HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2020-123 - Other - Matelich - Mill Creek Reestablishment Project - Recorded Statutory Warranty Deed - 05/22/2020Instrument Number: 20200522001133 Document:WD Rec: $107.50 Page -I of 5 Excise Docs: 3048098 Selling Price: $280,000.00 Tax Amount: $4,485.00 Record Date:5/22/2( Electronically Recorded King County, WA WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO' Name: City of Kent, a Washington municipal corporation Address: 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 Escrow Number: 749372RT Filed for Record at Request of: Rainier Title, LLC RECORDED BY RAINIER TITLE STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED ORDER # '7 3"1Z 'ice THE GRANTOR(S), Andrew I Matelich, as a separate estate and Ruth M. Matelich, as a separate estate and Timothy I. Matelich, as a separate estate for and in consideration of Ten dollars and Zero cents ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid. conveys, and warrants to City of Kent, a Washington municipal corporation the following described real estate, situated in the County of King, State of Washington: See attached Exhibit A, which is made a part hereof by this reference. Subject to: See attached Exhibit A, which is made a part hereof by this reference. Abbreviated Legal: Ptn NE 1/4 STR 22-22-4 & Ptn SE 1/4 15-22-4 Tax Parcel Number(s): 222204-9029-02, 152204-9137-00, 152204-9134-03 Dated: MAY 20TH, 2020 Signature and Notary follow at next page LPB 10-05 6-1) Instrument Number: 20200522001133 Document:WD Rec: $107.50 Page -2 of 5 Record Date:5/22/2020 11:35 AM King County, WA This page is attached to and made a part of the Stalutorp Warranty Deed Andrew J. Matelich A Rutin M. Ma elic f`J "—&4 Timothy 11 Matelich STATE OF Washington ep lZm ss. COUNTY OF +E+r;ig P1 I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Andrew J. Matelich and Ruth M. Matelich and TimothylMatelich iso e person(s) who appeared before me, a id person acknowledged that he/sheAhey igned this Instrument and acknowledged it to be his/h their ree and voluntary act for the uses an purposes mentioned in this instrument. Dated: Name: ovtU f'A1 S Notary Public jn the State of C�VAS-kc' Residing in Ken_q' My Commission Expires: ROE -1-10 PERALES Nc)tary Public Sale of Washincton V., Appointment Expires Feb 19, 2022 LPB 10-05 (W) Instrument Number: 20200.522001133 Document:WD Rec: $107.50 Page -3 of 5 Record Date:5/22/2020 11:35 AM King County, WA Exhibit A Parcel A That portion of Government Lot 11, Section 15, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., records of King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of the Kent -Des Moines Highway 60 -foot right of way and the South line of E. Cooper Donation Claim; Thence Southerly along said centerline 130.29 feet to the intersection of the Northerly line extended West of a tract of land heretofore conveyed by instrument recorded under Recording Number 3289068 and 3350484; Thence South 8919'47" East 265 feet; ; Thence North 01'02'04" West to the South line of E. Cooper Donation Claim Thence North 87°49'52" West 249 feet to the point of beginning; Except State Highway. Parcel B: That portion of Government Lot 11, Section 15, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M. records of King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of the Kent -Des Moines Highway 60 -foot right of way and the South line of E. Cooper Donation Claim; Thence Southerly along said centerline 130.29 feet to the intersection of the Northerly line extended West of a tract of land heretofore conveyed by instrument recorded under Recording Number 3289068 and 3350484; Thence South 89°19'47" East 265 feet to the point of beginning; Thence continuing South 89°19'47" East 236.99 feet more or less to the Northeast corner of said tract of land; Thence North 01'02'04" West on the Northerly extension of the East line of said tract of land 120 feet more or less to the South line of said Donation Claim; Thence North 8749'52" West along said South line 237.26 feet; Thence South 01'02'04" East 124 feet more or less to the true point of beginning. Parcel C: That portion of Sections 14, 15, 22 and 23, Township 22 North, Range 4 East. W.M. in King County, Washington, lying East of the Kent -Des Moines Highway and West of the County Road, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of Section 22, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M. in King County, Washington; Thence North 89' 30' East along the North line of said Section 22, produced, 14.72 feet to the center of County Road No. 76 "Frager Road" which point is hereby designated as the True Point of Beginning; Thence North 12' 21'45" East 59.02 feet along the centerline of said County Road No. 76; LPB 10-05 (-1) Instrument Number: 20200522001133 Document:WD Rec: $107.50 Page -4 of 5 Record Date:5/22/2020 11:35 AM King County, WA Thence North 14° 55'30" West 66.77 feet along the centerline of said County Road; Thence North 520 09'00" West 300.76 feet along the centerline of said County Road to its intersection with the East line of the Enos Cooper Donation Claim; Thence South 12° 01'30" West 47.81 feet along the East line of said Donation Claim to the Southeast corner of said Donation Claim; Thence North 89° 47'48" West 1551.02 feet along the South line of said Donation Claim to its intersection with the centerline of the Kent -Des Moines Highway as established by Volume 26 of Commissioners' Records, page 493 and Volume 27 of Commissioners' Records, page 4, which intersection is on a highway curve to the right having a radius of 881.47 feet; Thence Southeasterly along the centerline of the said Kent -Des Moines Highway, a distance of 130.29 feet to its intersection with the North line of the Marshal W. Leet property as described in Deed recorded under Recording Numbers 3289068 and 3350584; Thence South 89° 47'48" East 501.99 feet along said North line to the Northeast corner of said Leet property; Thence South 2° 38' 04" East 287.55 feet along the East line of said Leet property to the Northwest corner of the A.M. Webb property, as conveyed by Deed recorded July 8, 1947 under Recording Number 3702926; Thence Easterly parallel to the South line of the Northeast quarter of said Section 22, 1170.47 feet, more or less, to the centerline of said County Road No. 76; Thence in a Northeasterly direction along the centerline of said County Road to the Point of Beginning; Except that portion thereof lying within said County Road No. 76 and Kent -Des Moines Highway; And except that portion lying Westerly of the Easterly margin of State Road No. 516 as condemned by the State of Washington in King County Superior Court Cause No.741401; And except that portion thereof described as follows: That portion of Government Lot 11, Section 15, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M. in King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of the Kent -Des Moines Highway 60 foot right of way and the South line of E. Cooper Donation Claim; Thence Southerly along said centerline 130.29 feet to the intersection of the Northerly line extended West of a tract of land heretofore conveyed by instrument recorded under Recording Number 3289068; Thence South 890 19'47" East 265 feet; Thence North 01 ° 02'04" West to the South line of E. Cooper Donation Claim; Thence North 87° 49'52" West 249 feet to the point of beginning; Less State Highway; And except that portion thereof described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of the Kent -Des Moines Highway 60 foot right of way and the South line of E. Cooper Donation Claim; Thence Southerly along said centerline 130.29 feet to the intersection of the Northerly line extended West of a tract of land heretofore conveyed by instrument recorded under Recording Numbers 3289068 and 3350484; LPB 10-05 (0) Instrument Number: 20200522001133 Document:WD Rec: $107.50 Page -5 of 5 Record Date:5/22/2020 11:35 AM King County, WA Thence South 890 19'47" East 265 feet to the Point of Beginning; Thence continuing South 89° 19'47" East 236.99 feet, more or less, to the Northeast corner of said tract of land; Thence North 01' 02' 04" West on the Northerly extension of the East line of said tract of land 120 feet, more or less, to the South line of said Donation Claim; Thence North 87° 49' 52" West along said South line 237.26 feet; Thence South 01' 02'04" East 124 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning; Situate in the County of King, State of Washington. End of Exhibit A Subject To: 1. Matters set forth by survey Recorded: March 19, 1997 Recording No.: 9703199001 2. Matters set forth by survey: Recorded: April 1, 1997 Recording No.: 9704019002 3. Matters set forth by survey: Recorded: April 16, 2007 Recording No.: 20070416900011 4. Declaration of covenants and the terms and conditions thereof, preventing certain practices in the use of that portion of the land lying within 100 feet from a well, as disclosed by instrument recorded under Recording No. 20071010000519 End of Exhibit A LPB 10-05 (i -p