HomeMy WebLinkAboutEC17-206 - Other - Marquee on Meeker - Phase I - Section 17: Real Estate Property Tax Acknowledgment - 03/29/2018Section L7 R&AL ESTA?E PROPER"Y TAX ACKNOWLEDGMENT PROPNRTY ADDROSS: TAX ACCOUNT NO.: BSCROW NO,: l,ots l-?, l(cnt $P No. $P-2017-1, Kcnt WA {Phase l} 232204.94r1-Ot 839539LL Wc, rhe undcrsigned, hereby acknawlcdge the.t we(seiler| are exempt from paying propcrly ta.\4s on the abovc ception€d property and that the Surtace Watcr Managemcnt js paid through 7ltlt8. ?hc Scller is a political entity exempt lrom paymenl of rcal estatc taxcs. Upon close of escrow, rhe local taxing authoriry rvill prorate the taxes as ol the date cf tranefer, a1l larces due and owing aft€r thal. date will be rhc buyer's responsibilily. Any amount$ owing must be paid in full up to and including the date of transfer. lf applicabh, any sftount paid in advance u,ill be rcfunded ta the seller after closing by the local taxing aurhority prcvided thc prorated amount is reasonsblc and the cosl to issuc a check for refund of amounts paid in advancc docs not exceed the prorgtfd amount. Rcfund* can takc up to l8 rnonlhs for processing. We furtirer acknowledge that rve understand Firsl Amcrican Title lnsurence Cornpany shall not be rcsponsible for payment or relund of any property taxes due afte r closing. Sellen City of Kent. a Municipal corporation of rhe State of Washington 2U 8 DAfllAr,nrI Ls: U Buyer: Marquee on Mceker LLC By; The Miseing Liaks LLC, its Manager DATE ) REAL ESTATE PROPER?Y TA:( ACKNOWLEDGMEI{T PROPER?Y ADDRESS: [r:ts l-2, Hent $P No, SP-?01?'1, l(ent WA (Phase l] TAX ACCOUNT NO.: 232244-9011'O1 EI}CROW N0.: 83953SLL Wc, t}e undersigned, hercby acknowledge that w'e(sellerJ are exempt from paying, properly taxes an lbe above ceptioned propcrly and that the Surfaee Water Management is paid through 7lt/18. The Seller is a political entity exernpt from payment of real e$tste taxes. Upon closc of escrow, rhe local taxing authority will prorate the taxes a$ of the date of transfcr, all taxes due and owing siter that date will be tbe buycr's rcsponsibility. Any amounts owing musl bc paid in full up to end including the dale of tranefer. If applicabie, sny amount paid in advance will be refunded to the selier after closing by the local taxing authoritlr provided the prorated amount is reasonablc and the cost to issue a check for relund of amounts paid in advance does not exceed the prarated amouni, Rciunds tan take up to l8 months lor proccssing' We further acknowledge that we undcrstsnd First Amcrican Title lnsurance Company sball not be responsible for payment or refund olany property tories due after closing. Seller: Ciry oI l{ent, a Municipal eorporation ol thc State of Washington DATE !iuyer: Marquec on Meeker LLC LLC, iti Managert /flat { Itsr Byl'