HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD2015-0332 - Original - ATF - Memorandum of Understanding regarding ATF Task Force Overtime Salary Costs - 12/02/2015@ U.S. Deprrtment of Justlce Burcau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms nnd Explosives Ê ' ,+ÍF llothln¿ro* DC20l2tt wwv.alf,gov MDMORANDTJM OF AGREEMENT Between the Burc¡u of Alcohol, Tobacco, Flrc¡rms and Exploslves rnd Kent Pollcs Department for Reimbursement of Overüme Snlary Cosls ¡ssociated with ATF TASK FOACE *****ttfrt* E,(P: 9-Jo- 2c,2.Ò This Memorandum of Agrcomenr (MoA) is cntercd lnto by the Burcau of Alcohol, Tobacco,Firearm¡ and Explosives (ATÐ and lho rent nolice Depurïment-rãrîc purposc of reirnburscmcnrof ov¡1im¡ salarycosuand othercosts, with.pdor efropp,oraf,ln.ruoing bur not llmited rotravcl, fuel, trnining, ond cquipment, incuncd'uyttre ldi;¡i.;bärn enr in pmvidingresources to sssist ATF. Plymel-ts moy be mnde.to the extent lhey are lnctuded in ATFs Flscal yc¡¡ plsn 0nd thc rnoniesarc availsble to såtisry the r'qucsr(s) for rcimburs*le ovcrtimo u*p*rrr. r. This MoA is cffcctive withrhe signoturcs of ¡ll parties and terminutes at the close, of btnincsson September 3e 2020, subjccr ro Scct¡on VU oitne MOÀ. - ü. AJTHORTry This MoA is estabrished pursuant to tbe folowing provisions: l' Title 28, U.s-C,, section 524(c), the Departmcnt of Jusrice, Assct Forfeiture Fund,which pmvides for rhe rcimbursement oicertain i*pin* on*d:ñ;t;oiıill r"*enforcement çgncies i.ncuncd os participnnrs ¡n¡oiiiåpcrnttons/t¡stc.fóöùtrh; Dcpartment of the Justice law enfàrccment sgêncy. 2. Depnrtments of commerce, Justice, and state, thc Judiciary, and Rcldcd Agcncies Appropriarions Bill, which providcs for the rcimbursement of ovcrtimc salarycosts of locul, county, orSlate law enforcement ageneies incur¡cd while assisting A'lF in joint low en forcement ope rations. 3. Titlc 31, U.S.C., Section 9703, the Treasury Forfciturc Fund Act of 19g2, which provides for the reimbursement of certain espenses of locd, county, or Stnte law enforcemenl agencies incuned as porticipants in joint opcrations/task forces with a Federnl lnw cnforcement r¡gency, lf avail¡blc, thc funding for fiscal years 2016, 201?, 2018, 2019 and 2020 is contingenr upon snnunl oppropriotion laws, Title 28, U.S.C., Section 524(c), annud appropriations, ond lifle 31, U,S.C., Scction 332. If nvailable, funding allocations for reimburscmcnt of expcnses rvill bc transmitted through r sepsmte documenl This Memorandum of Agreernent {MOA} ls not ¡ fundlng olloc¡tlon documenL III. PUBPOSE OF THIS-MEÙ,¡PRAJ.TDT]M OF AGREEMENT This MOA establishes the procedures und responsibilities of both rhe Kent Policc Depnrtmcnt and ATF for the reimbursemcntof cert¡in ovcrtimÊ and otlrçr pre-appovcd expenses incuned pursunnt to the ¡uthority in Section II. ff. Ná,ME Os'JQINT9PFS.4,TION/TASK F9RCE (if appilcabte) The name of this joinr opcmtion/task force: ATF TASK FORCE v. coJNprÏroNs aNp PROCEDIIRES The Kent Police Dcpertmcnt shnlt assign officer(s) to ussist ATFin investigations of Fedeml, stûte, ûnd local laws. To th¿ ma,rimum extent possible, the officc(s) will be æsigned on a dedicured, r¡ther th¡n rotational bssis. The Kcnt police Department shull provide ATF wirh rhe name(s), ¡itle(s), ond employee identific¡tion number(s) of rhe office(s) ¡ssigncd to the investigarion. Ths Kent Police Þepartment shall provide ATF, withln ten (10) carcndnr days of thc signing of this Mo,{', with a contûct name, title, telephone number and address. The Kent Policc Department shall also providc thc nmc of thc offisia.¡ responsible for providing audit informqtion under parugraph vI of this MoA, nnd the nsme of the offÌcisl nuthorized ro submir nn invoice ro ATF under pnrngroph V, subpnrugraph E. A B ¿, D c. E. c. The Kent Police Departmcnt shnllpmvide ATF, wirhin ten (10) cglendü days of the signing of this agreemenr, with rhe financiul institution wherc the l¡w cnforcement ûgency wants the Electronic Funds Trnnsfcr (EFT) p¡yme¡tt deposited for reimbursemcnt. The mech¡nism for this is the unified nna¡lc¡fu Munagemcnt system (uFMs) vendor Requesr Form. rwithin thc uFil,ts vcndor Requesl form, the DTINS Number should be providcd (Dt Ns - Darn univer¿al Numbering systcm, idcntifies business entities on a locutÍon-spccifîc basis) under scctio; tz. when completed, forwu¡d this form ro thc opproprlote ATF field office ¡ddress: ATF, AmN: Yvonne M. Rios, gli 2"d Avenuc, Room ?g0, Seattle, wA 98174. The Kent Police Department mry requesl reimburscment for pa¡rment of ov¡rtime Êxpenses nnd othcr cosrs with prior ATF appmvnl, including but not limitcd to lra_vel, fuel, training, and equipment, direotly relatcd to wor[ pcrformed by its officcr(s) nssigned as mcmbe¡r of aJoinr opcrãrior/task force wlth ATF fór the purpose of conducting un officid investigation. Invoices submitred to ATF for the payment of expensss must be submirted on the appropriate forms a"s pmvided by ATF. Ths invoicc shafl bc signed by an ¡uthorized rÊprcscntativc of the Kent Police Depurtment and submitted to ATF ñeld office for signature snd verifïc¡t¡on ofthe invoilc. The Kent Policc Departmcnt will submir all rcquæts for rcimbunoble pnyments, togelher with tbe oppropriate docume¡larion ro ATF by thc tOth day oieach subsequent month thot thc ûgency is sccklng reimbursEment. (l) If the rcimbursemçnt rcqucst is not rcceived by the ATF field offrce by the l0th of rhe subsequenr month, the ATF fisld office will advise the agency, in writing, thnt thc rcimbursemcot rcquest is late, and if the reimburJemcnt request is not received within the next l0 working days, the ovËrtimÊ costs will not be reimbursed. (?) No waivers or exrensions will bc granted or honored. The Kcnt police Department witl submit thc rcqucst for rcimburscment vi¿ fax, cmuil or m¡il to tha following addrcss: ATF, ATTN: Yvonne M. Rios, 915 2nd Avenue, Room ?90, Scaltle, wA 98174. F The ATF supervisor shdl be responsible for ccrrifying that üc rcquesr is for overtimc expemÊs incunrd by rhe Kent police Depurtment forpûrt¡cipltion wirh ATF during the joint opcration/task force. T'he responsible St¿ic or local officiol shsll a¡so certify thst requests for rcimbursement olcxpenses b¡vc not becn mude to other Federal law enforcemcnt ngencies. H.TE rlry Police Ðepartmenr æknowledges thnr thcy rcmain fully rcsponsible for thcir obligations ûs rhc amploycr of rhe officc(s) assigncd ro rhclcini operation/tosk{orce and are responsible for the pa¡rrrent of thc ovcnime earnÍngs, withholdlngs, lneurance covc¡agc, and all othcr æquiremênrs by low, rcgulations, ordi¡ance or conl¡uct regudless of the reimbunrble ovcrtims charges incuned. All reimbursable houn of ovcrtime work covercd under this MoA must be appmved ln advance by thc ATF supcwisor. All sworn State, county and local law cnforccmeil ofiEcers csnnot exceed the fiscol year reimbunement cqp, which is the equivalent of 25 pcrcent of a GS- t 2, step. t sslary. Sworn l¡w enforccment ofliccrs in thc Statc, county or local law cnforcement Bgency æsigned to cover when e TFo/specid Deputy or othei swom l¡w cnforccmcnt officcr, h¡s bcen callcd nway on nn ÀTF msftãç shall not be reimbursed with SLOT frrnds. l J vI. K Any Sworn State, county a¡d local taw enforcement officer receivlng ñrnding from multiplc sonrcÊs, such as organizcd crime Drug Enforcement TsskÞorce (ocDE"rÐ or Hlgh lnrensity Drug Trafficking fuca (HIDTA), cannor excecd rhc fiscal ycnr snlary cnp whcn all funding is combinod; it is the RAC/GS's responsibility to ensurc that the officer docs not rcceive double fundlng in cxccss of , thc fiscnl ycarcap. L. Jlc {rrrypcrvisor will forw¡¡d dl npprovcd rcrmbursemçnt requesF to the Division chlef, fuscr Forfeiture & scizcd property Division for paymcnt. M. T!!s documentlMo4t dq¿s not g$i¡nrç ñ¡nds. Funding authoriry, with maximum reimburscment costs to nny one lnw enforcement officer ãurlng thc fiscnl year (Octobcr I - Scptcmbcr 30); will be provided rbmugh other documeãts. fiie ogency will rcceive u allocstion confirmntion from rhe field diyision. PROGRAM A,UDIT !Þ Mo¡ a¡d its proccdurcs ure subjee ro uudit by ATT, thc Dcputment of Justice, Ofüce of Inspcctot Generd, the Govemment Accountübitity Offìie, and other sudltors suthorized by the Fcderal Bovcrnmcnt. Thc Kcnt Police Dcpartment agrees to permir such ¡udis s$d ûgrccs to rnaintain ¡ll rccords rclnting to thcsc trans¡ctions for n pcd'od of not less lhnn ùree years; qnd in the evcnt of an ongoing audit, until such timc ¡s thc audit is completed. These audits includc rcvisws of my and ¡ll records, docurnents, repofls, accounts, invoices, reccipts, or clpcndituru relating to this sgreemenq as well ns, thc interview of any and ¡ll personnel involvcd iu these tmns{ct¡ons. 4 VII. REVISTONSæ Thc terms of this MOA mny be smended upon written npprovnl by rhc original partics, ortheirde¡ig¡ated representativcs, Any amcndmcnt to ttriÄi¡On be"ores.if.rti'uo upoün dote of appmval os ststed in the mendmeol Eirher psrty cm canccl rfr¡s VOÀ upg; A calendar day's w¡ittcn noticc to the other party. Ttre ATË will only pmcess t*quriifoi oveÍimc for ovenimc incuned before the dnte of cancellstion, atrsent a spcc¡fiå wr¡rren ogrûÊmcnt to the contrary, vlrr. No PRTVATE RIGHT CREAIES This is an intern'ülGovernment ågreement betwecn ATF and the Kent police Department and is nor intendcd ro confer any righr or b*.rlllîit privarc pürson or p8fty. Chief of Police Kent Police Depurtment Datc: ,y!\fur,-. ãlt,c¿^, -Melftsal., McCoy I Drputy Chíef Fin¡ncial Officcr Officeof Manrgement ATF Dstc: Pl>ile.tt in Charge Sesttle Field Division ATF Dute: I¡kc Dcpury Asist¡nt Field Opcnations ATT lt 5 Date:lt :7-4, - ti