HomeMy WebLinkAboutEC17-206 - Other - Marquee on Meeker - Phase II - Section 03: Real Estate Excise Tax Affidavit - 03/29/2020Section 3 Reufrrs re Wotltn$n Se REAL ESTATE EXCISE TAX AFFIDAVIT CHAPTER 82.45 RCW . CHAPTER 458-61A WAC Thls form ls your recelpt whefl stamped by cashier THIS AFFTDAVIT WILL I{OT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS ALL AREAS ON ALL PAGES ARE FUI.LY COMPLETED Only for sales in a cingle location code on or after January 1, 2020. I Ctrect Oox rftne sole occuned PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT ln more thafl one locatlon code. Check box if indicate o/o sold, List of ownership next to each name. Sbeet addregs of pmperty nls property is located h Vacant Land, KenL WA ! Orect Uor lf any of he listed parcels are being segregated from another parcel, are part of a boundary llne adJustment or parcels being merged. Legal descrlptlon of property (lf more space ls needed, you may atbch a separate sheet to each page of he afildavit) Select Lnnd Use Code(s):Llst all personal prop€rty (tangible and intangible) included h selllng prlce, NONE eflter any additional codes: (Seebackoflastpageforlnstructlons) YES NO Was tie seller recelvlng a property tax exemption or defernl under[ E] chapters 84.36, 84.37, or 84.38 RCW (nonprofit organlzation, senlor citlz€n, or dlsabled person, homeowner wlth llmlted lncome)? ls thls properv predomlnantly usd for tlmber (as classlfled under ! EJ RCW 84.34 and E4,33) 0r agrla,lture (as chsslfied under RC]W Reason for exemption GoVERNMENT TIANSFER See EIA 3215 YEs NO Is this prop€rty deslgnated as forest land per chapter 84,33 RCW? n E Type of Document BARGAIN AND SALE DEEO Is thls propsty classifled as current use (open space, farm and agrkultural, or timber) land per drapter 84,34 RCW? ls thls property recelvlng speclal valuatlon as hlstorlcal property per dlapter 84,26 RCW? If any answers are yes, complete as instructed below. Date of Docjment (1) noTrcE oF colrTfi{uAl{cE (FoREsT rAND OR CURREilT USE) Gross Selllng Prlce $4,353,658,54 *Personal Property (deduct) $ NEW OWNER(S)r To contlnue ttre current deslgnation as forest laM or classiflcatlon ascurent use (op€n space, farm and agrlculture, or tlmb€r) Exemption Oaimed (deduct) $4,353,658,54 Taxable Selllng Price 9l tf clalmlng an exemptlon, llst WAC number and reason for exemptlon: WAC No. (S€ctlon/Subsectlon)458.61A-205(2)/RCW 82.45.010 2020ntrNE you must iign on (3) b€low. the county assessor must then detemlne lf the land transfered contlnues toquallfo and wlll lndicate by signlnq below. tf the land no longer quallfies or you do not wlsh to contlnue he designatlon or dassmcatlon, lt wlll be removed and $e compensatlng or addltional bxes wlll be due and payable by the seller or hansferor at the tlme of sale. (RCW 84,33.140 or RCW 84,34.108). Prlor to slgnlng (3) below, you may contact your ltralcounty assessor for more jnformatlon. llls land fl does n do€s not qualtry for conttnuance, DEPUTY ASSESSOR OATE (2) NOTTCE OF COMPtIAilCE (HTSTORTC pROpERTy) NEw oWNER(S): To contlnue sp€clal yaluatlon as historic property, sign (3) below, If $e new owne(s) does not wtsh to conflnue, all addlflonal tax calculated pursuant to chapter 84.26 RCW, shall be due and payable by the seller or transferor at the Ume of sal€. Excise Tax: State Less than $500,000.01 at l,1olo From $500,000.01 to $1,500,000 at1.28Vo From $1,500,000.01 to $3,000,000 at 2.750lo Above $3.000,000 at 3.0% $ Agricultural and tlmberland at 1,28% $ Tohl Excise Tax: State $ Local * Dellnqu€nt Interest: itate Local *Affldavit Processlng Fee Total Due A MrNn"tuM oF $10.00 *oellnquent Penalty $_ Subtotal *state Tedtnology Fe€ $5.00 t t ouE r{ FEE(S) At'tD/oR TAX (3) 1{EW Owr{ER(S) SrGr{ATURE PRITIT IIAME I CERTIFY UI{DER PEIIATTY OF PERJURY THAT THE FOREGOING IS TRUE AND CORRECT Slgnature of Signature of Grantor or Grantofs Agent _ Grante€ or Ag6nt Name (prlnt) . Name (print) Date & clty of slgnlng Date & clty of slgnlng Pedurtr Perjury is a class C felony whlch ls punlshable by lmprlsonment ln the state correctional term of not more Rve a flne In an amount flxed by the court of not more than Rve thousand ($5,000.00), or by both lmprlsonment and fine Name OV of Kent, a munlclpal corporatlon of trre State of Washington Name Marquee on Me€ker LLC, a Wa$lngton llmlted llabillty @m0any CIV/StatdZlp Kent, WA 98032 Mallhg Address 400 WGowe St Phone No. (lncluding area code) d! 3t! Malllng Address C/O Landma* Development Group2711 West Vallev Hwy N Sulte 200 Phone No. (includhg area code) City/Sbtdzlp Auburn, WA 98001 p SenO att property hx correspondence to:El Same as Buyer/Grantee Name Malling Address Phone No. (lncludlng area code) City/Sbtqzip Lbt all real and personal property bx parcel Llst assessed value(s) 0.00 account numbers - check box lf personal 232204-909540 0,00 0.00 232204-9096-09 232204-9011-01 1526 REV 84 0m1a 0l .IHIS SPACE . TREASURERS USE ONLY COUNTY TREASURER EX}IIBITA tEeAt DEscRlP'noil! Real prcperty ln the county of Klng, state of washlngton, descrlbed asfollomr LOTS I, 4 Al{D 5 OF CITY OF IGI'IT 9HORT PI.AT NO. SP.20T7.1, RECORDED UTIDER RECORDII|C NO. 20t80321900004, tr{ tct{G couNTy, wAsHlliG'TON )