HomeMy WebLinkAboutEC17-206 - Other - Marquee on Meeker - Phase I - Section 02: Bargain and Sale Deed - 03/29/2018Section 2 lnsllurnenl l\*nrben ?0l 8tlJ02lt{10935 l}ocunrcnt:D Rrcl S?ll.{ll) P:rge-l of 5 E.rcirc Dttcs: 2rl2.tll-t Stlling Price: !itl.O{} Tlri Arrountr $10.00 Rccorrl D:rae;412l1018 2l?5 PMF\troniclll.t' Recorrlcd King Counl1'. \1/A WIIT,N RECORDTT' Nf,TURN TOI Thonas W. Read A.lston, Courtrlge & Brnrelti LLf ld20 f'lftb Avenuc, Sullc 3650 Sclltlc, Warhinglon 9810t-t0l I llocunent Tifle: (irnnlor: (iranloe: Legnl Dcscription; IIAITGAI)I ANI} SALII DEND CITY OT'KP]NT fulARQUEE ON MEEKER LI"C TST A N{s*gfigq-l4/^4 Abbreviatcd Legal Descripfionl Lors l -?, Kent SP No, SP-?017-1. Rec, 201 8032,900004 Full Legal llescription; See Exbibit4 a11aehcd, As$osror'g Tax frrccl n*os.: lloltion o1"232204-9{Jt l-01 Rrfrrcnce Nos. of l)oeunents Rclcascd or Assigned: NIA BARGAIN AND SALE DEOD GRANTOL ibe CITY OF Kgll"l", a Washington municipal corporation, lbr and in consideration of Tcr: ($ 10.00) I)ollars and othcr good and valuatrle considcration in hand paid, bargains, sclls and conveys to MARQUEE oN Mf,EKER LLC, a washingto:r limiled liability cotnpan)', the real estate, sitr:ated in King Counly, Washinglon, and legall,v described on attached E?&ibit A. subjcct to tlrc mntters descril:ed on attached Efbihii E. The Granlor, for itself aud its succsssols in intcrcsl, dces by lhese presenls exprcssly limix the covenfrnts of the deed ls ti:ose hsrcin cxpresscd, and cxcludes all eoveranls alising or to ariss by statutory or othcr implication, and does hereby covenafit thal against all persons s'homsoever larvfully claiming or to claim by, tbrough or under said Grartor md not olherwise, Grantor will forever waffant and dcfcnd the said described real estnte. 2841/086lJ,n1118 lre6d'{-L.\LrRi*erbcnd Joirt Vouturc\fhnle I f loting Docs lrugain rrnd sdr dccd v3 lnslrxncnt'Numbcr: 201 8{1 t02{100935 Document:D Rcc: 578.00 Pag*2 of 5 Rcrortl Datclt/2/1018 2:25 PM King Countl', WA /lhcl^ l)A l'l:.1): ' Afi+l Ll . 20r8, GRA}i-TOR: Cll'Y Olr l{,EN'f, * Washington municipel corporation Darra Ralph, Mayol STATE OF WASHINCTON ) cr.)L,N'Y or r(,n,C itt' on rlris - lAin oo, ,t UVaryA ,2018, before ,nc, rhc undercignedo a Notary Putrlic i* and fbr the State of Wasbington. duly commissioned and sworn personally appeared Dana Ralph, ltnown lo rle 10 be tlre Mayor ollhc Cl'fY OF Iffi'NT', thc Washingron municipal cet:'peiraticrn that executed rhe fbregoing inst'ument, and ackrrowledgcd the sairj in.rtrLrment lt: bc the liee and volunlaty acl nnd deed of said corpomtion, for thc pluposes thercin rnentioned, and an oath staled thal she was aulhorized to exeeuts said inslrunlcnt. I certily that I knorv ar have sati.sfuctory cvidence tlrat die person apFearing bel'rrre ne and tnalting tlris achtorvlcdgmcnt is fhe ;:erson whosc trlrc signnnrc appcars on this dosunrort, Wll'N[SS n:y haud and q:fficial scal hcrcto al"fixed the dny and l,eor in the cerrilicatc abuvc written. .Kii,r qn' 'l1{r1"'*L N $ienarr,r$ E,IV MlAEIlFJ Print l,lanre NOTARY PUBLIC: in nnd {br the Stat€ of Washirrgtcrn, rcsidrng ar W\WU Vtt&Af It'h.cor:rurissiorr expires tt l4lZl : Qp wA5ttl :*,1ll03S 03fi7l18 ntdd\Hill,U{ii'crilcncl Jotnt Venturrtl,ha$c i L'loti'rg lJocr ^+, 71 .09- t&sur9 bar6nrn aud saic drcd rJ lnlitlr!nrsn( liunrbcr': :{llti{}J{l2lXl{}!)35 l)ocurttcrtt:l} Rcc: S7ll.{X) P:tgc-3 ol 5 lleeolrl Datt:J/l/?{lttl 2:25 l}l\{ King (iountr. \l.-A Iixhibit A Lr:gll l)cscripliol l-,(l'l'S I {Nll 2 {)l'(.ll\'(il; ltl;N'l 5ll(}lt'J'l'}i,A l )JO. Sl'-201?'1" lti:{l(ll{l)l:i) lJNl)l',}t itl,llOI{l}l:r*(i \{) li}11{{):12}t(}i1004. lN l(l\(i{ (}l;\'i'1'. \\'45}lli.J(;"i(}N )1,1 " /l:6{: ,t ll21 / . t ;tcirC!i1,{l,lji:rrri:rrrc .1fi|l t::1t..rc.l,i:r,:a I l :istr:r irrf: !lrg*irr;t'rl arl,r rirrril 1] Irtslrulrrenl Numher:2$1tl0.lll200{l9J5 Documcnr:D Rqc: 578.00 Page-4 of 5 Rccorrl Datci,'ll:/1018 2:?3 PM King Countl', WA :8j 11i66 03t7ll8 l.e0ar\li.{l.\Rivcrbcr ri Jrinr VcnturtrPhet:' I (.'io.srng')r* Exhibit lt I'crnrittcd Ilrtlcptierns I , Scai eslatc lnxi:s Ie vicci Lrut il{}l },cl dirr: and payablc 2. Faeility Chat'ges, if any, includinp, bul nol linrited to hcok-lp, ol'cotnection charges and lalecnnrel charges fnr iaralcr or se\usl fn,)ilities crl Cit.y ol l{crrt ar disclorLl by instrur:ents recorderJ as rue crding nos, 80051 60282 and 810805031 8. l, biasenteul, iucluding terrns nnd 1:r'avi.rions corrtained thcrcil: Reeording Lrf"onnatioa: lriovcnrtrr:r' 8, l96 l Recording No, 5350942 Trr l'avol of: County ol'King, a municipal eot.1:ot.lt.iorr1"or: .River prulcctior: 4. Easenenl, including lct'rrrs arrd pt'*r'isions cclntained therein: Recol"dinglnforn:ation; April25,lg62 Recording Na. 5U7461 In liavol ofl Ca'ut1ty of King, * rruniciprrl corpr:r.aticnFor: l{ivcr;rrtleclion 5, A documeltt eniitlcd "Antencicd and Rsstatcd Cranl cfEass$enl$ and Lcv$$ Easernent Aglecrnent", execulcri bv ald belween City of Kenl and King Counry Floocl Cr:ntr.ol Znnc District tccct'Llstl Augu.rt ?2, ?0f18, as lnstnrnrc.nl Nn. 200t1t1822000569 of Olficial l{ecolels. Said irrstrurtrcttt ntttettrJs nnd rcsinlcs ilraf aglecrnelti fecc.nlsd urrder Ruuolding No, 2005081i00I8 t{). 6, Rclirrquishrnent o1'allcxistingand luture lights to light, view nnd air,t{rgetherwith thc rights ol ner; ess t(t zrrrd l'rorn lhe Slate llighrvay eonstructed or: lanrls conveyeri by dncumcnr in lirvol ol'tirc Sratc ol'Washingtorr: Recorded; April 12, 1985 llecording t.!o,: tl5tJ412086l 7' 'l"he tclrn: and ptovisi,r:rts eonlaincd in llre dasurrrcnl cntitlsd "Ordirxrrrcc No, -J?94" recnrdcd August 8. 1996 as RccordingNo. 96f,8080144 of official llecolcls. ll, l.he tsrlrs and ptnvisinrts cottlairtctl in the rlocumgnt elllitled "{}r'tlilancr Ner. 33j54" rcrodnd Nnvenrbcr 6, 1997 as ReeordingNo. 9?l l06l lB7 slO'il]einlRsoords. lnrgain nnr; rnlc dccd r,1 !+ilrB.w';'<pg?ds.n{aiMs.:i{ffi@,FE€:dt4EilhJ-s*Srift*niifE#H$&{;!tt!?S}ii-r:r:4k*liti[S{e *,' Inslrument'Number: 20f 80402000935 Document:D Rec: 578.00 Page-S of 5 Rccord l)ate: aA/J0l\}1 .5,!M King C-qr_qlly, Wl :34 ll)86 0lf.71t s lrvndUlAL\l{iecrbcnd .l(}r}: Vcntufrll,lrasc ! Cltrsirrg l}orrr 9. }totcnlial charges, fol the X.ing Cornrty Sewago 'freatment Capncity Char.gc, as aulhodz.{rd undcr RCW 35.58 and itlrg County Codr 28.84,05S. Said chargcs could *pply fbr sny propsrly lhnl conncsled tc rhe King County Sewer Service arca on or affcl Fcbrunry I, 1990. l0. l'he tertns and provisicns contained iu the document ciltitled "Deelalaliorr of Stolrrrwatel Faciiity Mairrtcnance Cor,$naul" tecordcil March g, ?018 as 20 I 803090001 l0 of Official Records. ll. The tet'nls and provisions conlained in the docurnent entitled "Dcvolopmcnl Agrecment" re{.:ordeii March l4, 201I as 201803 14000845 of Official Records, 'I 2. I{e.stdctions, condiliorrs, dedicafions, noffsf easements and pmvisinns, if any, as containad andlor delincntcd on thc face of thc City of l(ent Shart Plat No, SP-2017'l recordcd Malch 21. 20i I as 201 80321900004, in 1(ing C*uuiy, Washington, t t., Ii .l ,i l ll riritlll|: ril, !,::;t,t,t,t'ri 5 t: rt i t; turFuin rtri, sulc decil 13