HomeMy WebLinkAboutPK17-434 - Amendment - #4 - KPFF - Salt Air Vista Park - Drainage Improvement Design - Expanding Scope of Work - 02/16/2020 Agreement Routing Form • For Approvals,Signatures and Records Management KENT pp 9 g Director This form combines&replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms.W A 5 H I N G T o N (Print on pink or cherry colored paper) Manager,_ �_ Originator: Department: LynnOsborn for Bryan Higgins Parks Date Sent: Date Required: > 1/28/2020 Soonest possible please 0 QAuthorized to Sign: Date of Council Approval: Q ❑ Director or Designee El Mayor N/A Budget Account Number: Grant? ❑Yes El No P21046 Budget? 0 Yes ❑ No Type: Vendor Name: Category: KPFF Consulting Engineers Contract Vendor Number: Sub-Category: 34233 Amendment 0 Project Name: Salt Air Vista Park Renovation Amendment#4 E = Project Details:expanding scope to include design, construction documents, permitting & *, bid assistance c Go E Agreement Amount: $167,984.00-NEW Basis for Selection of Contractor: Other 40 i Start Date: 08/10/2017 Termination Date: 12/31/2021 - NEW Im Q Local Business? ❑Yes 0 No* *If meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100,please complete"Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions"form on Cityspoce. Notice required prior to disclosure? Contract Number: ❑Yes 0 No PK17-434 '10" 1 -,r .A 1_ FV c d yrE M Comments: .. . LJ O LU KENT LAW DEPT CEIVED M Cn Date Routed to the Mayor's Office: Vf Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office: adccw223731_2s Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agree it • KENT WASHING-1 AMENDMENT NO. 4 NAME OF CONSULTANT OR VENDOR: KPFF Consulting Engineers CONTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER: Salt Air Vista Park Drainage Improvements, #PK20-07 ORIGINAL AGREEMENT DATE: 8/10/2017 This Amendment is made between the City and the above-referenced Consultant or Vendor and amends the original Agreement and all prior Amendments. All other provisions of the original Agreement or prior Amendments not inconsistent with this Amendment shall remain in full force and effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, Consultant or Vendor's work is modified as follows: 1. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, the Consultant or Vendor shall: As described in attached Exhibit A, incorporated herein, consultant shall provide design services, produce construction documents and assist with permitting and bidding for the Salt Air Vista Park Renovation project. 2. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Time of Completion," and Section III, 'Compensation," are modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, $48,865.00 including applicable WSST Net Change by Previous Amendments $0.00 including applicable WSST Current Contract Amount $48,865.00 including all previous amendments Current Amendment Sum $119,119.00 Applicable WSST Tax on this $0.00 Amendment Revised Contract Sum $167,984.00 AMENDMENT - 1 OF 2 Original Time for Completion 06/30/2018 (insert date) Revised Time for Completion under 01/31/2020 prior Amendments (insert date) Add'I Days Required (f) for this 335 calendar days Amendment Revised Time for Completion 12/31/2021 (insert date) The Consultant or Vendor accepts all requirements of.this Amendment by signing below, by its signature waives any protest or claim it may have regarding this Amendment, and acknowledges and accepts that this Amendment constitutes full payment and final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connected with any work either covered or affected by this Amendment, including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost profits. This Amendment, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve the Consultant or Vendor from strict compliance with the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original Agreement. All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Amendments (if any), and this Amendment, prior to the effective date of this Amendment, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement, previous Amendments (if any), and this Amendment shall be deemed to have applied. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this Amendment, which is binding on the parties of this contract. IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Amendment, which will become effective on the last date written below. CONSULTANT/VEN R: CITY OF KENT: J/)ZBy: � By: (signature) (signature) Print Name: �+ U4L-4� M- ARMOWe Print Name: Dana Ralph Its A6&>Q -r Its Ma or (title) title) DATE: /' Z$' DATE: ATTEST: APPR ED AS TO FORM: (applica Mayor's signature required) I Kent City Clerk Ke a Department P:\Planning\Salt Air Vista Park\2017 Drainage\Drainage Imp,Design-KPFF-AMENDMENT a4 AMENDMENT - 2 OF 2 EXHIBIT A 1Tff January 24, 2020 Mr. Bryan Higgins Park Capital Project Manager Parks Planning and Development 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 Subject: City of Kent Salt Air Vista Park Renovation Revised Design Services Scope and Fee Proposal Dear Mr. Higgins: We are pleased to provide you and the City of Kent Parks Planning and Development Division this proposal for design services for the Renovation of Salt Air Vista Park. This proposal describes the anticipated services to be provided to the City of Kent by KPFF Consulting Engineers (KPFF) and our subconsultants Hough Beck & Baird, Inc. (HBB) and GeoEngineers, Inc. This proposal is based on the project scope as discussed during our conference call with you and Terry Jungman from City of Kent Parks, Juliet Vong of HBB, and myself on December 10, 2019 and on January 10, 2020, and from subsequent correspondence following these calls. Project Background Salt Air Vista Park is located at 24615 2611 Place S in Kent, Washington. The park was designed in 1999 by Hough Beck & Baird and constructed that same year. Assisting HBB, KPFF provided civil engineering services. The park is bounded by City of Kent property to the west and south, 26th Place S. (developed and undeveloped right-of-way) to the east, and S. 24611 Street to the north. Park improvements generally consists of: • A lawn area with concrete mow-strip perimeter, and concrete sidewalk leading to a wooded trail connecting to S. 248th Street • A playground area with play/climbing equipment, bark surfacing, and perimeter concrete sitting wall • Concrete plaza area connecting the intersection of 26th Place S. and S. 246th Street to the sidewalk and wooded trail • Perimeter fencing along S. 246th Street and along the south edge of the plaza • Small plaza area and partial perimeter wall located on S. 248th Street serving as an entry to the wooded trail • Graveled landscape area including drainage pipe discharging west of the park Mr. Bryan Higgins EXHIBIT A(Continued) January 24, 2020 Page 2 The northern most portion of street frontage along 26th Place S. is comprised of approximately 80 feet of gravel roadway surface with non-standard curb and gutter, rolled curbing, and sidewalk along the west side of the right-of-way. The remainder of the right-of-way is mostly unimproved, consisting of grass and both understory and mature trees. In 2017 the City identified storm drainage erosion issues at the park. The four primary areas showing significant signs of erosion were: 1. The eastern and southern edge of the park, where off-site run-on has eroded a channel along the exterior of the existing concrete mow-strip. 2. The transition from the concrete paved sidewalk to the wooded trail at the southwest corner of the park, where small culverts have been undermined, exposed, and have become a hazard to park users. 3. The western edge of the park, where stormwater has undermined a portion of the sidewalk 4. The steep slope along the western edge of the developed portion of the park property. As stormwater has been conveyed across the site to the steep slope it has eroded an unstable, incised channel. The City of Kent contracted with KPFF in 2017 to assess causes of the erosion and to design drainage improvements to address these issues. Assessment focused on identifying drainage boundaries and stormwater flow from upstream of the park; design focused on the south and east sides of the property to intercept off-site run-on and convey it across the developed portion of the park to a stabilized outfall west of the steep slope. Storm drainage improvement plans were completed to an approximately 30% level of design. Delineating upstream drainage boundaries was impacted by the lack of plan and drainage report information associated with stormwater collection and conveyance from Pacific Highway S (SR 99/509) located east of the site. Field investigations conducted by KPFF and City Parks and Public Works staff were able to identify the apparent source of stormwater as originating from a flow control structure located just north of S 2461h Street in the southbound lanes of Pacific Highway. Stormwater from this structure ultimately discharges behind commercial properties along Pacific Highway to an outfall east of the park. Project Understanding The City of Kent has requested that KPFF and our subconsultants HBB and GeoEngineers prepare this scope and fee proposal to complete the design of the drainage improvements in conjunction with park renovation improvements to be bid as a single project. Construction is anticipated to occur in 2021. In general, the proposed improvements to the park are anticipated to include: • Replacement of the existing playground. • Add swings or another active play element to the park. • Improve sight lines and safety in the park. • Improve the trail connection through the woods from the park to S 24811 Street and provide for up to two (2) linear activation areas within the woods. • Enhance the street entrance on S 248th Street to provide a sense of arrival and connection to the park. • Completion of storm drainage design to address ongoing erosion. Drainage improvements will include a new swale along the southern boundary of the park to convey stormwater to a piped outfall. KPFF and HBB will work together to integrate storm drainage improvements within the landscape of the park. Mr. Bryan Higgins EXHIBIT A(Continued) January 24, 2020 Page 3 • Small pedestrian bridge over the drainage improvements to connect the park to the wooded trail, and other visual enhancements of the drainage improvements where feasible. • Stabilization of the steep slope where significant erosion has occurred. Slope stabilization will be designed in conjunction with our subconsultant GeoEngineers and their recommendations. In addition to design of the park improvements, KPFF and HBB will provide the following services: • Public Involvement— Public involvement will be limited to two meetings with the immediate neighborhood. Meetings will focus on 1) review of initial design concepts and potential play elements and 2) review the preferred design of the park improvements before finalizing construction documents. HBB will lead this effort for the consultant team. The first meeting will be organized and facilitated by HBB. The second meeting will be organized and facilitated by the City. HBB will prepare graphic materials for both meetings as outlined in the scope of services below. • HBB will develop an on-line survey to help facilitate broader participation in public events for both meetings. On-line survey will be developed with SurveyMonkey on-line software and distributed by the City. Scope of Services 1. Project Management a. Coordination and consultation: We will provide coordination, documentation and correspondence with City of Kent's staff to support project progress and communications, including: 1. Up to four(4) project coordination meetings to be held at the offices of Parks Planning and Development for discussion of project progress, planning and design details, and permitting requirements. Meetings are anticipated to occur on a bi-monthly basis at the following milestones: project kick-off, 30% design, 75% design, and Final design. 2. Two (2) site visits. Site visits are expected to include, as necessary, the City of Kent, HBB, KPFF, and GeoEngineers. The first visit is anticipated at the start of 30% design to validate current conditions and identify opportunities and constraints, the second visit is anticipated to focus on drainage related issues as necessary. 3. Coordination with City of Kent Parks Planning and Development. 4. Regular telephone and email correspondence as needed. For purposes of this proposal we have included project coordination conference calls to be scheduled on a bi-weekly basis. 5. Tracking and review of action items, status updates, due dates. 6. General project guidance and facilitation of decision making. b. Invoicing to be completed monthly. c. Preparation of a project schedule for analysis and engineering services, and preparation of updates as project work progresses. d. Quality assurance and quality control reviews completed by KPFF staff and its subconsultants at appropriate intervals during the progressive completion of the work, prior to submittal of deliverables to Kent Parks Planning and Development. 2. 30% Design a. During the 30% Design phase KPFF, HBB, and GeoEngineers will provide the following services: Mr. Bryan Higgins EXHIBIT A(Continued) January 24, 2020 Page 4 1. Visit the site and evaluate existing opportunities and constraints, soil conditions, and existing vegetation; 2. Identify potential locations along the trail for activation elements and flag proposed trail alignment; 3. Develop one (1) concept design for playground layout, trail activation features, and other proposed park improvements including drainage improvements; 4. Review and update previously developed drainage design to better integrate it into proposed park improvements, 5. Develop concept level site stabilization measures to address erosion including concept level details, 6. Review conceptual design with City and revise based on comments received; 7. Prepare presentation drawings to include a color-rendered site plan, trail and park section(s), and photo boards representing different potential play or activation features, 8. Prepare for and attend public workshop #1; 9. Prepare on-line survey to support additional feedback based on outreach goals; 10. Revise outreach materials one (1) time based on City review, 11. Prepare schematic level plans for park improvements based on feedback during the Public Outreach #1 process and any additional City review comments. Plans are expected to include: • Site schematic plan • Site schedule and details • Planting plan (general plant massing, limit of restoration, and tree locations) • Planting schedule and details • Schematic storm drain plan • Schematic storm drain details 12. Prepare rough order-of-magnitude (ROM) estimates for conceptual design, 3. 75% Design a. During the 75% Design phase, KPFF, HBB, and GeoEngineers will advance the schematic design documents for the improvements and restoration measures described above providing additional detail and refinement to the design, including: 1. Civil/Landscape plans showing layout, type, size and location of proposed improvements; 2. Enlarged plans, sections, and details as appropriate to depict the configuration, materials and features of the proposed improvements; 3. Prepare Targeted Drainage Review documents; 4. Update color-rendered site plan based on 75% design for City use in public workshop#2 or other outreach activities, 5. Prepare on-line survey to support additional feedback based on outreach goals; 6. Revise outreach materials one (1)time based on City review, 7. Review permit checklists per applicable City departments to assist City in completing permit applications, documents, and materials. Provide exhibits and responses to technical questions that may be included in the permit applications. Mr. Bryan Higgins EXH I BIT A(Continued) January 24, 2020 Page 5 8. Prepare Draft Technical Specifications in CSI format based on 75% design documents; specifications will be provided in MS Word format; 9. Opinion of Probable Cost prepared at 75% level of completion for the construction documents. 4. Final Design a. Based on comments received from the City and relevant permitting agencies, prepare a final drawing and technical specification package for the site improvements associated with the measures described above. Documents will be developed to a level of detail to adequately describe the work and guide the completion of construction. Construction documents will include: 1. Civil/Landscape plans showing layout, type, size and location of proposed improvements; 2. Enlarged plans, sections, and details as appropriate to depict the configuration, materials and features of the proposed improvements, 3. Technical specifications in CSI format based on 100% level design documents; technical specifications will be provided in MS Word format. 4. Opinion of Probable Cost prepared at 100% level of completion for the construction documents. 5. Bidding a. During the Bidding phase of the project KPFF and HBB will provide the following services. For purposes of this proposal it is assumed that the City will take the lead role on Bidding. 1. Participate in pre-bid conference; 2. Prepare written responses to bidder questions on technical items, it is assumed that substitutions will not be considered during the bidding phase. 6. Construction Support(Future Amendment) a. Support services during the construction phase are not included in this proposal. KPFF anticipates that we will support the City during the construction phase of the project; however, these services will be negotiated as a future amendment to the scope of services when the appropriate level of Construction Support Services can be defined. 7. Interpretative Signage Panels (Optional Service) a. If desired, KPFF can provide a fee proposal to provide presentation graphics and artwork to support installation of interpretive signs with the park focusing on the activation and wayfinding elements along the trail and/or stormwater elements within the park. See HBB proposal (attached) for additional details. 8. RCO Grant Support(Optional Service) a. If desired, KPFF can provide a fee proposal to provide presentation graphics to support an RCO grant application for WWRP and LWCF grant programs. See HBB proposal (attached)for additional details. 9. Sustainable Sites Initiative Certification (Optional Service) a. If desired, KPFF can provide a fee proposal to provide written documentation and exhibits required to submit the project through USGBC's Sustainable SITES Initiative program to achieve SITES certification. See HBB proposal (attached) for additional details. Mr. Bryan Higgins EXHIBIT A(Continued) January 24, 2020 Page 6 Assumptions The following assumptions were used in preparation of this scope and fee proposal: 1. Supplemental topographic survey will be performed by the City of Kent. Survey will be suitable for design purposes and will locate and map existing above and below grade features at the park, with topography mapped at a 1-ft contour interval. Generally, the survey will encompass the developed park site beyond that previously surveyed by KPFF if required, and the wooded trail up to and including the entry area at S. 24811 Street. Survey will be provided to KPFF in AutoCAD format. 2. Arborist and environmental services, if required, will be provided by the City of Kent or under separate contract. 3. City of Kent will provide all noticing, mailing, and logistical set-up for any public meetings as well as flyers, sign-in sheet and comment cards. 4. Proposal includes consultant participation in public workshop#1 only. Consultant participation for public workshop#2 is limited to preparing a color-rendered site plan and the on-line survey. The City will be responsible for leading all public meetings public including workshop#1. The City is responsible for leading and preparing presentations for all City Council and Parks & Recreation Commission meetings. 5. Site furnishings, play equipment, and signage will be off-the-shelf and/or City standard products. No custom design elements are anticipated. 6. Trail design will be limited to centerline alignment staked and surveyed in the field with a typical section. No detailed grading, drainage, or surfacing plan will be needed. 7. Design documents prepared as part of the proposed work will be adequate for use in presentations. No presentation specific documents (ie PowerPoint)will be required. 8. Reuse of existing irrigation equipment is assumed. Any required irrigation work will be by the contractor through a performance specification only. Irrigation schedule and typical details will be provided. 9. Planting will be limited to mulch or seed restoration and a single native plant restoration shrub mix. Individual tree planting locations will be provided by HBB. 10. The project improvements will trigger a Targeted Drainage Review, per the 2017 City of Kent Surface Water Design Manual. 11. All permitting, SEPA Checklist, permit applications, and coordination will be the responsibility of the City of Kent. KPFF will provide supporting data for the permitting process upon request, including plans and/or calculations required to show compliance with the Targeted Drainage Review. Permitting and review fees will be paid by the City. 12. No lighting or electrical improvements will be required. 13. Design documents will be prepared so that all improvements can be constructed as a single construction contract. 14. City of Kent will prepare the Project Manual including Division 0 and 1 specification sections. 15. Bidding and construction support services and services noted as optional will be accomplished under a separate scope and fee proposal. 16. City of Kent will provide arboricultural services if needed. 17. Delineation, mapping and consultation regarding wetlands, if required, will be performed by others. 18. Field monitoring or data collection for water quality, hydraulic or hydrologic conditions will not be required. Mr. Bryan Higgins EXHIBIT A(Continued) January 24, 2020 Page 7 Deliverables KPFF will provide the following deliverables: 1. Electronic files for AutoCAD format construction drawings, including external reference files. 2. Signed and stamped construction drawings in electronic pdf format for 11x17 drawing size. To the extent possible KPFF will format these drawings to be under 12 MB in size. 3. Signed and stamped construction drawings printed full size. 4. Electronic files for technical specifications in Word and PDF format. 5. Engineers cost estimate in electronic Microsoft Excel and PDF format. Schedule We propose to commence with the work upon execution of a mutually agreeable contract amendment with the City of Kent Parks Planning and Development Department. A general schedule of the work is anticipated to be: 1. Kick-off Meeting with City of Kent— 1 week after NTP 2. Site Visit with City (including City Surveyor), HBB, KPFF, and GeoEngineers-2 weeks after NTP 3. Complete 30% Design —8 weeks after NTP 4. Public Workshop No.1 —approximately 6 weeks after start of 30% Design 5. Complete 75% Design — 16 weeks after completion of 30% Design 6. Public Workshop No. 2—approximately 6 weeks after start of 75% Design 7. Permit Submittal by City—City review assumed at 6 weeks. 8. Complete Final Bid Design —4 weeks after receipt of Permit Comments These milestones should be considered tentative pending completion of Schematic Design. Fee Proposal We understand that the services outlined above will be provided as an amendment to our existing contract with the City of Kent. A breakout of work tasks and estimated costs for KPFF and our subconsultants Hough Beck& Baird and GeoEngineers is included in the attached spreadsheet and their proposals. Our fee estimate for the described Scope of Work is summarized below. Please note that Task 6 Construction Support Services will be accomplished by contract amendment upon completion of other tasks and project authorization. KPFF, HBB, and GeoEngineers will be pleased to provide a Scope and Fee Proposal for Tasks 7-9 should the City desire pursuing these services. Mr. Bryan Higgins EXHIBIT A(Continued) January 24, 2020 Page 8 Task 1 —Project Management KPFF Consulting Engineers $7,575 Subconsultant—Hough Beck & Baird (including $15,050 expenses) Subconsultant Markup $1,204 KPFF Reimbursable Expenses $500 Total Estimated Fee $24,329 Task 2—30% Design KPFF Consulting Engineers $10,560 Subconsultant—Hough Beck & Baird $11,690 Subconsultant Markup $935 Total Estimated Fee $23,185 Task 3—75% Design KPFF Consulting Engineers $21,388 Subconsultant—Hough Beck & Baird $17,860 Subconsultant—GeoEngineers $8,138 Subconsultant Markup $2,080 Total Estimated Fee $49,466 Task 4—Final Design KPFF Consulting Engineers $14,550 Subconsultant—Hough Beck & Baird $3,425 Subconsultant Markup $274 Total Estimated Fee $18,249 Task 5—Bidding KPFF Consulting Engineers $2,000 Subconsultant—Hough Beck& Baird $1,750 Subconsultant Markup $140 Total Estimated Fee $3,890 Services will be invoiced at the hourly rates shown in the attached schedule. A breakdown of anticipated tasks and effort is attached. Mr. Bryan Higgins EXHIBIT A(Continued) January 24, 2020 Page 9 We are excited about working with you on this project and we are ready to begin this work immediately, please call me if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, William M.Armour, PE, LEED AP Associate Cc: Steve Kingsley, KPFF Juliet Vong, HBB Lyle Stone, GeoEngineers Enclosures Salt Air Vista Park Renovation City of Kent Parks,Planning,and Development EXHIBIT A(Continued) Revised Estimate of Fees January 24,2020 KPFF Principal Project Prof. Design CAD Admin Total Professional Services Manager Engineer Engineer Tech. Hours KPFF Fee $227 $200 $160 $140 $112 $85 Task 1-Project Management Preparation of work schedules and updates 4 4 $800 Invoicing 3 3 6 $855 Coordination and progress meetings(4) 8 8 $1,600 Conference Calls(8) 8 8 $1,600 General Coordination with Design Team 8 8 16 $2,720 Task 2-30%Design Site Visits(2) 4 4 8 $1,360 Prepare for and Attend Public Workshop#1 2 2 4 $680 Update Base Sheet with City Provided Suvey 1 4 5 $760 Update Site Plan with Proposed Improvements 2 8 10 $1,520 Prepare Stormwater Conveyance and Soil Stabilization Plan and Details 2 16 18 $2,640 Stormwater Modeling 2 12 14 $2,080 Prepare ROM Level Cost Estimate 121 181 1 1 10 $1,520 Task 3-75%Design Preparation of 75%Plan and Details Coversheet,General Notes,Site Survey(3 Sheets) 2 8 8 18 $2,416 Demolition and TESC Plan and Details(2 Sheets) 1 4 8 13 $1,656 Stormwater Plan(1) 2 8 8 18 $2,416 Stormwater Notes,Details. Profiles,and Sections(4) 2 16 16 34 $4A32 Preparation of Targeted Drainage Review Documents 41 24 16 44 $5,952 Technical Specifications(CSI Format) 4 4 8 $1,140 Preparation of 75%Cost Estimate 2 4 8 $1,856 Permit Support 2 8 10 $1,520 Task 4-Final Bid Documents Preparation of Final Plan and Details Coversheet.General Notes,Site Survey(3 Sheets) 2 2 4 8 $1,128 Demolition and TESC Plan and Details(2 Sheets) 2 2 4 8 $1,128 Stormwater Plan(1) 2 4 8 14 $1,856 Stormwater Notes, Details.Profiles,and Sections(4) 2 4 8 14 $1,856 Respond to Permit Comments 21 41 8 14 $1,856 Technical Specifications(CSI Format) 4 8 12 $1,480 Preparation of Engineers Estimate 4 4 8 8 24 $2,936 QC Review 2 2 4 8 16 $2,310 Task 5-Bid Support Attend Pre-bid Meeting 2 $400 Respond to Bidder Questions 8 8 $1,600 Subtotal-KPFF Services $56,073 Subconsultant Services Hough Beck&Baird $49,775 GeoEngineers,Inc. $8,138 Subconsultant Markup(8%) $4,633 Subtotal Subconsultants $62,546 Expenses-KPFF Mileage and reproduction $500 Subtotal Expenses $500 Grand Total-Services and Expenses $119,119 EXHIBIT A(Continued) 1q:yff KPFF CONSULTING ENGINEERS Special Projects Division FEE SCHEDULE for PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES Rates are effective January 1, 2020 and are subject to change January 1, 2021. Personnel Charges 2020 Hourly Rates Principal $227 Senior Project Manager $217 Project Manager $200 Senior Technical Specialist $210 Senior Engineer $180 Professional Engineer $160 Construction Project Manager $155 Design Engineer $140 Designer $120 Sr. CAD Technician $130 CAD Technician $112 Project Coordinator $115 Administration $85 Reimbursable Expenses Non-salary costs such as charges for express mail, delivery, photography, reproduction, automobile mileage, parking and client-directed out-of-town travel shall be reimbursed at cost without mark-up. Subconsultants The billings of subconsultants will be marked up 8%. EXHIBIT A(Continued) HBB LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 10 January 2020 Mr. Bryan Higgins Parks Capital Project Manager Parks, Planning and Development City of Kent 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, Washington 98032 RE: Salt Air Vista Park CD Scope and Fee Proposal Dear Bryan: •. ET Hough Beck&Baird Inc. (HBB) is pleased to submit this proposal to prepare construction documents for the renovation of Salt Air Vista Park. Having participated in over 150 park, playground and trail projects, including previous work at Salt Air Vista Park,we are confident that our office can provide the professional services required to make this project a success. CD We also appreciate the time spent reviewing this project with us at the site and we look forward to the opportunity to work with you and KPFF Consulting Engineers(KPFF)to further the design of the proposed park improvements. CD CD The scope of improvements proposed for the park generally include the following: • Replace the existing playground. • Add swings or another active play element to the park. co • Improve sight lines and safety in the park. CD • Improve the trail connection through the woods and provide for up to two(2)linear play activation within the SD woods. co • Enhance the street entrance on S 2481h Street and provide a sense of arrival and connection to the park. CP • Small pedestrian bridge over the drainage improvements to connect the programmed park area to the trail system with other visual enhancements of the drainage improvements where feasible. • Work with KPFF to incorporate storm drainage features that are contextual to a park setting and are integrated CP within the landscape. co Public involvement will be limited to two meetings with the immediate neighborhood to 1) review initial design concepts and potential play elements for the park; and 2) review the preferred design of the park improvements before finalizing construction documents. The city will take the lead role in the second meeting with HBB's role limited to an on-line survey CD only. Site furnishings, play equipment, and signage will be off-the-shelf and/or city standard products.Active elements within the park include sitting logs, stones and boulders, and small gathering or seating areas(no custom design co elements anticipated). The trail terminus at S 248th Street will be limited to an open gathering/picnic area. Construction of park improvements is anticipated to begin by Spring or Summer of 2021. City will provide a topographic survey,arborist, environmental, and any geotechnical services required for the project through a separate contract. HBB and KPFF will coordinate our work to ensure a cohesive design with KPFF acting as the prime consultant. City will provide all noticing, mailing, and logistical set-up for any public meetings, as well as Cr meeting flyer, sign-in sheet and comment cards.An on-line survey will be provided to help facilitated broader participationCD in public events. On-line survey will be developed by HBB with SurveyMonkey on-line software and distributed by the City. City will also be responsible for submitting all permits and any permit fees. HBB will support the permitting process with exhibits and technical information that may be required as part of the permit applications. The City will prepare the SEPA Checklist. Presentations to City Council, Parks&Recreation Commission, or neighborhood organizations will be by City utilizing graphics already prepared in the tasks below.Any translation of graphic materials to a PowerPoint presentation or other format will be by City. All meetings are assumed to be held in Kent unless otherwise stated. EXHIBIT A(Continued) Salt Air Vista Park 10 January 2020 Page 2 Electrical service and lighting will not be needed. Existing irrigation battery-operated controller, water meter, and point-of- connection will be reused to support park improvements and all proposed improvements to the irrigation system will be by the contractor through a performance specification (schedule and details only provided in the drawings).Additional wetland delineation or evaluation of other sensitive areas will not be required. Planting will be limited to mulch or seed restoration and a single native plant restoration shrub mix. Individual tree planting locations will be provided. Trail design will be limited to centerline alignment staked and surveyed in the field with a typical section. No detailed grading,drainage,or surfacing plan will be needed. Scope of Work TASK 1. PROJECT MANAGEMENT 1.1 Monthly Invoicing • Prepare and provide monthly reports with invoices. 1.2 Quality Control Reviews • Perform internal and interdisciplinary QC review at 30%, 60%, and Final Bid Document submittals. • Provide written responses to City comments received at each submittal. 1.3 Coordination/Review Meetings • Prepare for and attend bi-weekly coordination and/or review meetings throughout the duration of the project. It is assumed that these meetings will be conference call with web-based interface available. Meetings held in Kent will be limited to a bi-monthly basis. TASK 2:30%SUBMITTAL 2.1 Site Analysis • Visit the site and evaluate existing opportunities and constraints, soil conditions, and existing vegetation. Evaluation will be documented on hand-sketch or red-lined notes only. • Identify potential locations along the trail for activation elements and flag proposed trail alignment. 2.2 Conceptual Design Alternatives • Provide one alternative for playground layout,trail activation features, and other proposed park improvements. • Review the alternative with the City and revise based on comments received. • Prepare presentation drawings to include a color-rendered site plan,trail and park section(s), and photo boards representing different potential play or activation features. 2.3 Public Outreach#1 —HBB to lead and facilitate this meeting. • Prepare for and attend a public workshop. • Prepare on-line survey to support additional feedback based on outreach goals. • Revise outreach materials one(1)time based on City review. 2.4 30% Design • Provide a schematic plan for park improvements based on feedback received during the Public Outreach 41 process and any additional City review comments. • Revise presentation drawings based on preferred alternative and provide on-line survey for public comment. City will post preferred alternative on-line for public review and comment. No additional presentation, survey,or presentation materials will be required. • Develop 30%design documents based on preferred alternative to generally include: c Site schematic plan HBB EXHIBIT A(Continued) Salt Air Vista Park 10 January 2020 Page 3 o Site schedule and details o Planting plan(general plant massing, limit of restoration, and tree locations only) o Planting schedule and details • Develop 30%cost estimate for landscape and play area items. • Coordination with design team and/or city staff to support development of 30%design.Assumes up to three(3) conference calls to review and discuss design development. TASK 3: 75%SUBMITTAL(would change to 75%) 3.1 75%Drawings • Develop 75%design drawings based on comments received from City and Public Outreach process. • Attend up to two(2)workshop/coordination meetings with KPFF and/or City to be held at HBB office in Seattle. • Update color-rendered site plan based on 75%design for City use in presentations or other outreach activities. Drawings anticipated and the responsible party for each include the following; Responsible Party Drawing Sheets KPFF Cover Sheet KPFF Site Survey to o ra hic survey file provided by City) KPFF Site Preparation Plan and Notes(including demolition and tree reservation KPFF TESC Plan, Notes, and Details KPFF GradingPlan, Notes, and Details KPFF Drainage Plan, Profiles, Notes, and Details KPFF Site Civil Plan, Notes, and Details HBB Site and Hardsca a Layout Plan HBB Trail Layout Plan, Schedule, Notes, and Details—centerline and typical section only HBB Planting Plan, Schedule, Notes, and Details HBB Site and Hardsca a Details HBB Playground Plan, Schedule, Notes, and Details. HBB Activation Nodes Plan, Schedule, Notes, and Details—up to two nodes 3.2 Technical Specifications • Prepare technical specifications(CSI format) based on 75%design documents.The City will write and complete the Division 1 "Boiler Plate"section. HBB will provide technical specifications in Word format for the City's use in creating the project manual. 3.3 Cost Estimate • Prepare construction cost estimate based on 75%design documents. 3.4 Permit Support • Review permit checklists per applicable city departments(Building)to assist City in completing permit applications, documents, and materials. Provide exhibits and responses to technical questions that may be included in the permit applications. TASK 4: FINAL BID DOCUMENTS 4.1 100% Drawings HBB EXHIBIT A(Continued) Salt Air Vista Park 10 January 2020 Page 4 • Develop 100%design drawings based on comments received from City and relevant permit agencies or departments. Drawings will be submitted in PDF format. City to be responsible for advertising and distribution of the final bid documents. 4.2 Technical Specifications • Prepare final technical specifications(CSI format) based on 100%design documents. 4.3 Cost Estimate • Revise construction cost estimate based on 100%design documents and provide information to support bid form. TASK 5: BIDDING (Assumes City will take the lead role on this task.) 5.1 Contractor Questions • Provide written responses to questions or clarifications requested during the bid process. It is assumed that substitutions will not be considered during the bidding phase. 5.2 Pre-Bid Meeting • Attend pre-bid meeting. TASK 6: CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION ASSISTANCE(OPTIONAL—Not included at this time) Provide field reviews to observe the quality and progress of construction work, including punch list for substantial completion and final review for physical completion. Review submittals, shop drawings, and requests for information throughout the construction phase. Prepare change orders and provide project close out with as-built information and operations manuals. TASK 7: INTERPRETIVE SIGNAGE PANELS(OPTIONAL—Not included at this time) Provide presentation graphics and artwork to support installation of interpretive signs within the park focusing on the stormwater elements and/or activation and wayfinding along the trail. Up to three signs are included and assumes standard off-the-shelf frame and support system. TASK 8: RCO GRANT SUPPORT(OPTIONAL—Not included at this time) Provide presentation graphics to support an RCO grant application(PPT format)for WWRP or LWCF grant programs. Review graphics with City and revise up to five(5)times to coordinate graphics with responses to grant application questions and categories.Attend up to three(3)additional coordination meetings with the City to review grant application question responses and overall grant strategy. City will be responsible for written responses to grant questions and grant application materials. HBB will provide costs in RCO application format to support the grant process. TASK 9: SUSTAINABLE SITES INITIATIVE CERTIFICATION(OPTIONAL—Not included at this time) Provide written documentation and exhibits required to submit the project through USGBC's Sustainable SITES Initiative program to achieve SITES certification. City would be responsible for any fees required with the application materials. Coordinate application with SITES representatives,design team, City,and Contractor throughout the duration of the project. HBB EXHIBIT A(Continued) Salt Air Vista Park 10 January 2020 Page 5 Design Fees & Expenses In consideration of the above services,we are proposing the following estimated fee(see Exhibit A for spreadsheet breakdown). Expenses are included in the amount below and consist of transportation, reproduction, printing,and other costs related to presentation graphic materials and/or in-house quality control review contract document sets. Total Cost of Services $ 49,775.00 The above fee is an estimate of how we expect to allocate our time. We reserve the right to move time between phases as needed to accomplish the overall goals of the project. The above fee assumes that the project will be developed as a single package. Bid alternates, bid additives,or subsequent repackaging of the project into separate phases is not included. We are very excited about working with the City on this project, and we are prepared to negotiate any adjustments in design services to meet the requirements of the project. If you have any questions regarding the above proposal, please call. Best regards, HOUGH BECK&BAIRD INC. Juliet Vong,ASLA LEED All President Attachments: EXHIBIT A. HBB Fee Proposal HDD EXHIBIT A(ContinuM� IBIT B Project: Salt Air Vista Park Owner: City of Kent Firm: HBB Landscape Architecture Date: 111012020 Scope of Work Principal PM LA Design Camp.;Tech Contract Mgmt. Admin, TASK 1 $ 190.00 $ 175.00 S 145,00 $ 125,00 S 120,00 $ 85.00 SUBTOTAL TASK 1. PROJECT MANAGEMENT 24 40 �0 10 12 �0 $14,250.00 1 11 Monthly Reporting&Invoicing 6 12 1.21Quality Control Reviews 3 24 10 10 1.3 1 Coordination/Review Meetin s 12 24 TASK 2. 30%SUBMITTAL �0 22 �0 60 2.1 Site Analysis 4 2.2 Conceptual Design Alternatives 1 4 18 2.3 Public Outreach#1 8 12 4 2.4 30%Design 6 30 TASK 3. 75%DESIGN DO 22 DO 108 DO © $17,860.00 3.1 75%Drawings 10 92 6 3,2 Technical Specifications 6 4 3.3 Cost Estimate 2 12 3.4 Permit Support 4 TASK 4.IFINAL BID DOCUMENTS E$3,425.00l 4.1 100%Submittal 4 12 4.2 Technical Specifications 1 1 4.3 Cost Estimate 1 6 TASK 5.1 BIDDING 0 10 DO DO 0�0 $1,750.00 5,1 lContractor Questions 8 5,2 Attend Pre-Bid Meeting 2 Total Hours 24 100 DO 197 12 10 Total Cost $4,560.00 $17,500.00 $0.00 $24,625.00 $1,440.00 $850.00 $48,975.00 11 Reimbursable Expenses Mileage,parking,reproduction,printing,and other project related costs. F= Reimbursable Expenses $ 800.00 TOTAL COST OF SERVICESI $49,775.00 N:1201711700128 Salt Air Vista Park\Part 1-Project Administration11.02 KPFF Contracts-24-2020 Salt Air Vista Revised ProposallHBB Salt Air Vist Park—EXHIBIT A 1 of 1 Rev4.xlsx EXHIBIT A(Continued) GEOENGINEERS� 1101 South Fawcett Avenue,Suite 200 Tacoma,Washington 98402 253.383.4940 EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF SERVICES GEOENGINEERS, INC. SALT AIR VISTA PARK STORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS KENT,WASHINGTON FILE NO.0410-202-00 JANUARY 24, 2020 SCOPE OF SERVICES The purpose of our services is to investigate site conditions as a basis for developing geotechnical recommendations related to the design and construction of storm drainage improvements at Salt Air Vista Park.Salt Air Vista Park is located southwest of the intersection of South 246th Street and 26th Place South in Kent,Washington.The park is about 200 feet long in the north-south direction and about 100 feet wide in the east-west direction. Site topography generally slopes down to the west at about a 10H:1V (horizontal:vertical)and there is a steeper slope beyond the park to the west that slopes at about a 1.5H:1V or 1H:1V and is about 15 to 25 feet tall. We understand the park was previously flooded from winter rains. It is our understanding that during the flood event, water appeared to sheet flow over the park, concentrate in an area at the southwest edge of the park, and erode a portion of the steep adjacent slope. We understand that current plans include constructing two new conveyance channels to collect surface water and direct it away to the bottom of the adjacent slope.As part of construction,the slope area previously eroded will be repaired. Plans indicate a splash pad will be constructed at the outfall to dissipate energy from water in the storm drainage system before it is discharged. Our specific scope of services will consist of the following: 1. Review existing soil and groundwater information, including select in-house reports and published geologic maps. 2. Conduct a site visit to perform a geologic reconnaissance of the slope.We will look for landslide hazard indicators including sloughs, seeps and springs, leaning or pistol-butted trees, and surface cracking or hummocky ground. We will also evaluate site safety issues and potential access constraints for construction equipment. Due to the steep slope and location, two field staff have been budgeted for the reconnaissance. 3. Provide our opinion on the current stability of the slope. We will provide recommendations for maintaining or improving slope stability and erosion protection and rebuilding eroded areas, as appropriate.We anticipate that we will provide two options for rebuilding eroded areas: EXHIBIT A(Continued) City of Kent January 24,2020 Page 2 a. Recommendations for rebuilding eroded areas with structural fill consisting of large rock or quarry spalls. b. Recommendations for a new reinforced slope system. 4. Provide recommendations for site preparation and earthwork. We will discuss temporary erosion and sedimentation controls, temporary and permanent slopes, estimated stripping and clearing depths, subgrade preparation, fill placement and compaction requirements, suitability of on-site material for use as structural fill, import fill requirements, wet weather considerations, groundwater handling and site drainage. 5. Prepare a geotechnical design report presenting the results of our geologic reconnaissance and summarizing our findings and recommendations. 6. Provide additional consultation as required and requested. We anticipate that this could include meetings or plan and specification review. We have budgeted 3 hours each for a staff engineer and associate engineer to cover this contingency. Our scope and budget does not include any construction management, monitoring or inspections. We will provide a scope and budget for these services upon request. CJL:US:tt Attachment: Exhibit B-1.Fee Estimate Disclaimer:Any electronic form,facsimile or hard copy of the original document(email,text,table,and/or figure),if provided,and any attachments are only a copy of the original document.The original document is stored by GeoEngineers,Inc.and will serve as the official document of record. GMENGINEERS File No.0410-202-00 �� � ° § / / \ j § g ] k @ § } < § + & 22 &'® $ $ K q \ LL U T % ;Zr§ � \ q q q { CN§ / } ( . � CL k § _. g . I � § § E % w -i I § m rl q q n m: IX (L ° ~ 0 d W $ g = k @ LL. / ) u m 4-0 $ a a Ina k - m « i i 7 / ° y R f R a § } }I ( K $ E 0 t _ � ƒ / & r R x G \ \ Afn - } \'� . ; \ \ \ �1 \ 2 - § \up § k $ k c - c ° _ F ._ « o / / * k * :T ) G 2 LLU . _ ■ a