HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Kent City Council - 03/10/2020 (2) Approved Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Minutes March 10, 2020 Date: March 10, 2020 Time: 4:00 p.m. Place: Chambers 1. CALL TO ORDER Council President Troutner called the meeting to order. 2. ROLL CALL Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Toni Troutner Council President Present Bill Boyce Councilmember Present Brenda Fincher Councilmember Present Satwinder Kaur Councilmember Present 4:02 PM Marli Larimer Councilmember Present 4:07 PM Zandria Michaud Councilmember Present Les Thomas Councilmember Present Dana Ralph Mayor Present 3. AGENDA APPROVAL Chief Administrative Officer, Derek Matheson moved item F. INFO ONLY: Coronavirus Update to item A, the first item on the agenda and advised there is an executive session tonight that expected to last 15 minutes with no action anticipated when the committee reconvenes. A. Move to approve the agenda as amended. RESULT: APPROVED [5 TO 0] MOVER: Bill Boyce, Councilmember SECONDER: Les Thomas, Councilmember AYES: Troutner, Boyce, Fincher, Michaud, Thomas AWAY: Kaur, Larimer 4. DEPARTMENT PRESENTATIONS A. INFO ONLY: Coronavirus Update Chief Administrative Officer, Derek Matheson provided an update on the Coronavirus. On March 6th, Mayor Ralph proclaimed a state of emergency in response to Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Minutes March 10, 2020 Kent, Washington Page 2 of 6 the Covid-19 Coronavirus. This proclamation allows for the city to contract quickly and also preserves the ability to seek federal and state funding. The City activated the emergency coordination center on a planning level that will focus on developing action plans to implement the Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan. The Kent Senior Center has been closed and the City is waiting for guidance from the Governor regarding any new rules regarding large events. Matheson advised of facility cleaning protocols and indicated employees have been advised to work with their manager and Human Resources if they have concerns over being at work. Boards and commissions have been advised they have the City's support if they need to cancel meetings. Matheson provided an update on the quarantine facility. The City continues to press the county to develop a plan and answer the City's questions regarding public safety. The City's wants to ensure this is a temporary facility and that the proper permits are obtained. The County needs to make sure the facility, although it's a voluntary isolation and quarantine facility, does not become a come and go facility. The City is interested in seeking eek reimbursement of police and fire services. Matheson advised of a number of King County Councilmembers that are supporting a County budget amendment regarding this facility. Matheson provided details on the legal action the City has taken to seek a temporary restraining order. Matheson advised why the City did not file the legal action in federal court. Matheson indicated local business owners have hired attorneys and public relation firms. The City will support that group as appropriate. Matheson expressed appreciation of city employees and Mayor Ralph expressed her appreciation of all the work Matheson has done since this issue arose. Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Minutes March 10, 2020 Kent, Washington Page 3 of 6 Mayor Ralph knows and understands Kent has a role to play in the curbing of this virus, but residents are our number one priority. Mayor asked the County to include Kent in conversations and treat Kent as partner, not an afterthought. Today we are waiting for a scheduled update - no information has been provided by the County since Friday. Mayor Ralph understands the County is overwhelmed, but that does not excuse not having open conversations with Kent. Mayor indicated King County Health has been evaluating the facility for a long-term quarantine facility without any engagement from Kent. All of Kent’s concerns have not been met. Mayor thanked residents for their support and she will continue to be open and transparent. Councilmembers expressed their concern that this is an equity and social justice issue and are having a hard time understanding how King County can believe that a quarantine facility should be located in a population center. Council President Troutner expressed her appreciation of the leadership team for all of their hard work. B. Amendment to T-Mobile Telecom Lease Agreement for Wilson Playfields - Authorize Deputy Parks Director, Brian Levenhagen provided details on the Amendment to the T-Mobile Telecom Lease Agreement for Wilson Playfields. The original lease began in 2005 and the current amendment increases the fee to $36,000/year. Revenue is applied to the Parks operating budget. MOTION: Authorize the Mayor to execute a second amendment to the telecom lease agreement with T-Mobile at Wilson Playfields, extending the lease five years with three additional five-year extension options, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Parks Director and City Attorney. Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Minutes March 10, 2020 Kent, Washington Page 4 of 6 RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL BY CONSENSUS Next: 3/17/2020 7:00 PM C. Property Transaction: Road and Right-of-Way Deed and Easements to the City of Covington - Authorize Property and Acquisition Analyst, Cheryl Rolcik-Wilcox presented details on the property transaction - Road and Right-of-Way and Easements to the City of Covington. Tim LaPorte advised that if any trees or shrubs are removed in the right - of-way area, Covington will mitigate for any vegetation removed. MOTION: Authorize the Mayor to sign a warranty deed to the City of Covington for a 4,713-foot portion of King County Tax Parcel No. 362205-9184, along with a wall easement, an access easement, and a temporary construction easement on the same parcel, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Public Works Director and City Attorney. RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL BY CONSENSUS Next: 3/17/2020 7:00 PM D. Grant Acceptance - Pedestrian Crossing on West James Street at Second Avenue North - Authorize Design Engineer, Drew Holcomb provided details on the pedestrian crossing on West James Street at Second Avenue North and advised the City applied for and was awarded funding in the amount of $274,683 to design and construct a mid-block pedestrian crossing. MOTION: Authorize the Mayor to sign the System Access Fund Project Agreement between the City of Kent and the Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority for the West James Street at Second Avenue crossing improvements, to accept the funds and amend the budget to authorize the expenditure of the grant funds, subject to final grant terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL BY CONSENSUS Next: 3/17/2020 7:00 PM E. 2020 City Art Plan and Five Year City Art Plan (2020-2024) - Approve Parks Department Program Manager, Rhonda Billerbeck provided information on the 2020 City Art Plan and Five-Year Art Plan. Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Minutes March 10, 2020 Kent, Washington Page 5 of 6 Since 1985, the City prepares art plans on an annual and 5-year basis. Billerbeck reviewed the list of new and continuing art projects in addition to beginning on the Kent Valley Loop Trail plan. There will be some artwork in the green spaces around the Fourth and Willis roundabout project. Billerbeck detailed where the funds come from to support the art plans. MOTION: Approve the 2020 City Art Plan and Five Year City Art Plan for 2020-2024. RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL BY CONSENSUS Next: 3/17/2020 7:00 PM F. Payment of Bills - Approve The Council reviewed the payment of bills presented by Finance Director, Paula Painter. MOTION: Approve the Payment of Bills received through 2/15/20 and paid on 2/15/20, and received through 2/29/20 and paid on 2/29/20, and approve checks issued for payroll 2/1/20-2/15/20 and paid on 2/20/20, and checks issued for payroll 2/16/20-2/29/20 and paid on 3/5/20, and audited by the Committee of the Whole on 3/10/20. RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL BY CONSENSUS Next: 3/17/2020 7:00 PM G. Executive Session i. Current or Potential Litigation, as per RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) At 4:40 p.m., the council went into executive session. At 4:55 p.m., Matheson extended executive session for 5 more minutes. At 5:00 p.m., Matheson extended executive session for 5 more minutes At 5:05 p.m., Matheson extended executive session for 5 more minutes At 5:10 p.m., Matheson extended executive session for 5 more minutes At 5:16 p.m., the council reconvened into open session. 5. ADJOURNMENT With no action following executive session, Council President Troutner adjourned the meeting. Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Minutes March 10, 2020 Kent, Washington Page 6 of 6 Meeting ended at 5:18 p.m. Kimberley A. Komoto City Clerk City of Covington Property Acquisition from Kent   SR 516 (SE 272nd) between Jenkins Creek at 185th Pl SE Portions of King County Tax  Parcel  No. 362205‐9184 Parcel No. 362205‐9184 SOUND TRANSIT SYSTEM ACCESS GRANT Drew Holcomb Committee of the Whole March 10, 2020 GRANT DETAILS: ST3 System Access Program Up to $10 million available for the South King subarea Program years: 2019-2025 Eligible sponsors: Cities, King County, and King County Metro 2 projects per sponsor Preliminary Engineering & Construction only No local match required W JAMES STREET BICYCLE & PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS