HomeMy WebLinkAboutEC17-206 - Other - Marquee on Meeker - Phase I - Section 03: Real Estate Excise Tax Affidavit - 03/29/2018Section 3 RfrffiilS@WctlUrar 5r4tt RE^L N,STA'I'E IXCISE TAX AFTIDA1TT 'l'itis l'nrm is ),our rcsipl lll"fiAS! 1'YPE OB fl{ln*1'cttAPt'[R E?.4: RCW - CllApr]:R 45ft.6ln WAC rvhcn slampcd llt e45Lier" T[rs ^FljrDAvl-l' wlLl, No] 0t ACCPI'I [n t$il,l]ss At"l, Alti:AS ON l,L l/\cl:S Altl: Fulr'l'tot\tt'l.l:'11:ll {Ss b&rt: oflAtt t!8. for ioltruciieN) Crr{rL il ralc ol !rd of triil io lr8ns. ll Sucd rdrlrr:x of lroncnl;Lots l-2, Ncnt SP ilo,7-L. /Phase ll, l(ent" WA bb ptop.ny i, locol(d 'n (cnl l__f Ctrcktorrfrhyofth(lrrtedfifisl:srb6irgr.grcg0t.dfrrm0no,Jcrtekl,ncpsnofnlqud0ryl'nisdjstlstnrarlil(.lJkirgs.t8.d Ll&{! d!!Nritiion sftroprny (ifrnorc rlw ir n..dcd, p! m8y titach a irrtrnlc slsl to fsch pnet ot $r lfid!tvi:) LOTS 1 At{g 2 OF Crry Or XE}it SBORT FLAT lto. Sp-2017-1, RSCOROTO UilDER SECORDII|G t{O, 20180311900004r rfi l(IrG cour{rY, wA$filt{GTot{. propcrly {l$Bible nnd inlfinfjhlet in€lildsl in { d.q Nq $ nr0 t3 NO ts t8 prirx. NONIcild 8ty rodt9: (Scc bru! rllnst prgc of insnctiols) w0s t}{ tEllct ra€rivrng s p.otcny br tx.nrplioD o. dcf.ml rnrt$ ctrlttsr5 E.lJ6, 84.1?. or t4 38 lt{w {nonp!onl or$elirilion, troior arliTtn, ot dittblqd trt.:cll, lwrteorrnfr witlr linilcd i16m!)1 vEs 1: ls rhis ttropcay d*igndtsd s lor.rl lsnd gq c|l[plH 8d.31 ttgw? ,: t,lir propcttyclssiliad N (xtrcil lJc {opcn sgte, fcm sd i[ricsltn*1. or limlcr] llnd tcr Cilttct 8d.lil nClV? lr thir tIolrrly..tri?ing rll3.i0, taluBtiotr s litloricsi ltoprdy p.r chaprc. ld.?6 RCW1 llany anrrvcr nrc ye, !smFl.t. 6 itgirutted belg$, {1) NOTICri Of coifTtNUAi'lcf, (ln8t;s| LllND dR cuftl{ttfia ugu) HFW OVN8[(S,]: To gorinrc th! cuttri dcaignrt,on G fot6t lMd.{ 9l&r!itirsaioo 6 !!flrilt lrc {cprfl ,Ftcc, fln illd 8&.ic!llura, of rirnht) lutd, you &!rr rlgd gfi {tl b.to\. Thr @!nry sr.(3ot n$t lltn rcllminc if illi lud trnnsfcftd anlinlc to qualify urd rvill irrdiratr }y si;ltrtg l:clor. lf&c lrnd nn longa. qurlifid !t loil do n{l nilll rn conli{i( lh. d.tiSndis ot rlsrltictlion, il 1!ill b. tcmov.*'t ed rhe compcnrtliflg ar addltietrsi h'ics will bt dut {td pnysbla by ilrt rll$ ot ilt$tsor !l thc limr of tnlc. {RCw g4.1l.ld0 or ltcw Nr.14.l03)- Prrorlrrrl;nrlg(3)brlo*,youmryorlartyorrlwnicolnlyal*rtor lhir iud f] Jm [J dxs rct qurtify fu, corriollncc DCTIUTY ASSESSOR DATS t1, NOTICt OF CflnreLrANCl: tllISICRtC tFOFI:RT1') NCw OWNL[(:i): Til unili!!c rpr6i6l vnlontiqri 6 hi51ori. f,rolcdl,5itn {J} h!lo$' tarhe nclr os,(r(rl ilNr rot $Eh is mntinuc, lll rddiliqnsl td sltulolcd pursuMr rtr ctupier ii.!6 fie W, lldl lx d!c md poyable by l,lr scllrl rr itfit{or !t lic tirrc cltBh. {.il 011'^- r: R{Sl tl G}i^ltJ B !: pRtlit? l ct:tr?tFr'uND*iR ti6nsl!rc of Crtfllut or Crnnl0r't.4Brnl Nrnri {frrhll Dilr A crryof r't/rn8l l(cnt Pcrjul': Itcqury ir r Ytis llcloinling u crcmpliot, list WAC rumtcr lnd roason for cxcnrptior:nn wAC No lScc{iodSrbrcetionl /tfll t Al0q{1'l/Raw l, ltt.6 l0 I ncrion to. crcmFtion GOVERt{ilEIIT TRAI1SFEN 1!'rlc ofDorumrnl Orlc ofatocumrnt ero$ScllingPritr 5 'PcsQnrl lqEny{dc.dscl) 3 6,146,341.46 fxcrnption Cldmtd {dsdrcr) $ -.-- 6,1{-43,{L46 - ?$rblc $.!ling Pris S l:rcisc Tni : Sw? 5 lcal ! rDcli|rlucxllnttrcrli s{stc t lrtnl S 'llelil{1l(nl Prnshy I Subtonl i rslolc'ticl[ology fre t iAllidavil l"occrting lar t lorol llc t IARGAI}I AI{O 5ALE OEf,gW . -- * 5,09._,--,-_, 5,O0_ b! n fioa ht on nnourl ,,0.00 A NlNtitt,t: or NO/OR T^X .5EE rs lRur- SignotuE of or 6rnot.r'r /|B!Rl Nrmr {pfrili Dotc & city otr;gnitrg. clst? a{scctionrl id$itulion for 0 nrui[rfiR lcm oa ilol non ilrn lirr ycrn, or or bt both imnrisohrncnl md frnc (llCW 9A.20.0?0{ lC}) llrorc'l'ln. {incirding ltrr todc} ctcMril,Il Cily/Strl.lZip z E limltedNtrd!: lrl3rlue€ olr llability coffpatry Phoflc No (rnllulrinf tu(! c(tdc) a t{u carrPoration !t ttt€Nsn)!l 22,0 foulth Sdiltlr State of Xcnt, WA 98012 Mrilini Addr$i Cttyl$tst.f/.ip Li!r sissrt !r,[!{5} 0.o0 .lll!.1 ud rx*ohtl qrnlFnt bi o!rrb.r{lEdi t*, if rrenil ?silll.'sSnmc f,, B{ya116nniaa Pfrcn( No. {in{ludans sr6 Srnd *11 pDtr{y !rr cor.iFndtner to: [4ailitrB Add,$s liMrr RFV 8{ 000ir {61?611,1}]'HIS SPAC€. T'U:ASUR!R'S USE ONLY COUN'TY TREASUR!R