HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW07-148 - Amendment - #7 - The City of Tacoma - The Second Supply Project Partnership Agreement - 09/10/2010 AMENDMENT NO. 7 TO SECOND SUPPLY PROJECT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF TACOMA, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES,WATER DIVISION, THE CITY OF KENT, COVINGTON WATER DISTRICT, AND LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRICT, THIS AMENDMENT is made and entered into effective this day of , 20_, between the City of Tacoma, Department of Public Utilities, Water Division (Tacoma);the City of Kent(Kent), Covington Water District(CWD), and Lakehaven Utility District (Lakehaven), collectively the Participants; and WHEREAS,the Participants entered into the Second Supply Project Agreement(Agreement)on December 19, 2002; and WHEREAS,the Second Supply Project includes municipal water storage behind Howard Hanson Dam for the Participants as described in Sections 19 and 20 of the Agreement; and WHEREAS, Section 20.5 of the Agreement requires Tacoma to transmit to each of the Participants a report regarding the status of operations related to the Project by means determined by the Project Committee and further allows the Project Committee to revise the information to be included in the weekly report by Tacoma, and WHEREAS, Tacoma, as the operator of the Second Supply Project,has captured project water storage availability, allocation, restrictions, scheduling, use and management in the Tacoma and Second Supply Project Operations Report(Operations Report); and WHEREAS, the Operations Report is available to the Participants online on a website accessible to Participants; and WHEREAS,the Operations Report tracks water storage values daily through Excel spreadsheets and associated graphs; and WHEREAS, given the size and complexity of the Excel spreadsheets making up the Operations Report, the Participants desire to describe the function of the Operations Report as it relates to storage and document the relationship of the Operations Report to the Agreement; NOW,THEREFORE,the Participants agree to amend the Agreement as follows: { Section 20.5 is revised as follows: Each week during every Operating Year, Tacoma shall transmit to each of the Participants a report regarding the status of operations related to the Project. A sample weekly report is set forth in Exhibit X and Exhibit AB provides documentation of the functions of the report. The I I report will be transmitted to the Participants by means determined by the Project Committee The Project Committee may from time to time revise the information to be included in the weekly report by Tacoma. Exhibit AB of the Agreement titled "Second Supply Project Water Storage Technical Memorandum" dated September 10, 2010, as attached, is added as a new exhibit Except as set forth herein, all other provisions of the original Agreement remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Participants hereto have executed this Amendment No. 7 to the Second Supply Project Agreement as of the day and year first written above. City of Tacoma City of Kent Department of Public Utilities By: By. Title: e: /)?/QV ol2— Approved as to form & legality: Approved as to form le ity: 1 Covington Water District Lakehaven Utility District By: By: C Title: G-e"p'4 l� (4c,auy' Title: a Approved as to form& lelga�lity: Approved as to f legality: ,`�Il�ivwO�L�?� t ��L 11 Amendment No.7 Second Supply Project Agreement Page 2 f t' SECOND SUPPLY PROJECT PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT EXHIBIT AB SECOND SUPPLY PROJECT WATER STORAGE TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM September 10, 2010 PREFACE The Second Supply Project(SSP)includes municipal water storage behind Howard Hanson Dam (HHD)in the Green River Watershed for Tacoma Water (Tacoma) and the project participants (or Partners) of Covington Water District(Covington), the City of Kent(Kent), and Lakehaven Utility District(Lakehaven). The granting, availability, allocation, and management of storage is described in the Second Supply Project Partnership Agreement(Partnership Agreement) dated December 19, 2002, or as amended, and the Project Cooperation Agreement Between The Department Of Army And The City of Tacoma For Modification Of The Howard Hanson Dam For Ecosystem Restoration And Municipal &Industrial (W&I) Water Supply (Corps/Tacoma Agreement) dated July 17, 2003 More specifically, the issue of project water storage at Howard Hanson Dam (HHD) is covered in the Partnership Agreement in Sections 19 and 20 on pages 29 through 32. The definition of the Howard Hanson Dam Additional Storage Project is found under article 1.1.12 on page 6 of the Partnership Agreement and the definition of Project Modification for Municipal and Industrial Water Supply is found in paragraph E on page 3 of the Corps/Tacoma Agreement (Exhibit V in the Partnership Agreement). The water storage project envisions two phases, Phase 1 and Phase 2, totaling 22,400 acre-feet. Currently, only Phase 1 has been approved for implementation and includes up to 20,000 acre- feet of water storage to elevation 1167. If Phase 2 is approved in the future, it will include an additional 12,000 acre-feet of storage to elevation 1177, of which 2,400 acre-feet will be allocated for municipal and industrial supply (See Exhibit W in the Partnership Agreement) The availability of water storage to the SSP is further constrained by stream flow obligations in the 1995 Tacoma-Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Agreement and Tacoma's Green River Habitat Conservation Plan. Tacoma has captured project water storage availability, allocation, restrictions, scheduling, use, and management in the Tacoma and Second Supply Project Operations Report(Operations Report). The Operations Report tracks these water storage values daily through Excel spreadsheets and associated graphs. The report can be accessed online by going to: http://www.ci.tacoma.wa us/water/ssp/re ig onal supply.htm Definitions for several pertinent line items within the Operations Report are provided at the end of this document to assist with understanding how the values are detennined. The calculations associated with the report line item values take into account such data as: • HHD inflow and outflow • Stream flows at the Palmer and Auburn gages, and minimum flow requirements • Tacoma's first diversion water right, and actual diversion • Tacoma's second diversion water right, and actual diversion • Flow passing through the R5,P5 and P 1 flow meters Exhibit AB Water Storage Technical Memo Page 2 of 12 • Flow at Tacoma's SSP flow meter at SE 356`h St. • Partner scheduled SSP water , and actual use Note: additional detail on how these are measured or determined is provided in the "Definitions" section of this document. Exhibit AB Water Storage Tecluucal Memo Page 3 of 12 Second Supply Project Water Stored at Howard Hanson Dam GENERAL The HHD Reservoir Fill Period, including Second Supply Project(SSP) water, normally begins in early February and ends by June 30. The SSP Stored Water Usage Period will last from when the reservoir is declared full by the Corps of Engineers (usually sometime in June)until all SSP stored water is used by SSP Partners, until the Corps declares a need to empty storage for either dam safety reasons or flood control (typically occurs in November), or December 6", whichever comes first. Tacoma Water, Army Corps of Engineers, Muckleshoot Indian Tribe and several resource agencies have regular meetings or conference calls during the reservoir fill and storage release periods to share expectations and to coordinate the Green River resource. SSP Partners are also invited to participate. Reservoir Fill Period As stated in the SSP Partnership Agreement, Tacoma and the Partners can use their allocated SSP water during the reservoir fill period, or place all or a portion of the water into storage at HHD. It is assumed all water will be placed into storage unless the Tacoma and the Partners schedule the use of water on their weekly schedules (provided to Tacoma every Thursday) indicating how much water they want diverted at Partner turnouts each day for the following week. The Partners may change the scheduled weekly request after Thursdays provided the Corps is willing to make a gate change at the dam. This request should be very infrequent. Tacoma's full Second Diversion Water Right(SDWR) is 100 cubic feet per second (64.6 million gallon per day (MGD)). The SDWR can only be diverted when Instream Flow Restrictions allow it, but eater that has been diverted to storage can be used at any available rate (limited by pipe capacity,plant capacity, etc). See the definition of SDWR, below. The Partnerslup is only allowed to divert SDWR water at a rate up to the SDWR, including diversion to storage. If the full amount of the SDWR is available everyday and if all Partners place all of the SDWR water into storage, full storage of the entire 20,000 acre-feet could be reached in 101 days Therefore, if storage begins on February 15th, full storage could be achieved as early as May 26 '). Water available for storage is allocated to Tacoma and each Partner(Project Participants) based on their share in the project Tacoma's share of the SDWR is 15/36 of 100cfs (26.93MGD or 41 67cfs), and each of the Partners (Covington, Kent and Lakehaven) is allocated 7/36 of the SDWR(12.57MGD or 19.44cfs). Project Participants are allowed to either use or store any amount of water up to their maximum share without restriction. Each Partner could store water at a different rate, depending on how much water they elect to use during the Reservoir Fill Period. Each Partner can store and/or use water at a rate that doesn't exceed their share of the SDWR(unless the Excess Project Capacity is considered, see below). Each Partner's rate of storage, and total storage achieved, is documented daily in the Operations Report. Exhibit AB Water Storage Technical Memo Page 4 of 12 Two factors may alter the end date of the Reservoir Fill Period: • If the full amount of the SDWR is not available for a period of time, the rate at which water is stored during that period is reduced from the maximum of 100cfs, and it will take longer to fill the reservoir. • If one or more of the Partners elect to use a portion of the SDWR(instead of placing all the water into storage) for a period of time,the rate at which water is stored during that period is reduced from the maximum of 100cfs, and it will take longer to fill the reservoir. The daily allocation of the maximum of 100cfs,reduced by the Instream Flow Restrictions and Partnership use, will continue until reservoir elevation 1167 is reached, 20,000AF has been stored, or until the available inflows to the reservoir have dropped below the minimum values and the Corp has determined that the Reservoir Fill Period has concluded. If elevation 1167 is reached in the reservoir, or if 20,000AF of partnership water has been stored, the reservoir is considered full and each partner will be considered to have reached their full storage capacity. Tacoma will be considered to have 8333AF, and each other partner will be considered to have 3889AF, regardless of water use during the Reservoir Fill Period. If elevation It 67 and/or 20,000AF of partnership storage is not achieved (because Partners took too much of the SDWR water during the fill period, or because hydrologic conditions were poor) and the Corp has determined that the Reservoir Fill Period has concluded without the reservoir being full, each partner will begin the Stored Water Usage Period with differing amount of stored water based on their use of water during the Reservoir Fill Period. The Tacoma and Second Supply Project Operations Report tracks the storage available to each Partner on a daily basis. Each Partner will therefore; enter the Stored Water Usage Period with the storage they had available on the day the Corp declared that the Reservoir Fill Period has concluded. If a Project Participant achieves full storage (8333AF for Tacoma, 3889AF for other Partners), and others have not yet achieved full storage,then the Project Participant that has achieved full storage and can no longer make use of their share of the SDWR, and their share is reallocated as Excess Project Capacity to other Project Participant(s). This could happen at any time during the Reservoir Fill Period, but occurs most often after one Participant has achieved full storage, and other(s)have not. The share of the Participant(s) with full storage is reallocated as Excess Project Capacity share to other Participant(s)that have not yet achieved full storage. Excess Project Capacity is reallocated to all Participants based on project share. Once a Participants' storage account is full, any of that Participants' portion of the daily SDWR water not delivered through the pipeline will be used to continue filling the project. This water will be proportioned among the remaining Participants' allocated storage capacities. Exhibit AB Water Storage Technical Memo Page 5 of 12 For example: Storage account for a Participant=previous day's storage+ (Participant SDWR share on current day minus water delivered to Partner on current day) +proportion of other Participant's stored SDWR. Assuming that Kent fills their storage first and the full SDWR is available,Kent's unused portion that could be used to continue filling other Participant*s storage would be 12.6 MGD (7/36 of 64.6 MGD). This would be proportioned among the remaining Participant's storage accounts according to their share of the SDWR and storage capacity. Tacoma gets 2.1429 tunes the amount other partners get(15/7 =2.1429). So, Covington and Lakehaven shares are "X" when Tacoma's share is 2 1429 X. Then X+X+ 2.1429X= 12.6, with X=3.OMGD and 2.1429X=6.5MGD. So, Tacoma's fill rate would be 26.9MGD plus their Share of Kent's Excess Project Capacity of 6.5MGD, for a total new fill rate of 33.4MGD. Covington and Lakehaven would fill at a rate of 12.6MGD plus 3.OMGD, for new fill rates of 15.6MGD each. Assuming that Covington fills their storage account next, then their unused 12.6MGD plus Kent's unused 12.6 MGD would be proportioned between Lakehaven and Tacoma. Then X+2.1429X = 25.2 MGD. Then X= 8.OMGD and 2.1429X= 17.2MGD. So, Tacoma's fill rate would be 26 9MGD plus their Share of Kent's and Covington's Excess Project Capacity of 17.2MGD for a total new fill rate of 44.1MGD. Lakehaven's storage would fill at a rate of 12.6MGD plus 8 OMGD form Kent and Covington for new fill rates of 20.6MGD. Stored Water Usage Period As stated above,the Stored Water Usage Period will last from when the reservoir is declared full by the Corps of Engineers (usually sometime in early June)until all SSP stored water is used by SSP Partners,until the Corps declares a need to empty storage for flood control (typically occurs in November), or December 6'J1, whichever comes first. As stated in the SSP Partnership Agreement, Tacoma and the Partners can use their portion of the stored water at any available rate (limited by pipe capacity, plant capacity, etc). The SDWR maximum diversion rate does not apply to storage drawdown as the SDWR water is considered to have been diverted from the natural system at the time the water was placed into storage. The Partners are required to fill out a schedule for the coming week that describes how much water they may wish to take for each day of the coming week. Participants may take water at any rate they wish. The schedule should be filled out and delivered to Tacoma every Thursday. If conditions change through the week, and if a change to the amount of scheduled water is needed, the Partner must inform Tacoma of the need Tacoma will request that the Corp make a gate change to accommodate. The Corp may, or may not, be able to make a gate change, depending on their availability. During this time period, if SDWR water is available via run-of-river(which is usually not the case at this time of year); the available SDWR water is divided among Participants based on Exhibit AB Water Storage Technical Memo Page 6 of 12 Project Share. Any water requested in excess of what is available run-of-river will be provided out of storage. Stored water volume used by the Participants on a daily basis is calculated as the greater of: the amount of water requested in their weekly schedule (or adjusted schedule, if the Corp was able to accommodate the change), or the adjusted amount of water taken through their meters (see Adjusted Meter Totals, below). The volume of water available to each Participant is tracked on a daily basis in the Operations Report The amount of water taken by a Participant on a given day is subtracted from the previous day's total volume to determine the amount of stored water remaining available to a given Participant. Each Participant will approach the end of the Stored Water Usage Period at a different time based on the amount of water they started with, and the rate at which they used the stored water. As a Participant approaches the end of their allotted amount of stored water, they may request additional water from other Participants. The other Participants must review the available information and decide whether they have sufficient stored water to meet their own needs and allocate water to the requestor, or not. If no other Participants are willing or able to allocate water to the Participant(s)requesting Excess Project Capacity, then the requestor must cease taking Project Water when their account reaches zero. If other Participant(s) are able to allocate water to a requesting Participant(s),the specific volume of Project Water will be debited from the assisting Participants' account(s) and credited to the requestors' account(s). In any case, as the Storage Usage Period moves into the fall, the Corp could release all stored water almost without warning, this would effectively drain each Participant's storage volume at a rate consistent with their Project Share. Calculation: Storage account for a Participant=previous day's storage—The greater of (Water delivered to Partner on current day—Partner Share of SDWR Available Run-of-River— or—Scheduled Amount of Water). Exhibit AB Water Storage Technical Memo Page 7 of 12 KEY DEFINITIONS The following definitions are key or crucial to determining how much water storage or run-of- the-river water is available to the SSP Partners. An understanding of the definitions is vital for someone to follow the calculations in the Tacoma and Second Supply Project Operations Report Adjusted Meter Totals: The revised SSP Partner daily meter totals after proportionally adjusting the actual Partner meter totals to match the total flow at the Project Master Meter located at the Green River Headworks. See Exhibit T of the Partnership Agreement to see how the adjustments are made. First Diversion Water Right(FDWR): Tacoma's water right claim recognized by the State for Tacoma's first diversion of the Green River that became operational in 1913. The claim is for 113 cubic feet per second (cfs) or 73 million gallons per day (MGD). The quantity of water available for municipal diversion under the claim is limited to the natural inflow at the point of diversion, up to a maximum of 113 cfs. This quantity is calculated as the natural inflow to Hanson Reservoir(as calculated by the Corp, see below)plus 2%, which allows for side stream inflow, such as Bear Creek, into the Green River between Hanson Dam and Tacoma's river diversion. Water under this water right claim is for Tacoma only, however, it can be shared with other SSP Partners through wholesale agreement. Flow at Palmer: The Green River stream flow measured at USGS Palmer gage 12106700 adjacent to Tacoma's Water Treatment Facilities near the Town of Palmer. Minimum stream flows must be met at this gage for SSP water to be available for diversion as required by the State and the Tacoma-Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Agreement. Flow at Auburn: The Green River stream flow measured at USGS Auburn gage 12113000 within the City of Auburn. Minimum stream flows must be met at this gage for SSP water to be available for diversion as required by the State and the Tacoma-Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Agreement. Flows-Palmer and Auburn Minimums: The minimum flows at the respective gages at different times of the year as required by the Tacoma-Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Agreement and the Habitat Conservation Plan(HCP). The minimum of 250 cfs at the Auburn gage or Hanson Dam inflow will normally control the availability of SSP Run of River water in summer and early fall while the Palmer gage may control at other times. Howard Hanson Dam Inflow: The flow of surface and groundwater water into the reservoir behind Howard Hanson Dam. The flow in cubic feet per second (cfs) is determined and posted hourly by the Corps by observing the change in reservoir level in the last hour (acre- feet), converting the change to efs (plus or minus) and adding the current dam outflow in cfs. The reservoir level is measured by a pressure transducer in the water tower stilling basin. Inflow to HHD =Change in reservoir level (can be+or-) +Outflow from HHD Exhibit AB Water Storage Technical Memo Page 8 of 12 Howard Hanson Dam Outflow: The outflow of water from Howard Hanson Dam is measured at Green River USGS gage 12105900 immediately downstream of the dam. Partner or Project Share: As provided in the Partnership Agreement, each SSP Partner's share of available SSP water is as follows: Tacoma-15/36 and for Covington Water District, Kent and Lakehaven Utility District—7/36 each. Pipeline No. I Flow: The flow of water in Tacoma's Pipeline No. 1 as measured at a meter located about ''/4 mile downstream of Tacoma's Green River Water Treatment Facilities. Pipeline No. 1 extends from the Treatment Facilities to McMillin Reservoir near Puyallup. Run-of-River (ROR) Water: Water diverted directly from the stream into the transmission pipeline SSP Partners have the option of taking their share of SSP water directly into the pipeline (ROR water) or placing all or a portion of it into storage behind Hanson Dam during the reservoir fill period. At times, ROR water and stored water may be available at the same time to SSP Partners during the reservoir storage period. Second Diversion Water Right(SDWR): Tacoma's water right permit granted by the State in 1986 for Tacoma's second diversion of the Green River that became operational in 2005 (See Exhibit L in the Partnership Agreement). The permit is for up to 100 cubic feet per second (cfs) or 64.6 million gallons per day (MGD). The quantity of water available for diversion under the permit is limited to less than 100 cfs when stream flow drops below those stated in the permit Water that is available under the SDWR may be used as run-of-river, or may be added to HHD storage (considered as a diversion for water right purposes) The Tacoma- Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Agreement of August, 1995 further restricts diversion of project water under the permit by requiring minimum stream flows at the Auburn and Palmer stream gages. Water under this water right permit is shared by all SSP Partners according to their project share. Scheduled Water. The project water requested by each SSP Partner in the weekly schedule provided to Tacoma on Thursdays as provided in the Partnership Agreement within Section 20.3. Second Supply Pipeline (Pipeline No. S) Flow: The flow of water in Tacoma's Second Supply Pipeline as measured at a meter located about '/4 mile downstream of Tacoma's Green River Water Treatment Facilities. The Second Supply Pipeline extends from the Green River Water Treatment Facilities to Tacoma's Pipeline No. 4 in Tacoma. Storage- Water for Municipal Use: Water that is available under the SD WR but that is not used Run-of-River is defined as Stored Water for Municipal Use. Storage- Conservation Pool. Water storage captured at Hanson Dam from late winter and spring runoff and used to augment low Green River flows in summer and early fall. The original design and operation of the Hanson Dam provided for 24,200 acre feet of water storage to augment low flows. The conservation storage pool fills to elevation 1147. There is no Municipal Component to this water. Exhibit AB Water Storage Technical Memo Page 9 of 12 Storage-Section 1135: The project operation was subsequently modified in the 1990s to provide an additional 5,000 ac-ft of stored water for fisheries benefits. 2500 ac-ft may be used at Resource Agency discretion The remaining 2500 ac-ft may be used by Tacoma to guarantee Auburn flows remain at or above 250 cfs. If Tacoma determines that flow augmentation for supporting Auburn flows is not necessary in a given year, the 2500 ac-ft reverts back to use by the Resource Agencies. 356°a Street Meter Total: The adjusted meter total for Tacoma's in-line meter at SW 356d' Street in Federal Way. This is the last downstream meter on the Second Supply Pipeline and it records all water going to Tacoma through the pipeline. Exhibit AB Water Storage Technical Memo Page 10 of 12 KEY CALCULATIONS As noted above,the Key Definitions Section contains word definitions of how each daily line item in the Tacoma and Second Supply Project Operations Report is calculated. Clicking on a value in the electronic report spreadsheet shows the mathematical definition of each line item which is not always easy to follow. Therefore, the word definitions are helpful. The following word definitions are the more key or vital definitions. Available first Diversion Water: The smaller of: • 73 MGD (Maximum First Diversion Water Right Claim) • Pipeline No. 1 Flow plus Second Supply Pipeline Flow plus the difference between Auburn Gage Flow and the Auburn Minimum Flow of 250 cfs • Hanson Dam Inflow plus 2% (2%for side stream flow between Hanson Dam& Tacoma's Diversion) Available Second Diversion: The smaller o£ • 64.6 MGD (Maximum Second Diversion Water Right) • (Line 20) Hanson Dam Inflow minus 113 cfs (I"Diversion maximum) minus minimum allowable at the Palmer gage • (Line 21) The difference between Auburn Gage Flow and the Auburn Minimum Flow plus Second Supply Pipeline flow minus First Diversion Flow in the Second Supply Pipeline. • (Line 22) The difference between Palmer Gage Flow and the Palmer Minimum Flow plus Second Supply Pipeline flow minus First Diversion Flow in the Second Supply Pipeline. First Diversion Taken by Tacoma: The smaller of • 73 MGD (Maximum First Diversion Water Right Claim) • Pipeline No. 1 Flow plus Second Supply Pipeline Flow at 356fl' Street Meter NOTE: Calculation will change when Cascade Water Alliance, Black Diamond or others come online Second Diversion Taken as Run-of-River: The smaller of: • Total Adjusted SSP Partner's Meters plus Pipeline No. 1 Meter plus 356"' Street Meter minus 73 MGD (Maximum First Diversion Right) • Second Diversion Allowable Total Water from Hanson Dam Storage: • Sum of Daily Partner Storage Draw-downs Exhibit AB Water Storage Technical Memo Pagel 1 of U Water from Hanson Dam Storage- Tacoma: The larger of: • Adjusted 356te Street Meter plus Pipeline No. 1 Meter minus Tacoma's share of Second Diversion Allowable minus First Diversion Allowable • Scheduled Water Water from Hanson Dam Storage—SSP Partner: The larger of • Adjusted Partner Meter Total minus Partner's share of Second Diversion Allowable • Scheduled Water Total Hanson Dam Storage—SSP Participant: If between the Storage Begin Date and the Storage Achieved Date then: • SSP Partners share of Second Diversion Allowable minus Partners adjusted meter total Exhibit AB Water Storage Technical Memo Page 12 of 12