HomeMy WebLinkAboutEC17-206 - Other - Marquee on Meeker - Phase II - Section 10: Disclosures to the Parties - 03/29/2020Section 10 1) 2) 3) 4) First American Title fnsurance Company National Commercial Seruices 920 Fifth Avenue : Suite 1200 Seattle, Washington 98104 DISCLOSURES TO THE PARTIES UNDER APR.12 Escrow No: NCS-898220-WA1 Date: 03/2312020 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF A.P.R. 12 OF THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY AND THE CLOSING OFRCER SPECIRED BELOW HAVE THE DUTY TO INFORM YOU OF THE FOLLOWING: The Closing Officer is not acting as the advocate or representative of either party; The Ctosing Officer will prepare documents which affect the legal rights of both parties; The pafties may have differing lnterests in the documents; The pafties have the right to be represented by lawyers of their own selection and each party may have a separate lawyer; The Closing Offlcer cannot give legal advice to the parties concerning the manner in which the documents affect those parties. The Closing Officer is only permitted to select and complete documents which have been approved by the Llmited Practice Eoard in accordance with a written Agreement between the parties andlor Lender's Instructions whtch contains all of the baslc terms of the transaction. The Closing Officer is not permitted to negotiate terms which are not included ln the written Agreement and/or Lender's Instructions. The Closing Officer is not permitted to practlce law, In this transaction your Closing Officer is: Laura Lau, his/her Limlted Practice License No. is: 3119, FIRST BY Laura Lau s) Laura Lau I lt | 0312312020 I NC5.898220-WA1/ 206 Page I of 4 Please acknowledge receipt of the foregoing Notice of Compliance with A.P.R. 12 and that you have read the same by signlng your name(s) to the copy of this Notlce on the signature line(s) below. (If such Notlce has been hand-dellvered or mailed to you, please return the copy of the Notice showing your signature(s) in the enclosed, stamped, self addressed envelope,) We will be unable to continue with the closing until we have received the signed Notice from you. I haye received and read a ilI0nl t t*and understand its contents this , /?(,'day of Buyer: MARQUEE ON MEEKER LLC, A Washington limited liability company By issing Links LLC, a n lim com its Brett Manager Seller: City of Kent, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington Name Title: liability ger Laura Lau I ll I 0312312020 / NCS-898220-WAV 206 Page 2 of 4 Please acknowledge receipt of the foregoing Notlce of Compllance with A.P,R. 12 and that you have read the same by signing your name(s) to the copy of thls Notlce on the signature line(s) below. (If such NoUce has been harddellvered or malled to you, please return the copy of the NoUce showlng your signature(s) in the enclosed, stamped, self addressed envelope.) We wlll be unable to continue with the closing until we have received the signed Notlce from you. I have recelved and read a copy of the Dlsclosure, and understand lts contents this day of Buyer: MARQUEE ON MEEKER LLC, A Washlngton limited liability company By: The Missing Links LLC, a Washington limited liability company, its manager Brett Jacobsen, Manager Seller: City of Kent, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington Name: Title:Danat*{" lrura lru lA 1W2312020 / NCS-898220-wAt/ 206 Page 2 of 4 ATTACHME'IIT TO DISCTOSURES TO THE PARTIES UNDER APR 12 Date: March 23,2020 File No.: NCS-898220-WA1 (ll) TTIE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS INMALED HAVE BEEN SELECTED AND PREPARED BYTHE UMTIED PRACNCE OFFICER. x EXOSE TIO( AFRDAVTT SUPPLEMEI'ITAL EXCISE T$( AFRDAVTT LPB 10 STAruTORY WARMNTY DEED LpB 11 STAruTORY WARMNTY DEED (FULRLLMENT OF REC) LPB 12 QUIT CIAIM DEED LPB 13 SELLER'S ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT AND DEED LP8 14 PURCHASER'S ASSIGNMENT OF CONTMCT AND DEED LPB 15 BARGAIN AND 5ALE DEED LPB 16.09 SPECIAL WARMNfi DEED LPB 20 DEED OF TRUST (SHORT FORM) LPB 21 ASSIGNMENT OF DEED OF TRUST LPB 22 DEED OF TRUST (LONG FORM) LPB 22A DEED OF TRUST LPB 23 REQUEST FOR FULL RECONVEYANCE LpB 24 REQUEST FOR PARTIAL RECONVEYANCE LPB 28A PROMISSORY NOTE LPB 29 REQUEST FOR NOTTCE LPB 30 BILL OF SALE LPB 35 SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT LPB 44 REAL ESTATE CONTMCT (SHORT FORM) LPB 45 REAL ESTATE COI'|TRACT (LONG FORM) LPB 50 MORTGAGE (STATUTORY FORM) LPB 51 SATISFACNON OF MORTGAGE LPB 52 PARTIAL RELEASE OF MORTGAGE LP8 60 RELEASE OF UEN LPB 61 PARTIAL RETEASE OF LIEN LPB 62 SATISFACNON OF JUDGMENT INITIAIS:v)_ laura Lau lll l$n312020 / NC5-89822GWA1/ 206 Page 3 of4 X ATTACHMENT TO DISCTOSURES TO THE PARTIES UNDER APR 12 Date: March 23,202A File No.: NCS-898220-WA1 (ll) THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS INITIALED HAVE BEEN SELECTED AND PREPARED BY THE UMITED PRACNCE OFFICER. EXCISE TAX AFFIDAVN SUPPLEMENTAL EXCISE TAX AFFIDAVIT LPB 10 STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED LPB 11 STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED (FULFILLMENT OF REC) LPB 12 QUIT CI-AIM DEED LPB 13 SELLER'S ASSIGNMENT OF CONTMCT AND DEED LPB 14 PURCHASER'S ASSIGNMENT OF CONTMCT AND DEED LPB 15 BARGAIN AND SALE DEED LPB 16.09 SPECIAL WARMNTY DEED LPB 20 DEED OF TRUST (SHORT FORM) LPB 21 ASSIGNMENT OF DEED OF TRUST LPB22 DEED OF TRUST (LONG FoRM) LPB 22A DEED OF TRUST LPB 23 REQUEST FOR FULL RECONVEYANCE LPB 24 REQUEST FOR PARTIAL RECONVEYANCE LPB 28A PROMISSORY NOTE LPB 29 REQUEST FOR NOTTCE LPB 30 BILL OF SALE LPB 35 SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT LPB 44 REAL ESTATE CONTMCT (SHORT FORM) LpB 45 REAL ESTATE CONTMCT (LONG FORM) LPB 50 MORTGAGE (STATUTORY FORM) LPB 51 SATISFACflON OF MORTGAGE LPB 52 PARTIAL RELEASE OF MORTGAGE LPB 60 RELEASE OF LIEN LPB 61 PARTIAL RELEASE OF LIEN LPB 62 SATISFACNON OF JUDGMENT INITIAIS: Laura Lau I ll I 0312312020 I NCS-898220-WAV 205 Page 3 of 4 ATTACHMENT TO OISCLOSURES TO THE PARTIES UNDER APR 12 contlnued Date: March 23,2020 File No.: NCS-898220-WA1(|I LPB 63 PARTIAL RELEASE OF JUDGMENT LP8 64 WAIVER OF UEN LPB 65 PARTIAL WAIVER OF UEN LPB 70 SPEOAL POWER OF ATTORNEY (SALE) LPB 71 SPECTAL POWER OF ATTORNEY (PURCHASE/ENCUMBER) rPB 72S CONSUMER USE TN( RFTURN (DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE) AUDITOR'S COVER SHEET ucc ucc ucc DEPARTMENT OF UCENSING FORMS LENDER LOAN DOCUMETITSTHATARE APPROVED AND DESIGNED FOR USE BYTHE SECONDARY MORTGAGE MARKET INCLUDING NOTEs, DEEDS OF TRUST AND RIDERS, ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE, ASSIGNMENT OF REVERSE ACCOUNT FUNDS, DEPARTMEI'IT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT DOCUMENTS. THE UMITED PRACTICE OFRCER DID NOT PREPARE TRUTH-IN- |."ENDING DISCLOSURE. FMHA LOAN DOCUMENTS r,rmnrs&)- Laun Lau I X | 0312312020/ NG.898220.WA!/ 206 PaEe 4 of 4 ATTACHMENT TO DISCLOSURES TO THE PARTIES UNDER APR 12 contlnued Date: March 23,2020 File No.: NCS-898220-WA1 (ll LPB 63 PARTIAL RELEASE OF JUDGMENT LPB 64 WAIVER OF LIEN LPB 65 PARTTAL WAIVER OF UEN LPB 70 SPECTAL POWER OF ATTORNEY (SALE) LPB 71 SPECTAL POWER OF ATTORNEY (PURCHASE/ENCUMBER) LPB 72S CONSUMER USE TAX RETURN (DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE) AUDITOR'S COVER SHEET ucc ucc ucc DEPARTMENT OF UCENSING FORMS LENDER LOAN DOCUMENTSTHATARE APPROVED AND DESIGNED FOR USE BYTHE SECONDARY MORTGAGE MARKET INCLUDING NOTES, DEEDS OF TRUST AND RIDERS, ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE, ASSIGNMENT OF REVERSE ACCOUNT FUNDS, DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT DOCUMENTS. THE LIMITED PMCNCE OFFICER DID NOT PREPARE TRUTH.IN. LENDING DISCLOSURE. FMHA LOAN DOCUMENTS INITIAIS: Laura Lau I X I 0312312020/ NCS-898220-WA1/ 206 Page 4 of 4