HomeMy WebLinkAboutEC17-206 - Other - Marquee on Meeker - Phase I - Section 05: Memorandum of Lease - 04/02/2018Section 5 lnstrunrcnt l\unrbcr: :0tLtl{{}?{xxl1)J(r Docurnent:Mlii\{o Rcc: li79.lx} l,agc-l of 6 Rc{{,r*l Datt:,1/?/20111 2:35 PM rllcctrmic:rll1' Rceonlcrl King Counl,r,, WA ) WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: Fester Pepper PLLC 111'1 Third Avenue, Sulte 3000 Sealtle, t\lA 98101 Attention; Beth A. Clark ,,*?*l$;N*k., Document Title: Grsntor: Grantea: Legal Description: 1$T ht't' Memorandurn of Lease {with option to purchase) Abbreviatod Legal Descriplion: Lots 3, 4 and F, Kent Sp No. SP-?017-1, Rec. 20180321900004 Full Legal Description: See Fxhibit A attached Assersor'r Tax Parcel Nos.: Ptn of Z3ZZAA-9A|r}l REferEncs Noe, of Documents Released or Asslgned: Not applicable , 2. Pr{pose of Memorar'ldum. This Memorandum is prepared for purpo$es of giving notice of the Lease/option Agreement and does nat set t6*n att of ihe terms and conditions set forth in the Lease/Option Agreement. lf there is any conflict between the tems and conditions of the Leasel0ption Agreemenl bnd this Itdemorand um, the LeaselOptio n Agreemenl shall co ntrcl. MEMORANDUM OF LEA$E {with option to purchase) THls MEMORANDUM oF LEASE (with option to purchase) (the "Memorandum") is executed this 2rd day of 'Apf;t' . ?01g, by and betwlen Marguee on Meeker LLG, a washington limited liability company ("optionee"), and the City of Kent, a Washington rrunicipal corporation (',Optionori), 1, Lease/Optiorl, Optionor has leasod certain real prcperty located in the City of Kent, Washinglon, and more particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto {the "Property") to Optionee pursuant to that cerlain Lease {with option to purchase) of even date herewith (the ''Leaseloption Agreement"). opllonor has also granted Optionee an option tc purchase the Property for a price bnd on the terms and conditions set forth in the Leaseloption Agreement. ,2v1tt7 i 3 Termination. This Memorandum shall automatically terminate and be released as a lien on title to the Property without furlher action of the parties upon the earlier of {i)the Closing of the sale of the Property pursuant to the LeaselOption Agreement, or (ii) termination of the Lease/Option Agreement in accordance with itsterms. Without limiting the automatic termination set forth above, Optionee agrees, upon the request of Optionor after the earliest to occur of the foregoing events, lo execute such docurnentatton as may be reasonably requested by Opilonor in order to fully release this Memorandum from tiile to the property This Memorandum is made as of the date first writien above. OPTIONOR: CITY OF KENT, A Washington municipal corporation Dana Ralph, Mayor OPTIONEE: MARQUEE ON MEEKER LLC, a Washington limited liability company By: The Missing Links LLC, its Manager Brett Jacobsen, Manager , \1r"/1.1i I 3: Termination. This Memorandum shall automatically terminate and be released as a lien on title to the Property without further action of itre parties upon theearlier of (i) the Closing of the sale of the Property pursuant to the Lease/Option Agreement, or (ii) termination of the Leaseloption Agreement in accordance with itsterms" Without limiting the automatic termination set forth above, Optionee agrees, upon the request of Optionor after the earliest to occur of the foregoing events, to execute such documentation as may be reasonably requested by Optionor in order to fully release this Memorandum from tiile to the property. This Memorandum is made as of the date first witten above, OPTIONOR: CITY OF XENT, A Washington municipal corporation Dana Ralph, Mayor OPTIONEE: IIIARQUEE ON MEEKER LLC, a Washington limited liability company LLC, its Manager Brett Manager TheBy: 2 529?151-r I STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING Given under my hand and officialsealthis ?.Laay of d" ,-'Taqzz 23^ir,";:,; E: t ?,,51i;tt r.l--:nds',4,,,,f;;_1SI** STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNJTY OF KING IPrint NOT UBLIC in and fo the state rn 2 I ce(ify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Dana Ralph is the person whoappeared before me, and said individual acknowledged that she signed this instrumentas Mayor and acknowledged it to be her free and vlluntary act of ine City of Kent forlhe uses and purposes mentioned in lhe instrument s 2018 50lJ *p" of Washingtcn, residing My appointment expires $ ) ) ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence thai Srett Jacobsen is the person whoappeared before me, and said individual acknowledged that he signed this instrumenlas the Manager of The Missing Links LLC, the Maniger of Marqriee on Meeker LLCand acknowledged it 1o be his free and voluntary act for ihe uses and purposesmentioned in the instrument. Given under my hand and official sear this _- day of _--_ ,201g. [Print Name] NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the state of residing in My appointment expires 3 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) COUNTY OF KING ) $ I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Dana Ralph, is the person whoappeared before me, and said individual acknowledged that she signed this instrumentas Mayor and acknowledged it to be her free and vlluntary act of ine City of Kent forthe uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Given under my hand and official sealthis _ day of 2018 {Print Namel NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the staie of Washington, residing in My appointment expires STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ) i$ ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Brett Jacobsen is the person whoappeared before me, and said individual acknowledged that he signed this instrument as. the Manager of Marquee on Meeker LLc and Jcknowledged i to oe his tree andvoluntary act forthe uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Given under my hand and official seal this 3ot OaV ?o\rr.o [Print Name] NOTARY PUBLI of t\qtc-\2A18 of \roreln\,roto,r My appointment expires for the state residino ;n 5a\*\c- ttz-q '2'o C in and {3F V* -5-57tt7?3t7 t a ) ExhibitA Legal Description of LeaselOption property LOTS 3,4 AND 5 OF CITY OF KENT SHORT P1AT NO. SP-2017-1, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 20180321900004, IN KING COUNTY, WNiHINETON. J 529n5r?.t Exhibit A