HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2017-0340 - Original - Kent Youth and Family Services - CSEC Taskforce Support Interlocal Agreement - 05/08/2017Kent Police Department and Kent,,You-th and Eamily Services CSEC Counseling and Advocacv Services Statement of Work IJrtent of Services The intent of these services is to support CSEC taskforce agencies that identify, address, and provide appropriate services to children/youth who are at risk or have been commercially sexually exploited. Authorization of Services All activities delivered under this agreement will require approval by the Children's Administration (CA) Headquarters (HQ) Program Manager, Service Deliverv Services to be designed to develop a relationship of trust and respect between the victim and those who will be helping provide services. It would be initially based on assessment /evaluatìon of the specific victim/client. Most of these services listed below will be provided on an ongoing basis, adjusting as circumstances change and evolve. Initial and ongoing individual case management. On-going engagement. Initial and on-going risk assessments. Safety planning. Implementation of harm reduction strategies, Ongoing emotional suppott. Facilitating multidisciplinary teams which are to be individualized to match the needs of client. Provide ongoing guidance and education. AssÍst in navigating complex systems and institutions. Advocacy. Ongoing contact-outreach. Based on individual need referral and facilitation to needed community resources such as housing, healthcare, education and employment, mental health/substance use disorder counseling, etc. Develop and maintain collaborative relationships with Kent police, Court, Detention, and the overall legal system. Develop service plans which identify positive supports, advocates wraparound team, Assist with contacting family or other support systems. Additional CSEC Assistance Additional services relevant to counseling and advocacy may be required for the client and could include:o Clothing.c Emergency housing or shelter. a a a . Long-term hous¡ng.r Child care assistance for infant /toddlers of victim. r Obtaining necessary identification documents.¡ Transportation.¡ Medical care.r Assistance in utilizing medical care or educational/job-training benefits. Food,. Data collection and process-repofting. r Assist in the development Quality Assurance process. Trainino comoonent Counseling and Advocacy services would provide initial comprehensive training for all Kent officers presenting an overview of CSEC advocacy services and procedures to be provided to the Kent community. In addition ongoing training for continuing education would be provided periodically for all Kent police officers, Training will include, but not be limited to:¡ Scopê of the problem, defining CSEC, overview of commercially sexually exploited youth.r ldentifying vulnerable CSEC youth/victims, r Characteristics/identification of high risk victims (i,e, homeless, alcohol/drug abuse, etc.).. Description of services to be provided to CSEC client in collaboration with Kent PD.r How to develop trust and respect over time.o Discuss immediate initial assessment of need.r Discuss long-term strategies and planning with victim/client'o General community awareness and education. Reoorts Kent Police Department and Kent Youth and Family Services shall submit all written activíty reports and documents to the CA HQ Program Manager, Dae Shogren, shogrcla çtghg,wa,ggy. Written reports will be submitted on October L6, 2QL7, January 16, 2018, April 16, 2OL8, and July 16, 2018 and will detail the following: 1. Services delivered; 2. Service delivery outcomes; 3. Impact of CSEC grant efforts; 4. Resources provided; and 5. Number of referrals to services and list of who received those referrals. Ad.djtionp.l Data. CA may request additional measurable service and outcome data for services provided by the Contractor, In the event CA so requests, CA commits to work with the Contractor to develop data elements. If so requested, the Contractor agrees to provide data collection in a manner prescribed by CA. Budget Estimate for Proiect $50,ooo Commerciallv Sexuqlly Exploited Children (CSEC) Grant Program MOU Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City of Kent Police Department and Kent Youth and Family Services (KYFS), The purpose of this MOU is to establish and maintain a task force partnership between the Kent Police Department and KYFS to improve service delivery and victim outreach/advocacy for members of the public who are victims of human trafficking. KYFS and Kent Police Department have had an ongoing partnership. Historically, the organizations have partnered to identify appropriate connections to resources for victims of human trafficking which may include but not limited to housing, legal advocacy, rebuilding relationships with family, drug/alcohol counseling, and other needs as identífied through victim contacts made. Kent Police Department has a detective assigned to the FBI Innocence Lost Task Force, KYFS will provide advocacy and other needs as necessary to assist with investigations and victim services. Additionally, the Kent Police Department works with victims of sex trafficking discovered through patrol response, prostitution sting operations, and ongoing case investigation. The Kent Police Department will serve as the fiscal agent for funding from DSHS Children's Administration in support of the Commercially Sexually Exploìted Children (CSEC) contract. KYFS will perform the work identified in the scope of work for this project. KYFS will submit monthly invoices for reimbursement for work performed under this project. The Kent Police Department will process payment as soon as invoices are received. The reimbursement amount from Kent Police Department to KYFS shall not exceed $50,000. Expiration of these funds will be 12 months from award from DSHS. The Kent Police Department and KYFS agree to the following: 1. Attend and participate in task force strategic planning meetings. Serve as an integral component of the CSEC contract, 2. Provide agency/organization written policies and procedures related to appropriate victim assistance responses. 3. Provide information related to data collection and process. Offer input and suggestions to the continuing improvement of data collection methods. 4. Assist with the review of data related to human trafficking calls for service and/or services provided as appropriate. 5. Assist in the identification and design of the best model approach for a community-wide strategy to improve police and community responses to young people who fall victim to human trafficking. 6. Provide information to improve performance measurement and management. 7, Provide outreach and community education related to the signs and how to identify human trafficklng in the Kent community. 8. Provide activity information for quarterly reporting requirements. 9. Provide tralnlng to police officers on vlctlm referral and resources available. Kent Youth and Fãmily Seryices Organl2atlon Name MIke Heinisch - Director Raptêæniat¡y€ - Plc¿æ P¡lnJ\ il*l'7 Date Reprcsantallva - Sþnat trc Pleasa Pr¡nt Kent Police Organlzatlon Nama Date Superior Court of the State of Washington for the County of King Barb¡ra A. Mack Judge (2061 447-4e36 Klng County CouÍhouse 516 Thlrd Ave. Sesttle, lVashington 9E104-238t Ms, Dae Shogren CSEC/Disproportionality/LGBTe program Manager Division of Program & Policy, Childre¡l's Administration Washington State Department of Social and Health Services May 5,2017 Dear Grant Review Committee: on behalf of the King County CSEC Task Forcg I write to support Kent Police Department's (KpD) applicarion for theDSHS.CSEC Grant 2017. AsChair of rhe King County CsËC Task Force, I am acutely aware of rhc services commercially sexually exploitedchildren (CsEc) necd. Adding advocacy services at Kent Youth and Farnily Services tryFsl wilt be a crit¡åat expansionto the services currently av¡ilablc to tralfìcked youth in the south part of King county, ih"r" many of our exploited youthare located. The King County CSEC Task Force was conv€ned in April, 2013. More than 60 ¡nembers regularly attend our euarterlyMeetirtgs, íncluding rcpresentalives from local, slate, and federal law enforcement, defense and prosecution, schools,suryivors, child welfare, community service providcrs, judges, court and delenlion st¡ff, public healrh, businesses, youthadvocacy, faith organizations, tribal representation, and nredical staff. The Task Force Ësters collaborarion ,*oni thrr"agencies, whose comnrilment to addressing commerciat sexual exploitation of childrcn in King County irì*ffl*pr"*riur.KPD and KYFS have been integral partners in the'l'ask Force sinıe its inception. One of the guiding principles of t¡te CSEC Task Force is a multi-disciplinary victim-centered approach to exploitedchildren. This grant application furthers that goat in an underserved aiea ofiñe County. KpD routinely conductsprostitution sting operations which bring youth needing services to the attention of law enforcement. Through thisapplication KPD proposes to formally partner with KYFS to provide behavioral health support and treatment, housing, andadvocacy to CSEC. I am confident thât, as part of the King county c$EC Task Force, the Kent partnership will be fully and successfullyexecuted' I commit mys_9lf' the King County CSEC Task Force, and our partner agencies working together, to buil¿ andstrengthen the existing King County csEc Task Force and Program and-incorporãte thc additionãt "ãu*u.y services intothe local continuum of care for our trafficked children. Sincerely, Barbara A, Mack Wàsltn0løo Slal¿ DepaÍment of Social &Health Sewicer 1. CONTRACTOR NAME Kent Police Department Contractor lntake DBA OR FACILITY NAME 2. BUSINESS ORGANIZATION ! Indiv¡dual or Sole Proprietor f] General Partnership n Non-Profit Corporation (Attach a coqv of 501(c) status) n t¡miteO Liability Partnership (LLP) I for profit Corporation n t¡mite¿ Liability Limited Partnership (LLLP) n fa¡t¡r Based (FBO) Non-Profit Corporation n tim¡te¿ Liability Company, filing as a Corporation tr fa¡tn Based (FBO) Unincorporated E l¡m¡ted Liability Company, filing as a Partnership X Governmentat Entity I t-imiteO Liability Company, filing as a Sole Proprietor fl Foreign Person or Entity lf your business is NOT a sole proprietorship, attach a list of the partners, members, directors, officers, and board members. 3. TAXPAYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (TIN) Enter your TIN in the appropriate box. r For individuals, this may be your Social Security Number (ssN), ¡ For other entities, it is your Employer ldentification Number 9l 254 4.T REPORTED, FISCAL YEAR, UBI NUMBER, BUSINESS LICENSE, AND DUNS NUMBER Have you had any contract with the state terminated for default? n yes X ¡lo lf yes, attach a llst of terminated contracts with an explanation why each contract was terminated. ls your fiscal year end the same as the calendar year (January '1 through December 31)? X Yes n ¡lo lf the answer is no, what is your fiscal year end date? -What is your Washington State Uniform Business ldentifier (UBl) Number? L?l$&QCIZ, (Enter all 9 numbers, No DASHES) Attach a copy of your current Washington State Master Business License. lf you do not have a Washington State Master Business License, explain below why you are exempt from registering your business with the State of Washington. (See page 1 for information on exemptions.) What is your Dun and Bradstreet (DUNS) number? 020253613 (Enter all nine numbers, NO DASHES. Section Two: Gontractor Primary Address (DSHS staff enter on AGD lntake Detall screen) Eriãiãle numbers, NO DASHES) (Enter all 9 numbers, NO DASHES) Section One: Contractor Name/Business Organization (DSHS staff enter on AGD Intake Detail screen) Social Security Number OR Employer ldentif ication Number coNTRACTOR PRIMARY ADDRESS (NUMBER, STREET, AND 220 4th Avenue South APARTMENT OR SUITE NUMBER) CITY, STATE, AND ZIP CODE Kent, WA 98032 COUNTY WHERE PRIMARY ADDRESS IS (FOR OUT-OF-STATE CONTRACTORS) Kingswood@kentwa.gov EMAIL ADDRESS AREA CODE)FAX NUMBER (2s3) 8s6-6800 PHONE NUMBER (INCLUDE AREA CODE) (2s3) 8s6-s8s6 DSHS 27{43 (REV. 05/2015}Page2 of 4 Section Three: Contractor Ownership Type (DSHS staff enter, as appllcable, on AGD lntake Detall screen) lf your business is Certified by Washington State's Office of Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprises (OMW BE ) htto://www.omwbe.wa. gov, or Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA), enter the certification number. Section Four: Gontractor Prlmary Gontact Person (DSHS staff enter on AGD lntake Detall screen) PHONE NUMBER (INCtUDE AREA CODE) (2s3) 8s6-s800 PRIMARY CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS kthomas@kentwa.gov FAX NUMBER (INCLUDE AREA CODE) (2s3) 8s6-6800 cELLULAR PHONE NUMBER (INCLUDE AREA CODE) () PAGER NUMBER (TNCLUDE AREA CODE) () Sectlon Five: Additional lnformation (DSHS staff enter on lntake Detail- Sub lnformation Summary screens) ADDITIONAL CONTRACTOR ADDRESSES: lF YOU HAVE MORE THAN TWO ADDITIONAL ADDRESSES, YOU MAY AIIAQE. A LISTING OF ADDITIONAL ADDRESSES, 1 ADDRESS DESCRIPTION ADDITIONAL ADDRESS (NUMBER. STREET, AND APARTMENT OR SUITE NUMBER) CITY, STATE, AND ZIP CODE COUNTY WHERE PRIMARY ADDRESS IS (FOR OUT.OF-STATE CONTRACTORS) EMAIL ADDRESSFAX NUMBER (INCLUDE AREA CODE) () AODRESS DESCRIPTION (NUMBER, STREET, AND APARTMENT OR SUITE NUMBER)ADDITIONAL n e¡ll¡ng address n Facility address f] n¡a¡t¡ng address CITY, STATE, AND ZIP CODE COUNTY WHERE PRIMARY ADDRESS IS (FOR OUT-OF-STATE coNTRACTORS)PHONE NUMBER (INCLUDE AREA CODE) () EMAIL ADDRESS ln your opinion, do you consider your business to be one or more of the following? lf so, please check the boxes that apply. Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Woman Owned Business Enterprise Minority Owned Business Enterprise Veteran Owned Business Enterprise Community Based Organization Microbusiness Minibusiness Small Business Primary contact person is a(n): fl Owner n Officer or Board Member n Partner X Statt Member ! Elected Official ! Ottrer (please identify) (DSHS staff enter as applicable on ACD) ls the primary contact person authorized to sign contracts? [ Yes n ruo PRIMARY CONTACT NAME AND JOB TITLE Ken Thomas, Chief of Police n e¡tl¡ng address n Facility address n n¡ait¡ng address PHONE NUMBER (ÍNCLUDE AREA GODE) () FAX NUMBER (INCLUDE AREA CODE) () YES NONXxxnxxx!x¡xnxnx DSHS 27.043 (REV. 05/2015)Page 3 of 4 ADDITIONAL STAFF: lF YOU HAVE MORE THAN TWO ADDITIONAL STAFF (tlSTED BELOW), WHO ARE ALSO RELEVANT TO YOUR DSHS CONTRACTS, PLEASE PROVIDE INFORMATION ABOUT THOSE STAFF ON A SEPARATE PAGE. Additional staff person is a(n); n Officer or Board Member X Partner X Statt Member fl Elected Official fl Otner (ptease identify) (DSHS staff enter as applicable on ACD) ls the additional staff authorized to sign contracts? ! yes X l,to ls the additional staff a contact for DSHS contracts? X Ves n ruo 2 PHONE NUMBER (INCLUDE AREA CODE) (2s3) 8s6-s8s6 ADDITiONAL STAFF EMAIL ADDRESS swood@kentwa.gov CELLULAR PHONE NUMBER (INCLUDE AREA CODE) () PHONE NUMBER (TNCLUDE AREA CODE) () ADDITIONAL STAFF EMAIL ADDRESS CELLULAR PHONE NUMBER (INCLUDE AREA CODE) () PAGER NUMBER (INCLUOE AREA CODE) () Section Six: Gontractor Gertification (DSHS staff enter on ACD lntake Detail as lntake Form Date) You must sign, date, and return this form. penalty of perjury as provided by the laws of the State of Washington, that all of the foregoing d correct, and that I will notify DSHS of any changes in any statement,truestatements I certify, PRINTED NAME Ken Thomas TITLE Chief of Police DATE 0s10912017l**I¡1 ADDITIONAL STAFF NAME Sara Wood FAX NUMBER (INCLUDE AREA CODE) (2s3) 8s6-6800 PAGER NUMBER (INCLUDE AREA CODE) () Additional staff person is a(n): n Off¡cer or Board Member n Partner n Staff Member n Elected Official n Otner (please identify) (DSHS staff enter as applicable on ACD) ls the additional staff authorized to sign contracts? ls the additional staff a contact for DSHS contracts? n ¡lo n ¡¡o Yes Yes ADDITIONAL STAFF NAME FAX NUMBER (INCLUDE AREA CODE) () SIGNATURE ATTACHED SUP ATION CHECKLIST Copy of your W-9 - Request or Taxpayer ldentification Number and Certification Copy of statement showíng non-profit 501(c) status (if applicable) List of partners, members, directors, officers, and board members (not applicable to sole proprietors) Copy of your Washington State Master Business License or proof of exemption List of any contracts you have had with the state that have been terminated for default, includíng a brief explanation (if applicable) List of Additional Addresses (if applicable) List of Additional Staff (if applicable) Copy of your Certificate of lnsurance (if applicable) xnnx DSHS 27-043 (REV. 05/201 5)Page 4 of 4 5t9¡2017 eServicæ RåiËä"üë ra Woshrngton Stote Help My DOR My DoR r Business License LookuP Soarcã fo¡ öusrnoss ticânse endú,ßamenls issuod fålol4ù fåo Washlngton Stafe Eusrrass ¿fconslng Sevtcô, Govemlng paople search i í.lt .:tà re4, .Trede nama soarch D ltocatlon lo lc¡ty istate Clsar sesrch Seå¡ch Ofüer Rorourcor Profo8slonal Lic€nses (DOL) Contrâctor, Eloctrlcian, or Plumbor (L&l) Buslnoss Rscords (DOR) Corporatlon6 RÊgl8üatlon Data (SOS) Health Câr€ Provlder Crsd€ntial (DOH) Works/8 Comp Pr€mium Status (L&l) Suspect Fraud (OOR) porered by Se[ureAccess Washington* Eusino8s neme Str€et addr€ssio I UB|/Account lD i 173000002 llcensa no.re Endor€€ment type Ro¡ult¡ Fll(er Business Name ;Legal Ì,lame CITY OF KENÎ CITY OF KENT FACILTIES CIW OF KENT CITY OF KEI{T FAOLTIES CITY OF KENT CITY OF KENT FACILTIES CITY OF KENT CITY OF KENT FACILTIES CITY OF KENT CITY OF KENT FACILTIES CITY OF KENT C]TY OF KENT FACILTIES CIW OF KENT CITY OF KET.IT FACILTIES CITY OF KENT SHOPS CITY OF KENT FACILTIES FIRE STATION 73 CITY OF KEÀIT FACILTIES FIRE STATION 76 CITY OF KENT FACILT¡ES KENT FIRE POLICE TRAINING CICITY OF KET.{T FACILTIES KENT MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSICITY OF KENT FACILTIES 12 Rows ø CÌty QotxlÞ'tl nø i uar 173{00{02 171H00{02 1734ü){)02 173{n{02 r73.{¡00402 f73{00{02 r73{¡00{n2 173400402 179{00-{t02 173{00{02 173.000{02 r73{00{02 Buslnaas WA w WA WA WA WA WA WA WA WA WA WA 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 00'l 001 001 0013 0m9 0008 0007 üÐ6 0005 0003 00fx 0012 0011 0010 0001 KE¡fT KENT KENT KENT KENT KENT KENI KENT KENT KENT KENT KENT i-ìcr¡rt:lt .Thls slto is llmlted to s€archlng for buslnsss llc€nssr Fsu6d thror¡gh ths Wbshlngton Stets Bu31no33 Llcenslng Sewlce. Contact us, Your Prlvacy I Access Agr€ement @ 2017 wåshlngùon State Þeprrùnent ofRevenue rnd lùs llceneors. All rights r€servêd' htþe ://secure.dor.wa. gd$anautft/-.¡t{9 1t1 5t9Í?0't7 da.wa, gor/contenVdci nghrs¡ nesVr€gist€rmyh¡s i nesslbd/defau{ t aspx I li,¡, ¡' ': t. ij. ".ì\':itt::,:. ì.rkr) ; 3ll Ê;.ì,j iirriv(;v Do¡ng buslnoss Business type8 Reglster my buÊlness My account Audlts ' ;, , .rrl-,, I ,ti,:' ,.!.'n¡\:r,.¡ i:, ¡. t'rlr,1.ii ;rl 1.,.r ,i 'r¡¡i!r t)i ¡ riìrlli ji¡(:ìr i r','! ! l:!.\':¡ r,'¡t' We need you¡ help. fl DOING BUSINESS REGISTER MY BUSINESS LOOKUP BUSINESS INFORMATI()N Back to search results lf "Non-revenue'appears afrer Tax R€gistrat¡on Number, the account ¡s not registerod wlth th€ Department of Revenue. However, lt may be rsgistered with other agsncios in the statê. ¿! 'Washlngton State Department of Revenue State Business Records Database Detail TAf REG¡SÍtr¡TION NO r ltïXro(xtt ACCout{T OPE!¡ED :11/9/195612:mrOO A}l 116l: rÌÐoül0z ^GCOUNT C|-OSED : OPEI{ EHTÛY ilAHE : OIY OF KE]IT FAOLTIES EI'5TNE55 IIAHE: HAIIIÍ{G ADDRESS ¡ 2no aTHArrE 5 t(Ei¡T,w !t8o32-5834 OU5INE55 LOCÀTIOII: 220 ttTHât Ê 5 r(fl{Ì, ur^ 9r[r32-'tst EÍ{TIIY TYPE:^SSOgAT¡Oil ffSEltER PEßHIT llorA0O 11615 17 PERIIIT EFFECÌIVE:' tltlÐ'',il PERHTTEXPIREs: r¿lrtlmú¡¡AICS CODE r 1213t0 ¡IAICs DEFINÍIION WATER S{'PPTY AND lnruGtTlol¡ 5v5lEll5 FOR NON-COMMERCIAL USE OI'¡LY lf you are unablo to find tho rþsollor pormit you aß looking for, lry searching by tax r€gistratlon/U8l numbgr. ABOUT US I CONTACT US Español .j#r., ¡¡fcrol+rhimtnn- WIøt úgß¡alton .'olotåncd (SECREIÀRY OF €IATE) (,-ìi'rr.ô{-l ll:, Ir¡¡¡1¡1¡ ,1i' r)l.r|:ril-lU!iil{lIr'l!'rì/f:lì:ì 'r{lillÈlllrrll'll) y Ii-\f(l:f-Fll is- Hl &Espøñot I Py@tuú | øè | tagatos I néîs v¡ét I lç# Yout Piveôy I OøtO rrsrtnerot snfÉ DEPARÌMENI" oF Rø,IENÚE 4ôro ES UCÉilSORS. Á11 R'ôHIS RÊSEÂIãO. Help us improve! Take our Survey hþ;//dor.wa,gov/contenUdci nghsi n6s/regi stsmy fu si ness/bd/def ault'as pr 1t'l Revised 7/8i1 5 Page 2 of 2 Request for Taxpayer ldentification Number and Gertification Substitute rorm W-9 1. Legal Name (as shown on your income tax return) City of Kent ffi'mLegalNameabove-e.g.DoingBusinessAs(DBA)Name 3.Check ONLY ONE box below (see W-9 ¡nstruct¡ons fo¡ additional information) f tnoiuiou"to,. Sole Proprietor I I tlc titing ". ".0t"proprietor Fì partnErs¡¡p llll tr",,',nn ",Corporåtion J-l ,r" o,,nn ".Pañnership l-l ,ra ru,nn as s-corp |n "on Profil Orgen¡zetion [-l voluntàÊr ffi Eoard tCommittee Mambaf l-l rrusuEstate Tax-exempt orgsnization Loc€l Government Slete Government Federel Govenment (¡ncluding tribal) ll I corporation llllr-"o,0 4. ForCorporation, S-Corp, Partnership or LLC, chsck one box below if applicable: E n¡ecicat ! Attorney/Legal 5. lf exompt from backup w¡thhold¡ng, check here: ! 6. Address (number, street, and apt. or su¡te no.) 220 4th Avenue South The Legal Name, Address and TIN must be filled in completely and the document signed for the forms to be accepted. For office use 7. Gity, state, and ZIP code Kent, WA 98032 S.Taxpayer ldentification Number (TlN) Enter your EIN OR SSN in the appropriate box to the right (do not enter both) For individuals, this is your social security number (SSN). For other entities, it is your employer identification number (ElN). NOTE: The E/N or SSN mu st match the Legal Name as reported to the /RS. For a resident alien, sole proprietor, or dísrøgarded ent$, ot to find out how to get a Taxpayer ldentification Number, see the W9 lnsÍructions. lf the account is in more than one name, see the W9 lnstructions for guidelines on whose number to enter. Social securiLv number Emolover identifi catlon number 91-60012s4 9. CeÉification Under penalty of perjury, I certify that: o The number shown on this form is my correct taxpayer identification number (or I am waiting for a number to be issued to me), and ¡ I am not subject to backup withholding because: (a) I am exempt from backup withholding, or (b) I have not been notified by the lnternal Revenue Service (lRS) that I am subject to backup withholding as a result of a failure to report all interest or dividends, or (c) the IRS has notifìed me that I am no longer subject to backup withholding, and o I am a U.S. person (including a U.S. resident alien). OR 5-/-t1Dateof SfEP 5: Complete and sign the Reguesf for Taxpayer ldentification Number (W-g) STtËP 6: Submit For fastest service, PRINT, SIGN, FAX to: 360-664-3363 or mail to: Statewide Payee Desk, PO Box 41450, Olympia WA 98504-1450 http;/www.deg.WA.goylþervices/ContractingPurchasing/Business/úendorPay/Pages/default.aspx PLEASE DO NOT STAPLE PRINT FORM Statewide Payee Registration Washington State SIEP 1: ls this a NEW re tration or CHANGE to an exis tion check one ? Ø ruew REcrsrRATtoN f] cnerue E to EXISTING REGISTRATION - comprete rhe ENTTRE form and check below what is updated: I Name/DBA ! ROoress ! Contact lnformation ! Email !Payment Options ! oirect Deposit ! R¿O¡tionat lnformation lf you know your Statewide Vendor Number,enter it here: SWV0000552-00 SfEP 2: Enter information about the payee and contact City of Kent 91-6001254 Leoal Name of Paye€ as lt appears on fedoral tax forms (3oe w-91 ssN Joe Bartlemay OR EIN Business Name, if different from Legal Namo above - e.g. Doing Business As (DBA) Namo 22O 4th Avenue South Contact Porson ( 253 ) 856'5248 Ext fUâl¡lng Addro8g Kent, WA 98032 Contâct Têlephone Number(l City, ST and Zip Code Contåct Fax Numbor jba rtlemay@kentwa. gov Email to receive Statewide Vendor Number and payment not¡f¡cat¡ons Government Agency Agy#rownsr-lnt.rsystem/ldentifier STATE USE ONLY Type of Business SIEP 3; Se/ecf Payment Option: I Oirect Deposit to bank (recommended) or ! Cnecf in US mail (terminates any previous banking information on file) l. M. Wl¡nlUllÀ¡¡Éæ¡rux lôürütlfqfr¡h l'tlt US Bank 12061 344 - s361 IïrfiDttot Financiål lnstitulion Name - must be a US institutlon 125000105 F¡nancial lnst¡tution Phone Number 1s3500745333 Routing Number - see èxample at r¡ght Account Numbor - see êxample at rlght ln addition to providing your banking information on this form, you may also attach a voided check. ACCOunt Type: E Checting or f] Sav¡ngs (checking willbe used if neither box ¡s marked.) Authorized Representative (Please Print) t Ì account number (can vary in lenglh) routino number (ninı disits) Authorization for Direct Deposiú; I hereby authorize and request Consolidated Technology Sewices (CTS) and the OfÏice ofthe State Treasurer (OST) to initiate credit entries for payee payments to the account indicated above, and the financial institution named above is authorized to credit such account. I agrse to abide by the National Automated Clearing House Association (NACHA) rules with regard to these entries, Pursuant to the NACHA rules, CTS and OST may initiateareversingentrytorecall aduplicateorerroneousentrythattheypreviouslyinitiated. Iunderstandthat,ifareversal actionisrequired,CTS will notifo this office of thÊ error and the reason for the reversal. This authority will continue until such time CTS and OST have had a reasonable opportunity to act upon.written request to terminate or change the direct deposil service initiated herein. Senior Financial Analyst 0{q00å Joe Bartlemay of Authorized Representative Title 5 t King, Jalene From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Wood, Sara Wednesday, July 05, 2017 9:48 AM ' Denney, Rachel (DSHS/CA)' Shogren, Dae (DSHS/CA); Thomas, Ken RE: Executed CSEC Contract Thank you! ! From: Denney, Rachel (DSHS/CA) fmailto:DENNERA@dshs.wa.gov] Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2017 B:38 AM To: Wood, Sara Cc: Shogren, Dae (DSHS/CA); Thomas, Ken Subject: Executed CSEC Contract Good morning Attached for your files is the executed copy of the CSEC Agreement. Please continue to work with Dae Shogren should you have any further questions. Thank you, Rachel Denney CA/HQ Contract Manager Finance and Performance Evaluation Division 1115 'Washington St. SE Olympia, WA 98504 360-902-8195 dennera@dshs.wa.gov From: Wood, Sara Imailto:SWood@kentwa.gov] Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2017 9:32 AM To: Denney, Rachel (DSHS/CA) <DENNERA@dshs.wa.sov> Subject: FW: CSEC Contract for Signature Hi Rachel! I will be the grant/contract manager for this great opportunity. This will require Mayor's signature so I'm not sure we'll be able to pull it off by June 30th - but as soon as she signs it, I'll get it back to you ASAP. Thank you! Good news!! Sara Sara Wood, Research and Development Analyst Support Services I Police Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Direct Line 253-856-5856 | Fax 253-856-6800 swood@kentwa.oov 1 CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON KentWA.qov Facebook |...... :: YouTube PLÊASE CONSIÞÊR THE ENVIRONMENT BEFORE PRINTING ÏHIS Ë-MATL From: Thomas, Ken Sent: Tuesday, June27,20L7 4:16PM To: Wood, Sara; Mike Heinisch (MikeH@kvfs.orq) Subject: FW: CSEC Contract for Signature FYI From: Denney, Rachel (DSHS/CA) fmailto:DENNERA@dshs.wa.gov] Sent: Tuesday, June 27,20L7 2:26PM To: Thomas, Ken Cc: Shogren, Dae (DSHS/CA); Geiger, Barbara (DSHS/CA); Cotter, Stephen V (DSHS/CA) Subject: CSEC Contract for Signature Good afternoon: On behalf of Dae Shogren, I am pleased to let you know that CA is able to move forward with the contracts for CSEC services at this time. The maximum consideration of the contracts will be 550,000 with an initial payment of 520,000 issued by June 30,2OL7 (once contract is fully executed). A second payment of 530,000 will be issued after the successfulsubmission of the first quarterly report, due October 16,2Ot7. Please sign and date, scan the entire signed document and send back to me electronically at your earliest convenience. Please continue to work with Dae Shogren dae.shogren@dshs.wa.eov should you have any further questions. For contract questions, feel free to contact me. Respectfully, Rachel Denney CA/HQ Contract Manager Finance and Performance Evaluation Division I 1 l5 V/ashington St. SE Olympia, WA 98504 360-902-819s dennera@dshs.wa.gov 2 DSHS Agreement Number: 1764-94996INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT CSEC Taskforce Support Program Contract Number: 1s01- Gontrac{or Contrad Number: This Agreement is by and between the State of Washington Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) and the Contractor identified below, and is issued pursuant to the lnterlocal Cooperation Ac1, chapter 39,34 RCW CONTRACTOR doing business as (DBA)EONTRACTOR NAME Citv of Kent i 1 73-000-002 WASHINGTON UNIFORM BUSTNESS TOENTTFTER (UBr) DSHS INDEX NUMBER 22475 . oN]-MCTORADDRESS : "22O 4lh Ave South Kent. WA 98032-5895 CONTRACTOR TELEPHONE i t253) 856-5883 CONTRACTOR FAX (253) 856-6802 CONTRACTOR E-MAIL ADDRESS kthomas@kentwa.gov .CONTRACTOR CONTACT Ken Thómas .DSHS CONTRACT CODE 20001c-64 DSHS ADMINISTRATION Ch ildrens Administration DSHS DIVISION Finance and Operations Support enter text. 1115 Washington St SE WA Rachel Denney Contract Manager rachel. . .s THE CoNTRAGTOR A SUBRECIPIENT FOR PURPOSES OF THIS CONTRACT? No MÐ(IMUM AGREEMENT AMOUNT $50,000.00 TGREEMENTSTARÎ'DATE 06t2712017 AGREEIIIIENT END DATE 06/30/2018 EXHIB¡TS. The following Exhibits are attached and are incorporated into this Agreement by reference: ffi exniOrc (specify): Exhibit A - Data Security Requirements Exhibit B-Statement of Work; Exhibit G-Program Requirements ll t{o Exhibits. pafties signing below représent Agreement. ThiS Agreement shall writings; ãnd communications,ments, parties, execute oralagree The th ls entire and exclusive DSHS Central Contract Se¡vices 601sLF Custom lnterlocal Agreement (6-30-09)Page I DSHS GeneralTermr and Gonditions I Definitions. The words and phrases listed below, as used in this Contract, shalleach have the following definitions: a. "Central Contract Services" meens the DSHS centml headquarters contacting ofüce, or successor section or office. b, "Confidential lnformation" or uDeta' means information that is exempt from disclosure to the public or other unauthorized persons under RCW 42.56 or other federal or state laws. Confider¡tial lnformation includes, but is not limited to, Personal lnformation. c. "Contract' or'Agreemenf means the entire written agreement between DSHS and the Contractor, including any Exhibib, documents, or materials incorporated by reference. The parties may execute this contract in multiple counterparts, each of which is deemed an originaland allof wlrich constifute only one egreement. E-mail or Facsimile transmission of a signed copy of this contract shall be the same as delivery of an original. d. "CCLS Chief' means the manager, or successo¡ of Central Contracts and Legal Services or suooessor sedion or office. e. "Contradof means the individual or entity performing services pursuant to this Gontract and includes the Contracto/s owners, members, ofücers, diredors, partners, employees, and/or agenb, unless othenrise stated in this Contract. For purposes of any permitted Subcontract, 'Gontractor' includes any Subcontractor and its ourners, members, officers, directors, pertnerc, employees, and/or agents- f. "Debarmento means an action taken by a Federal agency or officialto exclude a person or business entity from participating in transactions involving certain federalfunds. g. 'DSHS" or the 'Departmenf' means the state of Washington Department of Sociel and Health Services and its employees and authorized agents. h. "Encrypf mêans to encode Confidential Information into a format that can only be read by those possessing a'key'; a password, digilal certificate or other mechanism available only to authorized users. Encryption must use a key length of at least 128 bits. i; 'Personal lnformation' means information identifiable to any person, including, but not limited to, information that relates to a person's name, health, finances, education, business, use or receipt of govemmental seruices or other aclivities, addresses, telephone numbers, Social Security Numbers, driver license numbers, other identifying numbers, and any financial identifiers. j. 'Physically Secure" rneans that access is restric{ed through physical means to authorized individuals only. k. "Program Agreemenfl means an agreement between the Gontrac{or and DSHS containing special Ei5,i:i"iiT3-iffi#:H;3'+"-Ë#'i#twork to be perrormed bv the contractor and pavment ¡. "RCW' means the Revised Gode of Washington. All references in this Contrac't to RCW chapters or sections shall include any sucoessor, amended, or replacement statute, Pertinent RCYII chapters can be accessed at http://apps. leg.wa.gov/rcut/. m. "Regulation' meãns any federal, state, or local regulation, rule, or ordinance. DSHS C€ntr8l Conf¡d SêfY¡cag 601 5LF Custom lnbrþcal Agrcemant (S30-{¡0)Page 2 DSHS GeneralTerms and Condltlons n. 'secured Area'msens an area to wtricfr only authorized representatives of the entity possessing the Confidential lnformation have access. Secured Areas may include buildings, roorns or locked storage containers (such as a filing cabinet) within a room, es long as access to the Confidential lnformation is not available to unauthorized personnel. o. 'subcontracfl means any separate agreement or contrac{ between the Contractor and an individual or entity ('subcontracto/) to perform all or a portion of the duties and obligations that the Contractor is obligated to perform pursuant to this Gontract. p. "Tracking'means a record kee¡ing system thal identifies when the sender begins delivery of Confideñtial lnformation to the authorized and intended reoipient, and when the sender receives confirmation of delivery from the authorized and intended recipient of Gonfidential lnformation' q. 'Trusted Systems" include only the following methods of physical delivery: (1) handdelivery by a person authorized to have aooess to the Confidential lnformation with written acknowledgement of ieceipt; (2) Unitecl States Postral Sewice ("USPS) first olass mail, or USPS delivery servicesthat include iracking, such as Ceftified Mail, Express Mailor Registered Mail; (3) commercialdelivery services (e.g. FedEx, UPS, DHL) wfrich ofbrtracking and rcceiptconfirmation;and (4) the Washingûonstate Gampus mail system. For electronic transmission, the Washington State Governmental Network (SGN) is a Trusted System for communications within that Network. l:. *WAC' meens the Washington Administrative Code. All references in this Contract to WAC chapters or sections shall include any sucoessor, amended, or replacement regulation. Pertinent WAC chaptere or sections can be accessed at http://apps.leg.wa.govtkac/. 2, Amendment This Contrac{ may only be modified by a written amendment signed by both parties' Only personnelauthorized to bind each of the parties may sign an amendment. 3. Assignment. The Contractor shall not assign this Contract or any Program Agreement to a third party without the priorwritten consent of DSHS. 1. Billing Limitations. a. DSHS shall pay the Confac'tor only for authorized seruices provided in accordance with this Contract. b. DSHS shall not pay any claims for payment for services submitted more than twelve (12) months after the calendar monin in which the services were performed. c. The Gontractor shall not till and DSHS shall not pay for services performed under this Contract, if the Contractor has charged or will charge another agency of the state of Washington or any other party for the same services. 5. Gomptlance with Applicable Law. At all times during the term of this Contract, the Contractor shall compty with all applicable federal, state, and local lar¡ra and regulations, including but not limited to, nondiscrimination laws and regulations. Gonfidentiality. a. The Contrador shall not use, publish, transfer, sell or othenrrise disclose any Confidential lnformation gained by reason of this Contract for ani purpose that is not direc-tly connected with Contrac{o¡'s performance of the services contemplated hereunder, except: DSHS Central ContraÉ Sertrlcec 60l5tF CugH¡ lnÞrlocal Agrcanent (È30-09) 6. Page 3 DSHS General Tems and Gondition¡ (1) as provided by law; or, (2) in the case of Personal lnformation, with the prior written consent of the person or personal representative of the person wfio is the subject of the Personal lnformation. b. The Contrac{or shall protec{ and maintain all Confidential lnforrnation gained by eason of this Contract against unauthorized use, access, disclosue, modification or loss. This duty requires the Contractorto employ reasonable security meeåures, whicfr include restricting access to the Confidential lnformation by: (l) Allowing access only to staffthat have an authorized business requirement to view the Confidential lnformation. (2) Physically Securing any computers, documenb, or other media containing the Confidential lnformation. (3) Ensure the security of Confidential lnformation transmitted via fax (facsimile) by: (a) Verifying the recipient phone number to prcvent accidental transmittal of Confidential lnformation to unauthorized persons. (b) Communicating with the intended recipient before transmission to ensure that the fax will be received only by an authorized person. (c) Vedfying afrer transmittal that the fax was received by the intended recipient. (4) When transporting six (6) or more records containing Confidential Information, outside a Secured Aea, do one or more of the following as appropriate: (a) Use a Trusted System. (b) Encrypt the Confidential lnformation, including:r i. Encrypting email and/or email attachments which contain the Confidential lnformation, ¡¡. Encrypting Confidential lnbrmation when it ls stored on portable devices or media, including but not limited to laptop computers and flash memory devices. Note: lf the DSHS Data Security Requirument¡ Exhibit is attached to this contract, this item, 6.b,(41, is superceded by the language contained in the Exhibit (5) Send paper documents contraining Gonfrdential lnformation via a Trusted System (6) Following the requirements of the DSHS Data Security Requiremenls Exhibit, if attacfred to this contrac{. c. Upon request by DSHS, at the end of the Contract term, orwhen no longer needed, Confidential lnformation shall be retumed to DSHS or Contractor shall certify in writing thatthey employed a DSHS approved method to destroy the information. Gontrac'tor may obtain information regarding approved destruc'tion methods from the DSHS contact identified on the cover page of this Contract- d. Paper documents with Confidential lnformation may be recycled through a contracted firm, provided the contrac{ with the recycler specifies that the confidentiality of information will be protected, and Í)¡SHS Gentral Conbect Servlcêr 6015tF Gushn InÞrlocal Agrcornênt (8-30-Og)Page 4 8. 9. 7. 10. tl 12. '13. DSHS General Terms and Conditions the information destroyed through the recycling process. Paper documents containing Confidential lnformation requiring special handling (e,9. protec{ed health information} must be destroyed on-site through shredding, pulping, or incineration, e. Notification of Compromise or Potential Compromise. The compromise or potential compromise of Gonfidential lnformation must be reported to the DSHS Contaci designated on he contract wtthin one (1) business day of discovery. Contractor must also take ac'tions to mitigate the risk of loss and comply with any notification or other requirements imposed by law or DSHS' Debarment Gertillcaüon. The Contractor, by signature to this Gontract, certifies that the Contractor is not presently debaned, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded by any Federat department or agency from participating in transactions (Debaned), The Contractor also agrees to inelude the above requirement in any and all Subcontracts into which it entens, The Contractor shall immediately notify DSHS if, during the term of this Contract, Contractor becomes Debaned. DSHS may immediately terminate this Contract by providing Contractorwritten notice if Gontractor becomes Debaned during the term hereof. Goveming Law and Venue. This Contrac{ shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the state of Washington and the venue of any action brought hereunder shall be in Superior Court for Thurston County. Independent Gontractor. The parties intend that an independent contractor relationship will be cæated by this Contrac{. The Contractor and ñis or her employees or agents perbrming under this Gontract are not employees or agents of the Department. The Contractor, his or her employees, or agents performing under this Contrac{ will not hold himself/herself out es, nor claim to bo, an officer or employee of the Department by reason hereof, nor will the Contractor, his or her employees, or agent make any claim of right, privilege or beneftt that would aocrue to such o'fricer or employee. lnspection. The Contractor shall, at no cost, provide DSHS and the Office of the State Auditorwith reaionable acoess to Contracto/s place of business, Contracto/s records, and DSHS client records, wherever located. These inspection rights are intended to allow DSHS and the Ofüce of the State Auditorto monitor, audit, and evaluate the Contrac{o/s performance and compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and these Contract terms. These inspection rights shall survive for six (6) years following this Gontracfs termination or expiration. tlainbnance of Recolds. The Contractor shall maintain records relating to this Contract and lhe performance of the services described herein- The records include, bú are not limited to, accounting procedures and prac{ices, which sufüciently and properly reflect all direc't and indired costs of any nature expended in the performance of this Contract. All records and other material relevant to this Contract shall be retained for six (6) years afrer expiration or termination of this Contrec-t. Wthout agreeing that litigation or claims are legally authorized, if any litigation, cleim, or audit is started before the expiration of the six (6) year period, the records shall be retained untíl all litigation, claims, or audit findings involving the records have been resolved. Order of Prccedence. ln the event of any inconsistency or conflict between the General Tenns and Gonditions and the Special Terms and Conditions of this Contract or any Program dgreernent, the inconsistency or conflict shall be resolved by giving precedence to these General Terms and Conditions. Terms or conditions that are more restric{ive, specific, or partiq¡larthan hose oontained in the General Terms and Gonditions shall not be construed as being inconsistent or in conflict. Severabillty. lf any term or condition of this Contract is held invalid by any court, the remainder of the DSHS Gsnbal Gontßct Serv¡cÊs 6015LF Cugtom lnlodocel ¡{greement (6-30{9)PEgc 5 14. 15. t6. 17. DSHS General Terms and Gonditions Gontract remains valid and in fullforce and effect. Survivability. The terms and conditions contained in this Contnact or ãny Program Agreement which, by their sense and context, are intended to quruive the expiration or termination of the particular egreement shall survive. Surviving terms include, but are not limited to: Billing Límitations; Confidentiali$, Disputes; lndemnification and Hold Harmless, lnspection, Maintenance of Records, Notice of Overpayment, Ownership of Material, Termination for Default, Terminstion Procedure, and Treatment of Property. Gontract Renegotiation, suspension, or Termination Due to Ghange in Funding. lf the funds DSHS relied upon to establish this Contract or Program Agreement are withdrawn, reduced or limited, or if additional or modified conditions are placed on such funding, afier the effectíve date of this contract btû prior to the normal completion of this Gontract or Program Agreement: a. At DSHS'd discretion, the Contract or Program Agreement may be renegotiated under the revised funding conditions. b. At DSHS's discretion, DSHS rnay give notice to Contrador to suspend performance when DSHS determines that there is reasonable likelihood that the funding insufüciency may be resolved in a timeframe that would allow Gontractor's performance to be resumed prior to the normal compfetion date of this contrac{. (1) During the period of suspension of performance, eech party will inform the other of any conditions that may reasonably affect the potential for resumption of performance. (2) When DSHS determines that the funding insufficiency is resolved, it will give Contractor unitten notice to resume performance. Upon the receipt of this notice, Contractorwill provide written notice to DSHS informing DSHS whether it can resLlme performance end, if so, the date of resumption. For purposes of this subsubsection, kritten notice' may include email. (3) lf the GontractoÉs proposed resumption date is not acceptable to DSHS and an acceptable date cannot be negotiated, DSHS may terminate the contract by giving written notice to Gontractor. The parties agrce that the Gontract will b€ terminated retroactive to the date of the notice of suspension. DSHS shallbe liable only for payment in accordance with the terms of this Contract for services rendered prior to the retroac{ive date of termination. c. DSHS may immediately terminate this Contract by providing written notice to the Contrac{or. The termination shall be effective on the date speciflied in the termination notice. DSHS shall be liable only for payment in accordance with the terms of this Contrad for seruices rendered priorto the effective date of termination. No penalty shall accrue to DSHS in the event the termination option in this section is exercised llUaiver. Waiver of any breach or default on any occasion shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent breach or default. Any waiver shall not be construed to be a modification of the terms and conditions of this Contract. Only the CCLS Chief or designee has the authority to waive any term or condition of this Contract on behalf of DSHS. Additlonal General Tenns and Gonditions - lnbrlocal Agreements: Disputes. Both DSHS and the Gontractor (.Parties") agree to work in good faith to resolve all conflicts at the lowest level possible. However, if the Parties are not able to promptly and efficiently resolve, DSHS Cantrel Contred Se]vices 60l5LF Cuctøn lnturbcd Agreement (6-30Ð9)Paga 6 18. ,t9. DSHS GeneralTe¡ms and Gonditions through direct informal contact, any dispute concerning the interpretation, application, or implemenüation of any section of this Agreement, either Party may educe its description of the dispute in writing, and deliver it to the other Party for consideration. Once received, the assigned managers or designees of each Party will work to informally and amicably resolve the issue within five (5) business Oays. tt manegêrs or designees are unable to come to a mutually acceptable decision within five (5) buliness days, ürey may agree to issue an extension to allow for more time. lf the dispute cannot be resolved by the managels or desígnees, the issue will be refened through each Agenry's respective operational protocols, to the Secretary of DSHS (Seqeþry') and the Contracto/s ngenci, Head ('Agenoy Head') or their deputies or designated dele4ates. Both Parties will be responii¡¡e foi submitting atl rclevant documentation, along with a short statement as to how they believe the dispute should be settled, to the Secretary and Agency Head. Upon receÍpt of the refenal and relevant documentation, the Secretary and Agency Head will confer to consider the potential options of resolution, and to anive at a decision within fiñeen (15) business days. The Secretary and Agency Head may appoint a review team, a facilitator, or both, to assisi in the rcsolution of ihe dispute. lf the Secretary and Agency Head are unable to come to a mutually acceptable decision within fifreen (15) business days, they may agree to issue an extension to allo¡v for more time. The final decision will be put in writing, and will be signed by bolh the Secretary and Agency Head. lf the Agreement is active at the time of resolution, the Parties will execute an amendment or change orderlo incorporate the finaldecision into the Agreement. The decision will be final and binding as to the matter reú¡ewed and the dispute shall be settled in accordance with the terms of the decision, lf the Secretary and Agency Head are unable to come to a mutually agceptable decision, the Parties will request intêruention bythe Govemor, per RCW 43.17.330, in which case the govemorshall employ whatever dispute resolution methods that the govemor deems appropriate in resolving the dispute. Both Parties agree that, the existence of a dispute notwithstanding, the Parties will continue without delay to carry óut all respective responsibilities under this Agreement that are not affected by the dispute. Hold Hamless. e. The Contractor shall be responsible for and shall hold DSHS harmless from all claims, loss, liability, damages, orfines arising out of or relating to the Contractois, or any Subcontracfo/s, performance or failure to perform this Agreement, or the ads or omissions of the Confactor or any Subcontraclor. DSHS shall be responsible for and shall hold the Contractor harmless from all claims, loss, liability, demages, or fines arising out of or relating to DSHS' performance or failure to perform this Agreement. b. The Contrac{or waives its immunity under Title 51 RCI/ì/ to the extent it is required to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the State and itrs agencies, oüicials, agents, or employees. Orvnership of llaterial. Material created by the Contrac-tor and paid for by DSHS as a part oJlhjs Contrac{ shail be owned by DSHS and shall be \vork made for hire' as defined by Title 17 USCA, Sec{ion 101. This materiallincludes, but is not limited to: books; computer programs; documents; films; pamphlets; reports; sound reproductions; studies; surveys; tapes; and/or tlaining materials. Material irytr¡ctr the Contrac{or uses to perform the Contract but is not created for or paid for by DSHS is owned by the Contractor and is not "work made for hire'; however, DSHS shall have a perpetual license to use this materialfor DSHS intemal purposes at no charge to DSHS, provided that such license shall be DSHS Central Contract Se¡vlces 601 sLF Custom lntêrlocal Agre€ment (S30-OS)Pago 7 DSHS General Terms and Gonditions limited to the extent wfrich the Contrac{or has a right to grant such a license. 2A. Subrcclplents. a. General. lf the Contrador is a subrecipient of Þderalawards as defined by 2 GFR Part 200 and this Agreement, the Contractor shall: (1) Maintain records that identfi, in its eccounts, allfederalawards received and expended and tha federal progrems under which they were received, by Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) title and number, award number and year, name of the federal agency, and name of the pass-through entity; (2) Maintain intemal controls that provide reasonable essurt¡nce that the Contractor is managing federal awards in compliance with laws, regulations, and provisions of contrac'ts or grant agreements that could have a matedal effect on each of its federal programs; (3) Prepare appropriate financial statements, including a schedule of expenditures of fedeml awards; (4) lncorporate 2 GFR Part 200, Subpart F audit requirements into all agreements between the Contrador and its Subcontractors who are subrecipients; (5) Comply with the applicable requirements of 2 CFR Part 200, including any future amendments to 2 CFR Part 200, and any successor or replacement Ofhce of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular or regulation; and (6) Comply with the Omnibus Crime Control and Saft streets Act of 1968, Title Vl of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Sectíon 5O4 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title ll of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, ïtle lX of the Education Amendments of 1972, The Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and The Department of Justice Non-Discrimination Regulations, 28 C.F.R, Parl42, Subparb C.D.E. and G, and 28 C.F.R. Part 35 and 39. (Go to www,gjn"usdbi,gov/ocr/ for additional information and access to the aforementioned Fedeiallaws and iegulations.) b. Single Audit Act Compliance. lf the Contractor is a subrecipient and expends $750,000 ormore in federal awards from any and/or all sources in any fiscal year, the Contraclor shall procure and pay for a single audit or a progtE¡m-specific audit for that fiscal year. Upon completion of each audit, the Gontraclor shall: (1) Submit to the DSHS contact person the data colleclion form and reporting package specified in 2 CFR Part 200, Subpart F, reports required by the progmm-specific audit guide (if applicable), and a copy of any management letters issued by the auditor; (2) Follow-up and develop conedive action for all audit findings; in accordance with 2 CFR Part 200, Subpart F; prepare a 'Summary Schedule of Prior Audit Findings" rcporting the status of all audit findirgs included in the prior audit's schedule of findings and questioned costs. c. Overpayments. lf it is determined by DSHS, or during the course of a required audit, that the Gontrastor has been paid unallowable costs under this or any Program Agreement, DSHS may require the Contractorto reimburse DSHS in acc¡rdance with 2 CFR Part 200. 21. Termination, DSHS C€ntrel Contr¡ct Servicos 601 SLF Gu¡tom lnter'local Agnemênt (830{tg)Page ð 22. DSHS General Term¡ and Gonditions e. Default. lf for any oause, either party fails to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement in a timely and proper manner, or lf either party violates any of the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement, then the aggrieved party will gíve the other party written notice of such failure or v¡ólation. The responsible partywill be given 15 working days to conect the violalion or failurc' lf the failure orviolation is not conected, this Agreement may be terminated immediately by written notice from the aggrieved party to the other party. b. Convenience. Either party may terminate this lnterlocal Agreement for any other reason by providing 30 calendar days' written notice to the other party' c. Paymentfor Performance. lf this lnterlocalAgreement is terminated for any reeson, DSHS shall only pay for performance rendered or costs incurred in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and priorto he e,fiective date of termination. Treatment of Client P¡operty. Unless otheruise provided, the Contractor shallensure that any adult client receiving services fiom the Contractor has unrestricted access to the client s personal property. The Contractor shall not interfere with any adult client's ownership, possession, or use of the client's prop€rty. The Contractor shall provide clients under age eighteen (18) with reasonable access to their þerionä property that is appropriate to the client's age, development, and needs. Upon termination of tne Contå6, thsContractor shatl immediately release to the clíent and/or the client's guardian or custodian all of the client's personal property. DSHS Conlr¡l Contrsct Ss¡Yiceü 601 SLF Cuctom lnbrlocal Agre€ment (F3ù09)PÊge I 1. DSHS Cantr¡l Côrìtrect Services 80l5LF Custom lnbrlocal Agrcernnt (6{fl{t9) Special Terms and Condifions Definitions Speciñc to SpecialTerms. The words and phrases listed below, as used in this Agreement, shall each have the following def¡nitions: e. "CA" means Children's Administration, which is an Administration within DSHS. b. 'Ch¡ld' or "Youthu means any un-emencipated individual who is under the chronological age of 18 yearsr and are terms used interchangeably throughout this Agreement. Youth enrolled in high school or a high school completion program is included in this definition until completion of high school or age 21, whichever occurs first, c. "Ch¡ld Abuse or Neglect' (CA/N) means the injury, sexual âbuse, sexual exploitation, negligent treatment, or maltreatment of a child under circumstances, which indicate that the child's health, welfare, or safety is harmed. An abused child is a child who has been subjected to chíld abuse or negleot. d. "Compliance Agreement' means a written plan approved by DSHS which identifies deficiencies in Contraclo/s performance, describes the steps Contractor must take to coned the deficÍencies, and sets forth timeframes within which such steps must be taken to retum Contrador to compliance with the terms of the Agreement. e. 'Confidential lnformation" or uDatia" means information that is exempt from disclosure to the public or other unauthorized persons under RCW 42.56 or other federal or state laws. Confidential lnformation includes, but is not limited to, Personâl lnformation. f. 'Contract' or "Agr€ement' meens the entire written agreement between DSHS and the Contractor, including any Exhibits, documents, or materials incorporated by re{erence. The parties may execute this agreement in multiple counterpartrs, each of which is deemed an odginaland allof which constitule only on agreemenl, E-mailor Facsimile transmission of a signed copy of this agreement shall be the same as delivery of an original. g. 'CSEC' means Commercially Sexually Exploited Ghildren. h. 'DSHS" orthe'Department" means the state of Washington Department of Social and Healh Services and its employees and authorized agents. i" 'Encrypto means to encode Gonfidential lnformation into a format that can only be read by those possessing a ukeyo, password, digital certificate or other mechanism available only to authorized users. Encryption must use a key length of at least 128 bits. j. "FTE" meens FullTime Equivalent and/or FullTime Employee. k. 'Hardened Passwotd" means a string of at least eight chàracters containing at least one alphabetic character, at least one number and at least one special character such as an asterisk, ampersand or exclamation point. l. "Security lncident Response' meens the steps taken to respond to a beach of confidential data. m, "TasKorcê' means a multidisciplinary group of community social service agencies acting in concert with local or county govemments. n. oUser lD' means a string of charac{ers that identifies a specific user and which, in conjunction with a password, passphrase or other mechanisrn, authenticates a user to an information system. Page f0 2. Special Tetm¡ and Conditions purpose. The purpose of this Agreement is to provide support to CSEC tasKorce. aggncies that iOentify, address, and provide appropriate services to childrerVyouth who are et risk of or have been commercially sexually exploited' Data Security Requirement¡ - Erhibit A. The Contractor shall protect,_ se$.re99þrand dispose of data from Chiidren;s Adminiskation as described in Exhibiit A, as required in the Section below entitled Securc tanagernent of Confidential lnÍormation. Statement of Work-Exh¡b¡t B. The Contractor shall provide services and staff as described in the Statement of Work attached as Exhibit B' program Requirement¡-Exhibft G. The Contrac{or shall comply rlith all program and other requìrementsiorproviding services underthisAgreement, as stated in the Program Requirements attached as Exhibit C. Considention a. MaxiFgm..Çontract Amounl The maximum amount of total consideralion payable to the Contractor ffiofALLservicestobeprovidedunderthisAgreementisthetotal amount of $gó,öOO as stated on page 1 of this Agreement under "Maximum Contract Amount' b. Payment schedule of funds is as follors: (1) $20,000 paYable bY June 30,2017 (Z) $g0,OOO payable afrer receipt of first quarterly report due October 16,2017 c. Funds shafl be used for service delivery as described in E$ibit B, Statement of Work and not allocated for FTE use. d. ¡runOs pavable,bV he maximum amount payable under the Agrcement during ffimeñt is allotted to the following time period' r Gontrac{ period: From June 27 ,2017 to June 30' 2018 e. Alfotted funds not expended during the period ending June 30, 2018 shall not be canied forward into any subsequent contrao{ period. Billing and Payment The Contractor shall submit a monthly invoice for services performed under this Agreement on State of Washington lnvoice Voucher forms (Form A-19), prepared in the manner prescribed by DSHS. a. The voucher shall clearlY indicate that it is "FOR SERVICES RENDERED lN PERFORMANCE UNDER DSHS AGREEMENT FORTHE MONTH OF ,2A_: b. The A-19 invoice vouchers shall be submitted to: Dae Shogren, CSEC/Disproportionality/LGBTQ Program Manager DSHS/Ch ild ren's Administration PO Box 45710 Olympia, WA985M 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 DSHS C€nhel Contfed Serv¡cêt 60t5LF Custom lnterlocel Agrcrnont (È3O.(}9)Pags T I Special Terms and Gonditlon¡ c. The Contractor shall contact the above DSHS corïtact et (360) gü2-TlÚconceming billing questions. d. The rates shall be as specified above in the section titled "Consideration" of this Agreement. e. The Contrac'tor shall bill for each month of service on a separate Form A-19. The A-19 shall state the month services were provided. f. DSHS may, at its sole discretion, withhold payment claimed by the Contractor for services rendered if Contractor fails to satisfiactorily comply with any term or condition of the Agreement. g. Claims for payment submitted by the Contrac'tor shall be paid by DSHS if received by DSHS no laterthan sixty (60) days frorn the date services were rendered. h. CA will not be obligated to pay for services submitted more than thrce (3) months añerthe calendar month in which the services were performed. i" DSHS shall make payment within thirty (30) days of receipt of a properly completed invoiæ for seruices. j. DSHS may withhold payment to the Contractor if reports required under this Agreement are delinquent, i.e., not submitted within ten (10) working days of the due date, or incomplete. Securc tanagement of Gonfidential Information The Contractor shalt ensure that all Gonfidential lnformation (also refened to as Personal lnfomation) as defined in the General Terms and Conditions Section 1, acquired under this agreement is used only br the provision of services under this Agreement and is handled with the utmost confidentiality as described in the GeneralTerms and Conditions, $ection 6: Confidentiality. ln addition: a. The Contractor has permission to use mobile devices underthis Agreement and shall ensure that mobile devices and data are accessed and protected as desøibed in Exhibit A - Data Security Requirementa. b. Failure to comply with applicable requirements may result in termination of this r\grcement, c. The Contractor shall provide Security lncident Response in accordance with the Provider lnstructions for Breach Situations found within the DSHS CA Security for Prwiderc document, which can be accessed at h,ttps:/@il,dshç.w-a.sov/sjlgqldefayltfilel0A/cp/documents/Qegurity- in-Ggntråcls.o{f. Payment Only for Authorized Services DSHS shall pay the Contractor only for authorizd services provided in accordance with this Agreement. lf this Agreement is terminated for any reason, DSHS shall pay only for services authorized and provided through the date of termination. 10. Good Faith Efforts The Contractor shall use diligent good faith efforts to ensure seruice delívery as described in Exhibit B Statement of Work. DSHS C€ntral Contlact Services 6015LF Cusbm lnþrlocål Agr€€nnnt (8-3{Þ0fl) L 9. PaS6 12 t i i Special Terms and Gondition¡ Funding Süpulations e. lnformation for Fqderal,':lundinp. The Contractor shall cooperalg !n supplylng qny information to DSFIS thãi máV be needed to détermine DSHS or the client's eligibilþ forfedenal tunding. 11. 12. t3. 14. ¡. guËliøÞ . The Gontractor must not billotherfunding sources for services rendered under this Agreement which would result in duplicate billing to different funding sources for the same service. Furthermore, the Contrac'tor shall ensurc that no subcontractor bills any other funding sources for services rendered underthis Agrcement, wttich would result in duplicate billing to different funding souroes for the same service c. No,.Fq{qr,?l Match. The Contractor shall not use funds payable under this Agreement as match toward fede¡al funds without the prior written permission of DSHS. d. Suoolantino. The Gontrac,tor shall use these funds to supplement, not supplant the amount of federal, state and local funds otherwise expended for services provided under this Agreement. Recovery of Fees for Noncompliance ln the event the Contractor bills for services provided and is paid fees for services that DSHS later finds were either (a) not delivered or (b) not delivered in accordance with applicable standards or the requirements of this Agreement, DSHS shall have the right to recover the fees for those services from the Contractor, and the Contractor shall fully cooperate during the recovery process Prohibition of Use of Funde fior Lobbying Acüvities The Contraclor shall not use funds payable underthe Agreement for lobbying activities of any nature. The Contractor certifies that no state or federal funds payable under this Agreement shall be paid to any person or organization to influenoe, or attempt to influence, either directly or indirectly, an ofücer or employee of any state or federal agency, or an sff¡cer or member of any state or federal legislative body or committee, regarding the award, amendment, modiflcation, extension, or renewal of a state or federal cont¡act or grant. Any act by the Contractor in violation of this prohibition shall be grounds for termination of this Agreement, at the sole dÍseretion oJ DSHS, and shall subject Gontractor to such monetiary and other penalties as may be provided by law. lnsurance. a. DSHS certifies that it is self-insured under the State's self-insunance liability program, as provided by RGW 4.92.130, an¿ shall pay for losses forwhich it is found liable. b. The Gontractor certifies, by checking the appropriate box below, initialíng to lhe left of the box selected, and signing this Agreement, that: .#{' Mfn" Contrac{or is self-insured or insured through a risk pool and shall pay for lossesY fo! whicn it is found lieble; or I ffre Contractor maintains the types and amounts of insurance identified below and shall, prior to the execution of this Agreement by DSHS, provide certificates of insurance to that effect lo the DSHS contac't on page one of this Agreement. Commercid:ganergt !,¡âbil¡tv; lng"urancÊ {ÇSLi - to include coverage for bodily injury, property DSHS Central Contrecl Sen¡ccs 601 5LF Cu¡tom lntorlocal Agrê€ment (6€G09)Pagê 13 t6. Special Terms and Gonditions damage, and contractual liability, with the following minimum limits: Each Occunence - g1,000,000; General Aggregate - $2,000,000. The policy shall include liability adsing out of premises, operations, independent contrac'to¡s, products-completed operations, personal injury, advertising injury, and liability assumed under an insurpd contrac't. The State of Washington, DSHS, its elected and appointed officials, agents, and employees shallbe nemed as additional insureds. 15. Investigations of Cont¡actor or Relatod Perconnel DSHS may, without prior notice, suspend the Contraclofs performance of the Agreement if the Contractor, or any partner, officer or director of the Contractor, or a subcontractor, or any employee or volunteer of the Contractor or a subcontractor, is investigated by DSHS or a local, county, state or federal agency regarding any matterthat, if ultimately established, could either: a. Result in a conviction for violating a local, state or federal law, or b. ln the sole judgment of DSHS, adversely afiec{ the delivery of services under this Agreement or the health, safety or welfare of DSHS clients. DSHS may also take other lesser adion, including, but not limited to, disallowing the subject of the investigation, whether an employee, volunteer, or other person associated with the Gontractor or a subcontractor, from providing servíces, or frorn having contact with DSHS clients, unt¡l the investigation is concluded and a final determination made by the investigating egency. Removal of lndividualc fñrm Performing Services \ 17. e. ln the event that any of Contracto/s employees, subcontrac{ors, or volunteerc who provide seruices under this Agreement do not meet qualifications required by this Agreement or do not perform the services as required in this Agreement, DSHS may require that Contrador assure DSHS that such individual will not provide services to DSHS clients under this Agreement. b. DSHS shall notiff the Contrac-tor of this decision verbally and in writing and the Contrador shall, within tuventy-four (24) hours, disallow that person from providing direct services to DSHS clients. Failure to do so may result in a Compliance dgreement and possible suspension or termination of this Agreement. Compliance Agreement ln the event that DSHS identifies deficiencies in Contracto/s performance underthis Conbad, DSHS may, at its option, establish a Compliance Agreement. When presented wih a Compliance Agreement, Contractor egrees to undertake the actions specified in the plan within the timeframes given to conec.t the deficiencies. Contrac{o/s failure to do so shall be grounds for termination of this Agreement" 18. Resolution of Diffiercnces ln the event of any differences between the parties on mettem related to the interpretation and implementation of this {greement, the parties shall first attempt to resolve the differencE informally beturcen themselves at the local or regional level, by following the regional conflict resolution process. lf the parties are unable lo resolve their differenoe as stated above, then either party may submit a request for dispute resolution as provided in the Section Disputes befow. A copy of the regional conflict resolution process is available from the DSHS Contac{ person listed on page 1 of this Agreement. DSHS Centnl Contred Seryices 6015LF Cusúorn lnterlocal Agmemont (ê€ll{19)Pågo'14 19. Special Terms and Conditions Disputes e. Either party who has a dispute conceming this Agreement may submit a written request for dispute resolution. The amount of any rate set by law, regulation, or DSHS policy is not disputable. A party's vrnitten request for dispute resolution must include: (1) A statement identifying the issue(s) in dispute; and (2) Contracto/s name, address and agreement numbEr, b. The request must bE mailed to the following address wtthin thirty (30) calendar days afierthe party could reasonably be expec{ed to have knowledge of the issue, which is disputed. c. A copy of the cunent Children's Administration's dispute rcsolution process is available at any time by written request. d. Requests for dispute resolution or for a copy of the cunent Ghildren's Administration's dispute resolution prooess should be sent to: DSHS/Ch¡ldren's Administ¡ation Attention Contracts-U n it P.O. Box 45710 Olympia, WA 9850+5710 e. This dispute resolution process is the sole adrninistrative remedy available under this Agreement. 2a. Braam Gonsideration¡ ln the event that Children's Administration should need to include additional rcquirements relating to seruices provided under this Agreement as part of CAs obtigations to meet the requirements of Braam v. State of Washington, the parties agree to negotiate in good faith the incorporation of such additional requirernents in this Agrcement, either by an amendment to this Agreernent or by a revised agreement that would replace this Agreement. DSHS CênbÊl Contrecl Sorv¡cÊs 6015LF Cu¡torn lnbrlocâl AgftFrñent (6-3G0!l)Page 15 1 Exhibit A - Date Security Requircmenb Daänitions. The words and phrases listed below, as used in this Exhib¡t, shall each have the following definitions: a. 'Authorized User(s)" meens an indívidual or individuals with an ar¡thorized business requirement to eooess DSHS Confidential Information. b. "Hardened Password" means a string of at least eight characters conta¡ning at least one alphabetic character, at least one number and at feast one special character such as an asterisk, ampercand or exclamation point. c. "Unique User lD" means a string of characters that identifies a specific user and which, in conjunction with a password, passphrase or other mechanism, authenticates a user to an information system. Data Transport. When transportíng DSHS Gonfidential lnformation electronically, including via email, the Data will be protected by: a. Tlansporting the Data within the (State Govemmental Network) SGN or Contracto¡'s ínternal network, o4 b. Encrypting any Data that will be in transit outside the SGN or Contrado¡'s intemal network. This includes tansit overthe public lntemet. Protection of Data. The Gontractor agrees to store Data on one or more of thefollowing media and protec't the Data as described: a" Hard disk drlves. Data stored on localworkstation hard disks. Access to the Data will be restricted to Authorized User(s) by requiring logon to the local workstation using a Unique User lD and Hardened Password or other authentication mechanisms which provide equal or greater security, such as biometrics or smart cards. b. Network gêrver disks. Data stored on hard disks mounted on netrryork seruers and rnade available through shared folders. Access to the Data will be restricled to Authorized Users through the use of access control lists wftich will grant access only afterthe Authorized User has authenticated to the network using a Uníque User lD and Hardened Password or other authentication mechanisms which provide equal or greater security, such as biometrics or smarl cards. Data on disks mounted to such seruers must be located in an area which is accessible only to authorized personnel, with acoess controlled through use of a key, card key, combination lock, or comparable mechanism. For DSHS Confidential lnformation stored on these disks, deleting unneeded Data is sufücient as long as the disks remain in a Secured Area and othenrise meet the requirements listed in the above paragraph. Destruction of the Data as outlined in Section 5. Data Disposition may be defened untilthe disks are retired, replaced, or otherwise taken out of the Secured Area, 2. 3. DSHS Central Contrad Serv¡ces 601SLF Custom lnterlocal Ageement (83(Xl9)Pego 16 c. Optical dircs (CDs or DVDs) in local workstation optical di¡c drives. Data provided by DSHS on optical discs which will be used in local wod<station optical disc drives and which will not be transported out of a Secured Area. When not in use for the contracted purpose, euch discs must be locked in a dranrer, cabinet or other container to which only Authorized Users have the key, combination or mechanism required to access the contents of the container. Workstations which acoess DSHS Data on optical discs must be located in an area which is acceesible only to authorized personnel, with access controlled through use of a key, card key, combination lock, or comparable mechanism. d. Optical discc (GDs or DVD¡} in drives orlukeboxes attached to serverc. Data provided by DSHS on optical discs which will be attached to network servers and which will not be transported out of a Secured Area, Access to Data on these discs will be restdcted to Authorized Users through the use of access control lists whicfr will grant access only afrer the Authorized User has authenticated to the network using a Unique User lD and Hardened Passurotd or other authentication mechanisms which provide equal or greater security, such as biometdcs or smart cards. Data on discs attached to such seryers must be located in an area which is accessible only to authorized personnel, with access controlled through use of a key, card key, combination lock, or comparable mechanbm. e. Paper documents. Any paper records must be protected by storing the records in a Securcd Area which is only accessible to authorized personnel. When not in use, such records must be Etored in a locked container, such as a file cabinet, locking drawer, or safe, to which only authorized persons have access. f, Remob Access. Access to and use of the Data over the State Governmental Network (SGN) or Secure Access Washington (SnW¡ will be controlled by DSHS staff who will issue authentication credentials (e.g. a Unique lJser lD and Hardened Password) to At¡thorized Users on Gontractor staff. Gontrac.tor will notify DSHS staff immediately whenever an Authorized User in possession of such credentials is termlnated or othenrise leaws the employ of the Contrac{or, and wlrenever an Authorized Use/s duties change such thatthe Authorized User no longer requires access to perform work for this Contrad. g. Data storage on portable devices or media., (l) Except where otheruise specified herein, DSHS Data shall not be stored by the Contractor on portable devices or media unless specifically authorized within the terms and conditions of the Contract. lf so authorized, the Daüa shall be given the following protections: (a) Encrypt the Data with a key length of at least 128 bits (b) Control access to devices with a Unique User lD and Hardened Password or stronger authentication method suctr as a physicaltoken or biometrícs. (c) Manually lock devices wheneverthey aft! left unattended and set devices to lock' - automatically afrer a period of inactivity, if this feature is availabte. Maximum period of inactivity is 20 minutes. Physically Secure the portable device(s) and/or media by (d) Keeping them in locked storage when not in use (e) Using check-in/ched<-out procedures when they are shared, and DSHS c6rf ¡al Conf¡ct Servixe 601SLF Custgrn lntdþcal Agr€arpr¡t (6€OO0)Pagp 17 (f) Taking frequent inventories (2) Vvhen being transported outside of a Secured Area, portable devices and media with DSHS Confidential lnformation must be underthe physical control of Contractor staffwith authorization to access the Data. (3) Poilable devices include, but are not limitEd to; smart phones, tablets, flash memory devices (e.9. USB flash drives, personalmedia players), portable hard disks, and laptop/notebooUnetbook compúere if those computers may be transported outsÍde of a Secured Area. (4) Portable media includes, but is not limited to; optical media (e.9. CDs, DVDs), magnetic media (e.9. floppy disks, tape), or flash media (e.9. CompactFlash, SD, MMC). h. Data storcd for backup purposes. (1) DSHS data may be stored on portable media as part of a Contracto/s existing, documented backup prooess for business continuity or disaster recovery purposes. Such storage is authorized until such time as that media would be reused during the course of normal backup operations. lf backup media is retired while DSHS Confidential lnformatlon still exists upon it, such media will be desfoyed at that time in accordance with the disposition requirements in Section 5. Data Disposition (2) DSHS Data may be stored on non-portable media (e.9. Storage Area Network drives, virtual media, etc.) as part of a Contrado/s exísting, documented backup prooess for business continuity or disaster recovery purposes. lf so, such media will be protected as otheruvise described in this exhibit. lf this media is retired while D$HS Confidentiallnformation stillexists upon it, the data will be destroyed at that time in accordance with the disposition requirements in Sec'tion 5. Data Disposition. 1. Data Segrcgation. a. DSHS Data must be segregated or othemise distinguishable from non-DSHS data. This is to ensure that when no longer needed by the Contractor, all DSHS Data can be identified for return or destruction. lt also aids in determinirg whether DSHS Data has or may have been compromised in the event of a security breach. As such, one or more of the following methods will be used for data segregation. b, DSHS Data will be kept on media (e.9. hard disk, optical disc, tape, etc.) wtrich will contain no non-DSHS data. And/or, c. DSHS Data will be stored in a logical container on electronic media, such as a partition orfolder dedicated to DSHS Data, And/or, d. DSHS Data will be stored in a database which will contain no non-ÐSHS data. And/or, e. DSHS Data will be stored within a database and will be distinguishable from non-DSHS data by the value of a specific fìeld or fields within database records. f.lMten stored as physical paper documents, DSHS Data will be physically segregated from non- DSHS data in a drawer, folder, or other container. DSHS Canlral Contfact Servicas 6015LF Cu¡tom lnbrlocal Agteemeil (e30{¡9)Pag6 18 5, g. When it is not feasible or prac{ical to segregate DSHS Data from non-DSHS data, then boih the- DSHS Data and the non-DSHS data with wfrich it is commingled rnust be protected as desøibed in this exhibit. Data Disposition. When the contrac{ed work has been completed orwhen no longer needed, exoept as noted ìn Sec.tion 3, Protection of Data b. Netìñ,ork Se¡ver Disks above, Data shall be retumed to DSHS or destroyed. Media on wtrich Data may be etored and associated acceptable methods of destruction are as follors: Nolification of Gomprcmi¡e or Poþntial Cornpromise- The compromise ø potential compromise of DSHS shared Data must be reported to the DSHS Contact designated in the Contract within one (1) business day of discovery. lf no DSHS Contact is designated in the Contrac{, then the notification must be reported io the DSHS-Privacy Ofücer at dshsprivacyofficer@dshs.wa.gov. Contractor must also take ac:tions to mitigate the risk ôf loss and comply with any notification or other requirements imposed by law or DSHS. Data sharcd with Subcont¡acton¡. lf DSHS Data provided under this Contrac't is to be shared with a subcontrac-tor, the Contract with the subcontnador must include all of the data security provisions within this Contrac{ and within any amendments, attadtments, or exhibits within this Contract. lf the Contrac.tor cannot protect the Data as articulated within this Contract, then the confact with the sub' Gontrac{or must bé submitted to the DSHS Contact specified for this contract for review and approval. 6., 7¿ DSHS Conbal Coirtnd Seruics 601 5LF Cu¡tom lnÞ¡locâl Agrêêment (&,30{19) Data stored on:Utlill be disks, or Removable media (e.9. floppies, USB flash drives, portable hard disks) excluding opticaldiscs a will at least three (3) times using either random or single character data, or Degaussing sufficiently to ensure that the Data cannot be reconstruc{ed, or disk Paper sensitive or Confidential lnfonnation .. ,.. .. .._ ._-,r ,,.,,:i:: ¡rrr Faperîocumentö óontài ning Gonfideintial I nformâtion requiring special handling (e.g. protected health information) Recycling â firm contrac{ with the rerycler assures that the of Data be s pulping,or ıþiicatdiscs (e.9. CDs or DVDs)tnóinerat¡on, shredding, or completely defacing the readable surface with a coarse abrasive Pago l9 EXHIBIT B STATEII'IENT OF WORK Gommercially Sexually Exploited Ghildren (csEcl Taskforce support ORGANEANON OF STATETENT OF WORK t. 2. 3. 4. Intent of Services Authorization of Services Service Delivery The Contractor shall ensurc that services provider under this Agreement at all times meet the specifications described in this Statement of Work Exhibit. l. lnûent of Services The intent of these services is to support CSEC taskforce agencies that identify, address, and provide appropriate servicas to children/youth who are at risk or have been commercially serually exploited. 2. Authorization of SErvices All activities delivered underthis Agreement will require approval by the Ghildren's Administration (CA) Headquarters fiA) Program Manager. 3. Seruice Delivery The Gontractor will focus on the development of r€sourcêo for cornmunity partners including child welfare staff, stakeholders, and tasKorce membep. These activities may include: a. Training (1) To identifu and assist CSEC; (2) On best practices for service delivery; and (3) To increase atyareness of State and Federal Laws regarding CSEC, b. Enhance a coordinated, interdisciplinary, victim-centered response to GSEG. Such a coordinated response could inolude: (l) Law Enforcement; (2) Jwenile Justice; (3) Ch¡ld Welfare; (4) Runaway and Homeless Youth; and DSHS Gentral Conh¡ct SeMces d¡l 5tF Custom lntorlocql Agrucfüent (S30-09)Pagê 20 1- (5) Behavioraland Physical Health Agencies. c. Build collaboration, common language, coordination, and information sharing across multiple systems. d. Develop communitY resouroes. e. CSEC awereness and resource website development and/or maintenance. f. Development and/or maintEnance of local data base of CSEC served, wtrich may include services refened to and provided, g. Emergency funding for basic needs for victims of CSEC. h. lncrease awareness of local agency as community resource for CSEC. i. lmplement community public awareness campaign addrcssing CSEC. j. Greate a support group for CSEC vic{ims with cuniculum for life skills development. k Outreach and delivery of prevention progft¡mming to middle and high schools. l. Development and delivery of online search ad campaigns to Íncrease awareness of CSEC. m. Development and delivery of social media campaigns around CSEC awereness. n. Development and maintenance of CSEC placement options and coordination of placements for state dependent children, o. lndividual and ongoing case management for CSEG victims. p. Assist CSEC victims with contading family or other support systems. q. Assis CSEC victims with behavioraland/or drug and alcoholtreatment costs. r. provide neoessary education and training materials about CSEG to taskforce and other partners. s. Outreach and engage additíonal members to join CSEC tasKorce. t. provide training scholarships for community members for CSEC and other relevant arcas. u. Greate and provide annual CSEC conference. Reports The Contrac.tor shall submit all wdtten activity reports and documents lo the CA HQ Program Manager, Dae Shogren, $hqq,rda@.S,shq . Written reports will be submitted on October 16,2017, January 16, 2018;Aprií t0, 2ote, and July 16, 2018 and willdetailthe following: a. Seruices delivered; b. Service delivery outcomes; DSHS Centr¿l Cont¡act Servlces 80151F Custon lnbrlocal AgÌe€ment (ê30{g)Page 2l c. lmpact of CSEC grant ef6rts; d. Resouroes provided; and e. Number of refemals to services and list of who received those reþnals. AdditiÖnêl,$4ã. CA may request additional measunable sêrvicê and outcome data forseruices provided by the Contractor, ln the event CA so requesb, CA commits to work with the Gontrac{orto develop data elements. lf so requested, the Contractor agrêe6 to provide data oollection in a manner prescribql by CA. DSHS Cenh¡l Gont¡act Senbc¡ 601 sLF Curbm lnbdoc.l Agr€ðment (6-4G09)PaCa?,2 1 EXHIBITG PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS Commercially Sexually Exploited Children (CSEC) Taskforce Support Requircd License in Good Standing lf the Contractor or any of the Contrado/s staff are required to be licensed, certified or registered to provide any of the services under this Agreement, the required license, certification or registration must be in good standing at alltimes during the term of the {grcement. ln the event that a required license, certification or registration is suspended, or has any lirnitations or restrictions placed on it, the Gontractor shall immediately notify the DSHS contiact person listed on page I of this agreement. Transportation of Ghlldren The Contractor shall only provide transportation that is safe, reliable, and in conformance with state and federal safuty laws. Specifically, that: a. Drivers shall be age twenty-one (21) or older, have a cunent valid drivels license for the classification of mãtor vehlde operated, have no history of DWI violations, and have proof of liability insurence, and successll¡lly pass a DSHS/CA background check; b. Drivers shatl at all times comply with the child passenger restraint requiements of RCW ¿16'61.687 when transporting children or providing transportation to children served under this Agreement. Cunent cniid passenger restraint requirements may be accessed at http//qgryv;{90bVcklús'srgl; c, Driver and/or other staff accompanying clients in the motor vehícle shalf have ctnent first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (GPR) training; d. Motorvehicle is maintained in safe operating condition; 2. DSHS Gentral Contr¡d Sêlvices 8015LF Custom lnbrbcal Agnerncnt (è3G{Xl) ORGANIZATION OF PROGRAil REQUIRETIENÍS 1. Required LicensE in Good Standing2. Transportation of Children3. AdministrativeRecords1. PersonnelRecords5. OperatingProcedures6. Background checks7. Health and Safety of CA Glient Children8. Gorporal Punishment Prohibited9. Smoking Prohibited in Presence of Ctient Chlldren and Foster Youth 10. Gulturally Relevant Services ll. lnterpretation and Translation I 2. Confidentiality-Additional Requirements 13. Auditing and Monitoring {4. Ofüce of the and Children's Ombuds Page 23 3. e. Number of passengers does not exceed the seating capaeity of the motor vehicle; f. Motorvehicle is equipped with appropriate safety devices and individualseat belts wtrich shallbe used when the vehicle is in motion; g. The Contrac{or shall ensurê that no transportation of DSHS clients oocurs unless an auto insurance policy that covers the transportation of DSHS dients is in effect; and DSHS shall have discretion to disallow any employee, subcontractor, or volunteer of the Contractor from providing transportation to DSHS clients. Administ¡ative Records The Contractor shall retain the following administrative records. a. Standards for monitoring staff for Agreement compliance; b, Fiscal rccords that shall substantiate costs charged to DSHS under this Agreement; c. Documentation of allaudits, license reviews, agreement monitoring reports, and conective adion reports and actions taken. d. Documentation of all costs associated with service provided underthis Agreement. e. Recruitment policy which demonstrates that Contractor is an equal opportunity employe4 f. Personnel policy reflecting CA policy requiremenk re "Smoking Prohibited in Presence of Client Children and Foster Youth;' g. A copy of any subcontract or other agreernent for subcontracted services and the provider's qualifications; h. Gopy of the Certificate of lnsurance for each subcontractolì and i. Protec{ed group data: (1) A list of cunent staff by position that addresses date of birth, sex, and identified protected group status, including race, Vietnam Era Veteran, Disabled Veteran, and person of disability. (2) A list of all clients served that addresses date of birth, sex, and Þce. lMten colleding protected grcups data, the Contnc,tor shall inþm statr and clíentsthat (1) the fumishing of the information is entircly voluntary; Q) the refusal to fumislt the data shall not have adverce elÍecfs. Per¡onnel Records The Contrac{or shall retain the following records on (1) all of Contractor's stafiand employees, whether full-time or part-time, (2) volunteers, and (3) any subcontracto/s staff and employees wtro may have oontad with DSHS clients in performing duties or providing seruices under this Agreement: e. DSHS criminal history background checks for all individuals employed or coming into unsupervised contact with DSHS children; tt. DSHS Centnl Gontrad Services 6015LF Custom lnbñocal Agreernant (&30{9)Page 24 5. DSHS Gentral Contracf S¿¡vicrs 6015LF Cu¡tom ¡nbrlocel Agrêement (6-i0-09) 6. b, Any other criminal history background clpcks; c. Gunent license(s), reg¡strat¡on(s), or certification(s) to practice in the state of Washington and/or in the state in which services are provided, as applicable; d. Proof of degree(s), if required, and transcripts from college or other school awarding any degree(s) required under this Agreement for service provision; e. Documentiation of academic history, credentials, employment; f, Job desøiption; g. Annual performance evaluations; h. Hours worked and payment records; i. Proof of driw/s license and automobile liability insurance, if staff or subcontraclor provides transportation to DSHS clients; j. Signed statements to adhere to confidentiality of client information; and k. Signed statements acknowledging duty to report drild maltreatment. Operating Procedurcs a. ln cotlaboration with CA, the Contractor shall develop written operating procedures, wfrich set forth procedures for the day-to-day operation and conduct of aclivities under this Agrcement. Such procedures must be in accord and consistent with, and shall not conflict with, lhe provisions of this Agreement. The written operating procædures shall address: (1 ) Refenal procedures; (2) Communication links (contact persons); (3) Report and feedback process; (4) Emergency procedures; and (5) Organ¡zational policies. b. The Contractor shall each retaln a copy of the written operating procedures. Background Checks e- This requirement applies to any employees, volunteers and subcontractors who may have unsupervised access to children served under this Agreement. b. This requirement does not apply to cunently licensed foster parents who are affiliated with the Contractor. Licensed foster parents are subject to the criminal history background provisions associated with obtaining and maintaining a cunent foster license. c. The Contractor shall ensure a criminal history background check pursuant to RCW 43.4g.832, 43.43.834 and 43.204.710, and WAC 38&06, or successor statutes has been completed through Pagc 25 DSHS for allcunent employees, volunteers, and subcontrac{ors, and that a criminalhistory background chee* shall be initiated for all prospective employees, volunteers and subcontractors who may have unsupervised access to children serued under this agreement. d. The Gontractor shall assist in obtaining additional state or national criminal history and/or child abuse/neglect history, if æquestecl by DSHS. e. The Contracfor shall ensure that no employee, volunteer or subcontractor, including those provisionally hired pursuant to RCW 43.43.832(7), or successor statute, has unsupervised acÆess to children serued under this agreement, until a full and satisfactory background check is completed and documentation, qualifying the individualfor unsupervised acoess, is rctumed to the Gontraclor. 7. Health and Safety of CA Glient Ghildrcn e. lf the Contractor determines that there are additional health and safety concems, suspected substance abuse, or other presenting problems wftich were not stated in the GA refenal, the Contrac-tor shall immediately report this information to the refening CA Social Service Specialist and, if appropriate to CPS lntake, The Contractor shall follow such verbal notification by written notification within twenty-four (24) hours to the CA SocialService Specialist and to CPS lntake. b, Gontrac{ors are mandated reporters under chapter 26,44.030 RCW The Contrador shall immediately reporl all instances of suspected child abuse and neglect to (1) Child Protective Services (CPS) lntake and (2) the refening CA Social Service Specialist. The Contractor shall follow verbal notification by written notification within twenty-four (24) hours to the GA Social Seruice Specialist and to CPS lntake. c. CPS lntake shall make the determination of whetherthe refenal constitutes an allegation of child abuse or neglect that shall be accepted for investigation, as a possible licensing compliance issue, or as a matter of infofiation onl¡f. d. Written notification required by the Contractor shall include notification by e-mai! or by fax, 8. Gorporal Punishment Prohibited 9. Gorporal punishment of children in DSHS' care or cu$ody is prohibited. Corporal punishment is any ac.t wtridr willfully infl'rds or c¿ruses the inflic-tion of physical pain on a child. The Contracfor, and the Contractor's agents and employees, shall not administer corporal punishment to cftildren served under this Agreement. Smoking ProhlbiúEd in Presence of CIient Ghildrcn and FoshrYouth Smoking in the presence of client children, including the use of e-cigarettes, is prohibited. This prohibition extends to, but is not limited to, the following circumstances: a. When transporting client cfiildren under age eighteen (18) and foster youth eighteen (18) to twenty- one (21) years of age; b. When there is direcf contact w¡th client children under age eighteen (18) and foster youth eighteen (18) to twenty-one (21) years of age, such as talking with a child or accompenying a child, even when in a public place where smoking may otherwise be permitted. 10. Culturally Relevant Services DSHS Ccntsal Gonhad Ssrvlccs 601 sLF Curtom lnterlocal Agrrement (È3G09)Page 26 11. The Contraclor shall provide appropriate, accessible, and culturally relevanl services to clients and their families, Service delivery shall be culturally competent and responsive to each client's cultural beliefs and values, ethnic norms, language needs, and individual differences. Contractors are encouraged to employ a diverse workforce that reflects the diversity of their clientele and the community. The Gontractor shall have a written rccruitment policy which demonstrates that the Contractor is an equal opportunity ernployer. nttoy¡r¡*uw. shs,lvâ:göv/site$/d¿fâùlt/fiiesl$ESAlod¡/qécürrËnts/Ç,åi20L#,pllf' lnterprcbtlon and Tran¡lation e- The Contractor ehall provicle Limited English Proficient (LEP) clients with certified or othenrise qualifi ed inteçreters and tra nslated documents. b. The Contractor shall provide deaf, deaf-blind, or hard of hearing clients with the seruicee of a certified sign language interpretet. c. lnterpreter and translation services shall be provided at no cost to the client. All interpreter and translation costs shall be the finanoial responsibility of the Contrac{or. These costs are included in the contnac'ted rate. d. Extraordinary costs, which create an undue hardship for the Gontractor in providing interpretation and/or translation services to an individual client, may be reviewed and addressed for supplemental reimbursement by the CA HQ Program Manager or designee on a case by casè basis. 12, Confidential¡ty-Add¡tional Requirements This Agreement imposes the fotlowing additional requirements to the section lttlei Confidentiatity, æl forth as one of the General Terms and Conditions of this Agreement: a. GqFsentlbv,,ñllinfi,ri The Contractor shall not use, publish, transËr, sell or othenrise disclose any ConfiAe¡tial lniormation of a minor except as provided by law or with the prior written consent of the mino/s parent, legal representative or guardian. lf a child is a dependent of Washington State, then priorunitten consent must be obtained from DSHS. b. Encrvnte4,"HlEil Acgq*nt, The Contractor shall use an encrypted email account for eledronic ffitain""êorrfidential,andPersonallnformation,asdefinedintheGeneralTerms and Conditions. lnformation regarding encrypted email accounts can be obtained at CAs website, located at httpJlwuvrn,dghs;{y,?.ooV1ca/nartnersfintro.açp. 13. Auditing and tonitoring e, ff the Gontractor is required to have an audit or if an audit is performed, the Conhaclor shall forward a copy of the audit report to the DSHS Contac{ listed on page 1 of this Agreement. b. lf federal or stäte audit exceptions are made relating to this Agreement, the Contrac-tor must reimburse the amount of the audit exception, and any other costs including, but not limited to, audit fees, court cosfs, and penalty assessments. c. The Contractor shall be financially responsible for any overpayments by DSHS/CA to the Gontractor- The Contractor shall be financially responsible for any audit disallowances resulting from a federal or stete audit which resulted from an action, omission or failure to act on the part of the Gontrac'tor. d. DSHS may schedule monitoring visits with the Contrac'torto evaluate performance of the program" DSHS Genùal Conlract Scrvlott 60l5LF Cu¡toñr lntådocel Agrosrnent (È3f)-09)Page27 14. DSFIÍ¡ Centrel Contrad SowicEs 6015LF C.r¡stom lnÞrlocal Agæemeú (e3e09) e. The Contractor shell prov¡de at no further cost to DSHS ¡easonable access to all program-releted records and materials, induding financial records in support of billings, and records of staff and/or subcofitracitor time. Office of the Family and Chlldrun's Ombud¡ (OFGOI a. The Gontractorshallrelease records relating to services provided to youth that are dependent under chapter 13.34 RCW to the OFCO. The Contrac'tor oan release records for dependent youth under chapter f 3.34 RCW without the consent of a dependent youth's parent or guardían or the youth if the youth is under the age of thirteen (13) years, unless law othenuise specifically prohibits such release. b. The Contractor shall notify the CA headquarters Program Manager when the OFCO makes a request for records. Pagc 28