qpgrjltor ! Lo,WeI EqulBment_QLer itac Stipform Pavers 56e.16 7A 3K 8X 8XMSpreader, Topsider & Screedman s6e.16 7A 3K 3K 8XPower Equipment Clperatol :Subgrader Trimmer 568.5s 7A Power Equipment Operalot g Tower Bucket Etevators 568.02 7A 3K 8X Tower Crane Up To 175' ln Heieht Base To Boom s6e.85 7A 3K 8XPqwgr Equip_men t Opera tgts s70.57 7A 3K 8XPoqer Fqui p!0 eryLt0pleralg rs Tower Crane: over 175' through 250' in height, base to boom 7A 3K 8XPou/ef Eq ui prnent ope_fjrto_G Tower Cranes: over 250'in height from base to boom 571.26 3K 8XPgwer Equipnrent Operators Transporters, Atl Track Or Truck Type s6e.16 7A 8XPower Equinment Operators Trenching Machines 568.02 7A 3K Truck Crane Oiter/driver - 100 Tons And Over 568.55 7A 3K 8XPower Eq uipment-_Opqrato{s Truck Crane Oiter/Driver Under 100 Tons 568.02 7A 3K BXFower Eggiplnent Operator: 7A 3K BXPeWer Equ-i nmeCIUlperator:Truck Mount Portabte Conveyor $68.5s Power Eguipment Operators Wetder s69.1 6 7A 3K BX Pgwgr Eouipfnent Operatog Wheet Tractors, Farmatt Tvpe $6s.0s 7A 3K 8X 568.55 7A 3K 8XPower Equipnlett operatoE Yo Yo Pay Dozer 8XAsphatt Ptant Operators s69.1 6 7A 3KPpwer Esuipmeql Operators- UrrderqroutL4 Sewer & Water 8XPoyvqr -Equipmgn! 9pe@i-Utdergrquld Sewer & Water Assistant Engineer 965.05 7A 35 568.55 7A 3K 8XPower Ecuioment Operatort- Underqround Sewer & Water Barrier Machine (zipper) King King King King King King King King King King King King King Power Eqpiprtent Opsralpls- U nderqround Sewgr LWatql Excavator, Backhoe, Tractors Under 15 Metric Tons Batch Plant Operator, Concrete Page Lz oT zL View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View BX View King King King King King King King https : //secu re. I n i. wa. govlwa gelo okup / s68. s5 7A 3K 3/L0/2020 7A 3K 8XPower Equlpment Operalqr;- Undg,rgrgrund Sewer & Water Bobcat 565.0s 7A 3K 8XBrokk - Remote Demotition Equipment 565.05Power Eruripmen! O-ETator j- U ryderqrgun d SCrwer LWater 3K 8XPovqeGqqtp"Ingnt 0-p e_rglo rs- U tt d gJe r.o {j n d Sewer & Water Brooms $65.0s 7A 568.5s 7A 3K 8XPoyer Eguipnent Ope[atgrs- U nderqround Sewer & Water Bump Cutter 3K 8XCabteways569.16 7APow_er Equjpment Apera!ffs:UtdersJsund 5ewel&l{aier 7A 3K BXnowel-Eggigssl! Op gratp rs- U.ryle.rglgpng! 5ewer ft Water Chipper 568.55 565.05 7A 3K 8XPeweg_rjsipng$ Ape ralgs" _ U n d e-f g f ouqd Sewer & Water Compressor 565.0s 7A 3K 8XPolver EgUipme0L QqeratQr:. Ulfd€1g1gl4d Sewer & Water Concrete Finish Machine - Laser Screed 3K 8XConcrete Pump - Mounted Or Traiter High Pressure Line Pump, Pump High Pressure 568.02 7APq\ggr E_qqipJFeI! Oee[.qtorg- Underqroilnd Sewer-a Waler 569.16 7A 3K 8XPqrcLEqllplle{t! Operators- Undersrould Sewer & Water Concrete Pump: Truck Mount With Boom Attachment Over 42 M s68.55 7A 3K 8XPower.. tq.ullmeFt Op.eratgE- -U nderqround Sewer & Water Concrete Pump: Truck Mount With Boom Attachment Up To 42m 7A 3K BXConveyorss68.02Powq.f Equir{l€n! Qperqlors- Underqr-ound Sewer & Water 8Xs71.26 7A 3KPowSrr Equipryq-q! @ Sewer & Water Cranes friction: 200 tons and over 8Xs69.85 7A 3KEqWetEqqtpment 0Qqrators- .Underqtound SeyyeJ LWpter Cranes: 100 tons through 199 tons, or 150'of boom (inctuding jib with attachments) 8X568.55 7A 3KCranes: 20 Tons Through 44 Tons With Attachments Polvel Eguiamgnt Qpsrqtors: U ndereroulrd Sewpl_& jffeler 8Xs7A.s7 7A 3KPowgr Eqqjunent operatsrt-grdetgrgg$ Sewql& Water Cranes: 200 tons- 299 tons, or 250'of boom inctuding iib with attachments King King King King King King King King King King King King King King Cranes: 300 tons and over or 300'of boom inctuding Page L3 of zL View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View 8X View King King King Pewer Equinryent 5ewer Water ib with attachments https i / / secure. I n i. wa. govlwa gelo okup / 571 7A 3K 3/LA/2020 7A 3K 8XCranes: 45 Tons Through 99 Tons, Under 150'Of Boom (inctuding Jib With Attachments) 56e.16PQw.er.Equipmett Operat ors- U-!d e.J:s rqup-d Sewer & Water 565.0s 7A 3K 8XPower fquip{neni Operators.- .ULderground Sewer & Water Cranes: A-frame - 10 Tons And Under 3K 8XCranes: Friction cranes through 199 tons 570.57 7APowgr fqgiprueltM Sewer & Water 3K 8X$68.02 7APower Eqy,ipmqnt Onef a_tors- Undererou[d Sewer & Water Cranes: through 19 tons with attachments, A-frame over 10 tons 8Xs68.ss 7A 3KCrusherPouler [quiPm-ent Operatcrs- UtElerqrpllnd 8X568.s5 7A 3KPqwer Eguiplnent Qp*erators - U n delgroulrul Sewer & Water Deck Engineer/Deck Winches (power) 3K 8Xs69.16 7APowe-r Equjp$gnt Operators- Ululgrqround Sewer & Water Derricks, On Building Work 3K 8XDozers D-9 & Under s68.02 7APower IguipmeLt Qpgt atoJs* Uqdererolrqq Sewer & Water 3K 8Xs68.02 7APowe.r Eguiorpe.nt Qp-gtators- U-nElergrour-!d Sewer & Water Dri[[ Oilers: Auger Type, Truck Or Crane Mount 7A 3K 8Xs6e.8sPgwer Equipme$ 0Qerator.s_:_U rulerq!-ound Sewer e ULaIer Dritting Machine 7A 3K 8XEtevator And Man-lift: Permanent And Shaft Type 565.05Povr6:r Equipment Operators- Underqrou.nd Sewer & Water 7A 3K 8XFinishing Machine, Bidwett And Gamaco &. Similar Equipment 568.55Pgg/e1[qgipmetr! Qnprators- Undelground Sewer & Water 8X568.02 7A 3KForklift: 3000 Lbs And Over With Attachments Lol,veJ Equiptnent Operatorg- Underqround & 3K 8X$65.0s 7APow_e|Equipmery: Onerators- Underq,rould. Sewer & Water Forktifts: Under 300O Lbs. With Attachments 8X568.55 7A 3KGrade Engineer: Using Blue Prints, Cut Sheets, Etc 9pqrators- Underqround 8X565.0s 7A 3KPqw-er fiquiglegL Operafo.rs- UndFrqround Sewer & Water Gradechecker/Stakeman 7A 3K 8XGuardrail Punch 568.55Ppwer Fguipment OS_eratojs - U ndergroq nd Sewer & Water King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King rdgc L+ 9t zL View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View BX View King King King https ://secure. I ni.wa. gov/wagelookup/ ios.t 7A 3K yLo/2a20 Hard Tait End Dump Articutating Off- Road Equipment 45 Yards. & Page l) or zr View View View View View View Uew View View View View View View View View View 8X View King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King 3K 8XHard Tai[ End Dump Articutating Off-road Equipment Under 45 Yards 568.5s 7APower Equipment Onerators- UnslerqrouQd Sewer & Water 8X568.02 7A 3KPowgl_Esutplnqnt Ap-e&lst::-Urld.crffsund Sewer & Water Horizontal / Directional Dritt Locator 8Xs68.55 7A 3KPowqr Eqgipmenl Op_gra to_rs- UruleIq"ound Sewer & Water Horizonta[ / DirectionaI Drill Operator 3K 8X$68.02 7A?-gw-er Fgurpffle.Lt O'ge ra to rs:- U n de-rg rqq tr cl Sewer & Watej Hydratifts/Boom Truck Over 10 Tons 3K 8X565.05 7APquqr. EqLtiAmg:lt 0perators- Underqrgund Sewer & Water l"lydratif ts/ Boom Trucks, 10 Tons And Under 3K 8X569.8s 7APower EquipFent 9p-qf.ators- .U nd grero.U nd Sewer & Water Loader, Overhead 8 Yards & Over 8Xs6e.16 7A 3KLoader, Overhead, 6 Yards. But Not lnctuding 8 Yards PoqFquiBnery! Agetatoru:Jjndery{gltnd Sewer fl Water 3K 8Xs68.55 7APower Eqqlpnen! Operators: Undgrqround Sewer & Water Loaders, Overhead Under 6 Yards 3K 8XLoaders, Plant Feed s68.55 7AEg',tetEql'ipmF[t Operat of s- _ LJ n dgrgrei_UId Sewer & Water 3K 8X568.02 7ALoaders: Etevating Type Bett PowerfqUipeent Q perators--U neler.qrqurtd 3K 8Xs68.5s 7APoWf{Jquiplru:_nt Op-er.ators- U ndersrou.nd Sewer & Water Locomotives, Alt 3K 8Xs68.s5 7A&'wel.Fquipnlentgretsrl:-Undgstswd Sewer & Water Material Transfer Device 8X569.85 7A 3KMechanics, All (leadmen - S0.50 Per Hour Over Mechanic) PoWCLE_qqtBrns$M 7A 3K 8XMotor Patrol Graders s69.16PEryetEqllpCIgn! O p e r4!o r,s:*U n d e_re rou ed Sewer & Water 8X569.16 7A 3KPoygqr_tquipmeru OJlerato_{F- U ndererq-lln 4 Sewer & Water Mucking Machine, Mole, Tunnel Dritt, Boring, Road Header And/or Shietd 8X565.05 7A 3KOit Distributors, Btower Distribution & Mutch Seeding Operator Power EquipmFnt OgeratQrg: Underqround Sewer ft Water https ://secure. ln i. wa. gov/wagelooku p/ Sos.7A 3K 3/L0/2020 Overhead, Bridge Type Crane: 20 Tons Through 44 Tons 568.5s 7A 3K 8XP-otv_ej Eggipnen! Qregalqrr: u-ndersleund Sewer &. Water s6e.85 7A 3K 8X?ower Fqpipry.reqt Ope-rators- Underq!:gund Sewer & Water Overhead, Bridge Type: 100 Tons And Over Overhead, Bridge Type: 45 Tons Through 99 Tons 569.16 7A 3K 8XPower flquipment Opsratorg- U_Fde.f grqund Sewer & Water 3K 8XPoyv"gr Fquipmen! -0_f: era to rs.- Un c.l q rqtq u ngl Sewer & Water Pavement Breaker s65.05 7A 7A 3K 8XPower f,_quip.nent QBqfAlQIs: Underryqund Sewer & Water Pite Driver (other Than Crane Mount) s68.s5 s68.02 7A 3K 8Xsquer-E-quptne$ Operatgrs- Un4_erelound Sewer & Water Plant Oiter - Asphatt, Crusher s65.0s 7A 3K 8XPower,Equipment 0pet4ots- Underefound Sewer & Water Posthote Digger, Mechanicat 565.05 7A 3K 8XPoryer. Equipeen,L 0per.AtE"l- .Unde-rgt.ould Sewer & Water Power Plant 7A 3K 8XPumps - Water 565.0sPowetEquipxLen! Opet{tors- qn der-erqund Sewer & Water 3K 8XQuad 9, Hd 41, D10 And Over s69.1 6 7APower Ecuip{gent@ Sewer & Water 3K BXQuick Tower - No Cab, Under 100 Feet ln Height Based To Boom 565.05 7APower Eg&!!pmeq! Opergtorji- Undereround 5crrycr,&,I{ater 7A 3K 8XRemote Controt Operator On Rubber Tired Earth Moving Equipment 56e.16Power Eguipment O-p e riat o rs- _lln de rlLo.Ult d Sewer & Water 565.0s 7A 3K 8XBqwer.Equipnnent OperateEL -U rldersroutlld Sewer & Water Rigger and Betlman 7A 3K 8XRigger/Signat Person, Be[lman (Certified) 568.02Pov\r.er EguipmgnJ Oper-ators- jJndergrgund Sewer & Water 7A 3K 8XRotlagon569.16Polter E-qUi'ment Apgrg!ffi:-Urdeqffsutd Sewer ft Water 8X7A3KRoller, Other Than Ptant Mix 565.0sPgwer lquipment O ps:r_atqrs- Un dgg! o-un d Sewer & Water Sewer & Water Outside Hoists (Elevators Mantifts), Air Tuggers, Rotter, Plant Mix Or Mutti- tift Materiats F'age lo or zr View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View 8X View King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King https ://secure. lni.wa. gov/wagelookup/ 568.7A 3K 3/L0/2020 8X568.55 7A 3KRoto-mitl, Roto-grinderP-ower Eguipnlent Opefqllgrs- Undgerquld Sewer & Water 3K 8Xs68.02 7ASaws - ConcretePgweLEqqlptnea! Opef at g rs- U!.d-qJ3I-o$S! Sewer & Water 3K 8X568.55 7AScraper, Sel.f Propetled Under 45 Yards Power Equipntent Ope{qtqrs-Undereround 3K 8Xs68.02 7AScrapers - Concrete & Carry Att Pswer-Essjprue$ Ope ra tgi-" s:_U n de rq t o un d Sewqr &_ \!,a!er 8Xs6e.1 6 7A 3KScrapers, Setf-propetted: 45 Yards And Over Power Equipnent Qperators* UUderqrouLd Sewer & Wate_{ 3K 8Xs68.02 7AService Engineers - Equipment Power Equipr&l'f Opgr-ato.rs- U n 4glqround Selref g WateI 8X3K565.05 7AShotcrete/Gunite Equipment Power Equipmen! 3K 8X568.02 7AShove[, Excavator, Backhoe, Tractors Under 15 Metric Tons Power Equlpmen! 8X3K56e.16 7AShovel, Excavator, Backhoe: Over 30 Metric Tons To 50 Metric Tons PoWerlsuiurcn! 0gegtor$:-Utde -grogtd Sewer &lilrAlgq 8X7A3Ks68. s5Po:ver Eqpiqrytgtnt 0perclarg:-.]Urdeielsstd Sewer ft Water Shovel, Excavator, Backhoes, Tractors: 15 To 30 Metric Tons BX7A3Ks6e.85Shovet, Excavator, Backhoes: Over 50 Metric Tons To 90 Metric Tons&. 3K 8Xs70.57 7AShovet, Excavator, Backhoes: Over 90 Metric Tons PowellqUlpqien! Qpqrators-- U nder:erouqd 8X7A3K569.16Slipform PaversMrJzuigngn! Operatorq- UfdergrouEd & 3K 8X56e.16 7ASpreader, Topsider & Screedman Pgrer Eqpiplnent Opera torS- U-ndel:gf qutd Sewer & Water 3K BX568.55 7ASubgrader TrimmerPgwstlsgrpme$ OperAtQrs-- Undererqun d Sewer & Watcf 8X7A3K568.02Tower Bucket EtevatorsPower Lquipgrent@ 5elvct_g $/atgr King King King King King King King King King King ower Crane Up To 175' ln Height Base To Boom Page L/ or zL View Vielv View View View View View View View View View View View View View View 8X View King King King King King King King https i / / secure. I n i. wa. gov/wagelo okup / S6e 7A 3K 3/n/2020 King King King King Page lu or zr View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View King King King Xing King King King King King King King King King King 8X570.57 7A 3KTower Crane: over 175' through 250' in height, base to boom Power Ezuipment Apflatgff:_Undersegd Sewer & Water 3K 8Xt71.26 7LPowe_t EcLuipment OperEgrrs- Uqdereroun.d Sewer & Water Tower Cranes: over 250'in height from base to boom 8Xs69.16 7A 3KPqulef Eauip$en! Q-pgralors- -U ndergrorJrrd Sewer & Water Transporters, At[ Track Or Truck Type 3K 8X568.02 7APgwsr"gsulp$e$ Qperators- Uqd.erqloU[d tesel-&_rer Trenching Machines 8X7A3KTruck Crane Oiler/driver - 100Tons And Over s68.55Pawer Equipment Operat ors-_U ndelgrcu nll. Sewer & Water 8Xs68.02 7A 3KTruck Crane Oiter/Driver Under 100 Tons0perators- Underqround 8Xs68.ss 7A 3KTruck Mount Portabte Conveyor Pewellsuiplrgn! 8X569.16 7A 3KWetder 7A 3K 8X56s.05Wheet Tractors, Farmalt Type Pow-er Equipgl-ett Qperatom- Ulrde-rqrou n-d Sewer & Water 3K 8X568.55 7APower Equipnrtenf Operatof:i: U lderqrouryl Sewer & Water Yo Yo Pay Dozer 5A 4AJourney Level ln Charge 553.10&wer Line CJearAnce Tree Trimmers 5A 4Asso.40Power Line Ctearance Tree Trimmers Spray Person 5A 4ATree Equipment Operator s53.1 0Power Line Cteat alce Treg Trimmers 5A 4A547.48Tree TrimmerPowgr LiFg Ctearancs Tree 536.1 0 5A 4ATree Trimmer Groundperson Porygf LiIg Searance l ree Trimmers 1G584.01 6ZRefrigeration- ft Air Conditionine i eEhaniel Journey Level 5A 1MJourney Level 558,82Berdenlial-BrcLlvlasg! 1s32.06ResideBtiaLEaruer'!el!Journey Levet 57e.25 LResidentiaI Cenrent Masgng Journey Level 7A 4C546.43Journey LevetBesi4entiat.?fvUatt ABpueelgI! 5P 1EJourney Level s47.04Residentiat Drvwall Tapefs 1536.01Residential Electricians Journey Level https : / / secure. I n i. wa. g ovlwagelooku p/3/LO/2020 King King King King King King ey Level King King King King King King King King King ,King 545 Page 19 or zl View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View King King King King King King King King King sze.87 LR esidentia tjngflit t iqn AppUea!s!-s Journey Level 1Journey Level s26.1 8Residentiat Laborers 1Journey Level 527.38Residential Matbte Setterq s27.80 1Journey Level s3e.43 1Resigf p nti q! P_LUq berE_ &, Pipefilter.r Journey Level 1G554.12 5AResidentiat [ef riReratiqn & A!16@ Journey Level 1Rs51.89 7FR e$dstg A Ljbes!-il1e-ta t Workers Journey Level (Field or Shop) 5A 3JJourney Level s51.07Besidential Sof! Flo_ot Lavem 550.8e 5C 2RBgsidential Snrinkter Fitters {flrePrsteelisn) Journey Level 1M558.82 5AResidentiaI Stone Masons Journey Level 5A 1MJoumey Level 554.06Rej]qlettta.t Te-{{az4l Workers 1s24.39nqfjdent;at fgrrazzallile Finishers Journey Level 1Journey Levet 521.04Residentiat Tite Setters 3Hs5s,02 5AJourney Level 3H558.02 5AUsing lrritable Bituminous Materiats RQgf-efs 7F 1E58s.88Journey Levet (Fietd or Shop) Sheet Metal Workers 536.36 7V 1New Construction Boilermaker Sbipbuitding F-Ship Repqir 536.36 7V 1New Construction Carpenter Shipbui{dine E Shig Repair TV LNew Construction Crane Operator 536.36ShipbUildine * Ship Fepatr L536.36 7VNew Construction Electrician Shirrbgitdine S 5.h ip. Repair 5J 4HNew Construction Heat & Frost lnsutator 576.61SUpb.uilding.ft Ship Senair 1s36.36 7Vshipbuildhet jhlB Sepau New Construction Laborer 536.36 7V INew Construction Machinist ShipbuiLdi n{ &_5hip "Repair s36.36 7V 1New Construction Operating Engineer Shipbui tdi ne &lli p_Lenai r 7Y 1536.36Slripbuitdins & Ship _Bgpair New Construction Painter s36.36 7V 1New Construction Pipefitter Shipbuitdine & Ship- Rsp$ir 1s36.35 7VNew Construction Rigger 7536.36 7VNew Construction Sheet Metat 5hipbw t{inq-LShiP SePgir 1s36.36 7VShi pbUj tdi ne L5hiLBepair New Construction Shipfitter https ://secu re. lni.wa. gov/wagelookup/3/ra/2020 King King King King New Construction King King King 5ro TV L rdge 4v Qt zL View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View King King King King King King King King King King King 5X jp juild jlg-&.-lbip-&epsir New Construction Welder / Burner s36.36 7V L 4JShipbuitdinq ft Ship Repair Ship Repair Boitermaker s46.1 5 TX Shipbuitdine & Ship Repair Ship Repair Carpenter 544.e5 TX 4J Ship Repair Crane Operator 545.06 7Y 4Ksjrjpluitdine ft Ship Bepait _S_brBbsltdj rtg,Lsl-ru Rep3lI Ship Repair Etectrician s46.27 TX 4J s76.61 5J 4HShipFqrtdjnq.-e 5hi Ship Repair Heat & Frost lnsutator 4JShipbuitdine & Ship Repair Ship Repair Laborer s46.1 5 7X s46.1 5 TX 4J5h i rrb{ iidine & li iB_Be_Barr Ship Repair Machinist 7{4KffiShip Repair Operating Engineer 54s.06 4JShipbui ldine &-Ship Bepau Ship Repair Painter 546.1 s 7X Ship Repair Pipefitter 546.1 s TX 4JShipbuitdinq & Ship Repair Ship Repair Rigger ito.ts 7X 4J5h i pbuildi ne & Shlp_Bgp3lt 4JShipbuitdine & Ship Repair Ship Repair Sheet Metal 545.1 s 7X s44.95 7X 4Jshipblrll dinc-e 5 hrp_Belalr Ship Repair Shipwright Ship Repair Warehouse / Teamster 54s.06 7Y 4KShipbuildine & Jhip RepAiI L5!m Makerp L hiBllgrs (Electricatl Journey Level 54e.44 g Journey Levet s31.e6 0 LSiqn IvLaK-e-$ & lq:tatten {Non-Etqctrical) 5A 3JSoft Floor l"avec Journey Levet s51.07 51 3.50 1Sotar Controts For Windows Journey Level 1XJourney Level 582.3e 5CSprinkter Fitters {FiLe flsles$e|') 51 3.50 1Slaee Rieql$e Mechanic! {Nsn-sjrusluaU Journey Levet s58.82 51 1MStone Masons Journey Level Journey Levet 519.09 LStreet And Parkinq Lot Svvecrcll^&rhe$ s68.02 7A 3K 8XSurvevotsAssistant Construction Site Surveyor 7A 3K 8XSurvevorsChainmans65.os 8X569.16 7A 3KSurveyorsConstruction Site Surveyor 5s3.57 7E 1EJourney Levell .eleCq m {n u rli tg ti_o.n Technicians 5A 2B Construction - Outside LineTe Cabte Spticer s41.81 523.53 5A 28Tel.epbone Ljtg Construction - Outside Hote Digger/Ground Person 2Blnstatter (Repairer)s40.0e 5ATe[ephone ljne Construction - Outside 541.81 5A 2BTelephone Line Coristruction - Outside Special Aparatus lnstaller I https ://secure. ln i. wa. govlwagelookup/3/L0/2420 King King King King King King King King King Pt-tuplns-!atters Page 2L ot 2I Special Apparatus lnstatter s40.ee 5A 28 View lt View View View View View View View View View View View View View Wett Dritter 5t s.View King King King King King Ki King Kin Ki King 1 Tetephgne Ling Construction - Outside Tetephone Equipment Qpqrator (Heavy) s41.81 5A ZB ]_etephqne l-ine Construcgqn, 9utside Tetephone Equipment Operator (Light) 538.e2 5A 28 Tgtephgne l-ine SqnStr_uctiAjr - Outs Telephone Lineperson 538.92 5A 2B l-etephqne ljne Gg$lug$stri Qrrtsidq Tetevision Groundperson s22.32 5A 28 Telephqne ljne eonstfqctiqn - Outside Tetevision Lineperson / lnstatter 529.60 5A 28 Telenho-ne Llne Cotstructioq - Outsidq Tetevision System Technician 535.20 5A 28 Telephorre Line C"pnEtructrsrn - outsi-de Television Technician 531.67 5A 28 Iekptrsa.e*!r[e Constluction - Outside Tree Trimmer 538.e2 5A 2B Terrazzo."Workers Journey Level 5s4.06 5A 1M Tite SettqE Journey Levet s54.06 5A 1M Tite, rllarbte & Terrazzo fini:ben Finisher 5u.sq 5A 1B @fis-eeqgsl$rpers Journey Level s47.68 7A 1K Irusk Dnven Asphatt Mix Over 16 Yards 561.5e 5D 4Y 8L Truck_ Driyers Asphatt Mix To 16 Yards 560.75 5D 4Y 8L frugk_D:i-vS.U Dump Truck s60.7s 5D 4Y 8L Tfuck Ddvefs Dump Truck & Trailer 561.se 5D 4Y 8L Truck Drivers Other Trucks 561 .59 5D 4Y Truck Ddyers.- Seadv Mix Transit l,lix s61.59 5D 4Y 8L We{!-[iilka-&"ls]sa$s! Pump-lnstatletq lrrigation Pump lnstatter s17.71 L Wett Dritter: {i lryiqatign Pume lnstallert Oiler 51 3.50 L https : //secu re. I n i. wa. gov/wagelooku p/3/t0/2020 EXHIBIT B INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS Insurance The Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Contractor, their agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. A. Minimum Scope of Insurance Contractor shall obtain insurance of the types described below: 1. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written on ISO occurrence form CG 00 01 or its equivalent, with minimum limits of $3,000,000 per occurrence and in the aggregate for each 1 year policy period. This coverage may be any combination of primary, umbrella or excess liability coverage affording total liability limits of not less than $3,000,000 per occurrence and in the aggregate. Products and Completed Operations coverage shall be provided for a period of 3 years following Substantial Completion of the work. The Commercial General Liability insurance shall be endorsed to provide the Aggregate per Project Endorsement ISO form CG 25 03 11 85. The City shall be named as an Additional Insured under the Contactor’s Commercial General Liability insurance policy with respect to the work performed for the City. All endorsements adding Additional Insureds shall be issued on form CG 20 10 11 85 or a form deemed equivalent, providing the Additional Insureds with all policies and endorsements set forth in this section. 2. Automobile Liability insurance covering all owned, non-owned, hired and leased vehicles. Coverage shall be written on Insurance Services Office (ISO) form CA 00 01 or a substitute form providing equivalent liability coverage. If necessary, the policy shall be endorsed to provide contractual liability coverage. 3. Workers’ Compensation coverage as required by the Industrial Insurance laws of the State of Washington. B. Minimum Amounts of Insurance Contractor shall maintain the following insurance limits: 1. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written with minimum limits of $2,000,000 per occurrence and in the aggregate for each 1 year policy period. This coverage may be any EXHIBIT B (Continued) combination of primary, umbrella or excess liability coverage affording total liability limits of not less than $2,000,000 per occurrence and in the aggregate. Products and Completed Operations coverage shall be provided for a period of 3 years following Substantial Completion of the work. 2. Automobile Liability insurance with a minimum combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage of $1,000,000 per accident. C. Other Insurance Provisions The insurance policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions for Automobile Liability and Commercial General Liability: 1. The Contractor’s insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respect the City. Any insurance, self-insurance, or insurance pool coverage maintained by the City shall be excess of the Contractor’s insurance and shall not contribute with it. 2. The Contractor’s insurance shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be cancelled by either party, except after thirty (30) days prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the City. 3. The City of Kent shall be named as an additional insured on all policies (except Professional Liability) as respects work performed by or on behalf of the contractor and a copy of the endorsement naming the City as additional insured shall be attached to the Certificate of Insurance. The City reserves the right to receive a certified copy of all required insurance policies. The Contractor’s Commercial General Liability insurance shall also contain a clause stating that coverage shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respects to the limits of the insurer’s liability. D. Contractor’s Insurance for Other Losses The Contractor shall assume full responsibility for all loss or damage from any cause whatsoever to any tools, Contractor’s employee owned tools, machinery, equipment, or motor vehicles owned or rented by the Contractor, or the Contractor’s agents, suppliers or contractors as well as to any temporary structures, scaffolding and protective fences. EXHIBIT B (Continued) E. Waiver of Subrogation The Contractor and the City waive all rights against each other any of their Subcontractors, Sub-subcontractors, agents and employees, each of the other, for damages caused by fire or other perils to the extend covered by Builders Risk insurance or other property insurance obtained pursuant to the Insurance Requirements Section of this Contract or other property insurance applicable to the work. The policies shall provide such waivers by endorsement or otherwise. F. Acceptability of Insurers Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best rating of not less than A:VII. G. Verification of Coverage Contractor shall furnish the City with original certificates and a copy of the amendatory endorsements, including but not necessarily limited to the additional insured endorsement, evidencing the Automobile Liability and Commercial General Liability insurance of the Contractor before commencement of the work. H. Subcontractors Contractor shall include all subcontractors as insureds under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates and endorsements for each subcontractor. All coverages for subcontractors shall be subject to all of the same insurance requirements as stated herein for the Contractor. EXHIBIT B 1389 PHILADELPHIA INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY One Bala Plaza, Suite 100 Bala Cynwyd, PA 1 9004-0950 Power ofAttorney KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That PHILADELPHIA INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY (the Company), a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, does hereby constitute and appoint Christin M. Hubble, Deanna M. French, Elizabeth R. Hahn. Guv Armfield, Jana M. Rov, Mariah Sansone, John R. Claevs, Marie l. Matetich, Mindee L. Rankin, Roger Kaltenbach, Ronald J. Lange, Sandv l-. Boswell. Scott Fisher, Scott Mccilvrav, SusanB.Larson,NicholasFredrickson, AndrewP.Larsen,ScottGarcia,andCarlvC.Fehrinserof Parker,Smith&Feek, lnc.,itstrueandlawful Attorney-in-factwith full authority to execute on its behalf bonds, undertakings, recognizances and other contracts of indemnity and writings obligatory in the nature thereof, issued in the course of its business and to bind the Company thereby, in an amount not to exceed 550,000,000. This Power ofAttomey is granted and is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authority ofthe following Resolution adopted by the Board ofDirectors of PHILADELPHIA INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY on the 14th of November- 2016. RESOLVED:That the Board of Directors hereby authorizes the President or any Vice President of the Company: (l) Appoint Attorney(s) in Fact and authorize the Attorney(s) in Fact to execute on behalfl of the Company bonds and undertakings, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof and to attach the seal of the Company thereto; and (2) to remove, at any time, any such Attorney-in-Fact and revoke the authority given. And, be it FURTHER RESOLVED:That the signatures of such officers and the seal of the Company may be affixed to any such Power ofAttomey or certificate relating thereto by facsimile, and any such Power of Attomey so executed and certified by facsimile signatures and facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company in the luture with respect to any bond or undertaking to which it is attached. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, PHILADELPHIA INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY I{AS CAUSED THIS INSTRUMENT TO BE SIGNED AND ITS CORPORATE SEALTO BE AFFIXED BY ITS AUTHORIZED OFFICE THIS 271\I DAY OF OCTOBER,20I7. (Seal) Robert D. O'Leary Jr., President & CEO Philadelphia Indemnity Insurance Company On this 27'h day ofOctober,20l7, before me came the individual who executed the preceding instrument, to me personally known, and being by me duly swom said that he is the therein described and authorized officer of the PHILADELPHIA INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY; that the seal affixed to said instrument is the Corporate seal of said Company; that the said Corporate Seal and his signature were duly affixed. Notary Public: residing at:Bala Cynwyd. PA (Notary Seal) My commission expires: Septernber 25. 2021 I, Edward Sayago, Corporate Secretary of PHILADELPHIA INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY, do hereby certii/ that the foregoing resolution of the Board of Directors and the Power ofAftorney issued pursuant thereto on the 27d day olOctober, 2017 are true and correct and are still in full lorce and effect. I do fu(her certily that Robert D. O'Leary Jr., who executed the Power ofAttomey as President, was on the date ofexecution ofthe attached Power ofAttomey the duly elected President of PHILADELPHIA INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY. In Testirnony Whereof I have subscribed my name and affixed the facsirnile seal of each Company this €S day or f\a/'Y\fl Edward Sayago, Corporate Secretary PHILADELPHIA INDf, MNITY INSURANCE COMPANY 20a0 DATE (MM/DD/YYYY} THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLYAND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE GOVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. TH|S CERTTFTCATE OF TNSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTTTUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE TSSUTNG TNSURER(S), AUTHORTZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFIGATE HOLDER, IMPORTANT: lf the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, tho policy{ies) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be ondorsod. lf SUBROGATION lS WAIVED, subj€ct to the terms and conditions of the policy, c€rtain policies may requiro an ondorsement. A statement on this certificate dosa not confer rights to the certificate holder in liou of such ondorsement{s). PRODUCER Duncan & Associates lnsurance Brokers P.O. Box 1458 -2111 Harrison Ave NW Olympia, WA 98502 McFarland 360-352.7588 360-943-6304 INSIIPFP'SI AFFdPilUG CdWPAGF NAIC4 INSURER A : CM Vanfaoe Snecitlfv lnFuEnce Comoanv EMTech, LLG 1133 Kresky Ave., Suite 106 Centralia, WA 98531 INSURED rNsuRERB, Mutual of Enumclaw 999990 lNSl.rRER C: prld^etdn Fyaac. * srrrnlrG I inac lnsurrn., {:6mn lNsuRER D : The Ohlo Crsurlfv lnrrrrenca Comnenv tN3uRERE: Fvanslon lnsrtranca Camnanv INSURER F: CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE REVISION NUMBER: 99 @ 5 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD Printed by SEM on May 05, 2020 at 12:06PM THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDIGATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTMCT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS GERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSRtTp TYPE OF INSURANCE FdI INY NIIURFP LIMITS FACH OCCI IRRFNCF $ 1.000.000 PRFMISFS lFe ddtmn.el 300,000$ MFn FYP rA6v dna n*conr s Excluded PERSONAL &ADV INJURY s 1.000,000 GENERAL AGGREGATE s 2.000.000 PRODUCTS . COMP/OP AGG s 2.000.000 A COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY .LATMS.MADE l-x I o""r^ LIMIT PER: LOCPRO. JECT tl Y Y cMV-PL|-0012557-02 04t15t2020 04t15t2021 $ UWtsINEU 5INULE LIMI I $ { ono ono gODILY INJURY (Per p€6on)$ BODILY INJURY (P€r a@idont)$ $ B AUTOMOBILE LI,ABILITY ANYAUTO OWNED AUTOS ONLY HIRED AUTOS ONLY AUTOS ONLY SCHEDULED AUTOS NON-OWNED Y Y 8AP000547202 44/15t2020 04t15t2021 $ x EACH OCCURRENCE s 5.000.000 x UMBRELLA LIAB EXCESS LIAS OCCUR CI AIMS.MADF AGGREO\TE s 5.000.000 c DFD PFTFN'ION C 82A3FF0002300-01 04t15t2420 44n5t2021 $ PERqTATI ITF x OTH-FP Stoo Gao E-1. EACH ACCIDENT s 1.000.000 Et DISEASE.FAFMPIOYFT s 1.000.000 A IVORKERS COMPENSANON AND EMPLOYERS' LIAEILITY ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE OFFICERA,lEMBER EXCLUDED? (Mandatory in ilH) lfys8, desqibe undsr DFSCRIPTI6N OF OPFRATI6NS halnw ffi N l A cMV.PLt-0012557-02 o4115t2020 04t15t2021 F I DISFASF - POI ICV I IMIT s 1.000.000 D E lnstallation Floater Excess Liabllity 8MO59541669 EZXS3023301 43t2u2020 04/15/2020 03t22J2021 o4t15t2A21 500 Deductible 720,000 5,000,000 DESCRIffiONOFOPERATIONS/LOCATIONSTVEHICLES (ACORDl0l,Additional Roma.k!Schodule,mayb6attachsditmororpaceiaEquirud) Project No. FAC20-02 (Kent Correctional Facillty Plumbing Project) The City of Kent under the General Liability is named as additional insured per form CG 20 10 04 13. Additional lnsured Completed Operatlons applies per form CG 20 37 04 13, Waiver of Subrogation applies per form CG 24 04 05 09 and Primary & Non-Gontributory per form PLI 52 40 06 16. Business Auto Waiver of Subrogation and Additional lnsured applies per form EA991 1. SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS.City of Kent 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 AUTHOREED ACORD 2s (2016/03) THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ADDITIONAL INSURED - OWNERS, LESSEES OR CONTRACTORS - SCHEDULED PERSON OR ORGANIZATION This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENFRAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART SCHEDULE POLI CY N U MBE R : cnnv -PLr-$t2ssl 42 A. $ectlon ll - Who ls An lnsured is amended to include as an additional insured the person(s) or organization(s) shown in the Schedule, but only with respect to liability for"bodily injury", "property damage" or "personal and adveriising injury" caused, in whole or in part, by: 1. Your acts or omissions; or 2. Ihe aets or omissions of those acting on your behalf; in the performance of your ongoing operations for the additional insured(s) at the locaiion(s) designated above. However: 1. The insurance afforded to such additional insured only applies to the extent permitted by law;and 2. lf coverage provided to the additional insured is required by a contract or agreement, the insurance afforded to such additional insured will not be broader than that which you are required by the contract or agreement to provide for such additional insured. COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY cG 20 10 04 13 B. With respect to the insurance afforded to these additional insureds, the following additional exclusions apply: This insurance does not apply to "bodily injury" or " property damage" occurring after: 1. All work, including materials, parts or equipment furnished in connection with such work, on the project (other than service, maintenance or repairs) to be performed by or on behalf of the additional insured(s) at the location of the covered operaiions has been completed;or 2. That portion of "your work" out of which the injury or damage arises has been put to iis intended use by any person or organization other than another contractor or subcontractor engaged in performing operations for a principal as a part of the same project. Name Of Additional lnsured Person(s) Or Organization(s)Location(s) Of Covered Operations Any person or organization who you are required to add as an additional insured on this policy under a written contact or written agreement. lnformation required to complete this Schedule, if not shown above, will be shown in the Declarations. cG 20 10 04 13 @ lnsurance Services Office, lnc.,2A12 Page 1 of2 C. With respect to the insurance afforded to these additional insureds, the following is added to Section lll - Llmlts Of lnsurance: lf coverage provided to the additional insured is required by a contract or agreement, the most we will pay on behalf of the additional insured is the amount of insurance: 1. Required by the contract or agreement; or 2. Available under the applicable Limits of lnsurance shown in the Declarations; whichever is less. This endorsement shall not increase the applicable Limits of lnsurance shown in the Declarations. Page 2 of 2 @ lnsurance Services Office, \nc.,2012 cG 20 10 04 13 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ADDITIONAL INSURED - OWNERS, LESSEES OR CONTRACTORS - COMPLETED OPERATIONS This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART PRODUCTS/COM PLETED OPERATIONS L IABI LITY COVERAGE PART SCHEDULE PoLlcY NUMBER: CMV-PL l-001 2557 -02 A. Section ll - Who ls An lnsured is amended to include as an additional insured the person(s) or organization(s) shown in the Schedule, but only with respect to liability for "bodily injury" or "property damage" caused, in whole or in part, by "your work" at the location designated and described in the Schedule of this endorsement performed for that additional insured and included in the "products-completed operations hazard". However: 1. The insurance afforded to such additional insured only applies to the extent permitted by law; and COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY cG 2A 37 04 13 2. lf coverage provided to the additional insured is required by a contract or agreement, the insurance afforded to such additional insured will not be broader than that which you are required by the contract or agreement to provide for such additional insured. Name Of Additional lnsured Person(s) Or Organization(s)Location And Descriptlon Of Completed Operations Any person or organization who you are required to add as an additional insured on this policy under a written contract or written aoreement. lnformation required to complete this Schedule, if not shown above, will be shown in the Declarations. cG 20 37 04 13 @ lnsurance Services Office, |nc.,2012 Page I of 2 B. With respect to the insurance afforded to these additiondl insureds, the following is added to Section lll- Limits Of lnsurance: lf coverage provided to the additional insured is required by a contract or agreement, the most we will pay on behalf of the additional insured is the amount of insurance: l. Required by the contract or agreement; or 2. Available under the applicable Limits of lnsurance shown in the Declarations; whichever is less. This endorsement shall not increase the applicable Limits of lnsurance shown in the Declarations. Page2 of 2 @ ISO Properties, lnc,, 2004 cG20370704 tr POLICY NUMBER: CMV-PLI-OO 12557 -02 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY cG 24 04 05 09 WAIVER OF TRANSFER OF RIGHTS OF RECOVERY AGAINST OTHERS TO US This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the followrrng: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILIry COVERAGE PART PRODUCTSICOM PLETED OPERATI ONS L IABI L ITY COVERAGE PART SCHEDULE Name Of Person Or Organization: Any person or organization who you are required to add as asn additional insured on this policy under a written contract or written agreement. lnformation required to complete this Schedule, if not shown above, will be shown in the Declarations The following is added to Paragraph 8. Transfer Of Rights Of Recovery Against Others To Us of Section lV - Conditions: We waive any right of recovery we may have against the person or organization shown in the Schedule above because of payments we make for injury or damage arising out of your ongoing operations or "your work" done under a contract with that person or organization and included in the "products- completed operations hazard". This waiver applies only to the person or organization shown in the Schedule above. cG 24 04 05 09 @ lnsurance Services Office, lnc., 2008 Pagel of1 B COMMERCIAL AUTO EA9911 0318 Hls ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. SPEGIAL BUSINESS AUTO ENHANCEMENT ENDORSEMENT This endorsement modifies insurance prcvided under the bllowlng: BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM \Mth respect to coverage provided by this endorsement, the provisions of the Coverage Form apply unlese modifiEd by this endorsement. The bllowing changes revise SECTION I - COVERED AUTOS Paragraph C.l. is deleted and replaced with the fi$lowing: {" Trailers a. 'Trailers' with a load capacity of 2,000 pounds or less designed primarily for travel on public roads; or b. "Trailers' designed pdmarily for travel on public roads when: (l) Pulled by an owned private passenger auto specifically described in ltem Three of the Declarations as a coveredoautou for Liability Coverage under this Coverage Form;and (2) Not used br business, farming or ranching purposes- Private passenger auto means a motor vehicle of the private passenger, station wagon, pickup or van type designed for use on public highways and subjec't to motor vehicle registration. The following is added: D. Temporary Subetitute Autoo - Phyclcal Damage lf Physical Damage Coverage is provided by this Coverage Form, the ficllowing types of vehicles are aleo covered "autos" for Physical Damage Coverage: Any uauto" you do not own while used with the permission of its owner as a temporary substitub for a covered "auto" you own that is out of service because of its: 1. Breakdown; 2. Repair; 3. Servicing; 4. "Lo6so; or 5. Destruction, The coverage that applies ie the same as the coverage provided ficr the vehicle being replaced. Physical Damage Coverage is extended to the temporary substitute auto for the lesser of the following number of days: 1. The number of days reasonably required to repair or replace the covered 'auto" that is out of eervlce; or 2. 30 days, The bllowing changes revise SEGTION ll - LIABILITY GOVERAGE The following is added to Paragraph A.i.. d. Blanket Additional lnsured Any person or organization that you are requircd to include as an additional insured on this Coverage Form in a written contrac't or agreement that is signed and executed byyou before the "bodily injury'or "property damage' occurs and that is in effest dudng the policy period is an "insured" for Liability Coverage, but only for damages to which this insurance applies. A person's or organization's status as an additional insured under this endorsement ends when your contract or agreement with such person or organization ends. The Limits of Insurance applicable to the Additional lnsured are those specified in the writlen contmct or agreement but not morc than the Limits of lnsurance specified in the Declaratione of this policy. The Limits of lnsurance applicable to the Additional lnsured are inclusive of and not in addition to ihe Limits of lnsurance shown in the declarations for the Named lnsurcd. This Coverage does not apply to lessors of leased ?utos". EA99 11 03 18 lndudes copydghM mabdal of lnsurance ScMceg Oficc, lnc,, wilh ib pemiesion Page 1 ofG e. Brcadened Nemed lnsured Any business entity newly acquired or formed by you during the policy period provided you own 51o/o ot more of the business entity and the business is not separately insured for Businese Auto Coverage. Coverage is extended up to a maximum of 180 days ficllorting acquisition or furmation of the business entity or until the end of the policy period, whichever comes first. f. Employee Hired Auto An "employee" of yours is an 'insured" while operating an "autoo hired or rented under a contract or agreement in that 'employee's" namer with your permission, while perficrming duties related to the conduct of your business. Paragraphs A,.2.a.(21 and A.2.a.(4) are deleted and replaced with the following: 2- Govemge Extoncionr a. Supplementary Prymentr (2) Up to $6,000 for cost of bail bonds (including bonds for related trafiic law violations) required because of an "accidenf we oover. We do not have to fumish these bonds. (4) All reasonable expenses incurred by the "insuredo at our request, including actual loss of eamings up to $500 a day because of time off from work. Paragraph 8.5. is deleted and replaced with the fullowing: 5. Fellow Employee 'Bodily lnjury'to: a. Any fellow "employee" of the oinsuredo arising out of and in the course of the fellow 'employee's" employment or while perbrming duties related to the conduct of your business. This exclusion does not apply to an 'insuredn who occupies a position aa an ofiie,er, manager or supervisor.;or b. The spouse, child, parent, brother or sister of that bllow "employee" as a @nsequence of Paragraph a. above. The bllowing changes revise SECTION lll - PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE This coverage applies only for a covered "auto" ior which Physical Damage Coverage is provided for on this policy. Paragraph A.2. is deleted and replaced with the tullowing: A. COVERAGE 2. Towing We will pay up to $200 for a covered uauto" for towing and labor costs incuned each time the covered 'auto' is disabled. However, the labor must be perbrmed at the place of disablement. This coverage is excess over a. any limit shown in the Declarations for towing and labor costs; and b. any other collectible insurance. This coverage applies only for an "autoo covered on this policy br c. Comprehensive or Specified Causes of Loss Goverage; and d. Collision Coverage. The fullowing is added to Paragraph A.3 Glass Repair -Waiver of Deductible No deductible will apply to glass breakage if such glass is repaircd in a manner acceptable to us rather than replaced. Paragraph A.4.a. is deleted and replaced with the following: 4. Govemge Extencions a. Limited Rental Reimburuement or Travel Expense We will pay up to $75 per day to a maximum of $2,250 for rental reimbursement expenses for the rential of an "auto" or other transportation expense incurred by you because of "loss" to a overed "auto" which is covered by Comprehensive, Specified Causes of Loss, or Collision coverage under this policy. No deduc{ible applies to this coverage. (1) We will pay only for those expenses incuned as a result of a covered "loss" occurring during the policy period beginning 24 hours after the "loss" and ending, regardless of the policy's expiration, with the lesser of the bllonting number of days: (a) The number of days reasonably required to repair or replace the covered "autou. lf "loss" is caused by thafi, this number of days is added to the number of days it trakes to locate the covered "auto" and retum it to you; or (b) 30 days. (2) Our payment under this Coverage Exteneion (4.a.) ie limited to the lesser of the necessary and ac-tual expenses incuned or the maximum amount shown, $2,250. EA99 11 03 18 lndudes copyrightcd mat€dal of lnsunance SeMces Ofice, lnc., wilh ib pcmission Page 2 of 6 (3) Coverage under this Coverage Extension (4.a.) does not apply while there are spare or reserve "autos" available to you for your operations. (t0 lf a covered "auto' is descrlbed or designated as a covered "auto" on endorsement EA 99 01, the coveftlge provided by this extension is excessover @verage provided by endorgement EA 99 01. The following is added to paragraph A.4. c. Tapes, Records and Disc$ We will pay for "loss" to tapes, records, compact discs, or other similar devices used with audio, visual or data electronic devices. (1) We will pay only if the tapes, records, compact discs, or other similar devices: (a) Are your property or that of a family membe6 or (b) Are the property of an "employee" using a covered "auto" in your business afrairc at the time of the "loss'; and (c) Are in a covered "auto" which sustains other covered "log9" under Comprehensive or Collision coverage at the time of the "loss" to tapes, records, @mpact discs, or other similar devices. (2) The most we will pay for "loss" und6r this Coverage Extension (a.c.) is $200. (3) Physical Damage Coverage provisions apply to this coverage, except that anydeductible applicable to Comprehensive or Gollision coverage does not apply to this Coverage Extension (4.c.). d. Audio, Visual and Data Electronic Equipment (l) Coverage (a) We will pay with respect to a covered "auto" described in the Schedule for "loss" to any electronic equipment that receives or transmits audio, visual or data signals and that is not designed solely for the reproduc'tion of sound. This coverage applies only if the equipment is permanently installed in the covered "auto" at the time of the 'loss' or the equipment is removable from a housing unit which is permanently installed in the covered "auto" at the time of the ulo$so, and such equipment is designed to be solely operated by use of the power from the nauto's' electrical system, in or upon the covered "autou. (b) We will pay with respect to a mvered "auto" described in the Schedule for "loss" to any accessories used with the electronic equipment described in Paragraph (l)(a) above. However, this does noi include tapes, records or discs. (2) b<clusions The exclusions that apply to Physical Damage Coverage, except for the exclusion relating to Audio, Visual and Data Electronic Equipment, also apply to coverage provided by this extension.ln addition, the bllowing exclusions apply: We will not pay, under this extension, for either any electronic equipment or accessories used with such electronic equipment that is: (a) Necessary for the normal operationof the covered "auto" or the monitoring of the covered "auto's" operating system; or (b) An integral part of the same unit housing eny sound reproducing equipment designed solely for the reprcduction of sound if the sound reprcducing equipment is permanently installed in the covered "auto" in the opening of the dash or console normally used by the manufacturer for the installation of a radio. (3) Limit of lnsurance \Mth respect to coverage under this extension the Limit of lnsurance provision of Physical Damage Coverage is replaced by the bllowing: (a) The mostwe will pay forall"loss'to audio, visual or data electronic equipment and any accessories used with this equipment as a result of any one "accidenf is the lesser ot (l) The actual cash value of the damaged or stolen property as of the time of the "loss"; EA 99 11 03 18 lndudes copyrighted matsrial of Insurance SeMces Ofice, lnc., wilh its pemission Page 3 of 6 (ii) The cost of repairing or replacing the damaged or stolen property with other prope$ of like kind and quality; or (iii) $s00. (b) An adjustment for depreciation and physical condition will be made in determining actual cash value at the time of the "loss'. (c) lf a repair or replacement results in better than like kind or quality, we will not pay for the amount of betterment. (4) Deductible No deductible applies to this coverage. The insurance provided by this extension is excess over any other collec.tible insurance. e. Gustom Signs and Decontlonr Physical Damage covemrge on a covered ?uto" may be extended to "loss" to custom signs and decorations including cuetom murals, paintings or other decals or graphics. Our limit of liability for loss to custom signs and decorations shall be the least of: (1) Actual cash value of the stolen or damaged property; {2) Amount necessary to repair or replace the properly;or {3) $500- f. Personal Effects Goverage ({) Physical Damage Coverage on a covered "auto" may be extended to "loss" to your "personal effecls' or, if you are an individual, the "personal efiects'of a fiamily member, that are in the covered "auto" at the time of theoloss". (2) "Personal effects' as used in this extension means tangible property that is wom or canied by the ninsuredu. 'Personal effects" does not include tools, jewelry, money, securities, radar or laser detectors, or tiapes, re@rds, disqs or similar audio, visual or data electronic equipment. (3) The most we will pay for any one nloss" under this ooverage extension is $500. No deductible applies to this extension. The insurance provided by this extension is exoess over any other collectible insurance. g. Gamper Bodies ln the event of a nlosgo lo a detrached "camper,' physical damage coverage will apply as if it were part of the covered "auto" on which it is ratred. h. Gontents of a Travel Trailer, Camper or Motor Home lMren a Travel Trailer, 'Campef or Motor Home is a scheduled auto for physical damage coverage, we will pay up to $1,000 br nloss" to personal property belonging to you or a family member that is within the Travel Trailer, "Campef or Motor Home. We willpay upto $250 for"loss"to personal property belonging to you or a family member that is outside the Travel Trailer, 'Campe/ or Motor Home. (l) We will not pay for "lossn to: (a) Articles canied or held for sale, storage or repairs, or for later delivery; goods kept to show or sell; or theatrical wardrobes. (b) Business, store of ofiice furnilure or equipment. (c) Records or ac@unts, money, bullion, deeds, @ntrac'ts, evidences of debt, securities, tokens or tickets, stamps in cunent use or manuscripts. (d) Anlmals, private passenger oautos,n motorcycles, aircrafts, boats or any other motorized vehiclee or their equipment, fumishings or appurtenances. (e) Equipment or accessories while your Travel Trailer, 'Gampef or Motor Home is leased or rented to any organization or any person other than you or a family member. {2) The maximum we will pay for'losso is the lesser of: (al The actual cash value of the personal proper$ at the time of "loss"; (b) The cost of repairing ihe damage; or (c) The cost of replacing the da personal property with personal property of like condition, quality and value. maged other kind, EA99 11 03 18 lndudao copyr[hted matedal of lnsurance SeNices Ofice, lnc., wllh ib pemission Page 4 of 6 i. Vacation Expense Allowance We will pay you $50 per day to a maximum of $500 for extra e)eenses when a Travel Trailer, "Campe/' or Motor Home is a scheduled auto for physical damage @velage, and the Tmvel Trailer, 'Campe/ or Motor Home: (1) ls damaged or destroyed and is uninhabitable; and (2) \Mile being used for vacation purposes within the policy period. Extra expenses mu$ by supporbd by receipts or othervalid evidence. The following is added to Paragraph A.: 5. Extra Expense - Brcadened Coverage We will pay for the dircct expense of returning a stolen covered "auto" to you. We will pay only for those covered uautos" for which you carry Comprehensive or Specified Causes of Loss Coverage. This coverage will only apply to vehicles recovered inside the 48 contiguous United States. This coverage does not apply to an uauton we deem a total "loss'. 6. Auto Loanllease Gap Covenge ln the event of a covered total "loss' to a covered "auto" described or designated in the Schedule or in the Declarations, we will pay up to $2,000 for any unpaid amount due on the lease or loan for a covered nauton less: a. The Amount paid under the Physical Damage Coverage section A.{. of the policy;and b. Any: (1) Overdue lease/loan payments at the time of the "loss'; (2) Financial penalties imposed under a lease for excessive use, abnormal wear and tear or high mileage; (3) Secudty deposits not retumed by the Lessor; (4| Costs for extended warranties, CreditLib Insurance, Health, Accident or Disabili$ lnsurance purchased with the loan or lease; and (5) Carry-over balances from previous loans or leases. 7. Hirod Auto Physical Damage Coverage lf hired "autosn are covered "autoso for Liability Coverage and if Comprehensive, Specified Causes of Loss or Collision Goverages are provided under this coverage form for any "autoo you own, then the Physical Damage Coverages provided are extended to 'autos" you hire of like kind and use, subject to the following: a. The most we will pay for any one "loss" is $50,000 orthe actual cash value orthe cost to repair and replace, whichever is less, minus a deductible; b. The deductible will be equal to the largest deductible applicable to any owned "auto" for that coverage; c. Hired Auto Physical Damage coverage is exc€ss over any other collectible insurance; and d. Subject to the above limit, deductible and excess provisions, we will provide coverage equal to the broadest coverclge applicable to any covered'auto" you own, lf a limit fior Hired Auto Physical Damage is indicated in the Declarations, then that limit replaces, and is not in addition to, the $50,000 limit indicated above. The following is added to Paragmph B.3.a.: Alrbag Goverage - Accidental Deployment However, this exclusion does not apply to the unintended inflation of an airbag if the lnffationis caused by mechanical or electrical breakdown. The following is added to Paragraph C,2, New Vehicle Replacoment Coot lf, however, a "losso o@urs to your @veled "auto" within 180 days of your purchase of the "auto" and, we deem the covered "autoo to be a total uloss" and it has not been previously titled under the motor vehicle law of any state, we will pay at your option: a. the cost to replace the covered uauto' with a new "auto' of like make, model and year, or b. an amount equalto the original purchase pdce you paid to acquire the vehicle, including taxes, but excluding any extended raananties and licensing fees. This coverage applies only to a covered "auto" of the private passenger, light truck or medium truck $pe (20,000 lbs. or less gross vehicle weight). EA99 t1 03 {8 lndudes copydghbd material of lncurancc SeMceE Ofice, lnc., with ib pcrmission Page 5 of 6 The fullowing changes revise SECTION lV BUSINESS AUTO CONDITIONS The bllowing is added to Paragraph A.2.a.: Amended Duties in the Event of an Accident, Claim, Lawsuit or Loss However, this duty is only required when the 'accidenf is known to: (1) You, if you are an individual; (2) A partner, if you are a partnership; (3) A member, if you are a limited liabili$ company; or (4) An executive offcer or insurance manager, if you are a corporation. The fullowing is added to Paragraph A.: 6. Blanket Waiver of Subrogatlon We waive any right of recovery we may have agalnst any person or organization to the extent required of you by a written contract executed prior to any "accidenf because of payments we make for damages under this coverage brm. The following is added to Paragraph 8.2.: Unintentional Feilurc to Disclose Hazeds Any unintentional fiailure to disclose allexposures or hazards existing as of the efiective date of the Business Auto Coverage Form or at any time during the policy pedod will not invalidate or adversely affect the eovelage for such exposur€ or hazard. However, you must report the undisclosed exposure or hazard to us as soon as reasonably possible after its discovery. Paragraph 8.5.b. is deleted and replaced with the following: a. For Hired Auto Physical Damage Coverage, the following are deemed to be covered 'autos' you own: (1) Any covered "auto" you lease, hire, rent or bonow; and (2) Any covered "auto' hired or rented by your "employee" under a contect in that individual "employee's" name, with your permission, while perhrming duties related to the conduct of your business. However, any "auto" that is leased, hired, rented or borrowed with a driver is not a covered'auto'. The ficllowing is added to Paragraph 8.5. d. To the extent required by an "insured contracf, this insurance is primary on behalf of the additional insured, and any other insurance maintained by the additional insured is excess and not contributory with this insurance. lf the "insured contracf does not require this provision, then Paragraph a. above will apply. The follaring changes revise SECTION V DEFINITIONS The following is added: Q. *Campe/' means a portable dwelling unit without afes or wheels that has been manufiactured for attachment on the bed of a pickup truck to be used for casual travel orcamping. EA 99 1{ 03 18 Indudea copyrighbd maEdal of Insunance SeMs Ofice, lnc., wilh lts permission Page 6 of 6 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. AMENDMENT . ADDITIONAL INSURED . PRIMARY AND NONCONTRIBUTORY . OTHER INSURANCE CONDITION SCHEDULE Additional lnsured: Any person or organization who you are required to add as an additional insured on this policy under a wriften contract or wriften agreement. A. lnformation to complete the Schedule, if not shown above, will be shown in the Declarations. The following is added to the Other lnsurance Condition and supersedes any provision to the contrary: Primary and Noncontributory lnsurance As respects the Additional lnsured shown in the Schedule above, this insurance is primary to and will not seek contribution from any other insurance available to the Additional lnsured, provided that: B. The Additional lnsured is a Named lnsured under such other insurance; and C. You have agreed in writing in a contract or agreement that this insurance would be primary and would not seek contribution from any other insurance available to the additional insured, All other terms and conditions of the policy remain unchanged PLt 52 40 06 16 Page 1 of 1 Copyright 2016, CM Vantage Specialty lnsurance Company @@ fubfic Works Project tulcom &nranrn bon6rwhh f6lCH LLC s irol rcg 9n; rr.n'. fprrl-a6ru {sadnsaoeq (M oroftPA&s &&c hj.ct&d C@(rilmlf t.rtwtudrnq hord:cEE@dl@6Er Project Overview F-i t,t' [dhDodtdbtubgFoFd fac20-o2 tmd nc l2l0 $d crd Ave. Rd! wA 9&32 !i B:. !949.S7-OO 3tt9t2O2O ata-:o2-1926 2t2lal@@exHEffxwt*hln dds *d ffbtutun lav&t.r .funnfts:ddhCKd&rds h r.k. tq d wlr ad Ed@ KST, CrR S/tts & trC Ed{. dy @a S* ofives; dpe ..dB Mkr4 ..n ddr, d d lw tu Ir hdr de k st.r i$ rr:ii3 +-.-.t c.rF. 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I 8M-302-1928 Pmj*t lnfDrmation e*O"g;;&M, Cd Of /PAKS & RaC220-{ftAVrS(SIWA 98032 . til16:1.H11!l . . .25J-856-tOAz ^*J"n ***-** a{qlhs 4.nq com( phone n{db.r 6rytD9ul't xant Cffidond rdrq dumbhg tuir t949.00/.00 Ayardg.le hl!( SnrAddrus or Dftqbs ts ow& 0nlax6 Rqutftfl f.dedryrunded rcl!(n3 3ttgl2o2o 5t7 t2020 1210sod c.mrdav.., i.*, wA 98032 RrFho ed\ong ffmEtdh newrdnl.ss d..l.onbrn.d6 bv{krrclos.r fixrucal d.holkh CsU dluderdh rn(.[3. rq { v& ed Epl&e .{roh.ud rhur off @s s hdt6t.dj aplaa d.y reoh shn oFv&si Epdr.xts.g holdngall tu6. od dd ne{ ddn h hdli cdae hor hcr rcdrokhg S!! sh B: hdc turd .ndlurcr areund dl prphg and .qdpnst de &[h0 nd b.lop tuoi p.rd & ptnr b nekh. lntert Oetails tip.<.a oJ.a rtn o,te lD sd.& {or neffi .lo dll he M( & pdm.d ;*wompey rm.nd to hlG NY subh(N? & yd lnrehd b us. $y {prc.d..s? {SpGnfl.es aF otud.ftd rmDtote.s) Hfr FDv ome4o!.hbd p.ftmns d on rhc FFfl m 16 ormd. ol rh!.mpsf No@npeyM.rdd.d lourney Level Wages @fi 16 ooatd- lnC 6ds DemoUsn: wn.kng &ffdhg (hd. Chd M.nd Kns ,C4.nr.6 ,C4.il.r Public tlors tu.. a @Fur.nots. oid6s *brB drear*ro ir aoo e t *.rn.s d6. s?d6,t6. ls.Flhlra.€rst+s*&ig* xrr l50s : t62,41 tos lo.@ Aglts @. **** DUPTICAEE **** G nt @o 4/2A/202A 3:03 PM 573 53 PermLts EMTECH I,LC Receipt # 0003?846 DEPT#: 143 New Business Comm. - FulL Year $ r00.00 Pennit rD Number:219216 DEPT#: L473 Parnit Tech Fee For Business License $1.00 Permit ID Number z2I92LG EMTECH LLC TotaI:$ 10r..00 Check 10 144 City of Kent 22O Fourth Avenue South Kent fwA98032 253-855-5201 customerservice0kentwa . gov Pay Your Utility BiIl Online Pay.NentWA.gov $101.00 **** DUPLICATE **** Mangers lnitials: Dir. Assist. lnitials: Directors lnitials: t$/l , Parks Contract Routing Checklist AIL contracts for Mayor's Signature* Send to Parks Administration for review and approval by Director First <SfOX, Super. StOr to <S20K Director or Deputy Director >SIOOX per year** (Grants $ZSrl Mayor Project Name Corrections Plumbing Date 5114t20 Staff Contact Nate Harper 5082 For Updated "Agreement Routing Form_fill able"Click here To see if your contract hos been forwarded from *Porks Administration Click here Ext. To Parks Administration: n Agreement Routing Form - Required with AllContracts. (Combines & supersedes Request for Moyor's Signature & Contract Cover Sheet forms.) ! Contract Lease or Lessee Agreement Cover Sheet - completed and attached D Council memo authorizing contract * contracts over $t00k tr Contract signed by Vendor - exception: grant & lnterlocal Agreements - city signs first ! "Sign me" stickers on signature page - Mayor's & Directors information pre-filled n Vendor's proposal- marked aqExhibit A. n Performance Bond signed and attached - mandatory if contract is over $150K n Prevailing Wages - [&l wage schedule for each labor category on a PW proiect tr Exhibit B form from Chris H., vendor's Certificate of Liability (lnsurance) and a Separate Endorsement, or copy of policy with policy number on each page. tr Business License - aftach hard copy or get verbalconfirmation from vendor. contracts >SZOf and >S25K Grants include account number in email for budeet impact. To Contracts with totals over 20k for multiple years but annually are less then 20k are signed by the Director. The contract must show total of contract and break down by annual amount. Contractor's Statement of lntent to Pay Prevailing Wages must be received by the city before any payment is made. http://cityspace/Parks/Shared%20Documents/Parks%2OContracts/Contract%2oDocs/Contract_Routing_Forms.pdf