HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2017-0345 - Original - King County DJAD - MOU between DAJD, KCSO & KPD regarding Maleng Regional Justice Center (MRJC) - 12/19/2017MEMORANDUM OF' UNDERSTANDING Between King County Department of Adult and Juvenile Detention, Kent Police Department, And King County Sheriffs Office This Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") between the Kent Police Department (KpD), the King County Department of Adult and Juvenile Detention (DAJD), and ihe King Couníy Sheriff s Office (KCSO) establishes guidelines for the response to incidents likelylo orr* within the Secure and Non-Secure Areas of the Maleng Regional Justice Center (MRIC). Secure Areas of MRJC For the purposes of this MOU, Secure Areas include all areas of the MRJC which are not open to the public. The officers of the DAJD will respond to all incidents within the Secrire Areas of the MRJC.If an emergency situation requires assistance above what the officers of the DAJD can handle, the KPD will provide mutual aid upon request and in accordance with state law and mutual aid agreements. Non-Secure Areas of MRJC The KPD will handle all calls for service within the non-secure areas of the MzuC. These calls for service will come from 911 calls or requests from the KCSO Marshalls. The KpDwill also handle all incidents within the parking lot of the MRJC. Criminal Investigations KPD will generally conduct all criminal investigations related to Major Crimes occurring at the MRIC. A Major Crime is a crime that constitutes a felony, as defined by Chapter 9À of the Revised Code of Washington, for which specific technical or investigative resources not generally necessary for County jail operations will be required. In the evãnt that either KpDor DAJD believes that KPD may have a conflict of interest in a criminal investigation involving a Major Crime, responsibility for the investigation may be transferred to KCSO. In-Custody Deaths In-custody deaths occurring in MRJC will be investigated by the KpD on behalf of King County. KPD will present its finding to the King County Prosecuting Attorney's Office, whıwill determine future actions, if any, in accordance with King County policy urrd Stut" Lu*. Access to fnmates The KCSO and KPD will be guaranteed reasonable access to inmates arrested by their respective agencies for the purpose of interviewing and identification processing. Reasonable MOU Befween DAJD, KPD, and KCSO access to inmates shall occur after admission (pre-booking) and in areas provided by DAJD for these purposes. KCSO or KPD officers may temporarily remove an inmate or detainee from DAJD custody provided the officer signs for the inmate or detainee and the removal does not interfere witl the inmate or detainee's scheduled court appearances(s). Temporary removals normally shall be for a period ofless than eight (8) hours, unless specifically requested in advance. Police Line-Ups KPD personnel will be responsible for the selection and custody of inmates participating in line-ups. DAJD will be responsible for making inmates available at the tìme réquesied, provided the line-up does not conflict with any scheduled court appearance(s) for participants. Prisoner Release DAJD agrees to release sentenced prisoners from the MzuC after 0430 hours, daily, as requested by the City of Kent and in consideration of public transportation, human services, schools, and business needs. Inmates released during the first eight (8) hours of incarceration will receive 'orelease assessments" by a release offrcer. Inmates lacking clothing at time of release will be issued such items as deemed appropriate. Hospital Transportation and Guarding DAJD will be responsible for transporting all booked MzuC inmates or detainees to medical facilities outside the Secure Perimeter. DAJD will be responsible for guarding all booked MRIC inmates or detainees charged with a felony who are transported to such outside medical facilities. Additionally, DAJD will be responsible for guarding MRJC inmates or detainees booked on misdemeanor or gross misdemeanor charges when DAJD managers determine that such guarding is necessary. Prisoners held by KPD on misdemeanors, misdemeanor warrants, or un-filed felony charges, if admitted to outside medical facilities, will be guarded by KPD according to the policiei of that agency, unless and until the prisoner is booked into MRIC, a citation is issued or felony charges are filed. Prisoners held on felony warrants or filed felony charges, if admitted to an outside medical facility, will be booked in absentia. Any suspected crime involving inmates or detainees occurring outside the Secure perimeter or en route to or at a medical facility within the city limits will be investigated by KpD. Effective Date This MOU shall take effect immediately upon the final signature and shall supersede previous agreements between the parties. Termination This MOU may be terminated by a party after providing the other parties with written notice of ninety days. 2 MOU Between DAJD, KPD, and KCSO No Third Party Benefîciaries This memorandum is solely for the benefit of the parties hereto. It is not intended, and shall not be construed, to create any legal duty between the parties not otherwise recognized in law, nor shall this memorandum be offered, construed, or relied upon to create a duty to any third-party agency or individual. Entire Agreement This MOU consists of three (3) pages and contains the entire agreement of the parties on the aforementioned issues. /z Director Date q Kent Chief Date / Sheriff Date 3