HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2020-119 - Original - Department of Justice - 2020 COVID-19 Special JAG Funding for Kent Police Department - 01/20/2020KENT WASHINGTON Agreement Routing Form For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management This form combines & replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cherry colored paper) Originator: Department: Sara Wood Police Date Sent: Date Required: > 4/20/2020 4/27/2020 0 Authorized to Sign: Date of Council Approval: i G. 0 ❑ Director or Designee Il Mayor N/A due to Mayor's proclamation of emergency and grant is for COVID-19 emergency response. Budget Account Number: Grant? ❑ Yes ❑ No Not assigned yet Budget? ❑Yes ❑ No Type: Federal Vendor Name: Category: Department of Justice Grant: Non -Real Property Vendor Number: Sub -Category: c C� IYIa 0 Project Name: 2020 COVID-19 Special JAG Funding for Kent Police Department E � Project Details:This grant will fund Kent PD continued preparation and response to the *, COVID-19 pandemic, c Agreement Amount: $122,683 Basis for Selection of Contractor: a E Go U. Start Date: 1 /20/2020 Termination Date: 1 /31 /2022 Im Q Local Business? ❑ Yes 0 No* *Ifineets requirements per KCC3.70.700, please complete "Vendor Purchase -Local Exceptions" form on Cityspace. Notice required prior to disclosure? Contract Number: ❑ Yes ❑ No n 0 2—D I CRa Date Received by City Attorney: Comments: Grant is for COVID-19 emergency response. M Council approval not needed in advance of Mayor's signing. C April 20. 2020 Under KCC 3.70.110.B.2., Council to be subsequently 3 notified, but r ification not required. OK for Mayor to sign. 3 0 R I. C p� Date Routed to the Mayor's Office: Vf Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office: Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements vy�aa�2��v Depertment olJusllce (DOJ) OfTice of Juslice hograms Oftice ofthe Assistant Anorney General ,Y*hingto\ D.C. 20531 April 17,2020 The Honorablc Dana Ralph City of Kent 220 4th Avenuc South Kent, WA 98032-5818 Dear Mayor Ralpb: On behalf of Atromey General William P. Barr, it is my pleasure to inform you that tle Oflice of Justice Prograrns {OJP), U.S" Depaftnent of Justice (DOJ), has approved lh€ application by City of Kent for an award undcr the OJP finding opporhrnity entitled "BJA FY 20 Coronavirus Emergenry Supplemental Funding hogram." The approved award amount is $i22,683.' These funds ar€ for the project entitled Kent City Coronavirus Emergency Response. The arryard dooumenl including award conditions, is cnclosed. The entire documgnt is to b€ reviewed carefutly before any dccision to rccept thc awatd. Also, the webpage entitled "Legal Notices: Special cirounstances as to particular award conditions" (ojP.govlfunding/Explore/LegalNotices-AwardReqts.hun) is to be consulted prior to rn acceptancs. Through that "Legal Notices" webpage, OJP sets out - by funding opporhrnity -- certain spccial circumstsnces lhat miy or will affecl rhe applicability ofone or more award rsquiements. Any such legal notice pertaining to award requirements that is posted through that webpage is incorporaled by relerence into the award, Plesse note that award requiremenG include not only award conditions, but also compliance with assurances and certifications thal relste to conduct during the period ofperformrnce hr the award. Because thess rsquiremenLs encompass finrncia!, adnrinistrative, and programmatic maners, as well as other importlnt mrtters (e.g., specific rrsfictions onuse of funds), it is vital &at all key slaffknow tfte awrrd reguirements, and receive the award conditions rnd {re assuranc€s and c€rtificalions, as well ar the application as approved by OJP" (lnformation on all p€rtinent award requirunents also must be providcd to rny rubrecipicnt o f lhe award. ) Should City of Kent scc€p( th€ award and lhen fail to comply wilh an award requirement, DOJ will pursue appropriate remedies for non-compliance, which may include termination of the award and/or a requirement lo rcpay award fimds. Please direct questions regarding this award as follows: - For progrnm questions, contact Jcffroy S. Felten.Grccn, hogram Manager at (202) 5 14-8874; and . For financial questions, contact lhe Customer Service Center of OJP's Ofli* oithe Chief F'inanciel Officer at {800) 458-0786, or al ask.ocfo@usdoj.gov. Ws look forward to working wilh you. Sincrrely, tLkrrt'\--* - Katharine T. Sullivan Principal Deputy Assistant Attomey Gerreral Encl. @ Department of Justice (DOQ Offrce of Justice Programs OlJice of Civil Righrs llashington, DC 20531 Congranrlations on your recenl award The Office lor Civil Rights {OCR), Office of Justice Programs (OJp), U.S. Deparfncnt of Justice (DOJ) has b€en delegated the responsibility for ensuring that recipietrts of federal ftnancial assistBtce tom thoOJp, lhe Oflice of Community oriented Policing Sewices (COPS), and the Ofllce on Violence Against women (OVW) are not engaged in dis$iminalion prohibited by hw. Several federal civil righr laws, such as Title VI of tlle Civil Rights ect ol tge4 ana fi{e IX of the Education Amendments ol 1972, require recipienls offederal financial assistance to give assurances that they will comply with lhose laws, In addition to lhose civil rights laws, many grant program stalutes contain nondiscrimination provisions that require compliance with them as a condilion ofreceiving federal finanoial assistance. For a complete review oflhesc civil righls laws and nondiscrimination requirements, in connection with OJP and olher DOJ awards, see https:/lojp.gov/funding/Explore/LegalOverviedCivilRighrsRequirements.htsn Under the delegation olauthority, the OCR investigatcs allegations ofdiscrirnination against recipients Fom individuals, entities, or grouPs. In sddition, the OCR mnducts limited compliance reviews and audits based on regulatory critcria. These reviews and audits permit the OCR 1o evaluate whether recipients of financial assislancc ftom thc Departneniare prwiding serviccs in a non- discriminatory manner !o their service population or have employment practices that meet equal-opportunity standards. lfyou are a recipient ofgrant awards under tbe Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act or the tuvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act rnd your ogency is part of a ciminal justicc system, tirere are two additional obtigations thst may apply in connection with the awards: (l) cornplying with the regulation retating to Equal Employment Opporrwity nograms (geOi'sli ant (Zt submitting findings of discrimination to OCR. For additional information rogarding the EEOP rrquirement, sse 28 CFR'part 42, subpart E, and for additional information regarding requirements when ther€ is an adverse finding, see 28 C.F.R. gg 42.20a(c), .205tcX5). Please submit informetion about any advcrsc finding to the ocR at the above ad&ess. We at the OCR are available to help you and your organization meet the civil rights requirernenls that are associated with OJp and other DO. J grant funding. If you would like lhe OCR to assist you in fulfilling your organization's civil righs or nondiscrirnination responsibilities as a recfieni of federal financial assistance, p]Lase do not hesitate to let us know. April t7,2020 The Honorable Dana Rulph City of Kent 220 4th Avenue South Kent, WA 98032-5838 Dear Mayor Ralph: Sincerely, Michasl L. Alston Dirsctor r'a; Grant Manager Financial Analyst We/ I.aat-- Departsnent of Justice (DOJ) Oflice of Juslicc Programs Bureau of Jusiice Assistance PAOE l Or 15 Grant 4.AWARDNUMBER: 2020-VD-BX-00?7 5.IROJECTPERIOD:FROM on0ng20 TO 0l9v2a22 BUOCETPERIODTFROM Orl2ry2o2o -,O 0tt3tt2022 6.AWARDDATE 04/1712020 T.AcTloN L RTiCIPIENT NAME AND ADDRESS (lncluding Zip €ode) City olKma 2?0 4th Avque Sout| K6t, WA 9E032"5t3i 2a. GRANTEE IRSA/ENDOR NO. 9t600t265 2b. ORANTEE DUNS NO n20251611 ]. PROJSCT TITLE 20, ACCOLTNTINC CLASSIF!CAT1oN CODES FISCAL FTAID BUD, DIV.}€AR CODE ACT, OFC. REC. SUA, 9. PREVIOUS AWARD AMOUNT IO. AMOTJNT OF lHIS AWARD Dma Rrlpfi Msyor E. SUPPLEMTNT NUMSER 00 lnitid $0 s 122,6t3 $ 122.683 K6i City Cconsviru gmsgmcy Resp.ds I I, TOTAL AWARD I2, SPECIAL CONDITIONS TIG ABOVE CMNT PROJECT IS APPROVED SUB]TigT TO SUCTI CONDTTIONS OR LIMITAT1ONS AS ARE SET FORTR ON THE ATTACHEO PACE(S), 13. STATUTORY AUTHORTTY FOR ORANT This projrct is supported udq FY20{BJA - CESF) Pub. L. No. I t6.136, Div B; 2E U.S-C. jl0c l4 CATALOC OF DOMESI]C FEDERAL ASSIS'TANCE (CrDA Nmbe r) 16.034 - Corcnsvirus Emrgacy Supplmmtal Funding progm I', METHODOF PAYTVTENT CPRS IIN AOBNCY APPR,OV^L -i Il onlrrsr^ccepr^*m - I6, TYPED NAME AND TITLE OF APPROVING OFFICTAL Kathuine T. Srllivm Pdncipsl Dcputy A$isaail Atiomcy Cneml IE. 'I'YPED NAME AND II'LE OF AI.'T}IORIZED GRANIEE OFFICIAL I7 SIGNATURE OF APPROVING OFFICTAL I 9. SIONATURE OF ALTTHORIZEO I9A. DATEo0,nD-+"h, AGENCY USE ONLY. - . 21. wDUGtorrT xI,vD800000 POMS AMOTJNT 122683 oip FoRM 4000,2 (REV. '-t7) pREVIOUS EDIT1ONS ARs OESOLETE. orP FoRM 4000i2 (REV. 4-88) ffi Dspartnent of Justic€ {DOJ ) Oflics of Jusljce Programs Bureau of Justice Assistance AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET Grant PAGE 2 OF 15 PROJEC| NUMBITR 2020-VD.BX-00??AVARD DATE 0/.IIINOZO SPECIAL CONDITIONS Requirements olthe award; remedies for non-compliance or for materially false statements The conditions oflhis award are material requirements oflhe award. Compliance with any assurances or certifications submitted by or on behalfofthe recipient that relste to conduct during thc period ofperformance rlso is s material requirementofthisaward. Bysiglingandacceptingthisawardonbehalfoftherecipient,theauthorizedrecipient olficial accepc all mrterial tequircmeots oflhe award, and specifically adopts all such assurances or certifications as if personally executed by the authorized recipient official. Failure to comply with any one or more of these award requirements -- whether a condition set out in full below, a condilion incorpofated by rcl€ronc€ below, or an assurance or ccrtification related to mnduct during the award pcriod - - may result in the Office ofJustic€ Programs ("OJp") taking appropriate aclion with respect to lhe recipient and 0re awud. Among other things, the OJP may withhold award funds, disallow costs, or suspend or tenninate the award. The U.S. Department ofJustice ("DOJ"), including OJP, also may take other legal action as appropriate. Any materially flalse, fictitious, or iaudulent statcm€nt to the federal govemment rclated to this award (or concealment or omission ola material lact) may be the subject olcriminal prosecution (including under l8 U.S.C. l00l and/or 1621, and/or34U.S.C. 10271-10273),andalsomayleadtoimpositionofcivilpenaltiesandadministativercmediesforfalse claims or otherwise (including under 3l U.5.C,372941?o and 3801-3812). Slnul! any provision ofa requirement ofthis award be held to be invalid or unenforceable by its terms, that provision shall first bc applied with a limited construction so as to give it the maximum eflect pcrmitted by law. Should it be hel4 instea4 that tfte provision is utlcrly invalid or -unenforcsable, such provision shall bc desmed scverab'le from this rward. 2. Applicability olPart 200 Uniform Requirements The Uniform Adminisraiive Requiremonts, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirernents in 2 C.F.R. Part 200, as adopted and supplernented by DOJ in 2 C.F.R. Part 2E00 (together, the "Part 200 Uniform Requiremm8") apply to this FY 2019 award from OJP. The Parr 200 Uniform Requiremenls were first adopted by DOJ on Dccrmber26,2014. Ifthis FY 2019 award supplsmsnts funds previously awarded by OJP under the same award number (e.g-, firnds awarded during or before Decembet 20 I 4), the Part 200 Uniform Requirernents apply with rcsp€ot to all funds under thaa award number (regardless ofthe award date, and regardless olwhether derived from the initial award or a supplernental award) that arc obligated on or afler the acceptanc€ dale of0ris FY 2019 award. For more inlormation and rcsources on the Part 200 Uniform Requirements rs they relate to OJP awards and subawards ("subgrants"), see the OJP websile at https:l/ojp.gov/funding/Part200UniformRequirements.htrn. Record relenlion and access: Records pertinent to the award that the recipient (and rny subrecipicnt ("subgrantec") at any tier) must relain -- typically for a period of3 years &om lhe date ofsubmission oftfie fural expenditurc report (SF 425), unless a diffcrent relention period applies .- and to which the recipient (and any subrecipient {"subgranter',) at any tier) must ptovide access, include perfonnance measurement information, in addition to lhe financial records, supporting documents, statislicsl tecords, and other pertinent rscords indicated at 2 C.F.R. 200.333. ln thc event lhat an award-related question arises from documents or othEr materials prepared or disrributed by OJP that may appear to conflict with, or differ in some way from, the provisions of lhe Part 200 Uniform Requirements, the rccipient is to contact OJP promptly for clarification. oJI FORM 4000i2 (R"oV.4-88) Depaflncnt of Justicc (DOJ) Ofnc€ of Justice Programs Bureau of Justice Assistance AWARD CONTINUATTON SHEET Grant PAOE 3 0t' I5 PROJECTNUMBER 2O2O-VD.BX-0077 AWARD DATE O4II'I2O2O SPECIAI. CONDITIONS 3. Compliancc with DOJ Crants Financial Cuide Refercnc€s to $e DOJ Grants Financial Guide ars to the DOJ Crants Financial Guide as posted on the OJP website (cunertly, the "DOJ Grants Financial Guide" available at https:l/ojp.govlfinancialguide/DoJ/index.hun), including any updated version lhat may be posted during ths pcriod of performance. 'fhe recipi€nt agrees to oomply with the DOJ Crants Financial Guide. 4. Reclassilication of various statutory provisions to a new Tille 14 ofthe United States Code On Scptember l, 201 7, various statutory provisions previously codified elsewhsrs in the U.S. Code were editorially reclassified (lhat is, moved and renumbered) to a new Title 34, entitled "Crime Conrol and Law Enlorcsmenl" The reclassification encompassed a number ofstatutory provisions pertinerlt to OJP awards (that is, OJP grsnts and coop€rative agrcements), including many provisions previously codified in Title 42 of the U.S. Codc. Effcctive as olSeptember l, 201?, any reference in this award document to a statutory provision ihat has been rsclassified to the new Titlc 34 ofthc U.S. Code is to bc read ar a rcfcrence to that statutory provision as reclassified to Title 34. This rule ofconstruction specificdly includes references set out in rward conditions, references set out in material incoqporated by refcrenc€ ihrouglr award conditions, and refer€nces set out in other award requitements. 5. Required raining for point ofcontact and all Financial Points ofContact Both the Point of Contact (POC) and all Financial Points of Contact (FPOCs) tor tftis award must havc successfully compleled an "OJP financial msnagemgnl and granl. a&ninisfation training" by 120 days after the date of the recipient'sacceptaace oftheaward. SuccessfulcompletionofsucharainingonoraflerJanuaryt,20tE,willsatisff this condition. In the cvent that sither the POC or an FPOC for tlris award changes during thc period ofperflormance, the new POC or FPOC must have successfully completed an "OJP tinancial managemenl and grant administration training" by 120 calendar days aRer -- (l) the date ofOJPs approval ofthe "Change Grantec Contlct" GAN (in the csse ofa new POC), or (2) thc dat€ the POC enten inlormation on the new FPOC in GMS (in the case of a new FPOC). Succsssful completion of such r urining on or after January l, 2018, will satis$ this condition. A list of OJP trainings that OJP will consider "OJP financial management and grant administration training" for purposes oilhis condition il ovdlable at https://www.ojp.gov/uahinlfints.hm. All uairings thrr satisfy this condition include a session on grant &rud prevention and detection The recipient should anticipate that OJP will immediately withhold ("&eeze") award fu:rds ifthe recipient fails to comply with this condiiion. The recipient's failure to comply dso may lead OJP to impose additionai appropriate condilions on tlris award. 6. Requirements relaled to "de minimis" indireot cost rnte A recipient that is eligible under the Part 200 Uniform Requhemenls rnd other applicable law to use the "de minimis" indirect cosi rNte describ€d in 2 C.F.R. 200.414(0, and that elects to use the "de minimis" irdirect cost rale, must advise OJP in writing of bolh its eligibility and its elcction, and must mmply with all sssociated requirements in the Pafl.200 Unilorm Roquirements, The "de minimis" ratc may be applied ouly to modified total direct costs (MTDC) as dcfined by the Part 200 Uniform Requircmenls. oJP FORM 4000/2 (R.8V.4.EE) *ffi Depanmcnt of Justice (DOJ) Office of luslice Rograms Bureau of Justice Assistance AWAR"D CONTINUATION SHEET Grant AWARD DATE Mt17t2020 PACE 4 OF 15 PROJECTI\TI-JMBER 2O2O-VD,BX.OO77 SPECTAL CONDITIONS 1. Requirement to report potentialty duplicative funding Ifthe recipient currently has other active awards olfederal funds, or ifthe reoipient receives any other award offederal rytds dudng qe Period of pcrformance for this awar4 the recipient promptly must determine whether funds from rny ofthose othcr foderal awards hrve been, arc being, or Ero to bc used (in whole or in part) lor one or more ofthe idsntical cost items for which funds are provided under this award. If so, thc recipient must promptly notifo the DOJ awarding agency (OJP or OVW, as appropriate) in witinB olthe potential duplicatior\ an4 ifso requsstcd by the DOJ awrrding sgency, mwt scek a budget-modificalion or change-of-project-scope grant adjustsr.rent notice (GAN) to eliminate any inappropriate duplication of funding. 8. Requiremenls related to System for Award Managornent and Universal ldentilier Requirements The recipient must comply with applicable requirema:ts regerditrg the System lor Award Mrnagernent {SAM). currendy accessible at https:l/www.sarn.gov/. This includes appticable requirements regarding rcgistration with SAM, as well as mainlaining thc currency of information in SAM. The recipient also must comply with applicable restsictions on subawards ("subgrants") to tirst-ticr subrcaipielts (fitst-tier "subgrantees"), including restricdons on subawards to entities that do not acquirG and provide (lo the recipient) the unique entity idcntilier required for SAM registration. The details ofthe recipient's obligetions related lo SAM and to unique entity identifiers Ere posted on the OJP web site 8l bttps://ojp.govlfunding/ExplordSAM.hlrn (Awud condition: Systcm for Award Management {SAM) and Univers{ ldentifier Requirements), and lre incorporated by reference herc. This condition does not apply to gn award to an individual who received the award as a natural person (i.e., unrelated to any business or non-profit organization that he or she may own or operate in his or her name). oJP FORM 4000' (REV. 4.88) WL Department of Justicc (DOJ) OIIice of Justice Programs Bureau of Ju$tice Assistance AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET Grsnt PAOE 5 OF 15 PROJTCTNUMBER 2O2C-VD-BX.OO7'AWARD DATE MII1IaOaO SPECIAL COND'TIONS 9. Employment etigibility verification lor hiring under the award L The recipient (and any subrecipien! at any tier) must-- A. Fnsurs that, ns part of lhe hiring process for any position within the United Stares that is or will be Srndcd (in whole or in part) with award funds, the rccipient {or any subrecipient) pmperly ver:ifies the employmenr eligibility olthe individual who is being hired, consistent wifi the provisions of 8 U.S.C. ll24a(aXl) urd (2). B. Notiry all persons associated with the recipienl (or any subrecipient) who rre or will be involved in rctivities lnder this award ofboth- ( I ) this award requirement for verifioation of employmcn{ eligibility, and (2)theassociatedprovisionsintU.s.C. l32aa(a)(l)and(2)that,generallyspeafting,makeitunlawful,inrhcUnited States, to hire (oa recruit for employment) certain aliens. C. Provide baining (to the exlcnl nec€ssary) to those persons requircd by lhis condition to be notified ofthe aword requiremeatforemploymentetigibilityverifioationandofthe associaledprovisionsofBU.s.C. 1324a(a)(t)and(2). D. As.pan of the recordkeeping for the award (including pursuant to the Part 200 Unilorm Requirements), maintain records ofall employment eligibility verifications pertinent lo compliance with this award condition in accordgncc with Form l-9 record retantion requiremeils, as wcll as records ofalt pertinent notifications and trainings. 2. Monitoring The recipient's monitoring rcsponsibilities include monitoring of subrecipient comptiance with lhis condition. 3. Allowable costs To the extenl tlat such costs are not reimbused under any other federal program, award frrnds may be obligated hr the reasonrblc, necessary, and allocable crss (ifany) ofactions designed to enCure compliance with tiris condition. 4. Rules of construction A. Statf involved in the hiring process For puposes ofthis condition, persons "who are or will bc involved in activities under this award,' specifically includes (without limitation) any and all tecipiena (or any subrecipient) oflicials or other st!ffwho are or will be involved in rhe hirhg process with respect to a position that is or will be funded (in whole or in part) with award funds. B. Employmenr eligibility confirmalion wirh E-Verip For purposes ofsatisfoing the rcquiremant ofthis condition regarding verification ofemployment eligibility, the recipicnt (or any subrccipient) may choose to participste in, and use, E-Verifu (www.c-viri$.gov;, piovided an sppropdale person authorized to Ect on b€halfofthe recipient (or subreoipicnt) uscs E-Vcri$ (and follows the propcr E-Veri$ procedures, including in the event ofa "Tental.ivo Nonconfirmation" or a "Final Nonconfirnation") to confirm employmenr eligibility for each hiring for a position in lhe United States tftat is or will bc firnded (in wholc or in part) with award ftrnG. C. "United States" speoifically includes the District of Columbia, Puerro Rico, Guam, the Virgin lslands of thc United Stotes, and lhe Commonwsalth of the Northern Mariana Islands. D. Nothing in this condition shall be understood to authorize or require any recipienr, any subreciiler|/'Iilt\ oJP foRM 400ry2 (REV.4-88) @ Departnent of Justicc (DOJ) OfIice of Justice Programs Burenu of Justice Assistance AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET Grant PACE 6 OF 15 PROJECTNUMBTR 2O2O-VD.BX-0077 AWARD DATI] MIIINO}O SPECIAL CANDITIONS any person or other entity, to violate any federal law, including any applicable civil rights or nondiscrimination law. E. Nothing in this condition, including in paragraph 4.8., shall be understood lo relieve any recipicnt, any subrecipient at Bny ticr, or any p€nion or other entity, of any obligation otherwise imposed by law, including I U.S-C, 1324(aXl) and (2). Questions about E-Veri$ should be dirccted to DHS. t'or mors information rbout E-Veriry visit the E-VeriS website (https:l/www.e-veriS.gov/) or email E-Veri! at E-veriry@dhs.gov, E-VeriS employer age'n6 can email E- VeriS at E-VcriSEmployerAgent@dhs.gov. Queslions about the msaning or scope ofthis condition should be directed to OJP, behre award acceptance. 10. Requirernent to report actual or imminent breach ofpersonally identifiable inlormation (PIl) Thc recipient (and any "subrecipient" at any tier) must have written procedures in place to respond in the event ofan actual or imminent "breach" (OMB M-l?-12) ifit (or a subrecipicnt) - (l) oreatos, collscts, uses, proc€sses, stores, maintains, disseminates, discloses, or disposes of "personally idcntifiablc information (PID" {2 CFR 200.79) withia the scope of an OJP graflhfunded prognm or activity, or (2) us€s or operates a "Federai information system" {OMB Circular A- 130). The rccipient's breach procedwes must includ€ . requircment to report ac$at or imminent breach of PIt to an OJP Program Manager no later thart 24 hours after an ocsurrence olan actual breach, or the detection ofan imminent breach. I l. All subawards {"subgrants") must have specific federal authorization The recipienl, and any subrccipient ("subgmntee") at any tier, must comply with all applicable requiremeots lor autftorizationofanysubaward. Thisconditionappliestoagreemsntsthat--forpurposesoffederalgrans administra(ive requirements -- OJP considers a "subaward" (rnd tierefore does not consider a procwemcnt "conbact"), The details ofthe requircment for authorization ofany subaward are posted on thc OJP web site at https://ojp.gov/funding/Explore/SubawardAuthorization.hUn (Award condition: All subawards ("subgrants") must have specific federal authorization), and are incorporated by reference here. 12. Specific post-award approval required to use a noncomlrctitive approach in any procurement conuact that would exceed $250,000 The recipient, and any subrccipient ("subgrant€e") at any ticr, must comply with all appticnble requiremsns lo obiain specific advance approval to use a noncompetitive approach in any procurement conract lhat would exceed the Simplified Acquisition Threshold (cunently, $250,000), This mndition ipplies to agreements that -- for purposes of federal grants administrative requirements -- OJP considers a procurement "contact" (and lhersforc does-noi consider a subaward). The details oflhe requlement for sdvance apprcval to use a noncompelitivo approach in a proourcmont contrlct undcr an OJP award are posted on tlre OJP web site at htlps:/lojp.govlfunding/Explore./Noncomp€titiveProcwement.hbn (Award condition-' Specific post-award approval required to rac o noncompelitive approach in a procurement conEact(ifconfact would cxceed $250,000)), and are incorporaled by referencs here. oJP FORM 4000/2 (REV. 4-88) w) Departnent of Justicc {DOJ) Offi ce of Justice Progra$s Burens of Justice Assistance AWARD CONTTNUATION SHEET Grant AWARD DATE MII1DAIO PAOE 7 OF 15 PROJECTNUMBER 2O2O-VD.BX.OO77 13. SPECIAL CONDITIONS Unreasonable restsictions on competition under fte award; associalion wilh federal government SCOPE. This condition applies with t€spcct to any procursmcnt ofproperty or serviccs that is funded (in whole or in part) bythis award, whethcr by 0re resipient or by any subrecipientit any iier, and regardless ofthe dollar amount of the purchase or acquisition, the method ofprocur€ment, or the'natrue ol&ny tegai insiument used. The provisions of this condition must be among those included ia any subaward (at any tier). l. No discrimination, in procurement Fansactions, against associates of the fed€rat goverffnent Consistent with the (DOJ) Part 200 Unifonn Requirements -- including 8s set our st 2 C.F',R. 200.300 (requiring owards to be "malage[dl and administer[ed.l in a manner so as to ensure lhat Federal firnding is expended"and - f^Tii19a p*gtt _l are implemented in full accordance with U.S, ststutory and public policy requirements,,) and 200.3 l9(a) (generally requiring "{alll procurement Sanssctions {tol be conducted in a mrnner providrng full and open competition'r and forbidding praolic€s "restrictivs ofcompetition," such as "[p]lacing unreason:ablc reqiircments on firms. in order for them to quali$ to do business" and taking "[a]ny arbitrary action ir t]r" procutemeni procrrss,') - no recipieat (or subrecipient, at any ticr) may (in any procurement u'ansactionj discriminato s€ainst any person or entity on the basis ofsuch pcrson or entity's slatus 6s an "associate ofthe lederal govemment" (or oi the basis ofsuch penon or 9l!ity's ststus 8s a Patent, aIfiliale, or subsidiary ofsuch an associate), eicept as expressly s€r out in 2 C.F.R. 200.3 I 9(r) or as specifically authorized by USDOJ. 2. Monitoring The recipient's monitoring responsibilities include monitoring of subrecipient compliance with this condition. 3. Allowable cosls To the extenl that such costs s!€ not reimbursed under any othcr federal program, cward fi.mds m8y b€ obligated for the reasonable, neccssary, and allocable cosls (ifany) ofactions designed to-ensure compliance with tiris condilion. 4. Rules ofconsEuction A. The term "associate ofthe fe_d*at govemrnent" means any person or entity engaged or crnployed {in rh€ psst or atptesent) by or on behalfoftfie federal government -- as an employee, mnuaitor o.iubcontractor (at any tier), grant recipient or -subrecipient (at any tier), agent, or otherwise -- ii uriOcrtafng any work, project, or activity for or-6nbehalfof(or in providing goods or services to or on behalfo| the federal govcrnrnent, ani inctudes any applicant for such employment or eng0scmcnL and any person or entity committed by l6gal instrument to undcrtake'any'such work,pruject, or activity (or to prpvidc such goods or services) in furure. B. Nothing in this condition shall be understood to authorize or require any recipienf any subrecipient at atry tier, or any pcrson or other entity, to violate any federal law, including any applicible clvil rights or nondiserimination law. oJP FORM {000A (REV.4.88) D€psrlrnent of Justics (DOJ) O{fi ce olJustice Progrsms Bureau of Justice Assistance AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET Grant PAGE t OF I' PROJFCTNUMBER 2O2O.VD.BX.OO?7 AWARD DATE O4II7I2O2O SPECIAL CONDIT{ONS 14. Requirements pcrtaining to prohibited conductrclated to trallicking in persons (including reporting requirements and OJP authority to terminato award) Thc recipienl, and any subrecipient ("subgrantee") st any ticr, must rcquirernents to report Bllegations) p€rlaining to prohibited conduct comply with all npplicable requirements (inctuding related to &e traffioking ofpersons, whether on the patt olrecipients, subrecipients ("subgrantees"), or individuals defined ifor purposes oftlris condition) as "employees" oflhe recipienl or ofany subrecipient, Thc details oflhe recipient's obligations related to prohibited mnduct related to traflicking in pcrsons arc posted on the OJP web sitc at htps:/lojp.govlfunding/ExplorelkohibitedConduct-Trafficking.hbn (Award condilion: Prohibited conduct by recipients and subrecipients related to trallicking in persons (including reporting requirernents and OJP authoriry to terminate award)), and are incorporated by reference here. 15. Determina{ion of suitability to interact with participating minors SCOPE. This condition applies to this award if it is indioated -- in the applicrlion for the award (as approved by DOJ)(or in rhe application for any subaward" at sny lier), thc DOJ funding amouncement (solicitstion), or an associated lederal statute -- that a purpose ofsome or all of&e sctivities to be carried out under the awrrd (whether by the recipient, or a subrecipient at any tier) is to benefit a set olindividuals under l8 years ofage. The recipient, and any subrecipient at any tier, must makc determinations ofsuitability before certain individuals may interact with participating minors. This requiremenl applies regardless of ur individual's employnent strtus. The dctails ofthis requirement ars posted on the OJP web sit€ at htips:/lojp,gov/firndinglExploreltnteract-Minors.hEn (Award condition: Determina{ion of suitability required in advance, for certain individlals who may interact with participating minors), und are incorporated by reference here. 16- Compliance with applicablc rules regarding approval, planning, and reporting ofconferences, meetings, trainings, and other events l7 The recipient, and any subrecipient ("subgrantee") at any tier, must comply with all applicable laws, regulations, policies, anrl oflicial DOJ guidance (including specific cost limits, prior approval and reporting requirements, where applicable) govcming the usc offcdcral funds for expenses related to conferences (!s thrt term is defined by DOJ), including the provision of lood snd/or beveragcs at such confgrcnc€s, and cosis of atlendancs at such confeiences. Information on the pedinert DOJ definition of conferences and the nles applicable to lhis award appears in the DOJ Grants Financial Cuide (annently, as section 3.10 of "Postaward Requirements" in the "DOJ Grants Financisl Cuide',). Requiremsnt for data on performance and effcctiveness under fte award The recipient must collecl and maintain data that measure the perlonnance and effectiveness ofwork under this award. The data must be provided to OJP in the manner (inoluding within the timefiames) specified by OJP in the program solicitation or other applicable written guidance. Data coltection supports compliance with thi Govemmeni - Performance and Resulls Act (GPRA) and the GPRA Modemization Act of20l0, and othcr applicable laws. 18. OJP Training Cuiding Principles Any tssining or trlining malcrials that the recipient -- or any suhecipient ("subgrantee") at any tier - develops or deliven with OiP award fimds must sdhere lo the OJP Training Guiding Principles lor Crantees and Subgrantees, available at https:/lojp,govlfunding/lmplcment/TrainingPrinciplesForCrratees-subgrontces.htsn. o.tP FoRM 4000/2 {REV. 4-88) Departrnent of Justice (DOJ) Office of Justice Programs Bureau of Justice Arsistance AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET Grant AWARO DATE MII1I2O2A PAGE 9 OF 15 PROJECTNUMBER 2O2O.VD.8X.OO?7 SPECIAL COND|TIONS 19. Eflcct ofAilure to address audit issues The recipient understands and agrces that the DOJ awarding agency (OJP or OVW, as appropriate) may withhold award ftrnds, or may impose olher related requirements, if (as deiermined by the DOJ awarding ugencg tl.t" rcoipicnt do€s not sstisflsctorily and promptly addrcss ou8tanding issues ftom audits required by the Psrt 2b0 Uniform Requirements (or by the terms of this award), or other odstanding issues that arise in connection with audits, investigations, or reviews oIDOJ awards. 28. Potential imposition o f additional requircments The recipient agrees to comply with any addilional requiremcnts that may be imposed by the DOJ awarding agency (OJP or OWV, as apgropriate) during the period of performance for this award, if the recipient is designated ai "hi-gn-risk" for purposes ofthe DOJ high-risk grantee list. 21. Compliance with DOJ regulations pc(aining to civil rights and nondiscrimination - 28 C.F.R. pan 42 The recipient, and any subrecipient ("subgrantee") et any tier, must comply with all applicable requircments ol28 C.F.R. Parl42, specifically including any applicable requirunen* in Subpart E of 23C.f .R. pan 42 $at relste to an equal employment opportunity program. ?2' Compliance with DOJ regulations pcrlaining to civil rights and nondissrirnination - 28 C.F.R. part 54 fhe lcipient, and any subrecipient ("subgrantee") al any tier, must comply with all applicable requiremonts ol28 C.F.R. Part 54, which relaies to nondiscvimination on the basis ofsex in c€rtain "eduiation programs." 23. Compliancc with DOJ regulations pertaining to civil righe rnd nondiscrirninarion - 28 C.F.R. pan 38 The recipien! and any subrecipient ("subgrant{s") at any tier, must comply with all applicablc requirements o[28 C.F.R. Parl 38 (rs may be applicable from time to time), specifically including any applicable requirements regarding written notice to program beneficiaries and prospective program beneficiaries. Currently, among other things, 28 C.F.R. Part 38 includes rules fiat prohibit specific foms of d.iscrimination on the basis olreligion, a religious belicfi, a rcfusal to hold a retigious trelici or refirsal to atcnd or panicipate in a religious practice. Pan 3E, cuncntly, also sets out rulcs and requirements that peltsin to recipient andlubrecipient {"subgrurtee") organizalions lhat engage in or conduct explicitly religious activitioi, as well e$ rules tnd requiremcnts that pertain to recipients and subrecipients that are faith-bssed or r€ligious organizations. The texr of28 C.F.R. Part 38 is available via thc Electronic Code ofFederal Regulations (currently accessible at https://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/ECFR?page=browse), by browsing to Title 28-Judicial Administratiln, Chapter l, parr 38, under e-CFR "cu$ent" data- oJP FORM 40002 (REV 4-88) db fiffi D€partn€nt of Justice (DOJ) Office of Juslice Programs Bureru of Justice Assistance AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET Grsnt PAGE IO OF IJ PROJECTNUMEER 2O2O.VD.BX.OO77 AWARD DATE O4II7I2O2O SPET:IAL CONDITIONS 24. Restrictions sn "lobbying" ln general, as a matt€r of fcderal law, fcderal funds awarded by OJP may not be used by the rccipiurt, or any subrecipiurt ("subgrantee") at any lier, either directly or indircctly, to support or oppose the enaitnent, repcal, modification, or adoption ofany law, regulation, or policy, at any level ofgovcmmin:. See t8 U.S.C. 19i3, 1'fhere may be exceptions ifan applicable federal statute specifically aulhorizes certain aclivities that othen^,ise would be baned by law.) Anolher federal law generally prohibits federal funds awarded by OJP Aom being used by the recipiunt, or any subrecipient at any tier, to pay any pfrson to influence (or attempt to influencc) ifederal agency, a Membcr oi Congress, or Congress (or.an oflicial cr employee ofany ofthcm) with respect to the awarding ofa lederal grant or cooperative agrcement, subgrmt, conhact, subconfact, or loan, or wit]r rsspoct to actions such as renewing,-extcnding, or modi&ing any such award. See 3l U.S.C. 1352. Certain exceptions to this law appty, including an exclption that applies to Indian eibes and ribal organizations. Should any queslion arise os to whether a particular use of federal funds by a recipient (or subrecipiont) would or might fall within the scope of these prohibitions, the recipient is to conlact OJP for guidance, and may not proceed without the cxpress prior writtcn approval ofOJP. 25' Compliance with gerreral appropriations-law resrictions on the use of federal funds (FY 2020) The recipient, and any subrrcipient ("subgranree") at rny tier, must comply with all applicable restristions on lhe use of lederai firnds set out in fcderal appropriations statuks. Pertinent restrictions lhat nay be set out in applicable appmpriations acts are indicatsd at https;/lojp.govlftrnding/Explore/FY20AppropriationsRcstrictions.htm, and arc incorporated by rclcrencc here. ShouldI question arise as to whether a particular use offedersl funds by a recipient (or r subrecipient) would or might faI within the scope ofan apprcp'riationsJaw restsiotion, the recipient is to conlact OJp fur guidance, and may n-ot proceed without lhe express prior written approval ofOJP. 26. Rcporting potentisl frau4 waste, and abuse, and similar misconduct 'fherecipienl and any subrecipienls ("subgrantees") must promptly refer to the DOJ Office oflhc lnspector General (OlG) any credible evidence that a principal, employee, rgent, subrecipient, mntractor, subcontractoi, or other person has, in mnnection wilh firnds under this award - ( l) submined a claim that violates the False Claims Act; or (2) committcd a criminal or civil violation of laws perlahing to fraud, conflict of interest" bribery, gatuity, or simiirr misconduot. Potential frau4 waste, abuse, or misconduct involving or relating to ftrnds under this award should bc rcponed to theoIG by..(l ) online submission accessible via the OtG webpage at https://oigjustice.gov/hotlinelcontact-grants.htn (select "submil Report Online"); (2) mail directed to: office of the Inspectoi Generot, u.S. Depargnent olJustic€, Investigations Division, 1425 New York Avenue, N.W. Suite ?100, Washington, DC 20530; rnd/or(3) by facsimile dirccted to the DOJ olc Fraud Detection Oflice (Attn: Granree Reporring) it (ZOZ) 616-988t (fax). Additionsl information is availsblE tom the DOJ OIG wcbsite at https://oigjustice.govlhotline. oJP FoRM 40002 (R€v 4-88) D4^ {$ Departnent of Justice (DOJ) ()flice of Justice Proglrrns Bureau of Justice Assistrnce AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET Grant AWAR' DATE MII1I\A2A PAOI' II OF IJ PROJECTNUMBER 2O2O.VD.AX.M77 1a SPECIAL CONDITIONS Rostrictions and certifications regarding non-disclosure agrsements and retated matters No rccipient or subrecipient ("subgantee") under this award or entity that rcceives a procurement contract or subcootract with any 6rnds under this award, may require any employe€ or contractor to sign an internal confidenriality agts€ment or statementthat prohibits or otherwise restsicts' or pwports to prohibit or restrict, $re reporting (in accordalce with law) ofwaste, fraud or abuse to an investigative or law enforcement rspresentativa ofn lederal d€pument or agency authorized to receive such information. The foregoing is not intended, md slrall not be snderstood by the agency making this award, to contravene rcquiremenls applicable to Standard Form 312 (which relates to classified information), Form 4414 (which relates to sensitive compartnentcd information), or any oiher form issued by a federal departrnort or agency goveming the nondisclosure of classifi ed information, I, In accepting this award" the recipisnt-- a. represents that it neilher requires nor has required internal confidentiality agreements or statements lrom employees or conttactors that surrently prohibit or otherwise currently restrict (or purport to prohibii or restrict) employees or contractoc liom reporting waste, frau4 or abusc as describcd above; and b. certifics that, ifit leams or is notified that it is or has been requiring its employees or conractors to execute sgre€ments or statements that prohibit or otherwise resrict (or pwporr to prohibit or restrict), reponing of waste, fraud, or abuse as described abovq it will immediately stop any firrther obligations olaward firndr, wiil proid" protnpt written notification to the federal agency making this award, and williesume (or permit resumption of; suth obligations only ifexpressly authorized to do so by that agonoy^ 2. If the recipieni does or is authorized under tiis award to make subawards ("subgratrts"), procuremen! conkacts, orbotlr- a. it represents that-- ( I ) it hts determined that no oth€r entity that the reoipient's application proposes may or will recrive award fiuds (whether tfuough a subaward ("subgrant"), procurement contracq or subcolbact under ! procuement contract) cithgr requires or has required internal confidentiality agreements or slstemenls ftom employeei or contssctors that currently prohibit or otherwise currently restrict (or purport to prohibit or restrict) ernployeei o; contractors frorn reporting waste, fraud, or abuse as described above; and (2) it hos made appropriate inquiry, or otherwise has an adcquate factual basis, to support $is representation; and b. it certifies tlrat, if it learns or is notified that any subrecipient, contractor, or subconractor entity lhat receivx funds under this award is or has been requiring its employees or contaclo$ to execute agreemonts or st;l€ments that prohibit or otherwiss restrict (or putport to prohibit or restrict), reporting ofwastg fraud, oi abuse as described rbove, iiwill immediately stop any furlher obligations of award funds to or by that entity, will provide prompt wrilten notification to the lederal agency making this award, and will rcsume (or permit rcsumption og such obfigations only if expressly althorized to do so by that agency. oJP FORM {m0/2 (REV.4.88) Department of Justice (DOJ) Oflicc ol Justrce Programs Burosu of Justice Assistance AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET Grant AWARD DATe 04n1t2020 PAOE 12 OF 15 PROJSCT NUMBER 2020"vD-8X.00?7 29 30. 31 32. 2E. SPECIAL CONDITIONS Cornpliance with 4 I U.S.C. 4712 (including prohibitions on reprisal; notice ro employees) lh9 ryclprelt (and any subrecipient at any tier) must comply with, and is subject to, all applicable pmvisions of 4 t U.S.C. 4712, including all applicable provisions tlat lrohibit, under specified circumstances, discrimination against .an employee as reprisal for the employec's disclosure ofinformation related to gross mismanrgemsnt ofa federal-grant, a gtoss waste of federal funds, an abuse ofauthority rclatinB to a lederal grant, a substantial and specihc danger tlo public health or safety, or a violation oflaw, rule, or regulation related lo a federal grant. The recipient also must inform ils employees, in writing {and in &e predominant native language of the workforce), of employec rights and remedies under 4l LI.S.C.4712, Should a question arise as to lhe applicability of t}e provisions of 4 I U.S.C. 4712 to this award, the recipient is ro conuct lhe DOJ awarding agency (OJP or OVW, as appropriate) for guidance. Encouragement ofpolicies to ban text messaging whilc driving Pursuant to Exccutivc Order 13513, "Fcdcral Leadership on Reduoing Tcxt Messaging Whilc Driving," 74 Fed. Reg. 5 1225 (Octob€r I, 2009), DOJ encourages recipients afld subrecipiants ("subgrantCes'i) to adopt and inforce policiei banning employees &om text messaging while driving any vehicte during thJcoune ofperforming work fua'ded by this award, and to establish workphce salety policies and conduct education, awaren€ss, and other outreach to desresse crashes caused by distracted driven. Requirement to disclosc whether rccipient is designated "high risk" by a federal grant-making agcncy outside of DOJ lfthe recipient is designated "high risk" by a federal grant-making agency outside of DoJ, currently or at any time !11ng the cowse of the period ofperformance under th(s award the rooipient must disctose that fact ana certain related information to OJP by email at OJP.ComplianceReporting@ojp.usdoj.gov. For purposes of this disclosure, high risk includes any status under which a federal awarding agency provides additional oversight due to the rccipient's-pastq*qry**, or other programmalic or hnancial concerns with the recipient. The recipient's disclosure must include thefollowing: LThefederalawar.dingagencythatcunentlydesignatejthcrecipienthighrisk,2.Thedatetherecipient was designated high risk, 3. The higi-risk point ofcontact at that'fcderal awarding agency (name, phone number, and email address), and 4. The reasons lor the high-dsk status, as set out by fie federal afoarding agency. Signing Authority 'l his.award must be signed by an authorized official ofthe applicant Slatc, local, or ribal govemmenq on behalfofthat spplic-ant State, unit oflocal govemment, or Tribe, unless the applicant designates an orgaiizational lnit ro apply on its bshalfl - For exstnple, ifdesignared by a unit oflocal govemmeni, a Police ltepartnent o-r Sheriffs Omce 1oi iiiritar agency) may apply on behalfofthe applicantjurisdiction, as long as the deparanent, office, or agency is liited as the organizationa! unit on lhe SF-424. tn that case, the head offte dJsignated organizationsl unir (such as a police Chiefor Sheriff) may sign the award. Documentalion olthe designation by tl" "pptofriot" goveming body must be retained by the grant recipient, P: "F*:teJl"y Appropriations for Coronavirus H€alth Response and Agency Operations,, law (Rrblic Law I l6-136)includes,dcfinitions, reporling requirements, and certain othei provisionr ltrat ippty (whether in whole or in part) to thisaward. In addilion, consistcnt with the CESF Rogram's purpoies, which involvi preparing lor, prevealing, and respondtng to the coronavirus national emergency. OJP will provide notice ofanyadOitiorial CESF progrilr-specific Srants administrative requirements on an award page, rcc€ssible st https://www.ojp.govlnrnaingexitoriiCEsi- program-specific-condition, that is incorporated by refercrrce here. oJP FORM {000n (REv.4-88) Deparanent of Justicc (DOJ) OlIce o l Justice Programs Buresu of Justice Assislance AWAR.D CONTINUATION SHEET Grant AWARD DA'|E A/17/2020 PAGE I] OF 15 PROJECTNUMBSR 2O2O.VD-BX.OO?7 SPECIAL COND]TIONS 33. 1'he recipient agrees to comply with oJP gr4nt monitoring guidclincs, protocols, ard prccrdures. rnd to coopcrate withBJA and oCFo on all granlmonitoring requestr, includingrcquess reiared to aest rdviews, inhan*d pr"fi;;;,i"- dcsk rcviews, and/or site visils. The recipicnt agrees ro provid; ro BJA and OCF6 alt Oocumorriion nl1|!;.ry ;- complcte monitoring tasks, including documcntition rel;ted to any subawrrdr madc un&r lhis award. Further, ncrecipiont sgrees to abide byreasonable deadlines set by BJA and OCFO for providing the requested documents" F'ailurc to coop€rats with BJA's/.OCfO's grant monitorlng octivities may rcsult in san-stionr aiTecting the recipienr,s Fi ryqdt' includinE,_bul notlimitcd to: withholdings and/or other rcstridions on rhc recipient,s a-ccess to iranrlunds: rEferral lo lhc Offfcc of the lnspcclor Gcn$al for audit rcview; designarion of the recipient as a ool liigtr Rist<gr6nt6e; or termination of an award(s). 34. FFATA rcporting: Subawards and executive comp€nsation Thc recipient rnust comply wiih applicable requirements to report rrst-tier subawards (,'subgrants,') of $25,000 ormore and' in certain circumslsnces, to report the names and total compensation of thc five rn-ost highty mmpensatedcxccutivcsoftherccipicntandfirst-tiersutrcoipicnts(lirst-tier"subgiantces,,)ofrwrrdfunds. fhiAetailsofrecipient obliSatione, which dcrivc froT th" Fcdlral Funiling Ai:counrabiliry ird fr*splrcncy a"t of 2006 (FFATA), -" riiri"aon the OJP wob site at https://ojp.gov/frrnding/lixpiore/rFATA.htrn (Award conditio'n: Reporting Subrwarjs and'Executive Compensstion), and arc incorporaicd by reference here. This condition, including its reporting requirement, docs not appty to- ( l) an award ofless than $2s,000, or (2) anaward made to an individual who receivcd ltc owaf,d as a nrruiit-penon 1i.e., unrclaterl to any trusiniss oi nonironrorganization that he or shc may own or opcnl€ in his or hcr namci. 35. Requiredmonitoringofsubawards Ttc rccipient must monltor subawstd$ under this Nrvard in accordance wi0 all applicable suturcq rcgul&rions, sryardconditions. rnd thc DoJ Grurts Financial Guidc, snd musr includc thc appricruf ilonairioni or$tis uiui i" ;"y - - sublward. Among othcr things, thc.rccipiont is osponsiblc f-or ovcrlghiif ruurccipicni spcnuing and monitorifig ofspccific oulcome$ rnd bonofits lltributlble lo rsc of award funds by iubrccipicns. 'rtrJ rciiplcnr"rg*r tJiulrii ,p""rcqueslr documcntstion of ils policios and proccdurts for moniloring ofsubiwuds under this awarl. 36- Use ofprogram income Progran incomc (ar dcllncd h thc Part 200 Uniform Requirements) nust tre used in rccordance wirh the provisions olthe Part 200 Uniform RcquiremmF ftognn income eamings and expenditurcs both must be reported on rfr. qr.rt*ivFedersl Finaflcial Report, SF 425. 17. Justice lnlormation Sharing Recipients are encouragcd to comply any information-sharing projects firnded under this award with DOJ's GlobalJwtics Infornation Sharing lnitiative (clobal) guidelines. rhe-reiipient (urd any subrccipicnt at any ricr) ir cnmu.gsedto conform lo the Global Strnduds Package (csP) and all constituent elcnrcnts. where afpftcabte, it aoscribcd tl' " https://il,ojp'gov{8sP$antcondilaon. The recipient (and ary subrecipient ., -y riirjrfti aocumenr planneJ - asproaches lo information sharing and describe compliance with ue bsp ana uip.i;"t 6racy policy that prorecrrshartd information. 3E. Avoidance ofduplication ofnetworks To avoid duplicalin8 cxi$liog nctvo*s or tT sysluns in rny initirtivcs fundcd by BJA lor law enforcement lnformationshari.ng systems which involvcintenlatc conn&tivity bctr,vion jurisdicrio*, *.[ rvrt ms rhall employ, to tl,. .rr"r,r - possiblo, cxisting netwo*s I fic communicrtion bsckbonc toishicw inrcnutcdnn.Ji ivitv' YZU oJP FORM 4OO0/2 {REV. 4-88) Departnrent of Juslice (DOJ) Oflice of Justice Programs Bureau of Justice Assistance AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET Grant AWARD DATE O4II7I2A2O PAGE 14 OF 15 PROJEC'TNJMBER 2O2O-VD.BX.OO77 40. 4t 39. SPECIAL CANATIONS Cornpliancc with National Environmeltal Policy Act and related statu(es Upon request, the rccipient (and any subtecipient at any tier) must assist BJA in complying with the National Environmcntal Policy Act (NEPA), the National Historic Preservation Act, and othei rilatid federal cnvironmcntal impact analysos requirernents in the use olthese award funds, either directly by the recipient or by a subrecipicnt. Accordingly, the recipien! agrees to firsl determine ilany olthe following activities witi be nrnOeO Uy the grant, prior to obligating funds lor any olthess purposes. If it is detcrmined thaa any ;f the following activiti". nitt U"-n n1"i fy the award, the rwipiant agrces.to contsct BJA. The recipient undentands that this condiiion applies o new actjvitiei as set out bclow, whether or not they are being specifically funded with these award funds. That'ii, as long as the activity is being conductcd by the recipien! a subrecipien! or any third party, and the activity needs to be undertaken in ordei to use these eward funds, tlris condition must firsl bc mct. Thc activities covered by ihis condition Bre: n. New construction; b' Minor rcnovalion or remodcling ofa property located in rn cnvironmentelly or hislorically sensitivc rrea, including prop€rtics located within a 1OO-year flood plain, a wetland, or hrbiut for cniangercd rp".i"r, oi u property_listed on or eligible for Iisting on th€ N_a{ionrl Register of Historic Places; c. A renovaiion, lease, oi any p.roposod use ofa building or facility-that wil! either (a) result in a change in its basic prior use or ib; significantiy change its size; d. Implernentation of a new program involving the use dlchemicals oiher than chemicjs 111at are ia;purchas€d as an incidenta.l component ofa funded activity and (bi naditionally ussd, for exarnple, in o{fice, houseirotd, recrEatiooal, or education envirolments; and e, Implemsntation oia program relating to clandistine methamphetamine llboratgry operations, including the identificatioq seizure, or closure of,ilandestine iaethamphetamine laboratories, The recipient understands and agrees that complying with NEPA may require the preparation of rn Environmental Assessment and/ or an Environmsntal lmpact Statement, as directcd by BJA. The recipient ffrther understrnds and sgrces to the requiremenB for implementation of a Mitigalion Plan, as detailed at httpi:/ / bja.gov/ Funding/ nepa.hrrnl, for progams relsting to methamphetmrne laboratory opcratiotrs. Application of Thir Cun.litin to teoipiintt'exirting Programs or Activities: For any of the recipient's or its subrcoipienc-'Lxisting programs or activities that wilt be firndci by trese award funds, the recipient, upon specific request &om BJn, agrees iocoJperate with BJA in any preparation by BJA ofa national or program environmental rssessment ofthat funded program or activity. Establishment of interest-bearing account If award funds are being drawn down in advrnec, lhe rccipient (or a subrecipisnt, wilh rupcc{ to a su[rwrrd) is required to csubligh an int€rest-bearing rccounl dcdicoted speoifica.lly to this award. neciiients (and subrcciiientsl T$ltflntli! advance psyments of federal awards in intcrest-bcrring accounrs, unless regulatory exclusioni appfy 1Zc F R' 20O305(bX8)). The awrrd funds, including any intcrest, may not bc used to pay dibts or cxpenses incum'd byother activitics bcyond thc seopc of thc comnavirus Emcrgency suiplcmcnrat fundin'g (CnSf l pnigram " Thi r."ifi*t also agrecs lo obligatc thc rwardirnds in thc rccoun(inchaing any intcr*t crmcd) diring thc'pcriil of pcrforntgic for the awsrd and expend within 90 days thereafter. Any unobligatcd or unexpendeA n n*] inrtirUing inrerest earned, must b€ r€lumed to OJP at the time of closeout, Expenditures requiring prior approval No funds under thjs award may bc expended on individual it€ms costing $500,000 or more, or to purchase UnmanncdAerial Systems (UAS), Unmanned Aircraft (UA), and/or Unmanned eiiat vetrictes (UAV) without prior mittenapproval ftom B.JA. Prior approval must be obtained post-awrr4 through the submission and approval ofa CrantAdjustnent Noti$ (CAN) rhrough OJp's Grant Maflagement System (-Ctv{S). olo oJP FORM 4000r (REV,4-88) Departrnent of Justice (DOJ) Office of Justice kograms Bureau of Justice Assistsnce AWAR.D CONTINUATION SHEET Grant AWARD DATE MII7IIO2O PAGE 15 OF 15 rRoJEgf NUMBER 2020-VD.ax-00?7 43 44. 45 42. SPECIAL CONDITIONS Authorization to obligatc (federali award frrnds to reimburse certair project costs incurred on or aRer January 20, 2020 Therecipientmayobligete(fcdfi8l)awardfundsonlyafterthcrecipientnrakcsavalidacceptanceoflheaward. Asoi the frrst day of the period of performance for the award (January z},2}zfD,howeveq lhe rc.cipicnt may choose to incur project costs using non-federal funds, but any such project costi rre iacurred at the rccipient's risk until, at aminimum* {l) the recipient makcs a valid acceptarc€ of tfte award, and (2) all applicable withholding conditions are removed by OJP (via a Crant Adjustment Notice). (A withholding mndition is i condition in the awird documenr that precludes the rccipient from obligating, expending, or drawing down all or a portion ofthe award funds until the coqdition is removed.) Notling in this condition shall be understood to authorize the reoipient (or any subrecipient at any tier) to use sward funds to "supplant" State or locat funds. Use of funds for DNA testing; upload oflDNA profiles llaward funds are used for DNA testing of evidentiary materials, any resulting eligible DNA profiles m6t be uploaded to the Combined DNA Index System i"CODlS," the DNA database operated Uy Uri fnty ly a governnent DNR labontory with access to CODIS. No profiles generat€d under this award may Le entcred oi upioaded into any non- governmental DNA datrbase withoul prriorexpress writt€n approval fiom BJA. Award funds may not be used for tle purchase oIDNA equipment rnd suppties unless t}e resultiag DNA profilss may be accepted foi entry into CODIS. Body armor - compliance wilft NIJ standards and olher requircments Ballistic'resistant and stab-resistrnt body armor purchased with award funds may be purchased at any threat level, make or model, from any disttibutor or manyiocturer, as long as tle body armor has been tested and iound to comply witlr applicrblc National lnstitute of Justicc ballistic or stab itandards and is listed oa the NIJ Compliant Body Armor Model List (https://nij.gov/topicVtechnology/body-armor/Pagesicomplirnt-ballistic-armor.aspx), In addition,iailistic- resistant and slab-resistant body armor purchased must be made in th! United Stues and musi be uniquely fitted, as setforth in 34 U.S.C. 10202(c)( l XA). The lNtest NIJ standard information can be found here: hrtps:/ / nij.gov/ topics/ technologyi body-armor/ pageV safety-initiative.aspx. Missing Attachment: Disclosure of lobbying The recipient must complete a Disclosure of Lobbyrng Activities iSl--LLL) form, and submit it to the grant managsr for tlris award. Award closeout will not be possible unlil OJP has issued r Crant Adjuslment Notic€ to remove tiis special condition. oJP FORM 40O0t2 (REV. 4-EE) 0b Department of Justice (DOJ) Office of Justica Programs Bure au of Jus I ice Ass islance Irwhingo\ D,C. 20531 Memorandum To: Official Grant File f,'rom: Orbin Terry, NEPA Coordinator Subject: Categorical Exclusion for City of Kent The Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding (CESF) Program allows eligible states, local units ofgovemment, and tribes to support a broad range ofactivities including preventin-g, preparing for, and responding to the coronavirus. All recipients of CESf funding must assist BJA in complying with NEPA and other related federat environmental impact analyses requirements in the use of grant funds, whether the funds are used directly by the grantee or by a sub-grantee or third party. BJA's expectation is that none of the following activities will be conducted whether under this federal award or a related third party action: (l) New construction (2) Any renovation or remodeling of a property located in an environmentally or historically sensitive area,including property (a) listed on or eligible for listing on the National Registei of Historic pLces, or (b) locatedwithin a 100-year flood plain, a wetland, or habitat for an endangered spicies (3) A renovation that will change the basic prior use of a facility or significantly change its size(4) Research and technology whose anticipated and future applicatioricould be-expecled to have an effect on the environment (5) Implementation of a program involving the use of chemicals (including the identification, seizure, or closure of clandestine methamphetamine laborat-ories) other than chemicals that are (a) purchased as an incidental component ofa funded activity and (b) haditionally used, for exarnple, in oflice, household, recreational, or education environments. Consequently, the subject federal action meets the OfIice ofJustice Programs'criteria for a categorical exclusion as contained in paragraph 4(b) of Appendix D to Part 6l of Title 28 of de Code of Federal Regu"lations. If;, howevcr, award funds are proposed to be used for-any ofthe enumerated projects or activities above, grantrecipionts must contact their grarit manager, and receive written approval prili il commencing that projJct oractivity. Questions about this determination may be directed to your grant manager or Orbin Terry, Environmental Coordinator for BJA. Department of Justice (DOl) Oflice of Juslis Prognms Bureau of Justice Assistance 3a, TITLE QF THE PR(X}RAM 8JA FY 20 goronavina E n.rgeocy Supplemental Fudin6 ftogmr 4. TITLE OF PROJECT Kcnt City Coronavirus Emcrgency Rcsponsc 5, NAME & ADDRESS OT CRANTE' City of Kat 220 4th Avenue South Kenr, WA 98032-5838 7. PROCRAM PERIOD FROM: BlnU2020 TO: 0l/31/2(122 9, AMOLTNT OF AWARD s I 22,683 I I. SECONO YEAR'S BUDCET I]. THIRD YEARS BUDGET PERIOD NCA/NCF GRANT MANAGERTS MEMORANDUM, PT. I: PROJECTSUMMARY Grunt PROJECT NUMBER 2020-vDBX-0077 6. NAME & ADRESS OF SUBGRANTEE E. BI]DCET PERIOD FROM: 0ll20n029 IO, DATE OF AWAR-D ,4^1t2020 12. SECOND YEAR'S BUDCET AMOUNT I4. THIRD YEAR'S EUDCET AMOUNT PACE I OF I 3b. POMS CODE{SEs INSTRUCTTONS ON REVERSE) TO: Bl8lDA22 This pro.ject is supponed under FY2o(BJA - CESF) pub. L No. I I6-136, Djv. B; 2E U,S.C 530C l. STAFF CONTACT (Nsme & t€lephone number) Jeflrey S. Felrar-Gm (202) 5r4-8s74 2, PROTECT DIRECTOR (Nme, addres & rclqhonc numbcr) Sara Wood Resemh md Developmert Amtysi 220 4th Avenuc Snth Kenl, WA 98032-s838 {253) 856-5856 15. SUMMARY DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT (See jnstsuc(on on revenc) It J*yjE,$trgoncy Supplammrl rtmdinS (cBsf) &ognnr dlorr stlros, u.s. T€ritcior. tho Dturrior of Cotumbir, unit* of locrl Boyerun nL odlldcttlly ltsgnlucd Eibd 8ovlan ncnB lo suPPort r brfld rutgc ofrcrivitr'c to prcvurl prapu€ for- md rcrpond o rhc cormrvirug ruUco-emlocr or inluilive3nlly inclu&, bul rrc rol limilcd lo. oectllm!, iplprcnt lincluiinq lr1 arpryunorr rniilfia p;rdi;ficctivo oqurpmml), hiring" eapiiqiiructr * gtovcr.nulst' t rititor),. Itrlnlng urvcl urpcnrcs (Fnisulult rdiod ro ilro dirriburion of rcsqrcca d uil ;;iliritil; il6:"td ;f,i.rd?;ff'i}ilt nccdr ofinmrtc in rtrtc, lanl, md Eibrl pritoit, jriir, lrd dcicnrion cfitnr. oJP FORM 40002 (REV, 4-E8)