HomeMy WebLinkAboutEC17-206 - Other - Marquee on Meeker - Phase II - Section 02: Bargain and Sale Deed - 03/27/2020Section 2 Instrument Number: 202OO4Ol00l 1 l2 l)ocument:D Rec: $108.50 Page-l of 6 Excise Docs: 3041316 Selling Price: $0.00 Tax Amount: $10.00 Record Datez4lll2020 1:10 PM Electronically Recorded King County, WA WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: Thomrs W. Read Flkso Krctschmcr Smith Diron Ormseth ?S 901 Fllth Avenue, Sultc 4000 Serfilc, Werhlngtoa 98164 DocumentTitler BARGAIN AND SALE DEED Grantor: CITY OF KENT Grantee: MARQUEE ON MEEKER LLC Legel Description: Abbreviated Legal Ilescription: Lots 3, 4 and 5, Kent SP No. SP-2017-1, Rec. 20180321900004 Full Legal Description: See E4[!!fu! attached. Assegsor's Tax Parcel Nos.: 232204-9095-00; 232204-9096-09;232204-901 1-01 Reference Nos. of Documents Released or Assigned: N/A BARGAIN AND SALE DEED CRANTO& the CITY OF KENT, a Washington municipal corporation, for and in consideration of Ten ($10.00) Dollars and other good dnd valuable consideration in hand paid, bargains, sells and conveys to MARQUEE ON MEEKER LLC, a Washington limited liability company, the real estate, situated in King County, Washington, and legally described on attached Exhibit A subject to the matters described on attached Exhibit B. The Grantor, for itselfand its successors in interest, does by these presents expressly limit the covenants 'of the deed to those herein expressed, and excludes all covenants arising or to arise by statutory or other implication, and does hereby covenant that against all persons whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim by, through or undcr said Grantor and not otherwise, Grantor will forever warrant and defend the said described real estate. 1ST AM# ffitz:t:@ C!\Us€6\BAc6504uppdata\tocalwlcrosoft\Wndowsunetcadle\C.ontent.OutlookVSOAKEWZ\Rlverbend phase 2_ Bargatn And Sale Deed(1055350{5,4).Door I 05535fi 5.4 0069910.qX)02 Instrument Number: 2O2O04OlOOtll2 Document:D Rec: $108.50 Page-2 of 6 Record Date:41112020 l:10 PM King County, WA DArED: AIU .n la;a'ta J gLo('ut* 2020 GRANTOR: CITY OF KENT, a Washington municipal corporation Ralph, Mayor STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. couNTY oF KING ) on ttrisffd uy ,rVArLh, - , zo2o,before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly cornrnissioned and sworn personally appeared Dana Ralph, known to me to be the Mayor of the CITY OF KENT, the Washington municipal corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and decd of said corporation, for the purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that she was authorized to execute said instnrment. I certi$ that I know or have satisfactory evidence that the person appearing before me and making this acknowledgment is the person whose true appears on this document. WITNESS my hand and ofFrcial day and year in the certificate above written. s Signature Print Name NOTARY PUBLIC in Washington, residing at My commission expires -2- C:\Usen\8AC5501wpdata\tocatV'llcroooft\wlndowsunetcadre\0ontenLoudookvsOAKa[4Rlverbend Phase 2_ Baruatn And Sale Deed(105535045.4).Docr I 0J535045,4 0069940.00002 Op \lt(y ( f""'o Instrument Number:20200401001112 Document:D Rec: $108.50 Page-3 of 6 Dutez4ll/2020 l:10 PM King County, WA Sxblbit A Legal Description LOTS 3, 4 AND 5 OF CITY OF KENT SHORT PLAT NO. SP-20 I7.I , RECORDED I,JNDER RECORDING NO. 20 I 8032 I 9OOOO4, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. -3- C:\UseF\8Ac65lxuppdala$rcalwlcosoft\windows[nebdre\Content.Ouuook\t5oAKEVlf4Rlvefiend Phce L Bargah And Sale Deeq105535045.4).Door I 05535045.4 006994040002 Instrument Number: 2O2O04OlOOllI2 Document:D Rec: $108.50 Page-4 of 6 Record Datez4lll2020 l:10 PM King County, WA ) Exhibit B Permitted Exceptions 1. Real estate taxes levied but not yet due and payable. 2, Potential charges, for the King County Sewage Treatment capacity charge, as authorized under RCW 35.58 and King County Code 28.84.050. Said charges could apply for any property that connected to the King County Sewer Service area on or after February I,1990. 3. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: Novembcr 8, 1961, Recording No, S3S094Z In Favor of: County of King, a municipal corporationFor: River protection 4. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: April 25,1962, Recording No. 5417461 In Favor of: County of King, a municipal corporationFor: River protection 5. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: January 22,1964 as 5690275 In Favor of; Puget Sound Power & Light CompanyFor: Electric lines 6. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recording lnformation: 7904240940For: Ingress, egress and utilitiesAffccts: As described therein Relinquishment of all existing and future rights to light, view and air, together with the rights of access to and from the State Highway constructed on lands conveyed by document in favor of the State of Washington:Recorded: April 12, 1985 Recording No.: 8504120851 8. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: 9502020945For: Ingress, egress, vehicle and equipment parking and utilities -4- C:\Usea\8AC6504r$pp6te\Local\Mlcrosoft\WndomVnet6che\Content.Outool(Vs0AKEtrf4Rlverbend ph.se 2_ Sargain And Sale Deed(105535$5.4).Doo( I 0s53sfi 5.4 0069940{p002 7 Instrument Number: 2020040100t112 Document:D Rec: $108.50 Page-S of 6 Record Date:4/112020 l:10 PM King County, WA Note a Release of First Right of Refusal was recorded under Recording No. 20r r0s23000r67. 9. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: 9502020946For: Building sctback, parking and turnaround for construction, operation and rnaintenance of carport stnrctures 10. Tenns, covenants, conditions and restrictions as contained in recorded Lot Line A{ustment (Boundary Line Revision)LL-94-29 :Recorded: February 16, 1995 Recording Information: 9502160277 I l. A document entitled "Amended and Restated Orant of Edsements and Levee Easement Agreement", executed by and between City of Kent and King County Flood Control Zone District recorded August 22, 2008, as Inskument No. 20080822000569 of Offrcial Records. Said instrument amends and restates that agreement recorded under Recording No. 20050813001810. 12. The terms and provisions contained in the document entitled "Declaration of Stormwater Facility Maintenance Covenant" recorded March 9, 2018 as 201803090001 l0 of Offrcial Records. I 3. The terms and provisions contained in the document entitled "Developrnent Agreement" recorded March 14,2018 as 20180314000845 of Official Records. 14. Restrictions, conditions, dedications, notes, e.$ements and provisions, if anyr at contained and/or delineated on the face of the City of Kent Short Plat No. SP-2017-l recorded March 21,2018 as 20180321900004, in King County, Washington. 15. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recordinglnformation: 20180918001033 In Favor of: Comcast Cable Comrnunications Management, LLCFor: Broadband communications -5- C:\Use6\BAC6504Fppdab\tocal$vtlcrosoft\Wndows\Inetcadre\Content.0uUookVSOAKE/rARMerbend phas€ 2_ Bargah And Sale Dee( I 05535045.a).Docx I 05535045.4 0069940.00002 Instrument Number: 20200401001112 Document:D Rec: $108.50 Page-6 of 6 Record Date:4ll/2020 l:10 PM King County, WA 16. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Reeordinglnformation: 20190307000345 In Favor ofi Puget Sound Energy, Inc.For: Transmission, distribution and sale of gas and electricity 17. A physical inspection of the property on March 25,2020 disclosed the following matters: a) Paving appurtenant to the southerly adoiner of Lot 5 appears to encroach on Lot 5 by 15 feet, more or less. b) Landscaping appurtenant to the southerly adjoiner oflot 5 appears to encroach onto Lot 5 by 30 feet, more or less. -5- Cl\Users\8Ac65o4uppd8ta\Local\Mloosoft\WndowsVn€tsache\ConEnt.OuUookVSoAKEllr4Rlvertend Phage 2- Eargaln And Sale Deed(105535fi s.{).Doo( I 05535045.{ 0069940.00002 Ravffis(et4l"drrisM Stob THIS AFFIDAVTT I oeot Oor r fresale oetrr€d ln more Uran one locrton cDde. REAL ESTATE EXCISE TAX AFFIDAVIT Thb ro,m rs vdr receiot CMPTER 82.45 RCW . CIIAPIER 458-6tA WAC wrren *anrpid by cagirer U'ILL M)T BC ACCEPTED UNTESS AtL ANTAS OX AU. PAGES ARE R,LLY COMPr.ETTD Only tor salo3 ln N rlngls lo{auon od. on or.frcrJanua,y t, 2020. Ghodr box lndlcata 96 rold. tlst of PI,.EASE TYP€ OR PRINI n€xt to radr nsma, Street addrcss of properv: Thls pmperty ls locabd ln lOeOr fox tf rny of the lbted parcels arc belng segregEted fom enotier pafoel, a€ part of a boundAry line adjt6tnent or p€rcels bdm meryed. tegal deslpilon (f mo.e space ls m8y sttadr a separate sh€et to eadt pags d ttle amdavlt) Seled land Use Code(s)l Ulanl I 16/ g6hi WA ts hls RCW See EfA ls 01ls proporty deCAnabd as furcst lard per chapter 94.33 RCI\,? Is Urls properv dss$f,ed as onmt r,rse (open space, farm ard agdorlhtr8l, or Umbcr) hnd per ch€pter 8,1.3{ RCW? ls hls prop€rty recdvlrB spedal valuation as histodcal prop€rty per dra@r 84,26 Rctt/'l lf any answen are yes, compl€te as lnstucbd below. (1) ilOnCE Or CorfiriluAtlcE (FonEsr LAND oR cuR.REin USE) NEW OWNER(S)| To cmunue h€ oln€nt dedgnadon as forest land or Ttrbland I does t] doesnotguatittforconunudnce, DEPUTY ASSESSOR DATE (2) N(,IICE OF Oot{puAflCE (HrlnoRtc pRopERm ryE-W OlvilR(S): To cmlnur sp€dal \alualon as hFbdc prop€rty, 5lgn (3) below. lf he ngv, ovyn€{s) do€s not whh b conunuc, all 8ddluonal h cakrlaH Brsusnt b dtaptsr 84,26 RCU shall be due and psyable by the sener or translemr at he dme of sale. (3) NE|Y OW[{ER(S) SIGilATURE tist all personal p.opefty (bnglble and lnbngtble) lnduded tn s€lllng trlce. lf dalmhg an e(ernpuon, llst U,AC nwnber and rea'ofl for exempuofl: Type of DocrfiIc']t EARGAIN AND SAI.E DEED oaE of oodrmefi Aodl ..2O2n Gro6s S€llhg Prlce ${,38,658.54 .Personal Property (deduct) Exempuon Oalrned (deduct) Tsxaue S€llhg Prke f13!3,658,s4__f- Exdse Tax: ShE L€3s han $500,000.01 at 1.1% From $500,000.01 to 91,5fi,,000 atl,28% From fr,s00,0q).0l b 13,000,000 rt 2.75% Above 93,000,000 at 3.0% Agrtculural and Umbedard at 1.28% Totd Excis€ Tax: gaE $ Local rDellnquent lnteresc SbE . lrcal rDdinquent PenalV subbbl *State Tedlnolo0y Fee rAffdavlt Proc€sslng Fee Total Due $10,00 A rqnurr{uM.oF t10.00 ts ouE ril FEE(s) Ar{D/oR TAX .sE I|STRIJCTIOi|S enbr 8ny additional des: (Seebadroflastpagebrln$nrctons) yES NO Was the sdlgr receh,lng a propety bx exemptlon or def€nat und€nE EdrapbB 8{.36, 84,37, or 84.38 RCW (nonprofit organlziuon, senlor- - dtizen, or dbabled person, homeowner wtth llmltsd lnaorne)? used for lmber (as dasdned urder E wAc No. (secflon/subsccron) qn-sn-zosal f,ul ?t 4 s. hlb_ 0r agrlelhtrc (as dasslned under RCW Reason for exempuon GOVERNMET{T TnAI{SFE? YEs NOEB trtrDtr i t aq 0n PRTIIT MIIE T CERTIFY U'{DER OF PEruURY THE lgTRuE At'rD ooRnBCr CAnatlre ot ol ot CrantP€b Agglt _ Ntme (pdnt)Name (prlnt) Dats & clty of slgnhg Date & clv of stgntng Podury Perjury E I dass C wtidl ls punHlEble by lmp.lsonment ln he sbt3 consdonNl |rEilhJtion for 8 ETm of not mors thanfi\€amount llxed by Ure court ot not morc han fr\e thousand dollars or by boh lmprtsonmcnt snd Name Marquee on Me€te. LLC, a Washtngton nmlted llablttyName Oty 0f K€nt, a munidpal corporauon of the Sbb of Washlnqton aneS l4alllng Addr€ss ,O0 W GowE st oty/Sbte/Zp Phon€ No. Malllng A(bress c/o tandmafl Developm€nt Gmup 27il West Valley Hwy N. *th 200 Phone No, (lndidlno arEa code) OV/sbtsZlp Arr+rh WA Qnnilt Send all property trx comspondence Same as Buyer/Gnnte€ l{arne Mallhg Address Phone No, (lndudho rrer cods) Oty/SEte/ap Ust ass€ss€d '/alue(s) 0,00 0.00 0,00 Ust porrd 23220+9095.00 z!22(X{096.09 2322fi40il.01 1526 RF/ 84 0001a orryafineln T}IIS S9AG . TTEASTJRERS USE ONLY TREASJRM