HomeMy WebLinkAboutHR1993-0113 - Original - Kent Firefighters Local 1747, IAFF - 1993-1994 Collective Bargaining Agreement - Addendum for Contract Reopener for Wages, Health Insurance Benefits and Extension of Contract Through 12/31/1995 AGREEMENT by and between CITY OF KENT and KENT FIREFIGHTERS LOCAL 1747, IAFF regarding An addendum to the existing collective bargaining Agreement between the parties, for the purpose of settling the 1993-1994 contract reopener for wages and health insurance benefits and the extension of this contract through December 31, 1995. It is agreed between the parties, as denoted by signatures below, that the following terms and conditions shall prevail: 1. WAGES-Over the duration of the 1993-1994 contract period and the proposed 1995 extension period, regular employees shall receive COLA and equity increases as follows: Effective January 1, 1994 5.5% Effective January 1, 1995 Base salaries shall increase by an amount equal to 100% of the Seattle area CPI-W, July 1993 to July 1994, which is equal to 3.5%. Effective July 1, 1995 1.0% Effective January 1, 1995, the City will match employees' contributions in the City's voluntary Deferred Compensation program two for one to a maximum of$480.00 per year. eg. For every $1 an employee defers, the City will match $2 until the maximum of $480.00 matching is reached. 2. INSURANCE - City's health proposal (see attached). Dependent premiums will remain as specified unless mutually changed by the parties. 3. HEALTH REFORM REOPENER - The City or Union may reopen this Agreement to the extent necessary to ensure compliance with federal or state health care reform. No other sections of this Agreement are subject to being reopened at that time without the mutual consent of the parties. 4. KELLY DAY-It is mutually agreed that the City shall maintain the right to schedule the 1 Ith Kelly Day in 1995 in such a way as to best meet the needs and demands of the department's operational effectiveness. 5. AGREEMENT ON LANGUAGE - The following language changes have been agreed on by both parties. They will supersede those in the current 1993-1994 contract. Subsection 11.4.2 - Minimum Hours The minimum number of hours allowed to be taken on vacation or holiday shall be two (2). Section 12.3 - Lay-Offs It is the inherent right of the City to determine if and when it is in the best interest of the City to lay-off or reduce in force. In the event the City chooses to do so, employees shall be laid off in inverse order to their length of service to the City. Should a lay-off be severe enough to require demotions in the higher ranks, employees shall be demoted in inverse order to their attaining that rank. Demoted employees shall be demoted to the rank that they held immediately prior to the promotion. A separate list of laid off personnel shall be kept in order of seniority for future hiring. When authorization is given to fill a position, the personnel on the laid off list shall have precedence over any applicable Civil Service Entry List. If a person is offered a position in their former position class,but declines to accept it,that name will be removed from the list. The layoff list will stay in effect until each individual has been offered an opportunity to be rehired in the former position class. Similar lists shall remain in effect for demotions in affected classes as a result of layoffs. These lists shall be administered, (e.g. life of list, removal of names), the same as the layoff list with the most senior to the promoted class being promoted first. These lists shall take precedence over new Civil Service candidate promotional lists. ARTICLE 13 - INSURANCE BENEFITS Subsection 13.2.1 - LEOFF I Employees Remove "national" Section 13.6 - Life Insurance Add "to a maximum of$50,000" to the end of the second sentence. Section 13.7 - Medical Examinations The Department's adopted health maintenance program or a modification thereof includes a physical fitness program as well as a program of regularly scheduled medical evaluations based on the risk level of employees. The program shall allow members of the bargaining unit to request a medical evaluation by the Department physician if in their opinion the need arises. Upon request, the Department physician shall perform an examination reasonable and appropriate for the condition causing the request. The results of this examination shall be kept confidential by the physician, the Fire Chief or designee, and the Human Resources Director or Human Resources staff. Prior to notifying the Fire Department of the results of the examination and any tests conducted,the employee shall be notified of the same in a timely manner, unless in the physician's opinion, immediate notification of the Department is necessary. Subject to federal and state laws, no information shall be released to any other party without prior written permission by the employee, for each requested release of information. The Department shall also be bound by these privacy provisions. The physician shall only be allowed to provide to the Department information which relates to the employee's medical fitness for duty according to the adopted medical standards of the Department. ARTICLE 16 - MANAGEMENT RIGHTS Add the following paragraph to present language: It is further recognized that the City's fire command group works together closely, and that this results in the frequent exchange and sharing of tasks between the Assistant Chiefs and others in the Fire Department management group. The Fire Department management group shall consist of the Fire Chief, Assistant Chiefs and Battalion Chiefs. The parties agree that this sharing of tasks and responsibilities is beneficial, and that the City fire command group may continue to operate in this fashion. Section 20.2 - Contract Modification Either the Union representatives or the City representatives may initiate discussion of any subject of a general nature affecting the operation of the Department or its employees. However, at any session which involves the interpretation or application of the terms of this agreement, or any contemplated modifications thereof, no such terms or changes shall be made without the review and approval of the Human Resources Director nor shall such terms or changes be made without review and approval of the Union. Nothing in the section shall be construed to limit,restrict, or reduce the management prerogatives outlined in this agreement. The provisions of this section may only be used by mutual agreement of the City and the Union. ARTICLE 29 - PERSONNEL FILES Personnel files maintained by the Fire Department and the City are the property of the City. Subject to federal and state law,the City agrees that the contents of the personnel files shall be kept confidential and shall restrict the use of any information in the files to the internal use of the Fire Department and the City, for the management of the Department and its employees. The Mayor and City Operations Director shall have the right to review all personnel files of the members of the bargaining unit, and in such cases written notification shall be given to the affected employee. The personnel records held by the Civil Service Commission will not be subject to this proviso. Subject to federal and state law, it is further agreed that information obtained from personnel files shall be kept confidential, and the employee shall be advised of any other release of information contained in these files as a result of any due process or legal proceedings. Nothing in this section shall prevent an employee from viewing any of their personnel or medical files in their entirety. Such review shall be conducted in the presence of the Chief or his designee, or the Human Resources Director or staff, if such review is of human resource files. Materials, documents, or records will not be removed from an employee's files by the employee. Duplication of materials in the folder shall be done only by the Fire Chief, Human Resources Director, or their staff designees. APPENDIX "B" The City shall be required to furnish the following clothing and equipment for each employee covered under this contract in accordance with current practice. Medical - Add new language: The IAFF agrees to participate in the City' s Health Care Task Force. Any changes in health plans of the City which are agreed upon by the Task Force may be implemented by the City, except that any increase in premiums paid by employees must be approved by the Union before implementation. If a package of revisions includes increased employee premium costs, the package may not be implemented until the Union approves the change in the employee premiums. Signed this/_day of -cam , 1995, at Kent, Washington. CITY OF KENT KENT FIREFIGHTERS LOCAL 1747, IAFF BY BY Ji ite, Willits, Iffyor resident BY BY CLL &�t� Sue Viseth, Mike Moore, Human Resources Director Secretary Approved as Negotiated: Approved as to form: BY Rick Cox BY �''" Roger Lubovich, City Attorney BY Phil Herr ra BY Bob Loveless BY Greg Markley Jw a Ra CITY OF KENT FIREFIGHTERS 1995 Employee Health & Welfare Rates per Month PRUDENT BUYER (PPO) Employee Only . 00 Employee & Spouse 15 . 00 Employee & Child(ren) Only 10 . 00 Family 25 . 00 TRADITIONAL Employee Only . 00 Employee & Spouse 58 . 00 Employee & Child (ren) Only 46 . 00 Family 115 . 00 GROUP HEALTH Employee Only . 00 Employee & Spouse 34 . 00 Employee & Child (ren) Only 21 . 00 Family 80 . 00