HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD16-155 - Extension - DEA - State and Local HIDTA Task Force Agreement - 10/01/2017Appendix F
'l'his agreenrent is nracle this lirst 1l'r¡ day of October 2017, between the UniteclStates
Departnrent of'Juslice, Dlug [irrl'orce¡ncnt Aclministration (hercinaller "DEA"), and the Kc.¡tt
Police l)epartmcnt (lrcreinafler "KPD"). Tlrc DEA is authorized to enter into this c,oclpe¡âtit,e
agrcelìrent coucerning lhe use and abuse of controlled srtbstances uncler the provisions of 2l
u.s.c. $ 873.
Wheleas the¡e is cvictence that traflìckiug in narcolics and dangerots dlugs cxists in the Creater
King C'ounty ålea ancl that such illegal activily ltas a substantial and cletrin:ental ellèct on tlte
fiealttr ancl genelal rvell'¿ue ol'the people of Washingtott, the parties hereto agtee to the fbllowing:
l. The DEA SeaTac HIDTA Task Folce (Group D-22) will pelfonn the activities antl duties
clcscribed belorv:
a. disrupt the illicit drug traffic in the Cireater Kirrg County area by immobilizirrg targeted
violators ancl traflicking organizations;
b. gather and report intelligence clata relating to tlaflÌcking in uarcotics and datrgetous
drugs; ancl
c. conclucl rmdercovel'operations where appro¡rlinte ancl cngage in other trudition¿rl
nrethocls of investigation in ordcr that the task force's activities rvill result iu effective
¡rrosecution bef'ore the courts ol.ths United Slntes ancl the State of Washington.
2. fb acconrplish the objectives of the If EA Seal'ac l-llDTA Task Force (Group D-22), the KPD
agrces to detail one (l) ex¡leriencecl officer'(s) to the DEA SeaTac FIIDTA Task Force (Group D-
22) for a period of not less than 1\\o years, During this peliocl of assigrurient, the KPD off-rcels
rvill be urrcler tlre dilect .su¡:ervision and control of DËÂ supervisot'y personnel assigncd to the
task force.
3. Thc I(llD olTicer.s assignecl to the task fblce shall aclhere to all DEA policies and ¡:roceclures.
Failule to adhere to DEA pcllicies ancl ¡rrncedules shall be grounds f'or dismissal lronl the task
4.1'he KPD ol'lÌcels assignecl to thc task lbrcc shall be depulized as tahk force oflicerc of DEA
purcuant to 2l USC 878.
5. To accomplish the objectives of the DllA SeaTac I"tlDTA Task Force (Group D-22\, DEA will
assign three (3) Special Agents to the task fbrce. LIIDTA will also, subject to thc availability of
annually appropriated fi¡nds or any continuing resolution tlrereof, provide necessary funds aud
equipment to support the activities of the DEA Special Agents and six (6) officers assigned to the
task fbrce. This support will include: offrce space, office supplies travel funds, funds for the
purchase of evidence and information, investigative equiprnent, trairring and othet support items.
ó. During the period of assignment to the DËA ScaTac I-ilDTA Task Þ'orce (Group D-22), the
KPD will renrain responsible for establishing tbe salaries and benefÏts, including overtime, of the
KPD officers assigned to the task fbrce and for making allpayrnents due them. HIDTA will'
subject to availability of funds, reimbr¡rse the Valley Narcotics Ë,nforcen'lent Team "YNET" oll
behalf'of the Kent Police l)epartment for overtime payments mode try it to the KPD officers
assigned to the DEA SeaTac HIDTA'[ask Force (Croup D-22) f'ot overtimen up to a sum
equivalent to 25 percent of the salary of a GS-I2, Step I (RUS) federalemployee, cu'rently
$18,042,00, per officer. Note: Task Force Offlcer's overtimc "Shttll not ittclude ony cottsfor
benetîts, such as rellrcmenl, FICA, tttttl other expenseÍ."
7. In no event will the Kent Police Departrnent charge any indilect cost rate to DEA f'or the
administration or implenrentation of this agleemenl
8. The KPD shall lnaintain on a cunent basis cornplete and accurate recolds and accounts of all
obligations and expenditures of funds wrder this agreement in accordance witlt generally
accepted accounting principles and instructions provided by DEA to facilitate on-site inspection
and auditing ol'such records and accounts.
9. The KPD shall pennit and have readily available for exanrination and auditing by DEA, the
United States Dcpartment of Justice, the Comptroller Censral of the Unitecl States, and any of
theit cluly authorized agents zurd represelttatives, any attd all recotds, documetrts, accouuts,
invoices, receipts or expenditures relating to this agreement. l'he KPD shall maintain all such
rcports and records until all litigation, claini, audits and examinations nle completed and
resolved, or for a period of three (3) years atler terntination of this agreentent, whichever is later
10. The KPD shall comply with I'itle VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age DiscriminationAcl of 1975, as amended, and all
requircments imposed by or pursuant to the regulations of the United Sfates Department of
Justice implementing those laws,28 C.F.R, Part 42, Subparts C, F, C, H and I.
I 1. The KPD agrees that an authorized officer or em¡rloyee will execute and return to DEA the
attached OJP Form 4A6rc, Certification Regarding Lobbying; Debarnrent, suspcnsiott and Other
Responsibility Matters; and drug-Free Workplace Requirernents. The KPD acknowledges that
this agreement will not take effect.and rro federal l"unds will be awarded until the completed
certifìcation is received.
12. When issuing statcments, press releases requests f'or proposals, bid solicitations and other
documents describing projects or programs funded in whole or patt with federal nìoney, the KPD
shall clearly state: (l) percentage of the total cost of the program or project which will be
firmlceclrvith t'e{erat ntoney and (2) the clollar antounf of f'eder¿rl funds for lhe prcgrant or
13. 'l'þe KPD understands and agrces that I{ID1'A rvill provicle the DEA SeaTac I{ID1'A Task
Force (Gr.ou1tD-22) Of'ficers rvith vehicles suitnble fìlr surt,eillance. HIDTA through DEA rvill
lìrLnish rlrobile ladios for installatio¡t i¡l tlte HIDTA Task Forcc vehicles and lllD'fÀ will assunte
tlre cost ol'installation antl rcnroval. l:llD'l'A rvill be linancially responsible f'or tlre ¡rulchasc of
fìlel fbr thc. leased velricles ancl f'or plovicling routine nraintcnancc, i.c., oil clmnges, lubes ancl
nrirror tune-ups via thc HIDTA leasc cotttrnctor. DEA ancl I-llDTA ¡rtoccclutrs for re¡lorting and
investigating autonrobile acciclents involving Ollicial Govet¡rn'lettt Vehiclcs (OGV'S)-HIDl'^
lease vetrioles shall apply to accidents involving the leasecl vchiclcs fur¡lishecl to thc KPD
¡rcrsonnel, in adclition to whatever accident reportirrg t'equirctttents the KPD may ltave.
14. While on clut¡' ancl acting on task l'orce business, the KPD ol'ticers assigned to the l{lD'l'A
task l'or.ce shall be sulrject to ¿rll DEA ancl fècleral governmcnt rules, regulations and procedures
govelrring thc nsc of OGV's fbr honre to work transportatiott nncl for pelsottal busincss. Tlrc
I IID1 A Exccutive Cbm¡nittec acknowleclges that the Unitecl States is liable lbr lhe actions of
task lbLce oflfìcer, rvhilc on drity ancl acting within tlte scope ol'thcir fbcleral entploylnent, to thc
cxterrt pernritted by the Fecleral 'l'orts Clainl Act,
15. The ternr of this agrc$tnenf shall be efl'ective lì'onr the clate in palagra¡lh nunrber one until
Septenrber 30, 2018. This agreemenl nray lrc ter¡ninated by either ¡rarty on 30 clays nclvance
rvritten notice. Billing f'or nll outstancling obligations nlust be reccived by DEA within 90 clays of
t[e datc ol'ternlination of this agreement. l'llD]'A will be responsible only lor obligations
inct¡r¡ecl by Kent Police l)epartment cluring thc ternt of this agrcelnent'
F'or the Drug Enlolcenrent Aclnlinistrntion:
1- l"- ?o rl
Narne: Kcith R, Weis
'l'itle: Special Agent in Chalge (SAC)
Fol Kcnt De¡lartlnent
D¿rte:c{¡,/ rz
N¿rnre: Ken T'ltontas
Title:Chicf of Police
Applicants should reler to lhe regulations cited below lo dêtermine the cerlil¡cation to which lhey are required to attest.
Applicants should älso review lhe instructions for certification included in the regulalions before completing lhis form,
Signature of this form provides for compliance wlth certÍfication requirements under 28 CFR Part 69, "New
Roslrictions on Lobbying" and 28 CFR Part 67, "Government-wide Þebarment and Suspension (Nonpro-curement) and
Government-wide Requirements for Drug-Free Workplace (Granfs)." The côrtifications shall be troated as â mãter¡äl
representation of fact upon which reliance will be placed when the Deparlment of Juslice detetrnines to award the
covered transaction, grant, or cooperative agreement.
I. LOBBYING public (Federal, Stale, or local) t¡ansaction or contrect under a
public lransactlon; v¡olation of Federâl or State antilrugt stâlutos
or commis$ion of embezz lemeôt, theft, forgery,
bribery, falsif¡cation or destruclion of re cords, making false
statemenls, or receiving $tolen properlyi
{c) Are not presently indicted for or othen¡vise criminally or
civilly charged by a governmenlal entity (Fedoral, State, or
local) wlth commission of any of the offenses enumeraled in
parâgr€ph (1Xb) of lhl$ cerliñcationl and
(d) Have not within a three-yesr period pr€ced¡ng this äpplicå-
tion had one or more publlc lransac{lons (Foderal, State, or
tocal) teminated forcause of d€fault; and
B. Where the âpplicant ls unabls to cerl¡fy to any ôf thê
statements ln this cêrt¡f¡oalion, he or she shellâtlech
an explanation to this application.
As required by Seclion 1362, Tille 3'l of the U.S. Code, and
¡mplemênted ât 28 CFR Part 69, for persons €ntering Ínto ã
granl or cooperåt¡v€ sgroðmÊnt over $100.000, as dèfined at
28 CFR Part 69, lhe applícant certifles lhat:
(a) No Federal appropriated funds have baen pâ¡d or will bô
paid. by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any person for
influoncing or attempting lo influenco an olficer or employee
of any agenc¡ a Member of Congress, ân officer or
employoe of Congress, or an employee of a Member of
Congr€ss in connection with lhe making of any Federal
grant, the enter¡ng into of any cooperalive agreernent, and
the oxtension, continualion, lenewal, arnendmant, or
modilicallon of any Federal grant or coopelatave agrêèment:
(þ) lfany funds otherthan Federal apptopriated funds have
been paid or w¡ll be paid to any person lor inlluencing or at'
lompting lo influence an oficer or employee of any agency, a
Member of Congress, an ofl¡cêr ot employee of Congresg, or
an employee ol a Member of Congress in conneclion with this
Federal grant 0r cooperat¡vô ågreemenl, lhe undersigned shall
complote and submil Standard Fom - LLL, "Disclosure of
Lobbying Activit¡es," in eccordânce wilh its instructions:
(c) The undercigned shall reguire lhat lhe language of lhis ce¡-
l¡f¡cat¡on be includêd ln the award documents for all gubawatds
at all tiers (inctuding subgrants, contracts under grants and
cooperativo agtoements, and subcontracls) and that ell sub-
recipienls shall certifo and disclose accordíngly.
As requhed by Executive Order 12549, Debement and
suspenslon, and lmplomonted at 2t CFR Part 67, f0r pro$pec-
tive parlicipant8 in pr¡mary covered traneactions, as defined at
28 CFR Part 67, Section 67.51G-
A. The applícent certil¡es lhat ¡t and ils principals:
(å) Are n0t presently debarred, suspended, proposêd for debar'
mênt, doclared ineligible, sentenced lo a denial of Federal
benefits by a State or Federal court, or voluntar¡ly excluded
from covered lransactions by any Fedêrâl department
oÍ âggncyi
{b) Have not w¡th¡n a three-year period pteceding this applica-
tion boen convlcted 0f or had â civ¡l ¡udgment rendeted against
them for commiggion of fraud or a 0riminal offense in connec-
tion with obtalning, attemptíng to obtain, or perfom¡ng a
Ae required by tho Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1980, and
implemented at 28 CFR Part 67, Eubpart F, for grantees, as
dolìned at 28 CFR Parl 67 Seclions 67.6'15 and 67.620-
A. The applicðnl cert¡fies thet it will or will continue to provide
a drug'fr€e workplac€ by:
(a) Publishing a Elatement notifying employees thal the
unlawful manufacture, distribulion, dispensing, possession, or
use of a controlled substance ls prohib¡ted in tho granleo's
workplace and specilying lhe âct¡ons that will be taken against
employees for violation of such prohibitioni
(b) Eslabllshing an ongoing drug-free awar€ness program lo
inform ernployees about-
(1) The dangers of drug abuse ln the w0rkplace:
(2) The grantoe's policy of ma¡ntainlng a drug-free workplaoe¡
(3) Any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee
ass¡stance programs; and
(4) Thô penalt¡es thetmay b6 imposed upon omployees for
drug abuse violsl¡ons occurr¡ng in the workplacei
(6) Mak¡ng it a requjrement that eäch employêe to be engaged
in the performance of lhe grant þe gìven a copy of lhe statement
required by paragraph (a);
{d) Not¡fying lhe employee in the slatêmGnl requir€d by para-graph
{a) that, as a condition of employment under the grant,
the employee will-
(l)Ab¡de by the terms of the slalsmont; and
(2) Notity the employêr ¡n writing of his or her conv¡clion for a
v¡olalion of a criminal drug stalute occurring ln the workplac€
no lal€r lhan five calendar days EfleÍ such conviction;
(e) Nolitying the agency, in vrritíng, within 10 calendar dsys
afler receiving notice under subparagraph (dX2) from ân
omployee or olheruise receiving actual nolice of such convic-tion.
Employers of convicled ernployees must provide notice, including
position title, to: Department of Justice, Ofice of
Justice Programs, ATTN: Control Desk, 633 lndiana Avenue,
N.W., Washington, D.C. 20531, Notice shall include the iden-
lf¡cation number(s) 0f €ach affected grant;
(0 Taking ono of th6 tollowing acllons, within 30 calendar
days of receiving notice under subparsgraph (dX2), with
respect to any employee who is so convicted-
('l ) Taking appropr¡ale pèrsonnêl Êct¡on against such an
employae, up lo and including term¡nal¡on, cons¡stent w¡lh tlìe
requ¡remenls of lhe Rehabilitalion Act of 1973, as amended: or
(2) Requiring such omployee to participate satisfactorily in a
drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program approved for
such purposes by a Federal, Stals, or local heallh, law enforce-
msnt, or olher appropriate âgency:
(g) Mak¡ng a good fe¡th efforl lo conlinuo to malnlain a drug-
free workplace lhrough implemenlslion of paragraphs (a), (b),
(c), (d), (e), and (0.
B. The grântoo may Insort in tho space provided below the
site(s) for lho performanc€ of work dono ln conneclion w¡lh
the specific granl:
Place of Performance (Slr€gt addroôs, cily, county, state, zip
SeaTac HIDTA Task Force (6roup D-22)
300 stt'Ave, Suite 1300
Seattle, WA 98104
if there are woftplaces on file lhat are not indentified
Section 67, 630 of the regulalions provido¡ that a granteo that
is a State ntay elect t0 make one cortilication in each Federal
f¡scal year. A copy of which should bB lncludod with each ap.
plication for Deparlmenl of Juslice funding. Slates and $tate
agencies may elect to use OJF Form 4061/7.
Check fl__l if lhe Slate has elected lo complolo OJP Form
As required by the Drug-Free Workplace Acl of 1988, and
¡mplemenlBd at 28 CFR Pârt 67, Subparl F, for grantees, as
d6fÌn6d at 28 CFR Part 67i Sections 67.616 and 67.620-
A. As a condition of the grsnl. I cerlify that I will nol engage
in lhe unlawful manufacture, disk¡bution, dispensing, posses-
sion, or use of a conlrolled substânce in conducling any
aclivity wilh the grant; and
B. lf convicted of a cr¡minal drug offense r€sultlng ííom a
violation occurring during the conduct ol any grant acl¡vity, I
will reporl the conviction, in wriling, within 10 calendar days
of lhe conv¡ctlon, lo: Deparlment of Just¡ce, Oflice of Juslice
Programs, ATTN: Control Desk, 8.l0 Sevenlh Slreet l,lw.,
Washington, DC 20531.
As the duly eulhor¡zed repreEenlative of lhê applicanl, I hereby cert¡fy thet the spplicant will comply with lho above certlf¡cations
1 . Grenteo Name and Address:
Kenl Police Dêpartment
220 4th Ave South
Kent, WA 98032
2. Application Number and/or Pro¡ect Name
DEA SeaTac HIDTA Task Force (Group D-2?)
3. Grantee IRS/Vendor Number
4. Typod Name and Title of Authorized Representalivê
5. Signature 6. Date
01- L7-
'U S Gov€mmont Printng Offim lgalô . 405'037110014
Drug Enfbrcernent Administration
Asset Forfeiture Slraring Memorandum of Undelstanding
This agreement is rnade this l'¡ clay of October,20l7, between the Unitecl States Departmen{ of
Justice, Drug Enforcenrent Adrninistration llrrforcement (helcinaflet "DEA"), and the Kent
Police Department (hereinafter "KIrD").
l. The police agencies partici¡rating in the DEA Sedfac HtDlä l'ask Force (Gt'oup D-22),
hereby agree to the followirrg terms artd conditioris of this Memorandunr of Undet'stancling
("MOU") governing the 'l'ask Force's equitable sharing rcquests and parficipation i¡r the United
States Departntent of Justice ("DO.T") Equitable Sharing Program:
The following are the "lhsk Force Participants ancl their co¡ltribution to the Task Force:
Participating AgençJ
Aubum Police Depattment
Federal Way Police Dcpafiment
Kent Police Departntent
Port of Seattle Police DepaÍment
Renton Police Department
Seattle Police Departnrent
Tukwila Police Departnrent
Washington Stale Patrol
I Tþ'O
I 1'l'O
2. Participants acknowledge that equitable sharing is at the disc¡etion of the Attourcy General
and not guâ¡"nteed in any case. Pal'ticipants acknowleclge that sharing rvill not be awalded in a
casc if victi¡ns have not been fully compensated, Statc, local, or fcdcral governntent entilies can
be considered victinls. Equitable sharing among the 'l'ask Force ¡nenrbers shall be based upon
the following pre-arnnged percentages:
DEA shall teceive 20o/o
Valley Narcotics Etrforcement Team shall receivc 80%t
*'l]re cquitrrble shaling rvill bc disbursed pcr lhc ugrcctl upon MOtl signctl b¡'ull lhc parcnt agcncics pnrticipnlìng in
thc Val Ly Nnrcot ics lìn forcc tnr-nt'ltanr'l'ask lhrcr:.
3, Ilarficipants understand that if a non-MOU member tcceives an eqnitable shate based upon
their con¡ibution, then thc MOU Partici¡lants' sltares shall be rcduced proportionately (e.g., if
no¡-MOU agency C receives l0% based upon their contlibution, then the MOU Participants'
pre-ananged percentâges shall be based upon 90% of the f'ull anror¡nt available f'or sharing).
4, Pnrticipants lurthel undersland that additiorral adjustnrents rnay be necessary so to ensure that
DEA (DOJ) receives n nrininrunr of 20%,
5. Participarrts fulther understand that the lcderal clccision-makers on each equitable sharing
requesl rctain discretion to modify percentages as decmcd appro¡rriate based on the facts and
circumstanccs in each cnse.
t"',H'uo Enfbrcenrent Adrninistrat ion :
Keith rWeis
SpecialAgenl in Charge
For Departntent:
Chief of Police