HomeMy WebLinkAboutEC17-206 - Other - Marquee on Meeker - Phase I - Section 13: Seller's Closing Statement - 04/02/2018Section 13 )Firc t American Ti tle fnsurafice Compansn National Cammercial Seruices 818 Sievyarl Str6ot, Suite 800 . Seatlle, WA 08101 Olfieo Phone :(206)728-0400 Aff ico F ax :(200)448-6i48 Seller's Estinated Settlement Statement File No: Escrow 0fficar; Estimated Settlement Date: Oisbursement Date: NCS-839539-WA1 Laura Laulll 04102t2a18 Properly: Lots 1-2, Kent SP No. $P-2017-'1, {Phase t}, Kant, WA Buyen Marquee on Meeker LLC c/o Landmark Developrnent Group,2711 Wesi Valley Hwy N sta 200 , Auburn, WA 98001 Seller: City ol Kent, a Municipal corporation 320 Fourth Avenue $outh, Kent, WA 98032 Seller B3 Tax: $272.70lo to Firsi 2006 fitle ax: Commsrcial lnsurance lnsurance 1 oiTlioml siller Tax Treasurer A 6, )Setllement Slatemant Page .l of 2 Print Data: 03129t2018,3:S3 pltl i S ellefs Es ti m a ted Se td emen t Sta temen t Settlement Datel Officer: FileNo: NCS-839539-WA1 Laura Lau/ll PLEASE NOTE: A modification of money-transfer or diebursemenl lnstructions can be a red llag for Online Banking Fraud and could ba e lmp for the unwary. Should we knowingly recsive such a modiflcation, ln the intereslof prudence, wa n6y conslder it suspecJ end call a known and trusted phone number to verify its adhenticlg and accuracy. Your awarenesg and cooperatlon ln laldng appropriate st6ps to prevent fraud ls greiily appreciatail. Notioe - ThiE Estimated Settlement StatemEnl ls subject lo changae, corrections or additions at the tlrne of flnal compul€tion of Escrow $etllement €tatsment. See Aflached Signaturee Settlament Slalement Page 2 of 2 Pfint DstB; OSngl2Q18,3:53 pM t t; ii J- 'i 1 .i 'j 1:i 1 l'i i IJ t 1i i !t l : tiI i I I I I l : ,a Sellele Es timated Setdemen t Sntemen t $sttlemsnt Datc: Offlcar: FileNo: NCS-899539-WA1 Laura Ladll SELLER{$} City of Kant, a Munlcipal corporatlon of the State of Washlngton Ti{e: Mayor ) signafille Pega I of 1 Print Oef6: Agng?818,3:63 PMJ