HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2017-0334 - Original - Central Avenue Mini Storage - Rental Agreement - 10X18 Unit #350 - 05/09/2017jCENTRAT AVENUE MINI STORAGERENTAT AGREEMENTCENTRAT AVENUE MINI STORAGEI 407 Centrql Avenue SouthKent, WA 98032Phone: (253) 859-2155Commencement Dote: -f1- I ÍRenter lnformotionNome of Renter:Controct Nofr.3{ì diäPreliminory Lien Notice Fee: $10.00Lien Sole Notice: $25.00Returned Check Fee: $30.00Cleoning Fee (vorioble): $2O/hourAlternote Contqct lnformotionAddress; "! -F¡:a:c-S¿uWork Ph,{ã:,"{ í Li f1 qDeposit:Admin Fee: Z{)Lote Fee: S10.00¿tT'ît Èrqr,,Contoct:AddressPhoneCiry Srote, Zipç">/<)Ciry Stote, Zip:Home Ph:Employer:lD. ,/ Driver LicenseThis Agreemenl is between IDC Enterprises LLP, d/b/q CentrolAvenue Mini Storoge, o self-service storoge focility locqted qt14A7 Centrol Avenue South, Kent, Woshington 98032 (hereinofter Londlord) ond Renter identified obove. ln considerqtion offie poyment of rents ond the performonce of the covenonts provided for herein on the port of the Renter, Londlord does herebyrent To Renter the storoge unit idenlified obove.The term of this rentol ogreemenT sholl be o minimum of one month ond sholl continue month to monlh, effective thecommencement dote obove. The chorge for this rentol sholl be the Monthly Rentol Role os indicoted obove. Rent is due ondpoyoble on the first doy of eoch colendor month, ot the Londlord's oddress stgted obove. Any invoices thot ore sent ore ocourtesy ond not required for poyment to be due. Renter ocknowledges thot periodic chonges in the monthly renlol rote, otherfees, or operotionol chonges mqndoted by low, moy be opplied to this ogreement provided thot written nolice is given 30doys in odvonce to both the Renler ond the olternote contoct ot $e oddresses then on record. Deposits collected from úeRenters moy be co-mingled in lhe generol funds of the Londlord ond no interest sholl be due the Renter. Upon terminqtion ofthe rentol ogreement Lqndlord moy utilize soid deposits to offset rent, lobor, or ony olher chorges ossessed ogoinst the Renterpursuonf herelo. Soid deposit moy olso be utilized to offset ony domoges to the storoge unit occurring during the term of thisrentol ogreement. Following these offsets deposit funds ore fully refundoble to the Renter upon settlement of the occount sndemptying of the storoge unit of oll items ond debris.The Londlord hos o lien on oll personol property locqted ot the self sloroge focility for unpoid: rent, lobor or oïher chorges,present or future, incurred pursuont to this ogreement ond for oll expense necessory for preservotion, sole or disposition ofpersonol property subiect to RCW 19.,l50. ln conformity with the provisions of RCW ,l9.150. 120, the Renter hereby lists onyproperty stored within the storoge unit thot is subiect to ony other security interest ond/or liens {if none, pleose insert "NONE"in the spoce.)ln considerotion of renting the storoge unit the Renter understonds ond ogrees to occupy the spoce provided upon the followingterms qnd condilions:I . Londlord is not engoged in the business of sloring goods for hire nor in the worehouse business, but is simply o Londlordrenting o storoge unit. Londlord is not responsible or lioble for the supervision, control or sofe keeping of ony propertystored within the storoge unit. lT is the Renter's responsibility to toke such octions, within the terms of this ogreement, whichthe Renter deems qdvisoble to sofeguord the stored property. Londlord is not responsible for qccess to the storoge oreqby persons using keys, regordless of the circumstqnces under which such persons obloined possession of such keys.2. Renter shqll ot oll times during tenoncy, keep the storoge unit ond oll of the Renter's property ploced therein in o cleon ondsonitory condition. Renter sholl keep the occess oreos ond oreos surrounding ond obout the storoge unit free ond cleorof obstruction; ond leove the storoge unit ond the premises in qs cleon ond good order ond condition os they ore nowreosonoble weor ond teor excepted. Renter is responsible for cleoning fees to return the unit to its pre-existing condition,in the omount indicoted obove.3. The storoge unit sholl not be used for ony unlowful purpose. Renter ogrees thot the storoge unit sholl not be used forlhe storoge of illegol drugs, ony explosives, flommoble or corrosive Iiquids, goses, solids, or ony other dongerous orhqzordous moteriols of ony type of nolure. The Renter sholl not store within the storoge unit ony personol property notlegolly possessed by the Renter.4. Renter sholl not sublet ony port of the storoge unit, nor ossign this ogreement or ony interest therein, qnd the some shqllnot poss by operotion of low.5. Renler sholl not use the sloroge unil for conducting directly or indirectly ony sole of reol or personol properfi by oucfion,"goroge sole" or otherwise.6. Renter qgrees to follow ond obide by the Rules ond Regulotions of the focility. Renter qgrees thot qll oddendo signed bySee bock side for odditionol terms ond conditionsthe uned Renter, on thnte dqtet/l¿tindicoted, hove reod, underslond ond ogree lo tl¡e terms o-ri-lhe front ond bqck of this!t, " ..'ìø, Yt'''!¿fr,r4tl i4 "--*r-:t,'--'-:i- 7"t 7Access Authorized lndividuol Dote Londloidt Äi,thorized Sionoøíe Dote'lA"Unit #Unit SizeMonihly Rentol Rote4¿7-,i',) ï, i {'Í ¿d:¡Other FeesRenter ;, , - i1 DoteF t " .r1t. \-'\) 'Y,r L, j"7 o'- lla Tenont ond Londlord sholl ottoch to this ogreement ond sholl become port of the conditions ond terms of this ogreement.Further, the terms of the oddendq sholl supersede this document when specificolly identified.7. Renter sholl not moke ony olterotions, odditions, or improvements to storoge unit or surrounding premises.B. Renter sholl not corry on, or permit upon the premises, ony offensive, noisy trode, or other nuisonce.9. Renter sholl not directly or indirectly use the storoge unit for gombling, illegol or immorol purposes.,l0. Renler sholl not live in, sleep in, nor keep ony onimols within the storoge unit or upon the premises, ond this RentolAgreement is not subiect to the Residentiol Londlord Tenont Act, RCW Chopter 59.,l 8.I I . Renter sholl not post or disploy in the windows, doors or common oreo of the premises or upon ony exterior port thereof,ony odvertising, signs, or symbols.12. Londlord will corry no insuronce which ¡n ony woy covers ony loss or cloim thot the Renter moy hove while renting. TheRenter must corry ony insuronce to prevent loss or cloims of domoge to the items thot ore stored. The Renter ogrees toindemnify, defend ond hold the Londlord hormless from ony ond oll cloims, couses of oction or demonds growing outof the use of the storoge oreo by the Renter or ony persons ochieving occess to the storoge qreo through the Renter,including personol iniury, loss or domoge tc prcperty in the sto"qge oreo¡ or ony loss orising from fire, explosion, theft,.pest, wind or woter domoge, temperoture, or similor colomity. All personol property left in the storoge unit is left solely otthe risk of the Renter ond Londlord sholl hove no liobility whotsoever for loss or domoge thereto.DEFAUTT BY TENANT AND IANDIORD'S REMED¡ESlf the Renter foils to poy the rent strictly in occordonce with the terms of the rentol ogreement, then Londlord sholl hove ollremedies provided by low, including those set forth in RCW 19.160, including, but not limited to, the following:A. When ony port of the rent or other chorges due from the Renter remoin unpoid for six (ó) conseculive doys, the Londlordmoy deny the Renter occess to the storoge unit ond opply o Lote Fee ot the rote specified obove. Access moy besuspended until the rent ond oTher chorges ore brought to o current stotus.B. When ony port of the Rent or other chorges due from the Renter remoin unpoid for fourteen (.l4) consecutive doys, theLondlord moy initiote terminotion of the right of the Renter to use lhe storoge unit, os provided in RCW .l9..l50.040. APreliminory Lien Notice in occordonce with the guidelines of RCW 19.,l50.050 will be sent. A Preliminory Lien Noticefee will be opplied ot the rote specified obove.C. When rent or other chorges due from the Renter remoin unpoid for fourteen (.l4) consecutive doys following the doteof moiling preliminory lien notice, or twenty-eight (28) doys ofter the dote when ony port of the rent or chorges werefirst post due, whichever is loter, the Londlord moy enter the storoge unit, inspect the contents of the unit, inventory thesome, ond ploce o lock of the Londlord's thereon, or otherwise remove soid items to o seporote locotion mointoined bythe Londlord. The Londlord moy then proceed to sotisfy the lien by sole of the property, other thon personol popers ondpersonol effects, in qccordonce with RCW ,l9. i 50. All costs of the sole, including the expense of toking the invenlorycnd moving ilre some, shoii be odded to ihe lien ond sqtisiied out of the sole proceeds, os well os the iien sole noticefee specified obove. ln the event üot Renter remedies the defoult, Renter sholl reploce the lock on fie unit ot Renter's soleexPense.D. ln oddition, Renter sholl poy to Londlord o Return Check Fee, specified obove, per occurrence for ony poyment deliveredto Londlord in settlement of ony of Renter's obligotions hereunder, which is returned , morked "NSF," "occount closed,"or for ony other reoson poyment is deemed involid.TERMINATION OF RENTAT AGREEMENTEither porty moy terminote this rentol ogreement by giving written notice to the other of ot leost fifteen (15) doys prior to theend of the colendor month. lf less thon fifteen (.l5) doys notice is given by the Renter, on eorly move out fee will be ossessed tothe Renter in the minimum omount of one-holf month's rent, if the unit is cleored out within the first holf of the month followingthe lote notice of terminotion, ond o full month's rent if the move out occurs in the second holf of the month following the noliceof terminotion. Renler ogrees not to remove property from the rentol premises without the consent of the Londlord, until ollrents ond other sums of money due to the Londlord sholl first hove been poid ond dischorged. The Renter ogrees to notify theLondlord in writing of terminotion upon vocoting the storoge unit. Rent will continue until terminoted in occordonce with thisogreement qnd this section. The storoge unil will be considered surrendered if found without o lock, content volue less thon$300.00 ond oll ottempts to contoct the Renter hove foiled. A surrendered storoge unit will couse immediote terminotion ofRenter's rights hereunder ond ony items left in the storoge unit upon terminotion will be considered obondoned. The propertymoy be disposed of in ony reosonoble monner.Rente¡''s duf io poy renï hereu¡rde¡- is noi dependeni uponi '"vheiher personcl properl¡ is ploced in the stc;"cge uniÌ cr not.All notices colled for herein sholl be given lo the Renter, ond the Alternotive contoct if listed, os set forth in this ogreement.It sholl be the dufy of Renter to furnish Londlord in the writing of ony chonges in oddress, telephone number, or olternotivecontoct.Any breoch of the terms of this controct is cquse for eviction. No provision of this Rentol Agreement moy be woived or chongedother thon by writfen ogreement. The Renter understonds thot only on officer of Cenlrol Avenue Mini Storoge moy outhorizeony woiver, modificqtion or exlension of ony of the terms hereof. Any woiver by the Londlord of ony breoch of ony covenonlherein conloined to be kept ond performed by the Renter shqll not operote to bor or prevent the Lqndlord from decloring oforfeiture for ony succeeding breoch, either of the some condition or covenqnt or otherwise. This controct will be binding uponond insure to the benefit of the porties hereto, their heirs, successors, person representotives ond/or ossigns. The Renter shollpoy oll reosonoble costs, ottorney's fees ond expenses thot moy be incurred by the Londlord in enforcing the provisions of therentol ogreement. 1ADDENDUM TO RENTAL CONTRACTRULES AND REGULATIONSFor your safety, this facility is always monitored by closed c¡rcuit television and all activity is recorded.NO LITTERING OR DUMPING OF TRASH ON PREMISES IS PERMITTED.For the safety of all, the speed limit is 5 miles per hour while on the premises.You must have a picture identification to rent a storage unit. For your privacy, we will not give out anyinformation to anyone who may inquire about your unit who is not a signer on your lease agreement.Please do not use any appliances or tools in your storage unit.Pets are to be kept inside your vehicle while on the premises.Please turn off the lights in your unit when you leave.No work on any vehicle is permitted on Facillty property.No drugs or alcoholic beverages are allowed on premises. No smoking is permitted inside any unit orhallway. lf you smoke, please do not leave cigarette butts on ground - take them with you.Please do not block any driveways or doorway.Please do not store any pet foods or any opened food containers in your storage unit. Canned foods areokay. NOTE: This attracts and provides a breeding place for insects.One padlock is allowed per door.We do not mail monlhly statements. Please make note that your rent is due on the 1st of the month.Pay your rent within 5 days of the due date to avoid late fees.No partial payments will be accepted.We do not refund partial rent payment. Only full months pre-paid rent is refundable"Upon move out, we will prorate your rent to your move out date, provided the 15 days notice has beensatisfied. When vacating your storage unit, we will only accept cash payments.Please notify the office in writing .15 days prior to vacating your unit.Upon move out, please remove everything from the unit and sweep thoroughly. Please leave your unitas you found it. Please stop by the Office when your unit is vacant and clean. Do not leave your padlockon the unit or leave any items in the unit. You will continue to be charged rent for each day that the lockremains on the unit or any items are left behind in the unit.lf your account is 30 days or more delinquent, we accept only cash, money orders or credit cards forpayment. No checks will be accepted.Please notify the office in writing of any changes in your name, address or telephone number. We cannotaccept any changes unless we have the tenant signature on file authorizing this change.NO LOITERING ON FACILITY PROPERTY WILL BE TOLERATED. Tenants will proceed to their unit andconduct business as efficiently as possible. Tenants must exit property immediately after completing anyloading or unloading of goods at rental unit.lf a tenant's account goes io Auction Status, the tenant must vacaie property immediately upon payingany monies owed. NO EXCEPT¡ONS.ANY TENANT VIOLATING ANY OF THE RULES OF THE PROPERTY WILL BE SUBJECT TOIMMEDIATE TERMINAT¡ON OF THEIR RENTAL AGREEMENT.Gate Hours: 6:00 am to B:00 pm DailyOffice Hours: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Saturday10:00 am to 3:00 pm SundayCLOSED MAJOR HOLIDAYSMajor Holidays Glosed: New Year's DayEaster Sunday Memorial DayLabor Day July 4th (lndependence Day)Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day234567Bo10tt121314151617181920¿t22I understand and agreeto the above rules and regulationsTenant Signature and Date