HomeMy WebLinkAboutEC17-206 - Other - Marquee on Meeker - Phase I - Section 06: General Assignment - 04/02/2018Section 6 GI{NERA.L ASSIGNMENT 4d- :l'HtS GENJ:RAL ASSIGNMANT {this "Assignment") is entered into as af &{- day af April,20iS, by and betwecn CII'Y OF KENT, a Washington municipal corporation ("Assignor"), and MARQUbn ON MIIEKER l-L,C" a Washington limited liability company {"Assignee"), who agrce as follows: 1. lrO$eiy. The "Property" rneans the real property located in the City of Kent, and legally dessdbed in Exlrihit A attached tei this Assignment, which ltoperty is t}e subjeet of that csrtain Real Ssiate Purchase snd Sale Agreement with lxasel0ption to Purchase dated as of May 5, 7017,as amended, between Assignor and Assignee. 2. AssigrUnent, For good and vah.nble consideralion received by Assignor. the receipt anel sufficiency of which is hereby acknawledged, Assignor hereby gmnts, transfsx and assigns to Assignee the entire righr, fitle and interest (1o the exient lransfenable) of fusignor in and to the following, as they relale to the Property: n'ater righx; mineral rights; utility rights; rights-olway, rights ol ingress or Bgress or other interests in, on, or to, any land abutting or adjoining the Properby; govemmental licenses, permits and approvals; development rights; plans, specihcations and drawings; soils and engineering studies; surveys; and inspection reports and other reports and studies in the possession of Assignor ar its agents (the "Assigned Properly"). 3. Assumptiqn. Assignee hereby assumes the covenants, agreements and obligations of Assignor under the Assigned Propcrty which are applicable to the period and required to be performe<l ftom and after the date of this Assignment. No person or entity other than Assignor shallbe deemed a beneficiary *f the provisions of this Section 3. 4, Legal Expenses. if either party to &is Assignment brings suit or otherwise becomes invglved in any legal proceedings secking to enforce the tenns of this Assignment, or to tecover damages for their breach, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its costs and expenses {including fees of attomeys, expert witnesses, accountants, court reperrters and nthers) incurred in connection therewith including all such costs and expenses incurred: (a) in trial and appellate eourt proceedings, (b) in connection with any and all counterclairns asserted by one party to this Assignment against another whether or nol such counterclaims arise out of or are othErwise relatsd to this Assigrunenl" (c) in bankruptcy or other insolvency proceedings. and (d) in post-judgment collection proceedings. 5. Successors and Assisns. 'lllis Assignment shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of AssigAor and Assignee and their respective successors and assigns. 6. Govemiaq IraU. This Assigament and the riglrts of the parties hereto shall be govemed by and construed in accordance with the internal laws af the State qf Washington without regard to any choice oflaw principles. 7 " Pewer and Auihority. Each party represents and warrants to the other that it is fully empowered and authorized to execute and deliver this Assignment, and the individual signing this Assignment on behalf of such parly represents and warrants to the other pa*y fiat he or she is fully empowered and authorized to do so. 284i1086 $n7t1& $ead\HAlviivcrbcnd Joinl Vcnturc\Phase I Closing Docs gencral assignment v3 L Countgl'palE. 'l'his Assigrxrent rnay be excculed in countetparts, each of ra'hich shall be an priginal, :irrd all r:f such counterparls logether shall constitute one and ths same inslrumenl. lSignalures appcar ein following page'] 2841t(t86 A3n7/t8 tread\l-lAl-\lliverbend Joinl Vcnturc\Phase I Closin g l)ocs 2 gcncral assignment v3 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Assignor and Assignee have executed and delivered this Assignment as of the day and year first above written. ASSIGNOR: CITY OF. KENT, a Washington municipal corporation I ) ASSIGNEE: ?84t/086 $n7/t8 rrcad\ilAl\Rivsrbend Joinl Venturc\Phase l Closing Docs Dana Ralph, Mayor MARQUBE ON MEEKER LLC, A Washinglon limited liabilify company By: The Missing Links l,LC, its manager Brett Jacobsen, Manager gencral assignment v3 eri4r!€#Y--','-&: :i*/'t- i 'r .. f+q!rffi?#F. tidiYxd*jtt)trt,i1e;:c$rfaii***fra6p. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Assignor and Assignee have executed and delivered this Assignment as of the day and year first above written. A$SIGNOR:CITY OF KENT, a Washington municipal corporation Dana Ralph, Mayor ASSIGNEE:MARQUEA ON MEEKERLTC, a w liabiliycompany By:LtC, its manager Manager l{h* ,( ) 284v0860327ilE tcadltAl\Rivstcnd Joint Venturq\Phme I Closing Doos -3.gencral rsrignnant v3 EXIIII}IT A LKGAL DESCRIPTION LO'IS I ANl] 2 OF CITY OF'K}'N]'SI-IORI'PLA'I'NO. SP-20I7-1. RECORDI]D I]NDEII RECOT{I]I}JG NO. 20 I 803 2 l 900004. r hi KrN C COI I N',f Y. WAS} I{}{G1'0N. 2841/086 $n7tt8 trcad\l'lAl\lLivcrbcnd Joint Vcnture\l'hasc I Closing Docs 4 general a:;srgnmenl v3